MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
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Englands pleasant May-Flower
[29 May?]
Employs a broad series of rather forced parallels from the OT to compare Charles with the divinely annointed with David.
Englands pleasant May-Flower
Charles the second, as we say,
Came home the twenty ninth of May.
Let Loyal hearts rejoyce and sing
For joy they have got a Gracious KING.
The tune is, Upon Saint Davids day.
WHy should we speak of Cesars Acts,
or Shimei's treacheries,
Or of the Grand Notorious Facts
of Cromwels Tyrannies.
5: But what we all might gladly sing,
and bravely chant and say,
That Charles the second did come in
the twentie ninth of May.
Since that his Royal person went
10: from us beyond the Seas,
Much blood and treasure have been spent
but nere obtained peace:
Untill the Lord with-held his hand
as we might chearfull say,
15: And did a healing balsome send
the twenty, &c.
This healing Balsome Soveraign is,
and a very Cordial thing,
Which many evils can suppress
20: by vertue of a King,
And poysoned blisters overcome
Which in three Kingdoms lay,
Twas God that sent this Balsome home
the twenty, &c.
25: Surely he is determined,
a mighty King on Earth,
That God hath so remembred,
and kept him from his birth:
As David from the Lyons paws
30: Whose beard he bore away.
So Charles the second made good Laws
the twenty ninth of May.
The King of Africa subdu'd
by fire and by sword,
35: But Charles the second was indu'd
with power from the Lord.
Whom trained was in Davids field
with prayers night and day.
That he three stately Kingdoms held
40: the twenty, &c.
King David had a General strong,
and Joab was cal'd by name,
He made him Lord of Babylon,
and rul'd where ere he came.
45: But through his spleen with envi'd quarrels
David did betray.
But our Saint George brought home King Charls
the twenty ninth of May.
The second part, To the same tune.
NOw give me leave to speak so far
50: as truth might justifie,
Of that most glorious blazing Star
at his Nativity,
The grandest Planet of the morn
shin'd glorious at noon day:
55: Which was the time King Charls was born
the twenty ninth of May.
I think I could my self ingage,
in deep Astrologie,
To speak what this same Star presag'd
60: of Glorious Majesty
A mighty Monarch he shall Reign
which makes me chant and say
Now brave King Charls is come again.
the twenty, &c.
65: 'Twould blunt the pen of any Poet,
to write what may be said,
But to the Order Honi Soyt
just tribute shall be paid
For such a prudent Gracious King
70: lets never cease to pray,
He heald the sick when he came in
the twentie, &c.
Gods holy band doth him protect
his Angels doth him guard,
75: Likewise his students doth direct,
which makes his foes affraid.
On Davids musick we will sing
and bravely chant and say,
The glory of the world came in
80: the twentie ninth of May.
He alwayes weareth Joshua's hands
and beareth Davids praise.
And like to upright Job he stands
to wear out Abrahams dayes.
85: He was the wit of Solomon,
and upright in his way.
So like to Joseph he came home
the twenty ninth of May.
Like Daniel he was so devout,
90: his Star did follow him,
In all his tragedyes throughout
Like that of Bethleem.
Twelve years he travel'd Christendom
that makes me chant and say,
5: 'Twas marked out just for his own,
the twenty, &c.
Now let all people celebrate
this day which is so pure,
And to be kept by Church and State
100: for ever to endure.
That Generations all might see
the honour of the day,
Which everlasting it shall be
the twenty, &c.
105: So God preserve our Gracious King
the Duke of Yorke also,
Defend them from the Dragons sting
and every Christian Foe.
Then let true Loyal Subjects sing
110: and bravely chant and say,
The like in England nere came in
the twenty ninth of May.
Printed for W. Gilbertson.