MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
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Thomas Pecke
To The Most High and Mighty Monarch
[undated: late November]
Blackletter broadside.
Titlepage: TO / The Most High and Mighty MONARCH, / Charles the II. / By the Grace of GOD, / King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, / Defender of the Faith: / THOMAS PECKE of the Inner Temple, Esq; / Wisheth an Affluence of both Temporal and / Eternal FELICITY; / And most humbly Devoteth this / Heroick Poem, / In Honour of His Majesties Establishment / in the Throne of His Ancestours. / [rule] / LONDON: / Printed by James Cottrel. MDCLX.
Born in 1637 in Norfolk, Thomas Pecke entered Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge on 3 October 1655, but left without taking a degree. He entered the Inner Temple on 22 June 1657 and was called to the bar 12 February 1664. He published an elegy to Cleveland in 1658, 1 and the next year published Parnassi Puerperium, 2 containing English verse translations of epigrams by John Owen (whom Woods called "the most noted Epigrammatist in the age he lived" AE 1:400), Martial and Sir Thomas More, together with "A Century of Heroick Epigrams." A portrait appears attached to some copies. (DNB)
Pecke refers to: "The Nations Patron, hath pleas'd to confer / The honour of a Privy Counsellour, / On History: That Bosome-friend of time; / And Calculation, fit for every Clime" (lines 212-215) -- is this Raleigh?
Dating: the reference to the performance of masques and plays (line 180) suggests that the poem was composed during November at the earliest. James Cottrel also published Clement Ellis.
[1] [Wing P1039a, BL unicum]
[2] Wing P1040, at LT, C, Lincolns Inn and US; unlisted O copy at Vet.A3.f.424.
[ornamenal border]
Ad celsis Majestatem Regis Britanni',
CArole Pell'us Juvenis tibi porrigat Herbam:
Ne jactet Trabeas Roma superba feras.
Auxit Thyrsigeri rixosa Triph'a Tyranni
'mathius: Mersa est sic sua Fama cado.
5: C'sar (Terrarum Dominus) fere vicit inermes;
Nudos Majores; Terra Britanna tuos.
Carolus Angligenas validos patiendo subegit:
Angligenas rabidos; Ille ferendo fugat.
[ornamental border]
Heroick Poem.
AM I intranc'd; or is it Plato's year;
For all things in their pristine shapes appear?
Time turns his Annals to that very Page,
Wherein is Chronicled the Golden Age.
5: Divine Astr'a, who was long since sent
By deprav'd Nature, into Banishment;
(Seeing her Elder Sister Mercy kneel
To Supreme Jove, that He the Wounds 3 would heal, chk
Which England owes to an Intestine Broil;
10: Where, seduc'd Zeal, gave Loyalty the Foil:)
Leapt from the Clouds, and did the blest News bring,
That, True Contrition should obtain a KING.
The stranger Justice, sent Post from the Skie;
Penia, and her Renegado's flie.
15: Detested Poverty avoids those Lands,
Where Justice, over Interest commands.
But as harsh Notes, make their Associates sweet;
Our Thoughts may by a sad Reflection meet
With those fierce Tempests, which did fall upon
20: The Cedars of our British Libanon.
A greater Wonder scarce saluteth Ears,
Then that of Men to diet with the Bears,
In unfrequented Groinland; till the Sun,
Did from the Goat, unto the Creafish run.
25: Come hither, Stoick, and thou shalt confess
It Torture, for to trace a Wilderness
Of twenty years Confusion; when the Laws
Were form'd in Cutlers Shops: and the GOOD CAUSE
Wanted a Catechresis to make out
30: Her Epithite: Though conversant about
The good Estates of Heroes: whom no frown,
Could force, or King, or Conscience to disown.
The Pope was curs'd for arrogating; We
To Peters gave Infallibility.
35: Who was the first Evangelist promulg'd
No Tribute due to C'sar. And indulg'd
Was Bradshaw, that remorseless Parricide;
Who Pilate in Bloud-guiltiness out-vi'd:
Fear nursed his Crime; but our Jew did cry,
40: Not out of Dread, but Malice, Crucifie.
Let not Alexis, and Menalcas 4 tell,
Black-Moondaies Eclipse 5 scorns a Parallel:
The fourth part of a Digit then was Light;
But on Black-Tuesday, was Black-Tuesday Night 6
45: Our Sun put on a Mask; no friendly Star
(But that which shin'd Ten Springs before the War,
In the Day-time;) gave leave to look for Hope:
Intrat Tyrannus; Freedom was the scope
The Vulgar levell'd at, and a Free State:
50: Permit them but the Name, the Thing they'l bate.
The man-headed Rabble was the Moon,
Eclips'd our Sun; and made a glorious Noon,
Cover its white skin with a Midnight vail:
For the old Serpent, was the Dragons Tail;
55: And a pretended Parliament, the Head:
Hic sita est: Great Britain here lies dead.
