The Abraham Cowley
Text and Image Archive


Bellini: Orpheus, at the Natl. Gallery, Washington. Cowley's Plantarum epigraph is an ironic echo of Orpheus in Ovid's Metamorphoses 10.397: "I have a cure made up of herbs and verse."
Bellini: The Feast of the Gods, at the Natl. Gallery, Washington. Both the Orpheus and a Feast of the Gods hung in Charles I's Whitehall (F. R. Shapley, Catalogue of the Italian Paintings [Washington, 1979] 1.46-48).
Some Labors of Hercules (ancient scenes with additional Web-links) Tintoretto: Origin of the Milky Way, National Gallery, London (see online discussion and additional images); the virtual painting forms part of a Swarthmore Web-gallery devoted to Hercules.
Cosmic Coordinates / Empire Without End (commentary with additional Web-links) Ovid: Metamorphoses Illustratae (1563) (Virgil Solis' moralized illustrations with additional Web-links)

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First Things // Savage Gods of the Aztecs // Images of Resurgence // Art, Nature, and Wonder
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