MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
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Alexander Brome
England's Joy
14 May

   Thomason dated his copy of Henry Brome's edition on Monday 14 May; Wood dated his simply May. An earlier and shorter version appeared under the title "For General Monk his entertainment at Cloath-workers Hall." [13 Mar]." rpt in Songs and Poems (1661, 1664, 1668), pp. 114-15, and is reprinted in Dubinski, 1.175-177.

For the Coming in of our Gratious Soveraign
King CHARLES the Second

1: RIng bells, and let bonefires out-blaze the Sun,
2:      Let Ecchoes contribute their voice,
3: For now a happy settlement's begun,
4:      To shew how we do all rejoyce:
5:            If we by this
6:            Can have the bliss
7:      To re-injoy a Unity,
8:            Wee'll do no more
9:            As heretofore,
10:      But will in mutual love increase;
11:      If we can once agen have peace
12: How joyful shall we be?

13: The King shall his Prerogatives enjoy,
14:      The State their Privilege shall have,
15: He will not Theirs, nor will they His anoy,
16:      But both each others strive to save:
17:            The people shall
18:            Turn loyal all
19:      And strive t'obey his Majesty,
20:            And truth and Peace
21:            Shall both increase,
22:      They'l be obedient to the Laws
23:      And hate that Subtle name of Cause.
24: Then joyful shall we be.

25: The Parliament will rise no more in armes
26:      To fight against their lawfull King,
27: Nor be349deluded by their factious charms
28:      That all the Realm to treason bring:
29:            They'l learn to vote
30:            No more by rote
31:      Nor pass their Bills ex tempore,
32:            But study peace
33:            And trades increase,
34:      Since now we finde it is not good
35:      To write the Kingdomes Peace in blood,
36: But joyfull shall we be.

37: The Coblers shall not edifie their Tubbs
38:      Nor in Divinity set stitches,
39: Wee'l not b'instructed by Mechanick scrubs,
40:      Women shan't preach with men for breeches,
41:            The prickear'd Tribe
42:            That won't subscribe
43:      Unto our Churches Hierarchie
44:            Must England leave,
45:            And to Geneve,
46:      New England, or to Amsterdam,
47:      With all whom Church and State can't tame;
48: Then joyful, &c.

49: Wee'l toyle no more to maintain Patentees
50:      That feed upon poor peoples trade,
51: Star Chamber shan't vex guiltless men for fees,
52:      Nor Law to Vice for bribes be Bawd:
53:            The Bishops each
54:            Will learn to preach,
55:      Rich Clergy will not silent be,
56:            And Judges all
57:            Impartial,
58:      When Laws alike to all degrees,
59:      No sleeping Judges gape for fees.
60: How joyfull, &c.

61: Wee'l fight no more for Jealousies, and Fears,
62:      Nor spend our blood, we know not why;
63: The Roundheads shall shake hands with Cavaliers,
64:      And both for King and Countrey die:
65:            The Sword shall not
66:            Maintain a Plot
67:      For fear of plots which ne're shall be,
68:            Nor will we still
69:            Each other Kill
70:      To fight for those that are as far
71:      From peace as they will be from war.
72: But joyfull, &c.

73: The broken Citts no more shall lick their Chops,
74:      Nor wealth recruit with Country's store,
75: But lay down armes, and keep within their Shops,
76:      And cry what lack you? as before;
77:            They'll turn agen,
78:            Blew aprond men,
79:      And leave their titles of degree,
80:            Nor will they prate
81:            'Gainst Church, and State,
82:      But change their Feathers, Flags, and Drums,
83:      For Items and the total Sums.
84: How joyfull, &c.

85: We will not Garrisons of Lubbers feed,
86:      To plunder, drink, and gather pay,
87: While they lye lazing, and are both agreed
88:      To fetch our goods and us away;
89:            And though they Swear,
90:            We will not care,
91:      Nor to such Skowndrells servile be;
92:            We will not stand,
93:            With Cap in hand,
94:      Beseeching them to let alone
95:      The goods which justly are our own.
96: But joyfull, &c.

97: Fanatick Troupers must go home agen,
98:      And humbly walk afoot to plow,
99: Nor domineer thus over honest men,
100:      But work to get their livings now;
101:            Or if their mind
102:            Be not inclin'd
103:      To leave their former Knavery,
104:            A halter shall
105:            Dispatch them all,
106:      And then the Gallows shall be made
107:      The high'st preferment of their trade.
108: A joyfull sight to see.

109: Let Roundheads shake their circumcized ears,
110:      We'll ride about as well as they,
111: Nor will we stand in fear of Cavaliers
112:      That sleep all night, and drink all day;
113:            When we can find
114:            Both sides enclin'd
115:      To change their War for Unity;
116:            O 'twill be brave,
117:            If we can have
118:      The Freedom granted by our Charter,
119:      And scape from plunder, pay, and quarter;
120: How joyfull shall we be?

London, Printed for H. Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1660.

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