MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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Isaac Walton
An humble Eglog
Henry Brome

On the Kings Return

   Titlepage: SONGS / AND OTHER / POEMS. / [rule] / BY / ALEX. BROME, / GENT. / Dixero siquid jocosius, hoc mihi juris / Cum Venia dabis -- -- Hor. I. Sat. 4. / [rule] / [crown] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane. 1661. /

   Although both these verses take the events of May 1660 as their subject, I have not found them in print before Brome's Poems of 1661, and have placed them here to illustrate how such effusions were continuing to appear long after their immediate moment had passed. Brome's song was among the most popular of the year, it would seem, so its late appearance in print suggests something of poetic endurance.

To my ingenious Friend Mr. Brome,
on his various and excellent Poems:
An humble Eglog.

Daman and Dorus.

Written the 29. of May, 1660.

Hail happy day! Dorus, sit down:
Now let no sigh, nor let a frown
Lodge near thy heart, or on thy brow.
The King! the King's return'd! and now
5: Lets banish all sad thoughts, and sing
We have our lawes, and have our King.


Tis true and I wood sing, but oh!
These wars have shrunk my heart so low
Twill not be rais'd.


What not this day?
10: Why tis the twenty ninth of May:
Let Rebels spirits sink: let those
That like the Goths and Vandals rose
To ruine families, and bring
Contempt upon our Church, our King,
15: And all that's dear to us, be sad;
But be not thou, let us be glad.
And Dorus, to invite thee, look
Here's a Collection in this book
Of all those chearfull songs, that we
Have sung with mirth and merry-gle:
As we have march'd to fight the cause
Of Gods anoynted, and our lawes:
Such songs as make not the least ods
Betwixt us mortals and the Gods:
Such songs as Virgins need not fear
To sing, or a grave Matron hear.
Here's love drest neat, and chast, and gay
As gardens in the month of May;
Here's harmony, and wit, and art,
To raise thy thoughts, and chear thy heart.


Written by whom?

A friend of mine,
And one that's worthy to be thine:
A Civil swain, that knowes his times
For businesses, and that done, makes rimes;
But not till then: my Friends a man
Lov'd by the Muses; dear to Pan;
He blest him with a chearfull heart:
And they with his sharp wit and art,
Which he so tempers, as no Swain,
That's loyal, does or shou'd complain.


I woo'd fain see him:

Go with me.

To yonder broad beech tree,
There we shall meet him and Phillis,
Perrigot, and Amaryllis,
45: Tyterus, and his dear Clora,
Tom, and Will, and their Pastora:
There we'l dance, shake hands and sing,
We have our Lawes,

God bless the King.
Iz. Walton.


On the Kings returne.

LOng have we waited for a happy End
Of all our miseries and strife;
But still in vain the Swordmen did intend,
To make them hold for tearm of Life.
5: That our distempers might be made,
Their everlasting lively-hood and trade.


They entayle their Swords and Guns,
And pay, which wounded more;
Upon their Daughters and their Sons,
Thereby to keep us ever poor.


And when the Civil wars were past
They civil Government envade;
To make our taxes, and our slavery last,
Both to their titles, and their trade.


15: But now we are redeem'd from all,
By our Indulgent King;
Whose coming does prevent our fall,
With loyal and with joyful hearts we'l sing.


Welcome, welcome royal May,
20: Welcome long desired Spring,
Many springs and Mays we've seen
Have brought forth what's gay and green.
But none is like this glorious day
Which brings forth our Gracious King.