MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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Editorial Notes and Sources



   The Restoration of Charles II in 1660 marked a period in world history by reintroducing monarchy to a nation that was determining global events through its artistic, scientific, and intellectual achievements as much as by its growing imperial ambitions. It also brought to an end the first great anti-monarchist revolution in modern European history. On no previous occasion had the commercial press been both so necessary and so directly instrumental in bringing a new government into being.1 This anthology seeks to bring together for the first time all the English language poems that appeared during 1660 anticipating Charles's return up to, but excluding, his coronation in April 1661, in order to map the cultural links between poetry and political life by demonstrating the range and scope of what was evidently an immense ideological need for a poetic legitimation of the new regime.2

   Why did the English Revoution fail? While it would clearly be overstating the case to suggest that poetry in any direct way brought about the end of the English Revolution, or that it caused the reintroduction of monarchy, nevertheless the events of these crucial months would doubtless have taken different form had there been no commercial press producing and distributing the numerous poetic celebrations gathered here which, with few exceptions, aim to persuade their readers to agree with the poet that Charles's return was both good and needful. There was evidently a powerful perception that these things needed saying, in print, and in poetic form; a need that cannot simply be explained as the need of individual poets to publicize a display of their personal loyalty.3

   When they were first published over three hundred years ago, the poems collected here helped to re-define the meanings of royalty to a people who had been without a monarch for nearly two decades, but also to the new king who was brought in to reign. What did it mean to be Charles Stuart, king of England, Scotland, and Ireland in 1660? What did the people expect of the man who came to rule over them? What were the burning issues of the day that only the arrival of a king could promise to solve? The most general aim of this edition is to indicate ways that poetry provided an authoritative public medium by which the sometimes private interests, hopes, and expectations of those helping to engineer and celebrate Charles's return could find expression. Except to poke fun at other poets or to demonize members of the Rump, these poems are never directly critical or satirical in contrast to the traditional view that Restoration poetry was satirical. Many of these poems, however, are highly didactic and openly advise the king to adopt any number of domestic and international policies in order to boost trade, settle disputes, establish peace and prosperity. What these poems reflect is the incredible diversity of problems that Charles was expected to solve, and of the equally diverse and often contradictory sets of opinions about how he was to go about the enormous task expected of him. Often poets advised the king of the dangers still to be faced from those opposing his return. Calls for the king to seek out and enact revenge upon the regicides and all other "traitors" still loyal to the good old cause were often more blood-thirsty than Charles's eventual policies, but serve as a crucial counterpoint to the constantly reiterated reports of spontaneous and unanimous celebration and praise. Even royalist panegyrists could not always maintain the illusion that Charles's return was as universally desired as was so often being proclaimed in various forms of printed text. Once these poems become available and understood not just as examples of poems from the oeuvres of particular poets -- Cowley, Waller, Davenant, or Dryden, for instance -- but as a public discourse that operates beyond the private talents and interests of the specific poet, then their historical importance and cultural agency can come into clearer focus. In this sense, of constituting a poetic discourse, these works establish a horizon of expectations within which Charles was called upon to perform the role of king, and by which that performance might be judged.4

   Although they were written over three hundred years ago, these poems still help to define for us the very meaning and place of royalty in English culture. When Charles II arrived in England, the people who found that they had suddenly become his subjects had lived through the experience of regicide and revolutionary military governments. Among the documents that flooded from the presses in 1660, poems celebrating the king's return were not alone in encouraging readers to think about the many and likely benefits that would follow from bringing the king back. In the light of such expectations, the tasks confronting the new king, despite all the carefully orchestrated welcome, might well have seemed truly daunting. He found himself expected to rule a people grown accustomed to an unprecedented degree of public debate, a people who demanded regular news about, and influence over, political events. Unlike his father, Charles confronted the job of performing the role of king before an audience composed of a people grown accustomed to questioning and exercising authority themselves.5 How, and in what ways, might poets be said to have contributed to the failure of the English Revolution while at the same time establishing expectations by which the new king would be judged?


[1] See my "Literature, Culture, and Society in Restoration England," in Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration: Literature, Drama, History, pp. 3-27; and Time's Witness, epilogue.

[2]See my "An Edition of Poems on the Restoration," Restoration 11 (1987): 117-21, and "What is a Restoration Poem? Editing a Discourse, Not an Author," TEXT 3 (1987), pp. 319-346.

[3] See my "Literature and Politics in Revolutionary England, 1640-1660," Review 16 (1994): 177-95.

[4] See my "The King on Trial: Judicial Poetics and the Restoration Settlement," The Michigan Academician 17 (1985): 375-88.

[5] See my "Literacy, Class, and Gender in Restoration England," TEXT 7 (1995), pp. 307-335.


   Currently, there is no detailed study of the literary response to the Restoration based upon a comprehensive examination of the poetic works published in the months surrounding Charles II's return. This anthology aims to provide a resource for future literary-historical research as well as a contribution to the rapidly expanding study of print culture in the early modern period. This anthology has been designed to help social and literary historians better understand how poetry mediated civil unrest by providing the terms in which political struggle could be resituated as art.

   The Return of the King provides accurate, old-spelling texts of the English poems addressed to the king on his return that were published between January 1660 and the coronation in April the following year. Many are being made available here, outside specialist library holdings, for the first time in over 300 years. Many are unique and have been entirely ignored by previous scholarship; several were, until recently, unlisted in standard bibliographies. Making these poems available, this edition contributes to our understanding of literary-historical relations at an important and still controversial moment in British and world history.

   This project began in the late 1970s while I was conducting research into the vernacular backgrounds to Dryden's political poetry. Preliminary work on Astraea Redux quickly alerted me to the large number of Restoration panegyrics that had been ignored by the existing scholarly editions of Dryden's poem.6 Not only James Kinsley but also the editors of the California Dryden had limited their scope to poems by other well-known poets; the latter, for instance, restricting themselves to the other poems held in the collection at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at UCLA. When first planned, this project was intended to produce a printed volume, similar in scope to London in Flames, London in Glory, R. A. Aubin's historical edition of poems on the great fire and rebuilding, that would contain all poems on the Restoration written or published during 1660. However, once I began cataloguing the enormous number of texts involved, this plan quickly proved impracticable. Since the rationale for the project centered on the public character of the poetic discourse, I happily abandoned plans to find, edit, and include poems that exist only in manuscript form, and all foreign language poems -- though this regretably meant omitting copious Greek and Latin verses including those produced by the dons at Oxford and Cambridge. Even so, the number of poems remained clearly well beyond the scope of a single volume, so I decided to limit the range even further by omitting poems addressed to General Monck or members of the royal family other than the king, and by cutting out verse satires on the defeated Rump.7

    By thus restricting the project to poems printed in English that directly address the king in the period before his coronation, I hoped to produce an edition that would still be publishable in a single book while holding true to the conceptual rationale that had prompted the project in the first place.

   After a little more than two decades of searching, transcribing, collating, and checking, the texts of the poems to be included were finally assembled and came to a little more than 300,000 words, without annotation. As such, this project could not be contained by a single, printed volume. By the late 1990s, the costs in time, labor, and money of publishing accurate, old-spelling editions of historical texts that even major research collections might not be able to afford, have become even more prohibitive than they have ever been. Or so I have been told.

   In many of its features, this electronic edition betrays its own history of having been conceived of in printed form. One obvious limitation resulting from that history is that the headnotes and annotations have been prepared cumultatively so that the commentary on any given poem presumes upon information supplied in the general headnote to the group in which it appears, which in turn relies on prior annotations and headnotes. Were I starting out now, with electronic publication in mind, I would have proceeded quite differently in ways that are easy to imagine. Apart from setting out to learn a great deal more than I currently know about the possibilities of computer editing and use of hypertext applications -- I have worked throughout exclusively in MS-DOS using Notabene -- I would proceed much in the manner of the great antiquarian editor of the late nineteenth century, Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth, whose nine volumes of Roxburghe Ballads, issued between 1871 and 1897, represent -- among other things -- the last time an editor has set out to collect, edit, and annotate poems because they were ballads on the Restoration and not because the work in question forms part of an author's oeuvre. That is to say, I would have followed his lead and issued texts as they became available and once they were edited, not holding off from issuing edited poems until the entire project was complete.


[6]See my "Poetry as History: The Argumentative Design of Dryden's Astraea Redux," Restoration (1980): 54-64.

[7]See my "What's Class Got To Do With It?," in Margins of the Text, ed. D. C. Greetham (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997), pp. 25-42.


   The poems included fall into three generic categories: broadsides and ballads, poems printed in separately published books and pamphlets, and embedded poems such as dedications and verses included with other texts.

   Ballads include verses printed on single sheets, normally illustrated with woodcuts, black-letter and other ornamental print-fonts, and usually employing a "popular" lyrical form and idiom traditionally associated with radical, or at least popular, political views. For those in Restoration England who couldn't read, ballads were typically read aloud and pinned up in public places. Their ornamental lettering and woodcut illustrations served to make these broadsides an attractive souvenir for those not fully or formally "literate." Since ballads could be looked at by all, listened to by many, read by most city-dwellers, and collected by some -- like Samuel Pepys -- they constitute an important part of the commercial apparatus of public opinion-making. A group of six broadside ballads on the Restoration, subsequently referred to as the "trunk ballads," were found pasted inside a trunk to form a lining and are currently preserved in the British Library. Since all of them are unique copies, we may presume that there were many more such inexpensive commemorative publications that have not survived.

   While the ballads are frequently anonymous, the more formal verse panegyrics represent an important movement towards the exclusive discourse of an élite and are very often aimed at drawing attention to the person, and skills, of the poet. Certainly the Latin, Greek and other non-English language poems addressed to Charles made certain that only an elect few, largely men, could read what they had to say. The Universities published celebratory volumes in 1 containing verses in Latin and Greek. The Cambridge collection additionally contained verses in Anglo-Saxon, Hebrew, Arabic, and Syrian. The Oxford volume included verses in English, as did the collection of verses by scholars of Woodstock School.

   Most generally, the vernacular panegyric strain was varied and strong enough to dominate the scene, and it is in these formal verses that we find the emergence of that "Augustan" tradition of vernacular neo-classicism that literary historians have most often seen as the period's most significant contribution to English poetry. One thing that the revolutionary decades had certainly achieved was the pre-eminence of the English language as the public medium of printed discourse. In addition to the well-known poems by Dryden, Cowley, Waller, and Davenant, this edition will make generally available important but previously ignored poems by (among others) the antiquarians Elias Ashmole, Thomas Fuller, and James Howell, the career diplomat and Ottomanist Thomas Higgons, rural vicars such as John Couch, Giles Fleming, and Alexander Huish, young London lawyers such as Giles Duncombe, Thomas Flatman, and Samuel Woodford. There is a fascinating poem by Ralph Astell, the uncle and tutor to the celebrated "first feminist" Mary Astell, but most Royalist women declined to have their poems printed. Only one woman poet, Rachel Jevon, printed a poem in 1660, though we know that several other women poets, including Katherine Phillips, wrote poems on the occasion that were either left in manuscript or only printed considerably after the event.

   All printed poems in each category that directly address the king on his return have been included. The poems have been arranged into chronological and narrative sections that help indicate the place of each poem within the developing literary discourse of returning monarchy during these months. Brought together here because of their common concern with formulating social, cultural, and literary terms for the new monarchy, many of these poems rely on historical narrative and tell a very similar story peopled by a range of historical figures, and often recording similar moments from the king's exile and miraculous return in extensive and sometimes conflicting narrative detail. In order to reduce the number of annotations, headnotes to each section include a brief summary of those events which are most often recorded by the poems in that group but not repeated in annotations to the text of the poem. Poems that cannot be dated with any certainty have been included within the chronological group they most resemble, based on the moment in that story at which the poem seems to insinuate itself (see Dating, below).

   Arranging the poems into a chronological and narrative sequence in this way provides a reliable map to the development of themes, topics, and tropes during the course of the year. At the same time, readers interested in tracing the relative use of biblical or Virgilian references, for example, will be able to do so for a wider range of poetic works than was previously available. Other interests are also served by this arrangement. Readers beginning with a poem from July, for instance, will be able to turn to the general headnote to that section in order to find out in detail what was happening that month. References in poems to commonly mentioned historical figures and events will receive minimal explanatory footnotes, while more obscure and topical references will be glossed.

   In addition to the headnotes to the chronological sections, entries for each poem will include a brief headnote containing bibliographical details, biographical information on poets, and other contextual information. Eventually I hope to include a short-title check-list of related, but excluded, poems -- such as those written to praise members of the royal family other than Charles, the numerous poems addressed to General Monck, and the poems written in foreign languages. The layout of information is aimed to assist readers seeking to trace the various relations between poet, publisher, and politician.


   In keeping with the historical rationale for editing these verses in terms of their discursive agency, I have arranged them, as accurately as possible, into a calendar by which the events of the king's return can be seen to be unfolding throughout the year. In sorting the poems into groups that serve as narrative chapters, I have followed the following procedures in order to ensure that, while the groups are in some cases being imposed out of editorial requirements, they nevertheless arise in direct response to evidence provided by, or in, the poems.

   Dated Poems: First, the poems were sorted into two general groups; those bearing a printed or manuscript date and those which didn't. Poems with printed or manuscript dates were then arranged into a simple chronological list according to those dates, and a monthly calendar drawn up. Even at this stage there were difficulties, since printed dates in titles or colophons are at best only claims that the poem was written on or published for the occasion: the work at hand might well have been written and printed in anticipation of the day, or composed retrospectively. A ballad on 29 May, the day Charles entered London, may have been produced for sale on the day, or may show clear evidence that the poet is reporting on events after they had actually occurred. Dates added in manuscript, mostly found in the collections of George Thomason and Anthony Wood, provide evidence of another sort that is no less problematic. Such dates can tell us that a particular poem had entered circulation and, in the absence of other evidence, this can be most useful but does not provide a reliable guide to either publication or composition. Nevertheless, these dates supply the bulk of evidence for arranging the poems chronologically and are recorded parenthetically in the Calendar; a fuller record of evidence is reported in the Checklist, which specifies copies bearing manuscript dates.

   Undated Poems: I then set about the poems for which printed or manuscript dates were not to be found, first of all sorting out those for which some other evidence was available. Where possible, I set these titles into the monthly calendar or, where two or more undated poems were evidently linked in some manner -- such as theme, printer, or provenance -- but not by evidence concerning a month or season, I assembled them in undated groups. The kinds of evidence at issue here were sometimes more detailed and so more reliable than a manuscript notation by Thomason or Wood. Henry Oxenden's letters, for instance, provide a fascinating and detailed acount of the composition, revision, costs of private publication, and difficulties engaging a printer, that were experienced by one rather desperate poet who was anxious to prove his loyalty and hold on to his family estates. Sometimes advertisements for poems appear in newsbooks; sometimes I have followed the instincts of a previous editor. All these datings are recorded inside square brackets.

   At this stage, before I attempted to address the problems of poems for which I could find no evidence for dating, the simple monthly calendar was proving less useful than before. For obvious reasons, poems tended to cluster around certain key dates and consequently required greater specificity than months could allow: May clearly needed breaking up while months later in the year were often empty. What principles other than dating might usefully be employed, either to replace or to supplement the initial monthly calendar? With this question in mind, I set about looking among the undatable poems for any kinds of internal evidence that might help date such poems or suggest into what other sorts of groups such poems should go. At first I became much taken with the idea of beginning with all the ballads written to the tune "when the king enjoys his own again," and to end with the "trunk" ballads. But since there were numerous poems in each of these groups that could be dated by some means, setting up such a new general principle of organization might introduce new problems and incongruities. If I were to group all ballads to the same tunes, why not all works from the same printer? If I were to group together works that constituted a collection because they were found lining a trunk, why not group together poems from other forms of contemporary collection, notably those of Thomason and Wood? In that case, what about the collections assembled during the nineteenth century, such as the Crawford and Euing collections of broadsides? A further problem here, of course, is that copies of the same poem often appear in different collections; how should such items appear in this one?

