MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
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H. H. B.
The Noble Progresse
T. H.
Iter Boreale, the Second part
[undated: 28 May]
The model for this reissued ballad was clearly Robert Wild's Iter Boreale, perhaps the single most popular set of broadside verses published on the eve of the Restoration. Dryden glances at Wild's panegyric to Monck in the Essay of Dramatic Poesy, for exemplifying the decay of poetry into popular journalism; everyone on at the Exchange was reading this instance of terrible versification. Reprinted in POAS.
The version of this ballad ascribed to "T. H." and published by Henry Brome, tries to cash in on the famiiar and popular title, but the text makes no attempt at imitating Wild's versification. Ebsworth noted that The Noble Progresse is the same as T.H.'s Iter Boreale, with some variants, most notably the repeated catch. I have taken for copytext the slightly longer version from The Noble Progresse which includes the anti-sectarian refrain as chorus to each verse paragraph. Substantive variants appear in notes, and suggest rather more about how carelessly ballads were composed in the print shop than the date of issue of either.
In 1860, Wilkins included The Noble Progress commenting:
This curious street ballad, the original or which is in blackletter, was discovered forming part of the lining of an old trunk. It is, probably, unique. The first part relates to the final dismission of the Rump, and the election, with the concurrence of Monk, of a free parliament, or Convention, which voted the restoration of the exiled King. The second part describes the triumphal progress of Charles II. from Dovor [sic] to Whitehall, accomaonied by the princiapl nobility and gentry of the kingdom.
The Noble Progresse
Or, A true Relation of the Lord
Generall Monks
Political Proceedings with the Rump, the calling in
the Secluded Members,
their transcendent Uote for his
Sacred MAjesty, with his Reception at
Dover, and Royall conduct through the City of London,
to his famous Palace
at Whitehall
The tune is, when the Scottish warrs began.
GOod people hearken428 to my call,
Ile tell you all, what did befall,
and hapnd of late;
Our Noble Valiant Generall Monk,
5: Came to the Rump, who lately stunk,
with their Councell of State
Admiring what this man would doe.
His secret mind there's none could knew,
They div'd into him as much as they could,
10: George would not be won with their silver nor 429 gold.
The Sectarian Saints at this lookt blew,
With all the rest of the factious crew,
They vapour'd awhile and were in good hope;
But now they have nothing left but the Rope.430
15: Another invantion 431 then they sought,
Which long they wrought for to be brought
to clasp him with they,
Quoth Vane and Scot, Ile tel you what,
Wee'l have our Plot and he shall not,
20: wee'l carry the sway.
Let's Vote him a thousand pounds a yeare,
And Hampton Court for he and his Heire,
Indeed quoth 432 George ye're 433 Free-Parliament men
To cut a Thong out of another 434 mans skin.
25: the Sectarians. &c.
They sent him then with all his Hosts
To break our Posts and raise our Ghosts,
which was their intent
To cut our Gates and Chains all down,
30: Unto the ground this trick they found,
to make him be shent:
This Plot the Rump did so accord,
To cast an odium on my Lord,
But in this task, he was hard put unto't
35: 'Twas enough to infect both his horse and his foot,
the Sectarians, &.
But when 435 my Lord perceiv'd that night,
What was their spight he brought to light,
their knaveries all.
40: The Parliament of Forty eight,
Which long did wait, came to him streight,
to give him a fall
And some Phanaticall people knew,
That George would give them 436 their fatall due,
45: Indeed 437 he did requite them agen,
For he 438 pul'd the Monster out of his Den,
the Sectarian, &c.
To the House our worthy Parliament,
With good intent they bodly went
50: to Vote home the King.
And many hundred people more,
Stood at the doore and waited 439 for
good tidings to bring,
Yet 440 some in the House had their hands much 441 in blood
55: And in 442 great opposition like Traytors they stood,
But 443 yet I believe it is very well known
That those that were for him were twenty to one.
But the Sectarian Saints at this lookt blew,
With all the rest of the factious crew
60: they vapour'd awhile and were in great hope
But now they have nothing left but the Rope.
THey cal'd the League and Covenant in,
To 444 read again to every man,
but what comes 445 next.
65: All Sequestrations null and void,
The people said none should be paid,
for 446 this was the Text.
For as I heard al the people say
They voted King Charles the first 447 of May,
70: Bonefires buring, Bells did ring.
And our street did eccho with God blesse ye King.
At this the Sectarian Saints lookt blew,
And all the rest of the factious crew,
they vapour'd awhile and were in good hope,
75: But now they have nothing left but the Rope.
Our General then to Dover goes
In spight of Foes or deadly blowes
saying, Viveleroy.
And all the Glories of the Land,
80: At his command there they 448 did stand,
in Tryumph and Joy
Good Lord what a sumptuous sight 'twas to see
Our good Lord General fall on his knee,
To Welcome home his Majesty.
85: And own his sacred Soveraingty,
But the Sectarians, &c.
Then all the 449 Worthy Noble Train,
Came back again with Charlemain
our Soveraign great.
90: The Lord Mayor in his Scarlet Gown,
Ins 450 Chain so long went through the Town,
in Pompe and State.
The Livery-men each line 451 the way,
Upon this great Tryumphant day,
95: Five rich Maces carried before,
And my Lord himselfe the Sword he bore,
Then Viveleroy the Gentry sing,
For General Monk rode next to the King,
With Acclamations, shouts and cryes,
100: I thought they would have rent 452 the Skies.
The Conduits ravished with Joy,
As I might say, did run all day
great plenty of Wine.
And every Gentleman of note,
105: In's Velvet coat that could be got,
in glorie did shine.
There were all the Paeres and Barrons bold,
Richly clad in Silver and Gold,
Marched through the streets so brave,
110: No greater Pomp a king could have:
At this the Sectarians, &c.
And thus conducted all along,
Throughout the throng till he did come
unto White-hall.
115: Attended by these Noble-men.
Bold Heroe's 453 kin that brought him in,
with the Generall.
Who was the man that brought him home,
And plac'd him on his Royall Throne.
120: 'Twas General Monk did doe the thing,
So God preserve our gracious King.
And now the Sectarians &c.
Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere and W. Gilbertson.
hearken] all hark Iter
nor] and Ite
refrain not in Iter
invantion] invention Iter
Indeed quoth] Quoth Iter
George ye're] George Indeed you're Iter
another] anothers Noble
But when] So when Iter
them 'em Iter
Indeed] For indeed Iter
For he] He Iter
doore and waited] door which waited Iter
Yet] But Iter
had their hands much] whose hands were iter
And in] In
But] And Iter
To] To be Iter
comes] came Iter
for] So Iter
first] second Iter
there they] there Iter
the] his iter
Ins] With's Iter
line] side iter
rent] rend iter
Heroe's] Hectors Iter