Cowley, Abraham . The Third Part of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley Being his Six Books of Plants
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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WHat can the puling Rose or Violet say,
Whose Beauty flies so fast away?
Fit only such weak Infants to adorn,
Who dye as soon as they are born.
Immortal Gods wear Garlands of my Flowers,
Garlands eternal as their Powers,
Nor time that does all earthly things invade
Can make a Hair fall from my head.
Look up, the Gardens of the Sky survey,
And Stars that there appear so gay,
If credit may to certain Truth be giv'n,
They are but th'Amaranths of Heav'n.       940
A transient Glance sometimes my Cynthia throws
Upon the Lily or the Rose,
But views my Plant, astonish'd, from the Sky,
That she should Change, and never I.
Because with Hair instead of Leaves adorn'd,
By some, as if no Flower, I'm scorned,
But I my chiefest Pride and Glory place       [Latin: 1020]
In what they reckon my Disgrace.
My Priv'ledge 'tis to differ from the rest;
What has its like can ne'r be best:
Nor is it fit Immortal Plants shou'd grow
In form of fading Plants below.

That Gods have Flesh and Blood we cannot say,
That they have something like to both we may,
So I resembling an Immortal Power,
Am only as it were a Flower.
Their Plea's thus done, the several Tribes repair,
And stand in Ranks about the Goddess Chair,
Silent and trembling betwixt hope and fear.
Flora, who was of Temper light and free,       960
Puts on a personated Gravity;
As with the grave occasion best might suit,
And in this manner finish'd the dispute.