   In the event, I have stuck to a general chronological arrangement as far as possible, introducing thematic groups only when it makes better sense to do so than not to. Since the text of Martin Parker's original ballad, "When the king enjoys his own again," is itself a minor bibliographic nightmare, without any reliable evidence concerning the various versions printed for the Restoration, I have begun with a group of undatable variants of Parker's ballad, while other ballads to the same tune for which evidence of dating can be found are distributed accordingly. Three other thematic groupings encouraged themselves into which I have included poems even when there is evidence for dating: poems exclusively concerned with recounting Charles's escape from the Battle of Worcester back in 1651; a group of poems written from the perspective of Scotland;8 and a small selection of verses written on the trials of the regicides.


[8] See my review of Murray G. H. Pittock's Poetry and Jacobite Politics in Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland, in Modern Philology, 94:4 (May 1997): 534-38.

Editorial Principles, Sigla, and Abbreviations

Copy Text

   The copy text is the first printing, except when a subsequent printing shows evidence of authoritative revision.

Reproduction of the Copy Text

   The copy text is reprinted except for:

1. Authoritative substantive variants including press corrections. Accidental features of such variants are made to conform to the copy text. Substantive changes are listed in footnotes.

2. Nonauthoritative substantive emendations are introduced only where the sense of a passage demands emendation and are listed in footnotes.

3. Authoritative accidental variants, as listed in footnotes.

4. Nonauthoritative accidental emendations. These are made as sense demands and are footnoted. If a later seventeenth-century edition produces the same emendation, that edition is (usually) noted in the collation/footnotes.

5. Turned b, d, p, q, n, and u are silently corrected as b, d, p, q, n, and u. If a spelling error results, it is corrected and footnoted.

6. Line numbers have been added, and poems in a series or collection have been numbered sequentially.

7. Illegible print which is indicated [. . .]

Silent Changes to the Copy Text


1. Long s becomes s; long f becomes f; VV becomes W. V for U is given U.

2. Turned letters other than b, d, p, q, n and u are adjusted.

3. Type set in the wrong font is adjusted; swash italics are represented by plain italics; extended verses (more than four lines) set in italics have been reversed; blackletter has been set in roman.

4. Medial apostrophes that failed to print have been restored; reversed apostrophes have been corrected.

5. Spacing between words and before and after punctuation has been normalized.

6. Titles, section titles, ornamental and oversized capital letters, the position of stanza numbers, and other similar typographical details are made uniform.

7. Printed marginal glosses given in different font and print size have been standardized and placed on the right margin as close as possible to the site in the copy text.

Textual Sigla, Notes, Abbreviations

   Textual notes indicate Wing number, the format of the printing, and provide a full description of the title page to the copy text when required. Sigla indicate the specific copies which have been collated, providing shelf-marks to copies in public-access libraries and collections. Sigla follow the abbreviations adopted by the Wing Short Title Catalogue for indicating library collections. Where multiple copies exist, I have attempted to examine at least five; where fewer than five copies are to be found in public access libraries, I have attempted to examine and collate all of them. Subsequent reprintings in seventeenth-century editions and collections, as well as a selection of modern scholarly editions, are indicated.

   Substantive and accidental variants are reported in footnotes only when they may affect meaning; no attempt has been made to record all press variants.

   Otherwise, footnotes and collations indicate all editorial changes to the copy text and list substantive press variants. However, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and typographical variants are listed only when they significantly affect the sense.

   When a variant in punctuation is listed, a wavy dash [~7E] is used in place of the word preceding the variant. A caret [^] signifies the ommission of a punctuation mark.

   Where a majority of copies share a reading, the sigla may be replaced in the notes and collation with a capital Sigma [ä], and then departures from the majority reading are listed by specific sigla.

Other abbreviations used in the editorial matter:

edthe present editor
msmanuscript; also used to indicate hand corrections accompanied by "inked out/inked"
r (superscript)recto
v (superscript)verso
t/p title page
sssingle sheet
7Eword preceding variant
äagreement in a majority of copies
^punctuation mark is omitted
()date based on printed evidence from the title or colophon, or a contemporary hand-written annotation
[?]date based on evidence from other sources; a question mark indicates editorial speculation based exclusively on internal evidence
~WingCatalogue numbers are to the revised printed version of the Wing STC and may not conform to the electronic revision

The Poems: A Short-Title Calendar

   This listing represents the chronological groups into which I have organized the poems and in which they will be issued.

I. Anticipation: The King Enjoys His own Again

Martin Parker, The King enjoys his own again [undated]

England's Great Prognosticator [undated]

A Worthy Kings Description [before May?]

II. The Escape from Worcester

J. W., The Royall Oak [before 29 May]

Henry Jones, The Royal Patient Traveller (1660)

The Royal Wanderer [before May?]

The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape of our Gracious King [before May?]

John Couch, His Majesties miraculous Preservation By the Oak, Maid, and Ship [before May?]

III. Hoping for the King, December 1659-April 1660

J. W., "A Second Charles" [February?]

A Psalme Sung by the people, before the bone-fires (February)

Thomas Robins, The Royall Subjects Joy [late February?]

Upon the King's Most Excellent Majestie (February)

Variant reprints: (1) News From The Royall Exchange (16 March), (2) "Arts Chaste Rule" The Case is altered [after 16 March?]

Thomas Joy, A Loyal Subjects Admonition [after March?]

An Exit to Exit Tyrannus (17 March)

The King Advancing (21 March)

"Upon the Kings Prerogative and Person", from The Case Stated (24 March)

John Ogilby, "The Second Charles" (28 March)

Variant reprints: (1) "The Second Charles (2) in The manner of the Solemnity (6 September)

England's Rejoycing at That Happy Day [March/April?]

Vox Populi Suprema Rex Carolus. Or the voice of the People for King Charles (April)

England's Genius Pleading for King Charles (April)

"Facidius Possibilis," A Royal Prophecy [late April?]

Gallant News of late I bring [late April?]

Richard Flecknoe, "Pourtrait of His Majesty" [late April?]

IV. The King Declared, early May

Anthony Sadler, Majestie Irradiant (1 May)

T. W., Dolor Ac Voluptas (8 May)

London and England Triumphant [8 May]

England's Day of Joy and Reioicing [8 May]

I. W., England's Honour, and London's Glory [8 May]

Alexander Huish, from Musa Ruralis (10 May)

Alexander Brome, England's Joy (14 May)

G. S., Britain's Triumph (14 May)

M. D., The Subjects Desire (16 May)

"A Bonfire Carol," from A Private Conference (May)

Anthony Sadler, The Subject's Joy (17 May)

Nathaneal Richards, Upon the Declaration (18 May)

J. Rowland, His Sacred Majesty Charles the II (May)

Martin Lluellyn, To The Kings Most Excellent Majesty (May)

The Countrey-mans Vive Le Roy [early May?]

J. G. B., Royall Poems [early May?]

V. Arrival and Progress in England, 25-31 May 1660

Giles Duncombe and Thomas Flatman (?), verses from Scutum Regale (21-8 May)

Richard Bradshaw, "Upon the most desired return" (25 May)

"When Charles King of England" [after 25 May]

Vox Populi, the voice of the people congratulating His Majesty, King Charles (28 May)

H. H. B., A Poem To His Majestie On His Landing [May]

T. H., Iter Boreale, The Second part Variant rpt. of The Noble Progresse [28 May]

Thomas Mayhew, Upon The Joyful and Welcome Return (May)

William Pestell, A Congratulation (29 May)

James Shirley, An Ode Upon the Happy Return [May]

England's Pleasant May-flower [29 May]

Englands Gratulation [after 29 May]

J. W., The King and Kingdoms joyful Day of Triumph [after 29 May]

The Glory of these Nations [after 29 May]

Iter Australe [after 29 May]

James Bernard, A Poem Upon His Sacred Majesties [after 29 May]

Charles Hammond, from London's Triumphant Holiday, and from The Worlds Timely Warning-Piece [after 29 May?]

Laurence Price, Win at first, lose at last [after May?]

Abraham Cowley, Ode, Upon the Blessed Restoration (May)

W. L., Good News From The Netherlands (31 May)

A Countrey Song, Intituled The Restoration (May)

England's Captivity Returned [May?]

VI. Loyal expressions, June

William Lower, "An Acrostick Poem" [after 2 June]

To the King, Upon His Majesties Happy Return (June)

Alexander Brome, A Congratulatory Poem (4 June)

Thomas Saunderson, A Royall Loyall Poem (4 June)

Elias Ashmole, Sol In Ascendente (after 4 June)

Theophilus Cleaver and Daniel Nichols, verses in Filius Heroum (5 June)

Arthur Brett, The Restauration (5 June)

John Lawson, Upon The Blessed Return (6 June)

Samuel Woodford, Epinicia Carolina (7 June)

Abiel Borfet, Postliminia Caroli II (8 June)

Edmund Waller, To The King (9 June)

Thomas Higgons, A Panegyrick To The King (10 June)

Clement Ellis, To the King's Most Excellent Majesty (June)

A Congratulation For His Sacred Majesty (13 June)

Samuel Holland, To The Best of Monarchs (14 June)

Samuel Willes, To the King's Most Sacred Majesty (June)

Anglia Rediviva: A Poem On His Majesties Most Joyfull Reception Into England (17 June)

John Dryden, Astraea Redux (19 June)

William Davenant, Poem (25 June)

Thomas Edwards, To His Sacred Majesty (26 June)

Thomas Flatman, A Panegyrick (30 June)

A Glimpse of Joy (30 June)

William Fairebrother, An Essay of a Loyal Brest (June)

Robert Howard, "A Panegyrick" (June)

Edmund Elys, Anglia Rediviva [June]

William Chamberlayne, England's Jubile [June?]

John Collop, Itur Satyricum [June?]

William Smith, Carmen Triumphale [June?]

A. Starkey, Good News for England [early June?]

VII. Two academic gatherings

Oxford University, Britannia Rediviva (7 July)

Woodstock Grammar School, Votivum Carolo (June/July)

VIII. Loyal Expressions, July 1660

Giles Fleming, from Stemma Sacrum (July)

John Tatham, from London's Glory (5 July)

The Royal Entertainment . . . the Fourth of July (July)

Nathan Ingelo, "A Song of Thanksgiving" (5 July)

J. P., The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes [after July?]

Thomas Fuller, A Panegyrick [after 6 July?]

Richard Brathwait, To His Majesty (12 July)

John Selden, from The Royal Chronicle (17 July)

The Valiant Seamans Congratulation [July?]

Ralph Astell, Vota, Non Bella [July?]

IX. Views from Scotland

The Covenant [early March?]

A Pair of Prodigals Returned (30 June)

Caledons Gratulatory Rapture [after 29 May]

Grampius Congratulation [summer?]

Laetitae Caledonicae [late summer?]

Scotland's Paraenesis to her dread King [late summer?]

X. Punishing the Regicides, July to October 1660

T. R., The Royall Subjects Warning-piece [before trials]

The Traytors Downfall [after trials]

Variant: King Charles his Glory and Rebells Shame: A Relation of Ten Grand Infamous Traytors [late October]

XI. Later in the year, August to November 1660

John Crouch, A Mixt Poem [after July]

"Philobasileus," Three Royal Poems (4 August)

Rachel Jevon, Exultationis Carmen (17 August)

England's Joy in a Lawful Triumph [after September]

Samuel Pordage, "A Panegyrick" [after 13 September]

Sir George McKenzie, "A POEM," from Aretina [after September]

Henry Beeston, A Poem To His Most Excellent Majesty, and Henry Bold, "To His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second" (September)

Thomas Forde, "Upon His Sacred Majesty" (October)

John Denham, The Prologue to his Majesty (November)

Thomas Pecke, To the Most High and Mighty Monarch [late November?]

XII. Approaching the Coronation, December 1660-April 1661

"In the eight Kings reign" in The Strange and Wonderfull Prophesie (14 December)

Giles Duncombe, A Counter-blast to the Phanaticks [after 24 December]

C. H., Hells Master-piece discovered (late December)

John Boys, "Epigram," from Aeneas, His Descent into Hell (30 December)

Henry Oxenden, Charls Triumphant [after December]

Walter Charleton, from An Imperfect Pourtraicture (March)

Izaak Walton, "To My Ingenious Friend Mr. Brome," and Alexander Brome, "Song. On the Kings Return" (1661)

Cedrus Britanica et laurus regia [undated: pre-coronation]

XIII. The Tide Turning: voices of complaint

The Cavaliers Complaint (15 March)

The Cavaliers Comfort [after June 1661]

An Annotated Check-list of English Poems on the Restoration appearing in printed books during 1660 based on Wing's STC

   Although the information included here should prove redundant once this anthology has been completed, my object in including this checklist here is to provide scholars working in Restoration studies with a useful tool that will help them in assessing the poetic response to the events of 1660. This list is close to being a complete record of the printed English poems that directly address the king on his return, though I am acutely aware of omissions and the likelihood of errors.

   This checklist provides full titles, colophons, and location guides to the English language poems that will be included in the present anthology. All were published to commemorate Charles's return between January 1660 and his Coronation in April 1661. Many of them are separately printed items, but I have also included poems to be found embedded in other works. In searching for embedded poems, I have attempted to examine copies of every Wing title dated 1660 as well as most dated 1659 and 1660; there are no doubt many more of these than I have been able to find.

   Entries are here arranged alphabetically by author or title in the following format: Wing number; author; title, or title page details including colophon; format; list of copies known to me. I have attempted to provide bibliographical information that will most assist scholars in finding original copies by including library shelfmarks and selected reprint information, though again these details are far from complete in every case. Where specific copies of poems bear manuscript annotations, I have indicated so, especially when dates have been added. In citing libraries, I again follow the abbreviations adopted by the Wing project, adding shelfmarks to copies that appear in major public-access research collections.

   In line with the policy of the anthology as a whole, omitted from this list are printed poems addressed primarily to General Monck or other members of the royal family, anti-Rump satires, and foreign language poems. I have made no systematic attempt to locate manuscript poems on the Restoration, but have, however, included here a brief checklist of manuscript poems in the Bodleian Library derived from Margaret Crum's First-Line Index of Manuscript Poetry in the Bodleian Library, and a selection of manuscript poems in the British Library.

   Having been composed as a working checklist over the last two decades, this list nevertheless remains in many ways both incomplete and already out of date. Items not appearing in the first revised printed versions of Wing STC are marked /not Wing/: these will be updated from the online Wing STC in due course. Orthography has generally been simplified, though irregular use of capitals has been retained when evidently deliberate (eg Ralph Astell's poem). Under "Commentaries" I have listed bibliographical descriptions; these listings do not include critical commentaries unless they directly offer bibliographical details.

A3179. Anglia Rediviva: / A / POEM / ON HIS / MAJESTIES / Most joyfull Reception / INTO / ENGLAND. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne for Charles Adams, and are to be / sold at the signe of the Talbot in Fleetstreet, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-6.
Copies: LT E.1029(3), ms dated "17 June"; O Tanner 744(20); CH 25754, the Corser-Brooke copy with additional Dutch portrait of Charles; MH; WF.
Commentaries: Corser, 2.2: 321-2

A3985-6. Ashmole, Elias. Sol In Ascendente: / OR, / The glorious Appearance / OF / CHARLES the Second, / UPON / The Horizon of London, in her Horosco-/ picall Sign, Gemini. / [royal arms] / Iam vaga co/elo sidera fulgens, / Aurora fugat; surgit Titan / Radiante coma, mundoque diem / Reddit clarum. / [rule] / London, Printed for N. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill. 1660.

