MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
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Part VI. Loyal Expressions, June
Sir William Lower
"An Acrostick Poem.
In honour of his Majesty
[after 2 June]
Titlepage: A / RELATION / IN FORM of JOURNAL, / OF THE / VOIAGE And RESIDENCE / Which / The most EXCELLENT and most MIGHTY PRINCE / CHARLS THE II / KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, &c. / Hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May, / to the 2 of June, 1660. / Rendered into English out of the Original French, / By / Sir WILLIAM LOWER, Knight. / [garter arms] / HAGUE, / Printed by ADRIAN VLACK, / Anno M. DC. LX. / With Priviledge of the Estates of Holland and West-Freesland. /
On Lower see DND, Woods Ath Oxon [under Tho. Salesbury] and 3:544, and William Bryan Gates's published doctoral thesis, The Dramatic Works and Translations of Sir William Lower, with a Reprint of "The Enchanted Lovers" (Philadelphia, [University of Pennsylvania], 1932) [L 11856.bbb.4]. Gates gives us the following:
Lower was from old Cornish family, born c. 1600 at Tremere, St Tudy; Woods reports him to have travelled in France, fought for the Royalists: first play was The Phoenix in her Flames (1639). By June 1644, L rank of Lt col and made lt-governor of Wallingford where he kidnapped the mayor in order to pressure the town to pay king's levy -- didn't work, but L was knighted 27 March 1645; prisoned by Parl from jan 1646 for a year; went to Holland sometime before or by 1655 having been left some estates there; (cf Masson's Life of Milton, CPSD); he died in 1662 leaving a considerable estate. The will includes "To my Blackamore Boy John forty shillings and alsoe the silver coller and cuffes which I have ordered and directed to bee given him." (cited Gates p. 19).
Gates ignores the Relation beyond commenting that "the engravings are as excellent and interesting as the acrostics of Lower are bad" (Gates p. 23).
On Charles touching for the King's Evil: "It is certain, that the King hath very often touched the sick, as well at Breda, where he touched two hundred and sixty, from Saturday the 17. of April, to Sunday the 23. of May, as at Bruges and Bruxels, during the residence he made there; and the English assure, that not only it was not without success, since it was the experience that drew thither every day, a great number of those diseased, even from the most remote Provinces of Germany..." (p. 78) See discussion starts p. 74
This prose volume ends with a series of verses by Lower, some of them comments upon the large illustrations: "The Deputies of the Estates of Holland complement the King at Delf" (p. 109), "A Poetical Description of the Batavian Court" (pp. 110-111), "The Great Feast The Estates of Holland made to the King, and to the Royal family" (pp. 111-112), "His Majesty taking his leave in the Assembly of the Estates Generall" (p. 112), "His Majesty Taking his leave in the Assembly of the Estates of Holland" (p. 113), "On His Majesties Departure from the Hage [sic] to his Fleet before Scheveling" (p. 114), the acrostick here (p. 115), "An Acrostick Poem. On the most Illustrious and most Heroick Prince James Duke of York" (p. 116), "An Acrostick Poem In Honour of his Excellence the Lord General Monck, Duke of Albermarl, &c" (p. 116).
In "The Printer to the Reader," Vlack apologises for the volume being "tardive," but the engravers of the plates took too long (no sig). The plates are signed variously "N. Venne In. David Philippe Fc.", and "J. Tuliet in. Pierre Philippe sculpsit." "J.Tuliet in. T. Matham sc."
In honour of his Majesty.
1: C all all those Sages, whose extended hearts
2: H eaven fils with light in th'Astrologick Arts,
3: A sk their opinions 1 of this Monarch, they
4: R eply, he's born the Universe to sway,
5: L ook on this calculation, read his Star,
6: S even Planets here all in conjunction are:
7: T hey smile upon his birth, no rude jars here
8: H inder his motions under any Sphere;
9: E xcellent Aspects ! long live this great King
10: S upream of all, let his bright glory ring
11: E ven round about that Globe held in his hand:
12: C an earthly powers his conquering Arm withstand,
13: O r check his fortune, which the Stars proclaim?
14: N ot possible, since Heaven inspires his claim.
15: D raw presently with an immortal pen
16: K ings in their colours, some quick Cherubin:
17: I n Characters drop'd down 2 suiting their souls,
18: N ote revolutions in these sacred Rolls
19: G reatly to the advantage of our State,
20: O f much import, to make us fortunate
21: F or many years under this glorious Reign,
22: G iving us hopes of th'golden Age again.
23: R eturn, return, divine Astrea, now
24: E nter our Land; You shall not see one brow,
25: A mong so many, furrowed with a frown;
26: T reason is dead, and foul Injustice down.
27: B ehold our true Protectour to his Right
28: R estor'd, th' Impostour stinks in blackest Night:
29: I ustice again is seated in the Throne,
30: T i'd, and alli'd unto Religion,
31: A nd wing'd with Wisedom, Policy and Art
32: I n the Reserve with Vertue have a part.
33: N o powers of Hell shall ever shake this frame
34: So well compos'd, but must retreat with shame.
[1] opinions] opnions copytext
[2] down] drown L, OB, WF
To The King
3 June
Titlepage: TO THE / KING, / UPON HIS / MAJESTIES / Happy Return. / [rule] / By a Person of Honour. / [rule] / [design: royal arms] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be / Sold at his Shop at the Blue-Anchor in lower Walk / of the New-Exchange, 1660. / [within ruled box]
Possibly by Robert Boyle, but stylistically wrong for him.
Happy Return.
1: AS The Great World at first in Chaos lay;
Then darkness yeiled to triumphant day;
And all that wilde and undigested Mass
Did into Form, and to Perfection pass:
5: So, in our lesser World, Confusions were
Many, and vast, as now our Blessings are.
Our past, and present State, fully express
All we could bear, and all we would possess.
Wonder not that Your Forces could not bring
10: You to Your Crowns, nor us unto our King:
Fate made therein this high Design appear,
Your Sword shall rule abroad, Your Virtues here.
The lesser Conquest was to You deny'd,
That by the greater it might be supply'd.