So Rancour, in a Regal Trag'dy:
Summ'd up the Total of Mans misery.
And thorny Satyrs, can no further tax
60: Than this: Their King felt the Rebellious Ax.
For when the fatall Arrow strikes the Hart,
In vain do Rascal Deer, complain of smart.
It was lost labour for poor Cavaliers
To exclaim, Billows, wash'd ore head and ears;
65: Suppose they escap'd drowning, 'twas enough:
If not praise-worthy, to insulting Buff.
For if the Laws do Anarchy resist,
An half-blind Cobler may act what he list.
But newly-wean'd Experience, verifies,
70: When 'sops Fox free-quarter'd the old Flies,
That he was prudent. Doubtless some have found,
Ship-money, and an hundred thousand pound
Per mensem for to differ. Who were nice
To give Necessity; serv'd Avarice.
75: Stupendious Rome, split not upon the Rocks
Of a Free State; till Sol the 'quinox
Four hundred Ninety times had kiss'd: But Fate
Lop'd off in Three years the Decemvirate.
And the State remain'd spurious; until she
80: Chose Julius C'sar PATER PATRI' 7
Who brought her Scepter beyond the extent
Of Latium; and the Gauls large continent.
Augustus by adoption was his Heir;
Who rather seem'd to build, than to repair
85: The Worlds chief City. Thus doth MONARCHIE,
Empires enlarge, and Cities beautifie.
What if the Monster Nero would destroy
Mount Palatine, 8 to Act the flames of Troy?
And to make sure he should begin the List
90: Of Tyrants; turn'd wretched Anatomist?
Yet still the Rule is valid. Romans now
To an Usurpers Sword their Necks did bow.
Co/elestial Justice, aptly punish'd thus
The Treason, to their Prince Britannicus;
95: The Legal Heir. Suffer proud Rome to burn:
A murder'd KING, deserves A sumptuous Urn.
A Bargain then, Phanatick Sophister!
You shall quote NERO: I'll vouch OLIVER.
How Rampant were the English Lyons, when
100: Third Edward, and his Son seem'd more than Men?
Arithmetick the Number can't comprize
Of French Gallants, who had their Elegies,
Pen'd by the Grey Goose Wing: when streined Yewe
Made charging Horses, and their Riders rue.
105: By scarsity, Fifth Henry did enhance
The Gentries value, in lamenting France.
And our fore-Fathers, under the command
Of Co/eur' de Lyon, snatch'd the Holy Land
From the provoking Turk. A Virgin Queen
110: Was too Athletick, for the Spanish spleen,
To hurt with Melancholy fumes. Her Drake,
Was Draco Volans; and did undertake
To conquer the Invincible Half Moon:
Whose Face put on a Scarlet Hue, as soon
115: As the Fire-Ship approach'd; which made some swear
That Purgatories place was found: for there
Was Flames; Howlings; and to augment the Pain,
They thought t'Enslave; but wore themselvs the Chain.
Thus the Realm flourish'd under Regal Power:
120: Yet Edward did contrive the fatal Hour,
Of his weak Father. And Henry, when Prince,
Was branded with such Crimes, as might evince
Defect of Morals. And her Sister Scot,
Cast on Elisa, an Eternal Blot.
125: But not one Blemish could a Mortal finde,
In our Late KING; That Darling of Mankinde:
A sober Ethnick is compell'd to think,
Curtius deserving, when he clos'd the chink,
Threatning his Countries Ruine: Though to save
130: The Multitude, He found an hasty Grave.
How much are truly Pious bound to prize
His Memory, who for Religion, dies?
Who chooseth rather to become a Prey;
Then free-born Subjects Liberty betray?
135: CHARLES shall be Sainted: who hath overcome
Envies Armado, by a Martyrdom.
But as inspired Socrates had Health,
When an Infection reap'd the Commonwealth
Of Athens; 'cause his stomach was so clean,
140: It did not know what crudities might mean:
So select souls, in Europes greatest Isle,
Would not admit Rebellion to defile
Or Words, or Actions; being not opprest
In mind with Prejudice, or Interest.
145: Some despicable Youngsters did combine,
With the notorious Villain Catiline,
To kill their common Mother: But the chief
Of Orators, perswaded quick Relief.
The Optimates, and such Magistrates,
150: As could vaunt Images, shew fair Estates.
Guarded the Publick: And themselves thereby,
From loss of Fortune; gain of Infamy.
In the Engagements of late time, though some
Good eyes, were cheated with the Medium
155: Of candied Remonstrance; (whilst men be,
'Tis possible they trip on Frailty)
Yet no legitimate Nobility,
Or who had Badges of Gentility,
Border'd with Vertue, Mantled with Pretence,
160: Cordial, and upright; ever could dispence
With dutiful Allegiance: Or did rend
The Ermin Robes, for a base private end.
