MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
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Verses from

Iter Britannicum

   Titlepage: ITER BRITANNICUM / OR / ENGLANDS / SAD JOURNALL. / FROM HER FIRST ENTRANCE / into the wilderness of SIN: which was at the begin-/ in of that long unhappy PARLIAMENT, Novemb.3. / 1640. when the people began to murmur against MOSES / and AARON, to this present year of Jubile. 1660. / By a rurall and rufull observator, and old Barzillai; though / poor, yet faithful to the interest of his Soveraign, / the Lords Anointed: / Who had the happiness to hear King JAMES pro-/ claimed King of England, Scotland, &c at Cambridge Cros: after he had been 14 Moneths admitted Scholar in Christs-/ Colledge, viz. March 25. Anno Dom. 1603. / [rule] / Dan. 12.4. / Shut up the words, and seal the book; even to the time of the end, many shall run too and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. / Vers. 10. Many shall be purified and made white and tryed, but the / wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the / wise shall understand. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by Peter Lillicrap. 1660.

    Wing: I1092A+

    Copies: Qto; OW BB 1.5(31).

    Another unicum from Worcester College, Oxford.

Upon King CHARLES the Second




Heic: licet obducta est SACRO nebulosa coligo:
Semen Justiti' rediviv' LUCTS origo.
Vitam utrumque SACER tenebrose coligine duces,
Dispersis tandem nebulonibus inde RE-LUCES.

Though malice seeks a gloomy night
Upon the JUST to bring:
Yet where the HEART remains upright,
Joyes light afresh will spring.
THY Sacred Majesty seems yet
Enwrapt in cloudy night,
But Seeds of Righteousness well set,
Spring forth like morning light.
Justo Lux est; & rectis corda L'titia.        [p. 17, sig C


Thy Birth-right, Seconded with Royall parts:
Proclaims Thee KING. And cals true loyal Hearts.
Heavens Providence dispose, Thou maist be reckon'd;
In Englands Catalogue, King Charles the Second.
O! Second Thou the First, in heavenly Graces;
So Thou shalt reign with Him in heavenly places.
CHRIST call'd the meek and lowly'n heart to rest,
Meek, lowly, loyall hearts, with THEE suit best;
Call such to help THEE now: All are not sunck,
Beneath the sphere of Help: call true George Monck.
         [p. 18


TYrants late rule made ENGLAND rue for Smart
THOU rul'st by such a law a rules the Heart:
Our late taskmasters rule, was all by tricks:
Giving no straw, they urg'd full tale of bricks;
Such was our misery; such our sad lots
Whiles THOU (choice vessel) layd'st among the pots:
When Rav'ns and Vultures made of us a prey
Left the bare bones and tore the flesh away:
But as those Ravens, for death cry oft Pork, Pork?
So these o're perking London, Pauls and York;
'Twas but against their death, that they thus crav'd,
For now THOU (Silver winged Dove) hast sav'd
ENGLANDS poor chickens, by THY timely flight
Hither: From Lamberts clawes that high flown Kite.
Wellcome (blest dove) thy feathers shine like Gold
Whiles THOU defend'st the Faith: As did of old
Thy Grand-sire; and that Sainted King they father:
Who for defence of Faith and lawes chose rather
To suffer Martyrdome at his own doore
Than to destroy foundations lay'd before
Which God had to His heart so full reveal'd,
That he (blest Saint) with his heart-bloud them seald
Whereof th'art come Delivery to take
And (repossest) all England happy make.
To which GEORGE MONCK, A faithfull witness stands
Single in Heart? But acting with both hands
Such service; as the Lord himselfe did own
By's Miracle of mercy fully shown,
In setting on thine Head a glorious Crown.
Parliament; people all and from all parts,
Proclaim CHARLES King of England; and of Hearts [p. 19
So may he rule thine Heart, who's King of Kings;
And to confusion treach'rous plots still brings?
That a long prosp'rous Raign may be thy stroy
Heer; And in fine an Heavenly Crown of glory
Amen, and Amen. Psal. 89.52.