15: Nor think it strange that some so long have strove
With that which they did most admire and love;
Since all against their dissolution pray,
Although to Heav'n there is no other way.
Like to Bethesdas Pool, our Common-wealth
20: Till it was troubled, could not give us health:
You, as the Angel, did our Waters stir,
And from that motion we derive our Cure.
The highest Blessing God to You does yield,
He, His Anoynted, as His Church does build:
25: Nothing of noise did to perfection bring
The greatest Temple, and the greatest King.
Alike He builded both, that all might see,
Your Kingdom, like his Church, shall endless be.
As when Great Nature's Fabrick was begun,
30: Expanded Light made day, and not the Sun;
But Light diffus'd was to perfection grown,
When from one Planet, it contracted, shone:
So when our Government was form'd to last
But till the race of a few days was past,
35: With Ruling Gifts GOD many did endue,
But; now 'tis fix'd, all those are plac'd in You.
Your Banishment, which Your Foes did designe
To cloud Your Virtues, made them brighter shine.
Thus Persecution did but more dispence
40: Throughout the world the Gospels influence.
Princes, who saw Your Sufferings, did esteem
'Twas greater to subdue such griefs then them;
And in that Conquest found how they should fare,
If they provok'd Your Justice to a War.
45: By Your Return, and by Your Foes pursuit,
Europe Your Blossomes had, but we Your Fruit.
Our Senate does not for Conditions sue;
We know we have our All, in having You:
Your Mercy with our Crimes does nobly strive;
50: And, e're we ask forgiveness, You forgive.
Your Subjects thus doubly You now subdue,
Both in the Manner, and the Action too.
Your great Reception in our neighb'ring State,
Proves that on You depends their Countries fate:
55: Your dreadful Fleet does on their Coast appear,
Yet to their Joy, they yeild up all their Fear;
For knowing You, they know Heav'n has resign'd
A Pow'r unbounded to a bounded Mind.
Triumphant Navy! Formerly your Fraight
60: Consisted but of Laurel, or of Plate;
But to your happy Country now you bring
More then both Indies in our Matchless KING.
Twice has the World been trusted in a Barque;
The New, the Charles contain'd, the Old, the Ark;
65: This bore but those who did the World re-build,
But that bore You, to whom that World must yeild.
The spacious Sea, which does the Earth embrace,
Ne're held so many Princes in one Place;
Princes, whose Father still the Trident bore,
70: As shall their Sons, till Time shall be no more.
Now whilst the Sea, Your greatest Subject, moves
Slowly, as loth to part with what he loves;
And whilst Your Sails the calmed Air subdue;
(For which he chides the Winds, and thanks them too)
75: I might present You with a Prospect here,
Of that vast Empire to which now You Steere.
But on that Theam my Numbers cannot stay;
Copies to their Originals give way;
For now Your Fleet sees Land, which many a peal
80: Of thund'ring Cannon to the Shore does tell:
And now Your ravish'd Subjects see Your Fleet,
Which they with shouts, louder then Cannon, greet:
Two Suns at once our sights now entertain;
One shines from Heav'n, the other from the Main.
85: All Loyal Eyes are now fixt on the East,
For You, more welcome then that daily Guest;
While on the Shore Your longing Subjects stand,
Subjects, as numberless as is the Sand;
Subjects sufficient, if but led by You,
90: All Countries You have liv'd in, to subdue.
In Raptures now We our great Gen'ral see,
Move faster to meet You then Victorie:
He at Your Feet himself does prostrate now,
To whom vast Fleets and Armies us'd to bow;
95: And greater Satisfaction does express
In This Submission, then in That Success.
Your Royal Armes inwreath Him, which he more
Does prize, then all those Laurel Wreaths He wore.
Now all for His Victorious Troops make room,
100: Which never but by Joy were overcome:
Loud shouts to Heav'n for Your Return they send,
Whilst low as Earth their dreaded Ensigns bend;
He leads them still to what exalts their Name;
Now to their Duty, as before to Fame.
105: Their Misled Courage, in a fatal Time,
Had been too long their Glory, and their Crime.
Now they are truly Great, now truly live,
Since this You Praise, and that You do forgive.
Those, who so long could keep You from Your due,
110: What can resist, now they are led by You?
Your Great Example will their Model prove;
Persuading soon, and willingly, as love.
Such Fleets, and Armies, and our CHARLES their Head,
Are Things which all the Universe may dread.
115: And now You move; and now in all the Waies,
Thick Clouds of Subjects, Clouds of Dust do raise;
Through which the Worlds chief City now You see,
Great in Extent, greater in Loyalty;
Their Cannon speaks, their Streets the Souldiers line,
120: And brightest Beauties from their Windows shine:
Your Subjects Earthly Jove You now are grown;
Thunder and Light'ning guard You to Your Throne.
Thus You Tryumph, whilst at Your Palace Gates
The highest earthly Senate for You waits:
125: One Roof contains those which our Laws do make,
And Him from whom the World their Laws must take:
Their Knees do homage, whilst their Tongues confess,
They in their Duty find their Happiness;
And Fame aloud, through ev'ry Region, sings,
130: They are the best of Subject, You, of Kings.
The Royal Throne so fully You Adorn,
That now all praise, what some before did Scorn:
A Throne which now the envious do confess,
Our Safety urg'd Your Merit to Possess.
135: Where C'sar could no further Glory win,
There is the Scene, where Yours does but begin;
By which indulgent Fate would have it known,
Though his Success had end, Yours should have none:
Or else that nothing worthy was of You,
140: But what Great Julius wanted Pow'r to do.
Our fierce Divisions made our Courage known,
But more Your Wisdome shines, that makes us One;
Which has so fram'd Your Empire to endure,
We need but prudent Foes to be secure.
145: You might possess by Armies, and by Fleets,
All where the Sun doth rise, or where he sets;
But You a nobler Conquest have design'd,
The placing Limits to Your greater Minde:
And may those highest Titles never cease,
150: A King of Greatest Pow'r, and Greatest Peace.
Of Suff'rings past let us no more complain,
Since You by them with greater Glory Reign;
Till that we saw, Your Subjects could not guess,
Heav'n had for them a Blessing above Peace.
