MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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Alexander Huish
verses from
Musa Ruralispp. [i verso], 7-8, 13
[10 May]

   Thomason dated his copy 10 May, 1660; Nicholas Crouch paid 4d for his copy, now in OB.The final latin epigrams on p. 17 are signed and dated "Mense Maio, 1660."

   Although the second set of verses appear under the title "The same in English," they bear little resemblance to the Latin -- check. Erskine Hill calls them a "free rendering" of the original Latin, and takes them as appearing in the May of Charles's arrival.

A Michaelmas nights Dream in the year 1653.
now accomplished in his Majesties Royall Per-
son, and his Opposites.

1: I Dream't, and to my thinking in my dream
2: I saw a pearch on high, whereon did pitch
3: A flight of birds, (black they to me did seem;
4: Crowes or Jack-dawes, I could not well tell which,)
5:      Nesting for place, till I beheld anon,
6:      Both pearch and birds were vanisht quite and gone.

7: I look't; and loe, another pearch as high,
8: As was the former, there in place did stand:
9: Where flew a Turtle, blew as Azure Skie:
10: But could not reach it, till by other hand
11:      She there was plac't: where she did safely sit:
12:      I wak't, and as I dream't, my dream I writ.

Septemb. 30. 1653.
ALEX. HUISH. (p. [i] verso)

[Latin verses pp. 1-6]
The same in English.

1: SPrung from great Kings and good, Thou of the rest,
2: Great Britanes greatest Steward, hop't the best;
3: Long is thy absence from thy native home:
4:      Come; thy great Councell bids thee, come.

5: Restore thy Country her lost light, good King;
6: Thine own sweet face, which since like lovely Spring
7: W' have hop't to see, the day hath merrier gone,
8:      The Sun hath brighter, better shone.

9: Look how a Mother her dear Child awaits,
10: Who is a voyage gone beyond the Streights,
11: Whom surly winds more then a long years space
12:      Deteins from his sweet dwelling place;

13: She look's, and vow's, and pray's; and ne're gives o're;
14: Nor turns her face from the creeke-winding shore:
15: Struck so with fealty and loves holy fires,
16:      Thy Country Thee, her Charles desires.

17: Hoping, the Ox shall freely walk again;
18: Plenty and peace, Thou reigning, now shall reign;
19: Merchants shall without danger passe the Seas:
20:      Faith shall not now fear to displease.

21: The Chast house shall with no shame be defil'd;
22: Manners and Laws foul sin shall tame; the Child
23: Like born shall yield the Mother praises true;
24:      And punishment all vice subdue.

25: Who shall need fear or forreign Enemies,
26: Or tumults rais'd by home-bread Sectaries,
27: While Charles is safe? who shalt by help of God
28:      Keep peace with Spain and all abroad.

29: Each one then lying under his own Vine,
30: The Widow Trees shall with her branches twine;
31: Then to the Temple go, and pray for thee,
32:      And all the Royall Progenee.

33: With prayers all true hearts, and some in verse,
34: As I do now, they shall thy name rehearse,
35: Wishing thee glorious in thy Royall seat,
36:      As France's Charles, more good, more great.

37: Long mayst thou live, and make long holy-day,
38: Good King, unto thy Country: 'tis the lay,
39: We fasting sing and full; at morn, at night,
40:      When the clear day hath lost her light.

(pp. 7-8)

[Latin verses, pp. 9-12]

Yet again,
Upon the Anniversary of his Majesties
Birth-day, May 29.

1: LIke as the Rose appearing now in Spring;
2: So lovely sweet, so pleasing to the eye
3: Appears our Charles, our Sovereign Lord and King,
4: With graces fit for so great Majesty:
5: Blessed be God, who hath thus brought once more
6: The Rose and Crown together as before.

7: Not the Red Rose, nor yet the White alone:
8: The Red too deep, the White too pale to be
9: For perfect beauty seemes; but both in one
10: The Damask Rose, the chief of all the three.
11:      Fresh be thy Bud, as Rose at end of May;
12:      On this thy Birth -- , this thy sweet Holy-day.

A. H.