MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
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Part V. Arrival and Progress in England, 25-31 May 1660
Giles Duncombe, "Cimelgus Bonde" and "T. F." verses from
Scutum Regale
21-28 May
Titlepage: Scutum Regale, / THE / Royal Buckler; / OR, / VOX LEGIS, / A / Lecture to Traytors: / Who most wickedly murthered / CHARLES the I, / AND / Contrary to all Law and Religion banished / CHARLES THE II. / 3d MONARCH of / GREAT BRITAIN, &c. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / Salus populi, Salus Regis. / LONDON, 1660. / [enclosed within double-rule box] [printed in black and red inks].
Engraved frontispiece headed "Iam redit Astr'a, Redeunt Saturnia regna, / Iam nova progenies, c'lo Demittur alto." shows Charles on his throne with the Lords and Dukes of York and Gloucester; below them the Commons; below them the Bishops with common prayer book. At the bottom, a double set of images: "Traytors rewarded:" and "Sectaries reiected."
Wing: D 2599a and B3557; mistaken double-entry.
Format and date: 8to. Advertised in the Parliamentary Intelligencer 22 (21-28 May), p. 348.
Copies: O1 Tanner 624, has an additional cut after the t/p and before the Epistle to the Reader of Charles about to be crowned by an angel, followed by a dedication page "To His Most Sacred Majestie," COPYTEXT 9/95; O2 Linc 8to c.183; additional engraving of Charles appears between sigs A and B; L1 292.a.15, plate of shepherd missing; L2 1483.aa.26; L3 G3535 (Charles 2's copy); ms note: "This Copy belonged to the Royal Library of Charles 2d whose cypher is on the binding. It has not only a very fine impression of the Frontispiece, but it has also a 2d Plate which precedes the "Shepherd's Complaint" at the end of the book, & is very seldom found with it. This Plate has been by some called "Charles 2d" but it is so unlike that it is not easy to believe it could be meant for his portrait"; C Adams 8.66.8; WF 140413; additional engraving of Charles appears between sigs A and B; CT; P; CH; CN; MH; Y; Exeter.
Giles Duncombe was a young lawyer who evidently hoped to improve his situation by declaring, in print, his loyalty to the Stuarts with strong conviction, dedication, and learning, at some length, and as soon as possible. Scutum Regale was advertised in the last week of May, but must have been in almost continuous preparation from much earlier in the year. Later in December, Duncombe identifies himself as the author of this book in the signature printed at the end of A Counter-Blast to the Phanaticks (which cannot have appeared before the death of Princess Mary on the 24th of that month): "Giles Duncombe of the Inner Temple Gent. / Author of Scutum Regale, the Royall / Buckler. Or, Vox Legis, a Lecture / to Traytors."
Evidence of haste and of last minute revision, or at least of the desire to seem to be among the first in print, abounds. Most copies are gathered differently from each other. One of the British Library copies mis-prints the anagram "Gimelgus Bonde," to which a contemporary hand has added "giles Duncomb Turn'd a -- -" (L2 sig. A5) suggesting that there were some around who knew who the author really was. The Errata page mentions that Monk, who "hath now cheared us with the hopes of a Free-Parliament," soon will "bring in our exiled King" (sig. A6v), suggesting that the book was being rushed along to appear in advance of the King. The Epistle to the Reader ends with a prayer for the arrival of "Charls the 2d our Augustus, and C'sars Successor" (sig. A4v); the major prose section of the book ends "let the Cryes of thy People come unto thee O God, and restore our Gracious King Charles the second to his H'reditary Crown: Whose Youth thou has seasoned with the Afflications of King David" (p. 393, sig. [Cc5]), while the mood of the whole enterprise is that of hopeful anticipation.
The Reader addressed by the Epistle is specifically identified as urban and supposed susceptible to arguments concerning property rights:
O purblind City, how long will you enslave your selves to ravenous woolves? who by their often changing of their feigned Governments, do but change the thief, and still your Store-houses must be the Magazine, to furnish them with plunder. You must never look to enjoy your lives, estates, or Gods blessing, with the fruition of your Wives, and Children, before your lawful King and Soveraign CHARLS the II. unjustly banished by Rebells, be restored to his Crown and Kingdom. (sig. Av).
The address to city-dwelling property owners helps place the initial writing and perhaps even printing of the book during February and March while Monck, the guilds and parliament negotiated. "The Epistle to the Reader," ends with some Latin and English verses calling for a return of the king:
Enough of hail and cruel snow,
Hath Jove now showr'd on us below,
Enough with thundering Steeples down,
Frightned the Town.
Frightned the World.
O thou God of Order, now hold thy punishing hand, cement our Differences, and unite the lines of our Discord in the true Centre. Let Charls the 2d. our Augustus, and C'sars Successor, revenge the bloody Murther of C'sar. O most worthy Augustus, our only lawfull Soveraign, be thou a stay to our falling Kingdom, Patiens vocari C'saris ultor, do thou hasten to be C'sars Revenger, and then
Serus in co/elum redeas, diuque
L'tus intersis populo Quirini,
Neve te nostris vitiis iniquum,
Otyor aura
Tollat, his magnos, potius triumphos,
Hic ames dici pater, atque Princeps,
Neusinas Medos equitare inultos,
Te duce C'sar.
Return to Heaven late we pray,
And long with us the Britains stay,
Nor let disdain of our offence,
Take thee from hence.
Love here victorious, Triumphs rather,
Love here the name of Prince, and father,
Nor let the Rebels scot-free ride,
Thou being our Guide.388
Which is the continual Prayer of
Your Graces most humble, true, faith-
full and obdedient Subject, and most
dutifull Servant, usque ad aras.
Cimelgus Bonde.
(sigs. [A4v-A5])
Since his style often recalls the political poetry of the early Civil War period, Duncombe would hardly claim to be an Augustan. Yet he was certainly among the first to address Charles in print directly as Augustus.389
By adopting an anagrammatic pseudonym for the publication of Scutum Regale, Duncombe perhaps wished to suggest that there was still some personal danger involved in publishing his desire for a return to monarchy as early and as earnestly as he did. The author of some dedicatory verses, signed "T. F.", possibly Thomas Flatman, draws attention to Duncombe's personal heroism for writing when he does.390 While there is no direct evidence that "T. F." was Flatman, Scutum Regale is clearly the product of the Inns of Court, a coterie context in which the initials would have been unmistakable. "T. F."'s verses, however, do not appear in any of the editions of Flatman's Poems and Songs published in 1674, 1676, 1682, and 1686.
Guide] Gnide
.úúSee Erskine-Hill, who doesn't mention Duncombe.
[what was control over press like in late 59 and 60? see Potter on Crouch]:
[ornamental border]
To the Author of the Royal
Buckler, or a Lecture to
TO speak what ev'ry one desires, and in a strain
That suits with ev'ry Hearer, is no pain;
To trouble to profess the bloody Creed
Of Mahoment, among the Turks; no need
5: To be afraid amidst ones friends; but he
That talks of Virtue, before Villanie;
Who can be Christian, among the Crew
Of Sectaries, and bid defiance to the Jew;
He that i'th worst of Times dares to be good;
10: (Like Capel) seals his Ligeance with his Blood;
Can strive against th'impetuous wind, and wave,
And all their joynt-conspiracies outbrave;
In spite of Fortune resolutely stand
To argue with a bloudy, treacherous Land;
15: That Man's a Man indeed; can stoutly cry
Hosanna, when the Throng sayes Crucifie.
Sir, such are you, and such your Lines, to whom
Or to your shrine, Posterity shall come
Laden with Laurels: and the little brood
20: Of them whose hands were in their Prince's bloud,
Shall justifie thy Book; and read therein
Their own Misfortunes, and their Father's Sin:
Shall read the Miracles of Providence,
And borrow matter for Romances thence.
25: Thus (Sir) your Pen shall to your self create
A Monument, beyond the Pageant state
Of breathless Oliver; or those Poor men,
That rul'd and dy'd, and rul'd and stunk agen.
Rebellion for a little moment shines,
30: But seldom with a brave applause declines:
'Tis only Truth, and Loyalty can give
Restoratives, to make a Dead man live.
T. F. (sigs [A7-A8])
Other internal evidence suggests that the book was being prepared in a hurry during the early months of 1660. The Errata list which precedes "T. F.'s" dedicatory verses, advises us "since the last in execution, is the first in the intention; I must request the Reader to begin with the last part of the Book, and end with the first part in his reading" (sig. [A6]). This proves to be not bad advise, since we find him complaining about Monk --
Monck prov'd worse than Pharaoh himself, and instead of relieving of our distressed Jerusalem . . . he heaped misery to misery, and executed such a grand piece of Tyranny that none in the world . . . could invent. On Thursday the ninth day of February, 1659, . . . he drew up all his souldiers into the City, with their matches lighted, in a warlike posture, doubled his guards, and tore down all the gates, and posts of the City; neither did his intoxicated malice stay upon the gates, but leapt upon the Aldermen, and other Citizens, whom he presently cast into prison, so that now he is become odious, and stinks in the nostrils of all the Citizens and People: and whereas he was the common hopes of all men, he is now the common hatred of all men, as a Traytor more detestable than Oliver himself; who, though he manacled the Citizens hands, yet never took away the doores of their City, whereby all manner of beasts, (as well the Wolves at Westminster, as other out-lying Foxes, and Birds of prey) may come in, and destroy them when they please. (pp. 373-74).
Within three pages, however, he starts a new section -- "Englands Redemption" -- and finds himself recanting this complaint: "No sooner had I written these last words of the momentary prosperity of the wicked, but immediately the same hour, news was brought me, that General Monck and the City were agreeed,[sic] and resolved to declare for a free Parliament, and decline the Rump . . . I was strucken with amazement, joy made me tremble, and the goodnesse of the news would scarce permit me to believe it" (p. 377).391
The dedicatory verses signed T. F. are followed by "The History of Phaeton," an extended allegory in which King Phoebus, "representing the King," punishes Phaeton, "the hare-brained people" (sigs B-C2). The main body of the book, "A Lecture to Traytors" (sigs C2v-Aa4v) is interspersed with verses in Latin with English translations. The prose "Lecture" draws to an end with two final sections, "Englands Confusion" (sigs Aa5-Bb4v), and "Englands Redemption" (sigs [Bb4v-Cc5v]. Pagination also ends here. Two short poems, "On the late MIRACULOUS REVOLUTIONS IN ENGLAND, &c.," also signed "T. F.," and "Repentance for the Murther of Charles the Martyr and The Restuaration of Charles the II," both printed on separate leaves, are variously tipped in amongst the final gatherings.392
(Compare Pair of Prodigals on Monk's activities at this stage.)
In O1 Tanner, these leaves appear between the Cc and Dd gatherings, that is, between the Latin version of the pastoral and the English translation. In O2 Linc and WF, the leaf with T. F.'s verses is tipped in between [Cc5] and [Cc6], ie before the Latin verses, while the leaf contining "Repentance" has been tipped in at the very end of the volume. In L3, the copy from Charles's personal library, they appear in the opposite order immediately after the titlepage.
On the late
THree Kingdoms, like one Ship, a long time lay
Black tempest-proof upon a troubled Sea;
Bandy'd from wave to wave, from rock, to sand,
A prey to Pyrats from a forein Land:
Expos'd to all the injuries of Fate,
All the Reproaches of a Bedlam-State:
The brave Sayles torn, the Main-mast cut in sunder,
Destruction from above, and ruine under.
Once the base rout of Saylors, try'd to steer
The giddy Vessel, but thence could appear
Nothing but mad Confusion: Then came One,
He sate at Helm, and his Dominion
Frightned the blustring Billows for a while,
And made their Fury counterfeit a smile;
Then fora time, the Bottom seem'd to play
I'th'wonted Chanel, and the beaten way,
Yet floated still. The Rabble snatch't again It's mannagement, but all (alas) in vain:
No Anchor fixt, no wished shoar appears,
No Haven after these distracted years.
But when the lawfull Pilot shall direct
Our wav'ring Course (and Heav'n shall Him protect)
The Storms shall laugh, the Windes rejoyce thereat,
And then our Ark shall find an Ararat.
T. F.
Charles the Martyr.
The Restauration of Charles
the II. is the only Balm to cure Eng-
lands Distractions.
'TIs true, our Nostrils lost their Breath; What then?
'Cause we sinn'd once, shall's ne're be good agen?
We murther'd Charles, for which, Infernal Kings
With worse than 'gypt's Plagues have scourg'd our sins.
The Martyrs Goodnesse Angels cann't rehearse;
The Rebels baseness Devils cann't expresse:
Who in their Lower House have acted more
Than Belzebub in Hell, or th'Earth before.
And did not Charles the Son yet shine, I'de say
That, God of Nature, and the World decay.
But God is God, and Satan's Fraud we see.
Charles is our King, and Rebels, Rebels be.
Then since we ken a Traytor from a Saint, The
Let's be for God, our King, and *Bel recant. Rump.
Hee'l dry our Eyes, and cure those Wounds which we
Receiv'd i'th' dark, groping for Liberty:
For Liberty, which kept us all in Fetters,
Slaves to the Rump, and to the Rumps Abetters:
Who Freedom and Religion up cry'd,
When Freedom and Religion they destroy'd,
Who killed us with Plaisters, and brought Hell,
For Paradice: So Eve by th'Serpent fell.
Then if the death o'th'King caus'd all our woe,
The life o'th'King had sav'd us, all men know:
Behold him, in his Son, whose splendid light,
Shall heal the darknesse of his Fathers night.
'Tis madnesse to use Candles in the day:
What need a Parl'ament? when Charles le Roy,
Stands at the door, and to us fain would bring,
Freedom and Laws, instead of Rape and Sin.
The glory of a King is to command,
But Subjects shame to sit, when he doth stand.
God Save the King. C. B.
The final section of the book features an engraving of a Shepherd and some Latin and English verses evidently written well before there was any public certainty that Charles would be returning. Of this engraving, marginalia in the copy that once belonged to the private library of Charles comments: "but it has also a 2d Plate which precedes the "Shepherd's Complaint" at the end of the book, & is very seldom found with it. This plate has been by some called `Charles 2d' but it is so unlike that it is not easy to believe it could be meant for his portrait." [reproduce engraving]
Some of the interest of Duncombes's version of pastoral is his use of the shepherd's voice to express a sense of natural justice in line with the call for law throughout Scutum Regale as a whole. The voice begins with a shepherd's conventional rejection of civic, political, and military ambition in favour of rural contentment, a theme Duncombe maintains throughout. At the same time, the voice nostalgically recalls and comes to personify a self-sufficient England that, disrupted by the civil wars, no longer exists. Personal greed and ambition now drive the men in political office while encouraging others to abandon their former ways of life to seek wealth in foreign lands. The shepherd, however, can still find peace away from it all in rural isolation; the same choice adopted by Astell's urban persona in Vota Non Bella.
The Latin verses "Pastor Vit' Su'" (sigs. Cc6-Cc8v) are translated as follows:
The Shepherd commending the meanness of his life complains, that since the Heavens and all things else are Governed by a certain rule of Providence, yet that humane affairs go not in so setled a course, because Good men go backward, and Vice only is rewarded.
I am the Man that curbing my desires,
And checking passions, which my mind requires,
Command more largely and more freely sway,
A Scepter, than if Carthage did obey,
5: Or I joyn'd Lydia to the Phrygian shore,
And that to th'Indies, hardly known before.
Under a little roof with house-hold bread,
Securely I a life contented lead,
I care not to approach when Trumpets sound,
10: Calling to arms, on rigid Mars his ground.
His Playes to me are misery and wo.
Nor dare I on the rugged Ocean go,
In Ships; (a thing forbid) but Ah! our times
Do run more fircely to forbidden crimes:
15: I'st nothing think you, thus to stayn the flood,
And fields, through civil War, with noble blood?
But you must adde the sacred blood of Kings?
Fatal to after ages: hoydagings!
Of Law, dread Law! which yielding now gives place,
20: To arms, and Vertue meets with foul disgrace.
But wither now my Boat? you must contain
Your self in Rivers, not run to the Main,
Where threatening Rocks with their obscured head
Swallow you up, when danger least you dread.
25: When therefore 393 night is vanish't, and the day
Appears, inlighten'd with the glorious ray
Of regal Sol, arm'd with my Sheep-herds crook,
With Bag and Bottle hanging by, I look
My Sheep, and to the Fields, whose Green is lost
30: Under the texture of a morning Frost,
I drive them: when the Sun advanc't more high,
In his Diurnal course through th'arched sky,
Makes Grass-hoppers to sing, ith'parched grass.
Then to the Rivers or deep lakes I pass,
35: Driving my Flocks to water, which I lead
Panting through heat, thence to the loved shade.
Where the tall Beech and thicker leaved Oaks
Clashing their friendly arms with mutual stroaks
Make cooler coverts, under which Lambs please
40: To eat, to sport, to play, and take their ease,
How it delights now on my Pipes to play!
Anon my body on the grass to lay,
Seeking to take a nap, while in her song,
Progne bewailing her so grievous wrong
45: In mournfull notes, and all the woody Quire,
With warbling strayns, would perfect my desire.
Then, duskish when it grows, I quick arise,
And give to Pan a Lamb in sacrifice,
Who taught me sacred rimes which while I sing,
50: And lead my Sheep unto the Christal spring,
Their Dugs grow full of milk; but now the Sun
Ready to set, the evening Star is come,
Lo you, (to Shepherds so well known) whose sight
Bids us to fold our Flocks and count them right,
55: Lest some perchance strayd out into the Plain,
Or broke into the Fields repleat with grayn;
Where being taken they become a prey,
To the rude Clown who makes them soon away
Or else perhaps they wandring to the Sheep
60: Of some near neigbouring Shepherd, where they keep
Among the rest, till now through custome bold,
They'r driven to some strange and unknown fold.
Thus, thus I spend my life, and in content
Retir'd from the world my days are spent:
65: I thirst not after Rule, nor do I swell
With lusting after Kingdoms, I can tell
That such ambition's void of all that's good
Stand out for nought, but gorge themselves with blood.
Ah! who will Faith or Piety approve,
70: If good men be condemned, and such as love
Mischief, and Vices, be the only men
Set by and rais'd by Fortune from the den
Of unknown Stocks?
Yee Guardian Angels of this once blest Land
75: Have you still for our good the same command?
{Tis true the glistring Stars and heavenly trayn
{Do still in one continued course remayn
{The Moon doth still encrease & wax & wane,
The Sun keeps on his yearly course whereby
80: The Winter frosts denude the Tree's grown dry;
Which being lately beautified with green,
Yielded a shade most pleasant to be seen,
The Summers heat ripens the corn, and then
It's heat by Autumne is allay'd agen.
85: But wretched man lives without rule or square,
Without proportion all his actions are;
Is Fortune regent that doth blinded go,
And with unequal hands her gifts bestow?
Powr acts by will, and will without restraint
90: Doth what ambition teacheth, and the Saint
Is banish't from the Court: Oh horrid times!
[a] The King 393*
O. Cromwell. &c
Forcing the Britains blindly to obey;
95: But pious Ah in vain for Gold they hast
To th'Indies: True Religion is not plac't
In Wealth or Fortune (surely Heaven denyes
Goodness to bad, though prosperous treacheries.)
Who were the first that brought their private wealth
100: For publick Treasure, & as 'twere by stealth
Made that the lure to sin? Who first found Gold?
And Pearls? not willing to be known from Mould.
Before that time, no jealousies and fears,
No dayly Plots appear'd, no widows tears,
105: Were seen for slaughter'd Husbands, no mad rage
Of civil war corrupted had the age.