155: Nor can we tell which most in You to own,
Either Your Virtues, or Extraction.
Though never any was so Great, and Good;
It springs from Martyrs, as from Royal Blood:
But Your own Glories do so brightly shine,
160: You need not borrow Luster from Your Line.
Yet we must say, since justly but Your due,
Though You our Glories raise, they raise not You:
Like to the Royal Bird, which climbes the Skies,
You lesser seem, still as You higher rise.
165: Your self You limit to a Triple Throne,
And all mens Wonder are, except Your own.
Now Sacred Peace and Justice cease to mourn,
And both in You again to us return.
Religion now shall flourish with Your Crown,
170: And the fierce Sword yeild to the peaceful Gown.
The Muses too so highly You esteem,
That You are both their Influence and their Theam.
Alexander Brome A Congratulatory Poem
4 June
Titlepage: A / Congratulatory / POEM, / ON / The Miraculous, and Glorious Return / of that unparallel'd KING / CHARLS the II. / May 29. 1660. / [rule] / By ALEX. BROME. / [rule] / Pers. -- -- Ipse Semipaganus / Ad Sacra Regum carmen affero nostrum. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome at the Gun / in Ivy-Lane 1660.
Thomason dated his copy on Monday 4 June, and the copy in the Wood collection is also dated June. A ms note on the t/p of the copy in the Huntington gives the price as "1d".
Brome did not reprint this poem in the 1661 edition of his Songs and Other Poems, which does, however, contain the first appearance of the lyric "On the King's returne," and an early version of his ballad, England's Joy. It does appear in the 1664 and 1668 editions of Songs, however.
Some interesting spleen directed at the low-born; various verbal coinages and usages.
[cut: arms supported by two cherubim]
To the Kings most Sacred Majesty.
1: NOw our Spring-royal's come, this ravish'd Land,
(That for twelve years did bring forth Tyrants, and
Traytors, in such aboundance, that the King,
And Subjects were forgot, both name and thing)
5: Bears Kings again, a memorable Spring!
May first brought forth, May now brings home our King;
Auspitious twenty nineth! this day of Mirth
Now gives Redemption, that before gave Birth.
Hark, how th'admiring people cry, and shout,
10: See how they flock and leap for joy; the Rout,
Whose Zeal and ignorance, for many years
Devis'd those Goblins Jealousies and Fears,
And fighting blindfold in those puzling Mists,
Rais'd by the conjuring of our Exorcists,
15: They Beat, and Wound, and Kill each other, while
Their Setters-on did share the prey, and smile.
Now they're unhood-wink'd, they do plainly see
What once they were, what now they ought to be.
The warlike Trumpet, whose unhallow'd breath
20: Inspir'd Rebellion, throws aside the wreath
Of ill-got Laurel, scandaliz'd to be
Made instrumental to such Victorie
As shames and beats the Conqueror, and layes
A Crown o'th'conquer'd, baffling th'others Bayes;
25: Tun'd by your Fame with loud and loyal voice,
Contributes sounds and helps us to Rejoyce.
Th'enlarged Bells, that, in these latter dayes,
Have been all silenc'd, and forbid to raise
Their Voice, but cross or backward from the steeple,
30: To proclaim Fire, or to amaze the people,
Or if they chim'd, 'twas out of tune, and so
Did other grating tuneless Sounds forego:
Now, with their gracefull discords, all proclaim
Your safe return, and celebrate your Name.
35: And the contiguous Bon-fires made the Nation
To apprehend a final Conflagration;
And made the ground, at midnight to appear
Like Heaven at noon, and in the heat o'th'year,
'Bout which rejoycing Neighbours friendly came,
40: And with fresh wood fed the devouring Flame.
Mean while, th'old Subjects, who so long have slept
In Caves, and been miraculously kept
From Rage and Famine; while the only thing
That fed and cloath'd them, was the name of King,
45: Do all New-plume themselves, to entertain
Your long'd-for Majesty, and splendid Train.
And (as in Jobs time 'twas) those Spurious things,
Who look like Subjects, but did ne'r love Kings,
Appear among your Subjects in array
50: That's undiscernable, unless more gay.
All with loud hallows pierce the smiling skies,
While brandish'd Swords please and amaze our eyes.
Why then should only I stand still? and bear
No part of triumph in this Theatre?
55: Though I'm not wise enough to speak t'a King
What's worth his ear, nor rich enough to bring
Gifts worthy his acceptance; though I do
Not ride in Buff and Feathers, which might show
Vain Ostentation, or a needless Pride,
60: Which some applaud, while others do deride.
That Pomp I did industriously eschue,
The Cost being more to me, than th'shew to you.
Nor do I love a Souldiers garb to own,
When my own Conscience tells me I am none.
65: Yet I'll doe duty too, for I've a minde
Will not be Idle, but will something finde
To bid my SOVERAIGN Welcom to his own
Long-widow'd Realm, his Scepter, Crown & Throne,
And though too mean and empty it appear,
70: If he afford a well-pleas'd Eye and Ear,
His pow'r can't by my Weakness be withstood,
Bee't what it will, he'll finde, or make it good.
Hail long-desired Soveraign! you that are
Now our sole joy and hope, as once our fear!
75: The Princely Son of a most pious Sire,
Whose Precepts and Example did inspire
Your tender years with virtues, that become
A King that's fit to rule all Christendom.
Which your great Soul hath so improved since,
80: Europe can't shew such an accomplish'd Prince.
Whose whole life's so exemplary, that you
Convinc'd those foes, which we could not subdue,
And those that did t'your Court t'abuse you come,
Converted Proselytes returned home.
85: Such strong and sympathetick virtues lye
In your great name, it cures when you're not nigh,
Like Weapon-salve; If fame can reach up to
This hight of Cures, what would your person do?
Your Subjects high'st Ambition, and their Cure,
90: Bold Rebells terror, you that did endure
What e're the Wit or Malice of your foes
Could lay on you or yours, yet stoutly chose
To suffer on, rather than to Retort
Their injuries, and grew Victorious for't;
95: And by your patient suffering did subdue
The Traytors fury, and the Traytors too.
The great King-makers favourite, a Prince
Born to a Crown, and kept for't ever since.
