MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
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The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean

MacLean, Gerald, editor

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The Return of the King: An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II


   Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center.

Published: 1660

English fiction poetry masculine LCSH
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The Return of the King:

An Anthology of English Poems
Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II

edited by

Gerald MacLean
Dept of English
Wayne State University

Table of Contents

1. Preface to the E-text edition

2. Acknowledgements

3. Introduction: Rationale, Scope, Organization, and Dating

4. Editorial Principles, Sigla, and Textual Abbreviations

5. The Poems: A Short-Title Calendar -- a list of the poems to be included arranged into chronological groups: this list effectively serves to indicate the groups into which the poems have been organized and the order in which they will be issued

6. The Poems: An Annotated Checklist based on Wing's Short Title Catalogue -- a full-title list of the poems to be included arranged alphabetically by author or title and providing bibliographical description

7. Works Cited including Abbreviations

Preface to the E-text Edition: June 1999

   Having begun this project while engaging in doctoral research more than twenty years ago at the University of Virginia, I am specially delighted that it should be appearing from the E-text Center at Alderman Library. It was amongst the Faulkner archives in Alderman that David Nordloh, of Indiana University, put me through my earliest editorial paces, teaching me more about editorial principles and practices than I could absorb at the time and certainly more than I can recall now. Any and all obvious errors of editorial conception or execution in this project are entirely my responsibility; anything I might have got right probably owes itself to David's training. And it was in Charlottesville that Ian Jack, visiting from Pembroke College, Cambridge, took valuable time away from his own work on the texts of Browning to encourage me in planning an anthology of Restoration panegyrics. With the arrival of the microchip, the years since then have witnessed a transformation in the methods, theories, and means of editorial work and the reproduction of texts on a scale surely even greater than that heralded by the arrival of moveable type. That this project, begun in discussions at lunch overlooking the Lawn and in the rare books reading room at Alderman, should finally emerge into the light of day in electronic form from the E-Text Center seems, to me, peculiarly appropriate. My thanks to Jerry McGann for suggesting it, and to David Seaman for listening.

   Even as I prepare the first sets of poems for electronic publication there are, the London news agencies would have us believe, millions of people for whom anticipating whether the current Prince of Wales will ever become Charles III is a matter of the utmost urgency. At the most general level, questions that were being asked back in 1659 and 1660 are once again on the agenda: should there be a monarchy? if so how, and over what or whom, does it rule? will Charles be suited for the job? what sort of king might he become? How will the poet laureate address the occasion? Beyond this very general level, of course, the issues at stake are very different, but not utterly or entirely. If supporters of monarchy living within the British Isles in 1660 were, and those living there now are, sufficient in number and political authority to put another king on the throne and keep him there, what can have happened to republicanism?

   For those of us disappointed by the eventual outcome of what, in 1967, 1968, and 1969, seemed like a "revolution" in progress, the question of how revolutions come to fail has often taken the form of asking how it can be that an assembly of representations -- what in the 1990s has come to be called "culture" -- can interfere with, and sometimes even direct, the course of economic and political history. How do cultural formations, such as pictures, songs, plays, new jargons, forms of dress and public behaviour achieve political agency, entering and transforming the ways life is lived, power acquired and displayed, wealth accumulated and distributed? What might the poetry, published back in 1660 to celebrate the Restoration of the Stuart dynasty to the thrones constituting Great Britain, tell us about how poetry does, sometimes, make things happen?

   In preparing the Introduction to this electronic edition, I have supplied only references to my own previous publications in support of the general claims being advanced. This is not simply the result of vanity but rather, I trust, a convenient way of indicating where more may be found concerning the drift of my argument or the historical and textual issues at hand, as well as particular citations to the primary and scholarly works on which I have relied. Since these essays have appeared over a twenty year period, certain discrepancies have arisen, but the references to scholarship in the field still prove useful and reliable. To the same ends I have prepared a list of Works Cited listing the scholarly resources that I have relied on while editing and annotating these poems: this will be updated from time to time while the groups of poems are being issued.

   While I plan to issue annotated sets of the poems listed in the Calendar as quickly as possible, delays are certain to occur. Meanwhile I hope that anyone interested in this project will contact me with suggestions or comments. I will be happy to consider requests for provisional copies of any of the listed poems. From June 1999 through August 2000 I am off-line from my e-mail address at Wayne State, but can be reached at: 12 Southcombe St, Chagford, Devon, TQ13 8AY, England.


   Since starting work on this project in 1979, I have incurred more debts than I care to recall to scholars and friends who have supplied and checked facts of all sorts. I have attempted to acknowledge specific debts in the notes to individual poems.

   First, my special thanks to Jo Dulan and Mary Gillis who helped keyboard many of the texts, often from xeroxed copies that were frustrating to read.

   At one time or another, I know that the following have all helped with information, confirmed suspicions, or generously supported this project in some other intellectual, professional, or material way: Jack Armistead, Iain Boal, Martin Bernal, John Bidwell, George Bornstein, Leo Braudy, John Brewer, Carol Briggs, the late Irvin Ehrenpreis, David Evans, A. J. Flavell, Howard Erskine-Hill, David Greetham, George Guffey, Bridget Hill, Christopher Hill, Speed Hill, Elaine Hobby, Ian Jack, N. H. Keeble, Robert Kellogg, Arthur Kinney, Laura Knoppers, Del Kolve, David Loewenstein, Nancy Klein Maguire, Arthur Marotti, the late Jeremy Maule, Michael McKeon, David Norbrook, Max Novak, Jason McElligott, Jerry McGann, John J. Morrison, Annabel Patterson, Lois Potter, Joad Raymond, Alan Roper, Kevin Sharpe, Nigel Smith, Susan Staves, Sara Jayne Steen, Ernie Sullivan, Len Tennenhouse, David Underdown, Andrew Walkling, James Winn, and Steve Zwicker. I can only hope the end product lives up to their expectations. My thanks also to the innumerable friends who have listened to me talking about 1660 and the poetry written that year regardless of their interest: they know who they are. I would also like to thank the numerous reviewers -- sometimes known, sometimes anonymous -- who have supported and refereed my grant applications and the various articles that I have written about this project.

   Over the many years of working on it, librarians at a large number of institutions have been of incalculable helpfulness. My special thanks to Dr. Nicholas Bennett of Lincoln Cathedral Library; L. Brotherton of the Manchester Central Library; Dr. Christine Ferdinand, Librarian of Magdalen College, Oxford; John Field of Westminster School; B. E. Fowler, Clerk of Horsmonden Parish Council; Janet McMullin, Assistant Librarian of Christ Church College, Oxford; Roger Norris of Durham Cathedral Library; Joanna Parker, Librarian of Worcester College, Oxford; Dr. Michael Powell of Chetham's Library, Manchester; Paul Quarrie of Eton College Library; D. W. Riley of the John Rylands Library, Manchester; Alan Tadiello, Librarian of Balliol College, Oxford; P. W. Thomas of Exeter Cathedral Library; the late Paul Yeats-Edwards of Winchester College Library; Elizabeth Watson and Paul Escreet of Glasgow University Library. I have marvelled at their prompt, courteous and informative replies to my various enquiries. Without the generosity of John Morrison and others engaged in revising the Wing STC, this project might have been abandoned long ago.

   More generally, to all the librarians and members of staff who, since 1979, have worked at the Alderman Library at UVA, the Kresge and Purdey Libraries at Wayne State, the University of Michigan Library in Ann Arbor, the Detroit Public Library, the Bodleian Library, the British Library, the Cambridge University Library, the Exeter University Library, Lambeth Palace Library, the John Rylands Library in Manchester, the National Library of Scotland, the Houghton Library at Harvard, the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library UCLA, the Huntington Library, St. John's College Library, Cambridge, and the Wren Library at Trinity College, Cambridge, my gratitude for courtesies remembered.

   Funds and other forms of institutional support have, at various stages, been generously provided by a number of bodies. Between 1979 and 1981, the Department of English at UVA first provided funds for me to collect photocopies of nearly every piece of verse in the Thomason Tracts, that was then becoming available on microfilm. The Purchasing Office at Alderman Library promptly bought copies of every new book that I recommeded. During those years, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, kindly supplied me with up to date reel guides to their publications of Early English Texts; I will never forget the exceptional generosity of the anonymous gift from someone at University Microfilms of a hard-bound photocopy of George Fortescue's Catalogue to the Thomason Tracts since I still use it regularly. In 1982, the Advisory Research Board of Queen's University at Kingston supplied funds for my first research trip to the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library; the Ahmanson Foundation at UCLA supported my return there on several occasions. In 1983, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded early research trips to the British Library and the Bodleian Library. In 1989, a research grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities enabled me to take a semester's leave from teaching to work in the Clark and Huntington Libararies. Since 1983, numerous grants and research fellowships awarded by the Dean of Liberal Arts and the Humanities Research Center of Wayne State University have enabled me to conduct research in numerous locations.

   To all, my thanks.

Preface to the E-text Edition: December 2000

   {add to current preface after acknowledgements}

   As I send off the second installment of these poems, those from December 1659 through April 1660, I am acutely aware of various omissions and errors in the work already online. These will be corrected in due course. Meanwhile, I continue to welcome suggestions, corrections, and advice. Please contact me at:

   Over the years of working on this project, I have been constantly aware of the innumerable scholars whose labors have made mine possible. Most especially has the figure of Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth haunted me, since he it was who first set about the only previous systematic attempt to collect and edit all the broadside ballads published on the Restoration in his serially-produced volumes of The Roxburghe Ballads. I know little of his life, but have spent many hours reading his commentaries and following up on his not always reliable, but usually fascinating, scholarly leads. I think if we were to have met, we would have found our views on the nineteenth century more alike than our views on the seventeenth, and the fantasy of such conversations has often haunted me as, for my collation sheets, I have pored over old ink on pages that he must have handled.

   Ebsworth would, I am sure, have been quick to understand the possibilities of electronic publication, and to have recognized the perils. He would, I am certain, have understood the strange feeling of returning to a seemingly endless editorial project after more than a year away. While preparing this second installment of poems, those representing the king printed during the period December 1659 through April 1660, I have thought of Ebsworth often because it was during these months that the broadsides were produced that he knew so much about. 1 With his ghost beside me and work before me, I offer the following supplement to my previous summary comments on the place of the broadside ballad in the formation of a poetic discourse of Restoration during 1660.

He did not, however, know of those now in the Euing collection at Glasgow University Library, edited in facsimile with an introduction by John Holloway in 1971.

The Roxburghe and Trunk Ballads

   Ebsworth's The Roxburghe Ballads, which appeared in nine volumes between 1871 and 1897, remains a monstrously ambitious task, the collection and editing of all the English street ballads published up to the end of the seventeenth century. For the most part, Ebsworth's volumes are internally organized according to specific collections, but also according to themes -- the Robin Hood ballads appear collected together, for example. But during the twenty-five years of his labors, Ebsworth necessarily had to reinvent the structure and scope of his project as new materials became available to him. He frequently became interested in sets of texts that distracted him from the task at hand. In the editorial idiom of his time, Ebsworth's volumes are a wonderland of addresses to the reader explaining why the editor is now turning aside to present some recent discoveries.

   For the most part, Ebsworth's textual transcriptons are unreliable by modern scholarly standards: he handles spelling, line length and punctuation with little regard for the original, and without any evident or systematic policy. But his volumes still provide the best repository of the materials collected. And, as is true of so much nineteenth-century antiquarian scholarship, his commentaries often remain useful as guides to further research. Indeed, if Ebsworth's texts belong to a period of editing when the idiosyncrasies of the editor were permitted free reign, his commentaries are sometimes not entirely reliable either, but they do provide lots of informed hints about where to go to find things out.

   Editing volumes seven, eight and nine of The Roxburghe Ballads, Ebsworth found himself excited by the ballads on the Restoration. He returned to the question of how poetry figured in the political settlement several times in these volumes, clearly eager to be able to offer a definitive account, but each time he looked, he discovered there were more ballads to include and each of them slightly altered the picture. While retracing many of Woodfall's steps in preparing my versions of the Restoration ballads, I have been unable to improve or even to verify his account of a set of broadsides from 1660 that were discovered during the nineteenth century, lining a leather trunk in the British Museum. Of these "trunk ballads," Ebsworth gives various accounts:

Many copies of contemporary ballads on the Restoration of the Monarchy, that were bought eagerly by loyal Cavaliers, must have been printed to meet a large demand, but their very popularity caused their speedy disappearance.
The broadsides were pasted upon walls in workshops and private houses. Some were used to line a new leather trunk, and thus came down to us, unique exemplars, marked with the impress and brown stains of the portmanteau, more or less mutilated. One is the `Noble Progress' of Monk, a distinct version of `Iter Boreale, the Second Part.' (Ebsworth, RB, 9:789)

   Earlier in the same volume, in a lengthy preface added as the work went to press, Ebsworth provided a fuller, more interesting account that allows us a good glimpse of the man's temperament and offers a spirited version of a view once traditional and popular:

The Restoration was a spontaneous outburst of joy, and needed no stimulus. Had it not been meant for a national welcome, in vain would have been all the caballing and underplotting, such as had marked abortive efforts of brave unpractised men, each one loyally sacrificing his life for the rightful heir's just cause; while every day matters grew worse. Oliver Cromwell himself became weary of the vain struggle with unworkable materials, in the main his own miscreations. "I would have been glad to have lived under my woodside, to have kept a flock of sheep, rather than undertake such a government as this! Let God be judge between you and me!" Thus he spoke to the House, 4 Feb. 1658. A few months later, during his last June, news came of the victory at Dunkirk. The protest against "The Domination of the Sword," telling how "Law lies a bleeding" was then sung to the tune of the original "Love lies a bleeding."
We next continue our reprint of the unique "Trunk Ballads," six in number, that, till 1841, had formed the lining of an old leathern portmanteau, made in London, at the time of the Coronation; one year after that glorious `Royal-Oak Day,' the twenty-ninth of May, the birthday of the welcomed King.
Thus it was: a frugal Cheapside trunk-maker counted the cost of holidays, with loss of private cash for purchase of the half-dozen Black-letter Ballads, of date May 29, 1660, to April 23, 1661. Groaning the immortal words, "Bang goes sixpence!" he atoned for his prodigality, by turning the broadsides into profit. He lined the trunk with them -- at that same date, April 23, 1661. Of course, he charged their extra cost on the Loyal Cavalier who was then returning to his own home, at Wallington, in Northumberland; bearing a limp purse indeed, but with pleasant memories of the `Little Village on Thames.' (To none is it equal, not even Vienna the hospitable, or Lutetia, the city of delights, whereunto "all good Americans go when they die," but earlier if possible.) So he went back to his happy home, taking a wife with him, a recollection of the King's gracious smile, the beauty of Barbara Palmer, and the satisfaction of having seen ten Regicides executed coram populo.
Thus the `Trunk Ballads' became heirlooms for posterity. (Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxxv).

   Thus it may, indeed, have been. Ebsworth understood the ballads of the Restoration better than many have done since, if only because he clearly felt himself to be living in such immediate contact with the events of the seventeenth century that he found it unthinkable not to take sides. I have been unable to track the accuracy of Woodfall's tale about the owner of the trunk, but offer it here as the fruit of a learned man's historically informed fantasy. Some of Ebsworth's details, however, seem to be misinformed. Giles Mandelbrote, Curator of British Collections, 1501-1800, at the British Library has kindly examined the ballads and reports:

None of the six ballads is stamped, which would provide a definitive accession date, but Ebworth's date of 1841 seems unlikely. It seems much more likely that the "trunk ballads" are to be identified with the "six ballads of the time of Charles II" presented to the British Museum on 9 February 1828 by W. C. Trevelyan and recorded in the Museum's Book of Presents. This is confirmed by the manuscript note still bound in with the album (shelfmark 835.m.10) from which these ballads were later removed in about 1940, when a separate volume (shelfmark C.120.h.4) was created for them. This note, signed by W. C. Trevelyan, records that "The following six Ballads of the time of Charles 2d. [were] found in the lining of an old Trunk." ... As you will have noticed, all these references mention only six ballads. This confirms your suspicion that the seventh item in the volume, An Elegy on the Death of his Sacred Majesty King Charles II, has come from a different source. ... I can shed no light on Ebsworth's source for the 1661 date or the other details he gives, but -- although they may have been embroidered -- I would doubt that they are entirely made up and I remain rather curious about this.2

   At the present writing (December 2000), the "trunk ballads" are being removed from their more recent backing for improved long-term preservation and so that the decorated verso of the sheets, which presumably formed the inner lining of the trunk, can be more easily studied.

   In order to keep the textual evidence of these broadsides together, as it were, I have included each of the ballads, even though two of them, being anti-Rump satires, would strictly fall outside the scope of the present anthology.

Giles Mandelbrote to the editor, personal letter, 4 July 1999.

The Restoration Ballads

   The ballads included in this anthology most typically offer imaginary and imaginative accounts of just how much the people wanted the king to come back, and in doing so show a clear sense of the Fleet Street principle of telling readers what they already believe themselves to think is true. Aimed at a broad audience, broadsides and ballads exemplify this principle perhaps more immediately than some of the longer, more formal verses since they were quicker to be composed and so begin by appearing to report on current affairs more immediately. Yet in common with more formal panegyrics, ballads share a generally obvious set of thematic contents and perspectives that recur throughout the year. They show considerable concern for how the king's return will effect economic, juridicial, political, social, and ecclesiastical conditions. The Restoration ballads often adopt localized and interest-specific perspectives, that of London merchants, mariners, or the gentry living in the countryside, yet are surprisingly vague on questions of what constitutes a national identity, often speaking in general of England, but advocating a generalized notion of loyalty and only seldom specifying differences between England and Scotland. Ballads emphasize how the return of the king will be good for trade, bringing about a return of justice, of traditional Parliamentary government, and of the Anglican Church. Several claim that the king's return promises to make England, or Britain, a world power; some advocate aggressive policies towards foreign nations, one recommends conciliation with Spain.

   In formal terms, the ballads share a number of common verse patterns since they were written for the most part to familiar tunes. The most popular, for obvious reasons, was "When the King Enjoys his own again," by Martin Parker which had first been published in 1641 and then reissued in several printings during 1660. Several ballads from 1660 re-used this tune to arrange their verse and rhyme schemes, and often borrowed the initial trope of prophetic vision to imagine and set an agenda for the future.

   In such ways, ballads combined both prescriptive and descriptive tendencies. Some ballads favoured prescription, anticipating the effects of Restoration in order to instruct the new king: punish the regicides, improve trade, establish an empire, bring back true religion, justice, plenty, and low taxes. Other ballads favoured description and narrative, offering detailed and seemingly factual reports of Charles's return. Such works often provide lists of names, places, and incidents in order to suggest that they are offering reliable accounts, sometimes even eye-witness information. Some provide detailed chronicle accounts of a single day or brief period, invariably mixing narrative with interpretation, detailing what the events in question mean for the future. The escape from Worcester continued to provide a favorite starting point for descriptive narratives of this sort throughout the year.

   Though popular in appeal, ballads often describe the contemporary scene by allusions to biblical and classical history. This suggests a certain degree of sophisticated literacy could to be expected among readers. Issued soon after the dissolution of the Rump, An Exit to Exit Tyrannus and The King Advancing both evoke images from the Bible and from Greek myth of primal rebellions against divine authority to celebrate Charles's victory against the ungodly, dark, and chthonic forces that are now in retreat. In The King Advancing, the ghost of the martyred king, Charles I, calls upon his son to exact a just revenge against the rebels and imagines their defeat in learned terms:

Fell Titan's son's and bold Enceladus
In the Tinacrean Earth their bones are thrown
Whose hundred Anvils made all Ætna groan. (lines 79-82)

   Other forms of literary expertise were expected by the writers and readers of Restoration ballads. The Country mans Vive le Roy of early May echoes Sir John Suckling's celebrated "Ballad on a Wedding."

   Given their close relation to circumstantial events, the ballads collected in this anthology fall into three general chronological phases; those written in anticipation of the king's return, those written about the return as it was taking place, those that appear after the king had returned. Ballads of the early months that were published in hope of return are variously optative, bombastic, and sometimes cryptic. They employ typology, anagrams, and prophecies to substitute for actual developments and events. Ballads published after the fact, but describing specific events of January to May, share a journalistic emphasis on authenticating details; some are openly reportorial, chronicling the return by detailing places, events, and names. They emphasize how the king's return marks an end of previous bad government under the Rump, while offering threats and warnings to those who had recently opposed the king.

   Early in the year, broadsides were commonly printed anonynmously, sometimes with contentious and spurious printer's colophons. "Printed for Charles King" appears fairly regularly during the early months on pamphlets and small books as well as broadsides. Ballads were frequently reissued in pirated editions. One example: Anthony Woods dated his copy of the ballad Upon the Kings Most Excellent Majesty in February, but only a few weeks later, on 16 March, Thomason recorded a reissue of the same ballad under the title News from the Royal Exchange. This ballad uses cryptic anagrams and acrostics to predict the certainty of the Restoration. The first version appeared under the irregular imprimatur "Printed for Theodorus Microcosmus 1660," while the later version more confidently announced "London, Printed for Charles King. 1660."

   In May, once the king's return was certain, ballads published in anticipation of the event typically offered a mix of prescriptive commentary and detailed, journalistic reporting. They focused on what would happen now that the king's return was certain, emphasizing the wonders of the newly dawning age and the errors of the recent past. Several ballads printed during May reported the king's arrival on English soil in the form of progress narratives that provide detailed descriptions from Charles's arrival at Dover to his entry into London and first nights in the capital. Once the king was actually back, ballads began to take a longer view, placing recent events within a broader historical narrative that situates the king's return as the fulfilment of providentially organized past events. Often the period of Charles's absence is represented as a time when the English nation was punished for past sins. In such narratives, the retelling of events after the battle of Worcester continues to mark a common starting point in works that detail the period of the king's exile. But we will also find ballads offering retrospective glances as far back as 1641, especially when calling for punishment of the regicides.

Editorial Notes and Sources



   The Restoration of Charles II in 1660 marked a period in world history by reintroducing monarchy to a nation that was determining global events through its artistic, scientific, and intellectual achievements as much as by its growing imperial ambitions. It also brought to an end the first great anti-monarchist revolution in modern European history. On no previous occasion had the commercial press been both so necessary and so directly instrumental in bringing a new government into being.1 This anthology seeks to bring together for the first time all the English language poems that appeared during 1660 anticipating Charles's return up to, but excluding, his coronation in April 1661, in order to map the cultural links between poetry and political life by demonstrating the range and scope of what was evidently an immense ideological need for a poetic legitimation of the new regime.2

   Why did the English Revoution fail? While it would clearly be overstating the case to suggest that poetry in any direct way brought about the end of the English Revolution, or that it caused the reintroduction of monarchy, nevertheless the events of these crucial months would doubtless have taken different form had there been no commercial press producing and distributing the numerous poetic celebrations gathered here which, with few exceptions, aim to persuade their readers to agree with the poet that Charles's return was both good and needful. There was evidently a powerful perception that these things needed saying, in print, and in poetic form; a need that cannot simply be explained as the need of individual poets to publicize a display of their personal loyalty.3

   When they were first published over three hundred years ago, the poems collected here helped to re-define the meanings of royalty to a people who had been without a monarch for nearly two decades, but also to the new king who was brought in to reign. What did it mean to be Charles Stuart, king of England, Scotland, and Ireland in 1660? What did the people expect of the man who came to rule over them? What were the burning issues of the day that only the arrival of a king could promise to solve? The most general aim of this edition is to indicate ways that poetry provided an authoritative public medium by which the sometimes private interests, hopes, and expectations of those helping to engineer and celebrate Charles's return could find expression. Except to poke fun at other poets or to demonize members of the Rump, these poems are never directly critical or satirical in contrast to the traditional view that Restoration poetry was satirical. Many of these poems, however, are highly didactic and openly advise the king to adopt any number of domestic and international policies in order to boost trade, settle disputes, establish peace and prosperity. What these poems reflect is the incredible diversity of problems that Charles was expected to solve, and of the equally diverse and often contradictory sets of opinions about how he was to go about the enormous task expected of him. Often poets advised the king of the dangers still to be faced from those opposing his return. Calls for the king to seek out and enact revenge upon the regicides and all other "traitors" still loyal to the good old cause were often more blood-thirsty than Charles's eventual policies, but serve as a crucial counterpoint to the constantly reiterated reports of spontaneous and unanimous celebration and praise. Even royalist panegyrists could not always maintain the illusion that Charles's return was as universally desired as was so often being proclaimed in various forms of printed text. Once these poems become available and understood not just as examples of poems from the oeuvres of particular poets -- Cowley, Waller, Davenant, or Dryden, for instance -- but as a public discourse that operates beyond the private talents and interests of the specific poet, then their historical importance and cultural agency can come into clearer focus. In this sense, of constituting a poetic discourse, these works establish a horizon of expectations within which Charles was called upon to perform the role of king, and by which that performance might be judged.4

   Although they were written over three hundred years ago, these poems still help to define for us the very meaning and place of royalty in English culture. When Charles II arrived in England, the people who found that they had suddenly become his subjects had lived through the experience of regicide and revolutionary military governments. Among the documents that flooded from the presses in 1660, poems celebrating the king's return were not alone in encouraging readers to think about the many and likely benefits that would follow from bringing the king back. In the light of such expectations, the tasks confronting the new king, despite all the carefully orchestrated welcome, might well have seemed truly daunting. He found himself expected to rule a people grown accustomed to an unprecedented degree of public debate, a people who demanded regular news about, and influence over, political events. Unlike his father, Charles confronted the job of performing the role of king before an audience composed of a people grown accustomed to questioning and exercising authority themselves.5 How, and in what ways, might poets be said to have contributed to the failure of the English Revolution while at the same time establishing expectations by which the new king would be judged?


[1] See my "Literature, Culture, and Society in Restoration England," in Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration: Literature, Drama, History, pp. 3-27; and Time's Witness, epilogue.

[2]See my "An Edition of Poems on the Restoration," Restoration 11 (1987): 117-21, and "What is a Restoration Poem? Editing a Discourse, Not an Author," TEXT 3 (1987), pp. 319-346.

[3] See my "Literature and Politics in Revolutionary England, 1640-1660," Review 16 (1994): 177-95.

[4] See my "The King on Trial: Judicial Poetics and the Restoration Settlement," The Michigan Academician 17 (1985): 375-88.

[5] See my "Literacy, Class, and Gender in Restoration England," TEXT 7 (1995), pp. 307-335.


   Currently, there is no detailed study of the literary response to the Restoration based upon a comprehensive examination of the poetic works published in the months surrounding Charles II's return. This anthology aims to provide a resource for future literary-historical research as well as a contribution to the rapidly expanding study of print culture in the early modern period. This anthology has been designed to help social and literary historians better understand how poetry mediated civil unrest by providing the terms in which political struggle could be resituated as art.

   The Return of the King provides accurate, old-spelling texts of the English poems addressed to the king on his return that were published between January 1660 and the coronation in April the following year. Many are being made available here, outside specialist library holdings, for the first time in over 300 years. Many are unique and have been entirely ignored by previous scholarship; several were, until recently, unlisted in standard bibliographies. Making these poems available, this edition contributes to our understanding of literary-historical relations at an important and still controversial moment in British and world history.

   This project began in the late 1970s while I was conducting research into the vernacular backgrounds to Dryden's political poetry. Preliminary work on Astraea Redux quickly alerted me to the large number of Restoration panegyrics that had been ignored by the existing scholarly editions of Dryden's poem.6 Not only James Kinsley but also the editors of the California Dryden had limited their scope to poems by other well-known poets; the latter, for instance, restricting themselves to the other poems held in the collection at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at UCLA. When first planned, this project was intended to produce a printed volume, similar in scope to London in Flames, London in Glory, R. A. Aubin's historical edition of poems on the great fire and rebuilding, that would contain all poems on the Restoration written or published during 1660. However, once I began cataloguing the enormous number of texts involved, this plan quickly proved impracticable. Since the rationale for the project centered on the public character of the poetic discourse, I happily abandoned plans to find, edit, and include poems that exist only in manuscript form, and all foreign language poems -- though this regretably meant omitting copious Greek and Latin verses including those produced by the dons at Oxford and Cambridge. Even so, the number of poems remained clearly well beyond the scope of a single volume, so I decided to limit the range even further by omitting poems addressed to General Monck or members of the royal family other than the king, and by cutting out verse satires on the defeated Rump.7

    By thus restricting the project to poems printed in English that directly address the king in the period before his coronation, I hoped to produce an edition that would still be publishable in a single book while holding true to the conceptual rationale that had prompted the project in the first place.

   After a little more than two decades of searching, transcribing, collating, and checking, the texts of the poems to be included were finally assembled and came to a little more than 300,000 words, without annotation. As such, this project could not be contained by a single, printed volume. By the late 1990s, the costs in time, labor, and money of publishing accurate, old-spelling editions of historical texts that even major research collections might not be able to afford, have become even more prohibitive than they have ever been. Or so I have been told.

   In many of its features, this electronic edition betrays its own history of having been conceived of in printed form. One obvious limitation resulting from that history is that the headnotes and annotations have been prepared cumultatively so that the commentary on any given poem presumes upon information supplied in the general headnote to the group in which it appears, which in turn relies on prior annotations and headnotes. Were I starting out now, with electronic publication in mind, I would have proceeded quite differently in ways that are easy to imagine. Apart from setting out to learn a great deal more than I currently know about the possibilities of computer editing and use of hypertext applications -- I have worked throughout exclusively in MS-DOS using Notabene -- I would proceed much in the manner of the great antiquarian editor of the late nineteenth century, Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth, whose nine volumes of Roxburghe Ballads, issued between 1871 and 1897, represent -- among other things -- the last time an editor has set out to collect, edit, and annotate poems because they were ballads on the Restoration and not because the work in question forms part of an author's oeuvre. That is to say, I would have followed his lead and issued texts as they became available and once they were edited, not holding off from issuing edited poems until the entire project was complete.


[6]See my "Poetry as History: The Argumentative Design of Dryden's Astraea Redux," Restoration (1980): 54-64.

[7]See my "What's Class Got To Do With It?," in Margins of the Text, ed. D. C. Greetham (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997), pp. 25-42.


   The poems included fall into three generic categories: broadsides and ballads, poems printed in separately published books and pamphlets, and embedded poems such as dedications and verses included with other texts.

   Ballads include verses printed on single sheets, normally illustrated with woodcuts, black-letter and other ornamental print-fonts, and usually employing a "popular" lyrical form and idiom traditionally associated with radical, or at least popular, political views. For those in Restoration England who couldn't read, ballads were typically read aloud and pinned up in public places. Their ornamental lettering and woodcut illustrations served to make these broadsides an attractive souvenir for those not fully or formally "literate." Since ballads could be looked at by all, listened to by many, read by most city-dwellers, and collected by some -- like Samuel Pepys -- they constitute an important part of the commercial apparatus of public opinion-making. A group of six broadside ballads on the Restoration, subsequently referred to as the "trunk ballads," were found pasted inside a trunk to form a lining and are currently preserved in the British Library. Since all of them are unique copies, we may presume that there were many more such inexpensive commemorative publications that have not survived.

   While the ballads are frequently anonymous, the more formal verse panegyrics represent an important movement towards the exclusive discourse of an élite and are very often aimed at drawing attention to the person, and skills, of the poet. Certainly the Latin, Greek and other non-English language poems addressed to Charles made certain that only an elect few, largely men, could read what they had to say. The Universities published celebratory volumes in 1 containing verses in Latin and Greek. The Cambridge collection additionally contained verses in Anglo-Saxon, Hebrew, Arabic, and Syrian. The Oxford volume included verses in English, as did the collection of verses by scholars of Woodstock School.

   Most generally, the vernacular panegyric strain was varied and strong enough to dominate the scene, and it is in these formal verses that we find the emergence of that "Augustan" tradition of vernacular neo-classicism that literary historians have most often seen as the period's most significant contribution to English poetry. One thing that the revolutionary decades had certainly achieved was the pre-eminence of the English language as the public medium of printed discourse. In addition to the well-known poems by Dryden, Cowley, Waller, and Davenant, this edition will make generally available important but previously ignored poems by (among others) the antiquarians Elias Ashmole, Thomas Fuller, and James Howell, the career diplomat and Ottomanist Thomas Higgons, rural vicars such as John Couch, Giles Fleming, and Alexander Huish, young London lawyers such as Giles Duncombe, Thomas Flatman, and Samuel Woodford. There is a fascinating poem by Ralph Astell, the uncle and tutor to the celebrated "first feminist" Mary Astell, but most Royalist women declined to have their poems printed. Only one woman poet, Rachel Jevon, printed a poem in 1660, though we know that several other women poets, including Katherine Phillips, wrote poems on the occasion that were either left in manuscript or only printed considerably after the event.

   All printed poems in each category that directly address the king on his return have been included. The poems have been arranged into chronological and narrative sections that help indicate the place of each poem within the developing literary discourse of returning monarchy during these months. Brought together here because of their common concern with formulating social, cultural, and literary terms for the new monarchy, many of these poems rely on historical narrative and tell a very similar story peopled by a range of historical figures, and often recording similar moments from the king's exile and miraculous return in extensive and sometimes conflicting narrative detail. In order to reduce the number of annotations, headnotes to each section include a brief summary of those events which are most often recorded by the poems in that group but not repeated in annotations to the text of the poem. Poems that cannot be dated with any certainty have been included within the chronological group they most resemble, based on the moment in that story at which the poem seems to insinuate itself (see Dating, below).

   Arranging the poems into a chronological and narrative sequence in this way provides a reliable map to the development of themes, topics, and tropes during the course of the year. At the same time, readers interested in tracing the relative use of biblical or Virgilian references, for example, will be able to do so for a wider range of poetic works than was previously available. Other interests are also served by this arrangement. Readers beginning with a poem from July, for instance, will be able to turn to the general headnote to that section in order to find out in detail what was happening that month. References in poems to commonly mentioned historical figures and events will receive minimal explanatory footnotes, while more obscure and topical references will be glossed.

   In addition to the headnotes to the chronological sections, entries for each poem will include a brief headnote containing bibliographical details, biographical information on poets, and other contextual information. Eventually I hope to include a short-title check-list of related, but excluded, poems -- such as those written to praise members of the royal family other than Charles, the numerous poems addressed to General Monck, and the poems written in foreign languages. The layout of information is aimed to assist readers seeking to trace the various relations between poet, publisher, and politician.


   In keeping with the historical rationale for editing these verses in terms of their discursive agency, I have arranged them, as accurately as possible, into a calendar by which the events of the king's return can be seen to be unfolding throughout the year. In sorting the poems into groups that serve as narrative chapters, I have followed the following procedures in order to ensure that, while the groups are in some cases being imposed out of editorial requirements, they nevertheless arise in direct response to evidence provided by, or in, the poems.

   Dated Poems: First, the poems were sorted into two general groups; those bearing a printed or manuscript date and those which didn't. Poems with printed or manuscript dates were then arranged into a simple chronological list according to those dates, and a monthly calendar drawn up. Even at this stage there were difficulties, since printed dates in titles or colophons are at best only claims that the poem was written on or published for the occasion: the work at hand might well have been written and printed in anticipation of the day, or composed retrospectively. A ballad on 29 May, the day Charles entered London, may have been produced for sale on the day, or may show clear evidence that the poet is reporting on events after they had actually occurred. Dates added in manuscript, mostly found in the collections of George Thomason and Anthony Wood, provide evidence of another sort that is no less problematic. Such dates can tell us that a particular poem had entered circulation and, in the absence of other evidence, this can be most useful but does not provide a reliable guide to either publication or composition. Nevertheless, these dates supply the bulk of evidence for arranging the poems chronologically and are recorded parenthetically in the Calendar; a fuller record of evidence is reported in the Checklist, which specifies copies bearing manuscript dates.

   Undated Poems: I then set about the poems for which printed or manuscript dates were not to be found, first of all sorting out those for which some other evidence was available. Where possible, I set these titles into the monthly calendar or, where two or more undated poems were evidently linked in some manner -- such as theme, printer, or provenance -- but not by evidence concerning a month or season, I assembled them in undated groups. The kinds of evidence at issue here were sometimes more detailed and so more reliable than a manuscript notation by Thomason or Wood. Henry Oxenden's letters, for instance, provide a fascinating and detailed acount of the composition, revision, costs of private publication, and difficulties engaging a printer, that were experienced by one rather desperate poet who was anxious to prove his loyalty and hold on to his family estates. Sometimes advertisements for poems appear in newsbooks; sometimes I have followed the instincts of a previous editor. All these datings are recorded inside square brackets.

   At this stage, before I attempted to address the problems of poems for which I could find no evidence for dating, the simple monthly calendar was proving less useful than before. For obvious reasons, poems tended to cluster around certain key dates and consequently required greater specificity than months could allow: May clearly needed breaking up while months later in the year were often empty. What principles other than dating might usefully be employed, either to replace or to supplement the initial monthly calendar? With this question in mind, I set about looking among the undatable poems for any kinds of internal evidence that might help date such poems or suggest into what other sorts of groups such poems should go. At first I became much taken with the idea of beginning with all the ballads written to the tune "when the king enjoys his own again," and to end with the "trunk" ballads. But since there were numerous poems in each of these groups that could be dated by some means, setting up such a new general principle of organization might introduce new problems and incongruities. If I were to group all ballads to the same tunes, why not all works from the same printer? If I were to group together works that constituted a collection because they were found lining a trunk, why not group together poems from other forms of contemporary collection, notably those of Thomason and Wood? In that case, what about the collections assembled during the nineteenth century, such as the Crawford and Euing collections of broadsides? A further problem here, of course, is that copies of the same poem often appear in different collections; how should such items appear in this one?

   In the event, I have stuck to a general chronological arrangement as far as possible, introducing thematic groups only when it makes better sense to do so than not to. Since the text of Martin Parker's original ballad, "When the king enjoys his own again," is itself a minor bibliographic nightmare, without any reliable evidence concerning the various versions printed for the Restoration, I have begun with a group of undatable variants of Parker's ballad, while other ballads to the same tune for which evidence of dating can be found are distributed accordingly. Three other thematic groupings encouraged themselves into which I have included poems even when there is evidence for dating: poems exclusively concerned with recounting Charles's escape from the Battle of Worcester back in 1651; a group of poems written from the perspective of Scotland;8 and a small selection of verses written on the trials of the regicides.


[8] See my review of Murray G. H. Pittock's Poetry and Jacobite Politics in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland, in Modern Philology, 94:4 (May 1997): 534-38.

Editorial Principles, Sigla, and Abbreviations

Copy Text

   The copy text is the first printing, except when a subsequent printing shows evidence of authoritative revision.

Reproduction of the Copy Text

   The copy text is reprinted except for:

1. Authoritative substantive variants including press corrections. Accidental features of such variants are made to conform to the copy text. Substantive changes are listed in footnotes.

2. Nonauthoritative substantive emendations are introduced only where the sense of a passage demands emendation and are listed in footnotes.

3. Authoritative accidental variants, as listed in footnotes.

4. Nonauthoritative accidental emendations. These are made as sense demands and are footnoted. If a later seventeenth-century edition produces the same emendation, that edition is (usually) noted in the collation/footnotes.

5. Turned b, d, p, q, n, and u are silently corrected as b, d, p, q, n, and u. If a spelling error results, it is corrected and footnoted.

6. Line numbers have been added, and poems in a series or collection have been numbered sequentially.

7. Illegible print which is indicated [. . .]

Silent Changes to the Copy Text


1. Long s becomes s; long f becomes f; VV becomes W. V for U is given U.

2. Turned letters other than b, d, p, q, n and u are adjusted.

3. Type set in the wrong font is adjusted; swash italics are represented by plain italics; extended verses (more than four lines) set in italics have been reversed; blackletter has been set in roman.

4. Medial apostrophes that failed to print have been restored; reversed apostrophes have been corrected.

5. Spacing between words and before and after punctuation has been normalized.

6. Titles, section titles, ornamental and oversized capital letters, the position of stanza numbers, and other similar typographical details are made uniform.

7. Printed marginal glosses given in different font and print size have been standardized and placed on the right margin as close as possible to the site in the copy text.

Textual Sigla, Notes, Abbreviations

   Textual notes indicate Wing number, the format of the printing, and provide a full description of the title page to the copy text when required. Sigla indicate the specific copies which have been collated, providing shelf-marks to copies in public-access libraries and collections. Sigla follow the abbreviations adopted by the Wing Short Title Catalogue for indicating library collections. Where multiple copies exist, I have attempted to examine at least five; where fewer than five copies are to be found in public access libraries, I have attempted to examine and collate all of them. Subsequent reprintings in seventeenth-century editions and collections, as well as a selection of modern scholarly editions, are indicated.

   Substantive and accidental variants are reported in footnotes only when they may affect meaning; no attempt has been made to record all press variants.

   Otherwise, footnotes and collations indicate all editorial changes to the copy text and list substantive press variants. However, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and typographical variants are listed only when they significantly affect the sense.

   When a variant in punctuation is listed, a wavy dash [~7E] is used in place of the word preceding the variant. A caret [^] signifies the ommission of a punctuation mark.

   Where a majority of copies share a reading, the sigla may be replaced in the notes and collation with a capital Sigma [ä], and then departures from the majority reading are listed by specific sigla.

Other abbreviations used in the editorial matter:

edthe present editor
msmanuscript; also used to indicate hand corrections accompanied by "inked out/inked"
r (superscript)recto
v (superscript)verso
t/p title page
sssingle sheet
7Eword preceding variant
äagreement in a majority of copies
^punctuation mark is omitted
()date based on printed evidence from the title or colophon, or a contemporary hand-written annotation
[?]date based on evidence from other sources; a question mark indicates editorial speculation based exclusively on internal evidence
~WingCatalogue numbers are to the revised printed version of the Wing STC and may not conform to the electronic revision

The Poems: A Short-Title Calendar

   This listing represents the chronological groups into which I have organized the poems and in which they will be issued.

I. Anticipation: The King Enjoys His own Again

Martin Parker, The King enjoys his own again [undated]

England's Great Prognosticator [undated]

A Worthy Kings Description [before May?]

II. The Escape from Worcester

J. W., The Royall Oak [before 29 May]

Henry Jones, The Royal Patient Traveller (1660)

The Royal Wanderer [before May?]

The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape of our Gracious King [before May?]

John Couch, His Majesties miraculous Preservation By the Oak, Maid, and Ship [before May?]

III. Hoping for the King, December 1659-April 1660

J. W., "A Second Charles" [February?]

A Psalme Sung by the people, before the bone-fires (February)

Thomas Robins, The Royall Subjects Joy [late February?]

Upon the King's Most Excellent Majestie (February)

Variant reprints: (1) News From The Royall Exchange (16 March), (2) "Arts Chaste Rule" The Case is altered [after 16 March?]

Thomas Joy, A Loyal Subjects Admonition [after March?]

An Exit to Exit Tyrannus (17 March)

The King Advancing (21 March)

"Upon the Kings Prerogative and Person", from The Case Stated (24 March)

John Ogilby, "The Second Charles" (28 March)

Variant reprints: (1) "The Second Charles (2) in The manner of the Solemnity (6 September)

England's Rejoycing at That Happy Day [March/April?]

Vox Populi Suprema Rex Carolus. Or the voice of the People for King Charles (April)

England's Genius Pleading for King Charles (April)

"Facidius Possibilis," A Royal Prophecy [late April?]

Gallant News of late I bring [late April?]

Richard Flecknoe, "Pourtrait of His Majesty" [late April?]

IV. The King Declared, early May

Anthony Sadler, Majestie Irradiant (1 May)

T. W., Dolor Ac Voluptas (8 May)

London and England Triumphant [8 May]

England's Day of Joy and Reioicing [8 May]

I. W., England's Honour, and London's Glory [8 May]

Alexander Huish, from Musa Ruralis (10 May)

Alexander Brome, England's Joy (14 May)

G. S., Britain's Triumph (14 May)

M. D., The Subjects Desire (16 May)

"A Bonfire Carol," from A Private Conference (May)

Anthony Sadler, The Subject's Joy (17 May)

Nathaneal Richards, Upon the Declaration (18 May)

J. Rowland, His Sacred Majesty Charles the II (May)

Martin Lluellyn, To The Kings Most Excellent Majesty (May)

The Countrey-mans Vive Le Roy [early May?]

J. G. B., Royall Poems [early May?]

V. Arrival and Progress in England, 25-31 May 1660

Giles Duncombe and Thomas Flatman (?), verses from Scutum Regale (21-8 May)

Richard Bradshaw, "Upon the most desired return" (25 May)

"When Charles King of England" [after 25 May]

Vox Populi, the voice of the people congratulating His Majesty, King Charles (28 May)

H. H. B., A Poem To His Majestie On His Landing [May]

T. H., Iter Boreale, The Second part Variant rpt. of The Noble Progresse [28 May]

Thomas Mayhew, Upon The Joyful and Welcome Return (May)

William Pestell, A Congratulation (29 May)

James Shirley, An Ode Upon the Happy Return [May]

England's Pleasant May-flower [29 May]

Englands Gratulation [after 29 May]

J. W., The King and Kingdoms joyful Day of Triumph [after 29 May]

The Glory of these Nations [after 29 May]

Iter Australe [after 29 May]

James Bernard, A Poem Upon His Sacred Majesties [after 29 May]

Charles Hammond, from London's Triumphant Holiday, and from The Worlds Timely Warning-Piece [after 29 May?]

Laurence Price, Win at first, lose at last [after May?]

Abraham Cowley, Ode, Upon the Blessed Restoration (May)

W. L., Good News From The Netherlands (31 May)

A Countrey Song, Intituled The Restoration (May)

England's Captivity Returned [May?]

VI. Loyal expressions, June

William Lower, "An Acrostick Poem" [after 2 June]

To the King, Upon His Majesties Happy Return (June)

Alexander Brome, A Congratulatory Poem (4 June)

Thomas Saunderson, A Royall Loyall Poem (4 June)

Elias Ashmole, Sol In Ascendente (after 4 June)

Theophilus Cleaver and Daniel Nichols, verses in Filius Heroum (5 June)

Arthur Brett, The Restauration (5 June)

John Lawson, Upon The Blessed Return (6 June)

Samuel Woodford, Epinicia Carolina (7 June)

Abiel Borfet, Postliminia Caroli II (8 June)

Edmund Waller, To The King (9 June)

Thomas Higgons, A Panegyrick To The King (10 June)

Clement Ellis, To the King's Most Excellent Majesty (June)

A Congratulation For His Sacred Majesty (13 June)

Samuel Holland, To The Best of Monarchs (14 June)

Samuel Willes, To the King's Most Sacred Majesty (June)

Anglia Rediviva: A Poem On His Majesties Most Joyfull Reception Into England (17 June)

John Dryden, Astraea Redux (19 June)

William Davenant, Poem (25 June)

Thomas Edwards, To His Sacred Majesty (26 June)

Thomas Flatman, A Panegyrick (30 June)

A Glimpse of Joy (30 June)

William Fairebrother, An Essay of a Loyal Brest (June)

Robert Howard, "A Panegyrick" (June)

Edmund Elys, Anglia Rediviva [June]

William Chamberlayne, England's Jubile [June?]

John Collop, Itur Satyricum [June?]

William Smith, Carmen Triumphale [June?]

A. Starkey, Good News for England [early June?]

VII. Two academic gatherings

Oxford University, Britannia Rediviva (7 July)

Woodstock Grammar School, Votivum Carolo (June/July)

VIII. Loyal Expressions, July 1660

Giles Fleming, from Stemma Sacrum (July)

John Tatham, from London's Glory (5 July)

The Royal Entertainment . . . the Fourth of July (July)

Nathan Ingelo, "A Song of Thanksgiving" (5 July)

J. P., The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes [after July?]

Thomas Fuller, A Panegyrick [after 6 July?]

Richard Brathwait, To His Majesty (12 July)

John Selden, from The Royal Chronicle (17 July)

The Valiant Seamans Congratulation [July?]

Ralph Astell, Vota, Non Bella [July?]

IX. Views from Scotland

The Covenant [early March?]

A Pair of Prodigals Returned (30 June)

Caledons Gratulatory Rapture [after 29 May]

Grampius Congratulation [summer?]

Laetitae Caledonicae [late summer?]

Scotland's Paraenesis to her dread King [late summer?]

X. Punishing the Regicides, July to October 1660

T. R., The Royall Subjects Warning-piece [before trials]

The Traytors Downfall [after trials]

Variant: King Charles his Glory and Rebells Shame: A Relation of Ten Grand Infamous Traytors [late October]

XI. Later in the year, August to November 1660

John Crouch, A Mixt Poem [after July]

"Philobasileus," Three Royal Poems (4 August)

Rachel Jevon, Exultationis Carmen (17 August)

England's Joy in a Lawful Triumph [after September]

Samuel Pordage, "A Panegyrick" [after 13 September]

Sir George McKenzie, "A POEM," from Aretina [after September]

Henry Beeston, A Poem To His Most Excellent Majesty, and Henry Bold, "To His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second" (September)

Thomas Forde, "Upon His Sacred Majesty" (October)

John Denham, The Prologue to his Majesty (November)

Thomas Pecke, To the Most High and Mighty Monarch [late November?]

XII. Approaching the Coronation, December 1660-April 1661

"In the eight Kings reign" in The Strange and Wonderfull Prophesie (14 December)

Giles Duncombe, A Counter-blast to the Phanaticks [after 24 December]

C. H., Hells Master-piece discovered (late December)

John Boys, "Epigram," from Aeneas, His Descent into Hell (30 December)

Henry Oxenden, Charls Triumphant [after December]

Walter Charleton, from An Imperfect Pourtraicture (March)

Izaak Walton, "To My Ingenious Friend Mr. Brome," and Alexander Brome, "Song. On the Kings Return" (1661)

Cedrus Britanica et laurus regia [undated: pre-coronation]

XIII. The Tide Turning: voices of complaint

The Cavaliers Complaint (15 March)

The Cavaliers Comfort [after June 1661]

An Annotated Check-list of English Poems on the Restoration appearing in printed books during 1660 based on Wing's STC

   Although the information included here should prove redundant once this anthology has been completed, my object in including this checklist here is to provide scholars working in Restoration studies with a useful tool that will help them in assessing the poetic response to the events of 1660. This list is close to being a complete record of the printed English poems that directly address the king on his return, though I am acutely aware of omissions and the likelihood of errors.

   This checklist provides full titles, colophons, and location guides to the English language poems that will be included in the present anthology. All were published to commemorate Charles's return between January 1660 and his Coronation in April 1661. Many of them are separately printed items, but I have also included poems to be found embedded in other works. In searching for embedded poems, I have attempted to examine copies of every Wing title dated 1660 as well as most dated 1659 and 1660; there are no doubt many more of these than I have been able to find.

   Entries are here arranged alphabetically by author or title in the following format: Wing number; author; title, or title page details including colophon; format; list of copies known to me. I have attempted to provide bibliographical information that will most assist scholars in finding original copies by including library shelfmarks and selected reprint information, though again these details are far from complete in every case. Where specific copies of poems bear manuscript annotations, I have indicated so, especially when dates have been added. In citing libraries, I again follow the abbreviations adopted by the Wing project, adding shelfmarks to copies that appear in major public-access research collections.

   In line with the policy of the anthology as a whole, omitted from this list are printed poems addressed primarily to General Monck or other members of the royal family, anti-Rump satires, and foreign language poems. I have made no systematic attempt to locate manuscript poems on the Restoration, but have, however, included here a brief checklist of manuscript poems in the Bodleian Library derived from Margaret Crum's First-Line Index of Manuscript Poetry in the Bodleian Library, and a selection of manuscript poems in the British Library.

   Having been composed as a working checklist over the last two decades, this list nevertheless remains in many ways both incomplete and already out of date. Items not appearing in the first revised printed versions of Wing STC are marked /not Wing/: these will be updated from the online Wing STC in due course. Orthography has generally been simplified, though irregular use of capitals has been retained when evidently deliberate (eg Ralph Astell's poem). Under "Commentaries" I have listed bibliographical descriptions; these listings do not include critical commentaries unless they directly offer bibliographical details.

A3179. Anglia Rediviva: / A / POEM / ON HIS / MAJESTIES / Most joyfull Reception / INTO / ENGLAND. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne for Charles Adams, and are to be / sold at the signe of the Talbot in Fleetstreet, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-6.
Copies: LT E.1029(3), ms dated "17 June"; O Tanner 744(20); CH 25754, the Corser-Brooke copy with additional Dutch portrait of Charles; MH; WF.
Commentaries: Corser, 2.2: 321-2

A3985-6. Ashmole, Elias. Sol In Ascendente: / OR, / The glorious Appearance / OF / CHARLES the Second, / UPON / The Horizon of London, in her Horosco-/ picall Sign, Gemini. / [royal arms] / Iam vaga co/elo sidera fulgens, / Aurora fugat; surgit Titan / Radiante coma, mundoque diem / Reddit clarum. / [rule] / London, Printed for N. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill. 1660.

   Format: Qto. Variant printings.
Copies, A3985: L; O Ashmole 36,37(l7); MH.
Reprint: lines 45-58 were printed in Mercurius Aulicus #8 (28 May-4 June), p. 58, with one variant in line 58.
Another edition, A3986: Sol In Ascendente: / OR / The Glorious Appearance of / CHARLES / THE SECOND, / UPON / The Horizon of LONDON, in / her Horoscopicall Sign, Gemini. / [rule] / Iam vaga co/elo sidera fulgens, / Aurora fugat; surgit Titan / Radiante coma, mundoque diem / Reddit clarum. / [rule] / EDINBURGH, / Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against / the Trone-Church, Anno Dom. 1660. / [ornamental box]
Copies: EN Ry.III.c.34(1); MH; Y.
Ms version: O Ashmole 38 f.230, a corrected, autograph copy.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1675; Crum, A 1309.

A4068. Astell, Ralph. VOTA, NON BELLA. / [rule] / NeW-CastLe's / HeartIe GratULatIon / TO HER / SaCreD SoVeraIgn / KIng CharLes The SeConD; / ON / HIs noW-GlorIoUs RestaUratIon / To HIs BIrth-rIght-PoWer. / [rule] / By Ralph Astell, M. A. / [rule] / Gateshead, Printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1660. / [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-16.
Copies: L G.18923; O Vet A3 e 352.

B81B. "B., H. H." A Poem to His Maiestie / On His Landing. / By H. H. B.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L 1876.f.1(6).

B132. "B., J. G." ROYALL / POEMS / Presented to His Sacred / MAJESTY / Charles the II. / [rule] / By J. G. B. / [rule] / I. On the Kings most excellent Majesties happy Return to his Kingdomes. / 2. Annagramma in Principem, Carolus Stuartus i.e. Arthur, Laus, Custos. / 3. On the Lord Monck, Generalissimo of all his Majesties Forces. / 4. An Elegie on the Martyrdom of King Charles the First. / 5. On the Regicides. / 6. On the Tribe of Fortune, the Rump of the Long Parliament. / 7. Inverba Caroli Regis dam suit Hispame in illud Nasonis: Nunc notis adversaprelia fronte gerit. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for R. Wood. 1660.

Copies: MH Copy inscribed "Harvard College Library / In Memory of / Lionel De Jersey Harvard / Class of 1915" dated Dec. 29, 1925.

B1694. Beeston, Henry. A / POEM / To His most Excellent Majesty / Charles the Second. / Ego Beneficio tuo (Cæsar) quos ante Audie-/ bam hodié vidi Deos: Nec feliciorem ul-/ lum vitæ meæ aut Optavi, aut sensi Diem. /Paterc', &c. / [rule] / By H. Beeston Winton'. / Together with another / By Hen. Bold olim Winton'. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by Edward Husbands, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the / Commons House of Parliament, 1660. / [double-ruled box]

   Format: F. t/p + pp. 3-10, sigs. [A-Cv]
Copies: LT E.1080(12), ms dated "24 Sept"; O Gough Loudon 2(3); OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(106a); TU Aj/B393/660p; Y.
Also contains: Bold, Henry, "To His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second." Reprinted in Poems Lyrique, Macaronique (Henry Brome, 1664), pp. 205-206.

B1995. Bernard, James. A / POEM / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / DISTRESSES, / AND LATE / HAPPY RESTAURATION. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for R. Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in / St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [1]-6.
Copies: WF 189623 ; CH 432487; MH.

B3765. Borfet, Abiel. POSTLIMINIA / CAROLI II. / THE / PALINGENESY, / OR, / SECOND-BIRTH, / OF / CHARLES the Second to his / Kingly Life; Upon the day of his First, / May 29. / [rule] / By Abiel Borfet, M. A. / [large crown] / LONDON, / Printed for M. Wright at the Kings-head in the / Old-Baily, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-9.
Copies: LT E.1027(10), ms dated "8 June"; O Tanner 774(19); CH 112864; WF ms dated "8 June 1660"; Y; MH.

V619/V620. Boys, John. "Epigram" from ÆNEAS / HIS / DESCENT / INTO / HELL: / As it is inimitably described by the / Prince of Poets in the sixth / of his ÆNEIS. / [rule] / Made English by JOHN BOYS of Hode-Court, Esq; / [rule] / Together with an ample and learned Comment upon the same, / wherein all passages Criticall, Mythological, Philoso-/ phical and Historical, are fully and clearly explained. / To which are added some certain Pieces relating to the / Publick, written by the Author. / [rule] / Invia virtuti nulla est via. -- -- -- Ovid. Met / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Henry Brome / at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1661. / [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto. Variant printings.
Copies, V620: L 11375.c.36, ms signed "Wm Amherst. Novemb: 1660"; C; Lincolns Inn; OW L.R.III.4, William Gower's copy; EtonC; SP; CH; MH. Another edition, V619: LONDON, Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne, living in Thames / street over against Barnards Castle. 1661.
Copies: LT E.1054(3) dated 30 December; O 90.d.22, ms signed "Elizabeth Bridgeman" top t/p; left t/p margin signed "John Watts is a scotch man" with further occasional marginal glosses throughout; OCC; CSJ; BLH; BMA; CB; CLC; IU; MH; NP; PL; WF; Y; ASU; CN Case Y 672.v 9166.

R453. Bradshaw, Richard. "Upon the most desired return of the Kings most Sacred / Majesty at Dover. / An humble Sute, or Supplication / For King, and Law, and the whole Nation" in A Speech made before the King's most Excellent Majesty CHARLES the Second, / on the Shore where he Landed at Dover. By Mr. John Reading B. D. who presented his Majesty with a Bible, the Gift of the / Inhabitants there, May 25th 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 398(11).

B4277. Brathwait, Richard. TO HIS / MAJESTY / UPON HIS / HAPPY ARRIVALL / In our late discomposed / ALBION. / [rule] / [royal arms] / [rule] / Sidon. / Vidi quod speravi, vidisse tamen dolui, perægrè spectando quod petii. / [rule] / By R. Brathwait Esq. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivie-lane. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [3]-15.
Copies: LT E.1032(5), ms dated "12 July"; OH J.38(3*), ms signed "Peter Crutchfield"; OW B.B.15(37); CH 102846; MH; Y

B4397. Brett, Arthur. The Restauration. / OR, / A POEM / on the Return of the / MOST MIGHTY / and ever / Glorious PRINCE, / CHARLES the II. / TO HIS / Kingdoms. / [rule] / By ARTHUR BRETT / of Christs-Church Oxon. / [rule] / -- Deum Delph ; meos. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. H. for Samuel Thomson at the Bi-/ shops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-25.
Copies: LT E.1027(7), ms dated "5 June"; O Tanner 774(17); OB 530.b.2(1), Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 4d., an authorial presentation copy with additional prose dedication; 9 CS; MR R18763; NP; WF; CH 357156; MH.

B4849. Brome, Alexander. A / Congratulatory / POEM, / ON / The Miraculous, and Glorious Return / of that unparallel'd KING / CHARLS the II. / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By ALEX. BROME. / [rule] / Pers. -- -- Ipse Semipaganus / Ad Sacra Regum carmen affero nostrum. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-18; sigs. [A]-[C]2v.
Copies: LT E.1027(4), ms dated "4 June"; O1 Tanner 744(15); O2 Wood 319(9), ms dated "June"; CH 113249, t/p annotated "1d"; CLC PR 2459 B48C6; MH; TU Wj/B788/660c; Y; WF Reprints: Brome, Songs and other Poems (1664, 1668), and in Dubinski, ed. 1.358-367 (l664 text).

E2988/E2988bA. Brome, Alexander. ENGLANDS JOY / For the Coming in of our Gratious Soveraign / King CHARLES the Second / [text] / London, Printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings
Copies, E2988: LT 669.f.25 (22), ms dated "14 June"; L c.20.f2(20); OC B.23(67); MC Halliwell Phillips # 2745; O Wood 416(84).
Another edition, E2988ba: for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.
Copies: GU Euing 99.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook (p. 94) mentions a "2nd edition" by Andrews which, presumably, is this.
Reprint: Dubinski, 2.57-60.
Another shorter version appeared under the title: "For General Monk his Entertainment at Cloath-workers Hall. 13 Mar." in Songs and other Poems 1661; rpt. in Dubinski, 1.175-177.
Commentaries: Jose, p. 28.

B4852/B4853. Brome, Alexander. "Song. On the Kings Return" in SONGS / AND OTHER / POEMS. / [rule] / BY / ALEX. BROME, / GENT. / Dixero siquid jocosius, hoc mihi juris / Cum Venia dabis -- -- Hor. I. Sat. 4. / [rule] / [crown] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane. 1661.

   Format: 8to. Variant printings: contains Isaac Walton, "To my ingenious Friend
Mr. Brome, / on his various and excellent Poems: / An humble Eglog," sigs. [A6]-[A6v]; and Brome, "Song xxxix. On the Kings Return", pp. 112-13. Copies, B4852: O1 Douce B290, this copy has an engraved portrait tipped in opposite t/p: "VERA EFFIGIES A: BROME 1664" subscripted "CARMINA DESUNT"; "To the Reader" sigs. [A2v]-[A5] ends with ms: "Old Brome he was a witty knave / that's all his character can crave" [A5]; O2 Harding C 3310; O3 Harding C 536, this copy has variant K gathering not found in other copies; C Syn 7 66 102; L; CH 106634; CLC; CN; MH; TU; Y; WF.
Reprint: Dubinski, 1:173-4.
Another edition, B4853: "Song xl" in Songs (1664), p. 122, and Songs `(1668), pp. 111-112; partly reprinted with music by Matthew Locke in John Playford's Catch as Catch Can (1667).
Copies: L1; L2 G.18537, author's gift to Ralph Bathurst; CT; BN, CH, CU, MH, NC, Y; WF
Commentaries: Corser, 2.

/not Wing/. "C., J." "The Second Charles. Heire of ye Royall Martyr"

   Format: verses on a cut of Charles by William Faithorne
Copies: L -- see British Museum Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, 1:401.
Ms version: O Bodley MS Hearne Diary 57, p. 80, dated "March 28th. Wednesday."
Reprint: Lord, POAS, 1: frontispiece.
Commentaries: Crum, T 1291a.


   Format: brs.
Copies: EN L.C.1155; OW LR 8.32(109), removed from G.5.10.

C871a. The Case is altered / OR, / Sir Reverence, The Rumps last Farewel. / To the Tune of, Robin Hood. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White-lyon neer Pye-corner.

   Format and date: brs. After the collapse of the Rump on 16 March.
Copies: L c.120.h.4(3) a "trunk ballad"
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xvii-xix.

/not Wing/. The Cavaliers Comfort; / Or, Long lookt for will come at last. / Here's good news from Sea now sent to the Shore, / And good news on Land, so what would you have more. / To the Tune of THE KING INJOYS HIS OWN AGAIN. / [two cuts] / [text] / LONDON, Printed for WILLIAM GILBERTSON dwelling in GILTSPUR-STREET.

   Format: bl brs. A reply to The Cavaliers Complaint (see below).
Copies: GU Euing 26.
Reprint: Ebsworth MDC, pp. 52-4.

C1569-71. The Cavaliers Complaint / [ruled box] / To the tune of, / I'le tell thee Dick. &c. / This is the Constant note I'le sing. / I have been Faithful to the KING, / And so, shall Live and Dye. / [text] / LONDON, Printed for N. Butter, dwelling in Cursitors Alley. 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings
Copies, C1570: L1 c.40.m.11(23)
Another edition, C1569: To the Tune of, I'le tell thee Dick. &c. An Echo to the Cavaliers Complaint. / [text] / LONDON, Printed, 1660.
Copies: MC Halliwell Phillips, # 2641.
Another edition, C1570A and C1571: The Cavaleers Complaint. / To the Tune of, I tell Thee DICK, &c. / [text] / LONDON, Printed for Robert Crofts at the Crown in Chancery Lane. 1661.
Copies: O Wood 416(76), in this copy the original printed date of "1661" has been emended in hand to "1660"; this is really another copy of C1571; L2 c.20.f.4(33), a Luttrell item [reported missing in April 1996]; LT 669.f.26(69), ms dated "15 March" [i.e. 1661]; MH.
Reprints: An Antidote Against Melancholy: Made up in Pills (London, 1661), pp. 49-51; Dryden, ed., Miscellany (1716) 4:352-4; Wright, Political Ballads, pp. 257-59; Wilkins, Political Ballads, 1:162; Ebsworth, MDC, pp. 52-4.

C1654. CEDRUS BRITANICA / ET / LAURUS REGIA / SIVE / REX & CORONOA / A / POETICAL HEXAMERON. / Shewing, / 1. The Invention, / 2. The Distinction, / 3. The Designation, / 4. The Necessity, / 5. The Dignity, / 6. The Perpetuity. / Of Crownes. / [design: angels hold rose and thistle] / Printed, Anno Dom. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-12.
Copies: WF C1654.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94.

C1863. Chamberlayne, William. Englands Iubile: / Or, A Poem on the happy return of his / Sacred Majesty, Charls the II. / [text] / London, Printed for Robert Clavell at the Stags-head in / St. Pauls Church yard, 1660.

   Format: Qto. A-[A4v]; pp. [1]-8. no separate title page.
Copies: L c.133.dd.11; O Tanner 744(22).
Reprint: Saintsbury, Minor Poets, 1:297.
Commentaries: Corser, 2.1:

C3677. Charleton, Walter. verses in: AN IMPERFECT / POURTRAICTURE / OF HIS / SACRED MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / BY THE GRACE OF GOD / KING / Of Great BRITAIN, FRANCE, and IRELAND, / Defender of the Faith, &c. / Written by a Loyal Subject, who most / Religiously affirms, / Se non diversas spes, sed incolumitatem / Cæsaris simpliciter spectare. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the Sign of the An- / chor in the Lower Walk of the New-Exchange. 1661.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: O 4to Rawl.324, vellum binding with garter arms, heavy ms annotations signed "Walter Charleton"; LT E.1084(8), ms dated "7 March"; LLP NN.196.3(2); OW; OFX; C; CT; CH; CSS; CU; LC; MIU; MMU; WF 186907.

C3768A. The chearfull Acclamation of the City of / EDINBURGH, / For the happy Return of his Sacred Majesty, / CHARLES / THE SECOND.

   Format: brs. [Edinburgh?? 1660??]
Copies: OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10.
Commentaries: NOT listed in Aldis.

G941. Cleaver, Theophilus. "To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN / Batchelour in Divinitie," in: [Hebrew] Filius Heröum, / THE SON OF NOBLES. / Set Forth / IN A SERMON / PREACHED / At St Mary's in Cambridge before / the University, on Thursday the / 24th of May, 1660 being the day of / Solemn Thanksgiving for the Deliverance / and Settlement of our Nation. / By WILL. GODMAN B. D. Fellow of the / King's Colledge in Cambridge. / Because the Lord hath loved his people, he hath made thee / King over them. 2 Chron. 2.11. / -- -- Nusquam libertas gratior extat / Quam sub Rege pio -- -- / [Greek epigraph] / [rule] / LONDON, / by J. Flesher, for W. Morden Bookseller in Cambridge. / An. Dom. M DC LX. [double-rule box].

   Format: Qto. Verses at sigs. b2-[b2v].
Copies: L 226.g.21(2); O Pamph. C110(4); C; NE; DT; CLC Pamph. coll. Misc. Sermons v.2; CN; MH; NU; Y; WF. See also Nicols below.

C5392. Collop, John. ITER / Satyricum: / IN / LOYALL / Stanzas. / [rule] / By John Collop, M. D. / [double rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. M. for William / Shears, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of / the Bible in Bedford-street neer Covent-/ Garden, 1660.

Copies: L 11609.b.6; O Firth.e.157(3), ms notes; EN reported missing by Hilberry; CN;
Reprint: Conrad Hilberry, ed., The Poems of John Collop.

/not Wing/. "Come you Poets drink a round" / [text] / Printed for F. G. The title is missing from the unique copy: first line here given as title.

   Format: bl brs
Copies: L c.120.h.4(4) a "trunk ballad" in very poor condition; probably printed for Francis Groves.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:lvii-lviii.

C5813A. A CONGRATULATION / For His Sacred Majesty, CHARLES, the third / Monarch of Great Britain, His happy Arrival / at WHITE-HALL. / By a Loyal Member of His Majesties Army. / Edinburgh, June 13. 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: EN1 Ry III c 34(3); EN2 S.302.b.2(24); OW L.R.8.32, removed from G.5.10(101).
Reprint: Laing, Fugitive Scottish Poetry (1853).
Commentaries: Aldis, #1638.

C6508A. Couch, John. His Majesties miraculous Preservation / By the Oak, Maid, and Ship. / [text] / By John Couch, M. in A. sequestred from Horsmonden in Kent.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.20.f.4(38).

C6559. The Countrey-mans VIVE Le ROY. / OR, / His Joyfull Exaltation for King CHARLES [10] his Restoration, / In a Dialogue between DICK a Plough-man, / and JACK a Shepherd. / With Jacks Epigram upon Englands Grand TRAYTOR. / [text] / London, Printed for J. Jones, 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.20.f.2(41).


   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.27(18), ms dated "May 1661".
Reprint: Wright, Political Ballads, pp. 265-268; Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxvi.

C6619A. The Covenant. / OR, / No King but the Old King's Son, / OR, / A brief Rehearsall of what heretofore was done. / All sorts of People of it take a view, / You surely will confess that I say true; / Let none mislike the same that cannot mend it, / Neither rashly censure him that pen'd it. / To the Tune of, True Blew will never staine. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus11 on London-Bridge.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 43; O Firth c.20(f118), a modern transcription of this ballad, presumably by Firth.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93; sale catalogues -- Heber, IV 200 (12); Smith, Cat. 43.

C6677. Cowley, Abraham. ODE, / UPON / The Blessed Restoration / and Returne / OF / HIS SACRED MAJESTIE, / Charls the Second. / [rule] / By A. Cowley. / [rule] / Virgil. -- -- Quod optanti Divum promittere nemo / Auderet, volvenda dies, en, attulit ultro. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / Shop on the Lower Walk in the New Exchange. / Anno Dom. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-19.
Copies: O Pamph C110(24); OW L.R.426; C Syn.7.66.11(3); LT E.1025(l8), ms dated "31 May"; L 873.h.30; CT Y.9.108 (4); CS Ee.4.26(9); E; CLC; CH 120961; CU; MH; WF; TU1 Aj/C839/660; TU2 Wj/C839/6600; Y.

C7300-1. Crouch, John. A / Mixt Poem, / Partly Historicall, partly Panegyricall, / UPON THE / Happy Return of His Sacred MAJESTY / Charls the Second, / AND HIS / Illustrious Brothers the DUKES of / YORK and GLOCESTER. / With Honorable Reflections upon some State-mar-/ tyrs, and the Renowned Generall. / Not Forgetting the Rump and its Appurtenances. / [rule] / By J. C. Gent. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Thomas Bettertun at his shop in / Westminster-hall. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + [ii] + pp. 1-15.
Copies, C7300: L 11626.c.5, includes frontispiece portrait of Charles by A. Hertochs; C Syn. 766.11 (1); CH 49036; MH; WF; Y; CN 337666.
Another edition, C7301: A / Mixt Poem / Partly Historicall, Partly Panegyricall, / UPON THE / Happy Return of his Sacred MAJES-/ TY CHARLES the Second, &c. / AND HIS / Illustrious brothers the DUKES of YORK / and GLOCESTER. / With Reflections upon the Late RUMP, and / their Appurtenances. / Not Forgetting his Excellency the Lord / GENERAL MONCK. / [rule] / By J. C. Gent. / [rule] / London, Printed for Daniell White at the Seaven / Stars in Pauls Church-yard, 1660.
Format: Qto. t/p + A, [no A2] A3-[A4] B-[B4v]
Copies: O Malone 746(3*).
Another edition, C7291A: in variant form as "A Poem Upon the Happy Restauration" in John Crouch, Census Poeticus (H. Brugis, 1663).
Copies: C Peterborough Q.2.23.

D65. D., M. THE / SUBJECTS / DESIRE / To see our Gracious King Charles / THE SECOND, / HIS SAFE ARRIVALL. / [rule] / [text] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1660. / [rule]

   Format: mixed italic and bl brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(24), ms dated "16 May."

D334. Davenant, William. POEM, / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / MOST HAPPY / RETURN / TO HIS / DOMINIONS. / [rule] / Written by / Sr William Davenant. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop at the signe of the Anchor on the Lower walk / in the New Exchange. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-22; sigs. [A]-[C4v].
Copies: O Tanner 744 (l4); OW L.R.4.27, removed from B.B.1.5(39); OH J.38(7); OB 910.h.13(4); L 11626.d.11; LT E. 184(2), ms dated "25 June"; CH 1016521; CLC PR 2 P 81; WF D334; TU Wh/D272/660p; MH; WF; Y.
Reprint: The Works of Sr William D'avenant Kt. (1673), pp. 256-61.

D1007A/8. Denham, John. THE / PROLOGUE / TO HIS / MAJESTY / At the first PLAY presented at the Cock-pit in / WHITEHALL, / Being part of that Noble Entertainment which Their MAIESTIES received Novemb. 19. / from his Grace the Duke of ALBERMARLE. / [text] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for G. Bedell and T. Collins, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 398(16), ms "John Denham Esq; at his Maties first coming into England; By Sr Jo: Denham Kt of ye Bath"; LT 669.f.26(30), ms dated "23 November"; LG; MH.
Reprint: Banks, ed., The Poems of Sir John Denham pp. 94-95; A. N. Wiley, ed., Rare Prologues (l940), pp. 8-12.

D2244. Dryden, John. Astræa Redux. / A / POEM / On the Happy / Restoration & Return / Of His Sacred Majesty / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By John Driden. / [rule] / Iam Redit & Virgo, Redeunt Saturnia Regna. Virgil. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop, at the Blew-Anchor, in the lower Walk of the New-/ Exchange, 1660.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: O1 Pamph 111(5) 1st state; O2 Gough Loudon 2(13) 2nd state; LT E.1080(6), ms dated "19 June" 2nd state; UL Sel. 3.162 (1); OM K.11.9 bound in after p. 288, 2nd state, with light pencil marks on some borders (bound with extensively annotated copy of Absalom and Achitophel); CH 125994 2nd state; WF D2244 2nd state; LVF; BN; CN; CLC; MH; Y.
Commentaries: MacDonald, 5Ai. Advertized in Mercurius Publicus (21-28 June, 1660).

/not Wing/. Duncombe, Giles. A Counter-blast to the Phanaticks.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.112.h.4(29).

D2599a and B3557 [mistaken double entry]. Duncombe, Giles. Verses in: Scutum Regale, / THE / Royal Buckler; / OR, / VOX LEGIS, / A / Lecture to Traytors: / Who most wickedly murthered / CHARLES the I, / AND / Contrary to all Law and Religion banished / CHARLES THE II. / 3d MONARCH of / GREAT BRITAIN, &c. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / Salus populi, Salus Regis. / LONDON, 1660. / [enclosed within double-rule box] [printed in black and red inks].

   Format and date: 8to. Advertised in the Parliamentary Intelligencer 22 (21-28 May), p. 348.
Copies: O1 Tanner 624, has an additional cut after the t/p and before the Epistle to the Reader showing Charles about to be crowned by an angel, followed by a dedication page "To His Most Sacred Majestie"; O2 Linc 8to c.183, has the additional engraving of Charles between sigs A and B; L1 292.a.15, the plate of shepherd missing; L2 1483.aa.26; L3 G3535, ms note: "This Copy belonged to the Royal Library of Charles 2d whose cypher is on the binding. It has not only a very fine impression of the Frontispiece, but it has also a 2d Plate which precedes the "Shepherd's Complaint" at the end of the book, & is very seldom found with it. This Plate has been by some called "Charles 2d" but it is so unlike that it is not easy to believe it could be meant for his portrait"; C Adams 8.66.8; WF 140413 has the additional engraving of Charles between sigs A and B; CT; P; CH; CN; MH; Y; Exeter.

E238. Edwards, Thomas. TO / His Sacred Majesty, / CHARLES / The Second, / ON HIS / HAPPY RETURN.

   Format: F. t/p + pp. 1-2; sigs. [A-A2v].
Copies: LT E.1080(7) 1st state, ms dated "26 June"; O Gough Loudon 2(4) 2nd state (see line 21); Y.

E575. Ellis, Clement. TO THE / KING'S / Most Excellent Majesty: / ON HIS / Happie and Miraculous / RETURN / To The Government of his Three (now) flourishing / KINGDOMS. / [text: pp. 1-6] / LONDON: / Printed by James Cottrel, for Humphry Robinson, at the / three Pigeons in St. Paul's Church-yard. / M D C L X.

   Format: F.
Copies: LT E.1080(5), ms dated "11 June" with ms note: "The gift of the Author, my son George's Tutor."

E660-1. Elys, Edmund. ANGLIA REDIVIVA. / OR / The Miraculous Return of / THE BREATH OF OUR NOSTRILS. / A POEM. / [rule] / by EDMUND ELIS, Master of Arts. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-10; sigs. [A]-[B4v].
Copies: OB 910.h.13(9), 1st uncorrected state, Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 6d.; L 1347.d.50, reported mislaid, January 1996; O Pamph c.110(28) 2nd state; LLP KA446, 2nd state, with additional ms verses; MH; CLC PR 3431.E59A6.
Latin edition at E661: F. [1662].
Copies: O Ashm.F.4(41); OB 670.e.8(14), Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 2d.
Commentaries: Madan, #2493, 2950; according to Madan, the Oxford publisher Henry Hall printed the English version "about June."

E2951A. Englands Captivity Returned, / WITH / A Farwel to COMMON-WEALTHS. / To the Tune of, The brave Sons of Mars.

   Format: bl brs. Partial text only; probably for Francis Grove.
Copies: O Firth b.20(f25).
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 8:787. See "When Charles King of England Safe on Shore" below.

E2955A. Englands day of Joy and Reioycing, Or, Long lookt for is come at last. / Or the true manner of proclaiming CHARLS the Second King of Eng- / land, &c. Ths Eighth day of this present May; to the ever honored praise / of Generall Monck, being for the good of his Country and the Parliament. / To the Tune of, Jockey. / [two cuts]/ [text] / London, Printed for W. Gilbertson, at the sign of the Bible in Giltspur-street.

   Format: bl brs. [largely illegible].
Copies: MH *pEBB65.

E2965. ENGLANDS Genius / PLEADING FOR / KING CHARLES / To the Right Honorable the / LORDS and COMMONS / in PARLIAMENT, &c. / And to the Lord MONCK Generall of all the forces in England, / Scotland and Ireland, &c. / [text] / London, Printed for J. Jones, 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 416(80), ms dated "April"; LT 669.f.25(3), ms dated "30 April"; L1 c.20.f.4(69), removed from Luttrell II(69); L2 c.121.g.9(6), reported missing 1995.
Commentaries: Frank, #776.

E2972. Englands / Gratulation / on / the Landing of Charles the / Second, by the grace of God, King of England, / Scotland, France, and Ireland at Dover, and / his advance from thence to the City of Lon- / don, May the 29. being His Birth Day. / [space] / Attended with all the ancient Nobility and Gentry / of this nation, and a great part of the army commanded / by his Excellence the Lord Generall MONK, His / magnificant entertainment in the City of Lon- / don by the Right Honourable the Lord / Mayor and his Brethren, and the great / preparation for his Coronation, / which wil be more ful of State / and tryumph then ever King / of England had before. / [design -- winged skull with motto "Spes Daddibit{?} Alas"] / [text] / London, Printed for William Gilbertson.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-6; sigs. [A]-[A4v].
Copies: MH *p EC65.A100 660e2.

E2974A. England's Great Prognosticator, / Foretelling when England shall enjoy a settled peace and happinesse again, / Not by Planets, Signes, nor by Stars, But truly tells when ends these bloody wars. / To the Tune of, When the King injoyes his own again. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow-/ hill, without Newgate. / Entred according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 96.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

E2988aA. Englands Joy in a Lawful Triumph. / Bold Phanaticks now make room / CHARLS the Second's coming home. / As it was voted in the House on May-day last 1660. / To the Tune of, Packingtons Pound. / [text] / London, Printed for F.G. on Snow-hill. Entred / According to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 98.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxvii-xxix.

E3017A. Englands pleasant May-Flower / OR, / Charles the second, as we say, / Came home the twenty ninth of May. / Let Loyal hearts rejoyce and sing / For joy they have got a Gracious KING. / The tune is, Upon Saint Davids day. / [cut] / [text] / Printed for W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 100.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxx-xxxi; dates it 29 May.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 95.

E3022A. Englands rejoycing at that happy day / That peace and truth it may bear sway, / Being th'Election of that thing, / In chusing us a Royal King, / To the Tune of, Gallant Souldiers do not muse. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for F. G. on Snowhill / Entred according to Order.

   Format: bl brs. Woodcuts similar to those on Gallant News, and The Loyal Subjects Exultation.
Copies: GU Euing 95.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 95.

E3870. AN EXIT / TO THE / EXIT TYRANNUS: / OR, / Upon Erasing that Ignominious and Scandalous Motto, which / was set over the place where KINGS CHARLES / the First Statue stood, in the Royall Exchange, / LONDON. / To the Tune of I made a Voyage into France, &c. / [rule] / [text]

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 416(61), ms dated "March 1659"; OW L.R.8.32, removed from G.5.10(58); L1 c.20.f.4.(249); L2 82.l.8(44); L3 c.40.m.9(68); LT 669.f.24(18), ms dated " March"; MH.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:663-64.

F110. Fairebrother, William. AN / ESSAY / OF A / LOYAL BREST; / In four Copies of Verses, viz. / I. To His Majesty, CHARLES the 2nd. / II. To His two Houses of PARLIAMENT. / III. To His General, the Lord MONCK. / IV. To that His good Angel, Madam JANE LANE. / [rule] / By WILLIAM FAIREBROTHER, of Kings / Colledge in Cambridge. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by JOHN FIELD, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-12; sigs. [A]-[B2v].
Copies: L; O Wood 319(11), ms dated "June: 1660"; CT Y.9.108 (5); MH; Y; NYPL.

F1149. Flatman, Thomas. A / PANEGYRICK / To His Renowed MAJESTIE, / Charles the Second, / King of Great Britaine, &c. / [text] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for HENRY MARSH at the Princes Arms in / Chancery Lane near Fleetstreet, MDCLX.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O1 Wood 416(83), ms dated "May"; O2 Firth b.20(26); LT 669.f.25(51), ms dated "30 June"; MH; WF; Y.

F1225. Flecknoe, Richard. "The Pourtrait of His Majesty" in HEROICK / PORTRAITS / With other / Miscellary [sic] Pieces, / Made, and Dedicate to His / MAJESTY. / By Rich. Flecknoe. / [rule] / Principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est, Hor. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by Ralph Wood for the / Author. 1660.

   Format: 8to. "The Portrait of His Majesty" appears at sigs B-B4.
Copies: L Huth 99; O Mal 479; LIU; CLC PR3461 F4H5; CH 121692; WF 233175; BN, IU, MH
Reprint: in A / COLLECTION / Of the choicest / EPIGRAMS / AND / CHARACTERS / OF / Richard Flecknoe. / Being rather a New Work, / then a New Impression / of the Old / [rule] / [design] / Printed for the Author. 1673., sigs. A3-A4v.
Copies: L 11623.aa.12; C Hib 8.673.4; CH; CLC; CN; MH; TU; WF.
Commentary: Corser, 3.2: 36 2-

F1261. Fleming, Giles. Verses in: STEMMA SACRUM, / The / Royal Progeny / Delineated, and with some / Notes explained, Shewing His / SACRED MAJESTIES / Royal and Lawful Descent to / His Crown and Kingdoms, from all / the Kings that ever reigned in this / NATION. / [rule] / By Giles Fleming, Rector of Wadding-/ worth, in the Diocess and County of / LINCOLN. / [rule] / Blessed art thou O Land, when thy King is the Son of / the Nobles, Eccles. 10. 7. / And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Ju- / dah, shall yet again take root downward, and / bear fruit upward, 2 Kings 19. 30. / [rule] / London, Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the golden / Ball in Chancery-lane. 1660. / [ruled boxed]

Copies: LT E.1914(1), ms dated "July"; O1 Ashm 916; O2 Pamph. E.109(15), missing genealogical table but has additional portrait; C; MR 16971, genealogical table missing; ES; CH 123829; CU; MH; NU; WF F1261; Y.
Reprint: His Majesty's Pedigree (1664). This is not so much a reprint as the original work with a cancel titlepage -- "Printed for Tho. Rooks at the Lamb and Inkbottle at the East end of S. Pauls near S. Austins gate, 1664" -- and a final leaf listing works printed by Rooks. The colophon has been erased from the genealogical table.
Copies: O Bliss B.283, contains portrait of Charles II by William Faithorne.

F1549/F1550. Forde, Thomas. "Upon His Sacred Majesty" in: Virtus Rediviva / A Panegyrick / On our late / King CHARLES the I. &c / of ever blessed Memory. / ATTENDED, / With severall other Pieces from the / same PEN. / Viz.[bracketing I-IV] / I. A Theatre of Wits: Being a Col-/ lection of APOTHEGMS. / II. Foenestra in Pectore: or a Century of / Familiar LETTERS. / III. Loves Labyrinth: a Tragi-comedy. / IV. Fragmenta Poetica: Or Poeticall / Diversions. / Concluding, with / A PANEGYRICK on His / Sacred Majesties most happy / Return. / [rule] / by T. F. / [rule] / Varietas delectat. / [rule] / Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for William Gran- / tham, at the Sign of the Black Bear in St. Pauls / Church-yard neer the little North door; / and Thomas Basset, in St. Dunstans Church-/ yard / in Fleet-street. 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: 8to. Verses in Fragmenta Poetica at pp. 21-4; sigs C3-[C4v].
Copies: LT E.1806, ms dated "Octob"; O Harding D1088, with new cancel t/p dated 1661; L 1080.g.6, with new cancel t/p dated 1661; OW F1550, with new cancel t/p dated 1661, signed "W. Gower"; EN; CH1 151598; CH2 26553; CLC; CN; LC; MH; WF 138401, contains additional frontispiece portrait of Charles I.
Reissue, F1550: A / THEATRE / OF / WITS, / Ancient and Modern/ etc. 1661.
Copies: CH; CU; MH; WCL; WF; Y; AUP; O1 Douce F.303; O2 Harding E.245(2); O3 Harding D.1088(2).
Ms version: O Eng. poet e.4(167), ms dated "1672," first twenty lines only.

F2452. Fuller, Thomas. A / PANEGYRICK / TO HIS / MAJESTY, / ON HIS / Happy Return. / [rule] / By Tho. Fuller B. D. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for John Playford at his Shop in the / Temple, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-11.
Copies: L 11626.d.17, 1st state; O Malone 746(1), 2nd state; OW L.R.4.34, removed from B.B.1.5(41), 2nd state; C; MR R147668; LLU; GK; CH 51710; MH; NP; WF F2452, 2nd state.
Reprint: see the entry on Worcestershire in The History of the Worthies of England (1662), pp. 182-84; Alexander B. Grosart, The Poems and Translations in Verse ... of Thomas Fuller (Edinburgh: Crawford and McCabe, 1868), pp. 91-105.
Commentary: John Eglinton Bailey, Life of Thomas Fuller (1874)

G172B. Gallant News of late I bring, / Tidings of chusing now a King, / Whereby true Subjects may rejoice / In chusing them so sweet a choyce / That love and peace may so agree, / To end the days of misery, / To the Tune of, Royal News, Royal News. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow-hill. Entered according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 130.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, pp. 94-5; Ebsworth RB, 9:12.

G852. A Glimpse of Joy for the happy Restoring of the Kings most Excellent Majesty: / OR, / The Devoirs of a nameless Poet. / To the Generall's Excellence, and to all the Noble Sparks of Great Brittain's / Heroarchy, that have hopes to survive their Countreys Sufferings. / [cut: portrait] / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(53), ms dated "30 June."

G883. The Glory of these Nations. / Or, King and Peoples happinesse, being a brief Relation of King / Charles's Royall progresse from Dover to London, how the Lord Generall and / the Lord Mayor with all the nobility and Gentrey of the Land, brought him tho-/ row the Famous City of London to his Pallace at Westminster the 29. of May last, be-/ ing his Majesties birth-day, to the great comfort of his Loyall Subjects. / The Tune is, When the King enjoys his own again. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London Bridge.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.120.h.4.(5), a "trunk" ballad.
Reprint: Wright, Political Ballads, pp. 223-228; Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxxvii-xxxix.

G1482. GRAMPIUS / CONGRATULATION / In plain / SCOTS LANGUAGE / TO HIS / MAJESTIES / Thrise Happy Return. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / Printed Anno Dom. 1660. / [ornamental double-ruled box]

   Format: brs.
Copies: E JA 2069/16; OW BB.1.5(35); Y.
Reprint: Laing, Various Pieces (1823), np.

/not Wing/. [Grove, Francis -- printer], "When Charles King of England Safe on Shore"

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Firth b.20(25). This item is 8 stanzas of a ballad under the generic heading, "The second part, to the same Tune." It is printed on the verso of "England's Captivity Returned" (see above). This title follows the catch-phrase of the chorus.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:788.

H1386A??. H., C. Hells Master-piece discovered: / Or Joy and Sorrow mixt together. / Being a breife and true Relation of the Damnable Plot, of those / invetrate Enemies of God, and the King; who intended to a mixt / our Joy for the Nativitie of Christ, with the blood of the King, / and his faithfull Subjects. /Being a fit Carrall for Royallist to sing, / That alwaies fear God, and honour the King. / To the Tune of, Sommer Time. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove dwelling on Snowhill.

   Format: brs.
Copies: GU Euing 138.

H136A. H., T. Iter Boreale, the Second Part. See: The Noble Progresse.

H495. Hammond, Charles. Verses in: Londons Triumphant Holiday. / Printed for Francis Grove, 1660.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: O Gough Loudon 282(14); CT.

H500. Hammond, Charles. Verses in: The Worlds Timely Warning-piece / [design] / [verses] / Licens ed, and entred according to order. / [rule] / London, Printed for Fr. Grove near the Sarazen's / Head on Snow-hill. 1660.

   Format: Qto. [A reissue of a 1651 tract with new titlepage??]
Copies: CH R197008; L Cup.408.d.8(4).

H1958. Higgons, Thomas. A / PANEGYRICK / TO THE / KING. / By His Majesties most humble, / most Loyal, and most Obedient / Subject and Servant, / THOMAS HIGGONS. / Virg. Æn. Lib. 2. / Quæ Tantæ tenuere moræ? queis CAROLE ab oris / Expectate venis? ut te, post multa tuorum / Funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labores / Defessi aspicimus! / [text pp. 1-11] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the signe of / the Anchor in the Lower Walk of the / New-Exchange. 1660.

   Format: F. t/p + pp 1-11; sigs, A, B, C [D].
Copies: O1 Gough Loudon 2(5); O2 Pamph. A111(6); LT E.1080(4), ms dated " June"; C SEL.81; CLC PR 3515.H15P1;CH 133288; MH; Y; TU; WF 156740.

H2086+. HIS / MAJESTIES / WELCOME / In an honest blunt Ballad. / [rule] / To the Tune of Cook-Lorrell. / [text] / LONDON: Printed for Henry Marsh12

   Format: brs.
Copies: OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(104).

H2444-A. Holland, Samuel. To the best of MONARCHS / HIS / MAIESTY / OF GREAT BRITTAIN, &c. / CHARLES / THE SECOND, / A GRATULATORY POEM / On the most happy Arrival of his most Excellent Majestie Charles the second, by the Grace of God, KING of England, Scot-/ land, France, and Ireland, who landed at Dover Friday, May the 25. to the most unspeakable joy of his SUBJECTS / [text] / Entred according to Order, and Printed by S. Griffin for Matthew Wallbancke, 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies, H2444: LT 669.f.25(42), ms dated "14 June."
Another edition, H244A: "EDINBURGH, Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone Church, 1660."
Copies: EN S.302.b.2(127).
Commentaries: Aldis, #1645.7.

H3003. Howard, Robert, "A Panegyrick to the King," in POEMS, / viz. / 1. A PANEGYRICK to the KING. / 2. SONGS and SONNETS. / 3. The BLIND LADY, a COMEDY. / 4. The Fourth Book of VIRGIL, / 5. STATIUS his ACHILLEIS, / with ANNOTATIONS. / 6. A PANEGYRICK to GENERALL / MONCK / [rule] / By the Honorable / Sr ROBERT HOWARD. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / shop at the sign of the Anchor on the lower Walk / of the New Exchange. 1660.

   Format: 8to. Verses appear pp. 1-9, sigs. B-B5.
Copies: LT E.1824.(2), ms dated "June"; O missing since 1962; C; CT Munby d.11; LVD, CT; Fellows' Library, Winchester School; CH; CLC; CN; LC; MH; NC; TU; WC; WF; Y.
Reprint, H3004: Howard, Poems (1696).
Copies: CLC PR 3517 H3A17; L; LIU; MH; NP; TU; WF.

H3087-8-9. Howell, James. "Grebner's Prophecy" from Lexicon Tetraglotton, / AN / English-French-Italian-Spanish / DICTIONARY: / WHEREUNTO IS ADJOINED / A large NOMENCALTURE of the proper Terms / (in all the four) belonging to several Arts and Sciences, to Recreations, to / Professions both Liberal and Mechanick, &c. / Divided into Fiftie two SECTIONS; / [rule] / With another Volume of the Choicest / PROVERBS / [etc.] / LONDON, Printed by J. G. for Samuel Thomson at the Bishops head / in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.

   Format: F. Variant printings.
Copies, H3087: O Douce H.432.
Another edition, H3088:
Copies: WF.
Another edition, H3089: LONDON, Printed by J. G. for Cornelius Bee, at the Kings Armes in Little Brittaine.
Copies: L 71.f.4.

H3354. Huish, Alexander. Two English poems in Musa Ruralis. / [rule] / In Adventum / Augustissimi Principis & Monarch, / CAROLIII, / D. G. Mag. Britannia, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ / Regis Sereniss. Fidei Defensoris, &c. / Vota, Suspiria, Gaudia; & rursum Vota. / [rule] / Quæ suo, aliorumque Rectorum, non Rectorum, / Ruralium nomine, effudit / ALEX. HUISSUS, S. T. B. / Rector, non Rector, Ecclesiarum de Beckington, / & Hornblawton, in agro Somersetensi. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDINI, / Excudebat Thomas Milbourn, M DC LX. [double-rule box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [i] 1-17; sigs. [A-A3v], B-[B4] + C-[C4]
Copies: LT E.765(12), ms dated "10 May"; LLP NN 196.3(1); OB 670.b.4(11), Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 4d.; Y.
Commentaries: Erskine-Hill, Augustan Idea, pp. 208-12.

H3886. Ingelo, Nathan. "A Song of Thanksgiving," a printed translation of the separately printed Latin verses, Hymnus Eucharisticus.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O1 Wood 416(87), ms annotations; O2 Smith newsbook a.3(15), ms annotations.
Latin edition:
Copies: O3 Wood 398(13) Latin version, ms annotations identify Ingelo as the author and translator; the music was by Benjamin Rogers of Windsor.

I1090. Iter Australe / Attempting something upon the happy / Return of our most Gracious So-/ veraign Lord, / CHARLS II. / FROM / BANISHMENT / TO HIS / THRONE. / [rule] / By a Loyal Pen. / [rule] / -- -Virum non arma Cano. / [rule] / LONON,13 / Printed by Tho. Leach, in the Year, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-18; sigs. [A]-[C2v].
Copies: O1 Firth e.157(2), 1st state; O2 Tanner 744(18), 2nd corrected state; L 1066.f.32, 2nd corrected state; WF 187583, 2nd corrected state; MH; Y; EN [not found]
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94.

J29b. Joy, Thomas. A Loyal Subjects Admonition, or, a true Song of / Brittains Civil Wars. / [text] / Composed by loyal T. J. / FINIS. / London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 160.

J730. Jevon, Rachel. Exultationis Carmen / TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY / UPON HIS MOST / Desired Return. / [rule] / By Rachel Jevon, Presented with her own Hand, Aug. 16th. / [rule] / CAROLUS En rediit, redeunt Saturnia regna. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / [rule] / London, Printed by John Macock, 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: F.
Copies: LT E.1080(11), ms dated "16 August"; O Gough Loudon 2(6); LL; CS; CH 125996; MH; WF; Y.
Commentaries: for Jevon, see CSPD, and Hobby, Virtue of Necessity, pp. 18-19.

J945. Jones, Henry. The Royal Patient Traveller, / OR, / The wonderful Escapes of His Sacred Majesty King CHARLES the Se-/ cond from Worcester-Fight; And his maiing a Hollow Oke his Roy-/ all Pallace. The going in a Livery Cloak with Mis. Lane. And the / Discourse between the Kings Majesty, and the Cook-maid im-/ ploying the King to wind up the Jack; but being not / used to do it, did wind it up the wrong way. / To the tune of, Chivy Chase, Or, God prosper long our Noble King. / [cuts] / [text] / By Henry Jones of Oxford: Printed for the Authour.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: O Wood 401(171/172), ms dated "1660."
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:638-41; and Broadley, Royal Miracle, pp. 91-97.

K547. THE / King Advancing, / OR GREAT BRITTAINS / Royal Standard, / WITH / His Majesties Gracious Speech to His Loyal Subjects; / And the Investing Him in His Royal Throne, / Crown and Dignities. / [cut: royal arms surmounted with C R] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Charles Prince, in the year, 1660./ [ruled box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [1]-7; sigs. [A]-[A4v]; mispaginated "2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7". Latin with English translation.
Copies: O G.Pamph 1119(4); LT E.1017(28), ms dated "21 March"; OW Huth copy from Fairfax collection; MH; AVP.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

K553. King Charles his Glory and Rebells Shame / "To a Pleasant New Tune: Or, The Crost Couple"

   Format: bl brs. This is a variant title of The Traytors Downfall.
Copies: L c.20.f.4.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:661-2.

L87. L., W. GOOD / NEWES / From the / NETHERLANDS, / OR / A Congratulatory Panegyrick, composed by a true Lover of his King, / and Country. / [text] / W. L. / [ruled box]

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(35), ms dated 31 May.

L168A. LÆTITIÆ CALEDONICÆ, / OR, / SCOTLANDS Raptures, / Upon the thrise happy Return of Her / Sacred Soveraign CHARLES / the Second, Monarch of Great / Britain, &c. / [text]

   Format: brs.
Copies: EN Ry.III.c.34(2).
Reprint: Laing, Fugitive Scottish Poetry (1853), np.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1646.3.

L714. Lawson, John. UPON THE BLESSED RETVRN OF OUR / Gracious Sovereign / KING CHARLES / The Second. / Presented to his sacred Majesty / by a Person of Honour the next day. / [rule] / [text] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, 1660.

   Format: brs. Printed in triple columns.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(39), ms dated "6 June"; MH *pEB65.L4456.660u.

L2628-A. Lluellyn, Martin. TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY. / [text: pp. 3-8] / TO HIS HIGHNESSE / THE / DUKE / OF / YORKE. / [text: pp. 9-10] / TO HIS HIGHNESSE / THE / DUKE / OF / GLOCESTER. / [text: p. 11-12]

   Format: F. t/p + pp. 3-12; sigs. [A-Cv].
Copies, L2628: O Gough Loudon 2(8), 1st uncorrected state without colophon; LT E.1080(1) ,ms dated "24 May," 2nd state, without colophon; EtonC; LU; CH1 125998; CH2 33289; CU; MH; TU; WF 156719, colophon present.
Another edition, L2628A: TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY. / [text] / LONDON, / Printed for J. Martin, Ja. Allestry, T. Dicas, and are to be sold / at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660.
Format: Large-paper folio, t/p + pp. 3-12; sigs [A-A2] B-[B2] C-[C2].
Copies: OB 670.e.8(9), Nicholas Crouch paid 3d., some ms underlining; 1st state of this edition; see lines 45-46;OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(105), colophon present, severely trimmed; L 1505/311, 2nd state; Y.

L2889A. London and England Triumphant: / At the proclaiming of King Charls the Second, by / both the Houses of Parliament, the Judges of the Land: / with the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, and Council of the / City, as it was performed with great Solemnity, and loud Acclama-/ tions of joy by the people in general. May the 8th. 1660. / To the Tune of, I am a Jovial Batchelor. / [text] / London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow hill. Entered according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 167.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94.

R781. Lower, William. "An Acrostick Poem. / In honour of his Majesty" in: A / RELATION / IN FORM of JOURNAL, / OF THE / VOIAGE And RESIDENCE / Which / The most EXCELLENT and most MIGHTY PRINCE / CHARLS THE II / KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, &C. / Hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May, / to the 2 of June, 1660. / Rendered into English out of the Original French, / By / Sir WILLIAM LOWER, Knight. / [garter arms] / HAGUE, / Printed by ADRIAN VLACK, / Anno M. DC. LX. / With Priviledge of the Estates of Holland and West-Freesland.

   Format: F. Verses, p. 115.
Copies: L1 1565.69(2) Dutch language version; L2 808 m.5; C R.7.5(1); OB 1080.d.37; MR 13057; SU; EN C.18.a.11; DT; OAS; LIU; Y; CH; CLC; MHL; NS; WF R781.

M1446. Mayhew, Thomas. Upon the Joyfull and Welcome / RETURN / OF HIS SACRED MAJESTIE, / Charls the Second, / OF / England, Scotland, France and Ireland / KING, / Defender of the Faith, &c. / To his due and indubitate Right of Govern- / ment, over these His Majestie's Kingdoms / and Dominions. / A PANEGYRICK. / [rule] / Flebile Principium melior Fortuna sequunta14 By THO. MAYHEW, Gent. / [rule] / London, Printed for Abel Roper, at the Sun in Fleet-street / over against St. Dunstans Church. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-13; sigs. [A]-[B4v].
Copies: O1 Tanner 744(16), ms corrections; O2 Pamph. c.109(1); OH J.38(9); OB 910.f.13(11), Nicholas Crouch's copy bought for 2d.; LT E.1025(14), ms dated "29 May"; MR1 W/M1446; MR2 R13075, ms signed "Charles Harris"; EN LC 3338(l9); CH 146818; WF 184043, ms dated "29 May"; IU; MH; TU; WF; Y.

M151-M153. McKenzie, Sir George. "A POEM, by the same Author, / upon His Majesties happy Return" in: ARETINA; / Or, The Serious / ROMANCE. / [rule] / Written originally in English. / [rule] / Part First. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / EDINBURGH, / Printed for Robert Broun, at the / sign of the Sun, on the North-/ side of the Street, 1660. / [ornamental box].

   Format: 8to. Verses, pp. 12-13.
Copies, M151: L c.57.aa.28; EN; Washington.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1623.
Date: The volume contains verses on the death of Henry, Duke of Gloucester, so after September.
Another edition, M152: ARETINA; / Or, The Serious / ROMANCE [rule] / Written origially in English / [rule] / Part First. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] LONDON: / Printed for Ralph Smith, and are to be / sold at the BIBLE in Corn-hill, / near the Royall Exchange, / Anno Dom. 1661. [ormamental box].
Format: 8to.
Copies: O Ferguson 121; EN; WF 135248.
Another edition, M153: for George S[awbridge, 1661]
Format: 8to.
Copies: Y.

G941. Nicols, Daniel. "To his Majestie's loyall subject and my dearly-beloved Friend," See Theophilus Cleaver, above.

N1214. The Noble Progresse; / Or, A true Relation of the Lord Generall Monks / Politicall Proceedings with the Rump, the calling in the Secluded Members, / their transcendent Vote for his Sacred Majesty, with his Reception at / Dover, and Royall conduct through the City of London, / to his famous Palace at White-hall. / The tune is, when first the Scottish warrs began. / [cut] / [text] / Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere and W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs. Variant printings.
Copies: L c.120.h.4(2), a "trunk ballad."
Reprint: Wilkins, Political Ballads, 1:153-58.
Another edition, H136A: Iter Boreale, the Second part, \ RELATING \ The Progress of the Lord General Monk, \ Calling in the Secluded Members, their Voting King \ CHALRS the Second home, his Joyfull reception at Dover. \ and his Glorious Conduct through London, to His Royal Palace at White Hall. \ By T. H. a Person of Quality \ To the Tune of When first the Scottish Wars began. \ [text] \ LONDON Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-Lane 1660.
Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.40.m.11(16); MH.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:670-71.
Commentaries: see also "T. H." The Cavaliers Thanksgiving (1661) at LT E.1087(4). Without evidence, Ebsworth suggests "T. H." might be Thomas Houghton or Handford, RB 7:671.

0840. Oxenden, Henry. Non est mortale quod opto. / 1647.15 / CHARLS / TRIUMPHANT, / &c. / [rule] / This is that CHARLS, who did from CHARLS proceed; / Who shall in Greatness CHARLS the Great exceed. / [rule] / CAROLUS e CAROLO descendens, / erit CAROLO magno major. / [rule] / [design: laurel crown] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed in the year, MDCLX.

   Format: 8to.
Copies: O Bliss A.199; CH 55905; IU; WF.

O863. Oxford, University of. BRITANNIA / REDIVIVA. / [rule] / [University Arms] / [rule] / OXONIÆ, / Excudebat A. & L. Lichfield, / Acad. Typogr. M. DC. LX.

   Format: Qto. t/p + [foreign language poems] + Aa-[Ff4v]
Copies: LT E.1030(16), ms dated "7 July," correctly gathered; L 161.b 55; O1 4.M.16(1) Art. BS, misgathered at sig. Cc; O2 Pamph. c.112(13), correctly gathered; OM Magd. a.6.7, misgathered at sig. Cc; OH J.38(11), misgathered at sig. Cc, additional parentheses at sig. Ff4v; C; CT III.9.81 (3); EN H.38.a.22; E Df.7.5; CLC; CN; LC; MH; TU; WF 143558, correctly gathered sig. Cc, but no parentheses at sig. Ff4v; Y.
Commentaries: Madan, #2466.

P56. P., J. The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes / To King CHARLES the Second. / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.120.h.4(1), a "trunk ballad."
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xl-xliii.
Commentaries: reproduced in Weber, Paper Bullets, p. 55.

P193. A pair of Prodigals Returned: / OR, / ENGLAND and SCOTLAND agreed. / In a Conference between an Englishman and a Scot, concerning the Restauration of / CHARLES II. to his Crown and Kingdomes. / To the Tune of Cook-Laurel. / [text] / In the Year. 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.20.f.4(157); LT 669.f.25(52), ms dated "30 June"; LG; OW LR.8.32(110), removed from G.5.10, poorly trimmed along right margin.

P441. Parker, Martin. The KING enjoys His own again. / To be joyfully Sung with its own proper sweet Tune.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies: L1 1876.f.3, in roman type.
Another edition: L2 Rox.III.256, in bl.
Ms version: EN ADV l9.3.4 (29).
Reprint: Ebsworth RB, 7:682-84, based on L2.

P1042. Pecke, Thomas. TO / The Most High and Mighty MONARCH, / Charles the II. / By the Grace of GOD, / King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, / Defender of the Faith: / THOMAS PECKE of the Inner Temple, Esq; / Wisheth an Affluence of both Temporal and / Eternal FELICITY; / And most humbly Devoteth this / Heroick Poem, / In Honour of His Majesties Establishment / in the Throne of His Ancestours. / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by James Cottrel. MDCLX.

   Format: Qto. t/p.+ 1-14; sigs. A2-[B4v]. Two states evident, see lines 289-90 (p. 12, lines 9-10).
Copies: L 1077.h.68, 1st state; OW L.5.9, 1st state; O Vet A3 e.1767, 2nd state; Sheffield U; CH 16897.

P1676A. Pestell, William. A Congratulation / TO HIS / SACRED MAJESTY, / UPON HIS / Safe Arrival and happy Restauration / TO HIS / Three Kingdoms, / MAY 29th, being his Birth-Day, / and our Year of JUBILE, 1660. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed in the Year 1661.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-7.
Copies: O Wood 319(12); CH; WF P1676A.

T1115. "Philobasileus." THREE / Royal POEMS / UPON THE / Return of Charles the II. / KING / OF / ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, / France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. / [rule] / The Most Illustrious / Prince James Duke of York. / [rule] / The Illustrious / Henry Duke of Glocester. / [rue] / [design: garter arms] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by Edward Cole, Printer and Book-seller, at the Sign of the / Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange. 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: F.
Copies: LT E.1080(9), ms dated "4 August"; TU.

P2976. Pordage, Samuel. "A Panegyrick On his Majesties Entrance" in: POEMS / UPON / SEVERAL / OCCASIONS. / [rule] / By S. P. Gent. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed by W. G. for Henry Marsh / at the Princes Arms in Chancery-lane, / and Peter Dring at the Sun in the / Poultrey neer the Counter, / 1660.

   Format: 8to.
Copies: O1 Mal 413; O2 Mal 259(3); L 1076.g.16(2); LG; LIU; CH 147340; CLC PR 3639.P25P7; CN; CU; MH; PU; Y; WF 222587, ms signed "Hen. Williams."

R2146. "Possibilis, Facidius." A ROYAL PROPHECY, / Written long since concerning the / KINGS RESTAURATION / To his Crown in 1660. / [text] / London, Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-Lane. By Facidius Possibilis. /

   Format: brs with partial blackletter.
Copies: L1 c.20.f.4(37);L2 c.20.f.2(39)

P3389A-3390A. Price, Laurence. Win at first, lose at last; or, a New Game at Cards; / Wherein the King recovered his Crown and Traitors lost their heads. / To the Tune of, Yee Gallants that delight to play. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Fran. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to Order.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies, P3389A: O1 Wood 401(149/150); O2 Wood 402(70/71) [catalogued as "c. 1645"]. Another edition, /not Wing/: roman type, single cut, no date, colophon reads: "Licens'd according to Order. Printed by and for C. Brown, and T. Norris, and sold by J. Walter, in Holborn High."
Copies: O3 Firth b.20(24), catalogued as "c. 1660" but none of the stationers named were active until well after 1660; see Morrison, Index.
Another edition, P3390: "For Fra. Coles, Tho. Vere, Io. Wright and Io. Clarke 1680," bl brs. with three cuts
Copies: L Rox.II.522; O; MH.
Another edition, P3390A: "for I. Wright, I. Clark, W. Thackerey and T. Passinger" [c. 1681-84].
Copies: Pepys Library, CM.
Another edition, /not Wing/: A Knave at the Bottom, The Dealer's Sure of a Trump. London: Printed by J. Ranger, in the Strand. [n.d.].
Copies: O Firth b.20(23), with tune in musical notation at top under title. Ms versions: O1 MS Rawl. D.383(113), catalogued as "c.1712"; O2 Top. Oxon.c.108.f83.
Reprint: Wilkins, Political Ballads, 1:144-49.

P4148. A / PSALME / SUNG / By the PEOPLE, before the / BONE-FIRES, / Made in and about the City of / LONDON, / On the 11th of February. / [rule] / To the Tune of Up tayles all. / [text] / THE RUMP END.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 416(40), ms dated "1659"; LT 669.f.23(43), ms dated "11 Feb"; CH microfilm copy of LT.

R89B. R., T. The Royall Subjects Warning piece to all Traytors / You Traytors all both great and small, I wish you to beware. / In time reprent, and be content, for you must all to Hide-Park Fair. / There is Hemp'n toyes for you brave boys, which murdered Charles the first, / The Hangmen he your guide must be, for thither go you must. / To a pleasant new Tune, Come back my own sweet Duck. / [cut] / [text] / FINIS T. R.

   Format: brs.
Copies: GU Euing 310.

R881. A Relation of the ten grand infamous * Traytors / who for their horrid Murder and detestable Villany against our / late Soveraigne16 Lord King CHARLES the first, that ever / blessed Martyr, were Arraigned, Tryed, and Executed / in the Moneth of October, 1660. Which in / perpetuity will be had in remembrance / unto17 the worlds end. / The tune is, Come let us Drinke the time invites. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Fr. Coles, T. Vere, M. Wright, and W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.120.h.4.(6), a "trunk ballad."
Reprint: Wright, Political Ballads; Ebsworth, RB, 9:xlix-l.

R1374. Richards, Nathanael. [cut: royal arms] / UPON THE / DECLARATION / OF HIS MAJESTY / KING CHARLES / Of ENGLAND the Second. / [text] / London, Printed for J. G. 1660. [left & right margins: long pointed towers]

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(28), ms dated "18 May"; MH *pEB65.R3954660u, severly trimmed with loss of ornamental borders; CH 189.95, microfilm of LT copy.

R87A and R1650D. Robins, Thomas. The Loyall Subjects Joy, / OR, / Joyfull news to all that faithfull be, / And doth desire a happy year to see, / To see the same let all good Christians pray / That Charles in peace, may Crown and Scepter sway, / Then should we see such love in fair England, / No forreign Nation durst against us stand. / The Tune is, Sound a charge. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus on / London-Bridge.

   Format: bl brs. Variant title.
Copies: L Rox.III.160a; GU Euing 309, gives title as "Royall Subjects Joy."

[R2127A]. The Royall Entertainment, / Presented by the Loyalty of the City, to the Royalty of their Soveraign, on Thursday the fourth of July / 1660. When the City of London invited his Majesty, the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester, and / their Royall Retinue, to a Feast in the Guild-hall, London, to which the King was conducted by the / chiefest of the City Companies on Horse-back, entertained by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Com-/ mon-Councill, Guarded from White-hall to Guild-hall by the Artillery-men, led by the Illustrious / James Duke of York; met by diverse Pageants, with sundry devices, and the Livery attending in / their Order. The Hall was richly appointed with costly Hangings, the Floores raised, Organs erected / [wi]th all sorts of Musick, performed by the Ablest Masters in England, with all Varieties that Art, Plen-/ [ty], and Curiosity can present, / To the Tune of Packington's pound. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove, on Snow[-hill.] / Entred according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: Manchester Central Library BR F821.04 B49 vol.1 p.7; NYPL photocopy of above; MH photocopy of above.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xliv-xlvi.

R2157A. The Royal Wanderer: / OR, / Gods Providence evidently manifested,in the most mysterious Deliverance of the / Divine Majesty of CHARLS the Second, King of Great Brittain. / Though bold Rebellion for a time look brave, / Man shall not slay what God resolves to save. / To the sune of, The wandring Prince of Troy, or, Troy town. / [cut] / [text] / London Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 312.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

S25. S., G. Britains Triumph, / FOR HER / Imparallel'd Deliverance, / And her Joyfull Celebrating the / PROCLAMATION / Of her most Gracious, Incomparable KING / CHARLES / THE SECOND, &c. / Defender of the FAITH, / Being a happy Fore-runner of the Day of his / Nativity and as is hoped of his Coronation. / [rule] /C. [crown ornament] R. / [rule] / London, Printed for W. Palmer at the Palm-treee, / neer St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, 1660. [ornamental box composed of fleurs-de-lys]

   Format: Qto.
Copies: LT E.1023(13), ms dated "14 May"; EN Crawford, removed from HH [W/S25 at MR], ms dated "May 1660"; CH; OSU.

S267. Sadler, Anthony. MAIESTIE Irradiant, / [rule] / OR / The Splendor Displayd, / OF / Our Soveraigne / KING CHARLES.

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(4), ms dated "1 May"; CLC Pamph. Coll. folio drawer; CH microfilm of LT; MH1 *pEB65.Sal52.660m; MH2 *pEB65.A100.B675b v.2 A144, Marquis of Bute broadsides (microfilm).

S273. Sadler, Anthony. [frontispiece] / Sold at the greyhound in St. Pauls Church yeard // THE / SUBJECTS JOY / FOR / The Kings Restoration, / Cheerfully made known / IN / A Sacred MASQUE: / Gratefully made publique / FOR / His saCRed Majesty. / [rule] / By the Author of / INQUISTIO ANGLICANA. / [rule] / 2 King. XI. 12. / And he brought forth the Kings Son, and put the Crown upon / him; and gave him the Testimony, and they made him / King; and Anointed him, and clapt their hands, and / said -- -God save the KING. / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed, in the year of Grace, for James Davis, and are to be / sold at the Greyhound in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660. / [rule]

   Format: Qto. Frontispiece + A-F4=25 leaves.
Copies: O Mal. 194(4); L1 644.f.43, removed from LT, ms dated "17 May," reported missing January 1996; L2 163.h.52, frontispiece missing; WF 154181 frontispiece missing; CH 147664; LC; MB; MH; Y.

S758. Saunderson, Thomas. A / ROYALL / LOYALL / POEM. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for W. Place, and are to be sold at his / Shop at Grayes-Inne Gate in Holborne, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-7; sigs. [A]-[A4v].
Copies: O Tanner 744(23), ms corrections; L 11632.df.39; EN Crawford, removed from HH W/S758 at MR, ms dated "June 5th, 1660"; CH 14676; WF 184045, ms dated "4th June"; MH.

L2544. SCOTLANDS / PARÆNESIS / To Her Dread Soveraign, / KING / CHARLES / THE SECOND. / [rule] / Mens Scotiæ. / All Presbyterians, pure, sincere and true, / Afflicted by that Independent crue, / Are here untouch'd, and are declar'd to be / Joyn'd in the League and Covenant with me. / [rule] / [design] / [rule ] / Printed in the Year, 1660.

Copies: EN1 1.234(28); EN2 1.88(2); E [not found]; OW B.B.1.5(35); MH; Y.
Reprint: Laing, Various Pieces (1823), np.
Commentaries: Often ascribed to William Lithgow, but the attribution is rejected by DNB and disputed by James Maidment, ed., The Poetical Remains of William Lithgow, The Scottish Traveller, 1618-1660 (Edinburgh: Stevenson, 1858), pp. xxxii-xxxiii, who further writes: "The Editor is very much inclined to suspect that the real author of the "Paraenesis to Charles II.," was one William Douglas, author of a poem entitled "Grampius' Gratulation to his High and Mightie Monarch, King Charles," which will be found at the end of a volume of "Addresses by the Muses of Edinburgh to his Majesty," printed in small 4to by the heirs of Andro Hart, 1630" (Appendix, p. l).

R2104. Selden, John. Verses in: THE / Royal Chronicle: / Wherein is contained, / An Historical Narration of His Majesties Royal Progress; The / Princely Cabinet laid open, with an Embleme to Great Britain; / The Peoples Diadem, proceeding from the Ornament / and Crown of their gracious Lord and Soveraign; The / incomparable Studies of His Majesty in the Governement of / Kings, to the admiration of all forreign Princes; and His / Majesties Liege People within these His Realms and Dominions; / His great Endowments and Experience, in Religion, Law, and / Governments; His Mercy rejoycing over Justice, and his Justice / cutting out work for his Mercy; His gracious Pardon to / Offenders, and His Christian Speech to the London Ministers. / [line] / C [DESIGN] R / [line] / LONDON, Printed for G. Horton, living near the three / Crowns in Barbican. 1660.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: LT E.1034(2), ms dated "17 July."

S3480A. Shirley, James. AN ODE / UPON THE / HAPPY RETURN / OF / King Charles II. / TO His / LANGUISHING NATIONS, / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By JAMES SHIRLEY, Gent. / Composed into Musick by Dr. Coleman. / [rule] / Et capitur minimo Thuris Honore Deus. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed 1660,

   Format: Qto.
Copies: MH *EC65.Sh662.660o.
Reprint: George Thorn-Drury, ed., A Little Ark Containing Sundry Pieces of Seventeenth-Century Verses (London: Dobell, 1921), pp. 19-25; and in Shirley, Poems, ed. Armstrong.

S4273. Smith, William. Carmen Triumphale: / OR, / ENGLANDS / TRIUMPH / FOR / Her Restored LIBERTIE. / WITH / WHITE-HALLS SPEECH to her / Royal Master, CHARLES the Second KING of Great / BRITAIN, FRANCE and IRELAND, / Also her sad Complaint against the pretended Committee of Safety, Rumpers, / and the rest of those Cruel Tyrants, and unjust Judges, who not / only defaced and spoiled Her Stately Buildings, but / also unjustly condemned her to be sold. / With two short Panagyricks to the Right Honourable18 the City of LON-/ DON, and the University of CAMBRIDGE. / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Numquam LIBERTAS gratior extat / Quam sub REGE pio. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / Claudianus. / [rule] / By WILLIAM SMITH, Gent. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for W. Jones, 1660.19

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-6; sigs. [A]-[A4v].
Copies: O Tanner 744(21); OH J.38(3); CH 49630.

G1052C. Starkey, A. Good News for England: / OR, / The Peoples Triumph. / Then let's be joyful, and in heart content, / To see our King united with the Parliament. / Long live CHARLES the Second. / To the Tune of, Bodkins Galliard. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for M. Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old Bailey,

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 131.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

T222. Tatham, John. Verses in: Londons Glory / Represented by / TIME, TRUTH, and FAME: / AT / The Magnificent TRIUMPHS and / ENTERTAINMENT / of His most Sacred MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / The DUKES of York and Glocester, / The two Houses of Parliament, / Privy Councill, Judges, &c. / At Guildhall on Thursday, being the 5th day / of July 1660. and in the 12th Year of His / Majesties most happy Reign. / [rule] / TOGETHER / With the Order and Management of / the whole Days Business. / [rule] / Published according to Order. / [rule] / London, Printed by William Godbid in Little Brittain. 1660. / [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto, t/p + pp. 1-10; sigs [A]-[B3v]. Verses on pp. 1-4, sigs. A3-[A4v].
Copies: LT E.1030(13), ms dated "6 July"; O1 G.A.Loud 4to.63; O2 Ash. 677(6); OW B.B.8.8(75), poorly inked copy; WF 205431; LG; CT; Lampeter, St Davids; EN; DT; CH; CN; CU; LC; MH; NP; WF.
Reprint: James Maidment and W. H. Logan, eds., The Dramatic Works of John Tatham (Edinburgh: William Patterson, 1879), pp. 293-304. See Fairholt, Lord Mayor's Pageants (London: Percy Society, 1843).

S5874. "In the eight Kings reign," verses in: The Strange and Wonderfull / PROPHESIE / OF / DAVID Cardinal / OF / FRANCE, / Touching His Sacred Majesty / King Charles II. / DESCRIBING / The manner how part thereof hath been / already fulfilled, And also foretelling what shall happen / in the Kingdom of England for the space of / three hundred years yet to come. / [rule] / Newly translated out of the French Chronicles into English, but never / suffered to be put to publick view till this present. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. C. for S. R. and are to be sold near the Royal Exchange / in Cornhill, 1660

   Format: Qto; verses on pp. 4-5, sigs. [A3v-A4].
Copies: LT E.1053(11); LNC.

W528. TO THE / KING, / UPON HIS / MAJESTIES / Happy Return. / [rule] / By a Person of Honour. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be / Sold at his Shop at the Blue-Anchor in lower Walk / of the New-Exchange, 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: F. Incorrectly attributed to Edmund Waller.
Copies: LT E.1080(2), ms dated "3 June"; CH 473577.

/not Wing/. The Traytors Downfall, / OR, / A brief relation of the downfall of that Phanatick crew who Trai-/ terously Murthered the Late Kings Majesty of blessed Memory. / To the Tune of, Fa la la, &c: / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Coles, in the Old-Baily.

   Format: bl brs. This is a variant reprint of a Luttrell item, King Charles his Glory and Rebells Shame "To a Pleasant New Tune: Or, The Crost Couple" (Wing K553), reprinted in Ebsworth, RB, 7:661-2.
Copies: GU Euing 350.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:liii-lv, citing a copy in the Trowbesh Collection, Manchester.

U113, N1014, A3046A. Upon the KINGS Most Excellent / MAJESTIE / An Anagam & Acrostick. / CHARLES STUART / ANAGRAM / Arts Chast Rule. / [text] / Printed for Theodorus Microcosmus 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies: O1 Wood 416(55), ms dated "feb"; O2 13.é.79(69), missing since 1979.
Another version, N1014: News From The Royall Exchange: / OR, / Gold turn'd into Mourning: / [text] / London, printed for Charles King. 1660.
Copies: LT 669.f.24(15), ms dated "16 March"; L C.40.m.11(27); O3 Wood 416(69), ms dated "March"; MH; Y.
Another version, A3046A: An Anagram and Acrostick on / CHARLES STVART KING,
Copies: OW L.R.8.32, title cut away, no colophon.

C1205. "Upon the Kings Prerogative and Person" in: The Case stated / Touching the / SOVERAIGN'S / PREROGATIVE / AND THE / Peoples Liberty, / According to Scripture, Reason, and the / Consent of our Ancestors. / Humbly offered to the Right Honorable / GENERAL MONCK, / And the / OFFICERS in the ARMY. / [rule] / Regi qui perfidus, nulli fidus. / [rule] / London, Printed for Charles King. 1660.

   Format: verses p. 8.
Copies: LT E.1017(40), ms dated "24 March";OFX=Fairfax collection (dispersed); MH; NU; WF 189631.

/not Wing/. The Valiant Seamans Congratulation / to his sacred Majesty King Charls the second. / With their wonderfull Heroicall Atchievements, and their Fidelity, / Loyalty, and Obedience. To the Tune of Let us drink / and sing, and merrily troul the bowl. Or, The stormy / winds do blow. Or, Hey Ho, my Hony. / [cut] / [text] / Printed at London for F. Grove living on Snow-Hill, Entred according to order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 368.

V734. Vox Populi Suprema Rex Carolus. / Or, The Voice of the People for / KING CHARLES. / With a true / ACCOMPT of the Actions of the KINGDOMS Grand / Trappanners, since the year 1641 to this present / year 1660. / [text] / LONDON, Printed by Theodorus Microcosmus, 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L1 c.20.f.2.40; L2 c.20.f.4(229), Luttrell II(229); O1 Wood 416(75), ms dated "April"; O2 Firth b.20(27); OW G.5.10(75), George Clarke's copy.

V735-6. Vox Populi, / THE / Voice of the PEOPLE, / Congratulating / His Majesty, KING CHARLS / the II. of England, Scotland, France and Ire-/ land, in thirty Heroick Stanza's. / With a brief Panegirick, / in Praise of his Illustrious / MAJESTY. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for H. Brome, at the Gun in Ivie-Lane, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 2-8; sigs A2-[A4v]. Variant printings.
Copies, V735: OC A.73.37, misbound giving t/p + A, [A4], A2, A3; L not found; O not found; MR W/V735, ms dated "May. 28. 60"; MH.
Another edition, V736: "Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh by / a Society of Stationers, 1660."
Copies: EN 1.234(31); MH; Y.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1680.

/not Wing/. W., J. "A Second Charles." [Title cut away] catch: "A Second Charles Once more Shall Reign" / [text and one cut only] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: EN Crawford Ballad 990, removed from MR.

/not Wing/. W., J. The Royall Oak: / OR, / The wonderfull travells, miraculous escapes, strange accidents of his sacred Majesty King Charles the Second. / How from Worcester fight by a good hap, Our Royall King made an escape; / How he dis-rob'd himself of things that precious were, / And with a knife cut off his curled hair; / How a hollow Oak his palace was as then, And how King Charles became a serving-man / To the Tune of, in my freedom is all my Joy. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London-Bridge.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 308.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:lxv-lxvi.

W41A. W., I. Englands honour, and Londons glory. / With the manner of proclaiming Charles the second King of England, this eight of / May, 1660. by the honourable the two houses of Parliament, Lord Generall Monk, / the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Counsell of the City. / The tune is, Vive la Roy. / [text] / London, Printed for William Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 97.
Ms copy: O Firth c.20 f.102, see Crum, C 482.

W116. W., T. Dolor, ac Voluptas, invicem cedunt. / OR / ENGLANDS / Glorious Change, by Calling Home of / KING CHARLES / THE SECOND. / Together with the Royalists Exaltation, / And the Phanatiques Diminution. / [text] / LONDON, Printed in the year 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(10), ms dated "8 May"; L L.23.C.1(88).

/not Wing/. Wade, John. The King and Kingdoms joyful Day of Triumph. / OR, / The Kings most Excellent majesties Royal and Triumphant coming to London, / accompanied by the ever Renowned, his Excellency the Lord General Monck, / and an numerous company of his Royal Peers, Lords, Knight, / Citizens, and Gentry, who conducted his Royal Majesty / in Honour and Triumph from Dover to London. / To the Tune of, The Scottish Lady, or, Ill tide that cruel peace that gain'd a War on me. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 146.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxxiii-xxxiv.


   Format: F. t/p + pp. 1 [no 2 or 3] 4-8; sigs. [A]-[B2v]. no colophon. Variant printings.
Copies, W528: O1 Gough Loudon 2(9), t/p signed by author, reported missing in 1995; O2 Ashm.1819(22); C Sel.3.162(6); IU; TU.
Another edition, W529: Printed for Richard Marriot, in St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet.
Format: Large paper F. t/p + pp. 1 [no 2 or 3] 4-8; sigs. [A]-[B2v].
Copies: LT E.1080(3), ms dated "9 June." Thomason incorrectly began to inscribe this as if it were the Ellis poem "The gift of the Author, my son George's Tutor," so he presumably collected it on or around 11 June; C; O3 Pamph. A.111(4), heavily trimmed; OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(110), trimmed; CH 125997; IU; MH; WCL; Y; CLC.

B4852. Walton, Izaak. "To My Ingenious Friend Mr. Brome." See Brome item above.

W2306. Willes, Samuel. TO THE / KINGS / MOST SACRED / MAJESTY, / Upon his Happy and Glorious RETURN / An endeavoured / POEM. / [rule] / BY / SAMUEL WILLES. / [rule] / Cressa ne careat pulcra dies nota. Horat. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. R. for John Baker at the sign of the / Peacock in St. Pauls Church-yard 1660. / [double-ruled box]

   Format: Qto, t/p + pp. 1-12; sigs. A2-[B3v].
Copies: LT E.1027(15), ms dated "15 June"; O Malone 746(3); C1 Syn 7.66.11 (2); C2 Peterborough K.4.22(15), contains variants.

W3361. The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape of our / Gracious King, from that dismal, black and gloomie defeat at Worcester: / Together with a pattern to all true and faithfull Subjects, by the five / Loyal and faithfull Brothers, with their care and diligence, obser-/ vance and obedience 8 dayes in the time of his Majesties obscurity. / The tune is, Come lets drink the time invites. / [cut] / [text] / Printed for F. Coles, T Vere, and W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: O Wood 401(173/174), ms dated "1660."
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:lxvii-lxix.

W106. Woodford, Samuel. Epinicia Carolina, / OR AN / ESSAY / Upon the Return of His / SACRED MAJESTY, / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By S. W. of the Inner Temple. / [rule] / [design] / LONDON, / Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the Golden Ball in Chan-/ cery Lane. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-19; sigs. A2-[C3v].
Copies: LT E.1027(8), ms dated "7 June"; O Malone 746(2); OH; CH 47864, ms emendations.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 636.

W3475. Woodstock Grammar School. VOTIVUM CAROLO, / OR / A WELCOME to his Sacred / MAJESTY / CHARLES the II. / [rule] / From the Master and Scholars of Wood-/ stock-School in the County of Oxford. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and crowned thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year 1660./ [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + [A]-[D4], last two blank. Published in Oxford by Henry Hall, according to Madan.
Copies: L 11626.d.68; O1 Wood 319(10), ms dated "June 1660" but unreliable [see below]; O2 Pamph.c.109(3); OC F.127(2); OB 910.h.13(21), Nicholas Crouch's copy bought for 4d.; CS Ee.6.10 (3); CN; MH; TU; Y.
Commentaries: Madan, "#2540: "The royal borough of Woodstock contained a free Grammar School, founded in 1585, and at this time presided over by Francis Gregory, a native of that town and educated at Westminster and Cambridge. He had already issued several school-books, and according to Wood (Fasti Oxon. ii.258) 'did much good by his sedulous instruction'. Anyway he induced his scholars to weep over Charles I in correct style and to rejoice in the new King to order he himself showing them how to do it, by example. Any sincerity there might have been was disturbed by the unfortunate doubt whether Charles after all would not be sent off, bag and baggage, to Holland again (p. [7]). In fact, the poems were a little 'previous' when written. The Verses are fairly correct, and dictionaries and grammars produced. . . The volume seems to have been issued after [Britannia Rediviva] which is referred to in the preface, that is to say, not before the middle of July."

/not Wing/. A Worthy Kings Description / Both Country and City give ear to this ditty, / Whilst that I the praises sing, / And fame his honour out doth Ring, / That best deserveth to wear the Crown; / For Worth there's none can put him down / And this is no flattering, to describe a worthy King; / His Subjects here their desires explain, / Desiring that he may enjoy his own again. / [cut] / [text]

   Format: bl brs. The initial cut was also used by the stationer Charles Tyus for The Covenant.
Copies: GU Euing 404.


[9] Nicholas Crouch was elected fellow of Balliol in 1640, returned in 1650 and survived the interregnum; see John Jones, Balliol College: A History 1263-1939 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988).

[10] title. CHARLES] CHALES copytext

[11] Tyus] Yyus

[12]\257Henry Marsh] blackletter\257 at the Princes Armes in / Chancery-Lane near Fleet-Street, 1660.

[13] LONON] O1, O2, L

[14] sequunta] "n" inked out O1, O2, MR, LT, OH, OB; but not WF\257 est. Ovid. Met.

[15] The first line is missing from O

[16] Soveraigne] Soveriagne copy text\257

[17] unto] nnto copy text

[18] Honourable] ed; Honourble \344

[19] 1660.^] ed; 7E.. \344

Appendix I: Some Ghosts

g1. Boyle, Roger [Lord Broghill, Lord Orrery].

    Reference: "He wrote a Poem upon the King's Restoration, which was well received, but which I never met with." Eustace Budgell, Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of the Illustrious Family of the Boyles (London, 1737), p. 91.

g2. Oldys [Oldis], Valentine (1620-1685). "A Poem on the Restoration of King Charles."

   References: Corser 4:1, 34, 36, mentions this poem under the entry for "Bold," a claim repeated in the entry for Oldys in DNB; L Birch ms. 4240 contains memoirs of the Oldys family.

g3. A Psalm of Mercy. To the tune of "Now thanks to the powers below".

   References: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94, dating it 26 January 1660; reprinted in Rump Songs (1662), but the original has not been found: perhaps a confusion with P4 above?

g4. Rapsodion Eutakia, or, Select Poems. Wing P66 ?

   References: once reported in Wing for P66, listing copies at L, CH, MH; but none have been found?

g6. Stubbe, Henry.

    References: Thomas Flatman, in Montelion's Almanac for 1661, says that Stubbe wrote a "Panegyrick to the King when the tide turned." This item is not part of Stubbe's Animadversions on the Commonwealth of Oceana proposed by James Harrington (1660) [NUC listing NS1020311] at PL; reported private letter, 1986.

Appendix II: Manuscript poems relating to the Restoration in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, based on Crum's Index.

A 1888. "Attend & list awhile / Brethren Hypocriticall.

    Copies: Firth b.20(141).

A 1309. [Ashmole, Elias], Sol in Ascendente.

    Copies: Ashmole 36,37 f.17; Ashmole 38, f.230. Corrected autograph copy of printed version; see Ashmole above.

A 1938. Ford, Thomas, "On the King's Return, May 29 166[0]."

    Copies: ms Eng. poet. e.4, 167.

A 1937. [Philips, Katherine?], "Upon his Majesties most happy restauration."

    Copies: Firth b.20, f.140.

B 600. "Copy of verses . . . in Charles the 2nd time."

    Copies: ms Top. oxon. b.116, f.111.

C 482. W., I., England's Honour and London's Glory.

    Copies: Firth c.20 f.102. A transcription of W41A above.

D 4656. "Dread Sir, the prince of Light / Our Monarch . . ."

    Copies: ms mus.c.26, f.115. Set to music by Dr. John Blow; see Music and Letters, 46 (1965): 0000.

G 551. Wase, Christopher, "To the King's Majesty."

    Copies: ms Eng. poet. e.4, 46.

H 38. [Philips, Katherine?], "Upon the Hollow Tree."

    Copies: Firth b.20, f.140.

H 99. [Chatwin, John], "On the Royall Oke."

    Copies: ms *Rawl. poet. 94, 173.

H 298. P[hilips], K[atherine], "Upon the Numerous accesse /of the English Gentry to his Matie., in Flanders."

    Copies: ms Tanner 306, f.367; printed in Poems (1664) p. 3.

H 350. Philips, Katherine, "On the Coronation."

    Copies: Locke e.17, 94; printed in Poems (1664), but not Poems (1667).

I 868. P., E., "Charles the 2nd. after he was crowned King of Scotland, was proclaimed Traytor . . . by the Rump."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 26, f.163.

I 1059. "On the returne of King Charles 2nd."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 84, f.10.

L 57. "The Starry Vision."

    Copies: ms Ashmole 47, 164.

H 607. Fairfax, Thomas Lord, "Upon the Horse which hisMajestie Rode upon att his Coronation 1660."

    Copies: ms *Fairfax 40, 612 [autograph]; ms *Fairfax 38, 274.

M 511. K., P., "Carolisimus. Or the Royal Patent On The Soveraigne Touch."

    Copies: ms Tanner 306, f.387.

N 203. "On Charles II, 1660."

    Copies: ms Add.B.8, f.70v.

R 239. M. P. Q. A., "Rise up brave worthy for thou art divine."

    Copies: ms Ashmole 36,37 f.165.

T 840. "Verses presented to Charles 2d at a New Year."

    Copies: ms Eng. poet. d.152, 16v.

T 1250. Waller, Edmund, "To his Majty K. Charles 2. on his happyReturn."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 173, f.108v. A late ms copy made by John Dunton.

T 1291a. C., J., "Verses on a cut by William Faithorne, of Charles II, owned by Thomas Rawlinson."

    Copies: ms Hearne's Diaries 57, 80. Printed version in Lord, POAS, 1: frontispiece.

T2848. "A new ballad on the 29th of May To the Tune of "over the Hills and far away."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 155, 115.

W 221. "To the King."

    Copies: ms *Don.f.5, f.35.

W 1532. Polwhele, John, "March 1659 [1660] Upon the Reporte of King Charles the 2d being att Calice . . ."

    Copies: ms *Eng. poet. f.16, f.64v.

W 2111. "Mr. [John] Ayton's New Yeares guift to the King, with severall Peices of Coyne, 1661."

    Copies: mss Ashmole 36,37, f.120; adapted from Sir Robert Ayton's poem to Queen Anne, 1604.

Y 308. "Win at first and lose at last."

    Copies: ms Top. oxon.c.108, 83. A version of Laurence Price's ballad, see P3389A-3390A above.

Appendix III: A Selection of Manuscript Poems in the British Library.

   I have made no systematic search through the manuscript collections of the British Library, but can report that verses concerning the Restoration are to be found in the following:

ms1. Add.Ms 4457.ff.74,75.

ms 2. Add.Ms 36916.

ms 3. Add.Ms 34,217.f.27b; "Nemesis ad Carolum," with English translation.

ms 4. Sloane.MS 655.

ms 5. Add.Ms 28,758; Sacheverell poems (1651-62).

ms 6. Add.Ms 15,950.f.139; John Evelyn.

ms 7. Add.Ms 21,094; Rochester.

ms 8. Burney.MS 406.f.36; Latin verses.

Works Cited and Abbreviations

   This list contains references to publications that are regularly cited in the editorial material, but does not list every seventeenth-century printed work used in the annotations to particular poems.

   Place of publication for printed works is London unless otherwise stated. Dates are given Old Style, but with the year regarded as starting on 1 January.

   When referring to these works in the headnotes and annotations, I have sometimes provided a full reference; otherwise I have used an Author plus Short Title form, except when adopting an abbreviated form for frequently cited works as indicated below.

Aubin: Aubin, R. A. London in Flames, London in Glory: Poems on the Fire and Rebuilding of London, 1666-1709. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Studies, 1943.

Aldis: Aldis, Harry G. A List of Books Printed in Scotland before 1700, including those printed furth of the realm for Scottish booksellers. With brief notes on the printers and stationers. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Bibliographic Society, 1904.

Arber: Arber, Edward, ed. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640. 5 vols. London: HMSO, 1875-1894.

Ashmole, Elias. Memoirs of the Life of the Learned Antiquary, Elias Ashmole, Esq; Drawn up by himself by way of Diary. Ed. Charles Burman. London: J. Roberts, 1717. Reprinted in The Lives of those Eminent Antiquaries Elias Ashmole, Esquire, and Mr. William Lily, Written by themselves. London: T. Davies, 1774.

Bell, Maureen. "Hannah Allen and the Development of a Puritan Publishing Business, 1646-1651." Publishing History 26 (1989): 5-66.

Bennett, H. S. English Books and Readers, 1603-1640. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970.

Broadley, A. M. ed. The Royal Miracle: A Collection of rare tracts, broadsides, letters, prints, and ballads concerning the wanderings of Charles II. After the Battle of Worcester. London: Stanley Paul, 1912.

Brome, Alexander. The Poems of Alexander Brome. 2 vols. Ed. Roman R. Dubinski. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982.

Capp, Bernard. Astrology and the Popular Press: English Almanacs 1500-1800. London: Faber and Faber, 1979.

CJ: Journals of the House of Commons

CSPD: Calendar of State Papers, Domestic

CSPV: Calendar of State Papers, Venetian

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Ed. W. Dunn Macray. 6 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888.

Collop, Poems. The Poems of John Collop. Ed. Conrad Hilberry. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962.

Corser, Thomas. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica: Or, a Bibliographic and Descriptive Catalogue of a Portion of a collection of Early English Poetry, with occasional remarks biographical and critical. 5 vols. Manchester: Chetham Society, 1860-1863.

Cowley, Abraham. The Collected Works of Abraham Cowley. 2 vols to date. Edited by Thomas O. Calhoun et al. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1989 --

Crane and Kaye: Crane, R. S., and F. B. Kaye. A Census of British Newspapers and Periodicals 1620-1800. 1927. Reprint. London: Holland House, 1979.

Cressy, David. Literacy and the Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Crawford, James L. Lindsay, Lord. Catalogue of English Broadsides, 1505-1897. Privately printed: 1898.

Cronk, Anthony. St Margaret's Church, Horsmonden: An Historical and Descriptive Account. Horsmonden: Church Farm House, 1967.

Crum: Crum, Margaret, ed. First-Line Index of English Poetry 1500-1800 In Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library Oxford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

DNB: Dictionary of National Biography

Davies, Godfrey. The Restoration of Charles II, 1658-1660. San Marino, CA.: Huntington Library, 1955.

Denham, Poems. The Poems of Sir John Denham. Ed. T. H. Banks. 2nd ed. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1969.

Draper, John. W. ed. A Century of Broadside Elegies. London: Ingpen and Grant, 1928.

Dryden, Works. The Works of John Dryden. Ed. H. T. Swedenberg et al. 24 vols to date. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1956 --

EHR: English Historical Review

Ebsworth, MDC: Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, ed. 1875. Merry Drollery Compleat. Boston, Lincs, 1875.

Ebsworth, RB: Ebsworth, J. Woodfall, ed. The Roxburghe Ballads. 9 vols. Hertford: The Ballad Society, 1871-1897.

Edie, Carolyn. "News From Abroad: Advice to the People of England on the Eve of the Stuart Restoration." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (l984): 382-407.

Edie, Carolyn. "Right Rejoicing: Sermons on the Occasion of the Stuart Restoration, 1660." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 62 (1979-80): 61-86.

Eisenstein, Elizabeth. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transforamtions in Early-modern Europe. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

ELR: English Literary Renaissance.

Erskine-Hill, Howard. The Augustan Idea in English Literature. London: Arnold, 1983.

Evans, David. "Charles II's 'Grand Tour': Restoration Panegyric and the Rhetoric of Travel Literature." Philological Quarterly 72:1 (1993): 53-71.

Exeter Cathedral. "Charles II and the Restoration: An Exhibition to Commemorate the Tercentenary of the Restoration of the Monarchy held in The Chapter House, Exeter held 18- May, 1960." Exeter Cathedral Library, 1960.

Fagan, Louis Alexander. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of William Faithorne. London, Quaritch, 1888.

Firth, C. H. "The Ballad History of the Reign of James I." Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Third series, 5 (1911): 21-61.

Firth, C. H. and R. S. Rait, eds., Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. vols. London: HMSO, 1911.

Fortescue, George, ed. Catalogue of the Pamphlets, Books, Newspapers, and Manuscripts Relating to the Civil War, The Commonwealth, and Restoration, Collected by George Thomason, 1641-1661. 2 vols. London: British Museum, 1908.

Frank, Joseph. Hobbled Pegasus: A Descriptive Bibliography of Minor English Poetry, 1641-1660. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1968.

Fuller, Poems Grosart, Alexander B. ed. The Poems and Translations in Verse ... of Thomas Fuller. Edinburgh: Crawford and McCabe, 1868.

Gardiner, Dorothy ed. The Oxinden and Peyton Letters 1642-1670. London: The Sheldon Press, 1937.

Gardiner, S. R., ed. Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1628-1660. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889.

Gardiner, Samuel R. The History of England ... 1603-1642. 10 vols. London: Longman, Green 1883.

Gaskell, Philip. A New Introduction to Bibliography. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979.

Greaves, Richard L. Deliver Us From Evil: The Radical Underground in Britain, 1660-1663. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.

Greetham, David. Textual Scholarship: An Introduction. New York and London: Garland, 1992.

Groden, Michael. "Contemporary Textual and Literary Theory." In Representing Modernist Texts: Editing as Interpretation, ed. George Bornstein. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1991), pp. 259-86.

Guizot, M. The History of England From the Earliest Times to the Accession of Queen Victoria. Edited by Madame de Witt. Trans. Moy Thomas. 3 vols. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1877-79.

HLQ: Huntington Library Quarterly

Habukkuk, Sir John. "The Land Settlement and the Restoration of Charles II." Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series, 28 (1978): 201-222.

Harris, Tim. London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II: Propaganda and Politics from the Restoration Until the Exclusion Crisis. Oxford: Clarendon, 1985.

Harris, Tim, Paul Seaward, and Mark Goldie, eds. The Politics of Religion in Restoration England. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.

Hazlitt, Handbook : Hazlitt, W. Carew. Handbook to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, From the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. London: John Russell, 1867.

Hazlitt, Collections : Hazlitt, William Carew. Collections and Notes: 1867-1876. London: Reeves and Turner, 1876.

Hazlitt, Collections : Hazlitt, William Carew. Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes, 1474-1700. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1882.

Hazlitt, Collections : Hazlitt, William Carew. Third and Final Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1888.

Healey, Thomas and Jonathan Sawday, eds. Literature and the English Civil War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Hill, Christopher. Milton and the English Revolution. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1977.

Hill, Christopher. The Experience of Defeat: Milton and Some Contemporaries. New York: Viking, 1984.

Hobby, Elaine 1988. Virtue of Necessity: English Women's Writing, 1649-1688. London: Virago.

Horrox, William Arthur. A Bibliography of the Literature Relating to the Escape and Preservation of King Charles II after the Battle of Worcester, 3rd September, 1651. Aberdeen: University Press, 1924.

Howell, Proverbs : Howell, James 1659/60. Proverbs or Old Sayed-Sawes and Adages in the Enligsh Toung; Some Choice Proverbs. 1659; includes Lexicon Tetraglotton. 1660.

Hutton, Ronald. The Restoration: A Political and Religious History of England and Wales 1658-1667. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

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I. Anticipation

Martin Parker: The King Enjoys His own Again

The King enjoys his own again [undated]

England's Great Prognosticator [undated]

A Worthy Kings Description [before May?]

   Frequently imitated before and after the Restoration, Martin Parker's ballad was by far the best known of the popular cavalier songs of the civil war and commonwealth period, keeping alive in a communal form the wish that the king would soon return.20 According to Ebsworth, it was first printed between 1643 and 1646 in a five-stanza version entitled Upon Defacing of Whitehall, to the tune of "Marry me, marry me, quoth the Country Lass."21 But in several reprintings and subsequent versions, the tune -- and the stanzaic patterning that accompanies it -- soon came to be known and recognized as "When the King enjoys his own again." Several ballads printed during 1660 imitate other features of Parker's original, but making versions of it was not an activity confined to print since the familiarity of the tune and refrain would surely have provoked any number of ad hoc performances and versions among royalists.22 At least one vanquished cavalier wrote a version into his commonplace book.23

   Other notable ballads to this tune include the "trunk" ballad The Glory of These Nations, and The Last News from France which purports to offer Jane Lane's account of the king's escape.24 The tune remained popular once the king was back. One blackletter ballad on the coronation signed "By me O. G.," Englands Joyfull Holiday, or, St Georges-Day, holy[. . .] Honoured being the joyfull Solemnity, so long lookt for, of the Coronation of King CHARLS the second, who was most highly attended by all his Dukes, Earls, and Barons from the Tower, through the City to Westminster, where he was Crowned on St. Georges Day, being 23. of April: To the Tune, The King enjoys his own again, is printed on the verso of another ballad; a ms note reads "This page and fol 28b were covered with thick paper till 1881."25


[20] For Martin Parker, see DNB and Rollins, Cavalier and Puritan.

[21] Ebsworth, RB, 7:633-34. I have not been able to find the original of this ballad, also mentioned by the DNB entry on Parker, so have followed Ebsworth's text in the subsequent notes and comments when referring to this work.

[22] See Lois Potter, Secret Writing, pp. 33-5, on the singing of subversive songs by defeated cavaliers.

[23] Now in the Edinburgh National Library at shelfmark ADV l9.3.4(29).

[24] I have only seen the copy at GU Euing 181. This undated ballad provides such an inaccurate account of the events that it was probably issued shortly after the events it describes.

[25] The colophon reads: London, Printed for Richard Burton at the Horse-shoe in Smithfield; O Wood 401(27/28b).

The King enjoys his own again26

   Martin Parker


In its often imitated opening line, Parker's ballad refers to one of the more celebrated fortune tellers of the time, John Booker, engaging the theme of prophecy in order to describe a wish. Booker (23 March 1603-8 April 1667), was born in Manchester but apprenticed to a London haberdasher; disliking the business, he taught writing at Hadley School in Middlesex. According to Mr. William Lilly's History of His Life and Times, From the Year 1602, to 1681 (1715), "he wrote singularly well both Secretary and Roman" and served as clerk to various London Aldermen "and by that Means became not only well known, but as well respected of the most eminent Citizens of London, even to his dying day" (p. 28). His first almanack was Telescopium Uranium (1631). After successfully predicting the deaths of Gustavus Adolphus and the Elector Palatine, Booker gained the position of licenser of mathematical books. Elias Ashmole bought his papers for £140 -- "far more Money than they were worth" according to Lilly (p. 29) -- and erected a gravestone for him (Ebsworth, RB, 7:634). "To say no more of him," wrote Lilly, "he lived an honest Man, his Fame now questioned at his Death" (p. 29).27

   The original stanzas map a program of loyal resignation suitable for the second half of the 1640s when royalist affairs were going poorly. The stanzas added in 1660 touch on several topics that seem to have been commonly in the thoughts of hopeful royalists that year: reform of the universities, settlement of the church, agreement between parliament and the crown, and a return of many things -- prosperous trading, justice, law, security, peace, and marital harmony.

   There are two printed versions in the British Library, one in roman type, the other in blackletter, that presumably belong to the year of the king's return, though both are undated. The text given here follows the version in roman type (L1) rather than that in blackletter (L2), since it contains more substantive variants from earlier versions, suggesting a greater degree of revision specifically for the occasion. The major difference between the two printings is that the roman version maintains focus on domestic issues, trusting that treacherous "Rogues," rather than "Frenchees," will flee with the king's return (line 77). The xenophobic note, however, is sharpened in another version of this ballad -- England's Great Prognosticator -- which is given next.

[26] /.FL Wing: P441. Copies: L1 1876.f.3, brs. roman type COPYTEXT. L2 Rox. III. 256, bl brs. no use of roman. I have reported here only variants of whole words or phrases. HH [not found]. Ms variant at EN ADV l9.3.4(29). Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:682-84, based on text of L2.

[27] See also DNB.

The KING enjoys His own again.

To be joyfully Sung with its own proper sweet Tune.28
1: WHat Booker can prognosticate,
2:       or speak of our Kingdom's present state?
3: I think my self to be as wise,
4:       as he that most looks in the Skies:
5: My Skill goes beyond the depth of the Pond,
6:      or Rivers29 in the greatest Rain;30
7: By the31 which I can tell, that all things will be well,
8:      When the King comes Home in Peace again.

9: There is no Astrologer then I say
10:      can search more deep in this than32 I,
11: To give a33 reason from the Stars,
12:       what causeth Peace or civil Wars;
13: The Man in the Moon may wear out his shoon34
14:       in running after Charles his Wain.
15: But all to no end, for the times they will mend,
16:       When the King comes Home in Peace again.

17: Though for a time you see White-hall
18:       with Cob-webs hanging over the Wall,35
19: Instead of Silk and Silver brave,
20:       as formerly it us'd to have;
21: In every Room,36 the sweet Perfume,
22:       delightfull for that Princely Train;
23: The which you shall see, when the time it shall be,
24:       That the King comes Home in Peace again.

25: Two Thousand Years37the Royal Crown,
26:       hath been his Fathers and his own;
27: And I am sure ther's none but he
28:       hath right to that Soveraignitie.
29: Then who better may the Scepter sway38
30:       than39 he that hath such Right to Reign?
31: The hopes of your Peace, for the Wars will then cease
32:       When the King comes Home in Peace again.

33: Till then upon Ararat's-hill,
34:       my Hope40 shall cast her Anchor still,
35: Until I see some Peaceful Dove
36:       bring Home that41 Branch which I do Love,
37: Still will I wait till the Waters abate,
38:       which most disturbs my troubled Brain;
39: For I'll42 never rejoyce, till I hear the43 Voice,
40:       That the King's come Home in Peace again.

41: Oxford and Cambridge shall agree
42:       crown'd with Honour and Dignitie;
43: Learned Men shall then take place,
44:       and bad Men silenc'd with Disgrace,
45: They'll know it was then but44 a shameful Strain
46:       that hath so long disturb'd our[45] Brain,
47: For surely I can46 tell that all things will be47 well
48:       When the King comes Home in Peace again.

49: Church Government shall settled be,
50:       and then I hope we shall agree,
51: Without their help, whose high brain Zeal,
52:       hath48 long distrub'd our Common well
53: Greed out of date, and Coblers that do prate49
54:       of Wars that still disturb their Brain.
55: The which you shall see when the time it shall be
56:       That the King comes Home in Peace again.

57: Tho' many Men are much in Debt,
58:      and many Shops are to be set:
59: A Golden time is drawing near,
60:      Men shall take Shops to hold their Ware.
61: And then all our Trade shall flourish alamode,
62:      the which we shall e'er long50 obtain;
63: By the which I can tell that all things will be well
64:      When the King comes Home in Peace again

65: Maidens then shall enjoy their Mates,51
66:      and Honest Men their lost Estates:
67: Women shall have what they do lack,52
68:       their Husbands, who are coming back.
69: When the Wars have an end, then I &53 my Friend
70:      all Subjects freedom shall obtain.
71: By the which I can tell that all things will be well
72:      When the King comes Home in54 Peace again.

73: Though People now walk in great Fear
74:       alongst the Country every where:
75: Thieves shall then tremble at the Law,
76:       and Justice shall keep them in aw,
77: The Rogues55 shall flee with their Treacherie
78:       and all the Kings Foes most shamefulie,56
79: The which you shall see when the time it shall be
80:       That the King comes Home in Peace again.

81: The Parliament must willing be,
82:       that all the World may plainly see,
83: How they do labour still for Peace,
84:       that now these bloody Wars may cease:
85: For they'll57 gladly spend their Lives to defend
86:       the King in all his Right to Reign;
87: So then I can tell all things will be well,
88:       When the King enjoys58 sweet Peace again

89: When all these shall come to pass,59
90:       then farewell Musket, Pipe60 and Drum,
91: The Lamb shall with the Lyon feed,
92:       which were a happy time indeed:
93: O let us all pray, we may see the day,
94:       that Peace may govern in his Name:
95: For then I can tell all things will be well
96:       When the King comes Home in Peace again.61


[28] proper sweet Tune.] proper Tune.

[29] Rivers] River

[30] lines 5-6: Ebsworth suggests that "Booker's skill in measuring `the depth of a Pond, or Rivers, in the greatest rain'. . . was gained as an experienced Angler, and maker of fishing-tackle, resident in Tower-Street, temp. Caroli" (RB, 7:634).

[31] the] thee

[32] than] then

[33] give a] give you a

[34] shoon] shoone

[35] Wall,] wal

[36] Room] Roome

[37] Two Thousand Years] Full fourty years following Upon Defacing of Whitehall

[38] Scepter sway] Scepter to sway,

[39] than] then

[40] Hope] hopes

[41] that] the

[42] I'll] I'le

[43] the] that

[44] it was then but] it then to be

[45] our] their

[46] For surely I can] For I can surely

[47] will be] shal go

[48] hath] have

[49] line 53: Coblers, i.e. Col. John Hewson, a common butt of royalist satires because of his artisanal origins.

[50] we shall e'er long] ere long we shal

[51] Mates] Maiks L2. Ebsworth sees here evidence of a Northern printer, suggesting John White of Newcastle (RB, 7:684).

[52] lack] lake

[53] &] and

[54] the King comes Home in] we enjoy sweet

[55] Rogues] Frenches

[56] all the Kings Foes most shamefulie] the Kings foes a shamed remain

[57] they'll] they will

[58] the King enjoys] we enjoy

[59] shall come to pass,] things to pass shall come,

[60] Pipe] Pick

[61] When the King comes Home in Peace again.] GOD SAVE THE KING, AMEN.

England's Great Prognosticator62


This version of Parker's The King enjoys his own again more closely follows the text of the blackletter copy in the British Library (L2; see line 31) than the copy in roman type (L1), but displays sufficient independent and substantial variants from either to establish itself as a distinct variant. In several places, the versification has been improved. More generally, alterations here add edge to the satire against those who supported and benefitted from parliamentary government (eg. line 11), while shifts in verb tenses intensify the historical immediacy of the verses by signalling certainty that the king is about to arrive (eg. lines 21, 28-30). With the return of monarchy, the danger from treacherous "rogues" is replaced by that from "Papists" (line 95), adding international relations to the agenda: "a fig for Rome and Spain."

   One of several ballads published for Francis Grove to celebrate the events of 1660, this one bears an original cut representing an astrologer looking through a three-barrelled telescope alongside a stock cut of two noble knights riding.


[62] Wing: E2974A. Copies: GU Euing 96. E [not found]. Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

Englands Great Prognosticator,
Foretelling when England shall enjoy a settled peace and happinesse again,
Not by Planets, Signes, nor by Stars, But truly tells when ends these bloody wars.
To the Tune of, When the King injoyes his own again.


1: WHat Booker can Prognosticate
2: Concerning of our Kingdomes fate?
3: I think my self to be as wise
4: As most that gazes in the Skyes
5:      my skill goes beyond
6:      the Depth of Pond,
7: Or Rivers in the Greatest rain,
8:      by which I can tell
9:      all things will be well,
10: Now the King injoyes his own again.
11: There's neither Swallow, Dove, nor Dade,63
12: Can soare more high, nor deeper wade,
13: To give you a reason from the Stars,
14: What causeth Peace, or Civill wars,
15:       the man in the Moon,
16:       may wear out his shoon,
17: In running after Charls his wane,
18:       and all to no end,
19:       for the times they will mend,
20: Now the King enjoyes his own again.

21: Though for a time you saw White-hall
22: With cobwebs hanging on the wall,
23: Instead of Silk and silver brave,
24: As formerly it us'd to have,
25:       in every room,
26:       the sweet perfume
27: Delightfull for a Princely train,
28:       the which you may see,
29:       now the time it shall be,
30: That the King is come home in peace again.

31: Full forty years the Royall Crown,64
32: Hath been his Fathers, and his own,
33: And is there any more than he,
34: Hath right unto that Soveraignty?
35:       then who better may
36:       the Scepter sway,
37: Than he that hath such right to reign
38:       the hopes of our peace
39:       for the wars will cease,
40: Now the King is come home in peace again.

41: Till when, Ararat upon thy Hill,
42: My hopes did cast her Anchour still,
43: Untill I saw some peacefull Dove,
44: Bring home that branch which dear I love,
45:       till then I did wait,
46:       the waters abate,
47: Which most disturb'd my troubled brain,
48:       and never did rejoyce,
49:       till I did hear the voyce,
50: That the King enjoyes his own again.

51: Oxford and Cambridge still agree,
52: Crown'd with honour and dignity.
53: Learned men shall now take place,
54: Tub-men be silenc'd with disgrace,
55:       for they shall know
56:       'twas but an outward show
57: That they so long disturb'd their brain,
58:       so I can tell
59:       that all things will be well
60: Now the King is come home in peace again.


61: CHurch, Government shall settled be,
62: And then I hope we shall agree,
63: Without their helps whose hair-brain'd zeal,
64: Hath long disturb'd the Common-weal,
65:       Green's65 out of date,
66:       and the Cobler66 doth prate,
67: Of whimsies that disturbs his brain,
68:       the which you shall see,
69:       when the time it shall be,
70: Now the King enjoyes his own again.

71: Though many men are much in debt,
72: And divers shops are to be let,
73: A golden time is drawing neer,
74: Men shall want shops for their ware,
75:       all Trades shall increase
76:       by the means of a Peace67
77: The which ere long we shall obtain,
78:       for which I can tell
79:       all things will be well,
80: Now the King enjoys his own again.

81: Maydens shall injoy their Mates,
82: And honest men their lost estates,
83: Women shall have what they do lack,
84: Their husbands are a comming back
85:       when the wars have an end,
86:       then I and my friend,
87: A Subjects freedome shall obtain,
88:       for this I can tell,
89:       all things will be well
90: Now the King enjoys his own again.

91: People shall walk without any fear,
92: About the Country every where.
93: Theeves shall tremble at the Law,
94: And Justice keep them all in awe,
95:       Papists shall flye,
96:       with their trumpery
97: And then a fig for Rome and Spain,
98:       the which you shall see,
99:       when the time it shall be,
100: Now the King is come home in peace again.

101: The Parliament most willing be,
102: That all the world may plainly see,
103: Now they do labour still for Peace,
104: That all these bloody wars may cease,
105:       for they will spend
106:       their lives to defend
107: The King in all his rights to reign,
108:       so I can tell,
109:       all things will be well,
110: Now the King enjoys his own again.

111: When all these things to passe shall come,
112: Then farewell Musket, Pike, and Drum,
113: The Lamb shall with the Lion feed,
114: That were a happy time indeed,
115:       O let all pray,
116:       that we may see the day
117: That Peace may govern Charles his Wane,
118:       for then I can tell,
119:       all things will be well
120: Now the King enjoyes his own again.


   London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snowhill, without Newgate. Entred according to Order.


[63] Thomas Swallow, Jonathan Dove and William Dade all gave their names to well-known almanacs published throughout the century; see Bernard Capp, Astrology and the Popular Press, pp. 357, 358, 380-81. According to Ebsworth, each of them prospered during the commonwealth: "Swallow had been a corn-cutter, cheiropodist, in Gutter-Lane, helped into favour by Pennington's wife whom he literally set on her feet again. Dove, a cobbler at Whitecross-street, had told Sir William Waller that `The Lord would fight his battles for him!' and after Waller's success in Cambridgeshire Dove was rewarded, being subsidized as an almanack-maker. Dade, seller of fiddle-strings and pensioner of parliament, had fooled them with flattery" (RB, 7:634).

[64] "forty years" follows Upon Defacing of Whitehall and the blackletter version of Parker at@@####

[65] Probably a compositor's error for "Greed's" as in Parker, line 53.

[66] Presumably Col. John Hewson, commonly thus termed in satires of the time.

[67] An improvement on Parker line 61.

A Worthy Kings Description68

   [undated: before May?]

This anonymous and undated blackletter broadside loosely follows Parker's stanza, retaining the metrics of the refrain. It bears woodcuts that were also used by Charles Tyus for The Covenant.

   Evidently composed before Charles arrived, the ballad sets general conditions for, and details specific results of, his return, including the rare and potentially startling claim that, once Charles is back, "Then will his power be absolute" (line 32).

A Worthy Kings Description

1: Both Country and City give ear to this ditty,
2: Whilst that I the praises sing,
3: And fame his honour out doth Ring,
4: That best deserveth to wear the Crown;
5: For Worth there's none can put him down
6:      And this is no flattering, to describe a worthy King;
7:      His Subjects here their desires explain,
8: Desiring that he may enjoy his own again.


1: BRave news there is I understand,
2: Brought by one that late did land,
3: Many that heretofore were sad,
4: Their hearts full merry are, and glad,
5: And rejoice for his sake,
6: That amends will us make,
7: And will please us all as then,
8:      for he that we did lack
9:      is now returning back
10: For to enjoy his own again.

11: Fair England will be well content
12: With the chief of men in government,
13: When the Churches Champion smiles upon her,
14: Earths Majesty and Natures honour;
15: His foes unto him he will draw,
16: Hee's the director of the Law.
17: And the Nations Rights he will maintain:
18:      these things will appear
19:      before the next new year.
20: When the King enjoys his own again.

21: When the Scepter of mercy he doth hold,
22: And true Justice doth unfold,
23: And when he doth his own imbrace,
24: There you may see the glass of grace,
25: And the terrour of Treason
26: Which is but Reason.
27: The poor mans Cause he will maintain;
28:      no man can this deny,
29:      hee's the life of Loyalty,69
30: When that he enjoys, &c.

31: His command if Right is without dispute,
32: Then will his power be absolute:
33: In him Wisdome is very rife,
34: And his favour will lengthen life;
35: His Subjects his charge will be,
36: And his care for their safety.
37: This pleasure will true peace maintain,
38:      which we shall prove
39:      his joy to be our love,
40: When the King, &c.

41: His wisedome is not to be paralel'd
42: By all that e're the Scepter held,
43: 'cause it is without all equallity,
44: We hope no man can this deny:
45: He is of great renown,
46: And best describes the Crown;
47: For why he hath most right to raign,
48:      thus saith the Trump of fame
49:      that he describes the same,
50: For to enjoy, &c.

51: If for the same he be appointed,
52: And he be call'd the Lords anointed;
53: Like a King he must be served,
54: And70 be tenderly preserved:
55: Then he the head must be
56: Of the publick body:
57: If that his right he doth regain,
58:      he will tender of us be
59:      if that we live to see
60: Him to enjoy, &c.

The Second Part,
To the same Tune.


61: HE's a blessing over his people by place,
62: And Gods Vicegerent full of grace:
63: He is no forreign Conqueror,
64: But our Supream Governour,
65: His safety his Counceils cares,
66: And his health his Subjects prayers:
67: Whilst that on Earth he doth remain,
68:      his pleasure is his Peeres,
69:      that great Jehovah fears,
70: And to enjoy his own again.

71: And for to chear his Subjects sadnesse,
72: His content will be their gladnesse,
73: His presence must Reverenced be,
74: According to his high degree;
75: His person must not be scorned,
76: But his civill Court adorned,
77: When in fair England he doth raign,
78:      all men shall be free,
79:      and set at liberty,
80: When the King, &c.

81: What rightfull71 thing by him is said,
82: Ought not for to be disobey'd;
83: One thing cannot be denied.
84: That his wants must be supplyed,
85: Nor his place unregarded,
86: But Royally Rewarded,
87: And richly his state maintain:
88:      then let our prayers be
89:      these happy days to see.
90: That the King may enjoy, & c.

91: Although a God he cannot be,
92: Hee's more then an ordinary man we see,
93: Wee do hope hee's so divine,
94: That from the right hee'l not decline.
95: Nor yet will he delay
96: Gods laws to obey,
97: And all mens Rights for to maintain,
98:      which suddenly will be,
99:      when that men do see
100: That the King, &c.

101: I now crave pardon for this bold thing,
102: For describing of a worthy King,
103: And heartily for him will pray
104: Unto the Lord both night and day,
105: And under Heaven him commend,
106: That the Lord will him defend,
107: That he in this Land long time may Raign,
108:      these blessings then will be
109:      who ever lives to see
110: The King, &c.

111: Then shall London Conduits run with Wine,
112: With melodious noise of Musick fine;
113: Then Bells shall Ring, and Bonefires burn,
114: For joy of his gracious return,
115: From sorrow we
116: Hope to be free,
117: From Tyranny and slavish pain,
118:      then let us all rejoyce
119:      both with heart and voice,
120: When the King enjoys his own again.


[68] Wing: [Not listed.] bl brs. Copies: GU Euing 404.

[69] Loyalty] Lyalty copy text, perhaps intended to draw attention to the bad rhyme?

[70] And] Add

[71] rightfull] righfull

II. The Escape from Worcester

J. W., Henry Jones, & John Couch

J. W.,

The Royall Oak

Henry Jones,

The Royal Patient Traveller

The Royal Wanderer

The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape of our Gracious King

John Couch,

His Majesties miraculous Preservation By the Oak, Maid, and Ship

   Among the most popular themes that poets used to celebrate Charles's return was his seemingly miraculous escape from the battle of Worcester back in 1651. The flight from battle, the early days in hiding, and the escape to France six weeks later had swiftly become the stuff of both royalist legend and parliamentarian propaganda. In the months following the battle, the London press had kept busy publishing all manner of speculation and misinformation about the Scottish king's "mad design": widely-circulated news reports maintained that he had escaped into Scotland, or was disguised as a woman and living in London.72 After safely arriving in France in mid October, Charles himself turned misinformation into disinformation by confirming false reports of his route that had appeared in the London press in order to protect those who had helped him escape.73 But nine years later, he was keen that the truth should be told. As soon as he set sail for England, Charles "fell in disourse of his escape from Worcester,"74 subsequently taking a personal interest in setting the record straight and rewarding those who had taken risks on his behalf.75

   Understandably, accounts of the escape published in 1660 tended to rely on the familiar, though often unreliable, stories that had been in circulation since 1651.76 Some of the grosser fabrications disappeared, but errors, such as the soujourn in London which Charles himself had confirmed,77 are frequently repeated. In order to understand how the events of those weeks have been retold by the poets, some facts and dates are useful.

   On Wednesday, 3 September, Charles left the battlefield accompanied by his personal servants and a group of principal noblemen, including Henry Wilmot.78 On Lord Derby's advice, the group herded north where the king had good hopes of being hidden by the recusant underground. By 3:00pm on Thursday they had got as far as Whiteladies and stopped. Here Charles met the five Penderel brothers -- tenant farmers, royalists, and recusants accustomed to hiding people -- who would keep him safely in hiding for the next week. Charles paid off his servants and went into disguise. After a day spent hiding in the woods, with Richard Penderel, Charles attempted but failed to cross the Severn; they retreated to Boscobel House where Charles spent Saturday hiding in an Oak tree. That evening William Penderel cut Charles's hair in an attempt to disguise his overly familiar features.

   Meanwhile John Penderel and Wilmot had been planning an escape in league with Colonel John Lane, whose sister Jane had a parliamentary pass to Abbots Leigh, near Bristol, for herself, her cousin Henry Lascelles, and a manservant. On Sunday evening, following a day at prayer during which he suffered a celebrated nose-bleed, the disguised king, carrying a billhook, set off with all five Penderels to meet up with Wilmot and the Lanes. At Moseley en route, Charles took leave of the Penderels, ending his sojourn among this branch of the loyalist recusant underground. Early on the morning of the 10th, Charles met up with Jane at Bentley and, taking on the guise of William, her manservant, set out riding pillion with Jane for Abbots Leigh, where he would be safely among royalists and close to one of England's busiest ports. As the party approached Stratford, parliamentary troops scared off Jane's sister and brother-in-law, who turned back home. But the rest carried on unmolested, arriving at Long Marston for the night of the 10th. It was here that manservant "William" was scolded by a kitchen maid for being too incompetent to turn a roasting handle. Travelling next day to Cirencester, where they put up at the Crown Inn, the fugitive party arrived at Abbots Leigh on Friday the 12th. Here, despite attempts at disguise, Charles was recognized by a butler named Pope. Finding no boat from Bristol, with Pope's advice and connivance, Jane, Lascelles, with their manservant "William" travelled on into Dorset to Trent. Once plans for a boat to take Charles to France had been arranged, Jane and her cousin returned to Bentley.

   As events turned out, it would take several more weeks before Charles would find passage for France; he finally left from Shoreham on the 15th of October. News that the king had escaped in the company of a woman was in print within a month of his arrival in Paris on the 20th, so there must have been a leak in or around the Lane household.79 The recusant underground handled secrecy somewhat better; the Penderels only enter the story in 1660. In any event, Jane and Colonel Lane, determined to escape any danger, walked to Yarmouth and took ship for the continent in December. Once there, they joined the court in exile. Details of Charles's escape, once Jane Lane had left him, remained obscure to the poets of 1 and so need not detain us here.80

    Restoration accounts of the escape from Worcester are clearly interested in claiming historical accuracy, especially when verisimilitude might contribute to royalist legend and help legitimate regal authority. But the truth about Charles's kingship was to be a gradual and continuing process of revelation. New details were invented, while established rumours, such as Charles claiming to be the son of a nail maker from Birmingham, persisted regardless of their historical accuracy. Harold Weber describes the escape narratives operating a pattern of disguise and revelation that characterizes and legitimates Charles's paradoxical status, rendering the king both human and royally other. By 1660, his defeat at Worcester had already been turned to his advantage, representing not "a military victory over his own people, but . . . a conquest of their hearts."81 Recycling the escape story was ideally suited to keeping that conquest alive by rendering Charles, both man and king, knowable and familiar. In keeping with their popular form, the ballads favor comic inversion -- such as a kitchen maid calling the king a booby -- a device which serves to reaffirm rather than disturb the established order.

   Since none can be dated exactly, the broadside verses given in this section are arranged in the order in which the information they provide became available. The first three reiterate a remarkably similar repertoire of narrative details that had mostly been available in printed form since 1651: Charles leaving the field only after several horses were shot from under him, the subsequent cutting of the king's hair, his disguise, his distributing £300 in gold among his servants, his hiding in an oak tree, his further disguise as a servant to Jane Lane, the £1, reward offered by Parliament for his capture, his taking ship for France. Some anecdotes found in the first three ballads seem to be the stuff of irreducible but undocumentable legend, such as the disguised king claiming to be the son of a Birmingham nail maker. Misinformation from the 1 news reports persists into some of these accounts: the story of Charles and the kitchen maid is set at an inn in Bristol, and he is imagined visiting London before sailing for France.

   The fourth ballad given here, The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape, however, depends on information generally available only after the king's return and fills in some of the details of the first week after Worcester when Charles was in company with the Penderels. John Couch's broadside verses are less interested in reporting historical narrative than with transforming historical detail into the magical forms of poetic iconography. Allusions, both casual and detailed, to the providential-seeming nature of Charles's escape persist in Restoration poems throughout the year. Poems in later sections that make full use of the story include John Crouch's Mixt Poem, Thomas Fairebrother's An Essay, and Thomas Fuller's Panegyrick.


[72] See The last Newes from the King of Scots (for G. Wharton, 1651), LT E.641.(24), ms dated 29 Sept.; The Weekly Intelligencer 16, for 9-16 September 1651, reports on "the madnes of that Design" (p. 281); and see the fuller account from early November, A Mad Designe (for Robert Ibbotson, 1651), LT 669.f.16.(32).

[73] Printed reports of Charles's own account include The Declaration of the King of Scots (for G. Horton, 1651), LT E.645.(5), ms dated "10 November," and A Mad Design.

[74] Pepys, 23 May 1660. Twenty years later, Charles gave Pepys a full account; and see Matthews, ed., Charles's II's Escape from Worcester

[75] On rewards for those who assisted, see Richard Ollard, The Escape of Charles II after the Battle of Worcester (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1966), pp. 139-48.

[76] See Harold Weber, Paper Bullets, chapter on the escape from Worcester stories.

[77] See The Declaration, pp. 2-3.

[78] Alone of the noblemen, Wilmot stayed with Charles during the escape, becoming an important member of the court in exile. He was created Earl of Rochester on 13 December 1652, remaining engaged in royal service until his death on 19 February 1658.

[79] A Mad Designe and The Declaration appeared in early Novemeber. An undated ballad, The last Newes from France (Printed for W. Gilbertson), to the tune "When the King enjoyes his own again," at GU Euing 181, tells the story in the voice of the un-named Lady.