   Format: Qto. Variant printings.
Copies, A3985: L; O Ashmole 36,37(l7); MH.
Reprint: lines 45-58 were printed in Mercurius Aulicus #8 (28 May-4 June), p. 58, with one variant in line 58.
Another edition, A3986: Sol In Ascendente: / OR / The Glorious Appearance of / CHARLES / THE SECOND, / UPON / The Horizon of LONDON, in / her Horoscopicall Sign, Gemini. / [rule] / Iam vaga co/elo sidera fulgens, / Aurora fugat; surgit Titan / Radiante coma, mundoque diem / Reddit clarum. / [rule] / EDINBURGH, / Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against / the Trone-Church, Anno Dom. 1660. / [ornamental box]
Copies: EN Ry.III.c.34(1); MH; Y.
Ms version: O Ashmole 38 f.230, a corrected, autograph copy.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1675; Crum, A 1309.

A4068. Astell, Ralph. VOTA, NON BELLA. / [rule] / NeW-CastLe's / HeartIe GratULatIon / TO HER / SaCreD SoVeraIgn / KIng CharLes The SeConD; / ON / HIs noW-GlorIoUs RestaUratIon / To HIs BIrth-rIght-PoWer. / [rule] / By Ralph Astell, M. A. / [rule] / Gateshead, Printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1660. / [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-16.
Copies: L G.18923; O Vet A3 e 352.

B81B. "B., H. H." A Poem to His Maiestie / On His Landing. / By H. H. B.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L 1876.f.1(6).

B132. "B., J. G." ROYALL / POEMS / Presented to His Sacred / MAJESTY / Charles the II. / [rule] / By J. G. B. / [rule] / I. On the Kings most excellent Majesties happy Return to his Kingdomes. / 2. Annagramma in Principem, Carolus Stuartus i.e. Arthur, Laus, Custos. / 3. On the Lord Monck, Generalissimo of all his Majesties Forces. / 4. An Elegie on the Martyrdom of King Charles the First. / 5. On the Regicides. / 6. On the Tribe of Fortune, the Rump of the Long Parliament. / 7. Inverba Caroli Regis dam suit Hispame in illud Nasonis: Nunc notis adversaprelia fronte gerit. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for R. Wood. 1660.

Copies: MH Copy inscribed "Harvard College Library / In Memory of / Lionel De Jersey Harvard / Class of 1915" dated Dec. 29, 1925.

B1694. Beeston, Henry. A / POEM / To His most Excellent Majesty / Charles the Second. / Ego Beneficio tuo (Cæsar) quos ante Audie-/ bam hodié vidi Deos: Nec feliciorem ul-/ lum vitæ meæ aut Optavi, aut sensi Diem. /Paterc', &c. / [rule] / By H. Beeston Winton'. / Together with another / By Hen. Bold olim Winton'. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by Edward Husbands, and Thomas Newcomb, Printers to the / Commons House of Parliament, 1660. / [double-ruled box]

   Format: F. t/p + pp. 3-10, sigs. [A-Cv]
Copies: LT E.1080(12), ms dated "24 Sept"; O Gough Loudon 2(3); OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(106a); TU Aj/B393/660p; Y.
Also contains: Bold, Henry, "To His Sacred Majesty Charles the Second." Reprinted in Poems Lyrique, Macaronique (Henry Brome, 1664), pp. 205-206.

B1995. Bernard, James. A / POEM / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / DISTRESSES, / AND LATE / HAPPY RESTAURATION. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for R. Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in / St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [1]-6.
Copies: WF 189623 ; CH 432487; MH.

B3765. Borfet, Abiel. POSTLIMINIA / CAROLI II. / THE / PALINGENESY, / OR, / SECOND-BIRTH, / OF / CHARLES the Second to his / Kingly Life; Upon the day of his First, / May 29. / [rule] / By Abiel Borfet, M. A. / [large crown] / LONDON, / Printed for M. Wright at the Kings-head in the / Old-Baily, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-9.
Copies: LT E.1027(10), ms dated "8 June"; O Tanner 774(19); CH 112864; WF ms dated "8 June 1660"; Y; MH.

V619/V620. Boys, John. "Epigram" from ÆNEAS / HIS / DESCENT / INTO / HELL: / As it is inimitably described by the / Prince of Poets in the sixth / of his ÆNEIS. / [rule] / Made English by JOHN BOYS of Hode-Court, Esq; / [rule] / Together with an ample and learned Comment upon the same, / wherein all passages Criticall, Mythological, Philoso-/ phical and Historical, are fully and clearly explained. / To which are added some certain Pieces relating to the / Publick, written by the Author. / [rule] / Invia virtuti nulla est via. -- -- -- Ovid. Met / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Henry Brome / at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1661. / [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto. Variant printings.
Copies, V620: L 11375.c.36, ms signed "Wm Amherst. Novemb: 1660"; C; Lincolns Inn; OW L.R.III.4, William Gower's copy; EtonC; SP; CH; MH. Another edition, V619: LONDON, Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne, living in Thames / street over against Barnards Castle. 1661.
Copies: LT E.1054(3) dated 30 December; O 90.d.22, ms signed "Elizabeth Bridgeman" top t/p; left t/p margin signed "John Watts is a scotch man" with further occasional marginal glosses throughout; OCC; CSJ; BLH; BMA; CB; CLC; IU; MH; NP; PL; WF; Y; ASU; CN Case Y 672.v 9166.

R453. Bradshaw, Richard. "Upon the most desired return of the Kings most Sacred / Majesty at Dover. / An humble Sute, or Supplication / For King, and Law, and the whole Nation" in A Speech made before the King's most Excellent Majesty CHARLES the Second, / on the Shore where he Landed at Dover. By Mr. John Reading B. D. who presented his Majesty with a Bible, the Gift of the / Inhabitants there, May 25th 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 398(11).

B4277. Brathwait, Richard. TO HIS / MAJESTY / UPON HIS / HAPPY ARRIVALL / In our late discomposed / ALBION. / [rule] / [royal arms] / [rule] / Sidon. / Vidi quod speravi, vidisse tamen dolui, perægrè spectando quod petii. / [rule] / By R. Brathwait Esq. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivie-lane. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [3]-15.
Copies: LT E.1032(5), ms dated "12 July"; OH J.38(3*), ms signed "Peter Crutchfield"; OW B.B.15(37); CH 102846; MH; Y

B4397. Brett, Arthur. The Restauration. / OR, / A POEM / on the Return of the / MOST MIGHTY / and ever / Glorious PRINCE, / CHARLES the II. / TO HIS / Kingdoms. / [rule] / By ARTHUR BRETT / of Christs-Church Oxon. / [rule] / -- Deum Delph ; meos. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. H. for Samuel Thomson at the Bi-/ shops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-25.
Copies: LT E.1027(7), ms dated "5 June"; O Tanner 774(17); OB 530.b.2(1), Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 4d., an authorial presentation copy with additional prose dedication; 9 CS; MR R18763; NP; WF; CH 357156; MH.

B4849. Brome, Alexander. A / Congratulatory / POEM, / ON / The Miraculous, and Glorious Return / of that unparallel'd KING / CHARLS the II. / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By ALEX. BROME. / [rule] / Pers. -- -- Ipse Semipaganus / Ad Sacra Regum carmen affero nostrum. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-18; sigs. [A]-[C]2v.
Copies: LT E.1027(4), ms dated "4 June"; O1 Tanner 744(15); O2 Wood 319(9), ms dated "June"; CH 113249, t/p annotated "1d"; CLC PR 2459 B48C6; MH; TU Wj/B788/660c; Y; WF Reprints: Brome, Songs and other Poems (1664, 1668), and in Dubinski, ed. 1.358-367 (l664 text).

E2988/E2988bA. Brome, Alexander. ENGLANDS JOY / For the Coming in of our Gratious Soveraign / King CHARLES the Second / [text] / London, Printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings
Copies, E2988: LT 669.f.25 (22), ms dated "14 June"; L c.20.f2(20); OC B.23(67); MC Halliwell Phillips # 2745; O Wood 416(84).
Another edition, E2988ba: for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.
Copies: GU Euing 99.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook (p. 94) mentions a "2nd edition" by Andrews which, presumably, is this.
Reprint: Dubinski, 2.57-60.
Another shorter version appeared under the title: "For General Monk his Entertainment at Cloath-workers Hall. 13 Mar." in Songs and other Poems 1661; rpt. in Dubinski, 1.175-177.
Commentaries: Jose, p. 28.

B4852/B4853. Brome, Alexander. "Song. On the Kings Return" in SONGS / AND OTHER / POEMS. / [rule] / BY / ALEX. BROME, / GENT. / Dixero siquid jocosius, hoc mihi juris / Cum Venia dabis -- -- Hor. I. Sat. 4. / [rule] / [crown] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane. 1661.

   Format: 8to. Variant printings: contains Isaac Walton, "To my ingenious Friend
Mr. Brome, / on his various and excellent Poems: / An humble Eglog," sigs. [A6]-[A6v]; and Brome, "Song xxxix. On the Kings Return", pp. 112-13. Copies, B4852: O1 Douce B290, this copy has an engraved portrait tipped in opposite t/p: "VERA EFFIGIES A: BROME 1664" subscripted "CARMINA DESUNT"; "To the Reader" sigs. [A2v]-[A5] ends with ms: "Old Brome he was a witty knave / that's all his character can crave" [A5]; O2 Harding C 3310; O3 Harding C 536, this copy has variant K gathering not found in other copies; C Syn 7 66 102; L; CH 106634; CLC; CN; MH; TU; Y; WF.
Reprint: Dubinski, 1:173-4.
Another edition, B4853: "Song xl" in Songs (1664), p. 122, and Songs `(1668), pp. 111-112; partly reprinted with music by Matthew Locke in John Playford's Catch as Catch Can (1667).
Copies: L1; L2 G.18537, author's gift to Ralph Bathurst; CT; BN, CH, CU, MH, NC, Y; WF
Commentaries: Corser, 2.

/not Wing/. "C., J." "The Second Charles. Heire of ye Royall Martyr"

   Format: verses on a cut of Charles by William Faithorne
Copies: L -- see British Museum Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, 1:401.
Ms version: O Bodley MS Hearne Diary 57, p. 80, dated "March 28th. Wednesday."
Reprint: Lord, POAS, 1: frontispiece.
Commentaries: Crum, T 1291a.


   Format: brs.
Copies: EN L.C.1155; OW LR 8.32(109), removed from G.5.10.

C871a. The Case is altered / OR, / Sir Reverence, The Rumps last Farewel. / To the Tune of, Robin Hood. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White-lyon neer Pye-corner.

   Format and date: brs. After the collapse of the Rump on 16 March.
Copies: L c.120.h.4(3) a "trunk ballad"
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xvii-xix.

/not Wing/. The Cavaliers Comfort; / Or, Long lookt for will come at last. / Here's good news from Sea now sent to the Shore, / And good news on Land, so what would you have more. / To the Tune of THE KING INJOYS HIS OWN AGAIN. / [two cuts] / [text] / LONDON, Printed for WILLIAM GILBERTSON dwelling in GILTSPUR-STREET.

   Format: bl brs. A reply to The Cavaliers Complaint (see below).
Copies: GU Euing 26.
Reprint: Ebsworth MDC, pp. 52-4.

C1569-71. The Cavaliers Complaint / [ruled box] / To the tune of, / I'le tell thee Dick. &c. / This is the Constant note I'le sing. / I have been Faithful to the KING, / And so, shall Live and Dye. / [text] / LONDON, Printed for N. Butter, dwelling in Cursitors Alley. 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings
Copies, C1570: L1 c.40.m.11(23)
Another edition, C1569: To the Tune of, I'le tell thee Dick. &c. An Echo to the Cavaliers Complaint. / [text] / LONDON, Printed, 1660.
Copies: MC Halliwell Phillips, # 2641.
Another edition, C1570A and C1571: The Cavaleers Complaint. / To the Tune of, I tell Thee DICK, &c. / [text] / LONDON, Printed for Robert Crofts at the Crown in Chancery Lane. 1661.
Copies: O Wood 416(76), in this copy the original printed date of "1661" has been emended in hand to "1660"; this is really another copy of C1571; L2 c.20.f.4(33), a Luttrell item [reported missing in April 1996]; LT 669.f.26(69), ms dated "15 March" [i.e. 1661]; MH.
Reprints: An Antidote Against Melancholy: Made up in Pills (London, 1661), pp. 49-51; Dryden, ed., Miscellany (1716) 4:352-4; Wright, Political Ballads, pp. 257-59; Wilkins, Political Ballads, 1:162; Ebsworth, MDC, pp. 52-4.

C1654. CEDRUS BRITANICA / ET / LAURUS REGIA / SIVE / REX & CORONOA / A / POETICAL HEXAMERON. / Shewing, / 1. The Invention, / 2. The Distinction, / 3. The Designation, / 4. The Necessity, / 5. The Dignity, / 6. The Perpetuity. / Of Crownes. / [design: angels hold rose and thistle] / Printed, Anno Dom. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-12.
Copies: WF C1654.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94.

C1863. Chamberlayne, William. Englands Iubile: / Or, A Poem on the happy return of his / Sacred Majesty, Charls the II. / [text] / London, Printed for Robert Clavell at the Stags-head in / St. Pauls Church yard, 1660.

   Format: Qto. A-[A4v]; pp. [1]-8. no separate title page.
Copies: L c.133.dd.11; O Tanner 744(22).
Reprint: Saintsbury, Minor Poets, 1:297.
Commentaries: Corser, 2.1:

C3677. Charleton, Walter. verses in: AN IMPERFECT / POURTRAICTURE / OF HIS / SACRED MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / BY THE GRACE OF GOD / KING / Of Great BRITAIN, FRANCE, and IRELAND, / Defender of the Faith, &c. / Written by a Loyal Subject, who most / Religiously affirms, / Se non diversas spes, sed incolumitatem / Cæsaris simpliciter spectare. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the Sign of the An- / chor in the Lower Walk of the New-Exchange. 1661.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: O 4to Rawl.324, vellum binding with garter arms, heavy ms annotations signed "Walter Charleton"; LT E.1084(8), ms dated "7 March"; LLP NN.196.3(2); OW; OFX; C; CT; CH; CSS; CU; LC; MIU; MMU; WF 186907.

C3768A. The chearfull Acclamation of the City of / EDINBURGH, / For the happy Return of his Sacred Majesty, / CHARLES / THE SECOND.

   Format: brs. [Edinburgh?? 1660??]
Copies: OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10.
Commentaries: NOT listed in Aldis.

G941. Cleaver, Theophilus. "To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN / Batchelour in Divinitie," in: [Hebrew] Filius Heröum, / THE SON OF NOBLES. / Set Forth / IN A SERMON / PREACHED / At St Mary's in Cambridge before / the University, on Thursday the / 24th of May, 1660 being the day of / Solemn Thanksgiving for the Deliverance / and Settlement of our Nation. / By WILL. GODMAN B. D. Fellow of the / King's Colledge in Cambridge. / Because the Lord hath loved his people, he hath made thee / King over them. 2 Chron. 2.11. / -- -- Nusquam libertas gratior extat / Quam sub Rege pio -- -- / [Greek epigraph] / [rule] / LONDON, / by J. Flesher, for W. Morden Bookseller in Cambridge. / An. Dom. M DC LX. [double-rule box].