From Open force, from all the Close designs
100: Of all your Foes, and all our Catalines,
From all th'insatiate malice of that bold
Bloud-thirsty Tyrant, from his sword, and gold
Which hurt you more; and from your own false Friends,
Who sacrific'd to his Ambitious ends
105: Your Crown and people, and were kept in pay,
Your Cause, and Sacred Person to betray,
In which he ev'ry year expended more
Than your Revenues have been heretofore;
Yet you're deliverd out of all these things,
110: By your Protector, who's the King of Kings.
No more that proud Usurper now shall boast,
His partial Conquests, which more Money cost, 1
And Blood than they were worth, no more remember,
His thrice auspicious third day of September,
115: Which he design'd to be redeem'd from black,
And in Red letters writ ith' Almanack.
Since he fought not for victories, but paid,
Nor were you conquer'd by him, but betray'd.
And now your May, by love, has gotten more,
120: Than his Septembers did, by blood, before.
Thanks to that Glory of the West, that Star,
By whose conductive influence you are
Brought to enjoy your own, whose eminent worth
These Islands are too small to Eccho forth.
125: Whose courage bafled fear, whose purer soul
No bribes could e'r seduce, no threats controul,
But strangely cross'd the proverb, and brought forth
The best of Goods from th'once-pernicious North,
To whose Integrity, your Kingdomes owe
130: Their restauration, and what thence does flow,
Your blest arrival; with such prudence still
He manag'd these affairs, such truth, such skill,
Such valor too, he led these Nations through
Red Seas of Blood, and yet ne'r wet their shoe.
135: Blest be the Heavenly pow'rs, that hither sent
This Noble Hero, to be th'instrument
To'enthrone your Royal Person, and to bring
To's longing subjects our long absent King.
Welcom from forein Kingdoms, where you've been,
140: Driven by hard-hearted Fate, and where you've seen,
Strange men and manners; yet too truly known,
Those far more Hospitable than your own;
From those that would not, those that durst not do
Right to themselves, by being kinde to you;
145: From profess'd foes, and from pretended friends,
Whose feigned love promotes their sordid Ends.
"Kings treating Kings springs not from love, but state,
"Their love's to policy subordinate.
From banishment, from dangers, and from want,
150: From all those mischiefs that depend upon't,
You'r truly welcome; welcome to your throne,
Your Crowns and Scepters, and what ere's your own,
Nay to what's ours too, for we finde it true,
Our wealth is gotten and preserv'd by you;
155: Welcome t'your Subjects hearts, who long did burn
With strong desires to see your bless'd return.
Welcome t'your friends, welcome to your wisest foes,
Whose bought Experience tells them now, that those
Riches they've got by plunder, fraud, and force,
160: Doe not increase, but make their fortunes worse,
Like Robbers spoyls, just as they come, they goe,
And leave the Robbers poor and wicked too.
They see their error now, and do begin,
(Could they but hope, youl'd pardon their Huge sin)
165: To think you th'only means, and th'only man,
That will restore our liberties, and can.
Since you're come out o'th fire, twelve years refin'd,
With hard'ned body, and Experienc'd minde.
Only that crew of Caitiffs, who have been,
170: So long, so deeply plung'd in so great sin,
That they despair of pardon, and believe,
You can't have so much mercy to forgive,
As they had villanie t'offend, and sin,
And therefore to get out, get further in.
175: These never were, and never will be true,
Unto your loyal Subjects, or to you;
The scum and scorn of every sort of men;
That for abilities, Could scarce tell ten,
And of estates proportion'd to their parts;
180: Of mean enjoyments, and of worse deserts,
Whom want made bold, and impudence supply'd
Those gifts, which art and nature had deny'd,
And in their practice perfect Atheists too,
(For half-wit, and half-learning makes men so)
185: These first contriv'd and then promoted all
Those troubles, which upon your Realm did fall;
Inflam'd three populous Nations, that they might
Get better opportunity and light
To steal and plunder, and our goods might have,
190: By robbing those, whom they pretend to save,
Our new commotions new employments made,
And what was our affliction grew their trade.
And when they saw the plots, th'had laid, did take,
Then they turn'd Gamsters, and put in their stake,
195: Ventured their All; their credit which was small,
And next their Conscience which was none at all,
Put on all formes, and all Religions own,
And all alike, for they were all of none.
A thousand of them han't one Christian soul,
200: No oathes oblige them, and no Laws controul
Their strong desires but p'nal ones; and those
Make them not innocent, but cautelous . 2
Crimes that are scandalous, and yield no gain,
Revenge or pleasure, they perhaps refrain;
205: But where a crime was gainfull to commit,
Or pleas'd their lust or malice, how they bit!
This did invade the Pulpit, and the Throne,
And made them both, and all that's ours, their own.
Depos'd the Ministers and Magistrates,
210: And in a godly way, seiz'd their estates;
Then did the Gentry follow, and the Rich,
Those neutral sinners, by omission, which
Had good estates, for 'twas a lesser sin
To plunder, than t' have ought worth Plundring.
215: And by religious forms, and shews, and paints,
They're call'd the Godly party, and the Saints.
And as those men, that live ill lives, desire
To die good deaths, so these vile men aspire
To be reputed honest, and did stile
220: Themselves so, but they were meer Cheats the while.
Yet, by their artless Oratory, they
Vent'ring to make Orations, preach, and pray,
Drew in too many silly souls, that were
Caught with vain shewes, drawn on by hope and fear,
225: Poor undiscerning, all believing Elves,
Fit but to be the ruin of themselves;
Born to be cozen'd, trod on, and abus'd,
Lov'd to be fool'd, and easily seduc'd.
These beasts they make with courage fight and dy,
230: Like Andabates, 3 not knowing how, nor why,
Till they destroy'd King, Kingdome, Church & Laws,
And sacrific'd all to that word, The Cause.
While those possesse the fruit of all the toiles
Of these blind slaves, and flourish with their spoils,
235: Plum'd with gay feathers stoln, (like 'sops crow)
They seem gay birds, but it was only show.