[80] Jane entered the service of the Duke of Orange, whom she attended to Cologne in 1654. In 1660, she was voted £1,000 by the Commons to buy herself a jewel; Charles gave her a gold watch that was to become a family heirloom; a pension of £1, was also voted her (DNB).

[81] Weber, Paper Bullets, p. 40.

J. W.: The Royall Oak82

   [undated: before 29 May]

This undated ballad printed for Charles Tyus says little enough about the much venerated Royal Oak itself, but takes the king from the battle field as far as France in the company of Henry Wilmot and Jane Lane: the subsequent legend of the tree itself has been traced by A. M. Broadley.83 This ballad necessarily simplifies along the way: Charles did not leave the battle field accompanied only by Wilmot, or stop in the oak on the first night, for example. The narrative of events given here reappears in an identical sequence in the next ballad by Henry Jones.

   Although the ballad bears the initials "J., W," authorship remains uncertain. Despite the peculiarity of the punctuation -- initials usually put first name first -- Ebsworth suggests that this ballad is "probably" by John Wade. He also assigns "J. W."'s The King and Kingdomes Joyful Day of Triumph to Wade (RB, 9:33-34). But in neither instance does he provide supporting evidence, and I have found none. This latter ballad was printed for John Andrews who also published "J. W."'s "A Second Charles Once more Shall Reign." Weber notes: "In A Bibliography of the Literature Relating to the Escape and Preservation of King Charles II after the Battle of Worcester, 3rd September, 1651 (Aberdeen: University Press, 1924), William Arthur Horrox suggests the uncertainty of the ascription to Wade, and provides a tentative date of 1660 for publication".84 Since nothing is added to the printed accounts of Worcester available since 1651, and since the king's "presence" is "proclaimed" (lines 6, 11) but not described, we may presume that the ballad appeared early in 1660, before Charles actually arrived.


[82] Wing: /not Wing/. bl brs. Copies: GU Euing 308. Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:65-66.

[83] See Broadley, The Royal Miracle.

[84] Weber, Paper Bullets, p. 221 n1.

The Royall Oak:
The wonderfull travells, miraculous escapes, strange accidents of
his sacred Majesty King Charles the Second.

1: How from Worcester fight by a good hap, Our Royall King made an escape;
2: How he dis-rob'd himself of things that precious were,
3: And with a knife cut off his curled hair;
4: How a hollow Oak his palace was as then, And how King Charles became a serving-man
5: To the Tune of, in my freedom is all my Joy.


1: COme friends and unto me draw near
2: A sorrowfull dity you shall hear,
3: You that deny your lawfull Prince
4: Let Conscience now your faults convince,
5: And now in love and not in fear,
6: Now let his presence be your joy,
7:      whom God in mercy would not destroy.

8: The relation that here I bring
9: Concerning Charles our Royall King,
10: Through what dangers he hath past
11: And is proclaimed King at last;
12: The Princes sorrows we will sing
13: Which the fates sorely did anoy
14:      and God in mercy would not destroy.

15: After Worcester most fatall fight
16: When that King Charles was put to flight,
17: When many men their lives laid down
18: To bring their Soveraign to the Crown,
19: The which was a most glorious sight;
20: Great was his Majesties convoy
21:      whom God in mercy would not destroy.

22: In Worcester battle fierce and hot,
23: His horse twice under him was shot,
24: And by a wise and prudent thrift
25: To save his life was forc'd to shift,
26: Without difficulty it was not:
27: Providence did him safely convoy
28:      whom God in mercy would not destroy.

29: And being full of discontents
30: Stript off his Princely Ornaments,
31: Thus full of troubles and of cares,
32: A knife cut off his curled hairs,
33: Whereby the hunters he prevents:85
34: God did in mercy him convoy
35:      So that they could not him destroy.

36: A chain of gold he gave away
37: Worth three hundred pounds that day,
38: In this disguise by honest thrift
39: Command all for themselves to shift,
40: With one friend doth night and day:
41: Poor Prince alone to Gods convoy
42:      His foes they could not him destroy.

43: These two wandred into a Wood
44: Where a hollow Oak there stood,
45: And for his precious lives dear sake
46: Did of that Oak his palace make,
47: His friend towards night provided food,
48: So their precious lives the did enjoy
49:      whom God in mercy would not destroy

50: Lord Willmot most valiant and stout,
51: He was pursued by the Rout,
52: Was hid in a fiery kiln of Mault
53: And so escaped the Souldiers assault,
54: Which searched all the house about,
55: Not dreaming the kiln was his convoy
56:      which God in mercy would not destroy.


[85] On lines 29-33, see Weber, Paper Bullets, p. 41.

The Second Part,
To the same Tune.


57: ANd relates King Charles his miseries,
58: Which forces tears from tender eyes;
59: Mistrisse Lane entreats him earnestly,
60: For to find out his Majesty,
61: And him to save she would devise,
62: Unto her house they him convoy,
63: Whom God, &c.

64: King Charles a livery Cloak wore than,
65: And became a Servingman,
66: And Westward rode towards the Sea,
67: Intended transported to be,
68: And Mistrisse Lane now please he can,
69: Which was the Kings fastest convoy,
70: Whom God, &c.

71: The Captain commanded his men,
72: To the Right and Left to open then,
73: For harmlesse Travellers he them did take
74: And an intervall for them did make,
75: And so they passed on again
76: Unto King Charles's no small joy.
77: Whom God, &c.

78: His Mistresse coming to her In
79: Left William her man in the Kitchin;
80: The Cook maid askt where he was born,
81: And what Trade that he did learn:
82: To frame his excuse he did begin,
83: Thus his sorrow was turnd to joy,
84: Whom God, &c.

85: To answer mild he thus begun,
86: At Brumigan a Nailers son:
87: When said the maid the Jack stands still,
88: Pray wind it up if that you will,
89: Which he did, suspition to shun,
90: And somewhat did the same annoy,
91: Yet did not the same quite destroy.

92: As those that were by do say
93: He went about it the wrong way,
94: Which angred the Maid the same to see,
95: She call'd him a clownish Boobee
96: In all my life that ever I saw:
97: Her railing caus'd him laugh for joy.
98: Whom God, &c.

99: After many weeks in jeopardy,
100: He was wafted into Normandy,
101: The God of Heaven for his person car'd,
102: The Ship-Paster had a great reward.
103: Thus the good Prince from hence did flye,
104: To suffer hardship he was not coy.
105: Which now will be this nations joy.

   FINIS. J. W.

   London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London-Bridge.

Henry Jones: The Royal Patient Traveller86

A unique ballad from the collection, now in the Bodleian, of Anthony Wood who dated it "1660" after the colophon, and noted above the title that the ballad was "Made by Hen. Jones an old Ballad-singer of Oxon."

   What is specially interesting here is Jones's invention and recounting of comic incidents at the king's expense involving class and gender inversions. These incidents serve to humanize the king without actually subverting anything. Jones is specially good when imagining Jane Lane slapping the king's face, one of several incidents original to this ballad. It is worth noting that as soon as Lane has awed the soldiers, thereby recovering the incident from danger by means of her nobility, Jones immediately attributes the king's escape to divine, not female, agency. A classic instance of low-comic inversion merely re-confirming the old orders of class and gender once more.

   Jones appears to follow the stragegy of J. W.'s Royal Oak with an initial warning to those hostile to the king's return, reminding us that monarchy was far from popular with everyone.


[86] Wing: J945. Bl brs. Copies: O Wood 401(171/172), ms dated "1660." Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:638-41; Broadley, The Royal Miracle, pp. 91-97.

The Royal Patient Traveller,
The wonderful Escapes of His Sacred Majesty King CHARLES the Second from Worcester-Fight; And his making a Hollow Oke his Royall Pallace. The going in a Livery Cloak with Mis. Lane. And the Discourse between the Kings Majesty, and the Cook-maid imploying the King to wind up the Jack; but being not used to do it, did wind it up the wrong way.
To the tune of, Chivy Chase, Or, God prosper long our Noble King.


1: GOd hath preserved our Royal King
2:      the second of that name,
3: And those that will not pray for him,
4:      indeed they are too blame:
5: For thousands have against him spoke,
6:      but I shall so disclaim,
7: And with all others have a care
8:      how they should do the same,
9: David we read had enemies
10:      that did him sore annoy,
11: So CHARLES the Second had the same,
12:      who is fair Englands joy.
13: In May it was the twenty nine,
14:      King Charles of high Renown.
15: Being his birth-day (as 'tis known)
16:      to London came to town.
17: But had you seen the tryumph made
18: And Bonfires flaming high.
19:      and all the people for to cry
20: God save his Majesty.
21: I will rejoyce at his happiness,
22:      and pray he long may reign,
23: And of some passages he had
24:      with honest Mistris Lane,
25: From Scotland he to Worcester came
26:      though friends did look about,
27: Yet Cromwel came with a mighty Force
28:      and did give him the Rout.
29: A journey long I am sure he had
30:      with frinds the loving Scot,
31: King Charles mounting himself so brave,
32:      three times his Horse was shot.
33: The King did therefore for his safety,
34:      make friends to have some pitty,
35: For so our Saviour he doth say
36:      as I write in this Ditty:
37: If persecution being great,
38:      of such then have a care,
39: So at that time tis very true
40:      one did cut off his Hair.
41: His princely cloaths he off did strip,
42:      and did himself disguise,
43: So of King Alfred I have read,
44:      that was a Prince most wise.
45: A Chain of gold that he had then,
46:      worth hundreds without doubt
47: He gave away unto a friend,
48:      who lead him there about,
49: Into a wood where Inns was none
50:      nor Lodgings there bespoke,
51: The best of Lodgings he could get,
52:      was in a hollow Oke.
53: O happy Oke (saith Mistris Lane,
54:      that ever I did see,
55: A Pallace for a Prince thou wast
56:      but he will go with me.


57: HEr Serving-man King Charles became
58:      For so he thought it best,
59: And she to free him from his foes
60:      Did travel towards the West.
61: For all the Land was up in Arms
62:      in City and in Town.
63: And for King Charles to find him out,
64:      it was a thousand pound.87
65: But Mistris Lane vertuous and wise,
66:      so much did understand,
67: What woful hunting they did make,
68:      for Charles of fair England.
69: For through a Town they then must pass,
70:      for there was no back Lane
71: The Horses heels then up did trip,
72:      and down fell man and Dame.
73: The Souldiers seeing of the same,
74:      at them did laugh and jeer,
75: And she suspition for to shun,
76:      struck him a Box on the Ear.
77: With angry words she seemed to speak,
78:      I think I am well mann'd
79: For such another I am sure
80:      is not within the Land,
81: To second it her brother in Law
82:      so much in anger spoke,
83: Well, must my Father then said he
84:      carry your mans Cloak,
85: It was too heavy then (said she)
86:      what need you be so cross
87: The burthen off it was so great
88:      it threw us off the horse.
89: Her nimble tongue and wit in prime,
90:      and being a Lady gay,
91: The Souldiers laughing at them then
92:      did let them pass their way,
93: God freed them from their Enemies
94:      For with him there is pitty,
95: At the three Crowns King Charles then lay88
96:      which is in Bristow City,
97: For in the Kitchin he was plac'd
98:      by his most loving friend,
99: And modestly he there did stand,
100:      fearing he should offend, 100
101: It made the Kitchin-maid much muse,
102:      she could not understand,
103: That in the Kitchin by her stood
104:      King Charles of fair England.
105: For being by the fire-side,
106:      She asked what Country man,
107: At Brumingham the King replyed
108:      and a Naylors son.
109: With bobs and speeches for some Sluts,
110:      in words they are not slack,
111: At her command King Charles must be
112:      for to wind up the Jack.
113: Though mildly he did take this task,
114:      it seems he did want skill,
115: The wrong way he did go about
116:      and did do it some ill:
117: Great Clownish booby she him calls
118:      yet he was meek and mild,
119: And though she us'd such taunting words
120:      He at her did but smile,
121: He venters to another house,
122:      Where people came so thick.
123: That all the day his Chamber kept.
124:      as if he had been sick.
125: But comming down one night indeed,
126:      he spyed a servant old,
127: And for a glass of Wine he craves,
128:      because he was a cold.
129: The Butler quickly him describd
130:      and knew he was the King,
131: With hat in hand thus did he say,
132:      you may have any thing.
133: So easily his Majesty,
134:      although in cloth so plain,
135: No notice of his words he takes,
136:      to his Chamber goes again,
137: The Butler being not satisfi'd,
138:      with courage spake he can,
139: Of master Lastel89 he must know
140:      how long he had that man.
141: And whispering he told him then,
142:      I know it is my Liege,
143: And do not do him any wrong.
144:      I do you now beseech.
145: Designs still failing, yet no doubt,
146:      to God he still doth yeeld,
147: And to a trusty friend he went,
148:      that then was in the field.
149: And for three weeks the King conceald
150:      and then did back return,
151: And for a time he made a stay,
152:      it seems in fair London:
153: Where he beheld such things as was
154:      sad to his tender heart,
155: Some grief at that time did he feel,
156:      from London he did part.
157: A Master of a Ship at last
158:      it seems was a good man,
159: Did Hoise up sail,
160:      and so to France, as I do understand.

   By Henry Jones of Oxford: Printed for the Authour.


[87] This was the sum offered by parliament for information leading to the king's capture. The Proclamation for the Discovery and Apprehending of Charles Stuart was issued on 10 September (LT 669.f.16[25]), and reprinted in newsbooks; see, for instance, The Weekly Intelligencer 37 (9 to September, 1651), pp. 285-86.

[88] A confusion for the "Crown" at Cirencester.

[89] i.e. Henry Lascelles.

The Royal Wanderer90

   [undated: before May?]
Although undated, this ballad was presumably among those produced by Francis Groves during the early months following Charles's return, a time when there was still a lively market for tales of the king's adventures that were as historically unreliable as this one. The link between Charles's exile and the wanderings of Aeneis, suggested by the title and the tune, is not pursued in the text. Nevertheless, the miraculous escape is once again imagined to be a sign of divine providence protecting the royal heir rather than the result of human agency and cunning.


[90] Wing: R2157A. Bl brs. Copies: GU Euing 312. Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

The Royal Wanderer:
Gods Providence evidently manifested,in the most mysterious Deliverance of the Divine Majesty of CHARLS the Second, King of Great Brittain.

1: Though bold Rebellion for a time look brave,
2: Man shall not slay what God resolves to save.
3: To the sune of, The wandring Prince of Troy, or, Troy town.


1: WHen ravishing Rebellion reignes,
2: Then Loyalty is lead in chaines,
3: The Royall Princes of the blood,
4: By Traitors are not understood,
5:      but they could not his fate pull down,
6:      that was preserv'd for Englands Crown.

7: Witnesse the heat at Worcester fight,
8: Which put our Royall King to flight,
9: When twice a stately horse was there,
10: Shot under him by chance of warre.
11:      but all that chance could not throw down
12:      a Prince preserv'd for Englands Crown.

13: Yet was he forc'd to quit the field,
14: Princes sometimes to slaves must yield:
15: He with some faithfull Lords did fly,
16: To places for obscurity.
17:      And at a farm house there did he
18:      disrobe himself of Royaltie.

19: A chain of Gold, whose good account
20: Did to three hundred pounds amount,
21: He gave a trusty servant, and
22: Discharg'd them all from his command.
23:      then the Lord Wilmot with their knives
24:      cut both their hair, to save their lives.

25: Thus with one friend faithfull and good,
26: He wanders through an obscure wood:
27: Untill a hollow Oake unknown
28: Was made the King of Englands Throne,
29:      and all the succour that was brought,
30:      was by this Loyall servant sought.

31: But Wilmot in his wanderings,
32: A Souldier met of the old Kings,
33: That knew him, and with true good will,
34: Secur'd him in a Malt-house Kill,
35:      where he lay sweating, almost fier'd
36:      till Souldiers came, search'd, and retir'd.

37: 'Twas nere the house of Mistresse Lane,
38: Whose name let no wilde tongue prophane,
39: The Lord, with dangers much distrest,
40: Told how the poore King was opprest,
41:      to Mistresse Lane, whose sighs and tears,
42:      did shew her sorrows, griefs, and fears.

43: She humbly doth implore that he,
44: Would seek his sacred Majesty:
45: And bring him thither, that she might
46: Take speedy order for his flight.
47:      brave Wilmot he with eyes nere shut,
48:      till with much search he found him out.

49: Then from the hollow tree he brings
50: This heart of Oake, and best of Kings,
51: To Mistresse Lanes, where after shee,
52: Did kneel unto his Soveraignty:
53:      they call a counsill how he shou'd,
54:      in safety passe the Ocean flood.

The second part,
to the same Tune

55: BRistol was thought the privat'st place,
56: Where shipping might attend his Grace,
57: And as her servant William he,
58: Must cloak it in her Livery.
59:      Like wise before her he must ride,
60:      only her father in Law beside.

61: He was as weary of the Cloak,
62: As he was lately of the Oake:
63: But Master Lastell as most fit,91
64: Uncloak'd the King and carryed it.
65:      no danger in the way they saw,
66:      untill they met her Brother in Law.

67: The Brother spy'd and quickly spoke,
68: Sir, why bear you your servant's cloak?
69: But shee made answer, 'tis so great
70: That it doth thrust me from my seat.
71:      her Brother (answered thus by art)
72:      they talk no more, shake hands and part.

73: But note a change of more renown,
74: As they were passing through a Town,
75: They met a Troop of horse which might
76: Have put them all into a fright.
77:      but their good fate so gentle was
78:      they through the Captains troop did passe.

79: When they came to their Inne at night,
80: The Cook-mayd gave the King delight,
81: She asked his birth, and whence he came?
82: A Naylors son in Brumageham
83:      reply'd the King; prethee quoth shee
84:      my Jack in down, wind't up for me.

85: The King unus'd to deal in Jacks,
86: Winds up untill the tackling cracks:
87: At which the wench (if all tales true be)
88: Rayld at the King, and call'd him booby.
89:      the King went out and laught, but they
90:      next day to Bristol made their way.

91: At Bristol all their hopes were drown'd,
92: For no convenient ship was found:
93: From Mistresse Lane he parts, and goes
94: With trusty Wilmot 'mongst his foes.
95:      to London and to Westminster,
96:      ith'Hall, where the Scotch Ensignes were

97: He wandered up and down the Town,
98: By some conceal'd, to most unknown:
99: Twas not a thousand pound could make
100: Them their fidelities forsake.
101:      a ship is hir'd, the Master straight
102:      begins to understand his fraight.

103: Quoth he, what lading do you bring,
104: I surely know this is the King.
105: If I this strange, adventure run.
106: I shall be utterly undone.
107:      but with his heart they did prevail,
108:      and valiantly he hoysts up sayl.

109: Quoth he, if I on Tiburn swing,
110: Tis for the safety of a King:
111: And if he ever crowned bee,
112: He surely will remember me.
113:      the winds blew fair, Aver de grace
114:      in France became their landing place.

115: He rides to Roan, and writes from thence
116: To Paris, of Gods Providence.
117: The Duke of Orleance did come
118: With friends, to bid him welcome home.
119:      and now in London 'tis well known
120:      he was preserv'd for Englands Throne.

London Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to order.


[91] Henry Lascelles.

The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape92

   [undated: before May?]
To the previous ballad accounts of the king's escape, this broadside offers the first version of the story of the loyal Pendrel brothers, members of a recusant family who helped disguise the king in the days immediately after the battle when Charles, accompanied by Derby, Lauderdale, Buckingham and Wilmot, sought refuge while planning his escape. Other reports of the Pendrel's activities to appear in 1660 include An Exact Narrative and Relation,93 and "T. H."'s The Five faithfull Brothers,94 a prose tract purporting to be a transcription of the conversation between Charles and the brothers after the king's return.

   With characteristic enthusiasm for the Stuart cause, Ebsworth considered this "the best and most important of the many `Restoration Ballads' of the `Royal Oak' which we have had the privilege of bringing back to the notice of loyal Cavaliers" (RB, 9:69).


[92] Wing: J945. Bl brs.
Copies: O Wood
401(173/174). Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:67-69.

[93] Thomason dated his copy "20 July."

[94] The colophon reads "Printed for W. Gilbertson, 1660"; L

The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape of our Gracious King, from that dismal, black and gloomie defeat at Worcester: Together with a pattern to all true and faithfull Subjects, by the five Loyall and faithfull Brothers, with their care and diligence, observance and obedience 8 dayes in the time of his Majesties obscurity.

   The tune is,Come lets drink the time invites.


1: COme you learned Poets let's cal
2:      our Fathers and our Mothers,
3: For wee'l write Historicall,
4:      of five Loyall faithfull Brothers.
5: Richard, Humphry, John and George
6: William once who had the charge
7:      of brave King Charles and others.

8: After Worsters dismall day,
9:      here's a true Relation,
10: How our King escapt away,
11:      and who was the preservation,
12: Of his Sacred Majesty,
13: In his great necessity.
14:      beyond all admiration.

15: He great Kingly acts did doe,
16:      with a brave intention.
17: Ventred Crown and Kingdoms too,
18:      in one day for our Redemption,
19: But in this Ile not insist,
20: The books doth make it manifest,
21:      beyond my wits invention.

22: For when he perceiv'd in sight,
23:      the un-even ground did rout him,
24: Five and twenty miles that night
25:      he rid with all his Lords about him,
26: But it would have griev'd your heart
27: For to have seen them all depart,
28:      What sorrow was throughout them.

29: Though with grief and double feare,
30:      they yet did hold together,
31: On the confines of Staffordshire,
32:      but to goe they knew not whether.
33: The conclusion in the end,
34: Earle Derby said he had a friend,
35:      hard by and they'd goe thither.

36: Then to the place they all did goe,
37:      where the Earle intended,
38: But the people did not know
39:      from what blood they were descended
40: But they set them Bread and Cheese,
41: And the King did highly please,
42:      his sorrow much amended,

43: The Earle of Derby in the end,
44:      all his mind disbursed,
45: Askt if there was any friend
46:      that wherein he might be trusted?
47: William Pendrall then came in,
48: Who said he would be true to him,
49:      else let him be accursed.

50: And further said if't 'twas the King,
51:      nothing should be lacking,
52: In any part that lay in him,
53:      for the escape which he was making.
54: And like unto the Turtle-Dove,
55: This honest William still did prove,
56:      in all his undertakings.


57: ANd George the yongest brother he
58:      made hast and set his clothing,
59: For his Sacred Majesty.
60:      cause the country should not know him
61: Richard he did round his haire,
62: For true Loyallists they were,
63:      all five were faithfull to him.

64: Humphry fetcht him Hat and Band.
65:      of the Country Fashion.
66: Shipskin gloves for his white hand,
67:      likewise John had great compassion
68: Fetcht him shirt and shooes the while,
69: Then the King began to smile.
70:      at his accommodation.

71: Richard fetcht his coat by stealth,
72:      and his best arrayment.
73: Then the King discriv'd95 himselfe,
74:      of his rich and Princely Garment.
75: Nimbly he did put them on,
76: And a Wood Bill in his hand,
77:      this was our Kings preferment.

78: William then went with the King,
79:      Richard he did leave them,
80: Cause Intelligence hee'd bring,
81:      least the Wood it should deceive them,
82: George and Humphry scouting were,
83: Seeing if the coasts were cleare
84:      none might come aneere them,

85: The tydings Humphry had in Town,
86:      put his vaines a quaking,
87: hearing twas a thousand pound96
88:      bid for any one to take him.
89: The King was somthing then dismaid,
90: To think what baits the Jews had laid,
91:      and horrid Plots were making.

92: All the day they wandred then,
93:      in great consultation,
94: Like forlorne distressed men,
95:      that ne'r were in such condition.
96: William to the King bespoke,
97: And said he knew a hollow Oake,
98:      might be his preservation.

99: Then through bushes they did rouze,
100:      the trees were so beronnded,97
101: With brakes and bryers leavs & bows,
102:      that in number they abounded.
103: It was the Castle of our King,
104: And his Royall Court within,
105:      for ever is renowned,

106: William he did bring him food,
107:      like he were a ranger,
108: While he staid within the Wood,
109:      though good King he was a stranger:
110: Hollow Oaks his dwelling place,
111: Where he staid for five days space,
112:      in sorrow and in danger.

113: At last he came to the Lady Lane,
114:      being all disguised,
115: And to her exprest his name,
116:      she good Lady then advised,
117: And appointed out a day,
118: When they both might come away,
119:      and never be surprised.

120: Then Humphry, Richard, John & George
121:      safly did surrender,
122: The King which they had in their charg
123:      on the eighth day of September,
124: The King he leave then took of them,
125: And said if e'r he came agen,
126:      their loves he would remember.

   Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertson.


[95] sic: not in OED.

[96] The Proclamation was not issued until September, after the Penderels had handed Charles over to Jane Lane.

[97] "beronnen" obscure past participle of "berun": OED 1. trans "to run or flow about, or over the surface" 2. "To run round about, encompass."

John Couch: His Majesties miraculous Preservation98

   [undated: before May?]

John Couch was among those anglican divines who suffered sequestration during the civil war. In 1640 the living of St. Margaret's Church, Horsmonden in Kent, became vacant on the death of the rector Dr. Geoffery Amhurst.

   Dr Amhurst's place was first filled by one Elliston, and a little later Mrs Beswicke introduced John Couch, who in due course also found himself in trouble from the Puritan members of his flock, becoming a second victim of sequestration in 1653. He was supplanted by Edward Rawson, a recent graduate of Harvard, who is described as `a New England man and a violent Presbyterian.' . . .

   The unfortunate Mr Couch, with his wife and six or seven children, was turned out of the rectory with an allowance of only £20 per annum, but was able to claim the benefice again at the Restoration, a claim strongly resisted by Rawson, who made belated efforts to legalize his own position. It appears that neither contender had ever been legally inducted. Rawsons's battle-cry had always been `No bishop': now he found himself in urgent need of one, and twice contrived to secure an induction mandate (in August 1660 and August 1661) for the vacancy `per mortem naturalem Gaudfridi Amhurst' (who had died in 1647). These manoeuvres being subsequently declared to be invalid, John Couch was restored to the rectory amid general approbation in 1661, and held it until his death in 1673.99

   The most poetic, learned and witty of the Restoration broadsides on the king's escapades after Worcester, Couch's verses hearken back to the emblem tradition, meditating on three agents of the "miraculous" escape that are signs of a special providential promise to the nation. Not for Couch the narrative stanza of ballad form. Indeed, the heroic exploits of the English king outgo biblical, classical, and legendary precedents, just as the heroic virtues of the Englishwoman Jane Lane surpass and obliviate those of the heroic Frenchwoman, Joan of Arc. For this treatment of events, only the elevated style of the classical pentameter couplet would do.

   Couch imagines Charles endangered by lions and tigers in his flight across the English countryside, a peculiar poetic fancy that he shared with the writer of The Countrymens Vive le Roy.


[98] Wing: C6508A. brs. Copies: L c.20.f.4(38).

[99] Anthony Cronk, St Margaret's Church, Horsmonden: An Historical and Descriptive Account (Horsmonden: Church Farm House, 1967), p. 45. My thanks to B. E. Fowler, Clerk of Horsmonden Parish Council; personal letter including a copy of Cronk's notice, October 1995.

His Majesties miraculous Preservation By the Oak, Maid, and Ship.

The Oak.

1: WHen Absalom rebell'd against his King,
2: An Oak betray'd him to a suffering:
3: Boughs hang'd him first; then Joabs Dart,
4: Thrice striking, wounded his perfidious Heart.100
5: When second CHARLES by Rebels lost the Field,
6: An Oak 'gainst Rebels was to him a Shield;
7: It open'd wide, and in the Hollow where
8: Once lay its Heart, the King concealed there.101
9: Men may suspend their Thoughts, Trees can define
10: Rebellion sinful, Royalty Divine.


[100] See II Sam. 18.9-14 for the story of Absalom, the oak tree, and Joab's three darts.

[101] "This Tree is not hollow but of a sound firm Trunk, onely about the middle of the body of it there is a hole in it about the bignesse of a man's head, from whence it absurdly and abusively (in respect of its deserved perpetual growth to outlast Time itself) is called Hollow," An Exact Narrative, p. 9.

The Maid.

11: THe Oak discharg'd his Trust: a Female found
12: (Men are but Trees inverted from the Ground)
13: Who next takes care: the weaker seems the Hand,
14: The Wonder more admiring doth command:
15: The Sun was then in Virgo; Heaven's Maid15
16: Sent down a potent Influence and Aid:
17: They both agree: Acted by Starry might,
18: Lady Jane Lane conducts the King, in spight
19: Of Armed Bands, safe through the numerous force
20: Of Those, who King from Kingdom would divorce.
21: William was seen: As if sh' had Gyges Ring,102
22: Invisible went Royal CHARLES the King.
23: In vain ye search, Blood-thirsty Men, to find
24: Vail'd Majesty, her Virtue makes you blind;
25: Her Faith out-acts your Malice; and your Swords,
26: First drawn, are melted by her softest Words.
27: Silence in France of Orleans Jone the Fame,
28: Whilst England doth record the worth of Lane.


[102] According to Plato, Gyges was a Lydian shepherd who, discovering a magical ring that made him invisible, used it to help him usurp the throne; Republic 2.359d.

The Ship.

29: POor Cottage of the Sea, we admire thee,
30: Not for thy State, or Pomp, or Pedegree;
31: No Neptune and no Triton stand in Gold
32: About thy Deck, no Statues grace thy hold;
33: Nor Mermaids with their Combs; Nor Stars that make
34: Sometimes the Sea be calm, sometimes to quake:
35: No Pontick Masts, whose towring Summets shew
36: How high the Sun's above the Sea below.
37: Thy Oaky Ribs swell not the Forests Pride,
38: Nor canst thou boast of th'Ankers by thy side,
39: Nor Royal Sails: Ships fram'd by Art most wise,
40: Are thus ennobled of the vastest size.
41: Thy low Condition, various is from them;
42: Once thou secur'dst our King, the best of Men:
43: They Glory is, though mean, yet strong hast stood
44: 'Gainst Rage of Tempests, and 'gainst Waves of Blood;
45: When Lyons, Tygers, and those Beasts of prey,103
46: Hunted his Life, and most would him betray.
47: Talk now no more of Theseus Ship, no more
48: Of that which brought Prince Lothbrook to our Shore:
49: Drown ye the Fame of former Ships, none yet
50: Strange to relate before so small, so great:
51: Worthy of water, more renown'd then Thames,
52: Though the like Tagus yeilded Golden Sands.
53: If Springs of Helicon could make a Main,
54: Thou shouldst ride there, and Muses by their Brain
55: Would make thee more then Mortal; their sweet Breath
56: Would fill thy Sails, and long preserve from Death.
57: Depths are above the Clouds, those Waters there
58: May suit thee well, worthy the Starry Sphere:
59: But if in place beneath the Moon thou rest,
60: Which, for admiring Visitors is best,
61: Gaz'd on by thousands; and when aged Time
62: Thy Body shall dissolve, and Limbs untwine,
63: May Seamen holy Relicts them account,
64: And with them still the Waves when high they mount:
65: Each piece an Amulet 'gainst Shipwracks harm
66: Will stand; 'gainst Winds and Rocks a Charm.


   By John Couch, M. in A. sequestred from Horsmonden in Kent.


[103] Compare The Countreymen's Vive le Roy: "By Tigers, wolves and beasts of prey" line 14.

III. Hoping for the King
December 1659-April 1660

Calendar of Poems In This Section

J. W., "A Second Charles" [February?]

A Psalme Sung by the people, before the bone-fires (15 February)

Thomas Robins, The Royall Subjects Joy [late February?]

Upon the King's Most Excellent Majestie (February)
Variant reprints: (1) News From The Royall Exchange
(16 March), (2) "Arts Chaste Rule"

An Exit to Exit Tyrannus (17 March)

The Case is altered [after 16 March?]

Thomas Joy, A Loyal Subjects Admonition [after 16 March?]

An Exit to Exit Tyrannus (17 March)

The King Advancing (21 March)

"Upon the Kings Prerogative and Person", from The Case Stated (24 March)

John Ogilby, "The Second Charles" (28 March)
Variant reprints: (1) "The Second Charles
(2) in The Manner of the Solemnity (6 September)

England's Rejoycing at That Happy Day [March/April?]

Vox Populi Suprema Rex Carolus. Or the voice of the People for King Charles (April)

England's Genius Pleading for King Charles (30 April)

"Facidicus Possiblis," A Royal Prophecy [late April?]

Gallant News of late I bring [late April?]

Richard Flecknoe, "Pourtrait of His Majesty" [later in the year]

Preface: Hoping For the King

   The sixteen poems included in this section were printed during, or describe events from the perspective of, the period between December 1659 and the end of April 1660. They demonstrate how both poetic genres and political opinions were hesitant and uncertain during these months when royalists lived in hopeful anticipation of a return to monarchy. Experimentation in a wide variety of poetic genres contributed to the sense of general uncertainty about possible futures even as General Monk -- "the most important single agent in bringing about the Restoration"104 -- led his army south to London. These poems offer numerous revisions of recent past events, while also attempting to document the immediate present as closely as they can in order to interpret, advise, and set the terms for what they hope will come about. 105

   Milton scholars will be familiar with these weeks as the period when The Readie and Easie Way was being written and revised, in a desperate attempt to prevent a return to monarchy. Austin Woolrych's "Historical Introduction" to the revised seventh volume of The Complete Prose Works of John Milton (1980) provides an indispensible and detailed guide to the political and social activities of these weeks. In what follows, I will presume that readers will refer to Woolrych's account for a more fully detailed account of persons and events; here I seek only to offer a broad outline focussing on matters of interest to royalist poets.

   While General Monk was bringing his army south to London and negotiating with both Parliamentary and city interests, poets writing in support of restoring the king commonly set conditions, often quite specific ones, to that recall. Although Charles would not be formally acclaimed until Tuesday 8 May, during the previous two months, royalist poets expressed confidence that he would be recalled, and felt empowered to begin enumerating the advantages his return would, or should, bring to a broad range of social, economic, and political interests.

   Poems have been included in this group when there is evidence, usually marginal dates from George Thomason and Anthony Wood, for dating their availability, or if the work addresses events specific to this period but does not claim that the king's return has been formally proclaimed. This group has been further restricted to poems that advocate the king's return by directly addressing the figure of the king himself. Left out, then, are the large number of topical anti-Rump satires that Lucy Hutchinson remarked upon in her description of the king's return:

And indeed it was a wonder in that day to see the mutability of some, and the hypocrisy of others, and the servile flattery of all. Monck, like his better genius, conducted him, and was adored like one that had brought all the glory and felicity of mankind home with this prince.
The officers of the army had made themselves as fine as the courtiers, and everyone hoped in this change to change their condition, and disowned all things they had before adored. And every ballad singer sung up and down the streets ribald rhymes made in reproach of the late commonwealth and of all those worthies that therein endeavoured the people's freedom and happiness.106

    Lucy Hutchinson was by no means alone in her responses during the spring of 1660, and her sensitive account of what Christopher Hill calls "the experience of defeat," should come to mind whenever we are reading the often quoted words of Pepys and Evelyn.

   Also left out are all the verses, in a wide variety of genres, that were addressed to General Monk. Although I have included two broadsides that are properly anti-Rump satires (see A Psalme and The Case is Altered), I have not attempted to catalogue all such works; though doing so would enable us to examine how they represent the possibility of a return to monarchy. Recent studies by David Norbrook, Laura Knoppers, Nigel Smith and others have started to extend our understanding of these important works by examining specific titles, but a fully historicized and archivally informed study of anti-Rump satire is very much needed.107

   So too, Monk's importance as the subject of verse propaganda is sufficiently massive a topic to deserve independent study. I have included, as an appendix to this preface, a preliminary checklist of works containing poems to Monk: it does not claim to be comprehensive. The most deserving of close analysis are the verses addressed to him during the entertainments and masques held in his honor by the various London Guilds, many of which were subsequently published. How might the evidence of these omitted works change the picture of poetic activity that emerges from these sixteen pro-monarchy pieces? Do the satires on the Rump invariably recommend a return to monarchy? How influential were the various masques and "Entertainments" organized for Monk after his arrival in London? Leaving these works out remains a practical matter of limiting the scope of this edition to the work of a single life-time, but the consequences are worth briefly exploring.

   By including only poems addressing the king as a desired monarch, my concern has not been to suggest that poets constituted or imagined themselves an early consensus; on the contrary I am concerned rather with charting how the specific differences in form and attitude show a discourse being constructed from disparate ideological programmes. As these sixteen poems demonstrate, poets advocating the king's return in these months before his formal recall by Parliament frequently disagreed among themselves about what such a return should mean and how to write about it. Although the trade Guilds comissioned poets to address and advise Monk, and stationers comissioned ballads that encouraged pro-Restoration sentiments, such activities hardly constitute evidence that the press was being enrolled on behalf of an organized pro-Restoration campaign of verse propaganda during these early months. On the contrary, the common use of anonymous or false colophons and imprints on royalist publications -- such as "printed for Charles Prince, in the year, 1660" -- suggests there were still perceived dangers. Harold Weber in Paper Bullets has powerfully demonstrated how Charles and his governments used and controlled the press for their own purposes, but as Brian Weiser has noted, such efforts at control were neither uniform in operation nor consistent throughout Charles's reign.108 Certainly, during the early months of 1660, there is little evidence of a centralized royalist effort to control the published representations of the king. Moreover, poems representing the king were far fewer in number than the verse attacks on the Rump and the poems addressed to Monk which I have omitted, reminding us that the king was not yet fully the center of poetic attention.

[104] Harold Love, ed., The Penguin Book of Restoration Verse (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968), p. 96.

[105] On the conditional nature of the Restoration in popular writing throughout the year, see Carolyn Edie, ""Right Rejoicing" and ""News from Abroad."

[106] Lucy Hutchinson, Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson (London: Dent, 1995), p. 278.

[107] See Norbrook, Writing and the English Republic: Poetry, Rhetoric and Politics, 1627-1660 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), Knoppers, Constructing Cromwell, and Smith, Literature and Revolution.

[108] Brian Weiser, "Owning the King's Story: The Escape from Worcester," The Seventeenth Century 14:1 (Spring 1999): 43-62.

Monk Marches on London

   Diarists of the time confirm that these first months of 1660 were a time of hesitation and uncertainty. In December 1659, when Pepys began his Diary in anticipation of great events, it would not have seemed very likely, even to him, that the king would be back in power by May. Pepys recalls personal and family events, money troubles and illnesses, but keeps a keen eye on current events. For Bulstrode Whitelocke, negotiating with the Stuart exiles seemed a reasonable option before Christmas; for him, loyalty to the old regime proved impossible to maintain once the regicides, Thomas Scot and John Lambert, struggled to keep the Rump in power. Skirmishes and bloodshed as early as 5 December resulted from demonstrations on behalf of recalling the excluded members.

   Freeing Parliament from the Rump was on many people's minds; but not all were necessarily hoping for the return of a Stuart king. The General Counsel of the officers signed against kingship on the 13th. By the 20th of December, Whitelocke wished "himselfe out of these dayly hazards, butt knew not how to gett free of them, the distractions were strangely high & daily increasing," and later records personal and political anxieties over what Monk and the army would demand once they arrived in London. Many began fearing that the king would be recalled; on 2 January a bill was approved by all members of Parliament against the title of Charles to the throne.

   With the collapse of the Rump on 16 January, Whitelocke saw the tide turning and went into hiding. He noted increasing evidence that Monk was playing an ambiguous game from news that was being brought to him by his wife who, from then on, served as his public intelligencer.

   Meanwhile, in Essex, Ralph Josselin had been nervous of renewed civil disturbance since August 1659, but December was for him as for Pepys a month of family illnesses and reassuring reports that all seemed mercifully quiet in London. Reporting word of Monk's journey to London as early as 15 January, Josselin reserves judgment: "General Monck is coming up to London, wee shall see to what intent, god remember his in mercy and all shall bee well."

   Monk's journey south is the subject of the best known poetic account of events during the first months of 1660. Robert Wild's Iter Boreale may mostly be remembered for drawing Dryden's contempt in the Essay of Dramatic Poesy (1668). Wild, Eugenius pronounces, "is the very Wither of the City ... When his famous poem first came out in the year 1660, I have seen them reading it in the midst of 'Change time; nay so vehement they were at it, that they lost their bargain by the candles' ends."109 This scene of reading could not have occured until after 23 April when Wild's poem appeared, mere days before the Convention Parliament sat for the first time. Whether real or imagined, Dryden's recollection of a moment, eight years previously, when the appearance of Wild's Iter Boreale interfered with the more important business of making money, suggests a sustained interest in reading about Monk and his journey to London, at the head of the army that would pressure the Rump to restore the excluded members and dissolve itself, thus precipitating the call for Charles to return.

    By late April, Monk was already a national hero much celebrated in print. Since January, he had been the direct subject of more than twenty poems, while Charles was the direct subject of fewer than sixteen. On the second of January Monk crossed the Tweed and immediately began attracting a great deal of attention from poets and propagandists. In short order, the ruddy-faced Devonian squire became the subject of a mythology linking him with the legendary Christian knight, St George. Before Monk left Scotland, his name was linked with the patron saint of England, though by witty negation. "'Tis not Saint George we sing of here," declared The Noble English Worthies, a broadside that Anthony Wood collected in December. Monk's Westcountry origins were swiftly and regularly elaborated upon as the mythology of a new St George, the "glory of the West," took shape.110

   By Wednesday, 11 January he reached York and on this day "complete victory was his" (Hutton 1985: p. 84) since any danger of armed resistance from Lambert's supporters had crumbled away. On Saturday 14 January, Monk's fellow Devonians, the "gentlemen" of Exeter, took it upon themselves to be among the very first to declare themselves publicly in favor of restoring the excluded members111. Bulstrode Whitelocke recorded in his diary on 23 January that he had received word how a "tumult in Excester, the people declaring for a free Parlement, [had been] quieted" (Whitelocke, Diary, p. 563).

   During the last days of January, petitions for restoring the excluded members appeared from various parts of the country. Many were addressed to Monk personally. On 24 January, Canterbury and Northampton had joined Exeter petitioning for Parliamentary reform. On the 25th, Ralph Josselin cynically noted in his diary, "the nacion looking more to Charles Stuart [than to Cromwell's family] out of love to themselves not him." The republican and friend of Milton, Colonel Robert Overton, declared himself ready to defend Hull against Monk's army, if need be, until 12 March, when he obeyed the Council of State and handed the city over to Fairfax. 112

   Whitelocke, Josselin, and Overton were by no means alone in feeling ill-disposed to the way events seemed to be going as Monk and his army moved south on London. Not all writers wanted to see in Monk a new St George from the West. Before January was over, the mythology surrounding Monk took a new turn as he became involved in the published libels of the times. An obscene and scurrilous prose tract that George Thomason dated "20 Jan." and entitled To His Excellency General Monck. The Humble Petition of the Lady Lambert,113 imagines "Lady Lambert" offering herself to Monk, hoping to divert him from his course. Three days later, however, Thomason collected another tract, A Curtain-Conference, in which John and "Lady" Lambert are imagined in bed, planning for the inevitable return of monarchy. 114 Before Monk had even reached London, royalist satirists were already imagining the dissolution of the Rump to be inevitable, given unfolding events, and sought to defame and demoralize opponents of the movement toward monarchy. But verses addressed to Monk were seldom scandalous. On the last day of January, a broadside appeared advising Monk to bring in a king:

NOw George for England, that brave Warrior bold,
That would not be by Lambert's force controul'd;
But did endeavour for the good o'th'Nation,
We hope to work a blessed Reformation,
And settle Kingly Power in this Dominion,
And then thou shalt be great in the Opinion
Of all good people that do fear the Lord,
And then no doubt they will with thee accord,
And say, Long live brave George in Wealth and Peace,
Bless thee with Honors, Plenty and Increase.

   Once he arrived in London on 3 February, poets announced the arrival of England's new St George who would victoriously rout the dragonish Rump Parliament. Some advised him that he must bring in the king, others hoped he would. An acrostick from later this month shows how Monk's very name mysteriously offered him advice:

M    Mount thy Horse,
O    On thy Army bring,
N    Neuter stand till
K    Restores the KING.

   Historians have noticed how Monk's "studied neutrality" continued during his negotiations with political forces in the capital city.116 Throughout the year, poets continued to recollect various details of incidents that took place from the time of Monk's arrival, suggesting that many of them were themselves in London at the time, or turned to newsbooks to refresh their memories.

   On Wednesday, 8 February, two days after Monk first addressed the House of Commons, householders and freemen of the city of London petitioned the Lord Mayor not to permit any authority that could not rightly claim legislative authority. Their petition started a rumour that citizens were preparing to withold taxes, in response to which the Committee of Safety ordered the Secretary of State, Thomas Scott, to command Monk to use his troops to subdue the city. Almost immediately, the Common Council of the city voted a tax strike that would remain in effect until the excluded members were readmitted. The next morning, Thursday the 9th, Scott ordered Monk to display his power over the city by arresting those citizens named as ringleaders in the tax strike, by removing the chains used to secure city streets, and by removing the city gates. Monk equivocated. On the 9th, Monk reluctantly complied with part of the order, arresting nine of the eleven named ringleaders and removing the chains. But he demurred about taking down the gates until the 10th, and then only after receiving a repeat command to do so (see Davis 1955: 278-79; Hutton 1985: 91-93). The next day, however, Monk turned on the Rumpers and presented his own ultimatum demanding new elections. This was "the first good omen" according to John Evelyn. Others agreed. That night, 11 February, the citizens of London took back the streets in a night of bonfires and carnival that Ronald Hutton has called "possibly the greatest expression of popular rejoycing London has ever known" (Hutton 1985: 93).

   Details about these days of early February often surface in the works of poets writing after Charles had returned, and there is plenty of contemporary evidence that, for many who were caught up in these events, the tensions and excitement that began with Monk's arrival in London and ended with the bonfires of 11 February marked a moment after which the Restoration seemed a likely option, however much Monk might keep his intentions to himself. At the time, nothing was very certain. One supporter of the king who seems to have been printing his personal chronicle of these events even as they were taking place, a young law student named Giles Duncombe, captured the passionate uncertainty of eager royalists during early February in his Scutum Regale: The Royal Buckler; or, VOX LEGIS, A Lecture to Traytors: Who most wickedly murthered CHARLES the I, AND Contrary to all Law and Religion banished CHARLES THE II. 3d MONARCH of GREAT BRITAIN. Towards the end of his peroration against those who have brought down and kept out monarchy, Duncombe vividly describes the indignity felt by many Londoners when Monk destroyed the defences which had been erected against royal intrusion back in 1643:

Monck prov'd worse than Pharaoh himself, and instead of relieving of our distressed Jerusalem ... he heaped misery to misery, and executed such a grand piece of Tyranny that none in the world ... could invent. On Thursday the ninth day of February, 1659 ... he drew up all his souldiers into the City, with their matches lighted, in a warlike posture, doubled his guards, and tore down all the gates, and posts of the City; neither did his intoxicated malice stay upon the gates, but leapt upon the Aldermen, and other Citizens, whom he presently cast into prison, so that now he is become odious, and stinks in the nostrils of all the Citizens and People: and whereas he was the common hopes of all men, he is now the common hatred of all men, as a Traytor more detestable than Oliver himself; who, though he manacled the Citizens hands, yet never took away the doores of their City, whereby all manner of beasts, (as well the Wolves at Westminster, as other out-lying Foxes, and Birds of prey) may come in, and destroy them when they please. (pp. 373-74).

   Within three pages, however, Duncombe starts all over again with a new section -- "Englands Redemption" -- and finds himself recanting his earlier complaint rather than cancelling the earlier pages:

No sooner had I written these last words of the momentary prosperity of the wicked, but immediately the same hour, news was brought me, that General Monck and the City were agreed, and resolved to declare for a free Parliament, and decline the Rump ... I was strucken with amazement, joy made me tremble, and the goodnesse of the news would scarce permit me to believe it. (p. 377)117

   Duncombe's interrupted narrative makes Scutum Regale one of the most interesting ephemeral publications of the Restoration year. Advertized in the Parliamentary Intelligencer 22 for the week 21-28 May (p. 348), copies of Scutum Regale show evidence of considerable stop-press actitivity. The Virgilian motto "Iam redit Astræa, Redeunt Saturnia regna," used by Dryden in June, also appears as a motto to the frontispiece found in some copies of Scutum Regale, one of which comes from Charles II's own collection. The Epistle to the Reader, anagrammatically signed "Cimelgus Bonde," ends with a prayer for the arrival of "Charls the 2d our Augustus, and Cæsars Successor" (sig. A4v), suggesting that Duncombe may very well have been the earliest writer to name Charles as Augustus in print.

   Throughout February and March, verses addressing Monk and his heroic achievements battling the Rump continued to appear. On Tuesday 21 February, he brought in the excluded members,118 and poets were quick to celebrate the event in ballads such as Saint George, and the Dragon, Englands Triumph. Or The Rump Routed, which declares itself written "To the Tune of, Fill up the Parliament full," "G. Tichwhit"'s General Monks Welcome ... To the Tune of, When the King Enjoys his Own again, and Redemptio Ab Aquilone which ends:

Then George for England strike up thy Drum
And do thy devoir this Rump destroy,
That Noble King Charles the second may come,
And our streets may eccho with Vive le Roy.

   Similar works continued to appear during March (see Appendix). In this month William Davenant and John Denham published the first formal panegyrics addressed to the general on behalf of royalist interests. The Clothworkers and Drapers were the earliest of the London guilds to commission verse speeches addressing Monk to be performed at entertainments held in his honour. During April, the Skinners, Goldsmiths, Vintners, and Fishmongers all held entertainments for Monk involving performance pieces that were subsequently printed. On St George's day, 23 April, Wild's Iter Boreale appeared. Two weeks later, the Convention Parliament declared Charles king and by May, Monk had resigned his position as centre of interest to the poets. But not entirely. Monk continued to appear in poems directly addressed to the king and continued to attract poems in his honour well into the summer.

   Once it started to look extremely likely that Charles would be returned, poets began directing their attentions more directly to the man who was about to become king. Several ballads representing Charles appeared following the dissolution of the Rump on 16 March. Engraved portraits of Charles, with verses by John Ogilby, appeared early as late March, marking a distinct interest in the personal appearance of the future king. But during April, the presses remained relatively quiet on the subject of the king.

   This section ends with the formal verse "portrait" by Richard Flecknoe, although this undatable work almost certainly appeared later in the year.

[109] Cited by George de Forrest Lord, anthology of POAS, headnote to standard scholarly edition of Wild's poem. Did Dryden's attack on Wild have anything to do with the poem being published by Thomason, a friend of Milton? how was Dryden feeling about Milton at the time?

[110] See the broadside, The Glory of the West or, The Tenth Renowned Worthy, and most Heroick Champion of this Brittish Island. Being an unparallel'd Commemoration of General Monck's coming towards the City of London (London, printed for Charles Gustavus. O Wood 416(39), ms dated "January 1659"; L1 c.20.f.2(36), L2 82.L.8(25)) which seems to have appeared as early as January.

[111] See A Letter from Exeter, advertising the state of affairs there (Printed for Thomas Creake), LT 669.f.22(74).

[112] Whitelocke, Diary, p. 575; on Colonel Robert Overtson, see Spalding, ed., Contemporaries, p. 233, DNB.

[113] London, Printed for Henry James. Prose brs. LT 669.f.23(6), ms dated "20 Jan."

[114] A Curtain-Conference, Being a Discourse betwixt (the late Lord Lambert, now) John Lambert Esq; and his Lady, As they lay a Bed together one night at their House at Wimbleton. London, printed for W. L. the Common-Wealths Fortune Teller. Prose brs. LT 669.f.23(10), ms dated "23 Jan."

[115] Advice to Gen. Monck: By a Friend that wisheth his Happiness LT 669.f.23(19), ms dated "31 Jan 1660"; OW L.R.8(32), ms dated "Feb 1659."

[116] David Ogg, England in the Reign of Charles II, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934), 1:21.

[117] [Compare Pair of Prodigals on Monk's activities at this stage.]

[118] See Public Intelligencer 219 (20-27 February), p. 1119.

Appendix: An Annotated Calendar of Poems Addressing General Monk on the Eve of the Restoration, December 1659-July 1660.

   This list of verses addressed to Monk is certain to have omitted works that should have been included. It requires supplementing by a carefull examination of the many prose tracts in the Thomason Tracts and elsewhere.

   Works are calendared in chronological order; shelfmarks are given to copies I have examined and are not a comprehensive list of extant works.

December and January

   The Noble English Worthies. "'Tis not Saint George we sing of here." LONDON, Printed by Tho. Milbourn and are to be sold at his House in Jewen Street. brs. 0 Wood 416(24); LT 669.f.22(36), ms dated "December 1659"; L c.20.f.4(75).

   The Glory of the West or, The Tenth Renowned Worthy, and most Heroick Champion of this Brittish Island. Being an unparallel'd Commemoration of General Monck's coming towards the City of London. London, printed for Charles Gustavus. brs. O Wood 416(39), ms dated "January 1659"; L1 c.20.f.2(36); L2 82.L.8(25).

   Advice to Gen. Monck: By a Friend that wisheth his Happiness. brs. LT 669.f.23(19), ms dated "31 Jan 1660"; OW L.R.8(32), ms dated "Feb 1659."


   Saint George, and the Dragon, Anglice, Mercurius Poeticus: To the Tune of, The Old Souldjour [sic] of the Queens, &c. brs. LT 669.f.23(66), ms dated "28 Feb 1659/60"; OW L.R.8.32.

   Englands Triumph. Or The Rump Routed By the true Assertor of Englands Interest, Generall George Monck. A Sonet. To the Tune of, Fill up the Parliament full. London: Printed for James Johnson. O Wood 416(48), ms dated "Feb. 1659."; L1 c.20.f.2(34); L2 c.20.f.4(72).

   Redemptio Ab Aquilone, Or some Good out of Scotland, To the Tune of Cook Laurell. O Wood 416(46), ms. dated "1659: feb".

   "G. Tichwhit," General Monks Welcome (From the Citie) to Whitehall. To the Tune of, When the King Enjoys his Own again. O Wood 416(52), ms dated "Feb 1659"; OW L.R.8.32.


   Monasticon, OR LONDON's Gratulation to the Lord General. The sixth of March, 1660. brs. L 82.L.8(24).

    The Second Part of Saint George for England. To the Tune of, To drive the cold Winter away brs. O Wood 416(54), ms dated "March 1659/60"; LT 669.f.24(4), ms dated "7 March 1659/60."

   A Speech Made To The Lord General MONCK, at Clotheworkers Hall in London The 13. of March, 1659. at which time he was there entertained by that Worthie Companie O1 Wood 398(3); O2 Firth b.20(16); LT 669.f.24(8); L c.20.f.2(27).

   William Davenant, A Panegyrick to his Excellency, The Lord General MONCK. London, Printed for Henry Herringman, 1659. O Wood 416(66), ms dated "March"; LT 669.f.24(33), ms dated "24 March"; L c.20.f.2(25).

   A Speech Spoken to his Excellency the Lord General Monk, By one Representing the Genius of ENGLAND at Drapers-Hall, Wednesday the 28. of March. Printed for Richard Andrews. brs. LT 669.f.24(46); L c.20.f.2(26); OW L.R.8.32.

   Dialogue betwixt Tom and Dick The former a COUNTRY-MAN, The other a CITIZEN, presented to his EXCELLENCY and the COUNCIL of STATE, at Drapers-Hall in LONDON, March 28. 1660. (To the tune of I'le never love thee more.) O Firth b. 20(21); LT 669.f.24(49), ms dated "30 March"; L1 c.20.f.2(38); L2 c.20.f.4(63); L3 c.40.m.11(5).

   Walter Yeokney, A Speech Made to his Excellency The Lord General MONCK, and the Councell of State, at Drapers-hall in London: The 28th of March, 1660. At which time they were entertained by that honourable Company. "The Reader may take notice that the other Speech is a forged cheat, and disowned by Walter Yeokney." LONDON: Printed for Henry Broome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1660. O Wood 398(5); LT 669.f.24(46).

   [John Denham?], A PANEGYRICK ON HIS EXCELLENCY The LORD GENERAL GEORGE MONCK: Commander in Chief of all the Forces IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. LONDON, Printed for Richard Marriot in Fleetstreet, 1659. L1 Ashley 624; L2 Lutt.II.72; L3 c.20.f.2(34); O Wood 319(8), ms note: "March: said to be made by Jo. Denham: see whether it be in his works -- -". See also Woods, AO (1721 ed) 2: 423. Banks in Poems accepts and includes this; O Hehir in Harmony from Discords isn't so sure (pp. 152-53).

   "T. B.", The Muses congratulatory Address to his Excellency the Lord General MONCK. "Awake ye sacred Quire the night is past..." O Wood 416(72), ms dated "March 1660"; LT 669.f.24(54), ms dated "5 April".


   A Speech to the Lord General Monck at Skinners-hall April the fourth, 1660. Spoken by Mr. W. Bard. London, Printed for John Towers 1660. O Wood 398(6); LT 669.f.24(55), ms dated "5 April".

   Walter Yeokney, A Song to his Excellency the Ld. General Monck, at Skinners-Hall on Wednesday April 4. 1660...The Reader may take notice that this is the right Speech, sung by W. Yeokney. Printed for William Anderson, 1660. L c.20.f.2(29).

   Thomas Jordan, A Speech Made to his Excellency the Lord General Monck, and the Council of State, at Goldsmiths Hall in London, the tenth day of April, 1660. At which time they were entertained by that honourable Company. London, Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1660. O Wood 398(7); LT 669.f.24(59), ms dated "11 april"; L c.20.f.2(30).

   Walter Yeokney, The Speech spoken to the Lord General Monck at Goldsmiths-Hall April the tenth, 1660. By Walter Yolkney. London, printed for John Towers. LT 669.f.24(58), ms dated "11 April".

   Thomas Jordan, A Speech made to his Excellency George Monck General, &c. The Twelfth day of Aprill, M.DC.LX. At a Solemn Entertainment at Vinteners-Hal. Wherein his Illustrious Virtues are shaddowed forth under the Emblem of a Vine. O Wood 398(8); Manchester Chetham Halliwell-Phillips #2746 (copy torn and cropped at bottom); LT 669.f.24(61), ms dated "13 April"; L c.20.f.2(31); OW L.R.8.32.

   Cyprian Southaick, Fames Genius. OR, A PANEGYRICK Upon tHis Excellency the Lord General Monck. At Vintners-Hall, Thursday the 12th of April 1660. London, Printed for J. Jones and are to be sold at the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1660. LT 669.f.24(62), ms dated "13 April".

   Thomas Jordan, A Speech made to his Excellency the Lord General Monck and the Council of State, at Fishmongers-Hall in London. The Thirteenth of April, 1660. At which time they were entertained by that Honorable Company. "After a Song of Difference betwixt the Lawyer, the Soldier, the Citizen and the Countrey-man. The Chorus being ended. Enter the Ghost of Massianello Fisher-man of Naples. [text] Spoken by Walter Youkcny [sic]". London, Printed by W. Godbid over against the Anchor Inn in Little Brittain. 1660. O Wood 398(9); Manchester Chetham Halliwell-Phillips #2747 (torn); L c.20.f.2(32) (torn); OW L.R.8.32.

   Bacchus Festival, Or, a New medley Being A Musical Representation at the Entertainment of his Excellency the Lord General Monck. At Vintners-Hall, April 12. 1660. brs. LT 669.f.24(64), ms dated "13 April".

   Robert Wilde, Iter Boreale. Attempting something upon the Successful Matchless March of the Lord General George Monck, From Scotland to London, The Last Winter, &c. By a Rural Pen. London, Printed on St George's Day, for George Thomason at the Rose and Crown in St Pauls Churchyard, 1660. LT E.1021(13), ms dated "23 April"; OB 910.h.13(26), Nicholas Crouch bought this copy for 1d in the 1690s.


   Richard Farrar, A Panegyrick to his Excellency the Lord General Monck. London, Printed by John Macock. May 22. 1660. brs. LT 669.f.25(29), date in colophon.


   "J. H." Englands Joy, Expressed in an 'EPINI'KON, To the most Renowned Man of Honor, and Temporal Redeemer of the Prince, Peers, and People of this Land, His Excellencey The Lord General Monck. London, Printed for M. B. 1660. brs. LT 669.f.25(50), ms dated "25 June".

   This broadside was attributed to James Howell by Hazlitt, but William H. Vann, in Notes on the Writings of James Howell (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 1924), argues against the attribution thus: Payne Fisher left it out of his edition of Howell's Poems and Howell did not write "political verses", though some of the idioms are suitable. Vann suggests "If he did write the lines to Monk, he was probably the same J. H. who, on April 30th of that year gave forth "England's Genius Pleading for King Charles," a one-sheet broadside, and "England's Joy For the coming of King Charles II," May 4th. All these give evidence of the same hand; but I am doubtful whether Howell was the author" (pp. 62-3). Curiously, neither of these works, which are included in this anthology, are signed "J. H." The latter is by Henry Brome; a shorter version appeared under the title "For General Monk his Entertainment at Cloath-workers Hall" in Brome's Poems (1661).


   W. Drummond, Anagram Of his Excellency the Lord Generall George Monck, King Come Ore. brs. LT 669.f.25(63), ms dated "25 July"; HH [not found]. To be included in this anthology.

Undatable Poems to Monk

   An Essay to A Continuation of Iter Boreale, Attempting soemthing upon the happy influence, which that seasonable and successful march of the Lord Generall Monck Out of the North, had upon the Arts and Sciences. The Second Part. By a Lover of Learning. London, Printed for R.S. 1660. O Firth e.157(4).

   Robert Howard, "A Panegyrick to Generall MONCK," in Poems, pp. 283-5.

   William Moorhead, Lachrimæ Sive Valediction Scotiæ ... The Teares and Valediction of Scotland Upon the Departing of her Governour, the Lord Generall George Monck. By H. Brugis for the Author, 1660. Wing M613. O, OW, CT; CH, MH.

   The Noble Monk: OR, An Acrostical Panegyrick to the memory of his Excellency The Lord General Monk. London, Printed by Tho. Milbourn for the Author. brs. LT 669.f.23(49).

   The Pedegree and Descent of His Excellency, General George Monck. Setting forth how He is descended from King EDWARD the Third, by a Branch and Skip of the WHITE ROSE, THE House of York. And likewise, His Extraction from RICHARD King of the ROMANS. WITH The State, Title and Descents of the Houses of YORK and LANCASTER in their several Branches. London, Printed for W. Godbid 1659. OC A.73.(34).

   Samuel Pordage, "A Panegyrick to his Excellency General Monck" in Poems, sigs B2-B4.

   "J. W.", Englands Heroick Champion. Or the ever renowned Generall George Monck, through whose Valor and prudence Englands antient Liberties are restored, and a Full and Free parliament now to be called, to the great joy of the Nation. London, Printed for John Andrews a at the White Lion near Pye Corner. Bl brs. L Rox.III.246.

    The British Library Catalogue attributes this to John Wade, following Ebsworth, RB.

   "W. Y.", The Entertainment of the Lady Monk, At Fishers-Folly. Together with an Addresse made to her by a Member of the College of Bedlam at her visiting those Phanatiques. Printed 1660. O Wood 398(10).

J. W.
"A Second Charles" 119
[undated: February ?]

   The title has been torn away from the only copy of this broadside that I have been able to find, so I have adopted the catch phrase from the chorus.

   The "J. W." who signed this ballad remains obscure. The publisher, John Andrews, issued numerous early works celebrating the Restoration, including another broadside also signed "J. W.," The King and Kingdomes Joyful Day of Triumph, as well as a second issue of Alexander Brome's ENGLAND'S JOY For the Coming in of our Gracious Soveraign, A Glimpse of Joy, and "J. P."'s The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes, which was found among the "trunk" ballads. Although written to a different stanzaic pattern, The King and Kingdomes Joyful Day of Triumph picks up the story of Charles's return exactly where "A Second Charles" leaves off, suggesting they may have been commissioned by Andrews from the same balladeer.

   Ebsworth has proposed that the "J. W." who wrote this later ballad may have been John Wade, who sometimes published his work with Andrews, and who often signed with his initials (RB, 9:33-34). The British Library catalogue has accepted that Wade was the "J. W." who authored a ballad to Monck, Englands Heroick Champion, which was also published by Andrews.120 Further, Ebsworth also attributes The Royall Oak, printed by Charles Tyus, and signed "J. W." to Wade, but with no special evidence in either case.121 In the absence of further precise evidence, while there is no reason to suppose that the "J. W." in each case may not be the same, whether it is Wade or not seems inconclusive.

   In this work, the king is implored, "Do but return and save us now," and promised that were he to do so, "we will Crown thy lovely Brow." These, and the closing lines of the ballad, are the only internal evidence for dating this ballad, and suggest that "A Second Charles" may have appeared early in the year, before or shortly after Monk entered London. Certainly the general terms of desire described here suggest a moment before it was known whether Monk would support a return to monarchy.

[119] Wing: [not Wing]. Bl brs. Copies: EN Crawford Ballad 990, removed from MR.

[120] Englands Heroick Champion. Or the ever renowned Generall George Monck, through whose Valor and prudence Englands antient Liberties are restored, and a Full and Free parliament now to be called, to the great joy of the Nation, Printed for John Andrews; L Rox.III.246.

[121] See "J. W.", The Royall Oak, included in "The Escape From Worcester" section of this anthology.

"A Second Charles"

OUr Age strange things hath brought to light,
And time hath chased away the night;
Now doth our Sun his beames display
And shows to us a lightsome day.
     England cheer up, do not repine,
     A second Charles his Sun shall shine.

Black and dark was our morning Star,
As darksome night or far blacker,
A woful change did so increase
10: Within our little universe:
     England cheer up, do not repine
     A second Charles his Sun shall shine.

But now our bright morning doth arise
And golden hopes doth paint our skies,
15: Which in our hearts doth comfort breed
Because in heaven it is decreed
     All sorrows let us now refrain
     A second Charls once more shall Reign.

And let us now our selves commit,
20: To him that doth in Heaven sit:
Our case that he to mind will call
After our sad and great downfall,
     That we this comfort may obtain
     That a second Charles once more may Raign.

25: He will us govern you shall see,
In Love, and Peace, and Unity:
And from all harms will us defend
'Gainst all that with us do contend.
     Each others love then we shall gain
When that a second Charles doth Reign.

He shall our King and Shepherd be,
And lead us to felicity:
To us he will example give
Even all the dayes that he doth live.
And peacefully he will us guide
     Unto those streames that sweetly glide.

And he will us so with love inure,
And cause us for to be secure
From all our forreign enemies,
40: And all Assaults and Batteries.
     He will our Rightful Cause maintain,
     When that in England he doth Reign.

Light out of darkness is now display'd,
Which was before in darknes laid;
45: True Oracles shall never fail.
Nor miracles to make men quail:
     Charles shall his Fathers right attain
     Over these Nations for to Reign.

And shall be seated upon his Throne,
50: Where many years there hath been none
Which is upheld with pillers four,
Justice, and Truth, Mercy, and Power.
     Earthly perfection we then shall gain,
     When that a second Charles doth Reign.

The second part, to the same Tune.


55: THen shall we hear sweet harmony,
Without him there's no melody:
He is sweeter to fair Englands minde,
Then any meat that she can finde.
     She doth desire him to attaine
And have a second Charles again.

He's our Physician, he can ease
Our mindes, and cure our disease,
And heal our drooping heavy hearts;
And also cure our outward smarts.
And Englands peace he will maintain
     When that a second Charles doth Reign.

Although our foes at us let fly,
And us assault with battery,
He will discomfort them we know,
70: By earthly powers here below:
     Of forreign Nations we love shall gain
     When that a second Charles doth Reign.

Charles is Englands resplendant Sun,
For want of whom we are undone:
75: d have been by tyranny
And seduced long by subtlilty:
     Now all our longings are in vain,
     Except a second Charles do Reign.

Charles show to us thy Rosie face,
80: With gentle offers of thy grace;
With reverence which we all admire
Thy graces which we all desire;
     Let all men palms and laurels bring,
     For to Crown Charles our gracious King.

85: Our sorrows then thou shalt subdue,
And all our former joyes renew;
Now lift us up with all thy strength,
Let us enjoy sweet peace at length.
     Our hearts doth in thy brest remain,
And we desire that Charles may Reign.

The Tyrant's dead that sought to spill
The innocent and him to kill;
Do but return and save us now,
And we will Crown thy lovely Brow
With praise and prayers once again,
     When that in England thou doest Reign.

Great Charles for thee we all will pray,
And for George Monck, both night and day,
And for his Army great and small
100: God bless and eke preserve them all:
     And for the Parliament again,
     That Charles the second he may Reign.

J. W.
London, Printed for John Andrews,
at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

A Psalme122
15 February

   Although this anti-Rump satire anticipates the Restoration only obliquely, and addresses the king not at all, I have included it here since the treatment offered of the events of Saturday 11 February -- the day of the "roasting of the Rump" -- seems sufficiently important to warrant inclusion. Pepys recorded a detailed description of the celebrations following Monk's presentation of his ultimatum to the Rump. Returning home from Cheapside that evening, "it being about 10 a-clock," he noticed

the common joy that was everywhere to be seen! The number of bonefires, there being fourteen between St. Dunstan's and Temple Bar. And at Strand bridge I could at one view tell 31 fires. In King-streete, seven or eight; and all along burining and roasting and drinking for rumps -- there being rumps tied upon sticks and carried up and down. The buchers at the maypole in the Strand rang a peal with their knifes when they were going to sacrifice their rump. On Ludgate-hill there was one turning of the spit, that had a rump tied upon it, and abother basting of it. Indeed, it was past imagination, both the greatness and the suddeness of it.

   But there is nothing in Pepys's account that indicates he thought the spontanious joy in any way anticipated the king's return.

   Thomason dated his copy of this ballad on 15 February.

[122] Wing: P4148. Brs. Copies: O Wood 416(40), ms dated "1659" COPYTEXT; LT 669.f.23(43), ms dated "15 Feb."; CH microfilm of LT copy.

By the PEOPLE, before the
Made in and about the City of
On the 11th. of February.
To the Tune of Up tayles all.

COme lets take the Rump
And wash it at the Pump,
For tis now in a shitten case:
Nay if it hang an Arse
5: Weel pluck it down the stares,
And toast it at Hell for its grease.

Let the Divell be the Cook
And the roast overlook,
And lick his own fingers apace;
10: For that may be borne,
(If he take it not in scorne
To lick such a privy place.)

Though we are bereft
Of our Armes, Spits are left,
15: Whereon the Rump we will roast;
Wee'l prick it in the Tayle
And bast it with a flayl
Till it stink like a Cole-burnt Toast.

It hath laine long in brine,
20: Made by the peoples eyne,
So tis salt though unsavory meat;
Wee'l draw it round about
With Welsh Parsley,123 and no doubt
It will choak Pluto's great Dog to eat.

25: We will not be mockt
This Rump hath been dock't,
And if our skill doth not fail;
To feare it is good,
Or else all the blood
30: In the body, lean out at the Tayl.

Then downe in your Ire
With this Rump to the fire,
Get Harrington's Rota to turne it;124
35: If paper be lack't The Assessment Act 125
You may stick upon't least ye burn it.

But see there my Masters
It rises in blisters
And lookes very big in the matter;
40: Like a roasting Pigs eare
It sings, doe ye heare
'Tis enough come quickly the Platter.

Lay Trenchers and Cloth
And away bring the broth,
45: Did the Divell o'th Fag end make none;
But hold by your leave
Napkins we must have
To wipe our mouthes when we have done.

Come Ladyes pray where?
50: Will you none of our cheare?
Are yee of such a squeamish nature?
Pray what is your reason,
Are Rumps out of season?
But tis an abuse to the Creature.

55: Come wee'l fall on
Pray cut me a bone
The Meat may be healthfull and sound;
Fogh! come let us bury't
To th'hole we must carry't
60: This Rump it stinks above ground.

This fire wee'l stile
The Funerall pile,
The Grave shall be under the Gallowes;
The Vane shall be th'scull,
65: Of some Trayterous Fool,
And the Epitaph shall be as followes.

Underneath these Stones
A Rump-Corporates bones
Are laid full low in a sink,
70: And we doe implore yee
Let them rest, for the more yee
     Doe stir them, the more they will stink.


[123] Welsh Parsley: OED cites Fletcher, The Elder Brother (1625) 1.2. "In tough Welsh Parsley, which in our vulgar tongue, is strong Hempen Halters."

[124] Attempting to provide an alternative to a return of monarchy, James Harrington proposed a Senate comprised of annually rotating members: see The Rota: Or, A Model of a Fress-State or equall Commonwealth (LT E.1013(7), ms. dated "9 Jan."), and The Wayes and Meanes whereby an equal & lasting Commonwealth may be suddenly introduced and perfectly founded with Free Consent of the People of England (LT E.1015(14), ms dated "8 Feb." In the second edition of The Ready and Easy way to Establish a Free Commonwealth, Milton swiftly attacked such proposals for their "inconveniencies [which] cannot but be troublsome and chargeable, both in thir motion and thir session, to the whole land," Complete Prose, ed. Robert W. Ayers and Austin Woolrych, revised edition (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980), 7: 441.

[125] When first printed, the Assessment Act passed in January ran to over ninety pages: Thomason dated his copy of An act for an Assessment of one hundred thousand Pounds by the moneth upon England, Scotland and Ireland, for six months (Printed by John Streater and John Macock) on 26 January, the same day it was passed; LT E.1074(27). The Act is reprinted in Firth and Rait, Acts and Ordinances, 2: 1355-1403.

T[homas] R[obins] The Loyall Subjects Joy 1
[undated: late February?]

   The two copies of this ballad I have examined indicate stop-press activity and suggest that the stationers William Gilbertson and Charles Tyus employed the same print shop. The copy of this ballad in the British Library has been printed on the back of The beautiful Shepherdesse of Arcadia. A new pastarell Song of a courteous young Knight, and a supposed Shepheards Daughter. To a gallant tune, called the Shepheards Delight, which was printed in London for William Gilbertson. The copy in the Euing collection of Glasgow University is identical apart from the title, which is given as The Royall Subjects Joy. In both instances, the stationer is named as Charles Tyus.

   Why has this ballad been ascribed to Thomas Robins, and not The Royall Subjects Warning-piece to all Traytors, issued later in the year, which is also signed "T. R." but bears no stationer's colophon?2 It may be mere chance that the two broadsides happen to be bound next to each other in the Euing collection, but they would seem to have been printed by the same press. But if they are by the same printer and author, why would Charles Tyus sign a piece of work early in the year when things might still have gone the other way, and then not sign what is presumably a later work?

   Robins was a prolific writer of ballads who seems to have been specially active in the period 1650-1670 (see Wing STC).

   This ballad is optimistic of the future if Charles and Monk can come to some agreement, so has been placed in late February. The claim that there is money at hand to pay soldiers their back wages is as optimistic as the hope that Charles will "pull all Taxes down."

[1] Wing: R87A and R1650D, variant title. Copies: L Rox.III.160a COPYTEXT; GU Euing 309, gives title as "Royall Subjects Joy."

[2] Although an anti-Rump satire, this ballad will be issued later in this anthology.

The Loyall 3Subjects Joy, OR,

Joyfull news to all that faithfull be,
And doth desire a happy year to see,
To see the same let all good Christians pray
That Charles in peace, may Crown and Scepter sway,
Then should we see such love in fair England,
No forreign Nation durst against us stand.
The Tune is, Sound a charge.


YOU Loyall Subjects all
sing for joy, sing for joy;
Good news here's at White-Hall,
sing for joy.
5: A second Charles is come,
Though heavy news to some,
Let them say no more but mum.
sing for joy, sing for joy.

Long time we did him want,
10: sing for joy, sing for joy;
Which made all trading scant,
sing for joy;
But now I hope that we
Shall better trading see,
15: And live in unity.
sing for joy, &c.

Our Royal Parliament,
I hope will give content,
20: sing for joy.
That Charles of high renown,
In peace may wear the Crown,
And pull all Schisms down,

25: For George our Generall
sing for joy,&c.
Let us pray both great and small,
sing for joy.
That faithfull he may stand,
30: For the good of fair England,
Then we will fight with heart and hand

For if Charles do wear the Crown,
35: And pull all Taxes down,
sing for joy.
Then Quakers look about,
For you will have the rout
of that there is no doubt,
40: sing,&c.

The Gospell flourish shall,
Heavens bless them at White-hall
45: Lord grant they may agree,
That we all may see,
And joyful unity,

[3] Loyall] L; Royall GU

The Second Part, To the same Tune.

FOr Sects and Schisms they,
50: sing &c.
Shall in England bear no sway,
sing, &c.
Quaker nor any other
Which would the Gospell smother.
55: If that he were my Brother,
sing, &c.

Good Souldiers will not daunt,
sing, &c.
What, though they mony want,
60: sing, &c.
Their Arrears are all at hand,
That will true and faithfull stand,
And be at Charles4 and Georges command.
sing, &c.

65: England rejoice with me.
sing, &c.
We happy days shall see,
sing for, &c.
For I hope all Trades will mend,
70: And cruell wars will end,
Peace so much will stand our friend,
sing, &c.

Merchants of high renown
sing, &c.
75: If Charles enjoy the Crown,
sing &c.
Most happy dayes you'l see,
Trading so good will be,
If Charles and George agree.
80: sing &c.

If all this to pass do come,
sing &c.
Then let both all and some
sing for joy.
85: Then will all Englands foes
Lament their grievous woes,
For fear of English blows,
sing, &c.

So to conclude I cry
85: sing, &c.
For peace and liberty.
sing, &c.
Let all true Subjects stand
For the good of fair England,
90: Under Charles and George command.
sing, &c.

So as I first begun,
sing, &c.
My Subject still shall run,
95: sing, &c.
Let all good Christians pray
That Peace may hear the sway,
Amen, Amen I say.
sing for joy, sing for joy,

T. R.
London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London-Bridge.

[4] Charles] ed; Charles s L, GU

Upon the Kings Most Excellent Majestie1 February; rpt. 16 March

   Soon after first appearing in February, Upon the Kings Most Excellent Majestie was re-issued as News From the Royall Exchange; both Woods and Thomason agree that the reprint appeared during March. This later version is almost identical with the initial printing apart from a few minor variants and a more explicit and longer title, which appears in double columns and reads thus:

News from the Royall Exchange: OR, Gold turn'd into Mourning: FROM

Exit Tyrannus Regum Ultimus An-}   {  ECCE!
no Libertatis Angliæ Restitutæ}   {Exit non Tyrannus, sed Regnum Homi-
primo. Januarii 30. Anno Dom.} TO{numq; optimus Anno Angliæ Fo/elici-
1648.   }  {tatis Ultimo.


The last Tyrant of Kings dyed in the first Year of}
the Liberty of England Restored, January 30.}
     {Behold! It was not a Tyrant King that dyed, but the
     {best of Kings and Men, that suffered in the last Year
     {of Englands Felicity.

   News bears one of the most common of the polemical false imprints to be found on royalist publications of the early months of the year, "London, Printed for Charles King. 1660." A further undatable variant reprint was issued, but the only copy I have seen has the title cut away.

   At issue in these broadsides is the inscription that had been set up in the Royal Exchange where a statue of Charles I had once stood. After his execution in 1649, the statue was removed and the Latin motto put in its place. This inscription was removed, but not until 15 March, later than the copy of this broadside dated February by Wood. For details of 15 March, see the broadside An Exit to the Exit Tyrannus.

[1] Wing: U1113. Brs. Copies: O1 Wood 416(55), ms dated "feb" COPYTEXT; O2 13. é.79(69) [reported missing since 1979]. Variant reprint: News From The Royall Exchange: / OR, / Gold turn'd into Mourning: / [text] / London, printed for Charles King. 1660. Wing: N1014. Brs. Copies: LT 669.f.24(15), ms dated "16 March"; L C.40.m.11(27); O3 Wood 416(69), ms dated "March"; MH; Y. Another Reprint: "An Anagram and Acrostick on CHARLES STUART KING." Wing (3rd ed): A3046A. Brs. Copies: L [listed Wing, not found]; OW L.R.8.32, title cut away.

Upon the KINGS Most Excellent MAJESTIE An Anagam & Acrostick. CHARLES STUART


Arts Chast Rule.


C Crowns of Gold with Gemms beset are vain,
H Heavenly Crowns of Content are 3Gain:
A A shaddow is the Throne this World affords,
R Riches and Honours are but weights with Cords
5: L Loading the Princes shoulders, who them bare,
E Each Common trouble call's for them to share.
S Soul therefore let thy Meditation 4
S Soar higher for a Habitation:
T Treasure up Goods where neither Moth nor rust
10: U (Undervalue things that turn to dust)
A Are able to corrupt, that so thy Heart,
R Rising above the highth of mans desert,
T Triumphing 5 may released be of smart.

[2] Acrostick-] O1; An Acrostick upon King Charles. O3

[3] are] ä are only OW

[4] Meditation] ä Mediation OW

[5] Triumphing] ed; Tiumphing O1; Triumphing O3; Tryumphing OW

Arts Chast Rule,7


15: TIll Arts Chast Rule we do approve,
And all things seek to win by Love,
We must all miseries endure,
Not Goods, nor Lands, nor Lives secure
Can we expect, when each day brings
20: New Changes, and new Sufferings:
Wherefore Call in and him Enthrone,
Who only can lay Claim to th'Crown;
Let not the towring minds of men,
Insult for private Interests then;
25: But Tribute give to whom 'tis due,
That so GODS Blessing may ensue,
Lest he O'return, o'return, o'return,
And many Towns and Cities Burn:
And waste the Nation, to perform
30: His Word which shall not be forlorn:
Who hath it promised to give,
To whom 'tis due as he doth Live:
Therefore do not his Word withstand,
But to Its Right restore the Land;
35: By which a Pardon you may find,9
When to Repentance ye're enclin'd:
That so in Peace your dayes may end,
Which in this World God doth you lend.

[6] Anagram.] O1; CHARLES STUART. / ANAGRAM, News ; om OW

[7] Rule,] O1; Rule. News

[8] Epigram.] ä om OW

[9] you] ä ye OW

The Peoples Complaint through want of their Exil'd Sovereigne LORD the KING.10

WEE Englishmen are worse than Æsops Frogs,11
40: We call'd those Tyrant12 Kings which were but Logs,
For when both Peace and plenty fil'd our Nation,
We not content cry out for Reformation;
Jove sent us Storks, who in short time devour
One hundred thousand Natives by their Power:
45: This strikes us to the Heart, and we bethink
How to repair our Chains, broak Linck from Linck.
We try a Parliament which doth not please,
We make of them a Rump, and yet not cease,
We reform our General to a Protector,
50: Who turn'd out Rumps, and play'd the gallant Hector.
He Parliaments did call, and they did come,
He turn'd them out and left an empty Room,
Till Jove call'd them aside by a great wind,
Who left us all to grope like those are blind;
55: For when his Son did take the Royal Throne,
We cry'd a Log, a Log, and threw him down:
We call'd the Rumps again we had before,
Who by a Cipher were turn'd out of doore:
A Safe Committee then did rule the Roast,
60: Of which we have no reason for to boast:
Our Rump did worm them out, and sat againe,
Till twice they Roasted were, which work't their bane:13
At last the Parliament of forty-eight,
Began to sit inth'House in former State;
65: At their re-sitting all the Bells14 did Ring,
Much more they will when we have Charles our King.15

Printed for Theodorus Microcosmus 1660.

[10] part break and title] ä; om OW

[11] Frogs,] ä; Foggs, OW

[12] Tyrant] O1; Tryant News

[13] bane] ä; baine OW

[14] Bells] ä; Bell O3

[15] we have Charles our King.] ä; that we have a King. OW

[16] colophon] O1; London, Printed for Charles King. 1660. News; om OW

The Case is altered1
[undated: 16 March-25 April]

   Although strictly an anti-Rump satire, this piece directly calls for the king's return and has been included here in order to keep the collection of "trunk" ballads intact. The text is defective in many places but the ballad evidently belongs to the moment between the collapse of the Rump Parliament on 16 March, and the sitting of the Convention Parliament on 25 April. Where the text is currently unreadable, I have sometimes supplied, in brackets, readings from Ebsworth's edition as marked in the notes.

   John Andrews, the stationer who produced this broadside, issued a satiric 8to pamphlet in August with a similar title: The Case is Altered; or, Dreadful news from Hell. In a discourse between the Ghost of this grand Traytor and Tyrant Oliver Cromwel, and Sir reverence my Lady Joan his wife, at their late meeting neer the Scaffold on Tower Hill. With His Epitaph written in hell, on all the grand Traytors, now in the Tower.2

   Like many anti-Rump satires, this ballad names a selective catalogue of the MPs and military leaders defeated by recent events, thereby providing an oblique and cryptic history of the final days of the Rump. After the collapse of Richard Cromwell's protectorate in May 1659, the case begins to alter. In late December 1659, Colonel Charles Fleetwood, Commander in Chief of the army, authorized Bulstrode Whitelocke to begin negotiating the return of Charles Stuart, and immediately ran into opposition from two mutually hostile directions: Sir Henry Vane, who was holding out against monarchy at any cost, and from the Council of Officers, who voted to dissolve themselves and approved the return of the Rump. On the day after Christmas, when the remaining forty-nine members of the Rump entered the House behind Speaker William Lenthall and the mace, both Fleetwood and Vane were politically finished.

   This ballad links Fleetwood with the meetings of the Rump during January, when William Say, M.P., carried the mace during Lenthall's illness, but the association is obscure. Somewhat clearer are the comments on Vane, who (along with Desborough and Lambert) had been ordered out of London during those first weeks of January, but did not finally leave until General Monk -- "Presbiter George" as he appears in this ballad -- ordered him to be escorted to his house in Lincolnshire on 13 February. The ballad recalls Vane's early years in Massachusetts, recommending that he be exiled there, since he would be certain of being hanged.3

   The second part of the ballad imagines the Rump, under Arthur Haslerig's leadership, playing a losing game of cards with Monk, who "turnd up the King for Trump." Invective is then directed at William Lenthall, William Prynne, Hugh Peters, and Colonel John Hewson, familiar targets of royalist invective at this time.

[1] Wing: C 871a. Bl brs, one of the unique "trunk" ballads. Copies: L c.120.h.4(3). Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xvii-xix.

[2] LT E.1869(2), ms dated "6 August." See discussion of this tract by Laura Knoppers in Constructing Cromwell: Ceremony, Portrait, and Print, 1645-1661 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), pp. 176-78.

[3] See Spalding, ed., Diary of Bulstrode Whitelocke, and J. H. Adamson and H. F. Follard, Sir Harry Vane: His Life and Times, 1613-1662 (London: Bodley Head, 1973), pp. 409-15.

The Case is altered
Sir Reverence, The Rumps last Farewel.
To the Tune of, Robin Hood.

[Bo]th Commons and Peers
Come prick up your ears
[I would sing of] Bellona and [Ma]rs.4
I hope [I] shall [fit] ye
5: With a pleasant new dittie,
of a Rampant Nose and an Arse.5

The Politick Snout,
That hath a clear rout,
stood it'h midst of old Olivers face,
10: And when that nose dropt,
Their presently hopt,6
a pittiful Rump in the place.

Lord Richard and Harry,
Did quickly misc[arry]
and could not be [staunch]7 to their Daddy,
And old Bedlam [Jo]an,
Was left to make mone,
that she was not as8 good as my Lady.

[I]f Fleetwood the fool,9
20: Had neer gone to School,
his headpeece could not have bin weaker
In Archies void place,10
Let him carry the Mace,
before the Logge-headed speaker.11

25: Cl[own] 12 Desburroughs high shun 13
Will not hold the long run,
except blind Hewson translate um 14
He may supple his toes,
With the matter in the15 nose,
or with the sick Rumps Buminatum.16

Squire Lambert and's pride,
Are both hangd aside,
like an old rotten case and an Ink horn
He's left ith lurch,
35: That lookt ore the Church,
as the Devil lookt over Linc[oln].17
Aspiring Sir Vane,18
Is now to the [wa]ne,
for Presbiter [Ge]orge hath trapand him
40: Though when [ague]19 was it'h head,
He strook it all dead,
if any could understand him.

If the State do him spue,
From Old England to New,
I think [I am]20 no mistaker
That Church that can see,
Somwhat further than we,
would hang him up for a Quaker.

[4] line 3]; so Ebsworth restored the line, which now reads: [...] Bellona [...]

[5] Oliver and the Rump.

[6] hopt] popt Ebsworth

[7] [staunch] so Ebsworth

[8] as] so Ebsworth

[9] Colonel Charles Fleetwood (1618-1692), Commander in Chief in England during 1659.

[10] Archie Armstrong was James I's jester, according to Ebsworth.

[11] Ebsworth notes that the "Logge-headed speaker" was William Say, one of the regicides. He was presumably following DNB, or common sources, which notes: "On 13 Jan, 1659-60 Speaker Lenthall was allowed ten days' absence during illness, and during the interim Say filled his place." Excluded from indemnity, Say escaped to the continent.

[12] Cl[own] so Ebsworth

[13] Major-General John Desborough (1608-1680) had been active bringing about the fall of Richard Cromwell's protectorate (Spalding, Contemporaries of Bulstrode Whitelocke, p. 73). Why he should be called a "clown" is as obscure as the reference to his footwear, "high shun," which does, however, serve to introduce the link to cobbler Hewson.

[14] Colonel John Hewson (d. 1622), a regicide, was a substantial shoemaker who had supplied the army and was consequently satirized by royalists as the "cobbler."

[15] the] his Ebsworth

[16] Buminatum] Bummatum Ebsworth

[17] OED sb.22.i.: "Popularly referred to a grotesque sculpture on the exterior of Lincoln Cathedral."

[18] Sir Henry Vane, the younger (1613-1662), had not been a regicide but was executed after the Restoration. As a young man, he has spent time in Massachusetts where he served a spell as Governor.

[19] [ague] so Ebsworth

[20] [I am] so Ebsworth

The second part, to the same tune. [cuts]

PRince Arthur the bold,21
50: Hath late taken cold,
in playing at Cards with the Rump,
Cause he would not save,
Monck dealt him the Knave,
and turnd up the King for Trump.22

55: Th[e Discip]es23 nine
Tha[t ...] [...]gant o shine,24
like Apostles of John [o']25
Have lost all their hopes
And are worthy of ropes,
for the case is alterd like Pleydons. 27

But take the whole Rump,
All the Members in lump,
the whole house was clothed so thin,
That a cloud like one fist,
65: Grew to a Scotch mist,
and wet them all to the skin.

The Rump made us quail
With a sting in the taile,
whiles it did its venome disgorge,
70: But that Dragons confounded,
Lies bleeding and wounded,
with the Sword of our Englands St. George.

The Council of State,
Is quite out of date,
the sun is gone off their Diall,
Oh horrible thing,
They Murdered the King
let them have as fair a Tryall.

If Lenthal be dumb,
80: In serving the bum,
and cannot speak worth a fart,
Let gallant bold Prin,28
By vote be brought in,
and he'l set a spoke in their Cart.

85: Hugh Peters the Antick29
That was so long fran[tic]
stands now by himself like a sypher,
Yet Ile give him a stripe,
Because he loves tripe,
since he plowd with the Butchers heifer.30

And yet ere he pass,
Let him take 'tother glass
and drink it up all at a draft,
Weel bequeath as most due,
95: The bones of St. Hugh,31
[To] Hewson the man of our craft

Let England now ring,
To cry up a King
as our Parliaments principal head,
100: Till then you nor we,
Can be full nor free,
but our carcasses gasping for dead.

And now let me venter,
This caveat to enter,
That neither for fear nor affection,
So much as a stump,
[Of th]at reprobate Rump,
[be] ever had more in Election.

London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White-lyon neer Pye-corner.

[21] Arthur Haselrig was appointed to head the new Council of State of the Rump when it first met on 26 December 1659.

[22] The earliest use of a card game to describe the politics of the Restoration settlement, if I am correct in dating Laurence Price's ballad, Win at first, lose at last, after 29 May.

[23] Th[e Discipl]es so Ebsworth

[24] line 55] That [litter] of a swine so Ebsworth

[25] [o'] so Ebsworth

[26] Ebsworth enigmatically notes: "Bocold of Münster."

[27] Sir Thomas Pleydon was involved in Miles Sindercomb's attempt against Oliver Cromwell on 8 December 1656; see T. Burton, Parliamentary Diary, 1:355.

[28] William Prynne (c.1602-1669), secluded at Pride's Purge in 1653, returned to Parliament after the Restoration as M.P. for Bath. The comments here recall that Prynne had risen to celebrity for boldly speaking out against stage plays in Historiomastix (1632), passages of which had been taken as aspersions on Charles I for which Prynne was sentenced to life in prison and the loss of his ears in 1634. While in the Tower, Prynne continued to write against Bishops and was branded on the face with the letters "S. L." for "seditious libeller" or, as he himself insisted, "Stigmata Laudis" in reference to Archbishop Laud. See DNB, Spalding, ed., Contemporaries of Bulstrode Whitelocke.

[29] Hugh Peters (1598-1660), chaplain to the New Model Army, was among those executed for treason after the Restoration. DNB.

[30] Accusations of sexual misconduct between Peters and Cromwell's wife are not uncommon in royalist satire.

[31] St Hugh is the patron saint of cobblers.

Thomas Joy A Loyal Subjects Admonition 1 [undated: 16 March-25 April?]

   Broadsides produced by Francis Grove were most often anonymous, but this one has been signed "T. J." and has been attributed to Thomas Joy by the Wing project.

   Internal evidence suggests it belongs to the period immediately following the collapse of the Rump and before the Convention Parliament sat. These distinctly unmetrical verses encourage readers to be loyal to the king who is about to return now that Monk has rescued everyone from the tyrany of recent years. Mostly a catalogue of anti-Rump sentiments aimed at inciting the desire for just revenge, the accusations of property-grabbing by "Rebells" are especially interesting. I have been unable to establish whether Colonel Thomas Rainsborough (also Rainborow) did indeed profit from Higham Park as accused, but since he had died in 1648, the accusation itself is testimony to Joy's long memory and suggestive of a personal grudge.

[1] Wing: J39b. Bl brs. Copies: GU Euing 160.

A Loyal Subjects Admonition, or, a true Song of
Brittains Civil Wars.

Some with blind zeal, Religion did professe,
Murder'd their lawful King, oh wickednesse
Scripture nor Chronicle they could not bring,
To shew what subjects ever judged their King.
King Charls beheaded was wee understand,
Proud Rebels they did live upon his Land,
But now these Rebels are disperst and gone,
Few honest men I think for them make moan.
If any man be angry at this Song,
What e're he thinks hee'd best to hold his tongue.
To the Tune of General Moncks right march, that was sounded
before him from Scotland to London, or the Highlanders march.

GReat controversie hath been in England,
but of ye just cause there is few men do know,
Rebellion for certain, as I understand,
hath been the fore-runner of sorrow and woe,
For every Presbyter,
Struck at the Myter,
Till they had gotten the world in a sling,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
10: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King,

The Scots did adventure at first to Rebel
And Englishmen quickly this lesson did learn,
But Lucifer tumbled from Heaven to Hell,
because his ambition be would not discern,
And therefore be wary,
lest he ensnare ye,
That count Rebellion a plausible thing,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
20: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.

The City of London was zealous and hot,
to mannage the cause of the Scots government
Forten thousand souldiers they raised I wot;
to go a King catching it was their intent;
rich they would make him,
if they could take him,
Such fair pretences through Britain did ring,
But Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
30: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.

Much like a Partridge the King they did chase,
from mountain to mountain they did him pursue
They quickly dispersed all the Royall race,
with their Loyal subjects, these Verses are true,
then any Lay-man,
Brewer or Dray-man,2
Could make a Throne or a Pulpitt to ring,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
40: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.


WHen with their base power they'd conquered his friends
they quickly surprised the Kings Majesty,
These zealots Religion, was for their own ends,
their Oath of Allegiance they then did defy
a Scaffold erected,
Murder effected;
Heathens ne'r acted so horrid a thing,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
50: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.

But while these Rebells did thus tyrannize,
a terrible Governour quickly arose,
Although Kingly government they did despise,
'Twas treason to meddle with Olivers Nose,
for he like a Hector,
was their Protector,
Rebells had Shelter under his wing:
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
60: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.

This Tyrants government lasted too long,
for Rebels in England did dayly increase,
Yet none but poor Cavaleers suffer'd wrong,
while every Ass was made Justice of Peace,
and Cavys must stand sir,3
with Cap in hand sir,
At their command sir, in every thing:
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head
70: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.

Worshipfull Walton got Sommersome Park,4
without any labor or taking of pains,
And Wagstaffe that Major was counted a Spark,5
although he did live upon other mens means,
and Rainsborough nimble
sleighted his Thimble,
When Higham Park such profit did bring,6
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
80: Now let's be Loyal and true to our King.

These pittiful fellows are all put to flight,
which thought that their pleasures would never ha'end
For they in ambition did take such delight,
there's many supposes they'l be hang'd ere they'l mend
for they in their bravery,
acted such knavery,
Curbing true subjects in every thing,
but Monck hath confounded,
each prick-eard round-head,
90: Now let us be loyal and true to our King.

I wish with my heart all the Kings enemys
both Rebels and Traitors on Tyborn may swing
That every moment do mischeef devise,
and can't be content with a Protestant King,
Esquire Dun3 take them,
never forsake them
Untill thou make them peep through a string,
now Monck hath confounded,
each prickeard roundhead,
100: Now let's be loyal and true to our King.

Composed by loyal T. J. FINIS. London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill.

[2] On satires portraying Cromwell as a brewer, see Laura Knoppers, Constructing Cromwell.

[3] Presumably to "stand" or keep "cave" in the schoolboy sense, here suggesting that Justices were appointed merely to stand on guard over the tyrants in power and to give warning at the approach of legitimate authority.

[4] Presumably Colonel Valentine Walton (c. 1594-c.1661), a regicide who married Cromwell's sister Margaret. Dispossesed by Monk and Parliament of his army position on 21 February, he escaped abroad. See DNB, and Spalding, Contemporaries of Bulstrode Whitelocke. I have been unable to locate Sommersome Park; it may refer to either Somerton or Somersham in Suffolk.

[5] Presumably the same "Wagstaffe" whose imprisonment by the Committee of Safety, together with Colonel William Okey and "other faithfull Officers," was deplored by the radical dissenter, William Dell, in December 1659; see Spalding, Contemporaries, pp. 71-2. In the late summer of 1649, one Captain Richard Wagstaff assisted Lambert in putting down Leveller insurgency in Oxford. See H. N. Brailsford, The Levellers and the English Revolution, ed. Christopher Hill (1961; rpt. Notingham: Spokesman Press, 1983), p. 565, who cites the following newsbooks: A Modest Narrative of Intelligence (8-15 September, 1649), Mercurius Elencticus (17-24 September, 1649), and Mercurius Pragmaticus (18-25 September, 1649).

[6] This accusation is particularly intriguing since the Leveller Thomas Rainsborough (or Rainborow), one of Cromwell's junior officers in the early days of the New Model Army, had died in 1648; see Brailsford, The Levellers, DNB. The estate of Higham Park, near Canterbury, Kent, dates back to the 1320's, but I have yet to establish any links to Rainsborough (see

[7] Squire Dun, not OED: here, presuably the hangman, death, or the devil when he comes to demand his dues.

An Exit to the Exit Tyrannus1
17 March

   Largely a complaint against the devilish regicides who martyred Charles I, and members of the subsequent tyrannical governments who brought the nation to ignominy, the ballad recalls the plaque that was put up to mark the absence of the king's former statue in Whitehall. It turns to Monk in its closing lines and urges him to bring in the king.

   Thomason dated his copy on Saturday 17 March, the day after the Rump formally dissolved, though the major incident referred to in the verses had occured the previous Thursday (see The Case is Altered). Noting that the tune belongs to Richard Corbet's "Merry Journey into France" of 1618, Ebsworth cites Madame de Witt's edition of the French ambassador's eye-witness report:

It was on the eve of the day when the Parliament was at length to pronounce its own dissolution [15 March] . . . A working painter, accompanied by some soldiers, and carrying a ladder in his hand, approached a wall in the city near the Royal Exchange, where eleven years before an inscription in Latin had been placed, Exit Tyrannus, regum ultimus, anno libertatis Angliæ restitutiæ primo, annoque Domini 1648. The workman effaced the inscription, and threw his cap into the air, exclaiming, `God bless KING CHARLES II!' The crowd joined its acclamations, and bonfires were lighted on the spot.2

    Pepys records the incident, from report, in similar detail, on the 16th, noting that it started at "about 5 a-clock in the afternoon" . Pepys's editors comment: "The man who obliterated the words was later identified as Michael Darby, 'now painter to the Company of Mercers'."3

[1] Wing: E3870. Brs. Copies: O Wood 416(61), ms dated "March 1659", COPYTEXT; OW L.R.8.32, reclassified from G.5.10(58); L1 c.20.f.4(249); L2 82.l.8(44); L3 c.40.m.9(68); LT 669.f.24(18), ms dated "17 March"; MH. Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:663-64.

[2] Ebsworth, RB 7:662; citing M. Guizot, The History of England From the Earliest Times to the Accession of Queen Victoria, edited by Madame de Witt, trans. Moy Thomas, 3 vols. (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1877-79), 2:553.

[3] See Diary, 16 March 1660, citing Mercurius Publicus (23 August 1660), p. 534.

Upon Erasing that Ignominious and Scandalous Motto, which
was set over the place where KINGS CHARLES
the First Statue stood, in the Royall Exchange,

To the Tune of I made a Voyage into France, &c.


AFter curs'd Traitors damned rage
At length is come that happy age
Wherein our hopes are crown'd,
Our griefs are turn'd to joyes, and all
Our miseries and sorrowes shall
Be in Canary drown'd.


Thrice happy night which black as thee
Hast caus'd that Hell black doom to be
Made by a Tyrant Crew,
When to fulfill the Divellish lust
They'd make it seem both good and just
That they their Soveraigne slew.


Twas not enough with them to draw
Their Sword against the KING and Law
To Rob and Steale and Plunder,
'Twas not enough to act all Treason
Pretending still religious reason
This was in them no wonder.


Twas not enough they had destroy'd
Our KING, to make our name abroad
A mock and scorn to be,
But to adde further to our shame
At home they blast his glorious name
With markes of Tyranny.


Curst Generation of Hams tribe
Their wickednesse to him ascribe
And seek his fame to taint,
Of whom it justly might be cride
He was a Martyr when he di'd
And whilst he lived a Saint.
To palliate their seditious acts
They charge him with those odious facts
Which they themselves commit,
And 'cause they had by their own fault
Both Church and State to ruine brought
He must be cause of it.


Exit Tyrannus up they set
As if the Kingdome then did get
By this their Liberty,
When as indeed from this their crime
The Nation well might date the time
Of reall Tiranny.


We since have found their zealous tones
Have caus'd our true and reall grones
We see their Good old Cause,
Was only made for a pretence
To banish all our freedome hence
And overthrow our Lawes.


Oh CHARLES that Exit which they put
Up ore thy Statues Head was but
An entrance to our Woe,
That fatall Axe which thee divorc'd
From us, our happinesse hath forc'd
Into the Grave to goe.


But bless'd be providence that we
This happy Night have liv'd to see
Wherein for all their spight,
We see some hope that at the length
The Kingdome may recover strength
And thou regaine thy right.


Thy fame no more shall be defac'd
But with these glorious titles grac'd
Which are due to they merit,
Nor shall the babling Rout now dare
To exclaime against thee in their prayer
Or curse thee by the spirit.


Nor is't our happinesse alone
Thy disgrace is wip't out o'th stone
But does proceed yet farther,
Brave Monk has given an exeunt too
To those these Nations did undoe
And did commit thy murder.


Goe on brave George, and as before
Our Nation to her right restore
Call in the lawfull heyre,
Speake but an entrance to our KING,
And none but will thy praises sing
And blesse thee in their prayer.


The King Advancing1

21 March

   Once the Rump had dissolved itself, royalist propagandists began recalling the living memory of the martyred king in order to inspire the call for bringing in his son (see An Exit). These verses from a quarto pamphlet, The King Advancing, Or Great Britains Royal Standard, With His Majesties Gracious Speech to His Loyal Subjects; And the Investing Him in His Royal Throne, Crown and Dignities, purport to be a speech made by the Ghost of Charles I commenting on events shortly after the Rump's dissolution. After demonizing Cromwell and his supporters, the voice of the Stuart martyr proclaims the imminent arrival of his son, a more than Herculean hero, who comes to put things right. The verses are given in both Latin and English, the printing arranged so that the two versions can be read side by side.

   Rather than adopting an entirely Anglo-centric position, these verses notice that because Charles I was king of Great Britain, his son inherits "three Crowns" (line 27). Thomason dated his copy on Wednesday, 21 March.

[1] Titlepage: THE / King Advancing, / OR GREAT BRITTAINS / Royal Standard, / WITH / His Majesties Gracious Speech to His Loyal Subjects; / And the Investing Him in His Royal Throne, / Crown and Dignities. / [cut: royal arms surmounted with C R] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Charles Prince, in the year, 1660./ [enclosed within ruled box]. Wing: K547. Qto. Copies: O G. Pamphlet 1119(4), [A]-[A4v], page numbers [1]-7 mispaginated "2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7" COPYTEXT; LT E.1017(28), ms dated "21 March"; OW Fairfax 417, the Huth copy; MH; Australia Victoria Public Library. Commentaries: Carew Hazlitt, p. 93.

[ornamental header] The Ghost of Charles the Great King and Martyr.

THe Sun was set, and Prosperpine had hurld
Lethean Poppy o're the silent World:
But night (whose calmness rocks the Earth asleep
Nurst up my cares, and did them waking keep,
5: When with a deep-fetcht grone I thought upon
The Churches fate, and Kings destruction,
The Moon straight through my window shining clear,
The Ghost of CHARLES did to my sight appear,
Not with that look and Majestie Divine
10: HE once on Earth, and now in Heaven doth shine;
But with an Aspect horrider then theirs
Who were his bloody Executioners:
So lookt (that Fiend of Hell) damn'd Noll, and all
Those Rebells that were guilty of his fall,
15: Whom Heaven now justly plagues. His face was thin,
His visage gast and pale, his eyes sanck in,
His wounded neck made his weak head hang down,
Unable to support the tottering Crown;
His un-comb'd hair, like one's affrighted stood,
20: His beard was covered o're with clotted blood,
He spoke to me in such a hollow sound,
One would have thought the voice was under ground:
Pitty (he said) my sorrowes, here you see
What fruit, patience and vertue brought to me.
25: My Senate, thus, made me a glorious Prince,
This was their promis'd Honour's Recompence.
That blessed rest three Crowns could never get
(Thicker with Thornes, then pearls or diamonds set.)
The dry Ax yeelded me; So from the slain
30: Carcase of Samsons Lyon hony came;
So Bryers roses, deadly poyson so
Produce good Medicines. From my death did flow
Peace to my Soul; I wish my enemies
May alike happie be, and my Blood's cryes
35: For ever silent; though I'm slain, Heavens bless
My Kingdoms! May they ne'r be Fatherless.
But! wishes fail! my blood from Earth doth rise
In reeking vapours, and ascends the skies,
Filling the whole Heav'n with its hollow cryes,
40: Straight (as a raging sea) the Devil reignes
I'th'giddie-headed-peoples pregnant braines,
Who with dissention some, like breaking waves
That force the sands out of their waterie graves
O're the high rocks, then rowl them back again
45: Into the deep; at length th'unruly maine
Throws down those banks that gave it lawes, and runs
O're the wide fields, till all one Sea becomes,
Till towns and forts are levell'd with the ground
And Princely Courts long built, the flood hath drown'd.
50: See how this antient Kingdom breathless lyes,
As if my soul with theirs did sympathize;
The Church too (sharing in my sufferings;)
Lyes by me, and her blood's mixed with her Kings!
But stay! Brittain take courage, from my rest!
55: All are not slain with me; vertue thrives best
When 'tis by cruell Tyrants most opprest.
As ætna in her stony brest doth cherish
A secret fire, which veines of Sulphur nourish
Till all inflam'd and weary of delay,
60: It forces through th'imprisoning Rock a way,
Shewing it's fierie face above the Ayre
The Tyrrhene seas with Brimstone boyl, the fair
Fields, are with burning coales scorch'd up, the shore
Trembles to hear the shaking mountaines roare;
65: In heards (like beasts) the fearfull neighbouring Clownes
Flee from their burning cottages and Townes;
A pitchy torrent following their swift feet;
My People so enraged by deceit
And heavie burdens under which they sweat,
70: On their oppressors spend their furious heat;
Then shall my Son (finding his foes despise
Their duties, and his Clemency) arise
With God-like strength; and to regain his right,
Herculean Spirits (all on fire to fight)
75: Will aid their injur'd Prince; whose bloody hand
Armed with lightening, shall disperse each band
Of brutish Gyants, and their mountains throw
(Together with their Carcases) below
Under their own ambitious dung-hill, thus
Fell Titan's son's and bold Enceladus2 80
In the Tinacrean Earth their bones are thrown
Whose hundred Anvils made all ætna groan.
O may my Chldrens Princely hearts nee'r fail
Amidst a thousand chances that assail
85: The fate of Warres! So unto God thereby
Glory may rise, next to my progeny.
And Kingdom, Peace, since strange effects Heavens King
Doth from contrary causes oft-times bring;
From Death came Life; light out of darkness shin'd,
90: Mans skill cannot his wayes and counsell find.
This having said, straight a Majestick face
And divine form, his humane shape did grace;
Paleness and horrour from his grim look flies,
His cheeks Roses adorn'd; his serene eyes
95: Darted out pleasing rayes. Then, like the bright
Sun, having put on a glorious light,
Hee fled to Heaven, and vanisht out of sight.


[2] Born to Titan out of Terra, Enceladus was the most powerul of the Titans to revolt against Jupiter, for which he was struck with thunder and imprisoned under Mount Aetna: compare William Fairebrother's verses addressed to the Houses of Parliament in his An Essay of a Loyal Brest, lines 1-12.

"Upon the Kings Prerogative and Person"
The Case Stated
Touching the Soveraign's Prerogative1

24 March

   Thomason dated his copy of this polemical tract on 24 March. But who wrote it and who was hiding behind the colophon "Printed for Charles King," I have been unable to discover. The following verses appear on p. 8.

   Although blaming "haughty Rebels" rather than particular regicides or Rumpers, the verses also attribute responsibilty for events following the execution of Charles I to the nation at large.

[1] Titlepage: The Case stated   Touching the   SOVERAIGN'S   PREROGATIVE   AND THE   Peoples Liberty,   According to Scripture, Reason, and the   Consent of our Ancestors.   Humbly offered to the Right Honorable   GENERAL MONCK,   And the   OFFICERS in the ARMY.   [rule]   Regi qui perfidus, nulli fidus.   [rule]   London, Printed for Charles King. 1660.   [text] Wing: C1205. Verses p. 8. Copies: LT E.1017(40), ms dated "24 March" COPYTEXT; OFX Fairfax collection (dispersed); MH; NU; Y; WF 189631.

Upon the Kings PREROGATIVE

PRerogative and Person, both were free
From Subjects Malice and Malignity;
Till haughty Rebels, illegitimate
From true Obedience, chang'd our setled State
5: From Sacred Kingship, leaving no Spark
Of Light in Government: All clouded, dark,
Like the first Chaos; full of dire Confusion,
No Spirit mov'd, but that of strong Delusion:
Whose Hellish Breath drave us to Wars, and Murther,
10: Ev'n of our Sacred Master; Nay, went further,
We Banish'd into Exile, HIM, whom now
Upon our second thoughts, we fain would bow
Unto, and Worship, if he would permit
Himself (as Idol) on His Throne to sit.
15: Which thing he hates: For the Decree of God
Ordains, that Rebels ought to kiss the Rod.
Therefore embrace your Sov'raign, and Proclaim
Him Lawful King; and so blot out your Shame.

John Ogilby
"The Second Charles"
28 March

   Calling on Charles to ascend the throne, John Ogilby's verses accompanyed several of the earliest engraved portraits of the future king. Combining typological implications with epigrammatic poise, Ogilby's lines urge the "Second Charles," son of a Christ-like martyr, to fulfil the divinely ordained mission of revenge implicit in his regal inheritance. Given their contextual appearance as glosses on engraved images of the king, the verses must surely have attracted attention from readers who like to look at pictures.

   Such engravings were evidently available from as early as late March, corresponding to the post-Rump period when we have seen broadside verses calling on Charles II by re-calling the memory of his martyred father. In a notebook entry dated "March 28th. Wednesday" -- confirming that the year was 1660 -- Thomas Hearne transcribed the lines and noted: "Out of Mr. Tho. Rawlinsons Notebook CC. K. Charles the 2d. a Cutt. Guil. Faithorne sculp. motto Dieu et mon Droit." This note leaves it unclear whether he copied the verses and motto from Rawlinson, or from the Faithorne engraving, and I have been unable to find the lines in Rawlinson's notebooks. In giving the verses from the printed version accompanying Faithorne's portrait below, I have, for the curious, noted all variants in Hearne's transcription.

   The Faithorne engraving, showing Charles in wig and armour, was reprinted as a frontispiece by George de Forrest Lord for the first volume of his Poems on Affairs of State. Louis Alexander Fagan writes: "This plate, intended for a book, was afterwards cut down and used for deeds and public instruments. There is a copy measuring 14 1/2 in. by 10 1/2 in.; no background, and inscription below; but with Faithorne's name, and with the motto in ribbon above."1

   John Ogilby's name was signed in full to a reissue of the verses accompanying a three-quarter length portait of Charles by Chantry after an original by Nason. This six-line version is given below as Variant (1).

   Later in the year, William Gilbertson may have pirated Ogilby's verses for an augmented version appearing in a broadside, dated by Thomason "Sept: 6," misleadingly entitled The manner of the Solemnity of the Coronation of His most Sacred Majesty King Charles. Below the title words "King Charles" is a rather crudely executed portrait of Charles II on the throne in his robes of state, crowned, and holding the sceptre. The engraving and twelve-lines of verse based on Ogilby's which appear either side, occupy the top half of the sheet. The lower half is a double-columed prose summary of the coronation, not of Charles II, but of his father. Since the work is unsigned, Ogilby himself may have written the extra lines, given here as Variant (2). The extra lines find previous kings and emperors named Charles who complicate and enrich the possibilities of Charles Stuart's inheritance.

   The final version of Ogilby's verses included here, Variant (3), returns to the original six lines. They appear in a broadside printed for John Williams in 1661, mostly taken up by a large scale portrait of Charles within an oval frame that recalls Faithorne's original, but reverses the direction of the king's gaze and replaces his armour with robes and a garter star. The six lines of verse given here at the bottom of the page are signed.

[1] Fagan, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of William Faithorne (London: Quaritch, 1888), p. 8.

"The Second Charles"
The Faithorne version:2

The Second Charles, Heire3 of ye Royall4 Martyr,
who,5 for Religion and6 his Subiects Charter,7
spent8 the best Blood,9 yt uniust10 Sword ere dy'de,11
since12 the rude Souldier pierc'd our Sauiours side:13
who14 such a Father15 had'st;16 art17 such a Son; 5
redeeme18 thy people and19 assume thy Owne.20

J. O.

[2] Variant brs engraving. The 6-line verses signed "J. O." appear under a head-and-shoulder portrait of Charles in wig and armour, within an oval frame with "Dieu et Mon Droit" in motto ribbon above, signed by William Faithorne. 11 x 9 inches. Copies: British Museum Print Room, Faithorne's Works, 1:32; the 1st state of the print; the verses are absent from the 2nd state at ibid 1:33. See L. Freeman O'Donoghue, et al, Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, 6 vols (London: British Museum, 1908-25), 1:401, #113. Reprint: Lord, POAS, 1:frontispiece. Ms copy: O Bodley MS Hearne Diary 57, p. 80; Crum T1291a.

[3] Charles, Heire] Charles, Heires ms.

[4] Royall] Royl ms

[5] who,] Who ms

[6] and] & ms

[7] Subiects Charter,] Subjects Charter ms

[8] spent] Spent ms

[9] Blood] Bloud ms

[10] uniust] unjust ms

[11] ere dy'de,] e're dy'de ms

[12] since] Since ms

[13] side:] side. ms

[14] who] Who ms

[15] Father] father ms

[16] had'st;] had'st ms

[17] art] and ms

[18] redeeme] Redeeme ms

[19] and] & ms

[20] 6. Owne] crowne ms

Variant (1), the Chantry/Nason version:21

The Second Charles, Heire of ye Royall Martyr,
Who, for Religion, and his Subjects Charter,
Spent ye best blood that unjust Sword ere dy'de,
Since the rude Souldier pierc'd our Saviors side:
5: Who such a Father had'st, art such a Son;
Redeeme thy people and assume thy owne.

J Ogil[by]

[21] Variant (1): signed verses on an engraved portrait of Charles by J. Chantry after P. Nason. A six-line version of the verses appear at the bottom of a 3/4-length engraved portrait of Charles facing right, standing in armour, resting a truncheon on a table, under a ribbon-motto "CAROL': SECUN' D:G: MAG: BRI: FRA: ET: HIB: REX." 13 x 10 inches. Underneath, centre, the garter arms; either side of which the following signatures: P. Nason pinxit: J: Chantry sculp: Tho: Crosse excud: Copies: British Museum Print Room, Portraits of Charles II, vol. 1: acquisition # 1848.9.11.329. See O'Donoghue, 1:399 item #83.

Variant (2), The Manner of the Solemnity:22

The Second Charles, Heire of the Royall Martyr,
Who, for Religion, and his Subjects Charter,
Spent the best Blood, that unjust Sword ere dy'de.
Since the rude Souldier pierc'd our Saviours side:
5: Who such a Father had'st, art such a Son;
Redeem thy people and assume thy owne.
Ascend thy Ancestors Imperial seat,
Of Charles the Good, thou second Charles the Great,
That adds the worth; this lustre to the Crown,
10: Whose solid Glories weighd Usurpers down.
Such Majesty as never was profan'd,
While Tyrants rul'd twas only Charles that Reign'd.

[22] Variant (2), Wing M479: The manner of the Solemnity of the CORONATION of His most Sacred MAJESTY KING CHARLES / London: Printed by T. C. and are to be sold by W. Gilbertson. 1660. Copies: O Ash. 677(7*); LT 669 f.26(2), ms dated "6 September." Here. the verses occur on either side of a fairly crude portrait of Charles II, enthroned, at the top half; below is a prose description of the coronation of Charles I.

Variant (3), Carolus II:23

The Second CHARLES, Heir of the Royal Martyr
Who, for Religion, and His Subjects Charter,
Spent the best Blood, that unjust Sword e're dy'd,
Since the rude Souldier pierc'd Our Saviour's Side
Who such a Father had'st, art such a Son,
Redeem Thy People, and assume Thy Own.


[23] Variant (3): Carolus II. D. G. Angliae, Scotiae / Franciae & Hiberniae Rex, etc.etc. / London Printed for John Williams, at the Crowne in St Pauls churchyard, 1661.
When the "Pourtrait" was reprinted in 1673, the text was twelve lines shorter than in 1660, and contains several variant readings not recorded here, though I have indicated which lines were omitted from the reprint.
The final verses addressed "To His Majesty" appear only in the 1673 reprint (sig. B) but are given here.

[ornamental border]
Charles the II.
Faithfully taken to the Life.6

KIngs like the Sun, in their full Majesties,
Are too resplendent bright for Subjects eyes;
Nor without dazling can their weaker sight,
Sustain the force of so much glorious light.7
5: But when Ecclipst, then every one can see
(Without that splendor) what their persons be;
In which Conjecture 8 who so
e're has seen
This Sun of ours, may well affirm of him,
His Person's such, as he for that alone
10: (His Birth away) 9 deserves the Royal Throne;
Such Majesty there's in it, and such Grace
(Both awing and delighting) in his Face;
Without those Kingly Robes adorn the Throne,
He shews more King, then those who have them on.
15: His Stature's tall, and of the comliest make,
His Vizage oval, his Hair thick and black,
In ample Curles, on's shoulders falling down,
Adorning more his Head, then any Crown.
His Eyes are lively, full of flame and sprite,
20: And of that colour most delights the sight:10
Royal, and largely featur'd all the rest,
Declaring the largeness of his Royal Breast;
And of so healthful Constitution,
As he had Articled with sickness, none
25: Should e're invade his health, and he should ne're
By excess provoke them, to which much confer, 11
His wonted Exercises, who in all
The Noblest, Gallant, 12 and most Martial,
Even the Most Excellent, so far excels,
30: He's King in them, as he's in all things else:
(And who'd be absolute in every thing
As well as Birth, and Power, should be a King)
Nor shall you e'er in any person finde
A greater strength of body and of minde;
35: Which with long Travel h'as improved so,
He knows what e're befits a Prince to know;
Not learnt from th'dead, but from the world, & men,
Those living Authors, and h'as studied them,
So as each Nations wisdom he does know,
40: And each on's Language to express it too. 13
Whence he compar'd to other Princes, sit
Dully at home, and nothing know but it, 14
Seems just like some huge Gallyon does come
From farthest Indies, richly laden home,
45: Compar'd to some poor Hoy, or Bylander,
Then their own shores & coasts, ne'r further were; 15
And never none to Fortune more did owe,
Than to misfortune he, for being so.
For moral vertues then, h'as every one
50: In their full splendors and perfection,
Justice, not Clouded with severity,
Nor Temperance, with sower austerity;
And ne're in none more Courage was, nor more
Wisdom and Prudence, with less vanity, nor
55: With lesser Artifice; then ore's passion he
Commands so absolutely, and sovereignly:
It shews him King over himself, as well
As over others, nor does he less excell
In civil vertues, which adorn no less,
60: The Royal Throne, as mildness, Gentleness,
Ravishing sweetness, debonarity,
Obligingness, and affability,
That more does conquer with a gentle word,
Then ever any Conquer'd by the Sword,
65: Acquiring absolute Dominion,
And Soverign sway o're hearts of every one. 16
Mean time he is so chearful and so gay,
None from His presence e'er went sad away;
Nor yet could all his troubles nor his cares
70: Render him less gay and chearful, which declares
His minde' above them all, and h'as within
Him somewhat higher then the being KING;
Just like the highest Region of the Air
'Bove Storms & Tempests, nor could Fortune e're
75: Eclipse his minde. For Courtly vertues then,
In which Kings too should excel other men,
As far as Courts do other houses, he
Appears in every one to Excellency;
Dances so admirably, as your Eye17
80: As well as Ear's all charm'd with Harmony,
Knows Musick, Poetry, Gallantry, and Wit,
And none knows better how to judge of it: 18
In fine, in everything that curious is,
No'ns taste was e're more delicate then his; 19
85: And as he is a King 'mongst Courtiers, so
'Mongst Ladies he's both King and Courtier too.
How happy are his Subjects then, t'have one
For King, Heaven seems t'have chosen King, alone
To make them happy? one, they need but pray,
90: That as h'as born Adversity, he may
But bear Prosperity as well, and then,
As still h'as been, he'l be the best of Men.
One, finally in whom ye united finde
(Besides his Birth, his Person, and his Minde)
95: All that, which found in others one by one,
Raise them to height of Admiration,
The Wise, the Valiant, the Majestical,
The Mild, the Gallant, and the King in all:
But of all Titles, that amongst the rest,
100: Of Gratious and Clement fits him best.20
More Glorious are his Sufferings then, and more
Injurious Fortune persecutes him for
His Royal Birth alone, who had he been
Born private man, deserv'd to be a King.
105: Such is her ignorant blindness, does not know
His eminent worth whom she disfavours so,
Would finde, were she unveild, and could but see,
None e're deserv'd her favours more then he.

[6] title] THE / POUTRAIT / OF / HIS MAJESTY, / Made a little before HIS Happy / Restauration. 1673

[7] lines 3-4] om 1673

[8] Conjecture] Conjuncture ms correction L, O, WF

[9] i.e. "even if he had been born abroad." Charles was born in St. James's Palace; the point here is that Charles's personal qualities would make him worthy of kingship even if he had not been born to the throne.

[10] lines 15-20; on Charles's appearance, compare A Character: "He is somewhat Taller than the middle stature of Englishmen; so exacty form'd, that the most curious Eye cannot finde one Error in his shape. His Face is rather Grave than Severe... His Complexion is somwhat dark, but uch enlightened by his Eyes, which are Quick and Sparkling" (p. 4).

[11] lines 23-26] om 1673Apart from a bout of smallpox in the autumn of 1648 and a fever that recurred in 1679, 1680 and 1682, Charles has traditionally been represented as enjoying vigorous good health throughout his life (Hutton 1989: 30, 443). Nevertheless, it may not be insignificant that these lines were omitted in 1673, by which time Charles had gained something of a reputation for sexual excess.

[12] Gallant] Gallants copytext, WF

[13] The author of A Character also comments on the king's skills in languages: "He understands Spanish, and Italian; speaks and writes French correctly; He is well vers'd in ancient and modern History, hath read divers of the choicest pieces of the Politicks, hath studyed some useful parts of the Mathematicks, as Fortification, and the knowledge of the Globe; but his chief delight is in Navigation, to which his Genius doth so incline him, that by his frequent conversation with Mariners, and his own observation, whilest he rid six weeks in the Downes, and in his passage into Scotland, he hath arrived to so much knowledge in this Science, that I have heard many expert Seamen (whose discourses are not steer'd by the compass of the Court) speka of it with delight and wonder; in genral, He is a true friend to Literature, and to Learned Men" (p. 4). We might compare this with Hutton's assessment: "Newcastle's determination that his pupil should not be too bookish left the King with little appetite for reading of any sort. In the course of his youth and early manhood Charles tried to learn French, Italian, and Spanish. Yet he never seems to have attained any proficiency in the last two tongues" (Hutton 1989: 450). Thomas Pecke also repeats the claim that Charles had command over three languages.

[14] Compare Dryden, Astræa Redux, lines 105-14.

[15] This early snub to the Dutch, who had recently been hosting the Stuart exiles, is characteristic of Flecknoe; see his call for a trade war against them in his imperial masque, The Marriage of Oceanus and Britannia (1659).

[16] lines 65-66] om 1673

[17] Hutton notes that Charles has a "genuine enthusiasm for dancing" (1989: 75).

[18] Charles certainly had strong opinions regarding music; on 20 November Pepys reports on the previous evening's entertainment which Monck had put on for the royal family: "after supper, a play -- where the king did put a great affront upon Singleton's Musique, he bidding them stop and bade the French Musique play -- which my Lord says doth much out-do all ours." For more on this evening's entertainment, see Denham, headnote, forthcoming.

[19] lines 83-84] om 1673

[20] lines 99-100] om 1673 Charles' generosity was predicted by the nurses at his birth because he appeared with open hands (Hutton 1989: 2).

To His Majesty (1673 only, sig B.)

VOuchsafe Great Sire, on these to cast your sight,
Made cheifly for Your Majesties delight,
By him has cast off all Ambition
Long since, but of delighting you alone;
5: Courting it highest honor can befall,
To delight Him, who's the delight of all.

IV. The King Declared, early May

Anthony Sadler: Majestie Irradiant1

   (1 May)
Thomason dated his copy of this broadside on Mayday.

I. The Author

   According to Anthony Wood, Anthony Sadler (1610-c.1683) left "behind him the character of a man of a rambling head and turbulent spirit," a view confirmed by published reports of the controversies which Sadler seems to have attracted.2 Born in Chitterne St. Mary, Wiltshire, Sadler entered St. Edmund Hall, Oxford in 1628, and was ordained by the Bishop of Oxford, Dr. Richard Corbet in 1631 at the age of twenty one. His precosity seems to have accompanied a restless enthusiasm that marks his career as well as his poetic and controversial writings. After a temporary curacy at Bishopsgate in Hampshire, he served as chaplain to a relative, the Squire Sadler of Hertfordshire, before moving to Westminster as chaplain to Lady Lettice Paget, who presented him to a living at Compton-Hayway in Dorset on 25 May 1654.

   Having survived the years of civil war, Sadler was now middle-aged and finding his Anglican views were out of tune with the times. Within weeks of his presentation to Compton-Hayway, he was summoned for examination before a group of recently appointed "triers" -- the parliamentary commissioners charged with judging and approving new church appointments -- headed by the fiercely independent Philip Nye, whom William Lilly called a "Jesuitical Presbyterian."3 Woods notes that "no small trouble passed between him and them." Sadler presented his certificate of ordination on 10 June but it was rejected four days later. After further delays, he was called for examination by the triers on 3 July. In October, Sadler addressed Inquisitio Anglicana, his own account of the events of his trial, to Cromwell and the High Court of Parliament.4 Nye's response -- Mr Sadler Re-examined -- appeared in early December,5 and repeated charges that Sadler preached more for ostentation than edification. That month a further order was given for Sadler to be re-examined.6 Since there is no further record of Sadler until the year of the Restoration, when he shows up unemployed, we can only presume that he was ejected from his Dorest living sometime after 1 once his patroness had died.7

   Like other unemployed Anglican divines in 1660, Sadler must have held great hopes that Charles's return would mean more and better jobs for loyal clergymen, especially those who drew attention to their plight by publishing declarations of their past sufferings and eager support for the king. In anticipation of recognition or reward, the fifty-year old rushed into print by May, as we have seen. We learn from Mr. Sadler, Sadled, In the Vindication of Mr. R. Cranmer of London Merchant (1665), that Sadler was without a living in 1660, but was "well stockt with Wife and Children" (p. 4). This anonymous attack on Sadler reports that in 1660 he was quick to make it known how much he wanted a church living in recompense for his loyal sufferings. With the initial support of Robert Cranmer, and after preaching a sermon there in June, Sadler was duly appointed to a vacant appointment at Mitcham in Surrey. Within a few years, however, Sadler had fallen foul of Cranmer and other local parish dignitaries, entering into a series of legal suits that landed him in prison. The living at Mitcham was poorly paid, it had been vacant for many years and the house was in very bad condition when Sadler moved his family in. In Strange News Indeed: From Mitcham in Surry [sic] (1664), signed from "the Burrough Prison, Novem. 25. 1664," Sadler attacks Cranmer for not fuliflling his promises with regard to the living. But according to Mr. Sadler, Sadled, Sadler and his family were frequently shown hospitality, provided with food, medicine and coal; a subscription to repair the house was established. Once £40 had been raised, however, Sadler followed bad advice and sued his patron for dilapidation, thereby estranging himself from the local community. The author or authors even dispute Sadler's claim to be the author of the Inquistio Anglicana, insisting it was made up by "a Club of Divines" (p. 8). Other charges against him include frequent drinking and swearing, and refusing to pay for a horse that he bought on credit.

   Sadler again disappears from the record until 1681 when, at the age of 71, he was accused of debauchery by Seth Ward, the Bishop of Salisbury. The last record of Sadler appears when he is an old man of 73, petitioning against his suspension in 1683 (DNB).

   From the record of his publications praising the return of monarchy, it is clear that Sadler was skilled at promoting himself and that he seems to have enjoyed some success at finding himself employment within the restored Anglican church. Wood tells us that after the controversy with Cranmer, Sadler was made "Doctor of Div. and Chapl. extraord. to his Majesty" (AO, 2:505). Unfortunately, the DNB does not repeat this claim, and I have been unable to verify it.

   For more on Sadler's other Restoration publications, see The Subject's Joy.


[1] Wing: S273. Brs. Copies: LT 669.f.25(4) copy text; CLC Pamph Coll, folio drawer; CH {microfilm of LT}; MH1 *pEB65.A100.B675b v. A144=Marquis of Bute broadsides (microfilm); MH *pEB65.Sal52.660m.

[2] Anthony Woods, Athenae Oxoniensis, vols. (London: for Thomas Bennet, 1691, 1692), 2:505.

[3] Mr. William Lilly's History of his Life and Times, from the year 1602 to 1681 (1715), p. 83. See "An Ordinance for appointing Commissioners for approbation of Publique Preachers," 20 March 1654, in C. H. Firth and R. S. Rait, eds., Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, 3 vols. (London: HMSO, 1911), 2:855-88.

[4] Sadler, Inquisitio Anglicana: Or The Disguise discovered. Shewing The Proceedings of the Commisioners at White hall, for the Approbation of Ministers, In The Examinations of Anthony Sadler Cler: (Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Lady Pagett, Dowager) Whose Delay, Triall, Suspence and Wrong, presents it self for Remedy, to the Ld Protector, and the High Court of Parliament: And For Information to the Clergy, and all the people of the Nation (London: Printed by J. Grismond, for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1654).

[5] [John Nye], Mr Sadler Re-examined, Or, His Disguise discovered, shewing The grosse mistakes and most notorious Falshoods in his dealing with the Commissioners for Approbation of Publike Preachers in his Inquisitio Anglicana (London: Printed for Nathanael Webb and William Grantham, at the Signe of the Bear in Pauls Churchyard. 1654).

[6] CSPD, p. 410.

[7] Sadler's funerary sermon to Lady Pagett, Benedictio, Valedictio, appeared in October 1655; see Wood, AO, 2:505.

Majestie Irradiant

II. Majestie Irradiant: The Text

   Majestie Irradiant is printed in three vertical columns as marked, with lines between so that the headings of each column invite us to read across, giving: "CHARLES, the Second: / This Conqueror, -- / A Prince, -- " with vertical ornamental borders down side margins emphasizing the frame.

   The question of whether a broadside such as Majestie Irradiant is poetry can, in part, be deferred to contemporary authority since the text reappeared later the same year, anonyously, set in the form of prose, as the final part of The Strange and Wonderfull Prophesie of David Cardinal of France.1 Thomason dated his copy of this later work 14 December. If the anaphoric cadence here owes more to the sermon than the ear of the poet, Sadler's skills as a versifier are fully exemplified in his masque, The Subject's Joy.

   Works such as Majesties Irradiant that purported to inform readers what sort of king Charles would be based on his character, obviously belong that realm of journalism where a few facts are transformed into certainty, and owe as much to the desire to reassert traditional ideals of what a king should be like as they do to what was known of Charles himself. But a good deal of fairly accurate assesment of Charles's personal life was quickly being made avaialable. Thomason collected a prose tract, A Character of Charles the Second Written by an Impartial Hand, and exposed to Publick View for Information of the Peopleon April.2 Discussions of the new king's character and arguments that his exile was really an education suited to a modern king, quickly became commonplaces of Restoration ideology.3

   Despite their clear flattery of the royal person, however, surely such predictions of what sort of king Charles will be also serves a prescriptive function by establishing expectations.


[1] See the verses from this work entitled "In the eight Kings reign."

[2] The colophon reads "Printed for Gabriel Bedell, 1660" LT E 765.(10).

[3] See David Evans, "Charles II's 'Grand Tour': Restoration Panegyric and the Rhetoric of Travel Literature," Philological Quarterly 72:1 (1993): 53-71.

MAIESTIE Irradiant,
[cut:lion] The Splendor Display'd, [cut:unicorn]
Our Soveraigne

1: CHARLES, the Second:

2: The Name, is Renowned;
3: The Title, Royal:
4: So Renowned, is the Name;
5: So Royal, is the Title:
6:       It makes, even -- --
7: Rhetorick, to be Silent:
8: Impudence, to be Asham'd:
9: and Treason, to be Amaz'd:4

1: He was Born,
2:      A Prince:
3: In the merry Month, of May:
4: In the happy Time, of Peace.
5: But
6: Not so Bred, as Born;
7: Nor so Train'd up, as Worthy.
8:       Being
9: from his Tender Age,
10: Sadly enforced,
11: unto the worst School,
12: of an Intestine War.

13: His Tutor, a man in Arms:
14: his book, Military:
15: his Lesson, Stratagemical:
16: and
17: The Application of his Learning;
18: The Defence of Majesty.5
19:      He was
20: An Early Soldier:
21:      and
22: a rare Proficient,
23: in so severe a Discipline.

24: Dolus an virtus? is a Question:
25:       but
26: His Virtue, and his Valour,
27:       parallel.
28:      He is
29: Undoubtedly Victorious:
30: (fortius est, qui Se:)
31: having Conquered Himself.
32:       In
33: His Enjoyments, by being Temperate:
34: His Passion, by being Moderate:
35: His Greatnesse, by being Humble.

This Conquerour, -- -
Carries his Trophies with him:
Yea and many times,
(like One of the Sages)
40: Omnia Secum: his Goods too.

His Life
from the 10th year, to the now 30th
hath been,
a weary Pilgrimage;
45:       and
(like our best Progenitors)
A Sojourners Condition
from one Kingdom, to another people.

He is
50: Such a Son, of such a Father;
CHARLES the Patient,
CHARLES the Pious:
55: Next the most pious Martyr,
CHARLES the First;
The most Patient Sufferer, is,
CHARLES the Second.

He is
60:       Successively the King,
of Great Brittain, and Ireland:
Proclaim'd and Crown'd,
in Scotland.
65: (Being most undutifully Treated)
He was
(Being in England)
most notoriously Betray'd.

The Battail at Worcester,
70: (Famously Memorable,
as much,
For his Deliverance, as his Valour)
the fatal Signal,
75:            of the Rebells Ruine.

They had,
The Day, but not the Victory:
The Place, but not the Person:
God's Mercy, and the King's Escape;
80:      are a Twin of Wonders.

A Prince, -- --
So much Accomplisht,
as most Incomparable:
of such rare Deportment,
85:      He is Belov'd, and Fear'd.
of such Excellent Discourse,
He is observ'd, and follow'd.
of such prudential Designs,
He is Admir'd, and Blest.

90:      A Prince -- --
Not more Royal, then Religious:
Nor lesse Holy, as to God:
then Just, as to Men:
and Sober, to Himself.

95:      He is one
That wears Christ's Banner,
Upon his Forehead:
The Cross, upon his Crown.
A Sufferer for the Truth:
100:       and
A Defender, of the Faith.

Such a Prince -- --
Whose Constancy to the Church,
of England;
105:       and whose Arguments,
for that Constancy;
have rendred him,
(By his most acute Opponents)
not only,
110: CHARLES the Zealous;
CHARLES, The Wise:
A Prince,
Not Wilful, but Unanswerable.

115:       Happy are the People,
(Bona, si sua norint)
that be in such a Case;
to have such a Prince,
to be their King.
120:       and such a King,
to be their Nursing Father.6

The Lord make us,
as thankful for him,
as Happy, in him;
125:       the Best of Men.
Crowned with,
the Best of Blessings.

So prayeth -- -and so resteth -- -for GOD, and King CHARLES;
Anthony Sadler.

[4] On the question of writing a "character" of the new King, see John Collop's Itur Satyricum: "All Characters are libels, who'de set forth / Charls, is a Traytor to impeach his worth: / Since praises must fall short, expressions be / But the faint shaddows of Divinitie" (lines 73-6).

[5] On the education Charles received in his childhood from the Duke of Newcastle with its emphasis on "subjects of obvious importance to a monarch," see Hutton, Charles the Second, pp. 2-3.

[6] "Nursing Father:" a key trope in the defense of the sacramental authority of kings that was often invoked in Restoration panegyrics to describe Charles. Faced with his countrymen's infidelity, Moses complains to the Lord of his burden to "carry them" in "his bosom, as a nursing father" (Num. 11: 12), and see Isaiah 49: 23: "And kings shall be thy nursing fathers." Compare J. P., The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes To King Charles the Second, line 43; and contrast Thomas Pecke, To The Most High and Mighty Monarch Charles the II: "CHARLES with maternal Care, kept LONDON plump," line 331. See also "The first Speech" in Sadler's The Subject's Joy.

Anthony Sadler: The Subject's Joy1

   Among the poetic tributes which poured from the English press in 1660 to welcome the newly appointed monarch, Anthony Sadler's "sacred masque" presents something of an anomaly, so it is not surprising that this work should have gone unnoticed until very recently.2 Although court masques enjoyed something of a revival in the early years of the Restoration, their season was a brief one.3 In both form and narrative concerns, however, The Subject's Joy immediately precedes the Restoration itself, and in crucial ways links the highly politicized print culture of the late 1650s with a tradition of Stuart poetics reaching back to the 1630s and 1640s. Poised between Renaissance and Restoration, Sadler's masque is a closet drama clearly intended to be experienced in printed form rather than staged performance.4


[1] Wing: S267. Qto. O Mal.194940, copy text; CH 147664; L1 163.h.52; L2 644.f.43, described as "removed from the Thomason collection," this copy was reported missing in January 1996; WF 154181; Y; WLC [the "Huth" copy] PR 3671.S114 S8. I would like to thank specially Suzanne Gossett, Robert Hume, Laura Knoppers, Lois Potter, Dale B. J. Randall, and Nigel Smith for valuable advice and suggestions with Sadler's masque.

[2] Suzanne Gossett's "Recent Studies in the English Masque," ELR 26: (1996): 586-627, surveys "scholarship on all aspects of the English masque from 1509 to 1660" (p. 586) and finds nothing to report on Sadler's piece. Nancy Klein Maguire, in Regicide and Restoration: English Tragicomedy, 1660-1671 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), calls The Subject's Joy an "intriguing and totally neglected masque" (p. 86), and briefly compares it with Cosmo Manuche's Banished Shepherdess. Sadler's masque is also noticed by Dale B. J. Randall in Winter Fruit: English Drama 1642-1660 (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1995), p. 369. Laura Lunger Knoppers discusses the frontispiece in her recent study of portraits of Cromwell in ELR.

[3] See Joanne Altieri, The Theatre of Praise: The Panegyric Tradition in Seventeenth-Century Drama (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1986), and Andrew Walkling, "Politics and the Restoration Masque: The Case of Dido and Aeneas," in MacLean, ed., Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration, pp. 52-69.

[4] On the distinction between the "literary" and the "theatrical" masque, see Jerzy Limon, The Masque of Stuart Culture (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1990) which does not, however, take the story up to the Restoration. For a recent examination of print culture after the Restoration, see Harold M. Weber, Paper Bullets: Print and Kingship under Charles II (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1996).

I. The Subject's Joy: Text and Date

   The Subject's Joy is a small quarto that collates: frontispiece + A-F4 = leaves. Running headers between sigs. A2v-A3v read "The Epistle Dedicatory;" between sigs. B1v-F4v read "A Divine Masque." The frontispiece, {to be} reproduced from the copy in the Bodleian Library, is also present in the Huntington Library copy, but has become detached from the copies in the British Library, Folger Library, Yale University Library, and Library of Congress. Texts of all these copies are identical.

   The titlepage tells us that this work was printed for James Davis "to be sold at the Greyhound" in 1660. It seems most likely that Sadler had the text on hand and ready for the printers before Charles actually arrived, and in print during the early part of May. Internal claims that it was published during May are congruent with Sadler's hasty handling of contemporary details and are supported by the handwritten "May 17" on the copy associated with George Thomason's collection.5

   From Thomason's dates we also know that Sadler had rushed his broadside Majestie Irradiant through the press in time for the first of May -- a full week before the king's return was formally proclaimed, and weeks before Charles actually landed on the 25th. Clearly Sadler was keen to appear among those who welcomed Charles back before he had actually returned, and had successfully established working relations with printers.6Other internal evidence complicates the question of when The Subject's Joy might actually have appeared, but proves inconclusive. In the "private Speech of the Author" immediately preceding the speeches, songs, and shews making up the text of the masque proper, Sadler calls this work the "younger" of two printed pieces dedicated to the restored house of Stuart. "The Elder," he writes, "is a Sybillian; and (to acheer the King) doth (by a Prophetick Pen) write a Prædiction, in a Lamentation." Here, Sadler is clearly referring not to his own Mayday broadside, Majestie Irradiant, but to yet another loyal tribute he published that year, a two-gathering quarto entitled The Loyall Mourner, Shewing the Murdering of King Charles the First. Fore-shewing the Restoring of King Charles the Second, "Printed by T. C. for L. Sadler. 1660." While it is very likely that Sadler is thinking of the chronological order in which he wrote the works -- one on the death of Charles I, the other on the return of Charles II -- his insistence that they are both "dres'd in Print" deserves attention since it is not clear when The Loyall Mourner first appeared.

   Thomason, who was normally swift to buy and date his collection of printed works, did not date his copy of the "Elder" work, The Loyall Mourner, until December.7 But this fact alone does not necessarily point to a date later than May for the appearance of the "younger" masque since the copy of the elegy currently in the Thomason collection, like that in Lambeth Palace Library,8 is evidently a re-issue of an earlier printing. In both these copies, the two gatherings of The Loyall Mourner have been broken up and interleaved with the titlepage and text of Mercy in a Miracle, a sermon preached by Sadler on 28 June that also shows up as a separate publication. Since not all copies of The Loyall Mourner contain the June sermon, unsold copies of an original printing were probably reissued with Sadler's sermon sometime in early December. The undated copy of The Loyall Mourner currently in the Huntington collection,9 for example, contains an identical printing bound in with two engraved portraits of Charles but lacking any of the material from Mercy in a Miracle, strongly suggesting an original issue of the elegy that might well have appeared earlier, perhaps at the same time as The Subject's Joy in line with Sadler's claim.

   If, as seems likely, Sadler's masque was indeed published in May, then it was presumably being written before there was any certainty that Charles would be recalled. And this is the historical moment into which the text insinuates itself, opening with an epistle to General Monk in which Sadler declares himself ready "to chant an Hosanna for the Kings Reception," and encourages Monk to "enthrone" the king. Following this epistle, verses addressed "TO THE Candid Reader" -- the oversized and bolded "C" and "R" signal "Carolus Rex" -- announce "this is The Month of May" when "the Prince . . . is Deliver'd."

   Nothing in The Subject's Joy indicates detailed knowledge of specific events or public issues after Charles had actually stepped on English soil, while the culminating action of the masque -- the casting down of Cromwell's iconic portrait -- anticipates the start of the new king's reign.

[5] Dale Randall reports this date in Winter Fruit, p. 369. The copy in question, reclassified from the Thomason Collection to British Library shelfmark 644.f.43, was reported missing in January 1996. My own records indicate that I examined this copy in 1984 at which time I too noted the "May 17" annotation.

[6] Persuading a printer to take on a lengthy set of verses like the text of The Subject's Joy after May could prove difficult in the extreme since printers had quickly become booked up with poetic tributes as spring turned into summer. Henry Oxenden finished his long heroic poem, Charls Triumphant in June, but was still checking proofs in March 1661. See Dorothy Gardiner, ed., The Oxinden and Peyton Letters 1642-1670 (London: Sheldon Press, 1937), pp. 235, 241, 242, 246.

[7] LT E.1053(6).

[8] Lambeth Palace, shelfmark H5133.

[9] CH 51701.

II. "Theatrical, New, and Strange:" The Sacred Masque

   Sadler himself claims of his masque:

This Peece (I confess) is Theatrical, New, and Strange; Strange, but yet Pertinent; New, but yet Serious; and Theatrical, but yet Sacred.
Although Sadler later includes a speech that claims to precede an actual performance, there is little reason to think The Subject's Joy was ever performed.10

   The singular literary achievements of Sadler's "sacred masque" can best be approached in terms of print culture and the history of the book on the eve of the Restortation. By 1660, the very activity of printing had itself become firmly politicized as a result of two decades during which the press came into its own as a central agent of political change.11 Lois Potter has shown with what energy royalists managed to continue printing despite the largely successful censorship campaigns of the late 1640s and 1650s, using the press to comment on contemporary events while keeping alive arguments for belief in monarchy.12 In many respects a jeremiad directed at those who rebel against divinely ordained monarchs, The Subject's Joy may be linked with other mixed genres employed in the cause of royalist propaganda during the early months of 1660 -- such as Scutum Regale, The Royal Buckler; or, Vox Legis, A Lecture to Traytors by the young lawyer Giles Duncombe -- that seek to attack and undermine the authority of the "traitors" currently losing control over the nation. Back in May, Sadler's epistle to Monk also links the appearance of his masque with the royalist revival of theatrical entertainments held for the General by the various London Guilds during March and April. Although it seems most likely that the masque was never performed, Sadler can nevertheless rightfully claim that the appearance of the text puts its author "upon the joyfull stage" of national history.

   So in its claim to be theatrical, new, and strange, The Subject's Joy is very much a product of its precise historical moment, political allegiances, and the agency of print. By recasting traditional features of the masque into an account of an imaginary performance, Sadler looks backward to the court culture of the 1630s and 1640s, but instead of the neoclassicism at the heart of Stuart court culture back then, this Anglican divine opts for a biblical theme. Simply by reason of appearing in print, his text shifts the scene from the exclusive world of court entertainment to the public sphere of print culture that was opening up in 1660. Besides delighting in the use of striking print fonts and bolded anagrams, Sadler's text fully embraces the possibilities of print, integrating both its own frontispiece and textual status into the action of the masque, which ends when "Psyche (with an observant haste) goes, to present the King, with the Masque, in writing." In the frontispiece Cromwell appears in the type of Jeroboam, he of the golden calves. And it is Jeroboam's portrait -- presumably the engraved frontispiece itself -- that the Levites smash at the feet of the returning King Abijah or Charles. In these respects, it is only as a printed document, complete with frontispiece, that Sadler's celebration of returning monarchy fully engages the resources of print in order to turn the iconoclastic impulses of the revolutionary decades against themselves in a reconfiguring of old testament history.

   Nevertheless, The Subject's Joy not only calls itself a masque, but displays a strong commitment to many of the structural and generic features of the form, framing the text of the masque within an imaginary account of a performance. Following the prose epistle to Monk and verses addressed to the reader, Sadler announces "In this MASQUE are 6. Shewes. Speeches. 3. Songs," as indeed there are. First, however, Sadler treats us to the "Private Speech" before "Friends," that purports to have been spoken before a performance. Here he details how his initial plans to write a masque on the Gunpowder Plot led him to ponder Old Testament rebels who had plotted against the divine authority of sacred kings. Zedekiah, Corah, Zimri, Shallum: Sadler ponders them all before he finally settles on the most wicked of them all, Jeroboam. The action begins when a Levite steps forward to speak "The Argument."

   Here, Sadler quarries accounts of Jeroboam from 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles, inviting the reader to apply this exemplary figure, who not only sinned but also caused Israel to sin, to Oliver Cromwell. Jeroboam's wicked reign eventually fails when King Abijah accedes to the throne of David and destroys Jeroboam's army. A young prince then steps forward to speak a verse "Prologue" by way of introducing Psyche, the titulary spirit of the masque. From here, the shews, speeches and songs follow a general pattern of lamenting rebellion but finding hope in Old Testament examples, a pattern that leads to an "antique" dance during which Psyche enthrones King Abijah.

   Each of the descriptive shows introduces the next speaker or set of characters in emblematic context. The exception is the last in which Jeroboam finally appears, only to be torn apart and cast into hell by the Devil. During the Levite's song which follows, the iconic portrait is smashed and Psyche presents the king with the written copy of the masque. Each of the speeches invariably details loyalist attitudes toward rebellion against sacred monarchy. King David appears and asks why God allows the wicked to prosper. King Abijah/Charles laments "was ever grief like mine?" echoing George Herbert's "The Sacrifice." Other members of the Stuart family and court recall sacred examples of how God punishes wicked rebels. Finally an "Old Man" appears, who turns directly to Jeroboam and precipitates the final show. Much like the speeches, the songs provide catalogues of loyalist sentiments -- grief at the tyranny of rebels, delight at their eventual overthrow. No tunes are indicated for any of the songs.

   Sadler clearly has the general framework of English politics very much in mind in casting and ordering biblical materials for his masque. Jeroboam frequently figures in the Old Testament as the type of leader who compounded his own sins by encouraging others into sin through rebelling with him.13

   It is said of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, That he not onely sinned himself, but that he made Israel to sin; and there were those of his Confederates that then sinned with him and after he was dead and gone, of whom it is recorded, That they walked in the ways, and departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin.

   The parallel hereof we have on England in this our day: Oliver the late Protector (so called) who (Jeroboam-like) so greatly appeared with the people for Justice and Freedom against Oppression, highly professing and declaring for the same, hath sinned in the breach of those Protestations and Declarations, in building again those things he had been so greatly instrumental to destroy; therein surpassing not onely the deeds of the wicked who were cut off upon the like account, but also of Jeroboam, who never made such professions and declarations as he had done.14 Where Wharton argues that Cromwell exceeds the parallel with Jeroboam, Sadler vicariously invents a gory end for him at the hands of the Devil.

   Sadler's Subject's Joy claims to be the first English masque to use sacred history.

   However we might assess his adherence to masque form, Sadler wants to draw attention to the novelty of his design, but he quickly solicits the authority of two fathers of the early church for his practice here. "Nor am I in This," he writes in the epistle to Monk, "either singular, or affected; while Apollinarius and Nazianzen (two antient Fathers of the Primitive Church) are known to be exemplary in this very way." Apollinarius is an appropriate precedent for turning sacred history into profane form, but as Milton knew, there were two examples of that name.15 Sadler probably has Apollinaris the younger, bishop of Laodicea, (361-77, died 392) in mind, rather than his father, though both translated scripture: "The father prepared a Christian grammar, turned the Penteteuch into an epic and the `Former Prophets' into tragedies,"16 while his son of the same name composed, "to replace Homer, a biblical history in twenty-four hymns and reproduced the content of the gospels in Pindaric meters."17

   Sadler's other authority, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, whose church in the Cappadocian village of Güzelyurt is now a mosque, is perhaps even more revealing of the loyal minister's design since Gregory's Carmen de vita sua, is "a self-pitying autobiography in iambic verse"18 written in retirement during 381 after he resigned in anger from the Council of Constantinople which had challenged his nomination as bishop of Constantinople.19 Though hardly self-pitying when he published the masque in 1660, Sadler no doubt began composition during a period of defeat for royalists. Perhaps this explains why The Subject's Joy, as the final chorus reminds us, is "Psyche's play," not simply a public declaration of royalist sentiments, but also a very personal if not psychological document, a testament of beleaguered loyalty and faith to a seemingly lost cause that has finally and miraculously proved victorious.

   In celebrating the Restoration, Sadler's literary imagination is often typical of his generation of royalists. On one hand he desperately wants to produce a novel sort of literary celebration, to invent a new kind; on the other, he feels compelled to show how he is taking his literary forms from the traditions and authority of the past. As an Anglican poet, Sadler often recalls and echoes Herbert, especially when focussing on the sufferings of fallen monarchy. But the biblical narrative is seldom from his thoughts. Sadler calls the new king a "Nursing Father," a key trope in the defense of the sacramental authority of kings that poets used to legitimate Charles II.20 In recasting episodes from biblical history, he makes no attempt to draw out a sustained parallel narrative in the Restoration manner soon to become familiar from Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel. He does not recast the order of biblical narrative in order to predict or offer advice on pressing political issues. When he recalls specific moments from Jeroboam's reign, he does so as part of a general pattern of using Old Testament examples of rebels who are eventually overthrown. Sadler's model is the sermon, not the parallel history. Indeed the very lack of direct engagement with contemporary political issues links Sadler's masque with the emblematic mode of the 1630s and 1640s rather than the more didactic 1660s.

   Although the sacred masque proved to be a generic dead end, Sadler's Subject's Joy embraces the possibilities of print in order to celebrate the king's return by imagining the downfall of English traitors in terms of sacred history. One of the more compelling tropes of the poetry written on the Restoration, the downfall of traitors motif returned from July through October with specific vigour, violence, and indignant blood-lust during the trials leading up to the execution of the regicides. One of the longest verse works to celebrate Charles's return, The Subject's Joy is a remarkable instance of nostalgic anticipation generated by the cultural and literary excitement of the early months of the year of Restoration.

[10] Maguire writes that it "may not have been performed," Regicide and Restoration, p. 86.

[11] For recent work on the political agency of the press during the 1640s and 1650s, see Nigel Smith, Literature and Revolution in England, 1640-1660 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994), and Joad Raymond, The Invention of the Newspaper: English Newsbooks, 1641-1660 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996); more generally see Steven N. Zwicker, Lines of Authority: Politics and English Literary Culture, 1649-1689 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993); and MacLean, "Literature, Culture, and Society in Restoration England," in Culture and Society, pp. 3-27.

[12] Potter, Secret Rites and Secret Writing: Royalist Literature, 1641-1660 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

[13] See, for example, 2 Kings 15: 9, 18, 28. The comparison between Jeroboam and Cromwell was not original with Sadler; we find it in the political journalism of the royalist George Wharton in 1658: 10.

[14] Wharton, A Second Narrative of the Late Parliament (Printed in the Fifth year of Englands Slavery under its New Monarchy, 1658), pp. 34-35.

[15] See Areopagitica, in Merritt Y. Hughes, ed., John Milton: Complete Poems and Major Prose (New York: Macmillan, 1957), p. 726.

[16] B. J. Kidd, A History of the Church to A. D. 461. Volume II: 313-408 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922), p. 198.

[17] Karl Baus, et al, The Imperial Church From Constantine to the Early Middle Ages, trans. Anselm Biggs (New York: Seabury, 1980), p. 56. It was Apollinaris the younger who gave his name to the view that Christ differed from man by reason of having the divine logos instead of a natural mind.

[18] Henry Chadwick, The Early Church (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969), p. 150.

[19] See Kidd, History of the Church, pp. 283-84.

[20] Faced with his countrymen's infidelity, Moses complained to the Lord of his burden to "carry them" in "his bosom, as a nursing father" (Num. 11: 12). On the figure of the nursing father, see also Isaiah 49: 23: "And kings shall be thy nursing fathers." Compare J. P., The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes To King Charles the Second, line 43; Sadler's Majestie Irradiant, lines 120-26; and contrast Thomas Pecke, To The Most High and Mighty Monarch Charles the II: "CHARLES with maternal Care, kept LONDON plump," line 331.

Anthony Sadler:
The Subject's Joy21

   I have reproduced the original text except for dropping running headers, and correcting printer's errors as reported in the notes. Since the text is arranged into discrete parts, I have not added line numbers. Prose passages preserve original line-breaks, including hypenated word-breaks. I have recorded inked corrections to the copy in the Bodleian which are mostly adjustments to scansion since they might well be authorial: who else would have bothered?


[21] Wing S273. Copies: O Mal. 194(4); L1 644.f. [removed from LT], ms dated "17 May," reported missing January 1996; L2 163.h.52, frontispiece missing; WF 154181 frontispiece missing; CH 147664; LC; MB; MH; Y.

The Kings Restoration,
Cheerfully made known
A Sacred MASQUE:
Gratefully made publique
His SaCRed Majesty.

   By the Author of

2 King. XI. 12.
And he brought forth the Kings Son, and put the Crown upon
him; and gave him the Testimony, and they made him
King; and Anointed him, and clapt22
their hands, and said -- -God save the KING.

Printed, in the year of Grace, for James Davis, and are to be sold at the Greyhound in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.


[22] and clapt] and they clapped Authorized Version.

The Lord General

Heroick Sir,

    THE present affairs of this Kingdom, are, so providentially managed, by God; so prudentially, by You; and so happily -- - opportunely, for the building up, the Ruins; and re- pairing of the Breaches, both in Church, and State: that, the Factionist, malignes; the Temporist, ad- mires; and Royallist, congratulates; so hopeful a beginning.

   Let it not then displease (my Lord) if now, one of those poor grateful Royallists; hath (in this spring of hope) so cheerful a boldness, as to beg the favour of your Excellency, to Patronize this Peece.

   This Peece (I confess) is Theatrical, New, and Strange; Strange, but yet Pertinent; New, but yet Serious; and Theatrical, but yet Sacred. Nor am I in This, either singular, or affected; while Apollinarius and Nazianzen (two antient Fathers of the Primitive Church) are known to be exemplary in this very way.23 The truth is, I am now upon the well-tun'd Pin (with my Palm, and my Psalm) to chant an Hosan- na for the Kings Reception.

   I am now upon the joyful Stage, to play the devout Comædian; and by a new Triumphal, to court the affections, of the most Disloyall.

   Upon the Stage I am, that (as by a true reflection, to shew the radiancy of my divine zeal) so, I might (by congruous Divinity) render Corah (notwith- standing his holy Plea) Rebellious:24 and Treason (notwithstanding Garnet's Straw, and Becket's Canonization) in the Abstract, hateful, both to God, and man.25

   Religion and Allegience, are the wings of the soul, to mount her unto Heaven: and the present Masque, is, but to preserve the Beauty, of so fair an Allegati- on; and to attest before the world, my utter abhor- rency of the least Confederation, against the Higher Powers.

   Oh Sir! may the Higher Powers be, as safe, as sacred: and may That saCRed Person, into whose hands, God, by his Grace; Nature, by Descent; and the Law, by Right; have successively given the Globe and the Scepter: may, He, -- -- -ah may He be, as happy, as He is Good; and as Good, as He is Great: the Best of Men, crowned with the Best of Blessings.

   Sir -- -- your Excellency is now, the Renowned Instrument, of wonderful Transactions: In the name of God, go on, and prosper.

   Certainly (my Lord) if your auspicious self, shall (with this hopefully-happy Parliament) go on, to Act for God; and the good of his distressed People:

By Enthroning
The most Illustrious Prince,
Our Lawful King,
Charles the Second:

For the Setling, of the State:
For the Reforming, of the Church:
For the Establishing, of the Lawes:
And the Maintaining, our Religion;26 That most true, Protestant Religion, Of the Church of England:
I am confident, -- -- -You shall as surely Prosper, in having, The Holy Spirit of God, to be Your Guid:
The holy Angels of God, to be Your Guard:
Here, to be Famous; and Hereafter, to be Glorious; as there is a God, in Heaven.

So Believeth, and Affirmeth; -- -- -
Ever Devoted -- -- -
To God: -- -- --
His Prince: -- -- --
And Countrey,

Anthony Sadler.


[23] On these church fathers, see the headnote

[24] Corah led a celebrated revolt against Moses' authority, claiming "all the congregation are holy, every one of them," but at Moses' request, the Lord caused the earth to open up and swallow the rebels (Numbers 16: 3, 31-5). Sadler returns to Corah as a type of republican in the "First" speech, and again in more detail in the "Ninth" speech.

[25] Sadler's examples of treason are both Catholic martyrs. When Henry Garnet was executed in May 1606 for his part in the gunpowder plot of the previousyear, "all Catholic Europe was listening with eager credulity to the story of Garnet's straw. It was said that one of the straws used upon the scaffold had a minute likeness of the martyr's head on one of the husks" (Samuel R. Gardiner, The History of England ... 1603-1642, 10 vols. [London: Longman, Green 1883], 1:282). An engraved image of the miraculous straw appears on the titlepage of the poem The Jesuits Miracles, or new Popish Wonders. Containing the Straw, the Crowne, and the Wondrous Child, with the confutation of them and their follies (1607).

[26] Religion] Reiigion

TO THE Candid Reader.27

1: THis is the Month, this is That Month of Mirth,28
2: Which Tunes our Noats to sing our Princes Birth.
3: This is that Month, this is The Month of May,
4: Which Loyall London cals her Holy-day.

5: The Prince (as now new Born) from the wombe,
6: Of Hardest Travail, is Deliver'd. -- -- -Come -- -- -
7: The Midwifery of Heaven, doth Present
8: A saCRed Monarch, to the Parliament:
9: And That, to Us; and We, to Heaven again,
10: Present our Thanks, and Bless our Soveraign.

11: Rejoyce (my soul) to see the Prince of Worth,
12: (The Worlds wonder) brought so Timely forth.
13: Rejoyce Blest Prince, thy Throne is blest with Peace:
14: Thy welcome Income, makes our Wars to cease.
15: Rejoyce my Fellow Subjects, All, as One,
16: Congratulate the Rising of This Sonne;
17: Whose Royall Lustre hath dispell'd our Fears,
18: And Clouds of Grief, to drop with Joyful Tears.

   Anthony Sadler


[27] The caps C and R are larger typeface and bolded -- for Charles Rex.

[28] Perhaps echoing the opening line of Milton's "Nativity Ode": "This is the month, and this the happy morn." My thanks to Lois Potter for this suggestion.

   In this MASQUE are
6 Shewes.
10 Speeches.
3 Songs.

The Persons in the Several Shews,
Speaking the several Speeches,


King David.
King Abijah.
His Queen-Mother.
Two Dukes, his Brothers.
The High Priest.
The Lord General.
The Prophet Shemaiah.

The Scene,

   For the Land is Canaan.
For the Place is Bethel.
For the Person is Jeroboam.

A Divine Masque.

   The private Speech
In Society with Friends, to entertain the
Time before the Masque begun.

   YOu know (Dear Friends) That, Video, Vindico;30 is God's Motto upon Traitors: but it is our duty to wait Gods time; for, he that shall come, will: and he that will come, is; to the help of his Anointed.

   God (hath in mercy) made his people to return, return to their duty, of Praying for the King.

   His very Name now, is pretious; his Presence, long'd for; and a General joy, attends the hope, to see him, in his Throne.

1:      So that now (seeing) the Royal Son, begin to rise;
2: and my Loyal fancy, to be as lucky, as divine:
3:      My heart reviv'd, my Muse rejoyc'd, to bring,
4:       Her Off-spring out, to welcome in, the King.
5:      Two Virgins (dress'd in Print) with blest accord,
6:      To give a Salve, unto our Soveraign Lord.
7:           The Elder, is a Sybillian: and (to acheer the King)31
8: doth (by a Prophetick Pen) write a Prædiction, in a
9: Lamentation.
10:      The Younger, is a Masquer; and she also (to
11: acheer the King) doth (by pretty Scenes) præsaging-
12: ly-præact, his (just) Inauguration.
13:      They are Both, the Issue, of one Parent; Legiti-
14: mate, and Loyal: but -- -upon the very Concepti-
15: on of the Masquer; much troubled I was; on whom,
16: and where, and how, to lay the Scene.
17:      I once thought to have made England, the Na-
18: tion; Westminster, the Place; and then -- -

19: My purpose was, the Powder-traitors Plot;
20: For to have made my Subject; and their Lot,
21: (To Ruine cast) have shewn. I had thought,
22: To've made their way, a Warning; and had brought,
23: Examples, pertinent; prophane, but true;
24: To make their shame, as fearful, as its due.
25:      But, this not fully reaching, to the aim,
26: Of what I would; I then, begun again;
27: Consulted God, and took my Object higher;
28: I made my Subject, sacred; and came nigher,
29: To shew a Traitors Doom from Scripture: then --
30: I pitch'd on Zedekiah. -- -- 32
31:                 Knowing well,
32: That, Zedekiah when he did Rebell,
33: Against th' Covenant, made; and Oath, he took;
34: To be the King of Babels Vice-Roy -- -- look.
35: Oh how the faithful God, did take to heart;
36: The wrong, thus offer'd, unto Either Part:
37: His (1) Name; the Heathens (2) Right, and Israels (3) Law:
38: Made (1) Vain; as (2) Void; and (3) Vile: by Zedekiah.
39: Treasons abhord: and God would make him know it;
40: And (maugre Egypt, and all's Force) did show it.
41: The Caldee Army came at length, to prove,
42: A Traitors tongue, calls Vengance from Above;
43: And God, and Man, to right such wrongs doth move.
44: Jerusalem -- -that strong and stately City,
45: Is close besieg'd; without regard, or pity,
46: Of either Place, or Persons; want, within;
47: And Fear, without; makes every face look thin.
48:      Within, they faint; without the walls, they fall;
49: The City's broken up; the King, and All,
50: Fly for their Lives: -- -- but, whither shall they fly,
51: Whom God pursues, with's Anger's Hue and Cry?
52:      King Zedekiah (now the woful scorn,
53: Of the Chaldean Army) is forlorn:
54: (Pursude, and taken) he is Vilifi'd;
55: To Riblah hurried: and there justly tri'd:
56: Tri'd by the Prince abus'd; and the same King;33
57: Who gave him leave to Rule, as Underling;
58: He is his Judge; and rightfully condemns,
59: His Treason, and his Traitrous stratagems.
60:      He slayes his Sons before him; makes him see,
61: His Sin hath ruind his Posterity.
62: Then puts he out his Eyes, as having been,
63: The Visible Contrivers of that Scene.
64: At last he (bound in Chains) in Prison lies;
65: And (living Poor, and Blinde) there (wretched) dies.

66:      And here, I stopt; -- -
67:           Two Subjects more (more fit)
68: Courting my Fancy; thus my Fancy writ.

69:      Zimri would be King of Israel:
70: And so would Shallum too:34
71: Two Subjects: but, Both, Traitors:
72: Both, Murderers: and Murdered:
73: A wicked Pair well met; and truly matcht;
74: For Fate, and Fortune, equal: strangely hatcht
75:      Each, was a King:
76: In Name; but, not by Right:
77: Not by Succession; but, by Trechery:
78: Not by Choyce; but, Usurpation:
79: Not by Conquest; but, Rebellion:
80: They matter'd not which way;
81: So the End were gotten.
82:      But, -- -- ah how soon,
83: Is the Head of Ambition, turn'd round?
84: With what prodigious speed,
85: Doth the short time, of their Tryumphing fly?
86: A certain shame,
87: Waits on, their fickle glory;
88: And their deceitful Glass,
89: Of false-reflecting-Beauty
90: While 'tis but lookt upon, 'tis broken.
91:      Though Presumption leads the Van;
92: Despair, brings up the Rear;
93: Of all their Squadrons.
94:      Zimri, is scarce seated in the Throne;
95: But, Vengeance follow him:
96: And seven dayes Reign, is dearly bought;
97: And his End, is as dreadful, as his Treason.
98: He saves the Executioner, a labour;
99: And by a Strange Device,
100: To put his Ashes in a Royal Urn,
101: He Fires the Pallace, and Himself doth burn.

102:      And was not Shallum haunted,
103: With as ill Success, in as high a Fortune?
104:      Past Grace, past Shame.
105: He dares Heaven to defend the King:
106: While he conspires to Murder him.
107:      Not because, Zachariah was Bad, as Any;
108: But because, He was Above All:35
109: He had the Supremacy;
110: And Shallum longs for't.
111: And now, his Pride;
112: Admits no Obstacle, -- -- as legal:
113: The Thirst of his Ambition,
114: Must be quench'd with Blood;
115: Not Popular; but Royal;
116: Not of Any Prince; but his Own;
117: Not a in Private; but a Publique way;
118: Not by Others; but his Own hands:
119:            Thus, he contrives to Kill;
120:                And Kills, to Reign;
121:                And Reign, he doth; -- --
122:            A Rebel, -- -- but no Soveraign.
123: Yet now, -- (as arrogant as the Devil)
124: The Glory of the world's His:
125: He won it, by the Sword:
126: And by the Sword, he'le keep it.
127:                A Traitors Plea right:
128:                He that set him, to this School;
129:                Taught him his Lesson well.
130: But, -- -- the Feet of wool, have Hands of Iron:
131: God, is Slow, but Sure:
132: Shallum (with a vengance) findes it;
133: He findes it: but -- --
134: Not so much Slow -- -- and -- -- Sure,
135: As Sure -- -- and -- -- Sudden.
136:      Shallum kill'd his Lord;
137: And the Servant, kill'd Shallum.
138: Zimri was destroyed by Himself:
139: Shallum, by Another:
140: Zimri, at a Weeks End:
141: And Shallum, at a Months.
142: Thus, he that Kills his Prince, to wear his Crown;
143: To warm his Fingers, burns a Pallace down:
144: Deludes, destroyes himself; and while he venters,
145: To round, a seeming Heaven; Hell, concenters.
146:      Villain forbear: do'nt suck thy Princes Blood:
147: Forbidden meat, is no fit meat for Food,
148:      And here (notwithstanding the time I had spent;
149: and model, I had made; and had (as in a manner)
150: laid the Scene, upon these Persons, and this Peece, of
151: thus revenged Treason: yet,) my minde was farther
152: prest, to take another, and to begin anew.
153:      At last, the Needle left her trembling Round:
154:      And my Magnetick Fancy, fixt I found.
155:      I found my Subject: and when All is done,
156:      My Subject's Jeroboam, Nebat's Sonne.
157:                Jeroboam
158: Whose Hope, though (at the last) it was deceived;
159: and his Policy, defeated; and his Pride, debased; and
160: his Person destroyed; (for
161:            The Lord strook him, and he died.)
162: Yet, this Catastrophe, -- -- -- -- -
163:                 Of That
164:            Ominous Politician:
165: Was (for many years) as really Improbable; as was,
166: the Settlement of Abijah, seemingly Impossible. -- --
167:      But stay, This ruder Peece, is dedicated to the pub-
168: lick view; and the contingency of censure: I will
169: (therefore) no longer detain you, from your Places;
170: nor anticipate your fancy.
171:      My good wishes, wait upon your favour; and the
172: better Omen of the Masque, upon your Persons, and
173: your Fortunes.
174:      So we All arose, and went into the Theater;
175: where (we being Sate) four Trumpeters did enter;
176: and having sounded a Victoria, a Levite presents him-
177: self, and speaks -- -- -

The Argument.

I King.11.26: In the dayes of Rehoboam (the Son of Solomon)
did Jeroboam (the Son of Nebat) rebel against his King.
I King. 12.19: In which Rebellion, when he had continued
2 Chron. 13.1: eighteen years: then began Abijah (the Son of Reho-
boam) to reign over Juda.
Ver. 2.: In the third year of whose Reign, he waged war;
and set the Battel in Aray, against Jeroboam: who,
I King. 14.20.: when he had plaid Rex, so long a time, as two and
2 Chron. 13.3.: twenty years: and had an Army, so Great, as of Eight hundred Thousand, chosen men, being mighty
men of Valour: yet then, even then; was the Lord
pleased, to make his Arm, bare; his Justice,
known; the Truth, prevalent; and his Name, glor-
For, this so successful Treason, this numerous
Chron. 13.: Army, and unhapppily-happy-Traitor; were, in their
13.: best Condition; and their greatest Confidence, to-
15.: tally subdued, and fearfully overthrown; five hun-
16.: dred thousand of them slain: their General enforc't
17.: to fly; and (as a Warning to all Rebels) exem-
19.: plarily struck dead by the Hand of the Lord.
20.: In a grateful Commemoration, of which Signal
Victory; and in an holy Preomination of the years
succeeding, Fortunate, to the Truth and Loyalty;
was, this new-mysterious Masque first made; -- -- -
wherein -- -- -

Abijah, and King's Cause;
Jeroboam, and the Rebels;
(With the justice, and success, of Both) are timously36 made obvious; to
The Comfort, and Encouragement,
All Loyal Subjects.

Psal.37.36,37.: I my self (saith the Royal Prophet) have seen
the Ungodly in great power, and flourishing like a green
Bay Tree:

And I went by, and lo, he was gone; I sought him,
but his Place could no where be found.

Psal.92.6,7.: An Unwise man (saith the same Author) doth not
well consider This; and a fool doth not understand it.
When the Ungodly are green, as the Grass; and when
all the workers of wickedness, do flourish;
then shall they be Destroyed for ever.

Epis. 3.: For (saith Ignatius Martyr) Nemo qui se contra
Præstantiorem extulit; impunitus unquam

    [With that (he going off the Stage) a young Prince Enters; wearing a Purple Robe, and his head, Crown'd: in the one hand, holding an Olive branch; in the other, a Palm; and speaks -- -- -]

The Prologue.

178:      What means this Dress,
179: And to what purpose, thus
[He walks
stately; and
looks upon

180: Am I Attir'd?
181: The manners ominous;
182: A true Præsage, of strange Events; to come,
183: On After Ages; by a Present Doome.
184:      What means this Place,
185: What Persons do I see?
186: I see, great Persons; and their Places, be,
187: Upon Sesostris wheele:
188: My Soveraign's Crown,
189: In's Grand-child's time's usurpt; and Rebels own.
190:      I see again,
191: By Scripture, and by Reason;
192: An End, both Sad, and sure; attends on Treason:
193: His Sin is Fatal, who his Fall laments not;
194: His Fall, is Final; who his Sin repents not.
195: Traitors, as Witches are;
196: And Witches never,
197: Become Converted, but Condemned ever.
198:      When Loyal Subjects,
199: (Howsoere they Fare)
200: As Blessed Angels (Angels blessed) are.
201: Their hope -- -and -- -love espouse,
202: And faith doth ty,
203: Their true Allegiance, fast, to Soveraignty.
204: 'Tis not the Tempest of the roughest Crosses,
205: Can shipwrack their Obedience, with their Losses.
206: It's so observ'd:
207: And Psyche (by the way)
208: Is Staid, and Pray'd, their Banner to display;
209: And here it's done, in a Triumphant Story;
210: Which flouts, and routs, all traitors shameful-glory.
211:      This is the Subject, of the Sequel Masque;
212: Which Psyche now, makes Mine: and I, your Task:
213: I, to resume; and You, for to revolve;
214: And Each, by Application, to resolve;
215: That this Sad-Sacred-pleasing-Scene, is laid;
216: To make the Good, rejoyce; the Bad, afraid.
217: But hark -- -- -- -
218: The Musick sounds;
219: To my preventing:
220: May all, have Mirth: and Psyche -- --
221:                True contenting.
222:      Exit.

