MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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Rachel Jevon Exultationis Carmen.
16 August

   Titlepage: Exultationis Carmen / TO THE / KINGS / MOST EXCELLENT / MAJESTY / UPON HIS MOST / Desired Return. / [rule] / By Rachel Jevon, Presented with her own Hand, Aug. 16th. / [rule] / CAROLUS En rediit, redeunt Saturnia regna. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / [rule] / London, Printed by John Macock, 1660. / [within ruled box]

    Rachel Jevon was one of a very few women to have composed a formal verse celebration of Charles's return. Although it was still extraordinary for women to know Latin, she produced both a Latin version -- Carmen éPIAMBEYTIKON (J 729) 1 -- and the English translation given here. Hobby reports that "two years later, on or around the anniversary of the restoration, she made a personal (unpublished) petition to the king for `a place of one of the meanest servants about the queen.' It would be interesting to know whether she was successful in what seems a planned strategy of publicising her learning, royalism and humility, and won herself a job" (p. 19).

[1] .úúCARMEN éPIAMBEYTIKON / REGI' MAJESTATI / Caroli II. / PRINCIPUM / ET / CHRISTIANORUM OPTIMI / IN / EXOPTATISSIMAM / EJUS / RESTAURATIONEM, / [rule] / A RACHELE JEVONE compositum & propria manu / Humillime Exhibitum, Aug. 16. / [rule] / C'SAR JAM REDIIT REIERUENT AUREA SECLA. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / [rule] / LONDINI, Typis Joannis Macock, 1660. [ruled box] Copies at O Gough Loudon 2(7); LT E.1080(10).

The Unworthiest of His
With all Humility Offers this
Congratulatory Poem.

DRead Soveraign CHARLES! O King of Most Renown!
Your Countries Father; and Your Kingdoms Crown;
More Splendid made by dark Afflictions Night;
Live ever Monarch in Co/elestial Light:
5: Before Your Sacred Feet these Lines I lay,
Humbly imploring, That, with Gracious Ray,
You'l daign these first unworthy Fruits to view,
Of my dead Muse, which from her Urn You drew.
Though for my Sexes sake I should deny,
10: Yet EXULTATION makes the Verse, not I;
And shouting cryes, Live Ever CHARLES, and Be
Most Dear unto Thy People, They to Thee.

WElcome Milde C'sar, born of Heav'nly Race,
A Branch most Worthy of Your Stock and Place,
15: The Splendour of Your Ancestors, whose Star
Long since out-shin'd the golden Pho/ebus far;
The living Image of our Martyr'd King,
For us His People freely suffering;
Sprung from the Role and Flower-de-luce most fair,
20: The Spacious World ne're boasted such an Heir.
Ye Pious Pens, pluckt from a Seraphs Wing,
Of His high Fame, teach future Times to sing.
Ye lofty Muses of Parnassus Hill,
Auspicious be to my unlearned Quill,
25: Vouchsafing leave the Travels to recite
Of this Great Prince, long Banish'd from His Right;
Which Valiant He, did stoutly undertake
For His Religion, and His Countries sake.
After the murther of our CHARLEMAIN,
30: (Whose lasting Honour ne're shall know a Wane,
But to the Skies Tryumphantly ascend,
As His bright Soul did to Elizium tend,)
The Scots our CHARLES th'undoubted Heir recall,
And with His Grandsires Glory Him Install;
35: But after this (O cruel Fates!) betray'd
He was to th'English, who with rage assay'd
Him to accost, throughout this Brittish Isle;
  Could ever Rebels act a part so vile?
Hence, hence sad sorrows, and all past annoys,
40: Let nought approach You but tryumphant Joys;
And let us now remember with delight
Your strange escape from Worc'sters bloody fight,
Through Thundring Troops of armed foes, whose strife
Was to bereave You of Your sacred life.
45: Where many thousand Brittains spilt their blood,
Weltring in gore, for King and Countries good:
How oft have I Your cruel fates bewail'd?
How oft to Heaven have our Devotions sail'd,
Through tides of briny tears, and blown with gales
50: Of mournful sighes, which daily fil'd the Sails?
That Heaven it's sacred Off-spring would defend,
And to their sorrows put a joyful end.
Propitious were the Heavens to our just Prayer:
You on their Wings the blessed Angels bare
55: Through thousand dangers, which by Land You past,
Till suddenly into the Sea being cast,
The Deities of Pontus flowing Stream,
Did unto You than men far milder seem.
Great 'olus himself hasts You to meet,
60: Prostrates the winds before Your Sacred Feet;
Then with his power commands the fiercer Gales,
Into their Den, lest they disturb Your Sails:
Neptune straight calms the raging of the Sea,
Before Your Stem the pleasant Dolphins play;
65: The surly Waves appeas'd, most gladly bore,
The happy Vessel to the happier Shore.
Then wandring through inhospitable Lands,
Still seeking rest, the world amazed stands
To see Him banished from every part
70: Of its great Orb, Yet from His Faith not start;
Nor to regain His Fathers Rights would He,
From th'ancient Worship of His Fathers flee,
For every Kingdom He subdu'd by Charms,
Of Love and Piety, more strong then Armes.
75: France with her hair dishevel'd, torn and sad,
With bloody Robes of civil War beclad,
With joy receives this Deity of peace,
Who having caus'd those civil Wars to cease,
The barbarous Vine the Royal Oak refus'd
80: To please the Tyrants, natures bands she loos'd;
But He unmov'd in faith their Lillies fled,
And to th'unstable Willows wandered.
Who most ungratefully did Him reject,
That them the rebel brambles might protect.
85: The Royal Oak by storms of leaves bereav'd,
The generous Olive to its soil receiv'd;
Streight follows peace, its Deity being come,
Aside they lay their Arms, Sword, Pike and Drum;
The other Trees all shivering as a Reed,
90: To make a League with th'Royal Oak agreed;
At length Druina ravished with love,
Humbly recalls Him to His native Grove,
In peace to tryumph, and to Reign a Lord
O're hearts subdu'd by Love, not by the Sword.
95: His Native Country faint and languishing,
Humbly implores the presence of her King:
Loe how the late revolted Sea obeys,
How gladly it the Billows prostrate lays
Before Your Royal Navy, proud to bring
100: Three widdow'd Kingdoms their espoused King!
How do the winds contend, the spreading Sails
Of Your blest Ships, to fill with prosperous Gales;
The Fates are kind; Conduct You to the Shoar,
To welcome You the Thundring Canons roar;
105: Your ravisht Subjects over-joy'd do stand,
To see the stranger, (PEACE) with You to land,
With You to earth Astr'a fair is come,
And Golden times in Iron ages room:
Much Honour hath both Church and State adorn'd,
110: Since You, our Faiths Defender, are return'd;
For of the Church the Honour and Renown,
Are unto Kings the strongest Towre and Crown:

Behold how Thames doth smooth her silver Waves!
How gladly she, Your gilded Bark receives;
Mark how the courteous Stream her Arms doth spread,
Proud to receive You to her watry Bed.
The old Metropolis by Tyrants torn,
Your presence doth with beauteous youth adorn.
On You how doe the ravish't people gaze?
How do the thronging Troops all in a maze
Shout loud for joy, their King to entertain,
How do their Streets with Triumphs ring again.

GReat CHARLS, Terrestrial God, Off-spring of Heaven,
You we adore, to us poor mortals given,
125: That You (Our Life) may quicken us again,
Who by our Royal MARTYRS death were slain;
For we on earth as Corps inanimate lay,
Till you (Our Breath) repaired our decay:
Loe how old Tellus courts Your Sacred Feet,
130: Array'd with flowery Carpets peace to greet;
As Pho/ebus when with glorious Lamp he views,
Earth after Winter, tender grass renews;
So through the world Your radiant Vertues Shine,
Enlightning all to bring forth Fruits Divine:
135: Or as the drops distil'd by April showrs,
Produce from dryest earth imprisoned flowers;
So Your sad Fates sprinkled with holy eyes,
Plung'd in Your Kingly tears, have reacht the skies,
And from the appeased Deity brought down;
140: T'adorn Your Sacred Temples many a Crown.
The first of glory which shall ever last,
In Heaven of Heavens, when all the rest are past;
The Second shines with Virtues richly wrought
Upon Your Soul, with Graces wholy fraught.
145: The Third resplendent with your peoples Loves,
Their Hearts by joy being knit like Turtle-Doves.
The Fourth's compleat by Your high Charity,
Which hath subdu'd and pardon'd th'enemy.
The Fifth shall shine with Gold and Jewels bright,
150: Upon Your Head, O Monarch! our Delight;
Where the Almighty grant it floursh may,
Until in Heaven You shine with Glorious Ray.
Who doth not stand amazed thus to see
The spotless Turtle Dove Espous'd to be
155: Unto a Bride whose Robes with blood are foul;
Loe Lovely CHARLES with Dove-like Galless Soul,
(Coming to th'Ark of His blood delug'd Land,
With peaceful Olive in His Sacred Hand)
Espoused is to Albion dy'd in gore,
160: And to her Princely Beauty doth restore;
Then Celebrate the Espousals of our King,
With us let far and near all Nations Sing;
Let all the World shout loud perpetually,
165: Rejoyce ye Forrests, your choice pleasures yeild,
The Royal Hunter Crowns the verdant field:
And Leap for joy ye Beasts of every Plain,
Behold Your King (the Lion) comes to Reign.
Let shady Woods and Groves together dance
170: To see the Royal Oak to them advance,
Whilst Nymphs resound, O thrice, thrice happy they!
Who have the Honour, their faint Limbs to lay
Under the shadow of th'Illustrious Oak
Expanded, to depell 2 from Saints the Stroak
175: Of Tyrants tempests, and a Pillar (squar'd
By Crosses) for the Church of God prepar'd;
Where we may live to sing aloud His Praise,
With heart and voice, and Organs sweetest Lays,
Who hath our DAVIDS Prayer not withstood,
180: But made his Off-spring, CHARLES the Great, and Good;
And banishing all sorrow from His Seed,
Highly Enthron'd Him in His Fathers stead;
That He may shine a Splendid Star to damp
Throughout the world at noon bright Pho/ebus Lamp,
185: And trample down those Tyrants with His Might,
Who dare contemn His Universal Right;
At length Your rip'ned Years being Crown'd with Glory,
Justice and Peace, unparallel'd by story:
Co/elestial CHARLES Triumphantly Ascend
190: T'enjoy the Heavens in Bliss without all End.


[2] to drive away, dispell; OED