Now publique lands and private too, they share
Among themselves, whose mawes did never spare
Ought they could grasp; to get the Royal lands,
240: They in Blood-royal bath'd their rav'nous hands.
With which they shortly pamper'd grew, and rich,
Then was their blood infected with the itch
Of Pomp, and Power, and now they must be Squires,
And Knights and Lords, to please their wives desires
245: And Madam them. A broken tradesman now,
Peic'd with Church-lands, makes all the vulgar bow
Unto his honour, and their Bonets vail
To's worship, that sold Peticoates, or Ale.
In pomp, attire, and everything they did
250: Look like true Gentry, but the Soul, and Head,
By which they were discern'd, for they were rude,
With harsh and ill-bred natures still endu'd;
Proud, and penurious. What Nobility
Sprung in an instant, from all trades had wee!
255: Such t'other things, crept into t'other House,
Whose Sires heel'd stockings, and whose Dams sold sowse.4
There's Lord Protectors, but of such a Crew,
As people Newgate, not good men, and true.
There were Lord Keepers, but of Cowes and Swine,
260: Lord Coblers, and Lord Drawers, not of wine.
Fine Cockney-pageant Lords, and Lords Gee-hoo,5
Lords Butchers, and Lords Butlers, Dray-Lords too.
And to transact with these was hatch'd a brood,
Of Justices and Squires, nor great, nor good;
265: Rays'd out of plunder, and of sequestration,
Like Frogs of Nilus, from an inundation;
A foundred Warrier, when the wars did cease,
As nat'rally turn'd Justice of the Peace,
And did with boldness th'office undertake,
270: As a blinde Coach-horse does a Stalion make.
These fill'd all Countries, and in every Town
Dwelt one or more to tread your Subjects down.
And to compleat this Strategem of theirs,
They use Auxiliary Lecturers;
275: Illiterate Dolts, pickt out of every Trade,
Of the same metal, as Jeroboams, 6 made,
That ne'r took Orders, nor e're any keep,
But boldly into others Pulpits creep,
And vent their Heresies, and there inspire
280: The vulgar with Sedition, who desire
Still to be cheated, and do love to be
Mis-led by th'ears, by couzning Sophistrie,
These sold Divinity, as Witches doe,
In Lapland, Windes, to drive where e're you go.
285: The Sword no action did, so dire and fell,
But that some Pulpiteers pronounc'd it, Well.
With these ingredients, were the Countries all
Poyson'd, and fool'd, and aw'd, while they did call
Themselves the Cities, or the Counties, and
290: Did in their names, what they ne'r understand
Or hear of. These did that old Drie-bone call
Up to the Throne, (if he were call'd at all)
And vow'd to live and dye with him; and then
Address'd to Dick, and vow'd the same agen.
295: And so to Rump; but these vowes were no more
Than what they vow'd to Essex long before,
And so perform'd; they dyed a like with all,
Yet liv'd on unconcerned in their fall:
So as these Corks might swim at top, they n'ere
300: Care what the liquor is that them did bear.
These taught the easie people, prone to sin,
And ready to imbibe ill customs in,
To betray trusts, to break an Oath, and Word,
Things that th'old English Protestant abhor'd.
And lest these Kingdoms should hereafter be
Took for inchanted Islands (where men see
Nothing but Devills did inhabit, and
All virtuous people had forsook the land
And left it to these Monsters) these took care,
To make us match and mix our bloud with their
Polluted issue; and so do, as when
Gods sons did take the daughters once of men.
To fright men into this, they did begin
To decimate them, for Original Sin.
315: Children that were unborn, in those mad times,
And unconcern'd in what they Voted crimes,
If guilty of Estates, were forc'd to pay
The tenth to those, who took nine parts away.
The Law was made a standing pool, and grew
320: Corrupt, for want of current; thence a crew
Of monstrous Animals out daily crawl'd,
Who little knew, but impudently ball'd;
And made the Law the Eccho of the Sword,
And with such Cattel were the Benches stor'd,
325: That made the Gown ridiculous, Now and then
The Malefactors were the wiser men,
Oft times the honester; these did dispence,
And rack the Laws, 'gainst equity and sence,
Which way the Buff would have them turn, by which
330: They long continued powerfull and Rich.
Now they'ld all wheel about, and be for you,
For (like Cam'lions) they still change their hue,
And look like that that's next them; they will vow,
Their hearts were alwayes for you, and are now.
335: Tis no new Wit, tis in a Play we know,
Who would not wish you King, now you are so?
But if to be of both sides be a Crime,
What is't to turn of all sides with the time?
Yet you can pardon all, for you have more
340: Mercy and love, than they have crimes in store.
And you can love, or pity them, which none
But you could doe; you can their persons own,
And with unconquer'd patience look on them,
Because your Nature knowes not to condemn.
345: You'll let them live, and by your grace convince
Their trech'rous hearts, that they have wrong'd a Prince
Whom God and Angels love & keep; whose minde
Solely to love and mercy is inclin'd;
Whom none but such as they could hurt, or grieve,
350: And none but such as you could e'r forgive
Such men and crimes. Those feathers ne'rtheless
Pluck'd from your Subjects backs, their own to dress,
Should be repluck'd, or else they should restore,
They'll still be left Crows, as they were before.
355: But if you trust them, you'll as surely be
Betray'd and ruin'd, as you now are free.
And now you are returned to your Realm,
May you sit long, and stedfastly at th'Helm,
And rule these head-strong people: may you be
360: The true Protector of our Libertie.
Your wisdom only answers th'expectation
Of this long injur'd, now reviving Nation.
May true Religion flourish and increase,
And we love virtue, as the ground of peace;
365: May all pretences, outward forms, and shewes
Whereby we have been gull'd, give way for those
True acts of pure religion, and may we
Not only seem religious, but be.
Of taking Oathes, may you and we be shy,
370: But being ta'ne think no necessity
Or power can make us break them! may we ne'r
Make wilfull breach of promises! nor e're
Basely betray our trusts! but strive to be
Men both of honour and of honestie!
375: And may those onely that are just, and true,
Be alwaies honor'd, and imploy'd by you.
Next let our sacred Lawes, in which do stand
The wealth, the peace, and safety of our Land,
Be kept inviolable, and never made
380: Nets to the small, while the great Flies evade!