Whom Errour misled, are turn'd Proselytes;
And a desire that's National, invites
165: Secular Hereticks, for to comply;
Not to draw stakes; but in sincerity.
Is it not time to quit an head-strong Rage,
When our Convulsions have attain'd full Age?
And have not we Years of Discretion? See
170: Discrepant Factions, in a Third agree;
In CHARLES the GREAT, or Second of that Name:
And the Third MONARCH, married TWEED to THAME.
Natures Musitians in the Air, employ
Their slender Throats, as ecchoes to Mans Joy.
175: Flora, in the Kings Colours takes delight:
And wears a Tulip, PURPLE; GREEN; and WHITE.
The Halcyon never used to appease
Tempestuous Seas, till setting Pleiades
Usher'd the Winter; Now she brings fair daies;
180: And Neptune Tethys treats, with Masques and Playes.
The scaly Regiments all Muster there,
Except the Meermaid; hindred by a fear
Of meeting Princely Dolphins; who would carp,
At their supporting of the Cross and Harp:
185: And justly might with rigidness reprove,
Prompted by Honour, and Arions Love;
Whose Instrument was strook with Jollity;
When Englands Face resembled Niobe.
Doth the profound Philosopher desire,
190: To see the pure, and unconsuming Fire,
Which neighbours on the Moon; let him mount high
His eyes, when Londons bone-fires roost the Skie,
And what is voyc'd invisible he'll see;
And quarrell at the Aires Triplicity
195: Of Regions; since the Fire is next to Earth:
Thoughts of this kind have scarcely atchieved Birth,
But the Moncks powder thunders; lightens; now,
The Middle doth disseise the Fire; and Low.
Thus in amazement, arguing from hence,
200: An unbelieving Sceptick doth commence.
FIRE, AIR, EARTH, WATER, in a Chorus sing
Ships are our Forts. Our Pilot's not to learn
(And that without a Trope) to hold the Stern.
205: Three Languages made any heretofore,
A Prodigy: Our Gracious Lord speaks more.
But in a strict sense, Words no more comprise
Of worth, than Parrets prating signifies;
Or File of Cyphers, which are nothing all;
210: Unless a Figure make Numerical.
The Nations Patron, hath pleas'd to confer
The honour of a Privy Counsellour,
On History: That Bosome-friend of time;
And Calculation, fit for every Clime.
215: This shews, King Codrus gave his life to buy
Athens, a controverted Victory.
If C'sars justly mannag'd Axe, and Rodds;
C'sars liv'd Happy: were at death made Gods.
Because the bloud of Innocents was spilt;
220: Domitian was broke on the Wheel of Guilt.
In sport LYSANDERS Thirty Bloud-hounds kill:
No Laws are cruel; if compar'd to WILL.
What Factions root up Kingdoms, she relates:
What Lapses, depose mighty Potentates.
225: A Ruler without History is blind.
Self-love, will be industrious not to find
A Parasites deceptions; or do Right,
Unless a Bribe bespeaks a FAVORITE.
I purposely omit the Title Just:
230: Not to judge that, is bottomless distrust.
All Ethicks is an Inmate to the Man,
Whom study dubs compleat Historian.
His Active valour was at WORCESTER shown:
His Passive to the Universe is known.
235: But as an Eagle, credits common Fowl;
And brittle Bodies, have an high-born Soul;
So may we in Renowned CHARLES behold
A radiant Jewel, in recited Gold.
RELIGION adorns VERTUE: Kingdoms Three,
240: Require in Graces 'quipollency.
When Subjects fail'd; His Faith rely'd upon
The Verdict of twelve gloomy years, attest
Hope the Consort, of his couragious Breast.
245: And who enquires after his CHARITY,
Cannot deride CORVINUS MEMORY.
Did he FORGIVE? As if it were a Task,
Too scratching for an Enemy to ask;
MERCY was profer'd; which did circumvent
250: An unsophisticated PARLIAMENT,
By a devout Prolepsis. For which Fame
An Obelisk shall build to his Great Name.
Add to these, CONSTANCY; a splendid Gemme,
That darts its Lustre through the Diadem.
255: The Romish Church, (though she held out her Armes)
Could not entice Him, by the potent Charmes
Of profuse Promises; and did invade
His Resolves, with the Loyola Brigade.
A Ship at Anchor, the Seas Wrath out braves:
260: Slighting the fury of rebounding Waves.
Or as a Faithful Garrison, counts trash
Smooth Agitations of th' Assailants Cash.
What if the Blockers up, (when GOLD shall fail)
Showres down Bravadoes in revengeful Hail?
265: His two-edg'd Machination proves in vain:
Here a Good Cause, undaunted Hands maintain.
