MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
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Part XII. Approaching the Coronation, December 1660-April 1661

"In the eight Kings reign"
verses from
The Strange and Wonderfull Prophesie.
14 December

   Titlepage: verses in: The Strange and Wonderfull / PROPHESIE / OF / DAVID Cardinal / OF / FRANCE, / Touching His Sacred Majesty / King Charles II. / DESCRIBING / The manner how part thereof hath been / already fulfilled, And also foretelling what shall happen / in the Kingdom of England for the space of / three hundred years yet to come. / [rule] / Newly translated out of the French Chronicles into English, but never / suffered to be put to publick view till this present. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. C. for S. R. and are to be sold near the Royal Exchange / in Cornhill, 1660

    This is a short prose tract containing the embedded poem below, which is followed by the explanatory prose note which I have included. Curiously, the tract ends with a "prose" version of Sadler's Majestie Irradiant.

    Reverse italics throughout.

In the eight Kings reign Englands race shall cease,
And to the second turn to have a settled Peace,
Which in the second King, shall for a while decay,
Yet by a MONCK, his Issue banisht shall bear sway.
And then the Lilly, Thistle, Rose in one shall joyn,
And subvert all, who shall against them combine.
When 160 Fore-fathers shall have left
Their Country, then their Son of it shall be bereft,
And put to flight, until a valiant warlike Monck
shall come and help -- -- -- [sic

Which more plainly take thus, viz,
Charles Mighty Monarch shall the C. begin
After whose death a Tyrant C. comes in,
By will and force, he shall a while bear sway
Nothing but blood his fury will allay.
But yet this hundred and his crooked Race,
Shall like Usurpers, turn out from the place
Of Honour, as they will deserve indeed,
And next the L for fifty will succeed,
And for a time shall boldly dominier
Until the thousand in the North appear.
Then Neptune's left, and by a Monck so bold,
Who doth appear this Riddle to unfold.
Right shall have right, for in a little space
A hundred shall be of the hundred's race.
The Monck then joyns, in spight of all his foes,
The exil'd Thistle to the happy Rose.
Who shall in peace (these Nations free from 1 fears)
Govern in safety for three hundred years.

   This prophesie hath been fuliflled in part in our age, as for the first hundred, it was King Charles the first of blessed memory, after the cruel murther committed on him, came in that usurping tyrant Cromwel, whose name began with a hundred, he tyranizeed for a time over them that install'd him, by cropping off the head of the Thistle and the Rose, the next after him the half hundred for a while opposed the thousand, as appeared by Lamberts withstanding that happy Gen. the Lord Monck Duke of Albermarle, who gathered the Thistle and the Rose presenting it to the Last hundred, which is his sacred Majesty Charles the second, whose Royal Issue (as is plain by this Prophesie) shall govern this Kingdom in peace for three hundred years.

[1] from] froms copytext

Giles Duncombe
A Counter-Blast to the Phanaticks
after 24 December

   Check the "Gulielmus Duncombe" who wrote Latin verses to Charles in the Cambridge volume at sigs. G2v-G3, signing himself as of "Coll. Regal. Soc." ie Kings College

    Since Duncombe's poem was composed after the deaths of both Prince Henry (13 September) and Mary, Charles's sister (24 December, 1660), the "phanaticks" of the title are, presumably, those involved in the conspiracy that came to be known as "White's Plot" of December: see C. H. Hells Master-piece discovered.

   Duncombe has some claims upon being considered an early Augustan. The English Augustan style often found its early models in the religious satires and political poetry written during the first Civil War (Doody 198?). See the headnote to Scutum Regale.

   These disorganized couplets recall Cowley's "Satire Against the Separatists" and the anti-sectarian passages of The Civil War.

Those Prodigious Catter-pillers, Hatcht by the Jesuits, whose Father is the DEVIL,
and God-Father the POPE.
On their last Insurrection against the Life of his most Sacred MAJESTY, CHARLES the
Second, KING of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.

HOw? the Phanaticks sway? they stab the King!
Dam'nd fools! could they imagine such a thing?
Then, sprats shall conquer whales, the guilty Owle,
The Eagles, and the Mice shall Lyons rule.
5: Courage my friends, Phanaticks, like Venus mole,
Doe add a lustre to a Loyall soule.
Like Wisps, which scoure better Vessels, They
Doe brush our sinns, and then are cast away.
They are but sauce to sweeter meat; by their
10: Vices, more pleasing our Virtues are:
Spawned by Belzebub, brought up from Hell,
In Christ his Name, Christianity to Quell:
King Jesus they are for, (so th'damned Crew,
That Murther'd him, was for King Jesus too)
15: Fond Bedlams! what! could they think that Heaven,
Would taint the world with Phanatick leaven?
That Christ would be Crown'd, King, and Soveraigne,
By'th'wicked, silly, base Phanatick Traine?
Are these St. John's, to cry, make straight the way,
20: And in the mean time Murther, Kill and Slay?
Think they, that God, his servant Charles would save
From Tyrant Oliver's, and grander Rebels grave?
To give him up, to such poor Mirmydons, as these,
Whose very looks would breed a new Disease.
25:   Away, vile brood of Hereticks, go tell,
Your master Jesuits (those Imps of Hell)
That force of Gun-powder 1 could not destroy,
Nor hurt, the sacred line of Charles le Roy:
Much less such Schismaticks, as you; whose race
30: Is unto Dunn?, and Tyburne a disgrace. 2
But, why should I blurr paper with such blots
Of impudence, the Kingdoms pest, and spots;
Dreggs of the baser sort, whose only fame,
Is to act wickedness, in God's good Name?
35: My Muse, abjure such Dunghill birds, as they,
And leave them to infernal Hawkes a prey.
Behold! your gracious King! whom I am sent,
To give all honest Israelites content:
The Royal line! and their mirac'lous fate!
40: These, these, are best for thee to Celebrate.
'Tis true, two branches of the Royal Oake,
Are past 3 to Heaven by the Fatall stroak
But three remaine; thus God doth grace,
Both Men and Angels with the Royal race.
45: Phanaticks judge their death a curse for sin, why?
Because for sin 'tis that Phanaticks dye,
Yet sure, if none but sinners dye, why fade
Phanatick Saints? for what was heaven made?
But cease my daring Muse; the very word
50: Phanatick, makes a true man draw his sword:
'Tis able to hatch Witches, nay make Pluto
Doubt where he's the greatest divel, or no:
He's a single Devil, but in this one,
Phanaticks, dwell more then a Legion.
55: 'Tis sins Epitome, of ignorance the summe
Of Evils genus generallissimum.
Like Sampsons Forces by the tail, All sin,
And sects do joyn in a Phanatick's skin:
Phanatick, and not be poysomned, to quote,
60: A man had need first drink an Antidote.
But since such Vermin hang, and Charles doth Reign,
I'le sing the praise of my Dread Soveraigne:
Who thought a Prince disguis'd, or sun 'ith clouds,
He sojourned a while with forreign Crouds:
65: Yet now his Own have Owned him their King,
All Nations to his grace shall homage bring.
Kings, nay victory it self, shall deem it pride,
To be made subject unto such a guide:
His presence is a heaven, in him's the summe,
70: Of all our hopes, past, present, and to come:
Comparisons by him get a degree,
For he is greater then, he greatest, He
Hath made the Gods seem impotent, for they
Can't give us greater blisse, then Charls his ray:
75: Nor Rider's words, 4 nor Tulli's Eloquence,
Can half expresse his grand magnificence,
Hee's more then Men or Angels can rehearse,
The face and Pha/enix of the universe.

In briefe.
He doth as farre Excell all men in Piety,
80: As the Phanaticks doe in Villany.

Giles Duncombe of the Inner Temple Gent.
   Author of Scutum Regale, the Royall
Buckler. Or, Vox Legis, a Lecture
to Traytors.

London, Printed Anno Dom. 1660.

[1] Gunpowder treason.

[2] see TR. The Royall Subjects Warning-piece to all Traytors:
"You must to Squire Dun / except [?] repent."

[3] Since the Restauration

[4].úúPresumably a reference to Thomas Rider's, The Black Remembrancer For the Year of our Lord God, 1661. Containing divers remarkable Things, profitable and necessary to be known by all sorts of persons (London, Printed by Tho, Johnson, in the Year of Restauration). Thomason dated his copy on Monday, 8 October [LT 669.f.26(18)]. It lists the judges at the trial of Charles I, those who gave evidence, the various lord mayors of London and the Major Generals, Cromwell's privy council and those exempted from pardon by the Act of Indempnity, together with various astrological dates.

C. H.
Hells Master-piece discovered
late December

    Blackletter broadside.

    Throughout the summer and autumn, government efforts to secure the realm by disbanding the army while searching for leading radicals had proceeded cautiously. "In December, however, it increased tension by publicizing the so-called "White's Plot," said to be a plan by former soldiers to seize the capital" (Hutton 1985: 136).

    This ballad offers a version of those events and presumably appeared during the final days of December. Early that month, Major Thomas White, who had served in the army since 1648, attempted to bribe a porter at the gate to Whitehall; the porter told Monck and White was arrested. Investigation showed that White had earlier conspired to assasinate Monck and "pull the king from his throne" by Christmas (Greaves 1986: 35). Lists of possible confederates were discovered in his chambers and, on 15 December, further arrests of former army radicals were ordered in and around London. Of more than forty men arrested, only sixteen were detained, including Major-General Robert Overton, former commander in Scotland. When Pepys arrived at Whitehall on the 16th, he was "surprized with the news of a plott against the King's person and my Lord Monkes." He visited the Tower "where I heard [Overton] deny that he is guilty of any such things, but that whereas it is said that he is found to have brought many armes to towne, he says it was only to sell them, as he will prove by oath" (1:318-9). Although caches of weapons were indeed discovered, proof of an organized uprising was hard to establish and many of those arrested were quickly released for lack of evidence. Meanwhile, fear had spread to provincial areas leading to investigations of linked conspiratorial activities in Lincoln, York, Hull, Wiltshire, Essex, Leicester and elsewhere (Greaves 1986: 37). In Edinburgh, city authorities required residents to report the names of all guests. Back in London, a proclamation issued on the 17th required all former soldiers to stay at least twenty miles away from London and Westminster, while Clarendon made much of rumours linking the plot with Lambert and Ludlow. "In a speech to the Convention on 29 December, [Clarendon] blamed the plot on discontent arising from the regicide's execution. . . . Ludlow, he averred, was expected to lead the fanatics" (Greaves 1986: 39). But Ludlow had already fled to Europe. "What the authorities unearthed was no organized plot, no insurrection planned for a specific time with designated leaders, but a growing number of disenchanted men who had begun to gather weapons and explore possibilities for an uprising" (Greaves 1986: 39).

    See: Rugg 132 for his view of the affair, which is also reported in Parliamentary Intelligencer (10-17 December), (17-24 Dec), (24-31 Dec), Mercurius Publicus 51 (13 -- 20 December), 53 (20-27 Dec), 54 (27 Dec-3 Jan), and Kingdomes Intelligencer (31 Dec-7 Jan)

    And see Duncombe's Counter-blast to the Phanaticks

Hells Master-piece discovered:
Or Joy and Sorrow mixt together.

Being a breife and true Relation of the Damnable Plot, of those
invetrate Enemies of God, and the King; who intended to a mixt
our Joy for the Nativitie of Christ, with the blood of the King,
and his faithfull Subjects.
Being a fit Carrall for Royallist to sing,
That alwaies fear God, and honour the King.
To the Tune of, Sommer Time.

YOu Loyall Subjects all give eare,
unto my sad and joyfull Song;
A true Relation you shall heare,
For unto you it doth belong.

5: The Devill and his Instruments,
hath long been Plotting night and day,
For to destroy both King and Church,
& now they thought they had found ye way,

They would cut down both Root & Branch
10: and all the Shrubs that doth belong,
About our Royall Garden plot,
as Fences to our Leader strong.

The chiefe Ring-leader of this Plot,
is Mazarine as I do understand,
15: The chiefest Enemie to our King,
when bloody Cromwell rul'd this Land.

These Saint like Devils would bring in
the French or who they else could find,
To ruine King and Kingdome too,
20: for to revenge their bloody mind.

For in this Plot they did intend,
by fire and Sword to make their way,
Throughout the City to the Court,
and all they meet for to destroy.

25: They would a saved the King they say,
but make him yeild unto their will,
To Sign or Grant what they desired,
or else be sure they would him kill.

The Queen, the Duke, and Proginie,
30: and General Monck should all a dyed,
With most of the Nobility,
and all the Royall part beside.

Those that they Caveliers did call,
but little mercy should have found,
35: And I believe that for their King,
their herts with swords both fals to ground.

I hope theres none that now wears swords
for to defend his Majestie,
If ever he should in danger be,
40: For quarter now they scorn to cry.

The number in this Devilish Plot,
it is not known, nor cannot be,
But seventeen thousand as tis thought,
should first begin this Masacree.

45: No doubt but desperate they'd been,
if God had let them in't alone,
And thus those Saints, they call themselvs
by blood would make the Land their own

The second Part, to the same Tune.

THis Devilish Plot was carried on,
50: tis thought in all the Kingdome round,
So secret are they, now 'tis known
not many of them yet are found.

A Porter at first discovered all,
which once was Servant unto White,
55: Which White was Major since of Foot,
at Portsmouth nere the Isle of Wight.

He did belong to Morley 1 too,
that kept the Tower a little while,
What side they'r for ther's none doth know
60: for every side they did beguile.

All the Grand Rebels of the Land,
which many thought was o're in France,
Was here in London as tis thought,
this Hellish Plot for to advanse.

65: There's Ludlow, Whaley, and Baxter too,
with Okey & Hewson that single ey'd theif
With the Devil of the west cal'd Disbrow,
and Overton these were the chiefs.

But Overton and Disborow's tooke,
70: and both are safe enough in hold;
Squier Dun never fears to charge them all
for all they think themselves so bold.