May those that are intrusted with them be
Men of sound knowledge, and integrity,
And sober courage; such as dare, and will,
And can doe Justice! We have felt what ill
385: Comes by such Clarkes and Judges as have been,
For favor, faction, or design put in,
Without respect to Merit, who have made
The Law to Tyrants various lusts a Bawd,
Perverted Justice, and our Rights have sold,
390: And Rulers have been over-rul'd by Gold.
Then are the people happy, and Kings too,
When, they that are in power, are good, and doe.
On these two Bases let our peace be built
So firm and lasting, that no bloud be spilt,
395: No Country wasted, and no treasure spent
While you and yours do reign; no future rent
Disturb your happiness; but we may strive
Each in his sphere, to make our Nation thrive,
Grow plentifull, and pow'rfull, and become
400: The Ioy or Terror of all Christendom.
And those, who lately thought themselves above us,
May, spite of fate, or tremble at, or love us;
May no incroaching spirit break the hedge
Between Prerogative, and Priviledge.
405: And may your sacred MAJESTY enjoy
Delights of Minde, and Body, that ne'r cloy!
Not only be obey'd, but lov'd at home,
Prais'd and admir'd by all that near you come!
And may your Royal Fame be spread as farr
410: As valiant, and as virtuous people are!
And when you'r Majesty shall be inclin'd
To blesse your Realms with heirs, oh may you find
A Spouse that may for Beauty, Virtue, Wit,
And royal birth, be for your person fit!
415: May you abound in hopefull babes, that may
Govern the Nations, and your Scepters sway,
Till time shall be no more, and pledges be
Both of our love, and our felicitie.
May you live long and happily, and finde
420: No pains of body, and no griefs of minde:
While we with loyal hearts rejoyce, and sing
God bless your Kingdoms, and
God save our KING.
[1]An accusation made elsewhere in Restoration propaganda; somewhere in Bodley, one of the collections contains a tract itemizing the "costs" incurred by the interregnum governments -- try G. pamp 1119 [not found here]
[2]OED: full of cuautels, i.e. deceitful, crafty
[3]Roman gladiators who fought on horseback in a helmet without eye-wholes; hence, a hood-winked warrior OED
[4]A variant of "souse," given by OED as pickled parts of pigs; "to sell souse" suggests cantankerousness and ill humour in women. OED quotes Cotgrave for "groin" "Faire le groin, to powt, lowre, frowne, be sullen, or surlie, to hang the lip or sell sowce"
[5]OED gives "gee-ho(e)" as a variant of "gee" or "gee up," the command to a horse. It would seem to be associated with unskilled drivers of cart horses as a command that makes up for their lack of skill: OED quotes 1659 D. Pell ... An Improvement upon the nine nauticall verses in the 107 Psalm (L=857.b.12; LT=E1732), p. 93 "Carmen that never leave jerking and Geoing of their horses till they hale the hearts of them out."
[6]In Kings , "a mighty man of valour" (11.28) "who made israel to sin (xiv.16); a large bowl or goblet, a large wine-bottle" OED cites nothing before 1816; so presumably here, large hollow vessels made of base material
Thomas Saunderson
A Royall Loyall Poem
4 June
Titlepage: A / ROYALL / LOYALL / POEM. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for W. Place, and are to be sold at his / Shop at Grayes-Inne Gate in Holborne, 1660.
The Crawford copy is dated in ms "June 5th, 1660.", the same day as Arthur Brett's poem, day after Brome's Congrat. WF copy dated 4th.
Ms corrections to the Tanner copy have been included in notes.
Venn lists: Thos Sanderson, baptised 1611 at Brancepeth, Durham; Sidney Sussex 1628 -- of Hedley-hope, Durham Esq; buried April 1695: See Surtees, History of Durham 4 vols: II.243.
Foster, Alum Oxon lists: Thos Sanderson of Lincoln College, matric 1639; Fellow of Corpus 1644; expelled 1648, reinstated 1649: see Burrows, Register of Visitors of Ox Uni 1647-58 (p. 496).
[ornamental header]
A Royall Loyall
1: ALL hayle Great KING, whom Gods Almighty hand,
Hath in great Streights preserv'd by Sea and Land;
And hath kept firm thy Loyall Subjects hearts,
Rejoycing in oppressions dyrest smarts:
5: And that thy Foes the vast Worlds wonder cease 1
Their tumultuous waves, and sue for Peace: 2
What can eclips our joyes so bright, so high,
Settled on th'Basis 3 of Divinity:
For here's no new Usurper to make good
10: This 4 treasonable Claym through streams of blood:
Sparing no English Subjects to maintain
The profuse Ryot in his 5 Rebellious raign;
No heyre not able to support the weight
Of Government either of Church or State:
15: Nay, here is no pretender to the known
Right Great Charles hath to his 6 three Kingdoms Crown:
No worthy Gentleman doth envy that
Our high born Prince should have command of what
His birth-right gives him, here's none thinks that he
20: Could rule so wisely as his Majesty;
Here's no contention, onely to outvy
Each in brave acts of liberality,
Amazing all to see, our widdowed Land
Espous'd to joy so soon, by a Monks Hand.
25: Presents on Presents pass by faithfull hearts;
Not equall to My mind nor his deserts:
And these from loyall, Royall, Soules whom guilt
Had never stain'd, of blood unjustly spilt.
Had Fleetwod, Baxter, Haslrig, and Vane,
30: Tichbourn and Ireton, with that cursed trayne
Disgorg'd theyr full cram'd chests unjustly got,
And then like Judas hang'd 7 themselves, 't had not
Been half so wel. No: let them dying live,
And perish by degrees: let Justice give
35: Them but their due: How will their concience gripe
Their perplexed 8 Soules? And when grown ripe,9
For vengeance, let 10 tortures lead them to the Tree,
Where this accursed fruit may hanged be;
Too tedious here to read their Elegy.
40: Oh when to Oliver they tidings bring
Of their fall'n State, and Glories of our King,
How will his hot Nose swell, and Bradshaw call,
And curse each other for each others fall?