   Format: Qto. Verses at sigs. b2-[b2v].
Copies: L 226.g.21(2); O Pamph. C110(4); C; NE; DT; CLC Pamph. coll. Misc. Sermons v.2; CN; MH; NU; Y; WF. See also Nicols below.

C5392. Collop, John. ITER / Satyricum: / IN / LOYALL / Stanzas. / [rule] / By John Collop, M. D. / [double rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. M. for William / Shears, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of / the Bible in Bedford-street neer Covent-/ Garden, 1660.

Copies: L 11609.b.6; O Firth.e.157(3), ms notes; EN reported missing by Hilberry; CN;
Reprint: Conrad Hilberry, ed., The Poems of John Collop.

/not Wing/. "Come you Poets drink a round" / [text] / Printed for F. G. The title is missing from the unique copy: first line here given as title.

   Format: bl brs
Copies: L c.120.h.4(4) a "trunk ballad" in very poor condition; probably printed for Francis Groves.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:lvii-lviii.

C5813A. A CONGRATULATION / For His Sacred Majesty, CHARLES, the third / Monarch of Great Britain, His happy Arrival / at WHITE-HALL. / By a Loyal Member of His Majesties Army. / Edinburgh, June 13. 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: EN1 Ry III c 34(3); EN2 S.302.b.2(24); OW L.R.8.32, removed from G.5.10(101).
Reprint: Laing, Fugitive Scottish Poetry (1853).
Commentaries: Aldis, #1638.

C6508A. Couch, John. His Majesties miraculous Preservation / By the Oak, Maid, and Ship. / [text] / By John Couch, M. in A. sequestred from Horsmonden in Kent.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.20.f.4(38).

C6559. The Countrey-mans VIVE Le ROY. / OR, / His Joyfull Exaltation for King CHARLES [10] his Restoration, / In a Dialogue between DICK a Plough-man, / and JACK a Shepherd. / With Jacks Epigram upon Englands Grand TRAYTOR. / [text] / London, Printed for J. Jones, 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.20.f.2(41).


   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.27(18), ms dated "May 1661".
Reprint: Wright, Political Ballads, pp. 265-268; Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxvi.

C6619A. The Covenant. / OR, / No King but the Old King's Son, / OR, / A brief Rehearsall of what heretofore was done. / All sorts of People of it take a view, / You surely will confess that I say true; / Let none mislike the same that cannot mend it, / Neither rashly censure him that pen'd it. / To the Tune of, True Blew will never staine. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus11 on London-Bridge.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 43; O Firth c.20(f118), a modern transcription of this ballad, presumably by Firth.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93; sale catalogues -- Heber, IV 200 (12); Smith, Cat. 43.

C6677. Cowley, Abraham. ODE, / UPON / The Blessed Restoration / and Returne / OF / HIS SACRED MAJESTIE, / Charls the Second. / [rule] / By A. Cowley. / [rule] / Virgil. -- -- Quod optanti Divum promittere nemo / Auderet, volvenda dies, en, attulit ultro. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / Shop on the Lower Walk in the New Exchange. / Anno Dom. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-19.
Copies: O Pamph C110(24); OW L.R.426; C Syn.7.66.11(3); LT E.1025(l8), ms dated "31 May"; L 873.h.30; CT Y.9.108 (4); CS Ee.4.26(9); E; CLC; CH 120961; CU; MH; WF; TU1 Aj/C839/660; TU2 Wj/C839/6600; Y.

C7300-1. Crouch, John. A / Mixt Poem, / Partly Historicall, partly Panegyricall, / UPON THE / Happy Return of His Sacred MAJESTY / Charls the Second, / AND HIS / Illustrious Brothers the DUKES of / YORK and GLOCESTER. / With Honorable Reflections upon some State-mar-/ tyrs, and the Renowned Generall. / Not Forgetting the Rump and its Appurtenances. / [rule] / By J. C. Gent. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Thomas Bettertun at his shop in / Westminster-hall. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + [ii] + pp. 1-15.
Copies, C7300: L 11626.c.5, includes frontispiece portrait of Charles by A. Hertochs; C Syn. 766.11 (1); CH 49036; MH; WF; Y; CN 337666.
Another edition, C7301: A / Mixt Poem / Partly Historicall, Partly Panegyricall, / UPON THE / Happy Return of his Sacred MAJES-/ TY CHARLES the Second, &c. / AND HIS / Illustrious brothers the DUKES of YORK / and GLOCESTER. / With Reflections upon the Late RUMP, and / their Appurtenances. / Not Forgetting his Excellency the Lord / GENERAL MONCK. / [rule] / By J. C. Gent. / [rule] / London, Printed for Daniell White at the Seaven / Stars in Pauls Church-yard, 1660.
Format: Qto. t/p + A, [no A2] A3-[A4] B-[B4v]
Copies: O Malone 746(3*).
Another edition, C7291A: in variant form as "A Poem Upon the Happy Restauration" in John Crouch, Census Poeticus (H. Brugis, 1663).
Copies: C Peterborough Q.2.23.

D65. D., M. THE / SUBJECTS / DESIRE / To see our Gracious King Charles / THE SECOND, / HIS SAFE ARRIVALL. / [rule] / [text] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-Lane, 1660. / [rule]

   Format: mixed italic and bl brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(24), ms dated "16 May."

D334. Davenant, William. POEM, / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / MOST HAPPY / RETURN / TO HIS / DOMINIONS. / [rule] / Written by / Sr William Davenant. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop at the signe of the Anchor on the Lower walk / in the New Exchange. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-22; sigs. [A]-[C4v].
Copies: O Tanner 744 (l4); OW L.R.4.27, removed from B.B.1.5(39); OH J.38(7); OB 910.h.13(4); L 11626.d.11; LT E. 184(2), ms dated "25 June"; CH 1016521; CLC PR 2 P 81; WF D334; TU Wh/D272/660p; MH; WF; Y.
Reprint: The Works of Sr William D'avenant Kt. (1673), pp. 256-61.

D1007A/8. Denham, John. THE / PROLOGUE / TO HIS / MAJESTY / At the first PLAY presented at the Cock-pit in / WHITEHALL, / Being part of that Noble Entertainment which Their MAIESTIES received Novemb. 19. / from his Grace the Duke of ALBERMARLE. / [text] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for G. Bedell and T. Collins, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 398(16), ms "John Denham Esq; at his Maties first coming into England; By Sr Jo: Denham Kt of ye Bath"; LT 669.f.26(30), ms dated "23 November"; LG; MH.
Reprint: Banks, ed., The Poems of Sir John Denham pp. 94-95; A. N. Wiley, ed., Rare Prologues (l940), pp. 8-12.

D2244. Dryden, John. Astræa Redux. / A / POEM / On the Happy / Restoration & Return / Of His Sacred Majesty / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By John Driden. / [rule] / Iam Redit & Virgo, Redeunt Saturnia Regna. Virgil. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop, at the Blew-Anchor, in the lower Walk of the New-/ Exchange, 1660.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: O1 Pamph 111(5) 1st state; O2 Gough Loudon 2(13) 2nd state; LT E.1080(6), ms dated "19 June" 2nd state; UL Sel. 3.162 (1); OM K.11.9 bound in after p. 288, 2nd state, with light pencil marks on some borders (bound with extensively annotated copy of Absalom and Achitophel); CH 125994 2nd state; WF D2244 2nd state; LVF; BN; CN; CLC; MH; Y.
Commentaries: MacDonald, 5Ai. Advertized in Mercurius Publicus (21-28 June, 1660).

/not Wing/. Duncombe, Giles. A Counter-blast to the Phanaticks.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.112.h.4(29).

D2599a and B3557 [mistaken double entry]. Duncombe, Giles. Verses in: Scutum Regale, / THE / Royal Buckler; / OR, / VOX LEGIS, / A / Lecture to Traytors: / Who most wickedly murthered / CHARLES the I, / AND / Contrary to all Law and Religion banished / CHARLES THE II. / 3d MONARCH of / GREAT BRITAIN, &c. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / Salus populi, Salus Regis. / LONDON, 1660. / [enclosed within double-rule box] [printed in black and red inks].

   Format and date: 8to. Advertised in the Parliamentary Intelligencer 22 (21-28 May), p. 348.
Copies: O1 Tanner 624, has an additional cut after the t/p and before the Epistle to the Reader showing Charles about to be crowned by an angel, followed by a dedication page "To His Most Sacred Majestie"; O2 Linc 8to c.183, has the additional engraving of Charles between sigs A and B; L1 292.a.15, the plate of shepherd missing; L2 1483.aa.26; L3 G3535, ms note: "This Copy belonged to the Royal Library of Charles 2d whose cypher is on the binding. It has not only a very fine impression of the Frontispiece, but it has also a 2d Plate which precedes the "Shepherd's Complaint" at the end of the book, & is very seldom found with it. This Plate has been by some called "Charles 2d" but it is so unlike that it is not easy to believe it could be meant for his portrait"; C Adams 8.66.8; WF 140413 has the additional engraving of Charles between sigs A and B; CT; P; CH; CN; MH; Y; Exeter.

E238. Edwards, Thomas. TO / His Sacred Majesty, / CHARLES / The Second, / ON HIS / HAPPY RETURN.

   Format: F. t/p + pp. 1-2; sigs. [A-A2v].
Copies: LT E.1080(7) 1st state, ms dated "26 June"; O Gough Loudon 2(4) 2nd state (see line 21); Y.

E575. Ellis, Clement. TO THE / KING'S / Most Excellent Majesty: / ON HIS / Happie and Miraculous / RETURN / To The Government of his Three (now) flourishing / KINGDOMS. / [text: pp. 1-6] / LONDON: / Printed by James Cottrel, for Humphry Robinson, at the / three Pigeons in St. Paul's Church-yard. / M D C L X.

   Format: F.
Copies: LT E.1080(5), ms dated "11 June" with ms note: "The gift of the Author, my son George's Tutor."

E660-1. Elys, Edmund. ANGLIA REDIVIVA. / OR / The Miraculous Return of / THE BREATH OF OUR NOSTRILS. / A POEM. / [rule] / by EDMUND ELIS, Master of Arts. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-10; sigs. [A]-[B4v].
Copies: OB 910.h.13(9), 1st uncorrected state, Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 6d.; L 1347.d.50, reported mislaid, January 1996; O Pamph c.110(28) 2nd state; LLP KA446, 2nd state, with additional ms verses; MH; CLC PR 3431.E59A6.
Latin edition at E661: F. [1662].
Copies: O Ashm.F.4(41); OB 670.e.8(14), Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 2d.
Commentaries: Madan, #2493, 2950; according to Madan, the Oxford publisher Henry Hall printed the English version "about June."

E2951A. Englands Captivity Returned, / WITH / A Farwel to COMMON-WEALTHS. / To the Tune of, The brave Sons of Mars.

   Format: bl brs. Partial text only; probably for Francis Grove.
Copies: O Firth b.20(f25).
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 8:787. See "When Charles King of England Safe on Shore" below.

E2955A. Englands day of Joy and Reioycing, Or, Long lookt for is come at last. / Or the true manner of proclaiming CHARLS the Second King of Eng- / land, &c. Ths Eighth day of this present May; to the ever honored praise / of Generall Monck, being for the good of his Country and the Parliament. / To the Tune of, Jockey. / [two cuts]/ [text] / London, Printed for W. Gilbertson, at the sign of the Bible in Giltspur-street.

   Format: bl brs. [largely illegible].
Copies: MH *pEBB65.

E2965. ENGLANDS Genius / PLEADING FOR / KING CHARLES / To the Right Honorable the / LORDS and COMMONS / in PARLIAMENT, &c. / And to the Lord MONCK Generall of all the forces in England, / Scotland and Ireland, &c. / [text] / London, Printed for J. Jones, 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 416(80), ms dated "April"; LT 669.f.25(3), ms dated "30 April"; L1 c.20.f.4(69), removed from Luttrell II(69); L2 c.121.g.9(6), reported missing 1995.
Commentaries: Frank, #776.

E2972. Englands / Gratulation / on / the Landing of Charles the / Second, by the grace of God, King of England, / Scotland, France, and Ireland at Dover, and / his advance from thence to the City of Lon- / don, May the 29. being His Birth Day. / [space] / Attended with all the ancient Nobility and Gentry / of this nation, and a great part of the army commanded / by his Excellence the Lord Generall MONK, His / magnificant entertainment in the City of Lon- / don by the Right Honourable the Lord / Mayor and his Brethren, and the great / preparation for his Coronation, / which wil be more ful of State / and tryumph then ever King / of England had before. / [design -- winged skull with motto "Spes Daddibit{?} Alas"] / [text] / London, Printed for William Gilbertson.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-6; sigs. [A]-[A4v].
Copies: MH *p EC65.A100 660e2.

E2974A. England's Great Prognosticator, / Foretelling when England shall enjoy a settled peace and happinesse again, / Not by Planets, Signes, nor by Stars, But truly tells when ends these bloody wars. / To the Tune of, When the King injoyes his own again. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow-/ hill, without Newgate. / Entred according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 96.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

E2988aA. Englands Joy in a Lawful Triumph. / Bold Phanaticks now make room / CHARLS the Second's coming home. / As it was voted in the House on May-day last 1660. / To the Tune of, Packingtons Pound. / [text] / London, Printed for F.G. on Snow-hill. Entred / According to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 98.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxvii-xxix.

E3017A. Englands pleasant May-Flower / OR, / Charles the second, as we say, / Came home the twenty ninth of May. / Let Loyal hearts rejoyce and sing / For joy they have got a Gracious KING. / The tune is, Upon Saint Davids day. / [cut] / [text] / Printed for W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 100.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxx-xxxi; dates it 29 May.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 95.

E3022A. Englands rejoycing at that happy day / That peace and truth it may bear sway, / Being th'Election of that thing, / In chusing us a Royal King, / To the Tune of, Gallant Souldiers do not muse. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for F. G. on Snowhill / Entred according to Order.

   Format: bl brs. Woodcuts similar to those on Gallant News, and The Loyal Subjects Exultation.
Copies: GU Euing 95.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 95.

E3870. AN EXIT / TO THE / EXIT TYRANNUS: / OR, / Upon Erasing that Ignominious and Scandalous Motto, which / was set over the place where KINGS CHARLES / the First Statue stood, in the Royall Exchange, / LONDON. / To the Tune of I made a Voyage into France, &c. / [rule] / [text]

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 416(61), ms dated "March 1659"; OW L.R.8.32, removed from G.5.10(58); L1 c.20.f.4.(249); L2 82.l.8(44); L3 c.40.m.9(68); LT 669.f.24(18), ms dated " March"; MH.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:663-64.

F110. Fairebrother, William. AN / ESSAY / OF A / LOYAL BREST; / In four Copies of Verses, viz. / I. To His Majesty, CHARLES the 2nd. / II. To His two Houses of PARLIAMENT. / III. To His General, the Lord MONCK. / IV. To that His good Angel, Madam JANE LANE. / [rule] / By WILLIAM FAIREBROTHER, of Kings / Colledge in Cambridge. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by JOHN FIELD, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-12; sigs. [A]-[B2v].
Copies: L; O Wood 319(11), ms dated "June: 1660"; CT Y.9.108 (5); MH; Y; NYPL.

F1149. Flatman, Thomas. A / PANEGYRICK / To His Renowed MAJESTIE, / Charles the Second, / King of Great Britaine, &c. / [text] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for HENRY MARSH at the Princes Arms in / Chancery Lane near Fleetstreet, MDCLX.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O1 Wood 416(83), ms dated "May"; O2 Firth b.20(26); LT 669.f.25(51), ms dated "30 June"; MH; WF; Y.