There's thousands in this Land I feare,
to whom the King doth mercy shew;
75: They are resolved for to be hang'd,
whether his Grace he will or no.

Examples you see every day,
on most the Gates here in the City,
Now you have hang'd your Masters up,
80: Dun vowes on you hee'l take no pitty.

And if you'r troubled still (he saith)
with the greedy worm still in your brains,
Hee'l ease you on't in half an houre,
or else have nothing for his pains.

85: But as your Friend I do desire
You'd pray to God to guid your hearts,
To fear the Lord and love your King,
and then you'l act true Subjects parts.

If God had not reveal'd this Plot,
90: a bloody Christmass had befell,
Then civily pray drink on pot,
to one we oft for to love well.

The Porter tis, who under God,
preserv'd the King, and all his Peers,
95: Be sure hee'l never be forgot,
by honest Royall Caveliers.

C. H.

A List of the Trators Names.

    Robert Overton formerly called Major Generall Overton, Francis Elstone, John Disborow formerly Collonel, John Hargrass, El. Hunt, Gabriel Hopkins, Wil. Kirk, Fran. Booth, C. Bagster, C. Babinton, W. Wright, Anthony Barnshaw, Thomas Millard, Tobias Hill, Rich. Dilling, Peter Thompson, Tho. Simcock, Frederick Barnwel, Ric. Danie, Ric. Shoopel, John Lucan, W. Howard, Tho. Nicols, Henry Limrick, Francis Gavill, Henry Simboll, James Eglefield, Jeffery Hookins, Sam. Jepp, Isaac Benton, Rich. Young, John Steward, John Ward, Tho. Butler, Rich. Glover, George Thomas, James Sanford, Ro. Parker, Rich. Burt,John Decks, Owen Davis.

London, Printed for Francis Grove dwelling on Snowhill.

[1].úúColonel Herbert Morley; seeGreaves 1986 and Hutton 1984

John Boys
"Epigram" from
'neas His Descent into Hell
p. 229 [sig Gg2]
30 December

   Titlepage: 'NEAS / HIS / DESCENT / INTO / HELL: / As it is inimitably described by the / Prince of Poets in the sixth / of his 'NEIS. / [rule] / Made English by JOHN BOYS of Hode-Court, Esq; / [rule] / Together with an ample and learned Comment upon the same, / wherein all passages Criticall, Mythological, Philoso-/ phical and Historical, are fully and clearly explained. / To which are added some certain Pieces relating to the / Publick, written by the Author. / [rule] / Invia virtuti nulla est via. -- -- -- Ovid. Met / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by Henry Brome / at the Gun in Ivy-lane, 1661. / [ornamental box]

    By his own account, at least, John Boys was among those who took an active part in the final preparations for the king's return. On Tuesday 24 January, just as Monck was reaching Northampton where he received a petition calling for the return of the secluded members, Boys claims to have delivered a speech before the mayor in the Town Hall at Canterbury on behalf of Kent and the City of Rochester calling for a Free Parliament; a transcript of that speech is included in 'neas His Descent (pp. 218-20). This was not an entirely safe thing to do; on Tuesday 7 February, the day after Monck addressed the Commons, several individuals who had petitioned the general or parliament were arrested (Davis 1955: 277). Boys also prepared a speech that he had been planning to deliver to the king at Dover "but forasmuch as he was prevented therein by reason his Majesty made no stay at all in that Town" he had to be content with publishing it (ibid. pp. 226-28).

    Check Oxenden letters for Boys and place seeking during May; p. 232,

    Boys published annotated translations of books 3 and 6 of the Aeneid; 'neas His Errours, or his Voyage from Troy into Italy. An Essay upon the Third Book of Virgils 'neis (London, Printed by T. M. for Henry Broome, at the gun in Ivy-lain, 1661) 1 and 'neas His Descent which treats book 6. 'neas His Descent is dedicated to Edward Hide, who was already Lord High Chancellor at the time the volume appeared; 'neas His Errours is dedicated to his son, Lord Viscount Cornbury and was evidently published second since Boys writes of "the more then merited recpetion my late Essay upon this great Author found with your greater Father . . . hath encouraged me to continue my Addresses to the same Family" (sig A2v).

   'neas His Descent also contains dedicatory poems by Charles Fotherby and Thomas Philipott.

    Both of Boys's volumes invite readers to make the obvious connections between the Virgilian hero and the newly installed king of England. In his commentary to 'neas His Errours, Boys insists that it is the prophetic nature of Virgil's epic that has been fulfilled rather than that he has falsified the original to make the application. He reminds us:

it was not, Reader, the ultimate end of our Poet, in this precendent Poem, barely to deliver the story of 'neas his Errours, or Perigrination from Troy into Italy, with those Accidents which befell him therein. . . . No: our wise Authour had a more covert and mysterious design; and, in this wel-built fabric of his gives us the full prospect of a well-order'd Commonwealth, with all the integral parts thereof; which whilest we endeavour to make out, let not the Reader passe sentence upon us, as guilty of perverting or violating the sense or meaning of our Authour, whose constant manner it is, to have a more remote drift, then what is perceptible to the eye of every vulgar Reader (pp. 52-3).

   Since the action of Aeneid 3 largely takes place on board a ship, Boys has no difficulty inferring that the entire book is an allegory of the commonwealth -- the "integral parts" are Prince Aeneis himself, the Council, the Minister of State, and finally the people (p. 53). Boys glosses each in turn, spending some while on the Prince's piety, wisdom and valour (pp. 54-7). Having done so, Boys changes his addressee from the "reader" in general to the king. "And, now," he writes,

most gracious Soveraign, it is not that I have wrested this Character, in delivering things otherwise, then they are represented by our Authour in the precedent Poem, that, I might direct this Application to your Royal Self: No, should I therefore compare your Majesty with our 'neas, in those three princely qualifications, none could truly object to me either force or flattery. (p. 57)

   Once he has specified Charles's pietry, wisdom and valour, Boys illustrates how a line or two from Virgil's Latin could be taken out of context and made to fit present circumstances. "Here then as the same Poet speaks in the person of Anchises concerning his 'neas in this very book, let us, as prophetically, I hope affirm and conclude, (changing one word) concerning your Sacred Majesty.

Hic Carolina domus Cunctis dominabitur oris,
Et nati natorum, & qui nascentur ab illis:
Great Charles his house, with those who thence descend,
Here far and near its Empire shall extend." (pp. 60-61)
This use of Virgil's text for purposes of divination -- the sortes Virgiliana -- was well established long before the Restoration. Charles I was reported to have consulted the Aeneid for its oracular qualities.

    The flyleaf of the BL copy is signed "Wm Amherst," dated "Novemb: 1660" and priced "3s-0d": the WF copy is priced 1s 4d. Despite the titlepage dating of 1661, Boys's translation evidently appeared late in the previous year -- Thomason dated his copy on 30 December -- and it dutifully includes verses lamenting the death of Prince Henry (pp. 214-15) [in WF, CS and L copies] on Thursday, 13 September.

    Compare: [M. Atkins?] Cataplus: or, Aeneas his Descent into hell. A mock poem in imitation of the sixth book of Virgils Aeneis; copies in O at Harding C 3320; G. Pamph.1273 (4)

    The following epigram appears on p. 229 (Sig. Gg2). Since it is so short, I have also included the Latin version.

[1] Wing V621; L,O,C; CH, NP


Si dives, Rex magne, esset mihi vena Mar"nis,
Si fo/elix vatum principis ingenium,
Ipse fores meus 'neas, titulisq; superbis
Te ornarem, Her"i quos dedit ille suo.

Had I, Great Monarch, Maro's divine spirit,
Or did the Prince of Poets wit inherit,
You should be my 'neas, and what He
His Heroe gave, to you ascrib'd should be.
  Your most humble and obscure,
     but withal most faithful and
       obedient Vassal
       John Boys.

SANCTE PATER -- -- -- -- -- -- Val. Flacc. Argon.I.1
[final tag found in WF; but also in Brome edition at OW, L]

Henry Oxenden
Charls Triumphant
after December

   Titlepage: Non est mortale quod opto. / 1647. 1 / CHARLS / TRIUMPHANT, / &c. / [rule] / This is that CHARLS, who did from CHARLS proceed; / Who shall in Greatness CHARLS the Great exceed. / [rule] / CAROLUS e CAROLO descendens, / erit CAROLO magno major. / [rule] / [design: laurel crown] / [rule] / LONDON, Printed in the year, MDCLX.

    Manuscript sources relating to the author and circumstances of this poem's publication are to be found in the British Library: BL MSS: family correspondence -- Add. Mss. 27,999 and 28,000; family papers -- Add MSS. 28,006 to 28,011; 28,010=Henry's early commonplace books and misc. verses etc: includes transcriptions of "The Doctrine of Mahomet which is of great authority amongst the Saracens," and "The Law of the Saracens which they call the Alcoran, that is a gathering together of Commandments into one booke" (ff.45-53v=) -- ms circa 1626, aged 17.

    Henry's commonplace book (Add MSS 28,012; also Add MSS 28,013) is a long scroll, made up from a large legal document cut up into three-inch strips that are stitched together into a roll -- of proverbs he collected/transcribed -- : eg: "The Turkes hold the foundation of all empire to consist in exact obedience, & that in exemplary severity"

   further letters -- Add MSS. 44,846=Thos Peynton's letter book (1640-56), 44,847=letters from Charles Nichols to Henry O; 44,848=misc letter book, containing transcript copies of various state letters. -- check Bodleian for ms papers linking Oxenden with Needham

   Other works ascribed include:

O839AThe Care of... (16??), brs, MH only

O840B Iobus Triumphans (1651), CLC, IU, Y

O841 Religionis funus, & Hypocritia/e finis (1647) O=Vet.A3e 344 [contains portrait of Henry

Oxenden], L, C, CPE; CH, CN, MH, TU, WF, Y

    The copytext is taken from the Bliss copy at O which has ms note on flyleaf: "Oxenden, Henry of Bumstead. See some account of H Oxenden in the [Brydges] Censura Literaria vol. 10. and in the 4to. edition of Woods' Ath. Oxon. Sir Egerton Brydges, Watt and the last editor of Wood were not aware of this Poem which has all the appearance of a privately printed book, there being no bookseller's name, nor place of sale &c."

    The titlepage seems to have been cropped by binder. Irregularly gathered; the first text page appears as sig A3, and is followed by sig A. This copy has been corrected in hand, most often for the better, suggesting authorial intervention: I have incorporated many of the hand corrections but included a full record in the notes.

    In A List of Knights made since His Majestie came to London, May 29. 1660, London, Printed by S. Griffin, 1660; LT 669.f.25(66) dated 1 August), the name appears of "Sir Henry Oxendine", that is of Deane, his first cousin of that name, MP for Sandwich.

    On Oxenden and the circumstances of this poem's publication, see the Introduction. Kent was a site of obvious importance and we have general good record of other Kent writers

    Henry Oxenden or Oxenden (1609-1670) was born to an old land-owning family from Kent, entered Corpus Christi on 10 November 1626 and graduated B. A. in 1627. In 1632, he married Anne, daughter of Sir Samuel Peynton, who died eight years later. In 1642, he married Katherine, daughter of James Cullen, who survived him. A staunch anti-prelate, Oxenden fought for parliament at Arundel in 1644, nearly dying from illness the next year. It was presumably in the early 1640s that he composed the verse satire, "A dismall summons, to Doctors Commons":

Thou Cage full of foule birdes & beasts,
attend thy diosmall doome,
Thy Canonists now murdered are,
with Canons of their owne.
Civillians civill villaines are,
old doting knaves are Doctors,
Notorious knaves are Notaries,
bold prating Knaves are Proctors.
. . . .
Thy Court is called Christian,
yet Antichristian is,
The Court of hell is not so full
and divelish as is this.
The Bishops they are bitesheepes,
the Deanes they now are Dunces,
Thy Preists they are the Preists of Ball,
the Devill take all by Bunches. 2

   But Oxenden's political allegiances proved weak and circumstantial: in 1647 he published a call for the return of the king. Involved in wrangling for land and wealth throughout the 1650s, Oxenden found himself so much in debt at the Restoration that he started selling off family property while searching for a church living. In 1663, the same year that the family house at Great Maydekin was finally sold (28 May), Oxenden was appointed rector of Radnage in distant Buckinghamshire, where he held office until his death in 1670.

    His early published poems are both satires on religion: Religionis funus, & Hypocriti' finis (1647) is in Latin hexameters; Iobus Triumphans (1651) contains prefatory verses by Alexander Ross and others and was reported to be much read in foreign schools (DNB). A small engraved portrait appears with Religionis funus here reproduced from the copy in Bodleian. It also appears bound in with the copy of Charls Triumphant currently in the Huntington.

    Despite its considerable length and the care which the author and several friends put into its publication, Charls Triumphant has been much ignored and even for a time, appears to have been lost. Dorothy Gardiner was unable to find a copy of this poem when, in 1936, she sent her edition of The Oxenden and Peyton Letters, 1642-1670 to the press. Thanks to Gardiner's work, however, we do know a great deal about the circumstances surrounding the writing and publishing of this poem. Gardiner was in good company since other scholars have failed to notice Oxenden's poem. As the author of the manuscript note to the copy currently in the Bodleian Library commented, "Sir Egerton Brydges, Watt and the last editor of Wood were not aware of this Poem which has all the appearance of a privately printed book, there being no bookseller's name, nor place of sale &c." Perhaps scholars had been looking for it under the Latin title which Henry himself uses in his letters to describe it.

