MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
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Samuel Pordage
A Panegyrick
in Poems, sigs [B4v-B5v]
after 13 September
Title: POEMS / UPON / SEVERAL / OCCASIONS. / [rule] / By S. P. Gent. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed by W. G. for Henry Marsh / at the Princes Arms in Chancery-lane, / and Peter Dring at the Sun in the / Poultrey neer the Counter, / 1660.
The epistle at the opening of Troades is dated "Bradfieldi' Cal. Novembris;" the Poems must also have appeared after 13 September since it includes an elegy to Henry.
POEMS opens with "A Panegyrick to his Excellency General Monck March 28. 1660." beginning "Now almost twenty years have roul'd about / Since first the flames of our late Wars broke out..." (sigs B2-[B2v]), followed by "The Genius Speech" to Monck (sigs [B2v]-B4), and then the poem to Charles (sigs [B4v]-[B5v], which is followed by "Some Tears Drop't o're the Herse of the Incomparable Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester" (sigs. [B6]-[B7]).
THE Heaven's great Star since He saluted Earth
With his diurnal Light, ne'r yet gave Birth
To such a joyfull Day, as that wherein
Charles to his native England came ag'in.
His loyall Subjects Hearts grown big with joy
The best expressions of their Love imploy,
To give a cherefull welcome to their King,
From whose arivall all our blessings Spring,
Whilst Foes, and Traytors to his royall Sire,
Grown mad through Envie, in their rage expire.
Now Pho/ebus ushers in the happy day,
Which for posterity recorded may
In golden letters ever stand; and bee
A festival for regain'd libertie;
And gilding all the Heavens with his Rayes,
Dispenses smiles, Serenity displayes.
Revived Subjects throng to see their prize,
Joy sparkles in their faces, and their eyes:
Their tongues, and hands wih powerfull Eccohs sound
And joyfull shouts against the heavens rebound.
The Aire is fill'd on every side with noyse;
The voyce of Warr, and death now speaks their joyes.
The Bells have tongues, which sound our Joys aloud,
And say that Charles is come: the Drums are proud
To speak his march. The silver Trumpets say
Charles o're three Kingdoms doth tryumph to day:
Which conquest got by vertues has more charms
To hold a lasting peace, than that by Armes.
London in all its gallantry doth shine,
Conduits convert their water into wine.
Adorn'd the female beauties of the Land
To see their Soveraign in Ballconies stand,
The bravest Heroes of the Brittish Isle
Usher our C'sar through the streets the while;
Whose sacred face with beams of Majesty
Surrounded, far out-vies the bravery
Of his adornments: and the lustrous fire
Of's eyes dismays those who deny'd his sire
And him to reign; now they their folly see
Converted by one look of Majesty.
Ten thousand Hearts and knees doe humbly bow,
As he goes by; each heart a solemne vow
Prepares, of praise, and of obedience too,
For long and happy dayes to Heav'en they sue.
Long live great Charles, and may his sacred Name,
Swell to that worth, not to be spoke by Fame,
May Nestors years his Happy reign attend!
May heav'ns his brest with Solomons choyce befriend!
The people cry. Loud shouts conclude the day,
Pho/ebus to th'other world hasts to display
The joyfull news: Night now would take her turn
But flaming fires in every Corner burne,
Which Night to Day change: Pho/ebus place supply,
And make a Day without the Heav'n's great eye.
'Tis true whilst Charles possesses his own right,
That loyall Brittains can expect no night.
Our regall Sun, since Charles the first was slain,
Ecclips'd has been, but now shines bright again.
By Heav'n enthron'd thus, in his peoples hearts,
He shall withstand all Machivilian Arts:
Laurells of peace about his brows shall spread,
And three great Crowns surround his royall Head.
Ita Precatur S. P.