No Sword was sharpen'd yet against its King,
But corrupted Faith did duely bring
The People to the Prince with loving zeal
110: (Blest Omens of a happy Commonweal)
The warlike Trumpet was not yet, no blood,
The Wearer, or his Arms had yet embrew'd
The Sea was rugged, free the shore,
All were contented, with a little store,
115: They did possess: the greatest of their boast
Was to have seen and known their proper coast:
But now both Sea and Land are grown too smal
To feed our base ambitious minds withal
Desire to have and get burns now more fierce
120: Then 'tnae's flames, (renown'd by Virgils verse)
Stands ought it'h way? death shall remove the stock
We can bring Kings themselves unto the block
If such may be their fate? O dearest God,
Ironice. How dreadful are thy Laws! how sharp thy rod!
125: Alas! fool that I was! I once had thought
That just, which now I see is vain and nought.
C'sar though oft forewarn'd at last was slain
By his own Subjects, a rebellious trayn.
But great Augustus on the factious head
130: Of most, revenged C'sar murthered.395
But Ah! for Martyr'd Charls what man or State
Will vengeance seek before it be too late?
O come Great God, we pray thee at the length,
For without thee, vain is our help or strength.
135: Let Charls the second in thy care be chief
Guard him, and give to his Affairs relief;
Preserve him safe, and when he will demand
His right from English Rebels, guide his hand,
Make them to know that thou dost Rule on high,
140: Strike them with Lightning from the thundring Sky.
Revenge his Fathers guiltlesse death on them,
While there remains or Root, or Branch, or Stem.
But whether now my Muse, where wilt thou croud?
Among the Shrubs it fits me best to shroud:
145: And not to climb the Cedar proud 396 and tall,
Lest while I seek to rise, I climb to fall,
Honor or Hopes calls most men to the Court,
Where one being wrought on by the great resort,
Is straightway struck, and shortly hopes to be
150: Seen in the City in full Majestie.
Another with much labour, toyl, and pain,
Would fain climb high, but all his labour's vain.
This courts Gemmes and Gold, nor th'Indians can,
Nor Europe sate the hunger of this man,
155: Nor fertile Lybia's plentifullest store,
But as he gets, so still he covets more.
Another to the people shews his tayl;
Boasts his descent, that so he may prevayl,
To draw the Fish into his Net: and there
160: Another for his valour doth appear,
And in the Publique place himself presents,
Spoyls of his Foes, his new got Ornaments.
A rustick shepherds life doth laugh on me
More sweet, than all the lives that be.
165: I, in my meaner way, great things deride:
For why, I know the vales have seldome try'd
The force of thundring Jove, when mountains high
Have trembled at his threatning Majesty.
The meat and drink purchas't by me, is not
170: Bought with the treasure of much goods ill-got,
My sleep's unguarded, I fear not to dye,
But in my little cot securely lye:
Not troubled with the noise of men, or drums,
No trumpet there or horseman ever comes.
175: Oft when I rise, I sit a little while
Upon my fragrant bed of Camomile:
The Strawberries that in the thickets thrive,
My faintest hunger serve away to drive:
And pleasant apples (as my Grandsire first)
180: So do they serve to quench my greatest thirst:
While Great ones drink in gold, poison and blood,
I drink clear water out of wholsome wood.
Thus do I passe my time, harmlesse to all
But birds, for whom I make some new pit-fall.
185: Thus stranger to the world, yet to my self
Known, shall I dye, and leave this wordly pelf.
But, Sol withdrawing, the approaching night
And Starres appearing, do to sleep invite.
[393] therefore] therefote copytext, WF
[393*] When [a] Vertue bears the punish-ment of Crimes: And Wolves pretending harmles-nesse bear sway.
[394] ie: Augustus revenged the murder of Caesar by punishing most of the leaders of the faction.
[395] proud] L1, WF etc prond L3
ACcept these lines, which I have plainly writ,
Though not adorn'd with curious Art or wit,
And thou shalt be my Patron, at whose beck
My Muse shall hoist her sailes, or give them check,
5: So may I chance hereafter to relate
Some things more solid, and of greater weight.
And as our Palat's pleas'd with various fare,
So is our mind with studies choice and rare:
All things have changes: ev'n the Law it self
10: May lye and gather cob-webs on the shelf,
Though they be thine (grave Cook) 396 who did revise,
And mend the same, or Plowden 397 grave and wise:
But I love various learning, and so do
Make it my study, and my pastime too:
15: And thus while others play at Cards, or Drink
Away their time, I on Apollo think,
And pray his favour, that he will admit
Me from the Muses fount to sip some wit.
1659. Yours in all officiousness and Love most obliged
[396] Cook: who is this??
[397] Edmund Plowden, jurist, whose collections of cases (written in French) were of considerable importance -- DNB
Richard Bradshaw
"Upon the most desired return"
25 May
Title: A Speech made before the King's most Excellent Majesty CHARLES the Second, / on the Shore where he Landed at Dover. / By Mr. John Reading B. D. who presented his Majesty with a Bible, the Gift of the / Inhabitants there, May 25th. 1660.
Wing: R453.
Copies: brs. O Wood 398 (11).
At the outbreak of war in 1642, John Reading was a canon of Canterbury and Rector of Chartham. He was sequestered by Parliament, congratulated Charles in this oration, and was restored to office to die at Chartham on 26 October, 1667. In September 1662, Henry Oxinden wrote to his wife that he wished "Mr. Reading could procure me that [certificate] at Tenterden"; see Gardiner, ed., Oxinden Letters, p. 265-8; cf p. 273; citing Somner, Part 3, p. 127
Who was Richard Bradshaw? one Henry Bradshaw was headmaster of Wye Grammar School during the 1640s; Oxenden's son went there; did he have a son? brother? Check Wye Church and Wye College, Orwin and Williams -- ref. Oxinden Letters, p. 126. and check A. E. Everitt, Community of Kent, 1640-1660.
John Reading also wrote Christmas Revived: Or An Answer to Certain Objections Made Against the Observation of a Day in Memory of our Saviour Christ his Birth (for John Andrews, 1660; LT 1053(4) dated 12 Dec.
Richard Bradshaw's formal verses appear double-columned below Reading's speech, given here in full.
Dread Soveraign!
1. BE pleased to know that your Majesties loyal Subjects, the Mayor, Jurates, and Commons of this your Town and Port of Dover, seriously minding the admirable work of God's Mercy in your Majesties Deliverances, Preservations and restitution unto your long afflicted People, cannot but enquire for some Remonstrance of their due thankfulnesse to God, and Declaration of their Joy of your Majesties peaceable, and safe Return into your Kingdomes.
2. Nor can they find any means in their power here so to accommodate, As the presentation of your Majesty with this holy Book, commanding our Allegiance and faithful Obedience to our Soveraigne Lord, God's immediate Vice-gerent over us on Earth.
3. And if we may light our Taper to this Sun, we must say it is God's eternal will, in the fulness of time revealed for Mans salvation: The golden Pot of Heavenly Manna fitting every age, and palate, wherewith God having fed his Israell for a time, said of this selected Homer, of the same (sufficient for every man to salvation) recondatur posteris.
4. Nor may we be diffident of your Majesties gracious acceptance hereof, considering your invincible love of truth (according to the estimate thereof, by the Prince after God's own heart) better then thousands of gold and silver; 'tis the Treasure hid in the Lord's field, the inestimable riches of his mercy in Christ our Life, and that through which we shall prolong our dayes in the Land; the royal Ornament of holy Princes, which they carry as the Symbolum of God's presence with them and blessing on them.
5. No more shall we add concerning this tabernacle of God's testimony, whose beauty and riches are within, but our hearty prayer to the Almighty, that it may be our happy auspicium Regni to your sacred Majesty, and as the Arke at Obed Edom's house, a blessing, causing all to prosper, and the good Lord God say Amen, and let all God's people present say Amen, Amen.
In reditum exoptatissimum Regi' Majestatis Sacratissim'
apud Dubrenses.
Votum pro Rege, Lege, & Grege.
Nomov empsixov tov Basilea Vocat Aristoteles.
Carolus secundus Vivat Rex;
Rediviva jam tandem currat Lex.
Exultent vere Protestantes,
Exulent nec non veri Recusantes.
5: Exurgat Deus, & dissipentur inimici Regis.
Nomos empsuxos o Basileus. Rex viva Lex.
Vivida Lex noster Rex, nostri Spiritus oris,
Luminibus lux, cujus & est absentia morte,
Pejor. Juda Leo juvenis sit, simus & Agni;
10: Dumq; lupi, & Vulpes stupidi metuunt, fugiuntq;
Pastor adest noster: Deus en miranda peregit,
Fit caput Angelli summum lapis ipse relictus:
Nam sua sceptra tenet Rex noster, legiser Ille,
Cujus & Herculei scymni ira rebellibus est par:
15: Sed sua conspicuum comitas sibi ducet honorem;
Unde timete Deum verum Regemq; coletis.
Sic obtestatur Majestatis vestr' perenni servorum
humilimus, R. B.
Regis ad exemplum totis componitur orbis.
Qualis Rex, talis Grex.
Upon the most desired return of the Kings most Sacred
Majesty at Dover.
An humble Sute, or Supplication
For King, and Law, and the whole Nation.
The King is Law's life Aristotle cries.
Stopt be that mouth which Royal Law defies.
May Charles the second King, live long and Raign;
The Lawes concur at length reviv'd again:
5: Let Protestants rejoyce from bondage free,
Let non-conformists each Exiled be.
Let God Arise, and the King's Enemies
Scatter'd shall be with their Hyprocrisies.
The King is a living Law.
10: Our King's a lively Law, our Nostrils breath,
Light of our Eyes, whose absence worse then death.
Judah's a Lyons Whelp, let us Lambes be;
Since Wolves, and Foxes shamed, Fear, and Flee;
Our Shepheard's come, great wonders God hath done,
15: What was dispis'd is now th'head Corner stone:
For He the Scepter beareth our Law-giver,
Whose wrath's a Lyon fell to the bad liver:
Yet his free Mercy will Him Glory bring,
Hence fear ye God, and honour ye the King.
So prayeth the most humble of your Majesties continual
Subjects, Rich. Bradshaw.
Printed in the year 1660.
"When Charles King of England"
[undated: after 25 May]
Title: [missing] The second part, to the same Tune. / [cut] / [text] / London, printed for F. Grove dwelling on Snow-hill. Entred according to order.
Wing: Not listed.
Copies: Blackletter broadside. O Firth b. 20 (25). Rpt. in Ebsworth, 9: 788.
This item is the second half of a ballad, printed on one side only, that has been bound in with Englands Captivity. This title is the catch-phrase of the chorus; Ebsworth suggests "Charles, King of Engalnd, Safe on Shore," and reports that the cut -- angelic host top left -- some mounted; figure with sword and book in cloud top right; castle bottom left, host of sodiers bottom right gesturing towards the angelic troops top left appeared on Nathaniel Butter's Good Newes to Christemdome of 1620 (9:788).
The second part, to the same Tune.
GOod Subjects and they
That lov'd him did pray
but Rebels did wish the ship
Were cast away
5: for fear Divine Justice
Should turn them all ore,
When Charles King of England is safe set on shore.
The joy that did ring
Just at his landing
10: did pierce the high heavens with
GOD save the KING.
the Rocks in an Eccho
As loudly did roare,
To see Charls the Second come safely, &c.
15: The Trumpets did sound
The Cliffes did rebound,
with hands lift to heaven,
And knees on the ground,
they all did give thanks and
20: True praises good store,
To see Charls the second come, &c.
The Cannons at Dover,
And every rover,
did thunder with joy that
25: The King was come over,
some Caps were cast up
That they never saw more,
For joy Charls the second was safe, &c.
Men, women, and boyes,
30: Did make such a noyse
they made Kent & Christendom
King with their joyes.
such high exclamations
Were nere there before,
35: For joy Charls the second was, &c.
The true men of Kent
And all that was in't,
deserve their good deeds should be
Publish'd in Print.
40: a Loyall just County
And sufferers sore.
Till Charls King of England was, &c.
Put on the rich Robe
Thy Crown and the Globe
45: for thou hast been well nigh as
Patient as Job,
such intricate hazzards were
Nere known before,
But thanks be to God thou art safe set, &c.
50: May every sinew
Of him strong continue,
true peace and prosperty
Raise his Revennue,
God blesse my Lord Monke too
55: We humbly implore,
By whom Charls the Second got safely on shore.
FINIS London, printed for F. Grove dwelling on Snow-hill. Entred according to order.
Vox Populi, the Voice of the People
28 May
Written in two parts, the first set of thirty heroic stanzas are not composed in quatrains such as Dryden had used to praise Cromwell, but rhymed pentamenter couplets organized into fours. The second part, an "Elogium Carolinum," is both more learned and more formally composed, and the poet even claims to be able to outdo Virgil since he is singing of so noble a ruler. Since these verses were reissued in Edinburgh, it is tempting to imagine that the poet of Laetitiae Caladonicae had them in mind when composing the satires of that poem. Lots of exaggerated claims are made on behalf of the peoples willingness, skill, and desire to fight foreign nations and extend the new king's empire.
The brief character sketch of Charles in the Elogium is vague and generalizing; contrast with Flecknoe's portrait.
Vox Populi,
His Sacred Majesty 398 happy return congratulated
Thirty Heroic Stanza's
BRitain behold thy King, and Royal Head,
For whom thy Nobles and Plebeians bled,
Thy common Saftey, Glory, and the Sun
That ends the Night which in the Sire begun.
5: Whom absent thou so long hast doted on,
The Heav'ns399propitious to thy wish hath thrown
Into thine400Arms, that thou might know and see
T'was401his Exile commenc'd thy Misery.
They were thy sins, not his that did engage
10: Him in so sad, yet Royall Pilgrimage,402
Whence he returns with Reliques stor'd to heal
Thy Sick Estate, and widow'd Common-weal.
A Nobler Prince ne're wore thy Diadem,
Of all that issu'd from that Noble Stem;
15: Affliction made him wise, and Wisdom good,
He is the best of Princes and of Blood.
Nor his return that made the Gallique State
Do homage to his Sword; nor his whom Fate
Design'd the jarring houses to compose,
20: Nor his that did, divided Britain close.
Produc'd such quiet to his State, as we
Hope from his Soveraign Sacred Majestie,
His People's only joy, their life, their love,
To whom all hearts as to their Center move.
25: He, he it is that can Fanatique rage,
And Bedlams Quakers fury disengage,
The Elders and the Miters shall not jar,
Zeal and Religion shall not henceforth war.
But both united Zealous Puritan,
30: And the Religious, Loyal Protestant
Shall shake the tripple Crown, and make it know
We have Religion in the life, not show.
For now our Keepers and our chains are gone,
Pluto bestirs how to secure his own,
35: Least of his despair should drive them down to Hell,
They there attempt to frame a Common-weal;
That lech'rous House long Pandariz'd to please
The rampant humours of State Tyrannies,
The Monsters that for Laws forth from it came,
40: Would blister any modest tongue to name.
They have out-done their Ancestors in crimes,
And Acted past belief in Future times;
Religion, Law like twins of grief lament
Th'invenom'd sting of that Tail-Parliament.
45: The Bloody Cannibals would shame to own
Those Hellish Acts, this monstrous House hath done;
And cruell 403 Tartar, barb'rous Arabs they
Go not to Hell, through such a sanguine way.
But now those Meteors which we fear'd and felt,
50: Are by a Northern Star to vapours melt:
O may they fall in Lethe's stream, that so
Forgetting us, we may them never know.
And now our Bells report unto the Sky
The restitution of our Liberty;
55: And sacred Flames have purg'd th'infected air,
The heavens now smile to welcome home the Heir.
Since then thou art most glorious Prince return'd,
See how thy love our loyall 404 hearts hath burn'd;
Be thou the head, and we will Members be,
60: Obedient Members to thy Laws and thee.
Nor fear thou Treason now, we love too well
To breed up Vipers that are hatch'd in Hell:
Nor shall thy heart to thee more faithfull prove,
Then shall thy People's fix'd and constant love.
65: No greater care doth on our spirits lye,
Then how to care for (Charls) 405 thy Majesty;
To see thee glorious, in a glorious Throne,
No great care have we then thee alone.
Men train'd for War attend on thy commands
70: With Marshall Weapons in their warlike hands;
What King more blest, what Subjects happier be,
Thour't blest by them, they happy made by thee.
Nor may'st thou boast of some few Cohorts, we
Auxiliar Legions here present to thee,
75: Whose daring swords do wait upon thy will,
To save thine allies, and thy Foes to spill.
A Legion yet of English lads there are
Born for to fight, and bred up in the Warre:406
Let Monck but head them, stubborn France shall bow,
80: And humbly set her Crown upon they brow.
The Austrian house shall shake and quake for fear,
The Lyon's Paw should the spread Eagle teare,407
And force the vaster Continent to come;
To this your Isle for to receive its doom.408
85: Our hearts and Purses, we will ope'together,
Ask which thou wilt, we will deny thee neither:409
The first are thine, thou hast them in possession,
The latter shall be thine by free Concession.
Command and have; who for a Prince 410 so good,
90: Would spare to spend his treasure or his blood:
We have no riches, but to spend for thee,
Our riches whil'st thou want'st are Povertie.411
Nor is your land lesse rich, then that of France,
And for her king, dares pound for pound advance;
What they do by constraint, we willing doe;
We pray thee to receive, and thank thee too.
And though rich Spain be underlaid with Gold,
We've English Brasse, will force it from their hold; 412
95: We let them drudge to bring the Indies home,
The greater part unto your Coffers come.
The watry continent owns none but you
As Lord; your Fleet did it long since subdue:
Nor Spain, nor Belgium dares, without you please,
100: To give them leave, appear upon the Seas.
We have provided for you, such a Fleet
As makes the Belgians tremble when they see't:
They've 413 felt the vengeance of our Guns, and now
They think it safer then to fight, to bow.
105: Brave Mountague 414, he rules upon the Main,
And gallant Monck commands the Martiall 415 Train,
That, shall your Forreign foes ship down to hell,
This shall Domestick flames and fury quell.
See how the People throng unto the Town,
110: To see your brows invested with a Crown:
And thus by me they doe Congratulate
Your blest return, to this now-blessed State.
Long live our C'sar, our Augustus long,
May he triumph over our hearts and tongue's,416
115: Our hearts shall love, our tongues his praises sing:
Both heart and tongue, now cry, God save the King.
Floreat Rex Angli'. Floreat, floreat.
Majesty] OC; Majesties EN
Heav'ns] OC; heav'ns EN
thine] thy EN
T'was] 'Twas EN
Royall Pilgrimage] Royal pilgrimage EN
cruell] cruel EN
loyall] Loyall EN
(Charls)] (Charles) EN
Warre] War EN
spread Eagle teare] Spread-Eagle tear EN
doom] dome EN
neither:] neither; EN
Prince] prince EN
Povertie] povertie EN
hold;] hold? EN
They've] EN; The've copytext
Mountague] Montague EN
Martiall] Martial EN
tongue's] tong's EN
Elogium Carolinum, Or, a brief Panegyrick to the praise of his Illustrious Ma-jesty, our most Serene Soveraign Charls the II. by
grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and
Ireland; Defender of the Faith.
YOu thrice three sisters, all ye sacred Nine,
Apollo's 417 darlings! Helicon Divine,
And sweet Castalian Groves forsake, distill
Immortall Verses from my numerous quill;418
5: And whilest one better then 'n'as, 419 I
Doe sing, then grant sweet Maro's melodie:
Would you I tell his birth? Tis 420 one who springs
From the Illustrious 421 stock of ancient Kings,
Whose Sires, and Grandsires fame and lasting glory,
10: Not any former Hero, or their story
Can parralel,422 but let our Muse survey
His proper virtues, which themsevles display
Through every lineament,423 shall I commend
His outward form, my verse would have no end:
15: His stately height doth so advance his Crest,
As if in worldly things thee were no rest:
He emulates the skie, and would fetch down
A starry Diadem to grace his Crown,
Nature herself determin'd him to be,
20: A Royall C'dar, no inferiour Tree;
What shall I of his comely Visage Tell?
