Cowley, Abraham . The Third Part of the Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley
Being his Six Books of Plants
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Upon the same.
TEN thousand blessings may the Gods bestow 79
Upon Thee, tunefull Swallow! and ne'r show, 80 1320
They bear the least resentment of that Crime, [image]
Which thou hast suffer'd for so long a time.
For that the use of a choice Plant thou'st taught,
Which ne'r before blind Man had seen or sought.
Of Thee large Rent now e'ry House receives
For th'Nests which they to Thee let under th'eaves.
The painted Springs whole train on thee attend,
Yet nought thou seest which thou canst more commend.
For this it is that makes thee all things see,
This Plant a special favour has for thee.
When thou com'st, th'others come; that won't suffice;
At thy return away This with thee flies.
Yet we to it must more engagements own;
'Tis a small thing to heal the Eyes alone;
Ten thousand torments of our Life it cures, 81
From which good Fortune you, blest Birds, secures.
The Gripes by its approach it mitigates,
And tortures of an aking tooth abates.
The golden Jaundice quickly it defeats,
And with gilt Arms at his own weapons beats: 1340
Jaundice, which Morbus Regius they call,
From a King; but falsly; 'tis Tyrannical. [Latin: 1220]
Foul Ulcers too that from the body bud,
This dries and drains of all their putrid blood.
A gaping Wounds one Lip, like any Brother,
Approaches nearer and salutes the other.
Nor do thy shankers now, foul Lust! remain,
But all thy shealing scabs rub off again.
The burning Cancer and the Tetter fly,
Whilst all hot, angry, red biles sink and dry.
The Sun once printed kisses, disappear.
Purg'd of all blemishes the smiling face
Is cleaner far, and smoother than its Glass.
Kind Friend to th'Eyes! who giv'st not onely sight,
But with it also Objects that delight.
She may be seen, as well as come to see,
Whatever Woman's doubly blest by thee:
The gaudy Spring by thy approach is known,
And blooming Beauties thy arrival own.
[79] The extraordinary faculty of this Herb in healing the eyes, is said to have been found out by the Swallow, who cures its young therewith.
[80] Alluding to the Fable of Philomel [sc., Procne] turn'd into a Swallow.
[81] Its other Virtues.