The Abraham Cowley
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Emblem of Cambridge, Cowley's Alma Mater. Title-page from Sophocles, Tragoediae VII (Cambridge, 1665). Editor's
copy. Cf. David McKitterick, Four Hundred Years of University Printing and Publishing in Cambridge 1584-1984 (Cambridge, 1984), 35-36, and Drayton's Poly-Olbion 21 (Works, ed. Hebel, 4.416-17, 422). Since the mid-16th century, this figure officially signified Cambridge University, a motherly woman (Alma Mater) whose breasts stream with milk (cf. Ripa's Benignità, "Bounty" or "Charity") circled with the Latin motto, Hinc lucem et pocula sacra ("Hence [draw] light and sacred refreshment").
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