F1225. Flecknoe, Richard. "The Pourtrait of His Majesty" in HEROICK / PORTRAITS / With other / Miscellary [sic] Pieces, / Made, and Dedicate to His / MAJESTY. / By Rich. Flecknoe. / [rule] / Principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est, Hor. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by Ralph Wood for the / Author. 1660.

   Format: 8to. "The Portrait of His Majesty" appears at sigs B-B4.
Copies: L Huth 99; O Mal 479; LIU; CLC PR3461 F4H5; CH 121692; WF 233175; BN, IU, MH
Reprint: in A / COLLECTION / Of the choicest / EPIGRAMS / AND / CHARACTERS / OF / Richard Flecknoe. / Being rather a New Work, / then a New Impression / of the Old / [rule] / [design] / Printed for the Author. 1673., sigs. A3-A4v.
Copies: L 11623.aa.12; C Hib 8.673.4; CH; CLC; CN; MH; TU; WF.
Commentary: Corser, 3.2: 36 2-

F1261. Fleming, Giles. Verses in: STEMMA SACRUM, / The / Royal Progeny / Delineated, and with some / Notes explained, Shewing His / SACRED MAJESTIES / Royal and Lawful Descent to / His Crown and Kingdoms, from all / the Kings that ever reigned in this / NATION. / [rule] / By Giles Fleming, Rector of Wadding-/ worth, in the Diocess and County of / LINCOLN. / [rule] / Blessed art thou O Land, when thy King is the Son of / the Nobles, Eccles. 10. 7. / And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Ju- / dah, shall yet again take root downward, and / bear fruit upward, 2 Kings 19. 30. / [rule] / London, Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the golden / Ball in Chancery-lane. 1660. / [ruled boxed]

Copies: LT E.1914(1), ms dated "July"; O1 Ashm 916; O2 Pamph. E.109(15), missing genealogical table but has additional portrait; C; MR 16971, genealogical table missing; ES; CH 123829; CU; MH; NU; WF F1261; Y.
Reprint: His Majesty's Pedigree (1664). This is not so much a reprint as the original work with a cancel titlepage -- "Printed for Tho. Rooks at the Lamb and Inkbottle at the East end of S. Pauls near S. Austins gate, 1664" -- and a final leaf listing works printed by Rooks. The colophon has been erased from the genealogical table.
Copies: O Bliss B.283, contains portrait of Charles II by William Faithorne.

F1549/F1550. Forde, Thomas. "Upon His Sacred Majesty" in: Virtus Rediviva / A Panegyrick / On our late / King CHARLES the I. &c / of ever blessed Memory. / ATTENDED, / With severall other Pieces from the / same PEN. / Viz.[bracketing I-IV] / I. A Theatre of Wits: Being a Col-/ lection of APOTHEGMS. / II. Foenestra in Pectore: or a Century of / Familiar LETTERS. / III. Loves Labyrinth: a Tragi-comedy. / IV. Fragmenta Poetica: Or Poeticall / Diversions. / Concluding, with / A PANEGYRICK on His / Sacred Majesties most happy / Return. / [rule] / by T. F. / [rule] / Varietas delectat. / [rule] / Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for William Gran- / tham, at the Sign of the Black Bear in St. Pauls / Church-yard neer the little North door; / and Thomas Basset, in St. Dunstans Church-/ yard / in Fleet-street. 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: 8to. Verses in Fragmenta Poetica at pp. 21-4; sigs C3-[C4v].
Copies: LT E.1806, ms dated "Octob"; O Harding D1088, with new cancel t/p dated 1661; L 1080.g.6, with new cancel t/p dated 1661; OW F1550, with new cancel t/p dated 1661, signed "W. Gower"; EN; CH1 151598; CH2 26553; CLC; CN; LC; MH; WF 138401, contains additional frontispiece portrait of Charles I.
Reissue, F1550: A / THEATRE / OF / WITS, / Ancient and Modern/ etc. 1661.
Copies: CH; CU; MH; WCL; WF; Y; AUP; O1 Douce F.303; O2 Harding E.245(2); O3 Harding D.1088(2).
Ms version: O Eng. poet e.4(167), ms dated "1672," first twenty lines only.

F2452. Fuller, Thomas. A / PANEGYRICK / TO HIS / MAJESTY, / ON HIS / Happy Return. / [rule] / By Tho. Fuller B. D. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for John Playford at his Shop in the / Temple, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-11.
Copies: L 11626.d.17, 1st state; O Malone 746(1), 2nd state; OW L.R.4.34, removed from B.B.1.5(41), 2nd state; C; MR R147668; LLU; GK; CH 51710; MH; NP; WF F2452, 2nd state.
Reprint: see the entry on Worcestershire in The History of the Worthies of England (1662), pp. 182-84; Alexander B. Grosart, The Poems and Translations in Verse ... of Thomas Fuller (Edinburgh: Crawford and McCabe, 1868), pp. 91-105.
Commentary: John Eglinton Bailey, Life of Thomas Fuller (1874)

G172B. Gallant News of late I bring, / Tidings of chusing now a King, / Whereby true Subjects may rejoice / In chusing them so sweet a choyce / That love and peace may so agree, / To end the days of misery, / To the Tune of, Royal News, Royal News. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove on Snow-hill. Entered according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 130.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, pp. 94-5; Ebsworth RB, 9:12.

G852. A Glimpse of Joy for the happy Restoring of the Kings most Excellent Majesty: / OR, / The Devoirs of a nameless Poet. / To the Generall's Excellence, and to all the Noble Sparks of Great Brittain's / Heroarchy, that have hopes to survive their Countreys Sufferings. / [cut: portrait] / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(53), ms dated "30 June."

G883. The Glory of these Nations. / Or, King and Peoples happinesse, being a brief Relation of King / Charles's Royall progresse from Dover to London, how the Lord Generall and / the Lord Mayor with all the nobility and Gentrey of the Land, brought him tho-/ row the Famous City of London to his Pallace at Westminster the 29. of May last, be-/ ing his Majesties birth-day, to the great comfort of his Loyall Subjects. / The Tune is, When the King enjoys his own again. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London Bridge.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.120.h.4.(5), a "trunk" ballad.
Reprint: Wright, Political Ballads, pp. 223-228; Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxxvii-xxxix.

G1482. GRAMPIUS / CONGRATULATION / In plain / SCOTS LANGUAGE / TO HIS / MAJESTIES / Thrise Happy Return. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / Printed Anno Dom. 1660. / [ornamental double-ruled box]

   Format: brs.
Copies: E JA 2069/16; OW BB.1.5(35); Y.
Reprint: Laing, Various Pieces (1823), np.

/not Wing/. [Grove, Francis -- printer], "When Charles King of England Safe on Shore"

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Firth b.20(25). This item is 8 stanzas of a ballad under the generic heading, "The second part, to the same Tune." It is printed on the verso of "England's Captivity Returned" (see above). This title follows the catch-phrase of the chorus.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:788.

H1386A??. H., C. Hells Master-piece discovered: / Or Joy and Sorrow mixt together. / Being a breife and true Relation of the Damnable Plot, of those / invetrate Enemies of God, and the King; who intended to a mixt / our Joy for the Nativitie of Christ, with the blood of the King, / and his faithfull Subjects. /Being a fit Carrall for Royallist to sing, / That alwaies fear God, and honour the King. / To the Tune of, Sommer Time. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove dwelling on Snowhill.

   Format: brs.
Copies: GU Euing 138.

H136A. H., T. Iter Boreale, the Second Part. See: The Noble Progresse.

H495. Hammond, Charles. Verses in: Londons Triumphant Holiday. / Printed for Francis Grove, 1660.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: O Gough Loudon 282(14); CT.

H500. Hammond, Charles. Verses in: The Worlds Timely Warning-piece / [design] / [verses] / Licens ed, and entred according to order. / [rule] / London, Printed for Fr. Grove near the Sarazen's / Head on Snow-hill. 1660.

   Format: Qto. [A reissue of a 1651 tract with new titlepage??]
Copies: CH R197008; L Cup.408.d.8(4).

H1958. Higgons, Thomas. A / PANEGYRICK / TO THE / KING. / By His Majesties most humble, / most Loyal, and most Obedient / Subject and Servant, / THOMAS HIGGONS. / Virg. Æn. Lib. 2. / Quæ Tantæ tenuere moræ? queis CAROLE ab oris / Expectate venis? ut te, post multa tuorum / Funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labores / Defessi aspicimus! / [text pp. 1-11] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the signe of / the Anchor in the Lower Walk of the / New-Exchange. 1660.

   Format: F. t/p + pp 1-11; sigs, A, B, C [D].
Copies: O1 Gough Loudon 2(5); O2 Pamph. A111(6); LT E.1080(4), ms dated " June"; C SEL.81; CLC PR 3515.H15P1;CH 133288; MH; Y; TU; WF 156740.

H2086+. HIS / MAJESTIES / WELCOME / In an honest blunt Ballad. / [rule] / To the Tune of Cook-Lorrell. / [text] / LONDON: Printed for Henry Marsh12

   Format: brs.
Copies: OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(104).

H2444-A. Holland, Samuel. To the best of MONARCHS / HIS / MAIESTY / OF GREAT BRITTAIN, &c. / CHARLES / THE SECOND, / A GRATULATORY POEM / On the most happy Arrival of his most Excellent Majestie Charles the second, by the Grace of God, KING of England, Scot-/ land, France, and Ireland, who landed at Dover Friday, May the 25. to the most unspeakable joy of his SUBJECTS / [text] / Entred according to Order, and Printed by S. Griffin for Matthew Wallbancke, 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies, H2444: LT 669.f.25(42), ms dated "14 June."
Another edition, H244A: "EDINBURGH, Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone Church, 1660."
Copies: EN S.302.b.2(127).
Commentaries: Aldis, #1645.7.

H3003. Howard, Robert, "A Panegyrick to the King," in POEMS, / viz. / 1. A PANEGYRICK to the KING. / 2. SONGS and SONNETS. / 3. The BLIND LADY, a COMEDY. / 4. The Fourth Book of VIRGIL, / 5. STATIUS his ACHILLEIS, / with ANNOTATIONS. / 6. A PANEGYRICK to GENERALL / MONCK / [rule] / By the Honorable / Sr ROBERT HOWARD. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / shop at the sign of the Anchor on the lower Walk / of the New Exchange. 1660.

   Format: 8to. Verses appear pp. 1-9, sigs. B-B5.
Copies: LT E.1824.(2), ms dated "June"; O missing since 1962; C; CT Munby d.11; LVD, CT; Fellows' Library, Winchester School; CH; CLC; CN; LC; MH; NC; TU; WC; WF; Y.
Reprint, H3004: Howard, Poems (1696).
Copies: CLC PR 3517 H3A17; L; LIU; MH; NP; TU; WF.

H3087-8-9. Howell, James. "Grebner's Prophecy" from Lexicon Tetraglotton, / AN / English-French-Italian-Spanish / DICTIONARY: / WHEREUNTO IS ADJOINED / A large NOMENCALTURE of the proper Terms / (in all the four) belonging to several Arts and Sciences, to Recreations, to / Professions both Liberal and Mechanick, &c. / Divided into Fiftie two SECTIONS; / [rule] / With another Volume of the Choicest / PROVERBS / [etc.] / LONDON, Printed by J. G. for Samuel Thomson at the Bishops head / in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.

   Format: F. Variant printings.
Copies, H3087: O Douce H.432.
Another edition, H3088:
Copies: WF.
Another edition, H3089: LONDON, Printed by J. G. for Cornelius Bee, at the Kings Armes in Little Brittaine.
Copies: L 71.f.4.

H3354. Huish, Alexander. Two English poems in Musa Ruralis. / [rule] / In Adventum / Augustissimi Principis & Monarch, / CAROLIII, / D. G. Mag. Britannia, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ / Regis Sereniss. Fidei Defensoris, &c. / Vota, Suspiria, Gaudia; & rursum Vota. / [rule] / Quæ suo, aliorumque Rectorum, non Rectorum, / Ruralium nomine, effudit / ALEX. HUISSUS, S. T. B. / Rector, non Rector, Ecclesiarum de Beckington, / & Hornblawton, in agro Somersetensi. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDINI, / Excudebat Thomas Milbourn, M DC LX. [double-rule box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [i] 1-17; sigs. [A-A3v], B-[B4] + C-[C4]
Copies: LT E.765(12), ms dated "10 May"; LLP NN 196.3(1); OB 670.b.4(11), Nicholas Crouch's copy for which he paid 4d.; Y.
Commentaries: Erskine-Hill, Augustan Idea, pp. 208-12.

H3886. Ingelo, Nathan. "A Song of Thanksgiving," a printed translation of the separately printed Latin verses, Hymnus Eucharisticus.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O1 Wood 416(87), ms annotations; O2 Smith newsbook a.3(15), ms annotations.
Latin edition:
Copies: O3 Wood 398(13) Latin version, ms annotations identify Ingelo as the author and translator; the music was by Benjamin Rogers of Windsor.

I1090. Iter Australe / Attempting something upon the happy / Return of our most Gracious So-/ veraign Lord, / CHARLS II. / FROM / BANISHMENT / TO HIS / THRONE. / [rule] / By a Loyal Pen. / [rule] / -- -Virum non arma Cano. / [rule] / LONON,13 / Printed by Tho. Leach, in the Year, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-18; sigs. [A]-[C2v].
Copies: O1 Firth e.157(2), 1st state; O2 Tanner 744(18), 2nd corrected state; L 1066.f.32, 2nd corrected state; WF 187583, 2nd corrected state; MH; Y; EN [not found]
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94.

J29b. Joy, Thomas. A Loyal Subjects Admonition, or, a true Song of / Brittains Civil Wars. / [text] / Composed by loyal T. J. / FINIS. / London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 160.

J730. Jevon, Rachel. Exultationis Carmen / TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY / UPON HIS MOST / Desired Return. / [rule] / By Rachel Jevon, Presented with her own Hand, Aug. 16th. / [rule] / CAROLUS En rediit, redeunt Saturnia regna. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / [rule] / London, Printed by John Macock, 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: F.
Copies: LT E.1080(11), ms dated "16 August"; O Gough Loudon 2(6); LL; CS; CH 125996; MH; WF; Y.
Commentaries: for Jevon, see CSPD, and Hobby, Virtue of Necessity, pp. 18-19.

J945. Jones, Henry. The Royal Patient Traveller, / OR, / The wonderful Escapes of His Sacred Majesty King CHARLES the Se-/ cond from Worcester-Fight; And his maiing a Hollow Oke his Roy-/ all Pallace. The going in a Livery Cloak with Mis. Lane. And the / Discourse between the Kings Majesty, and the Cook-maid im-/ ploying the King to wind up the Jack; but being not / used to do it, did wind it up the wrong way. / To the tune of, Chivy Chase, Or, God prosper long our Noble King. / [cuts] / [text] / By Henry Jones of Oxford: Printed for the Authour.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: O Wood 401(171/172), ms dated "1660."
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:638-41; and Broadley, Royal Miracle, pp. 91-97.

K547. THE / King Advancing, / OR GREAT BRITTAINS / Royal Standard, / WITH / His Majesties Gracious Speech to His Loyal Subjects; / And the Investing Him in His Royal Throne, / Crown and Dignities. / [cut: royal arms surmounted with C R] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Charles Prince, in the year, 1660./ [ruled box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. [1]-7; sigs. [A]-[A4v]; mispaginated "2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7". Latin with English translation.
Copies: O G.Pamph 1119(4); LT E.1017(28), ms dated "21 March"; OW Huth copy from Fairfax collection; MH; AVP.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

K553. King Charles his Glory and Rebells Shame / "To a Pleasant New Tune: Or, The Crost Couple"

   Format: bl brs. This is a variant title of The Traytors Downfall.
Copies: L c.20.f.4.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:661-2.