There let them curse and howle with hideous yells,
45: Whilst we with Bone-fires shouts, and ringing Bells,
Heighten the hatred that their Quaking friends
Conceal, if possible, for Politick 11 ends:
And that will damn them too, whilst safely we
May pray for Charles our King and Progeny,
50: And drink a hearty cup to the 12 Generall,
Who bravely, justly, wisely fool'd them all.
And with one word Phanatick struck them dumb,
Some simply ask'd if it were Scotch, and some
Whispered 13 is't not Spanish, some Greek, but most
55: Sayd he was 14 mistaken and would have it crost
Out, and put in Fantastick, Schismatick,
Or Anabaptist, Brownist, Heretick,
Shaking Sir Harry Vanes fift Monarchy,
Or weeping Fleetwoods quaking Anarchy,
60: H. Martins Adamites, 15 Independents,
Sawcy Lay-Elders, Super-Intendents,
Any thing or all but that one strange word,
Coyn'd with an angry Stamp should all afford,
That Oliver or Lambert in their breast
65: Contain'd, troubles them more then all the rest,
Making their Chim'ra reformation,
Ridiculous and out of fashion;
And names of Common-wealth and Nation turn'd
To the right style, Kingdom, which long hath mournd,
70: Commanding reverence to Gods holy Word,
Read in the Church, by them so much abhord:
When Preach'd by none but Orthodox Divines,
Whose life together with the Words light shines:
Now Subjects large Estates so long detaind
75: From the right Owners, shall by Right be gaind:
And Universities and Innes of Court,
Englands great honour in the Worlds report,
Pestred so long with Sons of the Committee,
Excize-men, Captains, or at best some City
80: Heyres: shall with Knights and Squires Sons be planted,
And the Grave Benchers who 16 long have wanted,
An Audience fit for Readings, now rejoyce,
To employ their wits & wealth for th'Publick voice,
When Magna Charta, the known Lawes of th'Land,
85: Is spoke and writ in the old Tongue and Hand,
That it would prove a good Monopoly,
To teach Masters and Clarks their A. B. C. 17
When our new coyne (all that was mine is gone)
Shall bear the 18 Kings Face and Superscription;
90: When noble Spain shall bring her Indies wealth
Unto our King, wishing him peace and health;
All Princes fearing our Kings potent Strength,
Shall court him to an Union: At length
I fear the 19 Gentile and unbeleiving Jew,
95: To be receiv'd into our Church will sue:
And when the World will end so soon, that we
Terrene joyes longer shall not live to see:
This is not Fancy: for what can seem strange,
After this great and unexpected change.
100: Reader your pardon, for since the King is given
A Subject for my Pen, I could reach Heaven
With numerous lines. So may your Prayers with mine
For a continuance of his Life and Line.
By Tho. Saunderson Gent.
[1] Foes vast Worlds wonder cease] ä; Foes (vast Worlds wonder) cease O ms.
[2] line 6] "Their" deleted; sue to thee for Peace O ms
[3] on th'] ä; o th' O ms
[4] This] ä; his O ms
[5] in his] in's O ms
[6] Right Great Charles hath to his three] Right Charles the Great hath to three O ms
[7] hang'd] hangd O, L cancel note
[8] perplexed] ä; perplex'd O ms
[9] when grown] when they are growne O ms
[10] let] ä; inked out O s
[11] Politick] ä; Craftie O ms
[12] the] ed; th ä
[13] Whispered] Whisper O ms
[14] he was] t'was O ms
[15] Adamites, Independents] Adamites or Independents O ms
[16] who long] who too long O ms
[17] A. B. C.] all versions printed in hand-written secretary form; i.e. the "old Hand" of line 85.
[18] the] th' O ms
[19] the] deleted O ms
Elias Ashmole
Sol in Ascendente.
28 May-4 June
Title: Sol In Ascendente: / OR, / The glorious Appearance / OF / CHARLES the Second, / UPON / The Horizon of London, in her Horosco-/ picall Sign, Gemini. / [royal arms] / Iam vaga co/elo sidera fulgens, / Aurora fugat; surgit Titan / Radiante coma, mundoque diem / Reddit clarum. 1 / [rule] / London, Printed for N. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill. 1660.
Son of a sadler, Elias Ashmole (1617-92) was born at Lichfield and received his education at the local grammar school. In 1638 he married for the first time and through the patronage of Thomas Paggit, a relative on his mother's side, began to practice law in Chancery but "had indifferent good practice" (Memoirs, 1774: 292). In 1645 while in Oxford, he met Captain George Wharton at Oxford, who introduced him to astrology and alchemy and secured him a commission in the royal ordnance. That same year, he studied mathematics at Brasenose College and was appointed commissioner of excise for Worcester, moving to London when that city fell to parliament in 1646. Here he was inducted a Freemason, and became friendly with William Lilly and John Booker, the leading astrologers of the age, with William Backhouse, the leading Rosicrucian, and with John Tradescant, keeper of the botanic gardens at Chelsea and a great collector of antiquities. Having remarried to his advantage, Ashmole spent the 1650s immersed in the study of alchemy, astrology and heraldry, learning Hebrew and editing works by John Dee and other early alchemists.
"25. [May 1659] I went to Windsor, and took Mr. Hollar with me to take views of the castle." Memoirs 1774: 326
"16. [June 1660] Hor. post merid. I first kissed the King's hand, being introduced by Mr. Thomas Chiffinch."
"18. [June] Hor, ante merid. was the second time I had the honour to discourse with the King, and then he gave me that place of Windsor Herald." ...
"About this time the King apppointed me to make a description of his medals, and I had them delivered into my hands, and Henry the VIII's closet assigned for my use." ibid. 327. At the Restoration, he was appointed Windsor herald and turned his attentions to antiquarianism. Along the way, he picked up several well-paying offices, becoming accountant general of excise and commissioner for Surinam. He inherited Tradescant's collection of antiquities, married the much younger daughter of the herald William Dugdale in 1668, and published his Institutions, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter in 1672. In 1677, he bequeathed his collection of antiquities to the university of Oxford provided a suitable building was cosntructed for them; by 1683 the transfer was complete. In 1690 the university awarded him an honourable M. D.