Wherein both Majesty and mildnese dwell:
These are his outward gits; what bold pen dare
His inward undertake for to declare?
25: His large endowments do exceed the station,
And narrow bounds of humane Declaration,
His Learning, Valour, Bounty and great spirit
Accomplish him throughout, for to inherit
Paternal Kingdomes, and to govern all
30: The Nations in this vast terrestiall ball;
When like to furious Mars, he doth advance
To his unhappy foes, his dreadfull lance
Is tipp'd with speedy death, no spell can charm
The Conquering force of his victorious arm;
35: When bloody conflicts and stern War asswage
Its fatall violence, and his just rage
Appeas'd, when cloath'd in milder purple, he
Excels just 'acus 424 in clemency;
Then glorious Hero since the Gods ordain
40: That England shall be happy in thy reigne;
And that thy Potent arm shall rule and sway
The Brittish Scepter, (long'd for many a day)
And that we shall regain our old renown
And usuall lustre by our Monarchs Crown:
45: Then let thy radiant brightnesse quite dispell
The clouds of all sedition, and refell [sic
Phanatick errours, whilst the skie shall ring
With one applause, God save our noble King.
Apollo's] Appollo's EN
quill;] quill? EN
'n'as,] AENeas EN
Tis] 'Tis EN
Illustrious] Illustruious EN
parralel] parallel EN
lineamENt] lieamENt EN
'acus] Aeacus EN
H. H. B.
A Poem to his Maiestie
on His Landing
[28 May]
Descriptions of crowds eagerly travelling to Dover to meet Charles were not uncommon in works published during the days immediately following his return. Here most of the commonplaces are well represented, especially the emphasis on a general desire to see this spectacular occasion. This version opens with a cosmogenic analogy -- Charles creates the world by his return -- which develops into a series of biblical references that, in turn, slide into analogies with classical mythology and Virgilian georgic. This displacement of biblical by classical allusions is singularly apt since the interregnum governments had legitimated their authority by constant reference to, and use of, the Old Testament. Against this tendency, Charles's return reintroduces the neo-classicism associated with the culture of the Stuarts. Writers who supported Cromwell had commonly identified him with the olive-branch of peace, so the careful conditional usage in l. 18 neatly marks the structural transition from biblical to classical while also suggesting how the Restoration really began with the protector's death in 1658. Severalo other poets explained that the years which Charles had spent abroad were a providentially ordained education in foreign politics that could only benefit him and his kingdom now he had returned to rule.
Only one copy of this poem seems to have survived. I have been unable to identify the author.
THe Spirit that inform'd this Soul-lesse Frame,
We read, first on the face oth'Waters came;
And You our Quickning Spirit Heaven sent
This sad Nation by the same Element.
5: With eyes upheld, Knees bow'd, glad hearts, clasp'd hands
Upon the shore as numerous as its sands
People stand, and your unseen Fleet descrie,
So much their joyes, see further than their Eie.
The City's empti'd, all towards Dover strive,
10: And like starv'd Bees for sun-shine leave their hive.
Some panting up to the proud Cliff ascend,
And being too low still there, on tip-toes stand:
Nor will that serve, upon this Castle lie
Perspectives planted,425 stilts too for the eie.
15: The Arke when in the Deluge toss'd design'd
The swift-wing'd Dove, the long-lost Land to find.
Had we the Bird, This Land without all doubt
Would send her forth, your Ark for to find out.
The Olive Branch that should this Nation shade
20: With Peace, growes now at Sea about Your head.
The floting world once of each kind held two,
Yet now grown bigger can not follow You.
See your long-captiv'd People ready stand
To loose their Fetters by your Sacred hand.
25: The fair Andromeda thus hopelesse stood.
Allotted for the cruell Monsters food:
When she espi'd her God-like Persius come
And by that Monsters death reverse her Doom.
Your Harbingers, your Acts of grace, were here
30: Long since, And told the Guilty You were near.
'Twas to our Saviour's comming then not long
Men knew, when once good will and peace were sung.
One year of Grace Heav'n did to all allow,
But this unhappy Land stood need of two.426
35: Think (Injur'd Prince) your wrongs were all well ment,
You were to Travail, not to Exile sent.
With sev'ral Countries wisdoms fraught you'r come
Like the glad Bee from flours with honey home.
For common good the Subject Bees perhaps thus drive
40: Rudely sometimes their Master from the Hive.
Alasse your Enemies did but for You
What fondest Parents for their Children doe;
Tis true, your woods they sold,427 your Lands, your Lead,
But yet they'l leave you all when they are dead.
F I N I S.
.úú13. i.e. telescopes. I have not been able to find out whether there really were optical devices made available to the public.
.úúOliver Cromwell -- the "Monster" of line 28 -- had died in 1658.
.úúThe House of Commons put an end to the public use of royal woodlands; 18 June 1660.
H. H. B.
The Noble Progresse
T. H.
Iter Boreale, the Second part
[undated: 28 May]
The model for this reissued ballad was clearly Robert Wild's Iter Boreale, perhaps the single most popular set of broadside verses published on the eve of the Restoration. Dryden glances at Wild's panegyric to Monck in the Essay of Dramatic Poesy, for exemplifying the decay of poetry into popular journalism; everyone on at the Exchange was reading this instance of terrible versification. Reprinted in POAS.
The version of this ballad ascribed to "T. H." and published by Henry Brome, tries to cash in on the famiiar and popular title, but the text makes no attempt at imitating Wild's versification. Ebsworth noted that The Noble Progresse is the same as T.H.'s Iter Boreale, with some variants, most notably the repeated catch. I have taken for copytext the slightly longer version from The Noble Progresse which includes the anti-sectarian refrain as chorus to each verse paragraph. Substantive variants appear in notes, and suggest rather more about how carelessly ballads were composed in the print shop than the date of issue of either.
In 1860, Wilkins included The Noble Progress commenting:
This curious street ballad, the original or which is in blackletter, was discovered forming part of the lining of an old trunk. It is, probably, unique. The first part relates to the final dismission of the Rump, and the election, with the concurrence of Monk, of a free parliament, or Convention, which voted the restoration of the exiled King. The second part describes the triumphal progress of Charles II. from Dovor [sic] to Whitehall, accomaonied by the princiapl nobility and gentry of the kingdom.
The Noble Progresse
Or, A true Relation of the Lord
Generall Monks
Political Proceedings with the Rump, the calling in
the Secluded Members,
their transcendent Uote for his
Sacred MAjesty, with his Reception at
Dover, and Royall conduct through the City of London,
to his famous Palace
at Whitehall
The tune is, when the Scottish warrs began.
GOod people hearken428 to my call,
Ile tell you all, what did befall,
and hapnd of late;
Our Noble Valiant Generall Monk,
5: Came to the Rump, who lately stunk,
with their Councell of State
Admiring what this man would doe.
His secret mind there's none could knew,
They div'd into him as much as they could,
10: George would not be won with their silver nor 429 gold.
The Sectarian Saints at this lookt blew,
With all the rest of the factious crew,
They vapour'd awhile and were in good hope;
But now they have nothing left but the Rope.430
15: Another invantion 431 then they sought,
Which long they wrought for to be brought
to clasp him with they,
Quoth Vane and Scot, Ile tel you what,
Wee'l have our Plot and he shall not,
20: wee'l carry the sway.
Let's Vote him a thousand pounds a yeare,
And Hampton Court for he and his Heire,
Indeed quoth 432 George ye're 433 Free-Parliament men
To cut a Thong out of another 434 mans skin.
25: the Sectarians. &c.
They sent him then with all his Hosts
To break our Posts and raise our Ghosts,
which was their intent
To cut our Gates and Chains all down,
30: Unto the ground this trick they found,
to make him be shent:
This Plot the Rump did so accord,
To cast an odium on my Lord,
But in this task, he was hard put unto't
35: 'Twas enough to infect both his horse and his foot,
the Sectarians, &.
But when 435 my Lord perceiv'd that night,
What was their spight he brought to light,
their knaveries all.
40: The Parliament of Forty eight,
Which long did wait, came to him streight,
to give him a fall
And some Phanaticall people knew,
That George would give them 436 their fatall due,
45: Indeed 437 he did requite them agen,
For he 438 pul'd the Monster out of his Den,
the Sectarian, &c.
To the House our worthy Parliament,
With good intent they bodly went
50: to Vote home the King.
And many hundred people more,
Stood at the doore and waited 439 for
good tidings to bring,
Yet 440 some in the House had their hands much 441 in blood
55: And in 442 great opposition like Traytors they stood,
But 443 yet I believe it is very well known
That those that were for him were twenty to one.
But the Sectarian Saints at this lookt blew,
With all the rest of the factious crew
60: they vapour'd awhile and were in great hope
But now they have nothing left but the Rope.
THey cal'd the League and Covenant in,
To 444 read again to every man,
but what comes 445 next.
65: All Sequestrations null and void,
The people said none should be paid,
for 446 this was the Text.
For as I heard al the people say
They voted King Charles the first 447 of May,
70: Bonefires buring, Bells did ring.
And our street did eccho with God blesse ye King.
At this the Sectarian Saints lookt blew,
And all the rest of the factious crew,
they vapour'd awhile and were in good hope,
75: But now they have nothing left but the Rope.
Our General then to Dover goes
In spight of Foes or deadly blowes
saying, Viveleroy.
And all the Glories of the Land,
80: At his command there they 448 did stand,
in Tryumph and Joy
Good Lord what a sumptuous sight 'twas to see
Our good Lord General fall on his knee,
To Welcome home his Majesty.
85: And own his sacred Soveraingty,
But the Sectarians, &c.
Then all the 449 Worthy Noble Train,
Came back again with Charlemain
our Soveraign great.
90: The Lord Mayor in his Scarlet Gown,
Ins 450 Chain so long went through the Town,
in Pompe and State.
The Livery-men each line 451 the way,
Upon this great Tryumphant day,
95: Five rich Maces carried before,
And my Lord himselfe the Sword he bore,
Then Viveleroy the Gentry sing,
For General Monk rode next to the King,
With Acclamations, shouts and cryes,
100: I thought they would have rent 452 the Skies.
The Conduits ravished with Joy,
As I might say, did run all day
great plenty of Wine.
And every Gentleman of note,
105: In's Velvet coat that could be got,
in glorie did shine.
There were all the Paeres and Barrons bold,
Richly clad in Silver and Gold,
Marched through the streets so brave,
110: No greater Pomp a king could have:
At this the Sectarians, &c.
And thus conducted all along,
Throughout the throng till he did come
unto White-hall.
115: Attended by these Noble-men.
Bold Heroe's 453 kin that brought him in,
with the Generall.
Who was the man that brought him home,
And plac'd him on his Royall Throne.
120: 'Twas General Monk did doe the thing,
So God preserve our gracious King.
And now the Sectarians &c.
Printed for F. Coles, T. Vere and W. Gilbertson.
hearken] all hark Iter
nor] and Ite
refrain not in Iter
invantion] invention Iter
Indeed quoth] Quoth Iter
George ye're] George Indeed you're Iter
another] anothers Noble
But when] So when Iter
them 'em Iter
Indeed] For indeed Iter
For he] He Iter
doore and waited] door which waited Iter
Yet] But Iter
had their hands much] whose hands were iter
And in] In
But] And Iter
To] To be Iter
comes] came Iter
for] So Iter
first] second Iter
there they] there Iter
the] his iter
Ins] With's Iter
line] side iter
rent] rend iter
Heroe's] Hectors Iter
Thomas Mayhew
Upon the Joyfull and Welcome Return
29 May
Lots of neologisms eg "clementest", "stook"; northern dialect sometimes seems to come through??
a brief Ottoman moment when the Army are figured as tyrannical janissaries; notice Ottoman interests in Brett and Higons.
Mayhew spends a good deal of time bemoaning the past conditions that will come to an end; he seems specially vehement about the evils of war and religious freedom.
According to Wing, Mayhew wrote an elegy to Cromwell; MH unicum broadside.
Of Thomas Mayhew I can find no record in Wood,
[ornamental header]
Upon the Joyfull and Welcome
Of his Sacred Majesty,
CHARLS the Second, &c.
To His Due and Indubitate Right of
Government over these his Majestie's King-
doms and Dominions.
REach me a Quill from some bright Angel's Wing,
To write the Welcomes of our dearest King;
Whil'st Vulgar Pens, in modest silence, say,
This lofty Work exceeds their Systema.
5: And first like those, whom mighty Joys surprize,
Let me weep dry the fountains of mine Eyes;
Quitt head and heart of Grief, that All may be
The spacious Organ of a Jubilee:
For difficult it is to apprehend,
10: Much more t'expresse the Joys that thus transcend.
If Peace be welcome to a Nation, rent
With twenty years intestine Discord, spent
And 454 opprest with armed Rapine, and unjust
Exactions, made a sacrifice to Lust
15: And Tyranny, and delug'd with a Floud
Of Vulgar, mix'd with choise and sacred Bloud:
When Persecution stains the reverend Gown,
And Priests before insulting Rage fall down:
When God's Anoynted, and our Nostrill's Breath,
20: By Treason never Parallel'd,455 is quench'd in death.
Hence, hence those Tears: Go read Illustrious Men,
Recorded by some Venerable Pen.
Extract from each his Vertues, and you'l find
Th'Elixir formed in that Hero's mind.
25: There was King David and his wiser Son,
Without their great Crimes, modelled in One.
Would you know Adam, or like what a Man
God once in Eden walk'd; no likenesse can
Better inform you than the Soul he wore:
30: Never was King so like to God before.
This was the Prince, whom we did late behold
Unto his Grave in horrid murder roll'd:
Those, Brutus-like, embrued in his gore,
Whom he, as sons, had bred, and blest before.
35: Hold, Muse, thou wilt retrive our antient cries,
Thou Panegyricks mean'st, not Elegies.
If Plenty with the Poor may welcome find,
Where welcomer, than to a Land design'd
To ruine, and the Monster, War, a prey?
40: Whose greedy throat hath swallow'd up, in pay,
And pillage, quarter, plunder, and in prize,
By force and fraud, gifts and gratuities:
The Bounty of his Saints, the Spoils oth'Loyall,
The Lands oth'Crown, and all th'Issue Royall,
45: The Sacrifice from off the Altar took,
(But Oh! the Coal that to that Morsell stook! 456)
All these, with Contributions, and Excise,
And Customes, not his Gluttony suffice,
But fifty Subsidies he snaps, in short;
50: And lest his stretch'd Maw shrinck, there's ready for't
Fifths, Twentieths, Tenths, All, Treason could contrive,
To keep the ravenous Prodigy alive.
On all our pleasant things, and every good,
His hand he spread, like an o're-whelming floud.
55: If Liberty restor'd may welcome have
From free-born men, enthrall'd, and made a slave
By their own Slaves, who must not onely pay
The Lording Janizary, but obey;
Not yield up their Revenues, but the Right
60: Of their Inheritance to armed Might;
Whose Laws and Charters, like the Gordian-knot,
Are not disputed, but assunder cut.
Whose Heritage by strangers are possest,
And in whose Habitations Aliens rest;
65: Whose necks to grievious Persecution bow,
Nor may their Labours intermission know.
If Settlement in State may joy a Land,
Dissolv'd and broken by the boystrous hand
Of Civill Wars, from its harmonious Chime
70: Of Monarchy untun'd, but th'sawcy crime
Of potent Faction, from its form and frame
Shook into novell Chaos, and a name
Of State unknown, whilst its old Church and State
Stand on their head, the feet predominate.
75: If Discipline and Doctrine welcome be
Unto a Christian Churche's Hierarchy;
A Church, late excellent for both, but now
Confusion written on her mournfull Brow;
Whose Gold is pallid grown, whose pure, refin'd,
80: And radiant gold, its splendor hath declin'd;
Whose polish'd Stones, of late her Ornament,
Are now not onely cast by, with contempt,
But Hewn in pieces, that, the Pillars thrown,
The Cath'lick Building might at once fall down;
85: And in its stead, as many Sects arise,
As Jesuits and Fanaticks could devise.
Its Liturgy with wicked scandall stain'd,
Its reverend Orders Superstition feign'd.
The Holy place to use profane employ'd
90: For Beasts; at best, by men unqualifi'd,
Ill-principl'd, worse taught, or not at all,
But mock'd and blow'd, made ev'n by these a Stall.
Vain foolish Things her Junior Priests have told,
Not touch'd the sins, which did her Cure with-hold;
95: But these cri'd up, for blessed Reformation,
(The ready way to gain a Sequestration)
False lying burdens brought, and hence extrude
As well her Fractions as her Servitude:
These have not wag'd with God spirituall force,
100: Like Jacob, for a Blessing, but a Curse:
Whose ignorance hath onely made them bold,
To censure every Principle that's old:
Who, for pretence, can tedious pray'rs extend,
And Nonsense preach, and Treason without end.
105: And in one Sermon damne (would God agree)
More souls, then that choice vessel sav'd in three.
Hence our Defections, hence it is we run
Into by-paths of Separation.
This way's not right, and the old Standard's down,
110: And each Enthusiast sets up his owne;
From which unpaled platt, more Sects have sprung,
Then if the Dregs of Amsterdam were wrung.
But see a glorious Sunne arising, bright
As morning Titan crown'd with radiant light!
115: Who long, in an injurious Cloud conceal'd,
Exerted hath his Lustre, and reveal'd
His all-refreshing beams, and with him brings,
To our blest Hemisphear, these welcome things:
Thy King, O England, that best Name, which wears
120: Thy Glory-in it, stamps the Characters
Of Honour and Renown upon thy brow,
Whilst forreign Nations to thy Triumphs bow;
Thy Prince, O England, whom thy rebell Crime
Forc'd into civill arms, in early time.
125: And next, (to say no more) to Banishment;
Schools too severe and strict, but that he spent
His time so well, that he hath brought from thence,
Th'Endowments of a most accomplish'd Prince:
Which acquir'd Gemms, set in his native Gold,
130: Heav'ns eye nought more illustrious can behold.
Old Poets, hush, be still; your Pages swell
With weak and poor Romances, when ye tell
Your story's of the Grecian Traveller,
Or Him, that wandred from the Trojan warre.
135: They never prov'd such angry Fates as he,
Nor such Encounters met by Land or Sea;
O're which his Valour, like an high Tide run,
And vanquish'd what so e're it could not shun:
Nor to their Countryes, when at length they came,
140: So much of vertue brought, nor so much fame:
Witnesse, That for his Crown he would not foyle,
With aid of forreign arms, his native soyl;
And that he brings his old Religion home,
Maugre the Circean charms and arts of Rome.
145: This, England, This is He, that brings thee now
After thy flood of woes the Olive-bough.
To make thee know, that Deluge could not cease,
Till this thy Dove were home return'd in peace:
To let thee know, that Heav'n would not agree
150: To grant thy Peace, till made 'twixt Him and Thee.
His are those Feet which welcome claim by right,
Bringing those Tidings, which none other might;
Tidings of peace on Earth, which the most High
Committed onely to his Embassy:
155: For Heav'n decreed no Mercy to dispence,
But through the Conduct of his Influence?
Nor any but his sacred presence shou'd,
Stop the long-running Issue of thy blood.
This, England, This is He, who brings thee back
160: That Amalthean-horn, 457 thou long didst lack.