[The loud Musique sounds
The First Shew's Presented
A Landskip in form of a Square; having in the one Angle, a Promontory; whereon the rural Nymphs were sporting, and under it, the Sea; wherein, was a gallant Navy sayling.
In another Angle, was a Garden; giving all the de- light that dainty flowers; pleasant walks; and Musical water-works could yeild.
In the Third Angle, was a Castle, strongly, and bravely fortified; in the face whereof, was an Army compleatly Armed, marching in Aray.
In the fourth Angle, was a Park; well-wooded, and stor'd with Deer: Gallants a hunting, and the Hounds upon a full Cry.
In the middle of this Quadrangle, was a Grove of Cedars; out of which came a Shepherdess, in a green Gown, and a Garland on her Head; attended by a Swain, in a Shepherds Coat, and a Pipe in his Hand: Each then, saluting other; the One Playes; and Both, Dance: which done -- they pull off their Disguises, and discover themselves, to be, an Angel, and Psyche: Psyche then (instructed by the Angel) making an hum- ble Address, and due Observance to R. A. the King. Kneels down, and Speaks.

The first Speech.

223:      Dread Sir -- -- I crave your Pardon;
224: Which, if You,
225: Shall please to grant;
226: I crave your Patience too,
227: Which, if you promise;
228: Then I crave your Ear;
229: Which, if you deign;
230: Then, let your Highness hear.
231:       What was that Heathen, that he should out-brave38,Goliath
232: God's Cause, and Army, and a Challenge crave?
233: Or, what's this Traitor, that the Gauntlet throwes,
234: In scorn of God, and doth the King oppose? Jeroboam
235: At length, -- Abijah
236: A Youth, but with a Stone and Sling; David.
237: Answer'd, and Conquer'd, that fell Phylistine.
238: And so, ere long,
239: As mean a Meanes, may Be,
240: The Scenes to Act this Villaines Tragedie.
241: Believe it' King Abijah,
242: You shall find;
243: The fall of Jeroboam is design'd.
244: Not from that Giant; but, this Rebell;
245: I -- -- -- -
246: Foresee the Sequel, by Imparitie:
247: For, True that Monster was;
248: And his Strange Pride,
249: Did Vaunt but's Valour, to advance his Side.
250:      But This,
251: -- -- -- Was monstrous False:
252: And's frantick Zeal,
253: To turn a Kingdom, to a Common-weal;
254: Prayes, and Betrayes;
255: Swears, and Forswears; to further,
256: -- -- -The King in's Throne:
257: -- -- -The King at's Gate, to Murder.
258: Corah's was nothing, if compar'd to This;
259: -- -- -This perjur'd Changling's Metamorphosis:
260: The Way, was worse;
261: And may a worser Fate,
262: Then Corah's, or Goliath's;39
263: Antedate -- -- -the Transformation:
264: Prodigious Stars, portend his Fall;
265: By Famine, Plague, or Wars.
266:      May Loyalty, be blest:
267: Your Highness, Crownd:
268: And God, Convert; or else your Foes Confound.
269: May you obtrude Intruders, from the Keyes;
270: And keep them Sacred to Divine Decrees.
271: May Aarons Rod still flourish:40 and You be,
272: A Nursing Father, both to It, and Me.41
273: Still may the Lord, your Majesty defend;
274: And Peace, or Patience, to your Subjects send.
275: Long may you live, -- -- -- -
276: And live so long, to Reign;
277: Till Treason be Reveng'd, and Traitors slain.
278:      This, This I ask, -- --
279: Which granted, I'le give ore:
280: And Bless my God, and You; -- -- -
281:                And ask no more.

[The King then drew off his Glove, and (holding out his hand) Psyche rose up; and (kneeling down again) she kiss'd it.
The Queen then (observing Psyche, to have a cu- rious Voyce) desired her to Sing: and (without denial, or reply) her good Angel standing by her, playing on a Lute, she sung -- --

The first Song.


282:      No more, no more, to ask,
283: Of God, and King,
284:           Too sad's a Task,
285:           In this glad Masque;
286: To undertake, and sing.


287: But, since my Loyal tongue;
288: Hath Royal greeting;
289:           'Twere double wrong,
290:           A single Song,
291: For to deny this Meeting.


292: Angels, and Men, shall know;
293: And All, hold forth;
294:           The Zeal I ow,
295:           And love I show,
296: Unto my Princes worth.


297: And now, in grateful-wise,
298: I'le kneel agen;
299:           To Sympathize,
300:           The Peoples Cryes,
301: God save the King. Amen.

[She kneels.

With that (an Acclamation being made) the Scene, upon a suddain, chang'd; and then (the loud Musique sounding a second time.)

The Second Shew's presented

A pleasant Plain, encompassed with Hills: in the middle of which Plain, was a fair City; and in the City a glorious Temple; and in the Temple, a goodly Jerusalem Person: Which Person (having on, a Robe of fine lin- King David nen; and a curious Ephod upon the Robe; and a golden Girdle upon the Ephod) walketh into the Sanctum San- ctorum, with the Book of the Law, in his hand, and thus speaks -- -- -

The Second Speech.

302:      In this Asylum -- --
303: Doth (for certain) dwell,
304: God, and my Devotions Oracle.
305: Hence am I Taught:
306: And Here I am; to know;
307: The Reason why, the wicked Prosper so?42
308:      I know, the Lord is Just:
309: But yet, -- -- -his wayes,
310: Seem very strange, and many doubtings raise.
311: For, -- -- he fulfils the wicked man's request;
312: And more then's Vote, doth correspond his Brest.
313: He fears not Death:
314: Nor doth his Body feel,
315: The darts of Sickness, or the Sword of Steel.
316: His Arm is brawny;
317: And his Army's stout;
318: And bravely Valiant, when he Marches out.
319: They -- -- deck themselves with Pride, as with a chain,
320: And as a Garment, so they wear Disdain.
321: They Drink: they Drab:
322: And live licentious Lives:
323: They mock at God:
324: And yet -- -- -- -their Doing thrives.
325:      They kill -- -- -their King:
326: Their Brethen, they Enslave:
327: They Rob, and Spoil: and no Religion have.
328:      As Beasts of Prey, they have devouring Paws:
329: As bloody Tyrants, they have broke all Laws:
330: The Laws of God:
331: Of Nature:
332: And the Land:
333: And Crown'd their Treason, with Supreme Command.
334: Yet -- -- -God's not move'd:
335: Except, it be to Bless;
336: Such Ill Proceedings, with a good Success.
337: At night,
338: He guards them, in their safe Reposes;
339: And when 'tis Day,
340: He trims their Heads with Roses.
341:      This, -- -- -- -makes them bragg;
342: Their Cause, is most Divine:
343: And Stately Fortune, makes their Cause to Shine.
344:      This, -- -- -makes Me grieve;
345: For This, I come, to know;
346: The Reason why, the wicked Prosper so?

347: With that,
348:       A soft-small-voyce, deep silence brake;
349: And thus,
350:       This Answer, to the Question spake.

The Oracle.

351: Let God be true, and every man a Lyar:
352: The Bramble-bush, is but (at best) a Bryar;
353: It cannot be a Cedar.43
354:      The wicked may,
355: Walk in the broader; but, not safer way.
356: To stand upon a Pinacle in pride;
357: Is very vain, and perilous beside.
358: The more the wicked have; the more's their score;
359: Upon the Audit-Book to reckon for.
360: They are the less excus'd, in having thus,
361: All as they would, exceeding prosperous.
362: Their prosperous State, is as a Chance that's cast;
363: And lucky Chances, do not alwayes last.
364: Their only Portion, on the Earth is given;
365: Excluded ever, from a part in Heaven.
366: They are the Rods of God; and when his turn
367: Is serv'd upon his Children, he will burn.
368: Their seeming Chrystall is but reall Ice;
369: They slide, and fall, and perish in a trice.
370: Their former Honour shall be quite forgot;
371: And Jeroboam, with his fame, shall rot.
372: He and all Rebells do ride post to Hell;
373: And this for Truth the Oracle doth tell.
374: Then -- -- let thy Faith, and Hope, and Love, be firm;
375: (Whoere's aboard,)44 it's God that sits at th'Stern.
376: He will thee guide with Councell;
377: If thou lov'st him:
378: And never fail thee,
379: Whensoere thou prov'st him.
380: Continue constant in thy fervent praying;
381: Hee'l Crown thy Expectation -- -- -
382:       And my saying.

   Then was a noyse of chearfull Musique heard, And sights of Joy (and Angels seen) appear'd; And therewithall -- --

[The Third Shew's presented
A stately Pallace, wherein, was a Room of Ala- blaster (hang'd with Cloth of Gold, richly and curiously Embroydered, with the lively, and Emboss'd Imagery of David and Solomon; with the Histo- ry of both: in the Hangings, were severall Rowes of Jewels; whose Lustre was irradiant; and as so many Starres enlightened all the Room) where- into (attended by Fifty Persons, all cloth'd alike, in Coats of Crimson Velvet, with green Sattin sleeves; their Stockings green Silk; with Garters and Roses; of Gold and Crimson) came -- --
The King of Judah,
The Queen his Mother,
Two Dukes, his Brothers,
The High-Priest,
The Generall of the Army,
And the Captain of the Guard.

The King, Queen, and Princes, sate in their Chairs of State: All the rest at a distance sate bare-headed.
Then the King (lifting up his Eyes and Hands to Heaven) smote upon his Breast; and thus his minde express'd -- -- -in -- -- -

The Third Speech.

383: It makes up sport, to play with Easie Cares;
384: When, Heavier, make us Dumb.
385: The Greater Fears,
386: Put Speech it self to silence; and the Ears,
387: To hear no Language but the Voyce of Tears.
388: Yet I -- -- -
389: Th'unhappy Grand-Sonne of that King;45
390: Whose Wealth, and Wisdome;
391: Power, and Peace; do ring;
392: With Everlasting Fame:
393: I -- -- I am Hee -- -- -- -
394: Must hear such Fame blasphem'd by Obloquie:
395:           Must Hear't, and doe:
396:           And Speak on't too.
397:                Was ever Grief like mine?46
398: I am the Object, wrongfully displac'd:
399: Of Honour sham'd: and Majesty debas'd:
400: Of Favour, much despis'd: of Power, made weak:
401: Of SaCRed Peace, made Civil Peace to break.
402:                Was ever Case like mine?
403: My Kingdome's Ravisht:
404: And47 my Virgin Throne,
405: Basely's Deflowr'd by Rebellion:
406: My Royall Robe is rent:
407: My Scepter, broke:
408: My Crown, is fallen:
409: And the Loyall Yoak,
410: Of Legall Tribute (to my greater crosse)
411: With scorn, is torn, to my greatest losse.
412:                Was ever wrong like mine?
413: The Traytors fury is without respect,
414: Of Persons, and of Duty:
415: Their neglect -- -- -
416: Doth know no Bounds:
417: They will doe, as they say;
418: Their Will's their Law; and with their Swords they sway.
419:                 Were ever Foes like mine?
420: These -- -- -
421: With their Old Projector (to our woe)
422: Have caus'd our grief, and grievous overthrow:
423: These -- -- -
424: Fought to kill -- -- my Father:
425: And can I -- -- -
426: Expect good Quarter, from such Soldiery?
427: Alas! they are inhuman;
428: And no means,
429: Of Princely Favour;
430: Shining from the Beams,
431: Of Majesty it self;
432: Can make them know,
433: Or once acknowledge,
434: They subjection owe,
435: To any, but the stronger:
436: These be they -- -- -
437: Whom self-advantage turns any way:
438:                Were ever Foes like mine?
439: And such as, these; -- -- -
440: Or rather just the same;
441: Were some that fled, and to our Party came;
442: Came, -- -- but, as Spies;
443: And so it prov'd at length;
444: We lost their duty when we lost our strength:
445:                Were ever Friends like mine?
446: This, -- -- -
447: In my Fathers Reign was sadly -- true;
448: And what can I against so false a Crue?
449: They have disclaim'd my Right:
450: And few, or none;
451: But only God's my Consolation.
452:      I am by SaCRed and by Civill claim;
453: To all the Tribes, the Lawfull Soveraign:
454: Yet I -- -- -their KING -- -- -
455: Must see my Right, made Voyd;
456: And all Allegiance to my Crown destory'd:
457:                Was ever Realm like mine?
458: What shall I say?
459: I am an Exile driven,
460: To Forrein parts, -- -- -
461: And of my Home bereaven.
462:      What shall I doe?
463:       -- -Alas, wherere I goe;
464:      My Life's in danger by a cruel Foe:
465: I know not whom to trust:
466: And all my care,
467: Is, -- -how my Subjects in my Fate will fare.
468:           Ah me -- -forsaken -- -and -- -forlorn!
469:           Nor Realm, nor Wrongs,
470:           Nor Case, nor Grief,
471:           Nor Foes, nor Friends:
472:                 Were ever like to mine.

With that he sigh'd; and ceas'd.
And then begun,
The Mother Queen;
And thus bespoke her Son,
The Fourth Speech.

473: My dearest Son, and Soveraign;
474: Hear I pray -- -- -
475: A Mothers Counsell, and her words obey.
476:      It's true -- -- -
477: Your Case, so sad; and Grief, so deep;
478: O'reflowes the tears of Mourners (hir'd to weep)
479: Your Verball Friends, but Reall Foes in Deeds;
480: The deepest Grief, and saddest Case exceeds.
481:      Your Realm's in Common -- -- -
482: And in Chief, your wrong;
483: Outvyes the Cryes of Hadadrimmons tongue.48
484:      Yet -- -- -
485: May'nt base Fear, your Noble heart surprize;
486: For, we do'nt know, nor may, the mysteries,
487: Of God's permissive Providence: -- -- -Oh no;
488: His winding Feet, upon the Waters goe:
489: There is no Tract, nor Line, nor Rule, whereby,
490: His Paths to finde; or Footsteps to descry.
491:      Yet -- -- -
492: In an hopefull wonder, see 'tis Day,
493: Although the Sun's Eclips'd,
494: His Lightsome Ray,
495: Will pierce, ere long, the darkest Clouds.
496:      Your Crown -- -- -
497: And Throne, and Scepter, may be hurled down:
498: Your Forces, beaten:
499: And your Self, made flie,
500: With dreadfull speed for your security:
501: In outward shew, past Help:
502: Admit -- -- -yet then,
503: The Lord of Hosts, can Rally up agen.
504: By Him, Kings Reign:
505: And upon whom, he please;
506: He Crowns the Issues of his close Decrees.
507:      His Prescience, is a Secret;
508: And we must,
509: Submit (in Duty) to His Will;
510: And trust his Word Reveal'd:
511:      For why? we cannot tell,
512: How soon the Traitor shall be dragg'd to Hell.
513:      God hath his Time:
514: Then use what means you can;
515: To Repossesse your Rights;
516: 'Tis God not Man;
517: By many, or by few, the Conquest gives;
518: Before the Traitor his Reproach outlives.
519:      Serve God, in truth:
520: And when his Time is come,
521: He can advance you to a Peacefull Throne.
522:      He is the same, he was:
523: In Mercy still, most infinite;
524: If't be his Holy Will,
525: He can, and may Enthrone you; -- -- -howsoere,
526: Let not your Hope, be overcome by Fear.

No (saith the Duke) and (with a pretty smile) Thus Courts the King, his Brother: -- -- -in
The fifth Speech.

527: Wee -- -- -
528:      (For consolation met)
529:      Are, in Consultation set,
530:      That comfort, and assistance might,
531:      Be given for your Native Right:
532:      And (lo) an Angel doth appear,
533:      Which puts us in a Hopefull -- -fear.

[A bright Cloud is seen, and an Angel in the Cloud: his face shining like the Sun: and armed like a man of war, and having in the one hand a Golden Crown; in the other, a Flaming Sword; he brandishes the sword, then sets the Crown upon the Kings head, and so vanishes, being

The Fourth Shew.

Whereupon the Prince proceeds; and sayes,

534: See, See, -- -- -
535:      A Vision doth foretell,
536:      The Rebels woe, my Soveraigns weal.
537:      Not he, that girds his Harnesse on;
538:      But, puts it off; the Field hath won.
539:      The men of Ai prevail'd at first,49
540:      And forc'd Gods Forces to the worst:
541:      Whle Achan plunder'd, there could be;
542:      No hope, of any Victory:
543:      But found, and punisht; God returns:
544:      Defeats the Foe: the City Burns:
545: God's Cause, and Captain, did (at last) prevail;
546: And so shall ever, though a while they fail.
547:      Ah Sir! I know, we have Offended:
548:      And what's Amiss, must be Amended:
549:      Some Person, or some Thing, there is;
550:      God Plagues, with such Calamities.
551:      Let's search, and try our wayes; and then,
552:      God will lead In, and Out, your Men:
553:      Your Cause, is Good; and in the End,
554:      The Vision doth your Good portend:
555: Cheer up (dear Sir) and trust the King of Kings,
556: You shall prevail, and do the highest things.
557:      Yea, said the other Duke, in -- -- -

The Sixt Speech.

558: -- -- -- -- -- And so You shall,
559: Rise most Tryumphant, from your lowest Fall.
560: You shall -- -- -
561: For, God Rewards; and wil, ere long;
562: The bloody Actors, of a Princes wrong.
563:      We finde the end, of Shimei; who Revil'd
564: His Soveraign Lord; And Traiterously Stil'd,
565: The King; a man of Belial:50 though the same,
566: He did Confess; and for his Pardon came,
567: With all Submission; yet -- -- -he guilty stood,
568: And's hoary Head, went to the Grave, in Blood.
569:      God owns Kings so, that, who so wrongs their right,
570: Out-faces God, and doth his Power despite.
571: For -- solo Deo minor,51 is the King;
572: And He is Gods Immediate Underling.
573: There's no Coercive Power under heaven,
574: Against the King; but what's Directive given.
575: All Kings, are Sacred: and their Unction, is;
576: Oyl-Holy -- -- -Gods: and All, mysterious Ties,
577: From Evil, in the Heart; and Tongue; and Hand;
578: Against their Persons, and their just Command.
579: Hence (sure) it was, that Absolon, was so;52
580: With fatal Arrows, smitten three times through:
581: For's Heart, and Hand, and Tongue, did all, go on;
582: To Act a threefold Treason; All, in One.
583: Or else because, that Rebels are the Foes;
584: Which do the blessed Trinity oppose.
585: Or else because, they do resist the Way;
586: Of God's: of States: and of the Churches Sway.
587: A wretched End he had: twixt Heaven and Earth,
588: Hang'd by his Hair, as in a Snare for death:
589: In's height of Sin, and in his strength of Treason;
590: He's slain, untimely; in a timely Season.
591:           Most Timely, as for David;
592:           Though untimely, as for Absolon.
593:           Then said Shemaiah,53

594: Speaking

The Seventh Speech.

595: We must not think, unequal are God's wayes;
596: Or, He denies us, when he us Delayes:
597: We must not think, because he doth forbear;
598: That he forgets, what Sins, and Sinners are.
599: God cannot be, but what he is: most True:
600: Most Mighty: Wise: and what's most Just, will do.
601: The Soul that Sins; shall Dye. God's only Son,
602: (As one that Sin'd) before the Judge must come:
603: Not for to Plead, yet can; nor strive, yet able;
604: Both to confute, and to confound, the Rabble:
605:      But, as made Sin for Us; that Sin'd; that so -- -
606: We that so Sinn'd, may be (as Just) let go:
607: Him, as for Us; Us, as in Him; God tries:
608: He bears our blame; and for our Sins he dies.
609:      Because Christ took our Nature; to become,
610:      Our Pledge; our Price; and our Redemption:
611: God is so Just, he will not spare his Son,
612: But Sinful made -- -- by Imputation:
613: The Soul that Sins shall dye. And will God then,
614: Excuse the sinfull'st of the Sons of Men?
615: The Father's Sin, sha'nt ly upon the Son;
616: And shall the Subjects, on the King: and's Throne?
617: Shall Rebels be unpunisht, or shall they -- -- -
618: That have condemn'd, -- -- and made their King away,
619: By an unheard-of-murder? shall they be
620: Exempt from Justice, as by Law made Free?
621: Shall They, that have despis'd the Son of God;
622: And's Word, and's Will, (as under foot) have trod?
623: Shall They be ever Green? and shall the Bayes,
624: Of such Offences, flourish to their Praise?
625: Then, is our Faith in vain; and all our Hope,
626: Of Retribution, as a Sandy Rope.54
627: We cleanse our heart, & wash our hands, for nought,
628: But Inward Peace; which now as nothing's thought.
629: We suffer much, and All, to Little end;
630: If All to Loss, and to Misfortune tend.
631: Why then did Moses, leave the Princely Sport,
632: Of Such a Pallace, as was Pharaohs Court?
633: Or, why did Joseph shun the Courting Stream,
634: Of Stollen waters, from his Princely Dame?55
635: Why were the Scriptures writ? and what ado -- --
636: Is there of Judgement, and Damnation too?
637: What do we talk of God, of Heaven, or Hell,
638: If they be best, that in the Worst excel.
639:       'Twere vain indeed, the General sayes,

The Eighth Speech.56

640: 'Twere boot; -- --
641: To Rant, and Rore; and have a Requiem to't.
642: But it as True, as Old; and each one knows;
643: That, Traitors Tryumphs, have their overthrows.
644: Though Haggith's Son, with Royal wings doth fly;
645: And Joab, and Abiather stand by:57
646: Though He (by Them) have All, and Each, as Vile,
647: Besides Himself; Himself admires awhile.
648: Though's Colours fly: and Drums in triumph beat:
649: And Sounding Trumpets serve, to serve in's meat:
650: Though All seem well; and nought as Ill, to see;
651: What ere He does, and where so ere He be:
652: Though Horse, and Chariots, and his fifty Boyes,
653: Do run before his Kingship: -- -- All, are Toyes.
654:      For fall He shall: and fall He did: that Day,
655: He made's Request, He made his Life away.
656:      Thus, -- -- -its as true, as old; and Each one Knows;
657: A Traitors weal, is Usher to his Woes.
658:      Unlawful Acts, by means unlawful done;
659: Are thin, and weak; and by the Spider spun.
660:           You Sacred Sir, can tell.
661: I can: and Here;
662: By Sacred Story, it shall plain appear,
663:           Saith the High Priest -- -- -in -- -- -

The Ninth Speech.

664: When Corah's craft, had blear'd the Peoples Eyes,58
665: And made so many of the Princes Rise:
666: The chiefest men; the men of most renown:
667: Famous, for Birth; and for their Worth, made known:
668:      He as the Best; and only man for Zeal;
669: Becomes the Speaker, for the publique Weal:
670: And (by a kind of hellish witchcraft led)
671: They all submit to this Rebellious Head:
672: Who, having thus, such Members to assist him;
673: He goes to Moses; and doth thus resist him.59
674: You -- -- -you, Sir Moses and your Brother too: Corah.
675: Must All of Us, be trampled, on by You?
676: What is the Reason, of Advancing thus,
677: Your selves above your Brethren? God's with Us,
678: As well as You: and All of Us (as One)
679: Are Holy, in the Congregation.
680:      Wee'l not be Fool'd into a Regal way;
681: And You, Command; and we (forsooth) Obey.
682: What have you done (quoth Dathan) thus to be, Dathan.
683: The only Two, for your Supremacy?60
684: Is't not enough, that from a wealthy Land
685: (With Milk and Hony flowing) thy Command, -- --
686: Hath led Us higher, to this barren Place;
687: To be the Food, for Famine, and Disgrace:
688: Except Thou be our Prince: and make Us bow,
689: And yield our Necks, to thy Subjuging too?
690:      Yes (quoth Abiram)61 -- -- Abiram.
691: -- -- Where are those Fruitful fields;
692: That Milk and Honey, and such plenty yeilds?
693: What wilt thou do? Dost think, we do not see;
694: Thy proud Intention, what thou meanst to be?
695: No, no, wee'l not come up: call -- -- call agen;
696: Let Them come up, that know no Stratagem.62
697: We'l make you know your Princedom's not so great,
698: But we are able to defeat your Feat.
699: There's Corah come, and tell Him truly now,
700: (Or we will make you) why ye make Us bow.
701:      Thus what with words, and mixing Threats withall,
702: Moses and Aaron on their Faces Fall:63
703: As strangely sham'd: or zealously affear'd:
704: To see the Lightning, from such Thunder hear'd.
705:      They could not speak, as yet: but ere awhile;
706: Moses doth tell them, in a fair-foul Stile;
707: What they should do; and should from thence infer;
708: What Stars, were fixt; and what, Erratique were.
709:      They soon should know who were the good, or bad;
710: That God Secluded, or Selected had,
711: To Minister before him: They should see
712: Who Holy were, and who Unholy be.
713:      The Rebels then, they took (as Moses said)
714: Censers, and Fire; and thereon Incense laid:
715: And then (with Moses and with Aaron) stood,
716: Before the Place, where God his Glory shew'd.
717: Before (their Prince and Priest, and now) the Lord,
718: They stand (presuming upon Corah's word)
719: And dare Appeal (as free from All Offence)
720: To God's strict Justice, and Omniscience.64
721:      Thus, -- -- damned Pride, leads Traitors to the worst,
722: Of wilful Sins, to make them most Accurst:
723: From One Sin, to Another; still they go;
724: And fear no Evil, till they feel the Blow:
725: Which, shall so Sudden, and so Dismal be;
726: As, by the Vengence; you, their Sin shall see.
727:      This -- -- God, to Moses: He, the People shews;
728: Who, Corahs tents, and Congreation views.
729: They touch not, ought, is Theirs: but agen,
730: Review, for Separation: Moses then,
731: Bespeaks them thus.65
732:      Now, shall you hereby know;
733: Both who I am, and whence; and what I do,
734: Is all from God: and what a Horrid Sin,
735: ReBellion is, the way that Corah's in.
736:      If you shall see, the Earth in sunder cleave;
737: And all these men, and whatsoe'er they have;
738: Be swallowed, quick; and go alive, to Hell;
739: Then by the Vegeance; you, their Sin may tell.
740:      And as he spake, it was: a dismal Grave,
741: Did them, their Tents and all their Goods receave:66
742: And (nothing left) the Earth did close agen,
743: To be a warning for Rebellious Men,
744: Who, but for speaking, though they did not Do;
745: The murderous Act, of bloudy Treason too:
746: Yet, -- -- see how strictly, God in fury smites,
747: The mouthy Tauntings, of the SaCRed Rites:
748: The Earth, destroyes: the Fire, doth devour:
749: The bold Blasphemers, of the Higher Power.

With that all the Levites stood up, and having each
of them an Instrument of Musique in his hand:
They make Obeysance to the King,
And then they Play, and thus they sing.

The Second Song.

750: Sir, wait awhile; while God your Patience tries,
751: By suffering Traitors, in their Villanies:
752:           For, there are woes
753:                For your Foes,
754:                Prepared:

755: Not a Common Visitation, shall,
756: Bold-Bloody-Rebels, at the last befall,
757:           Then let not Those,
758:                That Oppose,
759:                Be fear'd.


760:           Though Pharaoh Boast,
761:                He'l Israel confound:
762:           Yet Pharoh's crost,
763:                And he and's Host are Drownd.
764: Sir be content; as Moses was, by you:
765: Moses foretold: and may your Highness too:
766:           That, there are woes,
767:                For your Foes,
768:                Prepar'd:
769: As Moses did: So shall your Highness see,
770: In Corah's, Jeroboam's Destinie:
771:           Then, let not Those,
772:                That Oppose,
773:                Be fear'd,

774:           Though Pharaoh boast,
775:                He'l Israel confound;
776:           Yet Pharoh's crost,
777:                And He, and's Host are Drownd.

[Then, as they made a Warbling Close, both of their Song, and Musique; Behold,]

[The Fifth Shew's presented;
A spacious Field, and two Armies, in Aray; the Kings, and the Rebels: and joyning Battel, the Kings side prevails.
Whereupon (all crying Victoria, Victoria) an Old man (wearing a Mantle of Camels Hair, girt about with a Lethern Girdle)67 presents Himself before the King; to whom (being demanded who he was, and what he would) he said -- -- -

The Tenth Speech.68

778: What needed Endors Witch, by Magick Spell,
779: To make the Devil, a Prophet; and to tell -- --
780: The fatal State of Saul?69
781:      For, (first) his cursed sparing Agag's Self: I.
782: Then (secondly) his Lying for the Pelf:702.
783: Thirdly, his killing the Lord's Priests:713.
784: And (fourthly) Hunting for -- -- - 4.
785: The pretious Life of David:
786: (Whose worth, the Virgins, in a Dance did Sing:
787: And next to Saul, was the Anointed King.)72
788: Fiftly, (despairing) his presuming Folly, 5.
789: In Samuel's place, to be (unholy) Holy:
790: Lastly, from God, unto a Witch, he going;
791: Resolves the Question (to his just Undoing.)73
792:      That Vengeance waits on Sinners: such, as still;
793: Resist the Good, and do persist in Ill:
794: Sin, with delight; and in their Spite, Oppose,
795: God's way, and Will: God will (at last) Depose.
796: What needed Endors Witch,
797: By Magick Spell, -- -- -
798: To make the Devil, a Prophet?
799:      This Truth, this Day, is with a Sun-beam writ;
800: And these, and After-times shall witness it.
801:      For th' bloud, of many hundred thousands shed;74
802: The hideous Cries, of thousands, almost dead:
803: The total-strange Defeat: and direful Fate,
804: Of Jeroboam; -- -- In his tenfold State:
805: His two and twenty years Possession:
806: His mighty Host: Eight hundred thousand strong;75
807: His cunning Ambush: and his Forces, double:
808: (Flouted, and routed; to his treble trouble.)76
809: Then, -- -- his sad Exit, from the Stage of warre;
810: Shew, -- -- what the Issues of Rebellion are.
811: See, how the Field is staind with Blood: and then -- --
812: Observe the number: rally up agen,
813: Thy thankful thoughts; don't wonder; in such wayes,
814: (Although so long permitted; -- -- ) that, their days;
815: (At longest) are but short; and bad (at Best)
816: Not all their Pomp, can give one hour of Rest.
817: Their Guards are vain: their strongest Bars, are weak:
818: Their Sentinels, by night, and day, do speak,
819: Their Guilt, and Fear. Where's Jeroboam now?
820: (The Old Commander) unto whom, did bow;
821: So many, and they All;
822: (The Sons of Belial.)
823: Where's his Calf -- -- Gods,
824: And Idol (self-made) Priests,
825: Where's all his double-odds?77
826: Oh how is Israel, bewitcht, with Treason!
827: Though God himslef, be Captain for his King;
828: And lead the van: and Angels, either Wing:
829: Yet, -- -- joyn they Battel; and their shooting to't:
830: Till God draws out, & breaks through Horse & Foot,
831: Disranks, Disorders, and Destroyes the Foe,
832: And gives at once, an utter Overthrow.78
833: I see it now, -- -- and now, upon the Day;
834: I come, the Tribute of my thanks to pay;
835: To pay, devoutly tender'd unto God;
836: Who with his Holy Arm, and Iron Rod;
837: Hath made the Truth, most timously to bring,
838: Praise, to his Name; and Safety, to his King.

[Upon this, was an Allarm from within; and lamen-
table out-cryes made
; and thereupon,

The Sixt, and last Shew's presented,
Two Cities, Dan, and Bethel: and in Bethel, the Juncto-Council; wherein, sate Jeroboam, in a Chair of State: Hell, under him; the Devil, behind him: and King Abijah in a Throne, above him: whom when the Rebel saw; he cries out -- -- O Treason, Treason: what have I done, and how was I bewitch't. O Treason, Treason: ceasing, to be Loyal; I left to be Religious; I first, forsook my King: and then my God:
Thus, by degrees I fell; and now, I fall;
To be more wretched, then Accursed Saul.
With that, the Devil tares him in pieces, and throwes him into Hell. Whereupon, the Party for Abijah, clap their hands: and (praising God, and Praying for the King) the Levites take again their several Instruments of Musick; and (one holding up the Picture of Jerobo- am, in a frame of Gold.) they sung

The Third and last song.

As they began, there came in six Masquers; each in green silk; wrought over with gold spangles: their Temples wreath'd with Bayes; their Vizards all diffe- rent, but beautiful and smiling.
These six (at the close of every Eight verses) dance the Antique; and Dancing, sing the Chorus.)]


839:           The Person, and his Power's gone:
840:           What's worth your Contemplation?
841:           This Picture? or this fairer Frame?
842:           (Deserving better then it's Name)
843:           No, no, th'memory, the Sight;
844:           Each Part, and Faculty, that's right;
845:      Abhors the Shadow of the fairest, Paint,
846:      Which makes the foulest Devil seem a Saint.

[He throws the
Picture down,
and breaks it


847:           Come, dance we may,
848:           'Tis Psyche's Play;
849:           And Holy-day,
850:                At Court,
851:                At Court,
852:           And Holy-day,
853:                At Court:
854:           Traitors (though Crown'd,
855:           And most Renown'd)
856:           God will confound,
857:                With sport,
858:                With sport;
859:           God will confound,
860:                With sport.


861:           God did, and doth, and ere will Bless,
862:           The Better Cause, with Best Success.
863:           Traitors may speed awhile; and bring;
864:           And shameful EXIT, on their King:79
865:           Rebels may Rule, untill their Sins,
866:           Be ripe for Judgment: then begins,
867: The just Observer of the Prince's wrongs;
868: To plead their Rights, in spite of Rebels tongues.


869:           With Musique choyce,
870:           Of Hand and Voyce;
871:           Sing and rejoyce;
872:                 We may,
873:                 We may;
874:           Sing, and rejoyce,
875:                 We may:
876:           The Traitors Crown,
877:           And all's Renown,
878:           Is fallen down,
879:                To day,
880:                To day,
881:           Is fallen down
882:                To day.


883:           The Lord of Hosts, the King is for;
884:           The Regicide doth most abhorre:
885:           He'le fright, and smite the proudest He,
886:           That's guilty of Disloyaltie.
887:           The Scepter, from Usurpers hands,
888:           Shall fall by horrid Countermands.
889: And all the Guiltless Blood, that hath bin spilt;
890: Shall (to their torment) be their Endless Guilt.


891:           Come, dance, we may,
892:           'Tis Psyche's Play,
893:           And Holy-day,
894:                At Court,
895:                At Court;
896:           And Holy-day,
897:                At Court:
898:           Traitors (though Crown'd,
899:           And most Renown'd)
900:           God will confound,
901:                With sport,
902:                With sport:
903:           God will counfound,
904:                With sport.


905:           Here's Jeroboam, who of late,
906:           Did Check the King; hath now Check mate,
907:           And all his Chosen men of Warre,
908:           Eight hundred thousand strong; yet are,
909:           Defeated, and destroyed so,
910:           With such a fearfull fatall blow:
911: The Highest Traitor may his Downfall see;
912: And in's Rebellion finde a Prodigie.


913:           With Musique choyce,
914:           Of Hand, and Voyce;
915:           Sing, and rejoyce,
916:                We may,
917:                We may,
918:           Sing, and rejoyce,
919:                We may.
920:           The Traitors Crown,
921:           And all's Renown.
922:           Is fallen down,
923:                To day,
924:                To day,
925:           Is fallen down,
926:                To day.

[With that, there was a Sound of Drums and Trum pets: and Psyche (with an observant haste) goes, to present the King, with the Masque, in writing. Which done, Psyche's good Angel bespeaks her thus;]

927: Come prethee Psyche haste away,
928:           Upon the Earth,
929:           Is no long mirth:
930: And I am gone, nor may You stay.

931: She hears, she answers; and she cryes,
932:           Let none think much,
933:           Our mirth is such;
934: And by an Eccho, He replies.
935:                as followeth, in



936: Ah woe is me (unhappy One)
937: And is my Guide, and Guard, thus gone?

938: ECCHO.
939:                Gone.

940: But hark, ye'nt81 That, the Musique choyce,
941: Of his fair Hand, and warbling Voyce?

942:                O-yes.

943: The Eccho's His: ah could I know,
944: But whether I am mockt, or no?

945:                Noe.

946: Oh (my dearest) were I there,
947: Or (my dearest) were you here.

948:           ECCHO.
949:                U -- here.

950: Descend I prethee, and fulfill,
951: Or mine, or Thine; what's your's my will.

952:                I -- will.

953: Oh haste, I faint; what shall I say?
954: What shall I doe? Oh speak, I pray.

955:                Pray.

956: The Duty's just; and I'le persever,
957: (If thou wil Teach me) in It ever.

958:                Ever.

[With that, she Bowes, & Kneels; and (Kneeling) prayes:
The Angel comes, and each (Ascending) sayes:

959:           Farewell,82
960:           Fare-well:
-- -- Yea, Wellfare may our Farewell83 be,
To his most saCRed Majesty.
The (1) Oak, the (2) Olive, and the (3) Vine,
Their Boughs, as well as Roots, entwine.
965:      The (1) stately, (2) cheerfull, (3) fruitfull Trees. 84
966:      Emblematize Prosperitie:
967:      That; (1) Power, (2) Peace, (3) & Plenty, may -- -
968:      Be still our Pillars, for our Stay.

969:      Enough, -- -- now, our Divining Masque is done:
970:      We must attend upon the Rising Sunne.
971:      Leaving Good Times, to prove our Better Newes,
972:      As True, as Told, in Speeches, Songs, and Shewes.


[30] "I saw, I avenged."

[31] Opening parenthesis missing.

[32] Sadler's version of the story of Zedekiah, which follows, sticks close to the account in 2 Kings 24: 17-20 and 25: 1-7.

[33] i.e. Nebuchadnezzar; see 2 Kings 25: 6.

[34] Both Zimri and Shallum conspired against and slew kings of Israel. On Zimri, see 1 Kings 16: 8-20. Zimri sinned "in walking in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin which he did, to make Israel to sin" (1 Kings 16: 19). Dryden later used the name for George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham in Absalom and Achitophel. On Shallum, see 2 Kings 15: 10-11.

[35] Zachariah "departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin" (2 Kings 15:9).

[36] At an early or appropriate time; OED.

[37] "No-one who exalts himself in the face of Superiors has ever gone unpunished." Ignatius, third bishop of Antioch, was sent to Rome to be killed by the beasts in the amphitheatre. Among the most famous documents of early Christianity, his letters to Christian communities frequently exhort obedience to their bishop, and appear in a number of Greek recensions. I have been unable to find an exact source for Sadler's Latin in any version of the "third" epistle, to the Thrallians. But Archbishop James Ussher published an edition of Ignatius that incorporates materail from Robert Grosteste's Latin version of a lost Greek original. In this version of the second epistle, to the Magnesians, Ussher supplies: "Nemo enim inultus remansit, qui se contra potiores extulit," Ignatii, Polycarpii, et Barnabae, Epistolae (Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1643), p. 51. Since all but one copy of this work were destroyed by a fire at the printing house, Ussher's edition was reissued as Polycarpi et Ignatii Epistolae (Oxford: Henry Hall, 1644). See Kirsopp Lake, trans., The Apostolic Fathers, 2 vols. (London: Heinemann, 1925), vol. 1.

[38] Goliath] Goliah

[39] Goliath's] Goliah's

[40] Here a symbol of divine authority against rebellion. When asked by Pharoah for proof that he was on the Lord's mission, Aaron turned his rod into a "serpent." When the Egyptian court wizards imitated the trick, his rod swallowed up theirs (Ex. 7: 10-12). The Lord later commanded Moses to take up Aaron's rod "for a token against the rebels" (Num. 17: 10; and see Heb. 9: 4).

[41] "Nursing Father:" a key trope in the defense of the sacramental authority of kings that is not uncommonly invoked in estoration panegyrics to Charles. Faced with his countrymen's infidelity, Moses complains to the Lord of his burden to "carry them" in "his bosom, as a nursing father" (Num. 11: 12), and see Isaiah 49: 23: "And kings shall be thy nursing fathers." Compare J. P., The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes To King Charles the Second, line 43; Sadler's Majestie Irradiant, lines 120-26; and contrast Thomas Pecke, To The Most High and Mighty Monarch Charles the II: "CHARLES with maternal Care, kept LONDON plump," line 331.

[42] An obvious problem for royalists, especially following the execution of Charles I. Although the phrase is not specifically Davidic, the question of God punishing the wicked saturates Psalms and Proverbs. See especially Psalm 94, which Sadler probaby had in mind here, and see Job 21: 7, Eccl. 11: 16, Jer. 12: 1.

[43] Sadler's Oracle echoes Jotham's parable foretelling the ruin of Abimelech's conspiracy; see Judges 9: 8-20, esp. 15.

[44] Closing parenthesis missing.

[45] Clearly refering to both Solomon and James, thereby one of the points where Sadler's use of biblical parallels are not simply localized in the moment of 1660.

[46] See Herbert, "The Sacrifice," adapted in 1647 as a monologue for (supposedly) Charles I.

[47] And] Aud

[48] See Zech. 12: 11.

[49] Joshua's progress westward required the reduction of the city of Ai, but his troops were initially unsuccessful. See Joshua 7, which conflates the story with that of Achan's transgression.

[50] See 2 Sam. 16: 5-7.

[51] "Only less than God."

[52] See 2 Sam. 18 for the defeat and death of Absalom.

[53] Shemaiah is the Levite priest through whom the Lord speaks to Rehoboam during the rebellion of Jeroboam; see I Kings 12: 22-24, and 2 Chron 11: 2.

[54] Compare George Herbert's "The Collar," line 22.

[55] Both Moses and Joseph kept their faith even while rising to positions of eminence in the Egyptian court. Joseph resisted the sexual advances of his master's wife (Gen. 39: 7-20), but Sadler's conceit -- "shun the Courting Stream, / Of Stollen waters" -- remains obscure.

[56] Eighth] Eight

[57] Adonijah, David's son by Haggith, proclaimed himself king during his father's old age with the support of Joab and Abiather. When news that David had annointed Solomon king was announced at Adonijah's feast, his guests fled. Solomon pardoned Adonijah on the promise of good behavior, but subsequently had him put to death for requesting a wife. Abiather is deprived of the priesthood, and Joab slain. See I Kings 1-2.

[58] Sadler's version of the rebellion of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram against Moses follows Numbers 16.

[59] Echoing Numbers 16: 3.

[60] Echoing Numbers 16: 13.

[61] Closing parenthesis missing.

[62] Echoing Numbers 16: 14.

[63] Numbers 16: 22.

[64] Numbers 16: 19.

[65] Echoing Numbers 16: 28-30.

[66] Echoing Numbers 16: 32.

[67] Sadler's speaker combines features of the woman of Endor's vision of Samuel -- "an old man . . . covered with a mantle" (1 Sam. 18: 14) -- and Matthew's description of John the Baptist, who "had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins" (Mat. 3: 4).

[68] The speech of the Old Man marks the final stage in Sadler's recounting of sacred history, bringing the catalogue of Old Testament rebels who eventually fell up to Jeroboam.

[69] As the speech shows by listing several of his previous sins, Saul didn't need to consult the woman of Endor to find out that he deserved punishment.

[70] By sparing Agag's life and by not destroying the wealth of the Amelikites, Saul disobeyed Samuel's command from the Lord and then lied about it: see 1 Samuel 15: 9-23.

[71] 1 Sam. 22: 17.

[72] Saul plots against David in 1 Sam 19:8-11.

[73] 1 Samuel 28: 7-20.

[74] For Jeroboam's overthrow by King Abijah, see Chron. 13.

[75] 2 Chron. 13: 3.

[76] 2 Chron. 13: 13.

[77] Echoing Abijah's speech summoning the tribes shortly before overthrowing Jeroboam; 2 Chron. 13: 7-8.

[78] 2 Chron. 15-18.

[79] On 15 March 1660, "the eve of the day when the Parliament was at length to pronounce its own dissolution . . . A working painter, accompanied by some soldiers, and carrying a ladder in his hand, approached a wall in the city near the Royal Exchange, where eleven years before an inscription in Latin had been placed, Exit Tyrannus, regum ultimus, anno libertatis Angliæ restitutiæ primo, annoque Domini 1648. The workman effaced the inscription, and threw his cap into the air, exclaiming, `God bless KING CHARLES II!' The crowd joined its acclamations, and bonfires were lighted on the spot" (M. Guizot, The History of England From the Earliest Times to the Accession of Queen Victoria, edited by Madame de Witt, trans. Moy Thomas, 3 vols. [London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1877-79], 2: 553). See also An Exit To The Exit Tyrannus: Or, Upon Erasing that Ignominious and Scandalous Motto, which was set over the place where King Charles the First Statue stood, in the Royall Exchange, which appeared on 17 March. My thanks to Lois Potter for suggesting this.

[80] Sadler's epilogue recalls Herbert's religious echo-poem, "Heaven." (Lois Potter).

[81] ye'nt] copy text

[82] Farewell] Farwell e struckout by hand in Bodleian copy.

[83] Farewell] Farwell e struckout by hand in Bodleian copy.

[84] Trees] Tree s struckout by hand in Bodleian copy.

T. W.
Dolor, ac Voluptas.
8 May

   Title: Dolor, ac Voluptas, invicem cedunt. / OR / ENGLANDS / Glorious Change, by Calling Home of / KING CHARLES / THE SECOND. / Together with the Royalists Exaltation, / And the Phanatiques Diminution. / [text] / LONDON, Printed in the year 1660.

    Wing: W116; brs.


    LT 669.f.25(10), ms dated "8 May"; chk 1/96

    L L.23.C.1(88): COPYTEXT ent 1/96; chk 4/96

Dolor, ac Voluptas, invicem cedunt.
Glorious Change, by Calling Home of
Together with the Royalists Exaltation,
And the Phanatiques Diminution.

1: COme Muse; did'st ever joy in recreating,
2: And solace of thy self in nominating
3: Dangers expel'd; When in a calm of Peace,
4: Thou resting ly'st, as in a Bed at ease.
5: Didst ever hear that War was sought of any
6: Unless by those which (as their Trade) kept many
7: Sluggards, and such, who nothing had to leese,
8: Except it were their Cloaths, their Lice, and Fleas.
9: Peace ea'nt for such, then soon absent your selves,
10: It is a Rock that must destroy these Elves;
11: They hang their heads, yet dare not seem to cry,
12: At this their unexpected misery.
13: They know that if they vissibly do frown,
14: There is a rod will whip their Stomacks down,
15: Our worthy General, whose eccho'd fame,
16: Shall sing aloud great Trophies of his name --
17: 'Twas he that came here as a Favourite,
18: Who seemingly did own the Rumpers right,
19: Not through his fear, 'twas through his policy,
20: To period the Kingdomes misery,
21: Not by a bloody fight, there need no more,
22: Such massacring as we have had before.
23: Such waste of blood in stopping of that flame,
24: Which through the fire of Swords had rais'd the same.
25: Go Lobsters hide your selves within the deep,
26: That is the fittest place for you to creep,
27: Shew not your heads Phanatiques, our intent,
28: Is for to serve the King and Parliament.
29: You as the wicked weeds amongst good Corn,
30: Shall by your deepest Roots from thence be torn;
31: You Coblers, Plough-men, which thought it no crime,
32: With others means, to make your selves sublime.
33: Know wee've a King a comming (long Exil'd)
34: To punish you, but oh he's farr to milde:
35: He dont delight his name abroad to spread,
36: Or make his Foes by Rigour his name dread:
37: He's mercifull, firm in his undertaking,
38: His old, and trusty Friends, in not forsaking,
39: Pittifull unto such who have deserv'd
40: His angry Brow, and from his Cause have swerv'd;
41: But woe to you, new Lords, your first degree,
42: Had been a Thousand times more fit for yee.
43:      And you Poor Royalists, which were a prey,
44: Unto those Wolves, and long time obscure lay,
45: Advance your selves, lift up your heads on high,
46: Your Shepheards looks, will make the Wolves to fly;
47: Your long expected CHARLES is comming home,
48: Never such joy ere came to Christendome.
49: Our Nation like a Ship e'ne over blown,
50: Our Laws, Lives, Liberties, e'ne overthrown,
51: Our Churches jeer'd, our Ministers dispis'd,
52: Nothing for Christianity is priz'd;
53: But what's allowed, by the Quaking Dogs,
54: Who were in swarms, resembling Egypts Frogs.
55: Till God beholding us, did pitty take,
56: Destroying them, even for his Gospels sake;
57: And for a MOSES, he a MONK did send,
58: Who with his rod, did us from them defend.
59: Then let us not ascribe this unto Fate,
60: Or unto Chance, as being fortunate;
61: But unto th'Almighty God, who did portend
62: These blessings for us, give praise to -- --


T. W.

LONDON, Printed in the year 1660.

London and England Triumphant
8 May

   Describes events of 8 May, but in such general terms as to suggest it may have been written and published in advance of the occasion.


1: ENgland cast off thy mourning,
redemption now draws neer
The Sun begins to shine again
and every thing looks clear,
5: Thou now hast hit the mark at which
thou hast so often aim'd,
For Royal Charls the Second
is happily proclaim'd.

This is the greatest generall Joy
10:       I think, that ever was,
And as miraculous a day
as ere was brought to pass,
In less than six months time it was
dangerous to have him nam'd,
15: Yet now King Charls the Second, &c.

A valiant and more virtuous Prince
England could never boast
Circled about with providence
sent from the Lord of Host
20: Witness the scape at Worster,
so worthy to be nam'd
But good King Charls the Second, &c.

Our wise Astrologers fore-told
the King should nere come home
25: Lilly and Booker were too bold
to write a Prince his doom
'Twas not for want of ingnorance,
but now their Art is maim'd,
For good King Charls the Second, &c.

30: shop-keepers might have shut up shops
cause Trading did decay
But since they are in better hopes
they shut up shops for joy
For now they shall have all things
35:       for which their wishes aim'd
Since Royal Charls the Second, &c.

Our Schismaticks look sourely
to see our cause of Joy
If it did in their power lye
they would the Cause destroy
Their pride, their grand hypocrisies
and treacheries are tam'd,
Since Royal Charls the Second
is Englands King proclaim'd.

The second part to the same Tune

45: BUt our Loyal Nobility
and Gentry too, may say,
This is a great deliverance,
just at the latter day,
When as the King in sorrow sate
50:       and Kingdome was inflam'd,
God rais'd him to a Throne of State
For now the King's proclaim'd.

The Royal Clergy have been starv'd
beheaded and undone,
55: Whilst Weavers, and whilst Coblers did
into their Pulpits run,
Where Blasphemy was daily taught,
and things not to be nam'd
Till good King Charls the Second
60:       was royall proclaim'd.

The Law and sacred Gospel too
were both Malignants grown
They use our Lands, as if wee had
no title to our own,
65: Rebellion was a Babe of Grace
and Loyalty was blam'd
Till good King Charls the Second
was lawfully proclaim'd.

The Church of England was abus'd
70:       grosly by such as those
Our Apron Priests made mouths at us
our Saints sung through the Nose,
Beloved take up arms, they cry'd
and do as wee have fram'd,
75: But now even in their height of pride,
King Charls is new proclaim'd.

If Oliver and Bradshaw had
but liv'd to see this day
Without all doubt they would run mad
and hang themselves for joy
It was a dreadful danting
but for to hear him nam'd.
Oh! how they'd fall a canting
to hear him King proclaim'd.

85: The Sun shone very brightly, yet
the rain and hail did fly
Which shews when lawful Sons do reign
all hail the Heavens cry,
The joyes of all the City
90:       were highly to be fam'd
When Royal Charls the Second
was lawfully proclaim'd.

With drum and trumpet, horse and foot
and every Trained band
95: As if they meant for to go to't
gainst all that dare withstand
God save the King, all people cry'd
as soon as hee was nam'd
And thus King Charls the Second
100:      was royally proclaim'd.

God save the King, cry I too
And Parliament also
That Prince and people may unite
and prosperously grow,
105: God bless my good Lord General Monk
may hee be ever fam'd.
Who was the cause that good King Charls
the Second is proclaim'd.

London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow hill. Entered according to Order. FINIS.

England's Day of Joy and Reioicing
8 May

   See "The Cavaliers Comfort" (also printed for Gilbertson) for this refrain. A selfdated description of the events of 8 May: "CHeer up your hearts kind Country-men"

   Englands day of Joy and Reioycing, Or, Long lookt for is come at last. / Or the true manner of proclaiming CHARLS the Second King of Eng- / land, &c. Ths Eighth day of this present May; to the ever honored praise / of Generall Monck, being for the good of his Country and the Parliament.

To the Tune of, Jockey. [cuts]

CHear up your hearts kind Country-men,
once again, for we have them,
Now done the deed
Be no longer now so sad
but be all glad, though you have had
Both sorrow and need
For [seeing fat] Foxes once were chief,
And often with you plaid the Thief
And now the Huntsman he is come,
And hath put them all to the run,
Though they so long a time have sat,
About this and that, and I know not what,
Now General Monck hath done the thing,
And proclaimd Charls our royal King.

Then let us for his welfare pray,
both night and day, as on the way,
We passe along,
That his Enemies may be trapand,
that holds up hand, or gives command
To do him wrong,
For there is two many now adays,
That if they might but have their ways,
Both King and Kingdome would destroy,
So they themselves might it inioy,
But let all those now have a care,
Let they fall into the hang-mans snare,
For it is General Monck that has done the thing
And proclaimed, &c.

Now I will in brief declare,
therefore be ware, and you shall hear,
Before you go,
Though he so longtime hath been crost,
and often tost, like to a post,
Both too and frow,
Yet now to England he must come,
For to redeem all those from doom,
That hath been kept under command,
And give them freedom in the land,
And be sure he will know all those,
Who are his friends, and who were his foes,
Then let his friends all merrily sing,
that Charles is proclaim'd, &c.

Though the Foxes father did destroy,
with much anoy, that he might not inioy,
His own,
Now let king Charls now have his right,
both day and night, in the despite
Of any one,
For it would have angered any one
For to have been kept from their own,
So long as young Charles he hath been,
This seaven long years durst not be seen,
So was the Duke of York likewise,
But now the country people cries,
It is General Monck has done the thing,
and proclaimed Charls, &c.

The second part, To the same Tune
[cuts of crowns over each column]

ANd now Fred Parliament doth sit,
with honour great, all men compleat,
To settle peace now in the land,
I pray to God they may prevail,
with fervent zeal; and not to fail,
What they have in hand,
And for to settle right the lawe,
And to maintain the good old cause,
As heretofore time hath been,
In Elizabeths days our maiden Queen,
For we no good laws have had,
This twenty years to make us glad,
But now General Monck has done the thing
And proclaimed Charls our royal King.

Now all the Ranters and the Quakers,
and the Shakers, and their Partakers,
must go down,
So must the Anabaptist too,
unto their wo, no more must go
Aspeaking up and down,
Though they did into houses surch,
Yet now they must repair to the Church,
No more private meetings they must have,
Nor yet no speaker them to save,
For they too long their wicked courses have run
And many poor people have left undon,
But now General Monck will have no such thing
For he has proclaimd, &c.

The Quakers had the land over-run,
and it undone, if Monck had not come
their fury to swage,
For when that Lambert he went forth,
unto the North, then they were in wrath,
and in great rage.
The Ministers they would destroy,
If that they would not them obey,
And the Protestants they would have foold,
But Monck their courage hath quickly cool'd,
They raised Armies in the West,
For to destroy both man and beast,
But Monck and alteration did bring,
And hath proclaimed, &c.

Then let us all pray to God,
and one accord, that his true word
may with us remain,
And it is a thing to be considered on,
and thought upon, what Monck hath done,
without destroying honest men:
To carry all thing, so uprightly as he hath done,
For the good of the Country since first he begun,
Without any shedding or spilling of blood,
Though he had many enemies that him withstood,
Yet God was on his side, you may very well know
That helpt him to beat down the Protestants foes
It is General Monck that has done this thing,
And has proclaimed, &c.

And now you Countrymen all,
both great and small, unto you all
I send this song,
Hoping your taxes shall be freed,
which you have much need, and indeed
Have paid it for so long,
For if Lambert and Fleetwood, in their ways had gone,
The poore protestants had been quite undone,
Lambert was for the Baptist as I did hear,
&Fleetwood for the Quakers as it doth appear
So they two would have agreed with high renown,
That ye poor Protestants should all have gone down,
But Monck an alteration did with him bring,
and has proclaimd, &c.

And now I wish that all those,
who are at his foes, or about goes,
him to destroy,
That they may be striken blind or lame,
unto their shame, which speaks his fame,
for to annoy.
For if General Monck had not stood our friend,
For of sorrow and woes, we should never had an end
But, deceit and delusions more and more,
True loving friends they turnd out of door,
And now you kind Countrymen be not in hast.
For though you have long lookt for it, it is come at last,
For General Monck has done the thing,
and so God save Charls our royal King.

The true manner of proclaiming Charles the second King of England, &c. by the too Houses of Parliament, Lords and Commons from Westminster, through all the streets of London, and accompanied by the Lord Mayor, and Aldermen, and Common-Councel of the City of London, with all the City Trained-bands for their Gard, and many thousands of Citizens on Horse-back.
London, Printed for W. Gilbertson, at the sign of the Bible in Giltspur-street.

I. W.
Englands Honour, and Londons Glory
8 May

   On Tuesday, May 8, Charles was officially proclaimed king. This ballad agrees with standard accounts of the day's proceedings: Gilbertson also produced England's Day of Joy for this day. A ceremonial procession of both Lords and Commons started out at noon, "Which being finished the Pallace Yard did eccho with the acclamations of the people crying long live King chrles the Second" (Public Intelligencer 7 (7-14 May), p. 106). The procession moved through London via Whitehall to Temple Bar, where they were joined by the Lord Mayor and members of the City Council, then on to Cheapside and the Old Exchange, "the streets being so thronged with the multitudes of people, all manifesting how pleasing the actions of this day was to them" (ibid). See also the account in Rugg, pp. 79-80, and Mercurius Publicus (3-10 May).

    The same day, Richard Cromwell resigned the Chancellorship of Oxford University.

Englands honour, and Londons glory.
With the manner of proclaiming Charles the second King of England, this eight of
May, 1660. by the honourable the two houses of Parliament, Lord Generall Monk,
the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Counsell of the City.
The tune is, Vive la Roy.

1: COme hither friends and listen unto me,
2:      and hear what shall now related be,
3: For joy and comfort is now come to yea,
4:      and happy dayes in England you'l see:
5: The King and Parliament now are agreed,
6:           to ease our sadnesse,
7:           with joy and gladnesse,
8: And for to free us from all our annoy
9:      as by the Parliament now is decreed.
10:           then let us sing boyes,
11:           God save the King boyes,
12: Drink a good health and sing Vi vel a Roy.

13: The first of May to our great comfort,
14:       by our good King a Message was sent,
15: the which ye Parliament receiv'd with concord
16:      and sent abroad the Land to consent.
17: For so Lords and Commons together agreed
18:           with their free consent,
19:           and being well bent,
20: For they will suffer none us to destroy,
21:      the which doth both our joy &comfort breed.
22:           then let, &c:

23: The right of May as my muse doth here sing,
24:       Royall King Charles with a full consent
25: Was then proclaimed Englands fair King,
26:       by Lords and Commons of Parliament.
27: And by the heavenly powers divine,
28:           and in Londons Citty
29:           The cause of this Ditty
30: Unto all this Nation now tel of this joy
31:       the which unto the same did incline.
32:           then let, &c.

33: The two houses in the Pallace Yard
34:       General Monk himselfe being by,
35: Proclaimed the King with great regard,
36:      their acclamation reached the skye,
37: From thence they marched along the Strand,
38:           Unto Temple-barr,
39:           whereas they met there
40: The Citizens all with exceeding joy,
41:      they generally without command
42:           Cry'd God save the King boyes,
43:           the Earth did ring boyes,
44: they cast up their hats and cry'd Vive la Roy

45: The Lord Mayor and Aldermen in velvet gowns,
46:      and over their heads their hats they did wave,
47: Not caring at all the spending their Crowns
48:      rejoycing that Charls his birth-right should have
49: The City Horse and their trained Bands
50:           this triumph did grace,
51:           each man in his place,
52: Did shout for the good wee now shall enjoy,
53:      the people shouted and clapt their hands,
54:           Crying God save the King, &c.

55: Through fair London City we wil understand
56:      ye loud sounding trumpets ye sam did proclaim
57: The like Eccho never hath bin in th's Land
58:      then let these three Nations rejoyce for ye same,
59: And all good people that in them remain
60:           All men did rejoyce
61:           With heart and with voyce
62: Which all our sorrows at once did destroy
63:      for joy that Charles his right he shall gain.
64:           then let us sing boyes
65:           God save the King boyes
66: Drink a good health and cry Vive la Roy.

67: The Bells in the City did answer them then,
68:      such gallant musick hath seldome bin heard,
69: The Trumpets returned their Ecco again,
70:      no heart from rejoycing at that time was bar'd,
71: For the greatest number were all of one mind,
72:           at every stand,
73:           the Mayor did command
74: The sounding trumpets to proclaim the joy,
75:      the City in this great comfort did find,
76:           then let, &c.

77: The City so high'y did prize the same,
78:      and for to shew their ardent desire,
79: The City seemed all in a flame,
80:      the which thousands then did admire,
81: Such vast charges men did then bestow,
82:           the truth for to tell,
83:           the City did excell,
84: So great was their expressions of their joy,
85:      no great Joy could be here below.
86:           then let, &c.

87: The Lords and Commons likewise were glad,
88:      to see the people so soon to comply,
89: Many were reviv'd that were sad,
90:      for there were none that to joyn did deny.
91: This glorious sight was most tryumphant,
92:           so great was the noyse
93:           expressing their joyes,
94: And the peoples hearts were fil'd with such joy:
95:      not one was heard to make any complaint.
96:           then let, &c.

97: Many brave Gallents are gon to the King
98:      to bear such a present as never was sent
99: Heretofore, and wee hope they him will bring
100:      for to be crowned by this Parliament:
101: Cheer up fair England rejoyce and be glad,
102:           thy rights they'l restore,
103:           as was here to-fore,
104: And all offences they quite will destroy,
105:      and no one shall then have cause to be sad,
106:           then let, &c.

107: This famous City great Jove defend them,
108:      their grave Messengers from them are gone,
109: Unto the King for to recommend them
110:      unto him the Citizens every one.
111: Heaven blesse those Messengers that faithfull be,
112:           trust is reposed,
113:           their mind inclos d
114: For his Subjects welfare is all his joy.
115:      by his Declaration at large you see.
116:           then let, &c.

117: And now to conclude the eight of May,
118:      caused all English-men loud for to sing,
119: It was a joyfull and happy day.
120:      Bon-fires did burn and the Bells did ring,
121: Then let us praise our great God above,
122:           he hath brought to passe,
123:           the like never was,
124: Such great acclamations of exceeding joy,
125:      by fame performed and the God of love.
126:           then let us sing boyes,
127:           God save the King boyes,
128: Cast up your Caps and cry Vive La Roy.

The true manner of Proclaiming Charles the Second King of England, &c. by the two Houses of Parliament, Lords and Commons from Westminster, through all the streets of London, and accompanied by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Counsell of the City of London: With all the City Trained Bands for their Guard, and many thousands of Citizens on Horse-back.
London, Printed for William Gilbertson.

Alexander Huish
verses from
Musa Ruralispp. [i verso], 7-8, 13
[10 May]

   Thomason dated his copy 10 May, 1660; Nicholas Crouch paid 4d for his copy, now in OB.The final latin epigrams on p. 17 are signed and dated "Mense Maio, 1660."

   Although the second set of verses appear under the title "The same in English," they bear little resemblance to the Latin -- check. Erskine Hill calls them a "free rendering" of the original Latin, and takes them as appearing in the May of Charles's arrival.

A Michaelmas nights Dream in the year 1653.
now accomplished in his Majesties Royall Per-
son, and his Opposites.

1: I Dream't, and to my thinking in my dream
2: I saw a pearch on high, whereon did pitch
3: A flight of birds, (black they to me did seem;
4: Crowes or Jack-dawes, I could not well tell which,)
5:      Nesting for place, till I beheld anon,
6:      Both pearch and birds were vanisht quite and gone.

7: I look't; and loe, another pearch as high,
8: As was the former, there in place did stand:
9: Where flew a Turtle, blew as Azure Skie:
10: But could not reach it, till by other hand
11:      She there was plac't: where she did safely sit:
12:      I wak't, and as I dream't, my dream I writ.

Septemb. 30. 1653.
ALEX. HUISH. (p. [i] verso)

[Latin verses pp. 1-6]
The same in English.

1: SPrung from great Kings and good, Thou of the rest,
2: Great Britanes greatest Steward, hop't the best;
3: Long is thy absence from thy native home:
4:      Come; thy great Councell bids thee, come.

5: Restore thy Country her lost light, good King;
6: Thine own sweet face, which since like lovely Spring
7: W' have hop't to see, the day hath merrier gone,
8:      The Sun hath brighter, better shone.

9: Look how a Mother her dear Child awaits,
10: Who is a voyage gone beyond the Streights,
11: Whom surly winds more then a long years space
12:      Deteins from his sweet dwelling place;

13: She look's, and vow's, and pray's; and ne're gives o're;
14: Nor turns her face from the creeke-winding shore:
15: Struck so with fealty and loves holy fires,
16:      Thy Country Thee, her Charles desires.

17: Hoping, the Ox shall freely walk again;
18: Plenty and peace, Thou reigning, now shall reign;
19: Merchants shall without danger passe the Seas:
20:      Faith shall not now fear to displease.

21: The Chast house shall with no shame be defil'd;
22: Manners and Laws foul sin shall tame; the Child
23: Like born shall yield the Mother praises true;
24:      And punishment all vice subdue.

25: Who shall need fear or forreign Enemies,
26: Or tumults rais'd by home-bread Sectaries,
27: While Charles is safe? who shalt by help of God
28:      Keep peace with Spain and all abroad.

29: Each one then lying under his own Vine,
30: The Widow Trees shall with her branches twine;
31: Then to the Temple go, and pray for thee,
32:      And all the Royall Progenee.

33: With prayers all true hearts, and some in verse,
34: As I do now, they shall thy name rehearse,
35: Wishing thee glorious in thy Royall seat,
36:      As France's Charles, more good, more great.

37: Long mayst thou live, and make long holy-day,
38: Good King, unto thy Country: 'tis the lay,
39: We fasting sing and full; at morn, at night,
40:      When the clear day hath lost her light.

(pp. 7-8)

[Latin verses, pp. 9-12]

Yet again,
Upon the Anniversary of his Majesties
Birth-day, May 29.

1: LIke as the Rose appearing now in Spring;
2: So lovely sweet, so pleasing to the eye
3: Appears our Charles, our Sovereign Lord and King,
4: With graces fit for so great Majesty:
5: Blessed be God, who hath thus brought once more
6: The Rose and Crown together as before.

7: Not the Red Rose, nor yet the White alone:
8: The Red too deep, the White too pale to be
9: For perfect beauty seemes; but both in one
10: The Damask Rose, the chief of all the three.
11:      Fresh be thy Bud, as Rose at end of May;
12:      On this thy Birth -- , this thy sweet Holy-day.

A. H.

Alexander Brome
England's Joy
14 May

   Thomason dated his copy of Henry Brome's edition on Monday 14 May; Wood dated his simply May. An earlier and shorter version appeared under the title "For General Monk his entertainment at Cloath-workers Hall." [13 Mar]." rpt in Songs and Poems (1661, 1664, 1668), pp. 114-15, and is reprinted in Dubinski, 1.175-177.

For the Coming in of our Gratious Soveraign
King CHARLES the Second

1: RIng bells, and let bonefires out-blaze the Sun,
2:      Let Ecchoes contribute their voice,
3: For now a happy settlement's begun,
4:      To shew how we do all rejoyce:
5:            If we by this
6:            Can have the bliss
7:      To re-injoy a Unity,
8:            Wee'll do no more
9:            As heretofore,
10:      But will in mutual love increase;
11:      If we can once agen have peace
12: How joyful shall we be?

13: The King shall his Prerogatives enjoy,
14:      The State their Privilege shall have,
15: He will not Theirs, nor will they His anoy,
16:      But both each others strive to save:
17:            The people shall
18:            Turn loyal all
19:      And strive t'obey his Majesty,
20:            And truth and Peace
21:            Shall both increase,
22:      They'l be obedient to the Laws
23:      And hate that Subtle name of Cause.
24: Then joyful shall we be.

25: The Parliament will rise no more in armes
26:      To fight against their lawfull King,
27: Nor be349deluded by their factious charms
28:      That all the Realm to treason bring:
29:            They'l learn to vote
30:            No more by rote
31:      Nor pass their Bills ex tempore,
32:            But study peace
33:            And trades increase,
34:      Since now we finde it is not good
35:      To write the Kingdomes Peace in blood,
36: But joyfull shall we be.

37: The Coblers shall not edifie their Tubbs
38:      Nor in Divinity set stitches,
39: Wee'l not b'instructed by Mechanick scrubs,
40:      Women shan't preach with men for breeches,
41:            The prickear'd Tribe
42:            That won't subscribe
43:      Unto our Churches Hierarchie
44:            Must England leave,
45:            And to Geneve,
46:      New England, or to Amsterdam,
47:      With all whom Church and State can't tame;
48: Then joyful, &c.

49: Wee'l toyle no more to maintain Patentees
50:      That feed upon poor peoples trade,
51: Star Chamber shan't vex guiltless men for fees,
52:      Nor Law to Vice for bribes be Bawd:
53:            The Bishops each
54:            Will learn to preach,
55:      Rich Clergy will not silent be,
56:            And Judges all
57:            Impartial,
58:      When Laws alike to all degrees,
59:      No sleeping Judges gape for fees.
60: How joyfull, &c.

61: Wee'l fight no more for Jealousies, and Fears,
62:      Nor spend our blood, we know not why;
63: The Roundheads shall shake hands with Cavaliers,
64:      And both for King and Countrey die:
65:            The Sword shall not
66:            Maintain a Plot
67:      For fear of plots which ne're shall be,
68:            Nor will we still
69:            Each other Kill
70:      To fight for those that are as far
71:      From peace as they will be from war.
72: But joyfull, &c.

73: The broken Citts no more shall lick their Chops,
74:      Nor wealth recruit with Country's store,
75: But lay down armes, and keep within their Shops,
76:      And cry what lack you? as before;
77:            They'll turn agen,
78:            Blew aprond men,
79:      And leave their titles of degree,
80:            Nor will they prate
81:            'Gainst Church, and State,
82:      But change their Feathers, Flags, and Drums,
83:      For Items and the total Sums.
84: How joyfull, &c.

85: We will not Garrisons of Lubbers feed,
86:      To plunder, drink, and gather pay,
87: While they lye lazing, and are both agreed
88:      To fetch our goods and us away;
89:            And though they Swear,
90:            We will not care,
91:      Nor to such Skowndrells servile be;
92:            We will not stand,
93:            With Cap in hand,
94:      Beseeching them to let alone
95:      The goods which justly are our own.
96: But joyfull, &c.

97: Fanatick Troupers must go home agen,
98:      And humbly walk afoot to plow,
99: Nor domineer thus over honest men,
100:      But work to get their livings now;
101:            Or if their mind
102:            Be not inclin'd
103:      To leave their former Knavery,
104:            A halter shall
105:            Dispatch them all,
106:      And then the Gallows shall be made
107:      The high'st preferment of their trade.
108: A joyfull sight to see.

109: Let Roundheads shake their circumcized ears,
110:      We'll ride about as well as they,
111: Nor will we stand in fear of Cavaliers
112:      That sleep all night, and drink all day;
113:            When we can find
114:            Both sides enclin'd
115:      To change their War for Unity;
116:            O 'twill be brave,
117:            If we can have
118:      The Freedom granted by our Charter,
119:      And scape from plunder, pay, and quarter;
120: How joyfull shall we be?

London, Printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1660.

[349] be] he copytext

G. S.
Britains Triumph
14 May

To the Worshipful and truly Honorable
Major General of the Famous City of London;
Colonel of the Green Regiment:
True paterns of Cordial Loyalty to their
KING, Faithful Patriots of their
Countrey, and deserving Members of that
Noble Metropolis, in which they are
Exemplary Citizens and Gallant
Commanders; LONDON.

HEroick souls, to you belongs of right,
This, whatso'ere it is, I wish it might
Answer my wishes, and your due desert,
But as it is, accept I pray the heart
5: Of him, who most ambitious is to serve
You to his utmost power, who deserve
Immortal honour, for what you have done
In order to bring back th' Heir to's Crown.
Your grateful Countrey doth confess your praise,
10: London by your help now Triumphs in Bayes,
Which formerly did droop, the way was led
By that Great George, who struck our Dragon dead,
He led the Van, you follow'd in the Rear,
Your Loyalty now shines like Chrystall clear.
15: Accept (great Souls) these ruder lines, which I
Intend, to Celebrate your memory,
Such as they are, my good-will may express
The Lady's fair, though in a homely dress.

Worthy and Worshipful
Your faithful Honourer
Though undeserving Servant
G. S.

[ornamental header]
Britains Triumph.

AWake my Muse, let thy dull spirits be rais'd,
Shake off thy former drowsiness, from sleep
Rouse up thy heavy soul, let him be prais'd
Who from Destructions pit, out of the deep.
5:      Of troubles hath these Nations three redeem'd,
When to all mortall eyes they helpless seem'd.

Like to a Ship in storm, three Kingdomes lay
Upon Afflictions rageing Billowes tost:
The Pilot o're board thrown, (O dismal day!)
10: The Rudder of our Government quite lost.
Our Sun of happiness had hid his head,
And darknesse our Horizon overspread.

The Birds of darkness every where appear'd,
With frightfull shrieks which fluttered to and fro:
15: Goblins and Elves in every place were heard,
Hagges and Infernall Furies here below,
Had made their Mansion, and resolv'd to dwell,
Thus England seem'd the Suburbs of Black Hell.

After a long Night, loe our Sun appears,
20: Dispelling Mist and Fogges with his bright beams,
His heat and light, one warmth, th'other chears.
Our frozen, drooping spirits, so that streams
Of Joy now wash away the tears of grief,
From him our woes all finde their full relief.

25: Charles! glorious Name! but
glorious more by farre!
Of it the Subject, our Dread Soveraign!
Son of Great Charles, who now a sparkling Starre
In Heaven shines, his Son (long may he reign!)
Our Sun on Earth, let him excell in glory,
30:      His famous Father, matchlesse in any story.

Rest, Sacred, Royall Dust! sleeping in hope,
Thy Martyr'd Body Christs appearing waits,
While thy thrice blessed Soul, with Eyes wide ope,
Beholds his glory, thus those dismal Fates,
35:      Which snatcht thee from us, did but only lead
Thy spotlesse, Bridelike sp'rit to Christ her Head.

And thou the Son of an unpattern'd Sire
Who giv'st us hopes that him thou wilt excell,
Long mayst thou live, thy Subjects chief desire,
40: In pride of whom England shall shortly swell,
And bid defiance to her proudest Foes,
Charles! thou alone her bleeding wounds could'st close.

Skilfull Physician! who with Soveraign Balme
Three Kingdomes almost wounded to the death,
45: Didst know to cure, who so great a Calme
After so fierce a Tempest, with thy breath,
(Thy Princely breath) to this toss'd Ship could'st bring,
Which owns no Pilot but her lawfull King.

I'th Month of May, most pleasant of the Spring,
50: When Nature seemeth in her greatest pride,
Latona deckt with Flowers, Birds which sing
Sweetly upon each bow i'th Woods are spy'd,
Two days before its Exit, did appear
A Noon-day Starre in Englands Hemisphere.

55: That day, O happy Day! behold a Sonne
To Charles our King, (then happy King!) was born,
Three Nations joy and pride, what was not done,
His Princely pomp, (when Christned) to adorn?
He as his Fathers Heir, his Royall Name,
60:       Inherits first, and best it him became.

Charles! son of Charles, thus enters Englands Stage,
Whose brith (his Saviour like) a Starre did show,
An Omen, that he rist should feel the rage
Of Persecutors, and should glorious grow,
65:      By suffering first, this was our Princes Fate.
Whom Hells Afflictions led to Heavens Gate.

Ten years and scarce six Moneths this Royall Bud
Had grown upon the Sacred Princely Stock
When sad divisions, like a fearful floud,
Did threaten Majesty, against which Rock
70:      So many swelling waves billowes beat,
That overturn'd at last the Royall Seat.

His, and his Countreys Father by the streame,
Carryed with violence into the Deep,
This Infant Prince beholds, (poor soul) a Theame
75: Too sad to think on, thinking makes him weep,
And ev'ry object doth augment his grief,
Pity'd by some, yet findes of none relief.

Thus lives our Soveraign Lord, whom sorrowes School,
For twice ten years, had pious wisdome taught,
80: While Villanous Usurpers think to rule
His Kingdomes by an Iron Rod, which brought
The milder Scepter into due esteem,
When Saints in Title, Reall Monsters seem.

Then all men loath Usurped Tyranny,
85: Wish for their Kings Return in safety home,
Repent their long expressed cruelty
Toward so sweet a Prince whom only some
(Out of a guilty feare) kept in Exile,
Oppressing all his Loyall Friends the while.

90: The same Moneth which the joyfull newes did bring,
(Before its Exit) of this Princes birth,
Now enters with the Tydings of our King,
(Tydings most full of Joy, and reall Mirth)
When thrice ten years over his head had past,
95:      (Our King before) our King is own'd at last.

Ring out proud Bells, let these our Joyes resound,
In every Steeple through this gratefull Isle,
The Ecchoe's from all Countyes let rebound
Back to this Joyfull City, and the while
100:      Quite tyred Pho/ebus, in the Ocean hides
His weary beams, let Bonfires be our Guides.

Thus we the darkenesse of the Night will turn,
To artificiall day-light, and each street,
For want of Fuel, shall their Sign-posts burn,
105: The painted Lamb and Wolf in flames shall greet
Each other, proud thus to expresse their Joy,
That Charles shall come, whom fiends sought to destroy.

And now the day approaches, which did see
Our Charles (at one view) both a Man and Prince,
110: A Prince not greater by descent, then he,
Equalls his birth by merit, who long since,
Compell'd his Foes his Valour for to own;
And yet as mercifull, as stout is known.

Charles, that the World may know, how neer he comes
115: Unto his Saviours pattern, thirty years
Passeth more silently, Trumpets and Drums Sometimes awake his Courage, and the fears
Of his aspriring Enemies, who still,
Seem for to prosper, and to have their will.

120: But when thrice ten years of his Age are past,
Or thereabouts, behold our Royall King
Is owned publiquely, and for a taste
Of England's love, and bounty, Bells do ring,
Bonfires shine, Moneys are freely lent,
125:      And for a Present to our Charles are sent.350

With Expectation great the Eighth of May
Doth adde Incouragment to former hope,
This was to London a Triumphant day,
Those who in darkness seem'd before to grope,
130:      Now opened have their Eyes, and clearly see,
Englands Restorer can be none but he.

Oh! he that saw the joy express'd that day,
The peoples concourse, and their lively shout,
Who so had heard, how every one did pray
135: For this Kings Health, could entertain no doubt,
But that as he is Heavens Darling known,
So him (as their chief good) his Subjects own.

This was the Day wherein, (a turn most strange!)
Our Peerlesse Prince, Son of a matchlesse Sire,
140: From Pallace-yard, down to the Royall Change
Most solemnly, (by such who did aspire
Him to Proclaim and hear) proclaim'd and heard,
Was, our true Soveraign, to all indear'd.

Then might you heare the spritefull shouts, and cryes
145: Long live our blessed King, Charles! pious Prince,
Whose name with acclamations, rent the skyes,
And they their kinde acceptance to evince,
Let fall at first of Joy some sprinkling tears,
But soon with his bright beams the Sun appears.

150: Thus Heaven seems with Earth for to agree
In paying this just debt to both their friend,
The sky from Clouds and blustring windes was free,
The streets, (proud of this Office) did attend
On this Solemnity in cleanest dresse,
155:      The very houses Joy seem'd to expresse.

Each Shop stood early ope, then soon was shut,
Boasting their riches first to grace their King,
On whom such dreadfull reverence they put,
That day to work is judg'd a sordid thing.
160:      Work they that list cryes ev'ry Prentise Boy,
This day I'le only sing, Vive la Roy. [sic

The London Train'd Bands, glad that they might shew
Some signal token of their dear bought wit,
Early in Armes appear, at length they know
165: Rebellions sin, by punishment of it.
All are resolved now to make appear
Their Loyalty, unto their Soveraign dear.

And that they may wash off the staine and blot,
Contracted in these Wars first infancy,
170: When 'gainst their King they took up Armes, whose lot
It was to die his Subjects infamy.
(Though Crownd himself with such a Crown of glory,
Not to be parallel'd by any story.)

Now with a different, but better zeal
175: One heart doth seem in each mans breast to dwell,
All willing are a like the breach to heal,
In forwardness all strive for to excell.
So great appearance never England saw,
Charles magnetisme did so strongly draw.

180: The streets too narrow to receive the throng,
Were of themselves most ready to make room,
Nature our King to gratifie did long,
Dispenst with her dimensions law, for whom
A man would think five streets could scarce receive
185:      Finde place, yet for the show due space do leave.

Gallant spectators every room do fill
Whose prospect forward lay unto the street,
Each window stor'd with Ladies, who with still
And silent Eloquence, their Sov'raign greet;
190:      Their graceful countenances, beauties choyce,
Their cheerful smiles, made ev'n the stones rejoyce.

The splendid Servants of these charmes divine,
Each one his Mistress stood observant by,
Yet seem regardless of her beauties shrine,
195: A rarer object, had rapt ev'ry eye.
Love charmes are idle toyes, the only thing
Which all attend, is to proclaim their KING.

The ruder sort of Mankind, that stood by,
Both old and young, servants, both maids and men,
200: Poor Tradesmen likewise, 'mongst themselves did vye, Who should express affection most, for when,
The name of Charles did in their ears but sound,
Their Acclamations rent the very ground.

The Soldiers in most splendid equipage
205: Attend, this Joyful day to Celebrate,
Each one a young man seem'd, for elder age,
This news had changed to a younger date:
Among them were so many Voluntiers,
Six Regiments, an Army great appears.

210: You would have thought that every one in Armes,
Had there appear'd a Lady for to win;
So clad, so cheerful, as if all the charmes
Of Love each breast possessed had, but sin
Each man (that day) accounted such a thought,
215:      Thee, thee, O Charles! (none other) there they sought.

Each Alderman who there was in Command,
Exchang'd his Scarlet Robe for Warlike dresse:
Robinson of the Green, his Trained band
To Fleetstreet led, to be in readinesse
220:      The Proclamation to attend, so soon
As it the City entred, which was done.

Stout Browne who led the Horse, was ready there
In this great Solemn Scene to act his part,
And stately did perform it, every where
225: Throughout his Regiment, both voice and heart
Concur, thy Title just, great Charles! by word,
As to proclaime, so to defend by Sword.

Oh! what a gallant sight, 'twas to behold,
The spritely flower of the London youth,
230: Outvying one another, in their bold Defence of Charles their King, whom with one mouth
They all Proclaim their only Sov'raign Lord,
And do defie his foes with one accord.

Their Swords aloft over their heads they wave,
235: God blesse King Charles the Second, is the cry:
Their glittering weapons, with their clothes most brave,
Do make a glorious object to the eye:
This addes a lustre, but the cause ofjoy,
Is that we heard Proclaim'd, Vive la roy.

240: This cry the hearers so affects, that they,
Eccho it back again with such a voice,
As showes a true affection, Happy day
Saith ev'ry one, the very streets rejoyce:
Guns, Drums and Trumpets, rend the skies with noyse,
245:      Th' earth quakes with shouting of the London Boyes.

The prancing Horses very richly drest,
With riders who excell'd in gallantry:
Their joy together with their state exprest,
All ravish't seem with Charles his memory.
250:      The very houses wondred at this chance,
For joy the pavements ready were to dance.

Th'old drooping Churches, who had long been rob'd
Of their most faithfull Preachers, and for fear
Of never having them again, had sob'd,
255: And in sad grief had let drop many a tear:
Do now rejoyce at this approaching show,
The Bels themselves to ring are ready too.

Long live King Charles, the very stones would cry
Should men be silent, yea the very Drums,
260: Trumpets and Guns, to all the standers by,
(Sometimes, though seldom, as to passe it comes,
I know not by what fate) seem'd to Proclaim,
(The best Monarchs) great King Charles's name.

265:      Now comes the matcheless shew, and it to meet,
Londons Lord Major, and the Aldermen,
In all their Pompe, the welcome Heralds greet,
At Temple-bar, where that was done agen
Which was done twice before, at Palace-yard
270:      And at Whitehall, Great Charles, our King declar'd.

Th'attendants did withall solemnity
Perform their charge, and did such joy express
As might become the dread of Majesty,
Awful by right, yet lovely neretheless.
275:      Now England once more on her basis stands,
She hath her King, though yet he want his Lands.

To grace this sight both Houses now combine,
On it who with their Speakers do attend;
While Rumpish Lenthal sate at home, and whin'd
280: That his longwinded speaking had such end.
Yet one who once abjured both King and Duke,
Repents (as some say) limping, Rumpish Luke.

O that the Preaching Statesman had been there,
And heard Proclaimed his old Masters Son,
285: Whom basely he betray'd, t'have seen his cheer,
How like a patient of Doctor Dun
He'da look't, would doubtless have encreast the joy,
To see him louting, like the Hangmans boy.

Now Lord of Durhams Bishoprick! what chear?
290: No thoughts now how to cheat poor Collinwood?
To bribe a Jury? hire men to swear?
To turn the City to a bath of blood?
To fire the houses? and the Goldsmiths plunder?
Poor Arthur's jaw faln351, is not that a wonder?

295: Lord! what a Lord is Monson now become?
The Lord knows what, but ev'ry one knows where
He is to go, there is an equall doom
On him, and Harry Martin, who's in fear,
To live in Goal, will be too mild a fate,
300:      The hopes of both are gone with their Free-state.

Good Master Cecill, how like you this news?
Cry mercy Sir, I mean an Earl, I think,
But know not well, yet something on you shewes
Like to a badge of honor, though it stinke
305:      So Rumpishly, that I abhor the smell,
You have a neighbour by you, stinkes as well.

Oh! fie my Lords you make me hold my nose,
Basely degenerated Rumpish Earls!
Vile self-degrading Peers! I'ad rather chose
310: T'have been transmuted into Countrey carles.
Self do, self have, no wise man need to grieve,
A self undoing fool, who would relieve?

Poor Tom, by Nation English, by name Scot,
What shall I say thy chance for to condole?
315: Some say th' hast got (privily) God knows what,
And some men guesse, at Hockley in the hole.
Hadst thou but seen the triumph of that day,
'T had made the quickly Tom of Bedlam play.

What pity 'tis that Bradshaw went to Hell
320: So long before his time, upon whose Herse
So many tears from sobbing Needham fell,
Whose grief made him forget to weep in Verse,
But snivel'd out in Prose his Patrons prayse,
'Twas well his own curst hands cut short his dayes.

325: So dy'd accursed Pilate, as is told
By some who write of his deserved end;
Who ignorantly sentenc't 352 Christ, but bold
Villanous Bradshaw, like a hellish fiend,
Knew, yet condemned his most guiltlesse King,
330:      No hands like to own, his death to bring.

Now Needham get the rod of Mercury
His Caducean Rod, and once more change
Thy Knavish shape, 'thas been thy policy
To turn with times, but this a turn too strange
335:      For thee to turn with, therefore turn aside,
And take with thee the Hangman for thy Guide.

But who appears here with the Curtain drawn?
What Milton! are you come to see the sight?
Oh Image-breaker! poor Knave! had he sawn
340: That which the fame of, made him crye out-right.
He'ad taken counsel of Achitophell,
Swung himself weary, and so gone to Hell.

This is a sure Divorce, and the best way,
Seek Sir no further, now the trick is found,
345: To part a sullen Knave from's Wife, that day,
He doth repent his Choyce, stab'd, hang'd or drown'd,
Will make all sure, and further good will bring,
The wretch will rail no more against his King.

What newes from th'Ocean, I fain would know?
350: How doth the Rota turn? my pretty Boyes,
What hopes Republicans in such a show?
Certainly these are Babylonish toyes.
Poor Overton! himself who long did gull
With hopes that Christ would come and land at Hull.

355: Forsaken Fleetwood who of Fate complain'd,
Because she threw so great a stumbling-block
I'th way of his Rebellion, how disdain'd
He was, and how God seem'd his Prayers to mock
Ninive's Fast he fasted to no end,
360:      God in his face threw dirt, nor would attend.

Despairing Lambert! whither wilt thou run?
However let him scape he humbly begs:
Hard-hearted Ingoldsby353, could'st not be wonne
To let this Valiant Champion use his legges,
365:      When his hands failed him? O man forlorn!
Who might have push'd, yet did not use his horn.

Okey what wilt thou doe? there's no more Rump,
The Devil lately claim'd it as his Fee,
Took it, and pick'd it to the very stump,
370: Threw Barebones in his fire, there let him be,
Hee's well content may but his windowes scape,
Then hee'l Praysegod, and chatter like an Ape.

The rest who thought that Christ would come as King,
And reign among them, but mistook the time,
375: Which they were confident would be this Spring,
And were providing for to welcome him,
It is but fit they should both weep and bleed,
Who were so confident, yet lost their Creed.

Foolish Fanaticks, now at last repent.
380: What means this Idle Caterwawling Mew,
Who with his Brother Barebones idly went,
With a Petition of the Devils hew:
How scape his windowes? Praysegods Boyes did souse;
So, thrice, he seem'd to keep a Brothell-house.

385: Like fate, 'tis pity but that all should finde,
Who have so to their Reason bid adieu,
As for to be such a sottish minde
To leave Old Treasure for Toyes that are new,
T'abjure our King, (whom God preserve in health)
390:      To set up a Fanatick Common-wealth.

But now since our Distractions cause is gone,
And all our breaches likely to be heal'd.
Oh! let this King be dear by whom 'tis done,
Let former grudges ever be conceal'd,
395:      Let them no more revive, but buryed lye,
And be forgot unto Eternity.

Once more we see our Nobles in esteem,
Who all in state did solemnly attend,
To pay this long due debt, was't not a dreame?
400: Or was it reall? to me it reall seem'd,
And yet a dreame appear'd, a turn so strange!
Eight Moneths agoe, who would dream such a Change?

Long let thy name live most heroick soul,
Who of this Change was the grand Instrument.
405: Let Moncks Name famous be, who did controul
That Dragons Tayle of Monstrous Government,
Made Lambert jump into a Muddy Ditch,
And made the Rump scratch where it did not itch.

Will. Lenthall spake so long till he was hoarse,
410: Now he is speechlesse, Sexton tole the Bell,
If but a Quincy trouble him, perforce
Let Ropewort cure him, 'twill make him well,
If Haslerig or Vane should chance to faint,
Hemp is a strengthner, fit for such a Saint.

415: Lawson (it's like) may chance to learn more wit,
Taking Example from some rash mens harms,
Who were of his Fraternity, and split
Upon the Rock of rashnesse, soft fire warms,
Too great consumes, just so it is with Zeal,
420:      Blind, fiery, makes braches, milde, doth heal.

Let us at length be all united close
And firmly bound to this our matchlesse Prince,
Let's grutch him nothing, let not basenesse lose
Our choycest good on Earth his love, but since
425:      None but his Art our grief knew to allay,
'Tis most just we should for the medicine pay.

Live long Most blessed Soveraign, and let
Thy Birth-day (which is coming) see thee Crown'd,
God grant this Sunne of ours may not set,
430: Till Olive Branches stand thy Table round.
Thus, when to Nestors years, in peace thou hast
Us Govern'd, and shalt yield to Fate at last,
May thy more happy Sonne ascend thy Throne,
When thou shalt change Earth's for a Glory's Crown.

Sic lusit Poemate fausto, ad Calendas May, 1660. G.S.

See The Answer of The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-council of the City of london, to hi Majesties gracious Letter and Declaration, sent by the Lord Mordant; and a Present of ten thousand pounds from the City to the King; With their Declaration to submit to his Majesties Government, and an Order for taking down the States Arms, and setting up of the Kings. The names of the Earls, Lords, and Gentlemen appointed to go to the King; the rich and glorious Crown and Scepter, preparing for the Day-tryumphant of his Royal Majesties Coronation; and one hundred thousand pound a year to be setled upon the King, in lieu of the Court of Wards and Liveries, to the great joy of all loyal subjects. [1660] Th=5 May; E 1023(5); and "An Historicall Poem" in the Marvell canon.

jaw faln] jawfaln

sentenc't] setenc'd

Ingoldsby] Ingold by

The Subjects Desire
16 May

To see our Gracious King Charles

REturn Great King. For Loyalty implores
Our Soveraigne, to leave the Belgick shores.
And bless the Brittish soyle, which longs to greet
Her Second Charles, and kiss his Princely Feet.
5: Let not the Ocean, or the more profound
Abisse of guilt, wherein our Island's drown'd,
Deprive us longer of that Influence,
Thy radiant Sun beams of benevolence,
But crosse that envious Sea, that separates,
10: And show those smiles, all anger dissipates.
Let Neptune solemnize his conquest now;
Erect his head, and smooth his wrinckled brow.
As proud of such a trust, whose precious Lading
Not countervail'd, by all the Indian Trading.
15: Let curled waves354 in pleasant triumph dance,
To give us notice of that Ships advance.
Whose happy fate, shall by supream decree
Engrosse three Kingdoms wealth containing Thee,
May Heav'n her Pilot be, so to conduct,
20: That no aspiring rock, dare once obstruct.
May Holy Angells guard her day and night
May Winds, and Waters, joyne to speed her flight.
Who in their whisp'ring murmurs, seem to say,
We are the best of Subjects, We obey
25: Our Soveraign's Laws. And tacitely imply
A check to us, for past disloyalty.
Such may thy passage be, as shall presage
Those Halcion dayes, Thou promisest this Age.
May no tempestuous storm disturb thy rest,
30: Be Seas serene as is thy Royall Brest.
May Heav'ns propitious seem to favour Us,
Who towards thy safe return contribute thus
Our contrite teares, as Seas, to waft thee o're
And bring Thee reconciled to our shore.
35: Faith climbs the mast's; Our hopes do swell the Sailes,
And loyall wishes, breath (Thee, prosp'rous gales.
Till day shall come, (our kalendars shall boast)
KING CHARLES againe, arrived on our coast.
More welcome then the Rain to parched Land,
40: Then shall the Scepter court the Regall Hand.
Mean time, It is our hopes, and humble suit,
Of Royall Bounty, still to taste more fruit.
That as thy Kingly Word hath all forgiven,
Thy Prayers would get, this pardon seal'd in Heav'n.
45: That whereas We, Thy Happy Reigne, might misse,
As jug'd unworthy of so great a blisse;
May for thy sake obtaine it. And be spar'd,
As those, on whome, thy Clemency declar'd,
Whil'st own'd a People, Not reduc'd by Sword,
50: But wonne by Favour, and thy Princely Word.
Such conquest shall atchieve the greatest Glory,
And shall suffize t'immortallize thy Story.
Since such a work, no spirit coulde compleat
But such as Thine355, all Royall, Christian, Great.
55: Who, but the Son of Charles, thy Glorious Father,
Could cherish us, deserve destruction rather?
Who, but the Deputy of God* Above*
Could woo Rebellious Subjects, with such Love,
Who but Thy Selfe, could do as thou hast done?
60: So never Conqerour, such triumphs wonne.
To God be Glory. Did thy Heart encline,
And for these gracious Acts, the honour Thine.
Long happy be Thy Reigne, so as to tell,
Succeeding Ages, None could parallell.
65: These are our prayers, this our sole Ambition.
To see Thee here inthron'd in Rights fruition.
Whil'st We thy Subjects labour to redeem
By future loyalties Thy good Esteem
And make conspicuous to thy Royall Eye
70: The major part retain'd integrity.

FINIS.       M.D. LONDON: Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1660.            

waves] ed; wares LT

Thine,] ed; Thine.

"A Bonfire Carol"
A Private Conference
16 May

   Titlepage: A PRIVATE / CONFERENCE / BETWEEN / Mr. L. Robinson, / AND / Mr. T. Scott, / Occasioned upon the Publishing his / MAIESTIES / LETTERS / AND / DECLARATION. / [rule] / LONDON. / Printed for Isack Goulden at the Dolphin / in Pauls-Church-Yard, 1660. Verses pp. 10-12.

    Luke Robinson (1610-69) was a radical parliamentarian who changed in time for Charles's return. Whitlock noted of him: "although formerly a most fierce man ag[ainst] the King, did now . . . magnifie his grace &goodnes," (Whitlock, Diary 1 May). Pepys also reports him swearing duty to the King following the reading of the king's letter promising "an act of Oblivion to all, unless they shall please to except any. . . So that Luke Robinson himself stood up and made a recantation for what he hath done and promises to be a loyall subject to his Prince for the time to come" (2 May).

    Thomas Scott served as MP in the Long Parliament and had been a keen regicide. By January 1660, he was in great favour with the Rump, being appointed Secretary of State on the 14th. On the 16th, he and Robinson were sent to welcome Monck at Leicester on his march to London. After Monck had declared for the return of the secluded members on 18 February, Scott's position rapidly began to lose ground; his appointment as Secretary of State was repealed on 23 February. In late March, the Council of State ordered him to sign an engagement to keep out of Monck's way, and his name was excluded from the Act of Oblivion on 6 June.

    This satiric prose dialogue between Robinson and Scott shows them debating how to respond to the change in circumstances promised by the return of the king. Robinson reckons to compound for mercy while Scott reckons he is too well known an enemy to the king to get away with it. The tract ends with these verses that pick up and develop a common motif in anti-Rump songs -- that of using city bonfires to burn up the Rumpers and their appurtanances. In this version, the Rumpers are encouraged to leap onto the fires which loyalists have kindled in imitation of the followers of Sardanaplus -- the luxurious Assyrian king who was finally forced to immolate himself in the city of Ninus rather than fall to his rebellious subjects.

[ornamental header]


WHy does the pale Phanatick Grin
To see our general Joy?
Who thinks there is no use of Fire
But only to Destroy.

5: He long'd to see the City Flame,
And now has his desires;
But now he see's the City Flame,
Quoth he, Pox take your Fires.

Come boy's more wood -- -- -- there is no more
10:       Then fetch a Harp and Crosse;
Nay, fetch us all those rotten boards;
Wee'l burn 'um by the Grosse.

Great CHARLES the second is proclaim'd
Lord of his Native Right;
15: The day's too little for our Joy,
Which makes us Joy by Night.

Behold a sight! The Earth it self
Is now our Altar made;
But where's the Sacrifice you'l say?
20:       Oh! that is quickly had.

Bring hither the Rebelious votes
That beardlesse Tichborn fram'd;
And Records of th'Infernal Act
Of Bradshaw, who is damn'd;

25: Bring what the bold Conspiracy
Of Rumpers did impose,
When they abolish'd Regal Power,
In dread of Cromwell's Nose;

Bring the curs'd Hue and Crie, and him
30:       That dar'd to write it too,
And bring that Vote which Commomwealth'd us
Into our deepest woe;

Bring whatsoere the chief of Rebells
Upon the Nation forc'd,
35: To dispossesse his Soveraign,
For which his Sons are curs'd;

These should the Sacrifices be
If we might have our will,
And as for Priests yee shall not want
40:       To burn and burn 'um still.

But now I think on't where's Sir Arthur
As dry as Norway deal,
'Tis just he should be burnt, that first
Did fire the Common-weal.

45: Where's Thomas Scott, hee's pretty drye too,
As having lost his marrow;
But lest our fire be out too soon,
Bring Vane in a Wheel-Barrow:

Bring Martin too, that beastly Slave,
50:       And bring his Leman hither,
For as they liv'd like Antient Gaules,
Wee'd have 'um dye together,

Then boldly let um throw themselves
Into these Funeral Piles,
55: That all Rebellion may be buri'd
While we dance Round the whiles:

Tis better so to dye than live
Still Ignominious:
Perhaps they want a President,
60:       There's Sardanapalus.


Nathaniel Richards
Upon the Declaration.
18 May

[cut: royal arms]
Of ENGLAND the Second.

BLess Mighty God great Britains second KING
Charles: shield him Divinity (from the Sting
Of black mouth'd Murth'ring Malice, make him Live
The worlds true Mirrour, that do's now forgive
5:           Freely foul Facts; foul Faults, which makes all those
Enemies Friends, that were his greatest Foes.
KING Charles the First, that Glorious Martyr, He
Of never-dying Blessed Memory,
Expedit     His chiefest Charge unto his ROYALL SON
10: adversarios   Was to forgive his Enemies; 'tis done,
nostros con-   For all Earth's Potentates t'dmire, and see
donare,     KING Charles the Seconds Christian Charity;
memori-     Witnesse Gods Hand; Heav'n fights for him, by good
amque     And best of Subjects; shedding no mans Blood.
15: eorum ex      O beyond thought! blest comfort to us all
adversariis   Sent by the means of Vertues General;
nostris de-   No Fiends in flesh could sooth him to refrain
lere.      Obedience, true love to his Soveraign.
Rex sere-     A King, whose thoughts, think it his safest living
20: nissimus      To immitate our Saviour in forgiving;
Carolus      Praying for Foes, wherein He dos comprize
Secundus      The Funeral of All his Injuries:
noster, non   This from sad Exile, sent him Home to Heale
in imperio     The Bloody Wounds of Englands Commonweale:
25: tanquam in    Like Man and Wife, where both in Love agree,
virtute se-   Kings live in peace, prudent Parl'aments Free.

Nathaniel Richards.
            London, Printed for J. G. 1660.

Jo Rowland
His Sacred Majesty
22 May

Not a poem; the top of the brs. is a false anagram of Charles [given below]; under which are some verses "In Honor of the Lord General Monck, and Thomas Allen Lord Major [sic] of London, for their great Valour, Loyalty, and Prudence. EPINICIA." [NOT TRANSCRIBED] signed "Jo. Rowland, M. A. C C C Oxon."

    The top section reads:

             The ANAGRAM.

CHarls the Second, by the Grace     ACcept the valiant and loyall Georg
of God, of Great Brittaine,     Monck, Captain General of the
France and Ireland, King; Defender     Armis, and the chief Restorer of our
of the truly, anciently Catholick and      Du's, Laws, Religion and Liberti's,
Apostolick Faith, and in all Causes,      his princes friend at need.
and over all persons, as well Ec'le-     And recc'n Thomas Allen that is a
siastical as temporal, within these His loyal Subject, Lord Mayer of London
Majesties Realms and Dominions, by      City, and a like blessed means for
and under God, Supreame Gover-      us; sing prais and thanks as ever
nour.          du' to the Wise God.

Martin Lluellyn
To The Kings Most Excellent Majesty.
24 May

    Thomason dated his copy 24 May. The copy now in Bodley (O) is evidently an earlier, uncorrected state of the first printing, corrected at LT; both presumably precede the large paper folio. The Bodley copy repeats lines 41-42; while the later printing adds lines 45-46: other textual variants are reported.

    Thursday 24 May was declared a day of thanksgiving; Charles had set out from Breda the day before and Monk had set out from London to meet him. In Cambridge, William Godman preached Filius Heroum, subsequently published with verses.

    Lluelyn also wrote: An Elegie On the Death of the most Illustrious Prince, Henry Duke of Glocester (Oxford, Printed by Henry Hall Printer to the University, for Ric. Davies 1660), LT 1080(13*), date illegible.

   Martin Lluelyn (1616-81) was born in London, went up from Westminister to Christs' Church Oxford in 1636. In 1643, he fought for the king in the rank of captin. With the collapse of the royalist cause, he took up the study of medicine and was admitted doctor of Physick in 1653 by the Oxford and the College of Physicians. At the Restoration he was made personal physician to the king, retiring to Great Wycombe in Buckinghamshire in 1664 to practice medicine (Woods 2: 528-59)

   On the need to insist that chas was not restored by foreign agency, (lines 69ff) compare Higgons.


1: GREAT Prince of Cares and Us, by dark Fates hurld,
2: Round each false Corner of the treach'rous World;
3: Our doubtfull Joyes and Sighs distracted be,
4: Whether We first Bewaile, or Welcome Thee.
5: Whose wandring Feet can scarce that Soil disclose,
6: Which hath not bred, or else increas'd Thy woes.
7:            Or Thee, or Thine, each Nation did enfold.
8:            So wide a Ruine no one Clime could hold.
9: At Home, were drawn to most extensive length,
10: The Shafts of all our Stratagems and Strength,
11: 'Gainst Thy soft Bosome; when, to cruell Times,
12: But to be born our Prince, was all Thy Crimes.
13: When such, whose hands were stain'd in Sacred Gore,
14: And must secure past Ills, by acting more;
15: By interchanged mischiefs graspe the State:
16: Not to Relieve the Pressures, but Translate.
17: Our weapon'd Guardians raise them, their arm'd hand,
18: Makes each their Image, our dread Idoll stand
19: And though their brain-sick eyes could hope to see,
20: No dawn of Cure, no Hellebore but Thee.
21: Thou that sole Anchor of a floating Rout,
22: Art still as Anchors are, alone cast out.
23:            Abroad, thy griefs do their cold Friendships prove,
24: Who welcome now Thy Stay, strait Thy Remove.
25: It doth more greivous to a Guest befall,
26: To be Dislodg'd, then not Receiv'd at all.
27: If once a bold Usurper do pretend,
28: To thunder Menaces, or be their friend;
29: Thy fraile Allies, on Thy reception frown,
30: And a Confederate-Rebel weighs Thee down.
31: Thou must take wing afresh, a politick spight,
32: Makes Thee to flie, ev'n from Thy place of Flight.
33:            O where have then Thy carefull dayes been spent,
34:            Whose very Exile suffer'd Banishment!
35: But being now return'd our Numerous Prince,
36: By Birth, and Virtues first, by Sufferings356 since;
37: May Peace her Olive to Thy 357 Scepter bring,
38: And England know no Halcyon 358 but her King.
39: Thy Sacred Father in Thy memory weare
40: Piously firm, but not too sadly there.
41: No mean Unequall blood discount His Fate:
42: Let Veins despaire, Seas cannot expiate.359
43: May Loyall Breasts with unrevolting breath,
44: Attone Thy wrongs, and His 360 more clamorous death.
45: Live men Thy sacrifice; the slaughterd Foe
46: Is a Friend lost: Subjects take Vengeance so.361
47:       Camillus thus his injuries brake through,
48:       And came at once Romes blush, and Rescue too.362

49: No Crimson-guilty Streams, nor innocent gore,
50: Do tyde our Sea-tost Prince back to his Shore,363
51: What lingring time long wisht, but could not see,
52: Wrought by Thy martyr'd Sire, nor yet by Thee.
53: What Birth, nor Brains, Treasure, nor Force could do,
54: Our kind necessity hath rais'd Thee to.
55: And You attain your long disputed height,
56: A Glorious Conqueror without a Fight.364

57:            But though our Tears confesse, and sign it true,
58: That our own streights and wrongs have righted You;
59: Yet do those forcing streights extort no more,
60: Then what our generall Groans implor'd before.
61: For though we shiver in a thousand Rents,
62: Of querulous Sects, and unappeas'd intents:
63: Yet in this one we center, and agree;
64: We still request a King, and that King, Thee.365
65: Come then and bind us up with tender hands,
66: O Thou the Balsome of these bleeding Lands.
67: Ore-look the false, by prospect 366 on the True;
68:            And let the Many, expiate the Few.
69: Had You by Forreign Strengths regain'd Your Right,
70: You might at once Restore us, and Affright.
71: For Spanish Aides, had scarce the credit won,
72: Of Spanish Succours, but Invasion.
73: Your wisht Approach it self might so, amate,367
74: And Your Return had seem'd Our Eighty Eight.
75:            Our hopes Restorer France did fear to be,
76: And Spain though Hospitable; was not He.
77:            Renowned Monck alone to Us, and You;
78:            Is France, and Spain, and these three Kingdoms too.
79: With what Amazement our lost Phansies burn,
80: At this Your 'nigmaticall Return,
81: Mysterious Prince! three Kingdoms long disdain,
82: And now their Jubilee; their Cure, and Pain.
83:            Nor could the Issue lesse at length appear,
84: When we recount Your preservation here;
85: When at a Miracles expense, You show,
86: Whose Care You were, ev'n in Your Overthrow.
87: When Worc'sters hapless day proclaim'd it true,
88: That to Escape, was more then to Subdue.368
89:            Success crowns Rebel-fame, Yours higher flies,
90:            Nor are You Fortunes minion, but the Skies.
91: When Tarquin had receiv'd his exil'd Fate,
92: Not Porsena his Royal 369 Advocate,
93: Nor potent Armes his Restoration shape;
94: Oppos'd by his own Pride, and Lucrece Rape.
95: His Armies, are by Armies overcome.
96: And Porsena's grave Legats reason'd home:
97: In Fights or Parlyes still they disagree;
98: He strugling to be King, Rome to be Free.
99:            How different are these Sames! Your exiles friend,
100: Princes nor Aides, nor Intercessors send.
101: You use no Advocate, but mild Delay:
102: And we no Freedome find, but to Obey.
103:            After Your tyring Exile, we disclose,
104: You do Return the Prince we did Expose:
105: And in Your tempted Pilgrimage, we find,
106: That you have chang'd your Aire, but not your Mind,
107:            While to their Wants, or Weakness, most become
108: Tame Proselytes, and to Impatience some,
109: Thy breast was proof 'gainst all, &rais'd Thee Powers,
110: To stand our Faiths Defender, when scarce Ours.
111: No soft perswasive Errors bright Array,
112: Nor rugged stormy Usage, could dismay
113: Your fixt Resolves. You still your own sure Prince!
114: Whom Wants did oft Distress, but ne'r Convince.
115: And though Thy coole Revolt might soon have lead,
116: Thy Ravisht Crowns to Thy Rejected head.
117: Those beckning Gems want Lustre to allure,
118: Nor seem'd it great to Raign, but to Endure.370
119:            And now, though to be King is dignity,
120: Next Heavens transcendent Charter, great and high,
121: Yet some, in Forraign Empires seem Thy Peer,
122: And justly challenge Kingdoms, as Thou371 here.
123: Others Usurpe, their panting Nations Lords,
124: And carve out guilty Scepters with their Swords.
125: And though Injustice difference their Claim,
126: Yet All are Kings, and therein are the same.
127: But by a madding People chas'd away,
128: And mad again, till they restore Thy sway.
129: Woed to a Crown, and Courted to a Throne,
130: There You are Prince; there You are King alone.
131:            Let more Imperious Potentates rejoyce,
132:            To be their Subjects Soveraigns, Thou their Choice.


M. D. Lond. socius.

Sufferings] LT, OW, WF; sufferings L

Thy] LT, OW, WF; thy L

Halcyon] LT, OW, F; Halcyon L

Lines 41-42 are repeated from the bottom of p. 4 at the top of p. 5 in O, OW.

His] LT, OW, WF; his L

Lines 45-46 missing from LT, O, OB, OW, WF; supplied here from the large-paper folio in L.

gap in LT; gap missing O, L, OW

Shore,] LT, OW, WF etc; Shore; L

gap missing O, L, OW; present WF

Compare Dryden

prospect] LT, OW, WF; Prospect L

OED: dismay, daunt, dishearten.

lines 85-88 underlined in OB

Royal] LT, O, OW, WF; Royall OB, L

lines 117-118 underlined in OB

Thou] LT, OB, OW, WF; You O, L


M. D. Lond. socius.] L, LT, OB, WF; Coll. Lond. socius. O, OW

[ornamental header] TO HIS HIGHNESSE THE DUKE OF YORKE. Heroick Prince,374

YOUR bright Return doth equall glories reare,
To what You still return a Conquerer.
Nor hath your Sword abroad more Terrors won,
Then Your Renown hath purchas'd375 hearts at home.
5: Hence You create like cheerfull comforts here,
As when you did with safety Disappeare.
And ballance Times aright, the Blisse is one,
To travaile Home, and be securely Gon.
This only difference we must avow,
10: That what were then but Joyes, are Triumphs now.
Fear in our hearts, kept our Expressions low;
And though we did Rejoyce, we durst not Show.
Our Joyes are now no Stealths, but open clad;
Without the Felony of being Glad.
15: And what can check our Joys376? who receive
A Prince, whose losse forsaken Nations greive.
Whose Vigour, now, shall Spanish Caution warm?
And spirit grave Approach, into a Storme.
Thy Poize, must temper French Excesse no more:
20: Nor form that Valour, which was Rage before.
These adverse Camps, had each the bless'd event,
To heal Defects, by Thee their Supplement.
From whose divided Prowess either gains:
The Pondering learns Careere; the Giddie, Rains.
25: Each thus improv'd, a Peace must needs ensue.
Contest is vain, where Neither can Subdue.

M. D. Coll. Lond. socius.

Heroick Prince] L; om LT, O. OB, OW, WF

purchas'd] LT, O, OB, OW, WF; Conquer'd L

Joys?] LT, O, OB; Jo's L, OW, WF

[ornamental header]
Illustrious Prince,

1: THough, midst Your Countries flames You fled exil'd,
2: Like young Telemachus, a Frighted Child.
3: By soft Distinctions yet Thy flight's allay'd,
4: Nor wert Thou Forc't an Exile, but Convey'd.
5: The Courteous Tyrant will Thy harmes prevent,
6: And bids Thee to be safe in Banishment.
7: The glozing Crocodile doth fawn, and slay,
8: As he markt Thee 378 his Pilgrim, not his Prey.
9: Guids to Your youth, and Wayes, are joyntly lent,
10: You are for Amicable Ruine meant.
11:            Dire Monster! thus to aggravate Thy wrongs,
12:            Like Sirens; by the Musick of his Songs.
13: This Friendship, yet, from that fierce Tyger won,
14: Well may You aske; what 379 mischief have I done?
15: And rack Your crystal Innocence, to prove,
16: What Crime in You, commends You to his Love.
17: Dismiss that scrutiny: if he forbears,
18:            'Tis not his Kindnesse, but his Surfeit spares.

MARTIN LLUELYN M. D. Lond. socius.

Thee] LT, OW, WF; thee L

what] LT, OW, WF; What L


The Countrey-mans Vive Le Roy
[undated: early May]

    Recalling Sir John Suckling's celebrated "Ballad upon a Wedding," this dialogue extends the trope of "vox populi." It uses rural voices describing the hopes of ordinary folk in terms of an idealized countryside at a time when word is being brought to the country from the city that the people have declared for the king. Talk of tigers devastating the English countryside during the king's absence, though fanciful, is entirely in keeping with the ballad's use of pastoral conventions to engage imaginatively with contemporary issues, switching back and forth between country hopes and city events. On the other hand, the requisitioning of horses by soldiers had been a major problem facing farmers during the years of civil war. As so often, the pastoral here is a formal literary gesture mingling fact with fiction and addressed to a learned audience. The ballad ends cryptically with Jack declaiming a quatrain in Latin and English that contrasts king-killers Judas and Cromwell in order, presumably, to advocate punishment of the regicides.

    Judging by line 26 and the tense of the final wishes in lines 97-100, this ballad claims to be dated early May, just before the king actually arrived in England.

The Countrey-mans VIVE Le ROY.
His Joyfull Exaltation for King CHARLES 379 his Restoration,
In a Dialogue between DICK a Plough-man, and JACK a Shepherd.
With Jacks Epigram upon Englands Grand TRAYTOR.


COme, Jack shake off thy old disguise,
Of clouded Brows and watry eys.
Now mourn no more, for what is past
Our griefs have found a cure at last.
5: For now the youth in ev'ry Street,
As they do one another meet,
With hearts full fraught, and Loyal joy
Eccho and sing Vive Le Roy.


My sorrows are so great and fixt
10: And with such heavy Causes mixt,
My heart with grief is so opprest
No joy must harbour in my breast;
My dearest friend was snacht away
By Tigers, wolves and beasts of prey,380
15: By whose most Savage overthrow,
My heart is made the seat of woe.

For want of whom my flockes do stray
And by the beast do still decay,
Those few which yet are left behind,
20: Rob'd of their Fleeces I do find,
My Lambs lie slain before my face,
My self 381 am scorn'd and in disgrace,
My griefes are helpless, till with joy
I shall hear sung Vive Le Roy.


25: I was at London th'other day,
And sure 'twas in the Moneth of May,
When the whole City seem'd to me
By the great flame on fire to be.
Then as I past a little higher,
30: I found the Peoples hearts on fire,
Whose zealous flames exprest with joy,
And Caps flung up, Vive Le Roy.

Still as I past along no note,
Was heard that day from any throat,
35: But what did Loyalty expresse,
And their great joy for his success,
Unto his Royal throne, the mirth
Was greater now then at his birth,
For every Age and Sex, and Boy
40: Speak nothing but Vive Le Roy.


Dick welcome home for thou doest tell,
Such news which fits my humour well,
My flocks will now with safety feed,
And when they've yean'd 382 their Lambkins breed,
45: Free from the danger of the beast,
Safe under his protection rest,
For whose Return lets sing for joy,
With heart and voyce Vive Le Roy.


Jack now the case is alter'd quit,
50: And we shall all enjoy our Right,
Now we shall have no cause to fear,
The plundring wolf, or killing Bear.
Our Labours now will sweetned be,
With wisht content and Unity,
55: For which we may rejoyce and sing,
With heart and voyce God save the King.


Arcadia now's restor'd to Rest
Which was by Tyrants sore opprest,
My little Lambs skip ore the plain,
60: Which were by Tygers well nigh slain,
Forgetful of their former woe,
Securely wander to and fro,
Which on my Oaten pipe for joy,
Makes 383 me to play Vive Le Roy.


65: Our Horses now return at night,
Acquitted of the Souldiers fright,
For neither they of late, nor we,
Are led into Captivity.
We keep our poultry and our kine,
70: Now that is thine and this is mine,
For which whilst I hold plough my Boy,
Shall whistle out Vive Le Roy.


Now while my Lambkins feed and play,
I can securely wast the day,
75: And to avoid the heat of Sol
With pretty Nancie or kind Dol.
Sport in some shade: my Flocks return
I need not fear the wolf's in's Urne,384
For which let every Arcadian Boy
80: Rejoyce and sing, Vive Le Roy,


Come Jack lets go and take a sup,
And drown old sorrows in a Cup,
Of brownest Ale that we can find,
For to restore our drooping mind.
85: Bring thou thy Dol: I'le bring my Nan
And Frollick it with Cake and Can,
Wee'le make our Girles no more be coy,
But laugh and sing, Vive Le Roy.


I like the motion of my friend,
90: I'le fold my Flock, and thee attend,
To mother Mabs old tipling-house
Where we will take a smart carouse
Of her brown nappy stuff, 385 till we
Are full of Ale and Loyalty.
95: Wee'l drown all care and swell with joy,
Laugh, quaff and sing Vive Le Roy.


Come Frank strike up a merry strain
Since the King injoys his own again,
When we see our long wisht for King,
100: Let Bonfires flame, and the Bells ring.
Fill a full Cup, I'le drink a round,
My heart doth as my Cups abound.
A health to our King, pledge all with joy.
Heav'ns bless the King, Vive Le Roy.

105:            Their wish.
Make hast (Great Sir) to our Arcadi'n Plain,
And bless this Island with your beams again,
Heav'n grant that never such another night,
As we have felt since we did lose the Light
110: May Cloud us any more, O may the Sun
Still shine upon us, and our Day ne'r done
May the Suns influence of thy fair beams,
Give store unto our 386 Plains, Life to our Streams.
So shall our Flocks yield us a good encrease
115: When Plenty's usher'd in by welcome Peace.
Long may you live King of th'Arcadean Land,
And we learn to obey what you Command.

In Cromwillum Regicidum.
Ad mortem Dominum male prodidit Iscariotes
120:      Cromwelliq dola Rex borus interdit
Convenere pares solo hoc discrimine Judas
Obtinuit meritas, non tulit ille cruces,
Englished thus.
Judas betrayd his Sovereign 387 Lord to death,
125: By Cromwells fraud a good King lost his breath,
Only in this these Traytors different be,
Judas was justly hang'd, so was not he.

London, Printed for J. Jones, 1660.


compare Couch: "When Lyons, Tygers, and those Beasts of prey," line 45.

self] sel copytext

given birth

Makes] makes copext

i.e. there is now no need to fear since the wolf is now dead and in his grave (urn).

nappy stuff; foaming ale.

.úú111. unto our] uuto out coptext

Sovereign] Soveeign

J. G. B.
Royall Poems
[undated: early May]


    Harvard unicum inscribed "Harvard College Library / In Memory of / Lionel De Jersey Harvard / Class of 1915" dated Dec. 29, 1925.
Date: Internal evidence for dating is inconclusive, but the title and verses addressed to Charles asking him to "Come" suggest early May.
The publisher, Ralph Wood, also published works by Flecknoe,
What is the relation between the author of these verses and the final allusion to Henry Vaughan?

Royal Poems

On the KINGS most Excellent Majesties happy
Return to His Kingdomes.

COme Noble Phoebus and in our Horizon
Shine, 'tis long since, that in confusion
We darkly grop'd, for want of thee, the Skye
Is now clear'd by the Heavens Deity
5: Of opposing Clouds, and now our greatest Jove
With Mercury expect, that thou shouldest move
With thy resplendant Rayes, to irradiate
Our long-afflicted and distressed State:
Come; We expect thee long, with hearty groans,
10: We can no longer brook vain Phaetons.
Now all Malignant starrs are dimn'd save some few
Ill bodying Comets, and a little Crew
Of the Galazia's starrs, all which away
Shall soon hence fall, by vertue of thy Ray;
15: Then, I pray hither, now, And properate,
Being invited by the course of Fate.


In Principeu Brittannorum Carolus Stuartus, id est. Ar-
   thur, Laus, Custos.

ORex, ecce tuo quae funt sub nomine clausa,
Arthur, Laus, Custos, quae meliora, precor
Arthur es ut patriam reaimas, adjuncteq; laus est
Quod tu Brittannis fis decus omne tuis,
5: Costos es quod Regna tuo tutabere Nutu
Quam fanstum fato nomen hoc omen habet,
Id cinco quid flas O Princeps fortis Eremo,
Patres te invitant et bona fata, ven.
[line in Greek]
10: Vatem hunc prehibeto optimam qui bene conjicis Euripid.

On the Lord MONCK Generalissimo of all His Majesties Forces.

I Et much fam'd Egypt and the Eastern Coast
Give o're hereafter proudly for to boast
Of their Noble Pini, their Ptolemyes,
Their Warlike Joabs and stout Machabees;
5: For now England to us brave Monck hath bred,
Who doth surpass each man that ere did tread
O're conquered Foes, for sure, no Age did see
The like for Valour and State-policie;
For as in Field he never did retreat,
10: So by his wit he now doth such a feat,
That ne're was known, yet setling without Blood
Three Great Nations, that in confusion stood:
All after Ages will confess with awe,
That ne're so stout a Politician saw;
15: Wit and Valour in him have made their seat,
Both conjoyned for to make him great:
Nor is he onely Politick and Wise,
But also Pious; for his Noble Eyes
Look on the Widdowes Cause and the Orphans all,
20: That were long wrong'd; by this brave General
Are considered; for which, he shall be
The greatest starr, save Phoebus in the Skye;
And this admire in him 'bove each Conqu'ring man,
That after all Conquest, himself he Conquer can.
25:      Fortius est quise, quam qui fortissima vincit menia.

An Elegie on the Murther of His Gracious Majesty Charles the first, January the 30th. 1648. Quid fine Pectore Corpus
Calum fine sole, regnum fine rege.

O What is this? How is bright Phoebus gone,
Our Joy and Glory from our Horizon?
He, He by whom, we were made most splendant,
With splendour bright, full and aboundant
5: See, by thy fall; now all the World is grown
To a disordered Chaos and Confusion,
Wuithout Head or Tail; all in Obscurity
Are involved, none knowing where to stay,
Nor what way to move, some Retrograde
10: Like Cancer goe, others away do fade:
Those greatest starrs, are grown exorbitant,
Crossing each other; nor is here extant.
And order, now, or rule, but in this State
Each as high as other doth (O! strange Fate)
15: His own will, nay, here after Phoebus loss,
[line in Greek]
Thus by the enormous, and excentrique
Course of the Galaxia starrs, our politique
State is turn'd unto the Cyclops mode,
20: But at this let none admire abroad;
For this Land bread Monsters, to whom in ire
Breathed from their mouths against us fatal fire:
O Heavens high, how long shall these thus deal;
And make such havock of the Commonweal?

On the Regicides.

'TWas strange, 'twas strange, and could nothing suffice
These Canibals but that they must surprise
The Head it self, and it amputate
With such unnatural and deadly hate.
5: Was't not enough for your safe Guts, for food
To such of some Prime members Noble Blood:
No, no, these Hell-hounds must chop off the Head,
That on each part they may at once be fed,
O greedy Guts, O Gormandizng crew
10: Of ne're-fill'd Appetites, behold and view
This Tragick Act, shall you hot Burning Coals
Escape? believe there are no lurking holes
That can-defend you from the Noble hand
That shortly comes here from bold Neptunes sand:
15: Make hast to flie, O! Lap-Wings, this my best advice,
From the Eagles force, or else submit most wife,

On the Tribe of Fortune, the RUMP of the

COme well-vers'd Augurs and Astrologers,
That by Beast Entrals, and the rolling Spheares
Do seek for new Portents, run here and see
A strange, fatall, and monstrous prodigie:
5: For now 'gainst Nature, O sad Destiny,
All is hurled most preposterously;
The World is turn'd upside down, the Head now
Is become Tail, the Tail to Head doth grow;
The Worlds scum, Earths sons of Nativity,
10: (Then Nile's head more obscure) are raised on high
The Nobles now depressed, every Slave
Sprung from the Dung-hill doth the Heavens braive;
The Shrubs and Underwoods on high are grown,
The tall Elms and great Cedars tumbled down:
15: Now the Taylor is made of a bouncing Dux,
The Countrey Idiot as an Orthodox
Though no Clerk, is unto the Pulpit gone,
And for Pence and Groats doth blaterate theron:
Nay, the poor Foot-Boy is become a Knight,
20: Thus, thus, our Pedes is made an Eques right.
O absurd accidents, saddle henceforth the ass,
Dephalerate the Horse, seeing it came thus to pass:
Oh, What grief of greifs is't for to see
A Plebeian Crew o're men of Majesty
25: To domineer, it is intollerable
To see Batts and Owls rule thus or'e an Eagle
And glorious Birds; I am all on fire,
Not all the Thames can quench my raging ire;
Give strength to us, give strength, O Heavens high,
30: To rid our selves from such a slavery,
O Tribe of Fortune, whose turn did evene
To walk a while proudly on Fortunes Scene:
Your turn comes now, and you with all be brought
On the same Stage, shag-ragg'd us you ought.

  In Verba Caroli Regis dum suit Hispaniae in illud
Nasonis: Nunc notus adversa praelia fronte gerat.

IPse notum contra, oppositum pugnare videbas,
Quondam temporibus Naso Poeta tuis:
40: O Utinan contra oppunens nunc robore mecum
Hic notus adversa prelia fronte gerat.

Nota quod notus a Nasone pro vento qui persiabatur noto figurate sumebatur, ab
Authore sumitur natus pro populo qui in Nota habitant eadem figura, Centimens pro Contento.

Henry Vaughan, Cambro Britt.


Part V. Arrival and Progress in England, 25-31 May 1660

Giles Duncombe, "Cimelgus Bonde" and "T. F." verses from
Scutum Regale
21-28 May

    Titlepage: Scutum Regale, / THE / Royal Buckler; / OR, / VOX LEGIS, / A / Lecture to Traytors: / Who most wickedly murthered / CHARLES the I, / AND / Contrary to all Law and Religion banished / CHARLES THE II. / 3d MONARCH of / GREAT BRITAIN, &c. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / Salus populi, Salus Regis. / LONDON, 1660. / [enclosed within double-rule box] [printed in black and red inks].

    Engraved frontispiece headed "Iam redit Astr'a, Redeunt Saturnia regna, / Iam nova progenies, c'lo Demittur alto." shows Charles on his throne with the Lords and Dukes of York and Gloucester; below them the Commons; below them the Bishops with common prayer book. At the bottom, a double set of images: "Traytors rewarded:" and "Sectaries reiected."

   Wing: D 2599a and B3557; mistaken double-entry.
Format and date: 8to. Advertised in the Parliamentary Intelligencer 22 (21-28 May), p. 348.

   Copies: O1 Tanner 624, has an additional cut after the t/p and before the Epistle to the Reader of Charles about to be crowned by an angel, followed by a dedication page "To His Most Sacred Majestie," COPYTEXT 9/95; O2 Linc 8to c.183; additional engraving of Charles appears between sigs A and B; L1 292.a.15, plate of shepherd missing; L2 1483.aa.26; L3 G3535 (Charles 2's copy); ms note: "This Copy belonged to the Royal Library of Charles 2d whose cypher is on the binding. It has not only a very fine impression of the Frontispiece, but it has also a 2d Plate which precedes the "Shepherd's Complaint" at the end of the book, & is very seldom found with it. This Plate has been by some called "Charles 2d" but it is so unlike that it is not easy to believe it could be meant for his portrait"; C Adams 8.66.8; WF 140413; additional engraving of Charles appears between sigs A and B; CT; P; CH; CN; MH; Y; Exeter.

    Giles Duncombe was a young lawyer who evidently hoped to improve his situation by declaring, in print, his loyalty to the Stuarts with strong conviction, dedication, and learning, at some length, and as soon as possible. Scutum Regale was advertised in the last week of May, but must have been in almost continuous preparation from much earlier in the year. Later in December, Duncombe identifies himself as the author of this book in the signature printed at the end of A Counter-Blast to the Phanaticks (which cannot have appeared before the death of Princess Mary on the 24th of that month): "Giles Duncombe of the Inner Temple Gent. / Author of Scutum Regale, the Royall / Buckler. Or, Vox Legis, a Lecture / to Traytors."

    Evidence of haste and of last minute revision, or at least of the desire to seem to be among the first in print, abounds. Most copies are gathered differently from each other. One of the British Library copies mis-prints the anagram "Gimelgus Bonde," to which a contemporary hand has added "giles Duncomb Turn'd a -- -" (L2 sig. A5) suggesting that there were some around who knew who the author really was. The Errata page mentions that Monk, who "hath now cheared us with the hopes of a Free-Parliament," soon will "bring in our exiled King" (sig. A6v), suggesting that the book was being rushed along to appear in advance of the King. The Epistle to the Reader ends with a prayer for the arrival of "Charls the 2d our Augustus, and C'sars Successor" (sig. A4v); the major prose section of the book ends "let the Cryes of thy People come unto thee O God, and restore our Gracious King Charles the second to his H'reditary Crown: Whose Youth thou has seasoned with the Afflications of King David" (p. 393, sig. [Cc5]), while the mood of the whole enterprise is that of hopeful anticipation.

    The Reader addressed by the Epistle is specifically identified as urban and supposed susceptible to arguments concerning property rights:

O purblind City, how long will you enslave your selves to ravenous woolves? who by their often changing of their feigned Governments, do but change the thief, and still your Store-houses must be the Magazine, to furnish them with plunder. You must never look to enjoy your lives, estates, or Gods blessing, with the fruition of your Wives, and Children, before your lawful King and Soveraign CHARLS the II. unjustly banished by Rebells, be restored to his Crown and Kingdom. (sig. Av).
The address to city-dwelling property owners helps place the initial writing and perhaps even printing of the book during February and March while Monck, the guilds and parliament negotiated.

    "The Epistle to the Reader," ends with some Latin and English verses calling for a return of the king:

Enough of hail and cruel snow,
Hath Jove now showr'd on us below,
Enough with thundering Steeples down,
Frightned the Town.
Frightned the World.


O thou God of Order, now hold thy punishing hand, cement our Differences, and unite the lines of our Discord in the true Centre. Let Charls the 2d. our Augustus, and C'sars Successor, revenge the bloody Murther of C'sar. O most worthy Augustus, our only lawfull Soveraign, be thou a stay to our falling Kingdom, Patiens vocari C'saris ultor, do thou hasten to be C'sars Revenger, and then


Serus in co/elum redeas, diuque
L'tus intersis populo Quirini,
Neve te nostris vitiis iniquum,
Otyor aura

Tollat, his magnos, potius triumphos,
Hic ames dici pater, atque Princeps,
Neusinas Medos equitare inultos,
Te duce C'sar.

Return to Heaven late we pray,
And long with us the Britains stay,
Nor let disdain of our offence,
Take thee from hence.

Love here victorious, Triumphs rather,
Love here the name of Prince, and father,
Nor let the Rebels scot-free ride,
Thou being our Guide.388

Which is the continual Prayer of

Your Graces most humble, true, faith-
full and obdedient Subject, and most
dutifull Servant, usque ad aras.

Cimelgus Bonde.
(sigs. [A4v-A5])

   Since his style often recalls the political poetry of the early Civil War period, Duncombe would hardly claim to be an Augustan. Yet he was certainly among the first to address Charles in print directly as Augustus.389

    By adopting an anagrammatic pseudonym for the publication of Scutum Regale, Duncombe perhaps wished to suggest that there was still some personal danger involved in publishing his desire for a return to monarchy as early and as earnestly as he did. The author of some dedicatory verses, signed "T. F.", possibly Thomas Flatman, draws attention to Duncombe's personal heroism for writing when he does.390 While there is no direct evidence that "T. F." was Flatman, Scutum Regale is clearly the product of the Inns of Court, a coterie context in which the initials would have been unmistakable. "T. F."'s verses, however, do not appear in any of the editions of Flatman's Poems and Songs published in 1674, 1676, 1682, and 1686.

Guide] Gnide

.úúSee Erskine-Hill, who doesn't mention Duncombe.

[what was control over press like in late 59 and 60? see Potter on Crouch]:

[ornamental border]
To the Author of the Royal
Buckler, or a Lecture to

TO speak what ev'ry one desires, and in a strain
That suits with ev'ry Hearer, is no pain;
To trouble to profess the bloody Creed
Of Mahoment, among the Turks; no need
5: To be afraid amidst ones friends; but he
That talks of Virtue, before Villanie;
Who can be Christian, among the Crew
Of Sectaries, and bid defiance to the Jew;
He that i'th worst of Times dares to be good;
10: (Like Capel) seals his Ligeance with his Blood;
Can strive against th'impetuous wind, and wave,
And all their joynt-conspiracies outbrave;
In spite of Fortune resolutely stand
To argue with a bloudy, treacherous Land;
15: That Man's a Man indeed; can stoutly cry
Hosanna, when the Throng sayes Crucifie.
Sir, such are you, and such your Lines, to whom
Or to your shrine, Posterity shall come
Laden with Laurels: and the little brood
20: Of them whose hands were in their Prince's bloud,
Shall justifie thy Book; and read therein
Their own Misfortunes, and their Father's Sin:
Shall read the Miracles of Providence,
And borrow matter for Romances thence.
25:       Thus (Sir) your Pen shall to your self create
A Monument, beyond the Pageant state
Of breathless Oliver; or those Poor men,
That rul'd and dy'd, and rul'd and stunk agen.
Rebellion for a little moment shines,
30: But seldom with a brave applause declines:
'Tis only Truth, and Loyalty can give
Restoratives, to make a Dead man live.

T. F. (sigs [A7-A8])

   Other internal evidence suggests that the book was being prepared in a hurry during the early months of 1660. The Errata list which precedes "T. F.'s" dedicatory verses, advises us "since the last in execution, is the first in the intention; I must request the Reader to begin with the last part of the Book, and end with the first part in his reading" (sig. [A6]). This proves to be not bad advise, since we find him complaining about Monk --

Monck prov'd worse than Pharaoh himself, and instead of relieving of our distressed Jerusalem . . . he heaped misery to misery, and executed such a grand piece of Tyranny that none in the world . . . could invent. On Thursday the ninth day of February, 1659, . . . he drew up all his souldiers into the City, with their matches lighted, in a warlike posture, doubled his guards, and tore down all the gates, and posts of the City; neither did his intoxicated malice stay upon the gates, but leapt upon the Aldermen, and other Citizens, whom he presently cast into prison, so that now he is become odious, and stinks in the nostrils of all the Citizens and People: and whereas he was the common hopes of all men, he is now the common hatred of all men, as a Traytor more detestable than Oliver himself; who, though he manacled the Citizens hands, yet never took away the doores of their City, whereby all manner of beasts, (as well the Wolves at Westminster, as other out-lying Foxes, and Birds of prey) may come in, and destroy them when they please. (pp. 373-74).

   Within three pages, however, he starts a new section -- "Englands Redemption" -- and finds himself recanting this complaint: "No sooner had I written these last words of the momentary prosperity of the wicked, but immediately the same hour, news was brought me, that General Monck and the City were agreeed,[sic] and resolved to declare for a free Parliament, and decline the Rump . . . I was strucken with amazement, joy made me tremble, and the goodnesse of the news would scarce permit me to believe it" (p. 377).391

    The dedicatory verses signed T. F. are followed by "The History of Phaeton," an extended allegory in which King Phoebus, "representing the King," punishes Phaeton, "the hare-brained people" (sigs B-C2). The main body of the book, "A Lecture to Traytors" (sigs C2v-Aa4v) is interspersed with verses in Latin with English translations. The prose "Lecture" draws to an end with two final sections, "Englands Confusion" (sigs Aa5-Bb4v), and "Englands Redemption" (sigs [Bb4v-Cc5v]. Pagination also ends here. Two short poems, "On the late MIRACULOUS REVOLUTIONS IN ENGLAND, &c.," also signed "T. F.," and "Repentance for the Murther of Charles the Martyr and The Restuaration of Charles the II," both printed on separate leaves, are variously tipped in amongst the final gatherings.392

(Compare Pair of Prodigals on Monk's activities at this stage.)

In O1 Tanner, these leaves appear between the Cc and Dd gatherings, that is, between the Latin version of the pastoral and the English translation. In O2 Linc and WF, the leaf with T. F.'s verses is tipped in between [Cc5] and [Cc6], ie before the Latin verses, while the leaf contining "Repentance" has been tipped in at the very end of the volume. In L3, the copy from Charles's personal library, they appear in the opposite order immediately after the titlepage.

On the late

THree Kingdoms, like one Ship, a long time lay
Black tempest-proof upon a troubled Sea;
Bandy'd from wave to wave, from rock, to sand,
A prey to Pyrats from a forein Land:
Expos'd to all the injuries of Fate,
All the Reproaches of a Bedlam-State:
The brave Sayles torn, the Main-mast cut in sunder,
Destruction from above, and ruine under.
Once the base rout of Saylors, try'd to steer
The giddy Vessel, but thence could appear
Nothing but mad Confusion: Then came One,
He sate at Helm, and his Dominion
Frightned the blustring Billows for a while,
And made their Fury counterfeit a smile;
Then fora time, the Bottom seem'd to play
I'th'wonted Chanel, and the beaten way,
Yet floated still. The Rabble snatch't again It's mannagement, but all (alas) in vain:
No Anchor fixt, no wished shoar appears,
No Haven after these distracted years.
But when the lawfull Pilot shall direct
Our wav'ring Course (and Heav'n shall Him protect)
The Storms shall laugh, the Windes rejoyce thereat,
And then our Ark shall find an Ararat.

T. F.

Charles the Martyr.
The Restauration of Charles
the II. is the only Balm to cure Eng-
lands Distractions.

'TIs true, our Nostrils lost their Breath; What then?
'Cause we sinn'd once, shall's ne're be good agen?
We murther'd Charles, for which, Infernal Kings
With worse than 'gypt's Plagues have scourg'd our sins.
The Martyrs Goodnesse Angels cann't rehearse;
The Rebels baseness Devils cann't expresse:
Who in their Lower House have acted more
Than Belzebub in Hell, or th'Earth before.
And did not Charles the Son yet shine, I'de say
That, God of Nature, and the World decay.
But God is God, and Satan's Fraud we see.
Charles is our King, and Rebels, Rebels be.
Then since we ken a Traytor from a Saint,   The
Let's be for God, our King, and *Bel recant.   Rump.
Hee'l dry our Eyes, and cure those Wounds which we
Receiv'd i'th' dark, groping for Liberty:
For Liberty, which kept us all in Fetters,
Slaves to the Rump, and to the Rumps Abetters:
Who Freedom and Religion up cry'd,
When Freedom and Religion they destroy'd,
Who killed us with Plaisters, and brought Hell,
For Paradice: So Eve by th'Serpent fell.
Then if the death o'th'King caus'd all our woe,
The life o'th'King had sav'd us, all men know:
Behold him, in his Son, whose splendid light,
Shall heal the darknesse of his Fathers night.
'Tis madnesse to use Candles in the day:
What need a Parl'ament? when Charles le Roy,
Stands at the door, and to us fain would bring,
Freedom and Laws, instead of Rape and Sin.
The glory of a King is to command,
But Subjects shame to sit, when he doth stand.

God Save the King.   C. B.

   The final section of the book features an engraving of a Shepherd and some Latin and English verses evidently written well before there was any public certainty that Charles would be returning. Of this engraving, marginalia in the copy that once belonged to the private library of Charles comments: "but it has also a 2d Plate which precedes the "Shepherd's Complaint" at the end of the book, & is very seldom found with it. This plate has been by some called `Charles 2d' but it is so unlike that it is not easy to believe it could be meant for his portrait." [reproduce engraving]

   Some of the interest of Duncombes's version of pastoral is his use of the shepherd's voice to express a sense of natural justice in line with the call for law throughout Scutum Regale as a whole. The voice begins with a shepherd's conventional rejection of civic, political, and military ambition in favour of rural contentment, a theme Duncombe maintains throughout. At the same time, the voice nostalgically recalls and comes to personify a self-sufficient England that, disrupted by the civil wars, no longer exists. Personal greed and ambition now drive the men in political office while encouraging others to abandon their former ways of life to seek wealth in foreign lands. The shepherd, however, can still find peace away from it all in rural isolation; the same choice adopted by Astell's urban persona in Vota Non Bella.

   The Latin verses "Pastor Vit' Su'" (sigs. Cc6-Cc8v) are translated as follows:

The Shepherd commending the meanness of his life complains, that since the Heavens and all things else are Governed by a certain rule of Providence, yet that humane affairs go not in so setled a course, because Good men go backward, and Vice only is rewarded.

I am the Man that curbing my desires,
And checking passions, which my mind requires,
Command more largely and more freely sway,
A Scepter, than if Carthage did obey,
5: Or I joyn'd Lydia to the Phrygian shore,
And that to th'Indies, hardly known before.
Under a little roof with house-hold bread,
Securely I a life contented lead,
I care not to approach when Trumpets sound,
10: Calling to arms, on rigid Mars his ground.
His Playes to me are misery and wo.
Nor dare I on the rugged Ocean go,
In Ships; (a thing forbid) but Ah! our times
Do run more fircely to forbidden crimes:
15: I'st nothing think you, thus to stayn the flood,
And fields, through civil War, with noble blood?
But you must adde the sacred blood of Kings?
Fatal to after ages: hoydagings!
Of Law, dread Law! which yielding now gives place,
20: To arms, and Vertue meets with foul disgrace.
But wither now my Boat? you must contain
Your self in Rivers, not run to the Main,
Where threatening Rocks with their obscured head
Swallow you up, when danger least you dread.
25: When therefore 393 night is vanish't, and the day
Appears, inlighten'd with the glorious ray
Of regal Sol, arm'd with my Sheep-herds crook,
With Bag and Bottle hanging by, I look
My Sheep, and to the Fields, whose Green is lost
30: Under the texture of a morning Frost,
I drive them: when the Sun advanc't more high,
In his Diurnal course through th'arched sky,
Makes Grass-hoppers to sing, ith'parched grass.
Then to the Rivers or deep lakes I pass,
35: Driving my Flocks to water, which I lead
Panting through heat, thence to the loved shade.
Where the tall Beech and thicker leaved Oaks
Clashing their friendly arms with mutual stroaks
Make cooler coverts, under which Lambs please
40: To eat, to sport, to play, and take their ease,
How it delights now on my Pipes to play!
Anon my body on the grass to lay,
Seeking to take a nap, while in her song,
Progne bewailing her so grievous wrong
45: In mournfull notes, and all the woody Quire,
With warbling strayns, would perfect my desire.
Then, duskish when it grows, I quick arise,
And give to Pan a Lamb in sacrifice,
Who taught me sacred rimes which while I sing,
50: And lead my Sheep unto the Christal spring,
Their Dugs grow full of milk; but now the Sun
Ready to set, the evening Star is come,
Lo you, (to Shepherds so well known) whose sight
Bids us to fold our Flocks and count them right,
55: Lest some perchance strayd out into the Plain,
Or broke into the Fields repleat with grayn;
Where being taken they become a prey,
To the rude Clown who makes them soon away
Or else perhaps they wandring to the Sheep
60: Of some near neigbouring Shepherd, where they keep
Among the rest, till now through custome bold,
They'r driven to some strange and unknown fold.
Thus, thus I spend my life, and in content
Retir'd from the world my days are spent:
65: I thirst not after Rule, nor do I swell
With lusting after Kingdoms, I can tell
That such ambition's void of all that's good
Stand out for nought, but gorge themselves with blood.
Ah! who will Faith or Piety approve,
70: If good men be condemned, and such as love
Mischief, and Vices, be the only men
Set by and rais'd by Fortune from the den
Of unknown Stocks?
Yee Guardian Angels of this once blest Land
75: Have you still for our good the same command?
{Tis true the glistring Stars and heavenly trayn
{Do still in one continued course remayn
{The Moon doth still encrease & wax & wane,
The Sun keeps on his yearly course whereby
80: The Winter frosts denude the Tree's grown dry;
Which being lately beautified with green,
Yielded a shade most pleasant to be seen,
The Summers heat ripens the corn, and then
It's heat by Autumne is allay'd agen.
85: But wretched man lives without rule or square,
Without proportion all his actions are;
Is Fortune regent that doth blinded go,
And with unequal hands her gifts bestow?
Powr acts by will, and will without restraint
90: Doth what ambition teacheth, and the Saint
Is banish't from the Court: Oh horrid times!
[a] The King 393*
O. Cromwell. &c
Forcing the Britains blindly to obey;
95: But pious Ah in vain for Gold they hast
To th'Indies: True Religion is not plac't
In Wealth or Fortune (surely Heaven denyes
Goodness to bad, though prosperous treacheries.)
Who were the first that brought their private wealth
100: For publick Treasure, & as 'twere by stealth
Made that the lure to sin? Who first found Gold?
And Pearls? not willing to be known from Mould.
Before that time, no jealousies and fears,
No dayly Plots appear'd, no widows tears,
105: Were seen for slaughter'd Husbands, no mad rage
Of civil war corrupted had the age.
No Sword was sharpen'd yet against its King,
But corrupted Faith did duely bring
The People to the Prince with loving zeal
110: (Blest Omens of a happy Commonweal)
The warlike Trumpet was not yet, no blood,
The Wearer, or his Arms had yet embrew'd
The Sea was rugged, free the shore,
All were contented, with a little store,
115: They did possess: the greatest of their boast
Was to have seen and known their proper coast:
But now both Sea and Land are grown too smal
To feed our base ambitious minds withal
Desire to have and get burns now more fierce
120: Then 'tnae's flames, (renown'd by Virgils verse)
Stands ought it'h way? death shall remove the stock
We can bring Kings themselves unto the block
If such may be their fate? O dearest God,
Ironice.      How dreadful are thy Laws! how sharp thy rod!
125: Alas! fool that I was! I once had thought
That just, which now I see is vain and nought.
C'sar though oft forewarn'd at last was slain
By his own Subjects, a rebellious trayn.
But great Augustus on the factious head
130: Of most, revenged C'sar murthered.395
But Ah! for Martyr'd Charls what man or State
Will vengeance seek before it be too late?
O come Great God, we pray thee at the length,
For without thee, vain is our help or strength.
135: Let Charls the second in thy care be chief
Guard him, and give to his Affairs relief;
Preserve him safe, and when he will demand
His right from English Rebels, guide his hand,
Make them to know that thou dost Rule on high,
140: Strike them with Lightning from the thundring Sky.
Revenge his Fathers guiltlesse death on them,
While there remains or Root, or Branch, or Stem.
But whether now my Muse, where wilt thou croud?
Among the Shrubs it fits me best to shroud:
145: And not to climb the Cedar proud 396 and tall,
Lest while I seek to rise, I climb to fall,
Honor or Hopes calls most men to the Court,
Where one being wrought on by the great resort,
Is straightway struck, and shortly hopes to be
150: Seen in the City in full Majestie.
Another with much labour, toyl, and pain,
Would fain climb high, but all his labour's vain.
This courts Gemmes and Gold, nor th'Indians can,
Nor Europe sate the hunger of this man,
155: Nor fertile Lybia's plentifullest store,
But as he gets, so still he covets more.
Another to the people shews his tayl;
Boasts his descent, that so he may prevayl,
To draw the Fish into his Net: and there
160: Another for his valour doth appear,
And in the Publique place himself presents,
Spoyls of his Foes, his new got Ornaments.
A rustick shepherds life doth laugh on me
More sweet, than all the lives that be.
165: I, in my meaner way, great things deride:
For why, I know the vales have seldome try'd
The force of thundring Jove, when mountains high
Have trembled at his threatning Majesty.
The meat and drink purchas't by me, is not
170: Bought with the treasure of much goods ill-got,
My sleep's unguarded, I fear not to dye,
But in my little cot securely lye:
Not troubled with the noise of men, or drums,
No trumpet there or horseman ever comes.
175: Oft when I rise, I sit a little while
Upon my fragrant bed of Camomile:
The Strawberries that in the thickets thrive,
My faintest hunger serve away to drive:
And pleasant apples (as my Grandsire first)
180: So do they serve to quench my greatest thirst:
While Great ones drink in gold, poison and blood,
I drink clear water out of wholsome wood.
Thus do I passe my time, harmlesse to all
But birds, for whom I make some new pit-fall.
185: Thus stranger to the world, yet to my self
Known, shall I dye, and leave this wordly pelf.
But, Sol withdrawing, the approaching night
And Starres appearing, do to sleep invite.

[393] therefore] therefote copytext, WF

[393*] When [a] Vertue bears the punish-ment of Crimes: And Wolves pretending harmles-nesse bear sway.

[394] ie: Augustus revenged the murder of Caesar by punishing most of the leaders of the faction.

[395] proud] L1, WF etc prond L3


ACcept these lines, which I have plainly writ,
Though not adorn'd with curious Art or wit,
And thou shalt be my Patron, at whose beck
My Muse shall hoist her sailes, or give them check,
5: So may I chance hereafter to relate
Some things more solid, and of greater weight.
And as our Palat's pleas'd with various fare,
So is our mind with studies choice and rare:
All things have changes: ev'n the Law it self
10: May lye and gather cob-webs on the shelf,
Though they be thine (grave Cook) 396 who did revise,
And mend the same, or Plowden 397 grave and wise:
But I love various learning, and so do
Make it my study, and my pastime too:
15: And thus while others play at Cards, or Drink
Away their time, I on Apollo think,
And pray his favour, that he will admit
Me from the Muses fount to sip some wit.

1659. Yours in all officiousness and Love most obliged

[396] Cook: who is this??

[397] Edmund Plowden, jurist, whose collections of cases (written in French) were of considerable importance -- DNB

Richard Bradshaw
"Upon the most desired return"
25 May

   Title: A Speech made before the King's most Excellent Majesty CHARLES the Second, / on the Shore where he Landed at Dover. / By Mr. John Reading B. D. who presented his Majesty with a Bible, the Gift of the / Inhabitants there, May 25th. 1660.

    Wing: R453.

    Copies: brs. O Wood 398 (11).

    At the outbreak of war in 1642, John Reading was a canon of Canterbury and Rector of Chartham. He was sequestered by Parliament, congratulated Charles in this oration, and was restored to office to die at Chartham on 26 October, 1667. In September 1662, Henry Oxinden wrote to his wife that he wished "Mr. Reading could procure me that [certificate] at Tenterden"; see Gardiner, ed., Oxinden Letters, p. 265-8; cf p. 273; citing Somner, Part 3, p. 127

    Who was Richard Bradshaw? one Henry Bradshaw was headmaster of Wye Grammar School during the 1640s; Oxenden's son went there; did he have a son? brother? Check Wye Church and Wye College, Orwin and Williams -- ref. Oxinden Letters, p. 126. and check A. E. Everitt, Community of Kent, 1640-1660.

    John Reading also wrote Christmas Revived: Or An Answer to Certain Objections Made Against the Observation of a Day in Memory of our Saviour Christ his Birth (for John Andrews, 1660; LT 1053(4) dated 12 Dec.

    Richard Bradshaw's formal verses appear double-columned below Reading's speech, given here in full.

Dread Soveraign!

    1. BE pleased to know that your Majesties loyal Subjects, the Mayor, Jurates, and Commons of this your Town and Port of Dover, seriously minding the admirable work of God's Mercy in your Majesties Deliverances, Preservations and restitution unto your long afflicted People, cannot but enquire for some Remonstrance of their due thankfulnesse to God, and Declaration of their Joy of your Majesties peaceable, and safe Return into your Kingdomes.

    2. Nor can they find any means in their power here so to accommodate, As the presentation of your Majesty with this holy Book, commanding our Allegiance and faithful Obedience to our Soveraigne Lord, God's immediate Vice-gerent over us on Earth.

    3. And if we may light our Taper to this Sun, we must say it is God's eternal will, in the fulness of time revealed for Mans salvation: The golden Pot of Heavenly Manna fitting every age, and palate, wherewith God having fed his Israell for a time, said of this selected Homer, of the same (sufficient for every man to salvation) recondatur posteris.

    4. Nor may we be diffident of your Majesties gracious acceptance hereof, considering your invincible love of truth (according to the estimate thereof, by the Prince after God's own heart) better then thousands of gold and silver; 'tis the Treasure hid in the Lord's field, the inestimable riches of his mercy in Christ our Life, and that through which we shall prolong our dayes in the Land; the royal Ornament of holy Princes, which they carry as the Symbolum of God's presence with them and blessing on them.

    5. No more shall we add concerning this tabernacle of God's testimony, whose beauty and riches are within, but our hearty prayer to the Almighty, that it may be our happy auspicium Regni to your sacred Majesty, and as the Arke at Obed Edom's house, a blessing, causing all to prosper, and the good Lord God say Amen, and let all God's people present say Amen, Amen.

In reditum exoptatissimum Regi' Majestatis Sacratissim'
apud Dubrenses.
Votum pro Rege, Lege, & Grege.

Nomov empsixov tov Basilea Vocat Aristoteles.

Carolus secundus Vivat Rex;
Rediviva jam tandem currat Lex.
Exultent vere Protestantes,
Exulent nec non veri Recusantes.

5:           Exurgat Deus, & dissipentur inimici Regis.

Nomos empsuxos o Basileus. Rex viva Lex.

Vivida Lex noster Rex, nostri Spiritus oris,
Luminibus lux, cujus & est absentia morte,
Pejor. Juda Leo juvenis sit, simus & Agni;
10: Dumq; lupi, & Vulpes stupidi metuunt, fugiuntq;
Pastor adest noster: Deus en miranda peregit,
Fit caput Angelli summum lapis ipse relictus:
Nam sua sceptra tenet Rex noster, legiser Ille,
Cujus & Herculei scymni ira rebellibus est par:
15: Sed sua conspicuum comitas sibi ducet honorem;
Unde timete Deum verum Regemq; coletis.

Sic obtestatur Majestatis vestr' perenni servorum
humilimus, R. B.
Regis ad exemplum totis componitur orbis.
Qualis Rex, talis Grex.

Upon the most desired return of the Kings most Sacred
Majesty at Dover.
An humble Sute, or Supplication
For King, and Law, and the whole Nation.

The King is Law's life Aristotle cries.
Stopt be that mouth which Royal Law defies.

May Charles the second King, live long and Raign;
The Lawes concur at length reviv'd again:
5:            Let Protestants rejoyce from bondage free,
Let non-conformists each Exiled be.

Let God Arise, and the King's Enemies
Scatter'd shall be with their Hyprocrisies.

The King is a living Law.
10: Our King's a lively Law, our Nostrils breath,
Light of our Eyes, whose absence worse then death.
 Judah's a Lyons Whelp, let us Lambes be;
Since Wolves, and Foxes shamed, Fear, and Flee;
Our Shepheard's come, great wonders God hath done,
15: What was dispis'd is now th'head Corner stone:
For He the Scepter beareth our Law-giver,
Whose wrath's a Lyon fell to the bad liver:
Yet his free Mercy will Him Glory bring,
Hence fear ye God, and honour ye the King.

So prayeth the most humble of your Majesties continual
Subjects, Rich. Bradshaw.
Printed in the year 1660.

"When Charles King of England"
[undated: after 25 May]

   Title: [missing] The second part, to the same Tune. / [cut] / [text] / London, printed for F. Grove dwelling on Snow-hill. Entred according to order.

   Wing: Not listed.

   Copies: Blackletter broadside. O Firth b. 20 (25). Rpt. in Ebsworth, 9: 788.

   This item is the second half of a ballad, printed on one side only, that has been bound in with Englands Captivity. This title is the catch-phrase of the chorus; Ebsworth suggests "Charles, King of Engalnd, Safe on Shore," and reports that the cut -- angelic host top left -- some mounted; figure with sword and book in cloud top right; castle bottom left, host of sodiers bottom right gesturing towards the angelic troops top left appeared on Nathaniel Butter's Good Newes to Christemdome of 1620 (9:788).

The second part, to the same Tune.

GOod Subjects and they
That lov'd him did pray
but Rebels did wish the ship
Were cast away
5:           for fear Divine Justice
Should turn them all ore,
When Charles King of England is safe set on shore.

The joy that did ring
Just at his landing
10: did pierce the high heavens with
GOD save the KING.
the Rocks in an Eccho
As loudly did roare,
To see Charls the Second come safely, &c.

15: The Trumpets did sound
The Cliffes did rebound,
with hands lift to heaven,
And knees on the ground,
they all did give thanks and
20: True praises good store,
To see Charls the second come, &c.

The Cannons at Dover,
And every rover,
did thunder with joy that
25: The King was come over,
some Caps were cast up
That they never saw more,
For joy Charls the second was safe, &c.

Men, women, and boyes,
30: Did make such a noyse
they made Kent & Christendom
King with their joyes.
such high exclamations
Were nere there before,
35: For joy Charls the second was, &c.

The true men of Kent
And all that was in't,
deserve their good deeds should be
Publish'd in Print.
40:           a Loyall just County
And sufferers sore.
Till Charls King of England was, &c.

Put on the rich Robe
Thy Crown and the Globe
45:           for thou hast been well nigh as
Patient as Job,
such intricate hazzards were
Nere known before,
But thanks be to God thou art safe set, &c.

50: May every sinew
Of him strong continue,
true peace and prosperty
Raise his Revennue,
God blesse my Lord Monke too
55: We humbly implore,
By whom Charls the Second got safely on shore.

FINIS London, printed for F. Grove dwelling on Snow-hill. Entred according to order.

Vox Populi, the Voice of the People
28 May

   Written in two parts, the first set of thirty heroic stanzas are not composed in quatrains such as Dryden had used to praise Cromwell, but rhymed pentamenter couplets organized into fours. The second part, an "Elogium Carolinum," is both more learned and more formally composed, and the poet even claims to be able to outdo Virgil since he is singing of so noble a ruler. Since these verses were reissued in Edinburgh, it is tempting to imagine that the poet of Laetitiae Caladonicae had them in mind when composing the satires of that poem. Lots of exaggerated claims are made on behalf of the peoples willingness, skill, and desire to fight foreign nations and extend the new king's empire.

    The brief character sketch of Charles in the Elogium is vague and generalizing; contrast with Flecknoe's portrait.

Vox Populi,
His Sacred Majesty 398 happy return congratulated
Thirty Heroic Stanza's

BRitain behold thy King, and Royal Head,
For whom thy Nobles and Plebeians bled,
Thy common Saftey, Glory, and the Sun
That ends the Night which in the Sire begun.

5: Whom absent thou so long hast doted on,
The Heav'ns399propitious to thy wish hath thrown
Into thine400Arms, that thou might know and see
T'was401his Exile commenc'd thy Misery.

They were thy sins, not his that did engage
10: Him in so sad, yet Royall Pilgrimage,402
Whence he returns with Reliques stor'd to heal
Thy Sick Estate, and widow'd Common-weal.

A Nobler Prince ne're wore thy Diadem,
Of all that issu'd from that Noble Stem;
15: Affliction made him wise, and Wisdom good,
He is the best of Princes and of Blood.

Nor his return that made the Gallique State
Do homage to his Sword; nor his whom Fate
Design'd the jarring houses to compose,
20: Nor his that did, divided Britain close.

Produc'd such quiet to his State, as we
Hope from his Soveraign Sacred Majestie,
His People's only joy, their life, their love,
To whom all hearts as to their Center move.

25: He, he it is that can Fanatique rage,
And Bedlams Quakers fury disengage,
The Elders and the Miters shall not jar,
Zeal and Religion shall not henceforth war.

But both united Zealous Puritan,
30: And the Religious, Loyal Protestant
Shall shake the tripple Crown, and make it know
We have Religion in the life, not show.

For now our Keepers and our chains are gone,
Pluto bestirs how to secure his own,
35: Least of his despair should drive them down to Hell,
They there attempt to frame a Common-weal;

That lech'rous House long Pandariz'd to please
The rampant humours of State Tyrannies,
The Monsters that for Laws forth from it came,
40: Would blister any modest tongue to name.

They have out-done their Ancestors in crimes,
And Acted past belief in Future times;
Religion, Law like twins of grief lament
Th'invenom'd sting of that Tail-Parliament.

45: The Bloody Cannibals would shame to own
Those Hellish Acts, this monstrous House hath done;
And cruell 403 Tartar, barb'rous Arabs they
Go not to Hell, through such a sanguine way.

But now those Meteors which we fear'd and felt,
50: Are by a Northern Star to vapours melt:
O may they fall in Lethe's stream, that so
Forgetting us, we may them never know.

And now our Bells report unto the Sky
The restitution of our Liberty;
55: And sacred Flames have purg'd th'infected air,
The heavens now smile to welcome home the Heir.

Since then thou art most glorious Prince return'd,
See how thy love our loyall 404 hearts hath burn'd;
Be thou the head, and we will Members be,
60: Obedient Members to thy Laws and thee.

Nor fear thou Treason now, we love too well
To breed up Vipers that are hatch'd in Hell:
Nor shall thy heart to thee more faithfull prove,
Then shall thy People's fix'd and constant love.

65: No greater care doth on our spirits lye,
Then how to care for (Charls) 405 thy Majesty;
To see thee glorious, in a glorious Throne,
No great care have we then thee alone.

Men train'd for War attend on thy commands
70: With Marshall Weapons in their warlike hands;
What King more blest, what Subjects happier be,
Thour't blest by them, they happy made by thee.

Nor may'st thou boast of some few Cohorts, we
Auxiliar Legions here present to thee,
75: Whose daring swords do wait upon thy will,
To save thine allies, and thy Foes to spill.

A Legion yet of English lads there are
Born for to fight, and bred up in the Warre:406
Let Monck but head them, stubborn France shall bow,
80: And humbly set her Crown upon they brow.

The Austrian house shall shake and quake for fear,
The Lyon's Paw should the spread Eagle teare,407
And force the vaster Continent to come;
To this your Isle for to receive its doom.408

85: Our hearts and Purses, we will ope'together,
Ask which thou wilt, we will deny thee neither:409
The first are thine, thou hast them in possession,
The latter shall be thine by free Concession.

Command and have; who for a Prince 410 so good,
90: Would spare to spend his treasure or his blood:
We have no riches, but to spend for thee,
Our riches whil'st thou want'st are Povertie.411

Nor is your land lesse rich, then that of France,
And for her king, dares pound for pound advance;
What they do by constraint, we willing doe;
We pray thee to receive, and thank thee too.

And though rich Spain be underlaid with Gold,
We've English Brasse, will force it from their hold; 412
95: We let them drudge to bring the Indies home,
The greater part unto your Coffers come.

The watry continent owns none but you
As Lord; your Fleet did it long since subdue:
Nor Spain, nor Belgium dares, without you please,
100: To give them leave, appear upon the Seas.

We have provided for you, such a Fleet
As makes the Belgians tremble when they see't:
They've 413 felt the vengeance of our Guns, and now
They think it safer then to fight, to bow.

105: Brave Mountague 414, he rules upon the Main,
And gallant Monck commands the Martiall 415 Train,
That, shall your Forreign foes ship down to hell,
This shall Domestick flames and fury quell.

See how the People throng unto the Town,
110: To see your brows invested with a Crown:
And thus by me they doe Congratulate
Your blest return, to this now-blessed State.

Long live our C'sar, our Augustus long,
May he triumph over our hearts and tongue's,416
115: Our hearts shall love, our tongues his praises sing:
Both heart and tongue, now cry, God save the King.

Floreat Rex Angli'. Floreat, floreat.

Majesty] OC; Majesties EN

Heav'ns] OC; heav'ns EN

thine] thy EN

T'was] 'Twas EN

Royall Pilgrimage] Royal pilgrimage EN

cruell] cruel EN

loyall] Loyall EN

(Charls)] (Charles) EN

Warre] War EN

spread Eagle teare] Spread-Eagle tear EN

doom] dome EN

neither:] neither; EN

Prince] prince EN

Povertie] povertie EN

hold;] hold? EN

They've] EN; The've copytext

Mountague] Montague EN

Martiall] Martial EN

tongue's] tong's EN

Elogium Carolinum, Or, a brief Panegyrick to the praise of his Illustrious Ma-jesty, our most Serene Soveraign Charls the II. by
grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and
Ireland; Defender of the Faith.

YOu thrice three sisters, all ye sacred Nine,
Apollo's 417 darlings! Helicon Divine,
And sweet Castalian Groves forsake, distill
Immortall Verses from my numerous quill;418
5: And whilest one better then 'n'as, 419 I
Doe sing, then grant sweet Maro's melodie:
Would you I tell his birth? Tis 420 one who springs
From the Illustrious 421 stock of ancient Kings,
Whose Sires, and Grandsires fame and lasting glory,
10: Not any former Hero, or their story
Can parralel,422 but let our Muse survey
His proper virtues, which themsevles display
Through every lineament,423 shall I commend
His outward form, my verse would have no end:
15: His stately height doth so advance his Crest,
As if in worldly things thee were no rest:
He emulates the skie, and would fetch down
A starry Diadem to grace his Crown,
Nature herself determin'd him to be,
20: A Royall C'dar, no inferiour Tree;
What shall I of his comely Visage Tell?
Wherein both Majesty and mildnese dwell:
These are his outward gits; what bold pen dare
His inward undertake for to declare?
25: His large endowments do exceed the station,
And narrow bounds of humane Declaration,
His Learning, Valour, Bounty and great spirit
Accomplish him throughout, for to inherit
Paternal Kingdomes, and to govern all
30: The Nations in this vast terrestiall ball;
When like to furious Mars, he doth advance
To his unhappy foes, his dreadfull lance
Is tipp'd with speedy death, no spell can charm
The Conquering force of his victorious arm;
35: When bloody conflicts and stern War asswage
Its fatall violence, and his just rage
Appeas'd, when cloath'd in milder purple, he
Excels just 'acus 424 in clemency;
Then glorious Hero since the Gods ordain
40: That England shall be happy in thy reigne;
And that thy Potent arm shall rule and sway
The Brittish Scepter, (long'd for many a day)
And that we shall regain our old renown
And usuall lustre by our Monarchs Crown:
45: Then let thy radiant brightnesse quite dispell
The clouds of all sedition, and refell [sic
Phanatick errours, whilst the skie shall ring
With one applause, God save our noble King.


Apollo's] Appollo's EN

quill;] quill? EN

'n'as,] AENeas EN

Tis] 'Tis EN

Illustrious] Illustruious EN

parralel] parallel EN

lineamENt] lieamENt EN

'acus] Aeacus EN

H. H. B.
A Poem to his Maiestie
on His Landing
[28 May]

    Descriptions of crowds eagerly travelling to Dover to meet Charles were not uncommon in works published during the days immediately following his return. Here most of the commonplaces are well represented, especially the emphasis on a general desire to see this spectacular occasion. This version opens with a cosmogenic analogy -- Charles creates the world by his return -- which develops into a series of biblical references that, in turn, slide into analogies with classical mythology and Virgilian georgic. This displacement of biblical by classical allusions is singularly apt since the interregnum governments had legitimated their authority by constant reference to, and use of, the Old Testament. Against this tendency, Charles's return reintroduces the neo-classicism associated with the culture of the Stuarts. Writers who supported Cromwell had commonly identified him with the olive-branch of peace, so the careful conditional usage in l. 18 neatly marks the structural transition from biblical to classical while also suggesting how the Restoration really began with the protector's death in 1658. Severalo other poets explained that the years which Charles had spent abroad were a providentially ordained education in foreign politics that could only benefit him and his kingdom now he had returned to rule.

   Only one copy of this poem seems to have survived. I have been unable to identify the author.

THe Spirit that inform'd this Soul-lesse Frame,
We read, first on the face oth'Waters came;
And You our Quickning Spirit Heaven sent
This sad Nation by the same Element.
5: With eyes upheld, Knees bow'd, glad hearts, clasp'd hands
Upon the shore as numerous as its sands
People stand, and your unseen Fleet descrie,
So much their joyes, see further than their Eie.
The City's empti'd, all towards Dover strive,
10: And like starv'd Bees for sun-shine leave their hive.
Some panting up to the proud Cliff ascend,
And being too low still there, on tip-toes stand:
Nor will that serve, upon this Castle lie
Perspectives planted,425 stilts too for the eie.
15: The Arke when in the Deluge toss'd design'd
The swift-wing'd Dove, the long-lost Land to find.
Had we the Bird, This Land without all doubt
Would send her forth, your Ark for to find out.
The Olive Branch that should this Nation shade
20: With Peace, growes now at Sea about Your head.
The floting world once of each kind held two,
Yet now grown bigger can not follow You.
See your long-captiv'd People ready stand
To loose their Fetters by your Sacred hand.
25: The fair Andromeda thus hopelesse stood.
Allotted for the cruell Monsters food:
When she espi'd her God-like Persius come
And by that Monsters death reverse her Doom.
Your Harbingers, your Acts of grace, were here
30: Long since, And told the Guilty You were near.
'Twas to our Saviour's comming then not long
Men knew, when once good will and peace were sung.
One year of Grace Heav'n did to all allow,
But this unhappy Land stood need of two.426
35: Think (Injur'd Prince) your wrongs were all well ment,
You were to Travail, not to Exile sent.
With sev'ral Countries wisdoms fraught you'r come
Like the glad Bee from flours with honey home.
For common good the Subject Bees perhaps thus drive
40: Rudely sometimes their Master from the Hive.
Alasse your Enemies did but for You
What fondest Parents for their Children doe;
Tis true, your woods they sold,427 your Lands, your Lead,
But yet they'l leave you all when they are dead.

F I N I S.

.úú13. i.e. telescopes. I have not been able to find out whether there really were optical devices made available to the public.

.úúOliver Cromwell -- the "Monster" of line 28 -- had died in 1658.

.úúThe House of Commons put an end to the public use of royal woodlands; 18 June 1660.

H. H. B.
The Noble Progresse
T. H.
Iter Boreale, the Second part

[undated: 28 May]

   The model for this reissued ballad was clearly Robert Wild's Iter Boreale, perhaps the single most popular set of broadside verses published on the eve of the Restoration. Dryden glances at Wild's panegyric to Monck in the Essay of Dramatic Poesy, for exemplifying the decay of poetry into popular journalism; everyone on at the Exchange was reading this instance of terrible versification. Reprinted in POAS.

    The version of this ballad ascribed to "T. H." and published by Henry Brome, tries to cash in on the famiiar and popular title, but the text makes no attempt at imitating Wild's versification. Ebsworth noted that The Noble Progresse is the same as T.H.'s Iter Boreale, with some variants, most notably the repeated catch. I have taken for copytext the slightly longer version from The Noble Progresse which includes the anti-sectarian refrain as chorus to each verse paragraph. Substantive variants appear in notes, and suggest rather more about how carelessly ballads were composed in the print shop than the date of issue of either.

   In 1860, Wilkins included The Noble Progress commenting:

This curious street ballad, the original or which is in blackletter, was discovered forming part of the lining of an old trunk. It is, probably, unique. The first part relates to the final dismission of the Rump, and the election, with the concurrence of Monk, of a free parliament, or Convention, which voted the restoration of the exiled King. The second part describes the triumphal progress of Charles II. from Dovor [sic] to Whitehall, accomaonied by the princiapl nobility and gentry of the kingdom.

The Noble Progresse
Or, A true Relation of the Lord
Generall Monks
Political Proceedings with the Rump, the calling in
the Secluded Members,
their transcendent Uote for his
Sacred MAjesty, with his Reception at
Dover, and Royall conduct through the City of London,
to his famous Palace
at Whitehall
The tune is, when the Scottish warrs began.


GOod people hearken428 to my call,
Ile tell you all, what did befall,
and hapnd of late;
Our Noble Valiant Generall Monk,
5: Came to the Rump, who lately stunk,
with their Councell of State
Admiring what this man would doe.
His secret mind there's none could knew,
They div'd into him as much as they could,
10: George would not be won with their silver nor 429 gold.
The Sectarian Saints at this lookt blew,
With all the rest of the factious crew,
They vapour'd awhile and were in good hope;
But now they have nothing left but the Rope.430

15: Another invantion 431 then they sought,
Which long they wrought for to be brought
to clasp him with they,
Quoth Vane and Scot, Ile tel you what,
Wee'l have our Plot and he shall not,
20:           wee'l carry the sway.
Let's Vote him a thousand pounds a yeare,
And Hampton Court for he and his Heire,
Indeed quoth 432 George ye're 433 Free-Parliament men
To cut a Thong out of another 434 mans skin.
25:           the Sectarians. &c.

They sent him then with all his Hosts
To break our Posts and raise our Ghosts,
which was their intent
To cut our Gates and Chains all down,
30: Unto the ground this trick they found,
to make him be shent:
This Plot the Rump did so accord,
To cast an odium on my Lord,
But in this task, he was hard put unto't
35: 'Twas enough to infect both his horse and his foot,
the Sectarians, &.

But when 435 my Lord perceiv'd that night,
What was their spight he brought to light,
their knaveries all.
40: The Parliament of Forty eight,
Which long did wait, came to him streight,
to give him a fall
And some Phanaticall people knew,
That George would give them 436 their fatall due,
45: Indeed 437 he did requite them agen,
For he 438 pul'd the Monster out of his Den,
the Sectarian, &c.

To the House our worthy Parliament,
With good intent they bodly went
50:           to Vote home the King.
And many hundred people more,
Stood at the doore and waited 439 for
good tidings to bring,
Yet 440 some in the House had their hands much 441 in blood
55: And in 442 great opposition like Traytors they stood,
But 443 yet I believe it is very well known
That those that were for him were twenty to one.
But the Sectarian Saints at this lookt blew,
With all the rest of the factious crew
60: they vapour'd awhile and were in great hope
But now they have nothing left but the Rope.

THey cal'd the League and Covenant in,
To 444 read again to every man,
but what comes 445 next.
65: All Sequestrations null and void,
The people said none should be paid,
for 446 this was the Text.
For as I heard al the people say
They voted King Charles the first 447 of May,
70: Bonefires buring, Bells did ring.
And our street did eccho with God blesse ye King.
At this the Sectarian Saints lookt blew,
And all the rest of the factious crew,
they vapour'd awhile and were in good hope,
75: But now they have nothing left but the Rope.

Our General then to Dover goes
In spight of Foes or deadly blowes
saying, Viveleroy.
And all the Glories of the Land,
80: At his command there they 448 did stand,
in Tryumph and Joy
Good Lord what a sumptuous sight 'twas to see
Our good Lord General fall on his knee,
To Welcome home his Majesty.
85: And own his sacred Soveraingty,
But the Sectarians, &c.

Then all the 449 Worthy Noble Train,
Came back again with Charlemain
our Soveraign great.
90: The Lord Mayor in his Scarlet Gown,
Ins 450 Chain so long went through the Town,
in Pompe and State.
The Livery-men each line 451 the way,
Upon this great Tryumphant day,
95: Five rich Maces carried before,
And my Lord himselfe the Sword he bore,
Then Viveleroy the Gentry sing,
For General Monk rode next to the King,
With Acclamations, shouts and cryes,
100: I thought they would have rent 452 the Skies.

The Conduits ravished with Joy,
As I might say, did run all day
great plenty of Wine.
And every Gentleman of note,
105: In's Velvet coat that could be got,
in glorie did shine.
There were all the Paeres and Barrons bold,
Richly clad in Silver and Gold,
Marched through the streets so brave,
110: No greater Pomp a king could have:
At this the Sectarians, &c.

And thus conducted all along,
Throughout the throng till he did come
unto White-hall.
115: Attended by these Noble-men.
Bold Heroe's 453 kin that brought him in,
with the Generall.
Who was the man that brought him home,
And plac'd him on his Royall Throne.
120: 'Twas General Monk did doe the thing,
So God preserve our gracious King.
And now the Sectarians &c.

Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere and W. Gilbertson.

hearken] all hark Iter

nor] and Ite

refrain not in Iter

invantion] invention Iter

Indeed quoth] Quoth Iter

George ye're] George Indeed you're Iter

another] anothers Noble

But when] So when Iter

them 'em Iter

Indeed] For indeed Iter

For he] He Iter

doore and waited] door which waited Iter

Yet] But Iter

had their hands much] whose hands were iter

And in] In

But] And Iter

To] To be Iter

comes] came Iter

for] So Iter

first] second Iter

there they] there Iter

the] his iter

Ins] With's Iter

line] side iter

rent] rend iter

Heroe's] Hectors Iter

Thomas Mayhew
Upon the Joyfull and Welcome Return

29 May

    Lots of neologisms eg "clementest", "stook"; northern dialect sometimes seems to come through??

    a brief Ottoman moment when the Army are figured as tyrannical janissaries; notice Ottoman interests in Brett and Higons.

   Mayhew spends a good deal of time bemoaning the past conditions that will come to an end; he seems specially vehement about the evils of war and religious freedom.

    According to Wing, Mayhew wrote an elegy to Cromwell; MH unicum broadside.

   Of Thomas Mayhew I can find no record in Wood,

[ornamental header]
Upon the Joyfull and Welcome
Of his Sacred Majesty,
CHARLS the Second, &c.
To His Due and Indubitate Right of
Government over these his Majestie's King-
doms and Dominions.

REach me a Quill from some bright Angel's Wing,
To write the Welcomes of our dearest King;
Whil'st Vulgar Pens, in modest silence, say,
This lofty Work exceeds their Systema.
5: And first like those, whom mighty Joys surprize,
Let me weep dry the fountains of mine Eyes;
Quitt head and heart of Grief, that All may be
The spacious Organ of a Jubilee:
For difficult it is to apprehend,
10: Much more t'expresse the Joys that thus transcend.

If Peace be welcome to a Nation, rent
With twenty years intestine Discord, spent
And 454 opprest with armed Rapine, and unjust
Exactions, made a sacrifice to Lust
15: And Tyranny, and delug'd with a Floud
Of Vulgar, mix'd with choise and sacred Bloud:
When Persecution stains the reverend Gown,
And Priests before insulting Rage fall down:
When God's Anoynted, and our Nostrill's Breath,
20: By Treason never Parallel'd,455 is quench'd in death.
Hence, hence those Tears: Go read Illustrious Men,
Recorded by some Venerable Pen.
Extract from each his Vertues, and you'l find
Th'Elixir formed in that Hero's mind.
25: There was King David and his wiser Son,
Without their great Crimes, modelled in One.
Would you know Adam, or like what a Man
God once in Eden walk'd; no likenesse can
Better inform you than the Soul he wore:
30: Never was King so like to God before.
This was the Prince, whom we did late behold
Unto his Grave in horrid murder roll'd:
Those, Brutus-like, embrued in his gore,
Whom he, as sons, had bred, and blest before.
35: Hold, Muse, thou wilt retrive our antient cries,
Thou Panegyricks mean'st, not Elegies.

If Plenty with the Poor may welcome find,
Where welcomer, than to a Land design'd
To ruine, and the Monster, War, a prey?
40: Whose greedy throat hath swallow'd up, in pay,
And pillage, quarter, plunder, and in prize,
By force and fraud, gifts and gratuities:
The Bounty of his Saints, the Spoils oth'Loyall,
The Lands oth'Crown, and all th'Issue Royall,
45: The Sacrifice from off the Altar took,
(But Oh! the Coal that to that Morsell stook! 456)
All these, with Contributions, and Excise,
And Customes, not his Gluttony suffice,
But fifty Subsidies he snaps, in short;
50: And lest his stretch'd Maw shrinck, there's ready for't
Fifths, Twentieths, Tenths, All, Treason could contrive,
To keep the ravenous Prodigy alive.
On all our pleasant things, and every good,
His hand he spread, like an o're-whelming floud.

55: If Liberty restor'd may welcome have
From free-born men, enthrall'd, and made a slave
By their own Slaves, who must not onely pay
The Lording Janizary, but obey;
Not yield up their Revenues, but the Right
60: Of their Inheritance to armed Might;
Whose Laws and Charters, like the Gordian-knot,
Are not disputed, but assunder cut.
Whose Heritage by strangers are possest,
And in whose Habitations Aliens rest;
65: Whose necks to grievious Persecution bow,
Nor may their Labours intermission know.

If Settlement in State may joy a Land,
Dissolv'd and broken by the boystrous hand
Of Civill Wars, from its harmonious Chime
70: Of Monarchy untun'd, but th'sawcy crime
Of potent Faction, from its form and frame
Shook into novell Chaos, and a name
Of State unknown, whilst its old Church and State
Stand on their head, the feet predominate.

75: If Discipline and Doctrine welcome be
Unto a Christian Churche's Hierarchy;
A Church, late excellent for both, but now
Confusion written on her mournfull Brow;
Whose Gold is pallid grown, whose pure, refin'd,
80: And radiant gold, its splendor hath declin'd;
Whose polish'd Stones, of late her Ornament,
Are now not onely cast by, with contempt,
But Hewn in pieces, that, the Pillars thrown,
The Cath'lick Building might at once fall down;
85: And in its stead, as many Sects arise,
As Jesuits and Fanaticks could devise.
Its Liturgy with wicked scandall stain'd,
Its reverend Orders Superstition feign'd.
The Holy place to use profane employ'd
90: For Beasts; at best, by men unqualifi'd,
Ill-principl'd, worse taught, or not at all,
But mock'd and blow'd, made ev'n by these a Stall.
Vain foolish Things her Junior Priests have told,
Not touch'd the sins, which did her Cure with-hold;
95: But these cri'd up, for blessed Reformation,
(The ready way to gain a Sequestration)
False lying burdens brought, and hence extrude
As well her Fractions as her Servitude:
These have not wag'd with God spirituall force,
100: Like Jacob, for a Blessing, but a Curse:
Whose ignorance hath onely made them bold,
To censure every Principle that's old:
Who, for pretence, can tedious pray'rs extend,
And Nonsense preach, and Treason without end.
105: And in one Sermon damne (would God agree)
More souls, then that choice vessel sav'd in three.
Hence our Defections, hence it is we run
Into by-paths of Separation.
This way's not right, and the old Standard's down,
110: And each Enthusiast sets up his owne;
From which unpaled platt, more Sects have sprung,
Then if the Dregs of Amsterdam were wrung.

But see a glorious Sunne arising, bright
As morning Titan crown'd with radiant light!
115: Who long, in an injurious Cloud conceal'd,
Exerted hath his Lustre, and reveal'd
His all-refreshing beams, and with him brings,
To our blest Hemisphear, these welcome things:
Thy King, O England, that best Name, which wears
120: Thy Glory-in it, stamps the Characters
Of Honour and Renown upon thy brow,
Whilst forreign Nations to thy Triumphs bow;
Thy Prince, O England, whom thy rebell Crime
Forc'd into civill arms, in early time.
125: And next, (to say no more) to Banishment;
Schools too severe and strict, but that he spent
His time so well, that he hath brought from thence,
Th'Endowments of a most accomplish'd Prince:
Which acquir'd Gemms, set in his native Gold,
130: Heav'ns eye nought more illustrious can behold.

Old Poets, hush, be still; your Pages swell
With weak and poor Romances, when ye tell
Your story's of the Grecian Traveller,
Or Him, that wandred from the Trojan warre.
135: They never prov'd such angry Fates as he,
Nor such Encounters met by Land or Sea;
O're which his Valour, like an high Tide run,
And vanquish'd what so e're it could not shun:
Nor to their Countryes, when at length they came,
140: So much of vertue brought, nor so much fame:
Witnesse, That for his Crown he would not foyle,
With aid of forreign arms, his native soyl;
And that he brings his old Religion home,
Maugre the Circean charms and arts of Rome.

145: This, England, This is He, that brings thee now
After thy flood of woes the Olive-bough.
To make thee know, that Deluge could not cease,
Till this thy Dove were home return'd in peace:
To let thee know, that Heav'n would not agree
150: To grant thy Peace, till made 'twixt Him and Thee.
His are those Feet which welcome claim by right,
Bringing those Tidings, which none other might;
Tidings of peace on Earth, which the most High
Committed onely to his Embassy:
155: For Heav'n decreed no Mercy to dispence,
But through the Conduct of his Influence?
Nor any but his sacred presence shou'd,
Stop the long-running Issue of thy blood.

This, England, This is He, who brings thee back
160: That Amalthean-horn, 457 thou long didst lack.
Each now may sit beneath his Vine in peace,
And eat the plenty of his Field's encrease:
Not labour still, and still the poorer wax,
Nor sell his bread to pay his monthly Tax.
165: This is your Oedipus, that doth explain
The riddle of your Cheat, and Sphinx is slain:
Your Theseus this, that hath the Monster sped,
Who on your Noble sons so long hath fed.
Your Hercules, that hath destroy'd the Boar,
170: Which did your rich Arcadian fields devour.
Yet your Injustice thus just Heav'n controul'd,
Who would enjoy your Birth-rights, His with-hold;
And set Oppressours your own rights t'invade,
Till his Prerogative and Rights were paid;
175: Your Honours and Estates by vassail hands
Usurp'd, whilst you usurp'd his Crown and Lands;
Servants suborned over you to raign,
Whilst you the Scepter of your Prince disdain.

This, This is He, that breaks those Iron-bands
180: And Gyves, that fetter'd thy gaull'd feet and hands:
Who, like St. Peter's Angell, whilst thou sleep'st
Betwixt thy Souldiers, a true Vigill keeps.
And takes thy fetters off, sets ope thy dores,
And thy excluded Liberty restores.
185: And how doth blushing Anarchy decline,
And droop, now Monarchy begins to shine?
How do the Circles of false greatnesse fall
Into their first simple Originall?
Those blazing Stars, which late aloft did climbe,
190: How falne, nought else appear but froth and slime?
How do those aery Pageants melt away,
Before the glorious beams of this bright day?
They, who but now, with strength of Arms and Laws,
Did fortify their greatness, and their Cause;
195: And made our Lands, our Lives, our Liberties,
At best, their Vassail, oft, their Sacrifice;
How, like a morning mist, are they dispers'd,
Our Rights asserted, and their State revers'd?
So true it is; Earth's glories once must fall,
200: But laid in blood, they cannot stand at all.

This, This is He, that all thy Breaches bounds,
And binds up all thy State and Churches-wounds;
That to thy Bruises brings restoring Balme,
And layes thy tedious Tempest in a Calme:
205: That sets in Tune thy long disorder'd sphears,
And with composed notes delights thine ears;
Reparis the runies of thy batter'd frame,
And re-impresses thy old stamp and name:
Enstyles thee Kingdome, such as Heav'n thinks fit
210: To be, and makes thy Government like it;
Rears up the broken Pillars of thy Peers,
And fixes thy secluded Commoners;
Refines thy Temple's Gold, files off its rust,
Elects her precious stones from heaps of Dust.
215: And sets them in her Tyre, discharging thence
Those Cheats of Ignorance and Impudence.

And now, O Land, with blushes dye thy cheek,
Sink on thy lowly knee, and humbly seek
Thy God's and Prince's pardon: Ah! too long
220: Hast thou thy self undone, in doing wrong
Unto thy Sov'raign's right: thy Treason hath
Kept off these blessings, and drawn down the wrath
Of vengefull Justice: but Light now breaks in,
And undeceives thee, and unmasques thy Sin.
225: Great Providence, whose wayes are too profound
And intricate, for human skill to sound,
In this its time, in Men and Devil's despight,
Hath brought at once thy Crime and Cure to light.
'Tis true; Thou in thy Judgments might'st have read
230: Thy sinne, but that, like 'gypt, hardened.
What ment the Elements? Why all enrag'd,
As if in Wars against the World engag'd?
The Fire? what flames have in thy Land appear'd,
And turn'd to Dust the Piles thy Grandsires rear'd.
235: What antient Town hath scap'd its rage? And hath
Not this express'd, how fierce thy Maker's wrath?
The Ayre? What Tempests have the Fabrick shook,
As if the Poles from under Heav'n were took,
And earth in pieces rending? What from hence
240: But thy confusion shewn, and Heav'ns offence?
The Earth? How sparingly of late it yields,
Unto the Ploughman's toyle; as if the fields,
By some divine instinct were taught, that they
Ought not the Disobedient to obey?
245: The Seas besides their rude Invasions made
Upon this Iland, how have they convey'd
Prodigious creatures to thy frighted shore,
Such as the Nymphs of Thames ne're saw before?
To shew, thy Continent, at that time, held
250: No lesse a Prodigie, so parallel'd?
But these were Heaven's Hieroglyphicks, since
Interpreted to thy Intelligence;
Reveal'd in season. And thy Prince's Grace
Extends his Mercy, free as thy Embrace;
255: Who, with thy other blessings, Pardon brings,
The freest and the clementest 458 of Kings;
Who from advantage of his power defies
The vengeance of his private injuries;
Whose Sword, for want of use, may neither rust,
260: Nor surfett with the bloud of the unjust;
Who punishes the Ill, the Good rewards,
Protecteth Peace, and Truth and Justice guards;
Who for Obedience on his Subjects layes
No Rules, but those by which himself obeys
265: His Soveraign Lord; in Arms no lesse expert
Then in the Peacefull Gown sage and disert;
Who as a Tutor to his Church appears,
His Country with a Father's love endears,
What lesse then God inn'd in an human breast
270: Is such a King, of Men and Kings the Best?

O! with what welcome canst thou entertain
This lost Palladium, now retriv'd again?
What Joys canst thou expresse, what Io's sing,
To usher in this rare and Pho/enix King?
275: Unfold obedient arms, and clasp him round,
But with your hearts more than your bodies crown'd:
Unfold those dores, and lodge him there, above
The reach of Envy, in those Towers of Love.
Thy Bells must cease, but let thy Toung still ring
280: That Peal of Loyalty, God blesse the King.
Thy Bonefires must in livelesse dust expire,
But let Allegiance live, like Vestall fire:
Thy Conduits will grow dry of Healthing-wine,
Let Duety be an unexhausted Mine:
285: These Accidents of Love and Joy must end,
But may the Substance without bounds extend:
And by experiecne warn'd, resolve again
No more to quarrell with thy Soveraign;
But make it all thy Practice to obey,
290: And to thy C'sar, what is C'sar's pay.

And here, though Heav'n amazed Earth may tell,
That it hath wrought, ev'n now, a Miracle;
Brought mighty things to passe, to puzzle sense,
And human reason for Intelligence;
295: That the entranced world doth yet scarce know,
Whether it be Reality, or no:
And when the Arme of flesh was tyr'd and spent,
Took up the work, and gav't accomplishment;
To tell the Royalist, there was no need
300: Of him, to bring to passe, what it decreed:
And Rebells, they should fall without a Name,
And not three Kingdomes have, for fun'rall flame:
Yet Heav'n did means and Instruments employ,
Whose merits may not in Oblivion dye.
305: With Bayes no more, the bloody Victour crown,
Nor Conquests, gain'd with thousands slain, renown:
Let Him, in Triumph, through the City ride,
That conquers with his Weapon by his side;
That can an Army, without battail, beat,
310: And every Troop, without a Charge, defeat:
That Gideon-like, with his small handfull, frights
To nothing the distracted Midianites;
That without blows, makes angry War surcease,
And layes his Country in the arms of peace.
315: Who those advantages improves aright,
Which others lost, ensnar'd by Appetite;
From forth whose Loyall and Heroick brest,
His Countrey's love drives his own Interest;
Who knowes Obedience better than a Crown,
320: Which Usurpation cannot make his own:
And such is He, whose Name I need not give,
But as a soul, to make this Poem live;
George Monck, the truly Noble: whose great Name
Shall ever shine'ith Firmament of Fame:
325: We need not Garlands make, nor Statues rayse,
For Him, whose worth is Imag'ry and Bayes;
Nor do his vertues any Herauld need,
Which have their Proclamation from the deed:
What Honour can, or Industry invent,
330: Is but a perishable Monument,
But ne're in Ruines, shall that Name be hid,
Who makes his Country's peace, his Pyramid.

And next to him, there's Honour due to those,
Who, Pho/enix-like, from the old ashes rose;
335: This Legall Parliament: who do not do
Their owne work only, but the Nation's too.
To those our Peers, who sprung from high Descent
Now shine, their King's and Kingdom's Ornament;
And to those Loyall Commons, whose blest Lots
340: Have falne, to be their Country's Patriots;
Whose words have earnest been, like Judah-men,
To bring their Soveraign David home agen:

O! May this three-fold-Cord for ever hold,
And in a lasting Peace these Realms enfold!

H'c ara tuebitur omnes.


And] inked out O1

By Treason never Parallel'd,] ä (Treason unParallel'd), O1 hand corrected

stook: a pile, a mass, esp of hay or straw; also obsolte past participle of "stick." NB OED sb.4: "Coal-mining ... The portion of a pillar of coal left to support the roof" 1st useage, 1826.

ie the horn `of plenty'

ie mildest; from clement; not OED

William Pestell
A Congratulation To His Sacred Majesty

[29 May]

   Despite the "1661" of the titlepage, the moment of these verses is very much that indicated in the title, 29 May.

    DNB: entry for Thomas Pestell (father): vicar of Packington, Leics and chaplain to Robert Devereux, third Earl of Essex and eventually royal chaplain; published sermons. In 1644 he resigned his living at Packington to his son Thomas; published elegies and sacred verses. Wife was daughter of Mrs Katherine Carr. 2nd son, William (d. 1696), graduated BA 1634 and MA 1638 from Queen's College, Camb, became rector of Cole-Orton in 1644, "whence he and his wife were driven by the parliamentary soldiers under Sir John Gell. He appears to have resumed his benefice at the Restoration, and in 1677 was instituted to Ravenstone in addition." This seems to be his only publication.

[ornamental header]
His Sacred Majesty,
His safe Arrival, and happy Restauration to
his Three Kingdoms.

AMongst the Giant Wits of these ripe times,
My Pigmy Muse creeps in, to bring her Rimes;
An humble Present, to that Sacred King
Regards the Heart more then the Offering.
5: At our bright Northern Blazing Star's approach,
The Sea his Horse was, and a Ship his Coach:
To bear so rich a burthen, Waves did dance,
And (swell'd with humble pride) strove to advance
Their heads to kisse his Hand; the Fish did play,
10: And leap for joy, making it Holy-day,
Dancing Levoltoes to the whistling Winde,
Which then conspir'd them Musick for to finde:
And (which is wonderfull indeed) they say,
A Regiment of Water Nymphs, that day,
15: Meer Maids, per se, came up in shoals, to sing
A Maiden Caroll to our Virgin King.
Thousands of Dolphins Crown'd (but none from France)
With Stramers Honi soit qui mal y pense,
Rode waiters by; the Whales brought up the Rear,
20: And was resolv'd to have a Frolick there.
Neptune resign'd his Trident, and did swear,
'Twas his by right who was three Kingdoms Heir.
No sooner landed, and Devotions past,
But Canons (to discharge their Duties) haste,
25: And give inteligence from Port to Port,
Speaking his Welcome in a loud Report:
The Bonefires gild each Hill, to whose bright shine,
The Moon grew pale, and did her beams resign.
Quakers grew Lunatick, to see such Fire,
30: And thought the World should now in flames expire.
The Bells did ring men by the Ears, and say,
It was Great Britain's general Holy-day.
See how his Loyal Peers, and Gentry, throng
To gild his way, as he doth march along,
35: CHARLES in his Glory, with his sparkling Train,
Outfac'd the Sun, who went to bed again.
Vollies of Acclamations, peals of Joy,
(Which sent to Heav'n on an Embassie)
Return'd this Answer to their Lowd Request,
40: Vive le Roy, be he for ever blest.
To which his Subjects cry'd Amen so loud,
'Twas like a Clap of Thunder from a Cloud.
Blest are his Kingdoms now, in this one Vote,
O may they n'ere divide, nor change their Note.
45: Women then lost their Tongues, Mens Arms were thrown
Quite out of joynt for Joy, yet no harm done.
Some lost their Heads, which were next morning found,
And some had Leggs could stand upon no ground.
The May-poles stood too't bravely, all the way,
50: Crown'd all with Garlands of Good Will, that day.
Phanaticks said the World was drunk, I think
It was indeed with Joy, but not with Drink.
The Earth was drye as dust, with which some say
Gallants were powdred to some tune that day.
55: The Zealots oft miscarry, there are some
Say, they were fowl ore'seen, to let him come.
Ride on, Great CHARLES, Triumphant, whose rare Arts,
By killing Foes with Kindness, gains their Hearts:
Sure there is Magick in thy Name, or Thee,
60: Pardon, (Great Sir) I'le no Familiar be,
From whence doth flow such powerfull Influence,
That all Rebellion is banish'd hence:
No Subject hath the Evil, none diseas'd,
But with Your touch is Cur'd, and pain appeas'd:
65: All Hail to Englands Monarch, may I see
Thy self reflexed, and Posterity
Provided for by You; a Royal Race,
To Rule these Kingdoms, with a God-like grace.
Which is a debt You owe: The World adieu,
70: But I despair of seeing one like You;
From whose bright presence Majesty doth rise,
And like a Sun enlighten all our Eyes.
Let every Coblers Wife a Diamond wear,
And Pearls be hang'd in every common Ear:
75: We have the Indies now, brought home, in Thee
All Treasures, and all Sweets, there hyved Bee:
The Worlds our Store-house now, and we have all
That can be wish'd; our Life's a Festivall.
Our dayes all Halcyon, the time is come,
80: To bid our Golden Fleece a Welcome home:
Thrice Welcome, Royal Sir, our Soveraign Cure;
What Heav'n is Ease! to those long pains endure?

William Pestell.

James Shirley
Ode upon the Happy Return

[29 May]

    Titlepage: AN ODE / UPON THE / HAPPY RETURN / OF / King Charles II. / TO His / LANGUISHING NATIONS, / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By JAMES SHIRLEY, Gent. / Composed into Musick by Dr. Coleman. / [rule] / Et capitur minimo Thuris Honore Deus. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed 1660,

    Rpt. in G. Thorn-Drury A Little Ark Containing 17th-Century Verses 19-25; and in Armstrong, ed., Poems.

    Checked to HM original; some cropping of margins; line over-runs copied as in original.

To the King.

ANd is there one Fanatique left, in whose
Degenerate Soul a thought can stray,
And by the witchcraft of a cloud, oppose
This Bright, so long expected, Day?
5:           Whence are these wild effects of Light,
Emergent from our tedious night?
Oh! can it be, those life-creating beams,
That warm the Earth, and gild our streams,
Purging th'infected air, our eyes, and mind,
Making even Moles themselves to see, should strike these
10" rend="right: (poor men blind?

It will convert an Atheist to a faith
Of the Creation, no less strange,
Will he believe our Chaos, when he hath
Read the Miracles of our change:
15:            In such a rout was all our Frame
Of things, until the Fiat came;
Stoop, and lay down thy reason trifling man,
From such account the world began,
After a dark Abysse to shew his face,
When natures, stifl'd in the deep, came gliding to their
20" rend="right: (place.

But wonder cease, the Altars call to burn
With thanks and vows; what sacrifice
Can be enough, great Prince, for your return,
Who are the Joy of Hearts and Eyes?
25:            Our dutie's paid to him, that is
The Spring of Your, and all our bliss:
Let us to Loyal Monk some trophies bring,
To whom, next God, we owe the King,
Our peace, & Princes; and may you think fit,
Whilest on Your Head three Crowns, on his as many gar-
30" rend="right: (lands sit.

Now welcome, Royal Sir, our bells impart,
And piles of wood, but heat and noyse:
Then take it from the language of a heart,
Whose crowd of wishes break into a voice;
35:            And thus do upward fly. May all
That pious men can think, or call
A blessing, wait and watch about your throne;
Live long our glorious King, and be your own!
And when time, faint with years, points to the Biere,
Find it no loss, to be in Heaven, and Charles the second

40" rend="right: (there.

James Sherley.

[ornamenal rule]

WElcome thou happy day, in which was born
The pledge of all our Joy, the Prince,
Welcome again the same white happy morn,
Although sad thirty winters since!
5:            And now I sing
That Prince our King.
The cure of all our wounds is He.
Guns, every Bell,
And Bone-fires tell
10:      His safe return, our Island round Nothing but Charles, King Charles resound.
A joyful sight to see.

The Major, and Train of Scarlet-Brethren ride
To meet the King, next them we told
15: Five hundred more, all in their plush and pride,
And Chains, you may believe were gold.
Conduits made fine
Pist Claret wine.
The Troops and Trumpets were hard by,
20:            Buff and gold lace
As thick as grass
Triumphant march, to and agen,
Some gallant horse, some gallant men,
A joyful sight to see.

25: The Dutch at this strange turning of the stream
Will be our Trouts another while,
But King & Common-wealth's all one to them,
So they may keep their Fishing still,
Purchase and prey
30:            And Spawn at Sea:
But oh, the French that were so free!
Pardonne moy,
Excuse their joy.
The Exil'd CHARLES this day is come,
35:       Who may send all the Pedlars home.
A joyful sight to see.

The Irish, that in Usquebauh did pledge
His Birth, their jolly tunes give ore.
A Lord not now is master of a Hedge,
40:       Scarce bonny clabbor within door.
But you, that were
No Rebel there
May re-assume your merry glee,
And change your tone
45:            Of Hone, oh Hone
When you shall hear a voice proclaim
Back to the Province whence you came
A joyful sight to see.

The Scots like honest Men, Hosanna crie,
50:       They knew his Father mickle well,
And say, God save the King; Amen say I,
From such as have the trick to sell.
There are some few
That are true blew.
55:       The Welsh with joy transported be,
Plutter and Nails
Pless Prince of Wales
Who now is King, and pright as star
Upon the top of Penmenmaure,
60:            A joyful sight to see.

But oh, the Landlord of the Rich Peru
Is sayling with his golden Fleet,
And in a sea, of pure Canary too,
To land his Oar at Charles his feet.
65:            Rouse from your shade
Dull men of Trade!
The storms are laid, the seas are free,
A peace with Spain
Brings all again
70:       You shall like Grandes march in state
And swim in Rios de la Plate,
A joyful sight to see.

That Hand that brought our best of Kings and Men,
Now fix him in his Royal Throne.
75: That Knaves may never preach him out agen,
Nor us into Rebellion,
'Tis our turn now
To Vote and Vow,
And Justice cry our streets throughout.
So, Charles, God bless,
Queen, Dukes no less,
And Monk, who has thrown off his Hood,
And by his Prudence, without blood,
Brought all these things about.


Englands pleasant May-Flower

[29 May?]

    Employs a broad series of rather forced parallels from the OT to compare Charles with the divinely annointed with David.

Englands pleasant May-Flower
Charles the second, as we say,
Came home the twenty ninth of May.
Let Loyal hearts rejoyce and sing
For joy they have got a Gracious KING.
The tune is, Upon Saint Davids day.

WHy should we speak of Cesars Acts,
or Shimei's treacheries,
Or of the Grand Notorious Facts
of Cromwels Tyrannies.
5: But what we all might gladly sing,
and bravely chant and say,
That Charles the second did come in
the twentie ninth of May.

Since that his Royal person went
10:      from us beyond the Seas,
Much blood and treasure have been spent
but nere obtained peace:
Untill the Lord with-held his hand
as we might chearfull say,
15: And did a healing balsome send
the twenty, &c.

This healing Balsome Soveraign is,
and a very Cordial thing,
Which many evils can suppress
20:      by vertue of a King,
And poysoned blisters overcome
Which in three Kingdoms lay,
Twas God that sent this Balsome home
the twenty, &c.

25: Surely he is determined,
a mighty King on Earth,
That God hath so remembred,
and kept him from his birth:
As David from the Lyons paws
30:      Whose beard he bore away.
So Charles the second made good Laws
the twenty ninth of May.

The King of Africa subdu'd
by fire and by sword,
35: But Charles the second was indu'd
with power from the Lord.
Whom trained was in Davids field
with prayers night and day.
That he three stately Kingdoms held
40:      the twenty, &c.

King David had a General strong,
and Joab was cal'd by name,
He made him Lord of Babylon,
and rul'd where ere he came.
45: But through his spleen with envi'd quarrels
David did betray.
But our Saint George brought home King Charls
the twenty ninth of May.

The second part, To the same tune.

NOw give me leave to speak so far
50:      as truth might justifie,
Of that most glorious blazing Star
at his Nativity,
The grandest Planet of the morn
shin'd glorious at noon day:
55: Which was the time King Charls was born
the twenty ninth of May.

I think I could my self ingage,
in deep Astrologie,
To speak what this same Star presag'd
60:      of Glorious Majesty
A mighty Monarch he shall Reign
which makes me chant and say
Now brave King Charls is come again.
the twenty, &c.

65: 'Twould blunt the pen of any Poet,
to write what may be said,
But to the Order Honi Soyt
just tribute shall be paid
For such a prudent Gracious King
70:      lets never cease to pray,
He heald the sick when he came in
the twentie, &c.

Gods holy band doth him protect
his Angels doth him guard,
75: Likewise his students doth direct,
which makes his foes affraid.
On Davids musick we will sing
and bravely chant and say,
The glory of the world came in
80:      the twentie ninth of May.

He alwayes weareth Joshua's hands
and beareth Davids praise.
And like to upright Job he stands
to wear out Abrahams dayes.
85: He was the wit of Solomon,
and upright in his way.
So like to Joseph he came home
the twenty ninth of May.

Like Daniel he was so devout,
90:      his Star did follow him,
In all his tragedyes throughout
Like that of Bethleem.
Twelve years he travel'd Christendom
that makes me chant and say,
5: 'Twas marked out just for his own,
the twenty, &c.

Now let all people celebrate
this day which is so pure,
And to be kept by Church and State
100:      for ever to endure.
That Generations all might see
the honour of the day,
Which everlasting it shall be
the twenty, &c.

105: So God preserve our Gracious King
the Duke of Yorke also,
Defend them from the Dragons sting
and every Christian Foe.
Then let true Loyal Subjects sing
110:      and bravely chant and say,
The like in England nere came in
the twenty ninth of May.


Printed for W. Gilbertson.

The King and Kingdoms Joyful Day of Triumph. [undated: after 29 May]

    This ballad is attributed to John Wade by Ebsworth; see headnote to W. J., The Royall Oake. Wade also probably was the JW who wrote "A Second Charles.

    Ebsworth dates this shortly after 29 May and notices the similarity of some lines in the Trunk Ballad without a title given here as "Come."

The King and Kingdoms joyful Day of Triumph.
The Kings most Excellent majesties Royal and Triumphant coming to London,
accompanied by the ever Renowned, his Excellency the Lord General Monck,
and an numerous company of his Royal Peers, Lords, Knight,
Citizens, and Gentry, who conducted his Royal Majesty
in Honour and Triumph from Dover to London.
To the Tune of, The Scottish Lady, or, Ill tide that cruel peace that gain'd a War on me.


KIng Charles he now is Landed,
to ease his Subjects moan;
Those that are faithful handed
he takes them for his own:
5: Oh he is our Royal Sovereign King,
And is of the Royallest Off spring,
Peace and plenty with him he'l bring,
And will set us free
from all vexations,
10:      and great taxations,
woe and misery,
And govern all these Nations
with great tranquility.

Lord General of fair England
15:      marcht forth to meet the King,
To entertain him when he did Land,
and to London him did bring;
He is the worthy Man of Might
That doth both King and Countrey right,
20: In whom God and man taketh delight:
For surely he
well doth understand
what he doth take in hand;
and most discreetly
25: He doth his warlike Troops command,
renown'd to Posterity.

The Trumpets bravely sounded,
the Kings Return again.
With joy their hearts abounded
30:      the King to entertain:
Aloud they sounded forth his praise,
Englands Glory for to raise;
For God is just in his wayes
35:      most hearts then were glad,
no man seeming sad,
the bravest day that ever came,
We happy by our King are made,
to his eternal fame,

40: The Citizens of London
with a most pompous Train,
For evermore hath praise wone,
his favour for to gain,
Gallantly marched out of the Town
45: To King Charles's Royal Renown,
In peace to bring him to the Crown
Richly attired:
by the Lords perswasion
after the richest fashion
50:      greatly admired;
The chiefest in this Nation,
whose hearts with joy are fired.

The second Part, to the same Tune.

THen many brave Noblemen
All most gallant and brave,
55: Marched out of the Town then;
both valiant, wise, and grave,
Counting it a most delightful thing
For to honour Charles our Royal King,
And to the Crown him in peace to bring:
60:      desiring he
now might be Crowned,
and still Renowned
to posterity,
On whom fortune had frowned
65:      for his sincerity.

Many thousands of Noblemen,
then marched o're the Plain,
For to defend King Charles then,
and him to entertain:
70: Their Horses went prancing along,
When they were the rest among,
And seem'd to dance amidst the Throng
So merrily;
seeming to be glad,
75:      they that journey had:
they marcht on most,
They were neither heavy nor sad,
but went delightfully.

Their Riders richly tired
80:      in costly Cloth of Gold,
Their journey so required,
most rich for to behold:
Oh it was the most glorious sight,
And did my heart so much delight,
85: That I could not forbear but write.
They were such gallant Blades,
and so richly drest,
as cannot be exprest,
they were most bonny Lads,
90: All malice they did destest,
they were such brave Comrades.

Each Regiment from other
known by their sev'ral notes,
As plainly it did appear,
95:      and was all in Buff-Coats:
And in silken Scarfs all of green,
With Hats and Feathers to be seen,
Most rich as well I ween,
Were these brave men:
100:      England did never
see the like ever
but may again
They marched most courageous,
the King to entertain.

105: And this doth these Lands rejoyce,
and all that in them live,
Then both with hearts and voice,
and thanks to God do give,
Which restored unto us our King,
110: And Usurpers down did fling:
Freedom unto us to bring;
We shall be free
from all Exilements
and ill Revilements,
115:      we and our posterity
Shall have our full enjoyments,
and happy dayes shall see.


London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

The Glory of these Nations.

[after 29 May]

   Fifth of the "trunk ballads," this broadside marks various stages in the king's progress with the putative authority of an eye-witness report, listing names and places along the way from Dover to Westminster. As with all such eye-witness reports, it provides a selective list of those the poet recognizes. Monck and the king, are greeted at Deptford by "maidens … all in white." Apprentices appear to greet him at Walworth field; the Lord Mayor joins the train at Newington Butts where a banquet is served. This ballad names several members of the Sealed Knot who had plotted the king's return.

   Despite its title, this ballad's perspective is English rather than British -- at times appearing to be specifically aimed at appealing to those living in metropolitan London. There is a strong commercialist emphasis in the final emphasis on the return of trade.

   Of this ballad Ebsworth writes: "A Second `Trunk Ballad' is `The Glory of These Nations; or, King and People's Happiness.' It is an imitation of Martin Parker's ballad `Upon Defacing of Whitehal' (reprinted, vii. 633), and to the same tune, When the King enjoys his own again. It begins, "Wher's those that did prognosticate, and did envy fair England's state, And said King Charles no more shall reign? Their predicitions were but in vain, For the King is now return'd" etc. It tells of his reception on 22nd May at Dover, and his progress to Canterbury, Cobham Hall, Deptford, Walworth, and Newington Butts, where he was received by the Lord Mayor." (9:786-7)

The Glory of these Nations.
Or, King and peoples happinesse, being a brief Relation of King
Charles's Royall progresse from Dover to London, how the Lord Generall and
the Lord Mayor with all the nobility and Gentrey of the Land, brought him tho-row the Famous City of London to
his Pallace at Westminster the 29. of May last, be-
ing his Majesties birth-day, to the great comfort of his Loyall Subjects.
The Tune is, When the King enjoys his own again.

equestrian King with two heralds in front, riding left to right]

WHer's those that did Prognosticate,
And did envy fair Englands State;
And said King Charles no more should Raign;
Their Predictions were but in vain,
5: For the King is now return'd
For whom fair England mournd.
His Nobles Royally him entertain,
Now blessed be the day
Thus do his Subjects say,
10: That God hath brought him home again.

The twenty second of lovely May 1
At Dover arrived Fame doth say,
Where our most Noble Generall
Did on his knees before him fall.
15: Craving to kiss his hand.
So soon as he did land
Royally they did him entertain 2
With all their power and might
To bring him to his Right,
20: And place him in his own again.

Then the King I understand
Did kindly take him by the hand,
And lovingly did him embrace,
Rejoycing for to see his face;
25: Hee lift him from the ground
With joy that did abound,
And graciously did him entertain,
Rejoycing that once more,
He was o'th' English shore,
30: To enjoy his own in peace again.

From Dover to Canterbury they past,
And so to Cobham-Hall at last;
From thence to London march amain,
With a Triumphant and glorious Train,
35: Where he was receiv'd with joy
His sorrow to destroy.
In England once more for to raign,
Now all men do sing
God save Charles our King.
40: That now enjoyes 3 his own again.4

At Deptford the Maidens they
Stood all in White by the high-way,
Their Loyalty to Charls to show,
That with sweet flowers his way to strew;
45: Each wore a Ribbin blew,
They were of comely hue;
With joy they did him entertain
With aclamations 5 to the skye
As the King passed by,
50: For joy that he receives his own again.

In Wallworth-Fields a gallant band
Of London-Prentices did stand
All in White Dublets very gay,
To entertain King Charles that day,
55: With Muskets, swords and Pike,
I never saw the like,
Nor a more youthfull gallant train,
They up their Hats did fling,
And cry God save the King.
60: Now he enjoys his own again.

   [cut: royal coat of arms]

At Newington-Buts the Lord Mayor 6 willed
A famous Booth for to be builded,
Where King Charls did make a stand
And received the sword into his hand,
65: Which his Majesty did take,
And then returned back
Unto the Mayor with love again;7
A Banquet they him make,
He doth thereof partake,
70: Then marcht his Triumphant Train.

The King with all his Noblemen,
Through Southwark they marched then.
First marched Major General Brown,8
Then Norwich Earle 9 of great renown
75: With many a valiant Knight,
And gallant men of might,
Richly attired marching amain.
These Lords Mordin, 10 Gerard 11 and
The good Earl of Cleavland,12
80: To bring thee King to his own again.

Near sixty flags and streamers then
Was born before a thousand men,
In Plush Coats and Chaines of gold,
These were most rich for to behold
85: With every man his Page,
The glory of his age,
With courage bold they marcht amain,
Then with gladnesse they,
Brought the King on his way
90: For to enjoy &c.

Then Liechfields 13 and Darlyes 14 Earles,
Two of fair Englands Royall Pearls;
Major Generall Massey 15 then
Commanded the Life guard of men
95: The King for to defend,
If any should contend,
Or seem his comming to restrain,
But also joyful were
That no such durst appear,
100: Now the King, &c.

Four rich Maces before them went,
And many Heralds well content.
The Lord Mayor and the Generall
Did march before the King with all,
105: His Brothers on each side,
A long by him did ride;
The Southwark-Waits did play amain,
Which made them all to smile
and to stand still a while,
110: and then they marched 16 on again.

Then with drawn swords all men did ride,
and flourishing the same then cryed
Charles the second now God save.
That he his lawfull right may have,
115: and we all on him attend,
From dangers him to defend:
and all that with him doth remain
Blessed be God that we
Did live these days to see
120: That the King, &c.

The Bells likewise did loudly ring,
Bonefires did burn and people sing,
London Conduits did run with Wine;
and all men do to Charls incline,17
125: hoping now that all
Unto their Trades may fall,
Their Famylies for to maintain
and from wrong be free,
'Cause wee have liv'd to see
The King enjoy his own again.       FINIS.

London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London Bridge.

[1]A hasty error? should be 26th of May.

[2]entertain] enertain copytext

[3]enjoyes] ed. enjoyss copytext


[5]aclamations] ed. a clamations copytext

[6]Lord Mayor of London at the time was Sir Thomas Alleyne, who followed Sir John Ireton and was followed in turn by Sir Richard Browne, the alderman who suppressed Venner's insurrection in January 1661. Alleyne's sheriffs were William Bolton and Richard Peake. Alleyne is linked with Monck in a poem by John Rowland, M. A. of Christ Church, "In Honour of the Lord General Monck and Thomas Allen, Lord Mayor of London, for their great Valour, Loyalty, and Prudence: Epinicia" (LT copy dated 22 May, 1660).

[7]see The Noble Progress

[8]Major General, later Sir Richard Browne (d. 1669) was one of the most influential figures in the City of London at the Restoration. Representing the City, he was among those sent to meet the king at Breda and, as indicated in the ballad here, headed the procession that brought Charles into London. Browne was appointed Lord Mayor in October 1660, having served as MP for the City in 1656, Jan-April 1659, and in the Convention Parliament 1660. A woodmonger from Whitefriars, Browne emerged into national politics as the leader of the City trainbands in the early stages of the first civil war, but broke with the war party in 1648, spending five years in prison. During the early preparations before Booth's rising, he received a commission from the King on 1 March 1659 together with Lord Willoughby of Parham and Sir William Waller. These three, as former parliamentarians, were to cement support with the presbyterians, but only Parham signed on at that time (Davis, 125). Following its failure, Browne went into hiding but continued to be involved in Sealed Knot activities; he was a member of the group in December 1659 that tried to preempt Monck by urging Whitlocke to persuade Fleetwood to see the king at Breda and agree on terms for his return (Davis 188). Browne took his seat representing the City of London in the Convention Parliament on 21 February 1660, and was unanimously nominated recorder (ibid 293, 324). In January 1661 he suppressed the Venner's insurrection. He "remained a favourite with the London apprentices" to the end of his life (Pepys, Companion, p. 48).

[9]George, Lord Goring, later Earl of Norwich (d. 1663), had known Charles personally since at least 1645, when Goring was appointed general in command of the royalist field army in the Westcountry at a time when the royalist effort there had been assigned to the young Prince of Wales. Unable to hold out against Waller's invasion and the internal squabbling among the other royalist generals, Goring fled to France.

[10]John Mordaunt, viscount (1626/7-75); check DND, G. E. C. Cokayne, The Complete Peerage. While a commoner, he plotted against both Charles I and Charles II. In 1658-60, however, he was one of the leaders of the royalist underground aiming at a restoration by bringing about an alliance between the Presbyterians and the City. He was tried for treason 1-3 June 1658, but was acquitted thanks to the casting vote of John Lisle, president of the High Court of Justice. Francis, Lord Willoughby of Parham appealed to Whitelocke to help Mordaunt, 5 June 1658. During July and August, he helped organize a nationwide uprising that failed. In 1659, Mordaunt accompanied Greenville and joined Charles in Brussels where he was created Baron Mordaunt of Ryegate and Viscount Mordaunt of Avalon in July 1659. For services leading to the Restoration, he was appointed High Steward of Windsor and Governor of the Castle, but was impeached by the Commons in January 1666 -- for arbitrary persecution of a subordinate at Windsor -- he was pardoned but resigned; see Whitelocke Diary 22 Oct 1667.

[11]Gerrard: ambiguous, probably (1) Charles, Lord Gerard, Earl of Macclesfield (cf DNB): this is Ebsworth's candidate but check: (2)Sir Gilbert Gerrard (1587-1670): former treasurer at war for parliament during Civil War, became committed royalist; secluded MP (Davies, 321-2);; see Keeler, The Long Parliament, R, Somerville, Office Holders of the Duchy of Lancaster (1972), G. E. Aylmer, The Kings Servants; Davies 1955: 321-22; Of Grays Inn; created Bart. 1620. Treasurer at war for Parliament during the Civil War, Gerrard became a devoted royalist. Appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1648, he was secluded at Pride's Purge, but later reappointed.

[12]Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Cleaveland, "lead a company of 300 noblemen and gentry in the Restoration procession" (Ebsworth, 9:xxxix), cf J. W.'s The King and Kingdom's Joyful Day.

[13]Charles Stuart, Earl of Lichfield and afterwards Duke of Richmon; plotted with Mordaunt for the King's return cf Davies 138

[14]No doubt a misprint for "Darbyes." Charles Stanley, Earl of Derby, was son of the murdered James Stanley, 7th Earl, and Charlotte de la Tremouille, the heroine of Lathom House in 1644. (Ebsworth 9.xl)

[15]Major General Sir Edward Massey, had defended Gloucester for Charles 1; joined with Mordaunt and Sealed Knot to bring King back; he stood for Gloucester in early May and nearly lost his life (Davies 327) See Pepys 25 November 1661.

[16]marched] marced copytext

[17]incline] inclineline

Iter Australe

[undated: after 29 May]

   Titlepage: Iter Australe / Attempting something upon the happy / Return of our most Gracious So-/ veraign Lord, / CHARLS II. / FROM / BANISHMENT / TO HIS / THRONE. / [rule] / By a Loyal Pen. / [rule] / -- -Virum non arma Cano. / [rule] / LONON 1, / Printed by Tho. Leach, in the Year, 1660.

   The title reverses the direction of travel in Robert Wild's celebrated Iter Boreale, or journey from the North, in order to trope on Charles's arrival from the south in the final stanas. Although the poem is printed to look like Wild's -- they share similar typeface, page layout, use of a nom-de-plume -- there is no reason to think Wild wrote these lines. The poet here doesn't have a great deal to say about Monck. The text was obviously printed in a hurry; inking is poor in all copies. The copy at O=Firth would seem to be an early state, subsequetly corrected in the O=Tanner ad BL copies.

   The poem provides a general history of the period from the civil wars up to and including the king's journey home; thin on explanation, wide on narrative.

[ornamental header]
The Portal.

WEe'l no Cronostick numbers here
Compose, to figure out the year
Wherein our Second Charls did make
His Blest return; lest we mistake.
5: For Iustice breaking from her Iron Cage
Ha's back again reduc'd the Golden Age;
That Time no longer will the old style bear
O'th' Sixteen Hundredth and the Sixtieth Year.

Nor will we yet presume to joyn
A Nominal Letter to each Line,
And with our slender Art to frame
Acrosticks on his Sacred Name,
For 'twill be Forgerie to Interline
Those Letters Patents Providence Divine
15: Hath Copyed forth for us in CAPITAL
Out of their Heaven-Inrold Original.

Nor yet to make an Anagram
Disjoyn the Letters of the same:
(So Antient Adam had the Honor
Without all doubt to be the donor)
Lest (as those Lawlesse Traytors did Translate
His Royal Kingdoms to a Rebel State
So) we, whilst we endeavour to inforce
A Better Sense upon't, should make a Worse.

But yet my Muse would something, she
Might demonstrate her Loyalty;
Plain humble verse she thinks will best
Her Kneeling Reverence Attest.
His Beams are such, were not the Poets Bayes
30: Charms against Lightning, she durst not rayse
Her self above the Pitch of Prose -- Lest she
Should burn her Plumes, and fall a Scorched fly.

O might she gain Acceptance, this
Would prove her chief, her Master-piece:
35:      So whilst the Sun withdraws his Light
'Twill seem at least an Eagle flight:
But if his splendor be so great that he
Cannot pluck in his daz'ling Raies, and she
Shal stand Convicted of Pr'sumption,
40: She sues the General Act -- -Oblivion.

[1]sic in both O copies; and BL

Iter Australe, Attempting somthing upon the happy return
of our most gracious Sove-
raign Lord,
From Banishment to his


SHoot up thy head my Muse, thy Foes are flown,
Made the retreat to mournful Helicon:
Come dive no longer, now thou need'st not fear
Upon the forked Mountain to appear;
5: Put thy neglected Buskins on, and shake
Thy watry Pineons, and leave the Lake;
Fly to Pernassus Airy top, and see
What from the high Ascent thou can'st descry;
And when thou shalt discern on Thetis floor,
10: The royal Navy, wafting Charles to shore,
Go Crown thy gladded brows with flowers whereon
The names of Kings have their Inscription,
To entertain his blest arrival, and
Carol his welcom to the happy Strand.
15: In the mean time rehearse those mournful Lays,
Thou erst did dedicate unto the praise
Of Charles the first: Go gather up again,
Those Quills of Porcupines thy high disdain
In a Satyrical disguise did cast
20: At Traytors Heads, (whose Feathers as they past,
Sung their Prophetick Elogies) and now
Shoot, shoot in triumph, for their overthrow.
But stop your ears with black, with mourning wool,
Or send your twice-repeated griefs to School
25: Amongst the tortur'd Ghosts, they may from thence
Bring back the Lesson of forc'd Patience,
To hear my now relapsed Muse relate
The Tyranny of our late Monarchs Fate.


NOw that Prophetick Simile proves true,
30: England's an Axe in shape, and nature too:
Whilst startled Conscience winks, One fatal stroak
Prostrates Great Britains Tutelary Oak;
And reason good; Why cumbers it the Ground?
The Traytors cry, our Providence hath found
35: A better way to Husband it, no more
We Beggars-bushes will, as heretofore,
Stand in the barren paths and ways, since we
To plant our seves on his fat soil agree.
Down with th'imperious Cedars too (they cry)
That by their power enfenc'd his Majesty,
40: From our encroachments; And upon their Land
The brave aspiring Poplars shall stand.
The Briery Souldiery shall have a share
With us and a Commission to tear
Their Golden Fleeces from the backs of those,
45: Whose zeal to King, of Conscience, shall expose
Themselves unto our mallice; -- -- -They'l dispence
With penance in their Robes of Innocence.
Thus fell our Gracious Soveraign, and they
That own'd their Princes cause his Fates obey;
50: So the Barbarians have a Law that when
The Master yields to Destinie, the Men
That were his most obsequious Servants must
Descend his Grace, to wait upon his Dust.
Which of his vertues did foment their rage
55: So high, nought by his blood could it asswage?
Was it his Justice? Yes, for they did fear,
Before that high Tribunal to appear.
Was it his mercy? Yes, 'cause he refus'd
To murther whom they wrongfuly accus'd.
60: Besides (they say) Religion bade them make
An holy Warre (forsooth for Conscience sake:
But stay a little, step aside and see
How God himself was wrong'd as well as he.


IF Christian Reformation that will prove
65: Wherein the Serpent overcomes the Dove,
Farewell ye silenc'd Oracles; our Sun
Sets in a Cloud, our happy days are done.
But search and try (my Muse) before you speak,
Turn not a she Phanatick and mistake:
70: For when their warlike Swords and Muskets drove
Out our holy Church, of the peaceful Dove,
Amphibious Batts did spring up in the night
Of blinded zeal, and play'd the Hypocrite;
And damned Spirits walk't therein, which make
75: Our Quakers their possessed joynts to shake,
And Thou and Thee us all, 'cause they foretel,
They shall find no distinctions in Hell.
The Ingis Fatuus of whose lights do bend
Their paths unto perditions, pit and lend
80: False beams a while unto the fatal Brink,
Then (like the Devil) vanish in a stink.
The harmless pictures of th'Apostles must
Out of the Temple windows all be thrust;
(They hate such good examples) that before
85: Ungodly men their light might shine no more:
And why all this? because the Scriptures speak
How Eutichus fell thence and broke his neck.
Each one ordains himself; Mechanick men
Set in the Temples up their shops agen
90: Which Christ himselfe drave out; these silly Elves
(Gifted from none that I know but themselves)
Pretend to Prophecie, and why not then
Coblars of Souls, as Fishers er'st of Men?
Dissembling Souldiers this, and worse have wrought,
95: And Crucified their Christ, but kept his Coat:
And the Rump-Senate set the Tail where we
In vain endeavour'd, that the Head should be.


HEre give my pious Muse leave to lament
Great Charles his Crucifixion, which hath rent
100: Our Church into so many Breaches, that
Good are thrust out, bad men thrust in thereat.
And as the Jews astonish't at the knell
When th'holy Temple rang her Passing-Bell;
So when our Faith's Defender Fell, had we
105: No cause to write a mournfull Elegie?
He was both King and Prophet, that he might
Yield both to subjects, and to God their Right.
And these two Functions did so meet, his Laws
Were on the Decade but a Paraphrase.
110: How did he brandish the Two-edged Sword
Of God's Soul-piercing, Heart-dividing word?
Nor sefish ends, nor false opinion
Could make him burnish a false Gloss thereon;
Who wrot his name upon't, and his devise
115: With the Strong Aqua Fortis of his Eyes.
Then see his Life, not like Cylennius, whose
Statue did point the ready way to those
Were Pilgrims, 'mongst the Mountains, & stood still
Whil'st they asceded the brow-bending Hill;
120: But dy'd a Martyr in a Good old Cause,
Defending both Divine and Humane Laws.
Then come, O Loyal Subject, let us raise
A Monumental Trophee to his Praise.
And in succeding ages let it stand
125: Untouch't; and may that Sacrilegious hand
That shall by force attempt to raze it, ne're
Enjoy the blessing of a Sepulcher.


BUt what though he be murthered, his Son
The Prince of Wales ascends his Royal Throne:
130: Come, we may mitigate Our Griefs, though we
Can ne're enough bewail His Destiny.
No 'tis not so, his Fathers Vertues are
Descended unto him, as lawfull Heir;
And it is fit, the Fates do say that He
135: Should likewise taste of his Extremitie
To countermand such Blessings; and be hurl'd
In wandring mazes up and down the world:
Like to that pious Heroe, who did hast
From flaming Troy, when as the fire did wast
140: That Cities stately Structures,4 before he
Attain the place of his Regallitie.
But after many dreadfull 5 hazards run
'Twixt Hope and Fear, at length the Scottish Crown
Is set upon his Brows by those that took
145: Pole-money for his Fathers head, and struck
That luckless bargain, sad experience told
Prov'd loss to them that Bought and them that Sold.


THe English Rebels hearing this, there comes
Their General with an Army, thundring Drums
150: Roar 6 nought but Canon-language, Trumpets sound
A Brazen Perseverance, they are bound
That have engag'd against their Prince, to be
No more Retreaters to their Loyaltie.
Charles hunted out of Scotland by the Crew
155: Of these pursuing Blood-hell-hounds, he threw
Himself to Worsters Borough to obtain
A shelter more secure, but all in vain:
For they dislodg'd our Dear, and made him flie
For safer covert 7 to a Hollow Tree:
160: And now the Ranging Doggs the sent have lost;
But would not yet desist, till having crost
The Champian ground twice or'e, they could not finde
Their Pray, which thus their Fury had declin'd.
Thus did his Majesty escape, whose Rayes
165: Heav'ns Providence design'd for better daies;
And to a Forraign soil is fled from hence,
Till that Reducing Power recalls him thence.


ANd now Aspiring Oliver by Force
With the Black Rod whips the Rump out of doors,
170: And makes himself Protector; Thus we see
Treason 'mongst Traytors sometimes there may be:
One Interregnum thus encludes its Brother;
Here's one Parenthesis within another:
Time-servers tongues, Lick'd (out of Hope or Fear,)8
175: Into a Formal Lamb this Savage Bear.
One would have him a David, (cause he went
To Lamberts wife, when he was in his Tent.)9
A second, Moses styled him, (for why
His shining Nose made the Synecdoche:)
180: And Most were so besotted that they found
No grief at all; For hard Oppression ground
Their Faces with such cruelty, that there
Did no impressions of dislike appear.
But Providence at last to purge our Ayr
185: From this most noysome Vapour, did prepare
A wind to drive him hence, and sent him gone
To his deserved place; and straight his Son
Richard assumes the Load, and all adore
The Ass, (but for the Burthern which he bore.)
190: Some thought he would again our King recall,
But yet the Goose sav'd not our Capitoll.
Lambert Degrades him presently, and then
The Rump let loose, ran to their stools agen.


BUt they must turn out too, and not repine
195: But to the Wallingfordians resign
Their late acquired power, the Rump again
Is thrust besides the Cushion, may not Raign;
And now great Monk advances over Tweed,
The Priviledge of Parliaments to plead,
200: But his White-powder 10 gave no crack; for he
Wrought not so much by Power as Policie.
All are restor'd again, nay more then that,
For each Secluded Member takes his seat
Among the rest; I hope we may not fear
205: To style the King, Monks Privy Counceller.
The Royal Party make it their Resolve.
With all the speed that may be to dissolve
The now Divided House, with an intent
To make room for another Parliament;
210: Which might the Great Work do, and so agree
To pass a Fine without Recoverie.
Fly then ye restless Furies, fly, begon;
No more the Mazes of Confusion
In Brittains Soyle; trace out, hence off, make room
215: For gentle Fayries, their glad feet may come
And Dance the Rings of Everlasting Peace
About our Blessed Isle, so that the Seas
Of Violence and Rapine may no more,
Cast their unheard of Monsters on our Shore.


220: THe Senate is Assembled, which receives
The Style 'oth 11 Peoples Representatives
Now in a down-right sense; they are the Glass
Wherein his Subjects may see their Kings Face;
And eas'ly apprehend there doth abide,
225: A Silver'd plenty on the other side:
Their Rumpships Breeches now no more shall be
The Impress of our Lawfull Coyn; But we,
For his Reward who did bring home our King,
Shall have Great George on Horseback ride the Ring.
230:           As when the Earth bewailes in Mourning Weeds
The absence of the long set Sun, and dreads
A Non-repeated Course, the Gray-ey'd Morn
Giving a signal of his blest Return,
She then puts off her Cypress vayl, that He,
235: Might wipe her dewy Tears away; so we,
For Charle's, 12 his Wains Declension had vowd
Our Souls all Proselites to grief, and bowd
Our necks unto her Altars; Till from far
Unto our Watry eyes there did appear,
240: Monck in a Scottish Mist, who straight did pour
On English Rebels heads, a drowning shower:
Which having done, the Coast began to clear,
And straight upon our English Hemisphere
We did expect that Star should rise and be
245: Exalted to its Regal Dignitie.
And whilest our King makes ready to Return,
With Zeal inflamed Joys our Hearts do burn.


THe Brittish Seas Fly to a Forrein shore,
With an unwonted speed, to waft Him o're,
250: And make their Inroads on the Continent
That still detain's their Lord, and when they've spent
Their strength in vain, they backward bend their course
They may assayl it with a greater Force:
And having won 13 the Field, and got their Prize,
255: Ev'n Rarifi'd with joy, they Scale 14 the Skyes
To fetch the Clouds from thence, whose waters may
Send their Assistace to the happy Bay.
Both Heaven and Earth (for nought else yet we see)
Fight for, or yield to CHARLES his Potencie.
260: Neptune his Trident brings, and will not own
A Scepter suiting to a Triple Crown:
Iris, that stout Virago, thinks it fit
To paint her Bow with Purple, Green, & White
To shew whose cause she owns; Heaven would have made
265: Her stragling Meteors Torch-bearers i'th'shade
Of wandring Night, the Royal ship might stear
Aright amidst the Waves, but that there were
So many Bonefires on the shore that forc't
A day when Tytans Chariot was unhorst.
270:           Now! now he sails in view! but yet no land
Appears unto his sight, the people stand
So thick (like King-Fishers) upon the Coast,
Th'Inhabitants he found, the Isle he lost.
Some wish themselves Arions Dolphin, they
275: Might shoot into the Waves and bear away
Their wished King to Land; and some would be
Int'Eagles Metamorphos'd, that from Sea
They might bring Charles the Great, as it is told
That feather'd Prince did bear the child of old.
280: All would be Christophers that they might bring
Unto the happy shore their welcome KING.
How did the people croud to see him set
His foot on English ground? He scarce could get
Room to Ascend; and thus their very Love
285: And Loyaltie did Petit Treason prove.


The Guns report his Landing, posting Fame
Rode all the staged Cannons as she came
Quite out of breath, and fainting, short had flown,
But Fleeter Eccho lent her Wings to Town.
290: The Bells rack'd on their turning wheels Confesse
The happy news to all the Parishes,
Whilst to their tuning Cords the Steeples dance
For joy at this their great Deliverance.
The Citizens began to curse the Day
295: Gave Birth unto our Civil Wars, that they
Could not rebuild great Pauls his Spire, (that fell
As an Ill-boading Omen to foretell,
The Ruine of the Church) so that they might
Have now ascended his prodigious Height
300: To view Charls in his Progresse, guarded by
The Quintessence of England Cavalry;
Whilst Loyal-hearted Subjects made a Lane
Fenc'd with a double Quick-set hedge, and strain
Their Throats, like merry Birds therein, so sing
305: The blessed Restauration of their King,
That now at Black-Heath makes a stand, to greet
Them Graciously, that at his Royal Feet
Cast themselves down for Pardon, and arise
In his Defence against his Enemies.
310: Thence They conduct him to his Throne, and He
Assumes his double-staft Supremacy.15


REturn'd! O happy News! Is Charles his Wain
On our Horizon wheel'd up once again,
(And drawn with Doves, which tacitely express
315: This Emblem'd Motto, Conquerer by Peace.)
Go scotch the Orb 16, ye God's, this Chariot may
Run the Olympick Chace no more, but stay
Till pale-fac't Death sets up the White, which done
May Ariadne's Star be-studded Crown
320: Enshrine his noble Brows, may he appear
In Cassiopeias High Imperial Chair,
A Star of the first Magnitude, and be
As in his proper Seat and Dignity.
Go scotch the Orb till then, we may no more
325: His Peregrined Aspects here deplore.
Then let our Joyes, O Loyal Subjects, Dance
The Flourishes of our Deliverance
Upon our Ravish'd Heart-strings, and our Tongues
Sing Confort to them with Bliss-brimmed Songs,
330: Since Providence our Monarch doth Recall
From Miseries Black-Heath, to Joyes White-Hall.

Vive le Roy. FINIS.

[2]; in L and O=Tanner: weak inking in O Firth and WF gives ,

[3]Of] O but weak ink in all copies except O=Tanner

[4]S rtuctures in O Firth

[5]dreadfull] dereadfull in all copies

[6]Roar] Rore in O Firth only

[7]For safer covert] missing in O Firth only

[8]closing parenthesis missing in all copies

[9]On the affair between Cromwell and Mrs Lambert, see Newes from the New Exchange; or the Commonwealth of Ladies, Drawn to the Life in their severall Characters and Conceivements (Printed in the year of women without grace, 1650).

[10]not OED; though "white gunpowder" appears in the 19th century as a specific development in gunpowder; so presumably a poeticism.

[11]Style 'oth] Styl e'oth O=Firth only

[12]Charle's,] Charle, O=Firth only

[13]won] wun O=Firth only

[14]Scale] Skale O=Firth only

[15]Supremacy.] Suprem cy. O=Firth only

[16]In line with the title of the poem; "scotch the Orb" means to make a permanent incision upon the face of the earth; "scotch" thus OED v.1. "to make an incision or incisions in, to cut, score, gash."

James Bernard Upon His Sacred Majesties Distresses

[undated: after 29 May]

   Titlepage: A / POEM / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / DISTRESSES, / AND LATE / HAPPY RESTAURATION. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for R. Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in / St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet. 1660.

    Date: Bernard's welcome is composed in very general terms that imagine Charles has recently arrived in England: so place in late May.

    The publisher Richard Marriot also issued the large paper reissue of Waller's poem in early June (Thomason's is dated 9 June).

    Bernard's heroic verses welcome the king in the guise of a warrior whose recent fate has been of some considerable concern to the Titans and gods of Olympus. Bernard's imagination is exhuberant to say no more.


CEase, Phancie, cease, thus to disturb my Muse
With strange Chymera's, not for any use
But barren subjects, or some aiery theam,
The issue of A Non ens, or a Dream,
5: Which scrued up to the most tow'ring strain.
Its former nothing strait resumes again:
My Muse denies to bate one scruples right,
Back forty foot, for thou'rt a grain too light.

Armes, and the Prince, I sing, whose generous vain,
10: Pregnant with sacred purple, knows no stain
But that he's Albions Prince, which may put on
A title more significant, Rubicon.
Nor can the factious Rhetorick of the Times
Nose forth a Canting glosse, t'excuse the Crimes,
15: The horrid treason of a vip'rous Brood
That slue their Countries Father, who then stood
The Pilot of their Faith; but since he fell
Their Faith was shipwreckt, and they sunk to Hell.

Just so a sturdie Oake, which climb'd so high,
20: Its vertex seemed to gore the azure skie,
Through the complaint of an ambitious Brier,
Humbl'd upon the Earth, doth there expire:
But blustring Boreas through distended Cheeks
Empties his Belching lungs, the bramble seeks
25: For shelter, as before, but cannot find
Its spatious Friend to fan away the wind.

What Phlegra's this, whose Typhon scales the skies?
Will not such crimes awake heaven's Deities?
Hath Ganimedes (Nectar not profuse)
30: Sophisticated Jove with Lethe's juice?
Sure jealous Vulcan, searching for his Dame,
Doth disappoint the Gods, and lets his flame
Faint for a new supplie.
But, harke what sound!
What horrid object's this! see how the Ground
35: Blusheth with scarlet, whilst the thundering Gun
Disputes the Business, and th' affrighted Sun
Sweats to drive up his steeds: But, Muse, declare
What high-sould Prince is that, who, thus, doth dare
Doe wonders at each motion? have ye heard
40: Niles Deep-base Cataracts? or the crackling beard
Of domineering flames? heard ye the winds
Break from Eolian Caves, whilst Boreas finds
Resistance from the foaming brine? his steel
So stormes at every passe, till his foes reel:
45: Since wonders are so cheap, that every blow
Must be so prodigall, Let Heaven bestow
One on my trembling Muse, that she may see
Her Prince's miracles in a simile.

-- -- -- Have ye 'ere seen
50: A roaring Lion, big with rage, whose spleen
Durst venture on the Gods, when his proud foe
On solitarie Cliffs, presumes his Bow
With his dividing steel, sufficient force
To beard his highnesse with, whose voice is hoarce
55: Already with his boyling rage, whose eyes
Shootforth contracted flame, his shag doth rise,
His tallons all unsheath, whilst a deep groan
(Like Gorgons head,) would fright his foe to stone;
But yet the generous Archer speeds amain
60: His well-taught shafts, though still they light in vain
Upon his Royall fur: The Rampant King
Unites his furie 'cause he faild a spring,
With open mouth receives the bolder Dart,
First spits it forth, and then his generous heart
65: Kindles a double flame; his spirits rise,
Dart naught but vengeance from his blazing eyes,
Seizeth his foe, and then his rending paw
Teares up his bosome, for his grinding jaw
To craunch his vanquisht heart: So, just so
70: Our Royall Lion doth entreat his foe,
With equall courage and with equall flame,
But with unequall stars, which seems to shame
And make Olympus blush: But Atlas frownd,
Swore Heaven should sink for him to th' Stygian sound,
75: If its more favouring aspect did not look
Upon the just designs; then Phebus took
The deep-divining rowles of Fate, and read
As great deliverance on my Soveraign's head,
As ever cop'd with danger: thus appeas'd
80: Thick-shouldred Atlas was again well pleas'd
Had you been there you might have heard a shout,
A suddain tempest, loud enough to rout
Joves thunder to a whisper; Th'army flyes,
And Save-the-King runs Clambering up the skies:
85: But he, brave soul, rather then think of save,
Incircled by the dead, doth court his grave;
Yet is preserv'd, and gone, Jove best knows how,
But, by Joves favour, I'l goe beat the bough.

A stately Pallace 'tis, 'tis large and tall,
90: My Leidge hath turn'd his White to a Greenhall!
His father purpl'd it! the Phancie's rare,
Since Purple, White and Green his Colours are.
But lo the Crescent-crowned Queen of Night
Spangles the double Poles with borrowed light,
95: And decks with wanton rayes her gamesome hair,
Whilst shooting stars run trick about the Aire:
And wonder much to see the sifters loome
Spin a long thread withing the strutting womb
Of a comsumptive Oake, which had not teem'd
100: An hundred years before: but yet it seem'd
Latora must be fetcht, though't be in vain,
For now my King's secured by a Lane:
A raritie indeed, since when, I'm sure
The via Regia nere was thought secure.

105:       -- -- -- But heark, the Capering brine
Doth call my Muse, to frisk a nimble twine
With it, for joy my Soveraign doth daine
T'accept the service of the prouder maine,
Whilst Zephir' whispers-forth a softer gail,
110: Whose wanton sporting swells the pregnant sail;
The furrow break in silver foam all o're,
And straight, the stout Keel plows the Norman shore;
Which Eccoeth welcome, and, repleat with joy,
Doth storm Olympus with a viv' le Roy:
115: But fortune still, as various as before,
Ventures to dally with his stars once more;
And, as an Ignis Fatuus doth climbe
Sometimes aloft, then courts its mother-slime:
So she unconstant paces foots amaine,
120: First wantons with her flattery, then disdain;
And 'cause the French, of all men, sympathize
Her most transcendent rare varieties,
She makes them be the racket that must toss
My Soveraign (like a ball,) into a loss,
125: Or band' him to an hazard, whilst his foes
Are courted for a league, a rebell nose?
Makes them forget their honour, and their blood,
For fear it should take snuffe; thus, in the bud
My Princes hopes are nipt, whilst Fiends, not men;
130: First entertain, then turn him out agen.

So have I often seen a greedy Cur
To cramb his spacious gut make a great stir,
With eager haste swallow the pleasing bit,
And then at length his paunch disgorged it.

135:      But now the storm is past, the Day is fair,
French complements evaporate to aire,
While th'Austrian Prince exceedeth France as far
As substance doth a shadow, Sol a star,
Yet still there doth some chequer'd clouds appear,
140: Like beautie-spots, within his hemisphear;
But are dispersed; and a Monck, whose hood
Vaild his designe, prevents a purple flood;
And by a Labyrinth of windings, brings
Phanatick Gustes up to rellish Kings:
145: But now the stars with better aspects crown'd
Distill rich influence, and forget they fround,
The whilst our Prince doth gradually scale
Up Fortunes wheel by steps, that doe not fail.

So have I seen Apollo's radient eye,
150: Peeping through sable Curtains of the skie:
First powder it with Argent, Or it next,
And after comment largely on the text.

But then arose a grand dispute, what Fee
The Senat held by; some would have it be
155: Fee-simple, but the greater vogue prevail,
And all conclude at last it was Fee-tail.
At whose decease no issue did succeed,
So the Reversion, as is due, must need
Fall to my Soveraign.

But, methinks, I hear
160: That Charlemaine moves in his proper sphear;
Whose harmonie exceeds Apollo's lire,
Or Orpheus crystall sphears, though all conspire
To ravish with their accents. Plato's true,
Th'old Realme of England is become a new;
165: 'Tis its Platonick year, then let my soul
Extract the spirits of joy, and crown my bowle
Brimfull with wishes, whilst the Sun keeps time,
And ecchoing shouts do foot the measured rime.
Melpomene no more, come, come, and twine
170: About our, Olive merriest of the nine,
And, when thy jolly store is emptied, then
Its quintescence extract, and that agen.

Europa's Bull went wading by degrees,
First dipt his golden hoofes, anon his knees;
175: So hath our Soveraign done, yet still we see
He is to us, as Jove to Semele.

Thus have we seen a swelling Cloud arise,
Whose spacious bulk did Lord it o're the skies,
And golden Phebus did a Prisoner doom
180: To the black conclave of it's sooty womb,
But thanks to Heaven, a more refulgent beam
Turn'd the Usurper to it's former steam.

And since our glittering Sun, with rayes full grown,
On high Olympus top hath fixt his Throne,
185: If any ambitious meteors shall appear,
Let them prove falling-stars in's hemisphear.

By James Bernard.

Laurence Price
Win at first, lose at last.

[undated: after 29 May?]

    The narrative here brings events up to the moment after Charles has returned, but only just.

    This ballad evidently became a very popular piece since it was so often reprinted in slightly different forms. Internal evidence suggests that it may have been written in response to what might have been an earlier ballad called A New game at Cards. Or, The three Nimble Shuffling Cheaters. To a pleasant new tune, Or, what you please (nd; O=Wood 401 (147/148), which tells of a game between "three cheaters," an Irishman, a Scot and an "English-man so round."

    Wilkins notes: "This humorous piece, in which the events of the time are narrated in a supposed game of cards, closes the satiric chronicle of the Commonwealth. It is one of the very few ballads, written against the Rump Parliament between the years 1639 and 1661, that is entirely free from licentiousness, virulence, and falsehood" (1:144).

Win at first, lose at last; or, a New Game at Cards;
Wherein the King recovered his Crown and Traitors lost their heads.
To the Tune of, Yee Gallants that delight to play.


YEe merry hearts that love to play
At Cards, see who hath wone the day.
You that once did sadly sing,
The knave oth'Clubs hath wone the King,
5: Now more happy times yee have,
The King hath overcome the Knave,
The King hath overcome the Knave.

Not long ago a Game was playd,
When three Crowns at the stake was layd,
10: England had no cause to boast,
Knaves wone that which Kings had lost,
Coaches gave the way to Carts,
And Clubs were better Cards than Hearts.
And Clubs, &c.

15: Old Noll was the Knave oth'Clubs,
And Dad of such as Preach in Tubs:
Bradshaw, Ireton and Pride,
Were three other Knaves beside,
And they playd with half the Pack,
20: Throwing out all cards but black,
Throwing out, &c.

But the just Fates threw these four out,
Which made the Loyall party shout,
The Pope would fain have had the Stock,
25: And with these Cards have wip'd his Dock,
But soon the Devill these Cards snatches,
To dip in brimstone and make matches,
To dip in, &c.

But still the sport for to maintain,
30: Lambert, Hasleridge, and Vane,
And one-ey'd Hewson, took their places,
Knaves were better Cards than Aces,
But Fleetwood hee himself did save
Because hee was more Fool than Knave.
35:           Because, &c.

Cromwell, though hee so much had wone,
Yet hee had an unlucky Son:
Hee sits still and not regards
Whilst cunning Gamesters set the Cards,
40: And thus alasse, poore silly Dick,
He playd a while, but lost the trick,
He playd, &c.

The Rumpers that had wone whole Towns,
The spoyls of Mytres, and of Crowns:
45: Were not contented but grew rough,
As though they had not wone enough,
They kept the Cards still in their hands,
To play for Tythes, and Colledge Lands,
To play, &c.


50: THe Presbyters began to fret,
That they were like to lose the set,
Unto the Rump they did appeal,
And said it was their turns to deal,
Then dealt the Presbyterians, but
55: The Army sware, that they would cut.
The Army sware, that they would cut.

The Forain Lands began to wonder,
To see what Gallants wee liv'd under,
That they which Christmasse did forswear
60: Should follow Gameing all the year,
Nay more, which was the strangest thing,
To play so long without a King,
To play, &c.

The bold Phanaticks present were,
65: Like Butlers with their boxes there,
Not doubting, but with every Game
Some profit would redownd to them,
Because they were the Gamsters Minions,
And every day broach'd new Opinions.
70:           And every, &c.

But Cheshire men (as Stories say)
Began the shew them Gamesters play.
Brave Booth, 1 and all his Army strives,
To save the stakes, or lose their lives.
75: But Oh sad fate! they were undone,
By playing of their cards too soon,
By playing, &c.

Thus all the while a Club was Trump,
There's none could ever beat the Rump,
80: Until a Noble General came
And gave the Cheaters a clear slamm,
His finger did out-wit their noddy,
And screw'd up poor Jack Lamberts body,
And screw'd, &c.

85: Then Hasilrig began to scowl,
And said the General plaid foul,
Look to him Partners, for I tell yee,
This Monk had got a King in's belly,
Not so, quoth Monk, but I beleeve,
90: Sir Arthur has a Knave in's sleeve,
Sir Arthur, &c.

Then General Monk did understand
The Rump were peeping into's hand,
Hee wisely kept his Cards from sight,
95: Which put the Rump into a fright,
Hee saw how many were betray'd,
That shew'd their Cards before they play'd,
That shew'd, &c.

At length, quoth hee, some Cards we lack,
100: I will not play with half a pack,
What you cast out, I will bring in,
And a new game we will begin;
With that the Standers by did say,
They never yet saw fairer play,
They never, &c.

But presently this game was past,
And for a second Knaves were cast,
All new Cards, not stain'd with spots,
As was the Rumpers and the Scots,
110: Here good Gamesters play'd their parts
They turn'd up the King oth'Hearts,
They turn'd, &c.

After this Game was done, I think
The Standers by had cause to drink,
115: And the Loyal Subjects sing,
Farewel Knaves, and welcome King,
For till wee saw the King return'd,
Wee wish'd the Cards had all been burn'd,
Wee wish'd the Cards had all been burn'd.


London, Printed for Fran. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to Order.

[1]In July 1659, Sir George Booth captured Chester as the start of his attempt to reintroduce monarchy. he was shortly after defeated and captured by Lambert's troops who recovered the city.

Abraham Cowley
Ode, Upon the Blessed Restoration

31 May

   Titlepage: ODE, / UPON / The Blessed Restoration / and Returne / OF / HIS SACRED MAJESTIE, / Charls the Second. / [rule] / By A. Cowley. / [rule] / Virgil. -- -- Quod optanti Div-m promittere nemo / Auderet, volvenda dies, en, attulit ultro. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / Shop on the Lower Walk in the New Exchange. / Anno Dom. 1660.

   Abraham Cowley (1618-1667) was among the small group of notable poets who, in 1660, found themselves liable to the embarrassing accusation of having accomodated with the enemy.

   He had shown an early aptitude for writing verse while at Westminster School, publishing Poetical Blossoms in 1633 while aged 15. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1637 and continued to write and publish Latin and English verses, including The Guardian, a comic drama performed in 1641 during a visit by prince Charles. Cowley subsequently revised this into The Cutter of Coleman Street for performance after the Restoration. While still at Trinity, he began his unfinished biblical epic, The Davideis, but was ejected from Cambridge in 1643-44 and moved to St Johns College, Oxford, where he became friendly with Richard Crashaw and the circle of royalists around Lord Falkland. While at Oxford he started and abandoned a second epic, The Civil War. In 1646 he followed Henrietta Maria to France, engaging in various diplomatic missions for the exiled court. His collection of poems, The Mistress (1647) became the most popular volume for a generation.

   In 1656, Cowley's Poems was first published, but he was arrested in London that year and remained there on bail. According to Thomas Sprat, he was working undercover for the exiled court, abandoning poetry for medicine as part of his cover. In 1657 he was created M. D. at Oxford by a government order [check Woods] that led many to suspect he had changed allegiances.

    Cowley's Ode is highly figurative, blending biblical and classical allusions with motifs from astrology and medicine. Highly dynastic in argument, the poem is structured as a royal entry in which the king, other members of the royal family, Monk, and members of the two houses of parliament mingle with allegorical personifications of Liberty, Plenty, Riches, Honour and Safety. Along the way Cowley notices the slightly embarrassing absence of Henrietta Maria, who had stayed behind in France having become estranged from Charles as a result of her Catholicism.



NOW Blessings on you all, ye peacefull Starrs,
Which meet at last so kindly, and dispence
Your universall gentle Influence,
To calm the stormy World, and still the rage of Warrs.
5:      Nor whilst around the Continent,
Plenipotentiary Beams ye sent,
Did your Pacifick Lights disdain,
In their large Treaty, to contain
The World apart, o're which do reign
10: Your seven fair Brethren of great Charls his Wane;
No Star amongst ye all did, I believe,
Such vigorous assistance give,
As that which thirty years ago,
At 1Charls his Birth, did, in despight
15:      Of the proud Sun's Meridian Light,
His future Glories, and this Year foreshow,
No lesse effects then these we may
Be assur'd of from that powerfull Ray,
Which could out-face the Sun, and overcome the Day.


20:      Auspicious Star again arise,
And take thy Noon-tide station in the skies.
Again all Heaven prodigiously adorn;
For loe! thy Charls again is Born.
He then was born with, and to Pain;
25:      With, and to Joy he's born again.
And wisely for this second Birth,
By which thou certain wert to bless
The Land with full and flourishing Happinesse
Thou mad'st of that fair Month thy choice,
30:      In which Heaven, Aire, and Sea, and Earth,
And all that's in them all does smile, and does rejoyce.
'Twas a right Season, and the very Ground
Ought with a face of Paradice to be found,
Than when we were to entertain
35: Felicityr and Innocence again.


Shall we again (good Heaven!) that blessed Pair behold,
Which the abused People fondly sold
For the bright Fruit of the Forbidden Tree,
By seeking all like gods to be?
40: Will Peace her Halcyon Nest venture to build
Upon a Shore with Shipwracks fill'd?
And trust that Sea, where she can hardly say,
Sh'has known these twenty years one calmy day?
Ah! mild and gaullesse Dove,
45: Which dost the pure and candid Dwellings love:
Canst thou in Albion still delight?
Still canst thou think it White?
Will ever fair Religion appear
In these deformed Ruines? will she clear
50: Th'Aug'an Stables of her Churches here?
Will Justice hazard to be seen
Where a High Court of Justice e're has been?
Will not the Tragique Scene,
And Bradshaw's bloody Ghost affright her there, 2
55:      Her who should never fear?
Then may White-hall for Charls his Seat be fit
If Justice shall endure at Westminster to sit.


Of all, me thinks, we least should see
The chearfull looks again of Liberty.
60: That Name of Cromwell, which does freshly still
The Curses of so many sufferers fill
Is still enough to make her stay,
And jealous for a while remain,
Lest as a Tempest carried him away,
65: Some Hurican should bring him back again.
Or she might justlier be afraid
Lest that great Serpent, which was all a Tayl,
(And in his poys'nous folds whole Nations prisoners made)
Should a third time perhaps prevail
70: To joyn again, and with worse sting arise,
As it had done, when cut in pieces 3 twice.
Return, return, ye Sacred Fower,4
And dread your perisht Enemies no more,
Your fears are causelesse all, and vain
75:      Whilst you return in Charls his Train,
For God does Him, that He might You restore,
Nor shall the world him onely call,
Defender of the Faith, but of ye All.


Along with you Plenty and Riches go,
80: With a full Tide to every Port they flow,
With a warm fruitfull wind o're all the Country blow.
Honour does as ye march her Trumpet sound
The Arts encompasse you around,
And against all Alarms of Fear,
85:      Safety it self brings up the Rear.
And in the head of this Angelique band,
Lo, how the Goodly Prince at last does stand
(O righteous God!) on his own happy Land.
'Tis Happy now, which could, with so much ease
90: Recover from so desperate a Disease,
A various complicated Ill,
Whose every Symptome was enough to kill,
In which one part of Three Phrenzey possest,
And Lethargy the rest.
95: 'Tis Happy, which no Bleeding does endure
A Surfet of such Blood to cure.
'Tis Happy, which beholds the Flame
In which by hostile hands it ought, to burn,
Or that which if from Heaven it came
100: It did but well deserve, all into Bonfire turn.


We fear'd (and almost toucht the black degree
Of instant Expectation)
That the three dreadfull Angels we
Of Famine, Sword, and Plague should here establisht see,
105: (God's great Triumvirate of Desolation)
To scourge and to destroy the sinfull Nation
Justly might Heav'n Protectors such as those,
And such Committees for their Safety'impose,
Upon a Land which scarcely Better Chose.
110:       We fear'd that the Fanatique War
Which men against God's Houses did declare,
Would from th'Almighty Enemy bring down
A sure destruction on our Own,
We read th'instructive Histories which tell
115: Of all those endlesse mischiefs that befell,
The Sacred Town which God had lov'd so well,
After that fatall Curse had once bin said,
His Blood be upon ours, and on our Childrens head.
We knew, though there a greater Blood was spilt,
120:      'Twas scarcely done with greater Guilt.
We know those miseries did befall
Whilst they rebel'd against that Prince whom all
The rest of Mankind did the Love, and Joy, of Mankind call.


Already was the shaken Nation
125: Into a wild and deform'd Chaos brought.
And it was hasting on (we thought)
Even to the last of Ills, Annihilation.
When in the midst of this confused Night,
Loe, the blest Spirit mov'd, and there was Light.
130: For in the glorious Generall's previous Ray,
We saw a new created Day.
We by it saw, though yet in Mists it shone,
The beauteous Work of Order moving on,
Ere the Great Light, our Sun, his Beams did show,
135:      Our Sun it self appears but now,
Where are the men who bragg'd that God did blesse,
And with the marks of good successe
Signe his allowance of their wickednesse?
Vain men! who thought the Divine Power to find
140: In the fierce Thunder and the violent Wind:
God came not till the storm was past,
In still voice of Peace he came at last.
The cruell businesse of Destruction,
May by the Claws of the great Fiend be done.
145: Here, here we see th'Almighty's hand indeed,
Both by the Beauty of the Work, wee see't, and by the Speed.


He who had seen the noble Brittish Heir,
Even in that ill disadvantageous Light,
With which misfortunes strive t'abuse our sight;
150: He who had seen him in his Clowd so bright:
He who had seen the double Pair
Of Brothers heavenly good, and Sisters heavenly fair,
Might have perceiv'd (me-thinks) with ease,
(But wicked men see onely what they please)
155: That God had no intent t'extinguish quite
The pious King's eclipsed Right.
He who had seen how by the power Divine
All the young Branches of this Royall Line
Did in their fire without consuming shine,
160: How through a rough Red-sea they had been led,
By Wonders guarded, and by Wonders fed.
How many years of trouble and distresse
They'd wandred in their fatall Wilderness,
And yet did never murmur or repine;
165:      Might (me-thinks) plainly understand,
That after all these conquer'd Tryalls past,
Th'Almighty Mercy would at last
Conduct them with a strong un-erring hand
To their own Promis'd Land.
170:      For all the glories of the Earth
Ought to be'entail'd by right of Birth,
And all Heaven's blessings to come down
Upon his Race, to whom alone was given
The double Royalty of Earth and Heaven,
175: Who crown'd the Kingly with the Martyr's Crown.


The Martyr's blood was said of old to be
The seed from whence the Church did grow.
The Royall Blood which dying Charls did sow,
Becomes no lesse the seed of Royaltie.
180:      'Twas in dishonour sown,
We find it now in glory grown,
The Grave could but the drosse of it devowr;
'Twas sown in weaknesse, and 'tis rais'd in power.
We now the Question well decided see,
185:      Which Eastern Wits did once contest
At the Great Monarch's Feast,
Of all on Earth what things the strongest be:
And some for Women, some for Wine did plead;
That is, for Folly and for Rage,
190:      Two things which we have known indeed
Strong in this latter Age.
But as 'tis prov'd by Heaven at length,
The King and Truth have greatest strength,
When they their sacred force unite,
195:      And twine into one Right,
No frantick Common-wealths or Tyrannies,
No Cheats, and Perjuries, and Lies,
No Nets of human Policies.
No stores of Arms or Gold (though you could joyn
200: Those of Peru to the great London Mine)
No Towns, no Fleets by Sea, or Troops by Land,
No deeply entrencht Islands can withstand,
Or any small resistance bring
Against the naked Truth, and the unarmed King.


205: The foolish Lights which Travailers beguile,
End the same night when they begin; 5
No Art so far can upon Nature win
As e're to put out Stars, or long keep Meteors in.
Where's now that Ignis Fatuus, which erewhile
210:      Misled our wandring Isle?
Where's the Impostor Cromwell gon?
Where's now that Falling-star his Son?
Where's the large Comet now whose rageing flame
So fatall to our Monarchy became?
215: Which o're our heads in such proud horror stood,
Insatiate with our Ruine and our Blood?
The fiery Tayl did to vast length extend;
And twice for want of Fuel did expire,
And twice renew'd the dismall Fire;
220: Though long the Tayl, we saw at last it's end.
The flames of one triumphant day,
Which like an Anti-Comet here
Did fatally to that appear,
For ever frighted it away;
225: Then did th'aloted howr of dawning Right
First strike our ravisht sight,
Which Malice or which Art no more could stay,
Then Witches Charms can retardment bring
To the Resuscitation of the Day,
230:      Or Resurrection of the Spring.
We welcome both, and with improv'd delight
Blesse the preceding Winter and the Night.


Man ought his Future Happinesse to fear,
If he be alwaies Happy here.
235:      He wants the Bleeding Mark of Grace,
The Circumcision of the Chosen race.
If no one part of him supplies
The duty of a Sacrifice,
He is (we doubt) reserv'd intire
240:      As a whole Victime for the Fire.
Besides even in this World below,
To those who never did Ill Fortune know,
The good does nauseous or insipid grow.
Consider man's whole Life, and you'l confesse,
245: The Sharp Ingredient of some bad successe
Is that which gives the Tast to all his Happinesse.
But the true Method of Felicitie,
Is when the worst
Of humane Life is plac'd the first,
250: And when the Child's Correction proves to be
The cause of perfecting the Man;
Let our weak Dayes lead up the Van,
Let the brave Second and Triarian Band,
Firm against all impression stand,
255:      The first we may defeated see;
The Virtue and the Force of these, are sure of Victorie.


Such are the years (great Charls) which now we see
Begin their glorious March with Thee:
Long may their March to Heaven, and still Triumphant be.
260:      Now thou art gotten once before,
Ill Fortune never shall or'e-take thee more.
To see't again, and pleasure in it find,
Cast a disdainfull look behind,
Things which offend, when present, and affright,
265: In Memory, well painted, move delight.
Enjoy then all thy'afflictions now;
Thy Royall Father's came at last:
Thy Martyrdom's already past.
And different Crowns to both ye owe.
270: No Gold did e're the Kingly Temples bind,
Than thine more try'd and more refin'd.
As a choice Medall for Heaven's Treasury
God did stamp first upon one side of Thee
The Image of his suffering Humanity:
275: On th'other side, turn'd now to sight, does shine
The glorious Image of his Power Divine.


So when the wisest Poets seek
In all their liveliest colours to set forth
A Picture of Heroick worth,
280: (The Pious Trojan, or the Prudent Greek)
They chuse some comely Prince of heavenly Birth,
(No proud Gigantick son of Earth,
Who strives t'usurp the god's forbidden seat)
They feed him not with Nectar, and the Meat
285:      That cannot without Joy be eat.
But in the cold of want, and storms of advers chance,
They harden his young Virtue by degrees;
The beauteous Drop first into Ice does freez,
And into solid Chrystall next advance.
290: His murdered friends and kindred he does see,
And from his flaming Country flee.
Much is he tost at Sea, and much at Land,
Does long the force of angry gods withstand.
He does long troubles and long wars sustain,
295:      Ere he his fatall Birth-right gain.
With no lesse time or labour can
Destiny build up such a Man,
Who's with sufficient virtue fill'd
His ruin'd Country to rebuild.


300:      Nor without cause are Arms from Heaven,
To such a Hero by the Poets given.
No human Metall is of force t'oppose
So many and so violent blows.
Such was the Helmut, Breast-plate, Shield,
305:      Which Charls in all Attaques did wield:
And all the Weapons Malice e're could try,
Of all the severall makes of wicked Policy,
Against this Armour struck, but at the stroke,
Like Swords of Ice, in thousand pieces broke.
310: To Angells and their Brethren Spirits above,
No show on Earth can sure so pleasant prove,
As when they great misfortunes see
With Courage born and Decencie.
So were they born when Worc'ster's dismall Day
315: Did all the terrors of black Fate display.
So were they born when no Disguises clowd
His inward Royalty could shrowd,
And one of th'Angels whom just God did send
To guard him in his noble flight,
320: (A Troop of Angels did him then attend)
Assur'd me in a Vision th'other night,
That He (and who could better judge than He?)
Did then more Greatness in him see,
More Lustre and more Majesty,
325: Than all his Coronation Pomp can shew to Human Eye.


Him and his Royall Brothers when I saw
New marks of honor and of glorie,
From their affronts and sufferings draw,
And look like Heavenly Saints even in their Purgatory.
340: Me-thoughts I saw the three Jud'an Youths,
(Three unhurt Martyrs for the noblest Truths)
In the Chald'an Furnace walk;
How chearfully and unconcern'd they talk!
No hair is sindg'd, no smallest beauty blasted,
345:      Like painted Lamps they shine unwasted.
The greedy fire it self dares not be fed
With the blest Oyl of an Anoynted Head.
The honorable Flame
(Which rather Light we ought to name)
350: Does, like a Glory, compasse them around,
And their whole Body's crown'd.
What are those Two Bright Creatures which we see
Walk with the Royall Three
In the same Ordeall fire,
355:      And mutuall Joys inspire?
Sure they the beauteous Sisters are,
Who whilst they seek to bear their share,
Will suffer no affliction to be there.
Lesse favour to those Three of old was shown,
360:      To solace with their company.
The fiery Trialls of Adversity;
Two Angels joyn with these, the others had but One.


Come forth, come forth, ye men of God beloved,
And let the power now of that flame,
365: Which against you so impotent became,
On all your Enemies be proved.
Come, mighty Charls, desire of Nations, come:
Come, you triumphant Exile, home.
He's come, he's safe at shore; I hear the noise
370: Of a whole Land which does at once rejoyce,
I hear th'united People's sacred voice.
The Sea which circles us around,
Ne're sent to Land so loud a sound;
The mighty showr sends to the Sea a Gale,
380:      And swells up every sail;
The Bells and Guns are scarcely heard at all;
The Artificiall Joy's drown'd by the Naturall.
All England but one Bonefire seems to be,
One 'tna shooting flames into the Sea.
385: The Starry Worlds which shine to us afar,
Take ours at this time for a Star.
With Wine all rooms, with Wine the Conduits flow;
And We, the Priests of a Poetick rage,
Wonder that in this Golden Age
390:      The Rivers too should not do so.
There is no Stoick sure who would not now,
Even some Excesse allow:
And grant that one wild fit of chearfull folly
Should end our twenty years of dismall Melancholly.


395:      Where's now the Royall Mother, where,
To take her mighty share
In this so ravishing sight,
And with the part she takes to add to the Delight?
Ah! why are Thou not here,6
400: Thou always Best, and now the Happiest Queen,
To see our Joy, and with new Joy be seen?
God has a bright Example made of Thee,
To shew that Woman-kind may be
Above that Sex, which her Superior seems,
405: In wisely manageing the wide Extreams
Of great Affliction, great Felicitie.
How well those different Vertues Thee become,
Daughter of Triumphs, Wife of Martyrdom!
Thy Princely Mind with so much Courage bore
410: Affliction, that it dares return no more;
With so much Goodnesse us'd Felicitie,
That it cannot refrain from comming back to Thee;
'Tis come, and seen to day in all its Braverie.


415: Who's that Heroique Person leads it on,
And gives it like a glorious Bride
(Richly adorn'd with Nuptiall Pride)
Into the hands now of thy Son?
'Tis the good Generall, the Man of Praise,
420:      Whom God at last in gracious pitty
Did to th'enthralled Nation raise,
Their great Zerubabel to be,7
To lose the Bonds of long Captivitie,
And to rebuild their Temple and their City.
425: For ever blest may He and His remain,
Who, with a vast, though less-appearing gain,
Preferr'd the solid Great above the Vain,
And to the world this Princely Truth has shown,
That more 'tis to Restore, than to Usurp a Crown.
430: Thou worthyest Person of the Brittish Story,
(Though 'tis not small the Brittish glory.)
Did I not know my humble Verse must be
But ill proportion'd to the Heighth of Thee,
Thou, and the World should see,
435: How much my Muse, the Foe of Flatterie,
Does make true Praise her Labour and Designe;
An Iliad or an 'neid should be Thine.


And ill should We deserve this happy day,
If no acknowledgments we pay
440:      To you, great Patriots, of the Two
Most truly Other Houses now,
Who have redeem'd from hatred and from shame
A Parliament's once venerable name.
And now the Title of a House restore
445: To that, which was but slaughter-house before.
If my advice, ye Worthies, might be ta'ne,
Within those reverend places,
Which now your living presence graces,
Your Marble-Statues always should remain,
450: To keep alive your usefull Memorie,
And to your Successors th'Example be
Of Truth, Religion, Reason, Loyaltie.
For though a firmly setled Peace
May shortly make your publick labours cease,
455: The gratefull Nation will with joy consent,
That in this sense you should be said,
(Though yet the Name sounds with some dread)
To be the Long, the Endlesse Parliament.
'Twould be the richliest furnish'd House (no doubt)
If your Heads always stood within, and the Rump-heads without.


[1]In July 1659, Sir George Booth captured Chester as the start of his attempt to reintroduce monarchy. he was shortly after defeated and captured by Lambert's troops who recovered the city.

[2] President of the High Court of Justice which tried Charles I, John Bradshaw had died in 1659.

[3]pieces] pieecs O, LT, L, OB, OW

[4]Henrietta Maria bore six children to Charles I; a son who died shortly after birth, then Charles, Mary, James, Elizabeth, Henry and Henriette-Anne. At the time of the Restoration, Charles had two brothers and two sisters: Cowley lines 150-56 speak of pairs of brothers and sisters. Hutton gives two sisters: "Mary, who had married the Prince of Orange, and Henrietta, a child still in the keeping of their mother, the widowed Queen Henrietta Maria" (1985: 149). Henry died 13 Sept 1660; Mary died 24 December 1660. What happened to Elizabeth? The woodcut to England's Joy in a Lawful Triumph illustrates the following: James, Duke of York (born 13 Oct 1633), Henry, Duke of Gloucester (born 0000), Mary (born 4 Nov 1631), Elizabeth (born 19 Dec 1635), and Anne (born 17 March 1636).

[5]literarally the chimera, a frequent motif in these poems; cf Dryden's Religio Laici

[6]Having spent the years in exile trying to link the royalist cause with Catholicism, Henrietta Maria did not accompany Charles to England. She came over from France in October to try to prevent a scandal involving Hyde's daughter Anne, who claimed her pregnancy was the result of a secret marriage to James, Duke of York. HM returned to France in January. (Hutton, 1989: 156; Hutton 1985: 149-50).

[7]Zerubabel, or Zerubbabel (literally "born in Babylon"), was a govenor of Judah whom God, through the prophecies of Haggai, called upon to restore the temple; see Haggai passim, and Zech. 4.6-7.

W. L.
Good newes from the Netherlands

31 May

From the
A Congratulatory Panegyrick, composed by a true Lover of his
and Country.

REjoice, brave Brittans now for Charls our King
Is comming home, into his Realms to bring
Peace, Piety, and Plenty, Law and Love,
Religion, Justice, and what else may move
5: Your hearts to exultations; Trade, and Arts
Shall flourish more then ever, in all parts
Of his Dominions, and we shall be free
As well in Conscience, as propriety;
So that enjoying this sweet liberty
10: Vnder his blest Reign, we shall happier be,
After those Tepests of Intestine Wars,
Than if we ne'r had felt, and worn their scars.
No former Age can boast, since Britain stood,
A Prince more Sweet, more Great in heart, more Good,
15: More Wise, most Iust, more Try'd in all Events
Of various chance: Forraign experience
In State Affairs, in Wars, join'd to his own
Rich natural Genius, and his Theory known,
Make him a compleat Monarch. Oh! if I
20: Could tell you with what magnanimity
He bare the rude assaults of adverse fate
When lost in hope, and ruin'd in Estate,
Yet triumph'd by Heroick Patience,
And strong Faith in the Divine Providence,
25: How like a firm Colossus, stil the same,
He stood the Winds which from the North-side came,
You would conclude, that He who could command
Himself so well, can rightly rule the Land,
Yea govern the whole World: Prepare to sing
30: Po/eans of joy then to our Gracious King,
Compose rich Panegyricks to his praise,
And Poets, crown your temples all with Bays,
Cut down your Woods and Forrests to make Fires
May flame to heaven, let Bels ring your desires,
35: And all your Canons loud proclaim the King,
Open your hands and hearts to bring him in:
Establish him in Power, in Dignity,
And in his lawfull just Authority:
Give him his due Prerogative, let him be
40: No King upon conditions, but Free,
Not Limited, not onely Titular,
But Absolute, Himself, and Singular,
For 'tis a Priviledge the Law allows
Unto his Birth, to which it humbly bows:
45: Rather adde to the Flowers of his Crown,
Then take from thence, and purchase a Renown
Shall never die: This glorious work thus done,
Thus perfected, with a Beam of the Sun
Shall be subscrib'd, shall make you great in fame,
50: And great in fortune, rich in a fair name
Of Loyal Subjects, which shall ever be
Entail'd on you, and your posterity:
Give now your Votes to this, expresse your joy
Of heart, and cry with me, Vive le Roy.

W. L.

A Countrey Song

May 1661

   Thomason dated this "May 1661" and commented "Loud" at the end. Ebsworth reprinted it in volume 9 of his Roxburghe Ballads, noted that it is not to the tune of "When the king enjoyes his own again, insisted that it appeared in "early May 1660," and erroneously stated that it was printed in blackletter.



COme, come away,
To the Temple and pray,
And sing with a pleasant strain:
The Schismatick's dead,
5:           The Liturgy's read,
And the King enjoyes his own again.


The Vicar is glad,
The Clerk is not sad,
And the Parish cannot refrain,
10:           To leap, and rejoyce,
And lift up their voyce,
That the King enjoyes his own again.


The Countrey doth bow,
To old Iustices now,
15: That long aside have been lain:
The Bishop's restor'd,
God is rightly ador'd,
And the King enjoyes his own again.


Committee-men fall,
20:            And Majors Generall, 1
No more doe those Tyrants reign:
There's no Sequestration,
Nor new Decimation:
For the King enjoyes the Sword again.


25:            The Scholar doth look,
With joy on his Book;
Tom whistles and plows amain:
Soldiers plunder no more,
As they did heretofore:
30: For the King enjoyes the Sword again.


The Citizens Trade,
The Merchants do Lade,
And send their Ships into Spain:
No Pirates at Sea,
35:           To make them a prey,
For the King enjoyes the Sword again.


The old Man and Boy,
The Clergy and Lay,
Their joyes cannot contain:
40:            'Tis better then of late,
With the Church and the State,
Now the King enjoyes the Sword again.


Let's render our praise,
For these happy dayes,
45: To God and our Soveraign:
Your drinking give ore,
Swear not as before:
For the King bears not the Sword in vain.


Fanaticks be quiet,
And keep a good Diet,
To cure your crazy Brain:
Throw off your disguise,
Go to Church and be wise;
For the King bears not the Sword in vain.


55:           Let Faction and Pride,
Be now laid aside,
That Truth and Peace may reign:
Let every one mend,
And there is an end,
60: For the King bears not the Sword in vain.

[1]Lambert and Fleetwood

England's Captivity Returned


   Since only the first part of this ballad survives, one can only speculate on the intriguing irony of the title. Ebsworth issued a version of the fragment of England's Captivity (RB, 9:787-8) with some commentary. He notes of the two woodcuts that the first "a square-bordered portrait of John Pym, with pointed beard and broad overlying collar; 2nd, on a large scale, the head and armoured neck of Charles II, a regal crown above," and offers May 1660 as the likely date (9:788), though without any substantial reasons.

   The verso contains the second part of The True Lovers' Knot Untied (rpt. by Ebsworth, Roxburghe Ballads 7:599-603). Originally printed circa 1610-15, it concerns the secret marriage of Lady Arbella Stuart to William Seymour which had caused James to imprison her in the Tower. Seymour died in 1660, presumably causing the reprinting of this ballad. My thanks to professor Sara Jayne Steen for identifying this partial ballad. Ebsworth lists copies including the following: Rox. 11.468; Pepys IV.44 [not found]; Bagford II.30 [not found]; Euing, 356 [found]; Wood 25,16: first line variously "As I to ireland did pass."

Englands Captivity Returned, With A Farwel to COMMON-WEALTHS. To the Tune of, The brave Sons of Mars.


COme lets now rejoyce,
All with a loud voice,
at the return of Charles our King,
With a hearty good prayer,
5: He may never come there,
Where the Traytors his Father did bring

Let us all make a noise,
Both young men and boyes,
with a great acclamation of joy
10: Whilst those Traytors lament,
(But want grace t' repent)
Which so long did our king annoy.

Farwel a free State,
Such Rascals we hate,
15:           as we here of late dayes have had,
Such Plots theyd contrive,
When they were alive,
enough for to make us all mad.

But weel let them alone,
20: Which from hence are gone,
cause their reward will be paid them
But leave them where they are,
Weel neither make or mar,
nor never from thence weel perswade them

25: My Lord Monck's the man,
Though his lifes but a span,
he hath improved that little so well,
That in true loyalty,
I can none espie
30:           that can this great worthy excell.

To bring home our King,
Twas the only thing,
could make all things well for the people.
And such joy for't there was,
35: As in the streets I did pass,
that the Bells almost leapt out oth' Steeple.

[verso: The True Lovers' Knot Untied]
The second part to the same Tune.

Whom of your Nobles will do so,
 for to maintain the Commonalty,
Such multitudes would never grow,
nor be such those of poverty.

5: I would I had a Milk-maid been,
 or born of some more low degree,
Then I might have loved where I like,
and no man could have hindered me.

Or would I were some Yeomans child,
10:  for to receive my postion now,
According unto my degree
as other Virgins whom I know.

The hightest branch that springs aloft,
 needs must beshade the middle tree,
15: Needs must the shadow of them both,
 shadow the third in this degree.

But when the tree tree is cut and gone,
 and from the ground is born away,
The lowest tree that there doth stand,
20:  in time may grow as high as they.

Once when I thought to have been Queen
 but yet that still I do deny,
I know your grace had right to th'Crown
 before Elizabeth did dy.

25: You of the eldest Sister came,
 I of the second in degree,
The Earl of Hertford of the third,
 a man of Royall blood quoth she.

And so good night my Soveraign Liege,
30:  since in the Tower I must ly,
I hope your Grace will condescend,
 that I may have my liberty.

Lady Arebella said our King,
 I to your freedome would consent
35: If you would turn and go to Church,
 there to receive the Sacrament.

And so good night Arabella fair.
 our King to her replied again,
I will take Counsel of my Nobility,
40:  that you your freedome may obtain.

Once more to Prison must I go,
 Lady Arabella then did say,
To leave my Love breeds all my wo,
 the which will be my lives decay.

45: Love is a knot none can unknit,
 fancy a liking of the heart,
He whom I love I cannot forget,
 though from his presence I must part

The meanest people enjoy their mates,
50:  but I was born unhappily,
For being crost by cruel fate,
 I want both love and liberty.

But death I hope, will end the strife,
 Farewel, farewel, dear love quoth she
55: Once had I thought to have been thy wife,
 but now am forc'd to part from thee.

At this sad meeting the bad cause,
 in heart and mind to grieve full sore,
After that Arabella fair,
60:  did never see Lord Seymore more.


Part VI. Loyal Expressions, June

Sir William Lower
"An Acrostick Poem.
In honour of his Majesty

   [after 2 June]
Titlepage: A / RELATION / IN FORM of JOURNAL, / OF THE / VOIAGE And RESIDENCE / Which / The most EXCELLENT and most MIGHTY PRINCE / CHARLS THE II / KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, &c. / Hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May, / to the 2 of June, 1660. / Rendered into English out of the Original French, / By / Sir WILLIAM LOWER, Knight. / [garter arms] / HAGUE, / Printed by ADRIAN VLACK, / Anno M. DC. LX. / With Priviledge of the Estates of Holland and West-Freesland. /

   On Lower see DND, Woods Ath Oxon [under Tho. Salesbury] and 3:544, and William Bryan Gates's published doctoral thesis, The Dramatic Works and Translations of Sir William Lower, with a Reprint of "The Enchanted Lovers" (Philadelphia, [University of Pennsylvania], 1932) [L 11856.bbb.4]. Gates gives us the following:

   Lower was from old Cornish family, born c. 1600 at Tremere, St Tudy; Woods reports him to have travelled in France, fought for the Royalists: first play was The Phoenix in her Flames (1639). By June 1644, L rank of Lt col and made lt-governor of Wallingford where he kidnapped the mayor in order to pressure the town to pay king's levy -- didn't work, but L was knighted 27 March 1645; prisoned by Parl from jan 1646 for a year; went to Holland sometime before or by 1655 having been left some estates there; (cf Masson's Life of Milton, CPSD); he died in 1662 leaving a considerable estate. The will includes "To my Blackamore Boy John forty shillings and alsoe the silver coller and cuffes which I have ordered and directed to bee given him." (cited Gates p. 19).

   Gates ignores the Relation beyond commenting that "the engravings are as excellent and interesting as the acrostics of Lower are bad" (Gates p. 23).

   On Charles touching for the King's Evil: "It is certain, that the King hath very often touched the sick, as well at Breda, where he touched two hundred and sixty, from Saturday the 17. of April, to Sunday the 23. of May, as at Bruges and Bruxels, during the residence he made there; and the English assure, that not only it was not without success, since it was the experience that drew thither every day, a great number of those diseased, even from the most remote Provinces of Germany..." (p. 78) See discussion starts p. 74

   This prose volume ends with a series of verses by Lower, some of them comments upon the large illustrations: "The Deputies of the Estates of Holland complement the King at Delf" (p. 109), "A Poetical Description of the Batavian Court" (pp. 110-111), "The Great Feast The Estates of Holland made to the King, and to the Royal family" (pp. 111-112), "His Majesty taking his leave in the Assembly of the Estates Generall" (p. 112), "His Majesty Taking his leave in the Assembly of the Estates of Holland" (p. 113), "On His Majesties Departure from the Hage [sic] to his Fleet before Scheveling" (p. 114), the acrostick here (p. 115), "An Acrostick Poem. On the most Illustrious and most Heroick Prince James Duke of York" (p. 116), "An Acrostick Poem In Honour of his Excellence the Lord General Monck, Duke of Albermarl, &c" (p. 116).

   In "The Printer to the Reader," Vlack apologises for the volume being "tardive," but the engravers of the plates took too long (no sig). The plates are signed variously "N. Venne In. David Philippe Fc.", and "J. Tuliet in. Pierre Philippe sculpsit." "J.Tuliet in. T. Matham sc."

In honour of his Majesty.

1: C all all those Sages, whose extended hearts
2: H eaven fils with light in th'Astrologick Arts,
3: A sk their opinions 1 of this Monarch, they
4: R eply, he's born the Universe to sway,
5: L ook on this calculation, read his Star,
6: S even Planets here all in conjunction are:

7: T hey smile upon his birth, no rude jars here
8: H inder his motions under any Sphere;
9: E xcellent Aspects ! long live this great King

10: S upream of all, let his bright glory ring
11: E ven round about that Globe held in his hand:
12: C an earthly powers his conquering Arm withstand,
13: O r check his fortune, which the Stars proclaim?
14: N ot possible, since Heaven inspires his claim.
15: D raw presently with an immortal pen

16: K ings in their colours, some quick Cherubin:
17: I n Characters drop'd down 2 suiting their souls,
18: N ote revolutions in these sacred Rolls
19: G reatly to the advantage of our State,

20: O f much import, to make us fortunate
21: F or many years under this glorious Reign,

22: G iving us hopes of th'golden Age again.
23: R eturn, return, divine Astrea, now
24: E nter our Land; You shall not see one brow,
25: A mong so many, furrowed with a frown;
26: T reason is dead, and foul Injustice down.

27: B ehold our true Protectour to his Right
28: R estor'd, th' Impostour stinks in blackest Night:
29: I ustice again is seated in the Throne,
30: T i'd, and alli'd unto Religion,
31: A nd wing'd with Wisedom, Policy and Art
32: I n the Reserve with Vertue have a part.
33: N o powers of Hell shall ever shake this frame
34:       So well compos'd, but must retreat with shame.


[1] opinions] opnions copytext

[2] down] drown L, OB, WF

To The King
3 June

   Titlepage: TO THE / KING, / UPON HIS / MAJESTIES / Happy Return. / [rule] / By a Person of Honour. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be / Sold at his Shop at the Blue-Anchor in lower Walk / of the New-Exchange, 1660. / [within ruled box]

    Possibly by Robert Boyle, but stylistically wrong for him.

Happy Return.

1: AS The Great World at first in Chaos lay;
Then darkness yeiled to triumphant day;
And all that wilde and undigested Mass
Did into Form, and to Perfection pass:
5: So, in our lesser World, Confusions were
Many, and vast, as now our Blessings are.
Our past, and present State, fully express
All we could bear, and all we would possess.
Wonder not that Your Forces could not bring
10: You to Your Crowns, nor us unto our King:
Fate made therein this high Design appear,
Your Sword shall rule abroad, Your Virtues here.
The lesser Conquest was to You deny'd,
That by the greater it might be supply'd.
15:      Nor think it strange that some so long have strove
With that which they did most admire and love;
Since all against their dissolution pray,
Although to Heav'n there is no other way.
Like to Bethesdas Pool, our Common-wealth
20: Till it was troubled, could not give us health:
You, as the Angel, did our Waters stir,
And from that motion we derive our Cure.
The highest Blessing God to You does yield,
He, His Anoynted, as His Church does build:
25: Nothing of noise did to perfection bring
The greatest Temple, and the greatest King.
Alike He builded both, that all might see,
Your Kingdom, like his Church, shall endless be.
As when Great Nature's Fabrick was begun,
30: Expanded Light made day, and not the Sun;
But Light diffus'd was to perfection grown,
When from one Planet, it contracted, shone:
So when our Government was form'd to last
But till the race of a few days was past,
35: With Ruling Gifts GOD many did endue,
But; now 'tis fix'd, all those are plac'd in You.
Your Banishment, which Your Foes did designe
To cloud Your Virtues, made them brighter shine.
Thus Persecution did but more dispence
40: Throughout the world the Gospels influence.
Princes, who saw Your Sufferings, did esteem
'Twas greater to subdue such griefs then them;
And in that Conquest found how they should fare,
If they provok'd Your Justice to a War.
45: By Your Return, and by Your Foes pursuit,
Europe Your Blossomes had, but we Your Fruit.
Our Senate does not for Conditions sue;
We know we have our All, in having You:
Your Mercy with our Crimes does nobly strive;
50: And, e're we ask forgiveness, You forgive.
Your Subjects thus doubly You now subdue,
Both in the Manner, and the Action too.
Your great Reception in our neighb'ring State,
Proves that on You depends their Countries fate:
55: Your dreadful Fleet does on their Coast appear,
Yet to their Joy, they yeild up all their Fear;
For knowing You, they know Heav'n has resign'd
A Pow'r unbounded to a bounded Mind.
Triumphant Navy! Formerly your Fraight
60: Consisted but of Laurel, or of Plate;
But to your happy Country now you bring
More then both Indies in our Matchless KING.
Twice has the World been trusted in a Barque;
The New, the Charles contain'd, the Old, the Ark;
65: This bore but those who did the World re-build,
But that bore You, to whom that World must yeild.
The spacious Sea, which does the Earth embrace,
Ne're held so many Princes in one Place;
Princes, whose Father still the Trident bore,
70: As shall their Sons, till Time shall be no more.
Now whilst the Sea, Your greatest Subject, moves
Slowly, as loth to part with what he loves;
And whilst Your Sails the calmed Air subdue;
(For which he chides the Winds, and thanks them too)
75: I might present You with a Prospect here,
Of that vast Empire to which now You Steere.
But on that Theam my Numbers cannot stay;
Copies to their Originals give way;
For now Your Fleet sees Land, which many a peal
80: Of thund'ring Cannon to the Shore does tell:
And now Your ravish'd Subjects see Your Fleet,
Which they with shouts, louder then Cannon, greet:
Two Suns at once our sights now entertain;
One shines from Heav'n, the other from the Main.
85: All Loyal Eyes are now fixt on the East,
For You, more welcome then that daily Guest;
While on the Shore Your longing Subjects stand,
Subjects, as numberless as is the Sand;
Subjects sufficient, if but led by You,
90: All Countries You have liv'd in, to subdue.
In Raptures now We our great Gen'ral see,
Move faster to meet You then Victorie:
He at Your Feet himself does prostrate now,
To whom vast Fleets and Armies us'd to bow;
95: And greater Satisfaction does express
In This Submission, then in That Success.
Your Royal Armes inwreath Him, which he more
Does prize, then all those Laurel Wreaths He wore.
Now all for His Victorious Troops make room,
100: Which never but by Joy were overcome:
Loud shouts to Heav'n for Your Return they send,
Whilst low as Earth their dreaded Ensigns bend;
He leads them still to what exalts their Name;
Now to their Duty, as before to Fame.
105:      Their Misled Courage, in a fatal Time,
Had been too long their Glory, and their Crime.
Now they are truly Great, now truly live,
Since this You Praise, and that You do forgive.
Those, who so long could keep You from Your due,
110: What can resist, now they are led by You?
Your Great Example will their Model prove;
Persuading soon, and willingly, as love.
Such Fleets, and Armies, and our CHARLES their Head,
Are Things which all the Universe may dread.
115:      And now You move; and now in all the Waies,
Thick Clouds of Subjects, Clouds of Dust do raise;
Through which the Worlds chief City now You see,
Great in Extent, greater in Loyalty;
Their Cannon speaks, their Streets the Souldiers line,
120: And brightest Beauties from their Windows shine:
Your Subjects Earthly Jove You now are grown;
Thunder and Light'ning guard You to Your Throne.
Thus You Tryumph, whilst at Your Palace Gates
The highest earthly Senate for You waits:
125: One Roof contains those which our Laws do make,
And Him from whom the World their Laws must take:
Their Knees do homage, whilst their Tongues confess,
They in their Duty find their Happiness;
And Fame aloud, through ev'ry Region, sings,
130: They are the best of Subject, You, of Kings.
The Royal Throne so fully You Adorn,
That now all praise, what some before did Scorn:
A Throne which now the envious do confess,
Our Safety urg'd Your Merit to Possess.
135:      Where C'sar could no further Glory win,
There is the Scene, where Yours does but begin;
By which indulgent Fate would have it known,
Though his Success had end, Yours should have none:
Or else that nothing worthy was of You,
140: But what Great Julius wanted Pow'r to do.
Our fierce Divisions made our Courage known,
But more Your Wisdome shines, that makes us One;
Which has so fram'd Your Empire to endure,
We need but prudent Foes to be secure.
145: You might possess by Armies, and by Fleets,
All where the Sun doth rise, or where he sets;
But You a nobler Conquest have design'd,
The placing Limits to Your greater Minde:
And may those highest Titles never cease,
150: A King of Greatest Pow'r, and Greatest Peace.
Of Suff'rings past let us no more complain,
Since You by them with greater Glory Reign;
Till that we saw, Your Subjects could not guess,
Heav'n had for them a Blessing above Peace.
155:      Nor can we tell which most in You to own,
Either Your Virtues, or Extraction.
Though never any was so Great, and Good;
It springs from Martyrs, as from Royal Blood:
But Your own Glories do so brightly shine,
160: You need not borrow Luster from Your Line.
Yet we must say, since justly but Your due,
Though You our Glories raise, they raise not You:
Like to the Royal Bird, which climbes the Skies,
You lesser seem, still as You higher rise.
165: Your self You limit to a Triple Throne,
And all mens Wonder are, except Your own.
Now Sacred Peace and Justice cease to mourn,
And both in You again to us return.
Religion now shall flourish with Your Crown,
170: And the fierce Sword yeild to the peaceful Gown.
The Muses too so highly You esteem,
That You are both their Influence and their Theam.

Alexander Brome A Congratulatory Poem
4 June

   Titlepage: A / Congratulatory / POEM, / ON / The Miraculous, and Glorious Return / of that unparallel'd KING / CHARLS the II. / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By ALEX. BROME. / [rule] / Pers. -- -- Ipse Semipaganus / Ad Sacra Regum carmen affero nostrum. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane 1660.

    Thomason dated his copy on Monday 4 June, and the copy in the Wood collection is also dated June. A ms note on the t/p of the copy in the Huntington gives the price as "1d".

    Brome did not reprint this poem in the 1661 edition of his Songs and Other Poems, which does, however, contain the first appearance of the lyric "On the King's returne," and an early version of his ballad, England's Joy. It does appear in the 1664 and 1668 editions of Songs, however.

    Some interesting spleen directed at the low-born; various verbal coinages and usages.

[cut: arms supported by two cherubim]

To the Kings most Sacred Majesty.

1: NOw our Spring-royal's come, this ravish'd Land,
(That for twelve years did bring forth Tyrants, and
Traytors, in such aboundance, that the King,
And Subjects were forgot, both name and thing)
5: Bears Kings again, a memorable Spring!
May first brought forth, May now brings home our King;
Auspitious twenty nineth! this day of Mirth
Now gives Redemption, that before gave Birth.
Hark, how th'admiring people cry, and shout,
10: See how they flock and leap for joy; the Rout,
Whose Zeal and ignorance, for many years
Devis'd those Goblins Jealousies and Fears,
And fighting blindfold in those puzling Mists,
Rais'd by the conjuring of our Exorcists,
15: They Beat, and Wound, and Kill each other, while
Their Setters-on did share the prey, and smile.
Now they're unhood-wink'd, they do plainly see
What once they were, what now they ought to be.
The warlike Trumpet, whose unhallow'd breath
20: Inspir'd Rebellion, throws aside the wreath
Of ill-got Laurel, scandaliz'd to be
Made instrumental to such Victorie
As shames and beats the Conqueror, and layes
A Crown o'th'conquer'd, baffling th'others Bayes;
25: Tun'd by your Fame with loud and loyal voice,
Contributes sounds and helps us to Rejoyce.
Th'enlarged Bells, that, in these latter dayes,
Have been all silenc'd, and forbid to raise
Their Voice, but cross or backward from the steeple,
30: To proclaim Fire, or to amaze the people,
Or if they chim'd, 'twas out of tune, and so
Did other grating tuneless Sounds forego:
Now, with their gracefull discords, all proclaim
Your safe return, and celebrate your Name.
35: And the contiguous Bon-fires made the Nation
To apprehend a final Conflagration;
And made the ground, at midnight to appear
Like Heaven at noon, and in the heat o'th'year,
'Bout which rejoycing Neighbours friendly came,
40: And with fresh wood fed the devouring Flame.
Mean while, th'old Subjects, who so long have slept
In Caves, and been miraculously kept
From Rage and Famine; while the only thing
That fed and cloath'd them, was the name of King,
45: Do all New-plume themselves, to entertain
Your long'd-for Majesty, and splendid Train.
And (as in Jobs time 'twas) those Spurious things,
Who look like Subjects, but did ne'r love Kings,
Appear among your Subjects in array
50: That's undiscernable, unless more gay.
All with loud hallows pierce the smiling skies,
While brandish'd Swords please and amaze our eyes.
Why then should only I stand still? and bear
No part of triumph in this Theatre?
55: Though I'm not wise enough to speak t'a King
What's worth his ear, nor rich enough to bring
Gifts worthy his acceptance; though I do
Not ride in Buff and Feathers, which might show
Vain Ostentation, or a needless Pride,
60: Which some applaud, while others do deride.
That Pomp I did industriously eschue,
The Cost being more to me, than th'shew to you.
Nor do I love a Souldiers garb to own,
When my own Conscience tells me I am none.
65: Yet I'll doe duty too, for I've a minde
Will not be Idle, but will something finde
To bid my SOVERAIGN Welcom to his own
Long-widow'd Realm, his Scepter, Crown & Throne,
And though too mean and empty it appear,
70: If he afford a well-pleas'd Eye and Ear,
His pow'r can't by my Weakness be withstood,
Bee't what it will, he'll finde, or make it good.
Hail long-desired Soveraign! you that are
Now our sole joy and hope, as once our fear!
75: The Princely Son of a most pious Sire,
Whose Precepts and Example did inspire
Your tender years with virtues, that become
A King that's fit to rule all Christendom.
Which your great Soul hath so improved since,
80: Europe can't shew such an accomplish'd Prince.
Whose whole life's so exemplary, that you
Convinc'd those foes, which we could not subdue,
And those that did t'your Court t'abuse you come,
Converted Proselytes returned home.
85: Such strong and sympathetick virtues lye
In your great name, it cures when you're not nigh,
Like Weapon-salve; If fame can reach up to
This hight of Cures, what would your person do?
Your Subjects high'st Ambition, and their Cure,
90: Bold Rebells terror, you that did endure
What e're the Wit or Malice of your foes
Could lay on you or yours, yet stoutly chose
To suffer on, rather than to Retort
Their injuries, and grew Victorious for't;
95: And by your patient suffering did subdue
The Traytors fury, and the Traytors too.
The great King-makers favourite, a Prince
Born to a Crown, and kept for't ever since.
From Open force, from all the Close designs
100: Of all your Foes, and all our Catalines,
From all th'insatiate malice of that bold
Bloud-thirsty Tyrant, from his sword, and gold
Which hurt you more; and from your own false Friends,
Who sacrific'd to his Ambitious ends
105: Your Crown and people, and were kept in pay,
Your Cause, and Sacred Person to betray,
In which he ev'ry year expended more
Than your Revenues have been heretofore;
Yet you're deliverd out of all these things,
110: By your Protector, who's the King of Kings.
No more that proud Usurper now shall boast,
His partial Conquests, which more Money cost, 1
And Blood than they were worth, no more remember,
His thrice auspicious third day of September,
115: Which he design'd to be redeem'd from black,
And in Red letters writ ith' Almanack.
Since he fought not for victories, but paid,
Nor were you conquer'd by him, but betray'd.
And now your May, by love, has gotten more,
120: Than his Septembers did, by blood, before.
Thanks to that Glory of the West, that Star,
By whose conductive influence you are
Brought to enjoy your own, whose eminent worth
These Islands are too small to Eccho forth.
125: Whose courage bafled fear, whose purer soul
No bribes could e'r seduce, no threats controul,
But strangely cross'd the proverb, and brought forth
The best of Goods from th'once-pernicious North,
To whose Integrity, your Kingdomes owe
130: Their restauration, and what thence does flow,
Your blest arrival; with such prudence still
He manag'd these affairs, such truth, such skill,
Such valor too, he led these Nations through
Red Seas of Blood, and yet ne'r wet their shoe.
135: Blest be the Heavenly pow'rs, that hither sent
This Noble Hero, to be th'instrument
To'enthrone your Royal Person, and to bring
To's longing subjects our long absent King.
Welcom from forein Kingdoms, where you've been,
140: Driven by hard-hearted Fate, and where you've seen,
Strange men and manners; yet too truly known,
Those far more Hospitable than your own;
From those that would not, those that durst not do
Right to themselves, by being kinde to you;
145: From profess'd foes, and from pretended friends,
Whose feigned love promotes their sordid Ends.
"Kings treating Kings springs not from love, but state,
"Their love's to policy subordinate.
From banishment, from dangers, and from want,
150: From all those mischiefs that depend upon't,
You'r truly welcome; welcome to your throne,
Your Crowns and Scepters, and what ere's your own,
Nay to what's ours too, for we finde it true,
Our wealth is gotten and preserv'd by you;
155: Welcome t'your Subjects hearts, who long did burn
With strong desires to see your bless'd return.
Welcome t'your friends, welcome to your wisest foes,
Whose bought Experience tells them now, that those
Riches they've got by plunder, fraud, and force,
160: Doe not increase, but make their fortunes worse,
Like Robbers spoyls, just as they come, they goe,
And leave the Robbers poor and wicked too.
They see their error now, and do begin,
(Could they but hope, youl'd pardon their Huge sin)
165: To think you th'only means, and th'only man,
That will restore our liberties, and can.
Since you're come out o'th fire, twelve years refin'd,
With hard'ned body, and Experienc'd minde.
Only that crew of Caitiffs, who have been,
170: So long, so deeply plung'd in so great sin,
That they despair of pardon, and believe,
You can't have so much mercy to forgive,
As they had villanie t'offend, and sin,
And therefore to get out, get further in.
175:      These never were, and never will be true,
Unto your loyal Subjects, or to you;
The scum and scorn of every sort of men;
That for abilities, Could scarce tell ten,
And of estates proportion'd to their parts;
180: Of mean enjoyments, and of worse deserts,
Whom want made bold, and impudence supply'd
Those gifts, which art and nature had deny'd,
And in their practice perfect Atheists too,
(For half-wit, and half-learning makes men so)
185:      These first contriv'd and then promoted all
Those troubles, which upon your Realm did fall;
Inflam'd three populous Nations, that they might
Get better opportunity and light
To steal and plunder, and our goods might have,
190: By robbing those, whom they pretend to save,
Our new commotions new employments made,
And what was our affliction grew their trade.
And when they saw the plots, th'had laid, did take,
Then they turn'd Gamsters, and put in their stake,
195: Ventured their All; their credit which was small,
And next their Conscience which was none at all,
Put on all formes, and all Religions own,
And all alike, for they were all of none.
A thousand of them han't one Christian soul,
200: No oathes oblige them, and no Laws controul
Their strong desires but p'nal ones; and those
Make them not innocent, but cautelous . 2
Crimes that are scandalous, and yield no gain,
Revenge or pleasure, they perhaps refrain;
205: But where a crime was gainfull to commit,
Or pleas'd their lust or malice, how they bit!
This did invade the Pulpit, and the Throne,
And made them both, and all that's ours, their own.
Depos'd the Ministers and Magistrates,
210: And in a godly way, seiz'd their estates;
Then did the Gentry follow, and the Rich,
Those neutral sinners, by omission, which
Had good estates, for 'twas a lesser sin
To plunder, than t' have ought worth Plundring.
215: And by religious forms, and shews, and paints,
They're call'd the Godly party, and the Saints.
And as those men, that live ill lives, desire
To die good deaths, so these vile men aspire
To be reputed honest, and did stile
220: Themselves so, but they were meer Cheats the while.
Yet, by their artless Oratory, they
Vent'ring to make Orations, preach, and pray,
Drew in too many silly souls, that were
Caught with vain shewes, drawn on by hope and fear,
225: Poor undiscerning, all believing Elves,
Fit but to be the ruin of themselves;
Born to be cozen'd, trod on, and abus'd,
Lov'd to be fool'd, and easily seduc'd.
These beasts they make with courage fight and dy,
230: Like Andabates, 3 not knowing how, nor why,
Till they destroy'd King, Kingdome, Church & Laws,
And sacrific'd all to that word, The Cause.
While those possesse the fruit of all the toiles
Of these blind slaves, and flourish with their spoils,
235: Plum'd with gay feathers stoln, (like 'sops crow)
They seem gay birds, but it was only show.
Now publique lands and private too, they share
Among themselves, whose mawes did never spare
Ought they could grasp; to get the Royal lands,
240: They in Blood-royal bath'd their rav'nous hands.
With which they shortly pamper'd grew, and rich,
Then was their blood infected with the itch
Of Pomp, and Power, and now they must be Squires,
And Knights and Lords, to please their wives desires
245: And Madam them. A broken tradesman now,
Peic'd with Church-lands, makes all the vulgar bow
Unto his honour, and their Bonets vail
To's worship, that sold Peticoates, or Ale.
In pomp, attire, and everything they did
250: Look like true Gentry, but the Soul, and Head,
By which they were discern'd, for they were rude,
With harsh and ill-bred natures still endu'd;
Proud, and penurious. What Nobility
Sprung in an instant, from all trades had wee!
255: Such t'other things, crept into t'other House,
Whose Sires heel'd stockings, and whose Dams sold sowse.4
There's Lord Protectors, but of such a Crew,
As people Newgate, not good men, and true.
There were Lord Keepers, but of Cowes and Swine,
260: Lord Coblers, and Lord Drawers, not of wine.
Fine Cockney-pageant Lords, and Lords Gee-hoo,5
Lords Butchers, and Lords Butlers, Dray-Lords too.
And to transact with these was hatch'd a brood,
Of Justices and Squires, nor great, nor good;
265: Rays'd out of plunder, and of sequestration,
Like Frogs of Nilus, from an inundation;
A foundred Warrier, when the wars did cease,
As nat'rally turn'd Justice of the Peace,
And did with boldness th'office undertake,
270: As a blinde Coach-horse does a Stalion make.
These fill'd all Countries, and in every Town
Dwelt one or more to tread your Subjects down.
And to compleat this Strategem of theirs,
They use Auxiliary Lecturers;
275: Illiterate Dolts, pickt out of every Trade,
Of the same metal, as Jeroboams, 6 made,
That ne'r took Orders, nor e're any keep,
But boldly into others Pulpits creep,
And vent their Heresies, and there inspire
280: The vulgar with Sedition, who desire
Still to be cheated, and do love to be
Mis-led by th'ears, by couzning Sophistrie,
These sold Divinity, as Witches doe,
In Lapland, Windes, to drive where e're you go.
285: The Sword no action did, so dire and fell,
But that some Pulpiteers pronounc'd it, Well.
With these ingredients, were the Countries all
Poyson'd, and fool'd, and aw'd, while they did call
Themselves the Cities, or the Counties, and
290: Did in their names, what they ne'r understand
Or hear of. These did that old Drie-bone call
Up to the Throne, (if he were call'd at all)
And vow'd to live and dye with him; and then
Address'd to Dick, and vow'd the same agen.
295: And so to Rump; but these vowes were no more
Than what they vow'd to Essex long before,
And so perform'd; they dyed a like with all,
Yet liv'd on unconcerned in their fall:
So as these Corks might swim at top, they n'ere
300: Care what the liquor is that them did bear.
These taught the easie people, prone to sin,
And ready to imbibe ill customs in,
To betray trusts, to break an Oath, and Word,
Things that th'old English Protestant abhor'd.
And lest these Kingdoms should hereafter be
Took for inchanted Islands (where men see
Nothing but Devills did inhabit, and
All virtuous people had forsook the land
And left it to these Monsters) these took care,
To make us match and mix our bloud with their
Polluted issue; and so do, as when
Gods sons did take the daughters once of men.
To fright men into this, they did begin
To decimate them, for Original Sin.
315: Children that were unborn, in those mad times,
And unconcern'd in what they Voted crimes,
If guilty of Estates, were forc'd to pay
The tenth to those, who took nine parts away.
The Law was made a standing pool, and grew
320: Corrupt, for want of current; thence a crew
Of monstrous Animals out daily crawl'd,
Who little knew, but impudently ball'd;
And made the Law the Eccho of the Sword,
And with such Cattel were the Benches stor'd,
325: That made the Gown ridiculous, Now and then
The Malefactors were the wiser men,
Oft times the honester; these did dispence,
And rack the Laws, 'gainst equity and sence,
Which way the Buff would have them turn, by which
330: They long continued powerfull and Rich.
Now they'ld all wheel about, and be for you,
For (like Cam'lions) they still change their hue,
And look like that that's next them; they will vow,
Their hearts were alwayes for you, and are now.
335: Tis no new Wit, tis in a Play we know,
Who would not wish you King, now you are so?
But if to be of both sides be a Crime,
What is't to turn of all sides with the time?
Yet you can pardon all, for you have more
340: Mercy and love, than they have crimes in store.
And you can love, or pity them, which none
But you could doe; you can their persons own,
And with unconquer'd patience look on them,
Because your Nature knowes not to condemn.
345: You'll let them live, and by your grace convince
Their trech'rous hearts, that they have wrong'd a Prince
Whom God and Angels love & keep; whose minde
Solely to love and mercy is inclin'd;
Whom none but such as they could hurt, or grieve,
350: And none but such as you could e'r forgive
Such men and crimes. Those feathers ne'rtheless
Pluck'd from your Subjects backs, their own to dress,
Should be repluck'd, or else they should restore,
They'll still be left Crows, as they were before.
355: But if you trust them, you'll as surely be
Betray'd and ruin'd, as you now are free.
And now you are returned to your Realm,
May you sit long, and stedfastly at th'Helm,
And rule these head-strong people: may you be
360: The true Protector of our Libertie.
Your wisdom only answers th'expectation
Of this long injur'd, now reviving Nation.
May true Religion flourish and increase,
And we love virtue, as the ground of peace;
365: May all pretences, outward forms, and shewes
Whereby we have been gull'd, give way for those
True acts of pure religion, and may we
Not only seem religious, but be.
Of taking Oathes, may you and we be shy,
370: But being ta'ne think no necessity
Or power can make us break them! may we ne'r
Make wilfull breach of promises! nor e're
Basely betray our trusts! but strive to be
Men both of honour and of honestie!
375: And may those onely that are just, and true,
Be alwaies honor'd, and imploy'd by you.
Next let our sacred Lawes, in which do stand
The wealth, the peace, and safety of our Land,
Be kept inviolable, and never made
380: Nets to the small, while the great Flies evade!
May those that are intrusted with them be
Men of sound knowledge, and integrity,
And sober courage; such as dare, and will,
And can doe Justice! We have felt what ill
385: Comes by such Clarkes and Judges as have been,
For favor, faction, or design put in,
Without respect to Merit, who have made
The Law to Tyrants various lusts a Bawd,
Perverted Justice, and our Rights have sold,
390: And Rulers have been over-rul'd by Gold.
Then are the people happy, and Kings too,
When, they that are in power, are good, and doe.
On these two Bases let our peace be built
So firm and lasting, that no bloud be spilt,
395: No Country wasted, and no treasure spent
While you and yours do reign; no future rent
Disturb your happiness; but we may strive
Each in his sphere, to make our Nation thrive,
Grow plentifull, and pow'rfull, and become
400: The Ioy or Terror of all Christendom.
And those, who lately thought themselves above us,
May, spite of fate, or tremble at, or love us;
May no incroaching spirit break the hedge
Between Prerogative, and Priviledge.
405:       And may your sacred MAJESTY enjoy
Delights of Minde, and Body, that ne'r cloy!
Not only be obey'd, but lov'd at home,
Prais'd and admir'd by all that near you come!
And may your Royal Fame be spread as farr
410: As valiant, and as virtuous people are!
And when you'r Majesty shall be inclin'd
To blesse your Realms with heirs, oh may you find
A Spouse that may for Beauty, Virtue, Wit,
And royal birth, be for your person fit!
415: May you abound in hopefull babes, that may
Govern the Nations, and your Scepters sway,
Till time shall be no more, and pledges be
Both of our love, and our felicitie.
May you live long and happily, and finde
420: No pains of body, and no griefs of minde:
While we with loyal hearts rejoyce, and sing
God bless your Kingdoms, and

God save our KING.

[1]An accusation made elsewhere in Restoration propaganda; somewhere in Bodley, one of the collections contains a tract itemizing the "costs" incurred by the interregnum governments -- try G. pamp 1119 [not found here]

[2]OED: full of cuautels, i.e. deceitful, crafty

[3]Roman gladiators who fought on horseback in a helmet without eye-wholes; hence, a hood-winked warrior OED

[4]A variant of "souse," given by OED as pickled parts of pigs; "to sell souse" suggests cantankerousness and ill humour in women. OED quotes Cotgrave for "groin" "Faire le groin, to powt, lowre, frowne, be sullen, or surlie, to hang the lip or sell sowce"

[5]OED gives "gee-ho(e)" as a variant of "gee" or "gee up," the command to a horse. It would seem to be associated with unskilled drivers of cart horses as a command that makes up for their lack of skill: OED quotes 1659 D. Pell ... An Improvement upon the nine nauticall verses in the 107 Psalm (L=857.b.12; LT=E1732), p. 93 "Carmen that never leave jerking and Geoing of their horses till they hale the hearts of them out."

[6]In Kings , "a mighty man of valour" (11.28) "who made israel to sin (xiv.16); a large bowl or goblet, a large wine-bottle" OED cites nothing before 1816; so presumably here, large hollow vessels made of base material

Thomas Saunderson
A Royall Loyall Poem
4 June

   Titlepage: A / ROYALL / LOYALL / POEM. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for W. Place, and are to be sold at his / Shop at Grayes-Inne Gate in Holborne, 1660.

    The Crawford copy is dated in ms "June 5th, 1660.", the same day as Arthur Brett's poem, day after Brome's Congrat. WF copy dated 4th.
Ms corrections to the Tanner copy have been included in notes.

    Venn lists: Thos Sanderson, baptised 1611 at Brancepeth, Durham; Sidney Sussex 1628 -- of Hedley-hope, Durham Esq; buried April 1695: See Surtees, History of Durham 4 vols: II.243.

    Foster, Alum Oxon lists: Thos Sanderson of Lincoln College, matric 1639; Fellow of Corpus 1644; expelled 1648, reinstated 1649: see Burrows, Register of Visitors of Ox Uni 1647-58 (p. 496).

[ornamental header]
A Royall Loyall

1: ALL hayle Great KING, whom Gods Almighty hand,
Hath in great Streights preserv'd by Sea and Land;
And hath kept firm thy Loyall Subjects hearts,
Rejoycing in oppressions dyrest smarts:
5: And that thy Foes the vast Worlds wonder cease 1
Their tumultuous waves, and sue for Peace: 2
What can eclips our joyes so bright, so high,
Settled on th'Basis 3 of Divinity:
For here's no new Usurper to make good
10: This 4 treasonable Claym through streams of blood:
Sparing no English Subjects to maintain
The profuse Ryot in his 5 Rebellious raign;
No heyre not able to support the weight
Of Government either of Church or State:
15: Nay, here is no pretender to the known
Right Great Charles hath to his 6 three Kingdoms Crown:
No worthy Gentleman doth envy that
Our high born Prince should have command of what
His birth-right gives him, here's none thinks that he
20: Could rule so wisely as his Majesty;
Here's no contention, onely to outvy
Each in brave acts of liberality,
Amazing all to see, our widdowed Land
Espous'd to joy so soon, by a Monks Hand.
25: Presents on Presents pass by faithfull hearts;
Not equall to My mind nor his deserts:
And these from loyall, Royall, Soules whom guilt
Had never stain'd, of blood unjustly spilt.
Had Fleetwod, Baxter, Haslrig, and Vane,
30: Tichbourn and Ireton, with that cursed trayne
Disgorg'd theyr full cram'd chests unjustly got,
And then like Judas hang'd 7 themselves, 't had not
Been half so wel. No: let them dying live,
And perish by degrees: let Justice give
35: Them but their due: How will their concience gripe
Their perplexed 8 Soules? And when grown ripe,9
For vengeance, let 10 tortures lead them to the Tree,
Where this accursed fruit may hanged be;
Too tedious here to read their Elegy.
40: Oh when to Oliver they tidings bring
Of their fall'n State, and Glories of our King,
How will his hot Nose swell, and Bradshaw call,
And curse each other for each others fall?
There let them curse and howle with hideous yells,
45: Whilst we with Bone-fires shouts, and ringing Bells,
Heighten the hatred that their Quaking friends
Conceal, if possible, for Politick 11 ends:
And that will damn them too, whilst safely we
May pray for Charles our King and Progeny,
50: And drink a hearty cup to the 12 Generall,
Who bravely, justly, wisely fool'd them all.
And with one word Phanatick struck them dumb,
Some simply ask'd if it were Scotch, and some
Whispered 13 is't not Spanish, some Greek, but most
55: Sayd he was 14 mistaken and would have it crost
Out, and put in Fantastick, Schismatick,
Or Anabaptist, Brownist, Heretick,
Shaking Sir Harry Vanes fift Monarchy,
Or weeping Fleetwoods quaking Anarchy,
60: H. Martins Adamites, 15 Independents,
Sawcy Lay-Elders, Super-Intendents,
Any thing or all but that one strange word,
Coyn'd with an angry Stamp should all afford,
That Oliver or Lambert in their breast
65: Contain'd, troubles them more then all the rest,
Making their Chim'ra reformation,
Ridiculous and out of fashion;
And names of Common-wealth and Nation turn'd
To the right style, Kingdom, which long hath mournd,
70: Commanding reverence to Gods holy Word,
Read in the Church, by them so much abhord:
When Preach'd by none but Orthodox Divines,
Whose life together with the Words light shines:
Now Subjects large Estates so long detaind
75: From the right Owners, shall by Right be gaind:
And Universities and Innes of Court,
Englands great honour in the Worlds report,
Pestred so long with Sons of the Committee,
Excize-men, Captains, or at best some City
80: Heyres: shall with Knights and Squires Sons be planted,
And the Grave Benchers who 16 long have wanted,
An Audience fit for Readings, now rejoyce,
To employ their wits & wealth for th'Publick voice,
When Magna Charta, the known Lawes of th'Land,
85: Is spoke and writ in the old Tongue and Hand,
That it would prove a good Monopoly,
To teach Masters and Clarks their A. B. C. 17
When our new coyne (all that was mine is gone)
Shall bear the 18 Kings Face and Superscription;
90: When noble Spain shall bring her Indies wealth
Unto our King, wishing him peace and health;
All Princes fearing our Kings potent Strength,
Shall court him to an Union: At length
I fear the 19 Gentile and unbeleiving Jew,
95: To be receiv'd into our Church will sue:
And when the World will end so soon, that we
Terrene joyes longer shall not live to see:
This is not Fancy: for what can seem strange,
After this great and unexpected change.
100: Reader your pardon, for since the King is given
A Subject for my Pen, I could reach Heaven
With numerous lines. So may your Prayers with mine
For a continuance of his Life and Line.

By Tho. Saunderson Gent.


[1] Foes vast Worlds wonder cease] ä; Foes (vast Worlds wonder) cease O ms.

[2] line 6] "Their" deleted; sue to thee for Peace O ms

[3] on th'] ä; o th' O ms

[4] This] ä; his O ms

[5] in his] in's O ms

[6] Right Great Charles hath to his three] Right Charles the Great hath to three O ms

[7] hang'd] hangd O, L cancel note

[8] perplexed] ä; perplex'd O ms

[9] when grown] when they are growne O ms

[10] let] ä; inked out O s

[11] Politick] ä; Craftie O ms

[12] the] ed; th ä

[13] Whispered] Whisper O ms

[14] he was] t'was O ms

[15] Adamites, Independents] Adamites or Independents O ms

[16] who long] who too long O ms

[17] A. B. C.] all versions printed in hand-written secretary form; i.e. the "old Hand" of line 85.

[18] the] th' O ms

[19] the] deleted O ms

Elias Ashmole
Sol in Ascendente.
28 May-4 June

   Title: Sol In Ascendente: / OR, / The glorious Appearance / OF / CHARLES the Second, / UPON / The Horizon of London, in her Horosco-/ picall Sign, Gemini. / [royal arms] / Iam vaga co/elo sidera fulgens, / Aurora fugat; surgit Titan / Radiante coma, mundoque diem / Reddit clarum. 1 / [rule] / London, Printed for N. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill. 1660.

   Son of a sadler, Elias Ashmole (1617-92) was born at Lichfield and received his education at the local grammar school. In 1638 he married for the first time and through the patronage of Thomas Paggit, a relative on his mother's side, began to practice law in Chancery but "had indifferent good practice" (Memoirs, 1774: 292). In 1645 while in Oxford, he met Captain George Wharton at Oxford, who introduced him to astrology and alchemy and secured him a commission in the royal ordnance. That same year, he studied mathematics at Brasenose College and was appointed commissioner of excise for Worcester, moving to London when that city fell to parliament in 1646. Here he was inducted a Freemason, and became friendly with William Lilly and John Booker, the leading astrologers of the age, with William Backhouse, the leading Rosicrucian, and with John Tradescant, keeper of the botanic gardens at Chelsea and a great collector of antiquities. Having remarried to his advantage, Ashmole spent the 1650s immersed in the study of alchemy, astrology and heraldry, learning Hebrew and editing works by John Dee and other early alchemists.

   "25. [May 1659] I went to Windsor, and took Mr. Hollar with me to take views of the castle." Memoirs 1774: 326

   "16. [June 1660] Hor. post merid. I first kissed the King's hand, being introduced by Mr. Thomas Chiffinch."

   "18. [June] Hor, ante merid. was the second time I had the honour to discourse with the King, and then he gave me that place of Windsor Herald." ...

   "About this time the King apppointed me to make a description of his medals, and I had them delivered into my hands, and Henry the VIII's closet assigned for my use." ibid. 327. At the Restoration, he was appointed Windsor herald and turned his attentions to antiquarianism. Along the way, he picked up several well-paying offices, becoming accountant general of excise and commissioner for Surinam. He inherited Tradescant's collection of antiquities, married the much younger daughter of the herald William Dugdale in 1668, and published his Institutions, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter in 1672. In 1677, he bequeathed his collection of antiquities to the university of Oxford provided a suitable building was cosntructed for them; by 1683 the transfer was complete. In 1690 the university awarded him an honourable M. D.

   In keeping with Ashmole's interests in astrology, his poem is lagely an extended astrological conceit. It is also one of the few poems for which there is an abundance of textual material. A draft autograph copy in the Bodleian Library shows that Ashmole worked over his lines with considerable care and attention, frequently revising lines and transposing couplets and longer sections. Several lines in the manuscript never made it into print, including a Latin tag attributed to Ovid with which the manuscript opens: "C'saris arma canant alij; nos C'saris aras," -- "others have sung of Caesar in arms, we sing of Caesar on the altar."

   The Edinburgh reprint displays no internal evidence of revision from the London printing. Since lines 45-58 appeared, anonymously, in Mercurius Aulicus for the week of 28 May-4 June (p. 58), we can presume that the poem was written in advance of the king's arrival. Although the lines in question are almost identical in both printed versions, the Mercurius version of line 58 reads "To shelter us from Devils, and Rump-men" rather than the more generalizing "and worser men" found in both printed versions.

   The lines printed in Mercurius are preceded with a comment that might be taken as central to the large amount of publishing in late May and early June which anticipated the king's return:

As it is apparent, that our former pregnant hopes of establishing his Majesty in an honourable and peaceful Government of his three Kingdoms, would prove an astonishing Joy to revive the sunk spirits, who for many years have bin sorely depressed; even so is the fixing of his Princely Heart among them as the Center, in which all the opposite Lines of the distracted Interests of this Nation will meet and acquiesce, to the glory of God, and the perpetual settlement, peace, and welfare of his Subjects. (p. 57)

   On Ashmole (1617-1692), SEE DNB, Elias Ashmole...his Autobiographical Notes ed. C. H. Josten, 5 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966) and see what he had to say about the Restoration etc.

[1]In the ms version, this Latin tag is glossed "S. Oct."

[ornamental header]
Sol in Ascendente.
The glorious Appearance of
CHARLES the Second,
Upon the Horizon of London: in her Ho-
roscopical Sign, Gemini.2

1: ANd now the Nights dire Tragedies are done,
Woes are dissolv'd to Bliss, we have out-run
The Ills, that did pursue us in fierce chase;
And softer Revels do possess their place.
5: What Peace old Rome saw in Augustus dayes,
Will England feel while CHARLES shall wear the Bayes,
For Heav'n has held her peace, rowse up, then rise!
Let not dull sleep seize on your sluggish eyes;
Awake! and greet this Calm; these gentle Gales,
10: (Swell'd with rich Air) invites to spread our sails.

What though the cripl'd Heav'n has seem'd to trace,
No other Motion, then lame Saturn's pace;
Yet now behold! the lingring Hours at last,
Shake off those Weights, that on their Feet were plac't:
15: And th' Morn is fully rose, from yon dark Rocks,
Pleas'd with the coolness of her moistned Locks;
But er'st imbathed in the dewy tears,
Which long Nights sorrows, pressed through our tears.

Mark! how the Clouds disband, how they retire,
20: To see our Heav'n arch'd o're, with this bright fire;
How yon declining Moon, (conscious of Ill)
Sets with a wasting paleness; and how still
The charmed Windes are in their severall flights;
How all those numberless tumultuous Lights,
25: Which twinkling look, as struck with trembling fear,
Shrink in their sockets; dye, now th' Sun draws near.
Observe! instead of Clouds, how th'fresher Air
Inwraps us round, with its preserving care;
And the forgotten glory of our Sun,
30: Which here coms riding on our Horizon,
Does like a lucky Planet, fix his Beam
On the Ascendant, of the Kingdoms Scheam. 3

See! see! our Pho/ebus, who ith'Sea was pent,
His Steeds unharnest, and to grazing sent;
35: His Chariot set aside, and what he chose
For rest, became disturbance, not repose,
Awakes! his Generous Horses curle their Mains,
And Champ their Bits; hee's mounted, handling's Reins,
Throwing his usual glories round his Face,
40: And making ready for a second Race.

Behold! his Chariot cuts the Eastern line,
And his Serener Brows with Glory shine,
Deckt in refulgent lustre round about:
Thus th'Sun, at first cleft Heav'n, and so brake out.

See! Glories arch His Crown, Majestick Grace,
With Mirtle wreathes, his Temples do imbrace; 4
All sacred Lustre from about him sheds,
Fame rides before, and circularly spreds
From her select collections, what's most due
50: To his so great Deserts, and Patience too.
Whilst Heav'n it self breaks through his lovely Smile;
Thus looks th'auspicious Fortune of this Isle.

They are his Native Rayes, 5 that render bright
This Morn, and dress it with Celestial Light;
55: Whose all-attracting power sucks up the Dew,
That new begotten Gladness sends unto
Our eyes; which (Hallowed) is let fall agen,
To shelter us from Devils, and worser men.6

Lo! Heav'n has now subscrib'd to our request,
60: Here with a glorious Sun we all are blest;
Whilst the Nights guilty shadows sneak away
Back to their Cave, at this approach of day.
Let's then no more our wither'd Joyes lament,
Let sadness be condem'd to Banishment;
65: And Mis'ry cease to grinde: let's pay our Vowes,
And strow our streets with peaceful Olive Boughs:
Of whose fair Trunks new Gates let us prepare
For Janus Temple to shut out fierce War,
And keep in Peace; whilst due obedience shall
70: Our Bosoms fill, ne're to know Ebb at all.

But first, all cordial greetings we must pay,
From our devotest souls to this blest Day;
Next to our Sun, such just observance give
As his great worth deserves: then pray to live
75: To see Meridian Beams dance on his Crown,
And full blown Glories, shine about this Throne.

And since that Heav'n thus smiles, let each full soul,
Unlade such thanks, may rise above controul;
Unfold free welcomes to imbrace this Morn;
80: And to those forward joyes, which are new borne
In Loyal hearts, force passage to each Tongue,
Venting the Acclamations thither throng.
Let's kiss the Hand, that steer'd Affairs to this,
Let's bless those Eyes, to see this hour did wish:
85: Esteem it dear as heav'n which sent it, such
As our Devotions cannot praise too much.
Repeat these Blessings while there is a day,
Which this Moneth brought, with Ills it took away;
And date our Records hence, make them retain
90: Force and effect from CHARLES the Second's Reign:
Let's in all gladsome looks our faces dress,
All grateful welcomes let our hearts express;
Darting such spirits from each greedy eye,
By whose reflection he our loves may spye:
95: Nor can he by a better Medium finde,
How strongly we to duty are inclin'd;
Unless we were all eyes, that so each part
Being fill'd with eyes, might all become one heart.

Yet see! and let's wear out our eyes in view
100: Of these fair looks, Fate doth to us renew;
(Pleasing to heav'n) yea, let's Anticipate,
What forward gratitude can yet create:
And like to Tides, bring all our wealth on shore,
Open our Cabinets, lay out our store,
105: Wear them upon our brows, and make them grow
Up to the Sands, whose number none can know.
Let's greet this Hero with a full spread sail,
And strive, who can in strife of joy prevail:
Kiss Heav'n with thanks, and make our hearty cryes,
110: Roll round in Ecchoes, pierc'd the arched skyes.

Look with what conquering Aspect he returns,
Foarding the hearts of all he sees; and mourns
At nought so much, as those wan looks which we
(And our black night) tann'd with disloyalty,
115: That gracious Face we view through humble Tears,
Brings healing to the wounds of these late years:
Nor need we doubt; our great Apollo will
Secure this Island with his ablest skill
Like Delas, (to requite his nursing years)
120: From all assaults of future storms and Fears.

For see! he comes off'ring Oblivion,
Forgetfull of what's past, or lost, or done;
Cloath'd with the general Good, (that weighty Care)
Attended with those thoughts that pitious are,
125: Bringing along all Charmes, to still our Fears;
Fill'd with ripe knowledge, of experienc't years;
Able to poise all Interests, quit each score,
To stanch that waste of Blood long running o're,
And cure our rankled wounds; if we'l but sip,
130: That healing Balsom, droppeth from his Lip:
In fine, here come the close of all debate,
Worthy to mannage a fare greater State.

'Tis true, he has been plundred o're and o're,
And little left, but what might style him poor;
135: Yet is his stock of favours not impair'd,
There's plenty left for those deserve reward;
His wiser judgment can most clearly see,
The fitting due's, belong to each degree:
And happy we, that once again behold,
140: His just Authority himself infold;
Which nev'r shall alter him, unless his Power
Rise up to's will, to do us good each houre.

What thoughts dare then deny this Sun his Rayes,
Who is the Spring and Fountain of our dayes;
145: The brightest Eye, of this our little world;
Whose spreading Rays 7 in rich glories curl'd,
Grow from his own essential light; their power
Raiseth the lustre, of this growing hour.
From those all-glorious Beams, on us shall shine
150: The light of Peace, and Happiness Divine;
Even all those Halcion dayes we once beheld,
When our replenish't Cornucopia's swell'd.

Since then his Fate, has gain'd the Easterne light,
May it recover the Meridian height;
155: Whilst all good Fortunes lead him to that Hill,
And further him from good, to better still:
May Heav'n, which did through Clouds, his sufferings mark,
And with Compassion view'd his sinking Bark,
Ne're leave him till Astrea right his wrongs,
160: Fully restoring what to him belongs:
Then place him like Olympus lofty Rocks,
That kiss the Heav'ns, and mount above those shocks
Of under storms, would toss him to and fro
With their false byast Guests; for we must know
Justice can ne're be evenly render'd, till
He like the Sun in his Meridian dwell.


[2] O ms opens with epigraph: Ovid. C'saris arma canant aly: nos C'saris aras.

[3] Note to ms at line 32: "Tis from the nerenes of a watry vapour which the winde tossing with various [illegible] neere the Horizon about the rising of the Sun, & the force of the Sun being refracted in the vapour, it seems as if it danced, from whence the vulgar conceit of the Suns dancing on Easter day might probably rise." Ash. 38 fol. 232.

[4] Ms note: "Mirtle wreathes were wont to be worn in triumph by the Romaine Captaines when they had obtayn'd a Victory without Blood." Ash. 38 fol 232.

[5] Note to ms: "Lux congenita" Ash. 38 fol. 232.

[6] and worser men] and Rump-men Mercurius Aulicus

[7] Rays] Rady L, O

Daniel Nicols
"To his Majestie's loyall subject"
Theophilus Cleaver
"To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN"
5 June

   Titlepage: [Hebrew] Filius Her"um, / THE SON OF NOBLES. / Set Forth / IN A SERMON / PREACHED / At St Mary's in Cambridge before / the University, on Thursday the / 24th of May, 1660. being the day of / Solemn Thanksgiving for the Deliverance / and Settlement of our Nation. / By WILL. GODMAN B. D. Fellow of the / King's Colledge in Cambridge. / Because the Lord hath loved his people, he hath made thee / King over them. 2 Chron. 2.11. / -- -- Nusquam libertas gratior extat / Qu…m sub Rege pio -- -- -- / [Greek epigraph] / [rule] / LONDON, / by J. Flesher, for W. Morden Bookseller in Cambridge. / An. Dom. M DC LX. [double-rule box].

   Wing: G941. Daniel Nicols, "To his Majestie's loyall subject and my / dearly-beloved Friend / Mr WILLIAM GODMAN B. D. / Fellow of King's Coll." sig. B., and Theophilus Cleaver, "To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN / Batchelour in Divinitie," sigs: b2-[b2v].


O Pamph C110 (4) COPYTEXT; checked 9/95; 2/96 OW Fairfax 417; chk 4/96 L 226.g.21(2) {trans l984:111} {mf}; chk 1/96 CLC Pamph. coll. Misc. Sermons v.2 {trans l985: 57-8} C, NE, DT, CN, MH, NU, Y WF 134081 chk 12/96

   The epistle to the reader is dated 5 June.

   A large number of the sermons preached in anticipation and in celebration of Charles's return made their way into print. William Godman preached his sermon before the Cambridge University community on Thursday, 24 May, the day of national thanksgiving declared following the announcement of the king's return, but he dated the epistle to the reader in the printed version 5 June, a Tuesday. Godman himself contributed some verses in Greek to the Cambridge volume, Academiae Cantabrigiensis äoåtrà, which appeared later that summer in July (sig. H3v). His Filius Her"um is the only sermon I have noticed containing dedicatory poems in English. The lines by Daniel Nicols of Queen's College appeared first, followed by sets of Latin verses by three poets from Gonville College, William Lyng, John Felton, and William Naylor. Theophilus Cleaver, also a fellow of King's College like Godman, wrote Englsh verses that appeared next. A final set of Latin verses by J. Boult of Gonville brought up the rear.

   The biblical epigraph on the title page was addressed to Solomon by Huram the king of Tyre, though the text which Godman took for his sermon was apprpriately, Ecclesiastes 10.17, "Blessed art thou, O Lord, when thy King is the son of Nobles."

   Nicols addresses Godman directly, offering the analogy between soldiers and preachers as signs of their past and continuing common loyalty to the king. Cleaver takes a more prescriptive line with a touch of the jeremiad, finding in the king's return a promise of imminent retribution. He invites us to read Charles's physical appearance in a series of allusions to the Old Testament worthy of an academic divine -- the king's hair, like Sampson's, is a promise of his divine strength; his eyebrows are compared to mounts Gerizim and Ebal and promise punishment and reward. In the lengthy peroration after receiving the ten commandments, Moses "set before" the children of Israel "a blessing and a curse . . . when the LORD thy God hath brought thee in to the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt put the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal" (Deut. 11. 26, 29). The mounts appear again in the story of Joshua. After destroying Jericho, Joshua goes on to slaughter the twelve thousand inhabitants of the kingdom of Ai; he burns the city "and made it an heap for ever, even a desolation unto this day." Lest any should question his piety, Joshua then proceeded to build "an altar to the Lord God of Israel in Mount Ebal" and "wrote there upon the stones a copy of the law of Moses" which he proceeded to read to the victorious Israelites, "half of them over against Mount Gerizim, and half of them over against Mount Ebal," (Joshua, 8. 28, 32, 33). Presumably like Joshua, Charles will be both merciful and just, rewarding the faithful while brooking no resistance to the divine authority of his power.

To his Majestie's loyall subject and my
dearly-beloved Friend
Fellow of King's Coll.

1: 'TWas Monarchy made thee and me be one,
Loyalty has been our Religion;
Joynt haters of the Tyrant and his train,
And faithfull subjects to our Sovereign.

5: Divines are fellow-soldiers, though in field
They never take up target, sword, or shield:
For whilst that others fight with swords and spears,
The Churches weapons are her prayers and tears.

These be the arms (dear Friend) which for our Prince
10: W'have taken up and brandish'd ever since
False subjects and an Act of Parliament
Forc'd Him to live abroad in banishment.
Whilst others for our King's Coronation,
And to reform a thing call'd Reformation
15: Have spilt their blood, lost estates, lives and health;
(Strange that this should be called a Comon-wealth!)
Then thou and I with many a sigh and groan
Pray'd and believ'd Him to his Crown and Throne.
And still we'l preach and pray, and print and sing
20: Disgrace to Rebells, glory to our King.

Dan. Nicols B. D.
Fellow of Queens Coll.

To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN
Batchelour in Divinitie.

SHall I be silent at my glorious KING's
Return, when every Bell his praises sings?
Shall the hard-hearted Musket shout for joy;
And I as dumb-strook, like a trembling Boy
5: Wax pale and mute? Shall Night her mourning Suit
Put off, and vapour in flame-colour'd Coat;
And I smother'd in melancholy Fume
Burn up my heart, and Loyaltie intomb?
No, Lazy Muse: I'll goad thee with my pen,
10: For I'm impatient of delayes; nor when
Thou sleep'st can I forbear to pinch, for thou
Do'st only seem to dream that our KING's now
Return'd and safe. Lift up thy leaden eye,
Spout out thy griefe, and wash thy Lethargie:
15: So shalt thou cleanse thy self from fault, and see
Like a true Eagle dazling Majestie.
Then fix thine eye and tell me when thou'st done,
If ever Crown did circle such a one.
Doth not his Hair like Sampson's guard his head,
20: And gather up in links and chains? Let dread
Fear then seize those that stand his opposite,
Lest they be fetter'd in't and feel its weight.
Sometimes his Brows like to Mount Gerizim 1 are,
Sometimes like Ebal.2 When a Smile sits there,
25: Blessings and Favours slide down his smooth Cheek,
And run upon the Subjects head and neck:
But when a frown climbs up and pendant hangs
Out of its dark and hollow womb, the pangs
Of Death, some Thunderbolt may drop and bring.
30: Thus nature hath our Sovereign made A King,
Whose very looks command obedience,
And strike us a deeper fear and sense
Then the keen Ax and Fasces. But forbear,
Fond Muse, into that sacred Breast to peer
35: Where Vertue shines that will o're-whelm thy sight.
Read o're this book, in its reflected light
Distinctly thou shalt see those glorious beams,
As the Sun's Image in the Crystall streams.

and Fellow of Kings Coll.

[1]Gerizim, literally "cutters down;" see headnote.

[2]Ebal, literally "stone, heap of barreness;" see headnote.

Arthur Brett
The Restauration
5 June

   Titlepage: The Restauration. / OR, / A POEM / on the Return of the / MOST MIGHTY / and ever / Glorious PRINCE, / CHARLES the II. / TO HIS / Kingdoms. / [rule] / By ARTHUR BRETT / of Christs-Church Oxon. / [rule] / -- Deum Delph¢sq; meos. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. H. for Samuel Thomson at the Bi-/ shops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.

   Thomason dated his copy on Tuesday, 5 June; Nicholas Cruch paid 4d for his copy, now in OB.

   Arthur Brett clearly liked to be among the very first in print to commemorate a royal occasion: The Restauration appeared during the first week of June. Brett was presumably hoping that his poetic declarations of loyalty to the Stuarts would gain him notice either at court or at Oxford: a presentation copy of the poem, now in the library of Balliol College, contains an additional printed dedication to John Wall, Predendary of Christ-Church, Brett's own college. Five months later, Thomason bought a copy of Brett's Threnodia: On the Death of the Duke of Glocester on 13 September, the very day that Prince Henry died. Brett was not only quick off the mark, he was also prolific this year, contributing Latin verses to the Oxford University anthology, Britannia Rediviva, that appeared in July.

   According to Woods, Brett had gone up from Westminster School in 1653. Woods thought him "a great pretender to poetry" who, after publishing a verse translation of the book of Job, Patientia Victrix (1661), "had some mean employment bestowed on him, but grew so poor, being, as I conceive, somewhat crazed, that he desired the almes of Gentlemen, especially of Oxford Scholars whom he accidentally met with in London: In which condition I saw him there in 1675." Brett died in 1677. (AO 2: 448).

    With over six hundred lines of tetrameter couplets, Brett's Restoration poem is nearly twice the length of Dryden's. His poem here is full of lots of nationalistic jingoism, warning other countries that England rules now that it has a king.

   The copy now on deposit in the library of Balliol contains the following dedication "To the Reverend and Profoundly Learned John Wall Doctor of Divinity and Predendary of Christ-Church" (sigs. A-[A2]). Since this was Brett's college, we may presume that this copy was specially prepared for presentation. The piece invokes learned commentary to compare Wall with Noah and Janus for having lived "in his generations, you have seen Monarch flourishing under the Grandfather, declining in the Father, and now reestablishing in the Sonne" (A2v).

Reverend and Profoundly Learned

Reverend Sir,

   THE Favours which I have sometimes received from your Worship have embolden'd mee to accost you in this manner as now I doe; The Rabbini co-criticall Commentators upon Genesis observe of Noah, that 'tis said concerning him He was perfect in his Generations; and they give this reason why he should be in the Plurall number of perfect in his Generations, because he liv'd in the age before the Flood and also in that after the Flood; upon the same account it was that the Auncients portraicted their Janus with two Faces, looking both backward and forward, both on the old World and the new; which Janus was no other in Heathen Pooetry than this Noah so famous in Sacred History; But leaving each of these to themselves (as well the Rabby's, those Pooets in prose, as the Auncient Pooets those Europ'an Rabby's) to enjoy their own conceits, I shall wave the enquiry after the Reason thereof, and only apply the Phrase to you; you likewise (Reverend Sir) have liv'd in your generations, you have seen Monarchy flourishing under the Grandfather, declining in the Father, and now reestablishing in the Sonne; you have seen a deluge of confusion overwhelme the Nation, and you have seen the waters again abated; you have seen the Glory of the Royall family, you have seen its fall; be pleased to cast a favourable eye on its RESTAURATION: For indeed who is fitter to Patronize such a Pooem then your selfe? who (as it were) foretold his Majesties glorious Restitution, and preach't his Inauguration Sermon before hand, out of that notable place, Cant.3.9,10 [Hebrew text]

   At St Maries, pro] Our Solomon ha's his royall vehicle to waft inchoando Termino.]1 him over; he will also now have his Pillars of

   Silver, and his reclinatory of Gold; Benigne heavens will not let mee adde and his ascent of purple; without slaughters and bloudshedd, we have done what the King of Pooets advices us to doe in that so renowned Politicall Axiom, [three lines of Greek] Let the richenss of the matter excuse the poornesse of the dresse, the Title the Pooem; It may have been done more Artificiously, more Affectionatly it could not nor with a more eager desire to be approved.


The Admirer of your worth, and
your most affectionately
Devoted Servant,


[ornamental border] The Restauration.
on the Return of the
Most Mighty and ever Glorious
to his Kingdoms.

HOW shall I thy entrance sing?
Lord of Hearts, of Nations King,
Or thy Restauration bear?
Of Royal Father Royal Heir.
5: When I consider thy Return,
What Flames within my Breast do burn?
I know not how to vent my joy,
How to begin Vive le Roy,
Or enter upon my great Song,
10: The King has been away so long.
Thus after a dark dismal night,
We can't sustain Meridian-light;
The Dawn must gently intervene,
Lest Pho/ebus kill as soon as seen:
15: So Sorrow by degrees must wast,
Joy stifles, coming on too fast.
Shall I be silent then, and sit
And only hear other mens Wit?
No, I'le call my Thoughts together,
20: Summon all my Forces hither,
Rather than fail at such a time,
My Soul shall go into a Rime:
Who on so rich a Subject try,
Their as rich Vein of Poetry,
25: Though never so much care they take,
False-Latine-Heraldry will make;
Having no Gold on Gold to spread,
I shall not break Clarencieux Head:
While others serve the King in State,
30: And bring Red Wine in Yellow Plate;
I'le like that Honest Asian,
Present him Water in a Canne.
I will say somthing wrong or right,
Cast in my share, though but a Mite;
35: But as a Drop unto that Sea
Which now sustains his Majesty:
Those Craggy Mountains which surround
Our Pleasant, Fertile, English Ground
(A Finer Mantles Courser Border)
40: That stand to keep the Sea in order,
And now stretch out, stretch out their head
To catch their Soveraign's first Tread;
Those Cliffes Parnassus are to me,
Salt-water Hypocrene shall be.