    The turbulence of the times was unkind to Henry Oxenden, whose 1647 portrait nevertheless suggests a man younger than Henry's 38 years who is still full of hope, energy, and optimism. In many ways, the ignominity that later overcame Oxenden's Restoration poem sadly resembles this poet's ambitions for a speedy appointment to a lucrative position and indicates something of the speed with which formal and lengthy panegyrics to the restored monarch very quickly became old stuff of which noone took much notice. The rectorship of Radnage "a small living in the King's gift" (Gardiner, xli) which he finally secured in 1663 proved poor. Unfortunately there is insufficient evidence to know whether Oxenden's labours over his poetic tribute three years previously helped him to the appointment. But in the spirit of 1660, Oxenden labored over publishing his poem at considerable personal expense. Indeed, he so far expected promotion through writing poetic tributes that he payed for two long poems to be printed that year, circulating copies of both to people about the royal court. His other poem, Eikon Basilike, is a lengthy set of verses on the wedding of Sir Basil Dixwell to Dorothy Osborne, eldest daughter to Sir Thomas Peyton and niece of the famous letter writer. Oxenden wrings everything he can out of Sir Basil's name being the Greek word for "king." His notebooks tell us that 97 copies were printed, and were distributed to likely patrons in the hopes that Henry's courtly poem would help find him a job.

    By 1660, Henry had been out of work for several years and, at the king's return, was among the many educated middle-class men without obvious employment who flocked to London in hopes of finding something suitable. On 4 June, Phineas Andrews writes to Henry that he passed a copy of the wedding poem to Sir Basil, who sends his thanks, and then reports that there are no jobs in the Customs (BL Add Mss 28,004, f. 128; Gardiner, 234). Later that summer, Henry writes home to his wife from London where he has been looking for a job: "In short thousands ar come to London in expectation of great matters who wil returne worse then they came: for nothing is here to be had without money, and that at very high rates" (Gardiner, 235).

    In his poem, Oxenden claims to have been "Finished June 1660," but the poem was still being printed in December; and the author himself was receiving page proofs as late as March 1661. Presumably he had completed writing his poem during June, and then sent copies to various friends while negotiating with printers. During the summer, months Oxenden received advice of different sorts on how to revise his poem, but seems not to have ignored most of it. On the 20th of September, Thomas Williams, whose dedicatory verses appear in the prefatory material, reported that the printer David Maxwell had failed to print Oxenden's poem and that other printers were unlikely to do it because the "mournefull state of the Court, and indeed of all ye Citty . . . hath taken of their eyes and mindes from all things of this nature, And fearing your poeme (as tryumphal) will not nowe bee soe reasonable -- they demand more for the print than I shall wish you to give" (BL Add Mss 28,004, f.140; Gardiner, 239) following the death on the 15th of Prince Henry; this was not a good time to be publishing a poem about Charles in triumph.

    The poem was still looking for a printer on 2 December when Williams wrote that Henry Birkhead will arrange printing "at 13.s the sheete to the number of 100 copies, makeing about 4 sheetes, and in no place in London under" and advises Oxenden to think of issuing the poem for the New Year (BL Add Mss 28,004, f., 161; Gardiner, 241). On the 17th, Henry Birkhead, probably the "H. B." whose dedicatory verses appear in the prefatory material, writes "One sheete of your Charles Triumphant is printed off, the next is setting" (BL Add MSS 28,004, f.173; Gardiner, 242.)

    By 17 March 1661, Birkhead is finally sending "an inclosed poem corrected as well as I could obtaine it to be done" together with "twelve title pages"; on 28 March, he undertakes to "present Sr Kenhelm Digby with a coppy superscribed ex Dono Autoris" (BL Add MSS 28,004, ff.212, 236).

    Perhaps the most fascinating letter sent to Oxenden about his poem, came from Charles Nichols dated 9 July since it not only gives us a witty account of the manuscript poem, but shows us a reader actually at work reading a Restoration poem. It's fortunate for us that Nichols is such a clever critic who knows how to offer friendly advise on another's poetry, since the opening of the letter indicates how sensitive he is about returning a poem with suggestions for revision. It also appears that Henry himself is very shy of having his verses read by others. Lest he has caused the poet offence, Nichols casts his apology in the fashionable cant of a stage wit, but includes sound advice about language, metre, and style. Nichols reports enclosing dedicatory verses for Oxenden's poem, so his may well be the anonymous verses calling Oxenden an English Virgil:

Heroicke Sr

    The tayle, rather rump, of my paper lookes like one of the tribe of the beast Momus, but its teeth are either not grown, or els dropt out, it rather kisses (though not Al a mode) then bites its generous friend. I am soe ashamed of my presumption, that if you send mee not a pardon under yor hand & seale in short time, my Phantasie, to avoid a Lingring death, will turn ffelo de se & knock it selfe on the head, as the last shift of despayre. Noe one in the world hath seene yor booke but my selfe, & I only, last night in a Nodding houre could reade it over in dreameing hast. It is a pitty you tooke not a Little more time to polish every syllable, ffor, Beleeve mee Sr, the princelienes or sovereignetie of your subiect matter, the essays alreadie nibling at yt grand baite of honor (though most mubble it as an old woeman doth a Crust) the Curiositie of our times impresse all acuratnes in his Maiesties service. Ye fancie is truely Noble & rich, (it made me laugh to see yor muse greene her Teeth at Hugh, threatening the gentle Craft a new sett of St Hughs-bones, though I bitt my lipps) yor style Copious. but Me-thinkes, Now and then a Monysillable rushes in on purpose to tell us that you was in hast, and some of yor wordes Transposd would sound much sweetlyer, wch for mee to have essayed further (wthout order) would have beene to have turned Pargmatical in grayne, & it may bee have spoyled all.

    I have made only a few offers. Ha, ha, he, who hath made mee A Correctr? Am I contagiond with the epidemical disease of the world? & know not my selfe in this paper; oh sure I grow insolent; well Sr I dictate noothing, I only humbly propose you are the Judge. Workmen must not sett a stitch a misse in the King's robe, every one's eye will bee upon it. In a little more Time, you might make yor Copie an original, if you would bestow it thereon. Our novelists will tell us yt Whilome, (wch is twice us'd) is growne rotten wth age, & that O repeated above 20 times in one booke, stands for nought but a stilt to help a verse to hop out its Number when it wants otherwise a foote; or yt Oh is an interiection of groaneing, when Henry hath hard stooles. I meete wth some fancis rich enough for a Coronation day. But there be some Phrases, about Sisters, &tc, wch if my own ffather should Antedate the resurrection, & come from the dead & whisper them into my eare I could not possibly approove of them. Your designe is obvious; I iudj you an Inocent man, you Love good men, but the smoothest way to step up into esteeme, is without treading upon others' Soulls, though not ye surest.

    To Add my Signett to all my papers wch ensure thee my Love I have signed thine And Daunced a little Jygg whilst garlands attend yor Brow. & therin shew how yor verses worke wonders beyond all that ever I heard of. The most yt I ever observed sayd of the best writeings, was that they were Celebrated by everybody. Yors exceede them, for as it is admir'd by everybody, soe hath it inspir'd Noebody

    & Noebody thus sings. 3

   In its finally printed form, Oxenden's poem shows that he didn't heed Nichols' advice about revising and cutting. The printed version contains over a thousand lines; there are nearly 30 uses of "O," and the scurrilous passage about Hugh Peters and the Sisters is still there for the curious.

    In printed form, Oxenden's poem opens with some prefatory verse addresses to the reader by Oxenden, then a series of dedicatory poems by, respectively, Jo Hobart of Kent; "H. B." is probably Henry Birkhead; Thomas Williams; The anonymous verses that follow, rather extravagantly call Oxenden an English Virgil and might be by Nichols. A final set of dedicatory verses are signed "J. W."

    Oxenden's own poem is over a thousand lines of pentamter couplets; it is made up of three books composed of 15, 18, 15 verse paragraphs of varying length. Plenty of anti-Rump satire here, together with an account of Worcester, Jane Lane and the escape, a great deal of rather pious sentimentalizing, and some explicit requests for a place at court. The second part recounts some events of Charles's arrival. The final part opens by making much of Charles touching for the Evil, then addresses the king directly in order to enumerate the horrors suffered during his absence by loyalists such as the poet. His attacks on the Rumpers are typically personal and scurrilous, making evident use of Howell's Proverbs which had recently appeared in print.

    It remains unclear whether the poem had any influence on Henry's appointment in 1663 to a rectorship in Buckinghamshire.

[1] missing from O; check with WF, CH copies

[2] BL Add Mss 28,010 f.76

[3] BL Add Mss 44,847, f.1; see also Gardiner, pp. 237-39.

His best Vicegerent CHARLS
II. Who shall be greater than
The Author wisheth

All the Blessedness, and Glory; All the
Love, and Power; All the Majesty and
Dominion that an earthly God is capable of.

Rex si me Angligenis vatibus inferes,
Sublimi feriam sidera vertice. Hor. Car. lib.I. od.I

Great KING if you'l be pleas'd to grace
Me in your heart with a near place
The world to come shall see
My head shall reach Heav'ns lofty Sphere,
And as the stars I will shine there,
Such shall my Glory be.

[ornamental header]

THE Choristers of Heav'n rejoyce and sing:
Beholding now the Triumphs of our King.
And he who grieves this blessed sight to see,
Must either Devil or grand Rebel be;
Ah! curst's that soul that can be an Heraclite,
At the rejoycing of the Sons of Light.

[ornamental header]


REader I here have set before thine eyes
A heav'nly Image in Triumphant wise,
The sacred Off-spring of thy Lord and King:
Let now thy heart a peal to heaven ring
At this so glorious a sight: for why?
In viewing him thou view'st a Deity.

[ornamental header]

O Let us now rejoyce and sing
Praises unto our Lord,
Because he hath restor'd our King
Even of his own accord.
5: How great his Kingdom 4 to us is
In doing of the same!
O let us evermore for this
Extoll his Holy Name.
And let us thanks unto him give
10: For all his Mercies try'd,
And pray that long our CHARLES may live
Who us indemnifi'd.
And in the fire did cast the rod,
His mercies bearing sway,
15: For this praise we the Lord our God,
Praise we the Lord I say.

BEhold a Triumph which no servants scoff
Can possibly eclipse, or e're put off.
For CHARLES his chariot shall triumphing run,
20: Coeval with the horses of the Sun,
And loyal acclamations likewise make
Royal hearts dance, but hearts of Rebels quake.

Jo. Hobart
Of Quarrington
in Mersham in Kent.

[4] Kingdom] Kindness ms O

CHARLES Triumphant,
Dedicated to His Majesty
by H. Oxenden Esq;

Most gracious Soveraign,
After the Countreyes well meant dusty greets,
Turning the deserts in your road to streets;
And puff paste 5 gladness of the gaudy town,
Where some joyes were heard in some swalow'd down,
5: Besides the shouts of the converted Host,
Guarding before the Crown upon a Post:
With Catsdung throngs of Courtiers 'bout the Throne,
Crowding for places till they left you none:
View this 'schilian 6 Authors loyal strain,
10: Such Gratulations spend, and last again;
Born without pangs, Offspring of Extasie,
Since you transported was, why may not He?
Rapt with a Soveraign influence, 'bove those
Whose thanks are healths 7 profound, and shallow prose.
15: Yet if your smiles infuse not vital mirth,
'Twill prove abortive, or Saguntine birth;
Which comes your Holocaust, if now it dies,
And if it stands, your living sacrifice:
First fruits from him, whose All for Charles is bred;
20: He that presents the feet, dares stake the head.

H. B.

[5] puff paste] ms in O; putt past printed version

[6] 'schilian] 'schylian ms O

[7] healths] hetlths O

[ornamental header]
On the most ingenous
Author of Charles Trium-


THE splendid Triumphs of the Town and Court
Ambitious are to be great Charles his sport;
Arches advanced be to raise his Name
Above the Clouds, till they obscure their frame;
5: But this high Author only can advance
His fame beyond the power of force or chance;
And by the verdure of Poetick Bay
Make his whole life a Coronation day:
Others dread King may crown your head with gold,
10: This golden Verse preserves from growing old
Your eviternal praise; and in this thing
By b'ing his Subject, you are more his King.

Thomas Williams.

[ornamental header]
Most Honoured, because most faith-
full friend (the Author) upon his
Triumphant Poem.


APollo's darling, for thy due renown
'Tis just thy Royal verses wear a Crown:
My Muse is dumb, whilst thine sublimely sings
The best of Poets to the best of KINGS.
5: AUGUSTUS smiles, C ' S A R accepts a mite,
Now VIRGIL'S Genius doth English write.

Let common Poets prattle common things,
Whilst Monarchs triumph on thy Muses wings;
Sing noth'but Kings, thou can'st not higher rise:
10: It is not meet Joves bird should stoop at flyes:
Nature and Art being married in Thee,
Muses conserve their true Posterity.

Heavens me defend from being thine Enemy,
I would not be laid forth before I die:
15: Who willingly would meet his Death, his Herse,
His Funeral in thy Triumphant Verse? 8

[8] these end rather abruptly and since the verso is blank, it's tempting to imagine a second page is missing; but the catchword "To" does fit.

Much esteemed Friend and
ever honored Patron, Henry
Oxenden Esq; upon his most
incomparable Poem, CH. TRI.

Lately you wrote against our Hydra-state
As a Sharp Satyrist: and Englands fate
You did bewaile, and wisely did presage
If Charls were absent in that direfull age
5: Religion would expire; her end was nigh;
So you prepar'd for her an Elegy: 9

But now your verses in another straine
Do runne, and sing Triumphant Iob again;
Since which you once resolved to set by
10: All verse, and take your leave of Poetry,
But God would not permit your Muse to cease
In so much bless'd and Halcyon times as these;

When Brittaine doth poffess within her Spheare
Her wished long expected Iupiter
15: Our blessed Soveraign who in the space
Of twelve years finished his wandring race,
And now no longer shall a Planet be,
But a Star fixt, or Stationary.
Surely those Gods who caus'd the Star to shine
20: At Charls His birth, to shew he was divine,
The very same sent Ph'bus down t'enspire
Your mind, and kindle a poetick fire
At your books birth, where you so sweetly sing
The famous Acts of your most valiant King:
25: In strains so ravishing, as might provoke
The much amaz'd, and famous Royal Oak,
To follow you, as Orpheus once did make
The Trees to dance, and mighty Mountains shake.


