MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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Upon the Kings Most Excellent Majestie1 February; rpt. 16 March

   Soon after first appearing in February, Upon the Kings Most Excellent Majestie was re-issued as News From the Royall Exchange; both Woods and Thomason agree that the reprint appeared during March. This later version is almost identical with the initial printing apart from a few minor variants and a more explicit and longer title, which appears in double columns and reads thus:

News from the Royall Exchange: OR, Gold turn'd into Mourning: FROM

Exit Tyrannus Regum Ultimus An-}   {  ECCE!
no Libertatis Angliæ Restitutæ}   {Exit non Tyrannus, sed Regnum Homi-
primo. Januarii 30. Anno Dom.} TO{numq; optimus Anno Angliæ Fo/elici-
1648.   }  {tatis Ultimo.


The last Tyrant of Kings dyed in the first Year of}
the Liberty of England Restored, January 30.}
     {Behold! It was not a Tyrant King that dyed, but the
     {best of Kings and Men, that suffered in the last Year
     {of Englands Felicity.

   News bears one of the most common of the polemical false imprints to be found on royalist publications of the early months of the year, "London, Printed for Charles King. 1660." A further undatable variant reprint was issued, but the only copy I have seen has the title cut away.

   At issue in these broadsides is the inscription that had been set up in the Royal Exchange where a statue of Charles I had once stood. After his execution in 1649, the statue was removed and the Latin motto put in its place. This inscription was removed, but not until 15 March, later than the copy of this broadside dated February by Wood. For details of 15 March, see the broadside An Exit to the Exit Tyrannus.

[1] Wing: U1113. Brs. Copies: O1 Wood 416(55), ms dated "feb" COPYTEXT; O2 13. é.79(69) [reported missing since 1979]. Variant reprint: News From The Royall Exchange: / OR, / Gold turn'd into Mourning: / [text] / London, printed for Charles King. 1660. Wing: N1014. Brs. Copies: LT 669.f.24(15), ms dated "16 March"; L C.40.m.11(27); O3 Wood 416(69), ms dated "March"; MH; Y. Another Reprint: "An Anagram and Acrostick on CHARLES STUART KING." Wing (3rd ed): A3046A. Brs. Copies: L [listed Wing, not found]; OW L.R.8.32, title cut away.

Upon the KINGS Most Excellent MAJESTIE An Anagam & Acrostick. CHARLES STUART


Arts Chast Rule.


C Crowns of Gold with Gemms beset are vain,
H Heavenly Crowns of Content are 3Gain:
A A shaddow is the Throne this World affords,
R Riches and Honours are but weights with Cords
5: L Loading the Princes shoulders, who them bare,
E Each Common trouble call's for them to share.
S Soul therefore let thy Meditation 4
S Soar higher for a Habitation:
T Treasure up Goods where neither Moth nor rust
10: U (Undervalue things that turn to dust)
A Are able to corrupt, that so thy Heart,
R Rising above the highth of mans desert,
T Triumphing 5 may released be of smart.

[2] Acrostick-] O1; An Acrostick upon King Charles. O3

[3] are] ä are only OW

[4] Meditation] ä Mediation OW

[5] Triumphing] ed; Tiumphing O1; Triumphing O3; Tryumphing OW

Arts Chast Rule,7


15: TIll Arts Chast Rule we do approve,
And all things seek to win by Love,
We must all miseries endure,
Not Goods, nor Lands, nor Lives secure
Can we expect, when each day brings
20: New Changes, and new Sufferings:
Wherefore Call in and him Enthrone,
Who only can lay Claim to th'Crown;
Let not the towring minds of men,
Insult for private Interests then;
25: But Tribute give to whom 'tis due,
That so GODS Blessing may ensue,
Lest he O'return, o'return, o'return,
And many Towns and Cities Burn:
And waste the Nation, to perform
30: His Word which shall not be forlorn:
Who hath it promised to give,
To whom 'tis due as he doth Live:
Therefore do not his Word withstand,
But to Its Right restore the Land;
35: By which a Pardon you may find,9
When to Repentance ye're enclin'd:
That so in Peace your dayes may end,
Which in this World God doth you lend.

[6] Anagram.] O1; CHARLES STUART. / ANAGRAM, News ; om OW

[7] Rule,] O1; Rule. News

[8] Epigram.] ä om OW

[9] you] ä ye OW

The Peoples Complaint through want of their Exil'd Sovereigne LORD the KING.10

WEE Englishmen are worse than Æsops Frogs,11
40: We call'd those Tyrant12 Kings which were but Logs,
For when both Peace and plenty fil'd our Nation,
We not content cry out for Reformation;
Jove sent us Storks, who in short time devour
One hundred thousand Natives by their Power:
45: This strikes us to the Heart, and we bethink
How to repair our Chains, broak Linck from Linck.
We try a Parliament which doth not please,
We make of them a Rump, and yet not cease,
We reform our General to a Protector,
50: Who turn'd out Rumps, and play'd the gallant Hector.
He Parliaments did call, and they did come,
He turn'd them out and left an empty Room,
Till Jove call'd them aside by a great wind,
Who left us all to grope like those are blind;
55: For when his Son did take the Royal Throne,
We cry'd a Log, a Log, and threw him down:
We call'd the Rumps again we had before,
Who by a Cipher were turn'd out of doore:
A Safe Committee then did rule the Roast,
60: Of which we have no reason for to boast:
Our Rump did worm them out, and sat againe,
Till twice they Roasted were, which work't their bane:13
At last the Parliament of forty-eight,
Began to sit inth'House in former State;
65: At their re-sitting all the Bells14 did Ring,
Much more they will when we have Charles our King.15

Printed for Theodorus Microcosmus 1660.

[10] part break and title] ä; om OW

[11] Frogs,] ä; Foggs, OW

[12] Tyrant] O1; Tryant News

[13] bane] ä; baine OW

[14] Bells] ä; Bell O3

[15] we have Charles our King.] ä; that we have a King. OW

[16] colophon] O1; London, Printed for Charles King. 1660. News; om OW