Oh for the silver Quill of Quarles
To celebrate our Gracious CHARLES!
Oh for a Holy David's Lyre,
And new Te-Deum's in the Quire!
Oh for a Strain ascending quite
50: 'Bove Denham, Cowley, or the Knight!
Oh for Muses Ninety Nine!
Oh for a Fancy as Divine
As Virgils, and as smooth and fit
As Ovids, when of Love he writ!
55: The Story I must now rehearse,
Deserves a more than common Verse;
Uxbridge, and the Isle of Wight
Could not settle all things right,
But Breda hath that Business done,
60: Perfecting what they but begun:
Strange News! a King and Kingdoms Three,
Send each their Letters and agree;
When heaven propitious appeares,
A Day do's more than month's or years;
65: Breda, that to her Tackling stuck, 2
She got a Name from being took;
But let's forget those warlick Feats,
Those Stratagems, those lawful Cheats;
Let those brave deeds of Dutch and Spanish,
70: French and Heroick English vanish;
Let Spinola's memorial cease;
She's now more famous for a Peace:

Our Sister Nation justly may
Her ancient Thistle throw away,
75: Those Armes became her exil'd Prince,
His Fortunes now are blossom'd since;
He hath (if that can be) his due,
Is King of Scots and Scotland too:

For this he scap't such snares, such plots,
80: Such sicknesses, such wounds, such shots,
As Chance on the Kings Son may bring
In a hot war against the King;
For this he often cros't the Sea
Safer than others do the Dee,
85: And on the main was reverenc't more
Than he was like to be a shore,
The Loyal waves did quiet stand,
There were too many Storms at land;
For this at W -- -- fatal fight
90: Was wrought that Miracle his flight,
When that rich soile was o're and o're
Water'd with English-Scottish Gore,
That he must perish in the Woods,
Or fly o're troops, or swim through bloods.
95: It was for this, 'twas Heaven's intent
That he should meet this Parliament,
And so from nothing All commence,
And shew the world ther's Providence:
When Nature bid him first to be
100: So sweet, so full of Majesty,
That he did no Perfection lack
She put him in a comely black,
A comely, but a mournful Hue,
She had good reason so to do,
105: Presaging that her Brittish Sons
Would prove unruly, boisterious ones,
Would into strange confusion run,
Murder the Sire, banish the Son;
But Comedy's now on the Stage,
110: And Tragedy has ceas't to rage;
We're past the black part of the Scene,
And what remains will be serene:
Great CHARLES unto large Empire born,
Has had his Crown made all of Thorn;
115: Now hee'l have one of better Stuffe,
If Lumbard-street have Gold enough;
His Winter's gone, he has now his Spring,
The Honey after so much sting;
In Patience's and Vertue's Field
120: Has conquer'd Fate, and it doth yield:
That blazing Comet's direful beard,
Which made us at his birth afear'd,
Though it were long it had an end,
Could not eternal harms portend;
125: Now CHARLES the Martyr, CHARLES the First,
Whose Murder hath the Nation curst,
CHARLES of Blessed Memory,
Who liv'd a Pris'ner, died free,
Triumphant CHARLES looks from on high,
130: And sees his Blood has ceas't to cry;
Sees his own Prophesie fulfil'd,
That English hearts at last should yield,
That the remembrance of their Guilt
And of his Blood which they had spilt
135: Should melt their flints (for bloud is known
To mollifie the hardest stone:)
That they should their errour see,
And that his Royal Progeny
(Which has been Fortunes quilted Ball)
140: Should mount the higher by its Fall;
His Son should with more Glory rise,
Because he on a Scaffold dies;
So we behold (if Nature may
Allude to State) the following day
145: Its Raies with greater Lustre spread
When as the former sets in Red:
Now Circulation of blood
In a new sense will be made good;
The Head was made with shame to bleed,
150: Now let the Legs and Feet take heed;
Gods own Anointed is at hand
To judge the Sinners of the Land,
To curb those overdaring soules,
And use his words whose place he holds,
155: They that have oppos'd my Reign
Let'um be brought out and slain;
Shall he not be their King? hee'l rise,
And be their Priest, and sacrifice
Those Buls unto his Fathers shade,
160: Which o're our necks such rule have had;
Oh no! I dream, Oh! I mistake,
He comes to build, not down to break;
Hee's merciful, he lov's to save;
How could he else all Vertues have?
165: The Royal Eagle will not prey;
He loses Subjects if he slay;
Dove-like he knows not how to kill,
But comes with Olive in his Bill:
Memory is an Art, but yet
170: There is a greater to forget;
He can forget his Fathers fall,
How they took Crown and Life and all;
How our late Sun his splendor lost,
And sat where he had shined most;
175: How he of men and Kings the best,
Had his East turned to his West;
'Tis his endeavour, 'tis his care,
Well to do, with ill to bear;
What has been done is gone and past,
180: And hee'l make up what Noll laid wast;
How he will with his people deal
He gives both under hand and seal,
When to the Parliament he sends,
Sweetly begins, and sweetly ends;
185: Never such words, I dare avow,
Were written in Court-hand till now;
Hee'l be, hee'l be The Faiths Defender,
Yet such whose Consciences are tender,
Such as unsatisfied are,
190: As far as may a King, hee'l spare;
(That clause it will end all our strife,
That Line, it is a Line of Life;)
Not like base Tyrants, who disgrace
Royalty of the Royal race;
195: That keep mens bodies free and safe,
But they'le oppress their nobler half;
This is to save the Case from hurt,
And leave the Jewel in the Dirt;
Our Sovereign's of another mind,
200: Is even to Dissenters kind.
He who in the world has been,
Who in his banishment has seen
Such Variety abroad,
So many a way, so many a Mode,
205: Find's 'tis impossible that we
Should here in all things all agree;
Unity men in vain design,
It is an Attribute Divine;
Bodies arn't made of the same clay,
210: Nor Souls of th'same celestial Ray,
What you may hate, I may think good,
As this mans poyson's that mans food;
The Church in this fine Sun-shine day
Will give her Children leave to Play,
215: So as it be not with edg'd tools,
And they not prove mad-men or fools:
While those who urge with too much heat
On others that which they think meet,
Their beam of truth must be the day,
220: And we must needs say as they say,
Do as they do, guess as they guess,
Those that will force our Consciences,
Seem not to know what Conscience is,
And of their Sovereign's temper miss:
225: But to be clement, to be mild,
That he has had up from a child;
And while infused gifts we scan,
We praise the Maker not the man;
As for's acquired ones, for those
230: Which only to himself he ow's,
Would you them know? perhaps you would,
And I would tell you if I could;
If I could paint a noble soul
As Xeuxis did his Lass of old,
235: Borrow a curious fancy hence,
Hence a style, a judgment thence,
Somthing of CHARLES then you should know
Which now lies hid, and will do so
Till he salute the Loyal rout,
240: And let it at his mouth run out:
Into affliction he was hurl'd
The great Free-school of all the world,
And yet (which seemeth strange and odd)
Hath thrived under too much rod,
245: For Losses, Crosses, Banishment,
Never were for Thalia's meant;
He has heard with's ears, seen with's eyes
Enough to make him richly wise;
H'as that Experience attain'd
250: Which by study can't be gain'd,
That which others learn by scraps,
Or read in books, or see in maps;
In times of war he dares to fight,
And in times of peace can write;
255: He to Minerva is so dear,
She has lent him both her Book & Spear;
Such is our Prince who doth return
The Pho/enix of the Royal Urne:
With him returnes that beauteous Dame
260: We Ecclesia Anglicana name,
The Hierarchy is getting ground
(Its Platonick year's come round)
Or, if that that should be withstood,
Somthing that's better or as good;
265: David, if holy writ we mark,
Still brings back with him the Arke;
Miters attend the Diadem,
Half moons! 'tis that enlightens them;
Scepters and Crosiers joyn hand,
270: Together fall, together stand;
Oh Holy, Blessed Trinity
Will now no more be Heresie,
Nor Letany an impious thing
Although we pray in't for the King:
But Hammond, whither thou so fast?
Why this unseasonable hast?
Have the true Israelites indeed
Now they are setled no more need
For time to come, H.H. D.D.
280: Their fiery pillar-guide to see?
Could'st thou not stay one Fortnight more
And see us rightly God adore,
Till thou enthroned CHARLES hadst saw'n,
And grac't the Ermine with thy Lawn?
285: Must Moses now be layed by,
And just on Canaans Borders die?
Well, go and be the Messenger,
The tidings to the shades to bear,
Your News forget not as you make
290: Your passage through the Lethe Lake;
Since angry Fate will have you go,
Go (Reverend Sir) and tell below
(Which for to tell who'd not expire?)
The Royalists have their Desire;
295: The Royalists, not Cavaliers,
That word, that thing may breed new feares;
Tell him who so long domineer'd
And Trophies of our Slavery reer'd,
(If he hath got to th'blessed Coast,
300: And not his way t'Elysium lost,)
Tell him a CHARLES is up again,
And Cromwel's ordinary men;
Tell the brave English souls beneath,
The Sword is fast up in the sheath,
305: That all things are as quiet here,
As they can possibly be there,
That we did this for little gain,
There were no hundred thousands slain,
No, it was at an easier rate,
310: They'd no new guests sent 'um of late:
And you who teach our outward ears,
And glitter in your lesser sphears;
Let your light farther be extended,
Stars shine the more when Sol's descended;
315: When you've displanted all Deluders,
All Levitical Intruders,
All sapless trees, all withered rinds,
Without Divinity Divines,
When you the Angels of the flocks
320: Are grafted in your proper stocks,
The Candles in the Candlesticks,
Do not earth with heaven mix,
Don't too much worldly lustre get,
For fear of other snuffers yet;
325: There was got in your torch a thief,
But a traveller brought relief,
Came from Cole-stream to the Thames,
Sav'd Ephod, Bels, and Breast-plate Gems,
Now for the future have a care,
330: Dangers escap't make men beware;
Dark clouds besat your Firmament,
Mens love to you was cold, was spent,
For such darkness brighter shew,
For such coldness hotter grow,
335: And flourish for such calumny's,
By an Antiperistasis;
Your eyes, ye watchmen, they have wink't,
Your Vestal fire has been extinct,
Scorn all earthly fumes and vapours,
340: And from heaven light your tapers.
Now seeing what offends our sense
May please us in another tense;
Since 'tis a curious sight to look,
From th'mountains where w'have footing took
345: Down on the watry moving ones,
And lately conscious to our groans;
Since Land-scapp's may delight the eyes
Though representing gloomy skyes;
How willingly could I be bold
350: My King eclipsed to behold?
How could I be this Prince's Page!
To trace him in his pilgrimage;
To follow him through his distress,
Through his Paran-wilderness;
355: And at every miles end stop,
While grief a Chrystal bead may drop;
Come Berti-us, (and yet methinks
Why should I view it through the Chinks?
The Diamond now it self explay's, 3
360: And in the ring begins to blaze;
Why should I th'flying Meteor haunt?
Hee's since a Star, and culminant;
But I must go, I can't forbear,
Fancy transports me through the air,
365: Where I may see each Cittadel
Each town, each court where CHARLES did dwell;
I must be one if him it please,
Of wandring Jov's Satellites;)
Come, man of Geographicks, come,
370: Shew mee's Itinerarium;
Shew me the places where h'as been,
Or rather where he has not been seen,
Still tost and turn'd, still on the wing,
His type 'neas answering:
First St Germans yields him rest,
Had you been there you would have guest
Windsor had chang'd her Thames for Sein,
Her houselesse Lord to entertain:
To Guernsey he and Jersey comes
380: Now made their Kings retiring rooms,
The Esquires of the two bigger Isles,
Though not concern'd yet in their broils;
But they who on the main did seize,
Could take th'Appendixes with ease;
385: 'Twas but that argument to presse
From the greater to the lesse;
Therefore he into Holland struck,
The Orange must defend the Oake;
Then into Scotland he must fly
390: From the Low-lands to the High;
But that cold Country could afford
Only cold comfort to her Lord;
MONCK had not then inspir'd the Land,
Nor placed there his Loyal Band:
395: To France he sails, but must not fix,
The Lilly's too (strange flowers) had pricks;
The Paris folk are not so bold
As English Princes to behold,
Afraid of the Great STEWART's are,
400: They are the race of Lancaster:
To stately Colen next he goes,
To German friends from Gallick foes;
Colen then might justly glory,
Although her Legend were a story,
405: What e're the riming Frier sings,
When he was there, there were three Kings.
And the Pope doth improperly
To build his crest three stories high,
A Miter would do better there,
410: The triple Crown is CHARLES's wear.
But Rhenish could not chear his heart,
Only Canary plaies that part;
Only the Generous Castile
When others frown'd lent him a smile;
415: Own'd him as much now as before
(Spaniards know Gold though in the ore)
Held with the Scepter 'gainst the sling,
And us'd Don CARLO like a King;
As we not many an age agone
420: Resetled Pedro in his Throne;
Even Kings by one another live,
Courtesies can receive and give:
The Golden Fleece did swet and toil
To bear him to his Native soil,
425: But then some ill might have come on't,
There might have been a Charles-pont;
Fortune did us that honour doom,
We should both call and fetch him home:
Come then, prepare, prepare for him,
430: Teach Wichwood Forest how to swim,
The main with canvass periwigg,
Navies of Bucentoro's rigg;
So we shall have a seemly fleet,
A King, a King, a King to meet;
435: Tritons dance, and Mare-maids sing,
Out of the sea some Venus spring,
And with Cupids trim the boat
In which Great CHARLES himself's afloat;
May we no storms, no tempests have,
440: No dancing of the air or wave,
No Lapp-land puffs, no Finland weather,
Sent by incarnate Furies hither,
Rather may milder blasts prevail,
And fill the proudly swelling sail,
445: May the breath of Hybla's flowers
The odours of Hymetta's bowers,
Molucca's, Araby's perfume
(Which else would uselesly consume)
Themselves into one brize compose,
450: And center in those linnen cloth's,
White peaceful colours, signs of love,
So they are used, so they'le prove
To him that to the King submits,
To th'unrepenting winding-sheets:
455: Ye now most glorious Eastern Seas
Foam up at once your Amber-grease,
Your Amber-grease in stead of Myrrh,
A present to this Royal Sir;
Ye Whales that lord it in the deep,
460: Come and do homage, come and creep
To him of whom you hold in fee
Your sovereignty of the sea;
But leave your Whalishness a while,
Calmly make towards a calm Isle,
465: Gently glide along and steady,
Your forelorn hope's been here already;
Ye Dolphins too may hither pack,
All with Arions on your back;
Only Sword-fishes keep away,
470: Come not into our peaceful Bay,
Come not you near those happy sands
Whereon our dearest Sovereign lands,
Those sands which on record will stand
As much as e're did Colchos strand;
475: When as the ages coming on
Shall study how these things were done,
And wonder at so rich a fraught,
As we do at the Argonaut:
Let us enjoy what they'le admire,
480: Let our affections take new fire,
Let us and's Majesty combine,
And for this breach the closer joyn;
Just as those bones which broke in twain
Grow stronger when they'r set again:
485: Let's get such skill how to obey
As he hath Scepters how to sway,
And till a Prince of Wales be born
Let Ich Di-en of all be worn:
And when as Grebner's Prophecy
490: Shall be a reall History,
When as the Martyr's Son and Heir
Shall sit in the Confessors chair,
When he in that rich Chappell shines
Which cost us all the Indian Mines,
495: When (Briton's) your wise Delegates
(The Third joyn'd with the Second States)
With Pearls and Purples him array,
Flowers not growing every May,
When he of whom we were bereft,
500: And had small Expectation left
To see these seas by him thus cross't,
But Hope had all her Anchors lost,
Whose reigning in his Fathers stead
Is like returning from the dead;
505: When he is Crown'd in all your sights,
And takes possession of his rights,
When this is done, and you look on,
Believe a Resurrection;
A time when time shall be no more,
510: When you must look o're your old score;
When that wide stretching Conscience
Which can with Royal blood dispence,
Which like a frozen serpent lies,
Heeding nor Kings nor Deity's,
515: At unseen fires shall melt and thaw,
And wake, and hisse, and sting and claw;
And that Adventurer shall be found
To have gone on the surest ground,
Who for to gain eternal bliss
520: Gives God his due, and C'sar his.
You also who of high things talk
While on the Royal Change you walk,
Asiatick, African,
Romanist or Muselman,
525: Or whatsoever Country, Sect,
Fashion, Trade, or Dialect,
Who saw where C'sar's Image stood,
Saw it deface't, saw it renew'd,
You told of that, go tell of this,
530: That England once more England is;
Possessed ones are turned civil,
A Monck has conjur'd down the Devil;
How well would he become the Burse
Seated upon a brazen horse?
535: Amidst those Kings that rul'd before,
Whose Successours he doth restore;
So of Great Warwick's mind is he,
Rather to make a King than be;
He, whom you all can't chuse but know,
540: He whom you heard of long ago,
When on the Seas he got renown,
And brought the blustring Hogens down,
And High and Mighty from 'um won
To give it unto CHARLES the Son;
545: He, Oh Egyptians, wh'undertook
To free us from our Mammaluke;
He, Germans who on us bestow'd
That which your country would have ow'd
To Famous Gustav's Sword and Shield,
550: Had he escaped Lutzen field;
He unto whom even your Grand-Fool
Ottomanist's, may go to School,
And if hee's wise example take
His Janizaries off to shake;
555: Ye Greeks whose wine we've often drunk
In a health to CHARLES and Monck,
Take notice we as well as you
Have our Demetrius Soter too;
Armenian, Persian, Tartar, Mede,
560: Think with what courage, with what speed
From North to South he Victor ran,
And you'le remember Tamerlane;
Your Patron, Monsier's, is a word,
Ours has a heart, a hand, a sword,
565: Your Dennis is no man knows where,
Our George is here, is here I'le swear;
You Portugue's who knew of late
What 'tis to have such turns in State,
To fetch your Ostracized Lord
570: Home back again of your own accord,
Joyn souls with us, while we rehearse
To CHARLES a Hymne, to Monck a Verse:
Long live the Gen'ral, longer He
To whom the Gen'ral bow's his knee;
575: Let the King prosper in his reign,
Let CHARLES proceed a Charlemaigne;
Let him excell Beau-Cleark in Art,
And be as stout as Lion's-heart;
As Wise as Richmond-Henry, who
580: Quell'd discords, and made one of two:
As Pious as young Edward was,
That Excommunicated Mass;
As Famous as Elizabeth,
Who out-fume'd Size-Cinq's blasting breath;
585: As Peacefull as James, and as Just;
Let him be trusted, let him trust;
Let no strange jealousies arise,
Clouds unbecoming Brittish skies!
Let Crosses still be voted down,
590: So as to have none in the Crown;
Let him his Fathers soul possesse,
In Parts be like him, not Successe;
If, if there be a King of Kings,
That knows all thoughts, all words, all things,
595: An Angell which his feet doth set
One on the dry, one on the wet,
Which doth salvation command
For th'King at Sea, and can on Land;
If we don't beat the air in vain,
600: But notice of our Vows is ta'ne;
If we can pierce th'All-hearing ears,
Which seemed stopt these 13 years;
If prayers can prevail with Fate,
Let him be CHARLES but Fortunate;
605: I must go on, Let him have health,
Let him never want for wealth;
And be the man most fit to grow
His Saviour's Vice-roy here below:
If a Fifth Monarch there must be,
610: Let Englands Emperour be He.



[2]OED: tackling sb. 3= arms, weapons; to stick to one's tackling= to stand to one's guns, to hold ground, to maintain one's position or attitude.

[3]OED: to unfold, display; rare -- last cited 1639.

John Lawson
Upon the Blessed Return
6 June

The Second.
Presented to his sacred Majesty by a Person of Honour the next day.          

The Proeme.

1: WHat Pen is fitting to salute a King?
Lend me a Quill pluck'd from an Angels wing.
My Muse doth tremble, and my hand doth shake,
Whil'st that my King I do my Subject make.
5: So tender am I to my Sovereign's Name,
I fear the Press, whils't that it stamps the same:
Hold, Printers, hold, pray stop your hands again,
Let Jove impress it in his Charles his Wain.
Heav'n's milky path suits best for papyr here,
10: And golden Letters from the starry Sphear.
Yet since my knee, nor yet Poetick feet
Bow'd e're to Baal, or Times-Idol greet:
Since mouth ne're swore, nor yet subscrib'd my hand,
A Poets feet in loyal verse may stand:
15: On Pegasus now mounted will I style
My Poem a Troop to lead in rank and file.

The Wish.

1: LET Canons speak it with their Brazen lungs,
Let Muskets shout it with their iron tongues;
Let Towr's and Steeples now instead of Knells,
Chime with their Canons, Volleys sound with Bells.
5: Let Squibs and Crackers ring their Peals of joyes,
Let old decrepid men turn skipping boyes.
Let frozen Stoicks melt; our vowed Dads
Drop off their snowy beards, turn smooth-cheek Lads.
Let Poets toss their Laurels up, and try
10: To lodge them on the Blew slate-Eves of th'Sky.
Let th' Muses fill each head, their Conduits may
Through their Quil-pipe run Hippocrene to day.
Let th'British Island frisk a Water Daunce,
Like the Nymph Isles of Lydia let them prance.
15: Let now the Irish waves like th' Attick Sea,
Sound like an Harp, and quaver Harmonye.
Let both the York and the Lancastrian Rose,
Which in War's Limbeck was distill'd by foes:
Let it so spring, that all the world may say,
20: Alt'ring the Proverb, like a Rose in May.
Let The Scotch Thistle yield up all her down,
To ease the Travels of the tossed Crown.
Let the French Lily with its silver Bell,
And jealous Clapper ring our joy, their Knell.
25: Let Souldiers now no more from Cromwel's Nose
Be Blazon'd Red Coats, but from Charles his Rose.
O let, that blazing Comet be accurst,
For its predicting death to Charles the First:
That Nebuchadnezzar's furnace and the Urn
30: Where Charl's three Children were condemn'd to burn.
Hadn'to our Moses God himself been seen:
For Elohim both God and Oak doth mean.
'Twould be no Legend sure, if I should say
The withered Oaks grow fresh and plump to day.
35: Let trees who have their mossie rugs for age
Skip at this News upon the grassie stage.
In fine, the Church of England let us see,
To day not Militant, but Triumphant be.
Let old decrepid Pauls, whose palsie head,
40: Bare to the scull was ev'n trapanned dead;
Let it revive with joy, to think it shall
Have a new Birth-day, not a Funeral.
Let not Religion come to this, we must
Pull down the Altar to set up a Just.
45: Let Moses, Jesus, Gospel and the Law,
Ne're more be hid in Reeds, or laid in Straw;
Let never such contempt in Churches reign,
As in the Manger lay our Christ again.

CHARLES STUART Ana -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- gramme
A Rachel's Trust.

1: ENgland thy Rachel is, thy Leah we
May Scotland call, first marry'd unto thee.
Had Monk thy Laban been, we surely know,
Th'hadst marry'd been to Rachel long ago.
5: England his love can ne're mistrust 'tis true,
Which twelve years waited for what first was due.

The Embleme of our English Times.
[engraving of angel at a lathe]
Augustissimus Magn'
Britanni' REX.

1: HAs not the world been round? our Times can say
This giddy age was turned every day.
Spare, spare such pains, of which no need at all;
The World is round enough for Fortunes ball.
Some that did see these precious shavings lye
Under the Lathe, strait covet with their eye.
The parings of this golden Apple they
With wide-mouth'd bags gape after every day.
One on his Pike a golden Pippin sets;
Another hedg-hog a Queen Apple gets.
See how the Royal Rose was stole by such,
Who left their Sovereign but the Thorny bush.
It seems that fruit, which they a Crab did call;
So sweet it was, they would devour'd it all.
But what's the Tool hath turn'd our British sphear?
Not the smooth Chizel, but the Pike and Speare.
Hence drops the Scepter; there a royal Jem,
Here falls a George, and there a Diadem.
Sweet Angel leave thy turning, and but see,
What kind of men these shavings steal from thee.
Well then! if that my Muse this sacred time,
'Stead of Parnassus may Olympus climbe,
A wheel within a wheel I shall descry,
Not Cupid turning, but the watchful eye.
25: For th'hand of th'Dyall stands now where't begun,
Twelve years are past, and we are come to One.
Kingdomes are Watches, and their Native King,
His Scepter is the Hand, himself the Spring.
The Crown-wheel keeps the other wheels in awe,
30: Justice the Ballance, and its string the Law.
God grant now of our Watch it may be sain,
Once more wound up shall ne're go down again.

The concluding Embleme.

1: HEav'n bad the Angels cry aloud to Fame
To blow the Trumpet in our Sovereigns Name.
Just Fame obeys and sounds it in the Eares
Of Englands Commons and the Noble Peeres.
5: Both Houses meet, and Vote the Droven Bees
With their Great King, are welcom when they please.
White-Hall and all the Palaces do strive
To be unto this honey-dew a Hive.
When Neptune heard the News, he swell'd with pride,
10: To think our Sovereign on his back should ride:
Forthwith he Courtier turn'd, to make him fine,
Besnow'd his curled Locks against the Time;
But when he saw our Charles, no more he raves,
But's Trident Kembeth smooth his tangled Waves.
15: Now th' wildenesse is pass'd, now Canaan found,
Our Crown is landed, and our Land is Crown'd.
With mild and honey doth white Albion flow;
The silver and the golden Mint will goe;
This day for Englands Vintage wee'll allow,
20: Since very Conduits turn wine-presses now.
Sure Charles his presence can't but be Divine,
That turnes our Water thus to purest Wine.
Charles the best Christian does Assurance gain;
The World will witness that he's born again.

Johan. Lawson. M. D. de
Coll. Lond.

In the first Year of Englands restored Liberty and Happiness.
LONDON, Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, 1660.

S[amuel] W[oodford]
Epinicia Carolina
7 June

   Titlepage: Epinicia Carolina, / OR AN / ESSAY / Upon the Return of His / SACRED MAJESTY, / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By S. W. of the Inner Temple. / [rule] / [design] / LONDON, / Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the Golden Ball in Chan-/ cery Lane. 1660.

    Thomason dated his copy on Thursday, 7 June 1660.

    Although signed by initials only, it seems likely that these verses were composed by Samuel Woodford (1636-1700). After leaving Wadham College, Oxford in 1659, Woodford entered the Inner Temple and shared chambers with Thomas Flatman. He was elected to the Royal Society in 1664 and took orders in 1669. Although he was an almost exact contemporary of Dryden, Woodford took his lead as a poet from Cowley, as can be seen in his Paraphrase upon the Psalms, which appeared in 1667 . 1 Wood knew that Woodford had written a poem on the Restoration, but was unable to find it.
Note the impacted style, contorted syntax,

   The poem makes the conceited claim that Charles had to lose the battle of Worcester since victory in a civil war would have been dishonourable: contrast Willes, who imagines Charles at Worcester heroically slaughtering his way through the enemy.


[ornamental border]
Upon the Happy Return of His
Charles the Second.


1: Hee's come! -- See there Else. -- There again.
Hee's just now landed with his Train;
Just now hath changed for loyal ground, th' unfaithful Main.
Hee's come! -- Heark how the forward Aire
Resounds his Welcome to the Shoar,
Redoubling all the Eccho's ore.
When the unloaded Guns can do no more,
Volleys with thunder may compare;
Volleys that thunder far excel;
For when rag'd Heav'n in such a language speaks,
With fiery tongues, & silence through the darkness breaks.
(Clouds that are dark as night, or hell)
  Showr's to allay the flame
That just now came;
  And unexpected fell
Poure down, the sky with stormes is dull,
Of tempests, and thick weather full;
Each clap is follow'd with its band of hail,
  Squadrons that will prevail;
Above, engaging Armes appear,
Below the Earth doth groan to hear
The shock, and quakes at some sad fate it sees not, in the Rear.



Quite different is this Peal, this Noise,
  Is but the repetition of our joyes.
25: Continued Acclamations from a louder voyce,
Cannons that so well imitate,
Encourage, not amate,
  Tell us a most desired calm is nigh,
And without help of following tempests clear the sky.
A calm great Prince, such as none else could say
  Beside Your 2 Self, and ne're to late,
To a distracted and tumultuous State;
  To a divided Land,
That never could without such help command,
Or know till now what truly 'twas t'obey;
A calm Your Name brings, and a certain bay: [sic: DAY??]
Nor is't less welcome, cause so long defer'd,
  (That very Name hath rais'd the price,3
  Encreas'd the weight, and made it twice)
  The thing for what before't appear'd;
  So Expectation almost gone,
Makes us too much esteem a certain one!
  And ev'n despairing to be free,
  We can Your Self no other See,
Than one that hath procur'd us double liberty.


45: And as i'th troubled deep in spight of hope,
When th' burdened Ship with thousand billows tost,
Is to it Self and Convoy lost:
And Mariners i'th dark their Tackling grope,
Ready to be devour'd by every wave
Which threatens and prepares a grave,
If there appear one glimps of day,
And a faint thought the storme may steal away,
Though at the greatest distance set,
And scarce discerned yet,
Courage returns and check't Despair,
Be it with loss of half the Fare,
Is buried in a Nobler Care.
Y'have done all this, a greater thing,
Deliverance giv'n, Heav'n could not bring,
By any means, but such a King.
Y'have don't, and with't return'd Our Light,
Almost forgotten through a twelve-years Night;
Dispel'd Our fears, to th' Haven brought
A prize inestimable, and unsought;
And beside, what was Ours before,
Return'd Your Self, which makes ten thousand prizes more.


Pardon, Great Name, if one so mean aspire,
And to your Sun, expose his humbler fire;
(Amongst the many flames to rise)
Not to encrease Your light
(Beyond expression bright,
And never to be greater made,
By an additional and borrowed aide)
But to consume his Sacrifice.
75: 'Tis true, You need not what such things can do,
Nor can Your praise by such loe praises grow,
It being not You that want, but we that owe;
We ow't, and if that Theam wont give
To an officious duty, and return,
80: 'Tis our ambition in the common flame to burn:
Nor will we that survive,
If Salamander like i'th flames we cannot live;
We are ennobled by this service done,
  To our selves, and not to Thee,
Making it harder to be known,
Whether more proud or dutiful we be:
If we refuse, Thou'rt still the same,
Great by thy birth, and greater by thy Fame,
None by the choice of Heaven and Us more freely came.


Should we refuse, 'twere but to be
Fond Heralds of our slavery,
And how unwillingly we are made free,
We should bely our interest, and give way
To others to prevent us in our joyes:
And the same Acclamations pay
Before us, through a false delay,
As eqully concerned in our voyce.
No! No! we ne're will yield,
'Tis too too much, 't hath been defer'd so long;
100: Nor will we make anothers title strong,
By entring last, or never in the Field;
Though our Engagment only can descry
Not what we would, but what we can't deny.
Our pens shall do their duty first,
Though hitherto to silence curst,
Or Tyranny, of Theams the worst;
Not by recanting, for thus how to sin,
Like others we ne're knew,
Who must their pardon sue,
110: Before they can with confidence again begin,
Our uninfected reach the KING.
'Tis but a poor disguise to say 'twas done,
with th' multitiude to th' rising Sun, [sic
At least to him that went for one,
Meteors may be admir'd till faln and gone.
If Persian like we superstitious are,
Thou art the Sun, the Tyrant, but a blazing star.


You are alone a Sun, Your very Name
Gives a new life and birth to everything,
Gives a new and perpetual spring, 120
Like that above in Qualities the same;
For as to that we all distinctions owe,
Of times and seasons, night and day,
By You that very thing we know,
And go more satisfied away,
You are the greater Sun o'th two.
For as i'th objects that doth shew
  The pleasures which they have,
To take the greedy sight,
130: Are from themselves, not from his light;
And don't by his addition beauteous grow:
But were before thus beautiful, and crave
Assistance from his beams to tell, not make 'um so.
You at the same time light and object bring,
What is, and how 'tis to be seen,
The medium, and the very thing,
Without the caution of design between:
You make the Prospect, and that done,
Are what we see it by the Sun:
140: So that to say you are like the Sun, won't do,
'Tis mean, You are not like the Sun, the Sun's like You.


Since then so great a miracle You are,
That nothing can resemble or come near,
We other Similes shall spare,
145: And to Your Self alone Your Self compare: 145
And as the likeness of the Painters draught
Is to be judg'd no other way,
Then by the Pattern which before him lay,
And matter for his Pensil brought;
150: Then by the life, how far the Features be
The very same, where hard, and where more free:
We have it all in You; one Scet'h hath all,
Your Self the Copy and Original;
So like which either is that none dare say:
155: But as two postures by the self-same face
May have a different Aire, and sev'ral Grace
From the relection of the light and place;
When with a languishing Aspect the One,
As some sad Mourner beareth down;
The Other with a livelier Eye,
Intends a Crown and Majesty:
Both are unlike to other, as the hand
Of Artist, and the passions can command.
You have a different Meene as Prince
And Exile, what You were before, 165
And what Y'are since;
Yet like Your Self in both so much, that nothing can be more.


A perfect wonder in Your several State,
Whether we count Your Cross, or better Fate,
 Th' adventures that have run
 From th'Cradle to the Throne.
If Princes have their Infancy,
And can be born, though they can't dye;
  When for twelve years Th'hast known,
175: What 'tis to be a KING, and to be None;
When Majesty disguis'd did lie
I'th Visord of a private one;
The safest and the best retreit
For Him that's destin'd to be great.
180: Nay in a lower Sphere Thou seem'dst to move,
As if degrading's not enough
Thy patience, and thy heart to prove,
A banishment, shall lead the way
To an unconstant and unsetled stay;
185: To save the life that else had been a prey:
As if 'twas equal fault to, Be [sic
As hold the reins of Soveraignty.
Under so great an heap our fire was laid,
And part o'th common rubbish made,
Almost unminded, and quite spent,
Till by the smoak it upward sent,
We knew it liv'd, and on a gentle turn,
Could reassume its former flames, and burn.


This we experienc't when thy forward zeal,
195: Made Thee to us at Worcester fight appeal,
More for thy Countries good, than for thy own;
Thy Countrey which insensible was grown,
And by continu'd slavery,
Thought it a burden to be free;
We saw there, (and who could not see?)
The little price You put on Majesty,
When undistinguish't with the Rout,
Had not Your actions mark't You out,
You as some under-Captain wheel'd about,
Charg'd up, Retreited, Lead the Van,
Fac't the Cromwellians like a private man;
And though in You that time there lay
Concenter'd Happiness and Peace,
Our future joy and present ease,
They unregarded were that day,
And as rich nothings put away:
Breaking first through the Armed Rancks,
Now on the Front, then in the Rear;
Upon the guarded, and well-bodied Flancks,
215: You over-ran all, ere You could be judged near.


You were too prodigal of life and blood,
When scarce to be withstood,
You'd Publique Victime for proud Rebels dye;
Would scarce prevail'd with be to live,
And wait a better destiny.
"So much 'twas not to get the victory,
"To be ore-powr'd, and yet survive!
Though no less by't was thy renown,
'Tis equal to deserve, and wear a Crown!
You did Your share, and more,
Than any Prince ere did before,
Only Fates would with triumph you restore:
Fates that for better times thy fortune knew,
Unwilling were that Bout thou shouldst subdue,
230: And from the Conquest CHARLES with-drew;
So that 'twas they were routed, and not You:
Who by your happy 'scape away,
And Parthian like in flight, didst get the day;
Making the Oaken Garland far exceed the Bay.


Had You that time o'recome in fight,
That very Name had spoil'd the shew,
'Twas more consulted in Your flight;
The Notion of a Countries overthrow,
Less pleasure, greater hurt will do.
240: Blood that from streams like these doth spout,
Encreaseth not the Royal Dy, but rots it out;
The purple loseth by the stain,
If possible to get it up again.
In civil broyles the Lawrel won,
Is but a pale and withered one; 245
Hath more of Cypress in't, and Thorn,
So purchased and worn.
C'sar in triumph, when he led
Great Pompy's children, lost more praise,
Then's Victory did Trophies raise; 250
His Crown did not defend, but more expose his head.


But should we every Scene present,
Deliver every Act of thine,
'Twere to exhaust a Mine:
255: And not a scanty and consumed Mint:
Full of new wonders every houre was seen
The least, that nothing Vulgar came between;
An houre can subject to a Volume give,
A day to an whole History;
A month and year can ne're subsist and live,
But with their own weight prest, must sink and dye.
And as the light that in a mean,
Renders the Object better seen:
If it exceed its wonted ray,
 Takes what before it gave, away.
Y'have done too much, all words out-done;
Your Self, and the most lavish tongue;
By giving too great a Theam have given none,
Y'have done beyond all gone before;
270: Had you done less great Prince, we had done more.


Yet though we can't express, we may admire
Thy condescension, when thou didst retire,
And in a Straiter orb confine,
Lustre would else break out and shine.
275: Yet though envelopt in a cloud, even there,
It all enlightned that were near:
A cloud may hide, not chase the Day,
Obscure the Sun, not tak't away.
The Suns the same, when it don't, as when it doth appear;
'Twas ill for us when private walls did feel
Your power, when laying by the warlike steel,
You all regrets, but ours could heal;
Resolved for us, Your Exile to forgo,
And something more than Exile know
To suffer double banishment.
First, from Your Country, than the place
Where You had covert got i'th'Chase,
And by a Fate more grievous went:
"So great a power had Usurpation gain'd,
"That by less crimes it could not be maintaind;
"A little spot appears till the whole Fleece is stain'd.


Mean while we languish't with the rotting pain
Of Forreign hatred, and disdain;
'Twas death or prison to return again;
295: Those whom the publick ruine forc't to shore,
And for some shelter fly
To other Lands, and unknown lie;
If but their names were heard,
They were as an infection fear'd,
To be an English-man was plague enough.
At home we knew no other peace,
But continued War; no health, but a disease:
And since we could no better be
By our Physitians mystery;
305: Always to be so, and no worse, was all our ease.
So that if expectation gone,
And buried with thee in oblivion,
Some for the base Usurper pray'd,
And in their forc't Devotions stray'd;
'Twas out of Dread, not Duty paid:
So much of a worse power we were afraid!
The same was for Sicilian Tyrant done,
Not out of love to him, but fear of a more cruel one.


And as the Romans in their superstitious care
To several Deities did Temples rear,
Ridiculous to all but them that worship't there:
When they made Feavers Fanes resound,
To Paleness Altars Crown'd;
And Tempest that whole Fleets had drown'd:
'Twas not that from their influence
They good expected, but to drive 'um thence.
If we this thing for others did, then you,
'Twas not because we reckon'd it their due:
But we our selves no other thing could do,
Our worship was constrain'd; constraint did bring
Almost a Fate our Soveraign to deny,
Whil'st every Pulpit still did ring
With this impossibility,
At once to serve God, and pray for the KING;
'Tis easie now, and unperplext;
Without a Comment we can read the Text;
And the most partial man must say,
What 'ere 'twas heretofore, 'tis treason now not to obey.


Till you return'd, the thought of joy
Was banisht from these sad retreits;
And the few fires we had prov'd but unnatural heats,
Ne're throughly warm'd, but forc'd colder sweats,
And with their clamminess did more annoy.
Our fires were like those which from Aetna rise,
340: Ne're seen, but after some strange Prodigies,
Flames that don't lighten, but obscure the Skies.
Yours have a greater power, restore the day;
And when 'tis sunk, and lost in a decay,
Renue it with a brighter ray.
The Islands one continued fire,
Is terrible to all that see it round;
And those that know the reason and the ground,
O'recome with heat, already ev'n expire:
Saylors I fear that pass by this way'l mistake,
350: And a new Countrey in their Sea Chards make:
For as towards us they forward steer,
And with the Compass round us Veer,
They scarce know whether Pole they'r near,
Like a new Terr' del fogo, we so much appear.


We're truly now the Happy Isle,
Beyond all else on which the Sun doth smile:
But you are He hath made us so,
This happiness could from our selves ne're flow;
Or any thing that we could do;
You are the gift, and giver too.
'Tis true, Thou might'st have us'd some other hand,
That might have laid it as a just command;
The Spanish and the German aid,
That to such plunder willingly had come,
365: And with the same facility o're-come,
And made us dearly for refusal paid.
Thou mightst have done this, something more,
Made blood and wounds thy right restore;
But resolute to stay
Till something greater made the way;
Till the whole Land should see,
Not thou of them, till they'd need of thee:
Thou more than any Prince hast done,
Com'st by a double title to the Throne;
375: The choice they Peoples is, the right thy own.


And since th'art come, mays'st thou still finde
Those pleasures such a welcome brings:
Where Loyalty and Dutie's joyn'd
To serve and own the best of KINGS!
380: May with thy Reign, thy happiness increase,
And ne're know what 'tis to grow less!
Or if Ecclips it suffers with the Sun,
Let it like that before hand known,
Not be a total, or a sudden one;
But such as when 'tis past and gone,
May make you re-assume this light,
Thy pristine beams, and be more bright:
Make the whole world thy rayes adore,
Obscuring that small star, that thee obscur'd before.
390: May'st thou be like thy Self, none equal know,
To heaven alone thy Scepter owe!
"To be within comparison is to be low.
MONCK the mean time (while to the Sky
Thy Name is mounted by wing'd victory,
395: That doth in Ambush for that honour lie)
I'th Sky shall also have a Memory, And by some brighter Constellation known,
Attend thy Grandure, and increase his own:
So while Your Self we must to CHARLES his Wain refer,
400: MONCK with another title shall be call'd the Waggoner.


[2] Your] Yout O

[3] opening parenthesis supplied

Abiel Borfet
Postliminia Caroli II
8 June

   Titlepage: POSTLIMINIA / CAROLI II. / THE / PALINGENESY, / OR, / SECOND-BIRTH, / OF / CHARLES the Second to his / Kingly Life; Upon the day of his First, / May 29. / [rule] / By Abiel Borfet, M. A. / [large crown] / LONDON, / Printed for M. Wright at the Kings-head in the / Old-Baily, 1660.

   Both the WF and Thomason copies are hand-dated 8 June. Fortescue catalogues the LT copy for 29 May, presumably following the title.

    The typographical eccentricity of placing the final letter of the king's name outside the italics suggests not so much design as an overused set of type, that is, the absence of an italic capital "i".

    Borfet claims to have written a satire on the Rump; describes in some details the events of late May including some fanciful conceits based on the procession of mayor and guilds through London. He ends with the wich that Charles will soon marry and produce an heir.

    The day this poem appeared, if the 8 June dating is reliable, was the day Charles rode to Hampton Court and touched for the King's Evil (Pub Int. #15. p. 238)

[ornamental header]

1: That I, whom Nature never made a Poet,
Nor was adopted once by Art unto it,
Soare above Prose, and force my Novice-Quill
To uncouth Laws against Minervaes will:
5: It is no marvell, when my Subject's such,
That Art and Nature can't do half so much;
My Matter is my Muse; I find it here
More easie task to write then to forbear.
Fear made the dumb man speak, seeing the King
10: Ready to perish. Wonder not if I sing,
Though doubly tongue-tied; seeing him renate:
Since fear contracteth, but joy doth dilate.
When Indignation made a verse before
Upon the Rump, and lasht it or'e and or'e;
15: Shall the Priest only, not the Poet shed
Some oyle of gladness on the sacred Head?
No, though among those Stars, which did appear
At his renew'd Nativity this year,
The true Platonick, when the Sphears 1 are rowl'd
20: Back to the Loyall points they kept of old;
Although among those Stars, whose glorious train
Was in conjunction with Charles his Wain,
This be an half-mixt Meteor; yet give us
Leave to bring forth our Ignis Fatuus,
25: A Pageant to the shew: About a King
Fools have an office; why not this I bring?
His enterance, though contriv'd with costly Art,
Denying not the Morrice-Dance a part;
And, while the Canons of the Towre do roare,
30: Accepting Muskets of a lesser bore.
We can't augment the Glory of that day
By this; yet thus Remember it we may:
Our Torch may lose its own, not give a light
Unto the Sun: but, when he's gone at night,
35: May represent him; this commends my Theme,
Its the Dayes sight repeated in a Dream.
But that I doubt, whether a Dream can tell
An History, that's so Incredible;
That Sight might passe for one, and make men think
40: Their rising early on that Day did bring't.
For like those Persians, which contended who
Should see the Sun first at his rising; so
We hasted to this sight, before the shine.
Of Charles his Phosphorus proclaim'd the Signe.
45: Some take the Vigils; some till Day defer,
Thinking the Night too little to prepare:
And will next day so much the longer lie,
When they have seen our sleeps security.
How many now can say, that they have seen
50: The Sun to rise? which false before had been.
The Virgins early walks sufficient were
To banish the green sickness for a year:
Old men were up, who meant not else to rise
Untill the Resurrection ope'd their eyes.
When other times I overtake and meet 2
So many various faces in the street;
I think within my self, that each Mans End
Is no lesse divers, which he doth intend?
But by a common Physiognomy,
60: I there discern'd one sense in every Eye;
An happy foretast of our union,
When multitudes thus lose themselves in One.
Such multitudes within and out; that then
The streets seem'd pav'd, the Houses built with Men;
65: The first I view'd, I thought a Limners shop
Faced with lively Pictures to the top;
And wonder'd the Exchange, through which I past,
Was on the Southern side of Cornhill cast:
It was a Frollick at my second view,
70: Which all the Houshold at the Windows threw.
For not an house appear'd, which was not set
So thick; the King might think his Kingdomes 3 met,
And that to show their Loyalty is true,
They had turn'd inside outside to his view.
Blest Prince! whose Glory in great Numbers stands,
That rather court then suffer his commands.
More blessed Land! under that greater Soul,
Worthy to rule the Sphear from Pole to Pole.
How were we prest, and like the Scaffolds built
80: On one anothers backs? yet never felt
The weight with our light hearts: O let the King
Still such oppressions, and such burthens bring.
Let this be all the use of naked Blades,
Of Drums and Trumpets, and of arm'ed Brigades:
85: Let's know no other Souldiery but this,
Whose brave Battalia's then brought in our Peace.
Who will repine to give them now free Quarter,
Whose Generals Belt is suppl'd to a Garter?
How did they lose their Name, while we descry'd
90: A Loyall Heart thorough an Iron side?
They have unspell'd that Proverbs mighty charms,
Which striketh dumb the Laws, 'mongst Martial Arms:
For when I heard the Guns give forth their sence,
My Ears thought Cooks Reports proceeded thence;4
95: Seeing their Buff, I fanci'd with my Eyes,
Sure Magna Charta in that Vellum lies;
Their Swords appear'd as innocent and fair,
As that which was supported by the Mayor;
And as they past the Goldsmiths company,
100: Both Metals chinkt a perfect Harmony.
May they, who used Iron so justly, never
Want Gold to change an Helmet for a Beaver!
In these we saw the Body politick
Restor'd to strength, which had so long been sick;
105: With mighty Arms, and Iron-sinews strung:
But we have stay'd upon the strength too long.
View we the Beauty now, which though my Ink
Cannot resemble; yet be pleas'd to think
How Venus Mole was nothing like her Face,
110: Yet by comparison did lend a Grace:
My Pen, may't lay but some black patches on
That Dayes fair Face, hath its Ambition.
Thus may my shady praises give't some light,
Because, compar'd, they are but black to white.
Cornhill was Silver-Street, I will be bold
To call't the Milken-way, cream'd o're with Gold,
[While braver mettal glister'd from among
The English faces, then that Indian Dung]
As much out-shining that, which Poets call
120: The a Regent-walk5 to JUPITERS White-hall; a Ovid. Me-
As Starry Orders of the primest size tamor. lib. I.
Out-vye the small confused Sporades.
They made their Progress here, who have the odds
In all perfections of the Pagan Gods;
125: Who had they liv'd of old, had been known by
The Names of Neptune, Mars, and Mercury:
When Iupiter did with his thundering call
Summon his Peerage to his judgement-hall
In old Deucalions days; Those Gods had then
130: Less valour and less wisdome, then these Men
Nor did ennbole Via Lactea,
Like London-streets, through which these made their way. 6
Their outward splendor's but a Foyle to this
Their Brighter fame. But yet, as He who is
135: The true Autocalon, and doth out-shine
The most contrived Glory of his Shrine;
Was glorifi'd by the external gay
Of th' Salomonjan Temple: so we may
Not wrong the True worth of these Heroes,
140: While we consider their Appendices.
Here Englands Youth we see renew'd again,
Blasted by twenty-years of war in vain.
The Fable made of 'son, here is true,
Who lost his old blood to be fill'd with new.
145: As propagation of the Kind we call
A step of Death to th' Individual:
Accordingly it seems a Nation doth,
While Single Persons lose it, gain her youth;
For who can find so beautiful a show
150: In all the Chronicles of Speed and Stow?
Which, could it be described to the life,
Will win to all past stories our belief;
And strain the Faith of every future age,
Till the great year rebuilds the present Stage.
155: The Proverb said that England, were it try'd
Could no where match that Garden in Cheap-side;
Till the unfitness was by Tichbourn found,
Who set that Eden in more holy ground:
Let but the Proverb go for Prophecy,
160: And who can give our Grandames teeth the lie?
The Flowers of Noble Gentry, which our eyes
There saw, did prove it Englands Paradice.
That Winter, under which so long they lay,
Strength'ning their Roots for the ensuing May;
165: Proud to be Garlands for what greater grace,
Our Tree of life, who in the Middle was;
Under whose Shadow long may England dwell,
Tasting the sweet Fruits of his ruling well!
May he be a Forbidden fruit no more
170: By Flaming Swords, which kept the way before!
But let perennal happiness flow thence
To his dominions circumference;
As he that day the centre did appear,
Scattering his lustre round the Theater:
175: All the Stars of which orb just needs confess,
That this Sun lent them all their noble dress;
And that the Names and Titles, which they bear,
Begin with these two Capitals; C. R.
That costly Wardrobe, which these persons decks,
180: Is but th'unfolded Livery of Charls Rex;
The naked letters signifie the same,
As when they're flourish'd with so long a train:
All those contents are summ'd up in these two,
The Title-page and Index of the shew.
But since we are born children, slaves to sence,
And few in Reasons Art do Men commence,
Being not capable to know a King,
But as he's pictur'd in some gawdy thing;
It's fit this useful Science go among
190: The vulgar, written in their Mother-tongue,
Describ'd in all the Nations Pomp, which is
No more then Charles in a Periphrasis.
These ceremonies are in State, though not
In Church, the best Books for the Ideot,
195: Had the King shewn his worth in making Laws
Beyond th'Idea of the ancient Saws,
That Plato's Common-wealth might seem to be
Of later date, transcrib'd from him we see;
Had he put forth his inward glory then,
200: Which Angels are more fit to view then Men;
He should have had but few spectators more,
Then the invisible which Saints adore.
But when he condescends to take from Us
Some Glory; we do flock to see him Thus:
205: Like those, who will not worship God, unless
He bear their Image, and be rendred less,
In whom the Fountain of their honour lies,
By borrow'd lustre from his votaries.
So since that costly shew I heard it said,
210: These Lay-mens Books have many converts made;
Who, since His species stampt it, do afford
The Faith they fear'd to give his current word.
See how all eyes delight on him to dwell,
As Platoes Vertue now made visible:
215: One strides a post, and makes a noted Sign;
Yet they within the Tavern know no Wine:
Anothers Eyes hard by his Mistress were;
Yet lose their object, and forget she's there:
A thirds can see Him scarce, they are so dim
220: With want of sleep, yet watch all day for Him:
One Souldier, being hoarse with many a shout,
Would chuse to whistle rather then stand out:
Our Acclamations rend the Heavens, to woe
The Angels Harmony with us below:
225: Though Ringers stirr'd them not, the Churches Bells
And Stones would cry out, Here our safety dwells.
And when this Day was gone, we saw no Night;
The frequent Bone-fires were Meridian light:
And its no marvell, when we were our own
230: Antipodes, and this our Sun went down
Amongst us; Hence those fiery pillers rise,
Londons black Night-Robes turn'd to scarlet Skies.
The Countrey saw the brightnesse, and had run
To quench the Towne, but that the cause was known:
235: Who can think darkness in that night can dwell,
Where the light lodgeth of our Israel?
The Aspect of our Heaven had been compleat,
But that our Sun without a Moon did set.
For in this single Scheam we could not view
240: Our present fortune, and our future too:
Though 7 Charles were proof against his other foes,
Our sins will kill Him, when, God only knows:
Heaven send's a Queen, that may bring forth his Mind,
And Travail with the Vertues of the Kind;
245: A Prince so like him, that at length we might
Behold the Royall Picture drawn aright.
Till then the Painter, and the Poet too,
Blaspheme him, and their colours Treason brew;
His Pencill, and my Pen, deserve to feel
250: The Fate, which t'other day befell the Seal:
The Prince of Wales is only fit to be
The King of Englands pourtraicture. Thus we
Shall have no new King, when the present's dead,
But Charles himself shall to himself succeed.
But this defect as yet is well suppli'd
By the two Dukes, which rode on either side;
Like two Supporters of that Family,
In whose extinction all the rest must Dye.
Whole Lands pay Tribute unto Iames, whole Seas
260: Render him the just custome of his praise.
Henry was born both Mars and Mercury,
Valiant and Politick ex Traduce:
When Charles the First was forc'd to mind the Art
Of Warre, but study'd Peace more in his Heart;
265: When the Queen welcom'd home an armed King,
As Semele did Iove in lightening.
God grant we never come to need their Merit!
Who say Amen, not wishing to inherit.
Let this Payre-Royall [I may call them so,
270: Whom Kingdomes want more, then They Kingdomes do]
Let this Payre-Royall live in blisse and love,
Like those I pray to, Three and One above.


[1]Sphears] dropped cap s

[2]meet] ed; me t O, LT

[3]Kingdones] ed; Kindomes ä

[4]Follows the early order of the Guilds at the procession through London; s

[5]a Ovid. Metamor. lib. I.

[6]way.] ed; way/ O, LT

[7]Though] dropped type in O

Edmund Waller
To The King
9 June

    Thomason dated his copy of Waller's poem on Saturday, 9 June; Cowley's Ode had already appeared on Thursday 31 May, but Dryden's Astraea Redux would not appear for another ten days, on Tuesday 19 June.


THe rising Sun complies with our weak sight,
First guilds the Clouds, then shews his globe of light
At such a distance from our eyes, as though
He knew what harm his hasty Beams would do.

5: But Your full MAJESTY at once breaks forth
In the Meridian of Your Reign, Your worth,
Your youth, and all the splendor of Your State,
Wrapt up, till now, in clouds of adverse fate,
With such a floud of light invade our eyes,
10: And our spread Hearts with so great joy surprise,
That, if Your Grace incline that we should live,
You must not (SIR) too hastily forgive.
Our guilt preserves us from th'excess of joy,
Which scatters spirits, and would life destroy.

15: All are obnoxious, and this faulty Land
Like fainting Hester doth before you stand,
Watching Your Scepter, the revolted Sea
Trembles to think she did Your Foes obey.

Great Britain, like blind Polipheme, of late
20: In a wild rage became the scorne and hate
Of her proud Neighbours, who began to think,
She, with the weight of her own force, would sink:
But You are come, and all their hopes are vain,
This Gyant-Islle has got her Eye again; 1
25: Now she might spare the Ocean, and oppose
Your conduct to the fiercest of her Foes:
Naked, the Graces guarded You from all
Dangers abroad, and now Your Thunder shall.
Princes, that saw you, different passions prove,
30: For now they dread the Object of their love;
Nor without envy can behold His height,
Whose Conversation was their late delight.
So Semele contented with the rape
Of Jove, disguised in a mortal shape,
35: When she beheld his hands with lightning fill'd,
And his bright rayes, was with amazement kill'd.

And though it be our sorrow and our crime
To have accepted life so long a time
Without you here, yet does this absence gain
40: No small advantage to Your present Reign:
For, having view'd the persons and the things,
The Councils, State and strength of Europe's Kings,
You know your work; Ambition to restrain,
And set them bounds, as Heav'n does to the Main.
45: We have you now with ruling wisdom fraught,
Not such as Books, but such as Practice taught:
So the lost Sun, while least by us enjoy'd,
Is the whole night, for our concern imploy'd:
He ripens spices, fruit, and precious Gums,
50: Which from remotest Regions hither comes.

This seat of Yours, from th'other world remov'd,
Had Archimedes known, he might have prov'd
His Engine's force, fixt here, your power and skill
Make the worlds motion wait upon your will.

55: Much-suffering Monarch, the first English born
That has the Crown of these three Nations worn,
How has Your patience, with the barbarous rage
Of Your own soyl, contended half an Age?
Till (Your try'd virtue, and Your sacred word,
60: At last preventing Your unwilling Sword)
Armies and Fleets, which kept You out so long,
Own'd their great Sovereign, and redrest His wrong;
When straight the People, by no force compell'd,
Nor longer from their inclination held,
65: Break forth at once, like Powder set on fire,
And with a noble rage their KING require.

So th'injur'd Sea, which from her wonted course,
To gain some rich ground, avarice did force,
If the new Banks, neglected once, decay,
70: No longer will from her old Channel stay,
Raging the late-got Land, she overflowes,
And all that's built upon't to ruine goes.

Offenders now, the chiefest, do begin 2
To strive for Grace, and expiate their sin:
75: All winds blow fair, that did the world imbroyle, 3
Your Vipers Treacle yield, and Scorpions Oyle. 4

If then such praise the Macedonian got,
For having rudely cut the Gordian Knot;5
What glory's due to him that could divide
80: Such ravell'd interests, has the knot unty'd,
And without stroke so smooth a passage made,
Where craft and malice such impeachments laid?

But while we praise You, You ascribe it all
To his high hand, which through the untouch't wall
85: Of self-demolisht Jerico so low:
His Angel 'twas that did before You go.
Tam'd salvage hearts, and made affections yield,
Like Ears of Corn when wind salutes the field.

Thus patience crown'd 6 like Job's, your trouble ends,
90: Having your Foes to pardon 7 and your Friends:
For, though your Courage were so firm a rock,
What private vertue could endure the shock?
Like your great Master you the storm withstood,
And pitied those which Love with Frailty shew'd.

95: Rude Indians torturing all the Royal race,
Him with the Throne and dear-bought Scepter grace
That suffers best: what Region could be found 8
Where your heroick Head had not been crown'd?

The next experience of Your mighty mind,
100: Is, how You combate Fortune now she's kind;
And this way too, you are victorious found,
She flatters with the same successe, she frown'd;
While to Your Self severe, to others kind
With power unbounded, and a will confin'd.
105: Of this vast Empire you possess the care,
The softer part falls to the Peoples share:
Safety and equal Government are things
Which Subjects make, as happy, as their Kings.

Faith, Law and Piety, that banisht train;
110: Justice and Truth, with You return again:
The Cities Trade, and Countries easie life
Once more shall flourish without fraud or strife.
Your Reign no less assures the Ploughmans peace,
Than the warm Sun advances his increase:
115: And does the Shepheards as securely keep
From all their fears, as they preserve their sheep.

But above all, the Muse-inspired train
Triumph, and raise their drooping heads again;
Kind Heav'n at once has in Your Person sent
120: Their sacred Judge, their Guard, and Argument.



Printed for Richard Marriot, in St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet.


[2]chiefest, do] 01, 02, OW; chiefest; doe LT, O3

[3]imbroyle,] O1, O2, OW; imbroyl, LT, O3

[4]yield, ...Oyle] O1, O2, OW; yeeld, ... Oyl LT, O3

[5]Knot] O1, O2, OW; knot LT, O3

[6]crown'd/] O1, O2, OW; crown'd: LT, O3

[7]pardon/] O1, O2; pardon, LT, O3, OW

[8]found/] O1, O2; found, LT, O3, OW

Thomas Higgons
A Panegyrick to the King.
10 June

   Titlepage: A / PANEGYRICK / TO THE / KING. / By His Majesties most humble, / most Loyal, and most Obedient / Subject and Servant, / THOMAS HIGGONS. / Virg. 'n. Lib. 2. / Qu' Tant' tenuere mor'? queis CAROLE ab oris / Expectate venis? ut te, post multa tuorum / Funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labores / Defessi aspicimus! / [text pp. 1-11] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the signe of / the Anchor in the Lower Walk of the / New-Exchange. 1660.

   DNB: Thomas Higgons (1624-1691) was a career diplomat who early on showed a keen interest in the politics of the Mediteranean. Born in Shropshire, he entered St Alban Hall, Oxford in 1638, but left without a degree in order to travel in Italy. After his return, c.1647-48, married Elizabeth, widow and second wife of Robert Devereux, third Earl of Essex and daughter to Sir William Paulet of Wiltshire. Delivered oration at her funeral 16 Sept 1656, which he printed the same year.

   In January 1658, while residing at Odiham near Southampton, Higgons was elected MP for Malmesbury, Wilts. That year he published, anonymously, his verse translation, from the Italian, of G. F. Busenello's A Prospective of the Naval Triumph of the Venetians over the Turk, which Waller so admired that he wrote a poem to Higgons's wife. Higgons knowledgeable interest in relations between Christian nations and the Ottoman empire infiltrates his poem to Charles and resulted in his later publication, The History of Isuf Bassa, Captain General of the Ottoman Army At the Invasion of Candia (London: Printed for Robert Kettlewel, at the Hand and Scepter over against St Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. 1684).

   After the Restoration, Higgons was returned MP for New Windsor, Berks, on 9 April 1661. Knighted on 17 June 1663; services to crown rewarded with a pension of oe500 a year and gifts worth oe4,000. From 1665 on, Higgons was sent on various diplomatic missions: to Paris in 1665 (CSPD); to Savoy in 1669; to Vienna in 1673 wherre he was three years envoy. In 1685 he was elected MP for St Germans in Cornwall; died suddenly in court on 24 Nov 1691. Remarried by licence c. 1691;
Refs: Woods; Chalmers, Bio Dict; Evelyn's Diary;

   Higgons emphasizes the secular causes and political consequences of the king's return. He opens with a warning to foreign nations and insists that it was the English people who brought Charles back, unassisted by foreign aid. Charles is placed in a line of Greek and Roman heroes and rulers, including Augustus and Aeneas, rather than biblical figures; his return assures a new age, one of Roman/republican virtue and civic liberty that promises an era of unprecendented global empire. In many respects, Higgons's poem resembles Astraea Redux in it's Virgilian emphasis on arts and empire but without the attempt to link this with scared kingship.

   NB Secular agency here; not the French or Dutch, or providence but the English people have brought Charles back.


THE frozen Samogite, 1 who half the year
Lives under ground, and never sees the sky,
Feels not that comfort when the Sun is near,
At whose approach Darknesse and Winter flie;
5: As all Great Britain at your Royall Sight,
After so dismall, and so long a Night.

Since first this Island was possest by Men,
No Age did e're so great a day behold;
A day, which makes the aged young agen,
10: Or else for joy forget that they are old:
Which makes the Dead, that they are absent, grieve;
And those, who long'd for death, content to live.

From furthest Thule to the Cornish shore
The Earth, and Aire, and Sea your name resound;
15: And neighbour Nations by the Canonn's roar
Know that you are arriv'd on English ground:
They know you are arriv'd, and are afraid,
When they consider 'tis without their aid.

France, which to give You refuge once refus'd,
20: And made you seek it in remoter Parts,
Blushes that you were so unnobly us'd;
And now asham'd of her Italian Arts
She fain would succours and assistance lend,
And, when you do not need her, be your friend.

25: The Dutch have Navies now at your command,
Who in distresse your quarrell would not own;
But Heav'n in mercy to your native Land
Would not that strangers should restore your Throne,
Or that you any other way should prove,
Than your own Vertue, and your People's Love.

'Tis your own Subjects, SIR, have done the thing,
To One of which immortall fame is due,
To whose Addresse the English owe their King,
And all the blessings they receive with You.
This Deed of his shall triumph over Death,
And live while Men have ears, and Fame has breath.

The Cappadocian Knight, 2 so far renown'd,
Who sav'd the Lady, and the Monster slew,
And over-ran like Lightning Pagan ground,
40: And whatsoe're resisted did subdue;
Now finds the glory darkned which he wonne,
Since by a greater GEORGE he is out-done.

Amongst the Demy-gods of antient Rome,
Who for the glory of their Country dyed,
45: And as Examples to the Times to come,
Were by those wiser Ages deifi'd,
His Name shall flourish, and the North henceforth
Shall with the warmer Climates vie for worth.

But in a Joy so vast and unconfin'd
50: As fills all hearts, and will not room allow
For any other passion in our mind,
We must not treat a Subject's merits now.
To speak of others were to do You wrong,
Who are the onely subject of our Song.

55: O Hope of England! O Great Britain's Light!
The Soul and Genius of this spatious Isle!
What Region has detain'd you from our sight?
What Land bin happy in you all this while?
'Tis time you come your People help to give,
When they without you could no longer live,

But are you come? may we our eyes believe?
We, whose hopes Fate, till now, did still destroy,
And have so many years bin us'd to grieve
May be excus'd if we suspect our Joy:
If it be reall, may a question make,
And justly doubt, whether we dream or wake.

The miseries these Nations have sustain'd,
E're since your Martyr'd Father left the Throne,
And with the Bless'd above in Glory raign'd,
70: Like Billows roaring, though the Wind be down,
Will hardly let our minds be yet secure,
Though you are come, who are a perfect Cure.

Although your presence save this sinking State,
Which to the brink of ruine was arriv'd,
75: And closes up the wounds of Civil hate,
We still remember whence our Ill's deriv'd.
That horrid Deed, but thought on, spoils our mirth;
A Deed, at once the shame of Heav'n and Earth.

Let not that Day make any part o'th year,
80: Which to so black an Action lent its light,
But be expung'd out of the Calender,
And the Contrivers hid in endlesse night.
And let their Fate first expiate their Offence,
And so absolve suspected Providence.

85: The Jews themselves, when our Redeemer dyed,
Discern'd not who it was they Crucified;
Their ignorance excus'd their Parricide:
But these strange Monsters with unheard-of Pride,
Arraign their Lord and Master whom they know,
And impudently boast of what they do.

But since as Darknesse to the Light gives place,
And as Night treads upon the heels of Day,
Sorrow does joy, and Joy does sorrow chace,
And good and ill make one another way,
We by past Mischiefs this advantage gain,
To tast the long'd for Pleasures of Your Raign.

The most Renowned Kings this fate have had,
To mount the Throne after tempestuous times,
And their own Vertues more conspicuous made,
100: By the reflection of preceding Crimes.
When Rome was ruin'd with intestine hate,
Augustus took the rudder of the State.

And when Domitian's hated Government
The distrest World had thrown into despair,
105: Trajan by Heaven was in Mercy sent,
The Ruines of the Empire to repair.
What Trajan and Augustus did at Rome,
England expects to see, now You are come.

Force shall insult no longer over right,
110: Nor wicked men have power to torment,
Or make the Good a prey to lawlesse might,
But every man be safe, that's Innocent:
The Mace shall now the Pike and Musket awe,
And make the Sword a servant to the Law.

115: Those Names of Rapine, which to other sense
Have bin distorted than their meaning bears,
And those strange canting Terms of Eloquence,
With which new Teachers doze 3 the Peoples ears;
The English Language shall no longer mar,
Prophane the Pulpit, nor disgrace the Bar.

Now Merchants fear no danger but the Wind,
Which once was the least hazard they did run,
When here in Port they did their ruine find,
And lost at home what they abroad had won.
The Farmer singing to his labour goes,
Now he is sure, 'tis for himself he sowes.

Servants their Masters shall no more betray;
Nor sons, infected with rebellious strife,
Make their advantage now to take away
130: The lively-hoods of those, who gave them life.
All Ranks of men shall be to order brought,
Awed by Your presence, and example taught.

Wealth shall not now be made the price of blood,
Nor to be rich be reck'ned an Offence;
135: Though it be valew'd lesse than to be good,
And merit be prefer'd to Innocence:
Men shall not most be priz'd, who most appear,
Nor knowne for what they have, but what they are.

Riches and Poverty shall be no more
140: T'wixt Man and Man the onely difference deem'd,
Since worth shall not be scorn'd for being poor,
Nor he that's rich, without it be esteem'd;
Whilst honor is of Vertue the Reward,
And those who most deserve, you most regard.

145: Had conquering Rome but such a Monarch seen,
One with your vertue, and your right beside,
With freedom's name she nere had couzen'd bin,
But Brutus had not so untimely dyed.
Under a Prince, who does so well deserve,
Cato himselfe had bin content to serve.

Some of our Kings have bin for Arms renown'd,
Others as glorious for the Arts of Peace,
How much are we to Heaven's great goodnesse bound,
Who have a Prince so learn'd in both of these?
And can (to every thing by Fortune bred)
In Councel govern, and in Battail lead?

When Fate at Wor'ster did oppose your Right,
And to so just a Cause deny'd Successe,
You shew'd the World how bravely you could fight,
160: Nor did your Fortune make your Glory lesse:
You were unconquer'd, when your Troops did yield;
And won Renown, although you lost the field.

The frighted Severn shrunk away to see
The dangers which your Person did attend,
165: And Heaven did seem in anger to decree,
That there your life, and all our hopes should end;
While you retire, secure of Fate's intent,
With the same mind, you first to Battail went.

Thus Vercingectorix, that brave King of Gaul,
170: Though Fortune still were on the Roman side,
Unalter'd was what ever did befall,
And the insulting Conqueror defi'd;
That C'sar does confesse, though Fate were crosse,
His Foe was more illustrious for his losse.

175: Heav'n sure had a designe in your retreat,
For though it partially adjudg'd the day,
And rais'd the Rebels pride by your defeat,
It seems it then decreed a Nobler way
For your return, than could be wrought by blood,
And order'd your misfortune for your good.

Heav'n wisely knew if you had had successe,
And your Victorious sword had more imbrew'd
In English blood, your Triumph had bin lesse,
And bodies had, rather than minds, subdu'd;
Nor had we then those Princely vertues known,
Which in your adverse Fortune you have shown.

But if the Fates no other means could find
To raise your glory to the pitch we see,
And if your sufferings have bin design'd
190: But as the way to your felicity;
We blesse those Mischiefs, which we have sustain'd,
And now repent that ever we complain'd.

No human happinesse is still compleat,
Since Fortune changeth every thing below,
195: One while depressing Princes that were great,
And then advancing those, who once were low.
Your glorious Father was successefull long,
And Priam happy was, when he was yong.

But you born under more propitious stars.
200: And thorough many dangers lead by Fate,
Have past your youth in Tempests and in Wars,
And as the Sun, though he breaks out but late,
Darknesse dispells, and drives all Clouds away,
A gloomy Morn turn to a glorious day.

205: Thus great 'neas when his Troy was lost,
And nought but ruine left of all that State,
Wander'd at Land, and on the Floods was tost,
And hurried up and down the World by Fate,
Before he could to promis'd Alba come,
Alba the Mother of Victorious Rome.

So great a work it was to found that State,
Which to the conquer'd World was lawes to give,
So must you suffer e're you could be Great,
For Fortune alwayes does with Vertue strive.
But Vertue does at last her power subdue,
And makes her stoop, as now she does to You.

Now overcome she to your Vertue bends,
And, not so cruell once as kind at last,
Strives with her favours to make large amends
220: For your unworthy usage which is past,
And, to repair her fault, would over-doe,
If any thing could be too much for You.

But all that we can say, or Fortune do
To celebrate your Goodnesse will not serve,
225: Since while that's doing, there will more be due,
Nor can we pay so fast, as you'l deserve,
Language has bounds, and Fortune is confin'd,
But there's no limits to your mighty Mind.

If there be any truth in ancient Song,
230: If Poets see, or Bards do understand,
This is the time has been foretold so long,
That England all her Neighbours shall command;
And on the Continent obedience find,
Nor must her Empire be by Seas confin'd.

235: Our Asian Conquests we no more will boast,
When upon Acon's walls our Lions stood,
And the proud Soldan saw his Empire lost,
And all the fields of Palestine in Blood.
Croissy shall be forgot, and Poictiers too,
Darkned by greater things, which you must do.


Printed for Henry Herringman, at the signe of
the Anchor in the Lower Walk of the
New-Exchange. 1660.

[1]not OED

[2]In some accounts of the St George legend, he was understood to have been born in Cappadocia, an area taken to include southern Anatolia, Syria and the Lebanon. On the controversy surrounding the historicity and origins of St George, see Peter Heylyn, The History of That most famous Saynt and Souldier of Christ Jesus St. George of Cappadocia Asserted from the Fictions of the middle ages of the Church and opposition of the present (London: for Henry Seyle, 1631), L 1125.e.27.

[3]stupify, muddle, make drowsy or dull; OED

Clement Ellis
To the King's Most Excellent Majesty
11 June

   Titlepage: TO THE / KING'S / Most Excellent Majesty: / ON HIS / Happie and Miraculous / RETURN / To The Government of his Three (now ) flourishing / KINGDOMS. / [text: pp. 1-6] / LONDON : / Printed by James Cottrel , for Humphry Robinson , at the / three Pigeons in St. Paul 's Church-yard. / M D C L X.

   The son of a royalist commander from Carlisle, Clement Ellis (1630-1700) entered Queen's College, Oxford in 1649 and was elected fellow in 1657. Until the Restoration, he lived on anonymously donated funds that he later suspected were paid by Jeremy Taylor and Henry Hammond. In 1661 he was appointed domestic chaplain to William, marquis of Newcastle, who presented him to the rectory of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts. A prolific and popular writer on religious matters -- his The Gentile Sinner (1660) was reprinted at least 7 times by 1680 -- he was by his own admission not much of a poet. His sermon on the anniversay of the Restoration, preached before the marquis of Newcastle on 29 May 1661, was published in Oxford.

    In his poetic lament for the kingless past and his anticipation of the return of the anglican church, there is little that is original. Thomason dated his copy 11 June and noted: "The gift of the Author, my son George's Tutor."

To The
Most Excellent Maiestie.

PARDON, Great King! 'Tis now the common voice
Of Friends and Foes; of all that can Rejoyce,
Or seem to do so: Such Joy best begins
With Deprecations for our former Sins.

5: The sacred Names of KING & CHARLES do more,
Then thousands of Reformers wrought before:
The Blind begin to see, it has been Night,
And all their Visions were meer Dreams of Light.
Our Hearts and Tongues agree, and all confess
10: We've now a sense of our long senslesness .
Parties and Sects clos'd and cemented be;
Faction alone's the Common Enemie .

But are these Blessings Real? May we dream
Things are indeed in England what they seem?
15: Is't possible a Glorious King should come
Perfect, from out Confusion 's Monstrous Womb?
Can Monarchs be Rewards for Sin? And can
Provoked Heav'n smile on an English-man?
It is Our King; O may he ever live,
20: Till Heav'n receive Him, what Heav'n now doth give!

PARDON, Dread Sov'raign! 'Tis this word must be
The Symbol of a (too-late) Loyalty;
Whilst with more Po/enitence, then Wit, we come
To welcome Life, Laws, Liberties all home.

25: Welcome Religion , and our Church, and all
That Truth dares Honesty and Justice call.
Welcome Great Prince, the sum of all, by whom
Englands once more made part of Christendom.
Welcome all that with You hath banished bin
30: By England's Madness, and for England's Sin.
Welcome to three glad Kingdoms , which do know
No Life , no Soul, but what they find in You.

We lay Eight long years sick, Twelve dead and rotten;
Truth and Religion, King and Laws forgotten:
35: Corruption reigning both in Church and State,
All things, save Stench and Vermine, out of date.
Those few stout Members did the rest survive,
We tare them off, and bury'd them alive.
Since England sent away in blood her Head,
40: To wear that Crown for which the Great King bled,
We have been all one Carcass, and the Prey
Of Hellish Vultures, till this happy day.
Strange Dev'ls of Light, false Saints more barbarous;
No Mercy in our Foes , less Sense in Us .
45: Might we speak out (Great Sir) and were it not
High Treason not to shew we have forgot
Our numerous Deaths at Your approach, we'd tell
The World how much Your Absence made Our Hell.

You bring too great a light, Sir, now we see
50: Nought but the present Rayes of Majestie:
We see, and cannot tell you what; 'Tis You
Alone such Blessings as Your Self must know;
Whom God by Miracles hath kept alive,
Your Sorrows, Your Foes Malice to survive.
55: His Providence preserv'd You all this while,
To be his Mercy's Wonder to our Isle.
We slew our selves, alas, by Regicide,
GOD gives that Life, which we in Blood deny'd.

May we grow Wise, and Thank-ful! shew agen,
60: Good Subjects may be made of English-men!
Oh may we ne'er again rejoyce to see
Heads off, to give the Shoulders Libertie!

May You not now fear Poyson in our Breath,
Or think an English-man speaks nought but death
65: To Laws and Kings! May You not henceforth say,
We Bless and Welcome, as we Fast and Pray!
May that Great Power above, which thus doth bow
Our Head to Us, raise up our Hearts to You.
Your sacred presence sanctifies the Land,
70: The Atheist worships, and the Traytor's Hand
Is now lift up to Heav'n, to draw down thence
Blessings on's King, Pardon for his Offence.
Our Canting's near an end; and all the Art
Of Hypocrites, is, how to find an Heart
75: For GOD and C'SAR: 'Tis our general sence,
Tyrants meer Bastards are of Providence.

When Blessings keep a mean, Sir, and our Joys
May, without Sin, be moderate; Such Toys
As Words and Wit, may make fit Presents, and
80: Gay Garlands on the Common Mercy stand.
But when a King comes home, what is't can hold
Proportion, but a Diadem of Gold?
We spare Our Offerings, Heav'ns onely use
To send Such Presents, no poor Subject Muse:
85: Obedience is our Sacrifice. -- -- -- -- -- --

To make our Joys run with our Blessings even,
We will make haste, and send them up to Heaven:
Turning our wanton Strains of Poetry
To Hymnes of Praise, and Vows of Loyalty.

90: The King of Kings make Your whole Life to come,
As Glorious as Your Father's Martyrdom!
Live long and happy! May You still find Us
Subjects as Loyal, as His Treacherous!
May France perceive we have a King, and Rome
95: Consider Charles the Second is come home.
Let all that Rabble tremble, when 'tis said,
Our Land hath found her King, our Church her Head.

Our God and King return together; Sent
Together hence, to suffer Banishment.
100: May they together make a long abode!
May God still keep His King, the King His God!
So prays (Dread Soveraign) one (may his Zeal show it)
That's much a better Subject then a Poet.

CL. ELLIS Coll. Reg. Oxon. Soc.
Printed by James Cottrel, for Humphry Robinson, at the
three Pigeons in St. Paul's Church-yard.
M D C L X.

A Congratulation
13 June

   Title: A CONGRATULATION / For His Sacred Majesty, CHARLES, the third / Monarch of Great Britain, His happy Arrival / at WHITE-HALL. / By a Loyal Member of His Majesties Army. / Edinburgh, June 13. 1660.

    Manuscript annotations to copy EN1 indicate that at some time during or after the 1740s, the events of 1660 were interpreted as prefigurations of the Jacobite dream. The title, for instance, is emended to read "A Congratulation For His Sacred Majesty, James the 8, the fyfte Monarch of Great-Britain," and there are subsequent emendations to make the application good: "Lozzain" for "Bredah" (l. 11), "Treasurer" for "General" (l. 26), "James" for "CHARLES" (l. 33) and "James the 8's" for "CHARLES the Seconds" (l. 44).

For His Sacred Majesty, CHARLES, the third 1
Monarch of Great Britain, His happy Arrival
By a Loyal Member of His Majesties Army.
Edinburgh, June 13. 1660.

BE gone dark shadows of a gloomy night:
Pack hence you furious Bugbears which affright
Weak humane fancies; banish sullen fears,
State-Tempests now are still, fair Calms 2 appears:
5: Heav'ns are serene, Faces and Hearts rejoyce;
Weigh Anchor Marriners, your Sailes up-hoice,
And steer your Royal Vessel to that Port,
Where Loyal Hearts in Myriads shall resort;
Where every Knee shall bow, each Tongue shall cry
10: Blessed Encomiums to his MAJESTY.
BREDAH 3 adieu, our DOVER longs to see
That Face, where's mounted Soveraign Majestie;
That Heart where Love enthroned sits and lives,
And greatest Injuries forgets, forgives;
15: That Magazine of Humane Policy,
Patterne of Patience, Prudence, Piety:
Once the Contempt, but now the Worlds great Wonder;
A King of Peace, and yet a King of Thunder:
A Son of suffering, but now Triumphing,
20: By Patience learn't the Art of Overcoming:
O're rigid Frowns, and feigned Smiles from those,
Pretended Friendship, prov'd His greatest Foes.
But stay! me-thinks I see our ENGLANDS SUN,
Great BRITAINS Glory, in's Meridian,
25: Within the Royal Palace of WHITEHALL,
Conducted by our Noble GENERAL;4
Whose Valour, Prudence, and Fidelitie,
Deserves that GEORGE of ENGLAND styl'd he be:
Who Prince, and People, Liberties and Laws
30: Hath now restor'd from the Usurping Paws
Of false Pretenders. Who shall write his Story?
Puts Kings and Kingdoms in their Native Glory.
Long live King CHARLES 5 the Great, the Good, the Just,
Blest in His Subjects, happy in His Trust:
35: Long may His Princely Scepter bear Command,
Over our Kingdoms both by Sea and Land.
Thrice welcome our Dread Soveraign, King of Hearts,
This is the Common Suffrage from all Parts:
Both High and Low, both Rich and Poor, they sing
40: Rejoycing Eccho's for their Sacred King.
Possess and Rule, inherite what's Your own,
You'r BRITAINS Glory, and Your Subjects Crown;
Which done, Posterities to come shall tell,
King CHARLES the Second's 6 without Parallel.


[1]úúCHARLES, the third] James the 8, the fyfthe EN (b) ms emendation.

[2]Calm] ed; Calms ä

[3]úú11. BREDAH] Lozzain EN (b) ms. emendation

[4]úúGENERAL] Treasurer EN (b) ms emendation

[5]úúCHARLES] James EN (b) ms. emendation

[6]úúCHARLES the Second's] James the 8's EN (b) ms emendation

Samuel Holland To the Best of Monarchs
14 June

To the best of MONARCHS
On the most happy Arrival of his most Excellent Majestie Charles the second, by the Grace of God, KING of
England, Scot-
-land, France, and Ireland, who landed at Dover Friday, May the 25. to the most unspeakable joy of his SUBJECTS

HEav'n at the Last hath heard my Prayers I stand
Full of fair Hopes to kiss my Princes hand,
And need no flames that may new Heats infuse
Zeal can create a Verse without a Muse,
5: The wounds I have receiv'd, the yeers I've spent,
The Months I've told in long Imprisonment,
I look on now with Joy, who would not be
One day in Chains to be for ever free,
My prayers are heard, the King himself is come
10: The Grace, and Glory of all Christendome,
'Tis he repairs our Breaches, and restores
The Land to safety, and doth heal our sores,
'Tis He that stroaks our Griefs, and wipes our Eyes,
Sets us in order, and doth make us wise,
15: For ne're was Nation so before misled
To court the Tayl, and make the Rump their Head,
Where are the Saints now that would fayn be known
To have no other Holydays but their own:
Where are our cruel Regicids, and all
20: The petulant Crew, we Anabaptists call,
Whose wild Religion, and whose zeal doth Border,
On Faction, Ruine, Falshood, and Disorder,
Whose Gospel speaks it is too hard a thing,
To honour God, and to obey the King,
25: And from their Bibles do expunge that Text
As too obliging, or too much perplext;
The day is now at hand that will declare
What men of Conscience, and what Saints they are,
Who still pursue (oh most inhumane wrongs)
30: The Lords anoynted with their threatning tongues,
As if the Father slain, they had not done
Enough, unless they Massacred the Son,
This to prevent, the King himself draws nigh
Full of his Cause, his Eye with Majesty,
35: His Brow with thunders arm'd, and on each hand
The Youth of Heav'n in files unnumberd stand,
His glorious Guard, for to the world be't known,
That Heaven is pleasd to make this Cause his own,
For who the King affront, the like would do
40: To th'King of Kings could they come at him too;
Now as the Sun when his absented light
Approacheth neerer Day doth smile out right1
And the thick vapours of the night do fly
In guilty Tumults from his searching Eye;
45: So now the King in person hath begun
To show himself like the Meridian Sun
To shine in all his Glories, and dispence
Throughout the Land his powerfull Influence
The clouds of bold Rebellion, the false light
50: Of falser zeal, and Meteors of the Night,
The sullen Vapours, and the Mists that made
A great Confusion in so great a shade,
Shall wast before him, as he comes our States
Extreams to temper, for it pleas'd the Fates,
55: Though others travail'd in the work, yet none
Shall heal our Griefs but who our hearts did own,
Nor shall the North regain their antient worth
But by that Monarch whom the North brought forth:
And Fame no sooner to our ears did bring
60: The welcome story of our landed King,
But all the Lords and Gentry of the Land
Made haste to waite upon his high Command,
So full their trayn, so gallant their Array
As if their splendor would outshine the day,
65: Who all as soon as they the King displayd
Who can imagine what a shout was made,
The glittering of their cloaths outvy'd the Suns
Hats in the Ayr flew up, Guns roard to Guns,
And Trumpets deafned Trumpets, who would have thought
70: These ere in arms 'gainst each other fought,
Th'outlandish that did mark it, and stood by
In our behalf all out aloud did cry,
Was never Nation now more blest than we,
Nor ever Monarch more admir'd then He.
75: How great will be our growing Joys we may
Presume will Crown his Coronation Day,
For to his matchless merit twill be more
Then ever King of England had before,
At which since Heav'n and Earth with shouts do ring,
80: Let Heaven and Earth say both, God save the KING.

Entred according to Order, and Printed by S. Griffin for Matthew Wallbancke, 1660.

[1]right] night EN

Samuel Willes To the Kings Most Sacred Majesty
15 June

   Titlepage: TO THE / KINGS / MOST SACRED / MAJESTY, / Upon his Happy and Glorious / RETURN / An endeavoured / POEM. / [rule] / BY / SAMUEL WILLES. / [rule] / Cressa ne careat pulcra dies nota. Horat. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. R. for John Baker at the sign of the / Peacock in St. Pauls Church-yard 1660. / [within double ruled box]

   Thomason dated his copy on Friday, 15 June 1660.

   Opens with some rather curious images of the national landscape and fauna welcoming back the king; noone else tells of the "shelled inhabitants" coming ashore to witness his landing.

   Presents a rather bloodthirsty version of Charles at the battle of Worcester; compare "S. W." who also sees Charles battling away at Worcester.

[ornamental header]


COme, now the greater Muses all have done,
And with majestick steps measur'd the story,
Now Cowley, 1 and the rest the race have run,
And in their way swallow'd up all the glory,
I'le pump a rime or two, come Muse, we'l go,
Iove loves a true devotion though't be slow.


Welcome Great Charles! Heark, how the British Isle
Bellow's the gallant Echo, ev'ry Sea
Changes his angry Frown into a smile,
10: And tells th'enquiring winds 'tis Holyday.
Charles is return'd, and every thing must be
Cloathed with brisk and sweet serenity.


Stay! speak of Charles, what vent'rous tongue dares say
What that important Name doth signifie?
15: Like the Philosopher; I'de ask a day,
Then ten, or more. So great a Majesty
Perplexes humane reason to define,
And like a Gulph, swallows up all the Line.


His high auspicious Birth did plainly shew
20: That bounteous Heav'n some mighty Prince design'd:
Angels could scarce keep Counsel; big they grew,
Yet none durst venture to unload his mind.
Only one loving Star, in spight o'th'day
Came t'us at noon, and told us where he lay.



25: ALL England now one 'tna seems to be,
Beset with joyfull Bonefires every where:
Like dam'd Enceladus benath't I see
The conquer'd Rump strugling to see what's here,
Heaves up the flaming Burd'n, but in vain,
It gives him breath to take't away again.


Great Charles! That very name when't reach our Land
Sounded deliverance and quick supply:
Dagon, our trembling Monster here did stand,
Amaz'd at th'very thoughts of Majesty,
Cursing his ugly Tail, which mark't him out
For one of Desolations branded Rout.


Thus when the other Dagon did but see
The glorious dawning of the Ark, he fled;
And tumbling down with fatal piety,
40: Against the Threshold dasht his ugly head,
Glad that his Godship's ruines might but be
The Tomb of Him and his deformity.


Come heavy Muse, let's try if we can sing,
And scrue our frozen notes, until they meet,
45: As th' fashion is, in verse wee'll meet the King,
Although we limping go with gowty feet.
What though we have no wit? Let's blame the Fate,
That frighted's out of it in -- 48.



WHat mean those guilded Streamers there so high,
50: Dancing like Lightning through the chearful air,
As if they meant to sweep and brush the Sky
From all the misty Cobwebs that hang there.
See how Heaven decks his Azure Canopy
With shoals of stars, and bright serenity.


55: Heark how the list'ning winds creep gently by,
And whisper Charles unto the crowded shore,
Old Time stands still, and quite forgets to fly,
Surpriz'd with wonder, for he ne're before
In the whole worlds voluminous Book did see
So great, so good, so just a Majesty.


Great is thy charge, O Sea; be true, and bring
Thy wealthy Burden to the longing Land;
Thy happy waves that bear so great a King
Are richer far than all the wealthy sand,
Though every grain were turned into a gem,
And both the wealthy Indies thrown to them.


See how the Deep levels his curled brow
To a smooth glassy plain , for Charles is there:
Not any churlish billow grumbles now,
70: But melts his sullen rage to quiet fear;
Each loyal wave crowds with his wat'ry lip,
And dies in close embraces of the Ship.


The scalie Dolphins mount their loyal heads,
And by th' adored ship they stoutly swim,
75: Forgetting, all the while, their wat'ry Beds;
And when their expectation spyes but Him ,
See how one laughing there cageol's another,
And whispers his content unto his brother.


And all those shell'd Inhabitants of th'sand,
80: That never yet forsook the gloomy shore,
That cloyster'd up in Water , dwell o'th'Land ,
They ope their shops, and bring their sparkling store,
Such brisk eradiations with them came,
You'd swear the very Sea were choak't in flame.


85: Hee's come! See what a crowd surrounds the ship,
Men, Beasts and Birds; nothing did stay behind;
Each one preparing his obsequious lip
To give a faint expression of his mind :
Noah not half so well bethronged stood,
When he was King o'th'floating world i'th'flood. 2



HE's come! 'twas when the mighty storms had call'd
The roaring Thunders out and cracking hail,
When th'panting winds i'th'furrow'd sea were stall'd,
And we no sign saw but the Scorpions Tayl:
He like the Sun broke forth, and frighted They
Trembled to heaps, and sneaking steer'd away.


They sneakt away, and great Astr'a came
To repossess her long-usurped seat,
And blusht (as well she might) with pious shame
100: To see her Courts reeking with bloody sweat.
When Justice dies at Court, then how can we
Obscurer Mortals look for equity?


The fiercest Beasts meet Him, and shivering come
To do abeysance at his royal feet:
105: Their silent duties bid him welcome home,
So the great Nomenclator they did greet
With trembling reverence, when to him they came,
In Eden's groves each one to take a name.


The frolick Rocks pluck up their heavy feet,
110: And dance about; the aged nodding oak
Gets loose, and comes; fain would they build a street:
Thus when the sweet Orphean Harp but spoke,
The joylly woods and stones forgat that they [sic
Were ty'd by th'feet, and nimbly tript away.



115: THen from th'united Throng a mighty shout,
(Louder than any Thunders roaring voice)
With zealous acclamations burst out,
With so stupendious and great a voice,
That the amazed shades all fled for fear,
And let the willing day stay longer here.


The sturdy sky throws the loud Echo back
To the low gloomy vaults o'th'silent earth;
The deep foundations of the rocks do crack,
The Infant-springs struggle to find a Birth
That they may hope at least to kiss his feet,
And by that sacred Touch learn to be sweet.


Down to the great Abyss the sacred Name,
The Name of Charles broke down, and with a voice,
Louder than all the Cryes that rend the flame,
130: Layes a dumb silence upon every noise.
Then to all Hell defiance thrice he cries,
To Heaven's and Mine infernal enemies.


The started Furies drop their flaming whips,
And sweep the sweat from off their scalded brows,
135: Dangling their broyling tongues upon their lips,
Each mouth like a great burning Furnace shows;
Where Blasphemy with ragefull anger snarls
Both 'gainst the sacred Names of God and Charles.



O mighty influence of great Charles his Name,
140: That makes the very Gates of Hell to shake,
The damned souls get strength against the flame,
And by the intermission Breath they take.
But stay (sad souls!) a Troop of Fiends comes there,
The Legions routed now from Westminster.


145: King Satan comes, and with a surly brow
Examines every Face, they trembling stand,
Expecting all some sad tormenting blow,
Now staring here, and then o'th'other hand,
I'me come (said he) and that I might not fail
To come in State, look, I have brought my Tail.


With that out of his scaly Bosome he
Pluckt forth a Rowl, scrall'd o're with bloody Names:
My Rump of Agitatours, here they be,
He cry'd, the Heirs apparent of my Flames,
And justly 3 too: they wrought the Tragedy
Of Charles, that mighty foe of Mine and Me.



In Worc'ster's bloody Fields me think I see,
What noble resolution fill'd his Heart,
What low account He made of Majesty:
160: So great Apollo acted once a part
I'th'Trojan Camp, laying aside his Bays,
Decking a steely Helmet with his Rays.


Methinks I see Cromwel's seduced crouds
Moving, like iron-statues, o're the fields,
165: Whilst his proud Banners kiss the gloomy clouds,
Each face of Brass supplies the want of sheilds;
Brass must those faces be, that dare defie
Heaven, and its great Lieutenant's Majesty.


See how th'enraged Horses tear the way,
170: And fling a cloud of dust about their ears,
A cloud so thick that't almost stifled day.
See how his foaming neck one proudly rears;
Another neighs, tossing his curled main,
And swiftly scours along the trembling plain.


175: What throngs of sharp'ned Pikes and Halberts there
March o're th'enraged Rebel's head so thick
And close, that th'very winds intangled are,
And can't get through them but are forc't to stick:
Like some great wood upon a hill they show,
Where there's scarce room for 'nother tree to grow.



MEan while the Royal souls themselves prepare,
Armed with innocence and loyalty:
Not any Breast is stain'd with guilty fear,
Rather than live with shame they choose to dye.
Charls is their noble val'rous pattern, they
Are taught by His, what face becomes the day.


See here they sally out, and there they meet:
Hark how the thund'ring Drums torment the sky:
Here mangled arms and legs, there hands and feet,
190: Parted from their unwilling bodies fly.
The overflowing Brooks swell with a flood,
And stain their frighted banks with streams of blood.


See where a wide-mouth'd Canons burning load
Comes roaring out, wrap't up in raging flame,
195: And through the thickest crouds it cuts a road,
Scorning by all resistance to be tame.
Ne're did the trembling corn fall half so fast
Before the angry Mower's sharpest haste.


Torn limbs of men and horses smear'd with gore,
200: In heaps do lie. There one doth stumbling fall,
Snar'd in his fellow's bowels, o're and o're.
Thousands of New-created kindred, all
Mangled with gaping wounds do strow the Earth,
Mixing their blood at death, though not at Birth.



205: BUt stay! who's he, that through the armed rout,
So unresistably doth run? what's he
That deals so many deaths to those about:
See with what mighty force undaunted He
Doth hew his passage through, whilst trembling they,
Crommel's poor Sneakes, crowd up to make him way.


It must be Charles, who (though he shrouded be
In a disguises humble privacy,)
Cannot contract his beams of Majesty,
No more than th'other Sun can hidden lye
Under a dusky cloud at noon: for still
His Light all corners of the world must fill.


'Tis, tis the mighty Prince: there doth he thrust
His slaughtering Arm into the stoutest troops,
See there he comes, 4 reeking with blood and dust,
220: Whilst every Object of his Fury stoops
To's angry sword's strong force; no blow doth need
A second to assist its murd'ring speed.


Before Him still they fall, and still they fly,
(Tumbling in dying Heaps they stop his way)
225: Thousands of panting Corpses, 5 that fain would dye,
Breath out their souls with curses of the day,
Gnawing the ground with rage; unweary'd He
Send's thousands more t'attend their destiny.


Heaven smil'd, and saw an easie victory
230: Following his mighty Arm: but thought it fit
That Charles (that glorious Name) should raised be
B'another Conquest, far more great than it,
Which, like strong Light'ning without wound or smart,
Should leave the Body whole and melt the Heart.


235: Heaven sounded his Retreat, and ready He
Obey'd e'ne to his loss, and left the field:
Cromwel mistook it for a victory,
And thought it possible that Charles could yield:
Stay ragefull Tyrant, stay! Heaven thinks that He
Better deserv's to live than all thy Host and Thee.



HE lives and GOD WITH HIM, His Exile's force
Could ne're create to Him so great a loss,
Though th'frantick Common-wealth strove to divorce
King, Heaven and Him; whilst round their silver Cross
Run GOD WITH US, Heaven left them all for One
And rather chose to live with Charles alone.


They'r all mistook that say his quiet Breast
Was clouded and disturbed with fretting care,
There alwayes dwelt Serenity and rest,
250: As in the upper Region of the Air,
Above those stormy Passions, jealous fears,
Which scall'd our minds with grief, and eyes with tears.

III. 6

'Tis true, a loving watch did alwayes dwell
In his sweet Eye, which kindly still did bend
255: To poor distracted Albion, and did tell
His royal heart what Tyranyes did rend
His tott'ring Kingdomes; whilst we guiltless lay
Pris'ners that fear'd, but not deserv'd the day.

IV. 7

Nor can I blame those crafty cares that wrought
260: Their Subtle selves into His royal mind,
Where they the mighty things that pass his thought
And his great soul's sublime productions find.
I'de wish my self transform'd into a Care,
If, without Treason's guilt I might dwell there.


265: Long maist Thou live Great Prince, and still mayst be
A terrour to thy Foes, as thou hast been
To every vice that hath assaulted Thee:
Whilst the discover'd Plots of crafty Sin,
Though all contriv'd in deepest policy,
Are not more known than they are shunn'd by Thee.


Under thy potent Influence I trust
Some condescending Muse will visit me,
And lift my groveling Phansie out o'th'dust,
Stretching my dwarfish Rimes to Poetry;
Then the first Theme divine, of which I'le sing
Shall be a Panegyrick to the KING.



[1]Cowley's Ode appeared on 31 May.

[2]i'th'flood.] i'th'flood, ä

[3]justly] jnstly O

[4]comes,] ed. comes, ä

[5]Corpses] ed; Corpse ä

[6]III.] ed; II. ä

[7]IV.] ed; VI. ä

Anglia Rediviva
17 June

   Titlepage: Anglia Rediviva: / A / POEM / ON HIS / MAJESTIES / Most joyfull Reception / INTO / ENGLAND. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne for Charles Adams, and are to be / sold at the signe of the Talbot in Fleetstreet, 1660.

   Thomason dated his copy on Sunday, 17 June, 1660.
Another set of verses that was so rushed into print that, as so often seems to happen, there is a printer's error in the title on p. 1.

[ornamental header]
Anglia Rediviva,
A Poem on his Maiesties 1 most joyfull
Reception into England.

ALL, that despairing, and despair'd of men,
When suddenly restor'd to Health again,
Feel at the welcome change; All, that we know
Of overwhelming Ravishments, that grow
5: In the swift passing through the high extremes
Of cold despair, into the quickning beams
Of full enjoyment, scarce makes up the summe
Of England's joy to see her Prince at home.
As, of the Heav'nly Bodies we inferre
10: Their magnitude from their Eclipse; And here
Below we by the shadows measure heights;
So must we calculate the ruinous streights,
We were reduc'd unto, before we guesse
At th' Elevation of our Happinesse.
Torn by the fury of Phanatick winds
Up by the roots, poor Britainy now finds
Her self turn'd Floating Island: But her shore
No sooner kis't his Royall feet, and wore
Their fair impression, when her wav'ring cea'st,
20: And she became firme land again; so blest
Upon that sacred touch, that she grew sound
All on the sudden, closing every wound,
That bled so long: This healing touch reviv'd
Her drooping state, and promis'd a long-liv'd
25: Felicity, which nothing els could bring,
For her Kings-Evill was to want her King.
And all her children (Monsters she not ownes,
Though such there be, that with unnaturall frowns,
Or false smiles greet the Triumph of this Day)
30: With full consent of Hearts and tongues do pay.
Their Pray'rs, and Loyall duty on their knee.
First unto God, then to his Majesty.
Heark, how the mouthes of Canons learn to speak
Love and Allegiance; Better so to break
35: The willing aire with loud and loyall sounds,
Then be the Instruments of death, and wounds.
To make our joyes appear, we Bonfires light,
As Emblemes of our Love; A flame more bright,
That burns, yet lessens not within our heart.
40: Bells ring, to shew the Church must have a part
In this Dayes Jubile; and that we owne,
As a main point of our Religion,
Our duty to the King. No Sex, nor Age,
But throngs to act their Parts, as on a Stage,
45: Of Homage to their Prince: They rend the skies
With such a volley of loud shouts, and cries,
As if they meant the Inhabitants above
Should Hearers be, and witnesse of their love.
But let the pressing Multitude give roome;
50: Behold, the noble Generall is come
With low obeisance Majestie to greet,
And lay himself down at the Royall feet.
This, this is he, whom kinder stars have sent
Of all our joyes to be the Instrument;
55: He, whom the Heav'ns reserv'd for such a season
To rescue England, and disarme black Treason.
O, may that horrid Monster ne're be found
To raise his head again on English ground;
Down in his native Dungeon let him rore
60: For e're, and wallow in his own foul gore.
Long live our George, that hath this Dragon slain,
To crush the breed, should any yet remain.
What this Knight was that after-times may see,
I'le draw his Picture for Posterity,
65: He is all Inside; Nothing of bark, or shell:
Made up of solid greatnesse; scorns t' excell
In a gay formall outside: One, that can
Seem little, and be great within. A Man
Only by his high actions understood,
70: Born for his Country, and his Soveraigns good.
He doth the work, whilest others say fine things;
And all our Hopes to an enjoyment brings:
Cares not with gilded promises to please,
But silently contrives our happinesse.
75: Some hope, some fear, some censure, and some raile,
He minds them not, but still drives home the Naile.
Not the mistrust of unbelieving friends,
Nor force of open foes obstruct the ends
Nobly prefixt unto his gen'rous mind;
80: He cuts his way through all, makes every wind
Serve his well laid Designe, untill he bring
To this distracted Realm Peace, and the King.
Him the succeeding Ages will admire
More then the present can: Great heights require
85: Some distance to be fully seen: When we
Lye blended in forgotten Dust, shall hee
Stand a fair Precedent of Loyalty.
From this lov'd subject I must part: My eye
Calls me away, struck with a glorious train
90: Of Nobles, hasting to revive again
Their tarnish't Lustre at the brighter Ray
Of Majesty: see, how they humbly lay
Themselves before him, so to rise the higher;
They were of smoak, they're now pillars of fire.
You, that are stars of the first Magnitude,
Have dearly learn't to understand your good:
Nor raise, nor cherish by your influence
Vapours (though on a sanctifi'd pretence)
That reek from corrupt, ill-affected minds;
100: Rais'd up, they soon convert to blustring winds,
Into black clouds condense, and last of all
On your own heads in stormes, and thunder fall.
All your transcending 2 lustre of the Crown
You hold, as Planets theirs doe of the Sunne.
105: Well may you shine in fair Conjunction,
But are eclips't in Opposition.
Next comes the House of Commons, th'other Leg,
On which the Nation stands: These doe not beg
(Like those, who last sat there) their Soveraign
110: To part with, but to take his Rights again.
Nor, like those State-Phanaticks, will they mould
New Governments, but 3 rest upon the old;
And in an equall temper keep alive
Our Liberty, and his Prerogative.
115: All terms and Articles are banish't hence:
They're for our Enemies, but not our Prince.
I know you are too generous to bring
Into the Nation, a fetter'd King,
And so to change by a false curtesie
120: His Banishment into Captivity.
Have not our Laws already mark't the Bounds
Twixt Him, and us? O, do not lay the grounds
Of fresh debate, least you unravell all,
And we to our late Anarchy doe fall.
But what fresh joy is this, that now appears
So bright, so loud unto my eyes and eares?
O 'tis the famous City come to see
With open hands, large heart, and bended knee
Their long-mist Soveraign; whom to restore
130: Their's none have acted, none have suffer'd more.
You, (when the raging sword had quite hewn down
Both Law, and Law-givers; laid flat the Crown,
And brought the sacred Head -- -Here I must leave,
Or the sad memory will quite bereave
135: This day of all his joy) t'was you, that dar'd
Stand in the breach; unarm'd, and unprepar'd,
Meeting the violence of an armed force,
An English heart to you was foot and horse:
Your stout opposing brought them to that sense,
140: That they were starv'd into Obedience.
If naked loyalty our ruine stop,
What may we not from your Militia hope?
Still may your Arms the Person guard, your Purse
The Royall splendor feed; You can't disburse
145: On higher interest, nor make a venter
In which more Glory, and more Profit center.
So Earth lends Heav'n some vapours, which again
Are gratefully return'd in fruitfull rain.
The World knows not a Monarch, like our own,
150: So season'd, so prepared for a Throne:
Nature hath done her best, Fortune her worst,
And both to fit him for us. They are curst
Beyond all punishment of Law, that dare
Advance a sullen Thought against the Pray'r
155: Pour'd forth by the whole Nation this Day,
That long may He Command, and we Obey.
And now (Most Glorious Prince) in name of all,
That Throng to Solemnize this Festivall,
Give your poor Subject leave humbly t'impart
160: The fervent motions of his Loyall heart.
More flourishing than May I with your Raign
(The Moneth, that gave you first, and now again
Restores you to us); And that Heaven a Bride
As fruitfull too may suddenly provide.
165: That you Out-live the Oldest, and out doe
The best of former Kings; That you may know
No sorrows, but what are already past,
To give your present Joy the higher Taste.


[1]Maiesties] ed. Maiesteis ä

[2]transcending] ed; tanscending ä

[3]but] ed; bust ä

John Dryden.
Astraea Redux.
19 June

   Titlepage: Astr'a Redux. / A / POEM / On the Happy / Restoration & Return / Of His Sacred Majesty / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By John Driden. / [rule] / Iam Redit & Virgo, Redeunt Saturnia Regna. Virgil. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop, at the Blew-Anchor, in the lower Walk of the New-/ Exchange, 1660.

   Dryden's poem was advertized in Mercurius Publicus for 21-28 June. Thomason dated his copy on Tuesday, 19 June but since this is the second state of the poem, it may have appeared some days before this. Standard scholarly editions in Kinsley and Swedenberg contain full textual histories with historical collations to subsequent editions.

    Paul Hammond reckons that D knew poems by Lluelyn (24 May), Higgons (10 June), Cowley (31 May), Waller (9 June) "But many of D.'s images are the common stock of other panegyrics, notably in the two university collections"

Astr'a Redux.
On the Happy Restoration and Return of His
Charles the Second.

NOW with a general Peace the World was blest,
While Ours, a World divided from the rest,
A dreadful Quiet felt, and worser farre
Then Armes, a sullen Intervall of Warre:
5: Thus when black Clouds draw down the lab'ring Skies,
Ere yet abroad the winged Thunder flyes
An horrid Stillness first invades the ear,
And in that silence Wee the Tempest fear.
Th' Ambitious Swede like restless Billowes tost,
10: On this hand gaining what on that he lost,
Though in his life he Blood and Ruine breath'd,
To his now guideless Kingdome Peace bequeath'd.
And Heaven that seem'd regardless of our Fate,
For France and Spain did Miracles create,
15: Such mortal Quarrels to compose in peace
As Nature bred and Int'rest did encrease.
We sigh'd to hear the fair Iberian Bride
Must grow a Lilie to the Lilies side,
While Our cross Stars deny'd us Charles his Bed
20: Whom Our first Flames and Virgin Love did wed.
For his long absence Church and State did groan;
Madness the Pulpit, Faction seiz'd the Throne:
Experienc'd Age in deep despair was lost
To see the Rebel thrive, the Loyal crost:
25: Youth that with Joys had unacquainted been
Envy'd gray hairs that once good days had seen:
We thought our Sires, not with their own content,
Had ere we came to age our Portion spent.
Nor could our Nobles hope their bold Attempt
30: Who ruin'd Crowns would Coronets exempt:
For when by their designing Leaders taught
To strike at Pow'r which for themselves they sought,
The Vulgar gull'd into Rebellion, arm'd,
Their blood to action by the Prize was warm'd.
35: The Sacred Purple then and Scarlet Gown
Like sanguine Dye to Elephants was shown.
Thus when the bold Typhoeus scal'd the Sky,
And forc'd great Jove from his own Heaven to fly,
(What King, what Crown from Treasons reach is free,
40: If Jove and Heaven can violated be?)
The lesser Gods that shar'd his prosp'rous State
All suffer'd in the Exil'd Thund'rers Fate.
The Rabble now such Freedom did enjoy,
As Winds at Sea that use it to destroy:
45: Blind as the Cyclops, and as wild as he,
They own'd a lawless salvage Libertie,
Like that our painted Ancestours so priz'd
Ere Empires Arts their Breasts had Civiliz'd.
How Great were then Our Charles his Woes, who thus
50: Was forc'd to suffer for Himself and us!
He toss'd by Fate, and hurried up and down,
Heir to his Fathers Sorrows, with his Crown,
Could tast no sweets of youths desired Age,
But found his life too true a Pilgrimage.
55: Unconquer'd yet in that forlorne Estate
His Manly Courage overcame his Fate.
His wounds he took like Romans on his brest,
Which by his Vertue were with Lawrells drest.
As Souls reach Heav'n while yet in Bodies pent,
60: So did he live above his Banishment.
That Sun which we beheld with cous'ned eyes
Within the water, mov'd along the skies.
How easie 'tis when Destiny proves kind
With full spread Sails to run before the wind,
65: But those that 'gainst stiff gales laveering go
Must be at once resolv'd and skilful too.
He would not like soft Otho hope prevent
But stay'd and suffer'd Fortune to repent.
These Vertues Galba in a stranger sought;
70: And Piso to Adopted Empire brought.
How shall I then my doubtful thoughts express
That must his suff'rings both regret and bless!
For when his early Valour Heav'n had crost,
And all at Worc'ster but the honour lost,
75: Forc'd into exile from his rightful Throne
He made all Countries where he came his own.
And viewing Monarchs secret Arts of sway
A Royal Factor for their Kingdomes lay.
Thus banish'd David spent abroad his time,
80: When to be Gods Anointed was his Crime
And when restor'd made his proud Neighbours rue
Those choice Remarques he from his Travels drew,
Nor is he onely by afflictions shown
To conquer others Realms but rule his own:
85: Recov'ring hardly what he lost before
His right indears it much, his purchase more.
Inur'd to suffer ere he came to raigne
No rash procedure will his actions stain.
To bus'ness ripened by digestive thought
90: His future rule is into Method brought:
As they who first Proportion understand
With easie Practice reach a Masters hand.
Well might the Ancient Poets then confer
On Night the honour'd name of Counseller,
95: Since struck with rayes of prosp'rous fortune blind
We light alone in dark afflictions find.
In such adversities to Scepters train'd
The name of Great his famous Grandsire gain'd:
Who yet a King alone in Name and Right,
100: With hunger, cold and angry Jove did fight;
Shock'd by a Covenanting Leagues vast Pow'rs
As holy and as Catholique as ours:
Till Fortunes fruitless spight had made it known
Her blowes not shook but riveted his Throne.
Some lazy Ages lost in sleep and ease
No action leave to busie Chronicles;
Such whose supine felicity but makes
In story Chasmes, in Epoche's mistakes;
O're whom Time gently shakes his wings of Down
110: Till with his silent sickle they are mown:
Such is not Charles his too too active age,
Which govern'd by the wild distemper'd rage
Of some black Star infecting all the Skies,
Made him at his own cost like Adam wise.
115: Tremble ye Nations who secure before
Laught at those Armes that 'gainst our selves we bore;
Rous'd by the lash of his own stubborn tail
Our Lyon now will forraign Foes assail.
With Alga who the sacred altar strowes?
120: To all the Sea-Gods Charles an Off'ring owes:
A Bull to thee Portunus shall be slain,
A Lamb to you the Tempests of the Main:
For those loud stormes that did against him rore
Have cast his shipwrack'd Vessel on the shore.
125: Yet as wise Artists mix their colours so
That by degrees they from each other go,
Black steals unheeded from the neighb'ring white
Without offending the well cous'ned sight:
So on us stole our blessed change; while we
130: Th' effect did feel but scarce the manner see.
Frosts that constrain the ground, and birth deny
To flow'rs, that in its womb expecting lye,
Do seldom their usurping Pow'r withdraw,
But raging floods pursue their hasty thaw:
135: Our thaw was mild, the cold not chas'd away
But lost in kindly heat of lengthned day.
Heav'n would no bargain for its blessings drive
But what we could not pay for, freely give.
The Pince of Peace would like himself confer
140: A gift unhop'd without the price of war.
Yet as he knew his blessings worth, took care
That we should know it by repeated pray'r;
Which storm'd the skies and ravish'd Charles from thence
As Heav'n it self is took by violence.
145: Booth's forward Valour only serv'd to show
He durst that duty pay we all did owe:
Th' Attempt was fair; but Heav'ns prefixed hour
Not come; so like the watchful travellour
That by the Moons mistaken light did rise,
150: Lay down again, and clos'd his weary eyes.
'Twas MONCK whom Providence design'd to loose
Those real bonds false freedom did impose.
The blessed Saints that watch'd this turning Scene
Did from their Stars with joyful wonder leane,
155: To see small clues draw vastest weights along,
Not in their bulk but in their order strong.
Thus Pencils can by one slight touch restore
Smiles to that changed face that wept before.
With ease such fond Chym'ra's we pursue
160: As fancy frames for fancy to subdue,
But when our selves to action we betake
It shuns the Mint like gold that Chymists make:
How hard was then his task, at once to be
What in the body natural we see
165: Mans Architect distinctly did ordain
The charge of Muscles, Nerves, and of the Brain;
Through viewless Conduits Spirits to dispense,
The Springs of Motion from the Seat of Sense.
'Twas not the hasty product of a day,
170: But the well ripened fruit of wise delay.
He like a patient Angler, e're he strooke
Would let them play a while upon the hook.
Our healthful food the Stomach labours thus
At first embracing what it strait doth crush.
175: Wise Leeches will not vain Receipts obtrude,
While growing pains pronounce the humours crude;
Deaf to complaints they wait upon the ill
Till some safe Crisis authorise their skill.
Nor could his Acts too close a vizard wear
180: To scape their eyes whom guilt had taught to fear,
And guard with caution that polluted nest
Whence Legion twice before was dispossest.
Once sacred house which when they enter'd in
They thought the place could sanctifie a sin;
185: Like those that vainly hop'd kind Heav'n would wink
While to excess on Martyrs tombs they drink.
And as devouter Turks first warn their souls
To part, before they tast forbidden bowls,
So these when their black crimes they went about
190: First timely charm'd their useless conscience out.
Religions name against it self was made;
The shadow serv'd the substance to invade:
Like Zealous Missions they did care pretend
Of souls in shew, but made the Gold their end.
195: Th'incensed Pow'rs beheld 1 with scorn from high
An Heaven so far distant from the sky,
Which durst with horses hoofs that beat the ground
And Martial brass bely the thunders sound.
'Twas hence at length just Vengeance thought it fit
200: To speed their ruine by their impious wit.
Thus Sforza curs'd with a too fertile brain
Lost by his wiles the Pow'r his wit did gain.
Henceforth their Fogue must spend at lesser rate
Then in its flames to wrap a Nations Fate.
205: Suffer'd to live, they are like Helots set
A vertuous shame within us to beget.
For by example most we sinn'd before,
And glass-like 2 clearness mixt with frailty bore.
But since reform'd by what we did amiss,
210: We by our suff'rings learn to prize our bliss.
Like early Lovers whose unpractis'd hearts
Were long the May-game of malicious arts,
When once they find their Jealousies were vain
With double heat renew their fires again.
215: 'Twas this produc'd the joy that hurried o're
Such swarmes of English to the Neighb'ring shore,
To fetch that prize, by which Batavia made
So rich amends for our impoverish'd Trade.
Oh had you seen from Schevelines barren shore
220: (Crowded with troops, and barren now no more,)
Afflicted Holland to his farewell bring
True Sorrow, Holland to regret a King;
While waiting him his Royal Fleet did ride
And willing winds to their low'rd sayles deny'd.
225: The wavering Streamers, Flags, and Standart out,
The merry Seamens rude but chearful shout,
And last the Cannons voice that shook the skies}
And, as it fares in sudden Extasies}
At once bereft us both of ears and eyes.}
230: The Naseby now no longer Englands shame
But better to be lost in Charles his name
(Like some unequal Bride in nobler sheets)
Receives her Lord: the joyful London meets
The Princely York, himself alone a freight;
235: The Swift-sure groans beneath Great Gloc'sters weight.
Secure as when the Halcyon breeds, with these
He that was born to drown might cross the Seas.
Heav'n could not own a Providence and take
The wealth three Nations ventur'd at a stake.
240: The same indulgence Charles his Voyage bless'd
Which in his right had Miracles confess'd.
The winds that never Moderation knew
Afraid to blow too much, too faintly blew;
Or out of breath with joy could not enlarge
245: Their straightned lungs, or conscious of their Charge.
The British Amphitryte smooth and clear
In richer Azure never did appear;
Proud her returning Prince to entertain
With the submitted Fasces of the Main.

250: ANd welcome now (Great Monarch) to your own;
Behold th' approaching cliffes of Albion;
It is no longer Motion cheats your view,
As you meet it, the Land approacheth you.
The Land returns, and in the white it wears
255: The marks of penitence and sorrow bears.
But you, whose goodness your discent doth show,
Your Heav'nly Parentage and earthly too;
By that same mildness which your Fathers Crown
Before did ravish, shall secure your own.
260: Not ty'd to rules of Policy, you find
Revenge less sweet then a forgiving mind.
Thus when th' Almighty would to Moses give
A sight of all he could behold and live;
A voice before his entry did proclaim
265: Long-Suff'ring, Goodness, Mercy in his Name.
Your Pow'r to Justice doth submit your Cause,
Your Goodness only is above the Laws;
Whose rigid letter while pronounc'd by you
Is softer made. So winds that tempests brew
270: When through Arabian Groves they take their flight
Made wanton with rich Odours, lose their spight.
And as those Lees that trouble it, refine
The agitated Soul of Generous Wine,
So tears of joy for your returning spilt,
275: Work out and expiate our former guilt.
Methinks I see those Crowds on Dovers Strand
Who in their hast to welcome you to Land
Choak'd up the Beach with their still growing store,
And made a wilder Torrent on the shore.
280: While spurr'd with eager thoughts of past delight
Those who had seen you, court a second sight;
Preventing still your steps, and making hast
To meet you often where so e're you past.
How shall I speak of that triumphant Day
285: When you renew'd the expiring Pomp of May!
(A Month that owns an Intrest in your Name:
You and the Flow'rs are its peculiar Claim.)
That Star that at your Birth shone out so bright
It stain'd the duller Suns Meridian light,
290: Did once again its potent Fires renew
Guiding our eyes to find and worship you.
And now times whiter Series is begun
Which in soft Centuries shall smoothly run;
Those Clouds that overcast your Morne shall fly
295: Dispell'd to farthest corners of the sky.
Our Nation with united Int'rest blest
Not now content to poize, shall sway the rest.
Abroad your Empire shall no Limits know,
But like the Sea in boundless Circles flow.
300: Your much lov'd Fleet shall with a wide Command
Besiege the petty Monarchs of the Land:
And as Old Time his Off-spring swallow'd down
Our Ocean in its depths all Seas shall drown.
Their wealthy Trade from Pyrates Rapine free
305: Our Merchants shall no more Advent'rers be:
Nor in the farthest East those Dangers fear
Which humble Holland must dissemble here.
Spain to your Gift alone her Indies owes;
For what the Pow'rful takes not he bestowes.
310: And France that did an Exiles presence fear
May justly apprehend you still too near.
At home the hateful names of Parties cease
And factious Souls are weary'd into peace.
The discontented now are only they
315: Whose Crimes before did your Just Cause betray:
Of those your Edicts some reclaim from sins,
But most your Life and Blest Example wins.
Oh happy Prince whom Heav'n hath taught the way
By paying Vowes, to have more Vowes to pay!
320: Oh Happy Age! Oh times like those alone
By Fate reserv'd for Great Augustus Throne!
When the joint growth of Armes and Arts foreshew
The World a Monarch, and that Monarch You.

[1]beheld] 2nd state; behold 1st state

[2]And glass

William Davenant
Upon His Sacred
Majesties Most Happy Return
25 June

   Titlepage: POEM, / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / MOST HAPPY / RETURN / TO HIS / DOMINIONS. / [rule] / Written by / Sr William Davenant. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop at the signe of the Anchor on the Lower walk / in the New Exchange. 1660.

    Sir William Davenant (1606-68) managed the King's Company of players from 1660 until his death, having organized musical performances in private houses during the commonwealth; most notably The Siege of Rhodes.

    Davenant's editor Gibbs reports: "A note in Bishop Kennett's A Register And Chronicle Ecclesiastical and Civil, 1728, p. 246, dates the publication of this poem to August 1660. ... The 1673 text shows some authorial revision" (p. 392). Thomason however dated his copy on Monday, 25 June. Some of Gibbs's glosses are given to lines as notes.

POEM, Upon his Sacred Majestie's most happy RETURN To His DOMINIONS.

WHen from your Towns all hastened to the shore,
What shame could urge your Peoples blushes more
Than to behold their Royall Martyr's Son
Appeas'd, even with their grief for what was done?
5: So great your Mercy is, that you will grieve,
If your wise Senate cannot all forgive.
Nor can the Spies of Malice e're discern,
That you from Int'rest did this Virtue learn.
Great Julius, in disguise, might act that part;
10: But Nature has in you out-done his Art. 1
Your perfect Father to such height did come
Of God-like pitty, near his Martyrdom,
That he his Subject-Judges did forgive,
And left it as their punishment to live.
15: Pitty not onely flowes from him to you,
But, doubly, from your Mother's Mercy too:
The limits of it none could ever know,
Nor to the bounds of her compassion go;
Whose Father in forgivnesse did transcend
20: The insolence of all that durst offend;
When his Remorse seem'd led by their Despair,
Beyond the sight of Hope, or voice of Prayer.
No more shall your bold Subjects strive to Reign;
And fatall Honor on each other gain.
25: Their courage, which mistook the way to Fame,
(And may find pitty where it meets with shame)
Shall, by your valour guided, far out-shine
Our glory got in France and Palestine. 2
No more shall sacred Priests fall from their own
30: Supported Pow'r, by shrinking from the Throne:
Nor in divided shapes that Garment tear, 3
Which their Great Chief did whole and seamless wear.
No more shall any Antient of our Law,
From old Records such modern Meaning draw,
35: As made even Lawyers lawlesse, and enquire,
How justly Kings to armed Pow'r aspire?
The Civill Robe did Armed Pow'r suspect,
Though onely Armed Pow'r can Law protect;
And rescue Wealth from Crowds, when Poverty
40: Treads down those Laws on which the Rich rely.
Yet Law, where Kings are arm'd, rescues the Crowd
Even from themselves, when Plenty makes them proud.
No more shall any of the Noble Blood
Too faintly stemm the People's rising Flood;
45: But when the Wind, Opinion, does grow loud,
Moving, like waves, the Many-headed Crowd;
Then those great-ships shall fast at Anchor ride,
And not be hurri'd backward with the Tyde.
The Throne's the Port to which their Course shall bear,
50: As well at distance too as sailing near:
Or, Anch'ring, shall for change of weather stay,
And never lose when they can gain no way.
No more shall publick wealth on Spies be spent,
To hunt the Loyall and the Innocent:
55: Nor Jaylors in contracted Prisons be
The Keepers of the People's Libertie:
Nor Chiefs in Civill Causes toyl, and doe 4
The task of Judges and of Juries too;
In whose High-Courts their Wills for Laws were known,
60: And all the Civill Pow'r was Martiall grown.
How usefull must the Regall Office be,
Where both those Pow'rs for publick good agree?
Where Justice in a Ballance weighs the Cause,
And wears a Sword but to defend the Laws.
65: When (Mighty Monarch) your Three Nations count
To what their gain, by gaining you, will mount;
They justly reckon, that the least you bring
Of Greatnesse, is, that Blood which makes you King:
And casting up what Satisfaction they,
70: In full return of all your Vertues, pay;
The Product shews, you bring in value more,
Than those Three Realms, which they do but restore.
You bring such Clemency, as shews you have
More Pardons, than your Angel-Father gave.
75: Which shews a Greatnesse that does most incline
To what is greatest in the Pow'r Divine.
'Tis that to which all Human kind does bow,
And tend'rest sense of obligation owe.
For wretched Man (by ev'ry passion led,
80: Born sinfull, and to many errors bred)
Has use of Mercy still, and does esteem
Creation a lesse work than to Redeem.
You bring a Judgment deeper than the Sea:
And as in deepest Seas wee safest be,
85: So in your Judgment's depths we may endure
All Empire's suddain storms, and sleep secure.
And as in deeper Seas we never sound,
Or seek that Depth which never can be found,
(Unlesse as Pilots, who, for triall, near
90: The Ocean's Borders, cast a Plummet there;
But cease to sound when they no bottom find)
So, whilst I try to measure your deep Mind,
I stop even at the Verges of your Court,
Knowing my Plummet light, and Line too short.
95: You bring, with depth of Judgment, all the height
And fire of Thought, that can give wings to Weight.
A Mind so swift, that in a moment's space
Not onely flies o're the Diurnall Race,
But does collect all objects of the Sun,
100: And marks, what through the Globe the Great have done. 5
You no endowment can like this possesse,
Which will preserve what Valour can increase.
For Pow'r requires an universall Eye:
It should, like yours, see all and suddainly.
105: If thus it watch not ever for the State,
It either sees too little, or too late.
You bring such Valour as dares farther tread,
Then Love dares follow; or Ambition lead.
Valour, so watchfull as may safely keep
110: A Camp untrencht, and suffer scouts to sleep:
Fit to surprize Surprizers early spys,
It danger loves, as good for exercise.
The honor you near Severn's Banks obtain'd,6
Did make the Victors lose by what they gain'd;
115: When you reclaim'd their malice, who with shame
Blush't that they kept your Realms, yet gave you fame.
You bring such charming vertues as move more
Then all the secret gifts of bounteous Pou'r:
Your kind approaches to invite accesse;
120: Your patient Eare to troublesome Distresse.
Your nat'rall greatnesse, never artfull made;
Nor so retir'd as if you sought a shade.
And by reserv'dnesse would misterious seem:
As formall men retire to get esteem.
125: But you would so be visible and free,
As Truth and Valor still would publick be.
Those hate obscurenesse and would still be shown,
They grow more lov'd as they become more known.
You bring Religion, which before, like Fame,
130: Was nothing but a Trumpet and a Name.
Here most seem'd holy but in Masquerade;
Most vizards wore, and in disguise were clad.
Abroad, your firme Religion gain'd renoun
Through all the trialls of Comparison.
135: It will, at home, unmask dissembling Art;
And what was wholy Face, shall grow all Heart.
Thus, shewing what you are, how quickly we
Infer what all your Subjects soon will be!
For from the Monarchs vertue Subjects take,
140: Th'ingredient which does publick-vertue make.
At his bright beam they all their Tapers light,
And by his Diall set their motion right; 7
Your Clemency has taught us to believe 8
It wise, as well as vertuous, to forgive.
145: And now the most offended shall proceed
In great forgiving till no laws we need:
For laws slow progresses would quickly end,
Could we forgive as fast as men offend.
Revenge of past offences is the cause
150: Why peacefull minds consented to have Laws.
Yet Plaintifs and Defendants much mistake
Their cure, and their diseases lasting make;
For to be reconcil'd, and to comply,
Would prove their cheap and shortest remedy.
155: The length and charge of Laws vex all that sue;
Laws punish many, reconcile but few.
Intire forgivenesse, thus deriv'd from you,
Does Clients reconcile and Factions too.
No Faction shall hereafter own a name;
160: But their distinctions vanish with their shame.
Your carefull judgment teaches us to prize
Affliction, and to grow, by troubles, wise.
To clear the sullen count'nance of Distresse;
And not with haste precipitate redresse.
165: Your judgments patience has even vertue taught
That her reward should be with patience sought.
Tis else requir'd too boldly and too soon;
As if she boasted that her work was done.
We shall not boast of shining Loyalty,
170: Whose light goes out, when held by us too high.
It is a vertue, but 'tis duty too;
And our reward is had in having you.
Your minds swift motion (which hath often brought 9
Actions, even farthest past, to instant thought;
175: Which in a moment does all compasse run;
And then contract all objects into one:
And judge all Empires, as the Sun might doe,
If he had life and reason too like you.)
Has taught our feeble Thoughts to mend their pace;
180: And follow though they lose you in the Race.
And now your Nations shall with early Eyes,
Watch the first Clouds e're storms of Rebells rise.
Though Orators (the Peoples Witches) may
Raise higher Tempests then their skill can lay;
185: Making a civill and staid Senate rude,
And stoplesse as a running multitude:
Yet can they not to full rebellion grow;
Not knowing how much now the People know;
Who from your influence have attain'd the wit
190: Not to proceed from grudgings to a Fit.
Your Valour has our rasher courage taught
To do, not what we dare, but what we ought;
Not to pretend renoune from high offence;
Nor brave boldnesse turn to impudence?
195: Nor claim a right where we by force enjoy;
Nor boast our strength from what we can destroy.
Your other vertues bear instructive sway:
Their fair examples we like Laws obey;
Which through your Realms such harmony disperse,
200: As if Love rul'd, and Laws were writ in verse.
Whilst our Civilities grow so refin'd
That now they more then former statutes bind. 10
The high in pow'r make their approaches low,
To meet and lift the humble when they bow.
205: Such English-hyphen;stiffnesse freely they forsake, 11
As made wise Strangers wonder and go back.
Your firm Religion shall our firmnesse breed,
And turn into a Rock our shaken Reed.
A Rock, which like a roling wave before
210: Flow'd with the Flood, and ebb'd with ebb's of Pow'r.
And that respect which your indulgent Eye,
Pays, as your blessed Fathers Legacy.
To sacred Priests, with chearfull bounty's too,
Does teach what we with rev'rence ought to do.
215: And well may Priests, (who are Heav'ns Liegers) be
Nobly defray'd in ev'ry Embasie:
They treat not for the profit of that King,
From whose bright Palace they Credentialls bring.
But for the Peoples benifit to whom
220: They are in pitty sent and charg'd to come.
To these we shall with rev'rence Off'rings make;
Which they may justly and with honour take.
'Tis done with some respect when Princes give
Gifts to Ambassadours, and they receive
225: Those gifts with confidence, as if they knew,
Though they are gifts, yet Custom makes them due.
Too boldly, (awfull Monarch!) am I gone,
Through all your Guards, to gaze about your Throne.
Yet 'tis the use of Greatnesse to excuse,
230: The daring progresse of the sacred Muse:
She taught the Lover, love, and Warrior, warr;
And is the Guide, when Honour would go farr.
The Studious follow till they lose their sight,
When to the upper Heav'n she makes her flight.
235: She mounts above what they pretend to know,
And leaves their soaring Thoughts in depths below.
Why nam'd I heav'n, where all meet all reliefs,
Where best of joys succeed the worst of Griefs;
Yet, naming it, must Clouds of sorrow wear,
240: For that dire cause which brought your Father there?
Kings must to Heav'n through shades of sorrow passe,
And, taking leave of Nature, Death imbrace.
But he, with more then a devout intent,
To people soon that Heav'n to which he went.
245: Did, dying, leave three Nations (when they count
To what his vallew, and their losse will mount.
What he did suffer, and what they did do)
Sorrow enough to bring them thither too.
Much was he favour'd by the Pow'r divine,
250: Which to encourage vertue with some signe,
Or likely taste, of future happinesse,
Did let him many blessings here possesse.
Your Royall Mother, in his life, fulfill'd
All griefs that Turtle-hyphen;Widowhood could yield;
255: And has continu'd, since he reign'd above,
His care o're all the Pledges of their love.
You, in your Manhoods bloome, exprest an awe
Not of his Regall but of Natures law:
Obeying him in all, by no designe,
260: Or force, but so as Nature did incline
And with your growth your kind obedience grew;
Which love, not precept, shew'd you was his due.
You rev'renc'd him in deep afflictions more,
Then on those heights where he did shine before.
265: This vertuous softnesse made your People melt;
Who in your triumph all that kindnesse felt
Which to their Saint your duty had exprest,
And drew from ev'ry Eye, and ev'ry Breast,
Such tears and sighs as, in a happy time,
270: Pay'd back your sorrows, and excus'd their crime.
And your heroique Brothers (early grown 12
Fames Favorites, and Rivalls in renoune)
Did in their Dawne such beams of comfort give
As they had almost made him wish to live.
275: That he might see the Glory of their Noon:
But ah! Lifes glasse he shook to make it run.
The mighty Martyr gaz'd on Heav'ns reward:
Then struggling Nature found him strait too hard
For all her force: Religion watcht the strife;
280: And Honour cal'd him back from proffer'd Life.
T'will not suffice (best King!) that we have shown
Your Picture, with Two worthy's next your Throne:
But we would now of all the Copy's boast
From such a great Orig'nall as is lost.
285: Two, of the gentler Sex, remain to grace 13
The matchlesse number of his Royall Race.
The First, (with practis'd patience, even when young
Whilst various winds made storms of Empire long)
Has liv'd the great example, and the good,
290: Of gracefull and of prudent Widow-hyphen;hood.
The other has fit vertue to dispence,
Even to a Cloyster'd Virgin, innocense;
And such discretion as might Factions guide;
And so much beauty as She much might hide,
295: Yet lend that Court, where Lilly's wildly grow,
More then their glorious Nuptialls now can show.
Tell me, (O Fame!) what triumph thou would'st sound?
In all thy boasted Flights thou scarce hast found
One Theam like mine. Ascend! and strait dispers 14
300: (As farr as ever Thou wert led by Verse,
Or Light ere flew) my Sov'raign's full renoun:
Then rest they wings, and lay thy Trumpet down.


[1]Gibbs paraphrases: "i.e. `Caesar may have shown clemency in order to gain political ends, but you are naturally merciful'."

[2]Gibbs glosses: "Davenant is presumably referring to the Crusades of Richard I, and the victories in France of Edward III and Henry V" (p. 393).

[3]Gibbs glosses: "The seamless garment of Christ, which is described in John 19:23, is commonly employed as a symbol for the ideal of an undivided Church." (p. 393) and suggests we think of Swift's Tale of a Tub.

[4]Gibbs glosses: "This is in fact precisely what the administration, in Charles's paternalistic government, tended to do (see David Ogg, England in the Reign of Charles II, 2nd edn., Oxford, 1962, pp. 189-hyphen;91).

[5]lines 97-hyphen;100: Gibbs glosses: "Davenant appears here to be adapting his own definition of Wit in th ePreface to Gondibert: `Witte is not only the luck and labou, but also the dexterity of thought; rounding the world, like the Sun, with unimaginable motion; and bringing swiftly ome to the memory universall survays' (Gondibert, ed. Gladish, p. 18).

[6]Gibbs glosses: "A reference to Charles's courageous conduct at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651. For an account of the battle see A History of the County o Worcester (V. C. H), ed. J. W. Willis-hyphen;Bund and H. A. Doubleday, 5 vols., London, 1901-hyphen;26, ii, pp. 224-hyphen;6." (p. 393).

[7]Gibbs glosses: "cf ` To The Queene, upon a New-hyphen;yeares day' (`This day, old Time'), p. 67, l. 9.

[8]Gibbs glosses: "The Declaration of Breda offered a general pardon to all, with certain exceptions. This promise was incorporated in the Bill of Indemnity which receive royal assent in August 1660. In this Bill pardon was granted for all treasons and felonies, and various other offences committed since 1 January 1637. Those excluded from th epardon included thirty-hyphen;two persons who actions were deemed to be pubishable by death. A Royal Declaration in December 1662, annoucing the necessity for further punishments, echoes Davenant's lines here, when it describes the King as `desiring much rather to cure the ill Intentions of the Disaffected by our Clemency, than to punish the Effects of them by Rigour of LAw' (Kennett, op cit, p. 848)." (p. 393.)

[9]Gibbs glosses: "173-hyphen;8. Your minds . . . you, Davenant is repeating himself here. Cf. ll. 97-hyphen;100 above, and see note.

[10]bind] ed; bnd ä

[11]Gibbs glosses: "Cf. Dryden: `The desire of imitating to great a pattern [as the King] firs awakened the dull and heavy spririts of the English from their natural rserveness; loosened them from the stiff forms of convesation, and made them easy and pliant to each other in discourse' (Defence of the Epilogue)" citing Essays ed Ker, 1.176 (p. 393).

[12]Gibbs glosses: "The two other surviving sons of Charles I at the Restoration were James, Duke of York (afterwards James II), and Henry, Duke of Gloucester. Both had seen military service in Europe before their return to England in 1660. The younge brother, Henry, who was popular in England because of his strong Protestant loyalties, died of smallpox in Septemeber 1660, shortly after this poem was published" (p. 394).

[13]Gibbs glosses: "Davenant refers to Charles II's mother, Henrietta Maria, and his favorite sister, Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orleans. The two Henriettas followed Charles to England in October 1660" (p. 394).

[14]disperse] final e not printing in L; weak in O, OWZ

Thomas Edwards
To His Sacred Majesty.
26 June

   Titlepage:TO / His Sacred Majesty, / CHARLES / The Second, / ON HIS / HAPPY RETURN.

   Thomason dated his copy 26 June, 1660. Edwards does not appear in the DNB.check Ath Oxon

Sacred Majesty.

DRead Sir, whilst in a pleasant Extasie
Your Sacred Majesty return'd we see,
We personate th'Old Mimique; with a Tear
One Cheek is washt, while Smiles the Other clear.
5: For our Rebellion, we repent with One,
'Gainst th'Glorious Father, and the Pious Son;
The Other joys, nor is their reason small,
Who joy in Vision Beatifical.
Nay, we out-go the Mimique: from One Eye
10: There flows an Io and an Elegie,
Each Tear like a Heat-drop falls to th'Earth;
The Moysture speaks our Grief; the Brightness, Mirth.
Whilst, 'fore You rise here, we did view your Beam,
(As Ida does the Sun, ere that his Team
15: Be harness'd) whilst great Waters did refract
Your Influence, and Britains Bliss protract;
Ev'n then at distance did Your powerful Rayes
Inflame our Hearts, make all with Joy to blaze;
So that th'whole Isle a Pharos was become,
20: Ambitious to light her Sov'raign home:
Thus we rejoyc'd 1 in hopes of Your Return,
And for Your Absence did in th'Ashes mourn.
But being from Your Desart come, where You
With Patience Wandered, and did never Bow
25: To any Golden Calves, nor turn aside
To False Gods, but did still the Same abide;
Where You were fed, and Your small Royal Band,
If not with Angels Food, with Angels Hand;
Where, if we count Your Dangers, and Our Fears,
30: You were in Pilgrimage too, Forty Years;
Thence come, and by Heav'ns Conduct having gain'd
This Promis'd, which You make the Holy Land,
We're at a loss, and with the Queen o'th' South,
We must confess, we heard not Half the Truth:
35: So great a Magazine of Vertues throng
Your Soul, that Praises charitably wrong.
Whilst that Your solid Piety we view,
Your Generous and Extensive Charity too,
We finde that Title never was more true,
40: Kings are God's Image, then it is in You.
And as when Man ate the forbidden Fruit,
GOD set an Angel for to keep him out
Of Eden; so Your Majesty has done,
Setting a Flaming Proclamation
45: To keep back Vice from making its resort
Unto the Paradise of Your blest Court.
But Oh! our Narrow Souls can't comprehend
The Vast perfections of Your Royal Minde;
So many Vig'rous Graces You express,
50: You overburden us with Happiness:
Thus Objects that more lightsome Rayes dispense,
Do Darken quite, and surfeit the weak sense.
We'll, since we can't express, Admire Thee more
Then e'er we us'd to Praise Thee heretofore.
55: And onely adde, The Church that long time Groan'd,
Does now Triumph, that angry Heav'ns aton'd;
That she can see Your Majesty past Harms,
Return'd by Virtue of her Peaceful Arms;
Rejoycing that her Mourning-April-Showers
60: Have brought to these three Kingdoms such May-Flowers.

Tho. Edwards. A. M. Joan. Oxon.

[1]rejoyc'd] rejoycd LT

Thomas Flatman
A Panegyrick
30 June

   Compare Flatman's verses in Duncombe's Scutum Regale;

   Check authorship; who ascribed this to Flatman?? Wing accepts it as Flatman BUT: In no edition of his Poems and Songs (1674, 1676, 1682, 1686) does it appear; why not? why would he leave it out? The 1686 Poems includes "On the much Lamented Death of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles II of blessed Memory, Pindarique Ode" (pp. 239-45) so why, if this were his, would they be omitted? Saintsbury does not include this with F.s other poems in Caroline Poets; -- see F. A. Child, The life and uncollected poems of Flatman Phila 1921 [O=Eng Fac Lib J74.60CH1]

    Both Hazlitt, Handbook p. 208 and NCBEL p. 473 suggests this is perhaps by Thomas Forde.

   What do we know of Flatman? Woods calls him "an eminent Poet of his time" who came from "Aldersgate street in the Suburb of London." An anonymous notice of Flatman tipped in to a Bodleian copy of Poems (1674) dates his birth c. 1635. He was elected to a fellowship at New College in 1654, but left Oxford without a degree to enter the Inner Temple. While at the Inns of Court, Flatman never practised law, preferring poetry and painting. Oldys wrote of him:

Should Flatman for his client strain the laws,
The Painter gives some colour to the cause:
Should critics censure what the Poet writ
The Pleader quits him at the bar of with.
In 1681, the Duke of Ormond was so pleased with a poem on the death of his son, Lord Ossory, that he presented Flatman with a mourning ring and diamond worth oe100 (Wood, AO 2: 626). 1 Pope imitated F.'s "A Thought on Death" in his "The Dying Christian to his Soul."

    Despite an early contempt for marriage, Wood reports that F. was "afterwards smitten with a fair Virgin, and more with her fortune, did espouse her 26 nov. 1672; whereupon his ingenious COmrades did serenade him that night, while in the embraces of his Mistress" with a song F. had written in contempt of marriage (AO 2: 626-27). F. died 8 December 1688 at his house in Fleet street and was buried at St Brides.

    At the time of the Restoration, F. was chamber mate with Sam Woodford at the Inner Temple. Flatman included verses on Woodford's trans of the Psalms in his Poems (1674, 1676, 1682, 1686). SW's Epinicia also published by a Chancery Lane publisher.

    -- check Don Juan Lamberto or a Comical history of the late times. By Montelion LT E 1048 (6), November 1660 [ascribed to John Phillips and to Flatman}

    Flatman's Poems and Songs (1674; UL copy Syn. 766.68.2) does not include these verses, though it does include an elegy to Monck. There are commendatory verses by: Walter Pope, Charles Cotton, Ric. Newcourt, Francis Knollys, Octavian Pullen, Franc. Bernard. The volume also includes an elegy to Orinda, and verses to Sam. Woodford "on his excellent version of the Psalms."

    Flatman rumoured to be in a "Poetical war" with Robert Wild, poet of Iter Boreale, in 1672 "but how it was teminted" Wood cannot tell (AO 2: 706).

    F. and Cowley were among the dedicatees of Katherine Philips' Poems: see Woods AO 2:284 for a life of KP.

   Emphasizes Charles's power and promise of authority over other nations, especially France, Spain and the German republic. Flatman is not alone in ascribing many of Charles's former troubles to Catholic conspiracy.

To His Renowned 2 MAJESTIE,
Charles the Second,
King of Great Britaine, &c.

REturn, return, strange Prodigie of Fate!
Gird on thy Beams, and re-assume thy State.
Miraculous Prince, beyond the reach of Verse,
The Fame and Wonder of the Universe!
5: Preserv'd by an Almighty hand, when Rome,
And raging Oliver had read thy doom!
Deliver'd from a bloudy Junto (men,
That gladly would be Murtherers agen!)
Thy valiant Arms have strugled with the Tide,
10: Encountred all the Winds, and scorn'd their Pride:
Guarded with Angels; yet preserv'd to be
Distracted, heart-sick England's Remedie!
Come, Royal Exile! We submit, we fall,
We bend before thy Throne, and give thee all:
15: Accept Eternal Honour, and that Crown,
Which Vertue, and rare Actions make thine own.
Thou shalt Eclipse the petty Courts, where Thou,
Too long a Noble Sojourner, didst bow.
The Monsieur's bravery shall vail to Thee,
20: And the grave Don adore thy Majestie,
While thine encreasing Glories shall out-shine
The Plumes o'th'One, and t'others Golden Mine.
The German Eagle, when thy Lions roare,
Shall flag her wing, and towre above no more;
25: Shall gaze upon Thy Lustre, crouch down lower,
And bask within the Sun-shine of thy Power:
As for those Potentates that lesser be,
They shall be Greater if they stoop to Thee:
Subjects to such a King, are better far,
30: And happier, than other Monarchs are.
Heav'n, and brave Monck, conspire to make thy Raign
Transcend the Diadems of Charlemain.

T. F.           LONDON,
Printed for HENRY MARSH at the Princes Arms in
Chancery Lane near Fleetstreet, MDCLX.

[1] see Walpole's Dictionary of Painters.

[2] Renowned] Renowed ä

Thomas Edwards
A Glimpse of Joy.
30 June

A Glimpse of Joy for the happy Restoring of the Kings most Excellent Majesty:
The Devoirs of a nameless Poet.
To the Generall's Excellence, and to all the Noble Sparks of Great Brittain's
Heroarchy, that have hopes to survive their Countreys Sufferings.

[cut: oval portrait]

WHat Glimpse is that I see? A Rising SUN,
Let us with joy like Hyperboreans run
To tops of highest Mounts, that thence we may
Ken the first dawning of our welcome Day:
Let every Echo cry, a King, a King,
To welcome in the Flower of our Spring;
Our Hopes are high, let's not be dampt with Fears,
When in it he that's King of Kings appears:
This change is so like his, that all can tell
Who will not own it, must turn Infidel.
This Work of Wonder makes our Land to ring,
He that was born, is now created King.
Let's not complain of Winter, and cold Weather,
If now two grateful Summers come together;
On Sions Mount let Sacred Glory dwell,
And Plume its Rayes in spight of Rome and Hell.
Let from the Fathers aromatick Urne,
Like a resurging Phenix, CHARLES return.
Peers stand for Ciphers now, alas! but when
That Figure stands before, they'l stand for Men,
And Statue it no longer; Skelitons
Will stand for Hundreds, Thousands, Millions.
Churches awake, rouze up, what had you rather
A Stepdame have, then your own nursing Father?
Countreys awake, and do not give a Voice
To such as will not make a King their choice.
Lawyers awake, for I have heard a Cry,
That since you lost the Spring, your Streams are dry.
Souldiers awake, and hazard not a Limb,
Except you militate for Christ and Him:
All's out of joynt, and each Profession dead;
For what's a Man or State without a Head?
Poets awake, for when he's Crown'd, his Rayes
Will turn to Gold your Coronets of Bayes.
Awake dull Souls; Brittains M'cena's come!
Shall any of Parnassus Sons be dumb?
But stay, Our GOD is jealous and most High,
And hates the Sin of Anthropolatry;
Then let's not Idolize him, lest he prove
A Gift bestow'd in anger, not in love:
He is not so much ours yet, but we may
(If still unthankful) sin him quite away.
Let us adore that heavenly hand that gave
Isaak our Nations blessing from the Grave:
He was the harmless Dove sent from our Ark,
And ever since hath hover'd in the dark.
O let us pray (since Flouds begin to cease)
That he may bring our Olive-branch of Peace.
Let Wisdom, Mercy, and each Princely Grace
Shine in his Heart, with Splendour in his Face;
Let him descend like Moses from the Mount,
As sent from Heav'n upon our Prayers account:
Oh may he in his Government inherit
Elisha-like his Leaders double Spirit.
Give such Physicians Lord as may abate
The Paroxismes of our Church and State.
Let's run as far to meet him as there's Land,
And when the swelling Ocean bids us stand,
Let's wait upon the Shore in Trained Bands,
Which may in numbers equalize the Sands:
Let's wish all hearts of Stone that would undo us
Were turn'd to Load-stones to attract him to us.
The Sovereign of the Sea's let now be man'd
To fetch us home the Sovereign of our Land;
And since he hath been Exil'd for our Sin,
Our Pray'rs shall be the Winde to bring him in:
And if the Ocean be at Ebbe and low,
Our Tears of Joy shall swell it to a Flow:
Let heart be joyn'd in heart, and hand in hand,
Till Charles le Boon be Crowned Charles le Grand.
Act but with Art and Heart this Loyal Game,
You shall not want a Trump to sound your Fame.

London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

William Fairebrother
An Essay of a Loyal Brest

   Titlepage: AN / ESSAY / OF A / LOYAL BREST; / In four Copies of Verses, viz. / I. To His Majesty, CHARLES the 2d. / II. To His two Houses of PARLIAMENT. / III. To His General, the Lord MONCK. / IV. To that His good Angel, Madam JANE LANE. / [rule] / By WILLIAM FAIREBROTHER, of Kings / Colledge in Cambridge. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by JOHN FIELD, 1660.

    A manuscript note on the Bodleian copy gives the date as June, 1660.

    F. was a fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Venn reports:

Adm at Kings aged 17, a scholar from Eton 19 April 1630. Of London. Matric 1631; BA 1633-hyphen;4; MA 1637; LLD 1660 (Lit Reg). Fellow 1633-hyphen;81. Vice-hyphen;Provost 1653. Senior Proctor, 1654-hyphen;5. Incorp at Oxford, 1669. Served in the Royal Army. Prisoner at Naseby, 1645. Died 10 Aug. 1681. (see Thomas Harwood, Alumnae Etonenses, 1797). Venn part 1:2.

    Like Daniel Nicols, another Cambridge don who wrote verses on the Restoration, William Fairebrother is keen to remind anyone interested of his past loyalties to the royalist cause; he sets out by claiming to have composed verses to Charles while he was still prince of Wales and subsequently refers to his own active service in the royalist army at the battle of Naseby. Fairebrother also contributed a short Latin poem to Charles in the Cambridge volume, Academiae Cantabrigiensis äoåtrà, employing the same anagram -- "Charles Stuart STET LAR CHARUS" (sig. D3v) -- that he uses to end his verses to Charles here.

    The four sets of verses contained in An Essay of a Loyal Brest all offer a variety of biblical, classical and historical analogies for their various subjects. Fairebrother's verses to the houses of Parliament, for example, which are more conciliatory than many, seek to apportion blame generally by comparing Parliament with Phaeton driving the chariot of the nation too close to the sun; youthful exhuberance and lack of skill are the faults, not the kind of diabolical greed and rapacity often attributed to the Rumpers. The same figure is used by Forde to describe the overreaching nature of the parliamentary party.

    Fairebrother is among the few to draw attention to the slaughter of the Irish under Cromwell; see also John Crouch.

    Fairebrother's verses to Jane Lane open with a fairly outlandish comparison, suggested by an anagram, between Jane Lane and Jael, the Kenite who slew the Canannite general Sisera. In addition to reporting may of the standard tropes of the royal escapades after Worcester, he makes rather extravagant use of the fact that the king had his hair cut short.

[design: garter arms
supported by lion and unicorn
with rose and thistle motifs]


ONce formerly, dread Sir, my Muse did Sing,
You our choice Prince in Parlament. 1 A King
Then sate your Father there. But " ! since then
A sad and long Parenthesis hath been
5: 'Twixt us and Regal-splendour; whilest your Youth
Hath tost been to and fro, because of Truth!
A Scene of twenty years! an heap too large
For my scant Ephah! 2 'tis an Homer's charge.
Ulysses and his ten years Travels now
10: Seem no less trifling, than Tom Thumb in th' Cow:
'Twixt yours and his such diff'rence I assign,
As was 'twixt Bottles of his Wind and Wine.
Wine? Wine not so chears the heart, as the sight
Of your blest presence, who setst all aright.
15: A Welcom's thus to us. Then'ts but our due,
To carol-out glad Welcoms unto you.
Whom Spain, France, Germany and Belgick-soil
With admiration gaz'd on, (as a spoil
Ev'n forc't into their hands, through Britains rage)
20: And now do court, as Mirrour of this age;
Whom they must needs us envy, yet hath Heav'n
(Maugre all hellish plots) us again giv'n,
Shall we not him adore? And so'ts our due,
To carol-out Hosannaes unto you.
25: I've seen your Star; and worship: How it shon
Your Birth-day's-Ecce! It stood near the Sun
At its full-Zenith bright; whilst Thanks was giv'n
On St. Paul's sacred ground to th' King of Heav'n
By th' King your Father. 'Twas a glorious day!
30: The King then to the Temple led the way;
Sunday and Lords-day both. Then be't our due,
To carol-out Hosannaes unto you.
But if Sighs must burst forth, and cloud a Day,
May they flie up t'expiate Sin away:
35: If Tears the cheeks bedew, let them be sent
From Hearts, that of past-villanies relent.
Thus may we blunt God's Ax: thus, next to God,
Ev'n thou, O King, (I see) will spare thy Rod.
And thus we all may wear the Mourning-weed:
40: Few are the men, who not your Pardon need.
It's wisest then for me, to point-out none;
Lest others numb'ring number me for one;
Perhaps, 'cause for Alleg'ance once I fled
From Cambridge, and at Oxford own'd an Head,
45: But lost it soon again at Naseby-fight,
My self ta'ne Pris'ner. Were I silent quite,
Your Grace may know, Who was the greatest Thief;
Who of the barb'rous Actours were the Chief;
Who the stage-prompters, or Dark-Lanthorn-men,
50: That contriv'd most, though they themselves least seen,
White-powder Fiends, killing without a Noise; 3
(To crack thereon, speaks children or meer boyes)
What Accessories live; Who, as with knives,
Did wound your righteous Cause, through debaucht Lives,
55: At home and eke abroad; and Who, more quaint,
Did null the Edicts of that Royal Saint,
Your murther'd Father. Then, then may we all
Before You, as a God's Tribunal, fall.
Peace you persue; Mercy you do proclaim:
60: Who craves them not, a second time's too blame.
To such a God who should not then impart
Gold, myrrh, with a frank-incense of the Heart?
The last can each one give; the most forlorn:
When I hav't giv'n away, 'tis as New-born.
65: Mine then on dayly-prostrate Knees shall crave
Of that One More-supream, that You may have
Firm Health; Allies most strong; a matchless Queen;
Subject as Loyal, as e're Prince hath seen;
Innum'rous People: a Church flourishing.
70: So (with your Leave I'le 4 cry) LONG LIVE THE KING.
And now (great Sir and good) I fear, that I
A petty-treason make'gainst Soveraignty,
Thus to detain your Person. But true Zeal
Dare even back unto your Throne appeal;
75: That with your thickest Pardons you would smother
This Crime of, YOURS the humblest,

          {CHARLES STUART. }
Anagram.{        }     Of Kings Colledge in Cambridge;
    {STET LAR CHARUS.}        and
Of the late Kings Army.

[1] F.'s poem "To the Prince," appeared after Cowley's "Ode on his Majesties Return" in Irenodia Cantabrigiensis: Ob paciferum Serenissimi Rege (Cambridge, 1641) sigs K2-K2v.

[2] OED: A Hebrew dry measure, identical in capacity with the bath; ... it is variously said to have contained from 4.5 to 9 gallons;" so figuratively, a large amount -- OED gives a 1660 source in Fuller's Mixt Contempl. (1841) 177 "Some have had a hin ... others a ephah of afflictions."

[3] white powder: "a supposed kind of gunpowder exploding without noise" (OED.a11) citing Beaumont and Fletcher, Honest Man's Fort 2.1 "That you were kil'd with a pistol charged with white powder." and N. Lee Princess of Cleve 2.2 "A Secret Lover's like a Gun charged with white powder, does execution but makes no noise".
See also Oxenden writing of Monk: "Who in a Northern mist white powder shot," 3.370; presumably non-explosive gunpowder?

[4] I'le] i'le O, L

To the Right Honorable, the two

WHat Poets feign of Phaeton above,
(That, whilst he Sol's great Charet needs would move,
The World was plung'd in Conflagrations,
Through Reins then too-too loose) these three Nations
5: Have late found true: As if Enceladus
Had from-below turn'd a fresh side on us,
To let-loose 'tna's flames; Or else, as if
These floating-Islands had (by Waves most stiff
And sturdy Winds) quite-lost their Anchor-hold,
10: So now on this side, now on that side rowl'd;
Whilst Sun and Moon were blended, and for Stars
We direful Meteors had, the late Heav'ns Scars.
But (blest be God!) we are now once again
Under th'kind Influence of CHARLS his-wain:
15: And may we ever be so; with a Train
Of lesser Lights, to spring about that main!
Let Harington here fix blind {Milton's} ROTA;
Nor let it stir the breadth of an Iota.
This Land I promise firm: Again if thus.
20: It must turn round, be he Copernicus;
And so my self I'de rather Stoick plight,
Than Peripatetick, or chief Stagyrite.
Strange Revolutions were, when Strickland's 5 Holland
Did England, Scotland, Ireland slight, as no Land!
25: Then Tyranny and Rapine led the Van;
And who'de not act so, was the dang'rous man:
Then Ireland reakt with blood: and then Scot-free
Went Sacriledge: nor was't here Robbery,
To pocket up a Church or Lands-divine;
30: Because not diff'renc't with a Mine or Thine.
But now, I hope, w'ave met in Plato's Sphear,
Where harbour can nor Jealousie nor Fear;
Where Vertue shall court Vertue; where all vice
Shall be disown'd, as 'twas in Paradise;
35: Where each man safely may enjoy his own.
And then, I'm sure, the King's to have a Throne,
And be obey'd too.
And now to what, Ye Representatives,
With whom entrusted are our very lives,
40: Shall we you represent? a Loyal Spark;
From billows save'd a while, as in an Ark?
A Moses here? and there a Noah old?
Josephs some others, by their brethren sold?
May ye get all off safe! may ye soon see
45: As blest an Issue, as did all those three!
They all were big with blessings. Did they curse?
To whom they meant it, him they straight saw worse.
Such may your Terrour be! and so perchance
No fouler Crime shall reign, than Ignorance.
50: In fine: We all have err'd and gone astray,
Leaving (much worse than Sheep) the righter way.
Let's therefore beg of that most pow'rful One,
That not to us or ours may ere be known
(That saddest of Diseases, call'd) Kings-evil,
55: Since 'gainst a good War's have been more-than-civil.

[5] Walter Strickland (c. 1598-1670) M. P., was appointed Envoy from the Long Parliaent to the Netherlands in 1642, reappointed in 1648, and recalled in 1650. The next year, he accompanied Oliver St. John on an embassy to Holland attempting to negotiate a possible political alliance. He was one of Richard Cromwell's councillors following Oliver's death. In October 1659, he was named to the committee of safety (Spalding, Contemporaries 344-45; Davies 1955: 30, 157) CHECK DNB and Woolrych, Commomwealth to Protectorate.


A Civil War; more than a civil War:
How strangely now to me do those words jar!
W'ave rather Peace, that's civil, more than civil;
Mirac'lously it comes, in spight o'th'Devil
5: And his black Imps, who to cry do not cease,
That War may better be than present Peace.
A Monck! and from the North too! then (cry some)
As soon expected may be Good from Rome.
A Monck the Faith's Defender? Let's again
10: Call-in Scot, Nevil, Haselrig and Vane:
Let them their Forces rally: so we shall
A new Creed straightway raise, or raze out all.
'Tis that, that last, (great Sir) those Atheists sought,
When they our Charles the first to Tryal brought.
15: But timely you stept-in; Religion sav'd;
And count'nanc'd Arts, which we in vain had crav'd.
Sword and Pen kindly meet: Thou'st giv'n thy Troth,
That Pallas now's again Goddess to both.

He's a Plantagenet; (some others cry'd)
20: And so a Common-wealth will be defy'd:
A Single Person hee'l erect: so fight,
Whether for that name, or the True-names Right.
Double's their Charge: Let its last part be true;
And then, I think, you act but what is due.
25: Though Movaxos with M¢narxos 6 do shew,
As Sibboleth with Shibboleth, I trow, 7
They're not for Marks now, to discriminate
Kindness for th'one sound; for the other, Hate.
Where words in but-one Letter disagree,
30: Let those men stand nearest in Unity:
Nay more; a York and Lancaster we see
In Virgins-cheeks make an Identity:
And the whole Nation owns now Red and White
For the King's Colours, and Monck's true delight.
35: Thus have you clad us, whilst you put to shame
The vast Temptations of a Royal-game:
And if Plantagent give-up the Crown,
It may be said, it's now more Charles his own.
In earnest thus (what some made you in sport,
40: Y've found the right-high {STUART}of Hampton-Court:
And thus y've stopt Rebels blasphemous Snarls,
Belcht-out against our first and second Charls.
Hail then to thee! so soundeth ev'ry Lip,
Thou glorious piece of Self-denial-ship;
45: Thou Rumps Arch-traytor, but the Head's best Friend!
A Head-piece so; better than Breeches-end.
Right-welcome home! Let's now erect an Arch
For thy so famous bloodless Countermarch.
Nor Steel nor Hemp then gaul'd: For such fair Quarter
50: The King now dubs thee with St. George's Garter. 8
And, if (sans solo/ecism) it may be said,
That th'heir apparent can (the Father dead)
To his own Subject be an Obligee,
Then may I safely say; to Monck't must be.
55: Be blest in all your hopes of Wife and Son! 9
A meet-Help Shee, as you the Work have done:
With Rev'rence to her Honour, I shall say,
You're next to Numa, she's Egeria.
Live thus renown'd! and whilst Charls shall Head stand,
60: Mayst thou his Head-piece be by Sea and Land;
That, what so e're his Ancestors have lost,
He may by you regain with easie cost.
Thus, George-on-horse-back, (Sr. and St.) with Lance
Me-thinks I see you give a shake to France;
65: And your stout Troops proclaiming with drawn-swords,
King Charls! King Charls! King Charls! thrice-blessed words!


[6][author's note]The Greek word for Monarch hath in it one sole Letter more, than hath the word for Monck in the same language.

[7] See Judges 12.6, where the Ephraimites are tested by their inability to pronounce the first two letters of this word.

[8] "It is reported that his Majesty gave the George and Garter to his Excellency General Monck, and that the Duke of York to express his affection to him, put them on," Parliamentary Intelligencer #22, p. 352. Together with Edward Montague, Monk was invested in Canterbury on Saturday, 26 May (Davis 1955: 351).

[9] Anne Clarges, whom Monck married in 1653, was a farrier's daughter said to have been still married to her previous husband when she became Monck's mistress. Pepys and others report on her social vanity and rapacity. Their son, Christopher, became 2nd Duke and died in 1688 causing the line to become extinct.

    {JANE LANE,}      {This copy was made a }
Anagram.          {day or two before she}
{An'ne JAEL?}           {was known to be in   }
{England.         }


YOur Name here starts a Question: so it's askt,
Whether our Jane Lane be not Jael-maskt. 10
So quadrate doth each Story, whilst your Calls
Did summon-in two vanquisht Generals!
5: And how in Covert bade ye them good cheer,
Whilst God them-both unto you-both did steer!
Right-famous both! But yet who is't, not sees
An Interfering in your Histories?
She bold cut-off, you bold did save, an Head:
10: Charles liv'd by you; Sisera's by her struck-dead.
Great Amazons of Truth! rather than shall
The just Cause perish, ye your selves would fall.
But God for such pure Love did well provide:
So Judeth too we'l reckon on your side.
15: How fresh they two yet live! and so shall You
In lasting-Annals have as fresh an hue:
Where e're King Charls his Story's to be seen,
There shall be read, what you to him have been.
Your Names, as Phidias in Minerva's shield,
20: Must jointly shine, as in one common field
Ne'r to be parted. -- -- -- -- But here brave Wilmot's Ghost 11
Steps-in to serve the Mistris of the rost,
Thanks your Relief of him and of his King.
That-now blest Soul first kenn'd this happy thing.
Accost you then he did with pensiveness:
And you for that awhile can do no less:
Not that he grieves now; but that you not see
One half-part of your noblest Company.
Yet Thanks to Heav'n; that Time, which changeth all,
30: The Scene (at least) makes Tragicomical.
Romancers here must veil, true or but-feign'd;
W'ave now upon them, and above them, gain'd.
The Crown was lost, and as'twere quite forsook:
But you again it found in th'Sacred Oak.
You a King's Mistris chast: the Lady Lane
Flies far above the fate of Edward's Jane;
No Concubine, nor an Herodia You;
Asking things most unjust, things much undue.
Nor Delilah wert thou: Thou didst not Him
40: (His hair then shorn-off) to that Philistim
Big with Success, deliver-up a Prize,
The yet-great Strength, and Light of Britain's Eyes.
His Safety thence you wrought: and that jeat-curl
You straight for Favours choicely up did furl.
That Black's indeed the Set-off; cal't not Foyl,
What's kist by Ladies of the purest-soyl.
And if such Homage to th'Excrement,
What then to's Person should be th'full Extent?
No Vertue thus him left: yet Proselytes
50: You many gain'd have by such vzealous Sleights:
They're Presents fit for Queens: such Royal-Twists
Are not for all folks fingers, necks, or wrists.
Why then as of the Garter, so the Hair,
May not an Order be, and full as rare?
55: And why not breeded be thereon the Fancy
Return, great Voluntier of all th'Exiles!
True Maid of Honour! Haste, to take the Smiles
O' th' King and Subjects-good. Alive or dead,
60: Eterniz'd though shalt be in Honour's-bed.
Let Virgins-all Garlands each-year prepare
Of Oak, with the enameld Maiden-hair.
But, Lady of high Worth, I've one word more;
(Nor doth it differ from Herodia's score,
65: Onely more-innocent you it may do)
That you would, if the Thought hath e're took you
Of half a Kingdom, (or perhaps a larger)
Exchange it for a St. Johns-head in th'Charger.


[10] A fairly bizarre negative-comparison that carries on through the subsequent lines. Sisera, a Canaanite captain, was defeated by the Israelites and fled until Jael, literally "ibex, or chamois," welcomed him in to her tent where she subsequently nailed his head to the floor while he was sleeping (Judges 4. 17-22).

[11] Wilmot, who helped Charles after the battle of Worcester and reportedly introduced the fugitive to Jane ane had died on 19 February, 1658; see The Royal Wanderer.

Robert Howard
A Panegyrick To the King

   Titlepage: POEMS, / viz. / 1. A PANEGYRICK to the KING. / 2. SONGS and SONNETS. / 3. The BLIND LADY, a COMEDY. / 4. The Fourth Book of VIRGIL, / 5. STATIUS his ACHILLEIS, / with ANNOTATIONS. / 6. A PANEGYRICK to GENERALL / MONCK / [rule] / By the Honorable / Sr ROBERT HOWARD. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / shop at the sign of the Anchor on the lower Walk / of the New Exchange. 1660.

    Thomason dated his copy June, 1660. Dryden wrote dedicatory poem at unsigned sigs [A6-A8].

    Sir Robert Howard (1626-98) a younger son of the Earl of Berkshire, was a career MP from 1661 until his death.

To the

THE true Parnassus (Sir) which Muses know,
Are Subjects which they choose; to whom they owe
Their Inspirations, differing as the times,
Unhappy Vertues, or successfull Crimes.
5: The greatest Choyce is, where the most Successe
Makes Fears as great, nor their Ambitions lesse.
With the Usurped Crowns they strive for Bays;
Those readier not to Act than These to Praise.
My Muse (Great Sir) has no such fears, or knows
10: A better Inspiration than your Woes.
To sing those Vertues which are all your own,
Not brought you by Successes or a Throne;
But by the malice of the world withstood:
So much 'tis easier to be Great than Good.
15: Which knows no end, or change by human things,
But like the world (Eternall) whence it springs.
Greatness is, as forbidden Pleasures are,
Reach'd by th'impious hands, that will but dare
Attempt all Crimes, still scorning a retreat:
20: Onely the Bad can be unjustly Great.
By Falls from Thrones, such, and the vertuous know
What Fate to them, or they to Fortune owe.
By courage nor by vertue can be staid
Fortune, which tired grows by lending aid.
25: So, when all Thrones on C'sar were bestow'd,
Not Fate to him, but he to Fortune ow'd,
And paid her back the vastest Principall
She ever lent, in his too-wretched Fall;
To whose successfull Courage once she gave
30: The Mistress of the World to be his Slave.1
To fair days, storms succeed; to storms, the fair:
We know but what we are by what we were.
And Mans condition's valu'd more or lesse,
By what he had, not what he does possesse.
35: For no Extreams could ever gain a Height
From their own natures, but each other's weight.
So Lucan made the flying Pompey blame,2
Not present Woes, but his too-early Fame.
Great Scipio, whose too happy courage made 3
40: His Country free, and Hannibal's enslav'd,
Had been more happy, had he been but lesse,
And not fear'd want of glory, but excesse.
Whose Countrie-men's ungrateful fears were more,
For his successe, than Hannibal's before.
45: So much Plebeian Souls from Nature's School,
Are fitted more for Servitude than Rule.
Would such Examples had been onely known;
But we have felt a greater of our own,
In your Great Father seen; whose Sunshine-days
50: Deserves not more our wonder than our praise:
Nor did his days of Tempests lesse proclaim,
But taught us more of Miracle and Fame.
And equal'd all the miseries it brought;
By vertues, which unequal'd sufferings taught.
55: Frailty affliction brings; and yet a friend,
In giving those afflictions too an end.
Yet immortality can no blessing give,
But make that perfect, which must ever live.
His soul, refin'd so by Celestiall heat,
60: One could not hurt; and t'other ha's made great.
He pay'd his scores of Frailty, and of Joy's,
To live, where nothing that's enjoy'd destroy's.
And fell, lest this frail World like Heaven might be,
At once admitting Him, and Constancy.
Happy were we, had we but understood.
None were too great, nor we our selves too good!
Within our selves, and by our selves confin'd:
One by our Ocean; t'other by our Mind.
Whilst the obliged World, by War unsought,
70: Was willingly by gentler Traffick brought.
Secure and Rich; whilst every swelling Tide,
That brought us safety, brought us Wealth beside.
Above the reach of the World's power grown,
And had been safe, had we but fear'd our owne.
75: What the Grave Spaniard, and the Belgian too,
The active French, by power could not do,
Our passions did; and quickly made it known,
We could be Conquered by our selves alone.
And acting that which others could not do,
80: Are now fit for their Scorn, and Conquest too.
How just, and sure Heaven's revenges are!
We slighted peace, and grow despis'd by War.
Like Mad men then, possest with Lunacy;
We now must find a Cure in misery.
85: And by our suffering, to our wits redeem'd,
Our long-lost peacefull temper grows esteem'd.
For man does most, by the Comparative,
At the true knowledge of Extreams arrive.
And in affliction's ready to adore,
90: That which he hardly could indure before.
How fatally this Nation proves it true,
In mourning for our banish't Peace; and You!
To You, Great Sir, Fortune's in debt alone,
Who can be no way pai'd, but by your owne.
95: Your Vertues have not more made Crowns your due,
Than sufferings taught you how to use them too.
Stroaks upon solid bodies do provoke
A secret brightnesse free, unmixt with smoak:
No grossnesse mingled; but bright sparks declare,
100: What mighty firmnesse their Composures are.
So whilst the stroaks of Fortune on You light,
Your mighty frame appears more firm and bright.
Affliction often by its powerfull weight,
Is the Case-shot of Destiny and Fate.
105: Routing faint principles together brought
By prosperous vertues; not by hazards taught.
Whilst the weak man is too much understood,
His frailty more, than his substantiall good.
As in the low declining of the day,
110: Mens shaddows more enlarged shew, than they;
So in the worlds great, last, adversity,
When every Element their power must try;
To dissolution they must all retire,
And leave but one pure Element of fire.
115: All that was grosse, which from weak nature flows,
In your great trialls, so expiring shows.
And all unto your Nobler Soul resign'd,
Nothing seems left in you, but what's refin'd.
No longer, now, subject to what is frail,
120: But have from Nature, cut off the entail.
Nor yet could Fortune with her pow'r or frowns,
Ravish your Father's Vertues, though his Crowns;
So little was th'esteem of human things,
To that once best, and now most blest, of Kings.
125: One that in all his time, was never known,
Greedy of Lives, though weary of his own.
Peace Crown'd his thoughts, though not his wretched time,
His Nature was his fate, his Crown his crime:
Despis'd by his own people, first; because,
130: He stoop't below his power, and their laws.
His easie gifts seem'd all but debts; when they,
Had nothing left to ask, nor he to pay.
Yet that he might unjust, or mean, appear,
For what his nature gave, they thank't his fear.
135: All the fair vertues of his Halcyon-times
Instead of gratitude contracted crimes
In those, who from the fears he ever had,
Of being ill, took boldnesse to be bad.
Such as on peace, the name of [idle] fling,
140: And make their Prince a Tyrant or no King;
So fell that Prince, too good for such bad times,
By his own Vertues, and by others Crimes.
Now against you, Great Sir, their swords are turn'd,
And joy in what the World besides has mourn'd.
145: Still constant in their Crimes and Cruelty,
All Conscience turn'd into Necessity.
Which by the view of acted sins before,
Does safe appear, onely by doing more:
As those who quit firm shores, when the wind raves,
150: Must not retire, but bustle still in waves.
The wandring Needle so can never stay,
Till it finds out the Point it should obey.
Our Constitution toucht by Monarchy,
Till it rests there, must always wandring bee;
155: And that must fix in You: None could convay
True light, but He that ought to rule the day.
When Phaeton did to that heighth aspire,
He brought not influence to the world, but fire:
So those led by Ambition to your Throne,
160: Have brought us ruine, and have found their own.
Whilst thus our Sphear is over-cast with Clowds,
You The Sun can be. No offer you neglect,
To warm us with your lustre, and protect
From such foggs of mean Souls, which still will flie
165: O're us, till all's dispell'd by Majesty.
Once for your Kingdome's sake you durst oppose
Your Laurel'd Enemies with your conquer'd foes. 4
Yet Heaven from your assistance then was staid,
Lest the ill Act the good had over-weigh'd;
170: And in the Victory those Scots had found
Their Crimes together with your Vertues crown'd.
Then 'twas You did attempt your debt to pay
To Us or Nature, by a noble way.
The bold 'neas so, having left Troy 5
175: In its own funerall flames, scorn'd to enjoy
Safety alone; but, led by Vertues great
As were the Dangers he was to repeat,
Return'd among his ruin'd Friends and State,
To bring them safety, or to fetch their fate.
180: Whilst our dull souls all nobler warmth deny'd,
The Coward and th'Insensible divide
Our woes made habits by the use, or dare
Not think we know how great our sufferings are.
Like those who dwell in full-resounding Caves,
185: Where Nile sends headlong down his rapid waves,
Are deaf, because the Clamors constant are,
The Water not out-thundered by the Air.
So, still oppress'd, Custom at last denies
Unto our Souls the use of Faculties.
190:       Thus is Your case in forlorn habits drest,
Rob'd of your friends by fear and interest.
Whilst Princes little think (since change is sure)
To pitty others is to be secure;
Like those, who neither dying men deplore,
195: Nor have more thoughts of frailty than before.
But HE above, to make his Power known,
What exceeds ours, has fitted for his own;
And can by those bad Instruments restore
Your Crowns, that were their ravishers before.
200: By Jealousie, and their ambitious Pride,
Which may their Crimes among themselves divide;
Till in each others guilty bosome too,
They sheath their Swords more justly than they drew.
Like Cadmus children that were born with strife,
205: Their quarrell's not lesse antient than their life,
Which never in successive mischief dyes,
And factions still on other's ruines rise.
So a swell'd Wave in all its pride appears,
Whose certain fate the following billow bears.
210: In Storms, ruine on ruine still depends,
Till want of giddy waves the quarrell ends.
So Justice your returning Throne prolongs,
Till they upon themselves revenge your wrongs.
That without Vict'ry you may Conquest find,
215: And without Blood your peacefull Brows may bind
With all those Crowns, which are as much your due
As Birth and Vertue can contribute to.
Thus the great Power of all, having first chose
To make your Vertues great and safe by Woes,
220: Will, by as unexpected ways, restore
Your ravish'd Crowns, as they were lost before.

[1] Rome, call'd by Livie, Totius Orbis Dominatrix.

[2] -- -- -- -- -- Sed longi po/enas Fortuna favoris
Exigit a misero, qu' tanto pondere fame
Res premit adversas, fatisque prioribus urget.
{Lucan.Phar.lib. 8.

[3]Hannibal, in his excellent Speech to Scipio between their Armies, then ready to fight, set down by Livie; among other motives to Scipio for peace, by his own example, advises him to be secure from the Ingratitude of his Country; which afterwards was too largely evi- dent by their reducing him to Privacy as great as his for- mer Glories, and render'd themselves unworthy of his Ashes, which to this day lie in an unknown Grave.

Comming in with the Scots, who were before
Conquer'd by the English at Dunbar.

Stat casus renovare omneis, omnemque reverti
Per Trojam, et rursus caput objectare periclis.
Virg. lib. 2. 'neid.

Edmund Elys
Anglia Rediviva

   Titlepage: ANGLIA REDIVIVA. / OR / The Miraculous Return of / THE BREATH OF OUR NOSTRILS. / A POEM. / [rule] / by EDMUND ELIS, Master of Arts. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year, 1660.

   NB ms correction to line 35 found in several copies.

   In addition to the Latin version, a shortened version of 24 lines was reprinted circa 1745 on one side of a single sheet under the title "A POEM Upon the 29th of May, the Day of King CHARLES II. His Birth and Happy Restoration;" the other side contains a 16-line sonnet entitled "June 10th, 1745. Being the Anniversary of His MAJESTY's Birth," starting: "SHALL Britons still at feeble Wishes stay,/ And hail with nothing else this happy Day!" [BL=c.38.g.14(11)]. This later Jacobite version gives lines 1-4, 67-78, 91-94 {93 and 94 are reversed}, 111-113 and a final new line]. These verses are transcribed at the end of this file from the BL copy.

    According to Madan, Elys was a fellow of Balliol College; see Wood Ath. Oxon. iv.470. In 1659 when he published The Quiet Soule, two sermons, he was "of East Allington in Devonshire, and succeeded his father as rector at the close of the year" (#2439). Other works include Dia Poemata (London 1655) containing 19 poems and 61 epigrams in English [Wing E667 at LT WF Y]; Divine Poems (Oxford, 1658; Madan 2383) [WING E668 AT LT O CLC MH NPT; rpt 1659 O CH], Miscellanea (Oxford 1658, 1662 Madan 2384, 2591) and Poemata (Oxford 1660; Madan 2496 [error in entry at 2383; Index also in error, listing 2466 which is Brit Red; no entry for this in Madan??]): Madan comments "they are all of inferior merit, poor echoes of George Herbert" (at 2383).

    In 1660 he published a tract attacking cock-fighting: The Opinion of Mr. Perkins and Mr, Bolton, and others, concerning the Sport of Cockfighting; Published formerly in their Works, and now set forth to shew, That it is not a Recreation meet for Christians, though so commonly used by those who own that Name (Oxford, 1660; Madan 2494) [WING E684A AT OU=University College, depostied at O, Y]. Wing also lists: E698: A Vindication of the Honour of King Charles 1 (1691), a "reply" to Ludlow, listing only O=Wood 363(7) and E675B: Joannis Miltoni sententiae potestati regiae adversantis refutatio (1699) at OB and CH only.

   The copy in LLP, which is bound in very fine vellum with gilt stamping on front and back covers, contains the following verses in ms bound before tp:

To The KING.


Grand SOULE, I Loue You: And in This I see
What 'tis to Loue the Heav'enly Maiestie.
Loue makes us One even with INFINITY.


Then, Mighty Sr, Think it not stra[n]ge that I,
Your Lowest Vassal, dare Aspire so High,
As to Love nought but what I Magnifie.


When in your Eye I saw 1 Your Glorious Soule
Like an Intelligence in its Spheare, to Roule:


My Soule, t'ane with the Sight grew into One
With Yours: but in no more proportion,
Then the least Beam of Light has to the SUN.


O, may Your Glories Shine: And may You Be
All that Brave Spirits ere Meant by Maiesty:
And may Your People still haue Eyes to See.

    The poem proper follows:

[1]Oct:21. As your Maiesty Sate at Dinner

[ornamental header]
The Author, His MAJESTIES most Loyall
Subject, Humbly Dedicates this
following POEM.

[ornamental header, with crown, roses and thistles]


NO Voice, more soft then Thunder, can expresse
Our present Ioy, or our past Heavinesse:
None can the Largeness of This Ioy set out,
Unlesse at once He make THREE KINGDOMES Shout:
5: Which is the Greater, sith through Griefe it Came:
As Water Vanquisht still Augments the Flame.
In Mirth, and Laughter now, and pleasant Tones,
We Spend that Breath, which we Fetcht up for Groans.
Oh, how we Droopt, and Hung our Heads to see
10: Rebellion Prosper? How we griev'd to be
Iudgd for the Wicked by Perfidious Knaves;
By No Man Rul'd, but Kept in Awe by Slaves.
Oh, how we greiv'd to see that Vip'rous Brood,
By whose Black, Hellish Sire, the Royall Bloud
15: Of Blessed CHARLES was shed, to bear the sway?
And (which is worse) to see that none but They
Or Their small Myrmidons should be the Men
Esteem'd for Godly? 'as if the DEVIL, agen
Had on those Cloathes, which once in HEAVEN he Wore.
20: He learns to Bleat, who still was wont to Roar.
But now those Varlets are, as they should be,
Sunck in the Depth of Scorne and Infamy;
Thrown down ev'n by Those Hands, which did them Raise:
Revil'd by Those, who gave them greatest Praise.
25: See, Rebels, See the HAND OF GOD. Where now
Are all those Lawrels, which once Crownd the Brow
Of that Victorious-CROMWEL? They were all
Turn'd into Ashes at his Funerall,
And Cover'd in His Urne. But first, those Bayes
30: GOD Us'd for Rods to Whip His Sons: His Praise
Survive'd Him but for This: That His Great Name
Might Raise Them up, that They might Fall with Shame.
And those Wild Wretches, who Drew down These Elves,
Pull'd Them on their own Heads, and Fell Themselves;
35: Still Tumbling one 1 onth' other: 'till their Fall
Had made some way for that Brave GENERAL,
The Glorious MONCK, to Step up to that Height,
Where being Fixt, He had no need to Fight:
He Conquerd by His Words: Three Nations came
40: Streight to do Homage to His Mighty NAME.
Thus having All in's Hands: He gave the Power
To Him whose Right it was: made Himselfe Lower.
He might be, which he would of these Two Things,
The Best of Subjects, or The Worst of Kings:
45: By Less'nings Power thus He Gain'd more Renown,
'Twas HEAVEN Gave CHARLES, but MONCK Put on His CROWN.
Now that our KING'S PROCLAIM'D, what shall we say?
Sure this Blest Month will make our Years all MAY. 2
What Pleasant Daies shall we have now, when He
50: Who hath not only Strength, but MAIESTY,
And Lawfull Power shall only bear the sway,
And with his Looks Fright SAINT-like Fiends away?
This was ith' number of our late Complaints,
That the worst Villaines were esteemd Best SAINTS.
55: But now our SUN is up, and all is Clear,
And Knaves, and Rebels, as they Are, Appear.
Now we may Teach each poor Deluded Thing,
That 'tis not Treason to be for the KING.
Where are those Mock-SAINTS now? Thus (as they say)
60: The DEVIL Walkes not, when he sees 'tis Day.
O, that They, who did Boast their Cause to be
Most Just, because 'twas Prosperous, would See
What GOD has Wrought for Him, whom They'd Withstand.
What Wonders GOD has Shewn to bring this Land
65: Into Subjection to their Lawfull KING,
(The Theme's to High for Me) let ANGELS Sing.
Yea sure the Heav'nly Host do all Proclaime
The Praise of This Great Act, Due to the Name
Of Him, by whom KINGS Raign. And O that I
70: Could make my Soule, wing'd with Devotion Flie
To GOD! And Think (what Words can't reach) His Praise!
Who without Blood has Crown'd our KING with Baies,
Brought from Three Conquer'd Nations: Which now He
Holds in Subjection, but to keep them Free:
75: Even from that Yoke of Bondage, which of late
So Gall'd our Necks; whilst That, they call'd a State,
Was nought but Madmen sitting at the Helme:
'Twas a Great Bedlam, which is now a Realme.
Worse then Egyptian Bondage This, to be
80: The Subjects of the Popularity:
And those so Giddy-headed too, that none
Knew what to Do, or what to leave Undone.
Each little Writer ev'ry week brings in
His Forme of Government: as if't had bin
85: Not harder to new Mould a Kingdome, then
To get a Standish, and to make a Pen.
Nay HEWSON, and the like Mechanicks Prate
Like the Supporters of a Ruinous State,
As if they thought it were no more to doe
90: To Frame a State, then 'tis to make a Shoe.
But those Mad Times are past, and now we are
Even Rescu'd from the SWORD without a WAR.
Without a WAR Great CHARLES His Kingdomes Won:
Thus straight, when GOD wil Have't, the Thing is Done.
95: And now, Blest Prince, sith by Your Suffrings You
Have made the World to know what You can Doe
In Better Times; who Did so well in Ill:
Still Conqu'ring all those Passions, which do Still
Invade th'Opprest: No Fear, or Anger could
100: Cast your Brave Soule in an Unchristian Mould,
In all Your Wrongs, and Dangers; still your Mind
Was to Religion, Iustice, GOD, Inclin'd.
Nay when some Griefs, and Troubles needs must come
To get, Great SIR, in Your large Breast some roome,
105: Your Mind stands Firme, & all rough thoughts Outbraves;
Like Rocks Unmov'd with the most Boist'rous Waves.
Since You by Suff'ring Thus, have made us know
The True Height of Your Soul: O, may we Bow,
In a deep Sense of our Felicitie,
110: To Heaven first, next to Your selfe, our Knee.
Oh, may we Thankfull be, and sing His Praise,
Who for our Cypress now has giv'n us Baies:
May we give GOD and C'SAR All their Due,
And Him Obey still, in Obeying You.
115: With Tears of Joy that You are now Come in,
And Sorrow that your MAIESTY has bin
So long Time Absent, we would make a Floud
To wash this LAND, Staind with Your FATHERS Bloud.
Who, both in Life and Death so Conqu'ring Fate,
120: Was ne're Unhappy, though Unfortunate:
What Glory gain'd He by His Sufferings? 3
He Liv'd, and Dy'd, even like the KING of KINGS.
O may You Guide us, as He would have done,
Had we not Run into Rebellion.
125: May You Live Those Great Things, He Wrote; and Be
Your Selfe a New EIKON BAäILIKH.
To His Great Praise may You still Adde Your Own,
'Till You Change This for an Eternall CROWN.