[9] Oxenden's verses Religionis funus, & Hypocriti' finis appeared in 1647.

[ornamental header]
The same to the Authors


If Mists arise, and seem to cloud thy praise,
Think it not strange, Ph'bus can't chuse but raise
Such envious vapours, therefore murmur not,
Such a black cloud is but your Beauty-spot.
5: This is your glory, for not only you,
But Sol himself wears these black patches too.

J. W.

Lib. I.



Lo I! who once had Helicon giv'en 'ore,
And thought to climb Parnassus Hill no more
I who the Funerall in forty nine
Sang of Religion, & did then divine
5: Untill King CHARLS came it would never have
A total resurrection from the grave.
I who at that time earnestly did pray
That Christ might to his Kingdomes lead the way,
And also wish'd, and that with good intent,
10: A speedy end to the long Parliment.
And I the man who did in fifty one
Extol 10 Iobs' patience unto Heavens throne.
(The very Type of our Great Martyr slain
And his deare Son, rightly our Soveraign.)
15: And I who 'yerst my fancy to delight
OxendenORUM series did write,
And did decypher bless'd Elizas' blisse
Triumphant (would God I were where she is)
And I who lately in my Image Royal 11
20: Extoll'd a Noble Soul for being Loyall.
And therein Monarchy did justly own,
Of Governments the best of all thats known:
And I the very same who Nol, and's Nose,
The Rump, and all King CHARLS 12 his mortal foes
25: Admir'd alike; I, even I who have
Wonder'd who was of these the greater Knave,
Will to my paper once more set my pen,
And wellcome home the best of Kings and Men;
His Enemies disclaime, his Glory sing,
30: For 'tis my duty he's my Soveraigne King.



And since, great CHARLS, I who thy subject am,
Have chosen thee the mirror of all fame,
I'le scorne assitance from the Muses Hill,
And pray great Iove himself to guide my quill;
35: For whilst I of a God sing, I defie
All helpe beneath that of a Diety.
Great Father Iove send from the Emperial Pole
A heav'nly spright into my loyall soul,
For now Divinities my Theame, ev'n He
40: Whom God himself hath said a God to be.



GREATER 13 then CHARLS the great thou shalt be; I
Aver it; for the Prophet would not ly,
Who said a CHARLS, should from a CHARLS proceed
Who should in Greatness CHARLS the Great exceed
45: Great PRINCE this all men say is meant of Thee,
The Peoples speech is Gods own speech say we.
Surely Thou art already such an One
As I the like on earth acknowledge none;
Thy Splendor's such, as Traytorous is that eye
50: Which 14 spies not in Thee supream Majesty.
Pho/ebus himself's eclypsed by thy Rayes,
O object worthy of the Angels praise!
The Cherubins and Seraphins on High
Are fitter far to speak thy worth then I,
55: So that I doubt 'twill be in me too great
Presumption of so high a King to treat,
And doubt like Phaeton whilst I a pitch
Too high do soar, may fall down in 'the ditch:
How ere I must proceed, doubts get ye gon,
60: For I feel Iove himselfe me spurring on.



Great CHARLS at whose bless'd birth Heaven did bring forth
A Star forshewing thy transcendent worth.
Which added lustre unto Titans light,
More rare, more wonderfull then he ats hight,
65: How can I chuse but thee admire, and love,
Being the off-spring, and encrease of Jove?
Tell me ye whole Chald'an race, what e're
Ye be, if that ye can, why then, and there
It gloriously appear'd, if not to show
70: A God on Earth was born to us below?
One that should us from Tyrants woes deliver,
Cut off th'entail of th' Beast and Oliver,
Did not the star which did in th' East appear
Full sixteen 15 hundred fifty and nine year
75: Now past, to th'world betoken some such thing,
Then being born a Saviour and a King?
Both Saviours; with rev'rence, here's the odds
CHARLS is of men, CHRIST both of men and GODs.



CHARLS bodies, CHRIST souls, CHARLS in time, but CHRIST
80: For ever saves, and is of Kings the high'st.
He CHARLS his Saviour is, as 'tis well known,
And CHARLS him for his Saviour doth own.
Ye Epicurean wits, who do surmize
Your selves to be so mystically wise,
85: Fancying Religion to be like the Law
Meere policy to keep bad men in awe:
And think ther's no such thing as providence;
Come, and sit down by me, and learn from hence
Ev'n from the Preservation of one,
90: And he a King, that now sits on his 16 throne,
That God above who in the Heaven is
Hath an especiall care of all are his.
Witnesse thee Scotland when as Thou did'st bring
Into a Labyrinth thy sacred King.
95: And who but God did help him safe thereout?
'Twas, He was He that did it, without doubt.
Witnesse thee Wor'ster likewise; where though he
Did shew admire Magnanimity,
And all the C'sars since the world begun
100: Surpast in what was fitting to be done;
Yet being overpow'red ten to one,
And most of's men of war slain, others gone,
Also on every side with dangers clos'd 17
In humane sence to noth, but death expos'd,
105: His Horse twice underneath him deadly shot,
And the sad battle lasting over-hot;
When 18 lo! behold a Troope of Angels were
Sent by our God, to be his Lifeguard there,
And safely thence convey Him in despight
110: Of 19 Cromwels fury, or the Devils might.



'Twas God did put it in his mind to change
His royall Robes for those that were more strange
For such an High, and Mighty Prince to weare
As He was, and to cut off all his hair,
115: Whereby he could passe better undescri'd,
And so himself, might in himself best hide:
Thus He to Foes a dark cloud did appear,
But to his truly friends a light most clear.
I say it was his God who did cause this
120: (By his own Genius) Metamorphosis.



Who was't great KING that made Ioves own dear Tree
To lure thee to't, and therin safe to be?
O sacred Tree? which didst at once enshrine
Three Kingdomes well fare, and a Power divine!
125: Surely when He was in Thee, thou didst hold
Such worth as Mortall man cannot unfold;
Nay which of all the Angels can declare
The heav'nly thoughts contain'd then in thy Sphere?
The Oracle at Delphos never spake
130: Such truth, as He, when there He silence brake,
Witnesse 20 be Thou great Arbiter, above,
Who did'st Him hear, and his Supporter prove.



'Twas thou who sa'vdst our King, and mad'st a Lane
For his escape when CHARLS was in the wane,
135: A lovely Lane, whose close M'anders were
So darke as none but friends could find him there?
Sweete Madam Lane how much I have admired
The holy wiles wherewith thou was't enspired?
Whenas the Happiness of Kingdomes three
140: Soly, 21 and wholly trusted was with thee;
Never! 22 ah never since Eve first did sin
Did any woman threds so finely spinne,
Which though in hast, and danger they were drawn
No fault could yet be found in all the Lane.



145: It was the Providence of GOD on high
(Whose name be prays'd to all Eternity)
Which did contrive wayes (O how strange, and rare,
How deep! how high, how vast his councels are!)
In order to our Kings escape, and made
150: The Sunne to be preserved by the shade,
Poor subjects now the Instruments to save
A mighty King from foes, from Death and Grave.
Who sayes that Miracles are ceased, since
His safeties one, and must our thoughts convince?
155: Not only many men, but women too
The huge, and mighty load did undergo
Of locking up a Secret in their breast,
Such as by no means ought to be confest,
Women I say lockt up safe in their breast
160: A secret by no meanes to be confest!
A secret which temptations of Gold,
Or threats of punishments could not unfold,
A secret which most would have groaned under
And of't to be deliver'd burst asunder.
165: But GOD did hinder these from letting fall
Such words as might their royal Guest enthrall;
And did preserve him since in Spain and France.
And the Low Countries to his own advance.
Oh may, great Prince, the Lord whose mighty arm
170: Upheld thee then, still keep thee from all harm.



'Tis Thee, Great Charls, I speak of, thee for whom
I have so long pray'd, let thy Kingdomes come:
All which thy Kingdomes now are come to Thee,
(Thanks be to God) and thou to them all three.
175: Th'art come to them, and sure the Angels, they,
Even Gods own Host Thee guarded by the way.
And doubtless he's an Atheist who not sings
Beholding Thee brought home on Angels wings.
No Sadduce but would confess the same,
180: Had he our Charls seen then, when thus he came:
No Sceptick ought to doubt of this, and I
Think, to gain-say it, comes near Blasphemy.
O how those Angels at their Office joyed,
In which the Lord of Hosts had them employed!
185: And to behold those who had sinners been,
Even Rebels late now turned from their sin;
There is not doubt, those Messengers of Light
Who do rejoyce when men turn to the right,
But that they did triumph when our King came,
190: For unsquar'd hearts he then put into frame:
So that at's landing I may boldly say
Both men, and Angels kept a holy day.



Hail CHARLS! who came so well attended, hail
To whom GOD Neptune did his Trident vaile,
195: And his dear Amphitrite gladly bring
All her faire Nymphs to view so great a King:
No wonder then that calme the waters were
Sith Neptunes Master CHARLS himself was there.
Besides the sea-GOD had the winds commanded
200: Not to be boistrous till his guest was landed;
And had a minde to see's own daughters dance
Before the true, and lawfull Heir of France;
The same who rules great Brittanie, and with all
Ireland, those Seas the narrow Seas we call,
205: Whose moveing Castles make the Ocean tremble,
And some of its great Borderers dissemble.
Wtinesse thee Holand, and the rest; but I
Now leave you striking saile to's Majesty.



Haile CHARLS once more of whom the Sea-Gods care
210: So great was, that He in his armes you bare,
And in whose presence so much mirth did passe
As after times will doubt how great it was.
Some say the waters smil'd for joy, cause they
Your comp'ny had, 'this merry month of May,
215: And some affirm the fish your health did quaffe,
Whilst the sea Goddesses did sing, and laugh;
Some Fish did halfe above the waters rise,
Off'ring themselves to you a sacrifice;
Others as sure to leap 23 for joy were seen,
220: As if that they had there transported been,
And certain 'tis, some wondered to see
The very ship that held your Majesty,
And well may this be true, sith I do know
Some men as well as Fishes that did so.
225: O famous ship which did'st three Kingdomes hold!
This Argo's glory who can well unfold?
O ship whose precious lading sure was such
As that all India was not worth so much:
O ship deserving highly to be graced
230: And 'mongst the Stars in Heav'n to be placed;
Sith it hath brought of Mortals all, the flower
Unto the Brittish shore, in a good hower,
Which some Fish following would not give over
Until they saw you save arriv'd at Dover.


235: Now might Pythagoras have hea'rd if e're
The pleasant Musick of each heav'nly Sphere,
And I my self, had I above them been,
Ioves Choristers for joy triumphing seen;
Yea some have thought that the damn'd Spir'ts below
240: Had intermission of their torments now,
And Heraclitus though he n'ere before
Was seen to laugh, might have laugh'd on this score,
But certain 'tis some persons I did view
Who 24 were so glad, as they themselves not knew.



245: Some in their thoughts so rapt now up on high
As with their heads they touch'd the lofty sky
Some knew not whether on the Earth they went,
Or their feet trod upon the Firmament.
Other some could not possibly refraine
250: Aloud by words their gladness to explaine.
Some hollowed as if that they had ment
The aire to cleave, and clouds asunder rent
By their exceeding noise, which was so great
As it did reach up to Olympus seat;
255: Nor is't a wonder this was done by men
Sith conduits French, and Spanish utter'd then.



But O how Neptune foam'd for anger, when
He saw that you would part, and how He then
Roared for grief, when you were neare the shore,
260: Fearing He might not see you any more;
And when he saw that you would from him go,
He bad the rising billowes answer No,
And so they did, which many an one did hear
Who to your landing place were very near,
265: And for a need the truth thereof can sweare,
For they did see the same when they were there.


[10] Extol] extol O

[11] The poem on the wedding of Basil and Dorothy.

[12] CHARLS] CHALS O, CH; ms corrected in both


[14] Which] which O

[15] .úúsixteen] fifteen O, CH ms corrected in both

[16] his] is O

[17] clos'd] clos'ed O ms correction in O

[18] When] when O, CH

[19] Of] of O, CH

[20] Witnesse] witnesse O

[21] Soly] the "o" is ms correction in O that makes print illegible

[22] Never] Nver O corrected in ms

[23] leap] leape O corrected in ms inO

[24] Who] who O

Lib. 2.


And did the King at Dover land? then O
You Dubrians thank him for doing so,
Thanke Him for ever for the great renown
His Majesty did bring unto your Town;
5: Now may't be said whil'st Sol his course shall runne
Here landed CHARLS our King, St. CHARLS his son.
Fame will ride Post proclaming the world over
That CHARLS the Martyrs son did land at Dover.
What land so barbarous 25 as will not hear
10: In short time now of famous Dover Peere?
And what brave Soul who is at's own command
Will not come see the place where CHARLS 26 did land?
O sacred Place! (and be't in th' Annals put)
That had the honour first to kisse his foot:
15: All ye that see it reverently 27 bow,
And with devout affection Kisse it now;
Fond Pilgroms who St. Thomas foot-steps kisse,
Behold King Charles's holyer then his!
(I meane the foot-steps of St. Tom a Becket
20: Who in the World did once make heavy racket,)
CHARL'S footsteps are divine, and who shall trace
His steps, he doth to heaven bend his race
Much surely are we bounden to our King,
Who leads the way which doth to Heav'n bring.