L87. L., W. GOOD / NEWES / From the / NETHERLANDS, / OR / A Congratulatory Panegyrick, composed by a true Lover of his King, / and Country. / [text] / W. L. / [ruled box]

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(35), ms dated 31 May.

L168A. LÆTITIÆ CALEDONICÆ, / OR, / SCOTLANDS Raptures, / Upon the thrise happy Return of Her / Sacred Soveraign CHARLES / the Second, Monarch of Great / Britain, &c. / [text]

   Format: brs.
Copies: EN Ry.III.c.34(2).
Reprint: Laing, Fugitive Scottish Poetry (1853), np.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1646.3.

L714. Lawson, John. UPON THE BLESSED RETVRN OF OUR / Gracious Sovereign / KING CHARLES / The Second. / Presented to his sacred Majesty / by a Person of Honour the next day. / [rule] / [text] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, 1660.

   Format: brs. Printed in triple columns.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(39), ms dated "6 June"; MH *pEB65.L4456.660u.

L2628-A. Lluellyn, Martin. TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY. / [text: pp. 3-8] / TO HIS HIGHNESSE / THE / DUKE / OF / YORKE. / [text: pp. 9-10] / TO HIS HIGHNESSE / THE / DUKE / OF / GLOCESTER. / [text: p. 11-12]

   Format: F. t/p + pp. 3-12; sigs. [A-Cv].
Copies, L2628: O Gough Loudon 2(8), 1st uncorrected state without colophon; LT E.1080(1) ,ms dated "24 May," 2nd state, without colophon; EtonC; LU; CH1 125998; CH2 33289; CU; MH; TU; WF 156719, colophon present.
Another edition, L2628A: TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY. / [text] / LONDON, / Printed for J. Martin, Ja. Allestry, T. Dicas, and are to be sold / at the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660.
Format: Large-paper folio, t/p + pp. 3-12; sigs [A-A2] B-[B2] C-[C2].
Copies: OB 670.e.8(9), Nicholas Crouch paid 3d., some ms underlining; 1st state of this edition; see lines 45-46;OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(105), colophon present, severely trimmed; L 1505/311, 2nd state; Y.

L2889A. London and England Triumphant: / At the proclaiming of King Charls the Second, by / both the Houses of Parliament, the Judges of the Land: / with the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, and Council of the / City, as it was performed with great Solemnity, and loud Acclama-/ tions of joy by the people in general. May the 8th. 1660. / To the Tune of, I am a Jovial Batchelor. / [text] / London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow hill. Entered according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 167.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94.

R781. Lower, William. "An Acrostick Poem. / In honour of his Majesty" in: A / RELATION / IN FORM of JOURNAL, / OF THE / VOIAGE And RESIDENCE / Which / The most EXCELLENT and most MIGHTY PRINCE / CHARLS THE II / KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, &C. / Hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May, / to the 2 of June, 1660. / Rendered into English out of the Original French, / By / Sir WILLIAM LOWER, Knight. / [garter arms] / HAGUE, / Printed by ADRIAN VLACK, / Anno M. DC. LX. / With Priviledge of the Estates of Holland and West-Freesland.

   Format: F. Verses, p. 115.
Copies: L1 1565.69(2) Dutch language version; L2 808 m.5; C R.7.5(1); OB 1080.d.37; MR 13057; SU; EN C.18.a.11; DT; OAS; LIU; Y; CH; CLC; MHL; NS; WF R781.

M1446. Mayhew, Thomas. Upon the Joyfull and Welcome / RETURN / OF HIS SACRED MAJESTIE, / Charls the Second, / OF / England, Scotland, France and Ireland / KING, / Defender of the Faith, &c. / To his due and indubitate Right of Govern- / ment, over these His Majestie's Kingdoms / and Dominions. / A PANEGYRICK. / [rule] / Flebile Principium melior Fortuna sequunta14 By THO. MAYHEW, Gent. / [rule] / London, Printed for Abel Roper, at the Sun in Fleet-street / over against St. Dunstans Church. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-13; sigs. [A]-[B4v].
Copies: O1 Tanner 744(16), ms corrections; O2 Pamph. c.109(1); OH J.38(9); OB 910.f.13(11), Nicholas Crouch's copy bought for 2d.; LT E.1025(14), ms dated "29 May"; MR1 W/M1446; MR2 R13075, ms signed "Charles Harris"; EN LC 3338(l9); CH 146818; WF 184043, ms dated "29 May"; IU; MH; TU; WF; Y.

M151-M153. McKenzie, Sir George. "A POEM, by the same Author, / upon His Majesties happy Return" in: ARETINA; / Or, The Serious / ROMANCE. / [rule] / Written originally in English. / [rule] / Part First. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / EDINBURGH, / Printed for Robert Broun, at the / sign of the Sun, on the North-/ side of the Street, 1660. / [ornamental box].

   Format: 8to. Verses, pp. 12-13.
Copies, M151: L c.57.aa.28; EN; Washington.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1623.
Date: The volume contains verses on the death of Henry, Duke of Gloucester, so after September.
Another edition, M152: ARETINA; / Or, The Serious / ROMANCE [rule] / Written origially in English / [rule] / Part First. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] LONDON: / Printed for Ralph Smith, and are to be / sold at the BIBLE in Corn-hill, / near the Royall Exchange, / Anno Dom. 1661. [ormamental box].
Format: 8to.
Copies: O Ferguson 121; EN; WF 135248.
Another edition, M153: for George S[awbridge, 1661]
Format: 8to.
Copies: Y.

G941. Nicols, Daniel. "To his Majestie's loyall subject and my dearly-beloved Friend," See Theophilus Cleaver, above.

N1214. The Noble Progresse; / Or, A true Relation of the Lord Generall Monks / Politicall Proceedings with the Rump, the calling in the Secluded Members, / their transcendent Vote for his Sacred Majesty, with his Reception at / Dover, and Royall conduct through the City of London, / to his famous Palace at White-hall. / The tune is, when first the Scottish warrs began. / [cut] / [text] / Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere and W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs. Variant printings.
Copies: L c.120.h.4(2), a "trunk ballad."
Reprint: Wilkins, Political Ballads, 1:153-58.
Another edition, H136A: Iter Boreale, the Second part, \ RELATING \ The Progress of the Lord General Monk, \ Calling in the Secluded Members, their Voting King \ CHALRS the Second home, his Joyfull reception at Dover. \ and his Glorious Conduct through London, to His Royal Palace at White Hall. \ By T. H. a Person of Quality \ To the Tune of When first the Scottish Wars began. \ [text] \ LONDON Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivy-Lane 1660.
Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.40.m.11(16); MH.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 7:670-71.
Commentaries: see also "T. H." The Cavaliers Thanksgiving (1661) at LT E.1087(4). Without evidence, Ebsworth suggests "T. H." might be Thomas Houghton or Handford, RB 7:671.

0840. Oxenden, Henry. Non est mortale quod opto. / 1647.15 / CHARLS / TRIUMPHANT, / &c. / [rule] / This is that CHARLS, who did from CHARLS proceed; / Who shall in Greatness CHARLS the Great exceed. / [rule] / CAROLUS e CAROLO descendens, / erit CAROLO magno major. / [rule] / [design: laurel crown] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed in the year, MDCLX.

   Format: 8to.
Copies: O Bliss A.199; CH 55905; IU; WF.

O863. Oxford, University of. BRITANNIA / REDIVIVA. / [rule] / [University Arms] / [rule] / OXONIÆ, / Excudebat A. & L. Lichfield, / Acad. Typogr. M. DC. LX.

   Format: Qto. t/p + [foreign language poems] + Aa-[Ff4v]
Copies: LT E.1030(16), ms dated "7 July," correctly gathered; L 161.b 55; O1 4.M.16(1) Art. BS, misgathered at sig. Cc; O2 Pamph. c.112(13), correctly gathered; OM Magd. a.6.7, misgathered at sig. Cc; OH J.38(11), misgathered at sig. Cc, additional parentheses at sig. Ff4v; C; CT III.9.81 (3); EN H.38.a.22; E Df.7.5; CLC; CN; LC; MH; TU; WF 143558, correctly gathered sig. Cc, but no parentheses at sig. Ff4v; Y.
Commentaries: Madan, #2466.

P56. P., J. The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes / To King CHARLES the Second. / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.120.h.4(1), a "trunk ballad."
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xl-xliii.
Commentaries: reproduced in Weber, Paper Bullets, p. 55.

P193. A pair of Prodigals Returned: / OR, / ENGLAND and SCOTLAND agreed. / In a Conference between an Englishman and a Scot, concerning the Restauration of / CHARLES II. to his Crown and Kingdomes. / To the Tune of Cook-Laurel. / [text] / In the Year. 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L c.20.f.4(157); LT 669.f.25(52), ms dated "30 June"; LG; OW LR.8.32(110), removed from G.5.10, poorly trimmed along right margin.

P441. Parker, Martin. The KING enjoys His own again. / To be joyfully Sung with its own proper sweet Tune.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies: L1 1876.f.3, in roman type.
Another edition: L2 Rox.III.256, in bl.
Ms version: EN ADV l9.3.4 (29).
Reprint: Ebsworth RB, 7:682-84, based on L2.

P1042. Pecke, Thomas. TO / The Most High and Mighty MONARCH, / Charles the II. / By the Grace of GOD, / King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, / Defender of the Faith: / THOMAS PECKE of the Inner Temple, Esq; / Wisheth an Affluence of both Temporal and / Eternal FELICITY; / And most humbly Devoteth this / Heroick Poem, / In Honour of His Majesties Establishment / in the Throne of His Ancestours. / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by James Cottrel. MDCLX.

   Format: Qto. t/p.+ 1-14; sigs. A2-[B4v]. Two states evident, see lines 289-90 (p. 12, lines 9-10).
Copies: L 1077.h.68, 1st state; OW L.5.9, 1st state; O Vet A3 e.1767, 2nd state; Sheffield U; CH 16897.

P1676A. Pestell, William. A Congratulation / TO HIS / SACRED MAJESTY, / UPON HIS / Safe Arrival and happy Restauration / TO HIS / Three Kingdoms, / MAY 29th, being his Birth-Day, / and our Year of JUBILE, 1660. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed in the Year 1661.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-7.
Copies: O Wood 319(12); CH; WF P1676A.

T1115. "Philobasileus." THREE / Royal POEMS / UPON THE / Return of Charles the II. / KING / OF / ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, / France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. / [rule] / The Most Illustrious / Prince James Duke of York. / [rule] / The Illustrious / Henry Duke of Glocester. / [rue] / [design: garter arms] / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by Edward Cole, Printer and Book-seller, at the Sign of the / Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange. 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: F.
Copies: LT E.1080(9), ms dated "4 August"; TU.

P2976. Pordage, Samuel. "A Panegyrick On his Majesties Entrance" in: POEMS / UPON / SEVERAL / OCCASIONS. / [rule] / By S. P. Gent. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed by W. G. for Henry Marsh / at the Princes Arms in Chancery-lane, / and Peter Dring at the Sun in the / Poultrey neer the Counter, / 1660.

   Format: 8to.
Copies: O1 Mal 413; O2 Mal 259(3); L 1076.g.16(2); LG; LIU; CH 147340; CLC PR 3639.P25P7; CN; CU; MH; PU; Y; WF 222587, ms signed "Hen. Williams."

R2146. "Possibilis, Facidius." A ROYAL PROPHECY, / Written long since concerning the / KINGS RESTAURATION / To his Crown in 1660. / [text] / London, Printed for H. B. at the Gun in Ivy-Lane. By Facidius Possibilis. /

   Format: brs with partial blackletter.
Copies: L1 c.20.f.4(37);L2 c.20.f.2(39)

P3389A-3390A. Price, Laurence. Win at first, lose at last; or, a New Game at Cards; / Wherein the King recovered his Crown and Traitors lost their heads. / To the Tune of, Yee Gallants that delight to play. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Fran. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to Order.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies, P3389A: O1 Wood 401(149/150); O2 Wood 402(70/71) [catalogued as "c. 1645"]. Another edition, /not Wing/: roman type, single cut, no date, colophon reads: "Licens'd according to Order. Printed by and for C. Brown, and T. Norris, and sold by J. Walter, in Holborn High."
Copies: O3 Firth b.20(24), catalogued as "c. 1660" but none of the stationers named were active until well after 1660; see Morrison, Index.
Another edition, P3390: "For Fra. Coles, Tho. Vere, Io. Wright and Io. Clarke 1680," bl brs. with three cuts
Copies: L Rox.II.522; O; MH.
Another edition, P3390A: "for I. Wright, I. Clark, W. Thackerey and T. Passinger" [c. 1681-84].
Copies: Pepys Library, CM.
Another edition, /not Wing/: A Knave at the Bottom, The Dealer's Sure of a Trump. London: Printed by J. Ranger, in the Strand. [n.d.].
Copies: O Firth b.20(23), with tune in musical notation at top under title. Ms versions: O1 MS Rawl. D.383(113), catalogued as "c.1712"; O2 Top. Oxon.c.108.f83.
Reprint: Wilkins, Political Ballads, 1:144-49.

P4148. A / PSALME / SUNG / By the PEOPLE, before the / BONE-FIRES, / Made in and about the City of / LONDON, / On the 11th of February. / [rule] / To the Tune of Up tayles all. / [text] / THE RUMP END.

   Format: brs.
Copies: O Wood 416(40), ms dated "1659"; LT 669.f.23(43), ms dated "11 Feb"; CH microfilm copy of LT.

R89B. R., T. The Royall Subjects Warning piece to all Traytors / You Traytors all both great and small, I wish you to beware. / In time reprent, and be content, for you must all to Hide-Park Fair. / There is Hemp'n toyes for you brave boys, which murdered Charles the first, / The Hangmen he your guide must be, for thither go you must. / To a pleasant new Tune, Come back my own sweet Duck. / [cut] / [text] / FINIS T. R.

   Format: brs.
Copies: GU Euing 310.

R881. A Relation of the ten grand infamous * Traytors / who for their horrid Murder and detestable Villany against our / late Soveraigne16 Lord King CHARLES the first, that ever / blessed Martyr, were Arraigned, Tryed, and Executed / in the Moneth of October, 1660. Which in / perpetuity will be had in remembrance / unto17 the worlds end. / The tune is, Come let us Drinke the time invites. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Fr. Coles, T. Vere, M. Wright, and W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: L c.120.h.4.(6), a "trunk ballad."
Reprint: Wright, Political Ballads; Ebsworth, RB, 9:xlix-l.

R1374. Richards, Nathanael. [cut: royal arms] / UPON THE / DECLARATION / OF HIS MAJESTY / KING CHARLES / Of ENGLAND the Second. / [text] / London, Printed for J. G. 1660. [left & right margins: long pointed towers]

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(28), ms dated "18 May"; MH *pEB65.R3954660u, severly trimmed with loss of ornamental borders; CH 189.95, microfilm of LT copy.

R87A and R1650D. Robins, Thomas. The Loyall Subjects Joy, / OR, / Joyfull news to all that faithfull be, / And doth desire a happy year to see, / To see the same let all good Christians pray / That Charles in peace, may Crown and Scepter sway, / Then should we see such love in fair England, / No forreign Nation durst against us stand. / The Tune is, Sound a charge. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus on / London-Bridge.

   Format: bl brs. Variant title.
Copies: L Rox.III.160a; GU Euing 309, gives title as "Royall Subjects Joy."