Each now may sit beneath his Vine in peace,
And eat the plenty of his Field's encrease:
Not labour still, and still the poorer wax,
Nor sell his bread to pay his monthly Tax.
165: This is your Oedipus, that doth explain
The riddle of your Cheat, and Sphinx is slain:
Your Theseus this, that hath the Monster sped,
Who on your Noble sons so long hath fed.
Your Hercules, that hath destroy'd the Boar,
170: Which did your rich Arcadian fields devour.
Yet your Injustice thus just Heav'n controul'd,
Who would enjoy your Birth-rights, His with-hold;
And set Oppressours your own rights t'invade,
Till his Prerogative and Rights were paid;
175: Your Honours and Estates by vassail hands
Usurp'd, whilst you usurp'd his Crown and Lands;
Servants suborned over you to raign,
Whilst you the Scepter of your Prince disdain.
This, This is He, that breaks those Iron-bands
180: And Gyves, that fetter'd thy gaull'd feet and hands:
Who, like St. Peter's Angell, whilst thou sleep'st
Betwixt thy Souldiers, a true Vigill keeps.
And takes thy fetters off, sets ope thy dores,
And thy excluded Liberty restores.
185: And how doth blushing Anarchy decline,
And droop, now Monarchy begins to shine?
How do the Circles of false greatnesse fall
Into their first simple Originall?
Those blazing Stars, which late aloft did climbe,
190: How falne, nought else appear but froth and slime?
How do those aery Pageants melt away,
Before the glorious beams of this bright day?
They, who but now, with strength of Arms and Laws,
Did fortify their greatness, and their Cause;
195: And made our Lands, our Lives, our Liberties,
At best, their Vassail, oft, their Sacrifice;
How, like a morning mist, are they dispers'd,
Our Rights asserted, and their State revers'd?
So true it is; Earth's glories once must fall,
200: But laid in blood, they cannot stand at all.
This, This is He, that all thy Breaches bounds,
And binds up all thy State and Churches-wounds;
That to thy Bruises brings restoring Balme,
And layes thy tedious Tempest in a Calme:
205: That sets in Tune thy long disorder'd sphears,
And with composed notes delights thine ears;
Reparis the runies of thy batter'd frame,
And re-impresses thy old stamp and name:
Enstyles thee Kingdome, such as Heav'n thinks fit
210: To be, and makes thy Government like it;
Rears up the broken Pillars of thy Peers,
And fixes thy secluded Commoners;
Refines thy Temple's Gold, files off its rust,
Elects her precious stones from heaps of Dust.
215: And sets them in her Tyre, discharging thence
Those Cheats of Ignorance and Impudence.
And now, O Land, with blushes dye thy cheek,
Sink on thy lowly knee, and humbly seek
Thy God's and Prince's pardon: Ah! too long
220: Hast thou thy self undone, in doing wrong
Unto thy Sov'raign's right: thy Treason hath
Kept off these blessings, and drawn down the wrath
Of vengefull Justice: but Light now breaks in,
And undeceives thee, and unmasques thy Sin.
225: Great Providence, whose wayes are too profound
And intricate, for human skill to sound,
In this its time, in Men and Devil's despight,
Hath brought at once thy Crime and Cure to light.
'Tis true; Thou in thy Judgments might'st have read
230: Thy sinne, but that, like 'gypt, hardened.
What ment the Elements? Why all enrag'd,
As if in Wars against the World engag'd?
The Fire? what flames have in thy Land appear'd,
And turn'd to Dust the Piles thy Grandsires rear'd.
235: What antient Town hath scap'd its rage? And hath
Not this express'd, how fierce thy Maker's wrath?
The Ayre? What Tempests have the Fabrick shook,
As if the Poles from under Heav'n were took,
And earth in pieces rending? What from hence
240: But thy confusion shewn, and Heav'ns offence?
The Earth? How sparingly of late it yields,
Unto the Ploughman's toyle; as if the fields,
By some divine instinct were taught, that they
Ought not the Disobedient to obey?
245: The Seas besides their rude Invasions made
Upon this Iland, how have they convey'd
Prodigious creatures to thy frighted shore,
Such as the Nymphs of Thames ne're saw before?
To shew, thy Continent, at that time, held
250: No lesse a Prodigie, so parallel'd?
But these were Heaven's Hieroglyphicks, since
Interpreted to thy Intelligence;
Reveal'd in season. And thy Prince's Grace
Extends his Mercy, free as thy Embrace;
255: Who, with thy other blessings, Pardon brings,
The freest and the clementest 458 of Kings;
Who from advantage of his power defies
The vengeance of his private injuries;
Whose Sword, for want of use, may neither rust,
260: Nor surfett with the bloud of the unjust;
Who punishes the Ill, the Good rewards,
Protecteth Peace, and Truth and Justice guards;
Who for Obedience on his Subjects layes
No Rules, but those by which himself obeys
265: His Soveraign Lord; in Arms no lesse expert
Then in the Peacefull Gown sage and disert;
Who as a Tutor to his Church appears,
His Country with a Father's love endears,
What lesse then God inn'd in an human breast
270: Is such a King, of Men and Kings the Best?
O! with what welcome canst thou entertain
This lost Palladium, now retriv'd again?
What Joys canst thou expresse, what Io's sing,
To usher in this rare and Pho/enix King?
275: Unfold obedient arms, and clasp him round,
But with your hearts more than your bodies crown'd:
Unfold those dores, and lodge him there, above
The reach of Envy, in those Towers of Love.
Thy Bells must cease, but let thy Toung still ring
280: That Peal of Loyalty, God blesse the King.
Thy Bonefires must in livelesse dust expire,
But let Allegiance live, like Vestall fire:
Thy Conduits will grow dry of Healthing-wine,
Let Duety be an unexhausted Mine:
285: These Accidents of Love and Joy must end,
But may the Substance without bounds extend:
And by experiecne warn'd, resolve again
No more to quarrell with thy Soveraign;
But make it all thy Practice to obey,
290: And to thy C'sar, what is C'sar's pay.
And here, though Heav'n amazed Earth may tell,
That it hath wrought, ev'n now, a Miracle;
Brought mighty things to passe, to puzzle sense,
And human reason for Intelligence;
295: That the entranced world doth yet scarce know,
Whether it be Reality, or no:
And when the Arme of flesh was tyr'd and spent,
Took up the work, and gav't accomplishment;
To tell the Royalist, there was no need
300: Of him, to bring to passe, what it decreed:
And Rebells, they should fall without a Name,
And not three Kingdomes have, for fun'rall flame:
Yet Heav'n did means and Instruments employ,
Whose merits may not in Oblivion dye.
305: With Bayes no more, the bloody Victour crown,
Nor Conquests, gain'd with thousands slain, renown:
Let Him, in Triumph, through the City ride,
That conquers with his Weapon by his side;
That can an Army, without battail, beat,
310: And every Troop, without a Charge, defeat:
That Gideon-like, with his small handfull, frights
To nothing the distracted Midianites;
That without blows, makes angry War surcease,
And layes his Country in the arms of peace.
315: Who those advantages improves aright,
Which others lost, ensnar'd by Appetite;
From forth whose Loyall and Heroick brest,
His Countrey's love drives his own Interest;
Who knowes Obedience better than a Crown,
320: Which Usurpation cannot make his own:
And such is He, whose Name I need not give,
But as a soul, to make this Poem live;
George Monck, the truly Noble: whose great Name
Shall ever shine'ith Firmament of Fame:
325: We need not Garlands make, nor Statues rayse,
For Him, whose worth is Imag'ry and Bayes;
Nor do his vertues any Herauld need,
Which have their Proclamation from the deed:
What Honour can, or Industry invent,
330: Is but a perishable Monument,
But ne're in Ruines, shall that Name be hid,
Who makes his Country's peace, his Pyramid.
And next to him, there's Honour due to those,
Who, Pho/enix-like, from the old ashes rose;
335: This Legall Parliament: who do not do
Their owne work only, but the Nation's too.
To those our Peers, who sprung from high Descent
Now shine, their King's and Kingdom's Ornament;
And to those Loyall Commons, whose blest Lots
340: Have falne, to be their Country's Patriots;
Whose words have earnest been, like Judah-men,
To bring their Soveraign David home agen:
O! May this three-fold-Cord for ever hold,
And in a lasting Peace these Realms enfold!
H'c ara tuebitur omnes.
And] inked out O1
By Treason never Parallel'd,] ä (Treason unParallel'd), O1 hand corrected
stook: a pile, a mass, esp of hay or straw; also obsolte past participle of "stick." NB OED sb.4: "Coal-mining ... The portion of a pillar of coal left to support the roof" 1st useage, 1826.
ie the horn `of plenty'
ie mildest; from clement; not OED
William Pestell
A Congratulation To His Sacred Majesty
[29 May]
Despite the "1661" of the titlepage, the moment of these verses is very much that indicated in the title, 29 May.
DNB: entry for Thomas Pestell (father): vicar of Packington, Leics and chaplain to Robert Devereux, third Earl of Essex and eventually royal chaplain; published sermons. In 1644 he resigned his living at Packington to his son Thomas; published elegies and sacred verses. Wife was daughter of Mrs Katherine Carr. 2nd son, William (d. 1696), graduated BA 1634 and MA 1638 from Queen's College, Camb, became rector of Cole-Orton in 1644, "whence he and his wife were driven by the parliamentary soldiers under Sir John Gell. He appears to have resumed his benefice at the Restoration, and in 1677 was instituted to Ravenstone in addition." This seems to be his only publication.
[ornamental header]
His Sacred Majesty,
His safe Arrival, and happy Restauration to
his Three Kingdoms.
AMongst the Giant Wits of these ripe times,
My Pigmy Muse creeps in, to bring her Rimes;
An humble Present, to that Sacred King
Regards the Heart more then the Offering.
5: At our bright Northern Blazing Star's approach,
The Sea his Horse was, and a Ship his Coach:
To bear so rich a burthen, Waves did dance,
And (swell'd with humble pride) strove to advance
Their heads to kisse his Hand; the Fish did play,
10: And leap for joy, making it Holy-day,
Dancing Levoltoes to the whistling Winde,
Which then conspir'd them Musick for to finde:
And (which is wonderfull indeed) they say,
A Regiment of Water Nymphs, that day,
15: Meer Maids, per se, came up in shoals, to sing
A Maiden Caroll to our Virgin King.
Thousands of Dolphins Crown'd (but none from France)
With Stramers Honi soit qui mal y pense,
Rode waiters by; the Whales brought up the Rear,
20: And was resolv'd to have a Frolick there.
Neptune resign'd his Trident, and did swear,
'Twas his by right who was three Kingdoms Heir.
No sooner landed, and Devotions past,
But Canons (to discharge their Duties) haste,
25: And give inteligence from Port to Port,
Speaking his Welcome in a loud Report:
The Bonefires gild each Hill, to whose bright shine,
The Moon grew pale, and did her beams resign.
Quakers grew Lunatick, to see such Fire,
30: And thought the World should now in flames expire.
The Bells did ring men by the Ears, and say,
It was Great Britain's general Holy-day.
See how his Loyal Peers, and Gentry, throng
To gild his way, as he doth march along,
35: CHARLES in his Glory, with his sparkling Train,
Outfac'd the Sun, who went to bed again.
Vollies of Acclamations, peals of Joy,
(Which sent to Heav'n on an Embassie)
Return'd this Answer to their Lowd Request,
40: Vive le Roy, be he for ever blest.
To which his Subjects cry'd Amen so loud,
'Twas like a Clap of Thunder from a Cloud.
Blest are his Kingdoms now, in this one Vote,
O may they n'ere divide, nor change their Note.
45: Women then lost their Tongues, Mens Arms were thrown
Quite out of joynt for Joy, yet no harm done.
Some lost their Heads, which were next morning found,
And some had Leggs could stand upon no ground.
The May-poles stood too't bravely, all the way,
50: Crown'd all with Garlands of Good Will, that day.
Phanaticks said the World was drunk, I think
It was indeed with Joy, but not with Drink.
The Earth was drye as dust, with which some say
Gallants were powdred to some tune that day.
55: The Zealots oft miscarry, there are some
Say, they were fowl ore'seen, to let him come.
Ride on, Great CHARLES, Triumphant, whose rare Arts,
By killing Foes with Kindness, gains their Hearts:
Sure there is Magick in thy Name, or Thee,
60: Pardon, (Great Sir) I'le no Familiar be,
From whence doth flow such powerfull Influence,
That all Rebellion is banish'd hence:
No Subject hath the Evil, none diseas'd,
But with Your touch is Cur'd, and pain appeas'd:
65: All Hail to Englands Monarch, may I see
Thy self reflexed, and Posterity
Provided for by You; a Royal Race,
To Rule these Kingdoms, with a God-like grace.
Which is a debt You owe: The World adieu,
70: But I despair of seeing one like You;
From whose bright presence Majesty doth rise,
And like a Sun enlighten all our Eyes.
Let every Coblers Wife a Diamond wear,
And Pearls be hang'd in every common Ear:
75: We have the Indies now, brought home, in Thee
All Treasures, and all Sweets, there hyved Bee:
The Worlds our Store-house now, and we have all
That can be wish'd; our Life's a Festivall.
Our dayes all Halcyon, the time is come,
80: To bid our Golden Fleece a Welcome home:
Thrice Welcome, Royal Sir, our Soveraign Cure;
What Heav'n is Ease! to those long pains endure?
William Pestell.
James Shirley
Ode upon the Happy Return
[29 May]
Titlepage: AN ODE / UPON THE / HAPPY RETURN / OF / King Charles II. / TO His / LANGUISHING NATIONS, / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By JAMES SHIRLEY, Gent. / Composed into Musick by Dr. Coleman. / [rule] / Et capitur minimo Thuris Honore Deus. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed 1660,
Rpt. in G. Thorn-Drury A Little Ark Containing 17th-Century Verses 19-25; and in Armstrong, ed., Poems.
Checked to HM original; some cropping of margins; line over-runs copied as in original.
To the King.
ANd is there one Fanatique left, in whose
Degenerate Soul a thought can stray,
And by the witchcraft of a cloud, oppose
This Bright, so long expected, Day?
5: Whence are these wild effects of Light,
Emergent from our tedious night?
Oh! can it be, those life-creating beams,
That warm the Earth, and gild our streams,
Purging th'infected air, our eyes, and mind,
Making even Moles themselves to see, should strike these
10" rend="right: (poor men blind?
It will convert an Atheist to a faith
Of the Creation, no less strange,
Will he believe our Chaos, when he hath
Read the Miracles of our change:
15: In such a rout was all our Frame
Of things, until the Fiat came;
Stoop, and lay down thy reason trifling man,
From such account the world began,
After a dark Abysse to shew his face,
When natures, stifl'd in the deep, came gliding to their
20" rend="right: (place.
But wonder cease, the Altars call to burn
With thanks and vows; what sacrifice
Can be enough, great Prince, for your return,
Who are the Joy of Hearts and Eyes?
25: Our dutie's paid to him, that is
The Spring of Your, and all our bliss:
Let us to Loyal Monk some trophies bring,
To whom, next God, we owe the King,
Our peace, & Princes; and may you think fit,
Whilest on Your Head three Crowns, on his as many gar-
30" rend="right: (lands sit.
Now welcome, Royal Sir, our bells impart,
And piles of wood, but heat and noyse:
Then take it from the language of a heart,
Whose crowd of wishes break into a voice;
35: And thus do upward fly. May all
That pious men can think, or call
A blessing, wait and watch about your throne;
Live long our glorious King, and be your own!
And when time, faint with years, points to the Biere,
Find it no loss, to be in Heaven, and Charles the second
40" rend="right: (there.
James Sherley.
[ornamenal rule]
WElcome thou happy day, in which was born
The pledge of all our Joy, the Prince,
Welcome again the same white happy morn,
Although sad thirty winters since!
5: And now I sing
That Prince our King.
The cure of all our wounds is He.
Guns, every Bell,
And Bone-fires tell
10: His safe return, our Island round Nothing but Charles, King Charles resound.
A joyful sight to see.
The Major, and Train of Scarlet-Brethren ride
To meet the King, next them we told
15: Five hundred more, all in their plush and pride,
And Chains, you may believe were gold.
Conduits made fine
Pist Claret wine.
The Troops and Trumpets were hard by,
20: Buff and gold lace
As thick as grass
Triumphant march, to and agen,
Some gallant horse, some gallant men,
A joyful sight to see.
25: The Dutch at this strange turning of the stream
Will be our Trouts another while,
But King & Common-wealth's all one to them,
So they may keep their Fishing still,
Purchase and prey
30: And Spawn at Sea:
But oh, the French that were so free!
Pardonne moy,
Excuse their joy.
The Exil'd CHARLES this day is come,
35: Who may send all the Pedlars home.
A joyful sight to see.
The Irish, that in Usquebauh did pledge
His Birth, their jolly tunes give ore.
A Lord not now is master of a Hedge,
40: Scarce bonny clabbor within door.
But you, that were
No Rebel there
May re-assume your merry glee,
And change your tone
45: Of Hone, oh Hone
When you shall hear a voice proclaim
Back to the Province whence you came
A joyful sight to see.
The Scots like honest Men, Hosanna crie,
50: They knew his Father mickle well,
And say, God save the King; Amen say I,
From such as have the trick to sell.
There are some few
That are true blew.
55: The Welsh with joy transported be,
Plutter and Nails
Pless Prince of Wales
Who now is King, and pright as star
Upon the top of Penmenmaure,
60: A joyful sight to see.
But oh, the Landlord of the Rich Peru
Is sayling with his golden Fleet,
And in a sea, of pure Canary too,
To land his Oar at Charles his feet.
65: Rouse from your shade
Dull men of Trade!
The storms are laid, the seas are free,
A peace with Spain
Brings all again
70: You shall like Grandes march in state
And swim in Rios de la Plate,
A joyful sight to see.
That Hand that brought our best of Kings and Men,
Now fix him in his Royal Throne.
75: That Knaves may never preach him out agen,
Nor us into Rebellion,
'Tis our turn now
To Vote and Vow,
And Justice cry our streets throughout.
So, Charles, God bless,
Queen, Dukes no less,
And Monk, who has thrown off his Hood,
And by his Prudence, without blood,
Brought all these things about.
Englands pleasant May-Flower
[29 May?]
Employs a broad series of rather forced parallels from the OT to compare Charles with the divinely annointed with David.
Englands pleasant May-Flower
Charles the second, as we say,
Came home the twenty ninth of May.
Let Loyal hearts rejoyce and sing
For joy they have got a Gracious KING.
The tune is, Upon Saint Davids day.
WHy should we speak of Cesars Acts,
or Shimei's treacheries,
Or of the Grand Notorious Facts
of Cromwels Tyrannies.
5: But what we all might gladly sing,
and bravely chant and say,
That Charles the second did come in
the twentie ninth of May.
Since that his Royal person went
10: from us beyond the Seas,
Much blood and treasure have been spent
but nere obtained peace:
Untill the Lord with-held his hand
as we might chearfull say,
15: And did a healing balsome send
the twenty, &c.
This healing Balsome Soveraign is,
and a very Cordial thing,
Which many evils can suppress
20: by vertue of a King,
And poysoned blisters overcome
Which in three Kingdoms lay,
Twas God that sent this Balsome home
the twenty, &c.
25: Surely he is determined,
a mighty King on Earth,
That God hath so remembred,
and kept him from his birth:
As David from the Lyons paws
30: Whose beard he bore away.
So Charles the second made good Laws
the twenty ninth of May.
The King of Africa subdu'd
by fire and by sword,
35: But Charles the second was indu'd
with power from the Lord.
Whom trained was in Davids field
with prayers night and day.
That he three stately Kingdoms held
40: the twenty, &c.