[ornamental rule]
[ornamental rule]
[B2v blank]

[ornamental header] TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD GENERAL MONCK. April 18. 1660.

GOe on, Wise SIR, and make Your Selfe The GREAT,
By Conqu'ring Those, whom You Disdaine to Beat,
What Wonder will Your Bloodlesse Triumphs gaine!
THREE KINGDOMES Conquer'd, and not One Man Slain!
5: Your Valour thus, with Matchlesse Prudence, can
Distroy the FOE, and yet not Hurt the Man:
We Long to see the Time, when You'll Appeare
To Be, what Good Men Hope, what Others Fear:
That This Dark CHAOS of Affaires may be
10: But a Resemblance of the Infancy
Of the CREATION: which began in Night:
Confusion 4 Brought forth Order, Darknesse Light.
Trust not in Your owne Strength: be sure to Doe
What Honour, Law and Conscience Binds You to:
15: So You may Justly Hope, that HE, whose Hand
Has Set You Up, will give You Power to Stand.
Stand, NOBLE SIR, that Our Bow'd Necks may be
Rais'd by Your Hand to our Old 5 Liberty
Then, ENGLAND'S Mourning turn'd to Joy, We'll Sing:

[ornamental rule]
[ornamental rule]
Appendix: a later printed version from circa 1745, found at BL c.38.g.14(11): title given as it appears:

Upon the 29th of May, the Day
His Birth and Happy Re-

NO Voice more soft than Thunder can Express
Our present Joy, or our past Heaviness;
None can the Largeness of this Joy set out,
Unless at once he make Three Kingdoms Shout.
O! Therefore, let us joyntly all proclaim
The praise of this Act, due to the Name
Of Him, by whom Kings Reign: And O! that we
Could make our Souls, Wing'd with Devotion, Flee
To GOD on High, in Thankfulness and Praise,
Who without Blood has Crown'd our KING with Bays,
Brought from three Conquer'd Nations, which He
Holds in Submission, but to keep them Free
From the hard Yoke of Bondage, which of late
So gall'd our Necks, whilst That we call'd a State,
Was nought but Madmen sitting at the Helm;
'Twas a great Bedlam, now 'tis a Realm.
But those bad Times are past, this Day we are
Even rescued from the Sword, without a War:
Without a War, Prince CHARLES His Kingdom's Won;
Thus Strait, when GOD would have't, the Thing is done.
O! may we Thankful be, and Sing His Praise,
Who for our Cypress, now has given us Bays:
May we give God and C'sar all their Due,
And always Peace and Loyalty Pursue.


[1] one] LLP, O, OB added in ms

[2] The KING was Proclaim'd in May -- 60.

[3]Sufferings?] Sufferlings? OB

[4]Confusion] Crfusion OB

Numquam Libertas
gratior extat /
Quam sub Rege
Pio -- Claud

William Chamberlayne
Englands Iubile
[undated: June ??]

   Date: Full of evidence of rushed printing, but Charles is clearly back in the country.

    Plenty of medical metaphors; the interegnum is represented as an illness infecting both the king and the nation. Saintsbury tells us Chamberlayne was a doctor, and calls this the best of the Restoration poems after Dryden's -- perhaps a rather exaggerated claim.

    Anticipates the king's marriage

Englands Iubile:
Or, A Poem on the happy return of his
Sacred Majesty, Charls the II.

To the Kings most Sacred Majesty,

PArdon great Prince for all our offering here,
But weak discoveries of our wants appear.
No language is Commensurate with thee,
Our loftiest flights but plaine Humilitie.
Yet since we may, our frailty to conceale,
Be guilty of a Crime in smoothering zeale,
That bids thy blest returns more welcome then
Plenty to th'starv'd, or land to shipwrackt men.
For such were we, or if there's ought can more
10: Demonstrate ill, that wo was ours before.
Heaven, to restore our lost light sent us him,
Without whose raise our sphear had still been dim:
Dim as in that dark intervall, when we
Saw nothing but the Clouds of Anarchie,
15: Raised by the Witch-craft of Rebellion, to
So vast a height, none durst pretend to view,
Whilest they lay Curtain'd in that black disguise,
Majestick beams, but twas with blood-shot eyes.
Then if such of necessity must pine,
Who're rob'd of food, both humane and divine;
How could we thrive when those that did pretend
To feed, did all on their Ambition spend.
Who with the Sword, not Reason did Convince,
And rackt the Subject to unthron the Prince.
25: The dolefull years of thy exile have been
At once our Nations punishment and sin:
Tost in a storm of dark Afflictions, we
Floated at randome, yet still look'd on thee
As our safe Harbour, but had none to guide
30: Us too't; False Pilates with the windes complide.
We saw what Crime drench'd the amazed rout;
Yet wanted strength to cast that curst thing out.
Though oft twas vainlie strugl'd for, yet we
Who were exil'd from nought but Libertie:
35: Who durst live here 1 Spectators of those times,
Do now in tears repent our passive Crimes,
And with one Universall voice allow
We all deserve death, since we live till now.
But this is Englands Jubilee, nor must
Thy Friends doubt mercy, where thy foes dare trust.
Thou art our great Panpharmacon, which by
Its vertue cures each various malladie,
Giving their pride, a coole alay of fears,
Whilest to restore our Hectick, 2 hope appears:
45: And these began the Cure, which to compleat,
Expansive mercy makes thy thron her seat:
So that there now (except the guilt within)
No signe remains, there hath a difference been.
The giddy rout, who in their first Addresse,
Cryed Liberty, but meant licentiousness,
Whose deprav'd judgements, not content to see
A heaven of Stars, their primum mobile
Did Change the systeme; and ith'spight oth'love
Or feare of heaven, taught earths base dregs to move,
55: In the bright Orb of honour, where to all
That's great, or good they were excentricall:
Having long found their direfull influence
In nought but plagues descended; did from thence
Learn sad repentant Lectures, and dare now
60: Present the Sword, where late the knee did bow.
Dare tell their damd'd 3 impostors they but made
False zeale the light, whilest treason cast the shade.
Dare Curse their new discoveries, which plac't in
Hels Geographie, Amerricaes of sin.
But these, like dust rais'd 'twixt two Armies, doe
Hurt, or assist, as they are hurried to
Either by levity; And therefore must
By none be held an Object of their Trust;
For though they are Usurpers hands, they've found
70: They rent at night, what they ith'morning crown'd;
But you (great Sir) whose fate hath been so mixt,
As to behold these vollatile, and fixt.
May (since the off-spring of their sufferings) be
More certain of their future Loyaltie.
75: And though your title, and heaven setled state
Needs not (Usurper like) measure your Fate
By such vain love, yet may you still be sure
They'le neer again, a Rebbels scourge endure.
These past years of infatuation, which
Hath drayn'd their Coffers, did their hearts enrich,
With so much eager loyalty, that when
With wonder, like those new recover'd men,
Who by our Saviours miracles escaped
From darknesse thought men had like trees been shaped
85: They onely through mist rarrified, gazed at
Those glimmering beams, whilest they knew not what
Th'event would be, how (wing'd with hope) did they
Each feeble glance praise as approaching day.
But when, with such advantage as the light
Gains by succeeding the black dresse of night.
Through all the fogs of their preceeding fear,
They fro the North saw loyall Monk appear:
How in Petitions did their Prayers exhale,
To waft him on, untill the gentle gale
95: (Although by wayes so wisely intricate;) 4
They rais'd our fear, whilest they did calm our fate,
Brought him at length through all our doubts to be,
The great Assertor of our Libertie.
Then did we think that modest blush but just,
100: Whose present die, display'd our late mistrust.
And to requite those injuries wee'd done
To myrids rais'd, what single praise begun:
Through all the devious paths which he did tread,
From the base Rump, unto the glorious Head:
105: We scand his Actions, which did nought comprise
That might offend, but that he was too wise
For Vulgar judgments, whose weak fancies guest
By present Actions, what would be the rest.
But when their eyes unvail'd, discover'd who
Had to destroy the monster, found the Clew.
How did they praise his Wisdome, Valour, all
That could within the name of Subject fall:
And to compleat, what ere his due might be,
Knit up those Lawrels with his Loyalty;
115: That noble Vertue, without which the rest
Had onely burthend, not adorn'd his Crest.
Then, since we now by this heaven guided hand,
Once more behold the glory of our land;
Whom midnight plots long studied to exclude
120: Again fixt in's Meridian Altitude:
Lets cease to mourn, and whilest those fogs attend
Such miscreant wretches, as dare still offend,
By flying mercy, raise our souls, deprest
Ere since this Star set in the gloomy West.
125: For then begun that dreadfull night, which we
Have since with terrour seen, brave loyalty
Being so opprest by a prevailing fate;
Twas onely known by being unfortunate:
Yet, though Rebellion in unnaturall Wars,
So far did thrive, to prove us falling Stars.
The wiser world saw those that did aspire,
Not as Heaven's lamps, but Hels impetuous fire.
As monsters of Ambition, such whose wilde
Chymera's since Rebellion first defiled
135: Our English Annals, onely were advanc'd:
But fortunes light Ephemera's, to be glanc'd
A while with secret envy on; and then
Hurld from th'ill mannaged helm, to be by men
Persude with such a just deserved hate,
140: As makes each curse, ad weights unto their fate:
Horrid as are their names, which neer shall be
Mention'd without adjuncts of Infamy:
So full of guilt, all Ages to insue
Shall weep to hear, what this neere blusht to doe.
Whilest we were in these uncouth 5 shades o'recast
To tell what wilde Meanders hath been past
By thee, our Royall Soveraign, is a Task
That would the tongues of inspired Angels ask.
Yet since domestick miseries hath taught
150: Us part of the sad stories ruder draught
We may, by weak reflection come to see,
With what dire waight these dark storms fell on thee;
Who, whilest thou didst (from hence excluded) stand
The pittied wonder of each Forraign Land:
155: Learnd'st by commanding Passions how to sway
A Nation more rebellious far than they;
So that the Schoole which thou wert tutor'd in,
Though thy disease, our Antidote hath been
We suffering not our Crimes desert, because
160: From hence you learn'd to pitty, and the Laws
Just harnesse with such Candor mitigate,
As once you bore the rigour of your Fate.
(What earthquakes breeds it in our breasts, when we
But think o're thy progressive miserie:
165: How thou (our restlesse Dove) seeing no mark
Of land, wert hurried from our floating Arke:
(And whilest those Villaines, that exposed thee lay
Forc't every winde of Faction to obey)
Wert long with billows of Affliction beat,
170: Ere thou didst with they Olive branch retreat.
How by poore Friends, and powerfull Enemies,
By Flattering strangers, and by false Alies,
Were thy Afflictions varied, for all these
Shared in the complicating thy disease.
Like dolefull Mourners that surround the bed
Of a departing Friend, those few that fled
Hence of the wings of Loyalty, to be
Partakers of what e're attended thee;
Whilest they did mourn, but could not lend relief:
180: Did by their sorrow but increase thy grief.
Such was the power of thy prevailing foes;
No place afforded safety, some of those
Whom poverty sent to attend thy Train
To cure that mallady, did entertain
185: Infectious Councels, which did festering lye
Till Rebells Gold outweighed their Loyalty.
And from the black pernicious Embrio bred,
Monsters whose hands strove to destroy their Head.
Nor, whilst these secret sorrows sunk a mine,
Which if not hinderd by a power Divine
Had blown up all thy patience, wert thou free
From publick injuries, that amities
Which former leagues, or the more sacred ties
Of blood could claim, vail'd in the base disguise
195: Of pollicy starts back, and doth give way
For treason to expell, or else betray.
Great birth, and vertues which did that excell
As the meridian doth each paralell,
Are but weak props, a Rebels threats convince:
200: And all avoid a persecuted Prince.
When after these big storms of ill abroad,
Some loyall Subjects had prepar'd the road
Unto thy throne, and thou didst once more hear
Arm'd for redemption of thy Crown appear,
205: Whilest all our hearts, whose distant hands could not
Come to assist, thy righteous cause waxt hot
With loyall hopes: how were we plannet strook,
When fortune, with pretended friends forsook
Thy side, at fatall Worcester, and to raise
210: A Rebells Trophies, rob'd thee of thy bayes.
How dismal sad, how gloomy was each thought
Of thy obedient Subjects whilest they sought
Their flying Soveraign, curtain'd from their eys,
In the dark dresse of an unsafe disguise.
All wisht to know, what all desire should be
A secret kept, such strange varietie
Of contradictions did our passions twist:
We would behold the Sun, yet prais'd the mist.
But whilest desire thus shot at rovers, that
More powerfull Sacrifice our prayers, being at
Heavens penetrated eare directed, found
Our hopes by thy diserting us nere Crown,
For though to want thee was our great'st distresse;
Yet now thy Absence was our happinesse.
Then; though we neer enough can celebrate
The praise of this, yet thy misterious fate
(Great favourite of Heaven) so often hath
Advanc'd our wonder, that the long trod path
Directs us now without more guides to see,
230: Those miracles, wrought in preserving thee
Were Gods imediate Act, to whose intents
Were often fitted weakest instruments,
From whose successe faith this impression bore,
He that preserv'd thee, would at length restore,
235: Which now through such a laborinth is done,
We see the end, ere know how 'twas begun:
That big bulkt cloude of poysonous vapors, in
Whose dismall shades, our Liberty had been
Long in a maze 6 of errours lost, was by
240: A wholesome Northern gale inforc'd to flye
Easie as morning mists, so that the fate
Seem'd not more strange, which did at first create,
Then what did now destroy in it, did appear
As far from hope, as was the first from fear:
When a Rebellious tyranny had been
So strengthen'd by a prosperous groweth in sin,
That the contagious leprosie had left
None sound, but what were honest by their theft.
Then to behold that Hydra, which had bred
250: So many, in an instant, her last head
Submit to justice, is a blessing we
Must praise ith'raptures of an extasie,
Till from the pleasing trance, being welcom'd by
Loud acclamations, raised from Loyalty:
255: We come, we come, with all the reverence due
To heavens bests gifts (great Prince) to welcome you:
You who by suffering in a righteous Cause
Safely restored, that Liberty, those Laws,
Which after long Convulsive Fits were now
260: Expiring, so, that future times told how
This great work was perform'd, shall wonder most
To see the Feaver Cur'd, yet no blood lost.
But these are Mercies fit to Usher in
Him to a Thron, whose vertuous life hath been
265: Beyond detraction good; therefore attend
Those joyes which Heaven to us, by you, did send:
Whose sacred essence waighted on by all,
The most transcendent blessings that can fall
Within the Sphear of humane vertue, still
270: Surround your Throne; may all imagin'd ill
Die in the Embrio; may no dark disguise
Of seeming Friends, or Foes that temporise
E're prejudice your peace, may your Foes prove
All blushing Converts; may all those that love
275: You do't for zeal, not gain; and though that we
(What was of late your mark) our povertie
Are still inforc'd to wear, oh may there thence
Ne're spring a thought to take or give offence:
May all toward you be fraughted with desires,
That may in flaming zeal out blaze the fires,
That you are welcom'd in with: May delight
Within your Royall breast no opposite
E're finde, but so let gentle pleasure grow,
That it may kiss the banks, but neer overflow.
When Hymen leads you to the Temple, let
It be to take that Jem, which heaven hath set
The worlds adorning ornament, that we
May by that blest Conjunctions influence see
Such hopefull fruit spring from our Royall stem
290: As may deserve the whole worlds Diadem.
May Peace adorn your Thron; yet if the Sword
Must needs be drawn, may it no sound afford
But Victory, untill extended Power
Adds waight unto your Scepter: May no houre
295: Ere set a seal to the Records of time,
But what still makes your pleasure more sublime,
Till they being grown to pure for earth, shall be
Call'd to the Triumphs of Eternitie.

By Will. Chamberlaine.

London, Printed for Robert Clavell at the Stags-head in
St. Pauls Church yard, 1660.

[1]here] ed; hear ä

[2]OED: a person suffering from a wasting fever, a consumptive

[3]damd'd] ed; damb'd O, L -- remove this note;

[4]closing parenthesis added, ed

[5]uncouth] ed; uncoutch O, L

[6]a maze] ed; amaze O, L

John Collop
Itur Satyricum.
[undated: June ??]

   Titlepage: ITUR / Satyricum: / IN / LOYALL / Stanzas. / [rule] / By John Collop, M. D. / [double rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. M. for William / Shears, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of / the Bible in Bedford-street neer Covent-/ Garden, 1660.

    Collop had earlier addressed Charles in "To the Son of the Late King" included in his 1656 volume, Poesis Rediviva: Or, Poesie Reviv'd. The piece argues for stoical self-sufficiency and acceptance -- better to be content with one's lot in life than to have the worries of a king -- while at the same time focussing on the author's hopes that Charles will restore the national Church.

    Notice Collop's early concern that not all might be as enthusiastic about the return to monarchy as the author would wish.

    Date: References to the celebrations accompanying Charles's arrival in London (lines 25-48) were clearly written after the fact, so I have placed this poem among those issued during June.

    For the note on St. George,

          By John Collop, M. D.
Printed by T. M. for William
Shears, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of
the Bible in Bedford-street neer Covent-
Garden, 1660.

Itur Satyricum
Loyall Stanza's.

ATheism away, twin to Rebellion hence,
'Bove fraud and force acquires, see, providence!
Charl's the Church Gold, Gods Image, see! returnd
Through all the fiery trialls shines unburn'd.
5: Kings are Gods Christs; Charls Christ-like doth appear
For Reformation in His Thirtieth Year.
The day which brought him forth, him in doth bring
Gives both new life to th'people and the King.

To our conversion now Rome lay no claim
10: Monck, Austine, Patrick nor Palladius name;
Three more then Pagan Nations now we see
Can by a Monck of ours Converted be.
Nay your three, Spain, France, Italy, are out done
Though every Monck is there a Champion.
15: One English Monck hath here converted more,
Then all your Moncks perverted heretofore.

Spare Honest Heilin, spare thy learned pains
To vindicate St. George from addle brains. 1
We for our Champion now no Champion need,
20: St. George for England wants no Roman Creed.
This is the George, defeats the Dragons Sting;
The Church relieves the daughter of the King.
Could we with Calvin stories faith deny
What he calls fable, wee'd call Prophecie.

25: Make Bone-fires bigger, purge th'infected air,
Least Treason like a Plague inhabit there.
Rebellion's Witchcraft, Witchlike may't expire,
And th' Land her sin thus expiate by fire.
Nor must the Bells be wanting to the aire;
30: Least with their Prince 2 schisms spirits wander there.
While you your safety, and our Kings Proclaim,
Churches no more we'le common places name.

Flowers 3 strow the way, with Charls was born the spring
Twill 4 flourish and return with him our King.
35: I'th Winter of his absence who lay dead,
How the Gay Butterflyes in troops 5 now spread?
See! how the gaudy Anticks do appear,
In masking liveries 6 of the youthfull year.
None fear to spend all, but cry Charls is come:
40: Charls is our all and all, to every Summe.

A Golden Age in Charls is sure foretold,
Whose sight can change ev'n City Chains to Gold.
How they all glister, that it may appear,
Safety like heav'n is never bought too dear?
45: At the Cits lost 7 shall now be spilt no blood,
But whats of Grape, which issuing by a flood
From every Conduit, proclaims Charls divine,
Who Saviour like, turnes Water into Wine.

Thousands half starved, 8 by miracle seem fed,
50: Charles by his presence multiplies their bread.
The Aire, Sea, Land, all summon'd tribute bring,
T'acknowledge Charls an universal King.
Least these to little be, descending sphears
In musical treats seem to salute his ears,
55: Propitious Stars in Charls his Waine prevaile,
There's no sad influence from the Dragons taile.

Glorious as Princes, if not Angels all?
Who Englands 9 King will King of Devills call.
See! How the 10 Spaniard to Charls tribute pays,
60: While each on's back, a petty Indie lais.
Nor art thou lesse a tributary France,
While these thy apes present a Morrice dance.
Or ist an heavenly 11 influence? the whole 12 traine,
Thus sparkles to be Stars in Charls his Waine.

65: Yet see Great Charls not fit for vulgar eyes,
Like to 13 Divinity Couch'd in mysteries!
Nature hath seem'd to place him in disguise,
Whose inside glories all outsides outvies.
Glories that ly no deeper then a skin,
70: Are not for Princes, their's must ly within.
God his own Character doth on Princes Write,
He rob'd Divinity call'd Gods shadow light.

All Characters are libels, who'de set forth
Charls, is a Traytor to impeach his worth:
75: Since praises must fall short, expressions be
But the faint shaddows of Divinitie.
Had not the Churches Martyr 14 great Charls shown,
Himself by's Scripture, he had dy'd unknown.
Now we a David read and Solomon
80: Without their bad, all they had good in one.

The Blood of Martyrs is the Churches seed:
Tis 15 Charls his blood for th'Church must interceed.
The heir of's virtues and his kingdoms be
The worlds reformer by a Prophecie;
85: No Pilfring Charls of Suevia, 16 his glory
Did only blaze to light us to thy story.
Charls from Charls must be greatest of that name:
They'r gayer acts, but lacquey 'fore his fame.

Haile Charles the second; second unto none:
90: The fifth falls short brought in comparison: 17
Greater then Charls the first 18 sirnam'd the great;
The Pope of more then he him gave defeat:
So the most Christian King, most Catholick 19 too
And Faiths Defender will all meet in you.
95: Charls by the Grace of God thou'lt truly be,
Tis 20 meerly Gods 21 Grace hath restored 22 thee:

How do the Branches of the Royall Oak
Now flourish, and nere fear the axes 23 strok!
Under Presbytery 24 will these gay things truckle?
100: From Lords the mighty twindle to the muckle?
Sneak to the Commons, and there serve to show
For their deserts no House can be to low.
The Lords are grains to ballance th'royall scale:
If they prove light the Rabble must prevaile.

105: Who in the Church will parity introduce
Shame in the State, preheminence out of use;
The wiser Lords who Voted Bishops down,
Casheir'd th'lesse sacred titles of their own.
Uselesse, and senseless, how should they not fall,
110: Who had renounc'd their part spirituall.
They their own fortunes fence about in vain,
Who lay in common sacred and prophane.

May't in no Lord be treason to be wise?
Nor th'beast the Rabble want a Sacrifice.
115: May Ag'd have Bristols, 25 young Lords, Bruces 26 parts:
The Lord Cleavelands, 27 brave Northamptons 28 hearts;
No Bedfords wanting be to th'Councill table;
Strange faults in son and father to 29 be able.
So shall no Comets rear'd from fat of Earth
120: Presage Kings ruine, or the peoples dearth.

May th'House of Commons be no Juglers box:
The steeples not mens heads 30 have weather-cocks
With every wind of fancy to turn round.
Where all are giddy, how can truth be found?
125: No Cock-braind sciolists factions may promote
Leave real truths on aoery names to dote.
So Sacriledge no more shall priviledge be:
Nor to be slaves the peoples libertie.

May none by house of Commons understand
130: The place and fate of those devoure the Land.
No Tax succeed a fast, first fast then prey:
Not pray and fast; fasts make the stomachs way.
A strange contrivance thus to gain a power
Three Nations fat, by fasting to devour.
135: Pray like the thief, a blessing on th'Vocation:
Steal and give thanks for robbery 31 of a Nation.

May Burgers mind the trade of Corporations,
And make no more a traffick of three Nations.
Nor their Elections be so numerous made
140: Three Lands seem slaves to Free-men of a Trade.
Since here not wisdoms are, but voices weigh'd:
Folly and Factions Votes must be obey'd.
May they procure good laws, then Charls supply
With that, he to his people is, a subsidie.

145: May aery misteries 32 ne're unhinge their pates,
Should pry in misteries of trade not states.
The cause, the cause, hence fears, hence Jealousies,
Who think Stars twinkle, tis their weaker eyes.
May all have noble fears, fears to do ill:
150: Be jealous too, least treason lurk there still.
The Prince have fears, and Jealousies to 33 intrust
Those gratefy not reason 34 but their lust.

Barbarous 35 as their own Latin, or Law French,
No fee tongu'd 36 Lawyer here on Laws intrench;
155: Faction and treason mould in forms of Law:
Prove th'Lawyers anagram true, that Lyers aw.
May Loyall Laws, late Common-place-Book's pains
Receive no common place as loyall gains.
For what is due on the disloyall score
160: May he his own works read, and write no more.

The proud Church sinn'd, the Vandall, Goth, and Hun
Angry heav'ns scourges in the Scot o'rerun
The Bishops wore Lawn Sleeves, bless us! the Nun
Doth make these Lawns they'r works of Babylon,
165: The Church is rich: how can an Achan hold
From Babylonish garments and from Gold.
But see the fruits! These with the Eagle snatch
Coals from the Altar which their own nests catch. 37

Lord from the Altar touch all with a coal
170: Which to they service may inflame the soul:
None then shall Organs hate, all Organs be;
Made instrumentall in the serving thee.
No nose tun'd Pardon th'Pulpit shall be labour
With noise resembling the Scotch Pipe and Tabor.
175: No pulpits shall vie tricks with Hocus Pocus
Truths rais shall clear them, that no Scotch myst choak us.

Scipture no more shall wrack'd be to professe
Her self to all impietie patronesse.
To fall on times, no Priest shall leave his Text:
180: First divide that, and then the people next.
Cloaks for their Knavery 38 now no pulpits need:
Arms shall give place to Gowns, while errors bleed.
The Militant Church with Charls went in exile,
But now returns inrich'd with Egypts spoile.

185: No more shall Gypsies in Religion 39 be
The statutes unrepeal'd, can these go free?
The Canting Vagrants in opinions, doom >
Must Gypsie like to be with passe sent home.
Send them to Italy; take them Florentine:
190: By Nicks discourses they should all be thine,
All Common wealths men: ours was commonwealth
By knack of zeal an artificiall Health.

No Presbyterian shall run out of's wits,
And introdu'ce again Phanatick fits.
195: By looser Prayers intitling to the sp'rite
Out of their senses three whole Kingdoms fright.
With humms, hah, whine, and a nose tuned story,
Wry neck, scru'd face, made for a Directory.
Gods name as oft in vain us'd as in charms,
200: The People to bewitch into all harms.

With Jacobs voice may none have Esaus hands:
None Bishops hate, because they love their lands.
Nor may long prayers 40 the widows house devour
Or Gods house widow make, and seize her dour;
205: Nor by vain babling only serve to show
A Babel of confusion thence must grow;
Out of the road of Common sense Career,
That none may say tis Common-prayer they hear.

Hate our Church forms, least they deliver'd be
210: From pride, vain-glory, and hypocrisie:
From envy, hatred, want of charity,
From all sedition, and conspiracie;
From all false Doctrine, and from heresie;
Strange superstition in the Letany:
215: To pray for Charls, and for his victories
O're these their sins, his greatest enemies.

Restore Great Charls our Letanies, that we
May pray for those, who would not pray for thee:
Into the way then shall we God implore,
220: The erred and deceived to restore.
Forgive and pray forgiveness: hearts refute
Did both us slander, and thee persecute.
So we may have restor'd the fruits of th'earth
Having of them nor of good prayers a dearth.

225: Then unity, peace, and concord we'le beseech
God make up ours, and every Nations breach.
Pitty on prisoners, and for Captives pray,
Though they were those would take our lives away:
Have mercy Lord on all men we beseech.
230: Prayers 41 which exceptions use can ne're heav'n reach.
Broke bones may thus rejoyce, knit, grow more strong
In wayes of peach, and truth to walk along.


[1]Hilberry comments: "Peter Heylin (1600-1662) in his Historie of that Famous Saint and Souldier of Christ Jesus, St. George of Cappadocia (1631) undertook to prove that St. George really existed, in reply to Calvin, among others, who considered the whole St. George legend a fable" (p. 223). The full title of Heylin's work is The History of That most famous Saynt and Souldier of Christ Jesus St. George of Cappadocia Asserted from the Fictions of the middle ages of the Church and opposition of the present (London: for Henry Seyle, 1631), L 1125.e.27. Heylyn also wrote several justifications of the Anglican church, of Laud and of Charles I; e.g.: Ecclesia Vindicata: Or, The Church of England Justified (London, by E.Cotes for Henry Seile, 1657): L=c.73.b.10 from King's library, presented by Heylyn to Charles II with authorial dedication); Heylyn's Examen Historicum: Or A Discovery and Examination of the Mistakes, Falsities, and Defects in some Modern Histories. Occasioned by the Partiality and Inadvertencies of their Severall Authours (London, for Henry Seile and Richard Royston, 1659) L copy at g. 4681, includes an authorial dedication to Richard Cromwell.
See also The History of That most famous Saint & Souldier St. George of Cappadocia. The Institution of that most Noble Order of St. George, commonly called the Garter: With the names of the Knights of that Order, whereof Charles the First, King of great Brittain, was Soveraign (London, Printed in the year, 1661) LT E1087(14) dated April 19.

[2]Prince] Prince, ms added in O Firth

[3]Flowers] Flow'rs ms in O

[4]Twill] 'Twill ms O

[5]troops] tro ps L; okay in O

[6]liveries] liv'ries ms O

[7]lost] Cost ms O; Hilberry

[8]starved,] starv'd ms O

[9]Englands] England's ms O

[10]How the] ms O; How to the copytext

[11]heavenly] heav'nly ms O

[12] whole] whose copytext

[13] Like to] Like ms O

[14] Martyr] Martyr, ms O

[15] Tis] 'Tis ms O

[16] Hilberry notes: "Charles Martel subdued Swabia in 730" (p. 223).

[17] Charles V (1500-58), Holy Roman Emporer.

[18] first] first, ms O

[19] Catholick] Cath'lick ms O

[20] Tis] 'Tis ms O

[21] Gods] God's ms O

[22] restored] restor'd ms O

[23] axes] axe's ms O

[24] Presbytery] Presbyt'ry ms O

[25] Bristols,] Bristol's, ms O

[26] Bruces] Bruce's ms O

[27] Cleavelands,] Cleaveland's, ms O

[28] Northamptons] Northampton's ms O

[29] to] To ms O

[30] not mens heads] (not mens heads) ms O

[31] robbery] robb'ry ms O

[32] aery misteries] "ery mist'ries ms O

[33] to] t' ms O

[34] reason] reason, ms O

[35] Barbarous] Barb'rous ms O

[36] fee tongu'd] fee-tongu'd ms O

[37] ?? see Peter Heylyn, again, A Coale from the Altar, Or an answer...against the placing of the Communion Table at the East End of the Chancell (1636).

[38] Knavery] Knav'ry ms O

[39] Religion] Rellgion ä

[40] prayers] pray'rs ms O

[41] Prayers] Pray'rs ms O

William Smith
Carmen Triumphale
[undated: June?]

   Titlepage: Carmen Triumphale: / OR, / ENGLANDS / TRIUMPH / FOR / Her Restored LIBERTIE. / WITH / WHITE-HALLS SPEECH to her / Royal Master, CHARLES the Second KING of Great / BRITAIN, FRANCE and IRELAND, / Also her sad Complaint against the pretended Committee of Safety, Rumpers, / and the rest of those Cruel Tyrants, and unjust 1 Judges, who not / only defaced and spoiled Her Stately Buildings, but / also unjustly condemned her to be sold. / With two short Panagyricks to the Right Honourable 2 the City of LON-/ DON, and the University of CAMBRIDGE. / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Numquam LIBERTAS gratior extat / Quam sub REGE pio. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / Claudianus. / [rule] / By WILLIAM SMITH, Gent. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for Wa. Jones, 1660.3

   Clearly a rushed printing job; lots of inverted letters and missing letters: notice two on the titlepage. Could this be the same William Smith (d. 1696), of high birth, who became an actor after the Restoration? DNB has him starting out as a lawyer who quit the Inns for the stage. Claims to have attended Clare Hall. Evident interest in matters religious; offers some interesting details ie it rained on the 29th of May during the procession. Use of Ottoman details for contrast. Lots of "augustan" epithets -- noun + participle to form adjectival phrase.

   Scattered Ottoman content throughout.

[1] unjust] unjnst O, OH -- cancel this note

[2]Honourable] ed; Honourble O, OH

[3] 1660.] ed; 1660.. O, OH

[ornamental design]
Englands Triumph
Her Restored Liberties.

THough the refulgent and Illustrious Light
Of this high Theam might blind my duller sight,
Though the more serious more acute Essays
Of able Pens might be just Remora's 4
To my attempts; this Long-expected Day
Commands that I these grateful lines should pay.
My active Muse this joyful Time inspires,
And warms my Soul with more than usual fires.
But stay (my Muse) what beastly Creature's this
This terrour-causing Goblin? Sure it is
Not that three shapt Cymera, we are told,
Of by the ancient Poets; For behold
'Tis headless, wants both Body, Legs and Arms,
Good Dr. Faustus bring your strongest charmes,
Your strongest, for your best will scarce prevaile,
(I doubt) to conjure this deformed Tayle,
This Tayl compos'd of Haselrigs Charity,
Of Vains Religion, Martins Chastity,
Of Nevills Atheism, with those mighty pair
Of Horns Lord Mounson on his Front doth wear,
Of Tom Scots Secretary-ship and Lechery,
Of Fleetwoods Tears for his late Excellency,
Of Whitlocks Justice, of that Mercy that
Lisle did extend to Hewit, when he sat
Grand Butcher in Nols Inquisition, with
That Fury, (far worse than the Publick Faith)
The Good Old Cause. This long-liv'd Rump did dare
With an uncivil Civil War to tear
These Nations, and with damned Votes did make
The State to tremble and the Church to quake,
And did benight us in a wildenesse
Of frantick Lights and new-born Herisies.
At last All-seeing Heaven compassion took
And on sad England cast a milder look,
Then with a tongue that never spoke in vain
You may imagine she us'd such a strain.
Monster (more monstrous then what Africk breeds)
"Devouring Hydra with his many Heads,
"Far more prodigious then that ugly Snake
"Alcides slew in the Lern'an Lake!
"Be gone to duskie shakes of silent Night
"No more no more the pure Celestial Light,
"Contaminate with your sulphurious breath
"Be gone to th'unfrequented shades of Death;
"Upon the Stygian Banks a thousand yeares,
"(Possest with horrour, care-infusing fears)
"Wander, avaunt Fury with many heads!
"Vanish! 'tis all commanding Heaven that bids.
This said, these proud imperious Bassaes streight,
(Whose all-ore-breaking Rage the sollid weight
Of Englands Sacred Rights and Ancient Lawes
Ne're could restrain) with their dissembling Cause
And spurious brood of base dissembling Jacks,
Of Jenizaries and of Sansiacks,
Were by a cleansing, purging Northern wind
Swept clean away, and nothing left behind.
Then did Aurora (from her Rosie Bed
Rising) her Purple, blushing Mantle spread
Ore our Horizon, then the Day-Star clear
Englightned our long-shadowed Hemisphere;
And having shone a while resignes his Ray.
And re-enthrones our long desired Day.
But hold! what pleasing Musick's this, I hear?
O how it doth entice my ravisht ear!
Oh how the Thundring Drums and Trumpets sound
Whose heart rejoycing notes do not confound
My mind with dreadful Taratantara's;
No angry (yet well-rankt) Batalia's
Amaze my wondring eys; what need I fear?
These Londons peaceful Militia are.
This gallant Body to Hide-Park now goes,
Hide-Park, appointed for the Rendevouz,
Where Englands choisest *Heroes grac'd the Field,     The
And in well practic'd hands their Pikes then held.     Right
Imperial _ Vienna's walls did not,     Honour-
See better Horse or braver bands of Foot,     able the
When Charles the Fift that famous Army drew,     Earl of
'Gainst the great Solyman and his numerous crew     Winchel-
Now roaring volleys, now loud shouts do tear,     sey M. G.
With Skies-ascending noise the Ambient Ayre:     Massey,
With the shril sound Westminster Abbey rings; and Ald.
The sacred Reliques of our ancient Kings     Bunce,
This thundring Eccho now awakes; yea then     &c.
Our third and greatest, Edward thought again,     Trained 5
Of Chresceys fearful field; that prosperous Fift     Pikes
(That valiant Heroe) Henry then did lift     there
Up his blest head, wondring to hear a sound,     Turkish
That would, the noise of Agincourt have drownd.     Hist of
An end draws nigh; the time conducting Sun     Solyman
His thice auspitious glorious course hath run;     the Mag. 6
Now doth the dark, incroaching night display.
Her sable curtains and excludes the Day,
Commanding all to leave th'adjacent Plain,
And joyfully home to retire again,
Where we will leave them till the next great Day,
With brisk Ly'us washing cares away.
Aurora rising in the Purple East,
The Humid Night, and Radiant Stars defac't,
When our great Senate do resolve to bring
Back and enthrone our lawful Royal King,        The di-
_ Proclaiming 7 that his Majesty shall Reign     scription
Of Britain, France and Ireland Soverign.     of this
Now this long-wished 8 joyful, joyful *Day     days So-
Its heart reviving Splendour doth display     lemnity
The Sacred beams of Majesty draw near,     is omited
And Loyal hearts with their bright Influence chear.     because
Now favouring Heaven doth her assistance lend     described
The flying Clouds commanding to discend     in another
In dust-allaying drops, more precious than     place by
That showre on Danae's lap Jove once did rain.     a worthy
Wonder not Mortalls why these drops fall now,     and lear-
Th'obsequious Clouds but their Allegiance show.     ned Pen.
Englands brave Gentry should in rank stand here,
As they in order did this Day appear,     May 29
I would, thrice noble Cyty, 9 here relate
The Regal Splendor and unusual State,
If time and want of room did not restrain
My now to this one sheet confined Pen.
When White-hall knew his Sacred Majestie
Within th'enclosure of her Walls to be,
Raising her lofty Tower-environed Head
Imagine thus (although scarce heard) she said,
Welcome (Great Master) Royal Charles, you are
Thrice welcome now; and you Illustrious Pair
Of High-born Princes welcome are, when I
Behold you all, O how I leap for Joy!
My Turrets all, would bow a willing head
To Kisse the ground whereon your feet do tread.
How long (Great Sir!) have I been desolate,
Wanting the luster of a Regal State,
Of a triumphant train and grand resort
Attending alwaies on my Princes Court!
How long did Earth-born Villains me possess,
How long a Sultan and a Sultanesse!
How long did Red-Coats in my Chambers sleep!
How long did me the Safe Committie keep,
Alas! I was condemned to be sold,
And to be turned into good, red Gold;
For the all-searching Rumps an art did know
(Which the best Chymist never yet could doe)
To Metamorphise houses [Parkes and all]
Into their pockets and to make them fall.
But this Day clears all doubts: for this blest Day.
Men, Women, Children, utmost joy display;
Yea I believe that harmless Infants are
Drunk with conceit of joy. Long may you here
Live, and with a peace-giving hand restore
That splendour to me, which I had before!
She said: when loud trimphant valleys tear,
With thundring Ecchoes the transparent Ayre,
The smoke of roaring Canons banish Light,
And flaming Bonefires do begin the Night.

To the City of LONDON, &c.

Pardon Illustrious City if I say
'Twas thou, which caused this their happy Day,
If thy life giving hand had not assay'd
To lend a never-discontinued aid
To this desired change, this rising Light
Had scarce dispel'd our long-tempestuous Night
How high (great City!) did thy glory rise
When valiant Walworth's hand did sacrifice
Those two pernicious * Rebells and their Cause     Jack
To Englands just (by them infringed) Laws!     straw and
Thy long-unequal'd deeds Eclipsed lie,     Wat
(Walworth!) now Londons worthies clear outvie     Tyler
Thy fame; thou sav'd the King and State (tis true)
But London gives a King to England new.
Londons best Patriots your immortal Fame,
Your glorious acts and never dying Name
Shall live, whilst Londons Bridge to th'sea gives Laws.
And Neptunes time-observing Surges aws.
Whilst through reed-bearing Banks Thames gently slides
And in a series of Meanders 10 glides
Towards Thetis kinder bosom; whilst his Rays
All-seeing Ph'bus at his rise displays
On the once far renowned structure of
Old Paul [its now become our greatest scoffe]
With grateful hands succeeding times shall rear
Up fame-preserving Statues to declare,
(If these our present times ingrateful prove)
To your immortal Names their ardent Love.

To the University of Cambridge, &c.

Now Alma Mater from the ashes raise
Thy head, adorned with Apollos Bays;
From thy Syderial 11 Face wipe of those tears
Which furrowed have thy cheekes these twice ten years
Thy discomposed, long unordered Haire
And dangling locks dresse as some time they were.
Thy Nectar-yielding Cup shall now oreflow,
And to it shall the Cornu-copia bow;
Thy night dispelling Sun shall further shine.
Then the cold Arcticke or Antarctick Line;
By armed Rage and Ignorance no more
Shall thy best Sons from thy kind breast be tore.
Now, O thrice noble 12 House, thy sacred wood
And polisht stones (once taken to make good
Defensive Rampers) great Apollo shall
With his well-tun'd, melodious Harp recall,
Amphion like, and make them to repair
The rising walls of thy intended square.


[4] ie hindrances; OED the remora is the sucking-fish, (Echeneis remora) believed to be capable to staying the course of any ship to which it attached itself; so an obstacle, hindrance or impediment.

[5] Trained] ed; Trailed O, OH

[6] no obvious work here: perhaps an edition of Knolles; this title does not appear until 1687, however.

[7] Proclaiming] ed; Prolaiming O, OH

[8]long-wished] ed; loug-wished O, OH

[9] Cyty] ed; Cylly O, OH

[10] Meanders] Meauders O, OH cancel note

[11] ie sideral, of the stars

[12] Clare Hall.

A. Starkey
Good News for England
[undated: June?]


    Date: Charles has evidently arrived and Starkey dutifully reports the celebrations in London, but offers little by way of commentary on any real achievements other than hoping trade will recover.

Good News for England:
The Peoples Triumph.
Then let's be joyful, and in heart content,
To see our King united with the Parliament.
Long live CHARLES the Second.

To the Tune of, Bodkins Galliard.

DArk clouds and storms did hide the glorious sun
With Planets evil 'twas eclipsed round;
But now the light to us again is come,
King Charles the second glorious shall be Crown'd:
5: Then praise his name that did such comfort bring,
let's do the same, and welcome home our King.

Welcome sweet Charles, thrice welcome to thy own,
Though fortune base upon thy Grace did frown,
We thy poor Subjects uttered many a groan
10: In City, Countrey, and in every Town:
But now he's come, let's all rejoyce and sing,
Thrice welcome home to Charles our Royal King.

Full many a year this Nation hath been sad,
For want of trading thousands were undone,
15: But now rejoyce, and in your hearts be glad,
Good tidings to our Land again is come:
Bonefires blaz'd, the Bells abroad did ring,
To bid welcome home to Charles our Royal King.

All sorts of Tradesmen as I understand,
20: They now are glad that late were grieved fore;
Such gallant tidings is so near at hand,
Our King is safely arrived on our Shore:
Fair London City with acclamations ring,
To welcome home the second Charles our King.

The second Part, to the same Tune.

25: THe Royalists they have sequestred been,
And banisht were beyond the Seas a space;
But now in England they'l again be seen,
Accompanying of his royal Grace:
Their lands they shall again with speed enjoy,
30: Which makes them cry aloud, Vive le Roy.

Brave General Monck the Lord preserve and bless,
For he hath brought unto this Land content;
And in his actions grant him good success,
For uniting of our King and Parliament:
35: All people now have cause to rejoyce and sing,
And did welcome home to Charles our King.

The Aldermen in gallant pomp did ride
With their golden Chains to meet his royal Grace;
The Common Council, and every man beside,
40: Their hearts did leap to see his sacred face:
The Cannons from the Tower did bravely ring,
To welcome home the second Charles our King.

The Royal Seamens heart are fill'd with joy,
With Flags and Streamers piercing to the Sky;
45: They to his Grace will be a safe Convoy,
Long live his Majesty is all their cry:
Their thundring Guns will make the Ecchoes ring,
To welcome home the second Charles our King.

The Irish they in Usquebath doth sing,
50: And makes a Bog within their jovial brain,
With drinking healths unto our noble King;
Such joyful news with comfort to obtain:
The Scots for joy their Bonnets up doth fling,
With heart & voice bids welcome home their King.

55: The Dutch are joyful, and the Welch more glad,
To see at length such happy tidings come;
They now asre merry that before were sad,
To meet his Royal Grace doth thousands run:
Whose sight is sweet, then let's rejoyce and sing
60: With voices meek, bid welcome home our King.

Come Dick, come Tom, come Humphrey, Ralph, & Ned,
Leave off the Plough, hang working for a week;
Come Margery, Nancy, Eedy, and sweet Peg,
Bring forth your Garlands deckt with flowers sweet
65: As Birds rejoyce to usher in the Spring,
With melodious voice bid welcome home our King.

Thus to conclude the ending of my Song,
I for King Charles most heartily will pray;
God bless the Dukes, and all to them belong,
70: And keep them safe until their dying day:
If any here be offended at my Song,
I wish with all my heart they had ne're a tongue.

FINIS,        A. Starkey.
London, Printed for M. Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old Bailey,

Part VII. Two Academic Gatherings

University of Oxford
Britannia Rediviva
[7 July]

    The Thomason copy is dated 7 July, but since it was published in Oxford, it might well have taken a while to reach Thomason. This volume is said to predate the Woodstock School volume, and that is recorded as June in Wood.

   This volume contains verses in Latin, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew scripts.

   Only the English poems are given below. Those by John Locke and John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, are among the most interesting.

   In several copies, gathering Cc is misfolded, causing several poems to be broken up and shuffled with parts of different poems. Some copies also have parentheses in the final verses by Lichfield but these are not always found elsewhere.

   Madan comments: "Great must have be the heart-searching of the Vice-Chancellor [John Conant] (who had to contribute, and was ejected from office within a month of publication) . . . . On the whole there is no change of style, but the English part is composed of poems longer than was formerly usual. The general hope of rewards ought to have raised the quality of the verse, but it is still rhetorical and artificial."

    Madan also notes "the usual signs of haste in its make up...the two parts being concomittantly set up in type. Some misprints and corrections . . . mark not so much an early or late issue, as corrections made in particular sheets while the book was passing through the press . . . ."

    "Mrs. [Anne] Lichfield was paid oe20 for `printing the Verses' and for some occasional losses . . . and 2s. 6d. was given to the `printers' ie the compositors."

    Of the verses at the end, signed by the printer Leonard Lichfield, Madan comments: "The verses were of course written for him by some scholar."

    I have used asterisks to indicate those who also contributed poems to Cromwell in the Oxford volume of 1654.

To His Sacred Majesty.

VErtues triumphant Shrine! who do'st engage
At once three Kingdomes in a Pilgrimage;
Which in extatick duty strive to come
Out of themselves as well as from their home:
5: Whilst England grows one Camp, and London is
It self the Nation, not Metropolis;
And loyall Kent renews her Arts agen,
Fencing her wayes with moving groves of men;
Forgive this distant homage, which doth meet
10: Your blest approach on Sedentary feet:
And though my youth, not patient yet to bear
The weight of Armes, denies me to appear
In Steel before You, yet, Great Sir, approve
My manly wishes, and more vigorous love;
15: In whom a cold respect were treason to
A Fathers ashes, greater than to you;
Whose one ambition 'tis for to be known
By daring Loyalty Your WILMOT's Son.

Wadh. Coll.

[1] {see Ath Oxon, where Woods claims these are by Robert Whitehall -- Love, p. 245}

WE that of late were fill'd with fears and sadnesse,
That look'd dejected for so long a season;
Are suddenly transform'd to joy and gladness,
Grown blith and frolick: would you know the reason?
5: The World's turn'd round; 'tis quite another thing;
Then we had many Tyrants, now one KING.

England was then a strange and monstrous Beast,
Whose Tayle was gotten where the Head should be;
Servants commanded, Nobles were opprest,
10: Ith'name o'th'Jaylors of our Liberty.
Justice was fled; all mischiefs had their swing;
We lost our Happinesse when we lost our KING.

But now our KING is coming; we shall straight
Heare the glad news that He is Landed well.
15: The Frigots dance with their Illustrious Fraight:
'Tis pride, not winde, that makes their sailes to swell.
For the same Fleet doth a Pair-royall bring
Of Princely Brothers, whereof One's our KING.

No longer let the vain Republican
20: Fill with Chimera's his fantastick Noddle:
Balance, and Ballot, and Agrarian,
And all the Whimsies of th'Utopian Model
Are out of doors: to the old Form we cling,
Our good old Form; Commons, and Lords, and KING.

25: Shall we a Cloud for a faire Goddesse clasp?
Strive to be Lords, and prove Slaves in conclusion?
The Substance lose, while we at Shadows grasp?
And call that Liberty, which is Confusion?
No more of this; wee'l have no levelling:
30: There's no such Freedome, as by a good KING.

Therefore for ever let this yeare be blest,
That when we had suffer'd much, and yet fear'd more,
From all our miseries hath given us rest,
And brought our drowning Vessell safe to shore.
35: Behold the fruites of this most happy Spring;
April brought Lords and Commons, May a KING.

And such a KING, as England never knew;
Whom early Wisdome makes already gray;
Whom Sufferings taught Compassion; just, and true,
40: Valiant and Liberall. Then come away,
You that are minded to rejoice and sing,
Come to the Crowning of our glorious KING.

Baronet, of All-soules Coll.

WHen times are turn'd, the Vulgar think the Sun
In other guises should his compasse run,
The Air and Elements their influence change,
And all things otherwise their courses range,
5: So doe they fancy, that a Prince can state
The course of nature, and the force of fate.
But even they, whose practise makes their sight
More clear, do now expect another Light
To shine upon our Orbe, then did before,
10: When hurling Tempests on the State did roar.
Then Pho/ebus, if thou hast another race
Of Horses yet un-teem'd, un-nam'd to place
Within thy Charet, ride it soft, and view,
And tell, if all thou seest be not new.
15: Who ever saw a Force so kindly broke,
Which lately held Three Kingdoms under yoke?
An Army vanquish'd by a secret breath,
That did their Swords dissolve within the sheath?
Their swords before they brandish'd, and their hearts,
20: Before they knew how to distinguish parts.
The Nation that in Faction, doubt, and fear
Lay dormant, restlesse, drowned in despair,
No sooner hears of You, but they aspire,
They love, they dare, they kindle in desire:
25: Whom hate and emulation did divide,
The love of You reduced to one side.
Whom int'rest sway'd, Your name could overthrow,
Since law, and bounty onely were from you.
The baffled reasons, that doe since retire
30: In muffled passions, court a new attire;
For they that sought a Faction up to set,
And in the name of a Free-state to jet,
Would now be thought to have contriv'd the thing
(Most politiquely) to bring to the KING.
35: And let it so be thought, Sir, if you can,
That You one King, Your Kingdomes as one man,
May all conspire to make these Nations blest,
Restore the Age, and give the Countrey rest.
We are awake, the dawning never broke
40: More sweetly, and the Nation never spoke
So loud in any other, as this strain,
God bless King CHARLES the Second, and his Reign.

Acad. Proc. Sen.
[ie senior proctor]

[2] Tanner, senior proctor, also contributed Latin verses to this volume at sig [a3].

FRee-men we cannot; Slaves we will not be:
Subjects we are. That's all the liberty,
That we desire, or can contain. What's more,
Doth but oppress us with impertinent Store.
5: What mean't those State-Fanaticks then, say I,
To make us drunk with too much Liberty;
Forcing upon us more then we could bear?
What Formes could please that thus imposed were?
The greatest Good, obtruded, turn's to Ill.
10: Tis Bondage to be Free against our Will.
Ne're talk to us of antient Greece and Rome:
Must all delight in that which pleases Some?
They had their humour; Wee'll have Ours: as They
Lov'd to command, so We love to obey.
15: And though we lov'd it not, we might not sure
By right or wrong our Liberty procure;
And lose our Soules, to set our Bodies free.
In this we must not our own Carvers be:
Nor greedily grasp at the Government
20: We most affect, but rather be content
With that we have. Unless perhaps you'l say,
Tenants, to better their condition, may,
When they think fit, themselves Free-holders vote,
Pay no more Rent, and cut their Landlords throat.
25: But sure our Nation is heav'n-bless't; for we
Take no contentment but in Loyalty.
The Needle doth not more to th'North encline,
Then English hearts to the right Form and Line:
Save there w'are restless. 'Tis a thing most sweet,
30: When our Affections & our Duty meet,
And Interest too. 'Tis well w'have wit to see,
Tumult and Faction are not Liberty:
And that Rebellion is meer Madness, since
By the dethroning of our Lawfull Prince
35: Our goodly Freedome would in this consist,
That th'House of Commons might doe what they list.
And then, if many Masters make men free,
Without all doubt we should not Bond-men be.
I doe confess, were there a Parliament
40: Compos'd of Angells, I could be content
To let their Will be Law; but if they'r Men
They must excuse me. May I ne're agen
See my lov'd Country under th'violent sway
Of insolent Members when the Head's away.
45: If we aright late times reflect upon,
The fault was in the Constitution,
Rather then in the Men: and we that blame
Their high mis-doings, would have done the same,
If we had had their Power. 'Tis the same thing,
50: An absolute Senate and an absolute King.
'Tis this same absolute Power, whether it be
In One or More, that causeth Tyranny.
'Tis a Temptation not to be withstood.
It makes those wicked, that might else be good.
55: Give me a Government of severall Parts
Poising each other: so that when One starts
From Right and Rule, the Other presently
May give it check. Then welcome Monarchy;
A Monarchy so mix't, that in't we find
60: All the Perfections of each other Kind.
Where Prince, Peers, People mutually assist
In doing good, and what is bad resist.
Welcome our ancient Form: under whose shade
Our Sires liv'd happy, and whose want soon made
65: Us to be wretched. Now the Law bears sway,
And what we do possess, we safely may
Esteem our own. For we have try'd it long,
That such a King as Our's can doe no wrong.

Edw. Littleton.


[3] Littleton also contributed Latin verses at sigs [B4-B4v].

AFter such gloomy storms, and fatall jarrs,
(Beyond the rage and heats of Barons Wars
Or the two Roses conflicts) undergone,
Spun out 'twixt fury and confusion,
5: Then when the Widdow'd Land breath'd nought but groans
Strain'd from her peoples vassallage and Loans:
When Arts and Learning and our Muses all
Grew disesteem'd, as over-grown and stale,
Led by such cold embracements, and dull times
10: To seek for life and warmth in forrein Climes.
(So Orpheus mangled by a savage crue,
Helicon shrank in, and bad the coast adieu,
Left to Fanatick swarms; as once we read
Egypt with Lice and Caterpillars spread)
15: Amongst these horrors, and black mists of night,
You like the Sun (Great King) dispence your light;
And cherish with your Royall beams this Land
Which could admit no Balme but from your hand:
As if that sacred touch you do extend
20: To scare Kings evill, would your Kingdoms mend.
Thus is it said of pooles, which having long
Contracted Venome and Infection,
The Soveraign Unicorn the plague expels,
And with his Horn the tainted water heals.
25: Our England heretofore had fits, which your
Auspicious presence fixed into cure:
Resembling Great Apollo, where you please
To plant your station, headlesse Tumults cease;
And we not owe to you a mercy less,
30: Than to bring Delos to our Cyclades.
Glories (which some by point of Sword improve)
You for your self, and us, obtain'd by Love.
And charm us into reverence, whil'st you quell
Those flames intestine rage had made our hell.
35: When Pho/ebus (thus) resum'd and grasp'd the Reine,
The unhing'd world leap'd into frame again:
Beside y'are Heavens pledge to us (Great Prince)
Who for our Warrant have the Influence
Of Stars and Deities, which long before
40: Of this blest day such signall tokens bore
That 'twere in us but gross stupidity,
To phrase it lower than a Prophesie.
Thus with our Great Redeemer you do share,
That both your Births were usher'd by a Star:
45: And we should wrong our Faith (when Heavens divine)
To doubt, like providence did our CHARLES designe,
Witnesse those throngs of dangers you befell,
Which spoke your blest escape a Miracle:
And made us see from these your straights much more
50: The Gods asserted, then when safe before.
Your patience in such weights of crosses shown,
Convince us all you had no passion:
And taught our Schooles, on second thoughts of you,
To yeeld the Stoicks Apathy now true.
55: Halft thus 'twixt Man and Angel you express,
As well Divine, as Morall Perfectness.
And have not we great cause to bless that hand,
Which brought such full-crown'd blessings to our Land?
Another George for England, whose great name
60: Seth's Pillars shall out-live, in endless fame.
Who with such Arts his Triumphs manag'd, that
He sav'd the Nation, but destroy'd the hate.

And now, Dread King, enjoy your Rights again,
And may no bold Usurper more distain
65: Your sacred Throne, nor Scepter violate,
But firm and fix'd as heaven be your state.
To some we give the Bayes for Victory:
Laurels for Peace we all present to Thee.

Ja. Vaughan, Mr. of Arts,
of Jesus Colledge.


[4] Verses at sigs. Bb-Bb2v. Vaughan also contributed Latin verses at sigs. C2v-[C3], and wrote verses for the Oxford volume on Cromwell in 1654.

WOnder of Kings and men! to Thee we owe
All our Religion, and our Reason too.
'Tis from Thy sacred Name that we commence
Devout admirers of a Providence:
5: And thy strange fate hath taught us to adore,
Who at the worlds mad busines laught before.
England's once more converted, and we're now
At once grown Theists, and good Christians too.
Welcome Great Britain's Soul: Our Land's at last
10: Acted by thee, that was before possest.
Touch'd by thy sacred Hand England we see,
Not of the Kings, but Peoples Evill free.
Heir to thy Fathers Sufferings, and his Crown!
He Dy'd a Martyr, thou hast Lived one:
15: Misery it self so beautify'd thou hast,
We know not which, to Reign, or Suffer's best:
Onely for this thou seem'st to vary state,
To be Example too to th'Fortunate.
Fair Month, thou'st give CHARLES his second Birth,
20: Great Britain's labour'd, and a King brought forth.
Heaven, you Proclaim'd him first; poor mortals we
Came in to finish the Solemnity;
Ecchoing those Triumphs, that did louder ring
In those bright Chappels where the Angels sing.
25: That Star, Heav'ns Herald, that at's Birth in May
Shone amidst all the Glories of the day,
Bespoke him Monarch, and th'auspicious thing
Led all our Wisemen unto CHARLES our King.
Of whose fair Reign, if Poets can divine,
30: And Prophesie been't ceas'd, then hear you mine.
Upon his Throne shall wait Honour and Love,
And Charles's Wain be drawn by Venus's Dove:
Nobles he shall have good as they are great,
And Pallas wise in Honours Temple set:
35: Religion graven in each subjects heart,
Not by the Sword, but by perswasive Art:
The Muses sitting by desert, not fate,
Upon the double Top of Church and State.
The three Estates entwisted all in one,
40: And in their Trinity a Union:
Unbribed Justice, Few, and Equall Laws:
Armies as glorious as is their Cause:
Victories such as shall oblige the Foe,
And make the World Court to be conquer'd so.
45: All that is Great and Good our CHARLES shall have;
An Early Glory, and a Later Grave:
And if what's highest can admit degree,
Greater than Charles the Greatest He shall be.

Jo. Ailmer of
New Coll. Fellow.


[5] Verses at sigs. Bb2v-[Bb3v]. Ailmer wrote verses in the 1654 volume on Crowmell.

WElcome, Dread Sir, to this now happy Ile,
As is the Silver Fleet with the rich spoyle
And plunder of the Indies; we in You
A Treasure worth more than ten Indies view.
5: Or as the Sun is to the Northern coasts,
After a six Months night, and as long Frosts;
At whose approach they straight revive, and cry
O might we in those Rayes expire, and dye!
Our Joyes, Sir, are no less than theirs, now You
10: (The Greater Luminary of the two)
Shine in your Proper Sphear, who can dispense
A warmth more vitall than his Influence.
Such as at first did make the fruitfull earth
Teem with a numerous and happy birth.
15: Nor doth Your lustre, like his envious beams,
Rob lesser Starres of all their borrowed Streams,
Such onely as You admit of no increase,
Can neither grow more happy, nor turn lesse.
And though a Rebell Cloud dares interpose,
20: We know the Glorious Body doth not lose
Ought of his former warmth or light: 'Tis we
Who here below doe misse his Rayes, not He.
What a strange Babell have we seen of late!
Call it a larger Bedlam, not a State,
25: Or second Chaos, greater than the first,
Where in a rude, confused mass were nurst
The seeds of all Antipathies; where all
The wrangling Elements in a mutuall braul
Lay strugling (like the two unruly Twins
30: In the same womb) till, swift as lightning springs,
Or the first glimpse of Morn, each forth did leap
Into that beauteous order they still keep.
England was then, what Delos was before,
The floating Island; stood, like that, all o're
35: Surrounded with a Sea of Blood, more red
Than that which all th'Egyptians buried.
I now believe the earth indeed runs round,
And acts a circulation under ground;
Hence all became so giddy, that they knew
40: Not what to speak, and much less what to doe.
That step You first set on this happy shore
Did fix it so (by a magnetick Power
Much stronger than its own) That now we stand
Firm as the Rocks i'th'midst of waves, and sand.
45: We're now once more our selves, and hope to live,
Not by what breath we have, but what You give.
And sure if our Philosophy be true,
That there's an universall Soul, 'tis You;
Who are the worlds Great Genius, and impart
50: The Vitall Flame to every distant Heart.
Three Kingdoms You revive at once, which lay
To each bold Monster an unpittyed Prey.
And we, who've all this while a carcass been,
Not enjoyed life enough to speak us men,
55: Recover sense, and motion too, and find
A new soul breath'd into each part, and mind.
Onely the miracle's so big, That we
Doe not yet know our own Felicity.
Thus Persons newly rais'd would look upon
60: And scarce believe their Resurrection;
But fear an Apparition, and mistrust
Unlawfull Arts had call'd them from their dust.

Will. Uvedale, of All-soules Colledge.


AFter twelve years of dark, and restless Night,
When Terrours raign, and walking Fiends affright;
When Storms and Tempests rage, and every Cloud
Of Lawless Fury ends in showrs of Blood:
5: When giddy Wild-fires wander to and fro,
And mislead those that know not where to goe:
When our beheaded Nation seems no more
But Charles his Ghost, besmeared in his Gore:
We see a Morning, but indeed so bright,
10: We seem to slumber yet, and dream of Light:
When we can be awake and shall perceive,
That Kings can once again in England live:
Wee'l sleep no more, but rise, and work and sing,
God keep us Loyall, and GOD SAVE THE KING.

Tho. Smith, Qu. Coll.
Gent. Com.

[6] Smith published Hebrew verses at LT 669.f.26(26), dated 12 November 1660, and in 1662, included Hebrew verses in the Oxford University volume for Catharine of Braganza (see excl for title).

ARise Great Sun, and with thy light
Vanquish thy Britains shorter night,
And tell the Persians they mistake,
When theirs a Deity they make:
5: Such Prodigies no Wars foretell,
We ever lov'd New lights too well.
Nature indeed to shew her skill,
Makes a rare Good portend some Ill:
Thus doe the greatest Calmes presage
10: The greatest Tempests, and Sea's rage
Which in the bosome of some wave
Now shews a cradle, then a grave.
The Sun in Winter shines most clear
Before the darkest nights draw near.
15: But Greatest Monarch, thy bright ray
Shall give us one continu'd day;
Who, not like Nature, but her King
And ours, do'st fairest order bring
Out of the foulest Chaos; these
20: Great cures thou ow'st to her disease.
Thus the ungratefull discords throng
Themselves into the sweetest song:
And England, like her barren ground,
Grows only fruitfull by her wound. 7
25: Thrice welcome to thy Fathers Crown,
And all his Vertues, made thine own.
If their store know an end our times,
May quite exhaust them with their crimes.

Edm. Dolling, A. M. ex 'de Christi


[7] Verses at sig Cc[2]v; catchword "Thrice."

[8] Lines 25-28 and signature, at sig. Cc[1].

WHen Violence in specious colours drest
Grew Right: and Duty bowed to Interest.
When Liberty was the worst Thraldome known:
And every Religion, grew none.
5: When Conscience being tender, prov'd thereby
Only more apt to stretch, and to comply.
When Usurpation did it's self dilate;
And spawn'd a Tyranny into a State.
Whil'st the wild Legion that first One possest
10: Cast out, did thence a numerous Herd invest:
And Honour, Laws and Learning gasping lay;
The Souldiers, scorn, and the Fifth Monarchs Prey.
When publick Spoil, and universall Stealth
Made us indeed an Equall Common-wealth:
15: Who to all Swords our ready throats did yeeld,
To Madmen in the House, and in the Field.
Welcome our timely Aid, that do'st enhance,
By mighty danger, thy deliverance.
Thou Miracle of Rescue: Hand of Fate,
20: Unto our worst of harmes commensurate:
Prince of our hearts, whose happy touch will cure
The Kingdoms Evill, and its health assure.
Welcome Great Britain home, that long hast stood
A floating Iland in Thy Sea of Blood.
25: From new-light darknesse render'd back to day;
Old England welcome from Oceana.

George Roberts, B. A. of Mert. Coll.


[9] Verses sigs. Cc[1]-Cc[1]v.

JOve in the Widdows Lodge did chance to find
A Rurall treatment, but a Courtly mind,
Which did him more delight, and please, than they
That did whole Oxen on his Altars lay:
5: And now since You vouchsafe to let us see
Your wish'd for, and adored Majesty,
Accept (Great CHARLES) my Muses mite, and know
It's what I can, not what I would bestow.

Henry Gellibrand, B. A.
Stu. of Ch. Ch.


[10] Verses at sig. Cc[1]v

INspire me Loyalty; that Sacred Name
Can, what nor Muse, nor Gods, nor thirst of Fame,
Dictate such Anthems, as they'd not refuse
To bear a part in, who in raptures lose
5: Their souls, their all; lines that an Angels Pen
Would for it's Sacred Quire transcribe from men:
When all they can suggest neglected lyes,
Condemned to a female's tongue or eyes.
Once more inspire me, that my lines may be
10: Fraught as with Fancy, so Fidelity.
That absent I may be thought weak, but all
Will damne the want of This as Criminall.
Who to an injur'd Prince for Pardon sue,
15: And write but Poets, do write Rebels too.
Haile, Sacred Sir, thrice-welcome to the shoar,
The richest burthen e're was wafted o're
To this your England; which now finds it self
So happy as to think, no foreign pelf
20: Worth its Commerce: That which must henceforth tye
Us and the needy World's our Charity.
There's no place here or for desire or moan,
Now heav'n restores us what it made our own.
When first* the best of Subjects did appear     *L. Monck.
25: Darting his beams on this our Hemisphere;
All Loyall Souls look'd on each glimmering ray,
But as a Prologue to a fairer day:
Then men began to utter, what before
Was Treason but to think, to speak out, more;
30: And dar'd to name Free-Parliament, then Peers
And, what we had forgotten for some years,
A King and CHARLES. But he whose great designes
Were thus to be conceal'd from Vulgar minds,
Mask'd all his Counsels in mists black as night,
35: Withdrawing not their Influence but Light.
And then our fears 'gan to misconstrue all,
And what was now a Star, a Comet call;
Sent for to let us know those ills, which we
Did think -- to suffer was a misery.
40: But this our Phosphorus did soon display
His wonted lustre, and gave hopes of day;
Which yet there are, who think we partly owe
To the disturbed Citizens, but so
To Pans and women's outcryes Cynthia might
45: Have been sometime indebted for her light.
Now a new face of all things does appear,
Order and beauty shine forth every where.
The Citizens, who pris'ners were at best
Unto themselves, of Freedome are possest:
50: Nor want they walls, or gates, or posts, or chains,
That Town contemns such aids which Monck contains.
But yet we were not happy, till that you
Had blest us with your Royall presence too;11
Which having done, wee've nothing left to crave,
55: But the continuance of what we have.
Like that of Heaven's our happinesse, that we
Must ever tast the same Felicity.

G. Towerson, M.A.
of All-soules.


[11] Verses at sigs. [Cc4-Cc4v]; catchword "Which".

[12] lines 95-98 at sig. [Cc3].

TO England sick of Peace could no health be
Procur'd but by it's own Infirmity?
Could nought but wounds to us recouery give,
And must the Nation dye that it might live?
5: Thus large effusions of blood we see
Some Artists stanch with their Phlebotomy.
But see! our Joyes surprize us: we now feel
A Cure more Soveraign that can onely heale.
Much like to Numa's shield from heaven sent,
10: Whom to defend both God and Nature meant.
Though Mars himself could not be his defence,
His safeguard was a Virgins Innocence.
His Army sleighted, to a Tree he ran,
Whose hallow heart more Loyal prov'd than man:
15: The royall Oak, Great CHARLES, from hence is due,
No more to Jove, but Sacred unto you.
When thus forsak'n in solitude He dwelt,
Yet all his passions his great Empire felt:
His Vertue then like Heraldry was known,
20: More rich when plain, more noble when alone.
When harder fate had forced him to flee,
We did the Exiles rather seem than He.
Yet in our hearts he reign'd, though banish'd hence:
So Stars remote govern by Influence.
25: England was sure too narrow his great soul
T'instruct, the Universe must be his School:
Thus Fate prov'd kind even against her will,
And whiles she did neglect him, taught him skill.
Thrice happy we! that our great Monarch thus
30: Must learn to Govern Europe first, then us.
While other Kings only their Crowns inherit,
The Crown is his by Birth-right and by Merit.
Most Princes but like stately Pageants are,
And rule by Proxy; He by his own care:
35: Th'auspicious presence of whose greater name
Shall never weaken, but encrease our flame.
Fruition of most things pleasure abates,
Him onely to possesse more Joy creates:
For thus his absence hath enhanc'd our Joy,
40: That we should first expect, than him enjoy.
The Sun it self, if it had alwaies shin'd,
In Persian Temples had not been enshrin'd. 13
Let all things then but Syrens sing: such Teares.
Joyes shall produce, as lately did our feares.
45: We feare least height of Joy cause griefe: Thus Light
Of Radiant Lustre overwhelmes the sight.
So Rivers loose themselves, when swoln too high,
And in their union with the Ocean dye.
Pardon rude Loyalty, great Sir, this time
50: Makes that Devotion which were else a crime:
The meanest Votaries are not scorn'd, when they
The smallest Homage in Religion pay.

T. Topping, M. A. Ch. Ch.


[13] Verses ast sigs. [Cc3-Cc3v]; catchword "Let".

[14] Lines 43-52 at sig. Dd.

HEavens Great Blessing welcome! welcome Light
To Brittaines dim and blubber'd eye; whom Night
Long as Thine absence darkned had, about
Not only to hoodwink, but put it out.
5: Chimaerick Commonwealths men would devise,
A Monster Headlesse and so without eyes.
But even while we thus distracted lay
Gods pity'd when men had not wit to pray.
And by like Miracles Heaven wrought to bring.
10: At length our King to us, us to our King.
Thus Nature deales with rebell Earth, when by
Aspiring Vapours it seeks to be high;
From those same fumes shee frameth in her breast
False lights to cheat us, Snow, Haile, from the rest
15: Thunder, with which shee chides, frights, strikes, & then
Smoothing her wrinkled forehead, smiles agen.
Thus when tumultuous Seas swell'd by a vaine
Ambition to rise higher, now disdaine
Their Soveraigne Planet's laws, begin to pride
20: Themselves in their own strength, and scorne a Tide;
When th'mutinous rabble rules, and when each base
And Abject wave dare spit in Heavens face:
'Tween wrath and scorne then Gods check th'Element,
And make its crime prove its own Punishment;
25: The Day's shut out by dismall mists, one skreen
Ecclipses Heavens Beauty, nothing's seen;
Mean while each insolent and upstart Billow
Soon overtops and crushes down his Fellow,
'Gainst one another thus they're broke, then come
30: Their miseries all cast up in one summe --
Those very clouds they rais'd in stormes they find
Hurl'd down upon them with a boist'rous wind;
At length bright Phoebus Heavens, Glorious eye,
Unseals himselfe, darts Love an Majesty.
35: Such was and long had been (Great King) our Fate,
When Your blest Hand at once sav'd Church & State,
Each almost drowned in a sev'rall Flood;
That lay in Teares, and this in Sacred Blood.
Three Kingdomes now of mangled Trunks, once men,
40: Beg kneeling, Sir, You'd make them such agen:
We've found You are our Head, O let Your Hand
First raise us up, then give us leggs to stand.
And now shine forth bright Sun, who seem kept low
Till now only, that You might Greater show:
45: Stand rank'd and honoured by aged Fame,
Equall with him that first gave Brittain name.
'Tis no lesse Glory to restore a State,
Then 'twas at first to frame't and to Create.
Nay Y'have out done all former Kings; what they
50: Scarce built in Ages, You raise in one Day,
Three Glorious Kingdomes, Sir; we owe, 'tis true,
Each one to some, but owe all three to You.

Coll. Reg. Soc.


[15] Verses at sigs. Dd-Dd2. Williamson also contributed Latin verses at sig. [D3].

HIgh Courts above all Justice slew our King
And made at once three Kingdomes knells to ring.
Brittaine a floting Iland was twelve yeares,
Ballast with heavy hearts and fraught with feares.
5: But now shee hath recovered sight of Land:
CHARLES our true Pilot saves her from the Sand.
Advance yee Crowns; attend your Sov'raign's Head,
Here's now a Resurrection from the dead.
Be gone false Keepers of our Liberty,
10: We owe to none but Charles our Loyalty.
Farewell O Harp, thy parting is no losse
Whereas thy mirth was joyned with a crosse,
The Ship which brings our King with all his Traine,
Sha'nt be cal'd Naseby, but the Soveraigne.
15: Thou onely soule three Realmes do'st animate,
And giv'st them motion; Now's the true free State.
Bright Sun, our Center, Thou do'st us array
With joy; thy Solstice, makes our lasting day.

N. C. A. M. L. C. Soc.


[16] Verses at sigs. Dd2-Dd2v. Madan identifies Nathaniel Crewe,who also wrote verses on Cromwell.

WElcome our native Countrie home once more,
Welcome lost Brittaine to thine Albions shore.
Nor will You deem, dread Sir, our joyes misled;
You were still at home, England Banished.
5: So the bright Soule whilst hence 'tis snatch't away
Into some other Region, sees its clay
In its own soile exil'd. The Sun, that leaves
A night to all the world besides, bereaves
Himself not of one single wonted ray,
10: Is in all places his owne constant day.
'Tis You must give the welcome Sir, not wee,
The rebell Son hath lost that right, must bee
Restor'd to's Fathers grace and pardon, ere
Like one o'th'family himself hee beare.
15: Receive us then; henceforth excesse alone
Of faith, shal be English rebellion.
Your rifled Coffers wee'le with soules repa're,
Each English heart Your Royal stampe shall weare.
T'inverte the proverbe wee'le united joyne,
20: Not gold shall make the man, but man the coyne.
Wee'le pay our selves of our disloyaltie
The ransome; 'twould bee slavery to bee free
From Your commands; wee ne're have servile been,
But since that time wee have no Master seen.
25: You have return'd us to our selves agen,
You make us happy, and You make us men.
The fame of our white Clifts to Natur's due,
That of their innocence wee owe to You.
Th'amazed World will dread no more those shelves,
30: Will think us of their kind, and like themselves,
Wee shall not bee disjoyn'd by a double flood,
By one of water, and by one of blood.
Whole Nature is concern'd to bear a share
In Englands Triumph, and must mak't her care
35: To vente our Common joyes, whilst thus You bring
The Universe a wonder; Us a KING.

N. Hodges A. M. ex 'de Christi.


[17] Verses at sigs. Dd2v-[Dd3v].

WHilst that the Sea and season both contend,
Which shall more pleasure or assistance Lend
As You pass hither: shall we but expect
Your coming? If the swelling waves erect
5: Themselves, impatient or else proude to bring
So Great, so Good, so Wise, so Just a KING
To Englands borders: 'Tis but fit that we
Have hearts as open for You as the Sea.
Methink's the nimble billowes dance, and beare,
Your Royall fleet by Capers through the aire:
Methinks the wind's harmonious, and each blast
A pleasant aire; that make's them skip so fast.
Nor are our measures wanting; since we be
More happy; let's rejoyce as much as they:
15: Wee'l eccho forth whole CAROL'S, and so greet
Your Majesty, imploy a thousand feet.
But why so slow? must expectation hover
'Twixt hope and fear so long? Pray waft Him over
Swift-wing'd desires and wishes: yet these are
Too weak! else long agoe wee'd had Him here.
O 'tis a torment to expect! not yet
Arriv'd? But coming hither still? not yet?
What are the Dutch such cunning Merchants? doe
They know Your worth and will not let You goe?
25: Or doe not we deserve You yet? 'tis true!
But You must give us merit, only You.
Wee've languish't in Your want thus long, 'tis time.
We were refresh't: Make not our grief our crime.
Behold the people flocke to see, to kisse
You royal hands! deny, deferre not this.
England's growne inn'cent once againe; pray fear
Us not; No rav'nous wolves inhabit here,
Save in the Tow'r: or if they doe wee'l give
You tribute of their heads, they shall not live
35: Within Your Land; but if we speed so ill
As not to purge our selves; Your presence will.

Johannes Singleton. A. M. Ox.
St. Ch. Ch.

[18] Verses at sigs. [Dd3v-Dd4].


YE empty Comets of the Skies
Vanish, whil'st our bright Sun doth rise:
Heavens rejoyce, that CHARLS his Waine
Hath got it's Rider once again.


The blushing Morn no sooner fled
From lazie Neptunes watry bed,
Then nature in her finest dresse
Ushered in this happinesse.


The little birds in ev'ry part
10: Doe chaunt with most melodious Art,
Each one endeavouring to bring
A sweet Elogium to our KING.


Mark the rejoycing of the Bells,
Without mans help they ring themselves;
15: Leaving their ropes for them who were
The wickeds hope and just mens fear.


Abstemious Ceres now will quaffe,
And weeping Heraclitus laugh:
'Tis sullen treason to anoy
20: Our selves with grief, whilst all things joy.


See how King Eolus doth advance
His Winds, making the Clouds to dance,
Whilst jovially the sphears doe play
To welcome in this happy day.

William Clarke, Gen. Com. Wadh. C.


[19] 6.] I. copytext; all copies

[20] Verses at sigs. [Dd3v]-Ee.

WHat's CHARLES safe Landed at his British shore?
And weares he great Druina's Crowns? once more
An heir of Martyr'd CHARLES those Scepters sway?
Which from his sacred hands were forc't away.
5: Then Muse a full-mouth'd wellcome, wellcome say,
Most potent King, Whose FIAT can bring day.
From our state-Chaos, and create us light
More glorious, 'cause from the womb of night.
Thus when Thyestes dish'd up men, Sol fled,
10: And posting hence hid his affrighted head
In t'other world, but rising the next day
Gilded Mount Oeta with a brighter ray.
Great King! 'fore you set footing on this coast,
England scarce saw one day, or that's the most,
15: These twelve yeares past: so that the Don might say,
Remember me to your next Sun I pray.
Greenland six Months, but England twice six yeares
Had night, then, Panthers, Tygers, Woolves, and Beares,
Or some Lycaons brood, men worse than they
20: Butcher a KING, and canton out the prey.
A KING! to whose rich shrine Pilgrims shall come,
And after ages offer at his Tombe.
(Which shall with loyall teares environ'd stand,
But deluge-proof, as that fam'd neck of Land
25: Betwixt two seas) the Turkes shall Mecha leave,
And for great cures resort to CHARLES his grave.
CHARLES murther'd was! thence blackest crimes we draw,
When Dunghill Peasants, Tylers, Cades, & Straw
Turn Kings Assasines, such as know no more
30: To diff'rence Royall blood, and common gore,
Than Black-smiths can a fine bullion clay
Couch't in earths womb, from a more base allay.
To speak such Hellish plots in after times,
They need but call them Bradshaw, Cromwell crimes.
35: But CHARLES more bright appeares since CHARLES is gone,
This is the rising, that our setting Sun.
London lift up thy drooping head, and reare
Thy Forehead high; CHARLES is Return'd this year.
Your trade revives with him: there's no such sport
40: As trusting half-poach'd-Squires, or such a Court.
No shop-books now shall bear, DVE to be paid
For Mourning by R. C. as above said.
CHARLES, James, & Henry return'd! names so divine,
They will old Romes Triumvirate out-shine.
45: There's Yorke Wars Thunderbolt, who shall advance
(Great King) your Standard o're the Rhosne, make France
Adore our Crosse: nay shall by conquest joyn
The Sea-surrounded Globe make both Suns thine.
There's Henry too: whose yet but blooming fame
50: Ripen'd by time, shall reach great Henry's name.
Muse! next to th'Royall stemme, let Monck take place,
That great Fergus, this Plantagenets race.
Great CHARLES and Monck! names that do so entwine,
As when the Elme supports the climbing Vine.
55: Great Monck and greater CHARLES! thus the same age
Brought Gods and semi-gods upon the stage.
Pardon great SIR, we cannot fame your deeds,
The Muses Trumpets are but Oaten reeds.
How high the world thinks Monck, if you would know,
60: Ask Trumps great dust, and the sea-gods below.
Get you to Rosses feild, and view where stood
His stand of Pikes, like to some grove or wood.
Thence to Dundee, and ask the perjur'd Scot,
How soon by his Triumphall armes 'twas got?
65: These Muster'd all cann't speak so great a name,
Moncks, Moncks alone will fill the trumpe of fame.
  Thus having roll'd about, to you againe
Great King I come; Rivers ebbe down to th'mayne.
My Loyall wish is: in your reigne each day
70: May prove as happy as the FIRST OF MAY.

Joh. Fitz-William, A. M. Coll. Magd.


[21] Verses at sigs. Ee-Ee2v.


AS when upon the first confused masse
  Thick darkness sate, and did Imbrace
With freindly shaddow, its most monstrous face:
  Light breaking forth at Gods command,
5: Over this night did get the upper hand,
  Making its troops to fly away,
And quickly got the day,
By a victorious Ray.
  Straite all things smil'd and did put on,
At this so strang mutation,
  A cheerful face, and joyfull dress,
To court their unexpected happiness.
  So we that long tormented lay,
(Like those in Hell, in an eternall night,
15: Where Lucifer doth usher in no day,
  And those perpetuall flames no light)
Lamenting our sad fate, no longer mourne,
But doe at your return,
  Break out in mirth, and sudden joys,
20: Making Heavens arch reflect our cheerfull voice.


  Long has our sacrifice
Which from your Fathers Alters still did rise,
Clouded with melancholy smoke our skies:
Now shall the lively joyfull fire appeare
And make our heaven cleare.
  Now shall our glorious sun exhail,
  The dew of teares that sate on all,
  For what we in your Father lost,
What troubles since your carefull brest ingrost.
30:   Beholding now what happy daies,
  Attend your reign, what secure ease
  We shall enjoy, what happy peace;
  Our parted Duty humbly pays,
Cypresse to him, to you Tryumphant Bays.
35:   Let now with joyes our Isle resound,
  Such as in 'gypt did abound,
    When they their God had found.
  For now we shall the name attain,
  O'th'land of Angels once again:
40: When your sacred presence shal our Heaven restore,
And make it far more glorious then it was before.


Our Heaven did in stormes and Thunder frown,
  'Tis well, the one shall purge our Aire,
And make our skie more fair,
45:   The other fruitfullness pour down.
  Our land which so long time has born
  Fury, that has so oft been torn
  With Tyrants armes; Thou shalt first view,
Then set those bones a new,
50: Which shall grow more,
  Gaine strength, be firmer than before.
  Thy happy union us shall make,
  (Like to those bodyes that again do take
  Their long deserted soules) put on
55: At length, more glory, and perfection.
Arts, and Religion, like the Palme so long.
  Bow'd down by th'weight of Armes, & rage
Of an unletter'd age,
Shall now grow strong,
60: Shall lift their heads up higher,
And up to Heaven from when they came aspire


Behold what wishes from each Brest arise,
  How every one knowes how to prize
Your vertues now; and, pray that you alone
May rule the throne.
So Indians the purest gold dispise,
And look upon't with unregarding eyes:
  Its value they don't know, but when
  'Thus 22 past the test of forreign men;
70:   Then they 23 doe find they did possess,
What others count their truest happiness.
Thus soveraigne Medicines do contemned lye,
  Whilst we enjoy our health and ease:
  Untill a bold and furious disease
75:   The fortresse of the heart doth take,
 And make with stormes the walls to shake,
Then we again to them for succour fly.
  We like the Loadstone were, which drives
Away the Nedle, unto which before
It great Affection bore:
Being turn'd about again its old desire,
And love revive's,
And nought but close embraces doth require.
So we being alter'd, turned up side down,
85:   Do close with thee, and Pray
  That henceforth may,
Between us be no variation found.


Happy the man that first perceived the blazing starre,
That threatned from a farre
Ruine and Destruction:
That observ'd its motion,
And made it tumble down
  Unto the Ground.
That suffer'd not our Servants still to Lord it thus,
95:   But caus'd them bow their lofty crownes to us.
   Nor dregs to keep the upper place
   But made them sinke apace.
  So when the Seas doe rage, and all
  The waves into a tumult fall,
100:   The mud, and sand do rise unto the top,
 And proudly ride:
Untill a calmer tide,
And Neptune gave a stop
Unto the tumbling flood:
105: Then strait the grosser masse doth creep,
Into the humble deep,
Where formerly it stood:
Nor was this done by noise of Armes or 24 Dint of Sword,
  But a strong, yet unseen hand,
But an omnipotent word, 110
Restored this our Land.
So move the Heavens round
And yet there is no noise, or Alteration found.

R. Stubbes, A: M.
Coll. Wadh. Soc.

[22] 'Thus] "Thus copytext

[23] they] the copytext

[24] Armes or] Armes:or copytext

[25] Verses at sigs. Ee2v-[Ee4v].

A KING agen? who thought it? when ere while
Nothing was to the multitude so vile.
Of all the rest must CHARLES be fetcht again
It seem's h'as long enough been in the Waine.
5: Welcome Dread Soveraign to the Royall Throne,
That knowes no other but thy self alone.
See how it Courts you, as if proud to bear
Your weight, the truest ballast for that Chaire.
Some were to heavy, some too light, but you
10: In all proportion fit, and grace it too.
How many have of late miscarried? sure
Ther's none besides your self can be secure.
Protectors can't protect themselves from harm,
Because they put their safety in alarm.
15: Councils of Safety have had dangerous falls,
And prov'd unto us subtile Nominalls.
Keepers of Liberties have kept them so,
That few the truth of Liberty did know.
A Common-wealth's a common woe, ther's none
20: Can suit our Genius, but a KING alone.
Take then the Crown that try'd hath been by many,
But since the true Head never fitted any.
Now times are alter'd; welcome Plato's year
When all things shall be, as at first they were.
25: Who would not write in such a time as this,
The King's as well our Subject, as we his

T. G. A. B. C. W.

[26] Verses at sig. Ff. Wadham

WHile mournfull England lay sore Feaver-sick
Wirh heats of strife in th'body politick,
Proud Emp'ricks told her for the malady,
Serv'd no prescription but Phlebotomy.
5: Cut the Basilick vein (said they) in hast,
'Tis that must do't, or we must bleed our last.
Oh fatall stroke! it wounds, but doth no good;
The patient pine'd hates Cordialls, nauseats food.
She scorn's a Common-Wealth, that's too course fare,
10: Fit for Low-countreys that beneath us are.
As for Protector-ship, so call'd it is
By an unfortunate Antiphrasis.
Alas poor nation! thy desease be sure
Is the Kings-Evill; none can work the cure
15: But sacred CHARLES: send for him, send with speed,
Of azure neptune get a swift-pac't steed,
He heares, he comes; happy, thrice happy then
And three whole Kingdomes 'bove the thought of men.
All's well and sound again, believ't, a King
20: Was wholsome Physick taken at the spring.
When whinged Mercury in th'first of May
Brought Pho/ebus newes (that guides the posting day)
Of CHARLES returne; straight forth his purple bed
He leap'd and danc'd, with joy quite ravished.
25: The planets revell'd it at night, nay store
Of fixed Stars fixed remaine no more.
Now might Pythagoras distinctly hear,
Melodious musick sound at evr'y Sphere.
Mark how the Elements with emulation,
30: Strive to congratulate his Coronation.
Vulcan in well-made flames runs through each street,
And now forgets the lamenesse of his feet.
The aire b'ing joviall makes a piercing noyse,
Bells sound forth anthem's, guns report our joyes.
35: Tellus is richly deck'd to entertain
In Summer habit her dread Soveraign.
Our water laughs it self now into Wine,
Bacchus extends beyond his wonted line.
Fair May gave life, gives rule unto our KING:
40: Needs must his future Reign be flourishing.
But view his foes like serpents, court the dust,
Their craft, their venom's spent; submit they must.
Whom they fain'd Papist, now they would have Pope,
To pardon treasons: 'Tis their only hope.
45: But be't to them, to all for certain known,
CHARLES loves three Kingdomes, yet noe Triple-Crown;
Though by a Monck his cause obtain'd successe,
Yet 'twas not done to serve his Holyness.
So let our Sov'raign mount to's lofty throne,
50: Take Crown and Scepter, for they are his own.
Let swift-wing'd fame publish his sounding praise
As farre as Pho/ebus darts his glitt'ring rayes.
  Reign long great King, thy subjects love and fear,
  Then climb to heav'n a better Crown to wear.

G. V. A. B. Š Coll. Exon.


[27] Verses at sigs. Ffv-Ff2v. Madan identifies George Verman of Exeter College.

OUr prayers are heard! nor have the Fates in store
An equall blisse, for which we can implore,
Their bounty, For in you, Great SIR's, the summe
Of all our present joys, of all to come:
5: Joys that have spoke so loud, as if to heaven
They'd rise, from whence they, and their cause were given:
Kings always are the gifts of Heaven, but you
Are not its gift alone, but transcript too;
Your vertues match its stars, which you disclose
10: To th'world, as bright, and numberless as those.
Your motions all as regular, which dispence
A warmth to all, and quickning influence.
How shall we prize your bounty! whilst you thus
Approaching to our Earth, bring Heaven to us.
15: Your fortunes oft have varied, but your minde
Like your religion still the same wee find.
When he that rul'd the world, the mighty Jove,
Would make a present worth One mortalls love,
To gain admittance chang'd himself, though he
20: From Heaven came, and brought a Deity;
More liberall, but less chang'd, your self alone
Can enter, and enrich a Nation.
Thus when they'd be most bright, and tempting shewn
Great Jove must change his shape, CHARLES keep his own.
25:   As in the worlds Creation; when this frame
Had neither parts, distinction, nor a name,
But all confus'd did in the Chaos jarre,
Th'embleme, and product of intestine warre,
Light first appears (Light that nere since could shew
30: A thing more welcome then its self, but You)
Beauty, and Order follow, and display
This stately Fabrick, guided by that ray.
So now in this our new creation, when
This Isle begins to be a world agen,
35: You first dawn on our Chaos, with designe
To give us order, and then on us shine.
Till you upon us rose, and made it day,
We in disorder all, and darkness lay;
Only some Ignes fatui did rise,
40: To scare us into errors, cheat our eyes,
Off-springs of Earth! which nought could render bright
Or visible, but darkness, and the night.
A night not meant for rest, but full of pain,
And to be felt, scarce hope of day again:
45: 'gyptian darkness with't's many Gods to sway
As many plagues, and prodigies as they;
Where each thing claim'd our worship, and would be
Ador'd, forceing obeysance, and a knee,
Upstart and unknown Gods! to whom with shame
50: We first gave Adoration, then a Name,
Worship'd those Crocadiles that always had
Tears to bestow, on ruins that they made.
  But these sad shades doe vanish with their fears,
As soon as our Apollo now appears.
55: At whose returne the Muses too would sing
Their joys aloud, and welcome home their King
Accept these poore endeavours, till your rays
Have given new growth to our late witherd bays;
Wit too must be your Donatiue, 'tis You
60: Who give AUGUSTUS, must give MARO's too.

J. Locke. A. M. ex 'de Christi

[28] Verses at sigsFf2v-Ff3v. Locke also contributed verses to the Oxford collection on Cromwell's peace in 1658, and the volume on the arrival of Catharine of Braganza (title in EXCL).

NOw, most Illustrious PRINCE, since Dover-peere
Mount's higher to behold its Soveraigne neare,
And every wave t'wixt it and Callis sands
Speak's and reiterat's, He Land's, He Land's;
5: While to their neighbour billows each doth call,
Untill a tenth wave overtop them all;
Since there are no Wat Thylers now in Kent,
To thwart ble'st Heavens designe, and Monk's intent;
Since all the Roaring-Meggs the river scour,
10: And bring the newes to London in an hower;
London that with her shouts so rend's the sky,
That Birds drop down astonish't as they fly;
More glorious then when Jupiter of old,
Came down to Dan' in a showre of Gold;
15: London, that expiat's by one dayes pomp,
For all from Forty Eight unto the Rump:
Since all things in our Orbe move in this state,
Our book obtrud's, rather then come's too late.

Rob. Whitehall Med. Bac.
Coll. Mert, Soc,

[29] Verses at sig. [Ff4]. Robert Whitehall, Fellow of Merton College, published Latin and English verses on the appointment of Hyde as chancellor to the University entitled Viro, Favore Regio, Et Meritis LT 669.f.26(27) undated, but possibly November 1660. He also contributed Latin verses to this volume, sigs. [D3v-D4v], and to the 1662 volume celebrating the arrival of Catharine of Braganza. According to Harold Love, Wood attributes him with the authorship of the first set of English verses which are signed by Rochester.

[ornamental border]
The Printer to his MAIESTY.

NOr can we yet give o're; great CHARLES his Name
Inspire's us all with a Poetique flame;
Administring a quick, and sudden reach,
Beyond the Lay-tribe, that did lately Preach:
5: Our Stamps 30 which ne're would joyne to sooth the times,
To speake Rebellion, or defend it's Crimes 31
Doe Now leap into order, and true feet,
And of their own accord in measures meet;
What will not then Your Loyall Subjects doe?
10: If things inanimate thus acknowledge You.


[30] Stamps] (Stamps parentheses at LT, OH and O Pamph.c.112(13).

[31] Crimes] Crimes) LT, OH and O Pamph. c.112(13)

[32] Verses at sig. Ff4v.

Woodstock School
Votivum Carolo

   Titlepage: VOTIVUM CAROLO, / OR / A WELCOME to his Sacred / MAJESTY / CHARLES the II. / [rule] / From the Master and Scholars of Wood-/ stock-School in the County of Oxford. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and crowned thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year 1660./ [enclosed within ornamental box]

   Wing: W3475. [Published in Oxford by Henry Hall, according to Madan]. Qto. tp + [A]-[D4] last two blank.


Qto pp. [8]+20, signn. A-C4, D2

L 11626.d.68; checked 1/96

O1 Wood 319(10) with ms. date*; COPYTEXT chk 9/95

O2 Pamph.c.109(3) spot chk 3/96

OC F.127(2) chk 2/96

OB 910.h.13(21) chk 4.96; Crouch copy bought for 4d.

CS Ee.6.10 (3);

CN; MH; TU; Y.

   Commentaries: Madan #2540. "The royal borough of Woodstock contained a free Grammar School, founded in 1585, and at this time presided over by Francis Gregory, a native of that town and educated at Westminster and Cambridge. He had already issued several school-books, and according to Wood (Fasti Oxon. ii.258) `did much good by his sedulous instrution'. Anyway he induced his scholars to weep over Charles I in correct style and to rejoice in the new King to order he himself showing them how to do it, by example. Any sincerity there might have been was disturbed by the unfortunate doubt whether Charles after all would not be sent off, bag and baggage, to Holland again (p. [7]). In fact, the poems were a little `previous' when written. The Verses are fairly correct, and dictionaries and grammars produced [cites some gk and latin] [lists names of writers] "The volume seems to have been issued after [Brtannia Rediviva] which is referred to in the preface, that is to say, not before the middle of July."

   Francis Gregory is listed in Wing for numerous items up to 1696, including the following:

G1890A An elegie upon the death of our dread sovereign lord London 1649 brs LT, MH

G1895a The last counsel of a martyred King. For J. Jones 1660. LT, O

G1896 A modest plea for the regulation of the press For R. Sare 1689. L,OC, CT, LSD, EN, NR, VC, ZWT

G1905 Teares and blood Oxford, A and L Lichfield 1660. Madan 2496. L,O,OM,DU,DT; CG,MH, NU, TU,WF,Y; a composite of two sermons written for Woodstock and "when delivered at Oxford [St Maries] were criticized for expressions (near the end) about Church government. See Wood's Fasti Oxon. ii. 259.

G1888 David's Returne from his Banishment. Set forth in a Thanks-giving Sermon for the Returne of his Sacred Majesty Charles II. Oxford, by H. Hall. [Madan 2495], preached at St Maries Oxford 27 May. ded to Sir Thomas Spencer and Edward Atkins; on 2 Sam.xix.30. O=Vet.A3.e.171

   NB [there is a dating problem-sig A3 gives "The Scholars to the Reader," in which the boy-poets speak of being inspired by the scholars at Oxford University -- were this so, there may be a dating problem; Thomason only got his copy of Brit Red on 7 July, making the June dating of Vot Carolo difficult unless it took a very long time for him to receive the University volume. But since the Woodstock volume is also dated June 1660 in ms at Wood 319 (10), Brit Red may have come out very early June.??

   Of the academic collections, this is the only one produced by a school. Most of the work is by Francis Gregory of whom Woods writes: "the son of Francis Gregory, was born at Wodstock in Oxfordshire, educated in Gram. Learning in the Coll. school at Westminster, in Academical at Cambr. whence he returned to Westm. and was an Usher under Mr. Rich. Busby. Afterwards he became Master of the Free-school in the Town of his nativity (founded by Rich. Cornwell Cit and Skinner of Lond. 27 Eliz. dom. 1585) and at length the first master of the Free school founded at Witney in Oxfordshire by Hen. Box a Druggist of Lond, after his Majesties restauration: At both which places continuing several years, he did much good by his sedulous instruction. In 1672, or thereabouts, he became Rector of Hambleton near Great Wycomb in Bucks, and about that time one of his Majesties Chaplains in ordinary." (AO 2: 822-3).

    Gregory was certainly prepared for the king's return; on Sunday 27 May he preached on 2 Sam 19.30 at St. Mary's in Oxford, publishing his sermon as Davids returne from his Banishment.

    Votivum Carolo contains fifteen poems in English, given here; omitted are six in Latin (signed by Francis Gregory, Abraham Greg, Willoughby D'ewes, Carol Cocks, Johanne Cocks, Richard Woodward) and three in Greek (signed by Carol Cocks, J. Rogers, R. Woodward). The two English poems by Gregory on the death of Charles 1 are included. Although they claim to have been printed at the time of the execution, I have found no evidence of them.

[ornamental header]

To the Right Honourable His EXCELLENCY
KNIGHT of the most Noble Order
of the Garter, Master of His Sacred
LORD GENERALL of the Army of England, &c.

Most Noble Sir,

   I Am a stranger to your Person; but no man is a stranger to your Name and Worth. I love you for what you are; I honour You for what you have done; I cannot say, which is greatest in You, your Vertue, or your Valour; your Prudence, or your Loyalty.

    His Majestie's Return is (under God) your glory, and our Comfort: we did not enjoy our selves, when we wanted him. It was my sorrow, yet my Allegiance, to drop some Tears upon His Majesty's Royall Fathers Tomb; in those Teares there was then, as something of duty, so much of danger too. It is now my Ambition, and yet my Loyalty, to offer some Devotion at his Majesty's Throne. Our former losse of the Royall Father was by Death; our present enjoyment of his Royal Son, is by a kind of Resurrection. Indeed, our desires for his Sacred Majesty's Return, were never grown so much as faint or weak; but, our Hopes, a few Months since, were almost Dead; we had Reason enough to long for Our Soveraigne, but little ground so soon to expect him: Now, blessed be God, who, by you his Glorious Instrument, hath disappointed our fears, and, in mercy prevented our Hopes, and brought in our King the Object of both.

    I have suffered my young Scholars to use his Majesty's Name in Verse; I hope, they have not profaned it. If, for this, I need his Majesty's Pardon, I trust, your Excellency will beg it for me. Children are the Hopes of Gods Kingdome, and his Majesty's too; my work is, to teach them Religion, Loyalty, and Learning; Religion towards their GOD; Loyalty towards their KING; and Learning to fit them for the service of both. Besides, I cannot better evidence my own Allegiance, then by Teaching young Gentlemen Theirs.


    I dare not put this Paper into his Majesty's hand; it's highest Ambition is to fall down before His footstool; I dare not present it to any Noble-man, but Your self; It is above all other Persons, though not for its worth, yet for its Subject; the mercy, we enjoy, under God, we enjoy by You; the Acknowledgments, we return, under God, we Return to You. I am, among Thousands,

humble servant

Francis Gregory.

[ornamental header]

The Scholars to the READER.

   IN these Verses you may expect many expressions of joy, none of wit. Expressions may not be light, where the subject is Majesty. It is as hard a Task to bear the heigth of joy with sobriety, as the depth of sorrow with Patience. Joy, when it is in excesse, (and such is ours) doth not so much heighten as Transport and Ravish. The Product of our brain must needs be poor and beggarly, when our Passion groweth Head-strong and Plunders our Reason. Such is our joy for the long desired Returne of his Majesty, that we are even beside our selves, and no wonder then, if we are beside our wits too. It is not our design to Proclaim our learning, but our Loyalty; we care not to passe under the name of bad Poets, if we may but prove our selves good subjects. Indeed, it may look like ambition in school-boyes to be in Print; But, if young Students at Oxford doe much this way, why may not we at Woodstock doe a little? we think, Poetry is no more confind'd to Gownes and Caps, then Philosophy to Beards. It is our hope ere long to reach the University, we suppose, it is not our Crime to follow it now; indeed to have got the start and met the KING, before the Unversitie, had not been in us good manners, but yet to follow it, Proves our great disadvantage. Our Woodstock Verses after those of Oxford, must needs seem as dul as a Country Homily after a St Mary's Sermon. If University men shall read our verses, we must entreat them first to forget their own. Yet, not as if we like Plagiaries, had stolne any of theirs, surely if we are Theeves, we are fools too; 'tis not only dishonesty but imprudence to bring stolne goods so quickly to so neer a market, and expose them to sale at the right Owners door. Our Expressions are somewhat like the Aire we live in, Thin enough, but not piercing; though our School be neerer, yet our wits and fancies are above six miles from Oxford. However, what we would have done, accept; what we have done, excuse; it will be our honour, if our Gracious Soveraign please but to reckon us among his Minor Poets.

    [double ornamental rules]

[ornamental header]

To his Excellency the right Honourable
GEORGE MONCK Lord Generall
of the Armies of England, &c.

YOur Pardon, Sir, that We now use your Name,
To after ages we would bear your fame.
All we can say, fals short; yet our next age
Will ne're believe, what's done on Englands stage.
5: We can't believe our selves; your acts so high
Transcend our faith, and yet done in our Eye.
We seem as yet but men that dream; and see
Such actions done indeed which can not be.
Blame not our future Age; if they deny
10: To trust our Tongues, when we distrust our Eye.
We see, yet doubt; we wrong our selves and you,
We cannot yet believe, what Monck can doe.
'Tis sure, that CHARLES, Great CHARLES, is come; yet when
We think how much oppos'd, we fear agen.
15: Our feares and hopes between themselves are rackt,
We fear the Wonder, when we hope the act.
England, still stand and wonder; yet at last
Believe the Conquest, since the Triumph's past.
Tis strange, but true; thy King is come; begin
20: To pay for Duty what of late was sin.
But how came CHARLES again? O sure, here's all
That can be said; Brave MONCK'S our Generall.
O England, still adore thy God, and since
Thou wast a slave to subjects, love thy Prince.
25: Wee'd raise MONCK'S Name above the Sphear of men,
As he the sword, could we but use the Pen.

F. Gregory.
[double ornamental rules]

Upon the Returne of his Sacred MAJESTY
CHARLES the Second, KING
of England, &c.
Carmen Gratulatorium & Votivum.

BUt is it true? did Angels this newes bring?
So great and yet so good! a Saint and King?
Sure tis not one that's born of mortal race;
An head that's crown'd with gold? an heart with grace?
5: Were not great Britaines King confin'd in Spain,
I should believe 'tis he that's come againe.
Or doe his Subjects know at length their losse?
If CHARLES still want his Crown, they'l want no crosse.
It must be he, or else some God's come down
10: To change an Heav'nly, for an Earthly Crown.
But lo, 'tis CHARLES indeed! He, He alone
A Christian every where; a King in's Throne.
But may I creep into his Presence? may
I to his Crown of gold adde Crownes of Bay?
15: When others slay their Hecatombs, may wee
Bring but our Dove, and yet accepted bee?
All presents are below him, lesse then's right;
There's no more worth ith' Talent, then ith' Mite.
We owe him Twelve yeares duty; our Arreares
20: Can n'ere be paid, except by Prayers and Teares.
His Principall must needs be lost; pay th'best
We can, t'will not amount to th' Interest.
Our future Loyalty is Debt, no more;
Paying new Debts don't quit our former score.
25: But since we wrong'd a Prince, it's well, 'tis He
That spares the neck, if wee'l but bow the Knee.
'Tis not revenge, but mercy, dwels in's brest,
A Rebel, if repenting, he loves best.
You, that are Guilty soules, fall down at's Throne,
30: An Halter bring, you'l goe away with none.
You, that have injur'd CHARLES your King, draw neer
And weep; no satisfaction like a Tear.
How ready's He to pardon! O that they,
That once rebell'd, were ready to obey!
35: Subjects restore your Prince, what ere's his due;
'Tis much you owe him, his own Lands and You.
Build up his Royall Houses; build them all,
And let them loose, but Rubbish, by their fall;
But 'till you build up those by cost and art,
40: CHARLES shall not want an House, 'till I an Heart.
And now accept my welcome, Britaines King,
Had I a Pen, I'de write; a voice, I'de sing.
Could I as eas'ly do as wish; no Gemme
Should ere be wanting to thy Diadem.
45: Were th' Indies mine, yet gold how should I want
To make a Crown? I fear, t'would be too scant.
Thou art above our Presents; yet will we
The want of Gifts supply by Loyaltie.
Long live, Great CHARLES; go on, Dread Sir, go on,
50: Go, conquer hands abroad, but Hearts at home.
Thy Crown may fade; thy fame shall neer be spent,
If Prose or Verse can make a Monument.

Fran: Gregory.

[ornamental rule]

BUt why so, churlish Porter? why not I?
May none, but Nobles, wait on's Majesty?
What? roome for none but Princes richly drest?
CHARLES ev'n for Peasants hath a room in's brest.
5: Come, come, let's in; come shut the Gate no more;
We do not come to beg, but to adore,
See, see, what crowds are here! I dare to say
Here is some fair, or market kept too day.
Surely, we should have paid some Tole at th' doore,
10: I doubt, the Porter will let's in no more.
{But who's that yonder in an Ermyn Gown? 1
{A Scepter in his hand, on's head a Crown?
{Sure 'tis the King; peace, peace, stand still, fall down.
I never saw such Majesty! I fear,
15: It is high treason to approach thus near.
Let's worship and away; fools were we, when
We thought, that Kings and Princes had been men!

Willoughbeus D'ewes Baronetta.

[1]left margin triplet hook

[ornamental rule]

TEll me, my soule, am I a dream'd or no!
It can't be True; I'm sure, 'tis strange, if so!
And yet what meanes this mighty Triumph? why
Is England cloth'd with so much Gallantry?
5: Do'st thou not yonder see a Glorious Train?
Do not our Nobles wear their starres again?
Nothing but cloth of silver? O what light
Shines round, as if the Sun were grown more bright?
See how the Ministers do joy and crack,
10: As if they would no more wear Mourning black!
Where stands the City? where doth London dwel?
What? is each Citizen confin'd in's Cel?
No men in London? strange! what? empty street?
The Citizens are gone some God to meet.
15: Heark, heark, what sound of Trumpets do I hear?
Surely the Deity approcheth neer.
'Tis CHARLES, 'Tis CHARLES our Prince; That, that's the thing!
Welcome, dread Sov'raign! Welcome, O our King!
Hold, hold, my soul! forbear! O why should I,
20: Instead of Duty, shew Idolatry?
Hold, hold, my joyfull eye? Thy Teares don't spil,
O do not thou drop Ink into my Quil.
I can't forbear to worship CHARLES; no lesse
Will serve my soul, undone with Happinesse:
25: How shall I vent my Heart! what shall I say?
Dread SIR? my Soul's too full to speak; Ile Pray.
God blesse our Church! our King, O God, still own;
Give him an Earthly Crown, and Heavenly Throne.

Abrahamus Gregory, Gen. filius.

[ornamental rule]

BRing forth the royall robes; the scarlet gowne,
Now CHARLES our King takes his Imperiall Crowne.
Sound all the Trumpets, and let each Gun sing
An Honourable Welcome to our King.
5: England rejoyce, thy Prince returned is;
Thine owne Head, thou wilt Crowne, whil'st thou crown'st His.
Whil'st that with glistering Gemmes His Head shall Shine,
It is the Weight proves His, the Glory thine.

Georgius Fleetwood Baronis filius.

[ornamental rule]

CEase now to talke of C'sars, CHARLES is Hee,
That in the World will th'only Monarch bee.
Though He is High, He knowes no pride; His Throne
To mount Him nigher Heaven, doth serve alone.
5: CHARLES is a Subject to Himselfe; and Hee,
That doth Command, Obedient will be.
Nor is He onely Good, but Great; what man
Was both so great a King and Christian?
What man had Faith (Great CHARLES) so strong as Thine?
10: Thou art a second English Constantine.
O may that Cloud, that did obscure Thy light,
Serve but to render Thee to us more Bright.
Nor let us strive T'eclipse that Light, from whom
The brightest Splendour, that we have, doth come.
15: What though our Nobles like to Starres appeare?
These Starres shine not, unlesse the Sun be nere.

Bertius Fleetwood Equitis aurati filius.

[ornamental rule]

ARise, Great CHARLES, arise, O Glorious King,
And turne our Twelve yeares Winter to a Spring.
How faine would England see her Prince? how faine
Would all thy Subjects see their King againe?
5: As yet we hope, and feare: we joy and moan,
Longing to see Great CHARLES upon His Throne:
Thou art more welcome then the Sun: we see
How bright Thy Rayes, even at a distance, bee;
Surely that man's a Foole, that now will say,
10: It is the Sun above, that makes the Day.

Carolus Cocks Armigeri filius

[ornamental rule]

SOrrowes be gone; this day our joyes begin,
Teares, once our duty, now would be our sin,
We wept upon the Father's Shrine that's gone,
But now wee'll dance about the Throne of's Son.
5: Sighs well become the Fun'rall of a King,
None fit for Crowning dayes, but such as Sing.
Rejoyce ye Peeres of England, CHARLES is come,
Yee Starres attend the motion of the Sunne.
This is a double Coronation day,
10: The King is Crown'd with Gold, and we with Bay.

Henry Cope Heroin' filius.

[ornamental rule]

WHat Nation, now hath greater cause then wee
To turne their Mourning into Melody?
Wee, who for griefe did once with teares lament,
Should weep for joy, were not our teares all spent.
5: Wee showred teares when our late Sun did set,
Would wee at's rising could some few drops let.
We sure, who in whole yeares of night did lye,
'Iëê onlié 2 can't but with joy cry.
Not that it gets by acclamations loud,
10: The Sun's a Sun though hidden in a Cloud.
'Tis for our owne sakes (Great CHARLES) that we sing.
You need not Subjects, but wee need a King.
When we lost CHARLES, our selves then sure we lost,
The losse of th'Head the Members life did cost.
15: Drowned in teares, the Realme, that lately lay,
Now seeth with joy it's Resurrection day.
Our Sun hath dry'd those floods of teares; and wee,
That in them dead did lye, enlivened bee.
What is more strange? how wondrous is this thing?
20: That ev'n Northwinds should this yeare bring our Spring.
Honour'd by all let noble MONCK now live;
Their right, to God and C'sar, he doth give.
Perfect (Great Hero) what thou hast begun,
In th'end's the Crowne; leave not till that be done.
25: Surely that day will be the longest, when
Great CHARLES the Second takes his Diadem.
For when the Sun shall see His glittering Crowne,
Hee'll stop his Coach to gaze, and not goe downe.
And when that's done, with joy we Hymmes shall sing,
30: The Burden still shall be, GOD SAVE THE KING.

Georgius Goodman Gen. filius.

[2]lower case Gk: see 1660 Diary for 1 June.

WElcome Great CHARLES, welcome our royall King,
Would we a hymn becoming Thee could sing!
But O our wishes are in vain; sure He,
That is a King, in verse can't measur'd be.
5: How then, Alas! shall such a sneaks, as I,
Attempt the measuring of a Deity?
Thy graces sure are more then Three; thy praise,
Though th' Muses nine should sing, they could not raise
Fit for Thy fame, none e're will find a pen,
10: Unlesse the Gods should drop down quils to men.

Henricus Stratford, Armigeri filius.

TYrants instead of Peace did give us Strife,
They gave us death, but Thou dost give us Life;
When Thou wast gone, thy Members all were dead,
It was no wonder, for they lost their Head.

5: Let sorrows cease, now comes Great Britains King,
And shall not we on him some Verses sing?
Who from 'gyptian Bondage set's us 3 free,
And from a Common-wealth of Misery.

Johannes Cocks Armig. filius.

[3] us] ut 0=Woods 319, OC

[ornamental rule]

IS CHARLES a coming, what to Him shall wee
Present in token of our Loyalty?
At sight of Him shall teares our cheekes run downe?
Though teares are pearles, they don't become a Crowne.
5: We have no golden Crownes to send; for wee
Poets have none, but what of Laurell bee.
We wanting gold, our Muses us command
To put a golden verse into his hand.

Tobias Chauncy Armig. filius.

[ornamental rule]

ENgland behold thy Lord; thy King, thy Sun;
Whose Glory Shines, before himselfe is come.
How lov'd before once seen! His Majesty
Ravisht our hearts, before it fil'd our eye.
5: Welcome, Great CHARLES, now welcome Kingly Power.
Welcome sweet Calm after our stormy shower.
Thy troubles prove thy glory; 'tis thy gaine,
That thou wast once confin'd to France and Spaine.
That which men want, they prize the more; and since
10: We curst a Common-wealth, w'adore a Prince.
Our love had been the lesse had CHARLES been here,
His distance made him unto us more neere.

Johannes Blincowe, Gen. filius

[ornamental rule]

SHall I? what I? poor school-boy undertake
A verse on such a subject for to make?
CHARLES is a Subject that becomes the Pen
Onely of Doctours, Bishops, Nobler Men.
5: For school-boyes 'tis too high a theame; on it
An Ovid now might exercise his wit.
But yet so gracious is our Prince, that Boyes,
Who have no wit, are welcome ev'n with toyes:
Pardon, Dread Sir, this crime; O pardon one
That only begs to fall before your Throne.

Johannes Rogers, Ministri filius.

[ornamental rule]

THou, that like th' daysy, England, did'st combine
Thy selfe to shut, because CHARLES did not shine,
May'st now rejoyce, to see what Heaven hath done,
Thy Sun is rising, and thy night is gone;
5: As Sol dries up the Dew, when he doth rise,
So CHARLES, thy Sun, teares dropping from thy eyes:
When any broken member's set, we're glad,
And hast not thou much cause of joy, who'st had,
Thy head cut off, and set again? (" sure
10: Monck's a rare workman, that hath wrough this cure?)
Tis 'th Indians joy to see the sun appeare,
When they have been i'th dark but halfe a yeare;
And wilt not thou rejoice to see the light,
When thou hast been it'h dark a ten yeares night?
15: O henceforth love thy King: " cursed be,
That hand, which with this Head doth disagree.

Robert Wild, Ministri filius:


PArdon (Great Sir) in worthlesse Rhythmes, though we
Doe mete that joy, which cannot measur'd be;
If that some golden lines our pens could write,
To grace this golden age, they were too slight;
5: Much lesse may these my Muses threadbare Rhythmes,
Which is the all, my nothing gives these times;
O Men! won't ye rejoice to see your King!
Behold! the very birds for joy do sing;
Each creature welcomes CHARLES; go, view our downes,
10: And see how pretty lambs in milke white gownes
Do leap for joy! the woods, comdemn'd to die,
To see their King, put on their bravery;
How great a sense of joy in trees appeares,
The barke must be their eye, the sap their teares?
15: What wa'st, that made so backward this years spring?
The fields sure kept their flowers for their King.

John Wilde, Ministri filius.

[Latin and Greek poems, pp. 11-15]

[ornamental rule]

Upon His Sacred MAJESTIES

Dread SIR!
COuldst thou before thy death have giv'n, what we
Might ask, Thy Book had been the Legacie.
Thy will can make but Heirs of Monarchie;
But this doth make each man an Heir of Thee.
5: Blest Soul! Thou art now mounted up on High,
Beyond our Reach, yet not above our Eye.
Lo here thy other selfe: Thus Thou canst be
In Heaven and Earth without Ubiquitie.
Like This Thou hast no Picture: So Divine
10: Might any Image be ador'd, 'twere Thine.
So curious is this Work; 'tis easily known,
'Twas drawn by no mans Pensil, but Thine own.
None could expresse a King but Thou: We see
Men cannot, Gods may limn a Deitie.
15: The Style betraie's a King, the art a man,
The high Devotion speake's a Christian:
These meet in CHARLES alone; but He, theres none
So fully All, as if he were but One:
How short of thee is Balzacks Prince, He knew
20: Not how to think what thou knew'st how to doe:
Thou art the Copie for our Kings: and He
Shall still be best, that frame's Him false by Thee
Thy Work's a practick Pattern for thy Son,
Who, having this, shall need no Xenophon.
25: They that would know thy Parts, must read Thee: Look,
You'l find each Line a Page, each Page a Book:
Each Comma is so full, each Colon good,
'Tis Pitie, death did put a Period,
Great Tullie had been silenc'd amongst men,
30: Had but thy Tongue been equall to Thy Pen:
But this Defect doth prove Thy skil more choice,
That makes the Eccho sweeter then the voice:
Our Bodley's shelves will now be full; No man
Will want more Books; This one's a Vatican.
35: Yet 'tis but CHARLES contracted: Since His fall,
Heav'n hath the Volumne, Earth the Manual.

F. Gregory.
Printed in 1648.

[4] see 1660 Diary for 1 June

[double ornamental rule]

[ornamental rule]

On the Martyrdom of His late

COme, come, lets Mourne; all eies, that see this Day,
Melt into Showres, and weep your selves away:
O that each Private head could yield a Floud
Of Teares, whil'st Britain's Head stream's out His Bloud;
5: Could we pay what His Sacred Drops might claim,
The world must needs be drowned once again.
Hands cannot write for trembling; let our Eie
Supply the Quill, and shed an Elegie.
Tongues cannot speak; this Griefe know's no such vent,
10: Nothing, but silence, can be Eloquent.
Words are not here significant; in This
Our Sighs, our Groans hear all the Emphasis.
Dread SIR! What shall we say? Hyperbole
Is not a Figure, when it speak's of thee;
15: Thy book is our best Language; what to this
Shall e're be added, is Thy Meiosis:
Thy Nam's a Text too hard for us: no men
Can write of it, without Thy parts and pen.

Thy prisons, Scornes, Reproach, and poverty.
20: (Though these were thought too courteous Injury.)
{How could'st thou bear? Thou meeker Moses, how? 5
{Was ever Lion bit with whelps till now
{And did not roar? Thou England's David, how
Did Shimei's Tongue not move Thee? where's the man?
25: Where is the King? CHARLES is all Christian.
Thou never wanted'st Subjects, no; when they
Rebell'd, thou mad'st Thy Passions to obey.
Had'st Thou regain'd Thy Throne of state by power,
Thou had'st not then been more a Conquerour.
30: But thou, thine own soul's Monarch, art above
Revenge and anger, Can'st Thou tame Thy Love?
How could'st Thou bear thy Queen's Divorce? must Shee
At once Thy wife, and yet Thy Widdow be?
Where are Thy tender Babes, once Princely bred,
35: Thy choicest jewels, are They Sequestred?
Where are Thy Nobles? Lo, in stead of these
Base savage Villains, and thine enemies:
Egyptian Plague! 'twas only Pharoah's doom,
To see such Vermin in His Lodging room.
40: What Guards are set, what watches do they keep?
They do not think Thee safe, though Lock't in Sleep.
Would they confine thy Dreames within to dwell,
Nor let thy Fancie passe their Centinel?
Are Thy Devotions dangerous? Or do
45: Thy Praiers want a Guard? These faultie too?
Varlets, 'twas onely, when they spake for You.

But loe a charg is drawn, a day is set,
The silent LAMB is brought, the Wolves are met.
Law is arraign'd of Treason, Peace of War,
50: And Justice stand's a Prisoner at the Bar.
This Scene was like the Passion-Tragedie,
His Saviour's Person none could Act, but He.
Behold, what Scribes were here, what Pharisees!
What bands of Souldiers! what false witnesses!
55: Here was a Priest, and that a Chiefe one; who
Durst strike at God, and his Vicegerent too,
There Pilate, Bradshaw here, the worse of th'Twain,
Pilate for Fear, Bradshaw condemn'd for gain.
Wretch! could'st not thou be rich, till CHARLES was dead?
60: Thou might'st have took the Crown, yet spar'd the Head.
Th'hast justifi'd that Roman judg; He stood
And wash't in water, thou hast dipt in Blood.
And where's the Slaughter-House? White-hall must be
Lately His Palace, now his Calvarie.
65: Great CHARLES, is this thy dying place? and where
Thou wast our King, art thou our Martyr there?
Thence, thence Thy Soul took flight; and there will we
Not cease to mourne, where thou did'st cease to be.
And thus, blest soul, Hee's gon: a star, whose fall
70: As no Eclips prove's Oecumenicall.
That wretch had skill to sin, whose hand did know
How to behead three Kingdomes at one blow.
England hath lost the Influence of Her King,
No wonder that so backward was her Spring.
75: O dismall day! but yet how quickly gon?
It must be short, Our Sun went down at Noon.
And now, ye Senators, is this the thing
So oft declar'd? Is this your Glorious King?
Did you by Oaths your God, and Country mock,
80: Pretend a Crown, and yet prepare a Block?
Did you that swore you'd Mount CHARLES higher yet,
Intend the Scaffold for His Olivet?
Was this, hail Master? Did you bow the knee
That you might murder him with Loyaltie?
85: Alas! Two Deaths! what Cruelty was this?
The Ax design'd, you might have spar'd the Kiss.
But cease from Teares. CHARLES is most blest of men;
A God on earth, more then a Saint in Heaven.

F. Gregory.
Printed in 1648.

[ornamental rule]

[5]left hand continuous triplet hook

Part VIII. Loyal Expressions, July 1660

Giles Fleming
from Stemma Sacrum

   Titlepage: STEMMA SACRUM, / The / Royal Progeny / Delineated, and with some / Notes explained, Shewing His / SACRED MAJESTIES / Royal and Lawful Descent to / His Crown and Kingdoms, from all / the Kings that ever reigned in this / NATION. / [rule] / By Giles Fleming, Rector of Wadding-/ worth, in the Diocess and County of / LINCOLN. / [rule] / Blessed art thou O Land, when thy King is the Son of / the Nobles, Eccles. 10. 7. / And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Ju-/ dah, shall yet again take root downward, and / bear fruit upward, 2 Kings 19. 30. / [rule] / London, Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the golden / Ball in Chancery-lane. 1660. / [whole is boxed] 1

   Reissued in 1664 as His Majesty's Pedigree. This is not so much a reprint, as the original work with a cancel titlpage -- "Printed for Tho. Rooks at the Lamb and Inkbottle at the East end of S. Pauls near S. Austins gate, 1664" and a final leaf listing works printed by Rooks. Gibbs's colophon has been erased from the genealogical table.

   The Folger copy is signed "Katherine Willughby her booke 1661 sent her by her deare Sister, S. W." and, on the titlepage, is signed by "Doro Winstanley." An engraved portrait of Charles II precedes the titlepage in the WF copy; not found in MR

    Anticipation of the king involved checking out his dynastic credentials once more and, in doing so, insist upon the principle of royal inheritance. This is the task that Giles Fleming took upon himself in producing a pocket-book sized genealogy of the returning king.

    Giles Fleming is identified as "Rector of Waddingworth, in the Diocess and County of Lincoln" on the titlepage. From Lincoln Cathedral Library, Dr. Nicholas Bennett reports: "Waddingworth is a small parish, six miles west-north-west of honrcastle in Lincolnshire. The Village is still in existence, although the church of St Margaret has sadly been made redundant. Giles Fleming was presented to the rectory of Waddingworth by King Charles I on 28 August 1629 and was instituted to the living on 4 September. 2 According to Venn, Alumni Cantabrigenses, he was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge (BA 1622-3) and ordained deacon and priest by the Bishop of Peterborough in 1626. He held the living of Waddingworth until his death early in 1665; he was buried in Beverly Minster on 23 January 1664/5. I have found no record to suggest that he was ejected from his living dring the Commonwealth period." 3

    Author of the sermon Magnificence exemplified: and, the repair of Saint Pauls exhorted unto, preached at St Paul's on 31 August 1634 (STC 11052); copy at Lincoln Cathedral.

    Fleming dedicated Stemma Sacrum to George, Lord Viscount Castleton; recently chosen to represent Lincoln in Parliament, according to the dedicatory epistle. After the dedication, the book contains a fold-out genealogical table [present in copies CH, WF, O=Ash; the 1664 copy at O; missing from MR, O=E.109], establishing Charles as dynastic heir to the throne of Britain "from all the Kings that have ever reigned in this Island, whereby the people may perceive how properly, rightly, legally, and intirely he is their own, whom they now thus joyfully receive" (sigs. [A3v]-A4). It is preceded by the following verses.

    After the table, there follows a 48 page [sigs. B-D[8v], pp. 1-48] prose text on the wonders of Charles's return, interlarded with classical anecdotes and a discussion of the various kinds of people who make up the inhabitants of Britain: the "Aborigines," or Britons; the "Indigenae" or "Inhabitants," the Saxons; the "Inquilini," or Intruders, the Danes; the "Victores" or Conquerors, such as the Normans; "Convenae," or Associates, the Scots; "Advenae," or strangers, the Dutch. Each group is shown to have inter-married leading to the ascendancy of the Stuarts, thereby proving Charles the rightful leader. It ends with a series of Latin monograms suited to the monarchs since William. Racial discourse of this kind was not unfamiliar to readers of the Restoration period.

    The verses are given in reverse italics.

[1] MR copy used here for titlepage.

[2] [Lincoln Diocesan Records, PD 1629/38; Bishop's Certificates calendared in C. W. Foster, `Admissions to benefices', Associated Architectural Societies Reports and Papers 30 (1910), 384]

[3] Letter, dated 24 october 1995.

COme hither if you want a guide,
To shew you whom ye should obey;
Look on this Stem, and see descry'd,
To whom of right belongs the sway.
5: If from your Fathers ye possess
That Land you rightly call your own,
By the same Law ye must confess
That unto Charles belongs the Throne;
And if a thousand years make good
10: A title to the English Crown,
Longer then so his Race hath stood;
Then how can subjects put him down?
Who art thou that within this Land,
Dost challenge either birth or place?
15: Look here, and thou shalt understand
Who 'tis that dignifies thy Race.
Art thou a Norman Noble Peer,
And from them drawst thy high descent?
Plantagenet, I present thee here
20: Thy Lineages chief Ornament.
Stout Saxon, with thy crooked Sword
If that thou say, Shew me my King;
Take it upon a Scholars word,
King Edgars Heir to thee I bring.
25: If thou say'st, Bold and Bonny, Scot,
I ne're had King, but was mine own:
A Steward's here thy happy lot,
The lawful Heir of Calidon.
Rich ancient, Yeoman born in Kent,
30: If that thou cry'st A Dane for me,
Canutus blood I here present,
The Heir to Denmarks Majesty.
Old Brittane who in Lyrick verse,
Sangst of so many Kings of Yore,
35: Tuders Blood-Royal I reherse,
Of whom thy Bards sang long before.


John Tatham
verses from
from Londons Glory
5 July

   Titlepage: verses in: Londons Glory / Represented by / TIME, TRUTH, and FAME: / AT / The Magnificent TRIUMPHS and / ENTERTAINMENT / of His most Sacred MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / The DUKES of York and Glocester, / The two Houses of Parliament, / Privy Councill, Judges, &c. / At Guildhall on Thursday, being the 5th. day / of July 1660. and in the 12th. Year of His / Majesties most happy Reign. / [rule] / TOGETHER / With the Order and Management of / the whole Days Business. [rule] / Published according to Order. / [rule] / London, Printed by William Godbid in Little Brittain. 1660. / [ornamental box]

    John Tatham wrote the Lord Mayor's pageants between 1657-1664.

    London's Glory is dedicated to Sir Thomas Aleyn, Lord Mayor of London and contains a brief epistle to the reader. After the speechs given here, the rest of the tract describes the order of the procession to Whitehall by the Mayor and representatives of the major guilds, where they are met by the royal party, including members of both houses of parliament, and the privy council. En route to Guildhall, the procession is variously interupted by pageants: at the conduit at Fleet Street, Time gives his speech, and then at St Pauls, Truth speaks. Apparently not all went according to plan: "Another Pageant presents its self at Foster-lane, being a large and goodly Fabrick, a Trumpeter placed on the Top, where it was intended Fame should speak; But at the great Conduit in Cheapside, Fame presents her Speech" (p. 8). Another poetic account appears in the broadside, The Royal Entertainment (cf)

    In 1660, 29 October, he produced a pageant The Royal Oake with Other various and delightfull Scenes presented on the Water and the Land, Celebrated in Honour of the deservedly Honoured Sir Richard Brown Bar. Lord Mayor of the City of London the 29th. day of October in the 12th year of his majesties most happy, happy, Reign, An. Dom. 1660. And performed at the Costs and Charges of the Right Worshipfull Company of Merchant-Taylors, Being twice as many Pageants and Speeches as have been formerly showen (London, 1660; O=Gough London 122.12) for the new Lord Mayor, Sir Robert Brown, a member of the Merchant Taylor's Company [Wing T232; L,O,CH]. In the year of Charles's return, Tatham also published The Rump: Or The Mirrour of the late Times. A New Comedy (1660), which claimed to have been "Acted Many Times with Great Applause, at the Private House in Dorset Court." O=Mal. 215(3). seen 4/96. In the first issue of the play, Lambert, Fleetwood, Wareston and Whitlock appear as characters with the names of Bertlam, Woodfleet, Stoneware, Lockwhit; a second issue calls them by their own names. Pepys bought a copy in November. Maidment and Logan reckon the play would have been performed in February, 1660 (p. 284).

[ornamental border]


Most Sacred Sir,

TIme on his bended knee your Pardon Craves,
Having been made a Property to Slaves;
A Stalking-horse unto their horrid Crimes,
Yet when things went not well the fault was Times.
My Fore-top held by Violence not Right,
Dy'd the Suns Cheeks with blood, defil'd the Light:
That all Men thought they eas'd their misery
If they could but Securely rail on me.
These Clamours troubled Time, who streight grew sick
With Discontents, as Touch'd unto the Quick;
And so far spent 'twas thought he could not mend,
Rather grow worse and worse; All wish'd his End.
Nay, was concluded dead, and worst of all
With many a Curse they Peal'd his Funeral.
Now see the Change, Since Your arrival here
Time is Reviv'd, and nothing thought too dear
That is Consum'd upon him, ne're was he
So lov'd and pray'd for since his Infancy.
Such is the Vertual Fervour of your Beams,
That not Obliquely but directly Streams
Upon your Subjects; So the Glorious Sun
Gives growth to th'infant Plants he smiles upon.
Welcome Great Sir unto your Peoples Love
Who breath their very Souls forth as You move.
Their long and tedious Suff'rings do express
'Till now they ne're had Sense of Blessedness.
The Cheer'd-up-Citizens cease to Complain,
Having Receiv'd their Cordial Soveraign.
Among the Rest the Skinners Company
Crowd to express their Sense of Loyalty
And those born deaf and dumb and can but 1 see
Make their hands speak Long live Your Majesty:
Whose Royal Presence cures the Wounded State
Re-guilds Time's Coat, and gives a turn to Fate.


[1] and can but] ed; and can can but LT, O1, O2, WF


Most gracious Soveraign,

BOund by allegiance, Truth, Daughter to Time
(Long since abus'd) Welcomes you to this Clime,
Your Native Soyle, to which you have been long
A Stranger; Now Truth should not want a Tongue,
Although she hath been Murder'd by Report
Shee's now Camp-Royal and Attends your Court;
And as in Rules of Strict Divinity,
He that desires the Judges Clemency,
Must first Condemn himself, and so prepare
His way for Pardon, 'tis your Kingdomes Care;
Who do confess whil'st other Nations strove
Which should be happiest in your Princely love,
Were so insensible of that blest heat
A Pulse they wanted Loyalty to beat;
With Penitential tears they meet your Palme
Shewing a Loyal Tempest in a Calme.
Then from your Rayes of Majesty they do
Derive such Joy speaks no less Wonder too,
Children that hardly hear'd of such a thing
Now frequently do cry God bless the King.
Nay though their damned Sires instructed them
To hate the Cask'net yet they'l love the Jem;
Such is your Radices that you Refine
Sublunar things to Species more divine.
You have new Coyn'd all hearts, and there Imprest,
Your Image which gives Vigour to the rest
Of their late stupid faculties that now,
They'l pass for Currant, and true Subjects grow:
Th'untainted Clothiers Company by me
Their Instrument, pray for your Majesty;
May you live long and happy, and Encrease,
For ever Crown the harvest of your peace;
Since graciously you have deceiv'd Our fears
Instead of Wars brought Musick of the spheres.



Most Mighty Sir,

FAme, that ne'r left you at the worst Essay,
Welcomes you home, and Glorifies this day:
You whose blest Innocence and matchless Mind
Could ne're be stain'd or any wayes Confin'd,
Has stood the Shock of Fortunes utmost hate
And yet your Courage did Outdare your Fate;
That even those Fiends (for sure none else could be
Your Enemies) admir'd Your Constancy;
Commending that they most did Envy, so
Against their Wills your Fame did Greater grow:
And when those Miscreants 'gainst you did prepare,
And thought You Sure, Your wisdom broke the snare.
'Twas strange that through the cloud none could descry
A Spark of that fulness of Majesty.
But Heav'n that Orders all things as it list
Shut up their Eyes in an Egyptian Mist.
You have past many Labyrinths, are Return'd
Now to Your People who long time have Mourn'd;
The want of Your warm Beams they have not known,
A Sommer since your Father left his Throne;
That like th'benum'd Muscovians they now run,
With eager hast to meet their Rising Sun;
And if the Rout in Uproar chance to be,
It cann't be Judg'd but Loyal Mutiny;
Since that You do their Golden Times Revive,
They to express a Joyful Salve strive;
Blest Prince thrice Welcome is the general Cry,
And in that speaks the Grocers Company;
To which the present Maior a Brother is,
Whose Loyalty finds happiness in this,
This Royal Change, Fame now shall spread his Wing,
And of your after Glories further sing;
Sionce in Your self You are a History
A Volume bound up for Eternity.


The Royal Entertainment
5 July

   Titlepage: The Royall Entertainment, / Presented by the Loyalty of the City, to the Royalty of their Soveraign, on Thursday the fourth of July / 1660. When the City of London invited his Majesty, the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester, and / their Royall Retinue, to a Feast in the Guild-hall, London, to which the King was conducted by the / chiefest of the City Companies on Horse-back, entertained by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Com-/ mon-Councill, Guarded from White-hall to Guild-hall by the Artillery-men, led by the Illustrious / James Duke of York; met by diverse Pageants, with sundry devices, and the Livery attending in / their Order. The Hall was richly appointed with costly Hangings, the Floores raised, Organs erected / [wi]th all sorts of Musick, performed by the Ablest Masters in England, with all Varieties that Art, Plen-/ [ty], and Curiosity can present, / To the Tune of Packington's pound. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove, on Snow[-hill.] / Entred according to Order.

   The "royal entertainment" described here actually took place at the Guildhall on Thursday 5 July, and is described by John Tatham in London's Glory (cf). According to the Loyal Scout (No. 102 for 29 June-6 July), preparations for the event had begun well in advance: "notwithstanding it was begun before His Majesties happy Arrival in the City, yet much is still to do, though many persons of several faculties are employed therein" (p. 419. CHECK FOR FULLER ACCOUNT

    See also Richards 1977:65, Fairholt, Lord Mayor's Pageants, Parl Int for 9 July, Merc Pub No.28 (5-12 July), Rugge, Mundy,

    Pepys reports that it rained all day: "Being at White-hall, I saw the King -- the Dukes and all their attendants go forth in the rain to the City and bedaggled many a fine suit of clothes. I was forced to walk all the morning in White-hall, not knowing how to get out because of the rain." (5 July).

    Ingelo's "Song of Thanksgiving" which was sung at the banquet, is included.

The Royall Entertainment.

MY pen and my fancy shall never give o're,
to write of ye triumphs which Providence brings;
Such glory and gladnesse was ne'r known before,
from William quite thorow the reign of the Kings.
our sorrow and grief
is turned to releif,
and Comfort is now a Commander in Chief.
As manifestly will appear in this ditty:
When London invited the King to the City.

10: Which was so performed with honour and glory,
with Order and Gallantry, Freedom and Mirth.
The like I presume hath been scarce seen in story:
or ever was known since the oldest mans birth.
sweet pleasures divine,
in all eyes did shine,
our God hath converted our water to wine.
All things that were Excellent, Pleasant, and Witty,
Were shown to the King when he came to the City.

Guild-hall was prepared with costly expence,
20: and alter'd to entertain this Kingly guest,
Where with all variety every sense
was courted with plenty at this Royal Feast,
invention and state
upon him did wait,
the City and Suburbs with people were fraught:
And no kind of joy that was worthy or witty
Was wanting to welcome the King to the City.

With habits compleat and with hearts light as cork,
Lord Lucas 1 conducted th'Artillery men 2
30: To White-hall to wait upon James Duke of York,
who led them all into the City again,
they guarded our King
from every thing
of dangers that might from conspiracy spring.
35: With loud acclamations both pleasant and pretty
The King was conducted with joy to the City.

The Chiefs of the Companies gallantly mounted
with Lackeys in Liveries attending in State
Did shew very famous, and so were accounted
who did to Guild-hall on his Majesty wait. 3
the Livery in order
did stand like a border 4
the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and the Recorder
With all the magnificence fancy can fit yee 5
45: Did Royally welcome the King to the City.

[1]John Lucas, Lord Lucas

[2]"The Gentlemen of he Artillery compleatly armed," Tatham, London's Glory, p. 5.

[3]According to Tatham, after the Lord Mayor and Aldermen came: "six Trumpeters and one Kettle Drum, one Quarter-master, one Conductor, Mr. Bromley carrying the Banner with the Crest of the Kings Arms, Mr. Burt on the left hand of him, carrying the Cities Pendent, and in the Reer of them one carries a Pendent with the Grocers Arms; in the Reer of him 32 Gentlemen of the said Company, and then follows 298 Gentlemen of the other 11 Companies, placed acccording to their Degree: between each of the said Companies is ordered 4 Trumpets, one of them carrying a Pendent with their Arms. Note that the Grocers, Skinners, Merchant-taylors and Clothworkers, have each of them 52 select Gentlemen to ride, the rest of the Companies but 24." p. 6.

[4]"The several Companies in their Livery gowns and Hoods, with Banners and Streamers lane [sic] the Streets, in expectation of his Majesties Approach, from the great Conduit to Temple Bar" (Tatham, Londons Glory, p. 5).

[5]"The Lord Maior, Aldermen, and their Retinue, are all mounted and divided into two Bodies, several choice persons out of the several Liveries in Plush Coats and gold Chains ride also," Tatham, London's Glory, p. 5.

The second part, to the same Tune

THe King was contented, and very well pleas'd,
as by his most gracious respects 6 did appear
To see his good people his heart was well eas'd;
for surely he holdeth the City most dear
Not like the Rump-States,
which threw down the Gates
Or like to Jack Hewson, the Cobler and's Mates,
Or any false Powers that were lowzie and nitty
Who aim'd to demolish the Charter oth' City.

55: With fingers and voices the chiefest that were
with loud and soft Musick did make the Hall ring
That Science did in its best glory appear,
and was only fit for to welcome a King
with voices renown'd
the Banquets were crown'd
in Cathedral manner the Organs did sound
All sorts of Invention, both wondrous and witty
Were fitted to welcome the King to the City.

Pageants did there in their glory appear
the figures did seem all alive as it were,
In silver and gold they did shine very neer,
as bright as the Sun when the day doth shine clear
the Conduits did shine
with Liquor divine
The people did bear away hats full of wine
To run down the streets it was very great pity
And thus was the King entertain'd in the City.

The rooms with rich hanging were brightly attir'd
the Air smelt of nothing but costly perfumes
75: As if the whole world at that time had conspir'd
to throw all varieties into the rooms
the King sate in State
the City did wait
The Hall did abound in all manner of Plate,
80: As if they would tell him Great C'sar we'l fit yee
With all the choice Treasures belongs to the City.

The plenty of food which was there at the Feast
with flesh, fish, and fowl, and rare kick shaws among
In such a small ditty can ne're be exprest
they cannot be marshall'd all up in a song
the Cook's art was great
and pallat was neat
the Pastry appear'd in its order compleat.
What ever was curious, novelty, or witty
90: Attended the King in the love of the City.

The Earth and the Air and the Water conspir'd
to shew all the plenty the Kingdome could yeeld;
It can't be exprest, but may well be admir'd
the dishes stood thicker than flowers in the field.
a friend of mine vow'd
that stood in the crowd
hee see a large Banquet let down in a cloud
Which needs must appear very pleasant and pretty
Unto the beholders the King and the City.

100: With freedome and honour, and safety and love
the King spent the day, then to Whitehall he went.
May all the choice blessings which God hath above,
fall on his head daily to crown his content
may plenty and peace
and union increase
may Amity live, and may enmity cease
May God in his mercy love, favour and pity,
And never divide the good King and the City.

London, Printed for Francis Grove, on Snow[-hill.]
Entred according to Order.

[6]respects] Ebsworth suggests a misprint for aspects.

Nathan Ingelo
A Song of Thanksgiving
5 July

    See Ian Spink, Restoration Cathedral Music 1660-1714 (OUP, 1995), for notes on Ingelo and Rogers; see Woods Ath Oxon, 4:307

    A manuscript note on the verso of O1 reads: "This musique was performed at Guildhall in the year 1660. at the great ffeast, for King Charles the second, (with about 20 of his maties servants, and the 2 Houses of pliament at Dinner in the said Hall: Composed by Ben: Rogers then of Windsor by order of Sir Tho: Allen Lord mayor, and the Court of Aldermen formed to his Maties Great Satisfaction being Instrumentall, and Vocall Musique in Lattin. about the year 1653 was severall sets of Avis of the gd B[enjamin]. R[ogers]. for the violins, and organ, of 4 parts, sent into Germany for the ArchDuke Leopolds Court, (who is now Emporour) and plaid there by his own Musitians to his great content He himself, being a Composer."

    Woods' futher manuscript note to his copy of the Latin version, Hymnus Eucharisticus at O3 reads: "Made by Dr Nathan Ingelo, Fellow of Eaton Coll. near Windsor, sometimes of Qu. coll in Cambridge -- -an. 1660. It was then put into English by the author. To His Hymnus Eucharisticus Ben. Rogers of Windsor, Bach. of Musick, did at the request of the Lord Mayor of Lond. & Aldmen compose a song of four parts. This song was admirably well pformed by about 12. voices, 12 Instruments & an Organ, by mostly his Majesties servants, in the Guildhall of the citie of London, on the 12 [ie 5]of July (thursday) 1660, on wh. day his maj. K Ch.2. James Duke of York Hen. Duke of Gloc. & both Houses of parliament were entertained with a most sumptuous dinner & banquet. Copies of these paps were printed in Lat. & English: one was delivered to the K. & the two Dukes & others to the Nobility for purposely that they might look on them when it was pformed by the said servants belonging to his majesty. It gave very great content, & Benj. Rogers who composed the song, being then present, gained great credit for wt he had done, & a good reward. It was sung in the Lat. tongue."

    The Guildhall entertainment at which this piece was performed actually took place on Thursday, 5 July (see ms note O2 and Ath Oxon ref above). John Tatham's London's Glory provides a full account; see also Pepys, 1:193; Parliamentary Intelligencer (2-9 July), pp. 445-6; Mercurius Publicus 28 (5-12 July), pp. 437-8; Rugg, pp. 98-9. Preparations for the celebration had started before Charles's arrival in London, according to the Loyal Scout 102 (29 May-6 June), p. 419.

A Song of Thanksgiving.



REjoyce in the Lord, O ye Righteous; For Praise is comly for
the Upright. Sing unto God a new Song, play skilfully with a
loud noise.

For the Word of the Lord is Right, and all his works

are done in Truth: He Loveth Righteousness
Contra and Tenor

and Judgment: The Earth is full of the Goodness of the Lord.


How excellent is thy Loving Kindness, O God, therefore

the Children of Men shall put their trust under the
shadow of thy Wings: They shall be satisfied with the
fatness of they House, and thou shalt make them drink
of the Rivers of thy Pleasures.
1 Treble

For with thee is the Fountain of Life; in thy light we shall see light.
First Chorus of four Parts.

O continue they loving kindness to them that know thee, and
thy Righteousness to the Upright in heart.
Let not the foot of Pride come against me; and let not the
Hand of the wicked remove me.
A Bass.

God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present Help in
trouble; Therefore will we not fear, though the Earth
be moved, and though the Mountains be cast in the midst
of the Sea.

There is a River the streams whereof shall make glad
the City of God, the Holy place of the most High.

God is in the midst of her, therefore shall she not be
3 Voc.

moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

Two Tenors.

For the Mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting,
upon them that fear him; and his Righteousness unto Childrens
2 Voc.

Children, to such as remember his Commandments to do them.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me,
bless his holy Name.
Last Chorus, five Parts with Instruments.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doth wonderful
things; and blessed be his Glorious Name; and let the whole
Earth be filled with his Glory. We will bless the Lord both
now and evermore: For his Mercy is great towards us; and the
Truth of the Lord endureth for evermore.
Praise the Lord.

Composed by Benjamin Rogers of Windsor.

J. P.
The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes.
[undated: after 6 July]

    Broadsides were often signed with the initials of the authorizing agent of the stationers company; CHECK JP as the signatory of broadside ballads for these and other printers. See also item 18. J[oy], T[homas], A Loyal Subjects Admonition, undated, anticipating king.

    Ebsworth claims that J. P.'s ballad appeared "within a week after Thursday 4 [ie 5] July" (9:xl), in part basing his attribution on the fact that this ballad refers to the king touching for the King's Evil, which Evelyn records began on 6 July. However, as Ebsworth himself admits, Evelyn is unreliable on this matter; Pepys reports hearsay evidence that Charles touched on 23 June, and he had been touching back in May before leaving for England (see Lower, Relation, pp. 74-8). 5 July was a the day of Charles's entertainment by the City of London -- but this is not referred to in the text.

    On the Trunk ballads, see for notes by Ebsworth.
Among the Trunk Ballads, this one is bound in first; then:
2. The Noble Progresse Ebs chk 7/96
3. The Case is altered, or Sir Reverence, The Rumps last Farewell. To the Tune of Robin Hood. Ebs chk 7/96
4. [title missing] first line "Come you poets drink a round" and badly torn -- mostly missing: Ebs chk 7/96
5. The Glory of these Nations ebs chk 7/96
6. A Relation of the ten grand infamous *Traytors / who for their horrid Murder and detestable Villany..." ebs chk 7/96
These ballads are bound with item 7. "An Elegy on the Death of his Sacred Majesty King Charles II. Of Blessed memory"

    The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes employs a number of distinct and original features; instead of putting biblical references in the margins, it exhorts us directly to read the bible, it questions the sincerity of the jubilations, and it makes a great deal of Charles touching for the Evil as evidence of his sacramental power. One of the few poems to raise the question of just how authentic all the rejoycing over the king's return really was; just how much sincerity did those most loudly proclaiming the new king feel? how much of the jubilation was covering up former guilt?

    Stuart mythology is in the making here, as Charles is regaled in all the poetic tropes of power and authority as a magical king. Old Testament types, Moses and David, are developed to attribute his power with sacramental qualities; this is one of the few poems to make much of the fact that Charles touched for the king's evil. At the same time, the king's foes, from infidels to Quakers, are given a stout warning of the king's might. Many of the traditional Stuart tropes being used here will reappear in the Jacobite balladry of the 1740s.

The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes
To King CHARLES the Second.

He that did write these Verses, certainly,
Did serve his Royal Father faithfully;
Likewise himself he served at Worcester Fight,
[And] for his Loyalty was put to flight:
But had he a head of hair like Absolom,
And every hair as strong as was Samson,
I'de venture all for Charles the second's sake,
And for his Majesty my life forsake.

To the Tune, When Cannons are roaring.


TRue Subjects all rejoyce
after long sadness,
And now with heart and voice
shew forth your gladness,
5: That to King Charles were true,
and Rebels hated,
This Song onely to you
is Dedicated;
For Charles our Soveraign dear
is safe returned,
True Subjects hearts to chear,
that long have mourned:
Then let us give God praise;
that doth defend him,
15: And pray with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

The dangers he hath past
from wild Usurpers,
Now bring him joy at last,
although some Lurkers
Did seek his blood to spill
by actions evil;
But God we see is still
above the Devil;
25: Though many Serpents hiss
him to devour,
God his defender is
by his strong power:
Then let us give him praise
that doth defend him,
And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

The joy that he doth bring,
if true confessed,
35: The tongues of mortal men
cannot express it;
He cures our drooping fears,
being long tormented,
And his true Cavaliers
are well contented:
For now the Protestant
again shall flourish,
The King our nursing Father,
he will us cherish:
45: Then let us give God praise
that did defend him,
And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

Like Moses he is meek,
and tender hearted,
And by all means doth seek
to have foes converted;
But like the Israelites
there are a number,
55: That for his love to them
against him doth murmur:
Read Exodus, 'tis true
the Israelites rather
Yield to the Egyptian crew,
then Moses their Father:
So many Phanaticks
with hearts disloyal
Their thoughts and minds do fix
against our King Royal.

The second Part, to the same Tune.

65: Like holy David, he
past many Troubles;
And by his constancy,
his Joyes redoubles:
For now he doth bear sway,
by God appointed;
For holy Writ doth say,
Touch not mine Anointed.
He is Gods Anointed sure,
who still doth guide him,
75: In all his wayes most pure,
though some deride him.
Then let us give God praise,
that doth defend him;
And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

Many there are we know
within this Nation,
Lip-love to him do shew
in dissumulation;
85: Of such vilde Hereticks
there are a number,
Whose hearts & tongues we know
are far assunder:
Some do pray for the King,
being constrained;
Who lately against him
greatly complained;
They turn both Coat and seam,
to cheat poor Taylors,
95: But the fit place for them
is under strong Jaylors.

Let the Kings Foes admire,
who do reject him;
Seeing God doth him inspire,
and still direct him,
To heal those evil Sores,
and them to cure,
By his most gracious hand,
and prayers pure;
105: Though simple people say,
Doctors do as much:
None but our lawful King
can cure with a touch,
As plainly hath been seen
since he returned:
Many have cured been,
which long have mourned.

The poorest wretch that hath
this Evil, sure
115: May have ease from the King,
and perfect cure;
His Grace is meek and wise,
loving and civil,
And to his enemies
doth good for evil:
For some that are his foes
were by him healed,
His liberal hand to those
is not concealed;
125: He heals both poor and rich
by Gods great power,
And his most gracious touch
doth them all cure.

Then blush you Infidels,
that late did scorn him,
And you that do rebel
Crave pardon of him;
With speed turn a new leaf
for your transgresses,
135: Hear what the Preacher sayes
in Ecclesiates;
The Scriptures true, and shall
for ever be taught,
Curse not the King at all,
no not in thy thought:
And holy Peter
two Commands doth bring,
Is first for to fear God,
and then honour the King.

145: When that we had no King
to guide this Nation,
Opinions did up spring
by tolleration:
And many Heresies
were then advanced,
And cruel Liberties
by old Noll granted.
Some able Ministers
were not esteemed,
155: Many false Prophets,
good Preachers were deemed.
The Church some hated,
a Barn, House, or Stable,
Would serve the Quakers,
with their wicked Rabble.

And now for to conclude,
the God of power,
Preseve and guide our King
both day and hour:
165: That he may rule and reign,
our hearts to cherish:
And on his Head, good Lord,
let his Crown flourish.
Let his true Subjects sing,
with Hearts most loyal,
God bless and prosper still,
Charles our King Royal.
So now let's give God praise,
that doth defend him:
175: And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.


London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

Thomas Fuller
A Panegyrick to His Majesty
[undated: after 6 July?]

   Titlepage: A / PANEGYRICK / TO HIS / MAJESTY, / ON HIS / Happy Return. / [rule] / By Tho. Fuller B. D. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for John Playford at his Shop in the / Temple, 1660.

   See John Eglinton Bailey, Life of Thomas Fuller (1874) for detailed bibliographical notes.
-- accused of popery by John Ley in Flagellum Flagelli (woods 2: 193)
-- from the same town as Dryden

    Thomas Fuller (1608-61), went up to Queens College, Cambridge in 1621 aged 13, later moving to Sidney Sussex as a fellow commoner. He moved to Oxford during the civil wars, but preached in London during 1647 and 1655-56, earning the admiration of Pepys who attended. He was patronized by the Mountagus of Broughton and served as chaplain to the 8th and 9th Barons Berkeley (Pepys Companion, p. 152). He may have accompanied a member of the same family, John, Lord Berkeley of Stratton to the Hague to meet Charles in 1660: this might have provided the occasion for updating his Worcester verses as a tribute.

    In keeping with the generally unexpected nature of Charles return, Fuller treats the removal of the City gates as a providential paradox (stanza 11).

    Of this poem, Fuller was his own first critic, and he set a trend for high standards. Commenting on the version of this poem found in The Worthies, Fuller himself promises "never to make Verses more" (p. 184), against which a contemporary wit wrote in the copy now in the Clark Library UCLA: "your Muse is a dull jade." Fuller's editor, Alexander Grosart, seems rather to have liked the poem, but agrees in the end:

The `Panegyrick' has happy lines: and was the genuine utterance of our large-hearted Worthy's loyalty to his idea of monarchy. Hence the transfiguration of Charles the Second. Historically it is valuable as an evidence of the glowing hopes that centred in the `merry monarch.' The actual `Life' Fuller did not witness. He was `gone' before the brightness of the exile-years paled into foulest Night. High pitched as is his praise it is low compared with innumerable con/[end p. 15]temporary `Welcomes' still preserved in the British Museum and elsewhere. (pp. 15-16)



AT Wor'ster great Gods goodness to our Nation,
It was a Conquest, Your bare Preservation.
When 'midst Your fiercest foes on every side
For Your escape God did a LANE provide; 1
5: They saw You gone, but whither could not tell,
Star-staring, though they ask'd both Heaven and Hell.


Of forreign States You since have studied store,
And read whole Libraries of Princes o're.
To you all Forts, Towns, Towers, and Ships are known,
10: (But none like those which now become Your OWN)
And though Your Eyes were with all Objects fill'd,
Onely the Good into Your Heart distill'd.


Garbling mens manners You did well divide,
To take the Spaniards wisdom, not their pride.
15: With French activity You stor'd Your Mind.
Leaving to them their Ficklenesse behind;
And soon did learn, Your Temperance was such,
A sober Industry even from the Dutch.


But tell us, Gracious Sovereign, from whence
20: Took You the pattern of Your Patience?
Learn't in Afflictions School, under the Rod,
Which was both us'd and sanctifi'd by God;
From Him alone that Lesson did proceed,
Best Tutor with best Pupil best agreed.


25: We, Your dull Subjects, must confess our crime,
Who learnt so little in as long a time,
And the same School, thus Dunces poring looks
Mend not themselves, but onely marre their Books.
How vast the difference 'twixt wise and fool?
30: The Master makes the Schollar, not the School.


With rich conditions ROME did You invite,
Hoping to purchase You their PROSELYTE,
(An empty soul's soon tempted with full Coffers)
Whilst You with sacred scorn refus'd their proffers.
35: And for the FAITH did earnestly 2 CONTEND
Abroad, which now You do at Home DEFEND.


Amidst all Storms, Calm to Your Self the while,
Saddest Afflictions You did teach to smile.
Some faces best become a Mourning Dress,
And such Your Patience, which did grace Distress,
40: Whose Soul despising want of worldly pelf,
At lowest ebbe went not beneath it Self.


Gods JUSTICE now no longer could dispence
With the Abusing of His PROVIDENCE,
To hear SUCCESSE his APPROBATION styl'd,
45: And see the Bastard brought against the Child.
[Scripture] by such, who in their own excuse
Their Actings 'gainst Gods Writings did produce.


The Independent doth the Papist shun,
Contrary wayes their violence doth run,
50: And yet in such a Round at last they met,
That both their SAINTS for 3 MEDIATORS set; 4
We were not ripe for Mercy, God He knows,
But ready for his Justice were our Foes.


55: The Pillar, which Gods people did attend,
To them in night a constant Light did lend, 5
Though Dark unto th'Egyptians behind;
Such was brave MONCK in his reserved mind,
A Riddle to his Foes he did appear,
60: But to Himself and You, Sense plain and clear.


By Means unlikely God atchieves his End,
And crooked wayes straight to his Honour tend;
The great and ancient Gates of LONDON Town,
(No Gates, no City) now are voted down,
65: And down were cast, O happy day! for all
Do date our hopeful rising from their fall. 6


The Matter of Your Restitution's good,
The Manner better, without drop of Bloud;
By a dry Conquest, without forreign hand,
70: Self-hurt, and now Self-healed, is Our Land.
This silent Turn did make no noise, O strange!
Few saw the changing, all behold the Change.


So Solomon most wisely did contrive,
His Temple should be STIL-BORN though ALIVE.
75: That stately Structure started from the ground
Unto the Roof, not guilty of the sound
Of Iron Tool, all noise therein debarr'd;
This Virgin-Temple thus was seen, not heard.

14. 7

When two Protectors were of late proclaim'd,
80: Courting mens tongues, both miss't at what they aim'd,
True English hearts did with just anger burn,
And would no Eccho of GOD SAVE return:
Though smiling silence doth Consent imply,
A Tongue-tied Sorrow flatly doth deny. 8


85: But at Your MAJESTIES first Proclamation,
How loud a Stentor 9 did invoice our Nation?
A Mouth without a Tongue was sooner found
In all that Crowd, than Tongue without a sound;
Nor was't a wonder men did silence break,
90: When Conduits did both French and Spanish speak. 10

16. 11

The Bells aloud did ring, for joy they felt
Hereafter Sacriledge shall not them melt.
The Bonfires round about the Streets did blaze, 12
And these NEW LIGHTS Fanatiques did amaze: 13
95: The brandisht Swords this Boon begg'd before Death,
Once to be shew'd, then buried in the Sheath.

17. 14

The Spaniard looking with a serious Eye,
Was forc'd to trespass on his Gravity,
Close 15 to conceal his wondring he desir'd,
100: But all in vain, he openly admir'd.
The French, who thought the English mad in mind,
Now fear too soon they may them Sober find. 16

18. 17

The Germans seeing this Your sudden Power,
Freely confess another Emperour.
105: The joyful Dane to Heav'ns cast up his Eyes,
Presuming suffering Kings will sympathize.
The Hollanders (first in a sad suspence)
Hop'd that Your Mercy was their Innocence.

19. 18

As Aged Jacob with good news intranc'd,
110: That Joseph was both living and advanc'd,
The great surprise so deeply did prevail
On the good Patriarch, that his Heart did fail,
Too little for to lodge so large a joy,
For sudden happiness may much annoy.


But when he saw (with serious intent
115: To fetch him home) the Waggons his Son sent,
That Cordial soon his fainting Heart did cure,
'Twas past suspicion, all things then were sure:
The Father his old Spirits did renew,
And found his fears were false, his joyes were true. 19


120: Such Our Condition: At the first Express
We could not credit our own Happiness;
Told of the Coming of Your MAJESTY,
Our fainting Hearts did give their Tongues the Lye.
A Boon too big for us (so ill we live)
125: For to receive, though not for GOD to give.


But when we saw the ROYAL FLEET at Dover,
Voted to wait and waft Your Highness over,
And valiant Mountague (all vertues Friend) 20
Appointed on Your Person to attend,
130: Joy from that moment did expell our grief,
Converted into slow, but sure belief.


Th'impatient Land did for Your presence long,
England in swarms did into Holland throng,
To bring Your Highness home, by th'Parliament
135: Lords, Commons, Citizens, Divines were sent:
Such honour Subjects never had before,
And hope that never any shall have more.

24. 21

With all degrees Your Carriage accords,
Most Lord-like Your Reception of the LORDS,
140: Your Answer with the COMMONS so comply'd
They were to admiration satisfi'd;
Civil the CITIZENS You entertain'd,
As if in LONDON Born, Y'ad there remain'd.


But, Oh! Your short, but thick expressive lines,
145: Which did both please and profit the DIVINES,
Those Pastors, when returned to their Charge,
For their next Sermon had Your words at large,
With some Notes from Your Practice; who can teach
Our Miters by Your Living what to preach.


150: The States of Holland (or Low Countries now)
Unto Your SACRED MAJESTY did bow,
What Air, what Earth, what Water could afford
Best in the Kind, was crowded on their Board:
And yet, when all was done, the ROYAL GUEST,
155: And not the Chear, He, HE, did make the Feast.


Th'officious Wind to serve You did not fail,
But scour'd from West to East to fill Your Sail,
And fearing that his Breath might be too rough,
Prov'd over-civil, and was scarce enough;
160: Almost You were becalm'd amidst the Main,
Prognostick of Your perfect peaceful Reign.


Your Narrow Seas, for Forreigners do wrong
To claim them, (surely doth the Ditch belong
Not to the common Continent, but Isle
165: Inclosed) did on You their Owner smile,
Not the least loss, onely the NASEBY mar'ls
To see her self now drowned in the CHARLES.


You land at Dover, shoals of People come,
And KENT alone now seems all CHRISTENDOM.
170: The Cornish Rebels (eight score Summers since)
At BLACK HEATH fought against their lawful Prince
Henry the Seventh, which place with Treason stain'd
Its Credit, now by Loyalty regain'd.


Great LONDON the last station You did make,
175: You took not it, but LONDON You did take:
Where some, who sav'd themselves amongst the Croud,
Did lose their hearing, shoutings were so loud.
Now at WHITE HALL the Guard, which You attends,
Keeps out Your Foes, God keep You from Your Friends.

31. 22

180: Thus far fair Weather on Your Work attended,
Let Showres begin now where the Sun-shine ended.
Next day We smil'd at th'weeping of the Skies,
With all Concerns how Providence complies!
The City serv'd, next followeth the Village,
185: And, Trading quickned, God provides for Tillage.


One Face, one Forme in all the Land appears,
All (former Foot) now Hors'd to CAVALIERS.
As for Your Enemies, their cursed Crew
Are now more hard to find out, than subdue.
190: 'Tis very Death to them, they cannot dye,
Who do know whence, not whither, for to flie.


France flouts, Spain scorns, and Italy denies them
Any access, the Dane with Dutch defies them;
Unto New-England they were known of old,
195: And now no footing for them on that mold.
Rich Amsterdam (the Staple of all Sects)
These bankrupt Rebels with contempt rejects.


Thus cruell Cain, who pious blood first spilt, 23
Was Pursevanted after by his Guilt, 24
With MURDERER imbranded on his face, 25
Kept his Condition, though he chang'd his place:
Wandring from Land to Land, from shore to shelf,
His guilty Soul nere wandred from it self.


Let them themselves in unknown Lands disperse,
215: Or if they please with Canibals converse,
Like unto like, that all the World may see
In no Land they'l increase, 'tis Natures love
Unto Mankind, all Monsters barren prove.


210: Long live Our Gracious CHARLES, Second to none
In Honour, who ere sate upon the Throne:
Be You above Your Ancestors renown'd,
Whose Goodness wisely doth Your Greatness bound;
And knowing that You may be What You would,
215: Are pleased to be onely What You should.


EUROP's Great ARBITRATOR, in Your choice
Is plac'd of Christendom the CASTING VOICE;
Hold You the Scales in Your Judicious Hand,
And when the equal Beam shall doubtful stand,
225: As You are pleased to dispose one Grain,
So falls or riseth either France or Spain.


As Sheba's Queen defective Fame accus'd,
Whose nigardly Relations had abus'd
Th'abundant worth of Solomon, and told
225: Not half of what she after did behold:
The same Your case, Fame hath not done You right,
Our Ears are far out-acted by our Sight.


Your SELF's the Ship return'd from forreign Trading,
England's Your Port, Experience the Lading,
230: God is the Pilot; and now richly fraught,
Unto the Port the Ship is safely brought:
What's dear to You, is to Your Subjects cheap,
You sow'd with pain, what we with pleasure reap.

40. 26

The most renowned EDWARD the CONFESSOR,
235: Was both Your Parallel and Precedessor,
Exil'd He many years did live in France,
(From low Foundations highest Roofs advance)
The Yoak in Youth with patience he bore,
But in his Age the Crown with honour wore.


240: The COMMON LAW to him the English owe,
On whom a better gift You will bestow:
That which He made by You shall be made good,
That Prince and Peoples rights both understood,
Both may be Bankt in their respective station;
245: Which done, no fear of future Inundation.


Oppression, the KINGS EVIL, long indur'd,
By others caus'd, by YOU alone thus cur'd:
GOD onely have the glory, You the praise,
And we the profit of our peaceful dayes,
250: All Forreigners the pattern, for their State
To envy rather than to imitate.


[1]Presumably an arch reference to Jane Lane, though Grosart found the allusion confusing, commenting: "`Lane' (line 4th) is printed in large capitals LANE -- Why?" (p. 91 n.2).

[2]Jude 3. contend for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints.

[3]Witness a Sermon.

[4]Grosart speculates thus: "Query -- Dr Thomas Goodwin and Peter Sterry? The famous `prayer' of the former so perverted in one expression therein, doubtless simply used Jeremiah's sorrowful plaint: Jeremiah xx.7." p. 94 n.1.

[5]Nehemiah 9.12.

[6]On Wednesday, 8 February, two days after Monck first addressed the House of Commons, the Common Council of the City of London favourably received a petition from the freeholders not to submit to any authority that could not rightfully claim legislative power. The Committee of Saftey, perceiving this as a threatened tax strike, ordered Monck to reduce the City to obedience by arresting eleven ringleaders, and removing the chains and city gates. On the 9th, Monck reluctantly complied with part of the order, arresting nine of the eleven named ringleaders and removing the chains. But he demurred about removing the gates until the 10th, and then only after receiving a repeat command to do so (see Davis 1955: 278-79; Hutton 1985: 91-93). The next day, however, Monck turned on the Rumpers and presented his own ultimatum demanding new elections -- "the first good omen" as Evelyn reported it -- thereby precipitating the "roasting of the Rump" on the night of the 11th; see A Psalme.

[7].úústanzas 14,15 omitted from Worthies 1662.

[8]Grosart comments: "The `two Protectors' alluded to were Oliver Cromwell and Richard Cromwell. It need scarcely be said that it is a Royalist delusion that in either case but specially in that of Oliver the national `welcome' was less real or less warm than that to Charles II." (p. 96 n.2)

[9]Stentor: person with a powerful voice.

[10]Charles was proclaimed king on Tuesday 8 May. The Public Intelligencer #7 reports that in Oxford on Thursday, 10 May, "The conduit ran claret at two places about three hours, a thing never done here before." The next day, three hogsheads of claret were poured into the conduits in Exeter (Parliamentary Intelligencer #21). The London conduits ran with wine the evening of Charles's arrival, 29 May (see The Glory of these Nations). The next day, public drunkeness had become sufficiently widespread for Charles to issue a proclamation banning the drinking of healths.

[11] set as stanza 18 in Worthies, 1662

[12]line 93] O, OW, L, WF; And round about the Streets the Bonfires blaz'd, Worthies 1662

[13]line 94] O, OW, WF; At which NEW LIGHTS did the Fanatiques gaze: L; With which NEW LIGHTS Fanatiques were amaz'd. Worthies 1662

[14] set as stanza 19 in Worthies 1662

[15] Close] OW, O, WF; For L; Close Worthies 1662.

[16] line 102] O, OW, WF; Now fear that them they may too Sober find. L; Now fear too soon they may them Sober find. Worthies 1662.

[17]set as stanza 20 in Worthies 1662

[18].úú verses 19-22 ommited in W 62.

[19] See Gen. 25-28.

[20] Edward Lord Montagu of Boughton (1625-72), created Earl of Sandwich at the Restoration, had fought for parliament during the first civil war, but retired in 1644 and stayed out of public affairs until 1653 when he was appointed to serve in Barebones parliament. Cromwell made him joint General-at-Sea with Admiral Blake in 1656. After the death of Cromwell, he was courted by royalist agents and, with Monck, organized bringing the king back from exile. See Pepys. In 1631, Fuller dedicated his biblical poem, David's Hainous Sinne, to "the honorable Mr Edward, Mr William, and Mr Christopher Montagu, sonnes to the Right honourable Edward Lord Montagu of Boughton."

[21] .úústanzas 24-26 omitted in W 62

[22] .úústanzas 31-35 omitted in W62

[23] line 198] O, OW, WF; Thus Philistims the Plague-infected Ark L

[24] line 199] O, OW, WF; Posted from Town to Town, thus Kain with mark L

[25] line 200] O, OW, WF; Of MURDERER imbranded on his face, L

[26] stanza 40 omitted Worthies 1662

[27] stanzas 41-42 collapsed into one variant stanza in Worthies 1662.

Richard Brathwait
To His Majesty
12 July

   Titlepage: TO HIS / MAJESTY / UPON HIS / HAPPY ARRIVALL / In our late discomposed / ALBION. / [rule] / [royal arms] / [rule] / Sidon. / Vidi quod speravi, vidisse tamen dolui, per'grŠ spectando quod petii. / [rule] / By R. Brathwait Esq. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivie-lane. 1660.

    Thomason dated his copy on Thursday, 12 July.