[R2127A]. The Royall Entertainment, / Presented by the Loyalty of the City, to the Royalty of their Soveraign, on Thursday the fourth of July / 1660. When the City of London invited his Majesty, the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester, and / their Royall Retinue, to a Feast in the Guild-hall, London, to which the King was conducted by the / chiefest of the City Companies on Horse-back, entertained by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Com-/ mon-Councill, Guarded from White-hall to Guild-hall by the Artillery-men, led by the Illustrious / James Duke of York; met by diverse Pageants, with sundry devices, and the Livery attending in / their Order. The Hall was richly appointed with costly Hangings, the Floores raised, Organs erected / [wi]th all sorts of Musick, performed by the Ablest Masters in England, with all Varieties that Art, Plen-/ [ty], and Curiosity can present, / To the Tune of Packington's pound. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove, on Snow[-hill.] / Entred according to Order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: Manchester Central Library BR F821.04 B49 vol.1 p.7; NYPL photocopy of above; MH photocopy of above.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xliv-xlvi.

R2157A. The Royal Wanderer: / OR, / Gods Providence evidently manifested,in the most mysterious Deliverance of the / Divine Majesty of CHARLS the Second, King of Great Brittain. / Though bold Rebellion for a time look brave, / Man shall not slay what God resolves to save. / To the sune of, The wandring Prince of Troy, or, Troy town. / [cut] / [text] / London Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 312.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

S25. S., G. Britains Triumph, / FOR HER / Imparallel'd Deliverance, / And her Joyfull Celebrating the / PROCLAMATION / Of her most Gracious, Incomparable KING / CHARLES / THE SECOND, &c. / Defender of the FAITH, / Being a happy Fore-runner of the Day of his / Nativity and as is hoped of his Coronation. / [rule] /C. [crown ornament] R. / [rule] / London, Printed for W. Palmer at the Palm-treee, / neer St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, 1660. [ornamental box composed of fleurs-de-lys]

   Format: Qto.
Copies: LT E.1023(13), ms dated "14 May"; EN Crawford, removed from HH [W/S25 at MR], ms dated "May 1660"; CH; OSU.

S267. Sadler, Anthony. MAIESTIE Irradiant, / [rule] / OR / The Splendor Displayd, / OF / Our Soveraigne / KING CHARLES.

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(4), ms dated "1 May"; CLC Pamph. Coll. folio drawer; CH microfilm of LT; MH1 *pEB65.Sal52.660m; MH2 *pEB65.A100.B675b v.2 A144, Marquis of Bute broadsides (microfilm).

S273. Sadler, Anthony. [frontispiece] / Sold at the greyhound in St. Pauls Church yeard // THE / SUBJECTS JOY / FOR / The Kings Restoration, / Cheerfully made known / IN / A Sacred MASQUE: / Gratefully made publique / FOR / His saCRed Majesty. / [rule] / By the Author of / INQUISTIO ANGLICANA. / [rule] / 2 King. XI. 12. / And he brought forth the Kings Son, and put the Crown upon / him; and gave him the Testimony, and they made him / King; and Anointed him, and clapt their hands, and / said -- -God save the KING. / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed, in the year of Grace, for James Davis, and are to be / sold at the Greyhound in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660. / [rule]

   Format: Qto. Frontispiece + A-F4=25 leaves.
Copies: O Mal. 194(4); L1 644.f.43, removed from LT, ms dated "17 May," reported missing January 1996; L2 163.h.52, frontispiece missing; WF 154181 frontispiece missing; CH 147664; LC; MB; MH; Y.

S758. Saunderson, Thomas. A / ROYALL / LOYALL / POEM. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for W. Place, and are to be sold at his / Shop at Grayes-Inne Gate in Holborne, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 3-7; sigs. [A]-[A4v].
Copies: O Tanner 744(23), ms corrections; L 11632.df.39; EN Crawford, removed from HH W/S758 at MR, ms dated "June 5th, 1660"; CH 14676; WF 184045, ms dated "4th June"; MH.

L2544. SCOTLANDS / PARÆNESIS / To Her Dread Soveraign, / KING / CHARLES / THE SECOND. / [rule] / Mens Scotiæ. / All Presbyterians, pure, sincere and true, / Afflicted by that Independent crue, / Are here untouch'd, and are declar'd to be / Joyn'd in the League and Covenant with me. / [rule] / [design] / [rule ] / Printed in the Year, 1660.

Copies: EN1 1.234(28); EN2 1.88(2); E [not found]; OW B.B.1.5(35); MH; Y.
Reprint: Laing, Various Pieces (1823), np.
Commentaries: Often ascribed to William Lithgow, but the attribution is rejected by DNB and disputed by James Maidment, ed., The Poetical Remains of William Lithgow, The Scottish Traveller, 1618-1660 (Edinburgh: Stevenson, 1858), pp. xxxii-xxxiii, who further writes: "The Editor is very much inclined to suspect that the real author of the "Paraenesis to Charles II.," was one William Douglas, author of a poem entitled "Grampius' Gratulation to his High and Mightie Monarch, King Charles," which will be found at the end of a volume of "Addresses by the Muses of Edinburgh to his Majesty," printed in small 4to by the heirs of Andro Hart, 1630" (Appendix, p. l).

R2104. Selden, John. Verses in: THE / Royal Chronicle: / Wherein is contained, / An Historical Narration of His Majesties Royal Progress; The / Princely Cabinet laid open, with an Embleme to Great Britain; / The Peoples Diadem, proceeding from the Ornament / and Crown of their gracious Lord and Soveraign; The / incomparable Studies of His Majesty in the Governement of / Kings, to the admiration of all forreign Princes; and His / Majesties Liege People within these His Realms and Dominions; / His great Endowments and Experience, in Religion, Law, and / Governments; His Mercy rejoycing over Justice, and his Justice / cutting out work for his Mercy; His gracious Pardon to / Offenders, and His Christian Speech to the London Ministers. / [line] / C [DESIGN] R / [line] / LONDON, Printed for G. Horton, living near the three / Crowns in Barbican. 1660.

   Format: Qto.
Copies: LT E.1034(2), ms dated "17 July."

S3480A. Shirley, James. AN ODE / UPON THE / HAPPY RETURN / OF / King Charles II. / TO His / LANGUISHING NATIONS, / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By JAMES SHIRLEY, Gent. / Composed into Musick by Dr. Coleman. / [rule] / Et capitur minimo Thuris Honore Deus. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed 1660,

   Format: Qto.
Copies: MH *EC65.Sh662.660o.
Reprint: George Thorn-Drury, ed., A Little Ark Containing Sundry Pieces of Seventeenth-Century Verses (London: Dobell, 1921), pp. 19-25; and in Shirley, Poems, ed. Armstrong.

S4273. Smith, William. Carmen Triumphale: / OR, / ENGLANDS / TRIUMPH / FOR / Her Restored LIBERTIE. / WITH / WHITE-HALLS SPEECH to her / Royal Master, CHARLES the Second KING of Great / BRITAIN, FRANCE and IRELAND, / Also her sad Complaint against the pretended Committee of Safety, Rumpers, / and the rest of those Cruel Tyrants, and unjust Judges, who not / only defaced and spoiled Her Stately Buildings, but / also unjustly condemned her to be sold. / With two short Panagyricks to the Right Honourable18 the City of LON-/ DON, and the University of CAMBRIDGE. / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Numquam LIBERTAS gratior extat / Quam sub REGE pio. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / Claudianus. / [rule] / By WILLIAM SMITH, Gent. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for W. Jones, 1660.19

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-6; sigs. [A]-[A4v].
Copies: O Tanner 744(21); OH J.38(3); CH 49630.

G1052C. Starkey, A. Good News for England: / OR, / The Peoples Triumph. / Then let's be joyful, and in heart content, / To see our King united with the Parliament. / Long live CHARLES the Second. / To the Tune of, Bodkins Galliard. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for M. Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old Bailey,

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 131.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 93.

T222. Tatham, John. Verses in: Londons Glory / Represented by / TIME, TRUTH, and FAME: / AT / The Magnificent TRIUMPHS and / ENTERTAINMENT / of His most Sacred MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / The DUKES of York and Glocester, / The two Houses of Parliament, / Privy Councill, Judges, &c. / At Guildhall on Thursday, being the 5th day / of July 1660. and in the 12th Year of His / Majesties most happy Reign. / [rule] / TOGETHER / With the Order and Management of / the whole Days Business. / [rule] / Published according to Order. / [rule] / London, Printed by William Godbid in Little Brittain. 1660. / [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto, t/p + pp. 1-10; sigs [A]-[B3v]. Verses on pp. 1-4, sigs. A3-[A4v].
Copies: LT E.1030(13), ms dated "6 July"; O1 G.A.Loud 4to.63; O2 Ash. 677(6); OW B.B.8.8(75), poorly inked copy; WF 205431; LG; CT; Lampeter, St Davids; EN; DT; CH; CN; CU; LC; MH; NP; WF.
Reprint: James Maidment and W. H. Logan, eds., The Dramatic Works of John Tatham (Edinburgh: William Patterson, 1879), pp. 293-304. See Fairholt, Lord Mayor's Pageants (London: Percy Society, 1843).

S5874. "In the eight Kings reign," verses in: The Strange and Wonderfull / PROPHESIE / OF / DAVID Cardinal / OF / FRANCE, / Touching His Sacred Majesty / King Charles II. / DESCRIBING / The manner how part thereof hath been / already fulfilled, And also foretelling what shall happen / in the Kingdom of England for the space of / three hundred years yet to come. / [rule] / Newly translated out of the French Chronicles into English, but never / suffered to be put to publick view till this present. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. C. for S. R. and are to be sold near the Royal Exchange / in Cornhill, 1660

   Format: Qto; verses on pp. 4-5, sigs. [A3v-A4].
Copies: LT E.1053(11); LNC.

W528. TO THE / KING, / UPON HIS / MAJESTIES / Happy Return. / [rule] / By a Person of Honour. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be / Sold at his Shop at the Blue-Anchor in lower Walk / of the New-Exchange, 1660. / [ruled box]

   Format: F. Incorrectly attributed to Edmund Waller.
Copies: LT E.1080(2), ms dated "3 June"; CH 473577.

/not Wing/. The Traytors Downfall, / OR, / A brief relation of the downfall of that Phanatick crew who Trai-/ terously Murthered the Late Kings Majesty of blessed Memory. / To the Tune of, Fa la la, &c: / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Coles, in the Old-Baily.

   Format: bl brs. This is a variant reprint of a Luttrell item, King Charles his Glory and Rebells Shame "To a Pleasant New Tune: Or, The Crost Couple" (Wing K553), reprinted in Ebsworth, RB, 7:661-2.
Copies: GU Euing 350.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:liii-lv, citing a copy in the Trowbesh Collection, Manchester.

U113, N1014, A3046A. Upon the KINGS Most Excellent / MAJESTIE / An Anagam & Acrostick. / CHARLES STUART / ANAGRAM / Arts Chast Rule. / [text] / Printed for Theodorus Microcosmus 1660.

   Format: brs. Variant printings.
Copies: O1 Wood 416(55), ms dated "feb"; O2 13.é.79(69), missing since 1979.
Another version, N1014: News From The Royall Exchange: / OR, / Gold turn'd into Mourning: / [text] / London, printed for Charles King. 1660.
Copies: LT 669.f.24(15), ms dated "16 March"; L C.40.m.11(27); O3 Wood 416(69), ms dated "March"; MH; Y.
Another version, A3046A: An Anagram and Acrostick on / CHARLES STVART KING,
Copies: OW L.R.8.32, title cut away, no colophon.

C1205. "Upon the Kings Prerogative and Person" in: The Case stated / Touching the / SOVERAIGN'S / PREROGATIVE / AND THE / Peoples Liberty, / According to Scripture, Reason, and the / Consent of our Ancestors. / Humbly offered to the Right Honorable / GENERAL MONCK, / And the / OFFICERS in the ARMY. / [rule] / Regi qui perfidus, nulli fidus. / [rule] / London, Printed for Charles King. 1660.

   Format: verses p. 8.
Copies: LT E.1017(40), ms dated "24 March";OFX=Fairfax collection (dispersed); MH; NU; WF 189631.

/not Wing/. The Valiant Seamans Congratulation / to his sacred Majesty King Charls the second. / With their wonderfull Heroicall Atchievements, and their Fidelity, / Loyalty, and Obedience. To the Tune of Let us drink / and sing, and merrily troul the bowl. Or, The stormy / winds do blow. Or, Hey Ho, my Hony. / [cut] / [text] / Printed at London for F. Grove living on Snow-Hill, Entred according to order.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 368.

V734. Vox Populi Suprema Rex Carolus. / Or, The Voice of the People for / KING CHARLES. / With a true / ACCOMPT of the Actions of the KINGDOMS Grand / Trappanners, since the year 1641 to this present / year 1660. / [text] / LONDON, Printed by Theodorus Microcosmus, 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: L1 c.20.f.2.40; L2 c.20.f.4(229), Luttrell II(229); O1 Wood 416(75), ms dated "April"; O2 Firth b.20(27); OW G.5.10(75), George Clarke's copy.

V735-6. Vox Populi, / THE / Voice of the PEOPLE, / Congratulating / His Majesty, KING CHARLS / the II. of England, Scotland, France and Ire-/ land, in thirty Heroick Stanza's. / With a brief Panegirick, / in Praise of his Illustrious / MAJESTY. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for H. Brome, at the Gun in Ivie-Lane, 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 2-8; sigs A2-[A4v]. Variant printings.
Copies, V735: OC A.73.37, misbound giving t/p + A, [A4], A2, A3; L not found; O not found; MR W/V735, ms dated "May. 28. 60"; MH.
Another edition, V736: "Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh by / a Society of Stationers, 1660."
Copies: EN 1.234(31); MH; Y.
Commentaries: Aldis, #1680.

/not Wing/. W., J. "A Second Charles." [Title cut away] catch: "A Second Charles Once more Shall Reign" / [text and one cut only] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: EN Crawford Ballad 990, removed from MR.

/not Wing/. W., J. The Royall Oak: / OR, / The wonderfull travells, miraculous escapes, strange accidents of his sacred Majesty King Charles the Second. / How from Worcester fight by a good hap, Our Royall King made an escape; / How he dis-rob'd himself of things that precious were, / And with a knife cut off his curled hair; / How a hollow Oak his palace was as then, And how King Charles became a serving-man / To the Tune of, in my freedom is all my Joy. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London-Bridge.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 308.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:lxv-lxvi.

W41A. W., I. Englands honour, and Londons glory. / With the manner of proclaiming Charles the second King of England, this eight of / May, 1660. by the honourable the two houses of Parliament, Lord Generall Monk, / the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Counsell of the City. / The tune is, Vive la Roy. / [text] / London, Printed for William Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 97.
Ms copy: O Firth c.20 f.102, see Crum, C 482.

W116. W., T. Dolor, ac Voluptas, invicem cedunt. / OR / ENGLANDS / Glorious Change, by Calling Home of / KING CHARLES / THE SECOND. / Together with the Royalists Exaltation, / And the Phanatiques Diminution. / [text] / LONDON, Printed in the year 1660.

   Format: brs.
Copies: LT 669.f.25(10), ms dated "8 May"; L L.23.C.1(88).

/not Wing/. Wade, John. The King and Kingdoms joyful Day of Triumph. / OR, / The Kings most Excellent majesties Royal and Triumphant coming to London, / accompanied by the ever Renowned, his Excellency the Lord General Monck, / and an numerous company of his Royal Peers, Lords, Knight, / Citizens, and Gentry, who conducted his Royal Majesty / in Honour and Triumph from Dover to London. / To the Tune of, The Scottish Lady, or, Ill tide that cruel peace that gain'd a War on me. / [cut] / [text] / London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: GU Euing 146.
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:xxxiii-xxxiv.