25: CHARLS did at Dover land; a happy day
For us it was the twenty 28 sixt of May,
Th' one thousandth year six hundred and three-score
Of CHRIST 29 our SAVIOUR, when he came o're;
A day and year not e're to be forgot,
30: He is a Rebel sanctifies it not:
The Sun did then put on his brightest Rayes,
And with brave Monck attend him on his wayes,
Now with all Christendome might Kent alone
Have surely stood in competition:
35: Sole Kent all Christendome then need not fear
When our most High, and Mighty CHARLS is there,
What nam'd I CHARLS? that very name there, doth spell
Deliverance, if we observe it well:
For 'tis a most assured truth, that none
40: Could have deliver'd us but Hee alone,
None could have ty'd the hearts of men but Hee
In Millions of knots of amity.
Hen'ry the Roses, James two Kingdomes joyn'd,
But CHARLS was He three Kingdomes that entwin'd
45: And O how mightily all things rejoic'd
As soon as our Kings landing safe was noys'd!
As if they had esteemed it high Treason
To have done otherwise in such a season:
The Bells 'ore-joy'd were heard this Psalm to sing
50: Over, and over oft, God save the King:
The Churches they stood still; and it is well
They did so, Lambert once had rung their knell,
The Orthodoxe Divines did joy (and pray)
Their joyes were Orthodoxe, as well as they:
55: They gave God thankes their Sov'raign was return'd
(And well they might, their livings were adjourn'd
untill his comming:) and the Guns great sound
Drown'd all, and made braines to their King turn round:
Such as before not much enclined were
60: To do so, yet they did it, He being there.



Nature was now beheld in her best dress
To welcome home so longed-for a Guest,
I saw the trees clad in a greene attire,
And some for joy ev'n up to heav'n aspire:
65: I saw the Earth with flowers here selfe adorne,
(Never more fine before since I was borne,)
And in her lap the Lilly, and the Rose,
Israels brav'st King came short of those,
(In all his Royalty he nere alas!
70: As they were then (I know't) so cloathed was.)
I saw the very Beasts tow'rd Him make hast
Fearing, it seemes, which of them should come last.
This is most certain I can boldly say,
Some Horses which to Dover came that day,
75: Together with their Riders can explain
This Truth of mine, should I be thought to feign.
And why may this unlikely seem to be,
Sith some the very stones themselves did see
Move CHARLS-ward on the beach; this is most true
80: Many an honest man had them in view.
But that which seemth yet to some more strange
Is, that some Rebels then were seen the change
To ring, (for joy of's landing) yet 'tis so,
God mov'd their hearts to what their wills said no.



85: But what I now shall witnesse will appear
Less disputable, sith it is so clear.
I saw bright Ph'bus with a chearful eye
Humbly salute his sacred Majesty,
His earnestness was such to kiss his hand,
90: As Monk his own self could not him withstand,
True 'tis the great Commander did desire,
To keep him off, but he grew hot as fire
By the repulse; he would not be said no;
For why? he knew't his duty to do so:
95: And therefore he this took so much amiss,
As when Monk bow'd his Soveraigns hand to kiss;
He in revenge of th' offered disgrace
With red hot beames did fly into his face,
But when as Ph'bus saw 'twas Monk did stand
100: Between them, he was friends and kiss'd his hand
Even as he did his sacred Majesties:
More needs not here, few words are best to th' wise.



But then how joyfull the good Generall was
To see his Soveraign in so good a Case,
105: Cheerefull, and well arriv'd; without control
It cannot be express'd by any Soul,
Surely his heart did in his body daunce
To a great hight, even in the sight of France.
The sight of France which truly I do know
110: Unto my King obedience to owe,
Make, make them pay't, O mighty Man of war,
The name of Moncks enough all France to scare,
Thou that has here three Nations conquer'd soon,
Surely may'st a le mode quick conquer one;
115: And do thou banish those base Knaves from thence
Who banish'd CHARLES, what e're was their pretence.
Encrease of honor shall thy Temples Crown,
And Albemarle be ever in renown.


Befool'd and Mazerin'd France repent, repent,
120: Who twice did'st send our Prince to banishment,
Our Ph'nix Prince extracted from the summe
Of the bless'ed ashes of true Martyrdome;
By my consent thy Antick modes wee'l banish,
And drink no other wine but what is Spanish.
125: Nor will we though some Prote'stants now stick
To love the faithfull Spanish Catholick,
For their great Charity did reach from Spaine
Past Faith and Hope, ev'en unto Charls his waine;
Heav'n notice takes thereof, and hath set down
130: So good a worke, and ecchos its renowne.



Would GOD I had the whole world in a string
That I might now present it to my King,
Yet had I so I really believe
Like Alexander, I should sadly grieve
135: Because there were no more worlds, whereof I
Might make a present to his Majesty.
Ah! how it sadds me that it should be true
Some yet should thinke much to pay him his due,
When all they have too little for him is.
140: For they being Traytors all they have is his,
'Tis his by right, what ever they possesse,
And all true Cavalleers beleive no lesse.



Brave Cavalleers, the expectations which,
At your Kings landing did your hearts enrich:
145: And the great hopes and joyes you did surround,
I'l leave it unto Fame her self to sound;
Who commonly although she do report
Actions at large, in this she must come short.
For let her speak the utmost that she can,
150: She can't speak out 30 the thoughts of many a man,
Who thither came; nor more than she can mine,
Whose heart to him 'bove Ela doth incline.
Heav'n knows my heart, He knows I wish t'endear Him,
So much to me, as he might place me near Him;
155: Then should I think my self with God to be,
For where King CHARLS is, sure enough is He.



From Dover my dear Prince of high renown
Was pleas'd to bend his march to Barham Down,
Attended by a noble train of those,
160: Whose chief delight themselves was to expose
To any danger, or do any thing,
Werein they might shew duty to their King,
Some of them were of that same golden number
Who many nights did neither sleep, nor slumber,
165: For very grief ofs Majesty's hard case,
To think how he from's Kingdomes banish'd was,
And they together with him, and the reason
Forsooth must be cause he committed Treason;
A King act Treason? Ye why not? just so
170: Heav'n may turne Traytor to the Earth below,
Divinity it selfe accused be
For strange Rebellion 'gainst Humanity,
This this a lass was the pretented cause,
But sure it is that the intended was
175: Unto this cursed end, that they themselves
Who banish'd him (Hobgoblings, Furies, Elves,)
Might play their frantick tricks, and daunce the rounds
Whilst He was sure enough without their bounds:
And that they might his Treasure, and his Lands
180: His Forts and castles keep in their own hands.
Lord God of Heav'n, was ever the like known,
As what hath been in this age of our own?
Let all the Histories are penn'd be view'd,
If one can match our case, I will be Hugh'd,
185: And with old Oliver, and Bradshaw dwell,
And I do think I had as good b'in Hell.



But stay in following these wee'r gon so far!
Out of the way, as lets see where we are,
(The Lord have mercy on us) Hell well nigh,
190: Where Oliver and Bradshaw I espie,
And Hugh likewise, O how my heart doth burne
Into the way I stray'd from, to returne.
My meaning is toward Barham Down, where I
With mine own eyes beheld his Majesty,
195: In tranced I did see this blessed sight.
When Paul-like I was ravish't with delight,
At his right hand the Duke of York did ride,
And Gloster Duke close by his brothers side,
(Brave Souls! whose fame surmounted hath the Stars
200: As they have Merc'ry, and the God of wars.)
At's left great Monck with reverence did attend him,
And ready was, and willing to defend Him
If any need had been, but there was none,
Charls had been safe, had he been here alone.



205: But O how many Noble soules were there,
To see their long'd for Sun, shine in his sphere,
And the bright morning Star which did fore run
The faire, and glorious rising of that Sun
Leading wise men unto their King, good Lord
210: Thou knowest, who there thy presence did'st afford!
This, This was at sweet Barham Down, the Downe
Which after times shall er'e have in renown:
It will not need be now for me to say
That here 'twas C'sar did his Host array,
215: Tush, this is nothing to the glory which
Our King bestowed, 31 whose sight did it enrich,
For why? hereof great Barham Down since boasts
When CHARLS was there, were many Lords of Hosts.



Rejoice ye men of Barham for the honour
220: Your King, and Nobles then bestow'd upon Her,
For here the Royall meeting was, 'twas here
Where a God did in humane shape appeare,
And reconcile himself to man'y of those
Who had of late been his degenerate foes:
225: Five thousand and six hundred years and more
By seaven it is (I surely know) before
The world was made, since which there hath not been
Any Sight here so glorious to be seen;
Great King I thank thee, cause Thou did'st appear,
230: And honour that same place which I live near.


Wellcome great Prince, whose presence now we see
Makes us once more good Christians to be,
Alas! before unto us thou did'st come,
'Tis said we were no part of Christendome;
235: Thou hast R'eligion raysed, Gods faire daughter,
Of which most talk'd of, though but few sought after:
We fore thy coming could not find her out
Shee was so fouly mangled by the rout,
And in a monstrous hurry (O sad story;)
240: Was made away with by the Directory
In a Scotch mist, and buried in the City
Of factious London, ah the mores the pitty!



Welcome great Prince, and all thy Sujects Royall
Who are come with Thee, and continu'd loyall;
245: Our sin the cause was that ye banish'd were,
For we, alas! mov'd too much out of square,
And now good Prince wee'l mend our lives by
You b'ing a sacred Pattern shall be mine,
Such had been great King David, and his son Thine,
250: Had both their vertues in one current run
Unmixt with vice; and such had Adam been
Had He held out a stranger unto sin.


Thrice welcome great Prince to thy Kingdomes three,
Whose whole Well-being rests so much in thee;
255: Thou are beloved both of God and man,
To this both heav'n and earth bear witness can;
And sith that thy great GOD, who is the King
Of Kings and Lords, who ruleth every thing,
Loves thee so well, and makes all hearts to love thee,
260: And hath plac'd none except himself above thee.
Surely we honour ought thy sacred name,
And to the throne of Jove extoll thy Fame
Make thee our Center, and draw every line
Of love unto it, 'cause thou art divine. 32



265: You are divine, and in you is the sum
Of all that's good in Kings through Christendom,
The several vertues which do make them be
Accounted royal, all abound in Thee
Unmixed with their vices: Your heart wears
270: The Spanish wisdome, but its pride forbears,
The French activity you own and love,
But of their fickleness do not approve.
The like may said be of the rest, but I
Cannot delineate the Cosmography
275: Of your endowments, which such are, that all
May you le Grand Charls, & le boon Charls call.
Round Hypocrites themselves this truth confess
In heart, what ere their lying tongues express.



You are divine, and all your words are true
280: As Oracles, your actions Lawes renew;
Your Prudence, and your valor both excel,
And Temperance and Justice in you dwell;
Your other vertues, too, so many are
That they the stars surpass in number far:
285: And true 'tis I the Stars do finite know
To be; but, Sir, your vertues are not so.
May King and Angels on you wait, all who
Highly admire your words and actions too.



You are divine above all earthly things,
290: Descended from more then a hundred Kings,
Hence in your veins, the quintessence doth flow
Of the best blood of all the gods below.
You are divine much after Gods own heart,
To whom he hath vouchsafed to impart
295: So many special graces, as if He
Had you intended a Monopoly.
You are divine, intuitively such
As from Gods Angel doth not differ much,
Whereby you in your self a Council are,
300: Such as excells all earthly Councils far.
You are divine, and on you all may see
(Who are not blind) such beams of Majesty
Darted from Heaven, as do plainly make
You of Gods image royal to partake.
305: You are divine, and only him are under
Who made of noth', and fills the world with wonder.
Princely's your port! Imperial is your face!
Sacred your eyes, and heav'nly is your Grace!
You are divine by Father and by Mother,
310: A pair, such as the world cann't shew another:
He the worlds mirror is, and so is she,
The like are you unto Eternity.
Pardon great Prince this my attempt to speak
Of your perfections since my skills so weak
315: That it of them (alas!) comes shorter far
Then th' earth is distant from a fixed star.
And O dear Mary, mother of my King,
And God, pray speak my pardon for this thing.
(Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord with thee
320: Be with, thou amongst women blessed be;
And blessed be the fruit of thy chast womb,
The King of Triumphs, Heir of Martyrdome,
Thus royal souls do pray with one accord
Through Jesus CHRIST our only saving Lord.) 33


[25] barbarous] barbarons O


[27] reverently] revetently O

[28] twenty] twenthy O


[30] out] ont O

[31] bestowed] ms bestow'd in O

[32] divine.] divine O and CH

[33] no closing parenthesis in O or CH

LIB. 3.


Now call I Heav'n above, and Earth below
To witness whether I say truth or no;
Before our Kings return many 34 soar neck
Was vex't with tumors, which no Art could check,
5: Which he hath cured, even with a touch,
Nol or the Rump could not do half so much.
The cures they did, they did them with a string,
With Sword and Pistol, or with some such thing.
They kill'd, not cur'd; they saved never an One,
10: CHARLS cureth many, but he killeth none:
His very presence only hath abated,
O're three whole Nations swellings so dilated,
As some thought them incurable, and I
Know that the cure for man was much too high.
15: All yea that scruple to believe, untill
Your sight convince your Reason 'gainst your will,
Go see your King do things all sence above,
And tell me then if that your hearts don't move
Kingward, and whether you not think that He
20: Participates much of Divinity.
For my part I believe he doth, and why?
Behold! he acteth things for man too high!
I never yet could any reason see
For these his cures, most wonderfull to me,
25: The more I do admire them, I the more
Admire, and still admiring nere give o're.



Great King, before You came, we had threeskore
Vice-Royes to king it over us, nay more,
God knows how many, yea our servants all
30: Our rebell Masters were both great and small.
Did not we do what they would have us then,
The Table's turn'd, we must turn Servingmen,
And wait their worships pleasures: O rare chang!
When all things did thus arsie versie range:
35: And little better with us, 'twould have been,
Had the wolf chanc'd to rule in the Lambs skin.