In our late discomposed

BLest be that all-ey'd-Lord, who gave us eyes
To see the Period of our Miseries.
Now be our longing hopes safe brought a Shore;
Our State secur'd, what can we wish for more?
5: Secur'd! not so as we were us'd of late
When our Security was through a Grate.
But that Storm's past, we from those Shackles free,
Our glorious State rid of that Anarchie
Or Syracusan thraldom, which no age
10: E're parallel'd with more tyrannick rage.
Was ever any such distraction known,
As no man might impropriate his own?
All out of joynt; no sympathizing sence
Applide a Cure to wounded Innocence.
15: No Crime like Loyalty: He that would clime
Must suit himselfe to th' Habit of the time.
None to the Throne of Justice durst arise
Unlesse He were o'th' Protectorian Size.
That gave him footing, and dimension too,
20: Acting what his Rebellion will'd him doe.
Were these pure Lesbian Rules where morall Law
Deriv'd her Spirit from Usurpers aw?
Were these Cloanthes Tables holden meet
For minced Justice to erect a Seat?
25: And with an oily tongue delude the ear,
Like Fauns o're-ballanced with gaine or fear?
What rare Sysambres have we had, whose Sin
Deserved well the forfeit of a Skin
For their Skrude Judicature: -- -- now struck dumb
30: Me thinks they tremble at Your coming home,
Fearing their sad Accompt; but if they grieve
For what they've done, Your mercy can forgive,
Such is Your Princely Candor: holding fit
Where Justice dooms, Mercy should sweeten it.
35: Which seems presented in that prudent sort
As th' Lyons Cave becomes Astr'a's Court.
Yet an Indulgence, to egregious Crimes
Would not sort well with temper of these times.
Such State-pretenders should Your Censure feel.
40: Who under Colour of a Commonweale,
Rear'd of their own foundation, have exprest
Their Sole Concern to be self-interest;
And to promote it as their supreame good,
Imbrude their lawlesse hands in loyall-blood.
45: For their destruction, order, quality,
To name them all would swell an Elegy
To a vast Iliad. -- -- There's no publick place
Wherein the tincture of a Jewish face
Brands them not Conscious: should I write in Steel,
50: Those rubrick Characters no age can heal
Nor Annal parallel; it might appear
A Subject fitting to extract a tear
From the Perusers eye, but wanting Strength
To Analize those tragick acts at length;
55: Which our Anarchiall Stage so late presented
In lines of blood, and tyranny indented.
Sometimes I made my walk in Rufus Hall,
Where I might see a Scarlet-arras'd wall
Deep-dyed in Crimson gore; this reft me Sence
60: To find a Shambles 1 on a Royall Bench,
Asking what that ascendent chaire might be?
Seat of High Justice, it was answer'd me.
Inquiring further of him what it ment?
Here, he reply'd, sits the Lord President
65: Th' 2 Protectors Favourite, Commissioner Lisle,
To try th' Delinquents of our Purple Isle.
Rough Rhadamant, said I, blancht be his fame
To derogate from such a loyall Name
As Colchester perpetuates, where his prize
70: Fames him his Princes LOYALL SACRIFICE;
Whose innocent blood in Annals shall be found,
Recording how no 3 grasse grows on that ground.
But in the revolution of that State
Both Names and Natures were degenearte;
75: For as th' First did his blood for's Sov'raign shed,
In Subjects blood the Later surfeted.
But let's divert our Current; Jubilees
Reserve no Eare for such sad Histories.
When th' Sabine State appear'd without dispute
80: Subjects to none, but Masters absolute;
They'd wear no Black, nor tast an hearb was sour
Upon the Choice of a new Governour.
It skills not much for Habits, but I'm sure
Your wish'd arrivall has applide a Cure
85: To worse distempers then this age brought forth,
By th' Conduct of that happy Starre o'th' North.
But for as much as Humane Blessings give
Their just proportion when Comparative
To our preceding sufferings: let each part
90: Communicate a portion to the heart;
And with an active vivid accent cry,
Blest be th' approach of lineall Sov'raignty
Cloath'd with a native Splendor! ev're way
With Pouls and Bushes keep their Holy-day.
95: Our Checker'd-curled Groves prepare their Bowrs
Artfully wreath'd with shady Sycomours
For their choice aery quires; whose cheerfull song
Tyres not their Spirits though the day be long:
Virgins their untoucht Loyalty display,
100: Paving with fragrant flowrs his Highnesse way.
Zeal makes all Tasks delightfull: but no tune
In this our prelude to a cheerfull June.
Though 4 May were th'month that brought our May-game in,
Without which sight our hopes had blasted bin)
105: Me thinks I hear of joy this Signall token
Breth'd forth, A three-fold-cord is hardly broken
Computed and Compleated in that Trine
Of You, and Your two Brothers; from which line
Spring our aspiring hopes, that Your blest Reigne
110: Shall parallel the fame of Charlemaine;
And in Your Brothers princely vertues live
To give Your Comforts a prerogative.
This cheers mine aged hopes as much as any,
And makes me sprightly, though my years be many:
115: So as some think both by my face and gate
That I had eaten 'sons herbe of late.
But those sweet prosp'rous gales which waf't you hither
Gave me that Colour which can hardly wither;
That was the Herbe of Grace, or if you please
120: A Chaplet interwoven with Hearts Ease.
I court not th' rising Sun, to cause his rayes
To dart their Splendor on my rurall layes:
Zeal makes my Muse enthusiastick; which
Though it pretend not to a Bard that's rich,
125: For these late times did publickly proclaime
None should be rich that own'd their Soveraign,
My ruin'd fortunes I shall nere bemone
Though I have felt as much as any one
Of the Delinquents whip: I'm still the man
130: I was, before these Civil warrs began;
Those Capitall Grand-Bugbears had no power
T' affright Your Servant, though they might devour
That small remainder which He then possest;
Wherein they grew half-Sharers at the least:
135: Amidst those dusky Clouds which adverse Fate
Had thrown on mine anatomized State,
The morning Sun shone cheerfully on me
Because a subject sworn to loyalty.
Th'infringment of which Oath has brought some witts
140: In these distracted times to Bedlamites.
We shall not need their features to display,
Some have we catch't, and others run away
In a disguised habit; who like Apes
Aray'd in garish-counterfeated Shapes
145: With royalized Ribbands, in them writ
VIVE LE ROY, an Impreze most unfit
For such perfidious Rooks, who boldly made
VENDE LE ROY their universall trade;
Have ta'ne their flight -- -- and that they might appear
150: In this their fev'rish passage to be cleare
From Cordiall Rebeliion, upsefreze
They drunk their Sov'raigns Health upon their knees.
Brave Presidents of Justice! did Your House
Teach Your imbrodered Honours to carouse?
155: In blood it did; witness so many lives:
They needs must run apace whom th' Devil drives.
Farre be these Scorpions from my Soveraigns head,
Who eat Your Subjects as their daily bread.
May You make Your distinction still 'twixt those
160: Who be Your reall Friends and bosom foes.
May You conferre Your honours on such men
Whose loyall Service has deserved them.
Your Royall Grandsire num'rously inthrall'd,
No other then a Craft, a Kingship call'd;
165: And sure, me thinks, that Simele may fit,
For we shall find rare workmanship in it.
Kings are like Hammers, and their Subjects like
To Bells, which sound just as their Hammers strike.
But if the Clock fall to a tunelesse Straine;
170: Art more then Force must bring't to Frame again.
Titus that princely Darling of Mankind, 5
As in his life related we doe find,
Would not bestow his Style on any man
Unless his Actions with Vespacian [sic
175: Had merited that Title, which was done
In honour to a Father by his Son.
Gifts when they'r rarely given oblige the most
And by the Givers hand, then by their Cost
More highly valued: Your Experience
180: Knows the gradations of Munificence;
How You the Fabrick of Your State should make,
What Princes are to give, and Subjects take.
Many rough Tempests has my Liedge sustain'd,
And by those Sufferings infinitely gain'd
185: In Your Observance; You have found how Kings
Are oft-times mutable as other things
In their affections: when successfull gales
Breath with a prosperous convoy on our Sails,
Each coast smiles on us: whereas adverse winds
190: Make Seas not only brackish, but mens minds. 6
What a rich Lecture is it to read man!
Wherein you were improv'd before you came,
And can instruct your Courtiers in that feat
Which in my judgment makes them most compleat.
195: For what is it to know the use of Plants,
Those various tempers of the Elements,
The deep discovery of each Minerall,
Nay, th' notion of all things since Adams fall,
If our eyes in mans knowledge should grow dim
200: Whom doth contain a Little world in Him?
To make the work exact, Augustus form
Might with his Principles a Court adorn:
His Course was this: That Courtier He approv'd
Who his improvement seriously lov'd.
205: Tasks he injoyn'd: Each' plide his Exercise
In Musick, Posy, Gymnick Masteries.
Sloath was exil'd the Court: though Stages were
Enrich'd with State and Action; they were rare.
Artfull Dramaticks in high buskind lines
210: Addrest their Sceans for These Theatrall times;
And with such ample pensions gratified,
Archias sat close by Augustus side;
Learned Meco/enas did not then refuse
To become Patran to a Laureat Muse.
215: Those Halcyon days crown'd Poets! as for those
Who could Encomiums write on C'sars foes
As well as on his Friends, they were discarded,
And with Contempt deservingly rewarded.
I shall not need to give a further touch,
220: Your piercing Judgment can discover such,
Holding them worthlesse in a Princes eye;
A Parasite dishonours Poetrie;
Much more Seditious Pens who would advance
A State usurp'd, and Styl't Inheritance;
225: This our Diurnals, Almanacks could doe,
Which prudent eyes, no doubt, will look into.
Lillies should fancy Candor, and retain
Their Native Hue, and not be dy'd in grain,
As that Star-starer in his Rubrick writ;
230: Sure he was sign'd with Aries penned it:
But let not his Predictions now deceive him,
Neither his Book nor Sweden Chaine will save him,
Unless your pious heart indulgence give,
And grant him life that merits not to live.
235: As for Diurnals, we shall never read them,
The Game is up, and therefore little Need'am:
The Ev'ning crowns the Day; these Calmer times
All Stormings chase and Sallies from our lines:
But if Corranto's must be sent abroad,
240: As Countrys have been burd'ned with their load,
I hope we shall receive them stored more }
With Honest Novells then we had before. }
But let us gather yet one Select-flower }
From th' royall Seed-plot of that Emperour,}
And though long distanc'd by the course of time,
May give a light to present Discipline,
But specially in order to the Court;
Where many beg who have small reason for't,
Yet oft preyaile by means of such an one
Whom many craving eyes are fixt upon.
But should Great Gifts bestowed be on those
Who in these Civil Warres became our Foes;
Or should our Honours here be set at price,
And in our Court made private Marchandice,
255: So prudent is our Prince, so firmly just,
No Mushrom Spirit shall have them, so we trust.
May those who such Hydroptick thoughts have nurst
With Grandure of their burden swell, and burst.
The best receipt prescribed by Physician
260: Is Surfeting of Honour, to Ambition.
That Prince withall a Catalogue did keep 7
Which he perus'd before he fell asleep,
Of his days-promises: and 'twas his Task
To serve those first, who were the slow'st to ask.
265: A Serious care he took what Courtiers were
Worth the attention of a Princes ear:
Some cull'd He, and indeard, because He found
Their apprehensions quick, their Judgments sound;
But of this Number scarce one chus'd of twenty,
270: So as the City fill'd, the Court grew empty.
Augustus well observing this decrease,
No wonder, said He, if there were in Greece
But found seaven Sages, when in this wise age
The Court of Rome affords so little Sage.
275: But he supply'd that want with such a Call,
His Court appeared Academicall,
Stor'd with best wits the Latian could afford;
Complete in all both for the Gown and sword.
Which Court-directions though they Ethnick be,
280: They suit well with a Christian liverie.
Politicall, and Civil too they are
And may conduce much to a Princes care
In rallying his affairs, which throughly wrought
He acts not what he might, but what he ought.
285: Levell be his dimensions, and so right
As they draw by the Curtain of the night
Lest it obscure their Splendor: such are you,
To limne you fully in your Peoples view,
A Model so transparent, as it gives
290: By its Example form to others lives.
Such rare Id'a's Princes be, when worth
Contests with Birth to set their goodness forth.
Let Him my Liedge, a modest boldness take
Who has expos'd his fortunes for Your sake:
295: And late ingag'd both life and liberty
In his defence of Legall Sov'raignty;
Sweep off those Gnats, and Cobwebs which resort
To beg without deserving in your Court.
He merits ill the Title of a Knight,
300: That has more heart to vapour then to fight.
My gratious Liedge, make Sponges of all such
As soak your Land by draining it too much.
Such numbers crouded at your Gate last day,
Your ancient Servants could not find a way
305: For their Addresses: let those Fauns decline,
They'r held the Chattering Swallows of our time
That flicker o're Successe, but hide their head,
When those they hugg'd before, shall stand in need.
He breaths not upon Earth can be pursude
310: By a worse Fury then Ingratitude.
Even-ballanc't Justice may she steer your State;
Urim and Thummin o're the Clergies gate.
The only way to make Presbytery
Run Diapasan with Epispacy,
315: Is to acquaint one th' other with their grieves,
And stich up their Divisions in Laun sleeves.
This may procure Church-union speedily,
And make our Organs whistle cheerfully:
Which presuppos'd, no Charity can want
320: 'Twixt moderate Presbyter and Protestant.
Now that your vine her branches may display,
'Twere fit luxurious Sprigs were lopt away;
They cumber but the Land, and by their force,
Should they grow great, your vine would prosper worse.
325: But those Expressions from your royall pen
'Gainst vicious, prophane and debauched men.
Confirme your Native Goodness, and renue
The knowledge of our Happinesse in you.
This in your neer accession to your Crown 8
330: Must needs redound much to your high renown.
Peace, precious plenty, high-priz'd Liberty, ing Coronation
Late Strangers to us, usher Majesty.
These cheerfull accents breath'd from loyall hearts
Methings I hear resounding in all Parts.
335: Our Seas grown calme; our Ayre refin'd, and clear,
With joyfull News re-echoing ev'ry where,
Our CHARLES safe return'd, by whose direction
Were steer'd, and need not OLIVERS Protection.
Our Score's discharg'd; our Liberty re-gain'd,
340: And Nol who long 9 triennially raign'd,
Call'd to account: Mab and her Court broke up,
And all his Sweets drench'd in a worm-wood Cup,
His Rich Relations stript: He is to be tride
At th' Barre of Justice for a Regicide:
345: Where if that wild usurping Beast get free,
We'l Annals write in praise of Tyrannie.
A new Call of sad Justices had we,
Which, I confesse, did much dis-relish me.
Green-Lapwing-Novices of sence bereft,
350: Who scarcely knew the right hand from the left:
Holding the Acts of Justice to be Dreams,
As if they car'd not what their Office means.
Such should be put Apprentices to Sence
Before they were admitted to the Bench.
355: Let ancient Justices mount to their place,
Such will support the State, secure your Grace.
These, these be they who can deliver sence,
And make their Sessions feats of Conscience.
Let honest Jenkins flowrish in your Isle,
360: And passe a Sentence on perfidious Lisle.
Let onely such ascend unto that Throne
Who scorn rewards and sleight an awfull frown.
Those were the Lures our Ayri's did pursue,
While State and Treason held their Interview.
365: But th' Tide is turn'd; Themis now smiles on Thames,
And crowns our Consuls with religious Names.



[1].úú[handwritten i.e. butcher's]

[2]Th'] Th OH, OW

[3]As it hath been observed and constantly reported for a truth

[4]Ut Carolus rediit Terris Astr'a refulcit; Nunrius ut Floris Maius, honoris erit.


[6].úú[hand written: printing off in CH too -- loose type]

[7]He goes on with the discovery of Augustus curiall care or Court discipline.

[8]Alluding to his approaching Coronation

[9]Triennium mensium, perennium dementium incendium. Innocentium suspendium. Rhem. Miles. A Glancing at those Mechanich Justices, who were created Commissioners in our late Anarchiall Government.

To the Croud of Supplicants at White-hall.

HOw is it Friends, that you do thus resort,
Croud, and disturbe the Quiet of the Court?
Is this the Loyalty you have profest
To give no time unto your King to rest?
5: Be these your set imployments thus to stand
At th'Presence door to kiss his Highness hand,
Or beg an Office? How do you contrive
The way to get where there is none to give?
Honours He freely can conferre, but those
10: Will not discharge the Mercer for his cloaths.
Be civil SIRS; he bears a royall heart,
And will bestow on every one a part,
When He is setled; mean time 'tis well known
Where nought remaines, the King must loss his own.
15: Should all the Rebells Lands to th'Checker fall;
Their values would not satisfie us all.
Our Sufferings be so numerous, as alas
We'r like Bare-bones, who i'th' Last Synod was.
Let it content us, that the State's our Debter,
20: And if unpaid, our own will thrive the better.
Who serves his Soveraign for meer hope of gain,
May have an Hector's heart, but's mind a Swain.


John Selden
verses in The Royal Chronicle, p. 4
12 July

   Titlepage: THE / Royal Chronicle: / Wherein is contained, / An Historical Narration of His Majesties Royal Progress; The / Princely Cabinet laid open, with an Embleme to Great Britain; / The Peoples Diadem, proceeding from the Ornament / and Crown of their gracious Lord and Soveraign; The / incomparable Studies of His Majesty in the Governement of / Kings, to the admiration of all forreign Princes; and His / Majesties Liege People within these His Realms and Dominions; / His great Endowments and Experience, in Religion, Law, and / Governments; His Mercy rejoycing over Justice, and his Justice / cutting out work for his Mercy; His gracious Pardon to / Offenders, and His Christian Speech to the London Ministers. / [line] / C [DESIGN] R / [line] / LONDON, Printed for G. Horton, living near the three / Crowns in Barbican. 1660.

    The following verses are attributed to Selden in the text.

    IF Violence and Time had conspired to wear out all the Memorials of former Ages, give me leave to present you with a brief (but pleasant) Chronicle to all Posterity, of his Royal Majesties Birth; Education, and Progress; And should modern worth be blotted out of all Records, a restored Charles sufficeth, in whom the forlorn Vertue of our worst of Times took sanctutary: 'Tis his Soveraign Graces, that delights the Soules of his loyal Subjects: And we need not wonder, that Nature was 5 years meditating on the great piece that was to result from such a Royal Conflux, both of Father and Mother; in whose Bed all the Royal Families of Europe met; in his Father there was by his great Grandmother the wife of James the Fourth Brittish Majesty; by his Grandfather he shared of the Saxon Royalty, by his Mother of the Danish, by his Father of the Norman, by his Sister he was allied to the Elector Palatine; as he was related to Denmark, so he was to Sweden and Poland, and to most of the German or Italian Princes; in our Soveraigns Mother there lodgeth all that's Soveraign in the Bourbons of France, the Austrians of Spain, the Medices of Florence, (so true is it that God made all Nations of one blood.) It was after five years mutual enjoyment of each other Charles the first King of England, & c. and Mary Daughter to a great and Sister to a just King of France received this Son, the sacred pledge to them of Heavens, and each others Love. For He was born the 29 Day of May, 1630. St. Augustines birth-day, where we may hope this Nursing Father of our Church will with his sword which He bears not in vain, prove as great a Defender of the faith once delivered to the Saints, as the other Holy Father did with his pen, and we made as happy in this Crown and Scepter, as the Ancient Church was in thae Miter and Crosier. May never knew a more hopeful Flower then this that happily sprung up from the Roses of York and Lancaster joyned to the Lillies of France; a flower to whose composure it seems Nature summoned its divided glories, as Ziuxis did his several Beauties to make up one Venus; well this May was then thought most happy until now, we have lived to see another May, as much more happy, as it is to be brought to a Kingdom then to be brought to the world, to be received as a Prince into the discreet embraces of Nations, then as a Child into the fond Embraces of a Nurse; to be crowned then to be cradled: Great was the remark of this Royal Infant through each tender Line, relating to so worthy a Prince, as is fit to be consecrated to Solemnities worthy a Chronicle. The Heavens seemed to congratulate his royal birth, a Star appearing at mid-day over St. James, displaying its modest beams in spight of Sun-shine in the middle of the Air, (an embleme of his future glory,) Thus did the Heavens express themselves in miracles and wonders; and it is our duty to admire them, as the works of the Lord, and therefore wonderful in our eyes: Yet the great Selden attempted to interpret that Star thus:

When to Pauls Cross the greatful King drew near?
A shining Star did in the Heavens appear,
Thou that consult'st with Divine Mysteries,
Tell me what this bright Comet signifies?
Now is there born a valiant Prince it'h West,
That shall eclipse the Kindgoms of the East.

    The King our Soveraigns Father being sensible that Children to any man especially to a Prince are an inheritance from the Lord, went solemnly to St. Pauls, (once a Cathedral, since a stable; once a Church to entertain Christ in, since a Manger for Rebels to revel in) and there acknowledged with the Emperour Antoninus in St. Pauls phrase, that by God, and through God, and therfore to Him, and the glory of his praise are all things.

    This Bud of Majesty was committed to the care of the honorable Contess of Dorset, to be by her tender hands, and softer care cherished to grow up a Soveraign, where He sucked graces in with milk, and vertues as early as nourishment; as appears by the most incomparable gifts and graces where with God hath bin pleased to endow his Majesty. To pass by his outward Man, comelier, and with Saul higher then all the people, so that there is none like him among all the people; so exactly formed, that with Absalon from the Crown of his head to the soul of his foot the most curious eye could not discern an error or a spot; the pleasing severity and soft rigorousness of that face which is both Majestick and beautiful, solemn and comely; though of late he is grown leaner with cares and age; the dark and night complexion of his face, and the twin-stars of his quick and sharp eyes sparkling in that night; He is most beautiful when he speaks, his black shining Locks naturally curled into great Rings hath hither to been his Ornament and Crown; his motions easie and graceful, and plainly Majestick! & c. I say to pass by these lower worths of neat shaped dust and well framed earth, come we to his Mind which is indeed himself; which you may guess noble by that body wherein it dwels, such Cabinets were made onely for the most precious Jewel: the pleasing parts and motions of that body are emblems of his mind; beauty, comeliness, proportion, & c. the gross Ornaments of the body, are so many refined vertues in his soul: 1. His vast Understanding, as spreading, and as wide as the things to be understood; three Nations put limits to his power, its the world onely that confines his thoughts. His Majesty understands Spanish and Italian, writes French correctly; the French, Italian, Spaniards, (like those Parthians, Medes, and Elamites in the Acts) are amazed to hear Him, replying to each of them in their own tongue wherein they were born. In these several Languages he peruseth such parts of knowledge as may compleat a Soveraign: Logick seems to be his Nature as well as Reason, He cannot speak inconsequently. He hath read divers of the choicest pieces of policy, & gathered the scattered wisdom and reason that run through Politicians writings and actions in his own breast, and there digested them into axiomes of an entire and well framed policy; to policy He that added ancient and modern History; whereupon he seeth those thing performed, that He saw in policy contrived. When we have admired the gracious contents of any of His Majesties Writings, we cannot but admire also his excellent Rhetorick.

    1. His Majesty being naturally averse from that lawless power he saw exercised in the Countryes where he sojourned; and resolved to Govern by Laws; he proceeds to study the Law of Nations, and that of his own Countrey too; wherein his Father so excelled, that few Gentlemen in England came near him; his skil in Georgraphy, what with his study, what with his Travels is admitable: Indeed the useful parts of the Mathematicks, the Globe, Fortification, & c. take him up very much, in Navigation, what by his own Genius, what by converse with Marinners, and his own Observations in the Downes, and elsewhere, he is so good a Proficient, that expert Seamen have admired him, and dare promise, that his skil that way will be no small advantage to the Nation, whose Interest lyes in forraign Voyages and Trades; But Divinity is his Mistress, with whose wholesome principles he hath well stocked the great spirit of his mind, upon which this Soul may rest; he searches that word of God which is able to made a man wise to salvation, and perfect to every good work, in a word, he hath all the advantages of knowledge. 1. A cleer apprehension to receive a right and distinct notion of the things represented to him. 2. Solidity of Judgement to weigh the particulars he apprehends. 3. Fidelity of Retention; for as Nature hath given to the bodies of men for the furtherance of Corporal strength, a Retentive power to clasp and hold fast that which preserveth it, until a thorough concoction be wrought, so he hath a Retentive faculty of Memory given to Reason as a means to consolidate and inrich it.

    2. His great wisdome, as of an Angel of God, as large a heart to know good and evil, as great education, the difference of Nation and Factions he had to deal with, his Enemies opposition, his Friends treachery, his personal converse with men of all sorts, the variety of his experience from the distinct knowledge of the Natures of the People of several Countreys of their chief Ministers of State Ecclesiastick and Civil, and all this as a noble Pen observes in adversity, which opens the undersanding; and confirms the judgement, could make; he with his Grand-father of France carriet a Councel with him upon one Horse.

    3. But this wisdome were dangerous, were it not accompanied with justice, his wisdom is not a crafty or sordid subtilty, nor devilish policie; but pure, good, and just Judgement: He hath a Justice that becomes the Throne, a constant will to give every Man his due, as he hath well or ill deserved: A person of Honour who hath spent 18 years in his Majesties Court and service, doth upon distinct knowledge let the World know he can as confidently believe that his Marjesty is just as that he is a Man; he observes a Justice in his word, and in his action, the one is an Oracle, and the other Law.

    4. But he hath a mercy that rejoyceth over his Justice, a mercy claculated for our time and Nation, wherein Subjects were never so obnoxious to Justice, nor a Prince so enclined to mercy; a People was hardly every so guilty as we, and hardly a Prince ever so gracious as himself; we are not more ready to offend then he to pardon; with what tender Majesty doth he pass by the guilty prostrate? his Justice [letters unintel]h but cut out work for his Mercy! what stubborn Offenders that brings upon their knees, this stoops to bring them up again; they that fall by his severity, rise up again by his favour; he is more compassionate to Men then they are to themselves: It is but the least part of his mercy that he can be merciful to others while they are most cruel to him; he is exercising the highest charity towards them, while they are exercising the greatest injuries towards him; this Nature taught him, then God, and afterwards his Father, in that incomparable advice to him.

    5. A general goodness, (whereof that mercy is but a branch) familiar converse, easiness of access, a readiness to communicate himself, his fair carriage towards all, how unwilling he is to force men to do him right, how (when he who rears not to do others justice) afraid is he to do it to himself? I know not whether he be more good then great, more Charlebone then Charlemaine; I am sure his virtues are esteemed by him more then his Kingdome, and he doth not exercise these vertues (as malice, as Hell once suggested) that he might dissemble himelf to his, just Right; but he would obtain his Right that he might be the more able to exercise his vertues; his Right will therefore please him, because then he is able to forgive them that did him wrong.

    6. His magnanimity, fortitude, and courage; he is as magnanimous in suffering wrong, as he is valiant in attempting to recover his Right; his Innocence being guilty of nothine, is afraid of nothing, the Righteous is as bold as a Lyon, fearing no Enemy, because he hath justly provoked none; his Religion is not the least support of his valour; He with David encourageth Garisons, and wraps up himself in his God, where Reason leaves doubting, their Faith begins in hope even against hope. In a word, God hath indued His Majesty with those incomparable Graces that are seldome poured forth any where below the Throne; for whatsoever things are true, just, pure, and lovely, they are in Him; This is the Person whom God and all Men think worthy of a Kingdom, but those over whom He is a King; (meaning the Phanatique) these are the Vertues in whose enjoyment other Nations hug themselves: These are the Princely Rayes that shine with Majestick Lustre in most parts of Europe: And this the great and Christian Conqueror, who attributes not any thing to Himself, but with Holy King David, giveth the glory of all to the King of Kings, saying, I will not trust in my Bow, neither shall my Sword save me: But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us; Or, as His Majesty graciously expressed Himself in His short Speech to the Ministers, in his passage through the City: "The deliverance" which God hath wrought for me, I own as the work of his own right hand, beyond humane contrivance, and desire that all the glory of them may be ascribed to Him.



William Drummond
25 July

Of His EXCELLENCY the Lord Generall

YOu Divine Cabalists who raise your Fame,
By your expounding ev'ry Word and Name;
See here's a Name, makes all the World to Ring!
COME ORE KING CHARLES, receive Your triple Crown,
I'le give You them, yet give You but Your own
Sayes the most Loyal and most prudent Knight,
That vertue ever taught: for his delight
Is to teach all, Justice and Loyalty,
That his unparallel'd example see.
The Fleets and Flocks, meeting on Seas and Shore,
Extoll GEORGE MONCK that caus'd the KING COME ORE;
His Name foretold what now himself hath done
By bringing in the lawfull Heire and Son
Of CHARLES the first, undoubted successor;
To Brutus, Fergus and the Conqueror;
When States-men heard we would the King restore,
They ask'd who durst do't? we said KING COME ORE!
He sign'd a blanck, and sent it to the KING,
Our MONARCH ask'd no more, but ORE did bring
His Loyal Royal Train big with content
T'imbrace GEORGE MONCK, and's true Free-Parliament:
Vive GEORGE MONCK, for since the KING came ore
We reap those Joyes, we sow'd in Teares before;
Propitious Heaven's the STUARTS long preserve,
And MONCKS as long our gracious Kings to serve.

W. Drummond, Gent.

The Valiant Seamans Congratulation
[undated: July?]

The Valiant Seamans Congratulation
to his sacred Majesty King Charls the second.
With their wonderfull Heroicall Atchievements, and their Fidelity,
Loyalty, and Obedience. To the Tune of Let us drink
and sing, and merrily troul the bowl. Or, The stormy
winds do blow. Or, Hey Ho, my Hony.

GReat Charles, your English Seamen
upon our bended knee,
Present our selves as Freemen,
unto Your Majesty.
5: Beseeching God to blesse you
where-ever may you go,
So we pray, night and day,
when the stormy winds do blow.

In darkest nights, or Shipwracks,
alwayes we are on our guard:
Of French or Turkish Pirats,
we never were afraid.
But cal'd stout English Sea-men
where-ever that we go.
15: For we make, them to quake
when the stormy winds do blow.

We are your Valiant Sea-men
that brought you out of Spain:
And will as war-like Free-men
your Royall Cause maintain.
If you will give Commission
to wars with France wee'l go:
Then shall we, merry be,
when, &c.

25: 'Twas we did sail you over
to English ground agen:
And landed you at Dover,
with all your Noble men.
For which we are renowned
where-ever we do go.
Honour will, send us still,
when, &c.

And now we are a ranging
upon the Ocean Seas,
35: The Frenchmen they are changing
and cannot be at ease,
For we will make their top-sailes
unto our Fleet shall bow:
Then shall we, merry be,
when the stormy winds do blow.

The second Part to the same Tune.

SOmetimes our tacklings breaking
our Masts we cut in two:
Our ships are often leaking,
great straits we're put unto.
45: In great tempestuous weather,
which few at home doth know
Thus do we, live at Sea,
when the stormy winds do blow.

When some at home are feeding
and cheering up themselves
Then we at Sea are bleeding
amongst the rocks and shelves
yet greater dangers ready,
still we will undergo.
55: For our King, and will sing
when the, &c.

Sometimes when we are sailing
our Victuals they grow scarce
Our wives at home bewailing
and pittying of our case.
In thinking of the dangers
poore Sea-men undergo.
For our King, still we sing,
when the, &c.

65: Yet we are still couragious
with any foe to fight:
If Turk or Jew ingage us
we put them to the flight.
And make them give us homage
before we let them go:
For our King, then we sing
when the, &c.

We are the prop of Trading,
what kinde so ere it be:
75: The originall of Lading
your Ships with treasury.
None goes beyond a Sea-man
in riches, gold, and store:
For he brings, wealth to Kings
when, &c.

We have some sneezing pouder,
the Dutch-man fain would have,
'Twill make him speak the louder,
if Kings he will not have.
85: And cause him to remember
the phisick taking so:
Then shall we, merry be,
when, &c.

Great King wee'l make you famous,
your glory shall out-shine
Romulus and Remus,
Godolph or Constantins.
Wee'l bring you gold and treasur
by sailing to fro:
95: And will fight, day and night,
to preserve you from your foe.

Printed at London for F. Grove living on Snow-Hill, Entred according to order.

Ralph Astell
Vota, Non Bella
[undated: July?]

   Titlepage: VOTA, / NON BELLA. / [rule] / NeW-CastLe's / HeartIe GratULatIon / TO HER / SaCreD SoVeraIgn / KIng CharLes The SeConD; / ON / HIs noW-GlorIoUs RestaUratIon / To HIs BIrth-rIght-PoWer. / [rule] / By Ralph Astell, M. A. / [rule] / Gateshead, Printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1660. / [enclosed within ornamental box]

    One of the few poems to address the specific concerns of a provincial city, and one of the few poems printed outside London. By the uncle of Mary Astell; see Ruth Perry's Life.

    Date: evidently composed after the first flood of formal panegyrics wer in print, so July?

    Note use of pastoral resolution -- of isolation, retreat and fantasy; compare with Duncombe's pastoral.

[ornamental border]

OH Thou, the High and Lofty 1 Holy-One,
Who in that dazling light hast set thy Throne,
To which no Eagle-eye approach can make,
Nor Jacobs-Staff it's altitude can take,
Bow, bow the Heavens, and come down and dwell
Amid'st the Prayses of thine Israel.
My Loyal Phancy with thy Beamlings fill,
And sparkle Day-light from my Nighted Quill
Through all the Cranies of our Hemi-sphere,
And with thy smiles kiss up each dewy Tear!
Re-briske the Spirits which are almost spent,
And Cure us by our Wound, a Parl'ament!


[1]Lofty] Mighty O, changed in ms

MAy I presume amongst the glistring Train
Of Britain's fairest Nymphs (Dread Soveraign!)
On humble Knee to kiss Your Royall Hand,
And Joy You welcome to Your Native Land?
The Southern Ladies now (I know) will dresse
Themselves in all their pretty gaudinesse;
Richly perfum'd with breath of Maia's flowr's,
Catch'd from their sweet Lungs after dewy show'rs:
And croud the Treasures of the bi-fork'd Hill
Into th'Alembique of some Golden Quill;
Then, raptur'd with a Sacred Fire, from thence
Drop in Your Princely Ears Loves Quintessence
In High-born Strains of Pooetry, which shall
Immortallize Your Great Memoriall.
Nay, Pho/enix-like (methinks) I see them bring
Arabian Spices on their nimble Wing,
And build a Pile; which on Your New-birth-day
Kindly aspected by Your Solar Ray,
Becomes a Royall Bon fire, 2 in whose flashes
They gloriously expire; yet 'midst those Ashes
A Seed is couch'd; which, influenc'd by You,
A self-born Pho/enix yearly doth renew.
Whilst I, black Northern Lass, from Kedar's Tents
Approach Your Court with no such Fragrant Scents:
Nor can I Greet You in a Golden Strain,
Whose finest Metall runs through a Cole Vein,
My dangling tresses of a deep-dark brown,
By ruffling Boreas tufted up and down,
With Musk nor Amber doe em-breath the Air,
Like our young Gallants in their Curled Hair,
Befring'd with Atoms Aromaticall;
Save Cole-dust-powder, I have none at all.
Yet (Royall SIR!) daign me this onely Grace,
To be a Black-patch on some Beauties Face;
And so (perhaps) like darker soyle, I may
Cause sparkling Diamonds shine with brighter ray.
Venus her self is proud of her brown Mole;
I have my spot too, 'tis a good round Cole:
This sets me off, and makes me Penny-fair;
White Swans are common, but a Black one Rare.
And such a Bird upon Tyne's Banks shall sing
In Loyal Notes, God-save Great CHARLS our KING!
Heav'n fix his Crown! may He successful prove, chk He to L
And sit Enthroned in His Peoples love!
May our Latonian Lamps still happy shine,
And never meet in the Ecliptick Line!
May CHARLS, our Sun (who from the Eld of dayes,
And King of Kings derives His Sov'raign Rayes;
Ey'n from the Sacred Fount of Orient Light)
Scatter the Juncto of the black-brow'd Night
With His Majestique Presence, and cashier
The Foggy Mists out of our Hemi-sphere!
May He tran-spierce with Justice-darting Eyes
The Murders, Rapines, Treasons, Blasphemies,
That have been Acted on Great Britain's Stage,
By the Scene-servers of this Masqued Age:
Whil'st they re-guild each weather-beaten Front,
That has true Loyalty enstamp'd upon't!
May He not cease Benignly to aspect
The Parl'ament; our Moon, that does reflect
No self (but borrow'd) Lustre; whether she
Be in her Apo- or her Peri-ge!
May she (kind Heav'ns!) still in the Full appear,
But never Act beyond her proper Sphere!
Or justle Pho/ebus, or with her long Train
Presume hereafter to mount CHARLES's Wain!
And let that Tongue ne'r coyn a sound agen,
That will not play the Clerk, and say, Amen.
For though (by reason of a duskie slough
That over-casts the surface of my Brow)
I cannot shew so smooth a white-skinn'd hue
As other Madams, yet my Heart's as true;
Who, could they through those secret Chambers glance,
Might thence take Copies of Allegiance.
Nay, he that runs may Reade how with my blood
To Faith's Defender I still faithfull stood.
Scotland can witness (to her cost) that I
Mis-kenn'd her double-faced Mercury;
When as the Brother-hood with rev'rend paws
Was called in, t'uphold the Dying Cause.
Her num'rous Army, which about me lay
With Bag and Baggage to divide the Prey,
Ne'r scar-crow'd me: but stoutly I did stand
Ev'n with a handfull (till the utmost Sand)
To vindicate my Trust: and when my Wall
Earth-quak'd with Powder, on the ground did sprawl,
My Loyalty ne'r shook; for well I knew,
Who then expir'd, straight way to Heaven flew,
Each with his Tomb-stone, that some Angel might
Their Epitaphs to Everlasting write.
Eft-soon (like Job) upon a Dunghil I
Was set, uncas'd of all my bravery:
Yet I embrac'd it with a chearfull smile,
And thought my self Enthroned all the while;
Triumphing in my change of Rags, which were
A Badge of Honour to a Cavalier.
On my first Love my Eye was ever bent,
Though churlish Keepers did my hand prevent;
Forcing my Purse (not Heart) strings to dilate,
And; tribute pay to their Utopian State.
Our Holy Mother, shoulder'd out of dore
By graceless Sons (who call'd her Romish Whore,
Of all her Sacred Ornaments be-strip'd her,
And (fie for shame!) from post to piller whip'd her,
With Scorpion-tagged points, which pierc'd so deep,
That through each Pore her bleeding soul did weep)
I reverenc'd, as I was wont to do;
Nay, bow'd my Knee, and Ask'd her Blessing too:
Which out of fashion with their duties grew,
Who left the Old-way to seek out a New.
But 'tis not strange, our Mother they despight,
Sith they [Our Father] have forgotten quite.
I griev'd to think, her Seamless Coat was rent,
And, our good Shepherds into corners sent.
Grave, Learned Fathers (such my Eyes have seen
Call'd 'fore some Gifted Brethren of Nineteen,
To be new Chatechiz'd about their Graces,
Or else to quit their more-examin'd Places)
Once grac'd my Pulpits, whence my ravish'd Ear
The lively Oracles might freely Hear:
But they were silenc'd, or else whisper'd small,
When Jeraboam's Priests began to bawle;
Crossing my Worship with an Harp-set Note,
Which of their Masters they had got by Rote.
Brave Oliver! still sat upon their Lip,
With his Encomiums their Tongues they tip:
But will not learn ('till forc'd-to't by the Rod)
How to Pronounce, CHARLES by the Grace of God.
I must confess, 'tis but my usuall fate,
To have like Minister, like Magistrate:
Whose Rampant Zeal has made me Couchant lie
Scarce suff'ring me to look with half an Eye
(For many years) towards the Royall Race;
Till that-good MONCK unvail'd his lucky Face.
A Face! which, when it bo-pee'd through his hood,
Gave us some glimpses of our future good:
Our day 'gan break, which long had hid 'its Head,
And Lambert's shaddow's on a sudden fled.
'Twixt hope and fear with looks distract we sit,
Not knowing well how this great Change may hit:
Sometimes our Spirits frisk, and doe presage,
That GEORGE will bring again the Golden Age:
When straight surprized with a Counter-blast,
The Scene is changed, and we droop as fast.
Our Leaves (like Heliotropes) we spread or close,
As GEORGE his Cloud, or light-some Pillar shows.
But, once full-Orbed with a Sov'raign ray,
Our Night was turn'd into a Glorious Day.
The Free-born People (ne'r till then made free)
Shook off their Slave-ships, and cry'd Jubilee.
Knights of the Noble Garter (then) all were
For on his-breast each man a GEORGE did bear.
Th'Imperiall City (which of late has bin
A Cage for unclean birds to nestle in;
As Scriech-Owles, Harpyes, Cormorants, and those
Bloud-thirsty Vultures, Nol for Judges chose
Of his accursed Slaughter-house) was then
A gen'rall Rendezvous of honest men.
How was she ravish'd, when her dazled Eye
Saw CHARLES and Pho/ebus both in Gemini!
Thrice-happy City! whose first stone ('tis said)
In the ascendent Twins was fairly laid:
Now more than happy! sith in the same Sign
Heav'n fix'd the Head-stone of the STUART's Line.
(A try'd and pretious stone, all wonder-wrought,
Though by pretending builders set at nought)
Whil'st that three Kingdoms joyn'd in Consort, cry
Grace, Grace unto it: oh, sweet Harmony!
You Sister-Nymphs, who play your learned prancks
On Grant and Isis flow'r-enamel'd Banks!
Who with your speaking eyes can complement
The scaly Fry out of their Element;
And cause the Streams smooth gliding to advance,
And take the murm'ring Pebbles out to dance
To your sweet Lyrick touch! who can in-voice
The trembling Leaves, and make the Trees rejoyce:
Recant your fawning Protectorian Notes,
And to an higher Key skrew up your Throats,
Your warbling Tongues re-tune, let her be shent
Who to that bloudy Tyrant durst present
Her [Olive Branch of Peace:] may that foul crime
Hereafter ne'r attaint her Nobler Rhyme!
Our CHARLES is born again! your Fancies fearse,
And once more measure His Genethliack Verse.
Twelve-times Hyperion at each Sign has hoasted
(Whilst through the Zodiack his Chariot posted)
Since that Great Britain travelled in pain,
To be Deliver'd of a Soveraign.
The starred Peers, with some of Royall Kin,
And Loyall Gentry oft were Called-in
To her hard Labour, but in vain did play
The active Midwives 'fore th'appointed day.
For the Great Dragon (known by his Red Nose)
With force and cunning did the work oppose;
Still ready to devour, a-front he stood,
And from his mouth cast out a purple floud,
Whose raging and impetuous stream bore down
Law's and Religion's 3 Bancks in ev'ry Town;
Ingulphing their Estates, Lives, Liberties,
Who were engaged in the Enterprize.
'Twas Treason for to cast a pitying Eye
On her in this her great extremity;
Her throws grew sharp, her bones seem'd out of joynt,
She faints and swounds, each minute at deaths point,
She sweats and shrieks, her body's on the Rack,
Yet who so hardy, as to hold her Back?
Slingsby miscarri'd, Hewit lost his head,
'Cause he stood by her in the time of need.
As big as she can tumble, then she cries,
Help, help (good Neighbours) with your quick supplies!
I'm almost spent, yet doe not give me over;
Were I once layd, my strength would soon recover.
Kind Cheshire quickly heard her piteous moan,
(Enough to melt an heart hew'd out of stone
Into a fount of Tears) nor does she spare
Her dearest bloud to Usher in the Heir.
She knocks up Booth, who with his Loyall band,
Is ready straight to lend his helping hand:
But, whil'st that other doe too tardy rise,
(Wiping the 4 slumber from their half-shut Eyes)
They are surprized, and he forc'd to flie,
And leave poor Britain in the Straw to lie.
And thus she lay! affrighted and forlorn;
No hopes at all a Saviour would be born:
Till Heav'n imploy'd that Noble Instrument,
And from the North St. GEORGE-on-Horse-back sent
T'obstetricate; whose Journey scarce was don,
When she began to Travell with a Son;
The happy issue of her Pray'rs and Tears,
Which had besieged the Almighty's Ears.
GEORGE made no vaunts, yet gave encouragement;
Gentle and rough, still in a Mist he went;
Till all was ready for a work so great,
Then step'd in GEORGE, and did the Noble feat;
Brought her to Bed, which none before could do;
Nay, sav'd the Darling, and the Mother too:
Whose sudden joy made her (by a sweet fate)
The Act of Amnesty to antedate.
Whole Volleys (straight) of Acclamations pierce
The Ecchoing Air, another Universe
Crouds London's streets, to see this strange new thing,
The Reall Presence of their twice-born KING.
The Bells, in-soul'd by some Intelligence,
Awaited then no Ringers to commence
The welcome Chances, but their Clappers ply,
Returning Thanks for her Delivery.
Th'Angelick Quire dismounted roundly (then)
And in their Anthems bare a Part with Men.
Of all the Set, the Organs mourn'd that day,
Their Pipes were stop'd so hard, they could not play.
The People, tickled with the Noble Sounds,
Could scantly keep their souls i'th'bodie's bounds;
Some toss'd their Caps, which in mixt dances hover
Above their heads; no need to bid, Uncover.
On flexed Knees some for His health did Pray,
Whil'st in full Bowles some drink their own away.
Some clap their hands, who in the tyding throngs
Puffing and sweltring, had quite lost their tongues.
Some 'bout the crackling Bonfires shout and sing,
And pretty Babes lisp'd out, A King! A King!
Oh! what a goodly sight! what wondring Eyes!
What leaping Hearts; to see our Sun arise
In His full strength, and lift His beaming Head
From off the Pillow of His Sea-green bed!
Phospher'd by GEORGE, be-Duk'd on either hand;
Before, behind the Glory of the Land,
Like Planets moving in their glistring Spheres,
Whilst' CHARLS, like Pho/ebus, in the mids appears,
In bloudless Triumph Riding to His Throne:
For HE makes Conquest of our Hearts alone.
Then I, (who whilom scarce a CHARLS durst name,
Enforc'd to shroud the Loyall-mounting Flame
In Ashie Weeds) brake forth in vari'd Joy,
Descanting boldly on, Vive Le ROY.
St. GEORGE no more shall (now) a Romance be,
But our best Story (MONCK!) made good in Thee:
Thou hast out-vy'd him, may thy Sword ne'r fail,
That did (unsheath'd) dis-Rumpe the Dragon's tail;
Whose fi'ry swinge, as round-about it went,
Our brightest Stars struck from the Firmament.
Oh, for a Virgil now! whose Skilfull Quill
With new Georgicks might our Country fill:
Whil'st I opprest with CHARLES his crouding glory,
Leave After-ages for to write His Story!
And now (Great Monarch!) lest my longer stay
Should fright the Ladies at Your Court away,
(Whose dainty stomachs will, I know; disdain
The poor provision of my courser brain)
Unto my smutchy Cell I will retire,
And what I cannot utter, there admire.
I'le sit me down, and wonder how You made
(O're-come at Wor'ster, not to say, Betray'd
By such, who sold th'Annointed of the Lord)
Your blest escape from Cromwell's thirsty Sword,
That curst Nimrodean Hunter! whose keen Pack
Of quick-nos'd Bloud-hounds travers'd ev'ry track,
Beat ev'ry Bush, through this and t'other Wood,
To find Your steps, and suck Your Sacred Blood;
Yet lost their game: Amazed then I'le stand,
To think, how in the hollow of his hand
God hid Your Royall Self, and let none see,
When You took Sanctuary in a Tree.
My weeping Eye Your Flittings shall review,
And in Your exile go along with You.
I'l draw an abstract of Your many dangers,
By Your own Country men, false Friends & Strangers,
Of Robbers, Waters, and the fearfull Deep,
In City, Wilderness, awake, asleep.
Then, on the Counter-part my Rapted Soul,
With Pencill dipt in some Castalian Bowle,
Shall limne a Land-scape of God's gracious Care,
His Love and Mercies, Various, Rich and Rare.
Both in Your Banishment and Restauration
To Your returning People of this Nation,
You were be-miracled, and may be said,
In Hieroglyphicks to be all arrai'd.
From You our happy 'ra shall commence,
Who were the Master-piece of Providence.


[2]Bon fire] Bon-fire O ms emendation

[3]Religion's] Relion's emended in ms O

[4]the] L; that O, ms emended to the

OH, let us not (good Lord!) let us no more,
Instead of one just Monarch serve Five-score
Usurping Kinglings! keep us all entire,
Rendring the Son what we deny'd the Sire.
Restore in CHARLES our Church, Laws, Liberties,
And make our Hearts a willing Sacrifice!
Let us no more Revolt, but have a care,
How we conspire against the Lawfull Heir!
That blest with Peace and Plenty, we may sing,
Glory to God on High for Our Good KING!


Ultima magnarum Prognostica Linea rerum,
Quſ CAROLI Primi finitur Regis Imago,
In Facie Reducis legitur perfecta Secundi;
Nato Vota dabunt, Patri qu' Bella negſrunt.


Part IX. Views From Scotland

The Covenant
[undated: early March?]

    Although it cannot be dated with any certainty this ballad addresses concerns that were at issue during late February and early March. Following the readmission of the secluded MPs in February, parliament ordered the republication of the Solemn League and Covenant on 5 March, more as a challenge to Monck than an attempt to win over presbyterian suport. On the Covenant, see also L'titi' Caledonic', which is slightly cynical about the effect of renewing the Covenant as a promise to the king.

    Internal evidence suggests that the ballad appeared before the king's return was at all certain since its concerns bear directly on the terms of the Restoration settlement. At issue is the dilemma facing those who felt their loyalties divided between religious principles and a return of monarchy. The ballad is delivered in the voice of an old covenanting soldier who claims to have fought in the parliamentary army of the Earl of Essex for the protestant cause against the perceived catholicism of Charles I. Essex had died in 1646, three years after parliament issued the Solemn League and Covenant on 5 Sept 1643. Although it is less likely that the title refers specifically to the Scottish National Covenant, which had been declared in defense of presbyterianism in 1638, both documents contain clauses mentioned in the ballad. Signatories to the Scottish National Covenant declared themselves to be against the falling off of religion and to be equally determined to stop the threat of "popish religion" (Gardiner, Constitutional Documents, p. 62) while at the same time protesting and promising "that we shall defend [the King's] person and authority with our goods, bodies, and lives, in the defence of Christ His evangel...against all enemies within this realm or without" (ibid, p. 57). Following the inconclusive battles of the first year of the civil war, and the failure of negotiations during the summer of 1643, parliament issued the Solemn League and Covenant largely in order to secure Scottish support by guarenteeing a national church without bishops, thereby seeking to keep the support of the presbyterians. Signatories were called upon to defend the reformed church, to extirpate popery and prelacy, to discover plots, to defend the union of the kingdoms, to assist all working to these ends, and to endeavour to preserve "the rights and privileges of Parliament, and the liberties of the kingdom, and to preserve and defend the King's Majesty's person and authority" (ibid, p. 188).

    The first part of this ballad recalls these declarations of loyalty to the king by way of defending those who fought for the protestant cause. The second part continues this defense by way of carefully distinguishing Charles II from his father, and making the case for suporting his return.

    In terms of printing evidence, the publisher Charles Tyus 1 only appears to have become active during 1660, publishing broadside ballads throughout that year on contemporary events, including J. W.'s The Royall Oak, which also makes use of the same initial woodcut of a mounted king preceded by two mounted pages, and T. R.'s The Royall Subjects Joy, both included here. Tyus also issued two ballads on Prince Henry's death (to be found at GU 65 and GU 290), and A Warning For all such as desire to Sleep upon the Grass (GU 375) dated 1664. 2

[1][bound to William Gilbertson in 1649, became free in 1656; McKenzie #1705]

[2]Cf Sarah Tyus "at the three Bibles on London-Bridge" for whom was printed the following: -- GU 76, The Devil's Conquest "printed for S. Tyus, on London Bridge." The Faithful Lovers Farewell GU 118; The Valiant hearted Sea-man GU 366.
The initial cut of a mounted king with two mounted pages is also used for The Worthy Kings Description (np, nd), and J.W. The Royall Oak (for Charles Tyus, nd GU 308) included here; appears with Peter Fancy, Joyfull News to the Nation, a coronation ballad, (for Richard Burton at the Horse-shoe in Smithfiled, nd; GU 147); a section of it, in rather bad state, appears with An excellent Ballad, Intituled, The Wandring Prince of Troy (for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J, Wright, nd; GU 87) and again for A Proper New Ballad intitled, The Wandring Prince of Troy (for F. Coles, T. Vere, and W. Gilbertson, nd GU 262), A new ballad shewing how a Prince of England... (for Coles, Vere and Golbertson; a version of the cut appears with The Loyal Subject Resolution (by T. Mabb for Richard Burton at the Horshoe in Smithfield, nd; GU 161) dating from the time of the 2nd Dutch War;

The Covenant
No King but the Old King's Son,
A brief Rehearsall of what heretofore was done.

All sorts of People of it take a view,
You surely will confess that I say true;
Let none mislike the same that cannot mend it,
Neither rashly censure him that pen'd it.
To the Tune of, True Blew will never staine.

[boxed cut]

LOng time have I been a Souldier,
and have followed the Traine,
Which doth make me now the bolder,
the Covenant for to maintaine.

5: When first unto the Wars we went,
and Essex did us entertain,
It was then to a good intent,
though since we turn'd our coats again.

In every church the covenanting
our undertakings did explain,
Our indeavours were not wanting,
the true Cause for to maintain.

By the Parliament it was expressed
Kingly Rights for to maintain,
15: And if his Heirs they were distressed,
they kindly would them entertain.

Since many persons have repented
for their kindred 3 that were slain,
Since the King this Land absented,
and did not return again.

Plate into half-crowns was melted
to pay the Souldiers for their pain,
We then did march till we were swelted,
no toile at all we did refrain.

25: Which makes me now call to minde
of remembrance this one thing,
Which in the Covenant I finde,
To defend the Person of the KING.

But some will say I am a wigeon
because the truth I do maintain,
It was onely for Religion,
And Opinions that were vain.

Religion it is confessed
Did waxe then into the Waine,
35: As in the Covenant is expressed,
for which many men were slain.

We Souldiers that then were listed
the Good Old Cause for to maintain,
With good hopes we alwaies feasted
to bring home the king again.

[3] kindred] kinred

The Second Part, To the same Tune.
[boxed cuts]

HOwever that some have boasted,
the hazard of it we have run,
And through extremities have posted
For no King but the old Kings Son.

45: If any man claim Charles's Right
for whate're his Father hath done,
Death on him hath wrought his spight;
No King but the old Kings Son.

If he was of the Roman faction,
no favour here he should have won,
But now we are all in great distraction,
No King but the old Kings Son.

And moreover understand,
illuminations did us draw
55: To fight for our freedome, and
to keep our enemies in awe.

A Proclamation then was made,
which no person can deny,
And the world they did perswade
It was for th'Subjects liberty.

And afterwards to make amends,
when three Nations were undone,
They were for their private ends,
the Souldiers lost, that all had wonne.

65: Then many thousands were disbanded,
which before had won the day;
Great Persons then dealt underhanded,
and deceiv'd us of our Pay:

Which makes us now live discontented,
and repent what we have done;
By poverty we were tormented,
For no King but the old Kings Son.

If a single Person we must honer,
these Lands in union for to bring,
75: And must fight under his Banner,
let us have our lawfull King.

Great Jove unite our hearts together,
our Priviledges to maintaine,
And send us good and pleasant weather,
that our Rightfull Prince may raigne.

London, Printed for Charles Tyus

on London-Bridge.

[4] .úúcoloph. Tyus] Yyus

A pair of Prodigals.
30 June

   Although Thomason dated his copy 30 June, the content of the piece take us back to March and April, shortly after the secluded members were returned, but during the days when there was still some doubt about the direction parliament was going to take.

A pair of Prodigals Returned:
In a Conference between an Englishman and a Scot, concerning the Restauration of
CHARLES II. to his Crown and Kingdomes.

To the Tune of Cook-Laurel.


TUsh Joochee, we have no more Kings to Betray:
What made thee to trouble our Aire?
We have gallant men enough here in pay,
And need not your brotherly care;
Your Nation is Infamous, Natives abhor'd,
Your curse exceeds Cains, crimes his outvy;
He murther'd his brother, you sold your dread Lord;
He's curs'd for to wander, you pent in your sty.

Thau fase Loone, dast began farst to cray hawre?
Yau murthard aur geud King aud Charles;
And when ye'ave abeused aur feath, day you pawre
Reprauches apan us lick Carles?
The guilt of aur feully is dinged away
By the blood of meny a Laird;
But tell yau restaur his Bearn, yau mey pray,
Bat yar credit wo ner be repair'd.

Hold your peace sirrah, d'ye think to prevaile,
And become a comptroler here?
Wee'l make you all your blew bonnets to vayle,
O're us you shall not domineer:
I wonder you can be so foolishly proud,
Since that you may well remember
Your pitiful fortune, at home and a broad,
Upon the third day of September.

'Tis trau, I confas, we were bonged weele
Upan thaut unhaupie day,
Bat yaur shaums ta coome, & the Muckle deele,
In dewe time wo be sure it to pay.
We fought fo breave Charles, aur Gracious geud King,
In aur Cose wa mooch o renown;
But yau English stawnd so no sicker thing,
Bat bausly rob'd him O his Crown.

I prethee good Joochee, lets talke thus no more,
Must the Devil now correct sin?
It is not safe to rip up an old sore,
To be wise, then let us begin:
We have both been Traitrous Rebells t'our Prince,
Drentcht our hands in his Innocent blood,
Let's expiate our crimes by obedience, since
'Tis never too late to be good.

Gid feith braw English Lod, giffe me thy haund,
Naw thau & I been well agreed,
We's fight fo King Charles sa lang we con stond,
Fo thear neaver wa a meere need:
Twonty years sonce thau kenst vara weel;
Theek launds waure in mikle peace,
But thon aur praude haurts o'recoume by the deele
Maude aw aur hoppinesse cease.

These Nations did flourish, 'tis true, brother Scot,
In those blessed days of yore,
But Charles restored will soon place our lot
In the self-same ground as before;
Then let us pray that the time may soon come,
When he shall returne from exile;
And hearily blesse those that will bring home
The Father of Great Britains Isle.

In soth my geud freend, thau speakest bet reason,
Weese did couvenant 1 sa fo ta dooe;
And if we gang on in Rebellion and Treason,
We sha neaver aur blossings reneow:
Bat aur brauve Generaul, and nauble Commaunders,
Ise haupe wo restaure aur Glee,
And fach aur geud King from Brussels in Flaunders,
Ta finish aur proosperitee.

Faith Joockee, I tell thee I am of thy mind,
Our Noble Georg near did intend
To abandon his loyalty (chang with each wind)
Though he did awhile it suspend:
Yet as I may freely confesse unto thee,
He was not so great in my books,
When our Posts and Chains cut down I did see,
And our Gates remov'd from their Hooks. 2

Bred mon that wa bet the faw Rump fo ta please
And ta leet tha Citizens ken
Wha he coud dooe: Bet after tway dayes
He broought in tha -- -- -- Mombers agen;
Than fear net bet George is a Trojan trew,
Begarre mon he scarn to be bause;
Wha ere sal say that he is not trew blew,
I'se give him a sloope o're the fause. 3

Gramarcy brave Blew-cap, I think thou canst fight,
Which is somewhat rare in a Scot;
Then faith we will see the King have his Right,
Or else we'l both go to the Pot.

Haw, Haw, my brave Boy, I wee'l understaund,
Thoy haurt is ta loyalty 4 bont;
Bat we sall ha aw things done ta aur haund,
Soon by a Free Porlemont.

I doubt not (dear Jocchee) but this Parliament
Will prove such as we both desire,
For in my own Country the common voice ment
For my Landlord, an honest old Squire.
Then have at thee Jocchee, here's a full Bowle,
To the King and to George, lets not bodg em.

Coontent annest lod, Gars coors o his sowle,
Whick sall refuse fo ta plodg em.

In the Year. 1660.

[1] couvenant] cou enant OW

[2] See Duncombe, Scutum Regale

[3] ie slap on the face

[4] loyalty] loaylty copytext, EN, OW

Caledon's Gratulatory Rapture
[undated: after 29 May]

   Charles is clearly back and in some sense in command, so the sense that these verses commemorate a particular day -- "This Day, This Solemn-memorable Day" -- suggest composition shortly after 29 May.

[ornamental header]
At the Happy Return of our Dread Lord and

HEnce Hellish fury's to your Stygian Cells,
Here is nor Time, nor Place, for Charms, or Spells,
Our Horizontall Pho/ebus doth appear
To guild the Zodiack of this Hemisphear
5: With Royal Rayes: Although your furious rage
Long forc'd thir Clyms, to prove the dismall stage
Of Treasons, Murthers, Ruins, Rapins, When
Pow'r was usurped by the scum of men:
The Throne was Raz'd, And Sacred Majestie
10: Was sacrifized to the Tyrannie
Of worst of Vermin, All the Royall Race
Exil'd, and Royalty in high disgrace
Enter'd; How (then) obscured was our Light?
Our Day transformed to Cymerian night?
Yet from thus Pho/enix's ashes, lo, their springs
A Pho/enix that's the Diadem of Kings:
With what transcending glory doth he rise,
To clear the shads of our long dark'ned skies;
The Thron's repaired, Majesty restor'd,
20: The Regal Race return'd, admir'd, ador'd!
Brave Heroe's, great restorers of the Crown!
All future ages shall your true renown
Admire; And the unparalelled Storie
Proclaim, of your so much deserving Glorie.
25: But gen'rous George, the George most high deserves
Of Royal bounty, which as yet reserves
A Magazine of Honour, to Proclame
The meritorious grandour of his Fame:
While Regicids with infamie arraign'd,
30: And all their Complice's with shame are stain'd.
Then Loyal Natives, let us chaunt and sing
With chearful Acclamations Carolling
This Day, This Solemn-memorable Day
How beautified, by the Royal Ray
35: Of Sacred Majestie? How hearts, and tongues
Englarged are, in chearful cries and songs?
The Heaven's resoun'd, The Eccho's do reply,
The sweet concordance of this Harmony:
Long live Renown'd, Renown'd long be the Raign
Of Charl's the Second, our Dread Soveraign.


Grampius Congratulation
[undated: June?]

   Title: GRAMPIUS / CONGRATULATION / In plain / SCOTS LANGUAGE / TO HIS / MAJESTIES / Thrise Happy Return. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / Printed Anno Dom. 1660. / [ornamental double-ruled box]

    Since we hear of how the Scots are already well known to have been using the king's return as an excuse for doing a great deal of celebrtory drinking, and since English poets already have been penning celebrations, Grampius Congratulation most likely appeared during the summer.

[ornamental header]
To His Majesties thrise happy Return.

OF twelve sad years, one tedious night
We'ave had, and now the day grows light,
Our Sun is up, awake my Muse,
Thy drousiness I'le not excuse.
5: We have been dead, and now we live
Again, and shall we no thanks give?
In our next life, if we give none
To God, Why Resurrection?
Are we redeem`d then from the tears
10: And torments of these twenty years?
And from th'Egyptian bondage free?
And are we all past the Red-sea?
And shall not one midst all this Throng
Remember upon Moses Song?
Let this be Purim to our Priests,
Although our Church allow no Fiests.
But Bacchus She priests here we bar,
Our mirth with fury we'll not mar,
Let them their Trietericks vent
20: To a Triennial Parliament.
And since profane men are discharg'd,
(By him for whose cause we're enlarg'd)
Ranting 'gainst the dead Commonwealth,
Or drinking their own Masters health,
25: Whom they so by their rude louse tongue
More than their hands could help, did wrong;
What shall we, poor we, do that dwell
By Chyrra; and Agamppe well?
What if we mirrie made by water,
Mingled with Enthean fire shall chatter?
No Treason's here: our noise and din
Shall greater be far than our sin.
Were we not then all this past while,
Cimmerians since our Kings exile?
35: Have we not liv'd in Holes and Caves?
And dig'd in Minerals like slaves?
To pay th'usurpers of the Crown?
And buy Swords t'had our Selves down?
But now since Jove amongst us Feists,
Like th'honest Corybantes Priests,
Let's Leap and Daunce all in a round,
Our Heads shake, and our Cymbals sound,
Till the French follow this our folly,
Who pitied not our Melancholy.
45: With God, our King a God we'll call,
More's in Him than our Armies all:
They brought us Toil and Husks for diet,
He Milk and Hony with much quiet:
When we by War our Peace did mar,
50: Then Nole sought Peace by 'nlawful War.     Pax
But still behov'd he to keep's under,     qu'ritur
And we must Pay or he must Plunder.      bello.
Five several times the Scots made head
To make amends for one misdead;
55: Five times our Fire still turn'd to smoak,
And all the Kingdoms bore the yoak:
But what was in this wondrous thing?
Strong Armies could not help the King,
Nor rescue from Hells yauning jawes
60: Religion, Liberty, and Lawes.
Was't not because still Achan's wedge
Was by some of us kept in pledge?
And the curs'd thing was never purg'd,
So the poor People ay were scourg'd.
65: And with the truth if we may jump,
Our Scots House sometimes had its Rump,
 And likewise a fanatick blood
 Made some heads think that ill was good.
But now that brain-sicknesse, (great odds)
Is turn'd down to an Emerauds:
So if our Royal Doctor please,
To obviat the like Disease,
Let us be purg'd, and Leeches set,
While th'ill is at our Postern gate,
Lest it break back again, and breed
Some new distemper to the head.
The body of the Land, like men
Condemn'd, and then repriv'd again
By the griev'd Party, taste some grief
80: Mixt with the joy of their relief:
And were it not this weight did still us,
The extasie of joy would kill us:
We grieve, our interprises miss'd
The successe which our Souls had wish'd;
85: That our efforts made to repone
The King, had thus fail'd one by one.
When the Restorer from us went,
He knew this by our hearts consent
In offers free: And yet we wring
90: Our hands, that our selves did not bring
The King home: But since he's home brought,
Theirs be the Guerdon who best wrought.
Whither we take the work from Heaven,
Or adde it to the wonders seaven,
95: Or learn, that England never would
Take King, nor Reformation hold
Of us, Let us be well content
T'applaud unto the Instrument.
George whom ill los'd, we all confesse;
By providence was nothing lesse.
He serv`d in Egypt; so it fell,
He proves the prope of Israel.
He is our David, and he took
But five small sling-stones from the brook;
And with the G'ants own sword indeed,
He hath cut off Goliah's head. sic
His Club hath made more Monsters fall,
Than Hercules his Labours all.
He hath the Hydra's heads down born,
110: And gives us Achelous horn.
Of Philistines a greater crew
A'has quash'd, than ever Samson slew.
His finger hath drawn down their house,
And yet both sav'd himself and us.
Thrasibulus he hath excel'd,
Though thirty Tyrants he expel'd.
And this act shall Eclipse the Glory
Of old Saint George his Legend Story,
As far's the King's and Kingdoms three,
120: Outvies a poor Maids jeopardie.
And of all those, though brave and good,
Not one like this was done but blood.
Then; to Heaven's let us praises sing,
Thank George, and Pray, God Save the King.


L'tit' Caledonic'
[undated: late summer?

   Wringing the hackneyed clichees one more time, or: is this in part a literary response to Vox Populi, which was reissued in Scotland? There claims are made about Virgil are made in some pretty apauling verses; and boasting about the potential martial loyalties of Englishmen abound: though martial fury and claims of how the people wat to die for Charles are found commonly -- see also Brome's England's Joy etc

   One of the wittiest and probably the most ironical of the poems working over the comon tropes used to celebrate the king's return, L'tit' Caledonic' opens by saying how glad he is that the great Virgil isn't around trying to celebrate such an event as the return of Charles; and the innuendo is unmistakable. But the poet's display of wit here is framed within the outdoing topos, a figure of heroic verse by which the poet insists that the subject outgoes all previous and sometimes all possible parallels. Use of this trope almost allows him to say anything. The return of Charles here is seen as so far beyond comparison that only a poetaster would attempt to find words for what is literally the "unuterable happiness" of the occasion The poet's loyalty comes with a satiric edge being sharpened at the expense of some recent goings on in London and the way other poets have written about them. How is Scoltand to express joy? Drinking toasts led to so much rowdiness that they were banned the very day -- 30 May -- after Charles had arrived in Whitehall, and that ban immediately put an end to all the drunken bragging about how we'll all go to sea and beat the Dutch.

    Of interest in Scotland, the Solemn League and Covenant had been reissued by Parliament on 5 March, but only a very foolish king would believe that it promised him safety. The poetic voice is that of a canny analyst of the times, someone who can read between the lines of events and proclamations. Given the wit and this cannyness, all the more credible seem the fairly straitforward expressions of loyalty that end the poem.


Upon the thrise happy Return of Her
Sacred Soveraign CHARLES
the Second, Monarch of Great
Britain, &c.

WHat Poetaster bold dare undertake;
An Embleme of my mirth in rime to make?
The tongues of Men and Angels, should but wrong
This Theam, so far transcending any Song:
My Loyalty likewise it would Eclipse,
5: If't were definable by humane lips.
Old Maro sure would blush, if he were here,
And gall'd with this disaster, shed a tear;
His soaring quill, which many Triumphs wrot,
Should in defining this, its Triumphs blot:
10: Parnassus Nymphs also, I dare be bound,
Would curse their native Soil, for barren ground.
That disproportion vast when they should see;
'Twixt their best notions, and this extasie.
How then shall Caledon, her sense expresse
15: Of this unuterable happiness?
This blest Arrivall of her Soveraign brings
That true Vice-gerent of the King of King;
Shal't be with flying cups? O that's not fit!
His Sacred MAJESTY prohibits it.
20: Shal't be with ranting swaggering bravado's,
We will do wonders 'gainst his foes Armado's?
This neither will suffice, himself can tell,
This is the Dialect 'bout Bacchus Well. 1
Shall we renewing Covenants, engage, 2
25: His Person to defend, and Royall badge? 3
No He'll ne'r trust's thee more; (and who can blame him?)
Nor Tongue, nor Hand, that stop't e're to disclaim him:
What then shall our deportment be, and how,
Shall we do homage to that Sacred brow?
30: That brow! whose sweet appearance hath undone
Those miseries, our follies had begun:
Ev'n this; each Loyall Heart shall undertake,
With resolution, recompence to make,
By strong endeavours, never to back-slide
35: Into these principles, did us divide
From our Alleageance; shun equivocations
As Popish practices, to crush the Nations.
Each sparkle of rebellion let us smoother,
And to that purpose strengthen one another:
40: Each Overture that's made, before 't's appointed.
Let's ponder well, let not the Lord's Anointed
Get any prejudice from what we do,
Give him that right the Scripture doth allow.
This will as in one Atome us unite,
45: And to commend us, forraign Pens invite:
This will the Moderns move aloud to praise us,
And our Posterities shall Trophees raise us,
With this Inscription, Blessed be our Sires,
Their Countrys honour bounded their desires;
50: Whose souls expiring, Loyally did sing
With firme Devotion, long may our Soveraign Raign.


[1] Ludlow noted that there was so much drunkeness on the night of 29 May "that the king, who still stood in need of the presbyterian party which had betrayed all into his hands, for their satisfaction, caused a proclamation to be publish'd, forbidding the drinking of healths" (1751 edition Memoirs, p. 348). Thomason dated A Proclamation against Vicious, Debauch'd, and Prophane Persons on 30 May.

[2] More as a challenge to Monck than an attempt to win over prsbyterian suport, Commons ordered the republication of The Solemn League and Covenant on 5 March.

[3] See The Covenant.

[not by William Lithgow]
Scotland's Par'nesis
[undated: late summer?]

   Titlepage: SCOTLANDS / PAR'NESIS / To Her Dread Soveraign, / KING / CHARLES / THE SECOND. / [rule] / Mens Scoti'. / All Presbyterians, pure, sincere and true, / Afflicted by that Independent crue, / Are here untouch'd, and are declar'd to be / Joyn'd in the League and Covenant with me. / [rule] / [design] / [rule ] / Printed in the Year, 1660.

    The authorship of this poem has excited scholarly attention over the last century and a half. In his 1823 edition of the poem, Laing wrote shrewdly of the Restoration in general:

Such a general feeling of satisfaction was manifested at the return of the exiled Monarch, as being an event which promised to bing back peace and tranquility to the Country, that it was unfortunate the King, and his Ministers should have proved unmindful of their past experience, and have used no endeavours either to conciliate the affections, or to promote the interests of the People at large.

    The writer of this congratualtory Poem, which is sufficiently expressive of loyalty and attachment, has not been ascertained. (p. xv)

   During the next fifty years, word got about that the poem was by William Lithgow, an Aberdonian adventurer who would have been in his eighties in 1660. In 1863, Maidment took the attribution seriously enough to argue against it, a tactic subsequently adopted by the DNB in their entry for Lithgow. Maidment makes no case from Lithgow's age, but points out that because Scotland's Paranesis contains a marginal reference to the author having written a poem in 1633 entitled "Scotlands welcome to King Charles," "thence it was conjectured that as Lithgow had written an address to the unhappy Charles in 1633, he reasonably was the author" (p. xxxii). In the National Library in Edinburgh, a copy of Lithgow's verses from 1633 are bound in just ahead of the 1660 poem at shelfmark EN 1.88. Maidment continues with the attribution to Lithgow:

This idea was to a certain degree countenanced by the fact that the volume [EN 1.88] had belonged to Robert Mylne, a well-known book-collector and enthusiastic antiquary, who having survived for above one hundred years, must have been a young man of more than twenty years of age when the "Paraenesis" appeared in 1660; and, as he had arranged the contents of the volume in the order in which it at present remains [still true 1986] it might be taken for granted that he did so in the belief that it was a supplement to the poem that preceded it. (pp. xxxii-xxxiii)
So, here then we have a reader and collector of verses who was alive in 1660 and what do we learn? That he seems to have read no further than the marginalia of the poems he collected, for as Maidment points out, the two poems differ so greatly as to be hardly from the same poet. But then again, perhaps Mylne knew Lithgow still to be alive, with a finer poetic control than he showed in his middle years.

    Maidment fails to notice Lithgow's age, but does notice other poems from the 1630s with titles just like the one mentioned in the margin. 1 And he has his own candiate, one William Douglas, author of "Grampius Gratulation to his High and Mightie Monarch, King Charles" which appeared in a 1630 volume entitled Addresses by the Muses of Edinburgh to his Majesty (printed in small Qto by "the heirs of Andro Hart, 1630"). After quoting a section of this poem, to suggest stylistic similarities, Maidment cites a biographical entry for Douglas from a volume he calls the "Catalgues of Scotish Writers" as published by Stevenson in Edinburgh, 1833. Unable to find this volume in any of the major libraries in Scotland, I can only quote Maidment again:

William Douglasse, Professor of Theology at old Aberdeen. He wrote a Treatise on Pslam edia, 4to; Item Acad'miarum Vindicas, 4to; item, orationem Panegyricam de Carolo Secundo, 4to; item, stable Truth, 4to, 1660. He dyed toward the year 1670. item, Vindicacias Veritatis, 4to, 1655" (cited, ibid, p. lii)

   The case for Douglas seems as weak to me as the likelihood of the poem being by Lithgow. Douglas's poem on the Restoration, referred to here, is presumably the Latin Oratio Panegyrica ad eisodia (Wing STC item D 2043) to be found in several places.

    On the Covenant, see also The Covenant.

    Opens with defense of the Covenant -- details

    Sees loyalty to a divinely appointed monarch to be an absolute duty to God, taking Samuel Daniel's line that even tyrants in office are to be obeyed. The position of a presbyterian Stuart loyalist in 1660 requires a great deal of irony and ventriloquizing to negotiate, but a great deals hangs on the poet's argument that

Then doth God favour Ethnick Princes cace,
Though alians from the Covenenant of Grace,
Redress their wrongs, confound their enemies
Detect and punish lewd conspiracies...

   The poet skillfully uses enjambment to finesse arguments, turning against the seeming closure of the rhythm and stress of the couplet by continuing the syntax to extend or change the argument. The poet takes the position of never having lost loyalty to Stuart kings, being among those to write pro-Stuart verses in the 1630s when Charles came to Scotland. Dynastic loyalty and racial difference were seldom found apart at this time, so the "Ethnick Prince"'s Scottish bloodlines are as important as the different kind of loyalty owed by the Irish. Snub -- chalres neveractually made it to scotland back then; CHECK

    Poet ends with provsional endorsement of Charles; not questioning his right, but implictly suggesting that a king would behave a certain way towards Scotland.

[1] In fact, of course, there were dozens of Scottish poets who wrote verses to Charles back in 1633: see list in 1986/5 NB: 104-6.

[this is the title page]
To Her Dread Soveraign;


Mens Scotiae.
All Presbyterians, pure, sincere and true,
Afflicted by that Independent crue,
Are here untouch'd, and are declar'd to be
Joyn'd in the League and Covenant with me.

Printed in the Year, 1660.

[ornamental header]

To her dread Soveraign,
The Second.

COme to thy Land, my long'd for Soveraign,
And here in safety and in honour raign:
Come to these bounds, where, of thy royal Stem,
Ten and One hundred wore the Diadem:
5: Disperse griefs cloudy frowns, to me restore
Those Halcion dayes which I enjoy'd before, 2
When by his presence, my late gracious King,
Transcending pleasure to my coasts did bring,
And all my Minions joyntly did expresse
10: Their boundlesse comfort, and my joyes excesse.
Raign with those joy'd enduments from above,
Th'Almighties blessing, and thy Subjects love.
Raign and live long, Thou period of my pleasure,
My joyes triumph, the sum of all my treasure,
15: Best of my thoughts, center of my delight
Raign, as a beam of beauty shining bright
From heavens aspect: Raign in all Royal parts
A King of men, a conquerour of hearts.
Raign, let Jehova's will model'd in heaven
20: In gold characters, on thy Throne be graven.
Of Piety and Justice; to enable
Thee to defend the one and other Table.
Raign, Scotland's Lyon to the worlds end out.
Who dare presume to call thy Power in doubt.
25: Raign, and triumph throughout great Britans soyle
In spight of all envenom'd breasts that boyle
Will hell-hatch'd malice, in that neighbour ground,
Wherein excesse of raigning sins abound,
Raign, and that Land from vipers venome clenge,
30: So shall that motto hold, Raign and Revenge.
A guard from heaven have hedg'd thee so about,
That thee to harme all furies stand in doubt:
For why? That All-sufficient hath prepard,
Emplumed squadrons for thy surest guard.
But that thy Throne unmoved still may stand,
Let true Religion flourish in thy Lnad,
Pure and sincere, in freedome and in truth,
Redrest, reform'd, from Gods own Heraulds mouth.
Let King Josias, and thy Grandsire be,
40: Examplare types and speaking maps to thee:
He with his Royal Robes his heart did rent,
For the neglect of Gods blest Covenant,
Then caus'd the same be read, and sworn to all,
Who in the limits of his Land did dwell:
45: So from the year our blessed Lord was born, 3
Our Covenant by good King James was sworn,
And was confirmed after some few years 4
To all his Houshold, and his noble Peers:
And now of late, Seign'd and redintegrate,
50: By all the loyall Subjects of our State:
Let Head and Body then in one accord,
To Seign, Swear, keep our Covenant with the Lord:
And as my Patriots dear, of each degree,
Are sworn to maintain Authoritie,
55: So shall they joyn, and strive even all as one
To re-install thee in thy Fathers Throne;
Of Vipers brood th'infected soyle to clenge,
And make that antheme sound, Raign and Revenge.
The great Avenger shall revenge my cause,
60: And make these Monsters feel the Lyons pause,
Who by one fact the worst of acts have done,
Unparallel'd as yet beneath the Moon,
Yet palliate with Justice cloak that so,
Those men by Justice, Justice should ov'rthrow.
With raigning sins all Israels Kings were stain'd,
Even from the time that Jeroboam raign'd,
With Rapine, Violence, Murther, Sorcery,
And all did act accurs'd Idolatry:
Yet none of them by Statue were depos'd,
70: Or to a publike censure once expos'd,
Arraign'd, condemn'd, or struke by Justice hands,
Within the Cities of these bordering Lands:
But when their vicious raigns and lives were ended,
Their sons or kins-men to their thrones ascended.
75: Raign and Revenge the breach of faith by those
My feigned friends, but most pernicious foes:
Base skurrill rogues, by Satans angels sent,
To swear and scorn the League and Covenant:
Camel'on Monsters, mingling truth with lies:
80: Stain'd with these colours of repugnancies,
Proud Babels tenents seeming first to hate,
But now like Babel ruling Kirk and State:
Bishops Hierachies sworn to suppresse,
Now like Erastus Anarchy professe; 5
85: My Presbyterial Church-government,
Through seeming to maintain, They disassent:
They seem'd t'extirpate Schisms and Sectaries,
But now they tolerate old coyn'd Heresies:
And worst of all, if any worse can be,
90: They strive to break the neck of Monarchie,
And trample on their Princes, whom before
They seem'd with Civil Worship to adore:
And Englands Peers they levell with the ground
Of locusts base born swarms, which there abound
95: A swarme of Brownists, fond Separatists,
Proud Antinomians, wilfull Erastists,
Old Levellers, monsters Inhabitants,
Last worst of all, that crue of Independants,
In whose infected souls these tares are sown,
100: And to a full perfection lately grown,
As Superstition, Schism, Heresie,
Tyrannie, Profainnesse, and Idolatrie,
Hypocrisie, a sin the last on earth,
Which shall revive in Judgement after death. 6
O then how many plagues have they deserv'd?
What grievous torments are to them reserv'd?
Who in a desperat way, have hatch'd such evils,
As are of new suggested by the devils,
Who first, damn'd Atheists, trampled have upon
110: The sacred Statutes of the holy One.
Next in a furious, but a fond conceate,
Englands time scorning Lawes have abrogate:
And strive if they had power as will, to wound
Even Natures frame, and all the world confound.
The King of Kings first Monarch's did install,
And daign'd them by the name of Gods to call,
To show that earthly Powers Soveraign,
Have all their power from him, by whom Kings raign;
Moses the meek, from Heaven, and not by chance,
120: Had rule in chief ov'r Gods Inheritance,
And was als absolute, in all degrees
As any that bear rule in Monarchies:
Witness rebellious Korah, with his mates,
And many murmurers their Confederates:
125: The first by a miraculous sort of death,
Were quick up-swallowed in the opening earth;
Then fourteen thousand, and seven hundreth mo,
To Pluto's boures did in a moment go,
And all for hatching treason in their breast
130: Against their Prince, and Gods anointed Priest.
Revenge, The Lord shall from his store-house bring
More grievous plagues on those that kill's a King.
Arise, O Lord, stretch forth thy powerfull hand,
Against the Justice-Juglers of that Land.
Joshua to Moses for his valourous deeds,
As Israels Monarch, by Gods will succeeds;
Who from his scared mouth that choise did breath,
Menacing rebels with assured death.
Next after Joshua, Judges were sole Princes,
140: Who did govern all Palestines Provinces,
Till that unconstant Israel then neglected
And crav'd a King, was not then Saul elected
By Gods appointment and expresse command?
And then anointed by the Prophets hand:
145: Young David next, Gods Minion, was install'd,
And from a sheep crook to a Scepter call'd;
That from his loynes, a Virgin and a Mother
Should bear her Son, her Father, and her Brother.
Now give me leave a little to digresse,
150: And of that Plant this Antithese expresse:
Though call'd the Father of Eternitie;
That we Gods sons the Son of man would be:
He daign'd 'mongst beasts, be born low in a cell,
That high in Heav'n men might with Angels dwell:
155: And though the word, yet child-like stammer would,
That to their Gods men might speak uncontroul'd:
The glorious Monarch of the World was poor,
That heavens rich store he might to man procure;
Hungry he was, this with his Man-hood stood,
160: That men might feed on heaven descending food:
The precious Spring of Life for ever blest,
That we should drink his streams would suffer thirst;
In end, the Life, th'eternall King, would die,
That we should live and raign eternally.
But to our purpose, Monarch's here below,
Can neither Chartor, Seal, nor Seasing show
Of their demaines, the Scepter, Sword and Crown,
And sacred oyl which from the heaven came down
Are symbols of their holdings from above,
170: Joyn'd with Gods blessing, and their peoples love,
Together with a Line of long succession,
And benefit of many years possession,
They are, and were of all Endictments free,
And Judged by their Peers they cannot be,
175: As Gods Vice-gerents answering to none,
But to that King who rules and raigns alone.
But if it be their fate to be detain'd
In firmance long, and in a Court araign'd;
It is the will of God that so should be,
180: Who poureth down contempt on Majesty: 7
'Tis for our sins the Lord will have it so, 8
That strength curb Law, force Justice overthrow.
Try Times, Records, which to our knowledge brings,
The reverence and respect we owe to Kings;
185: David from dales to rockie deserts mounted,
By cruel Saul was like a Partridge hunted,
And hod no time to rest, nor scarce to breath,
Affrighted with the fear of present death:
And though he had him twice caught in a snare,
190: Was councell'd twise, his life no more to spare;
Yet said, who dares stretch forth his murthering hand,
Against the Lords Anointed of the Land
And guiltlesse be, though branded with the crimes
Of Tyrants, who have liv'd in worst of Times;
195: 'Tis better for a Tyrant known should raign.
In any soil, nor want a lawfull King.
Yea though an Infidel, we should obey, 9
And for his honour and his safety pray:
The Jews, both Priest and People, all as one,
200: Are bidden serve the King of Babylon;
Pray for that Cities peace, though there they be
Detain'd and kept in long captivitie.
So in our Lord and his Apostles time,
Four Tyrants rul'd in all the Syrian clime, 10
205: He bids give C'sar what is C'sars own,
And being tax'd, have by example shown
That due obedience should to Kings be given,
Who are though Tyrants, authoriz'd from heaven.
Saint Paul, what's due to higher Powers preacheth,
210: Obedience to Kings Saint Peter teacheth,
To Masters all, and froward though they prove,
They should be serv'd with due respect and love.
A prosperous, fortunate, and happy crime,
Was call'd a glorious vertue for the time;
215: O but suspend your judgement for a space,
And ye shall find a change in fortunes face,
Which shall ov'r cloud these flattering rayes of light,
And turn them to a sad tempestuous night;
Of treacherous Traitours such shall be the chance,
220: Who though at first they seem to have some glance
Of Halcion dayes from fortunes raying face:
But sift a while; ye shall not find the place
Of their abode, all but repentance shall
Here be confounded, and condemn'd in hell:
225: Revenge, good Lord, and such black sorrowes bring
On those vile Traitours who have kill'd a King.
Great C'sar did subvert the Roman State,
And to himself th'Empire did mancipate,
Who would but think that Brute and Cassius part
230: With all the rest that stob'd him to the heart
Was just, since that by fraud and policie,
He did ov'turn Romes ancient liberty;
O! but behold, that Senats tragick cace,
They all were slain, within a three years space,
235: And some themself, with that self blade did kill,
Wherewith they lately C'sars blood did spill.
A modern Divine, glossing on this act,
Confest that C'sars proud ambitious fact
Was first unjust, but when the Senate call'd him
240: Romes great Dictator, and had once install'd him
It was high Treason, to stretch forth their hand
Against that man who did in Chief command
Now as a Monarch, so that all the blood
Of those was justly shed, who him withstood.
Then doth God favour Ethnick Princes cace,
Though alians from the Covenant of Grace,
Redresse their wrongs, confound their enemies,
Detect and punish lewd conspiracies
Hatch'd and fomented in a Trait'rous brain,
250: And shall he not the fire of vengeance rain
On that damn'd race? Who in a tracherous 11 mood,
Hath dyed their hands in Gods Vice-gerents blood.
And then by show of Justice trampled down
Englands old Lawes; have taken Head and Crown
255: From my blest Charles, who now in Glory sings
Unceasing Po/eans to the King of Kings;
Whose life a mirrour was of these blest three,
Religion, Justice, and Sobrietie
To God, to Man, and to himself, three Graces
260: Which now are heard, seen, shining in all places,
And shall remain transcending and entire
Till this great Fabrick be consum'd with fire.
Now since that Monarch's are by God elected,
Let no man deem, that people dis-affected
265: Can loose the reins of their Government,
Or from their Line the Crown and Kingdom rent,
Excepting few, for Europes Monarchies
Are now subsisting of these four degrees,
Kings absolute, by Conquest, by Election,
270: Conditionall for favour and protection,
The first two branches meerly Soverain,
By wavering Subjects can no change sustain.
The latter two not being of my strain,
It suites not here, nor can I now explain
275: The first two Powers, as their prerogative,
The Father dead do in the Son survive.
For now what State being parallel'd with mine,
Hath so stand out against the waves of time.
For whiles that Grecian had subdu'd the East, 12
280: And Monarch like in Babylon was plac'd,
The raign of my first Valiant Fergus than,
From God, and not by chance of War begain,
Three hundreth years and fourty past and gone
Before our Lord took humane Nature on.
285: England from William's Stock of many Kings,
Us-ward in Line, to Charles the Second springs:
Ireland, in like sort, by a Conquest long
Deriv'd, doth to their Lord and King belong:
Though Commons acting on a tragick Stage,
290: A thing unheard in any former age,
Under prextext of Jugling-Justice hands,
Have put to death the Soveraign of those Lands,
And in that Burley Court, would change the frame
Of Englands Statutes, would root out the steme
295: Of former Kings, and have without consent
Of Kings or Peers, acted a Parliament.
A Parliament is model'd by the figure
Of a strong man, standing in force and vigoure
With sword in hand, menacing death to those
300: Who dare Gods will, or Subjects well oppose:
Where of the King is head: the Peers the heart:
The Commons Members, and th'inferiour part:
How comes it then, shall such a monster made
Of basest parts, rule without heart or head?
God wil stir up all Christians, Kings and States,
In my revenge to be confederates,
And with me joyn, this dismal case is theirs,
Which may befal to them or to their heirs.
Crowns are in play, a Monarch is become,
310: The pannel'd Subject of a base Commons doome.
Up, let your Navies, and your Royal Hoasts,
Strike sail, land, vapour on the English Coasts,
Display your Ensignes, Princely Standards rear:
First strike with terrour, and a panick fear
315: Those bloudy Gemsters, who have trampled down
The Head, and made a stage play of the Crown.
Then shall we find them out forth from their dens,
From mountains, plains, from dales, and moorish fens,
Or where that Crue of Traitours may be found;
320: We shall their rampiers level with the ground:
Their Strengths and Forts, since levelling they crave
From strong engines, let them such level have
As we impart: Let Justice then have place,
Till shee have quite cut off that cursed race.
But if incens'd with fury they defie us,
And rang'd in squadrons have resolv'd to try us,
The worlds great Judge, no doubt in whom we trust,
Shall be our safeguard as our cause is just:
Thus shall our courage taught by wit and skill,
330: Skill arm'd by courage, both by power and will,
Make English ground incrimson'd with the blood,
Of that Schismatick Independant brood:
So what once C'sar, we may say the same
Truely, we came, we saw, we overcame
335: And routed all, none shall escape our wrath,
But all shall die a just deserved death:
And Peace shall be proclaim'd in all those lands,
Which now are purg'd by our victorious hands:
Then shall I stile my King, young Charles Maigne,
340: And change that motto, thus Triumph and Raigne.

[2] First, In the Authors Poeme, intituled, Scotlands welcome to KING CHARLES in Anno, 1633.

[3] 1581.

[4] 1584.

[5] In Church Government.

[6] Matth. 7.22

[7] Psal. 107.40

[8] Job 12.21

[9] vide. The new Confession of Faith, c.23:

[10] Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero.

[11] tracherous] treacherous Laing

[12] Alexander


ANd thou great King of Kings who rules above,
By whom Kings raign by whom they live and move,
Moisten my soveraigns soul with showrs of grace,
That with him we may breath the aire of Peace
5: Raying 13 with Truth; that here he may secure,
Thy Dvine Worship true, sincere and pure:
So shall we praise Thee, who for ever raigns,
And whose transcending Power all Power sustains.


[13] Raying] Raging Laing

The chearfull Acclamation
of the City of EDINBURGH

    A unicum from the library at Worcester College, Oxford.

The chearfull Acclamation of the City of
For the happy Return of his Sacred Majesty,

WAft'd from sorrows waves, where many years
I drenched was, in seas of brynie tears,
With chearful countenance, I come again,
To vow due homage to my Soveraign!
When Armed violence envad'd the Throne,
Martyr'd my Sacred Syr, exyl'd his Son,
Murther'd his Subjects, Ruin'd all the Land,
And worst of Monsters did usurp Command;
Then I, Edina, I was forc'd to be
10: A perfect pattern of true misery:
But Heav'n is pleased for to smile again,
And Rear Great CHARLES on the Royal Wain,
(Whose Radiant Lustre doth at length despell
Clouds seeming darker then the shads of Hell)
15: O! may the Instruments for ever be
A fragrant perfume to Posterity:
And thou, brave Monck, all ages shall proclame
Renvowned praise, to thy deserved Fame.
Dread Soveraign! may thy Throne so blessed be,
20: That all thy people may be bless'd in Thee!
And let the splendour of thy Royal Shryne,
Be like great Ph'bus in his Southern Shyne [sic
To cherish Loyal Subjects, let thine Hand
Tear (like the Lyons Paw) what doth gainstand
25: Thy just Decrees: All Natives come I pray
And (with Edina) Solemnize this Day
To CHARLES the Second, Men, and Angels sing,
God save Great Britains, France's, and Irelands King.

F I N I S.

Part X. Punishing the Regicides, July to October 1660

T. R. The Royall Subjects Warning-piece to all Traytors
[undated: before trials]


    Dodgy author since this is one of those signatures that could be a a licencing authority. What do we know; it looks like the same "T. R." that is signed to a Charles Tyus ballad called The Royall Subjects Joy that has been attributed to Thomas Robbins. Why is that one ascribed and not this?

    This is not a restoration poem as defined by this anthology, but is included here for its rarity value and the fact that it provides a useful example of the kinds of vituperative satire that were developed during the course of the year of celebration. Anti-Rump satires were perhaps one of the most prolific subgenres to apear in the early months of 1660, but here we see features carried over to the question of how to punish living traitors, such as the regicides. The text is unreadable in several places, marked here with ellipses.

The Royall Subjects Warning piece to all Traytors

You Traytors all both great and small, I wish you to beware.
In time reprent, and be content, for you must all to Hide-Park Fair.
There is Hemp'n toyes for you brave boys, which murdered Charles the first,
The Hangmen he your guide must be, for thither go you must.
To a pleasant new Tune, Come back my own sweet Duck.


OLd England now rejoyce,
thy sorrows all are past;
Tryumph with heart and voice.
good news is come at last.
5: Those that long time did mourn,
come and rejoyce with me
I scorn my Coat to turn,
but faithfull I will be.
Heavens blesse our Generall
which hath our sorrows drownd,
Pray for him great and small,
  King Charles must now be Crowned.

This is good news indeed
for every honest man;
15: The Law will now proceed
Traitors do what you can,
Your glass is almost run
your time is almost spent,
You must to Squire Dun
except you now repent.
Stand for King Charles right,
leave Lords of high renown
.... fight,
  King Charles must wear his Crown.

25: You that did once bare sway
and kept us all at under,
Now is your reckoning day;
good Subjects you did plunder,
Those that did firmly stand
for Charles of high renown
You banished the Land,
and chast them up and down,;[sic]
Then Traitors all repent,
in City and in town,
35: Your time is almost spent,
King Charles must wear, &c.

What answer can you make
either to God or man,
What course now you take
do all the best you can:
For murdering of your King,
the Law will now proceed,
Beware a hempen string,
no better can you speed.
45: Then traytors all repent
in City and in Town,
Your time is almost spent.
King Charles, &c.

The second Part,  to the same tune.

YOur Anabaptists head
no comfort can you bring,
Alack he is almost dead,
for treason against the King
Himself must answer make,
for what is done and past
55: He can no way forsake
Squire Dun I fear at last.
Then traitors all repent
in City and in town,
Your time is almost spent.
King Charles, &c.

Come Harrison thou art the man,
I and John Oakey thy 1 brother,
For treason against the King,
there scarce is two such other;
65: the one a Butchers son,
the other a poor Dray-man,
You must to Squire Dun
do all the best you can.
You traitors all repent
in City and in town,
Your time is almost spent,
King Charles, &c.

Alack blind Hewson now,
where is thy Laste and Awl,
75: It had been better for thee
to have kept in thy stall;
For Judging of the King
a rebellious horrid deed,
Beware of a Hempen string
no better thou can speed.
And for killing poor prentice boys
for playing at the foot-ball,
Squire Dun has hempen toyes
for sure will serve you all.

85: Bold Arthur Haselrigge
Newcastle doth thee curse
For raising of their Coals
four shillings a Chauldron just;
Nay this is the worst of all,
for Judging of the King
As thou sate in White-hall,
beware of an Hempen string.
Repent you traitors all
in City and in town,
95: Justice doth on you call,
King Charles will pull you down.

Your ... curse the day
that ever you did know
Bold Oliver I say,
that traitor, Englands Foe:
he being a Brewers Son
you liquored well your throat,
the Commenty you have undone
Yet now beware a Rope
for climbing up so high
You are sure to have a fall.
the innocent blood doth cry
Down with these Rebells all.

When you had murdered the King
you banished his Wife,
And all the Royall Off-spring
you fought to take their life;
All that true Subjects were
you bid them trattors call.
115: You must to Hide-Park-Fair,
Squire Dun invites you all.
then traitors all look too't.
the Rump cannot you have,
the Gallows will claim her due
use all the skill you have.

Concluding thus I cry
God save our gracious King
From bloody tyranny,
and all the Royall Off-spring,
125: Lord blesse the Duke of York,
brave Generall Monck also,
He is a Noble Spark
against King Charles his foe.
then traitors all repent,
mark we well what here is said,
Your time is almost spent
alack you are all betraid.


[1] thy] rhy

T. R. The Traytors Downfall
[undated: after trials]

   This ballad appears in two signifcantly different states. An earlier version with some slightly different material appears in a single sheet broadside, King Charles his Glory, And Rebels Shame (np., nd.; L c.20.f.4); it does not list the names of those executed at the end. The version of the ballad given here was presumably re-issued to commemorate the executions of the regicides during the late autumn.

The Traytors Downfall,
A brief relation of the downfall of that Phanatick crew who Trai-
terously Murthered the Late Kings Majesty of blessed Memory.
To the Tune of, Fa la la, &c:


CHarles the first was a noble King,
  with a fa la la la lero,
His fame throughout the world did ring,
  with a fa, &c.
5: But those that did presume so high,
To murder our good Kings Majesty,
Now may these Rebels howl and cry,
  with a fa la la la lero.

He was a Prince of courage stout,
10:   with a fa, &c.
Although his glass was soon run out,
  with a fa, &c.
But behind him he hath left a Noble stock
May give a Traytor a handsome knock,
15: For making a King to submit to the block.
  with a fa, &c.

The blood that he lost as I suppose,
  with a fa, &c.
Caused fire to rise in Olivers Nose,
20:   with a fa, &c.
His rousing Nose did bear such a sway,
It cast such a heat in shining ray,
That England scarce knew the night from day
  with a fa, &c.

25: Oliver was of Huntington,
  with a fa, &c.
Born he was a Brewers son,
  with a fa, &c.
He soon forsook his dray and flings,
30: And counted a Brewers house a pitifull thing
When he came to the stately throne of a King:
  with a fa, &c.

Oliver had a heart of gall,
  with a fa, &c.
35: For to murder his Prince at White-Hall,
  with a fa, &c.
He swore who ever was over the main,
Whether a French King or a Spain,
Yet in England no King should remain,
40:   with a fa, &c

The second part to the same Tune.

DUke Humphery was the first Protector
  with a fa, &c.
Henry the first the next Protector,
  with a fa, &c.
45: Then thirdly Oliver he tooke place.
But Lucifer soon removed his grace,
Then he set up young Dick the fool of his race,
  with a fa, &c.

No sooner was Dick got up to the Throne,
50:   with a la, &c.
But he considered twas none of his own,
  with a fa, &c.
And staring this way and that way about:
Desiring to be resolved a doubt.
55: Then in came Lambert? and turned him out
  with a fa, &c.

Fleetwood desirous of the place,
  with a fa, &c.
Sent forth Lambert the Scot to face,
60:   with a fa, &c.
And being in the strength of his desire,
When he did think poor Jockey to brier,
His men forsooke him and left him in the mier.
  with a fa, &c.

65: Thus you may see how some do rise,
  with a fa, &c.
With an intent to surmount the Skies
with a fa, &c.
But when they are up they shall have a fall,
70: Witness Fleetwood blind Hewson, and all,
The raged rout of a Coblers stall,
with a fa, &c.

We have cleared white-Hall of Lobsters and Beefe,
  with a fa, &c.
75: Turned Rump and Kidnies out of the house
  with a fa, &c.
We have brought in Charls from over the main
Make wars with France & peace with Spain.
Now we shall get money and trading again
80:   with a fa, &c.

Citizens look to your selves I say,
  with a fa, &c.
Let no Coblers preach and pray:
  with a fa, &c.
85: Tom Cobler is flown the Lord knows whither
Fleetwood and he I hope are together,
Now we have brought in the King and weel have faire weather
  with a fa,

Blind Hewson was not of our kind,
90:   with a fa, &c.
To run away and leave his men behind,
  with a fa,
But I wish I could find him by the sent,
There's neither that law nor ye rump parlament
95: Should save him from death to give us content
  with a fa la la la lero.

A list of the names of those Traytors that were hanged
drawn, and quartered for murdering our Soveraigne
of blessed memory, Charls the first.

  Thomas Harrison, Iohn Carew, Tho. Scot, Grigory Clement,
Iohn Jones, Adrian Scroope, Hugh Peters, Iohn Cook, Col.
Axcel, Col. Hacker.

London, Printed for Francis Coles, in the Old-Baily.

A Relation of the ten
grand infamous Traytors
[late October]

Octob. 13. 1660

    Tuesd. Peters
Sat. Harrison. A Relation of the ten grand infamous * Traytors
Mund. Carew. who for their horrid Murder and detestable Villany against our
late Soveraigne 1 Lord King CHARLES the first, that ever
and Cooke. blessed Martyr, were Arraigned, Tryed, and Executed
Greg. Clement, in the Moneth of October, 1660. Which in
Iones, Scot, and perpetuity will be had in remembrance
Scroope. perpetuity will be had in remembrance
Hacker, Axtel. unto 2 the worlds end.

The tune is, Come let us Drinke the time invites.

[1] Soveraigne] Soveriagne copytext

[2] unto] nnto copytext


HEe that can impose a thing,
and shew forth a reason,
For what was done against the King,
from the Palace to the Priso[n]
Let him here with me recite,
For my Pen is bent to write
the horrid facts of Treason.

Since there is no learned Scribe,
nor Arithmaticion,
Ever able to decide
the usurped base ambition:
Which in truth I shall declare,
Traytors here which lately were,
who wanted a Phisitian.

For the grand disease that bred,
nature could not weane it,
From the foot unto the head
was putrifacted treason in it:
Doctors could no cure give,
Which made the Squire then beleeve
that he must first begin it.

And the Phisick did compose,
within a pound of reason,
But to take away the cause,
then to purge away the Treason:
With a Dosse of Hemp made up,
Wrought as thick [as any] rope,
and given them [in season].

The Doctors did prescribe at last,
to give'em this Potation,
A Vomit or a single Cast,
well deserv'd in Purgation:
After that to lay them downe,
And bleed a veine in every one,
as Traytors of the Nation.

So when first the Phisicke wrought,
the of October, (_ On Harrison.
The Patient on a Sledge was brought,
like a Rebell and a Rover:
To the execution Tree,
Where with much dexterity
was gently turned over.

The Second Part, To the same tune.

MUnday was the day,
as Carew then did follow,
Of whom all men I thinke might say
in Tyranny did deeply wallow:
Traytor prov'd unto the King,
Which made him on the Gallowes swing,
and all the people hollow.

Tuesday after Peters, Cocke
two notorious Traytors,
That brought our Soveraigne to the blocke,
for which were hang'd and cut in quarters:
'Twas Cooke which wrought ye bloody thing,
To draw the charge against our King,
that ever blessed Martyr.

Next on Wednesday foure came,
for Murther all imputed,
There to answer for the same,
which in Judgement were confuted:
Gregorie Clement, Jones and Scot,
And Scroop together for a Plot,
likewise were executed.

Thursday past and Friday then,
to end the full conclusion,
And make the Traytors just up ten,
that day were brought to execution:
Hacker and proud Axtell he,
At Tyburne for their Treachery
receiv'd their absolution.

Being against the King and States,
the Commons all condemnd'm,
And their quarters on the Gates,
hangeth for a Memorandum:
'Twixt the heavens and the earth,
Traytors are so little worth,
to dust and smoake wee'l send'm.

Let now October warning make,
to bloody minded Traytors,
That never Phisicke more they take,
for in this Moneth they lost their quarters:
Being so against the King,
Which to murther they did bring,
the ever blessed Martyr.


London, Printed for Fr. Coles, T. Vere, M. Wright, and W. Gilbertson.

Part XI. Later in the Year, August to November 1660

John Crouch A Mixt Poem
[after July]

   The copytext (L=11626.c.5) includes a frontispiece portrait of Charles by A. Hertochs.

    A Mixt Poem was printed twice during 1660 and again, in variant form, under the title "A Poem Upon the Happy Restauration" in John Crouch's collection of verses -- Census Poeticus (printed for the Author, by H. Brugis at the Red Lyon in New-Street, neer Fetter-Lane. 1663). 1 Although the evidence is finally inconclusive, of the two 1660 printings, the edition published by Daniell White, containing 346 lines {and an errata list}, is probably earlier than that by Thomas Bettertun, who published later poems by Crouch, containing 356 lines. 2 Bettertun's edition has been taken for copy text here. {In line with editorial policy, substantive variants affecting meaning have been reported from the White printing; I have also recorded corrections from the errata list and several corrected by hand in the C copy.}

    Since the Dedication acknowledges the existence of the commemorative volumes published by Oxford and Cambridge, Crouch's poem cannot have appeared before July.

    An inveterate scandal-monger, Crouch couldn't resist mixing his praise of the returning king with retrospective personal attacks on -- among others -- Cromwell, the journalist Marchamont Nedham, and the astrologer William Lilly. Much of what he says here about Cromwell and Nedham he had already said a decade earlier in issues of The Man in the Moon, his weekly newsletter that ran between April 1649 and June 1650 in which he set new standards in royalist vituperation and personal invective, effectively inventing the kind of news reporting familiar in modern tabloids. See Underdown, A Freeborn People: Politics and the Nation in Seventeenth-century England (Clarendon, 1996).

    According to Lois Potter, Crouch's family lived in the Smithfield area where they were associated with popular ballad printing and "scurrilous `low' royalist propaganda" (Potter, p. 15). John Crouch appears engaged in anti-government publications from 1647-1650 both as author and publisher. Despite concerted parliamentary attempts to supress them, the group associated with these newsbooks survived, falling relatively quiet during the trial and execution of Charles I, to re-emerge in April 1649 with a new version of Mercurius Pragmaticus subtitled "For King Charls II." That month The Man in the Moon -- "the most violent of the royalist Mercuries" (Potter, p. 18) -- began appearing, in which Crouch turned from criticizing government policies to attacking people in terms of their personal -- usually sexual -- habits. Using the same alias, Crouch issued several occasional pamphlets containing pointed and scurrilous libels, 3 that doubtless helped inspire the Printing Ordinance of September 1649 which set out to silence the clandestine press. Within days of the Ordinance passing, Crouch writes:

The uncontroulable, almighty, and everlasting Commons, have out of their great Care for the good of the Commonwealth, passed an Act for Regulating Printing, and punishing all such as Write, Print, Publish, or Disperse, Scandalous and Unlicensed Books; Laying great Penalties on the Offenders. A sad story my Lord; but now I think on't, must not Walkers Occurences 4 and the Ly-urnals cease by this Act? Who the Devil has the Authority to license them: I deny the Juncto or any of their spawn to have the least Authority to License so much as a ballad to the tune of King Thomas ye cannot; and therefore I the Man in the Moon (mark what I say) can shew lawful Authority (Cum Privilegio & permissi Superiorum) to Write, Print, Publish, and Disperse in the World, all the Knaveries Committed under the Sun, whether in Juncto, Councell of State, Army, City, or Country; and to this I can (if I please) shew my Imprimatur. 5
Despite this Ordinance, The Man in the Moon itself carried on weekly publication until June 1650. 6

    Like other royalist newsbooks, issues of The Man in the Moon typically begin with a prefatory set of quatrains in doggerel, but another of Crouch's innovations was to intersperse prose passages with short sets of verse in pentameter, the form adopted for his Restoration panegyric. Evidently Crouch thought that his views on current affairs and those involved in them deserved the serious consideration owed to neoclassical forms. Although the Dedication of A Mixt Poem suggests this might be his first public appearance as a poet, Crouch's name appears on a few earlier publications in pentameters. Signed "John Crowch," A Congratulation In Honour of the Annual Festival of the Lords, Knights, Esq; and Yeomandry [sic] of the County of Hertford, at Merchant Taylors Hall, on Thursday Sept. 6. 1655, is a commemorative broadsheet that claims its author is originally from Hertfordshire. It illustrates a different, though complementary, side of Crouch's literary ambition from his impulse to libel, one that he would be able to indulge following the Restoration: that of grovelling before civic notables, aristocrats, and members of the royal family. "I hope you cannot think," he writes, "that there can be / In me (dear SIRS!) the seeds of flattery," but it is hard to imagine anyone would have thought otherwise.

    Crouch's other pre-Restoration verses in iambic pentamenters are both shrewd attempts to ingratiate himself with Francis Talbot, eleventh Earl of Shrewsbury; an elegy on the nobleman's first wife appeared in 1657, 7 followed the next year by an epithalamium, The Muses Joy, on his subsequent marriage to the notorious Anna Maria, daughter of Robert, Lord Brudenell. 8 The wedding poem, like his panegyric to Charles, is portentiously signed "J. C. Gent," a characteristic bit of self-promotion implying that the author is of a social rank too exalted to sign a printed poem. Here, as in his newsbooks, Crouch stuck to his principle that partisan bias and self interest should always take precedence over the truth, for "the Vertuous Lady Anne Brudnel" named on the titlepage had been engaged in a well known scandalous affair with George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham, since 1654. {cf: poem transcribed as file: crouch.ep} Crouch dedicated his epithalamium "To the Virtuous and Right honorable Anna-Maria, Countess of Shrewsbury," writing:

... although I never had the honor to be related to those noble Families the Shrewsburies and Brudenals (now in a happy conjunction) yet when I hear the high Expressions of both from a Brother and a Sister, I cannot be unconcern'd in their debt of duty, or passive in their transportations: [sig A2] but as I am warm'd, so I must admire by reflection. This (the greater her presumption) is my Muses second Service to your Ladyship; though yet she never brought an Embassy of ill news, never put your fair eyes to the expense of one pearl. Before she solemniz'd your auspicuous Nuptials: perhaps the dress of that Poem might, the subject could not be troublesom, which was so pleasing to your Ladyship. At this time my Muse celebrates the new espousals of a Royal Widdow to her Crown, I wish I could say to her King. Now though your ladyship be entertain'd in the Porch, the Dedication of this Poem; yet the fabrick, namely the Subject, is part of her Majesties Revenue; unto whom I need no nearer Access than your Ladyship your person being as near the Queen as her shadow to her Body, or rather as her Body to her Head; joyn'd not onely bu propinquity, but by influence also. And now, Madam, I have unbosom'd my whole design, which is, that the world by me, and her Majesty by you may know, how much I am her Majesties loyal Subject, and
Your Ladyships humblest Servant,
JO. CROUCH. (sig A2v)
The wedding took place on 10 January 1659. Their son, Charles Talbot, born in July 1660, was named after the king and was the first of the royal godchildren after the Restoration. But Anna Maria continued her affair with Buckingham, leading to a duel that "cost her husband his life" (DNB) when he died of a wound in 1668. {see Pepys, Evelyn}. His brother, Gilbert Crouch, was serving as agent to the Earl of Shrewsbury in 1666 (CSPD 1666-67, p. 422).

    With the return of the Stuarts, Crouch sought opportunities to ingratiate himself with the new powers by addressing pentameter verses to various members of the royal family. The Muses Tears For the Loss of the Illustrious Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester 9 and The Muses Joy For the Recovery of that weeping Vine, Henretta Maria, The most Illustrious Queen-Mother, and her Royal Branches 10 both appeared during 1660, soon to be followed by a poem on Charles's coronation. 11 He was quite unashamed about grovelling in public. "And now, Madam," he ends his dedication to the Countess of Shrewsbury prefaced to The Muses Joy, "I have unbosom'd my whole design, which is, that the world by me, and her Majesty by you may know, how much I am her majesties loyal Subject, and Your Ladyships humblest Servant" (sig. A2v). Crouch's poems addressing the royal oak and Charles's marriage to Catharine of Braganza appeared in 1662. 12 These were followed in 1665 by poetic attacks on England's major trading competitors, the Dutch 13 . The next year he published poems lamenting the plague, 14 and the great fire of London. 15 Crouch also published heroic elegies on Andrew Rutherford, Earl of Tiveot (1664), 16 Henry Pierrpont, the Marquis of Dorchester (1680) 17 , and Thomas Butler, the Earl of Ossory (1680). 18

   A Mixt Poem, nonetheless, was his first direct address to a member of the royal family using the heroic couplet, a fact that did not prevent him from indulging his aptitude for personal invective while directly alluding to his own loyalist past efforts in The Man in the Moon.

[1] .úúThe only copy is at C=Peterborough Q.2.23. The full title reads: A / POEM / UPON THE / Happy Restauration and Return of his / Sacred MAJESTY / CHARLES II. / AND HIS / Illustrious Brothers, the Dukes of YORK and GLOCESTER. / With Honourable Reflections upon some State-mar-/ tyrs, and the Renowned General. / Not forgetting the RUMP and its Appurtenances.

[2] .úúSee my "What is a Restoration Poem? Editing a Discourse, Not an Author," in Text 3, ed. David Greetham and W. Speed Hill (New York: AMS, 1987): 319-46 which outlines as possible rationale for preferring the White text and reproduces the titlepages.

[3] See, for instance, New Bartholomew Fayrings: Presented to several Members of the Juncto and Councell of State, by The Man in the Moon (London, Printed for the Good of the State, Anno Dom. 1649) which is a series of "fayrings" or gifts suited to Bradshaw, Fairfax, Cromwell, Ireton and their wives: eg "I give unto Thom-Asse Lord Fairfax a Rattle, that it may serve him for a Scepter . . . And to that Chaste and Honest lady his Wife, I give a Dil-doe of the largest size, that in the absence of Mr Gorge, she may for the Recreation of her Spirit, scour her dull Tannikin, and make it plyable for another impression" (p. 4); "I give unto Colonel Pride (for my Dogs sake) who saies he begate him, the Knowledge of his Father, hid to this day" (p. 5); "I give to Jeroboams Calves (I mean the Presbyterian Clergy) a Book called, The Hypocrite Unmasked" (p. 6). NB "Tannikin" in OED is given as pet-name for Anna; not otherwise noticed.

[4] Henry Walker was a pro-parliament journalist whose Perfect Occurences of Parliament appeared regularly from 1644 until October 1649, when it was replaced by Perfect Passages of every daies Intelligence. He was singled out for attack as early as 1647 by the anonymous author of A Fresh Whip for all scandalous Lyers (Wing F2199; cited Raymond, p. 14).

[5] Man in the Moon No. 23 (19-26 September 1649), p. 188.

[6] The last issue seems to have been No. 57 for 29 May to 5 June. In No. 31 for 21-28 November 1649, however, Crouch complains of having been betrayed by "Doe a knavish Bookebinder, who basely for gaine, betrayed me to Mr. Hunscot, a Beadle to the Companie of Stationers" and of having his goods seized from "neere Stepney" (p. 245).

[7] An elegie, Upon the Death of . . . Anne, Countesse of Shrewsbury (1657; STC C7295) exists only in a MH unicum. Anne Conyers was daughter of Sir John Conyers of Sockburne; Arthur Collins, The Peerage of England 3rd ed, 2 vols (London, 1714), 1: 95.

[8] An Epithalamium Upon the Auspicious Nuptials Of the Right Honorable the Earl fo Shrewsbury, And the Vertuous Lady Anne Brudnel (1658; STC C55) survives only at O=Pamph. C.109(4).

[9] "Printed for the Author; 1660." STC C7303. )=Tanner 744(25).

[10] "Printed for Tho. Batterton, Anno, 1660." STC C 7301A. Thomason dated his copy of The Muses Joy on 23 November l660 (Printed for Thomas "Batterton"; LT E. 1050(3)); it was reprinted in 1661; STC 7302.

[11] To His Sacred Majestie: Loyall Reflections, Upon his Glorious Restauration, Procession and Coronation; Not forgetting the Royall Oake ([np, nd], C unicum at shelfmark SEL.3.162.9; STC C7305).

[12] Ai draiades: A poem or fancy upon. . . the royal oke (for S. Gape, 1662; STC C7292A), Flowers strowed by the Muses . . . Catharine Queen of England (1662; STC C7288), Portuguella in portu (1662; STC C7303A).

[13] See Belgia caracterstica, or the Dutch Character (1665; STC C7291), and The Dutch imbergo which was issued twice (1665; STC C7293 and STC C7294).

[14] Potirion glixupkron. London's Bitter-Sweet-Cup of Tears For Her Late Visitation: and Joy, For The Kings Return. With a Complement (in the close) to France (for Thomas Palmer, at the Crown in Westminster-Hall. 1666). O=Pamph, D 123(7),

[15] Londinenses Lachrym'; Londons Second Tears mingled with her Ashes (for T. Palmer at the Crown in Westminster-Hall, 1666) 0=Gough London 45; Gough London 163(4).

[16] An Elegie Upon the much lamented Death of that Noble, and Valiant Commander; the Right honourable the Earl of Tiveot, Governour of Tangiers. Slain by the Moors (for Tho. Palmer, 1664; STC C7297). O=Wood 429(21)

[17] An Elegy Upon the Marquess of Dorchester, and Earl of Kingston ([1680]; STC C7296) is signed "Jo. Crouch, once his Domestick Servant." O=Wood 429.

[18]An elegie. . . Earl of Ossory (1680; STC C7297A).


[ornamental header] 19
To his most Beloved Brother Captain
Gilbert Crouch.

Good Brother, 20

   IT hath ever been the Ambition of Writers to climb as high as they can to an Honourable Patronage, even to Heaven it self, if the Nobility of the subject might authorize the Presumption; Now Poets rankt (especially by the more earthly 21 part of the World) amongst the most airy of Pen-men, are priviledg'd by common Opinion to soar up with the Highest: But my present Obligations 22 instruct me to the contrary. As Loyalty was the Muse inspir'd this Poem, so Love shall appoint the Dedication. Though my weak Muse hath sometimes borrowed the expeditious Aids of the Presse, yet not till now appeared in publick: As she never knew the triumphs of Fame, so she never felt the blushes of Dishonour, was never injurious to any person but her self. But in this subject, Secrecy had been a kind of Combination, Privacy a privative Treason; so ill do clandestine joyes become an universal Jubilee, That I come behind in the rear of our Poetique 23 Forces, must be imputed to some unkind contingencies; 24 my thoughts being conceived with the first, 25 but by some misprisions met with hard labour from the midwifry 26 of the Press. Neverthelesse, it will be honour enough for me, if I may have leave 27 to wait upon (as their obsequious shadows) the heroick poems 28 of those 3. 29 Seraphims, Waller, Cowley, & Lluellin, whose sudden march Alarum'd both Universities. 30 Mine, if they come not too early, will come soon enough to blush. But in earnest I must thank the Presse for a second benefit, besides the manifestation of my Allegiance, that it furnisheth me with a kind occasion of acknowledging unto the ungrateful world even in Print, the many kindnesses I have received from so good a Brother. In fine, You, whose Heart and Sword, so long maintain'd the Royal Cause, are obliged to protect the Heraulds of it. Accept therefore Good Brother, (which compellation I prefer before all Titles) accept of this Poem (whose onely merit is its Subject) as a mark of Loyalty to my Prince, and as a Token of my Love to your self, from

Your most Affectionate Brother
John Crouch.

[19] in O

[20] .úúGood Brother] L; Good Brother, Good Brother O

[21] earthly] L; earthy O

[22] Obligations] L; obligations O

[23] Poetique] L; Poetick O

[24] must be imputed to some unkind contingencies] L; will I hope be imputed partly to my modesty O

[25] my thoughts being conceived with the first,] L; my Muse which never had been before in the open Sun-Shine, was too weak sighted to break the way: partly to unkind contingencies, her thoughts being conceived with the first; O

[26] midwifry] L; midwife O

[27] have leave] L; Live O

[28] heroick poems] L; Heroick piens O

[29] 3.] L; three O

[30] Poems by these three were, indeed, among the first to appear; Thomason dated his copies, respectively, 9 June, 31 May, and 24 May. He dated the Oxford volume 7 July and the Cambridge volume 10 July.

[31] .úúThe letter to Gilbert Crouch is omitted from Census Poeticus.

[ornamental header in O]
Upon the happy Return of his Sacred Ma-
jesty CHARLES the Second, &c.

HAil, Second Charls, who (Our bless'd Phoenix) came
From the spic'd Ashes of a Martyr's name,
Welcome (Great Soul!) sent to revive the Dead;
Heavens Plant! nurs'd up to graft a Monarch's Head.

5: Stop here, and bleed my Muse -- O Cursed Ax!
Made victim'd Majesty, pay three Kingdomes Tax.
Mount, mount, my Soul, Mount to another sphere,
Leave my dead Trunk a Mourning Statue here.
Death's service is too slight, 'twill 32 not suffice;
Our Altars ask a living Sacrifice:
If piles of slaughter'd souls could have appeas'd
Incensed Heaven, we long since had been eas'd.

Charls, and three Kingdomes Life at once return,
And chill the Ashes of that Royal Urn;
15: The Sun at the Meridian height appears,
Drinks up the Tribute of his Fathers Tears.

Bow, Bow, my Muse, after so long a dearth
Of Loyalty, adore, and kisse the Earth,
Long cold, but since the Loyal Spring begun
Warm'd with Reflections from the Brittish Sun.
Then rise and snatch, O snatch those orient Rayes!
Twine them 33 about thy Brows instead of Bayes:
Those Beams which Majesty for lustre weares; 34
I must turn Indian Priest, and Worship here. 35
25: I'm rapt above the Moon, but must not stick
So Low, and Sun-burnt, and not Lunatick.
Sweat, sweat, Star-Gazers till your Hearts grow pale,
You that for Lucre set the Heavens to sale.
Hang thy self Lilly in thy Northern Chain,
Thy darling Swede must dye, and Charls must Reign: 36
Thou, whose pr'dictions animated strife,
Go now (sad wretch) speak truths to save thy life.
The Bells 37 'i th' Strand was crackt, it now appears,
When they 38 rung No King for a hundred years. 39 40

35: Fly Needham, thou ingenious Devil, fly,
Gall'd with the late Kings hellish Hue and Cry; 41
Before the Rope, 42 for thy last comfort, look
On Interest will not lie, 43 that Dooms-day book;
Where thou, with a malicious Ravens pen,
Describing our Black Prince (the best of men)
Mads't a false parallel 'twixt the 44 Soul and Face,
Better skill'd in complexions, than 45 in grace. 46
Whose two Diurnals weekly did disperse 47
Venome and Rancour through the Universe;
45: Which stufft with Mischiefs, Flatterries, and Lies, chk
Poyson'd all, but the Antidoted wise.
Who, when thy treasons wanted their pretence,
Kindly bestowdst them upon Providence:
Serv'dst every Interest, though with partiall odds,
Didst worship two Protectors, thy two Gods. 48
Go black-mouth'd Cereberus, 49 bark aloud and cry, 50
'Tis Conscience will not, (Interest may lie)
Tremble proud France, which barbarously sent
Our King the second time to banishment;
55: Be wise in time, and pawn thy Flower de luce,
To purchase, not a full peace, but a truce;
For our Queen's sake, perhaps we may be led
To give your Crown back for your Card'nals head: chk L
That Machivilian Cap, who to advance
His private int'rest more then that of France,
Hir'd our Grand Rebell, who for his full pay,
He sent for Gold to Hispaniola.
The grateful States-man could no lesse dispense
Than the whole Indies, for a Recompence;
65: Cromwell's ambition would accept no lesse,
Than an Exchequer might be bottomlesse.
I cannot blame that Tyrant of Renown,
Who wanted Love, and Gold, to make his Crown.

Bring the Turks Crescent to its lowest Wain,
Onely be good and kind to civil Spain;
Prompted by Heaven t'espouse the Stuarts Right,
Spain save thy Portugall and Indies by't.
France shall no more raise with a jealous shrugg
The Spanish Faction for the English Bugg;
75: Nor shall our apish folly more advance
The Vanities, and Antick Modes of France;
We'l leave thee to thy fears, and cold despair,
Not to be heightned by thy purest Air.
Though we are Protestants, we shall not stick
To own the Spaniard, The King Catholick:
But call thy Red-cap Devil, or worse man,
And scarce believe his King a Christian.
Quake at your late Auxiliaries advance;
Remember England has a King of France.
85: But where is Crumwell, once so gay and brave,
Thief of three Kingdoms, now not worth a Grave?
Where's that prodigious Camell, 51 whose strong back
Carried three Nations Treasure for it's Pack:
That Crocodile, 52 that Murtherer of Souls,
The Whale that shov'd men out o'th' World by shoals.
Whose rage spar'd no degree, no sex, whose 53 pride,
Would nothing that oppos'd it, abide.

Ask poor Tredah 54 the number of her slain,
Whose streets had only silence to complain:
95: Where piles, on piles of dead, wide breaches fill'd,
Which cool blood butcher'd, and wild fury kill'd.
One person (he a 55 Priest) 56 the storm did passe,
To tell how kind the Sacrificer was.
Read Worsters story, and you'l read the sence
Of Crumwels malice, and Heavens providence,
To what a low Ebb had he brought our state,
When one 57 weak Woman stood 'twixt Charls & fate.
O may she never lose her Glorious name,
Unlesse it be t'advance her House and Fame.

105: But they seem few, which horrid war distroy'd,
The Sword of Justice too, must be his Bawd;
A Court's dress'd up in Scarlet, that the place
May shew the colour of his Heart and Face. 58
Three Kingdomes Head, upon the Block must lye,
To give proud Bradshaw's Robes a second dye.
May courteous time his name and memory rot,
May the unmatcht example be forgot:
If the day must be own'd; O let it come,
To consecrate the good Kings Martyrdome.
115: Vultures kill Doves, the blood of Innocence spilt,
A Kings pure blood, by th'impure hands of guilt:
As if that black Crime by design had meant
To give th'out-vy'd world a new President. 59

Hambleton, Holland, Capel (three Peers fall)
To make one Breakfast for this Caniball.
Capel, who dying shew'd to crown his merit,
A Roman Courge, and a Christian Spirit. chk
But when gret Derby fell, Crumwell began
T'uncrown the King first in the Isle of Man.
125: Derby, that Regal Lord, whose Loyal Head
Deserv'd a Coronet of Gold, not Lead.
Shrewsbury must cape, by a Divine reprieve, chk
So mortall 'twas to love the King and live.
All are not mark'd for Sacrifices, some
Heaven rates above a Civil Martyrdome.
But the Fiends Altar is not fatted yet,
Till two 60 Priests sacred blood besprinkle it,
Penruddock, 61 Slingsby, many more must go,
To enlarge the book of Martyr's Folio.
135: For all this Cromwel breathes securely, hath
His beds of Roses, and his milky path,
Treads air, and Pinacles; thus Cedar-tall,
He knows no Earth, on which to stand, or fall. 62
Now Parliaments are summon'd, but in vain,
Wise Cato's all, come in, go out again.

O strange Vicissitude 63 of Earthly things!
Crowns, Scepters, Thrones, more mortall than their Kings,
Oft dye before 'um, as if to be High,
Were to be chang'd, we rise, we fall, we dye.
145: Yet Height is no impulsive cause of ill,
We might sit high, and safe, could we sit still:
But we must move Excentrick, cannot see
We tread the Globe of mutability.
Honour is that great Boon the Gods bestow,
Their Image stampt on mortals here below:
And makes them shine like Gods on Earth, till they
Poorly their Honours to their ends betray.
Now Vice Vertues white Herauldry must stain,
Honour contemn'd, is mixt with earth 64 again
155: Thus is our Ruine measur'd by our Rise,
And Greatnesse brings the greater Precipice.
Now are the old Peers into corners thrust,
Their titles mingled with the Nations dust;
What were those Starres, when this black night begun,
Borrowing their beams from that late Man i'th' Moon?
Now noble Stars, but Sunlesse had not light
To view themselves, much less t'adorn their Night:
The Heraulds office all imploy'd, to bring
Crumwels Descent down from some Brittish King.

165: But fate prevents his pride, the Prince oth' Aire
With one good Whirlwind cures our long despair;
He that had rais'd such Earth-quakes in his Life,
Could not depart without the Elements strife,
Trees twisted up by'th roots, and tossed high,
Sent by the winds to brush th'infected Sky. 65
Thus, thus, the proud Leviathan was hurld
With Curses, and black tempests out oth' world.

And now his grateful Vassalls when he's dead,
Put a rich Crown upon his uselesse head,
175: And so ingeniously their Mock-Prince deride,
Emblematizing why the poor man dy'd:
Who with one one impious gripe three Kingdomes got, chk
Alas, all King, except his Name and Hat.
Great Cromwell's gone, now Rome may live in hope,
Let's sing Te Deum for the rescued Pope.

But Richard, spurr'd on by ambitious friends,
In peace the Protectorian Throne ascends,
With spread arms graspt the Chair, but could not reach,
He was too small (god wot) to fill the breach. chk
185: They that so near the blessings of a Crown
Had brought the Old Sire, pulls the Filly down
Poor Squire, I pitty thy unkind advance,
Left heir to Mercy, thy Inheritance,
This Mercy too had far more easie been,
Had'st not possest thy Fathers Seat and Sin,
The seat of Scorners (our Protector call'd)
And from that Seat by thy own Vassals hal'd.

But who knows what this civil Gentleman meant?
Some say he sufferd for this good Intent;
195: Though he the Scepter sway'd, & some months stood,
He kept his hands white, dipt them not in blood:
Pull'd down the Scarlet Court; good Heavens for this
May he gain pardon, and the Kings hand kiss.

Now the restor'd Rump, Jehu-like drives on,
Scornes all Protectors, either God, or man;
Neither confirm their Creatures, nor quite fail,
Hold the Fanaticks in an even scale.
Project on Project, Tax on Tax they raise,
Never had England such improving dayes:
205: For now our pious Governours, well advis'd,
Turn'd Jews, and our Obedience circumcis'd.
Baptists and Quakers our sole Princes sway,
Scarce one Religious man left to obey.
The Orthodox to Conventicles take,
While bold Fanaticks the 66 Church Visible make;
Who neither Anthems sing, nor Chapters read,
All inspir'd as the worm crawles in their Head.
Now, now the Steeples in sad tremblings were,
Some with old Age and Ruine, most with fear.
215: Doutbtlesse good luck preserv'd the merry Bells,
To ring in good time the Fanaticks Knells.
But see how naturall tis for one to raign,
Lambert for Lambert; Booth for King again:
No sooner blaz'd a Comet from the East,
When with faint beams, The Sun declin'd i'th' West;
Without dispute the Almighty One then meant
To do his work by a single Instrument. 67
Lambert, proud of a Vict'ry without Fight,
Rears his hopes to a Protectorian height:
225: The Army gather into mutinous Heards,
March up, and pluck their Masters by the Beards.
The Rump turns backwards on a fatall broach,68
Rise and do reverence to the Swords approach;
But Lambert, spight of Countrey, Rump and City,
Winds up three Nations into One Committee,
Ycleped Safety; but event ere long,
Declar'd the Bastard Child was Christn'd wrong.
The Common-wealth is to be Minted new,
But what the stamp should be no Conjurer knew
235: O Architects than Babell's more unskill'd!
Strange Platonists, without Idea's build

Mean time new Workmen from the Scottish Land,
Prepares themselves, with sharp tools in their hand: chk
Out of 69 the frozen pole starts a good Swain,
Rigs up, and wheels Charles long dismounted Wain;
The Lambertonians shrink, refuse to Move,
Encourag'd by apostate friends Above;
Who for a little Coyn, and lesse applause,
Leave their Lieutenant, and the Good old Cause.

245: Now the Rump rules the Roast again i'th' East,
Serv'd up to Usher in a second Feast;
Up marches George undaunted, though he find
Armies before him, Armies left behind;
Through all the awakened Counties as he went,
The loud Aire Ecchoes, A Free Parliament.
The people from all parts like Snow-balls rowl,
Love and praise Monck as if they knew his Soul.
No person of a King one word durst start,
He still sleeps safe in every Loyal Heart.
255: Monk climbes to London, where he found (fame saith)
His Masters half perswaded of his Faith.
They vote their Gold to th'Touch-stone, and (O Fates!)
Send him commands to unhinge the City Gates.
But the Sagacious Generall smells their Ends,
(To make him odious) hastens to his Friends.
Triumphant London her proud Joyes expresses
In Acclamations, Shouts, and frank Caresses:
The Rump now fly-blown, quit their seats, but thence
Shall not be forc'd by Sword or Violence:
265: But as the Hammer makes Naile strike out Naile,
So the Secluded Head thrusts out the Taile.

Now, not till now the wise Mysterious Monk
Whispers with Charls from his oraculous Trunk;
The Generall had (with Reverence I infer)
Onely the King his Privy Counceller.
O Secrecy, the Midwife of Designes!
Betray'st not, but bring'st forth thy Golden Mines,
Wrought, and sublim'd by Industry and Art:
Charls owes much to Monks Head, more to his Heart.
275: Had either Fear or Joy this silence broke,
Perhaps the Thing it self had never spoke chk
England had long ador'd a George in paint,
That was the Picture, but this George the Saint:
God acts with the same Methods he begun,
We had the shadow first, and then the Sun.

Secluded Members Act, Vote their consent
For the just freedom of a Parliament.
They rise, when forthwith from their burdned Hives,
Ripe Bees swarm out, all prodigall of their Lives:
285: The bells to their new Hive these clusters Ring,
Where with one humming Vote they call their King.

Great Charls's call'd home, not manacl'd, nor chain'd,
But to the height of his just power maintain'd:
Monk was not so much Presbyter to bring
A Royall Captive home, instead of King,
That he himself might his return deplore,
As made more Exile than 70 he was before.

Charls is proclaim'd with all Imperial Dues,
Whilst every hollowing Street sends Heaven the news.
295: Such Flames into the aire proud Bonfires sent,
Threatned to change the Cognate Element.
Event, by truth, false Prophets does 72 beguile,
London was (and yet stands) one burning pile:
No sooty Pyramids of smoak aspire,
Th' whole City is one 73 Elementall fire:
Shouts damp all sounds, the Air opprest with throngs,
The next great Pest must be Decay of Lungs.
The active 74 fire-works sing'd 75 the Moons bright horns, chk
The Man had much ado to save his Thorns; 76
305: Light speaks the Sun, Expression Souls; O then!
What Joy 77 , what Bonfires in the Hearts 78 of Men.
Clip, clip your Wings, my Joyes, 79 soar not too high, chk
Least you unfit me for humility;
May the just Adoration of a Crown
Humble my joyes, and weigh, my Raptures down.
Great Charles, brought upon Angels wings appears,
The long despair, of pray'rs, of sighs, of tears,
Welcome three Kingdomes Love, methinks all three
Now in my hearts triangle panting be.
315: Welcome three Brothers, and three Kingdomes Joyes,
One Mighty Monarch, and two Great Vice-Royes,
Welcome blest Prince, sent in a needfull 80 hower, chk
Whom Heav'n restor'd to shew its slighted power;
O may your Reign bring back the Age of Gold
May Love's soft hand your Sword and Scepter hold:
Some say the Heavens, some say the Earth do move,
But sure both Globes turn on the poles of Love.

O that the whole worlds pride sat on my knee,
It all should bend to your Dread Majesty:
325: Since lowest things durst brave your Empire, now,
All heights and Pyramids under Heav'n shall bow.

All hearts are pleas'd, except such hearts as prove
Gall-drencht, not born to be belov'd or love;
The City now long squeez'd and wire-drawn, made
The Citadel, and Mart of Europe-trade: chk
The Ship-wrackt Merchants in full Change resort,
Conceive both Indies brought home with the Court.
For ever, London, shut thy Heart and Hands
Against all factious and rebellious Bands:
335: 'Twas time to King it, when thy purse and fame
Lore'd 81 to th'Imperious Bank of Amsterdam,
The Countrey has reapt a liberall crop of all
Their hopes, fancy their Garners in Whitehall.
The Loyall Rusticks scarce a Psalm will sing,
Unlesse each Stanza chaunt the name of King.
The chastest Virgins unespous'd, unwo'd,
Feel Thoes of joy, and think themselves bestow'd:
Law and Religion (sick twins) gasping lay,
Now that protects this, while for both she pray.
345: The Muses (O Heavens) in their sackcloth slain!
Are by three Graces brought to life again.
Burdens are balms; tax now, Sir, for your good,
Not our Estates, but Lives; not Coyns 82 but Blood:
Blest Halcyon dayes! if any thing annoyes
Your Kingdomes now, 'tis that you kill with Joyes,
Your Return had made three Realms one 83 Sacrifice,
Had not their guilt allay'd their Extasies.
Monarch of Hearts, the summe of Heavens Expence,
Heir by Succession, King by Providence;
355: Heaven Crown your Wisdom, which has quencht our Warrs,
Not by subduing Rebels but the Starrs.


[32] 'twill] L; will O

[33] them] L; then O

[34]weares] ed; weare L, O

[35] A crude literalism, since Charles arrived from the east.

[36] In Monarchy or No Monarchy in England (1651) and in subsquent writings, William Lilly had continually favoured king Charles Gustavus of Sweden as the lion of the north, the "Charles son of Charles," who Grebner's prphecy has promised would arise and conquer catholic Spain (see Howell file). In 1659, the Swedish king sent Lilly a golden chain after the astrologer had published complimentary nativities in his almanacs for 1657 and 1658; DNB.

[37] Bells] L; Bell O

[38] they] L; it O

[39]Mr. Lilly at the five Bells in the Strand, before several persons, proved by his Astrologie that there should be no King in England for an hundred years.

[40] the five Bells] L; the Bell O

[41] In 1645, nine months before Charles I escaped from Oxford, Marchamont Nedham included a spoof Hue and Cry after the king in Mercurius Britanicus No. 92 (28 July-4 August) for which he and Thomas Audley, the original editor of Britanicus, were punished by parliament. "This satire was remembered for decades. Whenever anyone attacked Nedham for a specific incident, it was usually this to which they referred. It was easily Britanicus' most notorious act, and was recalled with more bitterness than the subsequent offence for which Nedham was debarred from writing," Joad Raymond, "The Daily Muse," p. 214.n33. See also John Cleveland's "Britanicus his leap three-story high, and his Escape from London" in Poems (1687), p. 247.

[42] Before the Rope] L; Ransack thy brest O.
"Those that contend to write against their King, / Should in their Lines learn first the Art to swing," wrote Crouch in October 1649, The Man in the Moon #26, pp. 217-18; cited Raymond, The Invention of the Newspaper (1996), p. 74. Among numerous calls for Nedham to be hanged, see Roger L'Estrange, A Rope for Pol; or, A Hue and Cry after Marchemont Nedham. The late Scurrulous News-writer. Being a Collection of his Blasphemies and Revilings against the King's Majesty, his Person, his Cause, and his Friends; published in his weekly Politicus (7 Sept. 1660; LT E.1043[10]); and note to lines 49-51 below.

[43] .úúInterest will not lie -- this celebrated controversy began with John Fell's -- later Bishop of Oxford -- The Interest of England stated; or, A Faithful and just Account of the Aims of the parties now pretending [LT E.763.(4)] which appeared in July 1659 and advocated a return to monarchy. Nedham replied in his Interest will not Lie; Or, A View of England's True interest. In refutation of a pamphlet entitutled The Interest of England Stated which appeared on August 17 [LT E.763(5)] and proved that a restoration of monarchy was contrary to the interests of eveyone except the Catholics. It was followed by John Rogers's Diapoliteia. A Christian Concertation with Mr. Prin, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Harrington for the True Cause of the Commonwealth. Or, an Answer to Mr. Prin's Perditory Anatomy of the Republic, to Mr. Baxter's Purgatory Pills for the Army, etc. on 20 September [LT E.995.(25)] and William Prynne's A Brief, Necessary Vindication of the Old and New Secluded Members from the false calumnies of John Rogers in his Un-Christian Concertation with Mr. Prynne, and of M. Nedham in his Interest will not Lie which appeared in November [LT E.772.(2)].

[44] the] L; his O

[45] than] L; then O

[46] lines 39-42: Rather than Interest will not Lie, these line probably refer to Nedham's Hue and Cry, where he had insolently referred to Charles I's stammer, claiming the king had "a guilty Conscience, bloody Hands, a heart full of broken Vowes and protestations: If these marks be not sufficient, there is another in the mouth; for bid him speak and you will soon know him" Merc Brit No. 92 (28 July-4 Aug 1645), cited Raymond Making the News p. 348.

[47] "two Diurnals" presumably refers to the Publick Intelligencer and Mercurius Politicus which appeared on Monday and Thursday respectively between 1655 and 1659. Or it may refer to Mercurius Britanicus, which Nedham wrote from 1643 until 1645, and Mercurius Politicus (1650-1659), thereby ignoring his work on the Royalist newsletter Mercurius Pragmaticus (1647-1649), though line 49 implicitly concedes Nedham's Royalist journalism.

[48] While conceding that Nedham wrote on behalf of the Royalist cause in his Mercurius Pragmaticus from 1647-1649, Crouch nevertheless suggests that he was more sincere in his support of the protectorate. Compare Woods' account of Nedham in Athenae Oxoniensis, plagiarized from L'Estrange.

[49] Cereberus] L; Cerebus O

[50] Compare: "Thus with the times he turn'd, next turn I hope / Will up the Ladder be, and down the Rope," The Downfall of Mercurius Britannicus. Pragmaticus. Politicus. That three Headed Cerberus ("Printed in the year that the Saints are disappointed, 1660" (LT 669.f.24(56), O Wood 622(21); STC D2087)); Wood dated his copy April.

[51] See Vox Populi, Suprema Rex Caroli, line 19.

[52] Crocodile] L; Canniball O

[53] .úúwhose] L; where O


   .úú"Tredah," i.e. Tredagh or Drogheda, the scene of one of Cromwell's most brutal massacres of 3-11 September 1649. Clarendon comments: "though the govenor and some of the chief officers retired in disorder into a fort where they hoped to have made conditions, a panic fear so possessed the soldiers that they threw down their arms upon a general offer of quarter: so that the enemy entered the work without resistence, and put every man governor, officer, and solider, to the sword; and the whole army being entered the town, they executed all manner of cruelty, and put every man that related to the garrison, and all the citizens who were Irish, man, woman, and child, to the sword" Rebellion, xii.116.

   Crouch himself covered the seige in the pages of The Man in the Moon as it was taking place, though his reports were usually several weeks behind events. Shortly before the massacre, Crouch had confidently written: "Droheda is questionless in a good and firm Condition, and Prince Rupert there with 6000 Foot, and 2000 Horse, to entertain Cromwel if he should dare to be so foolhardy, as to attempt any Landing there, which is a thing impossible" (No. 18 [15 Aug to 23 Aug, 1649], p. 153). By the second half of September, Crouch was still holding out hope -- "Tredah still untaken; and like to be for ought I can understand..." and "Cromwel for certain hath made three several Attempts to storm Tredagh, and is beaten off with shame and loss. Marquess Ormond lying between Dublin and he, that he cannot stir" (No. 23 [19-26 Sept, 1649]), pp. 193, 194. By the second week of October, while admitting that Cromwell's forces had taken the town, he insists the victory was pyrrhic: "they tell us of the loss of about a hundred at the taking the Town, but not what they lost in their two fruitless Assaults before . . . their loss at the utmost were not above some three thousand, besides what are dead since of their wounds, that in all conscience they need not bragge, for they paid deer enough for that town" (No. 25 [10-17 Oct, 1649]), p. 207. A week later, Crouch had more news: "After these bloudy Monsters had Sacrificed in Tredagh, Men Womem and Children to their cursed Rage, yet could not take the White Tower, nor the Windmill-Mount, whereupon (my letter saith) That their Commanders (a thing odious so much as to e mentioned) got four of the Commanders Wives, and their sucking Infants, and placed them before them where they thought their Cannon should play mot, and finding they would not refrain shooting, Ravished them in the sight of their Husbands, and dlew their tender Infants; a Fact odious to God and man . . . Their barbarous Cruelty in that abhorid Act not to be parralell'd by any of the former Massacrees of the Irish, sparing neither Women nor Children but putting them all to the Sword: 3000 indeed they killed; but 2000 were Women and Children, and divers aged Persons that were not able to support themselves, muchless unable to Resist them." (No. 26 [17-24 October 1649]) p. 213.

    Did Gilbert Crouch fight there in the garrison of the Duke of Ormond?

[55] Dr. Bernard.

[56] .úúPresumably Nicholas Bernard who wrote the Life of Dr. James Ussher (1656) and engaged in controversy with Peter Heylin from 1656-69.

[57] Mris. Jane Lane.

[58] Compare line 41. Jokes about the size and red colour of Cromwell's nose were a staple of royalist satires.

[59] Lines 119-130 om O; instead:

Now Parliaments are summon'd, but in vain
Wise Cato's all, come in go out again.
Three Lords in one day, gently layd aside,
Offer'd as Victim's to Nol's bloody pride:

[60] D. Hewet, Love] L; om O

[61] Penruddock,] L; Love, Hewet, O

[62] lines 130-140 om O; see line 130 note above.

[63] O strange Vicissitude] L; But O Vicissitude O

[64] earth] L; Earth O

[65] The storms presaging Cromwell's death were a staple theme; see Marvell et al.

[66] .úúthe] L; thee O

[67] lines 219-222: Echoes of Marvell's First Anniversary here and elsewhere?

[68] .úúbroach] L; breach O corrected in errata.

[69] of] L; from O

[70] than] L; then O

[71] .úúdoes] L; do O corrected in errata.

[72] Th' whole City is one] L; The whole City on O

[73] throngs] L; thrungs O

[74] .úúactive] L; darling O corrected in errata to darting.

[75] .úúsing'd] ed; sinsg'd O !!!check

[76] Check the opening editorial to the first issue of The Man in the Moon, where Crouch makes much of the man wearing thorns: cf MND.

[77] .úúJoy] L, O; Joys CN corrected in ms.

[78] .úúHearts] L; Heart O; corrected in errata.

[79] .úúJoyes] L; Joy O; corrected in ms.Joyes CN copy???

[80] needfull] L; happy O

[81] Lore'd] L; Lord O

[82] Coyns] L Coyn O

[83] one] L; a O

"Philobasileus" Three Royal Poems.
4 Aug

   Titlepage: THREE / Royal POEMS / UPON THE / Return of Charles the II. / KING / OF / ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, / France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. / [rule] / The Most Illustrious / Prince James Duke of York. / [rule] / The Illustrious / Henry Duke of Glocester. / [rue] / [design: garter arms] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by Edward Cole, Printer and Book-seller, at the Sign of the / Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange. 1660. / [ruled box]

    Thomason dated his copy 4 August, 1660.

[ornamental border]
Charles the Second
England, Scotland, France, &

BUt can it be! then blessed be that day,
Which makes a Canan of this Golgotha.
But still I doubt a twelve years night can't be
A Prologue to this wisht for Jubilee.
5: Can Brittain be made happy which hath bin
Twelve yeers a Den for Monsters to lurk in?
Whose Cursed crimes amazing terrour brings,
Who write their Perjuries in the blood of Kings?
That Fatal Forty eighth ordain'd to see
10: More then an Age before of Tragedy
Shall speak them Blood-hounds, by whose hand then fel
Religions Patriot, the Law's Cittadel.
A King, a Saint, a Charles, which England, When
But heares of, 1 bleeds, because she dy'd not then.
15: That wonder of Mortalls, he was martyr'd in
That Palace where his morning Star had been
Beheld in Honours Zenith. Those that were
Ev'n Treasons Midwives could not hide their Fear:
But trembled when those Slaves pronounc'd that Vote
20: (Which I can't name without an Antidote)
Yee Brood of Cain y'ave brought into dispence
A Supream Power and a Providence 2
That yee escap'd a Thunderbolt, whose Crimes
Were never equall'd in Precedent Times.
25: That Romain Cromwell, in thy fall did see
His wish fullfil'd, three Kingdomes ruin'd in thee. 3
With what contempt did Loyall Soules then burn
To see each Asse this Royal Lyon spurn!
But when thou lost, (in teares themselves they drown,)
30: Thy sacred Head once center to a Crown.
And can I live now Charles is murthred! speake
Poore Heart, prevent more griefe and quickly breake.
Embrin'd in tears Ile sit me downe and view
How Loyall Hearts are tortur'd by this Crew
35: Of Monsters. That curs'd Brood that flings
Barb'd Darts at th'Head, may wel Massacre limbs.
Those that far'd best were martyr'd, others sent
With life to more tormenting Banishment.
Bleeding three Kingdomes lay; and t'were a Sin
40: To think old Boreas could have blowne us in
So great a blessing, had not Monck came thence
To shew base Rebels, vertue had a fence.
Hee's the great Charles second Star; the one
Proclaimd his Birth; and this his welcome home.
45: Our Loyal Heroe forthwith doth assure
Three bleeding Kingdomes of its Soveraign Cure.
In bringing which y'ave done an Act whose Fame
Adds active Feathers to your Soaring Name.
Which future Ages (if that Honours fire
50: Lose not its Light) shall worthily admire.
And is Charles come! maugre Fanatick rage
This Irons turn'd into a golden Age.
Now cant your Io's. Now Providence hath set
Blest Charles in th'front of Honours Alphabet.
55: Each 4 breath infects the Air, which doth not say
This rising Sun hath made a perfect Day.
Each 5 now can see his sacred Star again,
In fortunes House Lord of th'Ascendant Raign.
What Brittain now in each Loyal soul can tell
60: Since Charles is come, whose absence made it Hell,
And that we view after that cursed Doome
This Phenix springing from his Fathers tombe.
With winged Cries wee'l thank diviner Powers.
Theirs is the Triumph, and the wonder ours.
65: 'gyptian Dogs may barke, though Charles come in,
But they'd leave Heaven no God, nor Earth 6 no King,
But such blest Lots whose purer soules did hate
Our Sodoms Crimes, which in despite of fate
Acknowledgd C'sar still their King, confesse,
70: Tis Heaven th'Authour of this Happiness.
Great Sir your peereless Vertues this truth brings
Yo'are sent a blessing from the King of Kings.
Your mercies such that none it doth affright,
Nor scorch with Anger, but with Judgment light.
75: Envy it self unwillingly doth say,
Yo'are fit to rule, were wee fit to obey.
Long may you happy live, and then your Lands
Can't but bee blessed, whilst their comfort stands
On such a Basis, whose Vertue speakes him one,
80: That adds a Lustre to the brightest Throne.


[1] of,] off copytext

[2] Providence] ProVidence copytext

[3] thee.] thee copytext

[4] Each] Eeach copytext

[5] Each] Eeach copytext

[6] Earth] Eearth copytext

To the Most Illustrious
Prince James Duke of York.

WElcome great Brittaines pride & staine: thy Name
Speaks it most happy, yea augment its shame.
Twas blest when't 7 gave thee birth: but sham'd when't sent
This Ages wonder to a Banishment.
5: In twice four years thou hast effected that
Which Philips Son might justly wonder at.
When C'sar shooke Rome with his armed Hosts,
And dy'd in blood the Carthaginian Coasts.
When noble Pompey scorn'd an equal: And
10: C'sar as much to stoope to his command:
Had fame then said James lines, you'd blest that state,
And with a word shut Ianus Iron Gate.
Pompey and C'sar those Cadmean Men
To you had brought the Romish Diadem.
15: I smile to hear how neighb'ring Kingdomes stand,
Dreading to fall a conquest to noe hand
Unless you strike, whose conquering Arme they know
Perfidious friends ranke with its basest foe.
Could Crownes or Kingdomes the great Iames entice,
20: Spain then had kept him at whatever Price.
But you're a Brittain, witnesse your renown,
And he that conquers, scornes to begg a Crowne,
The noble Pompey did thus early climbe
And him a Victor thrice in Syllas time
25: The Romans view. Great Iames has gaind his praise,
Yet scornes his Triumphs, and's Pyratick bayes.
Our Brittish Heroe posting through each part
Of Europe conquerd every step an heart.
And though all this nought can but prologues bee,
30: To what perfidious France doth dread to see.
Whose timrous Hearts their feares could never smoother
But that they know hee's the great Charles Brother.
And soe made up of Mercy, which great Gem
Shines brightest in his sacred Diadem.
35: Your mercy Sir's apparent Spaine doth know
In that the Indies still you doe bestow
In not demanding them. Long may you live
And in your safetie, safetie to us give
Shall bee my Praiers; and further that you'l daigne
40: To accept the Products of a Loyall Braine.

[7] when't] whent copytext

[ornamental header]
Henry Duke of Glocester.

NOw Thousands offer to your worth; my might
Accept Great Sir. Ile be no Heraclite.
Now Charles is come, and on each sacred Hand
Valour and Vertue do united stand.
5: And whilst three Kingdoms welcome home three gems,
Whose Royall splendour dulls the Diadems
Of forraigne Kings. O let your Highness daigne
T'accept my Lamb, whilst Hecatombs are slaine.
Although three Sisters to my days had spun
10: Scarce twice three yeares when that one Brittish Sun
Set Titan like in's Rayes: yet ere ten yeares
I saw our loss, and with as loyall teares
As ever mortal wept, my blubbred Eyes
Were dim'd. Now since this sacred Sun doth rise
15: Expanding rayes of comfort, and pardon mee
Who but rejoyce in this our Jubilee.
Your Vertues once did mad Dogs chaine, whose rage
Inflam'd by Hell, exempted from the stage
(That fatal stage, where horrid Murthers wore
20: The Name of Justice, though stain'd with the Gore
Of Kings and Saints) the sacred Henry, who
Those fawning slaves then courted to his woe.
You were convey'd into Exilement, and
Whether your Vertues thorough each strange Land
25: Purchas'd more Love, or Fear I dare not say.
But this add, when Brittaine saw that Day,
That dismall day it lost its Prince, there went
Whole Hecatombs of hearts to banishment
T'attend its Duke, nor have you brought from whence
30: You latest came, more then you carry'd hence.
To welcome you each Critticks eye might see
Of Persa's wealth here an Epitome.
And what is more those thousands (o rare thing!)
Which bled for th'absence, joy to view their King.
35: Long let these worthys live, let Nestor's days
Become your Age, to others t'were a praise
T'enjoy his wisdome. But th'great Henry in
His Childhood greater Oracles then him
Let drop from's Lips, as Cordialls for that Dove
40: Which relish nought but what came from above.


Rachel Jevon Exultationis Carmen.
16 August

   Titlepage: Exultationis Carmen / TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY / UPON HIS MOST / Desired Return. / [rule] / By Rachel Jevon, Presented with her own Hand, Aug. 16th. / [rule] / CAROLUS En rediit, redeunt Saturnia regna. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / [rule] / London, Printed by John Macock, 1660. / [within ruled box]

    Rachel Jevon was one of a very few women to have composed a formal verse celebration of Charles's return. Although it was still extraordinary for women to know Latin, she produced both a Latin version -- Carmen éPIAMBEYTIKON (J 729) 1 -- and the English translation given here. Hobby reports that "two years later, on or around the anniversary of the restoration, she made a personal (unpublished) petition to the king for `a place of one of the meanest servants about the queen.' It would be interesting to know whether she was successful in what seems a planned strategy of publicising her learning, royalism and humility, and won herself a job" (p. 19).

[1] .úúCARMEN éPIAMBEYTIKON / REGI' MAJESTATI / Caroli II. / PRINCIPUM / ET / CHRISTIANORUM OPTIMI / IN / EXOPTATISSIMAM / EJUS / RESTAURATIONEM, / [rule] / A RACHELE JEVONE compositum & propria manu / Humillime Exhibitum, Aug. 16. / [rule] / C'SAR JAM REDIIT REIERUENT AUREA SECLA. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / [rule] / LONDINI, Typis Joannis Macock, 1660. [ruled box] Copies at O Gough Loudon 2(7); LT E.1080(10).

The Unworthiest of His
With all Humility Offers this
Congratulatory Poem.

DRead Soveraign CHARLES! O King of Most Renown!
Your Countries Father; and Your Kingdoms Crown;
More Splendid made by dark Afflictions Night;
Live ever Monarch in Co/elestial Light:
5: Before Your Sacred Feet these Lines I lay,
Humbly imploring, That, with Gracious Ray,
You'l daign these first unworthy Fruits to view,
Of my dead Muse, which from her Urn You drew.
Though for my Sexes sake I should deny,
10: Yet EXULTATION makes the Verse, not I;
And shouting cryes, Live Ever CHARLES, and Be
Most Dear unto Thy People, They to Thee.

WElcome Milde C'sar, born of Heav'nly Race,
A Branch most Worthy of Your Stock and Place,
15: The Splendour of Your Ancestors, whose Star
Long since out-shin'd the golden Pho/ebus far;
The living Image of our Martyr'd King,
For us His People freely suffering;
Sprung from the Role and Flower-de-luce most fair,
20: The Spacious World ne're boasted such an Heir.
Ye Pious Pens, pluckt from a Seraphs Wing,
Of His high Fame, teach future Times to sing.
Ye lofty Muses of Parnassus Hill,
Auspicious be to my unlearned Quill,
25: Vouchsafing leave the Travels to recite
Of this Great Prince, long Banish'd from His Right;
Which Valiant He, did stoutly undertake
For His Religion, and His Countries sake.
After the murther of our CHARLEMAIN,
30: (Whose lasting Honour ne're shall know a Wane,
But to the Skies Tryumphantly ascend,
As His bright Soul did to Elizium tend,)
The Scots our CHARLES th'undoubted Heir recall,
And with His Grandsires Glory Him Install;
35: But after this (O cruel Fates!) betray'd
He was to th'English, who with rage assay'd
Him to accost, throughout this Brittish Isle;
  Could ever Rebels act a part so vile?
Hence, hence sad sorrows, and all past annoys,
40: Let nought approach You but tryumphant Joys;
And let us now remember with delight
Your strange escape from Worc'sters bloody fight,
Through Thundring Troops of armed foes, whose strife
Was to bereave You of Your sacred life.
45: Where many thousand Brittains spilt their blood,
Weltring in gore, for King and Countries good:
How oft have I Your cruel fates bewail'd?
How oft to Heaven have our Devotions sail'd,
Through tides of briny tears, and blown with gales
50: Of mournful sighes, which daily fil'd the Sails?
That Heaven it's sacred Off-spring would defend,
And to their sorrows put a joyful end.
Propitious were the Heavens to our just Prayer:
You on their Wings the blessed Angels bare
55: Through thousand dangers, which by Land You past,
Till suddenly into the Sea being cast,
The Deities of Pontus flowing Stream,
Did unto You than men far milder seem.
Great 'olus himself hasts You to meet,
60: Prostrates the winds before Your Sacred Feet;
Then with his power commands the fiercer Gales,
Into their Den, lest they disturb Your Sails:
Neptune straight calms the raging of the Sea,
Before Your Stem the pleasant Dolphins play;
65: The surly Waves appeas'd, most gladly bore,
The happy Vessel to the happier Shore.
Then wandring through inhospitable Lands,
Still seeking rest, the world amazed stands
To see Him banished from every part
70: Of its great Orb, Yet from His Faith not start;
Nor to regain His Fathers Rights would He,
From th'ancient Worship of His Fathers flee,
For every Kingdom He subdu'd by Charms,
Of Love and Piety, more strong then Armes.
75: France with her hair dishevel'd, torn and sad,
With bloody Robes of civil War beclad,
With joy receives this Deity of peace,
Who having caus'd those civil Wars to cease,
The barbarous Vine the Royal Oak refus'd
80: To please the Tyrants, natures bands she loos'd;
But He unmov'd in faith their Lillies fled,
And to th'unstable Willows wandered.
Who most ungratefully did Him reject,
That them the rebel brambles might protect.
85: The Royal Oak by storms of leaves bereav'd,
The generous Olive to its soil receiv'd;
Streight follows peace, its Deity being come,
Aside they lay their Arms, Sword, Pike and Drum;
The other Trees all shivering as a Reed,
90: To make a League with th'Royal Oak agreed;
At length Druina ravished with love,
Humbly recalls Him to His native Grove,
In peace to tryumph, and to Reign a Lord
O're hearts subdu'd by Love, not by the Sword.
95: His Native Country faint and languishing,
Humbly implores the presence of her King:
Loe how the late revolted Sea obeys,
How gladly it the Billows prostrate lays
Before Your Royal Navy, proud to bring
100: Three widdow'd Kingdoms their espoused King!
How do the winds contend, the spreading Sails
Of Your blest Ships, to fill with prosperous Gales;
The Fates are kind; Conduct You to the Shoar,
To welcome You the Thundring Canons roar;
105: Your ravisht Subjects over-joy'd do stand,
To see the stranger, (PEACE) with You to land,
With You to earth Astr'a fair is come,
And Golden times in Iron ages room:
Much Honour hath both Church and State adorn'd,
110: Since You, our Faiths Defender, are return'd;
For of the Church the Honour and Renown,
Are unto Kings the strongest Towre and Crown:

Behold how Thames doth smooth her silver Waves!
How gladly she, Your gilded Bark receives;
Mark how the courteous Stream her Arms doth spread,
Proud to receive You to her watry Bed.
The old Metropolis by Tyrants torn,
Your presence doth with beauteous youth adorn.
On You how doe the ravish't people gaze?
How do the thronging Troops all in a maze
Shout loud for joy, their King to entertain,
How do their Streets with Triumphs ring again.

GReat CHARLS, Terrestrial God, Off-spring of Heaven,
You we adore, to us poor mortals given,
125: That You (Our Life) may quicken us again,
Who by our Royal MARTYRS death were slain;
For we on earth as Corps inanimate lay,
Till you (Our Breath) repaired our decay:
Loe how old Tellus courts Your Sacred Feet,
130: Array'd with flowery Carpets peace to greet;
As Pho/ebus when with glorious Lamp he views,
Earth after Winter, tender grass renews;
So through the world Your radiant Vertues Shine,
Enlightning all to bring forth Fruits Divine:
135: Or as the drops distil'd by April showrs,
Produce from dryest earth imprisoned flowers;
So Your sad Fates sprinkled with holy eyes,
Plung'd in Your Kingly tears, have reacht the skies,
And from the appeased Deity brought down;
140: T'adorn Your Sacred Temples many a Crown.
The first of glory which shall ever last,
In Heaven of Heavens, when all the rest are past;
The Second shines with Virtues richly wrought
Upon Your Soul, with Graces wholy fraught.
145: The Third resplendent with your peoples Loves,
Their Hearts by joy being knit like Turtle-Doves.
The Fourth's compleat by Your high Charity,
Which hath subdu'd and pardon'd th'enemy.
The Fifth shall shine with Gold and Jewels bright,
150: Upon Your Head, O Monarch! our Delight;
Where the Almighty grant it floursh may,
Until in Heaven You shine with Glorious Ray.
Who doth not stand amazed thus to see
The spotless Turtle Dove Espous'd to be
155: Unto a Bride whose Robes with blood are foul;
Loe Lovely CHARLES with Dove-like Galless Soul,
(Coming to th'Ark of His blood delug'd Land,
With peaceful Olive in His Sacred Hand)
Espoused is to Albion dy'd in gore,
160: And to her Princely Beauty doth restore;
Then Celebrate the Espousals of our King,
With us let far and near all Nations Sing;
Let all the World shout loud perpetually,
165: Rejoyce ye Forrests, your choice pleasures yeild,
The Royal Hunter Crowns the verdant field:
And Leap for joy ye Beasts of every Plain,
Behold Your King (the Lion) comes to Reign.
Let shady Woods and Groves together dance
170: To see the Royal Oak to them advance,
Whilst Nymphs resound, O thrice, thrice happy they!
Who have the Honour, their faint Limbs to lay
Under the shadow of th'Illustrious Oak
Expanded, to depell 2 from Saints the Stroak
175: Of Tyrants tempests, and a Pillar (squar'd
By Crosses) for the Church of God prepar'd;
Where we may live to sing aloud His Praise,
With heart and voice, and Organs sweetest Lays,
Who hath our DAVIDS Prayer not withstood,
180: But made his Off-spring, CHARLES the Great, and Good;
And banishing all sorrow from His Seed,
Highly Enthron'd Him in His Fathers stead;
That He may shine a Splendid Star to damp
Throughout the world at noon bright Pho/ebus Lamp,
185: And trample down those Tyrants with His Might,
Who dare contemn His Universal Right;
At length Your rip'ned Years being Crown'd with Glory,
Justice and Peace, unparallel'd by story:
Co/elestial CHARLES Triumphantly Ascend
190: T'enjoy the Heavens in Bliss without all End.


[2] to drive away, dispell; OED

England's Joy in a Lawful Triumph
[after 13 September]

Blackletter broadside.

    The original woodcut represents six members of the royal family with their dates of birth; on the right, Charles, his brothers James and Henry, together with, on the left, Mary, Elizabeth and Anne. 1 Henry is represented touching a skull on a table, suggesting that the illustration was designed after his death on 13 September. The text of the ballad, however, is written throughout in anticipation of the return and would seem to indicate that Henry is still very much alive (line 79). Ebsworth thought it dated from the end of May from the title.

    The appeal of this ballad is very much directed to the self-interest of the middling sort of people who are assured that they will benefit in many different materials ways from the reestablishment of the nobility and church hierarchy. Since this broadside was evidently issued after prince Henry's death, it is interesting to note that such generalized expressions of optimistic joy were still being produced.

[1] Ebsworth thinks this is Anne Clarges, Monck's wife.

Englands Joy in a Lawful Triumph.

Bold Phanaticks now make room
As it was voted in the House on May-day last 1660.
CHARLS the Second's coming home.
To the Tune of, Packingtons Pound.

HOld up thy head England, and now shew thy face
That eighteen years hath held it down with disgrace
Thy comforts are coming, then cheer up thy looks
Thy hopes, like thy gates, are quite off the hooks
Thy blessings draw near
Thy joy doth appear
With much expedition thy King will be here
May all the rich pleasures that ever were reckon'd
Attend on the Person of King Charls the second.

10: The Bride and the Bridegroom did never so greet
As the King and his People together will meet,
Though some are against it, 'tis very well known
That those that bee for it are twenty for one,
Who with them will bring
Allegiance and sing
with voices of Loyalty, God save the King,
May all, &c.

There's none are against it, but what are partakers
With Jesuits, Jews, Anabaptists and Quakers,
20: But hee (like a Lion that's rouz'd from his den)
Will pull down the pride of Fifth-Monarchy Men,
The Preaching-house-banters
With all their Inchanters
The proud Independents, the Brownists and Ranters
25: With all the vile Sectaries that can bee reckon'd
Wee hope will be routed by King Charls the second.

The benefits which will acrew to this Land
Are more than wee suddenly can understand
There's no man of merit, in Arts or in Trade
30: But if hee indeavour may quickly bee made,
Our Trade will increase
And so will our peace
And this will give many poor prisoners release
May all the rich pleasures that ever were reckon'd
35: Attend on the Person of King Charls the second.

Then aged Pauls, steeple still hold up thy head
For under thy roof shall Gods Service bee read
And there shall be set up the Communion Table
Then they shall bee hang'd up that made it a stable
And have no reprieves
For good men it grieves
That Gods house of prayer should be a den of theeves
May all, &c.

The Law and the Gospel shall freely bee taught
45: Which lately unto the Barebone hath been brought
Our Doctrine and Worship shall flourish again
In spight of the pride of Schismatical men
Good Learning and wee
Shall alwaies agree
50: The two Universities cherished shall be
Then may all the blessings that ever were reckon'd
Bee attributed unto King Charles the second.

Our mirth and good company shall not bee checkt
55: By such as do nickname themselves the Elect
But wee will bee merry, and spend an odd teaster
At Christmas, at Whitsentide, Shrovetide and Easter
Wee'l play our old pranks
Rejoyce and give thanks
60: And those that oppose wee will cripple their shanks
May all the rich pleasures that ever were reckon'd
Attend on the Person of King Charls the second.

Our Exchange shall bee filled with Merchants from far
'Tis better to deal in good Traffick than war
65: With all Neighbour Nations wee'l shake hands in peace
By that means our treasure and trade will increase
With France and with Spain
Wee'l make leagues again
Wee thank them for succouring our Soveraign
70: May all, &c.

Our shipping in safety shall sale on the Seas
To Italy, Naples or what Port they please
Then riches from every Country they'l bring
To profit the people, and pleasure the King
Such good wee shall reap
And treasure up-heap
Good White-wine and Clarret, and Sack will be cheap
Then wee will drink healths till they cannot be reckon'd
To Gloster, to York, and to King Charls the second.

80: Our Pot, Pipe and Organ shall then be divided
And into the holy Cathedrals bee guided
Our Quiristers small, and our tall singing men
Shall joyfully chant to the Organ again
The Surplice so torn
Shall newly be worn
And all the fair Rites that the Church do adorn
Twice twenty times more than can rightly bee reckon'd
To the honour of God, and for King Charls the second.

The banished Nobility then shall return
90: Who long time in disconsolation did mourn
And when they'r well settled like right Noble men
Good house-keeping will bee in fashion again
The poor that will wait
Without at the gate
95: Shall have their benevolence at a good rate
May all, &c.

Our Taxes will grow less and less, I suppose
For wee have been very much troubled with those
Excise-men (I hope too) in time will go down
100: 'Tis they are the torment of Country and Town,
The Magistrates then
Shall bee honest men
The Parson shall challenge his tythe-pig again
May all, &c.

105: Wee shall bee the joyfullest Nation on earth
When once the King comes home to compleat our mirth
Wee shall bee the envy of Nations unknown
When King Charls the second is fixt in his Throne,
The Triumphs that then
Shall bee among men
Will prove a good Subject for every good pen
May all, &c.

Now God send him with expedition I pray
For every good subject doth long for the day
115: The bells shall ring out, and the Conduits run wine,
The bonfires shall blaze till our faces do shine
And as the sparks fly
Like Stars in the sky,
Lord succour, preserve him, and guide him, wee'l cry
120: May all the rich blessings that ever were reckon'd
Attend on the presence of King Charls the second.

London, Printed for F.G. on Snow-hill. Entred
according to Order.

[2] sixpence.

Samuel Pordage
A Panegyrick
in Poems, sigs [B4v-B5v]
after 13 September

   Title: POEMS / UPON / SEVERAL / OCCASIONS. / [rule] / By S. P. Gent. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed by W. G. for Henry Marsh / at the Princes Arms in Chancery-lane, / and Peter Dring at the Sun in the / Poultrey neer the Counter, / 1660.

   The epistle at the opening of Troades is dated "Bradfieldi' Cal. Novembris;" the Poems must also have appeared after 13 September since it includes an elegy to Henry.

   POEMS opens with "A Panegyrick to his Excellency General Monck March 28. 1660." beginning "Now almost twenty years have roul'd about / Since first the flames of our late Wars broke out..." (sigs B2-[B2v]), followed by "The Genius Speech" to Monck (sigs [B2v]-B4), and then the poem to Charles (sigs [B4v]-[B5v], which is followed by "Some Tears Drop't o're the Herse of the Incomparable Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester" (sigs. [B6]-[B7]).


THE Heaven's great Star since He saluted Earth
With his diurnal Light, ne'r yet gave Birth
To such a joyfull Day, as that wherein
Charles to his native England came ag'in.
His loyall Subjects Hearts grown big with joy
The best expressions of their Love imploy,
To give a cherefull welcome to their King,
From whose arivall all our blessings Spring,
Whilst Foes, and Traytors to his royall Sire,
Grown mad through Envie, in their rage expire.
Now Pho/ebus ushers in the happy day,
Which for posterity recorded may
In golden letters ever stand; and bee
A festival for regain'd libertie;
And gilding all the Heavens with his Rayes,
Dispenses smiles, Serenity displayes.
Revived Subjects throng to see their prize,
Joy sparkles in their faces, and their eyes:
Their tongues, and hands wih powerfull Eccohs sound
And joyfull shouts against the heavens rebound.
The Aire is fill'd on every side with noyse;
The voyce of Warr, and death now speaks their joyes.
The Bells have tongues, which sound our Joys aloud,
And say that Charles is come: the Drums are proud
To speak his march. The silver Trumpets say
Charles o're three Kingdoms doth tryumph to day:
Which conquest got by vertues has more charms
To hold a lasting peace, than that by Armes.
London in all its gallantry doth shine,
Conduits convert their water into wine.
Adorn'd the female beauties of the Land
To see their Soveraign in Ballconies stand,
The bravest Heroes of the Brittish Isle
Usher our C'sar through the streets the while;
Whose sacred face with beams of Majesty
Surrounded, far out-vies the bravery
Of his adornments: and the lustrous fire
Of's eyes dismays those who deny'd his sire
And him to reign; now they their folly see
Converted by one look of Majesty.
Ten thousand Hearts and knees doe humbly bow,
As he goes by; each heart a solemne vow
Prepares, of praise, and of obedience too,
For long and happy dayes to Heav'en they sue.
Long live great Charles, and may his sacred Name,
Swell to that worth, not to be spoke by Fame,
May Nestors years his Happy reign attend!
May heav'ns his brest with Solomons choyce befriend!
The people cry. Loud shouts conclude the day,
Pho/ebus to th'other world hasts to display
The joyfull news: Night now would take her turn
But flaming fires in every Corner burne,
Which Night to Day change: Pho/ebus place supply,
And make a Day without the Heav'n's great eye.
'Tis true whilst Charles possesses his own right,
That loyall Brittains can expect no night.
Our regall Sun, since Charles the first was slain,
Ecclips'd has been, but now shines bright again.
By Heav'n enthron'd thus, in his peoples hearts,
He shall withstand all Machivilian Arts:
Laurells of peace about his brows shall spread,
And three great Crowns surround his royall Head.

Ita Precatur S. P.

"Upon His Majesties happy Return,"
[undated: after 13 September]

   Titlepage: ARETINA; / Or, The Serious / ROMANCE.1 [rule] / Written originally in English. 2 / [rule] / Part First. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / EDINBURGH, / Printed for Robert Broun, at the / sign of the Sun, on the North-/ side of the Street, 1660. / [ornamental box].

    Date: These verses are followed by an elegy on Henry, Duke of Gloucester, "Great Gloucester's Cipresse-hearse, wreathed by a Loyal hand" (pp. 13-14), so after 13 September.


[2] originally ... English.] origially ... English London edition

A POEM, by the same Au-
thor, upon His Majesties
happy Return.

STay, Fame, why do'st thou to the Future post,
To Learn some new adventures? tym's not lost
In viewing our Great CHARLES his safe return,
Resembling ashes new sprung from their Urn;
Or do'st thou post to trumpet these rare news,
To Godless Pagans, or to Christless Jews?
Thereby them to convince, that ther's a God
Among'st the Christians, who will explod
Out of his noble registers of life and fame,
Ignoble traitours, and their hatfull name.
Mans oldest Charter is that Text divine,
All that thy feet can trample shall be thine;
Since then his feet hath trampled Europe round,
It's only Limit shall his Kingdom bound,
Though France and Spain be compted the two Poles,
Whereon our European orbe still roles,
Yet thou the Axis of that orbe shall be,
To wheel these Poles as it best pleaseth thee.
Heaven him exiled not, but sent him abroad,
To shew the matchlesse art of our great God
In framing matchless spirits, and to each
Of these strange Nations, Patience to preach.
Malice, with fruitless strokes shall wearied now
Yeild up her sword, and to they Scepter bow.
Thou fortunes wheel, by vertues hand shall hold
And stop the course of that proud changling bold.
With black affliction Heaven thus enambled hath
For furder Lustre, his pure Golden faith:
And as with crosses Heaven did once him wound,
So now with crosses heaven hath him crown'd.
All shall our Thristle, the blessed Thristle call,
And in fames Eden our Rose flourish shall,
And of our Lillies we may Justly say,
That Solomon ne're flourished as they;
Let them our Harpe play, and our 3 Lyons daunce,
For joy that Heaven should thus our King advance.


[3] our] oure O???

Henry Beeston
A Poem To His Most Excellent Majesty;

Henry Bold
To His Sacred Majesty

24 September

   Titlepage: A / POEM / To His most Excellent Majesty / Charles the Second. / Ego Beneficio tuo (C'sar) quos ante Audie-/ bam hodiŠ vidi Deos: Nec feliciorem ul-/ lum vit' me' aut Optavi, aut sensi Diem. /Paterc', &c. / [rule] / By H. Beeston Winton'. / Together with another / By Hen. Bold olim Winton'. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by Edward Husbands, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the / Commons House of Parliament, 1660. / [double-ruled box]

   Bold's poem was reprinted in his Poems Lyrique, Macaronique (Henry Brome, 1664), pp. 205-206.

   Thomason dated his copy on Monday, 24 September, 1660 so Beeston and Bold had the terrible luck of seeing their poems appear shortly after the death of prince Henry, hardly an auspicious time for publishing a celebration.

   Henry Beeston was the first son of William Beeston of Posbrook and Elizabeth, daughter of Arthur Bromfield. He was a master at Winchester school and Warden of New College, Oxford. His younger brother, Sir William Beeston, was active in the government of Jamaica following the Restoration.

   Henry Bold (1627-1683) was the fourth son of Capt Wiliam Bold of Newstead, Hants., and descended from the ancient Lancashire family of Bold Hall. Educated at Winchester school, he was elected to a fellowship at New College, Oxford in 1645 from which he was ejected in 1648. He then worked in the Examiner's Office in Chancery, died on 23 October 1683, and is buried in West Twyford, near Acton. He published several poetic volumes, including Wit a Sporting in a Pleasant Grove of New Fancies (1657), a good deal of which is plagiarized from Herrick and 50 pages from Thomas Beedome's Poems of 1641. In addition to his verses here, he published Latin verses for the Oxford University volume's on the death of the Duke of Gloucester -- Epicedia Academiae Oxoniensis, in Obitum Celsissimi Principis Henrici Ducis Glocestrensis (Oxford, 1660) -- and the arrival of Catharine of Braganza -- Domiduca Oxoniensis: Sive Musae Academicae Gratulatio Ob Auspicatissimum Serenismae Principis Catharinae Lusitanae (Oxford, 1662) -- in addition to two separate works on the Coronation, St Georges Day and On the Thunder, an Elegy On the Death of Her Highness Mary Princess Dowager of Aurange, Daughter to Charles the First, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c (London, Printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at the Sign of the Golden Dragon in Fleet-street, 1660), [L=c.20.f.2(44) NB this copy is not listed in Wing, which only mentions the LT copy at 669.f.26(55)], Satyr on the Adulterate Coyn, Inscribed the Common-Wealth, &c (London, Printed, and are to be sold in Littl-britain. 1661) [L=c.20.f.2(46)]. His Poems Lyrique, Macaronique appeared in 1664. (see DNB): check Lowndes 1834, Corser 1860-80, Hazlitt 1867, Dibdin 1836, Woods

[ornamental header: rose, thistle, fleur-de-lyes, harp]

THe Business on Our Language is too great:
Our Mother Tongue stutters beneath the weight
Of Soveraignty: To speak You, she must ligue 1
With all the Neighbor Nations, and beg
5: Their Dialects which Your Majesty can frame
Slaves to Your Use, as them unto Your Fame:
So that Your Praise is Yours; You must allow
Matter, and Form: Theme, and Expression too.