   Format: F. t/p + pp. 1 [no 2 or 3] 4-8; sigs. [A]-[B2v]. no colophon. Variant printings.
Copies, W528: O1 Gough Loudon 2(9), t/p signed by author, reported missing in 1995; O2 Ashm.1819(22); C Sel.3.162(6); IU; TU.
Another edition, W529: Printed for Richard Marriot, in St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet.
Format: Large paper F. t/p + pp. 1 [no 2 or 3] 4-8; sigs. [A]-[B2v].
Copies: LT E.1080(3), ms dated "9 June." Thomason incorrectly began to inscribe this as if it were the Ellis poem "The gift of the Author, my son George's Tutor," so he presumably collected it on or around 11 June; C; O3 Pamph. A.111(4), heavily trimmed; OW LR.8.32, removed from G.5.10(110), trimmed; CH 125997; IU; MH; WCL; Y; CLC.

B4852. Walton, Izaak. "To My Ingenious Friend Mr. Brome." See Brome item above.

W2306. Willes, Samuel. TO THE / KINGS / MOST SACRED / MAJESTY, / Upon his Happy and Glorious RETURN / An endeavoured / POEM. / [rule] / BY / SAMUEL WILLES. / [rule] / Cressa ne careat pulcra dies nota. Horat. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. R. for John Baker at the sign of the / Peacock in St. Pauls Church-yard 1660. / [double-ruled box]

   Format: Qto, t/p + pp. 1-12; sigs. A2-[B3v].
Copies: LT E.1027(15), ms dated "15 June"; O Malone 746(3); C1 Syn 7.66.11 (2); C2 Peterborough K.4.22(15), contains variants.

W3361. The Wonderfull and Miraculous escape of our / Gracious King, from that dismal, black and gloomie defeat at Worcester: / Together with a pattern to all true and faithfull Subjects, by the five / Loyal and faithfull Brothers, with their care and diligence, obser-/ vance and obedience 8 dayes in the time of his Majesties obscurity. / The tune is, Come lets drink the time invites. / [cut] / [text] / Printed for F. Coles, T Vere, and W. Gilbertson.

   Format: bl brs.
Copies: O Wood 401(173/174), ms dated "1660."
Reprint: Ebsworth, RB, 9:lxvii-lxix.

W106. Woodford, Samuel. Epinicia Carolina, / OR AN / ESSAY / Upon the Return of His / SACRED MAJESTY, / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By S. W. of the Inner Temple. / [rule] / [design] / LONDON, / Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the Golden Ball in Chan-/ cery Lane. 1660.

   Format: Qto. t/p + pp. 1-19; sigs. A2-[C3v].
Copies: LT E.1027(8), ms dated "7 June"; O Malone 746(2); OH; CH 47864, ms emendations.
Commentaries: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 636.

W3475. Woodstock Grammar School. VOTIVUM CAROLO, / OR / A WELCOME to his Sacred / MAJESTY / CHARLES the II. / [rule] / From the Master and Scholars of Wood-/ stock-School in the County of Oxford. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and crowned thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year 1660./ [ornamental box]

   Format: Qto. t/p + [A]-[D4], last two blank. Published in Oxford by Henry Hall, according to Madan.
Copies: L 11626.d.68; O1 Wood 319(10), ms dated "June 1660" but unreliable [see below]; O2 Pamph.c.109(3); OC F.127(2); OB 910.h.13(21), Nicholas Crouch's copy bought for 4d.; CS Ee.6.10 (3); CN; MH; TU; Y.
Commentaries: Madan, "#2540: "The royal borough of Woodstock contained a free Grammar School, founded in 1585, and at this time presided over by Francis Gregory, a native of that town and educated at Westminster and Cambridge. He had already issued several school-books, and according to Wood (Fasti Oxon. ii.258) 'did much good by his sedulous instruction'. Anyway he induced his scholars to weep over Charles I in correct style and to rejoice in the new King to order he himself showing them how to do it, by example. Any sincerity there might have been was disturbed by the unfortunate doubt whether Charles after all would not be sent off, bag and baggage, to Holland again (p. [7]). In fact, the poems were a little 'previous' when written. The Verses are fairly correct, and dictionaries and grammars produced. . . The volume seems to have been issued after [Britannia Rediviva] which is referred to in the preface, that is to say, not before the middle of July."

/not Wing/. A Worthy Kings Description / Both Country and City give ear to this ditty, / Whilst that I the praises sing, / And fame his honour out doth Ring, / That best deserveth to wear the Crown; / For Worth there's none can put him down / And this is no flattering, to describe a worthy King; / His Subjects here their desires explain, / Desiring that he may enjoy his own again. / [cut] / [text]

   Format: bl brs. The initial cut was also used by the stationer Charles Tyus for The Covenant.
Copies: GU Euing 404.


[9] Nicholas Crouch was elected fellow of Balliol in 1640, returned in 1650 and survived the interregnum; see John Jones, Balliol College: A History 1263-1939 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988).

[10] title. CHARLES] CHALES copytext

[11] Tyus] Yyus

[12]\257Henry Marsh] blackletter\257 at the Princes Armes in / Chancery-Lane near Fleet-Street, 1660.

[13] LONON] O1, O2, L

[14] sequunta] "n" inked out O1, O2, MR, LT, OH, OB; but not WF\257 est. Ovid. Met.

[15] The first line is missing from O

[16] Soveraigne] Soveriagne copy text\257

[17] unto] nnto copy text

[18] Honourable] ed; Honourble \344

[19] 1660.^] ed; 7E.. \344

Appendix I: Some Ghosts

g1. Boyle, Roger [Lord Broghill, Lord Orrery].

    Reference: "He wrote a Poem upon the King's Restoration, which was well received, but which I never met with." Eustace Budgell, Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of the Illustrious Family of the Boyles (London, 1737), p. 91.

g2. Oldys [Oldis], Valentine (1620-1685). "A Poem on the Restoration of King Charles."

   References: Corser 4:1, 34, 36, mentions this poem under the entry for "Bold," a claim repeated in the entry for Oldys in DNB; L Birch ms. 4240 contains memoirs of the Oldys family.

g3. A Psalm of Mercy. To the tune of "Now thanks to the powers below".

   References: Hazlitt, Handbook, p. 94, dating it 26 January 1660; reprinted in Rump Songs (1662), but the original has not been found: perhaps a confusion with P4 above?

g4. Rapsodion Eutakia, or, Select Poems. Wing P66 ?

   References: once reported in Wing for P66, listing copies at L, CH, MH; but none have been found?

g6. Stubbe, Henry.

    References: Thomas Flatman, in Montelion's Almanac for 1661, says that Stubbe wrote a "Panegyrick to the King when the tide turned." This item is not part of Stubbe's Animadversions on the Commonwealth of Oceana proposed by James Harrington (1660) [NUC listing NS1020311] at PL; reported private letter, 1986.

Appendix II: Manuscript poems relating to the Restoration in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, based on Crum's Index.

A 1888. "Attend & list awhile / Brethren Hypocriticall.

    Copies: Firth b.20(141).

A 1309. [Ashmole, Elias], Sol in Ascendente.

    Copies: Ashmole 36,37 f.17; Ashmole 38, f.230. Corrected autograph copy of printed version; see Ashmole above.

A 1938. Ford, Thomas, "On the King's Return, May 29 166[0]."

    Copies: ms Eng. poet. e.4, 167.

A 1937. [Philips, Katherine?], "Upon his Majesties most happy restauration."

    Copies: Firth b.20, f.140.

B 600. "Copy of verses . . . in Charles the 2nd time."

    Copies: ms Top. oxon. b.116, f.111.

C 482. W., I., England's Honour and London's Glory.

    Copies: Firth c.20 f.102. A transcription of W41A above.

D 4656. "Dread Sir, the prince of Light / Our Monarch . . ."

    Copies: ms mus.c.26, f.115. Set to music by Dr. John Blow; see Music and Letters, 46 (1965): 0000.

G 551. Wase, Christopher, "To the King's Majesty."

    Copies: ms Eng. poet. e.4, 46.

H 38. [Philips, Katherine?], "Upon the Hollow Tree."

    Copies: Firth b.20, f.140.

H 99. [Chatwin, John], "On the Royall Oke."

    Copies: ms *Rawl. poet. 94, 173.

H 298. P[hilips], K[atherine], "Upon the Numerous accesse /of the English Gentry to his Matie., in Flanders."

    Copies: ms Tanner 306, f.367; printed in Poems (1664) p. 3.

H 350. Philips, Katherine, "On the Coronation."

    Copies: Locke e.17, 94; printed in Poems (1664), but not Poems (1667).

I 868. P., E., "Charles the 2nd. after he was crowned King of Scotland, was proclaimed Traytor . . . by the Rump."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 26, f.163.

I 1059. "On the returne of King Charles 2nd."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 84, f.10.

L 57. "The Starry Vision."

    Copies: ms Ashmole 47, 164.

H 607. Fairfax, Thomas Lord, "Upon the Horse which hisMajestie Rode upon att his Coronation 1660."

    Copies: ms *Fairfax 40, 612 [autograph]; ms *Fairfax 38, 274.

M 511. K., P., "Carolisimus. Or the Royal Patent On The Soveraigne Touch."

    Copies: ms Tanner 306, f.387.

N 203. "On Charles II, 1660."

    Copies: ms Add.B.8, f.70v.

R 239. M. P. Q. A., "Rise up brave worthy for thou art divine."

    Copies: ms Ashmole 36,37 f.165.

T 840. "Verses presented to Charles 2d at a New Year."

    Copies: ms Eng. poet. d.152, 16v.

T 1250. Waller, Edmund, "To his Majty K. Charles 2. on his happyReturn."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 173, f.108v. A late ms copy made by John Dunton.

T 1291a. C., J., "Verses on a cut by William Faithorne, of Charles II, owned by Thomas Rawlinson."

    Copies: ms Hearne's Diaries 57, 80. Printed version in Lord, POAS, 1: frontispiece.

T2848. "A new ballad on the 29th of May To the Tune of "over the Hills and far away."

    Copies: ms Rawl. poet. 155, 115.

W 221. "To the King."

    Copies: ms *Don.f.5, f.35.

W 1532. Polwhele, John, "March 1659 [1660] Upon the Reporte of King Charles the 2d being att Calice . . ."

    Copies: ms *Eng. poet. f.16, f.64v.

W 2111. "Mr. [John] Ayton's New Yeares guift to the King, with severall Peices of Coyne, 1661."

    Copies: mss Ashmole 36,37, f.120; adapted from Sir Robert Ayton's poem to Queen Anne, 1604.

Y 308. "Win at first and lose at last."

    Copies: ms Top. oxon.c.108, 83. A version of Laurence Price's ballad, see P3389A-3390A above.

Appendix III: A Selection of Manuscript Poems in the British Library.

   I have made no systematic search through the manuscript collections of the British Library, but can report that verses concerning the Restoration are to be found in the following:

ms1. Add.Ms 4457.ff.74,75.

ms 2. Add.Ms 36916.

ms 3. Add.Ms 34,217.f.27b; "Nemesis ad Carolum," with English translation.

ms 4. Sloane.MS 655.

ms 5. Add.Ms 28,758; Sacheverell poems (1651-62).

ms 6. Add.Ms 15,950.f.139; John Evelyn.

ms 7. Add.Ms 21,094; Rochester.

ms 8. Burney.MS 406.f.36; Latin verses.

Works Cited and Abbreviations

   This list contains references to publications that are regularly cited in the editorial material, but does not list every seventeenth-century printed work used in the annotations to particular poems.

   Place of publication for printed works is London unless otherwise stated. Dates are given Old Style, but with the year regarded as starting on 1 January.

   When referring to these works in the headnotes and annotations, I have sometimes provided a full reference; otherwise I have used an Author plus Short Title form, except when adopting an abbreviated form for frequently cited works as indicated below.

Aubin: Aubin, R. A. London in Flames, London in Glory: Poems on the Fire and Rebuilding of London, 1666-1709. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Studies, 1943.

Aldis: Aldis, Harry G. A List of Books Printed in Scotland before 1700, including those printed furth of the realm for Scottish booksellers. With brief notes on the printers and stationers. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Bibliographic Society, 1904.

Arber: Arber, Edward, ed. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640. 5 vols. London: HMSO, 1875-1894.

Ashmole, Elias. Memoirs of the Life of the Learned Antiquary, Elias Ashmole, Esq; Drawn up by himself by way of Diary. Ed. Charles Burman. London: J. Roberts, 1717. Reprinted in The Lives of those Eminent Antiquaries Elias Ashmole, Esquire, and Mr. William Lily, Written by themselves. London: T. Davies, 1774.

Bell, Maureen. "Hannah Allen and the Development of a Puritan Publishing Business, 1646-1651." Publishing History 26 (1989): 5-66.

Bennett, H. S. English Books and Readers, 1603-1640. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970.

Broadley, A. M. ed. The Royal Miracle: A Collection of rare tracts, broadsides, letters, prints, and ballads concerning the wanderings of Charles II. After the Battle of Worcester. London: Stanley Paul, 1912.

Brome, Alexander. The Poems of Alexander Brome. 2 vols. Ed. Roman R. Dubinski. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982.

Capp, Bernard. Astrology and the Popular Press: English Almanacs 1500-1800. London: Faber and Faber, 1979.

CJ: Journals of the House of Commons

CSPD: Calendar of State Papers, Domestic

CSPV: Calendar of State Papers, Venetian

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. Ed. W. Dunn Macray. 6 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1888.

Collop, Poems. The Poems of John Collop. Ed. Conrad Hilberry. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962.

Corser, Thomas. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica: Or, a Bibliographic and Descriptive Catalogue of a Portion of a collection of Early English Poetry, with occasional remarks biographical and critical. 5 vols. Manchester: Chetham Society, 1860-1863.

Cowley, Abraham. The Collected Works of Abraham Cowley. 2 vols to date. Edited by Thomas O. Calhoun et al. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1989 --

Crane and Kaye: Crane, R. S., and F. B. Kaye. A Census of British Newspapers and Periodicals 1620-1800. 1927. Reprint. London: Holland House, 1979.

Cressy, David. Literacy and the Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Crawford, James L. Lindsay, Lord. Catalogue of English Broadsides, 1505-1897. Privately printed: 1898.

Cronk, Anthony. St Margaret's Church, Horsmonden: An Historical and Descriptive Account. Horsmonden: Church Farm House, 1967.

Crum: Crum, Margaret, ed. First-Line Index of English Poetry 1500-1800 In Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library Oxford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

DNB: Dictionary of National Biography

Davies, Godfrey. The Restoration of Charles II, 1658-1660. San Marino, CA.: Huntington Library, 1955.

Denham, Poems. The Poems of Sir John Denham. Ed. T. H. Banks. 2nd ed. Hamden, CT: Archon, 1969.

Draper, John. W. ed. A Century of Broadside Elegies. London: Ingpen and Grant, 1928.

Dryden, Works. The Works of John Dryden. Ed. H. T. Swedenberg et al. 24 vols to date. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1956 --

EHR: English Historical Review

Ebsworth, MDC: Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, ed. 1875. Merry Drollery Compleat. Boston, Lincs, 1875.

Ebsworth, RB: Ebsworth, J. Woodfall, ed. The Roxburghe Ballads. 9 vols. Hertford: The Ballad Society, 1871-1897.

Edie, Carolyn. "News From Abroad: Advice to the People of England on the Eve of the Stuart Restoration." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (l984): 382-407.

Edie, Carolyn. "Right Rejoicing: Sermons on the Occasion of the Stuart Restoration, 1660." Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 62 (1979-80): 61-86.

Eisenstein, Elizabeth. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transforamtions in Early-modern Europe. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

ELR: English Literary Renaissance.

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