So our FAITHS Standard-Bearer, stood his Ground:
When GIFTS, when SOPHISTRY, begirt him round.
A Black stone streak'd with White, (which Authors call
270: Agathos) frees from all Terrestrial
Dangers, and Discontents; and it exempts
From Loss, and Detriment in all Attempts.
The Black stone is Affliction; the white Veines,
Are Souls, she scours from Unrepented staines.
275: This is the Shield repulsing Mortal Sins,
And gross Imprudence; who so wears her, wins
ALL PALMS. The Earth, as knowing how to use:
And Heaven it self; by watching lest he lose.
This strickt Lyc'um, CHARLES did educate:
280: Who is in Tribulation GRADUATE.
And Scholars know, twelve years Non-Regency
Will make a DOCTOR of DIVINITY:
Kind Providence hath bless'd us with a King:
Whose Aristotle, was his Suffering.
285: Fancy a wealthy Mariners return
From Sun-burnt India, whose watry Urn,
Rumour had long since form'd; view how his Wife
Starts at the surprize of a dubious Life:
And hardly reconciling HOPE, and FEARS; 9
290: She wafts him to her LIPS, in joyous TEARES. 10
Great Sir! your espous'd Kingdom, fear'd the Crown
Should fall into Distractions Gulf, and drown;
When Pikes, and Bandaliers, were the sole Helm:
And many thousand Centaurs, steer'd the Realm.
295: But when you came within few Leagues of PORT;
Her Prayers went your Harbingers to Court.
And in proportion to that solemn rate:
The Heliconian Nymphs, Congratulate.
Nor shall stout MONCK, seek his Arrears of Praise;
300: Let Gratitude, cut down a Grove of Bayes,
To Crown his Head: who without Angry word,
Did braver Exploits than ACHILLES SWORD.
Grass covers not the top of Royal Mines:
Nor should Words Fly-blow exquisite designs.
305: Counsel (like Essence) expects stopping well:
Or bid Adieu to the perfuming smell.
Moyst APRIL shall attend on florid MAY.
Whose EIGHT, thy Worth enstall'd St Georges day.
And since from Alli'd SCOTLAND you came forth,
310: The PROVERB'S outlaw'd: Good comes from the North.
Lift up thy Head, old Worcester! and confess
Horrour the Epilogue of Wickedness.
Though thou wert blasted with a jealous eye:
A Plaudit now attends thy LOYALTY.
315: For dutiful endeavours, unto this
May be subjoyn'd the fam'd Metropolis.
Whose DAGGER to the BACK-SWORD rendring place;
Great want of TRADING gave REPENTANCE space.
It was full time to beg a REGAL TOUCH:
320: When this Kings-Evill did afflict so much.
Have ye not seen an Infant, Fat and Fair;
Whilest to his Mothers Milk he might repair:
Commit him to a STEPDAMES cruel care,
His Cheeks grow hollow; and his Jaw-bones bare.
325: In a good Mood, she may allow him Meat:
But Tears shall moysten what the poor Child eat.
To hide her shame, she will afford fine Cloaths:
Lest Prints of Stripes, and Pinches shew, she Loaths.
Hunger, and Thirst, nay Blows, can't satiate:
330: Unless his Father be induc'd to Hate.
CHARLES with maternal Care, kept LONDON plump:
But O the Claws, of the Novercal RUMP.
Know thy felicity; be fix'd at length:
RELAPSES conquer half consumed Strength.
335: That ever thou Apostatiz'd, is Strange:
Since the word Royal, comes before Exchange.
'Tis Perseverance onely can advance:
The Crown, the Crown's, thy Cap of Maintenance.
Rouse Understanding! Manacle my Sence;
340: Demonstrate how a swift Intelligence,
Acteth his distinct Orb: with what Tube shall
I gaze upon an Immaterial?
But let not Curiositie, be bold
To disturb Spirits; since it may behold
345: Sublimer Objects: And will then prefer
For wise Intelligences, WESTMINSTER.
In that most grave Assembly, every Man
Is to his Sphere, An Angel Guardian:
Our Balsam dropt not from the Major Part;
350: Three hundred Members, had a single Heart.
The Commons vote; Assent flies from the Lords:
Time was not spent in nicities of Words.
Sixty the Golden Number, hence shall be:
Your Speaker, Fame; your Rolls, Eternitie.
355: THE KING ENJOYS HIS OWN; sing Civil State!
And let the Clergie say; MAGNIFICAT.
[3] Wounds OW; check cap
[4] clearly so, but is it typo for Menaleas?
[5] 1652. Mar. 29.
[6] 1648. Jan. 30
[7] PATRI'] PATRI' all copies, both states
[8] Palatine,] Palatine:, copytext, both states
Part XII. Approaching the Coronation, December 1660-April 1661