ON which side shall we trace Your Stock? beyond
10: The Loyns of Egbert, or of Pharamond:
Low sunk in Adam's Entrails it is found,
And thence shoots throw the World, to You, all crown'd.
  Vain Boldness of the Age, (Age of Deceits)
Knew this, and therefore coyn'd Pr'-Adamites!
15: This Blood (then) issuing from that distant source,
Exalted, Maturated in its course,
In Veins of sundry Monarchs Rectifi'd,
(Made All Elixir) through Your Heart does glide.
(Not Wine All, nor All Milk, but) mingled so,
20: That Courage thence, and Innocence do flow,
To animate th'exactest Fabrick, Heaven
Has, since its Mould, to wondring mankinde given.
  And seeing Beauties chiefest part does lie
In Shapes and Lines (not fading Colours) I
25: (Too low to praise, too true to flatter) dare
Aver this truth, That You are CHARLES the Fair.
Such Grace in Your Heroick Meen we spie,
Where, all the strokes are sharp, and masterly.
Be You then CHARLES the Fair, and Great, and Good,
30: Your Sire bought CHARLES the Martyr with His Blood.
-- -Stay forward Nymph of Helicon!
And with thine un-dy'd Buskins, go not on!
Thou'lt weep thine Eyes out, into sorrows hurl'd,
And I shall lead thee blinde about the World.
35:   (Thus) Rich Your Blood is, and Your Make is Free,
Compleatest Product of the Noblest Tree,
Shrining a Soul (to favor our weak sight)
Pure, Active, Subtile, as a Beam of Light.
And here we're lost, 'less some Intelligence
40: Be setled 'twixt Divinity and Sence.
  My Quil's no Jacobs Staff, or if it were,
It could not take Your Height, nor reach Your Sphere.
Your Minde's a Constellation fixt above
The Orbes, where Kepler, and where Tycho rove.
45: Your Intellectual, and Your Moral Parts
(Vast Comprehensions of Arms and Arts)
Are for Your Peoples Veneration fit:
Fit for Your Wonder, not so for their Wit.
  Courage inhabits there so quick and clear,
50: It warm'd an Army (once) from Van to Rear;
(Cold as the North that form'd it, bleak and thin,
Cover'd and lin'd with nought, but fear and sin)
And made it stand -- The brave Gustavus so
Oppos'd his naked Fins to th'armed foe,
55: And shew'd the World, His gallant Brest alone
Was Currace, Gauntlet, Gorget, Morion.
But had You Conquer'd, You had been subdu'd,
Lost Your peculiar part of Fortitude,
Your Patience; which You may singly own,
60: Since none (but You) suffer'd into a Throne.
This was Your way; old Heroes cannot share,
E'en let them pass for Barreters 2 in War.
  The Wisdom and Experience of Your Soul
Is such, as no Disaster could controul.
65: The Flitting French, and the Unable Dane,
The Trade-led Dutch, Remote Iberian,
Nor Honest German did Your Cause restore;
You knew their strength, and knew Your own was more.
Firm as a Tabled Diamond and square,
70: 'Gainst coldness, force, or treachery You are.
Of Dubious Friends You scan'd the various Clues,
What meant Your Courtships, Treaties, Enterviews?
Of open Enemies You skill'd th'Intents,
The Causes, Counsels, Progresses, Events:
75: No Prince so intimately vers'd has been
In the Resorts of Business, and of Men.
  You are Your Self a Senate, Diet, One,
A single Council, Parliament alone.
In You, so justly constituted, we
80: Safely enchace our Jewel Liberty,
Handed before to many a Roytelet, 3
Sometimes in Steel, sometimes in Lead 'twas set.
  The dusky Intricks of Your Enemies
May be suppos'd: All Cunnings, Not one wise.
85: Each of our Rulers had more Worms in's Head,
Then a Male Deer before he's Cabossed.
So all their Projects brake, not any held,
One by another out-Achitophel'd.
The several Fore-parts through the Hedge make way,
90: Behinde the Hated Tayl is forc'd to stay,
Till Hedge and Tayl the Bonfire overtakes;
(The Fore-parts will be seen on Poles and Stakes.)
  They think the Vessel of the Nation will
Sayl tight, if cun'd by Confidence, not skill:
95: Boldness is Gospel, Law, and Policy,
Joynture, Debt, Interest, and Legacy.
The Frontless Swine with Impudence so tan'd,
Were (in the Face) high Car'bin-proof at hand.
  I purpose not to violate this Page
100: With the unhallowed Monsters of this Age,
Whose due Description should I dare to write,
My Paper would appear a Sanbenite. 4
The Guards of Heaven, Your subjects care and love,
Such Objects from Your Royal Eyes remove!
105: Not from Your Word -- -- --
-- -- -- As th'Ocean does move
About Your Land, so let Your Peace above:
And by Your Mighty Pardon let us guess,
How Good th'Almighty is -- for him You bless.
110: A readier step to Him, may through You shine,
Then any in the Scale of Bellarmine.
These Beasts a Grateful Sacrifice can't be,
They come to th'Altar so unwillingly.
Let the Grand Seignior in peeces rive;
115: Let the Defender of the Faith forgive.
Reward them with the Christians Amends,
Make those that pierc't Your Bowels through, Your Friends.
  So when the Greedy Operator sounds
The Wealthy Entrails of unsearched Grounds,
120: The powerful Mine will change into it's self
(In time) the very Tools that digg'd the Pelf.
  Your Fathers Lovers, and Your own so cross'd,
Committee-scourg'd, Rump-rid, and Safety-toss'd,
Tempted, or scar'd by Force, or by Consent,
125: Part one, part t'other, scarce are Innocent.
  The Nation's Criminal! Almost each one
Lep'rous by Nature or Contagion:
Yet now are cleansed by the tears they shed,
(Tears due to CHARLES his Crown recovered.)
130: Shed Tears, which like Oyl-Bennet, did increase
The Flames of that Triumphant Night of peace:
Night! that turn'd out the Day! The Welkin shone,
Lighted with thousand fires besides it's own:
And where's the Roman, or the Greek Parade,
135: Can march with Glorious Tuesdays Cavalcade?
-- -Day of Your Birth and State! from every Eye
Strictures of unsuborned Joy did flie.
Poets (but Malefactors until now)
Resume their wit and spirit under You;
140: Soaring about Your Throne with freer Wing,
Working themselves in Your Palace, will sing
Such Prophecies, shall make wise Annalists
Attent to heed, and Register Your Gests;
Which, will the Orbe in servitude engage
145: Rapt and Enamour'd of its Vassalage.
  Bold with Allegiance, and with Duty rude,
With these brisk happy thoughts, we may conclude,
Sit still and taste the Blessings of Your Reign:
United so as not to start again.
150: Our Hearts directed unto You our North,
Shall never vary from our Faith. Henceforth
The Volatil spirits of this Region
Shall here be fixt beyond Reduction.
So the keen winde (as Muscovites relate)
155: Quick with Refining Force does operate
And make a Gem, which can't Apostatize
From solid Chrystal, into Brittle Ice.


[1] presumably lay with; not OED

[2] variant of "barrator,-er" which OED gives as 4. "one who fights; esp. a hired bully" or 5. "a quarrelsome person; men given to brawling and riot; a rowdy" citing Fuller, Worthies II. 199 (1662) for this spelling: "Wild Barretters who delight in brawls and blows."

[3] petty or minor king (OED)

[4] OED: sanbenito; Under the Spanish Inquisition, a penitential garment of yellow cloth, resembling a scapular in shape, ornamented with a red St. Andrew's cross before and behind, worn by a confessed and penitent heretic; also, a similar garment of a black color ornamented with flames, devils ad other devices (sometimes called a SAMARRA) worn by an impenitent confessed heretic at an auto-da-f. Citing: 1624 Gag for Pope 12 In the inquisition to be clothed with the Sambenito, a punishment as vituperious a the carting of Bawedes in England. 1672 Marvell Reh. Transp. 1.276 Sambenitas, painted with all the flames and devils in hell. 1678 Butler Hud. III. ii. 1574 By laying Trains . . . to blow us up in th'open Streets; Disguis'd in Rums, like Sambenites.

[ornamental header:
rose, thistle, fleur-de-lyes, harp]

To His Sacred Majesty
Charles the Second,
at His happy RETURN.

SO comes the Sun after a half-years night,
To the be-numb'd, and frozen Muscovite,
As we (Great Britain's Influence!) welcome You
Who are our Light, our Life, and Glory too.
5: Your Presence is so Soveraign, counter Fate,
It makes, alone, our Island Fortunate:
Whilst we (like Eastern Priests) the night being done,
Fall down, and Worship You, our Rising Sun.
But! -- -
10: As Devotes (of old) did use to stay
Below the Font, nor durst approach to lay
Their Duties on the Sacred Shrine, so I
(Not qualifi'd for the solemnity
Of Offering at Your Altar) stand at door,
15: And wish as much as they, who give you more.
  May You live long and happy, to improve
In Strangers, Envy; in Your Subjects, Love!
And marry'd may Your Computation run
Even, as Time; for every year a Son!
20: Until Your Royal Off-spring grow to be
The Hope, and Pride of all Posterity!
  May every Joy, and every choice Content,
Be trebled on You! and what e'er was meant
My Soveraign's care and trouble, may it prove
25: Quiet, and Calm, as are th'Effects of Love!
  Last, having liv'd a Patern of such worth,
As never any Age did yet bring forth,
Ascend to Heaven; where th'Eternal Throne
Crowns You with Grace, shall Grace You with a Crown.

HEN. BOLD olim Winton.

Thomas Forde
"Upon His Sacred Majesty";
Virtus Rediviva


   Titlepage: Virtus Rediviva / A Panegyrick / On our late / King CHARLES the I. &c / of ever blessed Memory. / ATTENDED, / With severall other Pieces from the / same PEN. / Viz.[bracketing I-IV] / I. A Theatre of Wits: Being a Col-/ lection of APOTHEGMS. / II. Fo/enestr... in Pectore: or a Century of / Familiar LETTERS. / III. Loves Labyrinth: a Tragi-comedy. / IV. Fragmenta Poetica: Or Poeticall / Diversions. / Concluding, with / A PANEGYRICK on His / Sacred Majesties most happy / Return. / [rule] / by T. F. / [rule] / Varietas delectat. / [rule] / Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for William Gran-/ tham, at the Sign of the Black Bear in St. Pauls / Church-yard neer the little North door; / and Thomas Basset, in St. Dunstans Church-/ yard / in Fleet-street. 1660. / [ruled box]

   A series of secondary titlepages then appear: the first of which is usually present in all copies of the 1661 "edition": VIRTUS REDIVIVA: / OR, A / PANEGYRICK / On the late / K. Charls the I. / Second Monarch / OF / GREAT BRITAIN / [rule] / By THO. FORDE. / [rule] / Honoris, Amoris, Doloris ergo. / Propositum est mihi Principem Laudare non Principis facta, nam / laudabilia multa etiam mali faciunt. Plin. Panegyric. in Trajan. [rule] / [design: rose, thistle, fleur-de-lys, harp] / LONDON, Printed by R. and W. Leybourn, for William / Grantham at the Black Bear in St. Pauls / Church-yard, neer the little / North Door. 1660.
Continuous signatures through the volume lead to the section titlepage which reads:

Fragmenta Poetica: / OR, / Poetical Diversions. / WITH / A PANEGYRICK / UPON HIS /SACRED MAJESTIE'S / Most happy Return, on the / 29. May, 1660. / [rule] / By THO. FORDE, Philothal. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by R. and W. Leybourn, for William / Grantham, and are to be sold at the Signe / of the Black Bear in St. Pauls / Church-yard. 1660.

   The Folger Library copy at WF 138401 contains frontispiece portrait of C1; "Printed by R. and W. Leybourn, for William Grantham at the Black Bear in St. Pauls Church-yard, neer the little North Door." Fragmenta Poetica is missing from this copy, which collates: tp-A4, pp. 1-27 (sigs A-C3), + C3-[D2]; unpaginated pages give: Oweni Epigr. in Regicidas (C3v), An Elegie on Charls the First, &c. (C4-[D1]), An Anniversary on Charls the First, &c. 1657 ([D1-D1v]), Second Anniversary on Charls the First, 1658 [signed T. F.] ([D2-D2v]). A manuscript version of the first twenty lines at O=Eng poet e.4(167) is dated "1672."

   Thomas Forde is not to be confused with the Devonian puritan divine of the same name, but there is no entry for our Forde in Woods or the DNB entry: Who was Thomas Forde???
other works include:
Lusus Fortunae: The Play of Fortune. Printed for R. L. 1649. LT E.1348(1) full title in RESTLIST; 7/96 -- a small 8to with pious meditations.

   BUT The Time's anatomiz'd in severall Characters. By T. F[ord, servant to Mr. Sam. Man.] London: Printed for W. L. 1647. The insertion is adopted from the ms interlineation in the LT copy; Hazlitt, Handbook p. 208. -- this is the other Thomas Ford, the Devonian puritan divine.

   Hazlitt and the NCBEL suggest that the brs Panegyrick signed "T. F." (cf file: FLAT) is by Ford, not Flatman: who said it was by Flatman?? Wing lists this as Flatman.

   The various reprintings of Forde's works during 1660, suggest that he was at some pains to make a name for himself as a writer.

   Forde dwells on the sufferings of the English during Charles's exile while blaming the parliamentary leaders. He praises Charles for being forgiving rather than vengeful.

[ornamental header]
Upon His Sacred Majesties
most happy Return, on the
29th. of May 1660.

AWake dull Muse, the Sun appeares,
Open thine eyes, and dry thy teares:
The Clouds disperse, and Sable night
Resignes to Charles his conquering light
5: Batts, Owles, and Night-birds flie away,
Chac'd by the beames of this bright day.
A day design'd by Destinie,
Famous to all Posteritie.
First for the birth of Charles, and now
10: 'Tis His Three Kingdoms Birth-day too,
Wee mov'd before, but knew not how,
We could not say we liv'd, till now.
Like Flies in Winter, so lay we,
In a dull, senceless Lethargie.
15: Toucht by his healing beames, we live,
His Presence 1 a new life doth give.
Each loyall heart strook by his Rayes,
Is fill'd with gratitude and praise.
Those Phaoetons who had got the Raine, 2
20: And needs would guide great Charles his Waine;
Have found their Folly in their Fate;
And Pho/ebus now assumes his State.
The Trees who chose a woodden King,
To be their shade and covering:
25: Whilst they injuriously decline
The fruitful Olive and the Vine
Consuming fire from the Bramble came;
They read their Folly by the Flame.
True Emblems of our giddy age,
30: Not rul'd by Reason, but by Rage:
The tayle would quarrel with the Head,
And no longer would be Led:
Th'inferiour Members soon give way,
And the Tayle must bear the sway,
35: Blind as it was, (to our 3 misery)
With many a Sting, but never an Eye.
Then were we drag'd through mire & stones,
Which bruisd our flesh, and brake our bones,
Our feet and Legs foundred and lame,
40: We saw our Folly in our Shame.
We praid, but no releif could find,
The Tayle was Deaf, as well as Blind:
Drums, Trumpets, Pulpits with their sound,
All our intreaties did confound;
45: Till pittying Heaven heard our cry,
And God vouchsafes, what men deny.
After a twelve years suffering,
Just Heaven Proclaims Great Charles our King:
Free (like Ulisses) from the harms
50: Of Forreign Syrens tempting charmes.
And now our Joyfull Land doth ring,
With I" P'an's to our King:
All England seemd One bonfire, Night
Seem'd to contend with Day for light.
55: For Bells our Kingdome hath been fam'd,
And the Ringing-Island nam'd:
More truly now, when every Bell
Aloud the joyful news doth tell.
That Charles is landed once again,
60: With Peace, and Plenty, in his Train.
No more shall brother brother kill,
Nor sonnes the blood of fathers spill:
No more shall Mars & Madness rage,
Peace shall bring back the Golden-age.
65: No more shall Loyalty be Treason,
Errour truth, and non-sence reason;
Nor will we sell our Liberty,
For a too-dear bought Slavery.
No more shall Sacriledge invade
70: The Church, nor Faction make a trade
Of Holy things; nor Gospel be
Lost in a law-less liberty.
No more hope we to see the time
When to be innocent's a crime.
75: No more, no more shall armed might
Though Wrong'd, o'recome the weaker Right.
Now shall all jarring discords be
Drown'd in the pleasing Harmony
Of peacefull lawes, whose stiller voice
80: Shall charme the Drum & Trumpets noise,
The Church shall be Triumphant, more
Than it was Militant before.
The withered Lawrell, and the Bayes
Revive to crown our happy dayes
85: These, and all other blessings we
Great and Good Charles, Expect from thee:
Whose Vertues were enough alone,
To give Thee Title to the Crown.
You Conquered without Arms, Your Words
90: Win hearts, better than others Swords.
Pardons are Your revenges, we
Joy in Your Boundless Victory.
What others use to do with blowes,
You by Forgiving kill your foes:
95: Your mercy doth your Sword reprieve,
And for their faults, You most do grieve.
Your Martyr'd Fathers charity
(His last and greatest Legacy)
You most do prize. Could we but tread
100: That pace of virtue which you lead,
How quickly should we all agree,
To live in Love and Loyalty!
Whilst others their rich Presents bring,
All I can give's GOD SAVE THE KING.


[1] Presence] Ptesence

[2] Compare Fairebrother's description of Parliament as Phaeton.

[3] was, (to our] was,,('to ur ä

[Denham, John],
The Prologue to his Majesty;
23 November

   Title: THE / PROLOGUE / TO HIS / MAJESTY / At the first PLAY presented at the Cock-pit in / WHITEHALL, / Being part of that Noble Entertainment which Their MAIESTIES received Novemb. 19. / from his Grace the Duke of ALBERMARLE. / [text] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for G. Bedell and T. Collins, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. 1660.

    Sir John Denham (1615-69) was appointed Surveyor-General of the King's Works at the Restoration, in which office he succeeded Sir Christopher Wren. Greenwich Palace and Burlington House are sometimes attributed to his influence. In 1665, he married his second wife, Margaret Brooke who shortly afterwards became mistress of the Duke of York. Her early death in 1667, aged only 20, started rumours that the Duchess of York had arranged for her to be poisoned. (Pepys companion)

    On the reopening of the theatres: At the Theatre Royal, Vere St, Thomas Killigrew's King's Company performed from 8 November until May 1663.

    Of the performance on Monday 19 November at the Cockpit in Whitehall (not to be confused with the Cockpit or Pit Court Theatre), Pepys reports on the following day: "this morning I found my Lord in bed late, he having been with the King, Queene, and Princesse at the Cockpitt all night, where Generall Monke treated them; and after supper, a play -- where the king did put a great affront upon Singleton's Musique, he bidding them stop and bade the French Musique play -- which my Lord says doth much out-do all ours."

At the first PLAY presented at the Cock-pit in
Being part of that Noble Entertainment which Their MAIESTIES received Novemb. 19.
from his Grace the Duke of ALBERMARLE.

GReatest of Monarchs, welcome to this place
Which Majesty so oft was wont to grace
Before our Exile, to Divert the Court,
And Ballance weighty Cares with harmless sport,
5: This truth we can to our advantage say,
They that would have no KING, would have no Play:
The Laurel and the Crown together went,
Had the same Foes, and the same Banishment:
The Ghosts of your 1 great Ancestors they fear'd,
10: Who by the art of conjuring Poets rear'd,
Our HARRIES & our EDWARDS long since dead
Still on the Stage a march of Glory tread:
Those Monuments of Fame (they thought) would stain
And teach the People to despise their Reign:
15: Nor durst they look into the Muses Well,
Least the cleer Spring their ugliness should tell;
Affrighted with the Shadow of their Rage,
They broke the Mirror of the times, the Stage;
The Stage against them still maintain'd the War,
20: When they debauch'd the Pulpit and the Bar.
Though to be Hypocrites, be our Praise alone,
'Tis our peculiar boast that we were none.
What er'e they taught, we practis'd what was true,
And something we had learn'd of honor too,
25: When by Your Danger, and our Duty prest,
We acted in the Field, and not in Jest;
Then for the Cause our Tyring-house they sack't,
And silenc't us that they alone might act;
And (to our shame) most dext'rously they do it,
30: Out-act the players, and out-ly the Poet;
But all the other Arts appear'd so scarce,
Ours were the Moral Lectures, theirs the Farse:
This spacious Land their Theater became,
And they Grave Counsellors, and Lords in Name;
35: Which these Mechanicks Personate so ill
That ev'n the Oppressed with contempt they fill,
But when the Lyons dreadful skin they took,
They roar'd so loud that the whole Forrest shook;
The noise kept all the Neighborhood in awe,
40: Who thought 'twas the true Lyon by his Pawe.
If feigned Vertue could such Wonders do,
What may we not expect from this that's true!
But this Great Theme must serve another Age,
To fill our Story, and Adorne our Stage.

LONDON, Printed for G. Bedell and T. Collins, at the
Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. 1660.

[1] your] ed following ms correction O, LT; their] O, LT;

Thomas Pecke
To The Most High and Mighty Monarch
[undated: late November]

Blackletter broadside.

   Titlepage: TO / The Most High and Mighty MONARCH, / Charles the II. / By the Grace of GOD, / King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, / Defender of the Faith: / THOMAS PECKE of the Inner Temple, Esq; / Wisheth an Affluence of both Temporal and / Eternal FELICITY; / And most humbly Devoteth this / Heroick Poem, / In Honour of His Majesties Establishment / in the Throne of His Ancestours. / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by James Cottrel. MDCLX.

    Born in 1637 in Norfolk, Thomas Pecke entered Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge on 3 October 1655, but left without taking a degree. He entered the Inner Temple on 22 June 1657 and was called to the bar 12 February 1664. He published an elegy to Cleveland in 1658, 1 and the next year published Parnassi Puerperium, 2 containing English verse translations of epigrams by John Owen (whom Woods called "the most noted Epigrammatist in the age he lived" AE 1:400), Martial and Sir Thomas More, together with "A Century of Heroick Epigrams." A portrait appears attached to some copies. (DNB)

    Pecke refers to: "The Nations Patron, hath pleas'd to confer / The honour of a Privy Counsellour, / On History: That Bosome-friend of time; / And Calculation, fit for every Clime" (lines 212-215) -- is this Raleigh?

    Dating: the reference to the performance of masques and plays (line 180) suggests that the poem was composed during November at the earliest. James Cottrel also published Clement Ellis.

[1] [Wing P1039a, BL unicum]

[2] Wing P1040, at LT, C, Lincolns Inn and US; unlisted O copy at Vet.A3.f.424.

[ornamenal border]
Ad celsis Majestatem Regis Britanni',

CArole Pell'us Juvenis tibi porrigat Herbam:

  Ne jactet Trabeas Roma superba feras.

Auxit Thyrsigeri rixosa Triph'a Tyranni
  'mathius: Mersa est sic sua Fama cado.
5: C'sar (Terrarum Dominus) fere vicit inermes;
  Nudos Majores; Terra Britanna tuos.
Carolus Angligenas validos patiendo subegit:
  Angligenas rabidos; Ille ferendo fugat.

[ornamental border]

Heroick Poem.

AM I intranc'd; or is it Plato's year;
For all things in their pristine shapes appear?
Time turns his Annals to that very Page,
Wherein is Chronicled the Golden Age.
5: Divine Astr'a, who was long since sent
By deprav'd Nature, into Banishment;
(Seeing her Elder Sister Mercy kneel
To Supreme Jove, that He the Wounds 3 would heal, chk
Which England owes to an Intestine Broil;
10: Where, seduc'd Zeal, gave Loyalty the Foil:)
Leapt from the Clouds, and did the blest News bring,
That, True Contrition should obtain a KING.
The stranger Justice, sent Post from the Skie;
Penia, and her Renegado's flie.
15: Detested Poverty avoids those Lands,
Where Justice, over Interest commands.
But as harsh Notes, make their Associates sweet;
Our Thoughts may by a sad Reflection meet
With those fierce Tempests, which did fall upon
20: The Cedars of our British Libanon.
A greater Wonder scarce saluteth Ears,
Then that of Men to diet with the Bears,
In unfrequented Groinland; till the Sun,
Did from the Goat, unto the Creafish run.
25: Come hither, Stoick, and thou shalt confess
It Torture, for to trace a Wilderness
Of twenty years Confusion; when the Laws
Were form'd in Cutlers Shops: and the GOOD CAUSE
Wanted a Catechresis to make out
30: Her Epithite: Though conversant about
The good Estates of Heroes: whom no frown,
Could force, or King, or Conscience to disown.
The Pope was curs'd for arrogating; We
To Peters gave Infallibility.
35: Who was the first Evangelist promulg'd
No Tribute due to C'sar. And indulg'd
Was Bradshaw, that remorseless Parricide;
Who Pilate in Bloud-guiltiness out-vi'd:
Fear nursed his Crime; but our Jew did cry,
40: Not out of Dread, but Malice, Crucifie.
Let not Alexis, and Menalcas 4 tell,
Black-Moondaies Eclipse 5 scorns a Parallel:
The fourth part of a Digit then was Light;
But on Black-Tuesday, was Black-Tuesday Night 6
45: Our Sun put on a Mask; no friendly Star
(But that which shin'd Ten Springs before the War,
In the Day-time;) gave leave to look for Hope:
Intrat Tyrannus; Freedom was the scope
The Vulgar levell'd at, and a Free State:
50: Permit them but the Name, the Thing they'l bate.
The man-headed Rabble was the Moon,
Eclips'd our Sun; and made a glorious Noon,
Cover its white skin with a Midnight vail:
For the old Serpent, was the Dragons Tail;
55: And a pretended Parliament, the Head:
Hic sita est: Great Britain here lies dead.
So Rancour, in a Regal Trag'dy:
Summ'd up the Total of Mans misery.
And thorny Satyrs, can no further tax
60: Than this: Their King felt the Rebellious Ax.
For when the fatall Arrow strikes the Hart,
In vain do Rascal Deer, complain of smart.
It was lost labour for poor Cavaliers
To exclaim, Billows, wash'd ore head and ears;
65: Suppose they escap'd drowning, 'twas enough:
If not praise-worthy, to insulting Buff.
For if the Laws do Anarchy resist,
An half-blind Cobler may act what he list.
But newly-wean'd Experience, verifies,
70: When 'sops Fox free-quarter'd the old Flies,
That he was prudent. Doubtless some have found,
Ship-money, and an hundred thousand pound
Per mensem for to differ. Who were nice
To give Necessity; serv'd Avarice.
75: Stupendious Rome, split not upon the Rocks
Of a Free State; till Sol the 'quinox
Four hundred Ninety times had kiss'd: But Fate
Lop'd off in Three years the Decemvirate.
And the State remain'd spurious; until she
80: Chose Julius C'sar PATER PATRI' 7
Who brought her Scepter beyond the extent
Of Latium; and the Gauls large continent.
Augustus by adoption was his Heir;
Who rather seem'd to build, than to repair
85: The Worlds chief City. Thus doth MONARCHIE,
Empires enlarge, and Cities beautifie.
What if the Monster Nero would destroy
Mount Palatine, 8 to Act the flames of Troy?
And to make sure he should begin the List
90: Of Tyrants; turn'd wretched Anatomist?
Yet still the Rule is valid. Romans now
To an Usurpers Sword their Necks did bow.
Co/elestial Justice, aptly punish'd thus
The Treason, to their Prince Britannicus;
95: The Legal Heir. Suffer proud Rome to burn:
A murder'd KING, deserves A sumptuous Urn.
A Bargain then, Phanatick Sophister!
You shall quote NERO: I'll vouch OLIVER.
How Rampant were the English Lyons, when
100: Third Edward, and his Son seem'd more than Men?
Arithmetick the Number can't comprize
Of French Gallants, who had their Elegies,
Pen'd by the Grey Goose Wing: when streined Yewe
Made charging Horses, and their Riders rue.
105: By scarsity, Fifth Henry did enhance
The Gentries value, in lamenting France.
And our fore-Fathers, under the command
Of Co/eur' de Lyon, snatch'd the Holy Land
From the provoking Turk. A Virgin Queen
110: Was too Athletick, for the Spanish spleen,
To hurt with Melancholy fumes. Her Drake,
Was Draco Volans; and did undertake
To conquer the Invincible Half Moon:
Whose Face put on a Scarlet Hue, as soon
115: As the Fire-Ship approach'd; which made some swear
That Purgatories place was found: for there
Was Flames; Howlings; and to augment the Pain,
They thought t'Enslave; but wore themselvs the Chain.
Thus the Realm flourish'd under Regal Power:
120: Yet Edward did contrive the fatal Hour,
Of his weak Father. And Henry, when Prince,
Was branded with such Crimes, as might evince
Defect of Morals. And her Sister Scot,
Cast on Elisa, an Eternal Blot.
125: But not one Blemish could a Mortal finde,
In our Late KING; That Darling of Mankinde:
A sober Ethnick is compell'd to think,
Curtius deserving, when he clos'd the chink,
Threatning his Countries Ruine: Though to save
130: The Multitude, He found an hasty Grave.
How much are truly Pious bound to prize
His Memory, who for Religion, dies?
Who chooseth rather to become a Prey;
Then free-born Subjects Liberty betray?
135: CHARLES shall be Sainted: who hath overcome
Envies Armado, by a Martyrdom.
But as inspired Socrates had Health,
When an Infection reap'd the Commonwealth
Of Athens; 'cause his stomach was so clean,
140: It did not know what crudities might mean:
So select souls, in Europes greatest Isle,
Would not admit Rebellion to defile
Or Words, or Actions; being not opprest
In mind with Prejudice, or Interest.
145: Some despicable Youngsters did combine,
With the notorious Villain Catiline,
To kill their common Mother: But the chief
Of Orators, perswaded quick Relief.
The Optimates, and such Magistrates,
150: As could vaunt Images, shew fair Estates.
Guarded the Publick: And themselves thereby,
From loss of Fortune; gain of Infamy.
In the Engagements of late time, though some
Good eyes, were cheated with the Medium
155: Of candied Remonstrance; (whilst men be,
'Tis possible they trip on Frailty)
Yet no legitimate Nobility,
Or who had Badges of Gentility,
Border'd with Vertue, Mantled with Pretence,
160: Cordial, and upright; ever could dispence
With dutiful Allegiance: Or did rend
The Ermin Robes, for a base private end.
Whom Errour misled, are turn'd Proselytes;
And a desire that's National, invites
165: Secular Hereticks, for to comply;
Not to draw stakes; but in sincerity.
Is it not time to quit an head-strong Rage,
When our Convulsions have attain'd full Age?
And have not we Years of Discretion? See
170: Discrepant Factions, in a Third agree;
In CHARLES the GREAT, or Second of that Name:
And the Third MONARCH, married TWEED to THAME.
Natures Musitians in the Air, employ
Their slender Throats, as ecchoes to Mans Joy.
175: Flora, in the Kings Colours takes delight:
And wears a Tulip, PURPLE; GREEN; and WHITE.
The Halcyon never used to appease
Tempestuous Seas, till setting Pleiades
Usher'd the Winter; Now she brings fair daies;
180: And Neptune Tethys treats, with Masques and Playes.
The scaly Regiments all Muster there,
Except the Meermaid; hindred by a fear
Of meeting Princely Dolphins; who would carp,
At their supporting of the Cross and Harp:
185: And justly might with rigidness reprove,
Prompted by Honour, and Arions Love;
Whose Instrument was strook with Jollity;
When Englands Face resembled Niobe.
Doth the profound Philosopher desire,
190: To see the pure, and unconsuming Fire,
Which neighbours on the Moon; let him mount high
His eyes, when Londons bone-fires roost the Skie,
And what is voyc'd invisible he'll see;
And quarrell at the Aires Triplicity
195: Of Regions; since the Fire is next to Earth:
Thoughts of this kind have scarcely atchieved Birth,
But the Moncks powder thunders; lightens; now,
The Middle doth disseise the Fire; and Low.
Thus in amazement, arguing from hence,
200: An unbelieving Sceptick doth commence.
FIRE, AIR, EARTH, WATER, in a Chorus sing
Ships are our Forts. Our Pilot's not to learn
(And that without a Trope) to hold the Stern.
205: Three Languages made any heretofore,
A Prodigy: Our Gracious Lord speaks more.
But in a strict sense, Words no more comprise
Of worth, than Parrets prating signifies;
Or File of Cyphers, which are nothing all;
210: Unless a Figure make Numerical.
The Nations Patron, hath pleas'd to confer
The honour of a Privy Counsellour,
On History: That Bosome-friend of time;
And Calculation, fit for every Clime.
215: This shews, King Codrus gave his life to buy
Athens, a controverted Victory.
If C'sars justly mannag'd Axe, and Rodds;
C'sars liv'd Happy: were at death made Gods.
Because the bloud of Innocents was spilt;
220: Domitian was broke on the Wheel of Guilt.
In sport LYSANDERS Thirty Bloud-hounds kill:
No Laws are cruel; if compar'd to WILL.
What Factions root up Kingdoms, she relates:
What Lapses, depose mighty Potentates.
225: A Ruler without History is blind.
Self-love, will be industrious not to find
A Parasites deceptions; or do Right,
Unless a Bribe bespeaks a FAVORITE.
I purposely omit the Title Just:
230: Not to judge that, is bottomless distrust.
All Ethicks is an Inmate to the Man,
Whom study dubs compleat Historian.
His Active valour was at WORCESTER shown:
His Passive to the Universe is known.
235: But as an Eagle, credits common Fowl;
And brittle Bodies, have an high-born Soul;
So may we in Renowned CHARLES behold
A radiant Jewel, in recited Gold.
RELIGION adorns VERTUE: Kingdoms Three,
240: Require in Graces 'quipollency.
When Subjects fail'd; His Faith rely'd upon
The Verdict of twelve gloomy years, attest
Hope the Consort, of his couragious Breast.
245: And who enquires after his CHARITY,
Cannot deride CORVINUS MEMORY.
Did he FORGIVE? As if it were a Task,
Too scratching for an Enemy to ask;
MERCY was profer'd; which did circumvent
250: An unsophisticated PARLIAMENT,
By a devout Prolepsis. For which Fame
An Obelisk shall build to his Great Name.
Add to these, CONSTANCY; a splendid Gemme,
That darts its Lustre through the Diadem.
255: The Romish Church, (though she held out her Armes)
Could not entice Him, by the potent Charmes
Of profuse Promises; and did invade
His Resolves, with the Loyola Brigade.
A Ship at Anchor, the Seas Wrath out braves:
260: Slighting the fury of rebounding Waves.
Or as a Faithful Garrison, counts trash
Smooth Agitations of th' Assailants Cash.
What if the Blockers up, (when GOLD shall fail)
Showres down Bravadoes in revengeful Hail?
265: His two-edg'd Machination proves in vain:
Here a Good Cause, undaunted Hands maintain.
So our FAITHS Standard-Bearer, stood his Ground:
When GIFTS, when SOPHISTRY, begirt him round.
A Black stone streak'd with White, (which Authors call
270: Agathos) frees from all Terrestrial
Dangers, and Discontents; and it exempts
From Loss, and Detriment in all Attempts.
The Black stone is Affliction; the white Veines,
Are Souls, she scours from Unrepented staines.
275: This is the Shield repulsing Mortal Sins,
And gross Imprudence; who so wears her, wins
ALL PALMS. The Earth, as knowing how to use:
And Heaven it self; by watching lest he lose.
This strickt Lyc'um, CHARLES did educate:
280: Who is in Tribulation GRADUATE.
And Scholars know, twelve years Non-Regency
Will make a DOCTOR of DIVINITY:
Kind Providence hath bless'd us with a King:
Whose Aristotle, was his Suffering.
285: Fancy a wealthy Mariners return
From Sun-burnt India, whose watry Urn,
Rumour had long since form'd; view how his Wife
Starts at the surprize of a dubious Life:
And hardly reconciling HOPE, and FEARS; 9
290: She wafts him to her LIPS, in joyous TEARES. 10
Great Sir! your espous'd Kingdom, fear'd the Crown
Should fall into Distractions Gulf, and drown;
When Pikes, and Bandaliers, were the sole Helm:
And many thousand Centaurs, steer'd the Realm.
295: But when you came within few Leagues of PORT;
Her Prayers went your Harbingers to Court.
And in proportion to that solemn rate:
The Heliconian Nymphs, Congratulate.
Nor shall stout MONCK, seek his Arrears of Praise;
300: Let Gratitude, cut down a Grove of Bayes,
To Crown his Head: who without Angry word,
Did braver Exploits than ACHILLES SWORD.
Grass covers not the top of Royal Mines:
Nor should Words Fly-blow exquisite designs.
305: Counsel (like Essence) expects stopping well:
Or bid Adieu to the perfuming smell.
Moyst APRIL shall attend on florid MAY.
Whose EIGHT, thy Worth enstall'd St Georges day.
And since from Alli'd SCOTLAND you came forth,
310: The PROVERB'S outlaw'd: Good comes from the North.
Lift up thy Head, old Worcester! and confess
Horrour the Epilogue of Wickedness.
Though thou wert blasted with a jealous eye:
A Plaudit now attends thy LOYALTY.
315: For dutiful endeavours, unto this
May be subjoyn'd the fam'd Metropolis.
Whose DAGGER to the BACK-SWORD rendring place;
Great want of TRADING gave REPENTANCE space.
It was full time to beg a REGAL TOUCH:
320: When this Kings-Evill did afflict so much.
Have ye not seen an Infant, Fat and Fair;
Whilest to his Mothers Milk he might repair:
Commit him to a STEPDAMES cruel care,
His Cheeks grow hollow; and his Jaw-bones bare.
325: In a good Mood, she may allow him Meat:
But Tears shall moysten what the poor Child eat.
To hide her shame, she will afford fine Cloaths:
Lest Prints of Stripes, and Pinches shew, she Loaths.
Hunger, and Thirst, nay Blows, can't satiate:
330: Unless his Father be induc'd to Hate.
CHARLES with maternal Care, kept LONDON plump:
But O the Claws, of the Novercal RUMP.
Know thy felicity; be fix'd at length:
RELAPSES conquer half consumed Strength.
335: That ever thou Apostatiz'd, is Strange:
Since the word Royal, comes before Exchange.
'Tis Perseverance onely can advance:
The Crown, the Crown's, thy Cap of Maintenance.
Rouse Understanding! Manacle my Sence;
340: Demonstrate how a swift Intelligence,
Acteth his distinct Orb: with what Tube shall
I gaze upon an Immaterial?
But let not Curiositie, be bold
To disturb Spirits; since it may behold
345: Sublimer Objects: And will then prefer
For wise Intelligences, WESTMINSTER.
In that most grave Assembly, every Man
Is to his Sphere, An Angel Guardian:
Our Balsam dropt not from the Major Part;
350: Three hundred Members, had a single Heart.
The Commons vote; Assent flies from the Lords:
Time was not spent in nicities of Words.
Sixty the Golden Number, hence shall be:
Your Speaker, Fame; your Rolls, Eternitie.
355: THE KING ENJOYS HIS OWN; sing Civil State!
And let the Clergie say; MAGNIFICAT.


[3] Wounds OW; check cap

[4] clearly so, but is it typo for Menaleas?

[5] 1652. Mar. 29.

[6] 1648. Jan. 30

[7] PATRI'] PATRI' all copies, both states

[8] Palatine,] Palatine:, copytext, both states



Part XII. Approaching the Coronation, December 1660-April 1661

"In the eight Kings reign"
verses from
The Strange and Wonderfull Prophesie.
14 December

   Titlepage: verses in: The Strange and Wonderfull / PROPHESIE / OF / DAVID Cardinal / OF / FRANCE, / Touching His Sacred Majesty / King Charles II. / DESCRIBING / The manner how part thereof hath been / already fulfilled, And also foretelling what shall happen / in the Kingdom of England for the space of / three hundred years yet to come. / [rule] / Newly translated out of the French Chronicles into English, but never / suffered to be put to publick view till this present. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. C. for S. R. and are to be sold near the Royal Exchange / in Cornhill, 1660

    This is a short prose tract containing the embedded poem below, which is followed by the explanatory prose note which I have included. Curiously, the tract ends with a "prose" version of Sadler's Majestie Irradiant.

    Reverse italics throughout.

In the eight Kings reign Englands race shall cease,
And to the second turn to have a settled Peace,
Which in the second King, shall for a while decay,
Yet by a MONCK, his Issue banisht shall bear sway.
And then the Lilly, Thistle, Rose in one shall joyn,
And subvert all, who shall against them combine.
When 160 Fore-fathers shall have left
Their Country, then their Son of it shall be bereft,
And put to flight, until a valiant warlike Monck
shall come and help -- -- -- [sic

Which more plainly take thus, viz,
Charles Mighty Monarch shall the C. begin
After whose death a Tyrant C. comes in,
By will and force, he shall a while bear sway
Nothing but blood his fury will allay.
But yet this hundred and his crooked Race,
Shall like Usurpers, turn out from the place
Of Honour, as they will deserve indeed,
And next the L for fifty will succeed,
And for a time shall boldly dominier
Until the thousand in the North appear.
Then Neptune's left, and by a Monck so bold,
Who doth appear this Riddle to unfold.
Right shall have right, for in a little space
A hundred shall be of the hundred's race.
The Monck then joyns, in spight of all his foes,
The exil'd Thistle to the happy Rose.
Who shall in peace (these Nations free from 1 fears)
Govern in safety for three hundred years.

   This prophesie hath been fuliflled in part in our age, as for the first hundred, it was King Charles the first of blessed memory, after the cruel murther committed on him, came in that usurping tyrant Cromwel, whose name began with a hundred, he tyranizeed for a time over them that install'd him, by cropping off the head of the Thistle and the Rose, the next after him the half hundred for a while opposed the thousand, as appeared by Lamberts withstanding that happy Gen. the Lord Monck Duke of Albermarle, who gathered the Thistle and the Rose presenting it to the Last hundred, which is his sacred Majesty Charles the second, whose Royal Issue (as is plain by this Prophesie) shall govern this Kingdom in peace for three hundred years.

[1] from] froms copytext

Giles Duncombe
A Counter-Blast to the Phanaticks
after 24 December

   Check the "Gulielmus Duncombe" who wrote Latin verses to Charles in the Cambridge volume at sigs. G2v-G3, signing himself as of "Coll. Regal. Soc." ie Kings College

    Since Duncombe's poem was composed after the deaths of both Prince Henry (13 September) and Mary, Charles's sister (24 December, 1660), the "phanaticks" of the title are, presumably, those involved in the conspiracy that came to be known as "White's Plot" of December: see C. H. Hells Master-piece discovered.

   Duncombe has some claims upon being considered an early Augustan. The English Augustan style often found its early models in the religious satires and political poetry written during the first Civil War (Doody 198?). See the headnote to Scutum Regale.

   These disorganized couplets recall Cowley's "Satire Against the Separatists" and the anti-sectarian passages of The Civil War.

Those Prodigious Catter-pillers, Hatcht by the Jesuits, whose Father is the DEVIL,
and God-Father the POPE.
On their last Insurrection against the Life of his most Sacred MAJESTY, CHARLES the
Second, KING of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.

HOw? the Phanaticks sway? they stab the King!
Dam'nd fools! could they imagine such a thing?
Then, sprats shall conquer whales, the guilty Owle,
The Eagles, and the Mice shall Lyons rule.
5: Courage my friends, Phanaticks, like Venus mole,
Doe add a lustre to a Loyall soule.
Like Wisps, which scoure better Vessels, They
Doe brush our sinns, and then are cast away.
They are but sauce to sweeter meat; by their
10: Vices, more pleasing our Virtues are:
Spawned by Belzebub, brought up from Hell,
In Christ his Name, Christianity to Quell:
King Jesus they are for, (so th'damned Crew,
That Murther'd him, was for King Jesus too)
15: Fond Bedlams! what! could they think that Heaven,
Would taint the world with Phanatick leaven?
That Christ would be Crown'd, King, and Soveraigne,
By'th'wicked, silly, base Phanatick Traine?
Are these St. John's, to cry, make straight the way,
20: And in the mean time Murther, Kill and Slay?
Think they, that God, his servant Charles would save
From Tyrant Oliver's, and grander Rebels grave?
To give him up, to such poor Mirmydons, as these,
Whose very looks would breed a new Disease.
25:   Away, vile brood of Hereticks, go tell,
Your master Jesuits (those Imps of Hell)
That force of Gun-powder 1 could not destroy,
Nor hurt, the sacred line of Charles le Roy:
Much less such Schismaticks, as you; whose race
30: Is unto Dunn?, and Tyburne a disgrace. 2
But, why should I blurr paper with such blots
Of impudence, the Kingdoms pest, and spots;
Dreggs of the baser sort, whose only fame,
Is to act wickedness, in God's good Name?
35: My Muse, abjure such Dunghill birds, as they,
And leave them to infernal Hawkes a prey.
Behold! your gracious King! whom I am sent,
To give all honest Israelites content:
The Royal line! and their mirac'lous fate!
40: These, these, are best for thee to Celebrate.
'Tis true, two branches of the Royal Oake,
Are past 3 to Heaven by the Fatall stroak
But three remaine; thus God doth grace,
Both Men and Angels with the Royal race.
45: Phanaticks judge their death a curse for sin, why?
Because for sin 'tis that Phanaticks dye,
Yet sure, if none but sinners dye, why fade
Phanatick Saints? for what was heaven made?
But cease my daring Muse; the very word
50: Phanatick, makes a true man draw his sword:
'Tis able to hatch Witches, nay make Pluto
Doubt where he's the greatest divel, or no:
He's a single Devil, but in this one,
Phanaticks, dwell more then a Legion.
55: 'Tis sins Epitome, of ignorance the summe
Of Evils genus generallissimum.
Like Sampsons Forces by the tail, All sin,
And sects do joyn in a Phanatick's skin:
Phanatick, and not be poysomned, to quote,
60: A man had need first drink an Antidote.
But since such Vermin hang, and Charles doth Reign,
I'le sing the praise of my Dread Soveraigne:
Who thought a Prince disguis'd, or sun 'ith clouds,
He sojourned a while with forreign Crouds:
65: Yet now his Own have Owned him their King,
All Nations to his grace shall homage bring.
Kings, nay victory it self, shall deem it pride,
To be made subject unto such a guide:
His presence is a heaven, in him's the summe,
70: Of all our hopes, past, present, and to come:
Comparisons by him get a degree,
For he is greater then, he greatest, He
Hath made the Gods seem impotent, for they
Can't give us greater blisse, then Charls his ray:
75: Nor Rider's words, 4 nor Tulli's Eloquence,
Can half expresse his grand magnificence,
Hee's more then Men or Angels can rehearse,
The face and Pha/enix of the universe.

In briefe.
He doth as farre Excell all men in Piety,
80: As the Phanaticks doe in Villany.

Giles Duncombe of the Inner Temple Gent.
   Author of Scutum Regale, the Royall
Buckler. Or, Vox Legis, a Lecture
to Traytors.

London, Printed Anno Dom. 1660.

[1] Gunpowder treason.

[2] see TR. The Royall Subjects Warning-piece to all Traytors:
"You must to Squire Dun / except [?] repent."

[3] Since the Restauration

[4].úúPresumably a reference to Thomas Rider's, The Black Remembrancer For the Year of our Lord God, 1661. Containing divers remarkable Things, profitable and necessary to be known by all sorts of persons (London, Printed by Tho, Johnson, in the Year of Restauration). Thomason dated his copy on Monday, 8 October [LT 669.f.26(18)]. It lists the judges at the trial of Charles I, those who gave evidence, the various lord mayors of London and the Major Generals, Cromwell's privy council and those exempted from pardon by the Act of Indempnity, together with various astrological dates.

C. H.
Hells Master-piece discovered
late December

    Blackletter broadside.

    Throughout the summer and autumn, government efforts to secure the realm by disbanding the army while searching for leading radicals had proceeded cautiously. "In December, however, it increased tension by publicizing the so-called "White's Plot," said to be a plan by former soldiers to seize the capital" (Hutton 1985: 136).

    This ballad offers a version of those events and presumably appeared during the final days of December. Early that month, Major Thomas White, who had served in the army since 1648, attempted to bribe a porter at the gate to Whitehall; the porter told Monck and White was arrested. Investigation showed that White had earlier conspired to assasinate Monck and "pull the king from his throne" by Christmas (Greaves 1986: 35). Lists of possible confederates were discovered in his chambers and, on 15 December, further arrests of former army radicals were ordered in and around London. Of more than forty men arrested, only sixteen were detained, including Major-General Robert Overton, former commander in Scotland. When Pepys arrived at Whitehall on the 16th, he was "surprized with the news of a plott against the King's person and my Lord Monkes." He visited the Tower "where I heard [Overton] deny that he is guilty of any such things, but that whereas it is said that he is found to have brought many armes to towne, he says it was only to sell them, as he will prove by oath" (1:318-9). Although caches of weapons were indeed discovered, proof of an organized uprising was hard to establish and many of those arrested were quickly released for lack of evidence. Meanwhile, fear had spread to provincial areas leading to investigations of linked conspiratorial activities in Lincoln, York, Hull, Wiltshire, Essex, Leicester and elsewhere (Greaves 1986: 37). In Edinburgh, city authorities required residents to report the names of all guests. Back in London, a proclamation issued on the 17th required all former soldiers to stay at least twenty miles away from London and Westminster, while Clarendon made much of rumours linking the plot with Lambert and Ludlow. "In a speech to the Convention on 29 December, [Clarendon] blamed the plot on discontent arising from the regicide's execution. . . . Ludlow, he averred, was expected to lead the fanatics" (Greaves 1986: 39). But Ludlow had already fled to Europe. "What the authorities unearthed was no organized plot, no insurrection planned for a specific time with designated leaders, but a growing number of disenchanted men who had begun to gather weapons and explore possibilities for an uprising" (Greaves 1986: 39).

    See: Rugg 132 for his view of the affair, which is also reported in Parliamentary Intelligencer (10-17 December), (17-24 Dec), (24-31 Dec), Mercurius Publicus 51 (13 -- 20 December), 53 (20-27 Dec), 54 (27 Dec-3 Jan), and Kingdomes Intelligencer (31 Dec-7 Jan)

    And see Duncombe's Counter-blast to the Phanaticks

Hells Master-piece discovered:
Or Joy and Sorrow mixt together.

Being a breife and true Relation of the Damnable Plot, of those
invetrate Enemies of God, and the King; who intended to a mixt
our Joy for the Nativitie of Christ, with the blood of the King,
and his faithfull Subjects.
Being a fit Carrall for Royallist to sing,
That alwaies fear God, and honour the King.
To the Tune of, Sommer Time.

YOu Loyall Subjects all give eare,
unto my sad and joyfull Song;
A true Relation you shall heare,
For unto you it doth belong.

5: The Devill and his Instruments,
hath long been Plotting night and day,
For to destroy both King and Church,
& now they thought they had found ye way,

They would cut down both Root & Branch
10: and all the Shrubs that doth belong,
About our Royall Garden plot,
as Fences to our Leader strong.

The chiefe Ring-leader of this Plot,
is Mazarine as I do understand,
15: The chiefest Enemie to our King,
when bloody Cromwell rul'd this Land.

These Saint like Devils would bring in
the French or who they else could find,
To ruine King and Kingdome too,
20: for to revenge their bloody mind.

For in this Plot they did intend,
by fire and Sword to make their way,
Throughout the City to the Court,
and all they meet for to destroy.

25: They would a saved the King they say,
but make him yeild unto their will,
To Sign or Grant what they desired,
or else be sure they would him kill.

The Queen, the Duke, and Proginie,
30: and General Monck should all a dyed,
With most of the Nobility,
and all the Royall part beside.

Those that they Caveliers did call,
but little mercy should have found,
35: And I believe that for their King,
their herts with swords both fals to ground.

I hope theres none that now wears swords
for to defend his Majestie,
If ever he should in danger be,
40: For quarter now they scorn to cry.

The number in this Devilish Plot,
it is not known, nor cannot be,
But seventeen thousand as tis thought,
should first begin this Masacree.

45: No doubt but desperate they'd been,
if God had let them in't alone,
And thus those Saints, they call themselvs
by blood would make the Land their own

The second Part, to the same Tune.

THis Devilish Plot was carried on,
50: tis thought in all the Kingdome round,
So secret are they, now 'tis known
not many of them yet are found.

A Porter at first discovered all,
which once was Servant unto White,
55: Which White was Major since of Foot,
at Portsmouth nere the Isle of Wight.

He did belong to Morley 1 too,
that kept the Tower a little while,
What side they'r for ther's none doth know
60: for every side they did beguile.

All the Grand Rebels of the Land,
which many thought was o're in France,
Was here in London as tis thought,
this Hellish Plot for to advanse.

65: There's Ludlow, Whaley, and Baxter too,
with Okey & Hewson that single ey'd theif
With the Devil of the west cal'd Disbrow,
and Overton these were the chiefs.

But Overton and Disborow's tooke,
70: and both are safe enough in hold;
Squier Dun never fears to charge them all
for all they think themselves so bold.

There's thousands in this Land I feare,
to whom the King doth mercy shew;
75: They are resolved for to be hang'd,
whether his Grace he will or no.

Examples you see every day,
on most the Gates here in the City,
Now you have hang'd your Masters up,
80: Dun vowes on you hee'l take no pitty.

And if you'r troubled still (he saith)
with the greedy worm still in your brains,
Hee'l ease you on't in half an houre,
or else have nothing for his pains.

85: But as your Friend I do desire
You'd pray to God to guid your hearts,
To fear the Lord and love your King,
and then you'l act true Subjects parts.

If God had not reveal'd this Plot,
90: a bloody Christmass had befell,
Then civily pray drink on pot,
to one we oft for to love well.

The Porter tis, who under God,
preserv'd the King, and all his Peers,
95: Be sure hee'l never be forgot,
by honest Royall Caveliers.

C. H.

A List of the Trators Names.

    Robert Overton formerly called Major Generall Overton, Francis Elstone, John Disborow formerly Collonel, John Hargrass, El. Hunt, Gabriel Hopkins, Wil. Kirk, Fran. Booth, C. Bagster, C. Babinton, W. Wright, Anthony Barnshaw, Thomas Millard, Tobias Hill, Rich. Dilling, Peter Thompson, Tho. Simcock, Frederick Barnwel, Ric. Danie, Ric. Shoopel, John Lucan, W. Howard, Tho. Nicols, Henry Limrick, Francis Gavill, Henry Simboll, James Eglefield, Jeffery Hookins, Sam. Jepp, Isaac Benton, Rich. Young, John Steward, John Ward, Tho. Butler, Rich. Glover, George Thomas, James Sanford, Ro. Parker, Rich. Burt,John Decks, Owen Davis.

London, Printed for Francis Grove dwelling on Snowhill.

[1].úúColonel Herbert Morley; seeGreaves 1986 and Hutton 1984

John Boys
"Epigram" from
'neas His Descent into Hell
p. 229 [sig Gg2]
30 December

   Titlepage: 'NEAS / HIS / DESCENT / INTO / HELL: / As it is inimitably described by the / Prince of Poets in the sixth / of his 'NEIS. / [rule] / Made English by JOHN BOYS of Hode-Court, Esq; / [rule] / Together with an ample and learned Comment upon the same, / wherein all passages Criticall, Mythological, Philoso-/ phical and Historical, are fully and clearly explained. / To which are added some certain Pieces relating to the / Publick, written by the Author. / [rule] / Invia virtuti nulla est via. -- -- -- Ovid. Met / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Henry Brome / at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1661. / [ornamental box]

    By his own account, at least, John Boys was among those who took an active part in the final preparations for the king's return. On Tuesday 24 January, just as Monck was reaching Northampton where he received a petition calling for the return of the secluded members, Boys claims to have delivered a speech before the mayor in the Town Hall at Canterbury on behalf of Kent and the City of Rochester calling for a Free Parliament; a transcript of that speech is included in 'neas His Descent (pp. 218-20). This was not an entirely safe thing to do; on Tuesday 7 February, the day after Monck addressed the Commons, several individuals who had petitioned the general or parliament were arrested (Davis 1955: 277). Boys also prepared a speech that he had been planning to deliver to the king at Dover "but forasmuch as he was prevented therein by reason his Majesty made no stay at all in that Town" he had to be content with publishing it (ibid. pp. 226-28).

    Check Oxenden letters for Boys and place seeking during May; p. 232,

    Boys published annotated translations of books 3 and 6 of the Aeneid; 'neas His Errours, or his Voyage from Troy into Italy. An Essay upon the Third Book of Virgils 'neis (London, Printed by T. M. for Henry Broome, at the gun in Ivy-lain, 1661) 1 and 'neas His Descent which treats book 6. 'neas His Descent is dedicated to Edward Hide, who was already Lord High Chancellor at the time the volume appeared; 'neas His Errours is dedicated to his son, Lord Viscount Cornbury and was evidently published second since Boys writes of "the more then merited recpetion my late Essay upon this great Author found with your greater Father . . . hath encouraged me to continue my Addresses to the same Family" (sig A2v).

   'neas His Descent also contains dedicatory poems by Charles Fotherby and Thomas Philipott.

    Both of Boys's volumes invite readers to make the obvious connections between the Virgilian hero and the newly installed king of England. In his commentary to 'neas His Errours, Boys insists that it is the prophetic nature of Virgil's epic that has been fulfilled rather than that he has falsified the original to make the application. He reminds us:

it was not, Reader, the ultimate end of our Poet, in this precendent Poem, barely to deliver the story of 'neas his Errours, or Perigrination from Troy into Italy, with those Accidents which befell him therein. . . . No: our wise Authour had a more covert and mysterious design; and, in this wel-built fabric of his gives us the full prospect of a well-order'd Commonwealth, with all the integral parts thereof; which whilest we endeavour to make out, let not the Reader passe sentence upon us, as guilty of perverting or violating the sense or meaning of our Authour, whose constant manner it is, to have a more remote drift, then what is perceptible to the eye of every vulgar Reader (pp. 52-3).

   Since the action of Aeneid 3 largely takes place on board a ship, Boys has no difficulty inferring that the entire book is an allegory of the commonwealth -- the "integral parts" are Prince Aeneis himself, the Council, the Minister of State, and finally the people (p. 53). Boys glosses each in turn, spending some while on the Prince's piety, wisdom and valour (pp. 54-7). Having done so, Boys changes his addressee from the "reader" in general to the king. "And, now," he writes,

most gracious Soveraign, it is not that I have wrested this Character, in delivering things otherwise, then they are represented by our Authour in the precedent Poem, that, I might direct this Application to your Royal Self: No, should I therefore compare your Majesty with our 'neas, in those three princely qualifications, none could truly object to me either force or flattery. (p. 57)

   Once he has specified Charles's pietry, wisdom and valour, Boys illustrates how a line or two from Virgil's Latin could be taken out of context and made to fit present circumstances. "Here then as the same Poet speaks in the person of Anchises concerning his 'neas in this very book, let us, as prophetically, I hope affirm and conclude, (changing one word) concerning your Sacred Majesty.

Hic Carolina domus Cunctis dominabitur oris,
Et nati natorum, & qui nascentur ab illis:
Great Charles his house, with those who thence descend,
Here far and near its Empire shall extend." (pp. 60-61)
This use of Virgil's text for purposes of divination -- the sortes Virgiliana -- was well established long before the Restoration. Charles I was reported to have consulted the Aeneid for its oracular qualities.

    The flyleaf of the BL copy is signed "Wm Amherst," dated "Novemb: 1660" and priced "3s-0d": the WF copy is priced 1s 4d. Despite the titlepage dating of 1661, Boys's translation evidently appeared late in the previous year -- Thomason dated his copy on 30 December -- and it dutifully includes verses lamenting the death of Prince Henry (pp. 214-15) [in WF, CS and L copies] on Thursday, 13 September.

    Compare: [M. Atkins?] Cataplus: or, Aeneas his Descent into hell. A mock poem in imitation of the sixth book of Virgils Aeneis; copies in O at Harding C 3320; G. Pamph.1273 (4)

    The following epigram appears on p. 229 (Sig. Gg2). Since it is so short, I have also included the Latin version.

[1] Wing V621; L,O,C; CH, NP


Si dives, Rex magne, esset mihi vena Mar"nis,
Si fo/elix vatum principis ingenium,
Ipse fores meus 'neas, titulisq; superbis
Te ornarem, Her"i quos dedit ille suo.

Had I, Great Monarch, Maro's divine spirit,
Or did the Prince of Poets wit inherit,
You should be my 'neas, and what He
His Heroe gave, to you ascrib'd should be.
  Your most humble and obscure,
     but withal most faithful and
       obedient Vassal
       John Boys.

SANCTE PATER -- -- -- -- -- -- Val. Flacc. Argon.I.1
[final tag found in WF; but also in Brome edition at OW, L]

Henry Oxenden
Charls Triumphant
after December

   Titlepage: Non est mortale quod opto. / 1647. 1 / CHARLS / TRIUMPHANT, / &c. / [rule] / This is that CHARLS, who did from CHARLS proceed; / Who shall in Greatness CHARLS the Great exceed. / [rule] / CAROLUS e CAROLO descendens, / erit CAROLO magno major. / [rule] / [design: laurel crown] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed in the year, MDCLX.

    Manuscript sources relating to the author and circumstances of this poem's publication are to be found in the British Library: BL MSS: family correspondence -- Add. Mss. 27,999 and 28,000; family papers -- Add MSS. 28,006 to 28,011; 28,010=Henry's early commonplace books and misc. verses etc: includes transcriptions of "The Doctrine of Mahomet which is of great authority amongst the Saracens," and "The Law of the Saracens which they call the Alcoran, that is a gathering together of Commandments into one booke" (ff.45-53v=) -- ms circa 1626, aged 17.

    Henry's commonplace book (Add MSS 28,012; also Add MSS 28,013) is a long scroll, made up from a large legal document cut up into three-inch strips that are stitched together into a roll -- of proverbs he collected/transcribed -- : eg: "The Turkes hold the foundation of all empire to consist in exact obedience, & that in exemplary severity"

   further letters -- Add MSS. 44,846=Thos Peynton's letter book (1640-56), 44,847=letters from Charles Nichols to Henry O; 44,848=misc letter book, containing transcript copies of various state letters. -- check Bodleian for ms papers linking Oxenden with Needham

   Other works ascribed include:

O839AThe Care of... (16??), brs, MH only

O840B Iobus Triumphans (1651), CLC, IU, Y

O841 Religionis funus, & Hypocritia/e finis (1647) O=Vet.A3e 344 [contains portrait of Henry

Oxenden], L, C, CPE; CH, CN, MH, TU, WF, Y

    The copytext is taken from the Bliss copy at O which has ms note on flyleaf: "Oxenden, Henry of Bumstead. See some account of H Oxenden in the [Brydges] Censura Literaria vol. 10. and in the 4to. edition of Woods' Ath. Oxon. Sir Egerton Brydges, Watt and the last editor of Wood were not aware of this Poem which has all the appearance of a privately printed book, there being no bookseller's name, nor place of sale &c."

    The titlepage seems to have been cropped by binder. Irregularly gathered; the first text page appears as sig A3, and is followed by sig A. This copy has been corrected in hand, most often for the better, suggesting authorial intervention: I have incorporated many of the hand corrections but included a full record in the notes.

    In A List of Knights made since His Majestie came to London, May 29. 1660, London, Printed by S. Griffin, 1660; LT 669.f.25(66) dated 1 August), the name appears of "Sir Henry Oxendine", that is of Deane, his first cousin of that name, MP for Sandwich.

    On Oxenden and the circumstances of this poem's publication, see the Introduction. Kent was a site of obvious importance and we have general good record of other Kent writers

    Henry Oxenden or Oxenden (1609-1670) was born to an old land-owning family from Kent, entered Corpus Christi on 10 November 1626 and graduated B. A. in 1627. In 1632, he married Anne, daughter of Sir Samuel Peynton, who died eight years later. In 1642, he married Katherine, daughter of James Cullen, who survived him. A staunch anti-prelate, Oxenden fought for parliament at Arundel in 1644, nearly dying from illness the next year. It was presumably in the early 1640s that he composed the verse satire, "A dismall summons, to Doctors Commons":

Thou Cage full of foule birdes & beasts,
attend thy diosmall doome,
Thy Canonists now murdered are,
with Canons of their owne.
Civillians civill villaines are,
old doting knaves are Doctors,
Notorious knaves are Notaries,
bold prating Knaves are Proctors.
. . . .
Thy Court is called Christian,
yet Antichristian is,
The Court of hell is not so full
and divelish as is this.
The Bishops they are bitesheepes,
the Deanes they now are Dunces,
Thy Preists they are the Preists of Ball,
the Devill take all by Bunches. 2

   But Oxenden's political allegiances proved weak and circumstantial: in 1647 he published a call for the return of the king. Involved in wrangling for land and wealth throughout the 1650s, Oxenden found himself so much in debt at the Restoration that he started selling off family property while searching for a church living. In 1663, the same year that the family house at Great Maydekin was finally sold (28 May), Oxenden was appointed rector of Radnage in distant Buckinghamshire, where he held office until his death in 1670.

    His early published poems are both satires on religion: Religionis funus, & Hypocriti' finis (1647) is in Latin hexameters; Iobus Triumphans (1651) contains prefatory verses by Alexander Ross and others and was reported to be much read in foreign schools (DNB). A small engraved portrait appears with Religionis funus here reproduced from the copy in Bodleian. It also appears bound in with the copy of Charls Triumphant currently in the Huntington.

    Despite its considerable length and the care which the author and several friends put into its publication, Charls Triumphant has been much ignored and even for a time, appears to have been lost. Dorothy Gardiner was unable to find a copy of this poem when, in 1936, she sent her edition of The Oxenden and Peyton Letters, 1642-1670 to the press. Thanks to Gardiner's work, however, we do know a great deal about the circumstances surrounding the writing and publishing of this poem. Gardiner was in good company since other scholars have failed to notice Oxenden's poem. As the author of the manuscript note to the copy currently in the Bodleian Library commented, "Sir Egerton Brydges, Watt and the last editor of Wood were not aware of this Poem which has all the appearance of a privately printed book, there being no bookseller's name, nor place of sale &c." Perhaps scholars had been looking for it under the Latin title which Henry himself uses in his letters to describe it.

    The turbulence of the times was unkind to Henry Oxenden, whose 1647 portrait nevertheless suggests a man younger than Henry's 38 years who is still full of hope, energy, and optimism. In many ways, the ignominity that later overcame Oxenden's Restoration poem sadly resembles this poet's ambitions for a speedy appointment to a lucrative position and indicates something of the speed with which formal and lengthy panegyrics to the restored monarch very quickly became old stuff of which noone took much notice. The rectorship of Radnage "a small living in the King's gift" (Gardiner, xli) which he finally secured in 1663 proved poor. Unfortunately there is insufficient evidence to know whether Oxenden's labours over his poetic tribute three years previously helped him to the appointment. But in the spirit of 1660, Oxenden labored over publishing his poem at considerable personal expense. Indeed, he so far expected promotion through writing poetic tributes that he payed for two long poems to be printed that year, circulating copies of both to people about the royal court. His other poem, Eikon Basilike, is a lengthy set of verses on the wedding of Sir Basil Dixwell to Dorothy Osborne, eldest daughter to Sir Thomas Peyton and niece of the famous letter writer. Oxenden wrings everything he can out of Sir Basil's name being the Greek word for "king." His notebooks tell us that 97 copies were printed, and were distributed to likely patrons in the hopes that Henry's courtly poem would help find him a job.

    By 1660, Henry had been out of work for several years and, at the king's return, was among the many educated middle-class men without obvious employment who flocked to London in hopes of finding something suitable. On 4 June, Phineas Andrews writes to Henry that he passed a copy of the wedding poem to Sir Basil, who sends his thanks, and then reports that there are no jobs in the Customs (BL Add Mss 28,004, f. 128; Gardiner, 234). Later that summer, Henry writes home to his wife from London where he has been looking for a job: "In short thousands ar come to London in expectation of great matters who wil returne worse then they came: for nothing is here to be had without money, and that at very high rates" (Gardiner, 235).

    In his poem, Oxenden claims to have been "Finished June 1660," but the poem was still being printed in December; and the author himself was receiving page proofs as late as March 1661. Presumably he had completed writing his poem during June, and then sent copies to various friends while negotiating with printers. During the summer, months Oxenden received advice of different sorts on how to revise his poem, but seems not to have ignored most of it. On the 20th of September, Thomas Williams, whose dedicatory verses appear in the prefatory material, reported that the printer David Maxwell had failed to print Oxenden's poem and that other printers were unlikely to do it because the "mournefull state of the Court, and indeed of all ye Citty . . . hath taken of their eyes and mindes from all things of this nature, And fearing your poeme (as tryumphal) will not nowe bee soe reasonable -- they demand more for the print than I shall wish you to give" (BL Add Mss 28,004, f.140; Gardiner, 239) following the death on the 15th of Prince Henry; this was not a good time to be publishing a poem about Charles in triumph.

    The poem was still looking for a printer on 2 December when Williams wrote that Henry Birkhead will arrange printing "at 13.s the sheete to the number of 100 copies, makeing about 4 sheetes, and in no place in London under" and advises Oxenden to think of issuing the poem for the New Year (BL Add Mss 28,004, f., 161; Gardiner, 241). On the 17th, Henry Birkhead, probably the "H. B." whose dedicatory verses appear in the prefatory material, writes "One sheete of your Charles Triumphant is printed off, the next is setting" (BL Add MSS 28,004, f.173; Gardiner, 242.)

    By 17 March 1661, Birkhead is finally sending "an inclosed poem corrected as well as I could obtaine it to be done" together with "twelve title pages"; on 28 March, he undertakes to "present Sr Kenhelm Digby with a coppy superscribed ex Dono Autoris" (BL Add MSS 28,004, ff.212, 236).

    Perhaps the most fascinating letter sent to Oxenden about his poem, came from Charles Nichols dated 9 July since it not only gives us a witty account of the manuscript poem, but shows us a reader actually at work reading a Restoration poem. It's fortunate for us that Nichols is such a clever critic who knows how to offer friendly advise on another's poetry, since the opening of the letter indicates how sensitive he is about returning a poem with suggestions for revision. It also appears that Henry himself is very shy of having his verses read by others. Lest he has caused the poet offence, Nichols casts his apology in the fashionable cant of a stage wit, but includes sound advice about language, metre, and style. Nichols reports enclosing dedicatory verses for Oxenden's poem, so his may well be the anonymous verses calling Oxenden an English Virgil:

Heroicke Sr

    The tayle, rather rump, of my paper lookes like one of the tribe of the beast Momus, but its teeth are either not grown, or els dropt out, it rather kisses (though not Al a mode) then bites its generous friend. I am soe ashamed of my presumption, that if you send mee not a pardon under yor hand & seale in short time, my Phantasie, to avoid a Lingring death, will turn ffelo de se & knock it selfe on the head, as the last shift of despayre. Noe one in the world hath seene yor booke but my selfe, & I only, last night in a Nodding houre could reade it over in dreameing hast. It is a pitty you tooke not a Little more time to polish every syllable, ffor, Beleeve mee Sr, the princelienes or sovereignetie of your subiect matter, the essays alreadie nibling at yt grand baite of honor (though most mubble it as an old woeman doth a Crust) the Curiositie of our times impresse all acuratnes in his Maiesties service. Ye fancie is truely Noble & rich, (it made me laugh to see yor muse greene her Teeth at Hugh, threatening the gentle Craft a new sett of St Hughs-bones, though I bitt my lipps) yor style Copious. but Me-thinkes, Now and then a Monysillable rushes in on purpose to tell us that you was in hast, and some of yor wordes Transposd would sound much sweetlyer, wch for mee to have essayed further (wthout order) would have beene to have turned Pargmatical in grayne, & it may bee have spoyled all.

    I have made only a few offers. Ha, ha, he, who hath made mee A Correctr? Am I contagiond with the epidemical disease of the world? & know not my selfe in this paper; oh sure I grow insolent; well Sr I dictate noothing, I only humbly propose you are the Judge. Workmen must not sett a stitch a misse in the King's robe, every one's eye will bee upon it. In a little more Time, you might make yor Copie an original, if you would bestow it thereon. Our novelists will tell us yt Whilome, (wch is twice us'd) is growne rotten wth age, & that O repeated above 20 times in one booke, stands for nought but a stilt to help a verse to hop out its Number when it wants otherwise a foote; or yt Oh is an interiection of groaneing, when Henry hath hard stooles. I meete wth some fancis rich enough for a Coronation day. But there be some Phrases, about Sisters, &tc, wch if my own ffather should Antedate the resurrection, & come from the dead & whisper them into my eare I could not possibly approove of them. Your designe is obvious; I iudj you an Inocent man, you Love good men, but the smoothest way to step up into esteeme, is without treading upon others' Soulls, though not ye surest.

    To Add my Signett to all my papers wch ensure thee my Love I have signed thine And Daunced a little Jygg whilst garlands attend yor Brow. & therin shew how yor verses worke wonders beyond all that ever I heard of. The most yt I ever observed sayd of the best writeings, was that they were Celebrated by everybody. Yors exceede them, for as it is admir'd by everybody, soe hath it inspir'd Noebody

    & Noebody thus sings. 3

   In its finally printed form, Oxenden's poem shows that he didn't heed Nichols' advice about revising and cutting. The printed version contains over a thousand lines; there are nearly 30 uses of "O," and the scurrilous passage about Hugh Peters and the Sisters is still there for the curious.

    In printed form, Oxenden's poem opens with some prefatory verse addresses to the reader by Oxenden, then a series of dedicatory poems by, respectively, Jo Hobart of Kent; "H. B." is probably Henry Birkhead; Thomas Williams; The anonymous verses that follow, rather extravagantly call Oxenden an English Virgil and might be by Nichols. A final set of dedicatory verses are signed "J. W."

    Oxenden's own poem is over a thousand lines of pentamter couplets; it is made up of three books composed of 15, 18, 15 verse paragraphs of varying length. Plenty of anti-Rump satire here, together with an account of Worcester, Jane Lane and the escape, a great deal of rather pious sentimentalizing, and some explicit requests for a place at court. The second part recounts some events of Charles's arrival. The final part opens by making much of Charles touching for the Evil, then addresses the king directly in order to enumerate the horrors suffered during his absence by loyalists such as the poet. His attacks on the Rumpers are typically personal and scurrilous, making evident use of Howell's Proverbs which had recently appeared in print.

    It remains unclear whether the poem had any influence on Henry's appointment in 1663 to a rectorship in Buckinghamshire.

[1] missing from O; check with WF, CH copies

[2] BL Add Mss 28,010 f.76

[3] BL Add Mss 44,847, f.1; see also Gardiner, pp. 237-39.

His best Vicegerent CHARLS
II. Who shall be greater than
The Author wisheth

All the Blessedness, and Glory; All the
Love, and Power; All the Majesty and
Dominion that an earthly God is capable of.

Rex si me Angligenis vatibus inferes,
Sublimi feriam sidera vertice. Hor. Car. lib.I. od.I

Great KING if you'l be pleas'd to grace
Me in your heart with a near place
The world to come shall see
My head shall reach Heav'ns lofty Sphere,
And as the stars I will shine there,
Such shall my Glory be.

[ornamental header]

THE Choristers of Heav'n rejoyce and sing:
Beholding now the Triumphs of our King.
And he who grieves this blessed sight to see,
Must either Devil or grand Rebel be;
Ah! curst's that soul that can be an Heraclite,
At the rejoycing of the Sons of Light.

[ornamental header]


REader I here have set before thine eyes
A heav'nly Image in Triumphant wise,
The sacred Off-spring of thy Lord and King:
Let now thy heart a peal to heaven ring
At this so glorious a sight: for why?
In viewing him thou view'st a Deity.

[ornamental header]

O Let us now rejoyce and sing
Praises unto our Lord,
Because he hath restor'd our King
Even of his own accord.
5: How great his Kingdom 4 to us is
In doing of the same!
O let us evermore for this
Extoll his Holy Name.
And let us thanks unto him give
10: For all his Mercies try'd,
And pray that long our CHARLES may live
Who us indemnifi'd.
And in the fire did cast the rod,
His mercies bearing sway,
15: For this praise we the Lord our God,
Praise we the Lord I say.

BEhold a Triumph which no servants scoff
Can possibly eclipse, or e're put off.
For CHARLES his chariot shall triumphing run,
20: Coeval with the horses of the Sun,
And loyal acclamations likewise make
Royal hearts dance, but hearts of Rebels quake.

Jo. Hobart
Of Quarrington
in Mersham in Kent.

[4] Kingdom] Kindness ms O

CHARLES Triumphant,
Dedicated to His Majesty
by H. Oxenden Esq;

Most gracious Soveraign,
After the Countreyes well meant dusty greets,
Turning the deserts in your road to streets;
And puff paste 5 gladness of the gaudy town,
Where some joyes were heard in some swalow'd down,
5: Besides the shouts of the converted Host,
Guarding before the Crown upon a Post:
With Catsdung throngs of Courtiers 'bout the Throne,
Crowding for places till they left you none:
View this 'schilian 6 Authors loyal strain,
10: Such Gratulations spend, and last again;
Born without pangs, Offspring of Extasie,
Since you transported was, why may not He?
Rapt with a Soveraign influence, 'bove those
Whose thanks are healths 7 profound, and shallow prose.
15: Yet if your smiles infuse not vital mirth,
'Twill prove abortive, or Saguntine birth;
Which comes your Holocaust, if now it dies,
And if it stands, your living sacrifice:
First fruits from him, whose All for Charles is bred;
20: He that presents the feet, dares stake the head.

H. B.

[5] puff paste] ms in O; putt past printed version

[6] 'schilian] 'schylian ms O

[7] healths] hetlths O

[ornamental header]
On the most ingenous
Author of Charles Trium-


THE splendid Triumphs of the Town and Court
Ambitious are to be great Charles his sport;
Arches advanced be to raise his Name
Above the Clouds, till they obscure their frame;
5: But this high Author only can advance
His fame beyond the power of force or chance;
And by the verdure of Poetick Bay
Make his whole life a Coronation day:
Others dread King may crown your head with gold,
10: This golden Verse preserves from growing old
Your eviternal praise; and in this thing
By b'ing his Subject, you are more his King.

Thomas Williams.

[ornamental header]
Most Honoured, because most faith-
full friend (the Author) upon his
Triumphant Poem.


APollo's darling, for thy due renown
'Tis just thy Royal verses wear a Crown:
My Muse is dumb, whilst thine sublimely sings
The best of Poets to the best of KINGS.
5: AUGUSTUS smiles, C ' S A R accepts a mite,
Now VIRGIL'S Genius doth English write.

Let common Poets prattle common things,
Whilst Monarchs triumph on thy Muses wings;
Sing noth'but Kings, thou can'st not higher rise:
10: It is not meet Joves bird should stoop at flyes:
Nature and Art being married in Thee,
Muses conserve their true Posterity.

Heavens me defend from being thine Enemy,
I would not be laid forth before I die:
15: Who willingly would meet his Death, his Herse,
His Funeral in thy Triumphant Verse? 8

[8] these end rather abruptly and since the verso is blank, it's tempting to imagine a second page is missing; but the catchword "To" does fit.

Much esteemed Friend and
ever honored Patron, Henry
Oxenden Esq; upon his most
incomparable Poem, CH. TRI.

Lately you wrote against our Hydra-state
As a Sharp Satyrist: and Englands fate
You did bewaile, and wisely did presage
If Charls were absent in that direfull age
5: Religion would expire; her end was nigh;
So you prepar'd for her an Elegy: 9

But now your verses in another straine
Do runne, and sing Triumphant Iob again;
Since which you once resolved to set by
10: All verse, and take your leave of Poetry,
But God would not permit your Muse to cease
In so much bless'd and Halcyon times as these;

When Brittaine doth poffess within her Spheare
Her wished long expected Iupiter
15: Our blessed Soveraign who in the space
Of twelve years finished his wandring race,
And now no longer shall a Planet be,
But a Star fixt, or Stationary.
Surely those Gods who caus'd the Star to shine
20: At Charls His birth, to shew he was divine,
The very same sent Ph'bus down t'enspire
Your mind, and kindle a poetick fire
At your books birth, where you so sweetly sing
The famous Acts of your most valiant King:
25: In strains so ravishing, as might provoke
The much amaz'd, and famous Royal Oak,
To follow you, as Orpheus once did make
The Trees to dance, and mighty Mountains shake.


[9] Oxenden's verses Religionis funus, & Hypocriti' finis appeared in 1647.

[ornamental header]
The same to the Authors


If Mists arise, and seem to cloud thy praise,
Think it not strange, Ph'bus can't chuse but raise
Such envious vapours, therefore murmur not,
Such a black cloud is but your Beauty-spot.
5: This is your glory, for not only you,
But Sol himself wears these black patches too.

J. W.

Lib. I.



Lo I! who once had Helicon giv'en 'ore,
And thought to climb Parnassus Hill no more
I who the Funerall in forty nine
Sang of Religion, & did then divine
5: Untill King CHARLS came it would never have
A total resurrection from the grave.
I who at that time earnestly did pray
That Christ might to his Kingdomes lead the way,
And also wish'd, and that with good intent,
10: A speedy end to the long Parliment.
And I the man who did in fifty one
Extol 10 Iobs' patience unto Heavens throne.
(The very Type of our Great Martyr slain
And his deare Son, rightly our Soveraign.)
15: And I who 'yerst my fancy to delight
OxendenORUM series did write,
And did decypher bless'd Elizas' blisse
Triumphant (would God I were where she is)
And I who lately in my Image Royal 11
20: Extoll'd a Noble Soul for being Loyall.
And therein Monarchy did justly own,
Of Governments the best of all thats known:
And I the very same who Nol, and's Nose,
The Rump, and all King CHARLS 12 his mortal foes
25: Admir'd alike; I, even I who have
Wonder'd who was of these the greater Knave,
Will to my paper once more set my pen,
And wellcome home the best of Kings and Men;
His Enemies disclaime, his Glory sing,
30: For 'tis my duty he's my Soveraigne King.



And since, great CHARLS, I who thy subject am,
Have chosen thee the mirror of all fame,
I'le scorne assitance from the Muses Hill,
And pray great Iove himself to guide my quill;
35: For whilst I of a God sing, I defie
All helpe beneath that of a Diety.
Great Father Iove send from the Emperial Pole
A heav'nly spright into my loyall soul,
For now Divinities my Theame, ev'n He
40: Whom God himself hath said a God to be.



GREATER 13 then CHARLS the great thou shalt be; I
Aver it; for the Prophet would not ly,
Who said a CHARLS, should from a CHARLS proceed
Who should in Greatness CHARLS the Great exceed
45: Great PRINCE this all men say is meant of Thee,
The Peoples speech is Gods own speech say we.
Surely Thou art already such an One
As I the like on earth acknowledge none;
Thy Splendor's such, as Traytorous is that eye
50: Which 14 spies not in Thee supream Majesty.
Pho/ebus himself's eclypsed by thy Rayes,
O object worthy of the Angels praise!
The Cherubins and Seraphins on High
Are fitter far to speak thy worth then I,
55: So that I doubt 'twill be in me too great
Presumption of so high a King to treat,
And doubt like Phaeton whilst I a pitch
Too high do soar, may fall down in 'the ditch:
How ere I must proceed, doubts get ye gon,
60: For I feel Iove himselfe me spurring on.



Great CHARLS at whose bless'd birth Heaven did bring forth
A Star forshewing thy transcendent worth.
Which added lustre unto Titans light,
More rare, more wonderfull then he ats hight,
65: How can I chuse but thee admire, and love,
Being the off-spring, and encrease of Jove?
Tell me ye whole Chald'an race, what e're
Ye be, if that ye can, why then, and there
It gloriously appear'd, if not to show
70: A God on Earth was born to us below?
One that should us from Tyrants woes deliver,
Cut off th'entail of th' Beast and Oliver,
Did not the star which did in th' East appear
Full sixteen 15 hundred fifty and nine year
75: Now past, to th'world betoken some such thing,
Then being born a Saviour and a King?
Both Saviours; with rev'rence, here's the odds
CHARLS is of men, CHRIST both of men and GODs.



CHARLS bodies, CHRIST souls, CHARLS in time, but CHRIST
80: For ever saves, and is of Kings the high'st.
He CHARLS his Saviour is, as 'tis well known,
And CHARLS him for his Saviour doth own.
Ye Epicurean wits, who do surmize
Your selves to be so mystically wise,
85: Fancying Religion to be like the Law
Meere policy to keep bad men in awe:
And think ther's no such thing as providence;
Come, and sit down by me, and learn from hence
Ev'n from the Preservation of one,
90: And he a King, that now sits on his 16 throne,
That God above who in the Heaven is
Hath an especiall care of all are his.
Witnesse thee Scotland when as Thou did'st bring
Into a Labyrinth thy sacred King.
95: And who but God did help him safe thereout?
'Twas, He was He that did it, without doubt.
Witnesse thee Wor'ster likewise; where though he
Did shew admire Magnanimity,
And all the C'sars since the world begun
100: Surpast in what was fitting to be done;
Yet being overpow'red ten to one,
And most of's men of war slain, others gone,
Also on every side with dangers clos'd 17
In humane sence to noth, but death expos'd,
105: His Horse twice underneath him deadly shot,
And the sad battle lasting over-hot;
When 18 lo! behold a Troope of Angels were
Sent by our God, to be his Lifeguard there,
And safely thence convey Him in despight
110: Of 19 Cromwels fury, or the Devils might.



'Twas God did put it in his mind to change
His royall Robes for those that were more strange
For such an High, and Mighty Prince to weare
As He was, and to cut off all his hair,
115: Whereby he could passe better undescri'd,
And so himself, might in himself best hide:
Thus He to Foes a dark cloud did appear,
But to his truly friends a light most clear.
I say it was his God who did cause this
120: (By his own Genius) Metamorphosis.



Who was't great KING that made Ioves own dear Tree
To lure thee to't, and therin safe to be?
O sacred Tree? which didst at once enshrine
Three Kingdomes well fare, and a Power divine!
125: Surely when He was in Thee, thou didst hold
Such worth as Mortall man cannot unfold;
Nay which of all the Angels can declare
The heav'nly thoughts contain'd then in thy Sphere?
The Oracle at Delphos never spake
130: Such truth, as He, when there He silence brake,
Witnesse 20 be Thou great Arbiter, above,
Who did'st Him hear, and his Supporter prove.



'Twas thou who sa'vdst our King, and mad'st a Lane
For his escape when CHARLS was in the wane,
135: A lovely Lane, whose close M'anders were
So darke as none but friends could find him there?
Sweete Madam Lane how much I have admired
The holy wiles wherewith thou was't enspired?
Whenas the Happiness of Kingdomes three
140: Soly, 21 and wholly trusted was with thee;
Never! 22 ah never since Eve first did sin
Did any woman threds so finely spinne,
Which though in hast, and danger they were drawn
No fault could yet be found in all the Lane.



145: It was the Providence of GOD on high
(Whose name be prays'd to all Eternity)
Which did contrive wayes (O how strange, and rare,
How deep! how high, how vast his councels are!)
In order to our Kings escape, and made
150: The Sunne to be preserved by the shade,
Poor subjects now the Instruments to save
A mighty King from foes, from Death and Grave.
Who sayes that Miracles are ceased, since
His safeties one, and must our thoughts convince?
155: Not only many men, but women too
The huge, and mighty load did undergo
Of locking up a Secret in their breast,
Such as by no means ought to be confest,
Women I say lockt up safe in their breast
160: A secret by no meanes to be confest!
A secret which temptations of Gold,
Or threats of punishments could not unfold,
A secret which most would have groaned under
And of't to be deliver'd burst asunder.
165: But GOD did hinder these from letting fall
Such words as might their royal Guest enthrall;
And did preserve him since in Spain and France.
And the Low Countries to his own advance.
Oh may, great Prince, the Lord whose mighty arm
170: Upheld thee then, still keep thee from all harm.



'Tis Thee, Great Charls, I speak of, thee for whom
I have so long pray'd, let thy Kingdomes come:
All which thy Kingdomes now are come to Thee,
(Thanks be to God) and thou to them all three.
175: Th'art come to them, and sure the Angels, they,
Even Gods own Host Thee guarded by the way.
And doubtless he's an Atheist who not sings
Beholding Thee brought home on Angels wings.
No Sadduce but would confess the same,
180: Had he our Charls seen then, when thus he came:
No Sceptick ought to doubt of this, and I
Think, to gain-say it, comes near Blasphemy.
O how those Angels at their Office joyed,
In which the Lord of Hosts had them employed!
185: And to behold those who had sinners been,
Even Rebels late now turned from their sin;
There is not doubt, those Messengers of Light
Who do rejoyce when men turn to the right,
But that they did triumph when our King came,
190: For unsquar'd hearts he then put into frame:
So that at's landing I may boldly say
Both men, and Angels kept a holy day.



Hail CHARLS! who came so well attended, hail
To whom GOD Neptune did his Trident vaile,
195: And his dear Amphitrite gladly bring
All her faire Nymphs to view so great a King:
No wonder then that calme the waters were
Sith Neptunes Master CHARLS himself was there.
Besides the sea-GOD had the winds commanded
200: Not to be boistrous till his guest was landed;
And had a minde to see's own daughters dance
Before the true, and lawfull Heir of France;
The same who rules great Brittanie, and with all
Ireland, those Seas the narrow Seas we call,
205: Whose moveing Castles make the Ocean tremble,
And some of its great Borderers dissemble.
Wtinesse thee Holand, and the rest; but I
Now leave you striking saile to's Majesty.



Haile CHARLS once more of whom the Sea-Gods care
210: So great was, that He in his armes you bare,
And in whose presence so much mirth did passe
As after times will doubt how great it was.
Some say the waters smil'd for joy, cause they
Your comp'ny had, 'this merry month of May,
215: And some affirm the fish your health did quaffe,
Whilst the sea Goddesses did sing, and laugh;
Some Fish did halfe above the waters rise,
Off'ring themselves to you a sacrifice;
Others as sure to leap 23 for joy were seen,
220: As if that they had there transported been,
And certain 'tis, some wondered to see
The very ship that held your Majesty,
And well may this be true, sith I do know
Some men as well as Fishes that did so.
225: O famous ship which did'st three Kingdomes hold!
This Argo's glory who can well unfold?
O ship whose precious lading sure was such
As that all India was not worth so much:
O ship deserving highly to be graced
230: And 'mongst the Stars in Heav'n to be placed;
Sith it hath brought of Mortals all, the flower
Unto the Brittish shore, in a good hower,
Which some Fish following would not give over
Until they saw you save arriv'd at Dover.


235: Now might Pythagoras have hea'rd if e're
The pleasant Musick of each heav'nly Sphere,
And I my self, had I above them been,
Ioves Choristers for joy triumphing seen;
Yea some have thought that the damn'd Spir'ts below
240: Had intermission of their torments now,
And Heraclitus though he n'ere before
Was seen to laugh, might have laugh'd on this score,
But certain 'tis some persons I did view
Who 24 were so glad, as they themselves not knew.



245: Some in their thoughts so rapt now up on high
As with their heads they touch'd the lofty sky
Some knew not whether on the Earth they went,
Or their feet trod upon the Firmament.
Other some could not possibly refraine
250: Aloud by words their gladness to explaine.
Some hollowed as if that they had ment
The aire to cleave, and clouds asunder rent
By their exceeding noise, which was so great
As it did reach up to Olympus seat;
255: Nor is't a wonder this was done by men
Sith conduits French, and Spanish utter'd then.



But O how Neptune foam'd for anger, when
He saw that you would part, and how He then
Roared for grief, when you were neare the shore,
260: Fearing He might not see you any more;
And when he saw that you would from him go,
He bad the rising billowes answer No,
And so they did, which many an one did hear
Who to your landing place were very near,
265: And for a need the truth thereof can sweare,
For they did see the same when they were there.


[10] Extol] extol O

[11] The poem on the wedding of Basil and Dorothy.

[12] CHARLS] CHALS O, CH; ms corrected in both


[14] Which] which O

[15] .úúsixteen] fifteen O, CH ms corrected in both

[16] his] is O

[17] clos'd] clos'ed O ms correction in O

[18] When] when O, CH

[19] Of] of O, CH

[20] Witnesse] witnesse O

[21] Soly] the "o" is ms correction in O that makes print illegible

[22] Never] Nver O corrected in ms

[23] leap] leape O corrected in ms inO

[24] Who] who O

Lib. 2.


And did the King at Dover land? then O
You Dubrians thank him for doing so,
Thanke Him for ever for the great renown
His Majesty did bring unto your Town;
5: Now may't be said whil'st Sol his course shall runne
Here landed CHARLS our King, St. CHARLS his son.
Fame will ride Post proclaming the world over
That CHARLS the Martyrs son did land at Dover.
What land so barbarous 25 as will not hear
10: In short time now of famous Dover Peere?
And what brave Soul who is at's own command
Will not come see the place where CHARLS 26 did land?
O sacred Place! (and be't in th' Annals put)
That had the honour first to kisse his foot:
15: All ye that see it reverently 27 bow,
And with devout affection Kisse it now;
Fond Pilgroms who St. Thomas foot-steps kisse,
Behold King Charles's holyer then his!
(I meane the foot-steps of St. Tom a Becket
20: Who in the World did once make heavy racket,)
CHARL'S footsteps are divine, and who shall trace
His steps, he doth to heaven bend his race
Much surely are we bounden to our King,
Who leads the way which doth to Heav'n bring.


25: CHARLS did at Dover land; a happy day
For us it was the twenty 28 sixt of May,
Th' one thousandth year six hundred and three-score
Of CHRIST 29 our SAVIOUR, when he came o're;
A day and year not e're to be forgot,
30: He is a Rebel sanctifies it not:
The Sun did then put on his brightest Rayes,
And with brave Monck attend him on his wayes,
Now with all Christendome might Kent alone
Have surely stood in competition:
35: Sole Kent all Christendome then need not fear
When our most High, and Mighty CHARLS is there,
What nam'd I CHARLS? that very name there, doth spell
Deliverance, if we observe it well:
For 'tis a most assured truth, that none
40: Could have deliver'd us but Hee alone,
None could have ty'd the hearts of men but Hee
In Millions of knots of amity.
Hen'ry the Roses, James two Kingdomes joyn'd,
But CHARLS was He three Kingdomes that entwin'd
45: And O how mightily all things rejoic'd
As soon as our Kings landing safe was noys'd!
As if they had esteemed it high Treason
To have done otherwise in such a season:
The Bells 'ore-joy'd were heard this Psalm to sing
50: Over, and over oft, God save the King:
The Churches they stood still; and it is well
They did so, Lambert once had rung their knell,
The Orthodoxe Divines did joy (and pray)
Their joyes were Orthodoxe, as well as they:
55: They gave God thankes their Sov'raign was return'd
(And well they might, their livings were adjourn'd
untill his comming:) and the Guns great sound
Drown'd all, and made braines to their King turn round:
Such as before not much enclined were
60: To do so, yet they did it, He being there.



Nature was now beheld in her best dress
To welcome home so longed-for a Guest,
I saw the trees clad in a greene attire,
And some for joy ev'n up to heav'n aspire:
65: I saw the Earth with flowers here selfe adorne,
(Never more fine before since I was borne,)
And in her lap the Lilly, and the Rose,
Israels brav'st King came short of those,
(In all his Royalty he nere alas!
70: As they were then (I know't) so cloathed was.)
I saw the very Beasts tow'rd Him make hast
Fearing, it seemes, which of them should come last.
This is most certain I can boldly say,
Some Horses which to Dover came that day,
75: Together with their Riders can explain
This Truth of mine, should I be thought to feign.
And why may this unlikely seem to be,
Sith some the very stones themselves did see
Move CHARLS-ward on the beach; this is most true
80: Many an honest man had them in view.
But that which seemth yet to some more strange
Is, that some Rebels then were seen the change
To ring, (for joy of's landing) yet 'tis so,
God mov'd their hearts to what their wills said no.



85: But what I now shall witnesse will appear
Less disputable, sith it is so clear.
I saw bright Ph'bus with a chearful eye
Humbly salute his sacred Majesty,
His earnestness was such to kiss his hand,
90: As Monk his own self could not him withstand,
True 'tis the great Commander did desire,
To keep him off, but he grew hot as fire
By the repulse; he would not be said no;
For why? he knew't his duty to do so:
95: And therefore he this took so much amiss,
As when Monk bow'd his Soveraigns hand to kiss;
He in revenge of th' offered disgrace
With red hot beames did fly into his face,
But when as Ph'bus saw 'twas Monk did stand
100: Between them, he was friends and kiss'd his hand
Even as he did his sacred Majesties:
More needs not here, few words are best to th' wise.



But then how joyfull the good Generall was
To see his Soveraign in so good a Case,
105: Cheerefull, and well arriv'd; without control
It cannot be express'd by any Soul,
Surely his heart did in his body daunce
To a great hight, even in the sight of France.
The sight of France which truly I do know
110: Unto my King obedience to owe,
Make, make them pay't, O mighty Man of war,
The name of Moncks enough all France to scare,
Thou that has here three Nations conquer'd soon,
Surely may'st a le mode quick conquer one;
115: And do thou banish those base Knaves from thence
Who banish'd CHARLES, what e're was their pretence.
Encrease of honor shall thy Temples Crown,
And Albemarle be ever in renown.


Befool'd and Mazerin'd France repent, repent,
120: Who twice did'st send our Prince to banishment,
Our Ph'nix Prince extracted from the summe
Of the bless'ed ashes of true Martyrdome;
By my consent thy Antick modes wee'l banish,
And drink no other wine but what is Spanish.
125: Nor will we though some Prote'stants now stick
To love the faithfull Spanish Catholick,
For their great Charity did reach from Spaine
Past Faith and Hope, ev'en unto Charls his waine;
Heav'n notice takes thereof, and hath set down
130: So good a worke, and ecchos its renowne.



Would GOD I had the whole world in a string
That I might now present it to my King,
Yet had I so I really believe
Like Alexander, I should sadly grieve
135: Because there were no more worlds, whereof I
Might make a present to his Majesty.
Ah! how it sadds me that it should be true
Some yet should thinke much to pay him his due,
When all they have too little for him is.
140: For they being Traytors all they have is his,
'Tis his by right, what ever they possesse,
And all true Cavalleers beleive no lesse.



Brave Cavalleers, the expectations which,
At your Kings landing did your hearts enrich:
145: And the great hopes and joyes you did surround,
I'l leave it unto Fame her self to sound;
Who commonly although she do report
Actions at large, in this she must come short.
For let her speak the utmost that she can,
150: She can't speak out 30 the thoughts of many a man,
Who thither came; nor more than she can mine,
Whose heart to him 'bove Ela doth incline.
Heav'n knows my heart, He knows I wish t'endear Him,
So much to me, as he might place me near Him;
155: Then should I think my self with God to be,
For where King CHARLS is, sure enough is He.



From Dover my dear Prince of high renown
Was pleas'd to bend his march to Barham Down,
Attended by a noble train of those,
160: Whose chief delight themselves was to expose
To any danger, or do any thing,
Werein they might shew duty to their King,
Some of them were of that same golden number
Who many nights did neither sleep, nor slumber,
165: For very grief ofs Majesty's hard case,
To think how he from's Kingdomes banish'd was,
And they together with him, and the reason
Forsooth must be cause he committed Treason;
A King act Treason? Ye why not? just so
170: Heav'n may turne Traytor to the Earth below,
Divinity it selfe accused be
For strange Rebellion 'gainst Humanity,
This this a lass was the pretented cause,
But sure it is that the intended was
175: Unto this cursed end, that they themselves
Who banish'd him (Hobgoblings, Furies, Elves,)
Might play their frantick tricks, and daunce the rounds
Whilst He was sure enough without their bounds:
And that they might his Treasure, and his Lands
180: His Forts and castles keep in their own hands.
Lord God of Heav'n, was ever the like known,
As what hath been in this age of our own?
Let all the Histories are penn'd be view'd,
If one can match our case, I will be Hugh'd,
185: And with old Oliver, and Bradshaw dwell,
And I do think I had as good b'in Hell.



But stay in following these wee'r gon so far!
Out of the way, as lets see where we are,
(The Lord have mercy on us) Hell well nigh,
190: Where Oliver and Bradshaw I espie,
And Hugh likewise, O how my heart doth burne
Into the way I stray'd from, to returne.
My meaning is toward Barham Down, where I
With mine own eyes beheld his Majesty,
195: In tranced I did see this blessed sight.
When Paul-like I was ravish't with delight,
At his right hand the Duke of York did ride,
And Gloster Duke close by his brothers side,
(Brave Souls! whose fame surmounted hath the Stars
200: As they have Merc'ry, and the God of wars.)
At's left great Monck with reverence did attend him,
And ready was, and willing to defend Him
If any need had been, but there was none,
Charls had been safe, had he been here alone.



205: But O how many Noble soules were there,
To see their long'd for Sun, shine in his sphere,
And the bright morning Star which did fore run
The faire, and glorious rising of that Sun
Leading wise men unto their King, good Lord
210: Thou knowest, who there thy presence did'st afford!
This, This was at sweet Barham Down, the Downe
Which after times shall er'e have in renown:
It will not need be now for me to say
That here 'twas C'sar did his Host array,
215: Tush, this is nothing to the glory which
Our King bestowed, 31 whose sight did it enrich,
For why? hereof great Barham Down since boasts
When CHARLS was there, were many Lords of Hosts.



Rejoice ye men of Barham for the honour
220: Your King, and Nobles then bestow'd upon Her,
For here the Royall meeting was, 'twas here
Where a God did in humane shape appeare,
And reconcile himself to man'y of those
Who had of late been his degenerate foes:
225: Five thousand and six hundred years and more
By seaven it is (I surely know) before
The world was made, since which there hath not been
Any Sight here so glorious to be seen;
Great King I thank thee, cause Thou did'st appear,
230: And honour that same place which I live near.


Wellcome great Prince, whose presence now we see
Makes us once more good Christians to be,
Alas! before unto us thou did'st come,
'Tis said we were no part of Christendome;
235: Thou hast R'eligion raysed, Gods faire daughter,
Of which most talk'd of, though but few sought after:
We fore thy coming could not find her out
Shee was so fouly mangled by the rout,
And in a monstrous hurry (O sad story;)
240: Was made away with by the Directory
In a Scotch mist, and buried in the City
Of factious London, ah the mores the pitty!



Welcome great Prince, and all thy Sujects Royall
Who are come with Thee, and continu'd loyall;
245: Our sin the cause was that ye banish'd were,
For we, alas! mov'd too much out of square,
And now good Prince wee'l mend our lives by
You b'ing a sacred Pattern shall be mine,
Such had been great King David, and his son Thine,
250: Had both their vertues in one current run
Unmixt with vice; and such had Adam been
Had He held out a stranger unto sin.


Thrice welcome great Prince to thy Kingdomes three,
Whose whole Well-being rests so much in thee;
255: Thou are beloved both of God and man,
To this both heav'n and earth bear witness can;
And sith that thy great GOD, who is the King
Of Kings and Lords, who ruleth every thing,
Loves thee so well, and makes all hearts to love thee,
260: And hath plac'd none except himself above thee.
Surely we honour ought thy sacred name,
And to the throne of Jove extoll thy Fame
Make thee our Center, and draw every line
Of love unto it, 'cause thou art divine. 32



265: You are divine, and in you is the sum
Of all that's good in Kings through Christendom,
The several vertues which do make them be
Accounted royal, all abound in Thee
Unmixed with their vices: Your heart wears
270: The Spanish wisdome, but its pride forbears,
The French activity you own and love,
But of their fickleness do not approve.
The like may said be of the rest, but I
Cannot delineate the Cosmography
275: Of your endowments, which such are, that all
May you le Grand Charls, & le boon Charls call.
Round Hypocrites themselves this truth confess
In heart, what ere their lying tongues express.



You are divine, and all your words are true
280: As Oracles, your actions Lawes renew;
Your Prudence, and your valor both excel,
And Temperance and Justice in you dwell;
Your other vertues, too, so many are
That they the stars surpass in number far:
285: And true 'tis I the Stars do finite know
To be; but, Sir, your vertues are not so.
May King and Angels on you wait, all who
Highly admire your words and actions too.



You are divine above all earthly things,
290: Descended from more then a hundred Kings,
Hence in your veins, the quintessence doth flow
Of the best blood of all the gods below.
You are divine much after Gods own heart,
To whom he hath vouchsafed to impart
295: So many special graces, as if He
Had you intended a Monopoly.
You are divine, intuitively such
As from Gods Angel doth not differ much,
Whereby you in your self a Council are,
300: Such as excells all earthly Councils far.
You are divine, and on you all may see
(Who are not blind) such beams of Majesty
Darted from Heaven, as do plainly make
You of Gods image royal to partake.
305: You are divine, and only him are under
Who made of noth', and fills the world with wonder.
Princely's your port! Imperial is your face!
Sacred your eyes, and heav'nly is your Grace!
You are divine by Father and by Mother,
310: A pair, such as the world cann't shew another:
He the worlds mirror is, and so is she,
The like are you unto Eternity.
Pardon great Prince this my attempt to speak
Of your perfections since my skills so weak
315: That it of them (alas!) comes shorter far
Then th' earth is distant from a fixed star.
And O dear Mary, mother of my King,
And God, pray speak my pardon for this thing.
(Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord with thee
320: Be with, thou amongst women blessed be;
And blessed be the fruit of thy chast womb,
The King of Triumphs, Heir of Martyrdome,
Thus royal souls do pray with one accord
Through Jesus CHRIST our only saving Lord.) 33


[25] barbarous] barbarons O


[27] reverently] revetently O

[28] twenty] twenthy O


[30] out] ont O

[31] bestowed] ms bestow'd in O

[32] divine.] divine O and CH

[33] no closing parenthesis in O or CH

LIB. 3.


Now call I Heav'n above, and Earth below
To witness whether I say truth or no;
Before our Kings return many 34 soar neck
Was vex't with tumors, which no Art could check,
5: Which he hath cured, even with a touch,
Nol or the Rump could not do half so much.
The cures they did, they did them with a string,
With Sword and Pistol, or with some such thing.
They kill'd, not cur'd; they saved never an One,
10: CHARLS cureth many, but he killeth none:
His very presence only hath abated,
O're three whole Nations swellings so dilated,
As some thought them incurable, and I
Know that the cure for man was much too high.
15: All yea that scruple to believe, untill
Your sight convince your Reason 'gainst your will,
Go see your King do things all sence above,
And tell me then if that your hearts don't move
Kingward, and whether you not think that He
20: Participates much of Divinity.
For my part I believe he doth, and why?
Behold! he acteth things for man too high!
I never yet could any reason see
For these his cures, most wonderfull to me,
25: The more I do admire them, I the more
Admire, and still admiring nere give o're.



Great King, before You came, we had threeskore
Vice-Royes to king it over us, nay more,
God knows how many, yea our servants all
30: Our rebell Masters were both great and small.
Did not we do what they would have us then,
The Table's turn'd, we must turn Servingmen,
And wait their worships pleasures: O rare chang!
When all things did thus arsie versie range:
35: And little better with us, 'twould have been,
Had the wolf chanc'd to rule in the Lambs skin.



Now to the end that aftertimes may know
As we do (to our cost) and shun the woe,
To have a Church and State (alack!) without
40: A Head and Guide, I here have set ours out
In part, as it was lately; ah how then
Transcendent were the sins of our Church-men!
Even so as that Hyperboles most high
Too weak are to express their summity!
45: Ye Myter'd Angels, and ye Priests divine
Did not unto their drying sins encline.
'Twas ye Geneva Bulls were much to blame,
Yea wild, and some doubt, ye are scarce yet tame,
So as ye will to woolfs and foxes be
50: Joyn'd rather, then unto the Hierarchy,
And first make choice of any Jack to raign
Then your own King, if he sit not your vein:
And O how strongly are ye bent to be
Each one of you that in Epitomy
55: You can't at large; and make your fingers small
More heavy than the loins of Bishops all!
This is so true as none may doubt of this
Hypotyposial Periphrasis.
Your crimes are such as have ascended to
60: That place to which scarce Anti-Kings will go
And they who th'Heavenly Hierarchy can't ever
Endure; amongst the Angels dwell may never,
As some do think: who do in Heaven prove
Order to be, as well as joy and love.
65: Sure there is order there and Monarchy,
Or else no place 'twere for a Diety.
And is this so? O then let Earth resign
Its model, to Heav'ns pattern most divine.
And my dear Prince sith you intend to raign
70: In wished for Peace, order in Church maintain.
Now by your leave, I will proceed, and say
Lately in what confusion we lay.



Before you came, alas! both Church and State
Were in condition most disconsolate,
75: Our learn'd and best Divines they were put out,
And Weather-cocks put in, which turn'd about
Nol-wards or Rump-wards, they not car'd which,
So that the wind which blew did them enrich:
The Lord forgive them, how was't in their mind
80: Instantly to embrace each rising wind!
They preach'd what they themselves did not believe,
And like old Hugh each one laught in his sleeve
At their deluded Auditors to see
What fools they were, and would so cheated be.
85: And this to the end they might more slily do,
Extreamly long they pray'd, and preached too,
So as they wearied God himself thereby,
Who hated their prolix hypocrisie:
Treason and Nonsence were the usual flowers
90: Wherewith they grac'd their sermons of two hours
Too long, alas! no loyal Subject could
Hear them with patience, so blaspheme they would
God and their King; one would have thought the devil
Had spoken in them, or some spirit evil.
95: The Sacraments that are the bonds of Peace
They would not give, lest unity should encrease,
Whereby men might agree in one, and bring
Him home, whom they had long preach'd down, their King.
The Churches stones somtimes to weep were seen,
100: Whil'st in their presence these things preach'd had been,
And I am sure so fretted was old Paul,
In the mean while, as he was like to fall;
And God himself being angry, his wrath burn'd,
And hath them now out of their Pulpits turn'd,
105: And O how justly! for as sure as Gun
Would them uphold, this commonly was done.



Before you came our Nations were a Jail,
A headless Monster, with a Nose and Tail,
A hellish Bedlam without any light,
110: Oceana like, a sensless Babel right;
A second Chaos more difform by far
Than was the first, for now did meet and jar
The seeds of all Antipathies together,
And in a most unnatural War persever.
115: The wrangling Elements did struggle all
Like scolds a Billinsgate in a'fierce 35 brawl,
And we like Moles, did in the darknes live,
No Sun, or Stars to us the light did give:
And whilst we thus were mufled up with woe,
120: O dismall case! few knew that they were so
(That sickness is most probable to kill
That doth not let the Patient know He's ill;)
Alas! this sickness did the heart oppresse,
Yet in most danger still we fear'd the lesee:
125: Whilst our State-mountebanks gave hopes and said,
All's well no doubt, you need not be affray'd,
In the meane while, lo! they such Physick gave
As might prolonge the Cure, but would not save;
And then they did administer most strong
130: And violent purges, which wrought over long;
And when they saw these did not do that good
They did expect, they fell to letting blood
Ev'n the Basilick veine, and let it run
Until Death had their Patients seized on,
135: O times! O madness this was our sad case
Whilst the proud heeles usurped the heads place.

V. [sic

Sir 'fore you came, our Lawes (O horrid!) stood
Like Draco's ah! all turned into blood,
And our choice Rights were not disputed, but
140: Like to the Gourdian knot asunder cut,
Or else blown up with Gunpowder; and which
Is more; such cruelty did then bewitch
Our new fleg'd Tyrants, that they burdens lay'd
Too heavy on us, yet storm'd when we pray'd
145: For our deliverance; ready to give o're,
If we cry'd out, then they would load us more;
And when our backs, and sinewes all were strayed,
They would but jeer us and give out we feign'd.



Nor were these all the mischiefs we endured,
150: And with which we a long time were enured
During your absence, Sir alas! no soul
Can set them out they were so sad and foule.
Worse then the Plagues of 'gypt they sent out
Strange Caterpillars, their own rabble rout,
155: Their Myrmidons, and Furies came to fear us;
Their Teazers, and their Bloodhounds came to tear us.
The Centaures, Nemesis, and Atropos,
Came rushing in with 'acus, and Abros,
Minos and Rhadamanthus thos dire brothers 36
160: Brought with them Proserpin and many others;
Sphynx, and the Satyrs with Medusa came,
The Minotaures and Gorgons did the same:
Ev'n Cerberus himselfe was now let loose,
With the huge monstrous Gyantbold Typheus,
165: And the damn'd bratts of Acheron and Nox.
Together with them brought Pandora's boxe,
And 'tna's 37 daughter, men in shew divine
With hellish Charmes turn'd into monstrous swine:
'ello, Cel'no and Ocypete
170: Com in to help fill up the Tragedy
And that which added most unto our doom
Was that old Nic himselfe did also come!
This was our Case, and ten times worse, Great King,
Before you came; but now there's no such thing.



175: But what must we be called all this while?
Forsooth a Commonwealth; a goodly stile!
But certainly it was a common woe,
The Lord of heaven knew it to be so:
Where Traytors even such as were of old
180: A Metempsuchosis did now unfold;
For Cain, and Iudas with proud Catiline
Returned were in vizards most divine,
Cruel Procrustes with Tiberius Nero,
Busiris, Phalaris, and Biberius Mero:
185: Besides th' Athenian tender hearted crew
Did Rumpishly our miseries renew.
Ah! such strange Monsters as now in our Isle
Reign'd; ne're wer seen in Africk, Inde, or Nile,
Where to the making up our English Saints
190: The Infidel, Turkes, 38 Iews, and Sycophants,
The subtle Foxe, the Panther, and Hiena,
The Hydra, Crocodile, and Amphisbena,
The Mermaydes, Tygres, and the Scorpion
Did all most divelishly concur in one.
195: Religion these did look on as a bable,
And GODS own sacred word as a mere fable:
How many thousand souls were heretofore,
And ere the world doth end how many more
(Yet still before their grand cheats, they would fast,
200: And pray and preach unto the very last.)
Will be betrayed by the great abuse
Of that word which is of most Soveraign use;
And though Religion have been made a bawd
To Pride, Ambition, Avarice, and Frawd,
205: A stirrop to get up to Kingly power,
A lather to ascend rich Cr'sus Tower,
And though that under neath its mask some have
Been naught, and vile, and often play'd the Knave.
Yet 'tis impossible for any one
210: To clime to Heaven without Religion.
Laverniones now regarded were,
But few did to Apollo honour bear,
For by Bellona Themis banished was,
Astr'a, and Minerva in like case;
215: Mnemosyne of small account was deem'd,
And all the nine as little were esteem'd,
Witnesse thee Clio, and Melpomene,
Euterpe, Thalia, Calliope,
And thou Terpsichore, and Erato,
220: Polymnia, and bright Vrania too;
Oxford and Cambridge also witnesse may
This for a need no more belov'd then they;
And our Metropolis can likewise show
This truth, from whence much of our wos did flow,
225: Where some with rampant Liberty grew mad,
And Parl'aments without their Head as bad,
Where Crosse, and Harpe in the Rumps breaches joyn'd
With God without them, you might ever find:
Where our Protectors 39 Rebels did protect,
230: But loyall Subjects kill, or else reject,
Where Councils (such of safety men did call)
Made it their common course us to enthrall:
Keepers of Liberty did helpe t'enslave
Three Nations, and brought them to their grave;
235: If this a Commonwealth were, surely Hell
A Common wealth may styled be as well.



Ah in thy 40 absence we did God forsake
And had got near unto Avernus lake,
'Tis thou hast brought us back again, who feare
240: Shoul'd thou not stay, we should be as we were;
And that full soone, and altogether by
The eares; sure such would be our destiny!
Like damn'd Enceladus the Rump once more
Would vent its flames out as it did before;
245: And what is it John Lambert would no do
To drive his ends, though he to Hell might go?
Coblings and Elves, and Furies then would dance
And lead the female Quakers in a Trance,
And the new Lights would rise th' old to Eclipse,
250: And she Fanaticks roundly will-E-wipse.
Nay which is more then this! tis thought by some
(And so thinke I) Pluto again would come
And act his old scene o're, and a worse too,
If Hugh, and Hee could possibly it do,
255: Together with their black Crew, for tis said
They have a mind to 't, and the plot is laid.



Now enter Hugh, the bellowes of our evil,
An instrument most fitting for the Devil,
Thou Tumbler, Lurcher, and Virtumnian spawne,
260: Thou Traytrous Mountback, fit to be drawn
Hanged, and quarter'd, and thy limbs on high
Set up, Rebellious souls to terrifie.
Amphibious Villain! I no words can find
Which can set out thy salfe, and double minde
265: Art Thou not Hugh that Hocus Pocus which
Rack'd Hell, and skim'd Don Dis thy self t'enrich
That linsy woolsy sacred Dragoneer,
Who in sheeps clothing foremost did'st appear
Against thy king, and first gave fire? (most High,
270: So doing did he not at thee let fly
His damned shot? yes surely that he did;
For thine Annointed in thy self was hid.)
Though cruel wolfe that washt thy impious pawes
In Soveraigne blood in spight of holy Lawes,
275: Or of the Lord himself? who did command
That thou shouldst honor, but him not withstand:
Art Thou not He! who wouldst no Colledge have?
Cause thence thou wert expelled like a knave,
And the Towers Records greatly did'st desire
280: To see translated into flames of fire:
Withall advise that some would Pauls confound
(Even rev'rend Pauls) and raze it to the ground:
And then pave Thamesstrete with its (sacred) stones,
Which, since their wicked motion, have their groans
285: Sent up to Heav'n, and brought down on thy head
Gods Vengeance, which will shortly strik thee dead.
O hellish Monster who hast been most vile,
Murdering one Father, th' other in exile
Laboring with all thy Power to send, ev'n thine
290: Own Countries Father, gracious, and 41 divine;
And likewise hast been so extreamly base,
As to throw dirt in thine own Mothers face,
And oft to stumble at a straw, wert seen,
But high, and mighty blocks leap over cleane, 42
295: To straine much at a gnat, (O tender soul)
Yet easily devoure a Camel 43 whole: 44
Church Ceremonies thou could'st not indure,
And yet thou mad'st it nothing to inure
Thy self to an offence dark and uncleane
300: As Witchcraft; damn'd Rebellion I meane,
Rebellion, that fowle, and 45 filthy sin
Which thy black soul deepely was bathed in.)
Thou cry'dst 'gainst Bishops, why was all thy moan,
They Anti-christian were cause Thou wast none:
305: The Hierarchy must alltogether down
In policy thence to supplant the Crown;
For there's no greater Truth in any thing,
Then this tryed rule, no Bishop, and no King.
Art thou not Hee? who under the pretence
310: Of Piety, helpt banish it, from hence:
And like a Player in the Pulpit shew'd
Thy canting tricks, ah, how most vile. and lewd!
Thundring out Providence a Prologue to
Some horrid act thou wert about to do.
315: And wonderfully swallow down thy throate
Engagments, Oathes, and Cov'nants, & what not?
With as much ease as Iuglers do their Knives,
Or thou embracedst Zealous loveing wives,
Of some strange lightning which the blade doth melt
320: Within the Sheath, whilest that no scorching felt.
Art thou not Hee? that did'st lead out o'th way
The fervent Sisters, both by night, and day,
Ev'n when they came to hear thee pray, and preach
Thou did'st designe them then, to over reach:
325: Oh! how lascivious was thy intent
Let Sinners judge of the long Parliament:
I hope they n'ere may hear you any more,
Nor the stout butcher beat you out o'th dore.
Art thou not Hee? who with thy cunning pate
330: Emptyedst the weaker vessells of their Plate,
And when thou mad'st most shew to seek the Lord
Thou then most playd'st the Devill under bord.
Thimbles, and Bodkins, 46 Jewells, and the like,
Made them their Husbands with the scabbard strik;
335: Thou haveing drawn the sword: O mighty man
Of war what flesh could once withstand Thee then,
In those thy Rampant dayes, when women rose
Betimes, resolved to be led by th' Nose
By a seducing Sophister, whose end
340: To lust, gain, and Rebellion did tend.
In these thy summum bonum thou did'st place
Grand Hypocrite, even when thy Text was Grace:
Bible, as well as Alcoran might burn 47
Alike for Thee, when thou had'st serv'd thy turn,
345: Thou Boanerges, Fire brand, Chaplain fell
Most fit for Nol, and for the Devil in Hell.



But stay how now, Nol, and the Devil here
I find conjoyn'd, as they at Wor'ster were,
And know not well how I shall part them, so
350: For ought I see they must together go:
O may they never more return, least they
Should joine with new lights, and renew the fray,
And like so many Iacks 48 with lanthornes blaze,
And madmen make and fools lead Lamberts maze,
355: Whereby a Monk may needfull be once more
To fright away the Spirits as before,
And mystically set them such a spell,
As Heav'n alone could his good meaning tell,
Georg the Great Arbiter of three whole Nations,
360: O're threw the Dragon to our admirations,
And many a woodcock took in his dark net,
Which he to th' purpose for Iohn Lambert set
'Mongst many there; but O behold th'event
Both strange, and true, Jack in a box was pent.



365: What oracle that e'r was heard of vented
Such dextrous language as George complemented?
'Tis well that He himself knew what it ment
Before the Posts, and chains did give it vent,
How strang a Card to the Rebellious Rump,
370: And its well wishers did He turn up Trump,
Who in a Northern mist white powder shot,
Which scatter'd all his foes, yet sounded not.
George on his horse, scarce seen, nor understood,
Did conjure out of evil what is good,
375: Good for the King, and Kingdoms, and for All
Who date their rising from grand Rebells fall.



The Dragon being conquer'd, and his Tayle
Pickled in souse: whilst Fooles did it bewayle,
George, and his Boyes, O rare! the Rump did rost
380: By such a fire, as was unseen by most,
And unfelt too, till they the sauce did make
And the true Members did their Places take,
Who did assess what reck'ning should be pay'd
By those who had so many soules betray'd.



385: And now Iohn Lambert tell me what that trick
Avayled thee, thou served'st honest Dick?
In Him perswading timely to resigne
His usurp'd place, that so it might be thine.
And Dick where art thou now, (old Noll his son)
390: Who Whilome had'st so many Healths begun
Unto thy Fathers Landlord? (if thou be
Esteemed, or not, it shall not trouble me:) 49
I never was thy favorite, nor his
Nor the Rumps lover, (hang him up that is.)
395: And whats become of all that perjured fry
That vow'd to God with thee to live, and die?
They may one part keep of their vow, but when
They'l keep it all, we shall see wonders then.
Surely they with the New lights vanish'd be,
400: For I not any one of them can see;
I hope they ne're will come again to cause
Fooles wander from their God, and from their Laws,
Nor Monk occasion when they go astray,
To bring them back into the Kings high way,



405: Now thankes to thee good Monk, to whom God gave
A large Commission, Nations to save,
And Liberty to weare wise Gyges ring
To the advantage of thy Self, and King,
With strength to vanquish that Chim'ra which
410: Had join'd 50 with Mars three Nations to bewitch;
Thou like God Janus truly hast divin'd,
Looking not only 'fore thee, but behind;
And beyond Argus such watch still did'st keep
As that no Mercury could make thee sleep.
415: 'Twas thou who stoutly (maugre all thy Foes)
With burning Tongs held'st Cromwel by the Nose,
And when as Atlas shoulders did incline,
Thou then all Britane did'st uphold with thine.
Monk! thou great Monk!! whose worth a lone out spells
420: And weighs down all the Monks in Roomes proud Cells.
Prounc'd I Monk? Why? then the man I a nam'd
Who by a word both Land, and Sea new fram'd.
Made the round world looke square, & 51 out of might
Extracted Day, out of Chaos Light:
425: I challeng all the Heathen Gods to one
To do the like as mighty Monk hath done.
The Name alone of Monk did conquer more
Then all the Guns in sev'rall years before,
No Canon sounded like the Name of Monk,
430: At whose report Lambert his hornes in shrunk,
And the scar'd Rumpers fowly did bewray
Their seats, and so most sweetly run away.
And now I hope we may good times regaine,
For now (the LORD be prays'd) my CHARLS doth raigne:
435: Well may he long do so, to his content,
And live our KING, our Lawes, and PARLAMENT.


ANd now great JOVE my thanks accept I pray,
For bringing me thus forward on my way.
Unto my KING, in sounding his renowne
440: Whose Triumphs blest Eternity will Crowne,
Momus himself must needs, be strucken dumb
Now CHARLS, (next under GODS,) his Kingdomes come.
His Kingdomes come, and happy will be they
Who fear their GOD, and do their KING obey.

Iune 1660.

[34] many] mnay O

[35] a'fierce] a'fierie O; ms correction in O

[36] Minos and Rhadamanthus thos dire brothers] Minos and those dire brothers, Rhadamanthus O, CH; corrected in ms O, CH

[37] 'tna's] 'ta's O

[38] Turkes] Tnrkes O

[39] Protectors] Prorectors O

[40] thy] my O; ms correction O

[41] and] aud O, CH

[42] Proverbial: "To stuble at a straw and leap over a block" (Tilley S922), to worry about small matters while accepting enormous injustices. To be found in Howell's Proverbs; so too the next proverb in lines 295-96, suggesting that Oxenden may have been using it.

[43] Camel] Gamel O

[44] Proverbial: "To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" (Tilley G150) from Christ's accusation of the pharisees (Matt. xxiii 24): to punish small offenses while letting great crimes go unpunished.

[45] and] aud O, CH

[46] Bodkins,] Bodkinss O

[47] might burn] mightb urn O

[48] Iacks] Iack O, CH; ms corrected in both

[49] no close parenthesis O or CH

[50] join'd] joined O, CH; corrected in ms in both

[51] &] added in ms O

Walter Charleton
verses in
An Imperfect Pourtraicture
7 March, 1661

   Title: AN IMPERFECT / POURTRAICTURE / OF HIS / SACRED MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / BY THE GRACE OF GOD / KING / Of Great BRITAIN, FRANCE, and IRELAND, / Defender of the Faith, &c. / Written by a Loyal Subject, who most / Religiously affirms, / Se non diversas spes, sed incolumitatem / C'saris simpliciter spectare. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the Sign of the An- / chor in the Lower Walk of the New-Exchange. 1661.

   Walter Charleton (1619-1707) was born in Somerset, entering Magdalen Hall, Oxford in 1635. In 1643, aged only 24, he was made M. D. and appointed physician to Charles I, whose court was then at Oxford. In 1650 he moved to London, was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians and made physician to the exiled king. During the decade before the Restoration he wrote ten weighty books on medical and philosophical subjects, composing another eighteen before his death. He was an original Fellow of the Royal Society. His best known work is probably Chorea Gigantum (1663), arguing that Stonehenge was built by the Danes as a place to crown kings.

   An Imperfect Pourtraicture is a prose tract that flatteringly attributes numerous virtues to the new king. It includes the following verses in Latin with English translations. The first set are attributed to Horace:

... what Horace said to Augustus C'sar, is more due to His MAJESTY,
Instar veris enim, vultus ubi Tuus
Assulsit, populo gratior it dies,
Et soles melius nitent.

The Lustre of His Royal sight
Makes the day passe with more delight,
And Suns to shine more bright. [p. 10]

   Later, regarding how much Charles has achieved in the first nine months of his reign, Charleton gives us:

Jam fides, et Pax, et Honor, Pudorque
Priscus, et neglecta redire Virtus
Audet, apparetque beata pleno
Copia cornu.

Now Faith, and Peace, and Shame begin
To rise again, as from the dead:
Now antient Virtue dares come in,
And shew her long-neglected head:
And blessed Plenty, with her load,
Appears abroad. [p. 20]


   He is, moreover, a KING of so Mild, and withall so Great a Spirit, that His Severity (if He hath any) is conceal'd, but Clemency visible to all. (p. 10)

Isaac Walton
An humble Eglog
Henry Brome

On the Kings Return

   Titlepage: SONGS / AND OTHER / POEMS. / [rule] / BY / ALEX. BROME, / GENT. / Dixero siquid jocosius, hoc mihi juris / Cum Venia dabis -- -- Hor. I. Sat. 4. / [rule] / [crown] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane. 1661. /

   Although both these verses take the events of May 1660 as their subject, I have not found them in print before Brome's Poems of 1661, and have placed them here to illustrate how such effusions were continuing to appear long after their immediate moment had passed. Brome's song was among the most popular of the year, it would seem, so its late appearance in print suggests something of poetic endurance.

To my ingenious Friend Mr. Brome,
on his various and excellent Poems:
An humble Eglog.

Daman and Dorus.

Written the 29. of May, 1660.

Hail happy day! Dorus, sit down:
Now let no sigh, nor let a frown
Lodge near thy heart, or on thy brow.
The King! the King's return'd! and now
5: Lets banish all sad thoughts, and sing
We have our lawes, and have our King.


Tis true and I wood sing, but oh!
These wars have shrunk my heart so low
Twill not be rais'd.


What not this day?
10: Why tis the twenty ninth of May:
Let Rebels spirits sink: let those
That like the Goths and Vandals rose
To ruine families, and bring
Contempt upon our Church, our King,
15: And all that's dear to us, be sad;
But be not thou, let us be glad.
And Dorus, to invite thee, look
Here's a Collection in this book
Of all those chearfull songs, that we
Have sung with mirth and merry-gle:
As we have march'd to fight the cause
Of Gods anoynted, and our lawes:
Such songs as make not the least ods
Betwixt us mortals and the Gods:
Such songs as Virgins need not fear
To sing, or a grave Matron hear.
Here's love drest neat, and chast, and gay
As gardens in the month of May;
Here's harmony, and wit, and art,
To raise thy thoughts, and chear thy heart.


Written by whom?

A friend of mine,
And one that's worthy to be thine:
A Civil swain, that knowes his times
For businesses, and that done, makes rimes;
But not till then: my Friends a man
Lov'd by the Muses; dear to Pan;
He blest him with a chearfull heart:
And they with his sharp wit and art,
Which he so tempers, as no Swain,
That's loyal, does or shou'd complain.


I woo'd fain see him:

Go with me.

To yonder broad beech tree,
There we shall meet him and Phillis,
Perrigot, and Amaryllis,
45: Tyterus, and his dear Clora,
Tom, and Will, and their Pastora:
There we'l dance, shake hands and sing,
We have our Lawes,

God bless the King.
Iz. Walton.


On the Kings returne.

LOng have we waited for a happy End
Of all our miseries and strife;
But still in vain the Swordmen did intend,
To make them hold for tearm of Life.
5: That our distempers might be made,
Their everlasting lively-hood and trade.


They entayle their Swords and Guns,
And pay, which wounded more;
Upon their Daughters and their Sons,
Thereby to keep us ever poor.


And when the Civil wars were past
They civil Government envade;
To make our taxes, and our slavery last,
Both to their titles, and their trade.


15: But now we are redeem'd from all,
By our Indulgent King;
Whose coming does prevent our fall,
With loyal and with joyful hearts we'l sing.


Welcome, welcome royal May,
20: Welcome long desired Spring,
Many springs and Mays we've seen
Have brought forth what's gay and green.
But none is like this glorious day
Which brings forth our Gracious King.


Cedrus Britanica

   Titlepage: CEDRUS BRITANICA / ET / LAURUS REGIA / SIVE / REX & CORONOA / A / POETICAL HEXAMERON. / Shewing, / 1. The Invention,} / 2. The Distinction,} / 3. The Designation,} / 4. The Necessity, } / 5. The Dignity,} / 6. The Perpetuity.} / [parallel to long bracket} Of Crownes. / [design: angels hold rose and thistle] / Printed, Anno Dom. 1660.

   Undated, but included here for its anticipation of the Coronation.

   Echoes of Herbert in the final verses anxiously awaiting the coronation; and possibly echoes of Marvell's "Garden" in lines 77-79?


Should Juno now (as once she did the 1 nine)
Perswade my Muse to chose a theam divine;
And dare, with the sweet Acheloiades
To sing a parode, till shee'd won the baies:
5: I'de wish her take no other theam then this,
Rex Coronatus, is a Kingdomes blisse.

Of the Invention of Crowns.

SUBTLE invention! pregnant growth of Arts!
Which mad'st the Crown of such admired parts;
And so stupendious, that 'tis hard to tell
10: Whether thou shewdst an art or miracle.
Man held the pencill, thou didst guide the hand:
His was the motion, but thine the command.
What e're of solid matter fram'd we see,
Was immaterially first wrought by thee.
Invention made the Artist merit fame:
She did the work, though he hath got the name.
Who e're it was, that found this royall art
Of making Crowns; he wisely did impart
His skill: Who would so rare an Art interre;
20: And make its womb to prove its Sepulchre?
Should not the fancy act by emanation,
An Art would prove a bodylesse Creation.
Th'idea of a Crown, that's forg'd and coyn'd
Only within the Mint-house of the mind,
25: Is little worth, unlesse it serves to be
Th'exemplar of some reall Entitie.
What honour is't to think on Crowns? since Clowns
May be Crown'd with imaginarie Crowns.
That must have reall worth, that's made to be
30: The greatest Emblem of Supremacie.
Here Art excell'd: the Crown she did ingage
To be the wonder of the golden Age.
'Tis soon resolv'd, whether more skill were shown
When Nature wrought the Gold, or Art the Crown.
35: Gold's but Mechanick trash that doth besmear
First the Refiner, then th'Artificer:
Nor is it fit for Crowns or Scepters, till
'Tis forg'd and furbisht by admired Skill.
Admired Skill! that makest Crowns to be
40: Like that Celestial-spangled Canopy,
So full of Diamonds; as if Art thence
Would cause not only light, but influence.
O rare invention! thou such Skill hast shown
In making, that thou best deserv'st the Crown.

Of the Distinction of Crowns.

45: Should Art, and Nature strive, and both disclose
Their Glory; that the Crown, and this the Rose:
The Rose no doubt would blush and shut her eyes,
As guilty of her own deformities:
Would throw her self, and all her beauty down
50: Before the golden splendor of the Crown.
Should Flora all the Glory of the Spring
Gather into one heap, and proudly bring
Her sweetest Flowrs forth; they were not meet
For Crowns, their beauty b'ing as short as sweet.
55: What though the Ancients us'd such toyes of old
For Crowns and Garlands; shall we now slight Gold?
Take all the Tulips, Roses, Lillies, Pines,
Pinkes, Poppies, Violets, and all that shines
Or casts a fragrant smell: Cut branches from
60: The Laurel, Myrtle, Olive, Ivy; some
Of these perhaps may please the wanton sense,
Yet not contain that worth and excellence,
That grace and beauty, which ('bove natures power)
Is wrought by Art in her transcendent flower.
65: Well then my Sophocles sit down; be still;
Make Crowns no more with his white Daffodill:
Sappho that famous Poetesse may now
Use Rubies 'stead of Roses: Juno's brow
May scorn the Lilly: may Diana be
70: Asham'd to wear a Crown of Myrtle tree.
Let sleeping Morpheus with his Poppy-crown
Dream ne're so much of flattering renown:
Let Meleager boast himself the man
That wore the Garland once Pancarpian:
75: Let Bacchus wear (who makes the Tun his Throne)
An Ivy Chaplet on his head, or none:
Let Gamesters strive, and think it great renown
To win the Olive, or the Laurell Crown:
But what's all this? let Natures Rosarie
80: Exhaust her richest Treasures, and out-vie
The Triumphs of those ancient Roman plaies,
Wherein the Victors wore victorious Baies:
Yet these, because they fade as fast as spring,
Are toyes and shadowes. Gold best Crowns a King.
85: Whose durable and glitt'ring matter speaks
A long and glorious reign: Whose substance breakes
Resisting metals: and whose worth and weight
Do argue weighty cares, in worthy might:
Whose All-commanding vertue lets us see
90: The power of an earthly Deitie:
Whose estimate above inferiour things
Showes what esteem is due to sacred Kings.
Gold then we see the chiefest Minerall,
Must needs be best to Crown a King withall.

Of the Designation of Crowns.

95: Crowns are for Kings, and Kings alone for Crowns:
When these two meet and joyn Rebellion frowns;
Dissention frets; and Treason stops her mouth;
The Monsters of a Kingdome lose their growth,
Go backward (that's their proper motion
To walke like Crabs kàé' à'vàãoëiâmov.) chk GK
Kings then have greatest honour, when they wear
That which commands the Subjects dread and fear.
The Motto of a Crown should alwayes be
Rex & Corona, joyn'd eternally.
105: Et, like a Gordian knot, should stand so stout
'Twixt both, that nought but death should cut it out.
For in the Union of those Delian-twins,
Concord in state, and Truth in Church begins.
Crown'd, is a concrete, proper unto none,
110: But those, whom right exalts unto the Throne.
Here Subjects are not Subjects, Kings must be
The only Subjects of this Propertie.
England hath oft been sick, but yet not dead;
Because she had a Crown to bind her head.
115: Preserve the head, wherein the senses lie,
And then no fear, the body cannot die.
Give that the Crown, and Diadem to boot:
Lesse pompous Ornaments will serve the foot.
It cannot be, but that a Kingdome reele,
120: Which takes her Crown, and wears it on her heele.
What e're is so preposterous as this
To order, carries a Antithesis.
Look round about, behold what Symmetrie,
And sweet convenience in the world we see:
125: Nature distributing her Gifts to all,
Keeps a proportion Geometricall.
And shall not man in imitation, thus
Observe a Prius and Posterius?
Should we not own some Pow'r imperiall,
130: The wild and savage beasts would shame us all:
For they consent the Lyon still should reign;
Because by nature made their Soveraign.
The Crown, which all admire, and some adore,
Is that, which none but high-born Princes wore.
135: The tallest branch upon that Royall stemme,
Is onely fit to wear the Diadem.
Should Peasants rule, and keep their Princes under, chk
'Twould put the seven wonders out of wonder.
Of all Monstrosities, not one like these
140: To see a Nation walk Antipodes;
To see the Sun devested of its light,
And made inferiour to the guide of night;
To see a Dunghill mounted to the Sky,
There plac't to be the Dayes illustrious Eye;
145: To see a Swine weare Jewels in his snout;
To see the Lillies cropt, whilst Briers sprout:
Yet these, and many more were found wrapt in
The late Apostrophe of Crown from King.
Crowns therefore are the great Prerogative
150: Of Sacred Kings: Flowers that will not thrive
Or grow on Sordid shrubs; but made to be
The highest Glory of the Cedar-tree.

Of the Necessity of Crowns.

155: When that the Sun shall cease to guide the day;
When Moon and Stars shall need no borrowed Ray:
When Kings and Government shall be no more;
Then Crownes shall cease as needlesse: not before.
The States (as Stars take from the Sun their light)
160: From Crowns receive both Majesty and might.
These only can the Kingdomes Peace defend
And make the sturdy'st Tyrants breake or bend:
These only can with their victorious Rayes,
Dispell our storms, and give us Halcyon-dayes.
165: When the late Crown did fall, such Tempests rose,
As if the Centre would it self disclose:
Such Hero-canes did then disturbe our ease,
As if Old-England were an Indies.
Cyclopian Darts did wound and kill so fast,
170: As if the World would then breath out its last.
It was an Age that well might weary out
The Cyclops, Vulcan, Mars, and all that rout.
The Sword struck off our head without controll,
And made the Palace like a Capitol.
175: And shall not future Ages weep the tale,
And story of that Monarchs Funerall?
There needs must follow darknesse, tumults, war,
When that the Sun became a falling Star.
'Twas then the Herses ran where e're they list
To fire the World, when their own guide was mist.
Posterity shall mourn to hear what fate
Hung o're this dolefull, this distrackted State.
But we may now rejoyce. There comes at last
A sweet forgetfulnesse of sorrowes past.
185: May that once Captive, now triumphant Crown
Conquer its foes, and throw Rebellion down;
Restore this Palsie-Nation to its health;
And Monarchy prefer to Common-wealth.
So shall we ever jo-p'ans sing,
190: And make the World with acclamations ring:
So shall our words with choicest accents be
Rais'd up to such Seraphick harmonie;
That ev'ry single Vowell shall rebound,
And like a Diphthong give a double sound;
195: Nothing shall passe out through our lips, that is
Not utter'd with a chearfull Emphasis.
Without the Crown all other things are toyes:
The crowning of the King crowns all our joyes.
O may it therefore never more be known
Our selves to want a King, our King a Crown.

Of the Dignity of Crowns.

Read over the Worlds Alphabet, the story
Of sage Antiquity: there't not that Glory
In all the Feats of Art, which here is shown
In this her Master-piece, the Royall Crown.
205: Those golden Apples, which brave Hercules
Took by his valour from th'Hesperides,
Were fair without, and beauteous to the Eye,
Whilst all within did rot and putrifie
The Golden Fleece, which Jason took such pain
210: To steale from Colchos, was but wooll in grain:
'Twere graines of Gold that made it such a peece,
B'ing first a Sheeps-skin, then a golden fleece.
The golden Crown hath more of worth then these,
Or any jewell from the Indian Seas.
215: It needs no varnish outwardly to hide
Its inward blemishes; it needs not pride
It self in painted showes; it needs no foile,
Unlesse it be its Diamonds to spoyle.
Which sparkling Gems, like eyes set round, do well
220: Denote a King the Kingdomes Sentinell;
Who with more care his Subjects fortifies,
Then Argus Io, with 2 his hundred eyes.
Its matter is by Chymists so refin'd,
The Quintessence is only left behind:
225: So strange and admirable is its frame,
The Artist scarce beleeves he made the same.
Who would to all its excellencies come,
Must with the golden number count their Summe.
Would'st in a word know what this Circlet is?
230: Thou canst not without a Periphrasis.
It doth in its Superlative degree,
Transcend the reach of an Hyperbole.
Ther's more contained in that one word, Crown;
Then ever was or fully can be known.
235: Crown'd, that's enough it self; there needs no more
Be said, to make the Subject to adore
His lawfull Prince; or make his Prince to be
Intitled to a just Supremacie.

Of the Perpetuity of Crowns.

If that an humble Verse could reach the Sky,
240: Or meter could mete out Eternity:
Then might perhaps to ev'ry eye be shown
The vastnesse of the Crowns duration.
Time may unglosse the Flourishes of Art,
But can't annihilate the smallest part
245: Of massie Gold. Crowns shall out-wrestle all;
Yea, time it self at last, and giv't the fall.
When these (like timely fruit from off the Tree)
Do fall away, they do not cease to be:
Nor shall they die at Natures Funerall,
250: But shall be chang'd, and made perpetuall.
O may Great Britains Monarch many yeares
Reign here below, and then above the Spheares:
And when these golden Shadowes all are gone,
May there for ever wear a reall Crown:
255: May, when his Princely Race is finisht here,
Passe from his own to Heavens Star-Chamber.
May factious Comets never more presage
To Peace a Period, Prince a Pilgrimage:
Till that time comes, when time it self shall die,
260: And shall lie buried in Eternity.


[1] the] he WF

[2] with] wih

An Ardent wish for the Coronation of his sa-
cred Majesty CHARLES II.

Are Crowns so usefull to maintain
The Peoples safety, Princes reign?
And made for none
But Kings alone?
5: Then why doth not that Royall head
With its own Crown (that is so dread)
It self adorn,
Since't must be worn?
Why do our greatest joyes come on
10: With such a slow gradation,
As if delay
Would bid us nay?
Why doth delay thus rack our hope,
Making us run beside the scope,
And happy end,
To which we tend?
Why don't our eyes behold and see
The joyfull'st Contiguitie
That e're was known
'Twixt head and Crown?
Come quickly then thou joyfull day,
Come swifter then a darted Ray
Out from the Sun
When clouds are gone.
25: Out-run our thoughts: with nimble speed
Anticipate the time decreed.
Let haste prepare
Against despair.
Our minds with expectation led
30: Would languish, if not pullyed
And still drawn up
With cords of hope.
And hope it self would fayle at last,
Should it not see that day make haste,
Which doth attend
It hoped end.
Lets wait a while. We shall ere long
Shut up all Sorrowes with a Song.
When Charles is crown'd
Joyes shal rebound.

[ornamental rule]
[ornamental rule]

T. H.
The Cavaliers Thanks-giving.
[11 April] 1661

   Thomason's date.

[ornamental header]

Our Royal King Charls the Second's come home in peace
God blesse his Royal Grace.
And grant that we may thankfull be
in our succeeding Race.
The mighty force, his enemies all,
God did them over Rule;
And called a small Army our of the North
that soon their force did quell.
Let men therefore before the lord
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders he hath wrought
before the Sons of men.
Gods children of the Church of England,
did weep with many a tear,
And sent strong prayer up to Heaven,
and God their voice did hear,
But would not grant them their request,
until his wisdom saw it good,
Then he restor'd most joyfully
the Race of Royal blood.
Let men therefore before the lord,
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the Sons of men.
King Charles the first, the gretest Martyr
that ever these Lands had bred,
The wicked Traytors and malicious men,
did take away his head.
Wise men and good did then fore-see
great wrong that they would do,
To all their neighbours everywhere
and to other Lands also.
Grave Reverend Bishops they disgraced,
and godly Doctors too,
They put them quite out of their place
and plundered them also.
The godly prayers of the Church of England,
they did soon put down,
And maintaind False teachers every where,
like Locusts on the ground,
And then they thought themselves most sure
Of Balaams wicked hire,
But the gates of Hell could not prevail
to set Gods Church a fire.
God will preserve his Church be sure, as he hath promise made
From lewd men and unjust,
If that we serve him faithfully,
and in him put our trust.
Let men therefore before the Lord
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Great spoyl these Traytors here did make,
in England every where,
The Scottish Lords could not abide
but came away with fear,
They plundred many, and sequestred
like Villains void of grace,
The English Lords and Gentlemen,
were forct our of their place.
Stately homes and Castles strong
were pull'd down to the fround,
They were forced for to fly
with their true heart so sound.
Their loyal hearts God did regard
which they to the King did bear,
And at the last God brought him home again
to live in love without fear,
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confess his goodness then,
And shew his kindness that he doth,
For them the Sons of men.
A cruel war these Rebels then,
in England then did maintain,
Against all right and reason then
Like to blood-thirsty men.
They made such tumults every where,
through deceit, lying and fraud,
As did amaze men for to see,
their cousening lying trade.
Great Companys of armed men,
and rude youth to Lambeth house did come,
They forced the house in wicked sort,
till some were quite undone.
These wicked Rebels and Traytors used
Such tricks, that Citizens down did go,
Unto White-hall with Petitions as thick as moats in Sun
for to procure their own wo.
Such doings then my eyes did see,
I thought they all had been mad,
They kept Centry at every crosse way
alas it was too bad.
They so deluded plain simple men,
that thousands out did go,
With Spades and Shovels and Swords by their side
for to procure their own wo.
They went our with great Companys every dayu
with Drums sounding Dub a dub dub,
They carryed out Victuals and wrought for nothing
thinking themselves in fools Paradice sure as a club.
They made great ditches and cast up great Mounts,
to keep out their best friend,
Such blinde zeale on them did grow,
being falsly usherred in,
And many a Knave grew out of this dust
which did shew their teeth and grin,
And say, if they knew who were Cavaliers,
they would strip them all to the skin.
Our Warres did very much encrease
in England every where,
The Rebels they did grow so proud
without any grace or fear.
Some Victories to the Cavaliers
God did them freely give,
At Branford and in Cornwell too,
which did their hearts relieve.
Great mercy there our King did shew,
as did appear most plain,
Which made all them that had any grace
against themselves complain.
But the wicked Rebels still persue,
their malice, spight and wrong,
Untill such time tha they deserved,
the hate of God and man.
The Nations they stood looking on,
and wondring at our wo,
They said we English-men were mad
and knew not what to do.
The factious people brought their Plate
and made a might Masse,
As freely as the Idolatrous Jewes
did make a golden Calf;
But now the name of God be prays'd,
our people are wiser grown.
They will no more so cheated be
of that which is their own.
But now the hearts of most English men
is cleared from this thing.
Both Cavaliers and sober Presbytiers,
will say God save our KING.
The Noble men, Knights and Colonels,
and Citizens high and low,
Most joyfully proclaim'd our King,
in London in triumph did go.
And other Citys and Towns in these three Kingdoms all,
Great joy there did expresse,
With naked Swords within their hand
to shew their readinesse.
Great shouts of joy within the streets,
did eccho to the Sky,
Saying, God save our Royal King
and blesse his Majesty.
The Son and Heir of our beloved martyr'd King
which dyed to do us good,
With Faith, hope, and patience he did fore-see
that God would do him good,
And receive his sould into Heaven,
and blesse his Royall seed also,
And that God would in his due time
All his enemies overthrow.
All thanks be unto God on high
which hath performed this great thing,
And sent home his Son to be our guiode,
A wise and godly King.
By whom we may have great hopes of Peace
and Love so to abound,
At home, abroad and every where
throughout the world so round,
The Nations they will say abroad,
God hath not England forsook,
For he hath sent them home their Royal King
For to do them all good.
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Let men whom God redeemed hath
give thanks unto his name,
And shew how they sometimes were freed
and how God wrought the same.
That nine and twenty day of May,
which did the tydings bring
Of Peace, let all men keep and say
With me,
GOD save the KING.


Part XIII. The Tide Turning: Voices of Complaint

The Cavaliers Complaint
15 March, 1661

   Variant broadside, reprinted in An Antidote Against Melancholy: Made up in Pills (London, 1661), pp. 49-51; by Dryden, in Miscellany (1716) 4:352-4; Wright, Political Ballads, pp. 257-59; Wilkins, 1: 162-66; Ebsworth Merry Drollery Compleate, pp. 52-4.

    Wright, p. 257, notes: "The two ballads which follow ["The Cavaleers Letany", pp. 261-65] express the discontent of the now truimphant Cavaliers at the few personal advantages which they reaped from the Restoration, and at the ingratitude of King Charles to the old suporters of the fortunes of his family. The first is taken from the nineteenth volume of the folio broadsides, King's Pamphlets, British Museum. "I tell thee, Dick," &c. is the first line of Sir John Suckling's famous song on a wedding" (p. 257).

    Wilkins comments: "The Cavaliers were much disappointed at the neglect with which their claims to the royal favour were treated at the Restoration, and expressed great dissatisfaction [sic] at the preferments bestowed upon the Presbyeterians, whose return to loyalty was thus conciliated and confirmed. It was commonly said of the "Act of Oblivions and Indemnity," that the King had passed an "act of oblivion for his friends and of indemnity for his enemies." The famous divine, Dr. Isaac Barrow, who may be accpted as a fair exponent of the views of the Royalists at this juncture, conveyed, in the following sistich, his sense of the inattention he experienced:

"Te magis optavit rediturum, Carole, nemo,
Et nemo sensit te redisse minus."

"Oh! how my breast did ever burn
To see my lawful King return;
Yet whilst his happy fate I bless,
No one has felt his influence less." Wilkins 1: 162.
Wilkins also reprints A Turn-Coat of the Times (1: 167-71) dating it 1661, though it is usually given a much later date (Wing T3264A-3265C c. 1663-1700).

    See also The Cavalier's Genius: Being a Proper New Ballad. To the Tune of, 'Ods bodikins chill work no more, and forty other good Tunes (O=Wood 416(78)), which parodies Suckling's poem in itermitant dialect and satirizes court behaviour.

    Among the early complaints, see An Humble Representation of the sad Condition of may of the Kings Party, Who since His Majesties Happy Restauration have no Relief, and but Languishing Hopes. Together with Proposals how some of them may be speedily relieved, and others assured thereof, within a resonable time. Printed for A. Seile, in the Year, 1661. O=G.Pamph. 1119 (9).

    "We joyfully, indeed, partake in the Glory of His Majesties Restitution, the Peace of our Country, the security of Laws, & the Propect of future settlements is most pleasant to us: But, alas, we are still exposed to the same necessities, Nay many of us are in worse Condition, as to livelyhood, than ever, Partly by exhausting ourselves with unusual Expences, That we might appear (like our selves) concerned in his Majesties welcome, & Coronation, partly, by prosecuting honest, but fruitless, pretences, Chiefly by the fate of Poverty, which, seldome, continues, without encreasing, And (for Accomplishment of our Misery), Hope, (which, hitherto, alone, Befriended, & Supported,) hath now forsaken us." (p. 5)

   The Cavaliers Comfort is, in some respects, a reply to this ballad.

The Cavaliers Complaint.
[ruled box]

To the tune of,
I'le tell thee Dick. &c.
This is the Constant note I'le sing.
I have been Faithfull to the KING,
And so, shall Live and Dye. 1

COme Jack, let's drinke a Pot of Ale,
And I shall tell thee such a Tale,
Will make thine Eares to ring:
My Coyne is spent, my Time is lost,
5: And I this only Fruit can boast,
That once I saw my King.
Ile tell thee Dick &c. 2]

But this doth most afflict my Mind;
I went to Court, in hope to find
Some of my Friends in place:
And walking there, I had a sight
Of all the Crew, but by this light
I hardly knew one Face. 3
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

15: S'life, of so many Noble Sparkes,
Who on their Bodies, beare the markes
Of their Integrity:
And suffred ruine of Estate,
It was my base 4 unhappy Fate,
That I not one could see. 5
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

Not one, upon my Life among
My old acquaintance all along,
At Truro, and before:
25: And I suppose, the Place can shew,
As few of those, whom thou didst know
At Yorke or Marston Moore.
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

But truly, there are Swarmes of those,
30: Whose Chins are beardless, yet their Hose 6
And backsides, still weare Muffes: 7
Whil'st the old rusty Cavaliers, 8
Retires, or dares not once Appeare
For want of Coyne, and Cuffes.
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

When none of those, 9 I could decry,
Who better farre deserv'd, then I,
I calmely did reflect: 10
Old Servants by rule of State
40: Like Almanacks, grow out of date, 11
What then can I expect?
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

Troth in contempt, of Fortunes frowne,
I'le get me fairely out of Towne,
And in a Cloyster pray:
That, 12 since the Starres are yet unkind
To Royalists, the King may find, 13
More faithfull Friends then they.
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

[1] This ...Dye.] L1; om MC; O prints a half title -- "The Cavaleer's Complaint." -- above the first column.

[2] Refrain missing in LT, MC and O throughout.

[3] one Face.] L1; one face. MC; One Face! O, LT

[4] base] L1, MC; damn'd O, LT

[5] one could see.] L1, MC; One could see! O, LT

[6] line 30] L1, MC; Who lately were our chiefest Foes, O, LT

[7] line 31] L1; Of Pantaloons and Muffes O, LT

[8] Cavaliers] L1, MC; Cavaleer O, LT

[9] those] L1, MC; These O, LT

[10] I calmely] L1; Calmely O, LT

[11] line 39] L1; Old Services, (by Rule of State) O, LT

[12] That,] O, LT; That^ L1, MC

[13] find^] O, LT; find, L1, MC

An Echo, in Answer to

50: I Marvaile Dick, that having beene,
So long abroad, and having seene
The World, as thou hast done:
Thou shouldst acquaint me with a Tale,
As old as Nestor, and as stale,
As that of Priest and Nunne. 14
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

Are we to learne what is a Court! 15
A Pageant made, for Fortunes sport
Where Merits scarce appeare:
60: For bashfull merits only dwels 16
In Camps, in Villages, and Cels,
Alas, it comes, not there.
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

Desert is nice, in it's addresse,
65: And Merit oft times doth oppresse,
Beyond what guilt would doe:
But they are sure, of their Demands
That come to Court, with Golden hands,
And brazen Faces too.
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

The King indeed, doth still professe, 17
To give his Party soone Redresse,
And cherish Honesty:
But his good Wishes prove in vaine
75: Whose service, with his Servants gaine,
Not alwayes doth agree.
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

All Princes (be they ne're so Wise) 18
Are faine to See with other eyes, 19
But seldome Heare at all:
And Courtiers find their Interest
In time to Feather well their Nest,
Providing for their Fall.
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

85: Our Comfort doth on Time depend,
Things, 20 when they are at worst, 21 will mend,
And let us but reflect
On our Condition, 'tother day,
When none but Tyrants bore the Sway,
What did we then Expect?
Ile tell thee Dick &c.

Meane while, a calme Retreat is best,
But Discontent if not supprest,
Will breed Disloyalty:
95: This is the constant note I'le sing, 22
I have been Faithfull to the King,
And so, shall live and dye. 23
Ile tell thee Dick &c.


LONDON, Printed for N. Butter, dwelling in Cursitors Alley. 1660.

[14] Nunne.] L1; Nunne! O, LT. Wright observes: "An allusion to a popular old story and song. A copy of he words and tune of "The Fryar and the Nun" is presrved in the valuable collection of ballds in the possession of Mr. Thorpe, of Piccadilly" (p. 259).

[15] Court!] L1 Court? MC, O, LT;

[16] merits only dwels] L1; Merit only dwells O, LT

[17] King indeed] L1, MC; King, They say O, LT

[18] line 77] L1; All Princes be they ne're so wise, MC; All Princes, (be They ne're so wise) O, LT

[19] other] L1, MC; Others O, LT

[20] Things,] O, LT; Things^ L1

[21] worst,] O, LT; worst: L1

[22] I'le] L1, MC; I O, LT

[23] line 97] L1; And so shall ever be. O, LT

T. H.
The Cavaliers Thanks-giving.
[11 April] 1661

   Thomason's date.

[ornamental header]

Our Royal King Charls the Second's come home in peace
God blesse his Royal Grace.
And grant that we may thankfull be
in our succeeding Race.
The mighty force, his enemies all,
God did them over Rule;
And called a small Army our of the North
that soon their force did quell.
Let men therefore before the lord
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders he hath wrought
before the Sons of men.
Gods children of the Church of England,
did weep with many a tear,
And sent strong prayer up to Heaven,
and God their voice did hear,
But would not grant them their request,
until his wisdom saw it good,
Then he restor'd most joyfully
the Race of Royal blood.
Let men therefore before the lord,
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the Sons of men.
King Charles the first, the gretest Martyr
that ever these Lands had bred,
The wicked Traytors and malicious men,
did take away his head.
Wise men and good did then fore-see
great wrong that they would do,
To all their neighbours everywhere
and to other Lands also.
Grave Reverend Bishops they disgraced,
and godly Doctors too,
They put them quite out of their place
and plundered them also.
The godly prayers of the Church of England,
they did soon put down,
And maintaind False teachers every where,
like Locusts on the ground,
And then they thought themselves most sure
Of Balaams wicked hire,
But the gates of Hell could not prevail
to set Gods Church a fire.
God will preserve his Church be sure, as he hath promise made
From lewd men and unjust,
If that we serve him faithfully,
and in him put our trust.
Let men therefore before the Lord
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Great spoyl these Traytors here did make,
in England every where,
The Scottish Lords could not abide
but came away with fear,
They plundred many, and sequestred
like Villains void of grace,
The English Lords and Gentlemen,
were forct our of their place.
Stately homes and Castles strong
were pull'd down to the fround,
They were forced for to fly
with their true heart so sound.
Their loyal hearts God did regard
which they to the King did bear,
And at the last God brought him home again
to live in love without fear,
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confess his goodness then,
And shew his kindness that he doth,
For them the Sons of men.
A cruel war these Rebels then,
in England then did maintain,
Against all right and reason then
Like to blood-thirsty men.
They made such tumults every where,
through deceit, lying and fraud,
As did amaze men for to see,
their cousening lying trade.
Great Companys of armed men,
and rude youth to Lambeth house did come,
They forced the house in wicked sort,
till some were quite undone.
These wicked Rebels and Traytors used
Such tricks, that Citizens down did go,
Unto White-hall with Petitions as thick as moats in Sun
for to procure their own wo.
Such doings then my eyes did see,
I thought they all had been mad,
They kept Centry at every crosse way
alas it was too bad.
They so deluded plain simple men,
that thousands out did go,
With Spades and Shovels and Swords by their side
for to procure their own wo.
They went our with great Companys every dayu
with Drums sounding Dub a dub dub,
They carryed out Victuals and wrought for nothing
thinking themselves in fools Paradice sure as a club.
They made great ditches and cast up great Mounts,
to keep out their best friend,
Such blinde zeale on them did grow,
being falsly usherred in,
And many a Knave grew out of this dust
which did shew their teeth and grin,
And say, if they knew who were Cavaliers,
they would strip them all to the skin.
Our Warres did very much encrease
in England every where,
The Rebels they did grow so proud
without any grace or fear.
Some Victories to the Cavaliers
God did them freely give,
At Branford and in Cornwell too,
which did their hearts relieve.
Great mercy there our King did shew,
as did appear most plain,
Which made all them that had any grace
against themselves complain.
But the wicked Rebels still persue,
their malice, spight and wrong,
Untill such time tha they deserved,
the hate of God and man.
The Nations they stood looking on,
and wondring at our wo,
They said we English-men were mad
and knew not what to do.
The factious people brought their Plate
and made a might Masse,
As freely as the Idolatrous Jewes
did make a golden Calf;
But now the name of God be prays'd,
our people are wiser grown.
They will no more so cheated be
of that which is their own.
But now the hearts of most English men
is cleared from this thing.
Both Cavaliers and sober Presbytiers,
will say God save our KING.
The Noble men, Knights and Colonels,
and Citizens high and low,
Most joyfully proclaim'd our King,
in London in triumph did go.
And other Citys and Towns in these three Kingdoms all,
Great joy there did expresse,
With naked Swords within their hand
to shew their readinesse.
Great shouts of joy within the streets,
did eccho to the Sky,
Saying, God save our Royal King
and blesse his Majesty.
The Son and Heir of our beloved martyr'd King
which dyed to do us good,
With Faith, hope, and patience he did fore-see
that God would do him good,
And receive his sould into Heaven,
and blesse his Royall seed also,
And that God would in his due time
All his enemies overthrow.
All thanks be unto God on high
which hath performed this great thing,
And sent home his Son to be our guiode,
A wise and godly King.
By whom we may have great hopes of Peace
and Love so to abound,
At home, abroad and every where
throughout the world so round,
The Nations they will say abroad,
God hath not England forsook,
For he hath sent them home their Royal King
For to do them all good.
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Let men whom God redeemed hath
give thanks unto his name,
And shew how they sometimes were freed
and how God wrought the same.
That nine and twenty day of May,
which did the tydings bring
Of Peace, let all men keep and say
With me,
GOD save the KING.


His Majesties Welcome
in an honest blunt Ballad

    Another unicum in the library at Worcester College, Oxford, this is perhaps the most cynical of the contemporary verses on the king's return, satirizing all those who have welcomed the exile for their own selfish ends.

In an honest blunt Ballad.
            To the Tune of           Cook-Lorrell.


SIR, now that the skillfull Heroicks and Lyricks
To give a delight to your Majesties palat,
Have shew'd their rare art in Odes and Panegiricks
Jack Pudding makes bold to come in with his Ballat.


Whose love to the tune of Cooke Lorrell's as true
As that of the Pindars and Claudians o'th age.
Who new Lords to please, bade their old songs adieu,
Whilst he sung his Prince in the Usurpers Cage.


And now that all voyces are hoars with Hosannas
He ventures with is, that y'are welcome, to tell ee.
And that from a heart as right as any Man has
Or else I pray God turne it out of his bellie.


Y'are welcome as Raine to the long parched ground
(And like it, the good and the Bad you refresh.)
As health to the sick, or as wealth to the sound,
As blest Soules at Doomesday will be to their flesh.


Y'are welcome to all, to th' blustring War-men
Who this side, or that side, or all sides have owned.
To Priests of all Altars, and none, to the Bar-men
Who love Kings so wel, that ev'n Nol they'ld have crowned.


Y'are welcome to thousands, who thought their guilt far
Out-stript humane mercy, till yours o're went it.
Those few too whom Justice expects for hir share
Rejoyce that selfe-haltring will now be prevented.


Of all Sects and Int'rests Physitians alone
Complaine of your Presence, and seeme to have reason,
For since you came in all Diseases are gone,
Men think, to be sick now does favour of Treason.


But some of them hope yet, that for reparation,
You'l make 'em Domesticks, being Men whose rare cures
Have made their skill fam'd, and their Faith o're the Nation
For they did prolong ev'n his life, who sought yours. 1


Y'are welcom'd by some whom pure joy doth enflame
To see you restor'd, but like Children some be
Who think from a Faire of Preferments you came,
And cry welcome home Sir, what have you brought me.


And had you brought in the Promotions and Treasure
Of all Courts in Europe, you must have left some
Unsatisfi'd; then may it be your good pleasure,
To let your first Bountie begin with the Dumb.


Not such as with insolent items do show forth
To what their lost bloud, and long bondage amount,
Their plundrings, sequestrings, compoundings, & so for[th 2
Then pray, you'l come with 'em to a just account.


Nor that Man of Cassock (of diffrent opinion [sic
From all that think any as wise) who possest
Four hundred a yeare under Tyrant's dominion,
And looks his true Soveraigne should treble it at least[. 3


That Man of all Scenes, who to civill broiles
Can Cock-pit and Bowling-green-hedgings translate,
Both sides he makes his, and if this prevailes
He's forty pound winner, a hundred, if that.


Nor Bussemen who put in for Regiments now,
'Cause Troopes they commanded for Nol and the Stat[e 4
Unlesse their discretion can show a way, how
The Army may all be preferr'd at that rate.


Nor such, as their March with you from Dover hither
To get a Court-office so strongly do plead.
And urge the great charge of a Circular-feather,
Which serves well to ballast an unsteady head.


But those that have done well, and think, that thereby
The deeds to themselves were an ample reward,
No service how mighty so ever and high
'Thout modesty 'ith' Doer deserves your regard. [sic


And now, Sir, calme days and store of'em I wish you,
With all the content your sweet soule can desire
And may you be happy in consort and issue,
As he, you in virtue expresse, your blest Sire.


The rage of black Boreas you nobly have born,
Till Ph'bus kind rayes of refreshment hath spread,
The Crown of Thorns long with renown you have worn
And now let the Golden one heale your peirc't head.


With more then Herculean courage and might
Y'ave conquer'd the malice of your step-dame fortune,
And virtue no lesse now then Bloud pleads your right
To th'Scepter, wch humbly you hand doth importune[. 5


And may those brave Heroes your brothers by birth,
And suffings, be so in what Kinder fates bring,
Till full of good dayes, and disdaining the Earth,
You soare to your Father, so God save the KING.


LONDON: Printed for Henry Marsh
at the Princes Armes in Chancery-Lane near Fleet-Street, 1660.

[1] yours.] yours/ OW

[2] final letters cropped

[3] cropped without period

[4] final letters cropped

[5] cropped without period

[6] Henry Marsh] black-letter

Part XIV. Additional Verses

James Howell
Grebner's prophecy
Lexicon Tetraglotton
sig [A2].

   Titlepage: Lexicon Tetraglotton, / AN / English-French-Italian-Spanish / DICTIONARY: / WHEREUNTO IS ADJOINED / A large NOMENCALTURE of the proper Terms / (in all the four) belonging to several Arts and Sciences, to Recreations, to / Professions both Liberal and Mechanick, &c. / Divided into Fiftie two SECTIONS; / [rule] / With another Volume of the Choicest / PROVERBS / [etc.] / LONDON, Printed by J. G. for Samuel Thomson at the Bishops head / in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.

    James Howell (1593/4-1666) was born in Carmarthenshire; his father was a curate and his elder brother Thomas was to become Bishop of Bristol. He attended Jesus College, Oxford, 1610-1613, then worked for Sir Robert Mansell as a steward in his glass factory in London. In 1617, he was commissioned to travel into Europe to find skilled workmen and materials for the factory. He travelled from Amsterdam, to Paris and St Malo, then on to Barcelona and Alicante, spending a year in Spain, finally reaching Venice in the autumn of 1618. After sending two workmen back to Mansell, Howell stayed on in Italy on his own, visiting the major cities, then back through the Alps arriving back in England late in 1620. After an illness for which he was treated by William Harvey, he went to the court of Spain to sue on behalf of an English merchant vessel seized by the court of Sardinia; while there, Charles and Buckingham arrived on their mission to marry the king off the the spanish princess; the failure of the court caused his own mission to be unsuccessful and he returned. Turning down a fellowship at Jesus, he became secretary to Lord Scrope which led to a parliamentary seat for Yorkshire in 1627. Various appointments and missions brought him into close personal contact with Jonson, Carew, Herbert of Cherbury, Kenelm Digby through the 1630s. On 30 August 1642 he was sworn in as Clerk to the Council. In November he was arrested and sent to the Fleet where he stayed 8 years.

    Having already published Dodona's Grove and the Instructions for Travel, he spent his yeas in prison writing. At the Restoration, Howell was among those who hoped that Charles would reward them for their loyal suffering -- in February 1661 he was finally appointed Historiographer Royal at a salary of oe200.

    For the life, see DNB and Joseph Jacob's edition of Howell's Familiar Letters (1892).

    Howell published a number of items in 1660, but his verses "Upon his Majesties Return, With the Dukes of York and Glocester" did not appear until 1663, in Payne Fisher's edition of James Howell's POEMS / On several / CHOICE and VARIOUS / SUBJECTS. / Occasionally Composed / By An Eminent Author. / [rule] / Collected and Published / BY Sergeant-Major P. F. / [rule] LONDON: / Printed by Ja: Cottrel; and are to be sold by / S. Speed, at the Rain-bow in Fleetstreet, / near the inner Temple-gate. 1663. [L=1076.f.14] contains the following verses, which are reprinted in the 1664 edition (really a reissue with new tp):

Upon his Majesties Return,
With the Dukes of York and Glocester.

THe Stars of late Eccentrick went
Out of the British Firmament,
But now they are fix'd there again,
And all concentred in Charles wain;
Where, since just Heaven did them restore,
They shine more glorious then before.

Long may they glitter in that Sky
With Beams of new Refulgency;
May great Apollo from his Sphear
Encrease their light, and motions chear,
So that old Albion may from thence
Grow younger by their Influence.

May no ill-boding Blazing Star,
No Northern Mist, or Civil War,
No lowring Planet ever raign
Their lustre to obscure again,
But may whoole Heav'n be fair and cleer,
And every Star a Cavalier.

pp. 118-119.
The Poems, however, do not include the epigram that appears in the Lexicon.

    The above verses do not appear to have been printed in 1660: I have not located them in Howell's edition of Cotgave's French and English Dictionary (1660), or The Parly of Beasts (1660), or Divers Historicall Discourses of the late Popular Insurrections in Great Britain (1661), or Philanglus; Som Sober Inspections Made into the Cariage and Consults of the Late-long Parlement (1660), or A Brief Account of the Royal Matches (1662)

    TRY: A Cordial for the Cavaliers (1661) Wing=H3058A at MH only; Sober Inspections into those Ingredients that went to ...the Cordial (1661) Wing=H3118 at Leeds; CH, MH

   The dedicatory epistle to Charles in the Lexicon ends with Howell's version of Grebner's prophecy concerning Charles:

   It remains now that I implore your Majesties Royall Goodnes to cast some gracious influences upon this large peece of Industry, which, in regard it is of a publique concernment, and tending to the Honor of the English Nation as well as of the Language, being associated by the Civill'st Toungs of Christendom (wherein your Majesty is so well vers'd as also in the nature of the peeple) I thought fit to cast at your Majesties feet as a Sacrifice of my tru Allegeance; And humbly take leave to conclude with the famous prophecy of Grebner a great Modern Mathematician, whose pr'ditions are so highly cryed up all Europe over (in regard that divers of Them are already fulfill'd). Among which This signall prognostique relating to these Northwest Islands is found, which ends thus. Carolus . . . Carolo erit major Magno Carolo, Charles from Charles shall be greater then Charles the Great; put thus to run on feet.

A Carolo Carolus, si quid pr'sagia Veri
Contineant, Magno major erit Carolo.

Charles son of Charles, if Prophecies contain
Som Truth, shall greter be then Charlemain.

Quarto Nonas          So prayeth,
Maii, 1660.

The Loyall'st of your Majesties

    Note: Howell's source may have been A brief Description of the future History of Europe (1650), where Grebner's ms is given "Interea, unus e stirpe Caroli ... eritque Carolo magno major" (sig A4), but there were numerous printed versions of Grebner, including The Lord Merlins prophecy Concerning the King of Scots (London: G. Horton, 1651) William Lilly, in his notorious Monarchy or no Monarchy in England. Grebner his Prophecy (1651), argued "That England shall no more be Governed by KINGS, or that this PARLIAMENT shall be subdued by any of the Issue or Race of the late KING" (p. 66), basing his argument on what he claimed to be the true transcription and meaning of various prophecies in refutation of false copies and readings. He reports that Paul Grebner presented Elizabeth with a prophecy of the future history of Europe in 1582 that was deposited in Trinity College, Cambridge. A corrupt version was issued in 1648 (sig. A2) and a second in 1650 as The future History of Europe cf below) both aimed at encouraging Scottish Presbyterians in their struggle against parliament.
In Lilly's transcription of Grebner, Howell's lines do not appear, but the following do:

   Et sic Š Carolo Magnus Carolus regnans fit, qui magno successu & fortuna septentrionalibus populis dominabitur. (p. 21)

which Lilly translates:

   And then from a Charles a great Charles shall obtaine the Scepter, who with great successe and prosperity shall reigne over the Northerne parts of the World. (p. 22)

   Lilly subsequently declares: "By what I have delivered out of many reverend mens Prophecies, I onely evince thus much: That the late King Charles is not the Lyon of the North; or that his Sonne, the present King of Scotland is that Charles, or that Eagle which the Wise Men of former times Prohesied of; or that he shall act either such wonderfull Deeds in War or Peace, as the admirers of Grebners false Printed Prophecy would fasten upon him." (p. 64).

   See too:A brief Description of the future History of Europe, from Anno 1650 to An. 1710. Treating principally Of those grand and famous Mutations yet expected in the World, as, The ruine of the Popish Hierarchy, the final annihilation of the Turkish Empire, the Conversion of the Eastern and Western Jews, and ther Restauration to the ancient inheritances in the holy Land, and the FIFTH MONARCHY of the universall Reign of the Gospel of Christ upon Earth. With principal passages upon every of these, out of that famous Manuscript of PAUL GREBNER extant in Trinity-Colledge Library in Cambridge. Composed upon the Occasion of the young KINGS Arrival into Scotland, to shew what will in probability be the Event of the present Affairs in ENGLAND and SCOTLAND. 1650. O=Ash.538(8) probably Lilly's own copy.

Verses from

Iter Britannicum

   Titlepage: ITER BRITANNICUM / OR / ENGLANDS / SAD JOURNALL. / FROM HER FIRST ENTRANCE / into the wilderness of SIN: which was at the begin-/ in of that long unhappy PARLIAMENT, Novemb.3. / 1640. when the people began to murmur against MOSES / and AARON, to this present year of Jubile. 1660. / By a rurall and rufull observator, and old Barzillai; though / poor, yet faithful to the interest of his Soveraign, / the Lords Anointed: / Who had the happiness to hear King JAMES pro-/ claimed King of England, Scotland, &c at Cambridge Cros: after he had been 14 Moneths admitted Scholar in Christs-/ Colledge, viz. March 25. Anno Dom. 1603. / [rule] / Dan. 12.4. / Shut up the words, and seal the book; even to the time of the end, many shall run too and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. / Vers. 10. Many shall be purified and made white and tryed, but the / wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the / wise shall understand. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by Peter Lillicrap. 1660.

    Wing: I1092A+

    Copies: Qto; OW BB 1.5(31).

    Another unicum from Worcester College, Oxford.

Upon King CHARLES the Second




Heic: licet obducta est SACRO nebulosa coligo:
Semen Justiti' rediviv' LUCTS origo.
Vitam utrumque SACER tenebrose coligine duces,
Dispersis tandem nebulonibus inde RE-LUCES.

Though malice seeks a gloomy night
Upon the JUST to bring:
Yet where the HEART remains upright,
Joyes light afresh will spring.
THY Sacred Majesty seems yet
Enwrapt in cloudy night,
But Seeds of Righteousness well set,
Spring forth like morning light.
Justo Lux est; & rectis corda L'titia.        [p. 17, sig C


Thy Birth-right, Seconded with Royall parts:
Proclaims Thee KING. And cals true loyal Hearts.
Heavens Providence dispose, Thou maist be reckon'd;
In Englands Catalogue, King Charles the Second.
O! Second Thou the First, in heavenly Graces;
So Thou shalt reign with Him in heavenly places.
CHRIST call'd the meek and lowly'n heart to rest,
Meek, lowly, loyall hearts, with THEE suit best;
Call such to help THEE now: All are not sunck,
Beneath the sphere of Help: call true George Monck.
         [p. 18


TYrants late rule made ENGLAND rue for Smart
THOU rul'st by such a law a rules the Heart:
Our late taskmasters rule, was all by tricks:
Giving no straw, they urg'd full tale of bricks;
Such was our misery; such our sad lots
Whiles THOU (choice vessel) layd'st among the pots:
When Rav'ns and Vultures made of us a prey
Left the bare bones and tore the flesh away:
But as those Ravens, for death cry oft Pork, Pork?
So these o're perking London, Pauls and York;
'Twas but against their death, that they thus crav'd,
For now THOU (Silver winged Dove) hast sav'd
ENGLANDS poor chickens, by THY timely flight
Hither: From Lamberts clawes that high flown Kite.
Wellcome (blest dove) thy feathers shine like Gold
Whiles THOU defend'st the Faith: As did of old
Thy Grand-sire; and that Sainted King they father:
Who for defence of Faith and lawes chose rather
To suffer Martyrdome at his own doore
Than to destroy foundations lay'd before
Which God had to His heart so full reveal'd,
That he (blest Saint) with his heart-bloud them seald
Whereof th'art come Delivery to take
And (repossest) all England happy make.
To which GEORGE MONCK, A faithfull witness stands
Single in Heart? But acting with both hands
Such service; as the Lord himselfe did own
By's Miracle of mercy fully shown,
In setting on thine Head a glorious Crown.
Parliament; people all and from all parts,
Proclaim CHARLES King of England; and of Hearts [p. 19
So may he rule thine Heart, who's King of Kings;
And to confusion treach'rous plots still brings?
That a long prosp'rous Raign may be thy stroy
Heer; And in fine an Heavenly Crown of glory
Amen, and Amen. Psal. 89.52.