MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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T. R. The Traytors Downfall
[undated: after trials]

   This ballad appears in two signifcantly different states. An earlier version with some slightly different material appears in a single sheet broadside, King Charles his Glory, And Rebels Shame (np., nd.; L c.20.f.4); it does not list the names of those executed at the end. The version of the ballad given here was presumably re-issued to commemorate the executions of the regicides during the late autumn.

The Traytors Downfall,
A brief relation of the downfall of that Phanatick crew who Trai-
terously Murthered the Late Kings Majesty of blessed Memory.
To the Tune of, Fa la la, &c:


CHarles the first was a noble King,
  with a fa la la la lero,
His fame throughout the world did ring,
  with a fa, &c.
5: But those that did presume so high,
To murder our good Kings Majesty,
Now may these Rebels howl and cry,
  with a fa la la la lero.

He was a Prince of courage stout,
10:   with a fa, &c.
Although his glass was soon run out,
  with a fa, &c.
But behind him he hath left a Noble stock
May give a Traytor a handsome knock,
15: For making a King to submit to the block.
  with a fa, &c.

The blood that he lost as I suppose,
  with a fa, &c.
Caused fire to rise in Olivers Nose,
20:   with a fa, &c.
His rousing Nose did bear such a sway,
It cast such a heat in shining ray,
That England scarce knew the night from day
  with a fa, &c.

25: Oliver was of Huntington,
  with a fa, &c.
Born he was a Brewers son,
  with a fa, &c.
He soon forsook his dray and flings,
30: And counted a Brewers house a pitifull thing
When he came to the stately throne of a King:
  with a fa, &c.

Oliver had a heart of gall,
  with a fa, &c.
35: For to murder his Prince at White-Hall,
  with a fa, &c.
He swore who ever was over the main,
Whether a French King or a Spain,
Yet in England no King should remain,
40:   with a fa, &c

The second part to the same Tune.

DUke Humphery was the first Protector
  with a fa, &c.
Henry the first the next Protector,
  with a fa, &c.
45: Then thirdly Oliver he tooke place.
But Lucifer soon removed his grace,
Then he set up young Dick the fool of his race,
  with a fa, &c.

No sooner was Dick got up to the Throne,
50:   with a la, &c.
But he considered twas none of his own,
  with a fa, &c.
And staring this way and that way about:
Desiring to be resolved a doubt.
55: Then in came Lambert? and turned him out
  with a fa, &c.

Fleetwood desirous of the place,
  with a fa, &c.
Sent forth Lambert the Scot to face,
60:   with a fa, &c.
And being in the strength of his desire,
When he did think poor Jockey to brier,
His men forsooke him and left him in the mier.
  with a fa, &c.

65: Thus you may see how some do rise,
  with a fa, &c.
With an intent to surmount the Skies
with a fa, &c.
But when they are up they shall have a fall,
70: Witness Fleetwood blind Hewson, and all,
The raged rout of a Coblers stall,
with a fa, &c.

We have cleared white-Hall of Lobsters and Beefe,
  with a fa, &c.
75: Turned Rump and Kidnies out of the house
  with a fa, &c.
We have brought in Charls from over the main
Make wars with France & peace with Spain.
Now we shall get money and trading again
80:   with a fa, &c.

Citizens look to your selves I say,
  with a fa, &c.
Let no Coblers preach and pray:
  with a fa, &c.
85: Tom Cobler is flown the Lord knows whither
Fleetwood and he I hope are together,
Now we have brought in the King and weel have faire weather
  with a fa,

Blind Hewson was not of our kind,
90:   with a fa, &c.
To run away and leave his men behind,
  with a fa,
But I wish I could find him by the sent,
There's neither that law nor ye rump parlament
95: Should save him from death to give us content
  with a fa la la la lero.

A list of the names of those Traytors that were hanged
drawn, and quartered for murdering our Soveraigne
of blessed memory, Charls the first.

  Thomas Harrison, Iohn Carew, Tho. Scot, Grigory Clement,
Iohn Jones, Adrian Scroope, Hugh Peters, Iohn Cook, Col.
Axcel, Col. Hacker.

London, Printed for Francis Coles, in the Old-Baily.