King David had a General strong,
and Joab was cal'd by name,
He made him Lord of Babylon,
and rul'd where ere he came.
45: But through his spleen with envi'd quarrels
David did betray.
But our Saint George brought home King Charls
the twenty ninth of May.
The second part, To the same tune.
NOw give me leave to speak so far
50: as truth might justifie,
Of that most glorious blazing Star
at his Nativity,
The grandest Planet of the morn
shin'd glorious at noon day:
55: Which was the time King Charls was born
the twenty ninth of May.
I think I could my self ingage,
in deep Astrologie,
To speak what this same Star presag'd
60: of Glorious Majesty
A mighty Monarch he shall Reign
which makes me chant and say
Now brave King Charls is come again.
the twenty, &c.
65: 'Twould blunt the pen of any Poet,
to write what may be said,
But to the Order Honi Soyt
just tribute shall be paid
For such a prudent Gracious King
70: lets never cease to pray,
He heald the sick when he came in
the twentie, &c.
Gods holy band doth him protect
his Angels doth him guard,
75: Likewise his students doth direct,
which makes his foes affraid.
On Davids musick we will sing
and bravely chant and say,
The glory of the world came in
80: the twentie ninth of May.
He alwayes weareth Joshua's hands
and beareth Davids praise.
And like to upright Job he stands
to wear out Abrahams dayes.
85: He was the wit of Solomon,
and upright in his way.
So like to Joseph he came home
the twenty ninth of May.
Like Daniel he was so devout,
90: his Star did follow him,
In all his tragedyes throughout
Like that of Bethleem.
Twelve years he travel'd Christendom
that makes me chant and say,
5: 'Twas marked out just for his own,
the twenty, &c.
Now let all people celebrate
this day which is so pure,
And to be kept by Church and State
100: for ever to endure.
That Generations all might see
the honour of the day,
Which everlasting it shall be
the twenty, &c.
105: So God preserve our Gracious King
the Duke of Yorke also,
Defend them from the Dragons sting
and every Christian Foe.
Then let true Loyal Subjects sing
110: and bravely chant and say,
The like in England nere came in
the twenty ninth of May.
Printed for W. Gilbertson.
The King and Kingdoms Joyful Day of Triumph. [undated: after 29 May]
This ballad is attributed to John Wade by Ebsworth; see headnote to W. J., The Royall Oake. Wade also probably was the JW who wrote "A Second Charles.
Ebsworth dates this shortly after 29 May and notices the similarity of some lines in the Trunk Ballad without a title given here as "Come."
The King and Kingdoms joyful Day of Triumph.
The Kings most Excellent majesties Royal and Triumphant coming to London,
accompanied by the ever Renowned, his Excellency the Lord General Monck,
and an numerous company of his Royal Peers, Lords, Knight,
Citizens, and Gentry, who conducted his Royal Majesty
in Honour and Triumph from Dover to London.
To the Tune of, The Scottish Lady, or, Ill tide that cruel peace that gain'd a War on me.
KIng Charles he now is Landed,
to ease his Subjects moan;
Those that are faithful handed
he takes them for his own:
5: Oh he is our Royal Sovereign King,
And is of the Royallest Off spring,
Peace and plenty with him he'l bring,
And will set us free
from all vexations,
10: and great taxations,
woe and misery,
And govern all these Nations
with great tranquility.
Lord General of fair England
15: marcht forth to meet the King,
To entertain him when he did Land,
and to London him did bring;
He is the worthy Man of Might
That doth both King and Countrey right,
20: In whom God and man taketh delight:
For surely he
well doth understand
what he doth take in hand;
and most discreetly
25: He doth his warlike Troops command,
renown'd to Posterity.
The Trumpets bravely sounded,
the Kings Return again.
With joy their hearts abounded
30: the King to entertain:
Aloud they sounded forth his praise,
Englands Glory for to raise;
For God is just in his wayes
35: most hearts then were glad,
no man seeming sad,
the bravest day that ever came,
We happy by our King are made,
to his eternal fame,
40: The Citizens of London
with a most pompous Train,
For evermore hath praise wone,
his favour for to gain,
Gallantly marched out of the Town
45: To King Charles's Royal Renown,
In peace to bring him to the Crown
Richly attired:
by the Lords perswasion
after the richest fashion
50: greatly admired;
The chiefest in this Nation,
whose hearts with joy are fired.
The second Part, to the same Tune.
THen many brave Noblemen
All most gallant and brave,
55: Marched out of the Town then;
both valiant, wise, and grave,
Counting it a most delightful thing
For to honour Charles our Royal King,
And to the Crown him in peace to bring:
60: desiring he
now might be Crowned,
and still Renowned
to posterity,
On whom fortune had frowned
65: for his sincerity.
Many thousands of Noblemen,
then marched o're the Plain,
For to defend King Charles then,
and him to entertain:
70: Their Horses went prancing along,
When they were the rest among,
And seem'd to dance amidst the Throng
So merrily;
seeming to be glad,
75: they that journey had:
they marcht on most,
They were neither heavy nor sad,
but went delightfully.
Their Riders richly tired
80: in costly Cloth of Gold,
Their journey so required,
most rich for to behold:
Oh it was the most glorious sight,
And did my heart so much delight,
85: That I could not forbear but write.
They were such gallant Blades,
and so richly drest,
as cannot be exprest,
they were most bonny Lads,
90: All malice they did destest,
they were such brave Comrades.
Each Regiment from other
known by their sev'ral notes,
As plainly it did appear,
95: and was all in Buff-Coats:
And in silken Scarfs all of green,
With Hats and Feathers to be seen,
Most rich as well I ween,
Were these brave men:
100: England did never
see the like ever
but may again
They marched most courageous,
the King to entertain.
105: And this doth these Lands rejoyce,
and all that in them live,
Then both with hearts and voice,
and thanks to God do give,
Which restored unto us our King,
110: And Usurpers down did fling:
Freedom unto us to bring;
We shall be free
from all Exilements
and ill Revilements,
115: we and our posterity
Shall have our full enjoyments,
and happy dayes shall see.
London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.
The Glory of these Nations.
[after 29 May]
Fifth of the "trunk ballads," this broadside marks various stages in the king's progress with the putative authority of an eye-witness report, listing names and places along the way from Dover to Westminster. As with all such eye-witness reports, it provides a selective list of those the poet recognizes. Monck and the king, are greeted at Deptford by "maidens … all in white." Apprentices appear to greet him at Walworth field; the Lord Mayor joins the train at Newington Butts where a banquet is served. This ballad names several members of the Sealed Knot who had plotted the king's return.
Despite its title, this ballad's perspective is English rather than British -- at times appearing to be specifically aimed at appealing to those living in metropolitan London. There is a strong commercialist emphasis in the final emphasis on the return of trade.
Of this ballad Ebsworth writes: "A Second `Trunk Ballad' is `The Glory of These Nations; or, King and People's Happiness.' It is an imitation of Martin Parker's ballad `Upon Defacing of Whitehal' (reprinted, vii. 633), and to the same tune, When the King enjoys his own again. It begins, "Wher's those that did prognosticate, and did envy fair England's state, And said King Charles no more shall reign? Their predicitions were but in vain, For the King is now return'd" etc. It tells of his reception on 22nd May at Dover, and his progress to Canterbury, Cobham Hall, Deptford, Walworth, and Newington Butts, where he was received by the Lord Mayor." (9:786-7)
The Glory of these Nations.
Or, King and peoples happinesse, being a brief Relation of King
Charles's Royall progresse from Dover to London, how the Lord Generall and
the Lord Mayor with all the nobility and Gentrey of the Land, brought him tho-row the Famous City of London to
his Pallace at Westminster the 29. of May last, be-
ing his Majesties birth-day, to the great comfort of his Loyall Subjects.
The Tune is, When the King enjoys his own again.
equestrian King with two heralds in front, riding left to right]
WHer's those that did Prognosticate,
And did envy fair Englands State;
And said King Charles no more should Raign;
Their Predictions were but in vain,
5: For the King is now return'd
For whom fair England mournd.
His Nobles Royally him entertain,
Now blessed be the day
Thus do his Subjects say,
10: That God hath brought him home again.
The twenty second of lovely May 1
At Dover arrived Fame doth say,
Where our most Noble Generall
Did on his knees before him fall.
15: Craving to kiss his hand.
So soon as he did land
Royally they did him entertain 2
With all their power and might
To bring him to his Right,
20: And place him in his own again.
Then the King I understand
Did kindly take him by the hand,
And lovingly did him embrace,
Rejoycing for to see his face;
25: Hee lift him from the ground
With joy that did abound,
And graciously did him entertain,
Rejoycing that once more,
He was o'th' English shore,
30: To enjoy his own in peace again.
From Dover to Canterbury they past,
And so to Cobham-Hall at last;
From thence to London march amain,
With a Triumphant and glorious Train,
35: Where he was receiv'd with joy
His sorrow to destroy.
In England once more for to raign,
Now all men do sing
God save Charles our King.
40: That now enjoyes 3 his own again.4
At Deptford the Maidens they
Stood all in White by the high-way,
Their Loyalty to Charls to show,
That with sweet flowers his way to strew;
45: Each wore a Ribbin blew,
They were of comely hue;
With joy they did him entertain
With aclamations 5 to the skye
As the King passed by,
50: For joy that he receives his own again.
In Wallworth-Fields a gallant band
Of London-Prentices did stand
All in White Dublets very gay,
To entertain King Charles that day,
55: With Muskets, swords and Pike,
I never saw the like,
Nor a more youthfull gallant train,
They up their Hats did fling,
And cry God save the King.
60: Now he enjoys his own again.
[cut: royal coat of arms]
At Newington-Buts the Lord Mayor 6 willed
A famous Booth for to be builded,
Where King Charls did make a stand
And received the sword into his hand,
65: Which his Majesty did take,
And then returned back
Unto the Mayor with love again;7
A Banquet they him make,
He doth thereof partake,
70: Then marcht his Triumphant Train.
The King with all his Noblemen,
Through Southwark they marched then.
First marched Major General Brown,8
Then Norwich Earle 9 of great renown
75: With many a valiant Knight,
And gallant men of might,
Richly attired marching amain.
These Lords Mordin, 10 Gerard 11 and
The good Earl of Cleavland,12
80: To bring thee King to his own again.
Near sixty flags and streamers then
Was born before a thousand men,
In Plush Coats and Chaines of gold,
These were most rich for to behold
85: With every man his Page,
The glory of his age,
With courage bold they marcht amain,
Then with gladnesse they,
Brought the King on his way
90: For to enjoy &c.
Then Liechfields 13 and Darlyes 14 Earles,
Two of fair Englands Royall Pearls;
Major Generall Massey 15 then
Commanded the Life guard of men
95: The King for to defend,
If any should contend,
Or seem his comming to restrain,
But also joyful were
That no such durst appear,
100: Now the King, &c.
Four rich Maces before them went,
And many Heralds well content.
The Lord Mayor and the Generall
Did march before the King with all,
105: His Brothers on each side,
A long by him did ride;
The Southwark-Waits did play amain,
Which made them all to smile
and to stand still a while,
110: and then they marched 16 on again.
Then with drawn swords all men did ride,
and flourishing the same then cryed
Charles the second now God save.
That he his lawfull right may have,
115: and we all on him attend,
From dangers him to defend:
and all that with him doth remain
Blessed be God that we
Did live these days to see
120: That the King, &c.
The Bells likewise did loudly ring,
Bonefires did burn and people sing,
London Conduits did run with Wine;
and all men do to Charls incline,17
125: hoping now that all
Unto their Trades may fall,
Their Famylies for to maintain
and from wrong be free,
'Cause wee have liv'd to see
The King enjoy his own again. FINIS.
London, Printed for Charles Tyus on London Bridge.
[1]A hasty error? should be 26th of May.
[2]entertain] enertain copytext
[3]enjoyes] ed. enjoyss copytext
[5]aclamations] ed. a clamations copytext
[6]Lord Mayor of London at the time was Sir Thomas Alleyne, who followed Sir John Ireton and was followed in turn by Sir Richard Browne, the alderman who suppressed Venner's insurrection in January 1661. Alleyne's sheriffs were William Bolton and Richard Peake. Alleyne is linked with Monck in a poem by John Rowland, M. A. of Christ Church, "In Honour of the Lord General Monck and Thomas Allen, Lord Mayor of London, for their great Valour, Loyalty, and Prudence: Epinicia" (LT copy dated 22 May, 1660).
[7]see The Noble Progress
[8]Major General, later Sir Richard Browne (d. 1669) was one of the most influential figures in the City of London at the Restoration. Representing the City, he was among those sent to meet the king at Breda and, as indicated in the ballad here, headed the procession that brought Charles into London. Browne was appointed Lord Mayor in October 1660, having served as MP for the City in 1656, Jan-April 1659, and in the Convention Parliament 1660. A woodmonger from Whitefriars, Browne emerged into national politics as the leader of the City trainbands in the early stages of the first civil war, but broke with the war party in 1648, spending five years in prison. During the early preparations before Booth's rising, he received a commission from the King on 1 March 1659 together with Lord Willoughby of Parham and Sir William Waller. These three, as former parliamentarians, were to cement support with the presbyterians, but only Parham signed on at that time (Davis, 125). Following its failure, Browne went into hiding but continued to be involved in Sealed Knot activities; he was a member of the group in December 1659 that tried to preempt Monck by urging Whitlocke to persuade Fleetwood to see the king at Breda and agree on terms for his return (Davis 188). Browne took his seat representing the City of London in the Convention Parliament on 21 February 1660, and was unanimously nominated recorder (ibid 293, 324). In January 1661 he suppressed the Venner's insurrection. He "remained a favourite with the London apprentices" to the end of his life (Pepys, Companion, p. 48).
[9]George, Lord Goring, later Earl of Norwich (d. 1663), had known Charles personally since at least 1645, when Goring was appointed general in command of the royalist field army in the Westcountry at a time when the royalist effort there had been assigned to the young Prince of Wales. Unable to hold out against Waller's invasion and the internal squabbling among the other royalist generals, Goring fled to France.
[10]John Mordaunt, viscount (1626/7-75); check DND, G. E. C. Cokayne, The Complete Peerage. While a commoner, he plotted against both Charles I and Charles II. In 1658-60, however, he was one of the leaders of the royalist underground aiming at a restoration by bringing about an alliance between the Presbyterians and the City. He was tried for treason 1-3 June 1658, but was acquitted thanks to the casting vote of John Lisle, president of the High Court of Justice. Francis, Lord Willoughby of Parham appealed to Whitelocke to help Mordaunt, 5 June 1658. During July and August, he helped organize a nationwide uprising that failed. In 1659, Mordaunt accompanied Greenville and joined Charles in Brussels where he was created Baron Mordaunt of Ryegate and Viscount Mordaunt of Avalon in July 1659. For services leading to the Restoration, he was appointed High Steward of Windsor and Governor of the Castle, but was impeached by the Commons in January 1666 -- for arbitrary persecution of a subordinate at Windsor -- he was pardoned but resigned; see Whitelocke Diary 22 Oct 1667.
[11]Gerrard: ambiguous, probably (1) Charles, Lord Gerard, Earl of Macclesfield (cf DNB): this is Ebsworth's candidate but check: (2)Sir Gilbert Gerrard (1587-1670): former treasurer at war for parliament during Civil War, became committed royalist; secluded MP (Davies, 321-2);; see Keeler, The Long Parliament, R, Somerville, Office Holders of the Duchy of Lancaster (1972), G. E. Aylmer, The Kings Servants; Davies 1955: 321-22; Of Grays Inn; created Bart. 1620. Treasurer at war for Parliament during the Civil War, Gerrard became a devoted royalist. Appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1648, he was secluded at Pride's Purge, but later reappointed.
[12]Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Cleaveland, "lead a company of 300 noblemen and gentry in the Restoration procession" (Ebsworth, 9:xxxix), cf J. W.'s The King and Kingdom's Joyful Day.
[13]Charles Stuart, Earl of Lichfield and afterwards Duke of Richmon; plotted with Mordaunt for the King's return cf Davies 138
[14]No doubt a misprint for "Darbyes." Charles Stanley, Earl of Derby, was son of the murdered James Stanley, 7th Earl, and Charlotte de la Tremouille, the heroine of Lathom House in 1644. (Ebsworth 9.xl)
[15]Major General Sir Edward Massey, had defended Gloucester for Charles 1; joined with Mordaunt and Sealed Knot to bring King back; he stood for Gloucester in early May and nearly lost his life (Davies 327) See Pepys 25 November 1661.
[16]marched] marced copytext
[17]incline] inclineline
Iter Australe
[undated: after 29 May]
Titlepage: Iter Australe / Attempting something upon the happy / Return of our most Gracious So-/ veraign Lord, / CHARLS II. / FROM / BANISHMENT / TO HIS / THRONE. / [rule] / By a Loyal Pen. / [rule] / -- -Virum non arma Cano. / [rule] / LONON 1, / Printed by Tho. Leach, in the Year, 1660.
The title reverses the direction of travel in Robert Wild's celebrated Iter Boreale, or journey from the North, in order to trope on Charles's arrival from the south in the final stanas. Although the poem is printed to look like Wild's -- they share similar typeface, page layout, use of a nom-de-plume -- there is no reason to think Wild wrote these lines. The poet here doesn't have a great deal to say about Monck. The text was obviously printed in a hurry; inking is poor in all copies. The copy at O=Firth would seem to be an early state, subsequetly corrected in the O=Tanner ad BL copies.
The poem provides a general history of the period from the civil wars up to and including the king's journey home; thin on explanation, wide on narrative.
[ornamental header]
The Portal.
WEe'l no Cronostick numbers here
Compose, to figure out the year
Wherein our Second Charls did make
His Blest return; lest we mistake.
5: For Iustice breaking from her Iron Cage
Ha's back again reduc'd the Golden Age;
That Time no longer will the old style bear
O'th' Sixteen Hundredth and the Sixtieth Year.
Nor will we yet presume to joyn
A Nominal Letter to each Line,
And with our slender Art to frame
Acrosticks on his Sacred Name,
For 'twill be Forgerie to Interline
Those Letters Patents Providence Divine
15: Hath Copyed forth for us in CAPITAL
Out of their Heaven-Inrold Original.
Nor yet to make an Anagram
Disjoyn the Letters of the same:
(So Antient Adam had the Honor
Without all doubt to be the donor)
Lest (as those Lawlesse Traytors did Translate
His Royal Kingdoms to a Rebel State
So) we, whilst we endeavour to inforce
A Better Sense upon't, should make a Worse.
But yet my Muse would something, she
Might demonstrate her Loyalty;
Plain humble verse she thinks will best
Her Kneeling Reverence Attest.
His Beams are such, were not the Poets Bayes
30: Charms against Lightning, she durst not rayse
Her self above the Pitch of Prose -- Lest she
Should burn her Plumes, and fall a Scorched fly.
O might she gain Acceptance, this
Would prove her chief, her Master-piece:
35: So whilst the Sun withdraws his Light
'Twill seem at least an Eagle flight:
But if his splendor be so great that he
Cannot pluck in his daz'ling Raies, and she
Shal stand Convicted of Pr'sumption,
40: She sues the General Act -- -Oblivion.
[1]sic in both O copies; and BL
Iter Australe, Attempting somthing upon the happy return
of our most gracious Sove-
raign Lord,
From Banishment to his
SHoot up thy head my Muse, thy Foes are flown,
Made the retreat to mournful Helicon:
Come dive no longer, now thou need'st not fear
Upon the forked Mountain to appear;
5: Put thy neglected Buskins on, and shake
Thy watry Pineons, and leave the Lake;
Fly to Pernassus Airy top, and see
What from the high Ascent thou can'st descry;
And when thou shalt discern on Thetis floor,
10: The royal Navy, wafting Charles to shore,
Go Crown thy gladded brows with flowers whereon
The names of Kings have their Inscription,
To entertain his blest arrival, and
Carol his welcom to the happy Strand.