Now to the end that aftertimes may know
As we do (to our cost) and shun the woe,
To have a Church and State (alack!) without
40: A Head and Guide, I here have set ours out
In part, as it was lately; ah how then
Transcendent were the sins of our Church-men!
Even so as that Hyperboles most high
Too weak are to express their summity!
45: Ye Myter'd Angels, and ye Priests divine
Did not unto their drying sins encline.
'Twas ye Geneva Bulls were much to blame,
Yea wild, and some doubt, ye are scarce yet tame,
So as ye will to woolfs and foxes be
50: Joyn'd rather, then unto the Hierarchy,
And first make choice of any Jack to raign
Then your own King, if he sit not your vein:
And O how strongly are ye bent to be
Each one of you that in Epitomy
55: You can't at large; and make your fingers small
More heavy than the loins of Bishops all!
This is so true as none may doubt of this
Hypotyposial Periphrasis.
Your crimes are such as have ascended to
60: That place to which scarce Anti-Kings will go
And they who th'Heavenly Hierarchy can't ever
Endure; amongst the Angels dwell may never,
As some do think: who do in Heaven prove
Order to be, as well as joy and love.
65: Sure there is order there and Monarchy,
Or else no place 'twere for a Diety.
And is this so? O then let Earth resign
Its model, to Heav'ns pattern most divine.
And my dear Prince sith you intend to raign
70: In wished for Peace, order in Church maintain.
Now by your leave, I will proceed, and say
Lately in what confusion we lay.



Before you came, alas! both Church and State
Were in condition most disconsolate,
75: Our learn'd and best Divines they were put out,
And Weather-cocks put in, which turn'd about
Nol-wards or Rump-wards, they not car'd which,
So that the wind which blew did them enrich:
The Lord forgive them, how was't in their mind
80: Instantly to embrace each rising wind!
They preach'd what they themselves did not believe,
And like old Hugh each one laught in his sleeve
At their deluded Auditors to see
What fools they were, and would so cheated be.
85: And this to the end they might more slily do,
Extreamly long they pray'd, and preached too,
So as they wearied God himself thereby,
Who hated their prolix hypocrisie:
Treason and Nonsence were the usual flowers
90: Wherewith they grac'd their sermons of two hours
Too long, alas! no loyal Subject could
Hear them with patience, so blaspheme they would
God and their King; one would have thought the devil
Had spoken in them, or some spirit evil.
95: The Sacraments that are the bonds of Peace
They would not give, lest unity should encrease,
Whereby men might agree in one, and bring
Him home, whom they had long preach'd down, their King.
The Churches stones somtimes to weep were seen,
100: Whil'st in their presence these things preach'd had been,
And I am sure so fretted was old Paul,
In the mean while, as he was like to fall;
And God himself being angry, his wrath burn'd,
And hath them now out of their Pulpits turn'd,
105: And O how justly! for as sure as Gun
Would them uphold, this commonly was done.



Before you came our Nations were a Jail,
A headless Monster, with a Nose and Tail,
A hellish Bedlam without any light,
110: Oceana like, a sensless Babel right;
A second Chaos more difform by far
Than was the first, for now did meet and jar
The seeds of all Antipathies together,
And in a most unnatural War persever.
115: The wrangling Elements did struggle all
Like scolds a Billinsgate in a'fierce 35 brawl,
And we like Moles, did in the darknes live,
No Sun, or Stars to us the light did give:
And whilst we thus were mufled up with woe,
120: O dismall case! few knew that they were so
(That sickness is most probable to kill
That doth not let the Patient know He's ill;)
Alas! this sickness did the heart oppresse,
Yet in most danger still we fear'd the lesee:
125: Whilst our State-mountebanks gave hopes and said,
All's well no doubt, you need not be affray'd,
In the meane while, lo! they such Physick gave
As might prolonge the Cure, but would not save;
And then they did administer most strong
130: And violent purges, which wrought over long;
And when they saw these did not do that good
They did expect, they fell to letting blood
Ev'n the Basilick veine, and let it run
Until Death had their Patients seized on,
135: O times! O madness this was our sad case
Whilst the proud heeles usurped the heads place.

V. [sic

Sir 'fore you came, our Lawes (O horrid!) stood
Like Draco's ah! all turned into blood,
And our choice Rights were not disputed, but
140: Like to the Gourdian knot asunder cut,
Or else blown up with Gunpowder; and which
Is more; such cruelty did then bewitch
Our new fleg'd Tyrants, that they burdens lay'd
Too heavy on us, yet storm'd when we pray'd
145: For our deliverance; ready to give o're,
If we cry'd out, then they would load us more;
And when our backs, and sinewes all were strayed,
They would but jeer us and give out we feign'd.



Nor were these all the mischiefs we endured,
150: And with which we a long time were enured
During your absence, Sir alas! no soul
Can set them out they were so sad and foule.
Worse then the Plagues of 'gypt they sent out
Strange Caterpillars, their own rabble rout,
155: Their Myrmidons, and Furies came to fear us;
Their Teazers, and their Bloodhounds came to tear us.
The Centaures, Nemesis, and Atropos,
Came rushing in with 'acus, and Abros,
Minos and Rhadamanthus thos dire brothers 36
160: Brought with them Proserpin and many others;
Sphynx, and the Satyrs with Medusa came,
The Minotaures and Gorgons did the same:
Ev'n Cerberus himselfe was now let loose,
With the huge monstrous Gyantbold Typheus,
165: And the damn'd bratts of Acheron and Nox.
Together with them brought Pandora's boxe,
And 'tna's 37 daughter, men in shew divine
With hellish Charmes turn'd into monstrous swine:
'ello, Cel'no and Ocypete
170: Com in to help fill up the Tragedy
And that which added most unto our doom
Was that old Nic himselfe did also come!
This was our Case, and ten times worse, Great King,
Before you came; but now there's no such thing.



175: But what must we be called all this while?
Forsooth a Commonwealth; a goodly stile!
But certainly it was a common woe,
The Lord of heaven knew it to be so:
Where Traytors even such as were of old
180: A Metempsuchosis did now unfold;
For Cain, and Iudas with proud Catiline
Returned were in vizards most divine,
Cruel Procrustes with Tiberius Nero,
Busiris, Phalaris, and Biberius Mero:
185: Besides th' Athenian tender hearted crew
Did Rumpishly our miseries renew.
Ah! such strange Monsters as now in our Isle
Reign'd; ne're wer seen in Africk, Inde, or Nile,
Where to the making up our English Saints
190: The Infidel, Turkes, 38 Iews, and Sycophants,
The subtle Foxe, the Panther, and Hiena,
The Hydra, Crocodile, and Amphisbena,
The Mermaydes, Tygres, and the Scorpion
Did all most divelishly concur in one.
195: Religion these did look on as a bable,
And GODS own sacred word as a mere fable:
How many thousand souls were heretofore,
And ere the world doth end how many more
(Yet still before their grand cheats, they would fast,
200: And pray and preach unto the very last.)
Will be betrayed by the great abuse
Of that word which is of most Soveraign use;
And though Religion have been made a bawd
To Pride, Ambition, Avarice, and Frawd,
205: A stirrop to get up to Kingly power,
A lather to ascend rich Cr'sus Tower,
And though that under neath its mask some have
Been naught, and vile, and often play'd the Knave.
Yet 'tis impossible for any one
210: To clime to Heaven without Religion.
Laverniones now regarded were,
But few did to Apollo honour bear,
For by Bellona Themis banished was,
Astr'a, and Minerva in like case;
215: Mnemosyne of small account was deem'd,
And all the nine as little were esteem'd,
Witnesse thee Clio, and Melpomene,
Euterpe, Thalia, Calliope,
And thou Terpsichore, and Erato,
220: Polymnia, and bright Vrania too;
Oxford and Cambridge also witnesse may
This for a need no more belov'd then they;
And our Metropolis can likewise show
This truth, from whence much of our wos did flow,
225: Where some with rampant Liberty grew mad,
And Parl'aments without their Head as bad,
Where Crosse, and Harpe in the Rumps breaches joyn'd
With God without them, you might ever find:
Where our Protectors 39 Rebels did protect,
230: But loyall Subjects kill, or else reject,
Where Councils (such of safety men did call)
Made it their common course us to enthrall:
Keepers of Liberty did helpe t'enslave
Three Nations, and brought them to their grave;
235: If this a Commonwealth were, surely Hell
A Common wealth may styled be as well.



Ah in thy 40 absence we did God forsake
And had got near unto Avernus lake,
'Tis thou hast brought us back again, who feare
240: Shoul'd thou not stay, we should be as we were;
And that full soone, and altogether by
The eares; sure such would be our destiny!
Like damn'd Enceladus the Rump once more
Would vent its flames out as it did before;
245: And what is it John Lambert would no do
To drive his ends, though he to Hell might go?
Coblings and Elves, and Furies then would dance
And lead the female Quakers in a Trance,
And the new Lights would rise th' old to Eclipse,
250: And she Fanaticks roundly will-E-wipse.
Nay which is more then this! tis thought by some
(And so thinke I) Pluto again would come
And act his old scene o're, and a worse too,
If Hugh, and Hee could possibly it do,
255: Together with their black Crew, for tis said
They have a mind to 't, and the plot is laid.



Now enter Hugh, the bellowes of our evil,
An instrument most fitting for the Devil,
Thou Tumbler, Lurcher, and Virtumnian spawne,
260: Thou Traytrous Mountback, fit to be drawn
Hanged, and quarter'd, and thy limbs on high
Set up, Rebellious souls to terrifie.
Amphibious Villain! I no words can find
Which can set out thy salfe, and double minde
265: Art Thou not Hugh that Hocus Pocus which
Rack'd Hell, and skim'd Don Dis thy self t'enrich
That linsy woolsy sacred Dragoneer,
Who in sheeps clothing foremost did'st appear
Against thy king, and first gave fire? (most High,
270: So doing did he not at thee let fly
His damned shot? yes surely that he did;
For thine Annointed in thy self was hid.)
Though cruel wolfe that washt thy impious pawes
In Soveraigne blood in spight of holy Lawes,
275: Or of the Lord himself? who did command
That thou shouldst honor, but him not withstand:
Art Thou not He! who wouldst no Colledge have?
Cause thence thou wert expelled like a knave,
And the Towers Records greatly did'st desire
280: To see translated into flames of fire:
Withall advise that some would Pauls confound
(Even rev'rend Pauls) and raze it to the ground:
And then pave Thamesstrete with its (sacred) stones,
Which, since their wicked motion, have their groans
285: Sent up to Heav'n, and brought down on thy head
Gods Vengeance, which will shortly strik thee dead.
O hellish Monster who hast been most vile,
Murdering one Father, th' other in exile
Laboring with all thy Power to send, ev'n thine
290: Own Countries Father, gracious, and 41 divine;
And likewise hast been so extreamly base,
As to throw dirt in thine own Mothers face,
And oft to stumble at a straw, wert seen,
But high, and mighty blocks leap over cleane, 42
295: To straine much at a gnat, (O tender soul)
Yet easily devoure a Camel 43 whole: 44
Church Ceremonies thou could'st not indure,
And yet thou mad'st it nothing to inure
Thy self to an offence dark and uncleane
300: As Witchcraft; damn'd Rebellion I meane,
Rebellion, that fowle, and 45 filthy sin
Which thy black soul deepely was bathed in.)
Thou cry'dst 'gainst Bishops, why was all thy moan,
They Anti-christian were cause Thou wast none:
305: The Hierarchy must alltogether down
In policy thence to supplant the Crown;
For there's no greater Truth in any thing,
Then this tryed rule, no Bishop, and no King.
Art thou not Hee? who under the pretence
310: Of Piety, helpt banish it, from hence:
And like a Player in the Pulpit shew'd
Thy canting tricks, ah, how most vile. and lewd!
Thundring out Providence a Prologue to
Some horrid act thou wert about to do.
315: And wonderfully swallow down thy throate
Engagments, Oathes, and Cov'nants, & what not?
With as much ease as Iuglers do their Knives,
Or thou embracedst Zealous loveing wives,
Of some strange lightning which the blade doth melt
320: Within the Sheath, whilest that no scorching felt.
Art thou not Hee? that did'st lead out o'th way
The fervent Sisters, both by night, and day,
Ev'n when they came to hear thee pray, and preach
Thou did'st designe them then, to over reach:
325: Oh! how lascivious was thy intent
Let Sinners judge of the long Parliament:
I hope they n'ere may hear you any more,
Nor the stout butcher beat you out o'th dore.
Art thou not Hee? who with thy cunning pate
330: Emptyedst the weaker vessells of their Plate,
And when thou mad'st most shew to seek the Lord
Thou then most playd'st the Devill under bord.
Thimbles, and Bodkins, 46 Jewells, and the like,
Made them their Husbands with the scabbard strik;
335: Thou haveing drawn the sword: O mighty man
Of war what flesh could once withstand Thee then,
In those thy Rampant dayes, when women rose
Betimes, resolved to be led by th' Nose
By a seducing Sophister, whose end
340: To lust, gain, and Rebellion did tend.
In these thy summum bonum thou did'st place
Grand Hypocrite, even when thy Text was Grace:
Bible, as well as Alcoran might burn 47
Alike for Thee, when thou had'st serv'd thy turn,
345: Thou Boanerges, Fire brand, Chaplain fell
Most fit for Nol, and for the Devil in Hell.



But stay how now, Nol, and the Devil here
I find conjoyn'd, as they at Wor'ster were,
And know not well how I shall part them, so
350: For ought I see they must together go:
O may they never more return, least they
Should joine with new lights, and renew the fray,
And like so many Iacks 48 with lanthornes blaze,
And madmen make and fools lead Lamberts maze,
355: Whereby a Monk may needfull be once more
To fright away the Spirits as before,
And mystically set them such a spell,
As Heav'n alone could his good meaning tell,
Georg the Great Arbiter of three whole Nations,
360: O're threw the Dragon to our admirations,
And many a woodcock took in his dark net,
Which he to th' purpose for Iohn Lambert set
'Mongst many there; but O behold th'event
Both strange, and true, Jack in a box was pent.



365: What oracle that e'r was heard of vented
Such dextrous language as George complemented?
'Tis well that He himself knew what it ment
Before the Posts, and chains did give it vent,
How strang a Card to the Rebellious Rump,
370: And its well wishers did He turn up Trump,
Who in a Northern mist white powder shot,
Which scatter'd all his foes, yet sounded not.
George on his horse, scarce seen, nor understood,
Did conjure out of evil what is good,
375: Good for the King, and Kingdoms, and for All
Who date their rising from grand Rebells fall.



