MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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W. L.
Good newes from the Netherlands

31 May

From the
A Congratulatory Panegyrick, composed by a true Lover of his
and Country.

REjoice, brave Brittans now for Charls our King
Is comming home, into his Realms to bring
Peace, Piety, and Plenty, Law and Love,
Religion, Justice, and what else may move
5: Your hearts to exultations; Trade, and Arts
Shall flourish more then ever, in all parts
Of his Dominions, and we shall be free
As well in Conscience, as propriety;
So that enjoying this sweet liberty
10: Vnder his blest Reign, we shall happier be,
After those Tepests of Intestine Wars,
Than if we ne'r had felt, and worn their scars.
No former Age can boast, since Britain stood,
A Prince more Sweet, more Great in heart, more Good,
15: More Wise, most Iust, more Try'd in all Events
Of various chance: Forraign experience
In State Affairs, in Wars, join'd to his own
Rich natural Genius, and his Theory known,
Make him a compleat Monarch. Oh! if I
20: Could tell you with what magnanimity
He bare the rude assaults of adverse fate
When lost in hope, and ruin'd in Estate,
Yet triumph'd by Heroick Patience,
And strong Faith in the Divine Providence,
25: How like a firm Colossus, stil the same,
He stood the Winds which from the North-side came,
You would conclude, that He who could command
Himself so well, can rightly rule the Land,
Yea govern the whole World: Prepare to sing
30: Po/eans of joy then to our Gracious King,
Compose rich Panegyricks to his praise,
And Poets, crown your temples all with Bays,
Cut down your Woods and Forrests to make Fires
May flame to heaven, let Bels ring your desires,
35: And all your Canons loud proclaim the King,
Open your hands and hearts to bring him in:
Establish him in Power, in Dignity,
And in his lawfull just Authority:
Give him his due Prerogative, let him be
40: No King upon conditions, but Free,
Not Limited, not onely Titular,
But Absolute, Himself, and Singular,
For 'tis a Priviledge the Law allows
Unto his Birth, to which it humbly bows:
45: Rather adde to the Flowers of his Crown,
Then take from thence, and purchase a Renown
Shall never die: This glorious work thus done,
Thus perfected, with a Beam of the Sun
Shall be subscrib'd, shall make you great in fame,
50: And great in fortune, rich in a fair name
Of Loyal Subjects, which shall ever be
Entail'd on you, and your posterity:
Give now your Votes to this, expresse your joy
Of heart, and cry with me, Vive le Roy.

W. L.