15: In the mean time rehearse those mournful Lays,
Thou erst did dedicate unto the praise
Of Charles the first: Go gather up again,
Those Quills of Porcupines thy high disdain
In a Satyrical disguise did cast
20: At Traytors Heads, (whose Feathers as they past,
Sung their Prophetick Elogies) and now
Shoot, shoot in triumph, for their overthrow.
But stop your ears with black, with mourning wool,
Or send your twice-repeated griefs to School
25: Amongst the tortur'd Ghosts, they may from thence
Bring back the Lesson of forc'd Patience,
To hear my now relapsed Muse relate
The Tyranny of our late Monarchs Fate.
NOw that Prophetick Simile proves true,
30: England's an Axe in shape, and nature too:
Whilst startled Conscience winks, One fatal stroak
Prostrates Great Britains Tutelary Oak;
And reason good; Why cumbers it the Ground?
The Traytors cry, our Providence hath found
35: A better way to Husband it, no more
We Beggars-bushes will, as heretofore,
Stand in the barren paths and ways, since we
To plant our seves on his fat soil agree.
Down with th'imperious Cedars too (they cry)
That by their power enfenc'd his Majesty,
40: From our encroachments; And upon their Land
The brave aspiring Poplars shall stand.
The Briery Souldiery shall have a share
With us and a Commission to tear
Their Golden Fleeces from the backs of those,
45: Whose zeal to King, of Conscience, shall expose
Themselves unto our mallice; -- -- -They'l dispence
With penance in their Robes of Innocence.
Thus fell our Gracious Soveraign, and they
That own'd their Princes cause his Fates obey;
50: So the Barbarians have a Law that when
The Master yields to Destinie, the Men
That were his most obsequious Servants must
Descend his Grace, to wait upon his Dust.
Which of his vertues did foment their rage
55: So high, nought by his blood could it asswage?
Was it his Justice? Yes, for they did fear,
Before that high Tribunal to appear.
Was it his mercy? Yes, 'cause he refus'd
To murther whom they wrongfuly accus'd.
60: Besides (they say) Religion bade them make
An holy Warre (forsooth for Conscience sake:
But stay a little, step aside and see
How God himself was wrong'd as well as he.
IF Christian Reformation that will prove
65: Wherein the Serpent overcomes the Dove,
Farewell ye silenc'd Oracles; our Sun
Sets in a Cloud, our happy days are done.
But search and try (my Muse) before you speak,
Turn not a she Phanatick and mistake:
70: For when their warlike Swords and Muskets drove
Out our holy Church, of the peaceful Dove,
Amphibious Batts did spring up in the night
Of blinded zeal, and play'd the Hypocrite;
And damned Spirits walk't therein, which make
75: Our Quakers their possessed joynts to shake,
And Thou and Thee us all, 'cause they foretel,
They shall find no distinctions in Hell.
The Ingis Fatuus of whose lights do bend
Their paths unto perditions, pit and lend
80: False beams a while unto the fatal Brink,
Then (like the Devil) vanish in a stink.
The harmless pictures of th'Apostles must
Out of the Temple windows all be thrust;
(They hate such good examples) that before
85: Ungodly men their light might shine no more:
And why all this? because the Scriptures speak
How Eutichus fell thence and broke his neck.
Each one ordains himself; Mechanick men
Set in the Temples up their shops agen
90: Which Christ himselfe drave out; these silly Elves
(Gifted from none that I know but themselves)
Pretend to Prophecie, and why not then
Coblars of Souls, as Fishers er'st of Men?
Dissembling Souldiers this, and worse have wrought,
95: And Crucified their Christ, but kept his Coat:
And the Rump-Senate set the Tail where we
In vain endeavour'd, that the Head should be.
HEre give my pious Muse leave to lament
Great Charles his Crucifixion, which hath rent
100: Our Church into so many Breaches, that
Good are thrust out, bad men thrust in thereat.
And as the Jews astonish't at the knell
When th'holy Temple rang her Passing-Bell;
So when our Faith's Defender Fell, had we
105: No cause to write a mournfull Elegie?
He was both King and Prophet, that he might
Yield both to subjects, and to God their Right.
And these two Functions did so meet, his Laws
Were on the Decade but a Paraphrase.
110: How did he brandish the Two-edged Sword
Of God's Soul-piercing, Heart-dividing word?
Nor sefish ends, nor false opinion
Could make him burnish a false Gloss thereon;
Who wrot his name upon't, and his devise
115: With the Strong Aqua Fortis of his Eyes.
Then see his Life, not like Cylennius, whose
Statue did point the ready way to those
Were Pilgrims, 'mongst the Mountains, & stood still
Whil'st they asceded the brow-bending Hill;
120: But dy'd a Martyr in a Good old Cause,
Defending both Divine and Humane Laws.
Then come, O Loyal Subject, let us raise
A Monumental Trophee to his Praise.
And in succeding ages let it stand
125: Untouch't; and may that Sacrilegious hand
That shall by force attempt to raze it, ne're
Enjoy the blessing of a Sepulcher.
BUt what though he be murthered, his Son
The Prince of Wales ascends his Royal Throne:
130: Come, we may mitigate Our Griefs, though we
Can ne're enough bewail His Destiny.
No 'tis not so, his Fathers Vertues are
Descended unto him, as lawfull Heir;
And it is fit, the Fates do say that He
135: Should likewise taste of his Extremitie
To countermand such Blessings; and be hurl'd
In wandring mazes up and down the world:
Like to that pious Heroe, who did hast
From flaming Troy, when as the fire did wast
140: That Cities stately Structures,4 before he
Attain the place of his Regallitie.
But after many dreadfull 5 hazards run
'Twixt Hope and Fear, at length the Scottish Crown
Is set upon his Brows by those that took
145: Pole-money for his Fathers head, and struck
That luckless bargain, sad experience told
Prov'd loss to them that Bought and them that Sold.
THe English Rebels hearing this, there comes
Their General with an Army, thundring Drums
150: Roar 6 nought but Canon-language, Trumpets sound
A Brazen Perseverance, they are bound
That have engag'd against their Prince, to be
No more Retreaters to their Loyaltie.
Charles hunted out of Scotland by the Crew
155: Of these pursuing Blood-hell-hounds, he threw
Himself to Worsters Borough to obtain
A shelter more secure, but all in vain:
For they dislodg'd our Dear, and made him flie
For safer covert 7 to a Hollow Tree:
160: And now the Ranging Doggs the sent have lost;
But would not yet desist, till having crost
The Champian ground twice or'e, they could not finde
Their Pray, which thus their Fury had declin'd.
Thus did his Majesty escape, whose Rayes
165: Heav'ns Providence design'd for better daies;
And to a Forraign soil is fled from hence,
Till that Reducing Power recalls him thence.
ANd now Aspiring Oliver by Force
With the Black Rod whips the Rump out of doors,
170: And makes himself Protector; Thus we see
Treason 'mongst Traytors sometimes there may be:
One Interregnum thus encludes its Brother;
Here's one Parenthesis within another:
Time-servers tongues, Lick'd (out of Hope or Fear,)8
175: Into a Formal Lamb this Savage Bear.
One would have him a David, (cause he went
To Lamberts wife, when he was in his Tent.)9
A second, Moses styled him, (for why
His shining Nose made the Synecdoche:)
180: And Most were so besotted that they found
No grief at all; For hard Oppression ground
Their Faces with such cruelty, that there
Did no impressions of dislike appear.
But Providence at last to purge our Ayr
185: From this most noysome Vapour, did prepare
A wind to drive him hence, and sent him gone
To his deserved place; and straight his Son
Richard assumes the Load, and all adore
The Ass, (but for the Burthern which he bore.)
190: Some thought he would again our King recall,
But yet the Goose sav'd not our Capitoll.
Lambert Degrades him presently, and then
The Rump let loose, ran to their stools agen.
BUt they must turn out too, and not repine
195: But to the Wallingfordians resign
Their late acquired power, the Rump again
Is thrust besides the Cushion, may not Raign;
And now great Monk advances over Tweed,
The Priviledge of Parliaments to plead,
200: But his White-powder 10 gave no crack; for he
Wrought not so much by Power as Policie.
All are restor'd again, nay more then that,
For each Secluded Member takes his seat
Among the rest; I hope we may not fear
205: To style the King, Monks Privy Counceller.
The Royal Party make it their Resolve.
With all the speed that may be to dissolve
The now Divided House, with an intent
To make room for another Parliament;
210: Which might the Great Work do, and so agree
To pass a Fine without Recoverie.
Fly then ye restless Furies, fly, begon;
No more the Mazes of Confusion
In Brittains Soyle; trace out, hence off, make room
215: For gentle Fayries, their glad feet may come
And Dance the Rings of Everlasting Peace
About our Blessed Isle, so that the Seas
Of Violence and Rapine may no more,
Cast their unheard of Monsters on our Shore.
220: THe Senate is Assembled, which receives
The Style 'oth 11 Peoples Representatives
Now in a down-right sense; they are the Glass
Wherein his Subjects may see their Kings Face;
And eas'ly apprehend there doth abide,
225: A Silver'd plenty on the other side:
Their Rumpships Breeches now no more shall be
The Impress of our Lawfull Coyn; But we,
For his Reward who did bring home our King,
Shall have Great George on Horseback ride the Ring.
230: As when the Earth bewailes in Mourning Weeds
The absence of the long set Sun, and dreads
A Non-repeated Course, the Gray-ey'd Morn
Giving a signal of his blest Return,
She then puts off her Cypress vayl, that He,
235: Might wipe her dewy Tears away; so we,
For Charle's, 12 his Wains Declension had vowd
Our Souls all Proselites to grief, and bowd
Our necks unto her Altars; Till from far
Unto our Watry eyes there did appear,
240: Monck in a Scottish Mist, who straight did pour
On English Rebels heads, a drowning shower:
Which having done, the Coast began to clear,
And straight upon our English Hemisphere
We did expect that Star should rise and be
245: Exalted to its Regal Dignitie.
And whilest our King makes ready to Return,
With Zeal inflamed Joys our Hearts do burn.
THe Brittish Seas Fly to a Forrein shore,
With an unwonted speed, to waft Him o're,
250: And make their Inroads on the Continent
That still detain's their Lord, and when they've spent
Their strength in vain, they backward bend their course
They may assayl it with a greater Force:
And having won 13 the Field, and got their Prize,
255: Ev'n Rarifi'd with joy, they Scale 14 the Skyes
To fetch the Clouds from thence, whose waters may
Send their Assistace to the happy Bay.
Both Heaven and Earth (for nought else yet we see)
Fight for, or yield to CHARLES his Potencie.
260: Neptune his Trident brings, and will not own
A Scepter suiting to a Triple Crown:
Iris, that stout Virago, thinks it fit
To paint her Bow with Purple, Green, & White
To shew whose cause she owns; Heaven would have made
265: Her stragling Meteors Torch-bearers i'th'shade
Of wandring Night, the Royal ship might stear
Aright amidst the Waves, but that there were
So many Bonefires on the shore that forc't
A day when Tytans Chariot was unhorst.
270: Now! now he sails in view! but yet no land
Appears unto his sight, the people stand
So thick (like King-Fishers) upon the Coast,
Th'Inhabitants he found, the Isle he lost.
Some wish themselves Arions Dolphin, they
275: Might shoot into the Waves and bear away
Their wished King to Land; and some would be
Int'Eagles Metamorphos'd, that from Sea
They might bring Charles the Great, as it is told
That feather'd Prince did bear the child of old.
280: All would be Christophers that they might bring
Unto the happy shore their welcome KING.
How did the people croud to see him set
His foot on English ground? He scarce could get
Room to Ascend; and thus their very Love
285: And Loyaltie did Petit Treason prove.
The Guns report his Landing, posting Fame
Rode all the staged Cannons as she came
Quite out of breath, and fainting, short had flown,
But Fleeter Eccho lent her Wings to Town.
290: The Bells rack'd on their turning wheels Confesse
The happy news to all the Parishes,
Whilst to their tuning Cords the Steeples dance
For joy at this their great Deliverance.
The Citizens began to curse the Day
295: Gave Birth unto our Civil Wars, that they
Could not rebuild great Pauls his Spire, (that fell
As an Ill-boading Omen to foretell,
The Ruine of the Church) so that they might
Have now ascended his prodigious Height
300: To view Charls in his Progresse, guarded by
The Quintessence of England Cavalry;
Whilst Loyal-hearted Subjects made a Lane
Fenc'd with a double Quick-set hedge, and strain
Their Throats, like merry Birds therein, so sing
305: The blessed Restauration of their King,
That now at Black-Heath makes a stand, to greet
Them Graciously, that at his Royal Feet
Cast themselves down for Pardon, and arise
In his Defence against his Enemies.
310: Thence They conduct him to his Throne, and He
Assumes his double-staft Supremacy.15
REturn'd! O happy News! Is Charles his Wain
On our Horizon wheel'd up once again,
(And drawn with Doves, which tacitely express
315: This Emblem'd Motto, Conquerer by Peace.)
Go scotch the Orb 16, ye God's, this Chariot may
Run the Olympick Chace no more, but stay
Till pale-fac't Death sets up the White, which done
May Ariadne's Star be-studded Crown
320: Enshrine his noble Brows, may he appear
In Cassiopeias High Imperial Chair,
A Star of the first Magnitude, and be
As in his proper Seat and Dignity.
Go scotch the Orb till then, we may no more
325: His Peregrined Aspects here deplore.
Then let our Joyes, O Loyal Subjects, Dance
The Flourishes of our Deliverance
Upon our Ravish'd Heart-strings, and our Tongues
Sing Confort to them with Bliss-brimmed Songs,
330: Since Providence our Monarch doth Recall
From Miseries Black-Heath, to Joyes White-Hall.
Vive le Roy. FINIS.
[2]; in L and O=Tanner: weak inking in O Firth and WF gives ,
[3]Of] O but weak ink in all copies except O=Tanner
[4]S rtuctures in O Firth
[5]dreadfull] dereadfull in all copies
[6]Roar] Rore in O Firth only
[7]For safer covert] missing in O Firth only
[8]closing parenthesis missing in all copies
[9]On the affair between Cromwell and Mrs Lambert, see Newes from the New Exchange; or the Commonwealth of Ladies, Drawn to the Life in their severall Characters and Conceivements (Printed in the year of women without grace, 1650).
[10]not OED; though "white gunpowder" appears in the 19th century as a specific development in gunpowder; so presumably a poeticism.
[11]Style 'oth] Styl e'oth O=Firth only
[12]Charle's,] Charle, O=Firth only
[13]won] wun O=Firth only
[14]Scale] Skale O=Firth only
[15]Supremacy.] Suprem cy. O=Firth only
[16]In line with the title of the poem; "scotch the Orb" means to make a permanent incision upon the face of the earth; "scotch" thus OED v.1. "to make an incision or incisions in, to cut, score, gash."
James Bernard Upon His Sacred Majesties Distresses
[undated: after 29 May]
Titlepage: A / POEM / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / DISTRESSES, / AND LATE / HAPPY RESTAURATION. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for R. Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in / St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet. 1660.
Date: Bernard's welcome is composed in very general terms that imagine Charles has recently arrived in England: so place in late May.
The publisher Richard Marriot also issued the large paper reissue of Waller's poem in early June (Thomason's is dated 9 June).
Bernard's heroic verses welcome the king in the guise of a warrior whose recent fate has been of some considerable concern to the Titans and gods of Olympus. Bernard's imagination is exhuberant to say no more.
CEase, Phancie, cease, thus to disturb my Muse
With strange Chymera's, not for any use
But barren subjects, or some aiery theam,
The issue of A Non ens, or a Dream,
5: Which scrued up to the most tow'ring strain.
Its former nothing strait resumes again:
My Muse denies to bate one scruples right,
Back forty foot, for thou'rt a grain too light.
Armes, and the Prince, I sing, whose generous vain,
10: Pregnant with sacred purple, knows no stain
But that he's Albions Prince, which may put on
A title more significant, Rubicon.
Nor can the factious Rhetorick of the Times
Nose forth a Canting glosse, t'excuse the Crimes,
15: The horrid treason of a vip'rous Brood
That slue their Countries Father, who then stood
The Pilot of their Faith; but since he fell
Their Faith was shipwreckt, and they sunk to Hell.
Just so a sturdie Oake, which climb'd so high,
20: Its vertex seemed to gore the azure skie,
Through the complaint of an ambitious Brier,
Humbl'd upon the Earth, doth there expire:
But blustring Boreas through distended Cheeks
Empties his Belching lungs, the bramble seeks
25: For shelter, as before, but cannot find
Its spatious Friend to fan away the wind.
What Phlegra's this, whose Typhon scales the skies?
Will not such crimes awake heaven's Deities?
Hath Ganimedes (Nectar not profuse)
30: Sophisticated Jove with Lethe's juice?
Sure jealous Vulcan, searching for his Dame,
Doth disappoint the Gods, and lets his flame
Faint for a new supplie.
But, harke what sound!
What horrid object's this! see how the Ground
35: Blusheth with scarlet, whilst the thundering Gun
Disputes the Business, and th' affrighted Sun
Sweats to drive up his steeds: But, Muse, declare
What high-sould Prince is that, who, thus, doth dare
Doe wonders at each motion? have ye heard
40: Niles Deep-base Cataracts? or the crackling beard
Of domineering flames? heard ye the winds
Break from Eolian Caves, whilst Boreas finds
Resistance from the foaming brine? his steel
So stormes at every passe, till his foes reel:
45: Since wonders are so cheap, that every blow
Must be so prodigall, Let Heaven bestow
One on my trembling Muse, that she may see
Her Prince's miracles in a simile.
-- -- -- Have ye 'ere seen
50: A roaring Lion, big with rage, whose spleen
Durst venture on the Gods, when his proud foe
On solitarie Cliffs, presumes his Bow
With his dividing steel, sufficient force
To beard his highnesse with, whose voice is hoarce
55: Already with his boyling rage, whose eyes
Shootforth contracted flame, his shag doth rise,
His tallons all unsheath, whilst a deep groan
(Like Gorgons head,) would fright his foe to stone;
But yet the generous Archer speeds amain
60: His well-taught shafts, though still they light in vain
Upon his Royall fur: The Rampant King
Unites his furie 'cause he faild a spring,
With open mouth receives the bolder Dart,
First spits it forth, and then his generous heart
65: Kindles a double flame; his spirits rise,
Dart naught but vengeance from his blazing eyes,
Seizeth his foe, and then his rending paw
Teares up his bosome, for his grinding jaw
To craunch his vanquisht heart: So, just so
70: Our Royall Lion doth entreat his foe,
With equall courage and with equall flame,
But with unequall stars, which seems to shame
And make Olympus blush: But Atlas frownd,
Swore Heaven should sink for him to th' Stygian sound,
75: If its more favouring aspect did not look
Upon the just designs; then Phebus took
The deep-divining rowles of Fate, and read
As great deliverance on my Soveraign's head,
As ever cop'd with danger: thus appeas'd
80: Thick-shouldred Atlas was again well pleas'd
Had you been there you might have heard a shout,
A suddain tempest, loud enough to rout
Joves thunder to a whisper; Th'army flyes,
And Save-the-King runs Clambering up the skies:
85: But he, brave soul, rather then think of save,
Incircled by the dead, doth court his grave;
Yet is preserv'd, and gone, Jove best knows how,
But, by Joves favour, I'l goe beat the bough.
