MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
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The King and Kingdoms Joyful Day of Triumph. [undated: after 29 May]
This ballad is attributed to John Wade by Ebsworth; see headnote to W. J., The Royall Oake. Wade also probably was the JW who wrote "A Second Charles.
Ebsworth dates this shortly after 29 May and notices the similarity of some lines in the Trunk Ballad without a title given here as "Come."
The King and Kingdoms joyful Day of Triumph.
The Kings most Excellent majesties Royal and Triumphant coming to London,
accompanied by the ever Renowned, his Excellency the Lord General Monck,
and an numerous company of his Royal Peers, Lords, Knight,
Citizens, and Gentry, who conducted his Royal Majesty
in Honour and Triumph from Dover to London.
To the Tune of, The Scottish Lady, or, Ill tide that cruel peace that gain'd a War on me.
KIng Charles he now is Landed,
to ease his Subjects moan;
Those that are faithful handed
he takes them for his own:
5: Oh he is our Royal Sovereign King,
And is of the Royallest Off spring,
Peace and plenty with him he'l bring,
And will set us free
from all vexations,
10: and great taxations,
woe and misery,
And govern all these Nations
with great tranquility.
Lord General of fair England
15: marcht forth to meet the King,
To entertain him when he did Land,
and to London him did bring;
He is the worthy Man of Might
That doth both King and Countrey right,
20: In whom God and man taketh delight:
For surely he
well doth understand
what he doth take in hand;
and most discreetly
25: He doth his warlike Troops command,
renown'd to Posterity.
The Trumpets bravely sounded,
the Kings Return again.
With joy their hearts abounded
30: the King to entertain:
Aloud they sounded forth his praise,
Englands Glory for to raise;
For God is just in his wayes
35: most hearts then were glad,
no man seeming sad,
the bravest day that ever came,
We happy by our King are made,
to his eternal fame,
40: The Citizens of London
with a most pompous Train,
For evermore hath praise wone,
his favour for to gain,
Gallantly marched out of the Town
45: To King Charles's Royal Renown,
In peace to bring him to the Crown
Richly attired:
by the Lords perswasion
after the richest fashion
50: greatly admired;
The chiefest in this Nation,
whose hearts with joy are fired.
The second Part, to the same Tune.
THen many brave Noblemen
All most gallant and brave,
55: Marched out of the Town then;
both valiant, wise, and grave,
Counting it a most delightful thing
For to honour Charles our Royal King,
And to the Crown him in peace to bring:
60: desiring he
now might be Crowned,
and still Renowned
to posterity,
On whom fortune had frowned
65: for his sincerity.
Many thousands of Noblemen,
then marched o're the Plain,
For to defend King Charles then,
and him to entertain:
70: Their Horses went prancing along,
When they were the rest among,
And seem'd to dance amidst the Throng
So merrily;
seeming to be glad,
75: they that journey had:
they marcht on most,
They were neither heavy nor sad,
but went delightfully.
Their Riders richly tired
80: in costly Cloth of Gold,
Their journey so required,
most rich for to behold:
Oh it was the most glorious sight,
And did my heart so much delight,
85: That I could not forbear but write.
They were such gallant Blades,
and so richly drest,
as cannot be exprest,
they were most bonny Lads,
90: All malice they did destest,
they were such brave Comrades.
Each Regiment from other
known by their sev'ral notes,
As plainly it did appear,
95: and was all in Buff-Coats:
And in silken Scarfs all of green,
With Hats and Feathers to be seen,
Most rich as well I ween,
Were these brave men:
100: England did never
see the like ever
but may again
They marched most courageous,
the King to entertain.
105: And this doth these Lands rejoyce,
and all that in them live,
Then both with hearts and voice,
and thanks to God do give,
Which restored unto us our King,
110: And Usurpers down did fling:
Freedom unto us to bring;
We shall be free
from all Exilements
and ill Revilements,
115: we and our posterity
Shall have our full enjoyments,
and happy dayes shall see.
London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.