The Dragon being conquer'd, and his Tayle
Pickled in souse: whilst Fooles did it bewayle,
George, and his Boyes, O rare! the Rump did rost
380: By such a fire, as was unseen by most,
And unfelt too, till they the sauce did make
And the true Members did their Places take,
Who did assess what reck'ning should be pay'd
By those who had so many soules betray'd.



385: And now Iohn Lambert tell me what that trick
Avayled thee, thou served'st honest Dick?
In Him perswading timely to resigne
His usurp'd place, that so it might be thine.
And Dick where art thou now, (old Noll his son)
390: Who Whilome had'st so many Healths begun
Unto thy Fathers Landlord? (if thou be
Esteemed, or not, it shall not trouble me:) 49
I never was thy favorite, nor his
Nor the Rumps lover, (hang him up that is.)
395: And whats become of all that perjured fry
That vow'd to God with thee to live, and die?
They may one part keep of their vow, but when
They'l keep it all, we shall see wonders then.
Surely they with the New lights vanish'd be,
400: For I not any one of them can see;
I hope they ne're will come again to cause
Fooles wander from their God, and from their Laws,
Nor Monk occasion when they go astray,
To bring them back into the Kings high way,



405: Now thankes to thee good Monk, to whom God gave
A large Commission, Nations to save,
And Liberty to weare wise Gyges ring
To the advantage of thy Self, and King,
With strength to vanquish that Chim'ra which
410: Had join'd 50 with Mars three Nations to bewitch;
Thou like God Janus truly hast divin'd,
Looking not only 'fore thee, but behind;
And beyond Argus such watch still did'st keep
As that no Mercury could make thee sleep.
415: 'Twas thou who stoutly (maugre all thy Foes)
With burning Tongs held'st Cromwel by the Nose,
And when as Atlas shoulders did incline,
Thou then all Britane did'st uphold with thine.
Monk! thou great Monk!! whose worth a lone out spells
420: And weighs down all the Monks in Roomes proud Cells.
Prounc'd I Monk? Why? then the man I a nam'd
Who by a word both Land, and Sea new fram'd.
Made the round world looke square, & 51 out of might
Extracted Day, out of Chaos Light:
425: I challeng all the Heathen Gods to one
To do the like as mighty Monk hath done.
The Name alone of Monk did conquer more
Then all the Guns in sev'rall years before,
No Canon sounded like the Name of Monk,
430: At whose report Lambert his hornes in shrunk,
And the scar'd Rumpers fowly did bewray
Their seats, and so most sweetly run away.
And now I hope we may good times regaine,
For now (the LORD be prays'd) my CHARLS doth raigne:
435: Well may he long do so, to his content,
And live our KING, our Lawes, and PARLAMENT.


ANd now great JOVE my thanks accept I pray,
For bringing me thus forward on my way.
Unto my KING, in sounding his renowne
440: Whose Triumphs blest Eternity will Crowne,
Momus himself must needs, be strucken dumb
Now CHARLS, (next under GODS,) his Kingdomes come.
His Kingdomes come, and happy will be they
Who fear their GOD, and do their KING obey.

Iune 1660.

[34] many] mnay O

[35] a'fierce] a'fierie O; ms correction in O

[36] Minos and Rhadamanthus thos dire brothers] Minos and those dire brothers, Rhadamanthus O, CH; corrected in ms O, CH

[37] 'tna's] 'ta's O

[38] Turkes] Tnrkes O

[39] Protectors] Prorectors O

[40] thy] my O; ms correction O

[41] and] aud O, CH

[42] Proverbial: "To stuble at a straw and leap over a block" (Tilley S922), to worry about small matters while accepting enormous injustices. To be found in Howell's Proverbs; so too the next proverb in lines 295-96, suggesting that Oxenden may have been using it.

[43] Camel] Gamel O

[44] Proverbial: "To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" (Tilley G150) from Christ's accusation of the pharisees (Matt. xxiii 24): to punish small offenses while letting great crimes go unpunished.

[45] and] aud O, CH

[46] Bodkins,] Bodkinss O

[47] might burn] mightb urn O

[48] Iacks] Iack O, CH; ms corrected in both

[49] no close parenthesis O or CH

[50] join'd] joined O, CH; corrected in ms in both

[51] &] added in ms O

Walter Charleton
verses in
An Imperfect Pourtraicture
7 March, 1661

   Title: AN IMPERFECT / POURTRAICTURE / OF HIS / SACRED MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / BY THE GRACE OF GOD / KING / Of Great BRITAIN, FRANCE, and IRELAND, / Defender of the Faith, &c. / Written by a Loyal Subject, who most / Religiously affirms, / Se non diversas spes, sed incolumitatem / C'saris simpliciter spectare. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the Sign of the An- / chor in the Lower Walk of the New-Exchange. 1661.

   Walter Charleton (1619-1707) was born in Somerset, entering Magdalen Hall, Oxford in 1635. In 1643, aged only 24, he was made M. D. and appointed physician to Charles I, whose court was then at Oxford. In 1650 he moved to London, was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians and made physician to the exiled king. During the decade before the Restoration he wrote ten weighty books on medical and philosophical subjects, composing another eighteen before his death. He was an original Fellow of the Royal Society. His best known work is probably Chorea Gigantum (1663), arguing that Stonehenge was built by the Danes as a place to crown kings.

   An Imperfect Pourtraicture is a prose tract that flatteringly attributes numerous virtues to the new king. It includes the following verses in Latin with English translations. The first set are attributed to Horace:

... what Horace said to Augustus C'sar, is more due to His MAJESTY,
Instar veris enim, vultus ubi Tuus
Assulsit, populo gratior it dies,
Et soles melius nitent.

The Lustre of His Royal sight
Makes the day passe with more delight,
And Suns to shine more bright. [p. 10]

   Later, regarding how much Charles has achieved in the first nine months of his reign, Charleton gives us:

Jam fides, et Pax, et Honor, Pudorque
Priscus, et neglecta redire Virtus
Audet, apparetque beata pleno
Copia cornu.

Now Faith, and Peace, and Shame begin
To rise again, as from the dead:
Now antient Virtue dares come in,
And shew her long-neglected head:
And blessed Plenty, with her load,
Appears abroad. [p. 20]


   He is, moreover, a KING of so Mild, and withall so Great a Spirit, that His Severity (if He hath any) is conceal'd, but Clemency visible to all. (p. 10)

Isaac Walton
An humble Eglog
Henry Brome

On the Kings Return

   Titlepage: SONGS / AND OTHER / POEMS. / [rule] / BY / ALEX. BROME, / GENT. / Dixero siquid jocosius, hoc mihi juris / Cum Venia dabis -- -- Hor. I. Sat. 4. / [rule] / [crown] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane. 1661. /

   Although both these verses take the events of May 1660 as their subject, I have not found them in print before Brome's Poems of 1661, and have placed them here to illustrate how such effusions were continuing to appear long after their immediate moment had passed. Brome's song was among the most popular of the year, it would seem, so its late appearance in print suggests something of poetic endurance.

To my ingenious Friend Mr. Brome,
on his various and excellent Poems:
An humble Eglog.

Daman and Dorus.

Written the 29. of May, 1660.

Hail happy day! Dorus, sit down:
Now let no sigh, nor let a frown
Lodge near thy heart, or on thy brow.
The King! the King's return'd! and now
5: Lets banish all sad thoughts, and sing
We have our lawes, and have our King.


Tis true and I wood sing, but oh!
These wars have shrunk my heart so low
Twill not be rais'd.


What not this day?
10: Why tis the twenty ninth of May:
Let Rebels spirits sink: let those
That like the Goths and Vandals rose
To ruine families, and bring
Contempt upon our Church, our King,
15: And all that's dear to us, be sad;
But be not thou, let us be glad.
And Dorus, to invite thee, look
Here's a Collection in this book
Of all those chearfull songs, that we
Have sung with mirth and merry-gle:
As we have march'd to fight the cause
Of Gods anoynted, and our lawes:
Such songs as make not the least ods
Betwixt us mortals and the Gods:
Such songs as Virgins need not fear
To sing, or a grave Matron hear.
Here's love drest neat, and chast, and gay
As gardens in the month of May;
Here's harmony, and wit, and art,
To raise thy thoughts, and chear thy heart.


Written by whom?

A friend of mine,
And one that's worthy to be thine:
A Civil swain, that knowes his times
For businesses, and that done, makes rimes;
But not till then: my Friends a man
Lov'd by the Muses; dear to Pan;
He blest him with a chearfull heart:
And they with his sharp wit and art,
Which he so tempers, as no Swain,
That's loyal, does or shou'd complain.


I woo'd fain see him:

Go with me.

To yonder broad beech tree,
There we shall meet him and Phillis,
Perrigot, and Amaryllis,
45: Tyterus, and his dear Clora,
Tom, and Will, and their Pastora:
There we'l dance, shake hands and sing,
We have our Lawes,

God bless the King.
Iz. Walton.


On the Kings returne.

LOng have we waited for a happy End
Of all our miseries and strife;
But still in vain the Swordmen did intend,
To make them hold for tearm of Life.
5: That our distempers might be made,
Their everlasting lively-hood and trade.


They entayle their Swords and Guns,
And pay, which wounded more;
Upon their Daughters and their Sons,
Thereby to keep us ever poor.


And when the Civil wars were past
They civil Government envade;
To make our taxes, and our slavery last,
Both to their titles, and their trade.


15: But now we are redeem'd from all,
By our Indulgent King;
Whose coming does prevent our fall,
With loyal and with joyful hearts we'l sing.


Welcome, welcome royal May,
20: Welcome long desired Spring,
Many springs and Mays we've seen
Have brought forth what's gay and green.
But none is like this glorious day
Which brings forth our Gracious King.


Cedrus Britanica

   Titlepage: CEDRUS BRITANICA / ET / LAURUS REGIA / SIVE / REX & CORONOA / A / POETICAL HEXAMERON. / Shewing, / 1. The Invention,} / 2. The Distinction,} / 3. The Designation,} / 4. The Necessity, } / 5. The Dignity,} / 6. The Perpetuity.} / [parallel to long bracket} Of Crownes. / [design: angels hold rose and thistle] / Printed, Anno Dom. 1660.

   Undated, but included here for its anticipation of the Coronation.

   Echoes of Herbert in the final verses anxiously awaiting the coronation; and possibly echoes of Marvell's "Garden" in lines 77-79?


Should Juno now (as once she did the 1 nine)
Perswade my Muse to chose a theam divine;
And dare, with the sweet Acheloiades
To sing a parode, till shee'd won the baies:
5: I'de wish her take no other theam then this,
Rex Coronatus, is a Kingdomes blisse.

Of the Invention of Crowns.

SUBTLE invention! pregnant growth of Arts!
Which mad'st the Crown of such admired parts;
And so stupendious, that 'tis hard to tell
10: Whether thou shewdst an art or miracle.
Man held the pencill, thou didst guide the hand:
His was the motion, but thine the command.
What e're of solid matter fram'd we see,
Was immaterially first wrought by thee.
Invention made the Artist merit fame:
She did the work, though he hath got the name.
Who e're it was, that found this royall art
Of making Crowns; he wisely did impart
His skill: Who would so rare an Art interre;
20: And make its womb to prove its Sepulchre?
Should not the fancy act by emanation,
An Art would prove a bodylesse Creation.
Th'idea of a Crown, that's forg'd and coyn'd
Only within the Mint-house of the mind,
25: Is little worth, unlesse it serves to be
Th'exemplar of some reall Entitie.
What honour is't to think on Crowns? since Clowns
May be Crown'd with imaginarie Crowns.
That must have reall worth, that's made to be
30: The greatest Emblem of Supremacie.
Here Art excell'd: the Crown she did ingage
To be the wonder of the golden Age.
'Tis soon resolv'd, whether more skill were shown
When Nature wrought the Gold, or Art the Crown.
35: Gold's but Mechanick trash that doth besmear
First the Refiner, then th'Artificer:
Nor is it fit for Crowns or Scepters, till
'Tis forg'd and furbisht by admired Skill.
Admired Skill! that makest Crowns to be
40: Like that Celestial-spangled Canopy,
So full of Diamonds; as if Art thence
Would cause not only light, but influence.
O rare invention! thou such Skill hast shown
In making, that thou best deserv'st the Crown.

Of the Distinction of Crowns.

45: Should Art, and Nature strive, and both disclose
Their Glory; that the Crown, and this the Rose:
The Rose no doubt would blush and shut her eyes,
As guilty of her own deformities:
Would throw her self, and all her beauty down
50: Before the golden splendor of the Crown.
Should Flora all the Glory of the Spring
Gather into one heap, and proudly bring
Her sweetest Flowrs forth; they were not meet
For Crowns, their beauty b'ing as short as sweet.
55: What though the Ancients us'd such toyes of old
For Crowns and Garlands; shall we now slight Gold?
Take all the Tulips, Roses, Lillies, Pines,
Pinkes, Poppies, Violets, and all that shines
Or casts a fragrant smell: Cut branches from
60: The Laurel, Myrtle, Olive, Ivy; some
Of these perhaps may please the wanton sense,
Yet not contain that worth and excellence,
That grace and beauty, which ('bove natures power)
Is wrought by Art in her transcendent flower.
65: Well then my Sophocles sit down; be still;
Make Crowns no more with his white Daffodill:
Sappho that famous Poetesse may now
Use Rubies 'stead of Roses: Juno's brow
May scorn the Lilly: may Diana be
70: Asham'd to wear a Crown of Myrtle tree.
Let sleeping Morpheus with his Poppy-crown
Dream ne're so much of flattering renown:
Let Meleager boast himself the man
That wore the Garland once Pancarpian:
75: Let Bacchus wear (who makes the Tun his Throne)
An Ivy Chaplet on his head, or none:
Let Gamesters strive, and think it great renown
To win the Olive, or the Laurell Crown:
But what's all this? let Natures Rosarie
80: Exhaust her richest Treasures, and out-vie
The Triumphs of those ancient Roman plaies,
Wherein the Victors wore victorious Baies:
Yet these, because they fade as fast as spring,
Are toyes and shadowes. Gold best Crowns a King.
85: Whose durable and glitt'ring matter speaks
A long and glorious reign: Whose substance breakes
Resisting metals: and whose worth and weight
Do argue weighty cares, in worthy might:
Whose All-commanding vertue lets us see
90: The power of an earthly Deitie:
Whose estimate above inferiour things
Showes what esteem is due to sacred Kings.
Gold then we see the chiefest Minerall,
Must needs be best to Crown a King withall.