A stately Pallace 'tis, 'tis large and tall,
90: My Leidge hath turn'd his White to a Greenhall!
His father purpl'd it! the Phancie's rare,
Since Purple, White and Green his Colours are.
But lo the Crescent-crowned Queen of Night
Spangles the double Poles with borrowed light,
95: And decks with wanton rayes her gamesome hair,
Whilst shooting stars run trick about the Aire:
And wonder much to see the sifters loome
Spin a long thread withing the strutting womb
Of a comsumptive Oake, which had not teem'd
100: An hundred years before: but yet it seem'd
Latora must be fetcht, though't be in vain,
For now my King's secured by a Lane:
A raritie indeed, since when, I'm sure
The via Regia nere was thought secure.
105: -- -- -- But heark, the Capering brine
Doth call my Muse, to frisk a nimble twine
With it, for joy my Soveraign doth daine
T'accept the service of the prouder maine,
Whilst Zephir' whispers-forth a softer gail,
110: Whose wanton sporting swells the pregnant sail;
The furrow break in silver foam all o're,
And straight, the stout Keel plows the Norman shore;
Which Eccoeth welcome, and, repleat with joy,
Doth storm Olympus with a viv' le Roy:
115: But fortune still, as various as before,
Ventures to dally with his stars once more;
And, as an Ignis Fatuus doth climbe
Sometimes aloft, then courts its mother-slime:
So she unconstant paces foots amaine,
120: First wantons with her flattery, then disdain;
And 'cause the French, of all men, sympathize
Her most transcendent rare varieties,
She makes them be the racket that must toss
My Soveraign (like a ball,) into a loss,
125: Or band' him to an hazard, whilst his foes
Are courted for a league, a rebell nose?
Makes them forget their honour, and their blood,
For fear it should take snuffe; thus, in the bud
My Princes hopes are nipt, whilst Fiends, not men;
130: First entertain, then turn him out agen.
So have I often seen a greedy Cur
To cramb his spacious gut make a great stir,
With eager haste swallow the pleasing bit,
And then at length his paunch disgorged it.
135: But now the storm is past, the Day is fair,
French complements evaporate to aire,
While th'Austrian Prince exceedeth France as far
As substance doth a shadow, Sol a star,
Yet still there doth some chequer'd clouds appear,
140: Like beautie-spots, within his hemisphear;
But are dispersed; and a Monck, whose hood
Vaild his designe, prevents a purple flood;
And by a Labyrinth of windings, brings
Phanatick Gustes up to rellish Kings:
145: But now the stars with better aspects crown'd
Distill rich influence, and forget they fround,
The whilst our Prince doth gradually scale
Up Fortunes wheel by steps, that doe not fail.
So have I seen Apollo's radient eye,
150: Peeping through sable Curtains of the skie:
First powder it with Argent, Or it next,
And after comment largely on the text.
But then arose a grand dispute, what Fee
The Senat held by; some would have it be
155: Fee-simple, but the greater vogue prevail,
And all conclude at last it was Fee-tail.
At whose decease no issue did succeed,
So the Reversion, as is due, must need
Fall to my Soveraign.
But, methinks, I hear
160: That Charlemaine moves in his proper sphear;
Whose harmonie exceeds Apollo's lire,
Or Orpheus crystall sphears, though all conspire
To ravish with their accents. Plato's true,
Th'old Realme of England is become a new;
165: 'Tis its Platonick year, then let my soul
Extract the spirits of joy, and crown my bowle
Brimfull with wishes, whilst the Sun keeps time,
And ecchoing shouts do foot the measured rime.
Melpomene no more, come, come, and twine
170: About our, Olive merriest of the nine,
And, when thy jolly store is emptied, then
Its quintescence extract, and that agen.
Europa's Bull went wading by degrees,
First dipt his golden hoofes, anon his knees;
175: So hath our Soveraign done, yet still we see
He is to us, as Jove to Semele.
Thus have we seen a swelling Cloud arise,
Whose spacious bulk did Lord it o're the skies,
And golden Phebus did a Prisoner doom
180: To the black conclave of it's sooty womb,
But thanks to Heaven, a more refulgent beam
Turn'd the Usurper to it's former steam.
And since our glittering Sun, with rayes full grown,
On high Olympus top hath fixt his Throne,
185: If any ambitious meteors shall appear,
Let them prove falling-stars in's hemisphear.
By James Bernard.
Laurence Price
Win at first, lose at last.
[undated: after 29 May?]
The narrative here brings events up to the moment after Charles has returned, but only just.
This ballad evidently became a very popular piece since it was so often reprinted in slightly different forms. Internal evidence suggests that it may have been written in response to what might have been an earlier ballad called A New game at Cards. Or, The three Nimble Shuffling Cheaters. To a pleasant new tune, Or, what you please (nd; O=Wood 401 (147/148), which tells of a game between "three cheaters," an Irishman, a Scot and an "English-man so round."
Wilkins notes: "This humorous piece, in which the events of the time are narrated in a supposed game of cards, closes the satiric chronicle of the Commonwealth. It is one of the very few ballads, written against the Rump Parliament between the years 1639 and 1661, that is entirely free from licentiousness, virulence, and falsehood" (1:144).
Win at first, lose at last; or, a New Game at Cards;
Wherein the King recovered his Crown and Traitors lost their heads.
To the Tune of, Yee Gallants that delight to play.
YEe merry hearts that love to play
At Cards, see who hath wone the day.
You that once did sadly sing,
The knave oth'Clubs hath wone the King,
5: Now more happy times yee have,
The King hath overcome the Knave,
The King hath overcome the Knave.
Not long ago a Game was playd,
When three Crowns at the stake was layd,
10: England had no cause to boast,
Knaves wone that which Kings had lost,
Coaches gave the way to Carts,
And Clubs were better Cards than Hearts.
And Clubs, &c.
15: Old Noll was the Knave oth'Clubs,
And Dad of such as Preach in Tubs:
Bradshaw, Ireton and Pride,
Were three other Knaves beside,
And they playd with half the Pack,
20: Throwing out all cards but black,
Throwing out, &c.
But the just Fates threw these four out,
Which made the Loyall party shout,
The Pope would fain have had the Stock,
25: And with these Cards have wip'd his Dock,
But soon the Devill these Cards snatches,
To dip in brimstone and make matches,
To dip in, &c.
But still the sport for to maintain,
30: Lambert, Hasleridge, and Vane,
And one-ey'd Hewson, took their places,
Knaves were better Cards than Aces,
But Fleetwood hee himself did save
Because hee was more Fool than Knave.
35: Because, &c.
Cromwell, though hee so much had wone,
Yet hee had an unlucky Son:
Hee sits still and not regards
Whilst cunning Gamesters set the Cards,
40: And thus alasse, poore silly Dick,
He playd a while, but lost the trick,
He playd, &c.
The Rumpers that had wone whole Towns,
The spoyls of Mytres, and of Crowns:
45: Were not contented but grew rough,
As though they had not wone enough,
They kept the Cards still in their hands,
To play for Tythes, and Colledge Lands,
To play, &c.
50: THe Presbyters began to fret,
That they were like to lose the set,
Unto the Rump they did appeal,
And said it was their turns to deal,
Then dealt the Presbyterians, but
55: The Army sware, that they would cut.
The Army sware, that they would cut.
The Forain Lands began to wonder,
To see what Gallants wee liv'd under,
That they which Christmasse did forswear
60: Should follow Gameing all the year,
Nay more, which was the strangest thing,
To play so long without a King,
To play, &c.
The bold Phanaticks present were,
65: Like Butlers with their boxes there,
Not doubting, but with every Game
Some profit would redownd to them,
Because they were the Gamsters Minions,
And every day broach'd new Opinions.
70: And every, &c.
But Cheshire men (as Stories say)
Began the shew them Gamesters play.
Brave Booth, 1 and all his Army strives,
To save the stakes, or lose their lives.
75: But Oh sad fate! they were undone,
By playing of their cards too soon,
By playing, &c.
Thus all the while a Club was Trump,
There's none could ever beat the Rump,
80: Until a Noble General came
And gave the Cheaters a clear slamm,
His finger did out-wit their noddy,
And screw'd up poor Jack Lamberts body,
And screw'd, &c.
85: Then Hasilrig began to scowl,
And said the General plaid foul,
Look to him Partners, for I tell yee,
This Monk had got a King in's belly,
Not so, quoth Monk, but I beleeve,
90: Sir Arthur has a Knave in's sleeve,
Sir Arthur, &c.
Then General Monk did understand
The Rump were peeping into's hand,
Hee wisely kept his Cards from sight,
95: Which put the Rump into a fright,
Hee saw how many were betray'd,
That shew'd their Cards before they play'd,
That shew'd, &c.
At length, quoth hee, some Cards we lack,
100: I will not play with half a pack,
What you cast out, I will bring in,
And a new game we will begin;
With that the Standers by did say,
They never yet saw fairer play,
They never, &c.
But presently this game was past,
And for a second Knaves were cast,
All new Cards, not stain'd with spots,
As was the Rumpers and the Scots,
110: Here good Gamesters play'd their parts
They turn'd up the King oth'Hearts,
They turn'd, &c.
After this Game was done, I think
The Standers by had cause to drink,
115: And the Loyal Subjects sing,
Farewel Knaves, and welcome King,
For till wee saw the King return'd,
Wee wish'd the Cards had all been burn'd,
Wee wish'd the Cards had all been burn'd.
London, Printed for Fran. Grove on Snow-hill. Entred according to Order.
[1]In July 1659, Sir George Booth captured Chester as the start of his attempt to reintroduce monarchy. he was shortly after defeated and captured by Lambert's troops who recovered the city.
Abraham Cowley
Ode, Upon the Blessed Restoration
31 May
Titlepage: ODE, / UPON / The Blessed Restoration / and Returne / OF / HIS SACRED MAJESTIE, / Charls the Second. / [rule] / By A. Cowley. / [rule] / Virgil. -- -- Quod optanti Div-m promittere nemo / Auderet, volvenda dies, en, attulit ultro. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / Shop on the Lower Walk in the New Exchange. / Anno Dom. 1660.
Abraham Cowley (1618-1667) was among the small group of notable poets who, in 1660, found themselves liable to the embarrassing accusation of having accomodated with the enemy.
He had shown an early aptitude for writing verse while at Westminster School, publishing Poetical Blossoms in 1633 while aged 15. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1637 and continued to write and publish Latin and English verses, including The Guardian, a comic drama performed in 1641 during a visit by prince Charles. Cowley subsequently revised this into The Cutter of Coleman Street for performance after the Restoration. While still at Trinity, he began his unfinished biblical epic, The Davideis, but was ejected from Cambridge in 1643-44 and moved to St Johns College, Oxford, where he became friendly with Richard Crashaw and the circle of royalists around Lord Falkland. While at Oxford he started and abandoned a second epic, The Civil War. In 1646 he followed Henrietta Maria to France, engaging in various diplomatic missions for the exiled court. His collection of poems, The Mistress (1647) became the most popular volume for a generation.
In 1656, Cowley's Poems was first published, but he was arrested in London that year and remained there on bail. According to Thomas Sprat, he was working undercover for the exiled court, abandoning poetry for medicine as part of his cover. In 1657 he was created M. D. at Oxford by a government order [check Woods] that led many to suspect he had changed allegiances.
Cowley's Ode is highly figurative, blending biblical and classical allusions with motifs from astrology and medicine. Highly dynastic in argument, the poem is structured as a royal entry in which the king, other members of the royal family, Monk, and members of the two houses of parliament mingle with allegorical personifications of Liberty, Plenty, Riches, Honour and Safety. Along the way Cowley notices the slightly embarrassing absence of Henrietta Maria, who had stayed behind in France having become estranged from Charles as a result of her Catholicism.
NOW Blessings on you all, ye peacefull Starrs,
Which meet at last so kindly, and dispence
Your universall gentle Influence,
To calm the stormy World, and still the rage of Warrs.
5: Nor whilst around the Continent,
Plenipotentiary Beams ye sent,
Did your Pacifick Lights disdain,
In their large Treaty, to contain
The World apart, o're which do reign
10: Your seven fair Brethren of great Charls his Wane;
No Star amongst ye all did, I believe,
Such vigorous assistance give,
As that which thirty years ago,
At 1Charls his Birth, did, in despight
15: Of the proud Sun's Meridian Light,
His future Glories, and this Year foreshow,
No lesse effects then these we may
Be assur'd of from that powerfull Ray,
Which could out-face the Sun, and overcome the Day.
20: Auspicious Star again arise,
And take thy Noon-tide station in the skies.
Again all Heaven prodigiously adorn;
For loe! thy Charls again is Born.
He then was born with, and to Pain;
25: With, and to Joy he's born again.
And wisely for this second Birth,
By which thou certain wert to bless
The Land with full and flourishing Happinesse
Thou mad'st of that fair Month thy choice,
30: In which Heaven, Aire, and Sea, and Earth,
And all that's in them all does smile, and does rejoyce.
'Twas a right Season, and the very Ground
Ought with a face of Paradice to be found,
Than when we were to entertain
35: Felicityr and Innocence again.
Shall we again (good Heaven!) that blessed Pair behold,
Which the abused People fondly sold
For the bright Fruit of the Forbidden Tree,
By seeking all like gods to be?
40: Will Peace her Halcyon Nest venture to build
Upon a Shore with Shipwracks fill'd?
And trust that Sea, where she can hardly say,
Sh'has known these twenty years one calmy day?
Ah! mild and gaullesse Dove,
45: Which dost the pure and candid Dwellings love:
Canst thou in Albion still delight?
Still canst thou think it White?
Will ever fair Religion appear
In these deformed Ruines? will she clear
50: Th'Aug'an Stables of her Churches here?
Will Justice hazard to be seen
Where a High Court of Justice e're has been?
Will not the Tragique Scene,
And Bradshaw's bloody Ghost affright her there, 2
55: Her who should never fear?
Then may White-hall for Charls his Seat be fit
If Justice shall endure at Westminster to sit.
Of all, me thinks, we least should see
The chearfull looks again of Liberty.
60: That Name of Cromwell, which does freshly still
The Curses of so many sufferers fill
Is still enough to make her stay,
And jealous for a while remain,
Lest as a Tempest carried him away,
65: Some Hurican should bring him back again.
Or she might justlier be afraid
Lest that great Serpent, which was all a Tayl,
(And in his poys'nous folds whole Nations prisoners made)
Should a third time perhaps prevail
70: To joyn again, and with worse sting arise,
As it had done, when cut in pieces 3 twice.
Return, return, ye Sacred Fower,4
And dread your perisht Enemies no more,
Your fears are causelesse all, and vain
75: Whilst you return in Charls his Train,
For God does Him, that He might You restore,
Nor shall the world him onely call,
Defender of the Faith, but of ye All.
Along with you Plenty and Riches go,
80: With a full Tide to every Port they flow,
With a warm fruitfull wind o're all the Country blow.
Honour does as ye march her Trumpet sound
The Arts encompasse you around,
And against all Alarms of Fear,
85: Safety it self brings up the Rear.
And in the head of this Angelique band,
Lo, how the Goodly Prince at last does stand
(O righteous God!) on his own happy Land.
'Tis Happy now, which could, with so much ease
90: Recover from so desperate a Disease,
A various complicated Ill,
Whose every Symptome was enough to kill,
In which one part of Three Phrenzey possest,
And Lethargy the rest.
95: 'Tis Happy, which no Bleeding does endure
A Surfet of such Blood to cure.
'Tis Happy, which beholds the Flame
In which by hostile hands it ought, to burn,
Or that which if from Heaven it came
100: It did but well deserve, all into Bonfire turn.
We fear'd (and almost toucht the black degree
Of instant Expectation)
That the three dreadfull Angels we
Of Famine, Sword, and Plague should here establisht see,
105: (God's great Triumvirate of Desolation)
To scourge and to destroy the sinfull Nation
Justly might Heav'n Protectors such as those,
And such Committees for their Safety'impose,
Upon a Land which scarcely Better Chose.
110: We fear'd that the Fanatique War
Which men against God's Houses did declare,
Would from th'Almighty Enemy bring down
A sure destruction on our Own,
We read th'instructive Histories which tell
115: Of all those endlesse mischiefs that befell,
The Sacred Town which God had lov'd so well,
After that fatall Curse had once bin said,
His Blood be upon ours, and on our Childrens head.
We knew, though there a greater Blood was spilt,
120: 'Twas scarcely done with greater Guilt.
We know those miseries did befall
Whilst they rebel'd against that Prince whom all
The rest of Mankind did the Love, and Joy, of Mankind call.
Already was the shaken Nation
125: Into a wild and deform'd Chaos brought.
And it was hasting on (we thought)
Even to the last of Ills, Annihilation.
When in the midst of this confused Night,
Loe, the blest Spirit mov'd, and there was Light.
130: For in the glorious Generall's previous Ray,
We saw a new created Day.
We by it saw, though yet in Mists it shone,
The beauteous Work of Order moving on,
Ere the Great Light, our Sun, his Beams did show,
135: Our Sun it self appears but now,
Where are the men who bragg'd that God did blesse,
And with the marks of good successe
Signe his allowance of their wickednesse?
Vain men! who thought the Divine Power to find
140: In the fierce Thunder and the violent Wind:
God came not till the storm was past,
In still voice of Peace he came at last.
The cruell businesse of Destruction,
May by the Claws of the great Fiend be done.
145: Here, here we see th'Almighty's hand indeed,
Both by the Beauty of the Work, wee see't, and by the Speed.
He who had seen the noble Brittish Heir,
Even in that ill disadvantageous Light,
With which misfortunes strive t'abuse our sight;
150: He who had seen him in his Clowd so bright:
He who had seen the double Pair
Of Brothers heavenly good, and Sisters heavenly fair,
Might have perceiv'd (me-thinks) with ease,
(But wicked men see onely what they please)
155: That God had no intent t'extinguish quite
The pious King's eclipsed Right.
He who had seen how by the power Divine
All the young Branches of this Royall Line
Did in their fire without consuming shine,
160: How through a rough Red-sea they had been led,
By Wonders guarded, and by Wonders fed.
How many years of trouble and distresse
They'd wandred in their fatall Wilderness,
And yet did never murmur or repine;
165: Might (me-thinks) plainly understand,
That after all these conquer'd Tryalls past,
Th'Almighty Mercy would at last
Conduct them with a strong un-erring hand
To their own Promis'd Land.
170: For all the glories of the Earth
Ought to be'entail'd by right of Birth,
And all Heaven's blessings to come down
Upon his Race, to whom alone was given
The double Royalty of Earth and Heaven,
175: Who crown'd the Kingly with the Martyr's Crown.
The Martyr's blood was said of old to be
The seed from whence the Church did grow.
The Royall Blood which dying Charls did sow,
Becomes no lesse the seed of Royaltie.
180: 'Twas in dishonour sown,
We find it now in glory grown,
The Grave could but the drosse of it devowr;
'Twas sown in weaknesse, and 'tis rais'd in power.
We now the Question well decided see,
185: Which Eastern Wits did once contest
At the Great Monarch's Feast,
Of all on Earth what things the strongest be:
And some for Women, some for Wine did plead;
That is, for Folly and for Rage,
190: Two things which we have known indeed
Strong in this latter Age.
But as 'tis prov'd by Heaven at length,
The King and Truth have greatest strength,
When they their sacred force unite,
195: And twine into one Right,
No frantick Common-wealths or Tyrannies,
No Cheats, and Perjuries, and Lies,
No Nets of human Policies.
No stores of Arms or Gold (though you could joyn
200: Those of Peru to the great London Mine)
No Towns, no Fleets by Sea, or Troops by Land,
No deeply entrencht Islands can withstand,
Or any small resistance bring
Against the naked Truth, and the unarmed King.
205: The foolish Lights which Travailers beguile,
End the same night when they begin; 5
No Art so far can upon Nature win
As e're to put out Stars, or long keep Meteors in.
Where's now that Ignis Fatuus, which erewhile
210: Misled our wandring Isle?
Where's the Impostor Cromwell gon?
Where's now that Falling-star his Son?
Where's the large Comet now whose rageing flame
So fatall to our Monarchy became?
215: Which o're our heads in such proud horror stood,
Insatiate with our Ruine and our Blood?
The fiery Tayl did to vast length extend;
And twice for want of Fuel did expire,
And twice renew'd the dismall Fire;
220: Though long the Tayl, we saw at last it's end.
The flames of one triumphant day,
Which like an Anti-Comet here
Did fatally to that appear,
For ever frighted it away;
225: Then did th'aloted howr of dawning Right
First strike our ravisht sight,
Which Malice or which Art no more could stay,
Then Witches Charms can retardment bring
To the Resuscitation of the Day,
230: Or Resurrection of the Spring.
We welcome both, and with improv'd delight
Blesse the preceding Winter and the Night.
Man ought his Future Happinesse to fear,
If he be alwaies Happy here.
235: He wants the Bleeding Mark of Grace,
The Circumcision of the Chosen race.
If no one part of him supplies
The duty of a Sacrifice,
He is (we doubt) reserv'd intire
240: As a whole Victime for the Fire.
Besides even in this World below,
To those who never did Ill Fortune know,
The good does nauseous or insipid grow.
Consider man's whole Life, and you'l confesse,
245: The Sharp Ingredient of some bad successe
Is that which gives the Tast to all his Happinesse.
But the true Method of Felicitie,
Is when the worst
Of humane Life is plac'd the first,
250: And when the Child's Correction proves to be
The cause of perfecting the Man;
Let our weak Dayes lead up the Van,
Let the brave Second and Triarian Band,
Firm against all impression stand,
255: The first we may defeated see;
The Virtue and the Force of these, are sure of Victorie.
Such are the years (great Charls) which now we see
Begin their glorious March with Thee:
Long may their March to Heaven, and still Triumphant be.
260: Now thou art gotten once before,
Ill Fortune never shall or'e-take thee more.
To see't again, and pleasure in it find,
Cast a disdainfull look behind,
Things which offend, when present, and affright,
265: In Memory, well painted, move delight.
Enjoy then all thy'afflictions now;
Thy Royall Father's came at last:
Thy Martyrdom's already past.
And different Crowns to both ye owe.
270: No Gold did e're the Kingly Temples bind,
Than thine more try'd and more refin'd.
As a choice Medall for Heaven's Treasury
God did stamp first upon one side of Thee
The Image of his suffering Humanity:
275: On th'other side, turn'd now to sight, does shine
The glorious Image of his Power Divine.
So when the wisest Poets seek
In all their liveliest colours to set forth
A Picture of Heroick worth,
280: (The Pious Trojan, or the Prudent Greek)
They chuse some comely Prince of heavenly Birth,
(No proud Gigantick son of Earth,
Who strives t'usurp the god's forbidden seat)
They feed him not with Nectar, and the Meat
285: That cannot without Joy be eat.
But in the cold of want, and storms of advers chance,
They harden his young Virtue by degrees;
The beauteous Drop first into Ice does freez,
And into solid Chrystall next advance.
290: His murdered friends and kindred he does see,
And from his flaming Country flee.
Much is he tost at Sea, and much at Land,
Does long the force of angry gods withstand.
He does long troubles and long wars sustain,
295: Ere he his fatall Birth-right gain.
With no lesse time or labour can
Destiny build up such a Man,
Who's with sufficient virtue fill'd
His ruin'd Country to rebuild.
300: Nor without cause are Arms from Heaven,
To such a Hero by the Poets given.
No human Metall is of force t'oppose
So many and so violent blows.
Such was the Helmut, Breast-plate, Shield,
305: Which Charls in all Attaques did wield:
And all the Weapons Malice e're could try,
Of all the severall makes of wicked Policy,
Against this Armour struck, but at the stroke,
Like Swords of Ice, in thousand pieces broke.
310: To Angells and their Brethren Spirits above,
No show on Earth can sure so pleasant prove,
As when they great misfortunes see
With Courage born and Decencie.
So were they born when Worc'ster's dismall Day
315: Did all the terrors of black Fate display.
So were they born when no Disguises clowd
His inward Royalty could shrowd,
And one of th'Angels whom just God did send
To guard him in his noble flight,
320: (A Troop of Angels did him then attend)
Assur'd me in a Vision th'other night,
That He (and who could better judge than He?)
Did then more Greatness in him see,
More Lustre and more Majesty,
325: Than all his Coronation Pomp can shew to Human Eye.
Him and his Royall Brothers when I saw
New marks of honor and of glorie,
From their affronts and sufferings draw,
And look like Heavenly Saints even in their Purgatory.
340: Me-thoughts I saw the three Jud'an Youths,
(Three unhurt Martyrs for the noblest Truths)
In the Chald'an Furnace walk;
How chearfully and unconcern'd they talk!
No hair is sindg'd, no smallest beauty blasted,
345: Like painted Lamps they shine unwasted.
The greedy fire it self dares not be fed
With the blest Oyl of an Anoynted Head.
The honorable Flame
(Which rather Light we ought to name)
350: Does, like a Glory, compasse them around,
And their whole Body's crown'd.
What are those Two Bright Creatures which we see
Walk with the Royall Three
In the same Ordeall fire,
355: And mutuall Joys inspire?
Sure they the beauteous Sisters are,
Who whilst they seek to bear their share,
Will suffer no affliction to be there.
Lesse favour to those Three of old was shown,
360: To solace with their company.
The fiery Trialls of Adversity;
Two Angels joyn with these, the others had but One.
Come forth, come forth, ye men of God beloved,
And let the power now of that flame,
365: Which against you so impotent became,
On all your Enemies be proved.
Come, mighty Charls, desire of Nations, come:
Come, you triumphant Exile, home.
He's come, he's safe at shore; I hear the noise
370: Of a whole Land which does at once rejoyce,
I hear th'united People's sacred voice.
The Sea which circles us around,
Ne're sent to Land so loud a sound;
The mighty showr sends to the Sea a Gale,
380: And swells up every sail;
The Bells and Guns are scarcely heard at all;
The Artificiall Joy's drown'd by the Naturall.
All England but one Bonefire seems to be,
One 'tna shooting flames into the Sea.
385: The Starry Worlds which shine to us afar,
Take ours at this time for a Star.
With Wine all rooms, with Wine the Conduits flow;
And We, the Priests of a Poetick rage,
Wonder that in this Golden Age
390: The Rivers too should not do so.
There is no Stoick sure who would not now,
Even some Excesse allow:
And grant that one wild fit of chearfull folly
Should end our twenty years of dismall Melancholly.
395: Where's now the Royall Mother, where,
To take her mighty share
In this so ravishing sight,
And with the part she takes to add to the Delight?
Ah! why are Thou not here,6
400: Thou always Best, and now the Happiest Queen,
To see our Joy, and with new Joy be seen?
God has a bright Example made of Thee,
To shew that Woman-kind may be
Above that Sex, which her Superior seems,
405: In wisely manageing the wide Extreams
Of great Affliction, great Felicitie.
How well those different Vertues Thee become,
Daughter of Triumphs, Wife of Martyrdom!
Thy Princely Mind with so much Courage bore
410: Affliction, that it dares return no more;
With so much Goodnesse us'd Felicitie,
That it cannot refrain from comming back to Thee;
'Tis come, and seen to day in all its Braverie.
415: Who's that Heroique Person leads it on,
And gives it like a glorious Bride
(Richly adorn'd with Nuptiall Pride)
Into the hands now of thy Son?
'Tis the good Generall, the Man of Praise,
420: Whom God at last in gracious pitty
Did to th'enthralled Nation raise,
Their great Zerubabel to be,7
To lose the Bonds of long Captivitie,
And to rebuild their Temple and their City.
425: For ever blest may He and His remain,
Who, with a vast, though less-appearing gain,
Preferr'd the solid Great above the Vain,
And to the world this Princely Truth has shown,
That more 'tis to Restore, than to Usurp a Crown.
430: Thou worthyest Person of the Brittish Story,
(Though 'tis not small the Brittish glory.)
Did I not know my humble Verse must be
But ill proportion'd to the Heighth of Thee,
Thou, and the World should see,
435: How much my Muse, the Foe of Flatterie,
Does make true Praise her Labour and Designe;
An Iliad or an 'neid should be Thine.
And ill should We deserve this happy day,
If no acknowledgments we pay
440: To you, great Patriots, of the Two
Most truly Other Houses now,
Who have redeem'd from hatred and from shame
A Parliament's once venerable name.
And now the Title of a House restore
445: To that, which was but slaughter-house before.
If my advice, ye Worthies, might be ta'ne,
Within those reverend places,
Which now your living presence graces,
Your Marble-Statues always should remain,
450: To keep alive your usefull Memorie,
And to your Successors th'Example be
Of Truth, Religion, Reason, Loyaltie.
For though a firmly setled Peace
May shortly make your publick labours cease,
455: The gratefull Nation will with joy consent,
That in this sense you should be said,
(Though yet the Name sounds with some dread)
To be the Long, the Endlesse Parliament.
'Twould be the richliest furnish'd House (no doubt)
If your Heads always stood within, and the Rump-heads without.
[1]In July 1659, Sir George Booth captured Chester as the start of his attempt to reintroduce monarchy. he was shortly after defeated and captured by Lambert's troops who recovered the city.
[2] President of the High Court of Justice which tried Charles I, John Bradshaw had died in 1659.
[3]pieces] pieecs O, LT, L, OB, OW
[4]Henrietta Maria bore six children to Charles I; a son who died shortly after birth, then Charles, Mary, James, Elizabeth, Henry and Henriette-Anne. At the time of the Restoration, Charles had two brothers and two sisters: Cowley lines 150-56 speak of pairs of brothers and sisters. Hutton gives two sisters: "Mary, who had married the Prince of Orange, and Henrietta, a child still in the keeping of their mother, the widowed Queen Henrietta Maria" (1985: 149). Henry died 13 Sept 1660; Mary died 24 December 1660. What happened to Elizabeth? The woodcut to England's Joy in a Lawful Triumph illustrates the following: James, Duke of York (born 13 Oct 1633), Henry, Duke of Gloucester (born 0000), Mary (born 4 Nov 1631), Elizabeth (born 19 Dec 1635), and Anne (born 17 March 1636).
[5]literarally the chimera, a frequent motif in these poems; cf Dryden's Religio Laici
[6]Having spent the years in exile trying to link the royalist cause with Catholicism, Henrietta Maria did not accompany Charles to England. She came over from France in October to try to prevent a scandal involving Hyde's daughter Anne, who claimed her pregnancy was the result of a secret marriage to James, Duke of York. HM returned to France in January. (Hutton, 1989: 156; Hutton 1985: 149-50).
[7]Zerubabel, or Zerubbabel (literally "born in Babylon"), was a govenor of Judah whom God, through the prophecies of Haggai, called upon to restore the temple; see Haggai passim, and Zech. 4.6-7.
W. L.
Good newes from the Netherlands
31 May
From the
A Congratulatory Panegyrick, composed by a true Lover of his
and Country.
REjoice, brave Brittans now for Charls our King
Is comming home, into his Realms to bring
Peace, Piety, and Plenty, Law and Love,
Religion, Justice, and what else may move
5: Your hearts to exultations; Trade, and Arts
Shall flourish more then ever, in all parts
Of his Dominions, and we shall be free
As well in Conscience, as propriety;
So that enjoying this sweet liberty
10: Vnder his blest Reign, we shall happier be,
After those Tepests of Intestine Wars,
Than if we ne'r had felt, and worn their scars.
No former Age can boast, since Britain stood,
A Prince more Sweet, more Great in heart, more Good,
15: More Wise, most Iust, more Try'd in all Events
Of various chance: Forraign experience
In State Affairs, in Wars, join'd to his own
Rich natural Genius, and his Theory known,
Make him a compleat Monarch. Oh! if I
20: Could tell you with what magnanimity
He bare the rude assaults of adverse fate
When lost in hope, and ruin'd in Estate,
Yet triumph'd by Heroick Patience,
And strong Faith in the Divine Providence,
25: How like a firm Colossus, stil the same,
He stood the Winds which from the North-side came,
You would conclude, that He who could command
Himself so well, can rightly rule the Land,
Yea govern the whole World: Prepare to sing
30: Po/eans of joy then to our Gracious King,
Compose rich Panegyricks to his praise,
And Poets, crown your temples all with Bays,
Cut down your Woods and Forrests to make Fires
May flame to heaven, let Bels ring your desires,
35: And all your Canons loud proclaim the King,
Open your hands and hearts to bring him in:
Establish him in Power, in Dignity,
And in his lawfull just Authority:
Give him his due Prerogative, let him be
40: No King upon conditions, but Free,
Not Limited, not onely Titular,
But Absolute, Himself, and Singular,
For 'tis a Priviledge the Law allows
Unto his Birth, to which it humbly bows:
45: Rather adde to the Flowers of his Crown,
Then take from thence, and purchase a Renown
Shall never die: This glorious work thus done,
Thus perfected, with a Beam of the Sun
Shall be subscrib'd, shall make you great in fame,
50: And great in fortune, rich in a fair name
Of Loyal Subjects, which shall ever be
Entail'd on you, and your posterity:
Give now your Votes to this, expresse your joy
Of heart, and cry with me, Vive le Roy.
W. L.
A Countrey Song
May 1661
Thomason dated this "May 1661" and commented "Loud" at the end. Ebsworth reprinted it in volume 9 of his Roxburghe Ballads, noted that it is not to the tune of "When the king enjoyes his own again, insisted that it appeared in "early May 1660," and erroneously stated that it was printed in blackletter.
COme, come away,
To the Temple and pray,
And sing with a pleasant strain:
The Schismatick's dead,
5: The Liturgy's read,
And the King enjoyes his own again.
The Vicar is glad,
The Clerk is not sad,
And the Parish cannot refrain,
10: To leap, and rejoyce,
And lift up their voyce,
That the King enjoyes his own again.
The Countrey doth bow,
To old Iustices now,
15: That long aside have been lain:
The Bishop's restor'd,
God is rightly ador'd,
And the King enjoyes his own again.
Committee-men fall,
20: And Majors Generall, 1
No more doe those Tyrants reign:
There's no Sequestration,
Nor new Decimation:
For the King enjoyes the Sword again.
25: The Scholar doth look,
With joy on his Book;
Tom whistles and plows amain:
Soldiers plunder no more,
As they did heretofore:
30: For the King enjoyes the Sword again.
The Citizens Trade,
The Merchants do Lade,
And send their Ships into Spain:
No Pirates at Sea,
35: To make them a prey,
For the King enjoyes the Sword again.
The old Man and Boy,
The Clergy and Lay,
Their joyes cannot contain:
40: 'Tis better then of late,
With the Church and the State,
Now the King enjoyes the Sword again.
Let's render our praise,
For these happy dayes,
45: To God and our Soveraign:
Your drinking give ore,
Swear not as before:
For the King bears not the Sword in vain.
Fanaticks be quiet,
And keep a good Diet,
To cure your crazy Brain:
Throw off your disguise,
Go to Church and be wise;
For the King bears not the Sword in vain.
55: Let Faction and Pride,
Be now laid aside,
That Truth and Peace may reign:
Let every one mend,
And there is an end,
60: For the King bears not the Sword in vain.
[1]Lambert and Fleetwood
England's Captivity Returned
Since only the first part of this ballad survives, one can only speculate on the intriguing irony of the title. Ebsworth issued a version of the fragment of England's Captivity (RB, 9:787-8) with some commentary. He notes of the two woodcuts that the first "a square-bordered portrait of John Pym, with pointed beard and broad overlying collar; 2nd, on a large scale, the head and armoured neck of Charles II, a regal crown above," and offers May 1660 as the likely date (9:788), though without any substantial reasons.
The verso contains the second part of The True Lovers' Knot Untied (rpt. by Ebsworth, Roxburghe Ballads 7:599-603). Originally printed circa 1610-15, it concerns the secret marriage of Lady Arbella Stuart to William Seymour which had caused James to imprison her in the Tower. Seymour died in 1660, presumably causing the reprinting of this ballad. My thanks to professor Sara Jayne Steen for identifying this partial ballad. Ebsworth lists copies including the following: Rox. 11.468; Pepys IV.44 [not found]; Bagford II.30 [not found]; Euing, 356 [found]; Wood 25,16: first line variously "As I to ireland did pass."
Englands Captivity Returned, With A Farwel to COMMON-WEALTHS. To the Tune of, The brave Sons of Mars.
COme lets now rejoyce,
All with a loud voice,
at the return of Charles our King,
With a hearty good prayer,
5: He may never come there,
Where the Traytors his Father did bring
Let us all make a noise,
Both young men and boyes,
with a great acclamation of joy
10: Whilst those Traytors lament,
(But want grace t' repent)
Which so long did our king annoy.
Farwel a free State,
Such Rascals we hate,
15: as we here of late dayes have had,
Such Plots theyd contrive,
When they were alive,
enough for to make us all mad.
But weel let them alone,
20: Which from hence are gone,
cause their reward will be paid them
But leave them where they are,
Weel neither make or mar,
nor never from thence weel perswade them
25: My Lord Monck's the man,
Though his lifes but a span,
he hath improved that little so well,
That in true loyalty,
I can none espie
30: that can this great worthy excell.
To bring home our King,
Twas the only thing,
could make all things well for the people.
And such joy for't there was,
35: As in the streets I did pass,
that the Bells almost leapt out oth' Steeple.
[verso: The True Lovers' Knot Untied]
The second part to the same Tune.
Whom of your Nobles will do so,
for to maintain the Commonalty,
Such multitudes would never grow,
nor be such those of poverty.
5: I would I had a Milk-maid been,
or born of some more low degree,
Then I might have loved where I like,
and no man could have hindered me.
Or would I were some Yeomans child,
10: for to receive my postion now,
According unto my degree
as other Virgins whom I know.
The hightest branch that springs aloft,
needs must beshade the middle tree,
15: Needs must the shadow of them both,
shadow the third in this degree.
But when the tree tree is cut and gone,
and from the ground is born away,
The lowest tree that there doth stand,
20: in time may grow as high as they.
Once when I thought to have been Queen
but yet that still I do deny,
I know your grace had right to th'Crown
before Elizabeth did dy.
25: You of the eldest Sister came,
I of the second in degree,
The Earl of Hertford of the third,
a man of Royall blood quoth she.
And so good night my Soveraign Liege,
30: since in the Tower I must ly,
I hope your Grace will condescend,
that I may have my liberty.
Lady Arebella said our King,
I to your freedome would consent
35: If you would turn and go to Church,
there to receive the Sacrament.
And so good night Arabella fair.
our King to her replied again,
I will take Counsel of my Nobility,
40: that you your freedome may obtain.
Once more to Prison must I go,
Lady Arabella then did say,
To leave my Love breeds all my wo,
the which will be my lives decay.
45: Love is a knot none can unknit,
fancy a liking of the heart,
He whom I love I cannot forget,
though from his presence I must part
The meanest people enjoy their mates,
50: but I was born unhappily,
For being crost by cruel fate,
I want both love and liberty.
But death I hope, will end the strife,
Farewel, farewel, dear love quoth she
55: Once had I thought to have been thy wife,
but now am forc'd to part from thee.
At this sad meeting the bad cause,
in heart and mind to grieve full sore,
After that Arabella fair,
60: did never see Lord Seymore more.