Of the Designation of Crowns.

95: Crowns are for Kings, and Kings alone for Crowns:
When these two meet and joyn Rebellion frowns;
Dissention frets; and Treason stops her mouth;
The Monsters of a Kingdome lose their growth,
Go backward (that's their proper motion
To walke like Crabs kàé' à'vàãoëiâmov.) chk GK
Kings then have greatest honour, when they wear
That which commands the Subjects dread and fear.
The Motto of a Crown should alwayes be
Rex & Corona, joyn'd eternally.
105: Et, like a Gordian knot, should stand so stout
'Twixt both, that nought but death should cut it out.
For in the Union of those Delian-twins,
Concord in state, and Truth in Church begins.
Crown'd, is a concrete, proper unto none,
110: But those, whom right exalts unto the Throne.
Here Subjects are not Subjects, Kings must be
The only Subjects of this Propertie.
England hath oft been sick, but yet not dead;
Because she had a Crown to bind her head.
115: Preserve the head, wherein the senses lie,
And then no fear, the body cannot die.
Give that the Crown, and Diadem to boot:
Lesse pompous Ornaments will serve the foot.
It cannot be, but that a Kingdome reele,
120: Which takes her Crown, and wears it on her heele.
What e're is so preposterous as this
To order, carries a Antithesis.
Look round about, behold what Symmetrie,
And sweet convenience in the world we see:
125: Nature distributing her Gifts to all,
Keeps a proportion Geometricall.
And shall not man in imitation, thus
Observe a Prius and Posterius?
Should we not own some Pow'r imperiall,
130: The wild and savage beasts would shame us all:
For they consent the Lyon still should reign;
Because by nature made their Soveraign.
The Crown, which all admire, and some adore,
Is that, which none but high-born Princes wore.
135: The tallest branch upon that Royall stemme,
Is onely fit to wear the Diadem.
Should Peasants rule, and keep their Princes under, chk
'Twould put the seven wonders out of wonder.
Of all Monstrosities, not one like these
140: To see a Nation walk Antipodes;
To see the Sun devested of its light,
And made inferiour to the guide of night;
To see a Dunghill mounted to the Sky,
There plac't to be the Dayes illustrious Eye;
145: To see a Swine weare Jewels in his snout;
To see the Lillies cropt, whilst Briers sprout:
Yet these, and many more were found wrapt in
The late Apostrophe of Crown from King.
Crowns therefore are the great Prerogative
150: Of Sacred Kings: Flowers that will not thrive
Or grow on Sordid shrubs; but made to be
The highest Glory of the Cedar-tree.

Of the Necessity of Crowns.

155: When that the Sun shall cease to guide the day;
When Moon and Stars shall need no borrowed Ray:
When Kings and Government shall be no more;
Then Crownes shall cease as needlesse: not before.
The States (as Stars take from the Sun their light)
160: From Crowns receive both Majesty and might.
These only can the Kingdomes Peace defend
And make the sturdy'st Tyrants breake or bend:
These only can with their victorious Rayes,
Dispell our storms, and give us Halcyon-dayes.
165: When the late Crown did fall, such Tempests rose,
As if the Centre would it self disclose:
Such Hero-canes did then disturbe our ease,
As if Old-England were an Indies.
Cyclopian Darts did wound and kill so fast,
170: As if the World would then breath out its last.
It was an Age that well might weary out
The Cyclops, Vulcan, Mars, and all that rout.
The Sword struck off our head without controll,
And made the Palace like a Capitol.
175: And shall not future Ages weep the tale,
And story of that Monarchs Funerall?
There needs must follow darknesse, tumults, war,
When that the Sun became a falling Star.
'Twas then the Herses ran where e're they list
To fire the World, when their own guide was mist.
Posterity shall mourn to hear what fate
Hung o're this dolefull, this distrackted State.
But we may now rejoyce. There comes at last
A sweet forgetfulnesse of sorrowes past.
185: May that once Captive, now triumphant Crown
Conquer its foes, and throw Rebellion down;
Restore this Palsie-Nation to its health;
And Monarchy prefer to Common-wealth.
So shall we ever jo-p'ans sing,
190: And make the World with acclamations ring:
So shall our words with choicest accents be
Rais'd up to such Seraphick harmonie;
That ev'ry single Vowell shall rebound,
And like a Diphthong give a double sound;
195: Nothing shall passe out through our lips, that is
Not utter'd with a chearfull Emphasis.
Without the Crown all other things are toyes:
The crowning of the King crowns all our joyes.
O may it therefore never more be known
Our selves to want a King, our King a Crown.

Of the Dignity of Crowns.

Read over the Worlds Alphabet, the story
Of sage Antiquity: there't not that Glory
In all the Feats of Art, which here is shown
In this her Master-piece, the Royall Crown.
205: Those golden Apples, which brave Hercules
Took by his valour from th'Hesperides,
Were fair without, and beauteous to the Eye,
Whilst all within did rot and putrifie
The Golden Fleece, which Jason took such pain
210: To steale from Colchos, was but wooll in grain:
'Twere graines of Gold that made it such a peece,
B'ing first a Sheeps-skin, then a golden fleece.
The golden Crown hath more of worth then these,
Or any jewell from the Indian Seas.
215: It needs no varnish outwardly to hide
Its inward blemishes; it needs not pride
It self in painted showes; it needs no foile,
Unlesse it be its Diamonds to spoyle.
Which sparkling Gems, like eyes set round, do well
220: Denote a King the Kingdomes Sentinell;
Who with more care his Subjects fortifies,
Then Argus Io, with 2 his hundred eyes.
Its matter is by Chymists so refin'd,
The Quintessence is only left behind:
225: So strange and admirable is its frame,
The Artist scarce beleeves he made the same.
Who would to all its excellencies come,
Must with the golden number count their Summe.
Would'st in a word know what this Circlet is?
230: Thou canst not without a Periphrasis.
It doth in its Superlative degree,
Transcend the reach of an Hyperbole.
Ther's more contained in that one word, Crown;
Then ever was or fully can be known.
235: Crown'd, that's enough it self; there needs no more
Be said, to make the Subject to adore
His lawfull Prince; or make his Prince to be
Intitled to a just Supremacie.

Of the Perpetuity of Crowns.

If that an humble Verse could reach the Sky,
240: Or meter could mete out Eternity:
Then might perhaps to ev'ry eye be shown
The vastnesse of the Crowns duration.
Time may unglosse the Flourishes of Art,
But can't annihilate the smallest part
245: Of massie Gold. Crowns shall out-wrestle all;
Yea, time it self at last, and giv't the fall.
When these (like timely fruit from off the Tree)
Do fall away, they do not cease to be:
Nor shall they die at Natures Funerall,
250: But shall be chang'd, and made perpetuall.
O may Great Britains Monarch many yeares
Reign here below, and then above the Spheares:
And when these golden Shadowes all are gone,
May there for ever wear a reall Crown:
255: May, when his Princely Race is finisht here,
Passe from his own to Heavens Star-Chamber.
May factious Comets never more presage
To Peace a Period, Prince a Pilgrimage:
Till that time comes, when time it self shall die,
260: And shall lie buried in Eternity.


[1] the] he WF

[2] with] wih

An Ardent wish for the Coronation of his sa-
cred Majesty CHARLES II.

Are Crowns so usefull to maintain
The Peoples safety, Princes reign?
And made for none
But Kings alone?
5: Then why doth not that Royall head
With its own Crown (that is so dread)
It self adorn,
Since't must be worn?
Why do our greatest joyes come on
10: With such a slow gradation,
As if delay
Would bid us nay?
Why doth delay thus rack our hope,
Making us run beside the scope,
And happy end,
To which we tend?
Why don't our eyes behold and see
The joyfull'st Contiguitie
That e're was known
'Twixt head and Crown?
Come quickly then thou joyfull day,
Come swifter then a darted Ray
Out from the Sun
When clouds are gone.
25: Out-run our thoughts: with nimble speed
Anticipate the time decreed.
Let haste prepare
Against despair.
Our minds with expectation led
30: Would languish, if not pullyed
And still drawn up
With cords of hope.
And hope it self would fayle at last,
Should it not see that day make haste,
Which doth attend
It hoped end.
Lets wait a while. We shall ere long
Shut up all Sorrowes with a Song.
When Charles is crown'd
Joyes shal rebound.

[ornamental rule]
[ornamental rule]

T. H.
The Cavaliers Thanks-giving.
[11 April] 1661

   Thomason's date.

[ornamental header]

Our Royal King Charls the Second's come home in peace
God blesse his Royal Grace.
And grant that we may thankfull be
in our succeeding Race.
The mighty force, his enemies all,
God did them over Rule;
And called a small Army our of the North
that soon their force did quell.
Let men therefore before the lord
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders he hath wrought
before the Sons of men.
Gods children of the Church of England,
did weep with many a tear,
And sent strong prayer up to Heaven,
and God their voice did hear,
But would not grant them their request,
until his wisdom saw it good,
Then he restor'd most joyfully
the Race of Royal blood.
Let men therefore before the lord,
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the Sons of men.
King Charles the first, the gretest Martyr
that ever these Lands had bred,
The wicked Traytors and malicious men,
did take away his head.
Wise men and good did then fore-see
great wrong that they would do,
To all their neighbours everywhere
and to other Lands also.
Grave Reverend Bishops they disgraced,
and godly Doctors too,
They put them quite out of their place
and plundered them also.
The godly prayers of the Church of England,
they did soon put down,
And maintaind False teachers every where,
like Locusts on the ground,
And then they thought themselves most sure
Of Balaams wicked hire,
But the gates of Hell could not prevail
to set Gods Church a fire.
God will preserve his Church be sure, as he hath promise made
From lewd men and unjust,
If that we serve him faithfully,
and in him put our trust.
Let men therefore before the Lord
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Great spoyl these Traytors here did make,
in England every where,
The Scottish Lords could not abide
but came away with fear,
They plundred many, and sequestred
like Villains void of grace,
The English Lords and Gentlemen,
were forct our of their place.
Stately homes and Castles strong
were pull'd down to the fround,
They were forced for to fly
with their true heart so sound.
Their loyal hearts God did regard
which they to the King did bear,
And at the last God brought him home again
to live in love without fear,
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confess his goodness then,
And shew his kindness that he doth,
For them the Sons of men.
A cruel war these Rebels then,
in England then did maintain,
Against all right and reason then
Like to blood-thirsty men.
They made such tumults every where,
through deceit, lying and fraud,
As did amaze men for to see,
their cousening lying trade.
Great Companys of armed men,
and rude youth to Lambeth house did come,
They forced the house in wicked sort,
till some were quite undone.
These wicked Rebels and Traytors used
Such tricks, that Citizens down did go,
Unto White-hall with Petitions as thick as moats in Sun
for to procure their own wo.
Such doings then my eyes did see,
I thought they all had been mad,
They kept Centry at every crosse way
alas it was too bad.
They so deluded plain simple men,
that thousands out did go,
With Spades and Shovels and Swords by their side
for to procure their own wo.
They went our with great Companys every dayu
with Drums sounding Dub a dub dub,
They carryed out Victuals and wrought for nothing
thinking themselves in fools Paradice sure as a club.
They made great ditches and cast up great Mounts,
to keep out their best friend,
Such blinde zeale on them did grow,
being falsly usherred in,
And many a Knave grew out of this dust
which did shew their teeth and grin,
And say, if they knew who were Cavaliers,
they would strip them all to the skin.
Our Warres did very much encrease
in England every where,
The Rebels they did grow so proud
without any grace or fear.
Some Victories to the Cavaliers
God did them freely give,
At Branford and in Cornwell too,
which did their hearts relieve.
Great mercy there our King did shew,
as did appear most plain,
Which made all them that had any grace
against themselves complain.
But the wicked Rebels still persue,
their malice, spight and wrong,
Untill such time tha they deserved,
the hate of God and man.
The Nations they stood looking on,
and wondring at our wo,
They said we English-men were mad
and knew not what to do.
The factious people brought their Plate
and made a might Masse,
As freely as the Idolatrous Jewes
did make a golden Calf;
But now the name of God be prays'd,
our people are wiser grown.
They will no more so cheated be
of that which is their own.
But now the hearts of most English men
is cleared from this thing.
Both Cavaliers and sober Presbytiers,
will say God save our KING.
The Noble men, Knights and Colonels,
and Citizens high and low,
Most joyfully proclaim'd our King,
in London in triumph did go.
And other Citys and Towns in these three Kingdoms all,
Great joy there did expresse,
With naked Swords within their hand
to shew their readinesse.
Great shouts of joy within the streets,
did eccho to the Sky,
Saying, God save our Royal King
and blesse his Majesty.
The Son and Heir of our beloved martyr'd King
which dyed to do us good,
With Faith, hope, and patience he did fore-see
that God would do him good,
And receive his sould into Heaven,
and blesse his Royall seed also,
And that God would in his due time
All his enemies overthrow.
All thanks be unto God on high
which hath performed this great thing,
And sent home his Son to be our guiode,
A wise and godly King.
By whom we may have great hopes of Peace
and Love so to abound,
At home, abroad and every where
throughout the world so round,
The Nations they will say abroad,
God hath not England forsook,
For he hath sent them home their Royal King
For to do them all good.
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Let men whom God redeemed hath
give thanks unto his name,
And shew how they sometimes were freed
and how God wrought the same.
That nine and twenty day of May,
which did the tydings bring
Of Peace, let all men keep and say
With me,
GOD save the KING.