In keeping with Ashmole's interests in astrology, his poem is lagely an extended astrological conceit. It is also one of the few poems for which there is an abundance of textual material. A draft autograph copy in the Bodleian Library shows that Ashmole worked over his lines with considerable care and attention, frequently revising lines and transposing couplets and longer sections. Several lines in the manuscript never made it into print, including a Latin tag attributed to Ovid with which the manuscript opens: "C'saris arma canant alij; nos C'saris aras," -- "others have sung of Caesar in arms, we sing of Caesar on the altar."
The Edinburgh reprint displays no internal evidence of revision from the London printing. Since lines 45-58 appeared, anonymously, in Mercurius Aulicus for the week of 28 May-4 June (p. 58), we can presume that the poem was written in advance of the king's arrival. Although the lines in question are almost identical in both printed versions, the Mercurius version of line 58 reads "To shelter us from Devils, and Rump-men" rather than the more generalizing "and worser men" found in both printed versions.
The lines printed in Mercurius are preceded with a comment that might be taken as central to the large amount of publishing in late May and early June which anticipated the king's return:
As it is apparent, that our former pregnant hopes of establishing his Majesty in an honourable and peaceful Government of his three Kingdoms, would prove an astonishing Joy to revive the sunk spirits, who for many years have bin sorely depressed; even so is the fixing of his Princely Heart among them as the Center, in which all the opposite Lines of the distracted Interests of this Nation will meet and acquiesce, to the glory of God, and the perpetual settlement, peace, and welfare of his Subjects. (p. 57)
On Ashmole (1617-1692), SEE DNB, Elias Ashmole...his Autobiographical Notes ed. C. H. Josten, 5 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966) and see what he had to say about the Restoration etc.
[1]In the ms version, this Latin tag is glossed "S. Oct."
[ornamental header]
Sol in Ascendente.
The glorious Appearance of
CHARLES the Second,
Upon the Horizon of London: in her Ho-
roscopical Sign, Gemini.2
1: ANd now the Nights dire Tragedies are done,
Woes are dissolv'd to Bliss, we have out-run
The Ills, that did pursue us in fierce chase;
And softer Revels do possess their place.
5: What Peace old Rome saw in Augustus dayes,
Will England feel while CHARLES shall wear the Bayes,
For Heav'n has held her peace, rowse up, then rise!
Let not dull sleep seize on your sluggish eyes;
Awake! and greet this Calm; these gentle Gales,
10: (Swell'd with rich Air) invites to spread our sails.
What though the cripl'd Heav'n has seem'd to trace,
No other Motion, then lame Saturn's pace;
Yet now behold! the lingring Hours at last,
Shake off those Weights, that on their Feet were plac't:
15: And th' Morn is fully rose, from yon dark Rocks,
Pleas'd with the coolness of her moistned Locks;
But er'st imbathed in the dewy tears,
Which long Nights sorrows, pressed through our tears.
Mark! how the Clouds disband, how they retire,
20: To see our Heav'n arch'd o're, with this bright fire;
How yon declining Moon, (conscious of Ill)
Sets with a wasting paleness; and how still
The charmed Windes are in their severall flights;
How all those numberless tumultuous Lights,
25: Which twinkling look, as struck with trembling fear,
Shrink in their sockets; dye, now th' Sun draws near.
Observe! instead of Clouds, how th'fresher Air
Inwraps us round, with its preserving care;
And the forgotten glory of our Sun,
30: Which here coms riding on our Horizon,
Does like a lucky Planet, fix his Beam
On the Ascendant, of the Kingdoms Scheam. 3
See! see! our Pho/ebus, who ith'Sea was pent,
His Steeds unharnest, and to grazing sent;
35: His Chariot set aside, and what he chose
For rest, became disturbance, not repose,
Awakes! his Generous Horses curle their Mains,
And Champ their Bits; hee's mounted, handling's Reins,
Throwing his usual glories round his Face,
40: And making ready for a second Race.
Behold! his Chariot cuts the Eastern line,
And his Serener Brows with Glory shine,
Deckt in refulgent lustre round about:
Thus th'Sun, at first cleft Heav'n, and so brake out.
See! Glories arch His Crown, Majestick Grace,
With Mirtle wreathes, his Temples do imbrace; 4
All sacred Lustre from about him sheds,
Fame rides before, and circularly spreds
From her select collections, what's most due
50: To his so great Deserts, and Patience too.
Whilst Heav'n it self breaks through his lovely Smile;
Thus looks th'auspicious Fortune of this Isle.
They are his Native Rayes, 5 that render bright
This Morn, and dress it with Celestial Light;
55: Whose all-attracting power sucks up the Dew,
That new begotten Gladness sends unto
Our eyes; which (Hallowed) is let fall agen,
To shelter us from Devils, and worser men.6
Lo! Heav'n has now subscrib'd to our request,
60: Here with a glorious Sun we all are blest;
Whilst the Nights guilty shadows sneak away
Back to their Cave, at this approach of day.
Let's then no more our wither'd Joyes lament,
Let sadness be condem'd to Banishment;
65: And Mis'ry cease to grinde: let's pay our Vowes,
And strow our streets with peaceful Olive Boughs:
Of whose fair Trunks new Gates let us prepare
For Janus Temple to shut out fierce War,
And keep in Peace; whilst due obedience shall
70: Our Bosoms fill, ne're to know Ebb at all.
But first, all cordial greetings we must pay,
From our devotest souls to this blest Day;
Next to our Sun, such just observance give
As his great worth deserves: then pray to live
75: To see Meridian Beams dance on his Crown,
And full blown Glories, shine about this Throne.
And since that Heav'n thus smiles, let each full soul,
Unlade such thanks, may rise above controul;
Unfold free welcomes to imbrace this Morn;
80: And to those forward joyes, which are new borne
In Loyal hearts, force passage to each Tongue,
Venting the Acclamations thither throng.
Let's kiss the Hand, that steer'd Affairs to this,
Let's bless those Eyes, to see this hour did wish:
85: Esteem it dear as heav'n which sent it, such
As our Devotions cannot praise too much.
Repeat these Blessings while there is a day,
Which this Moneth brought, with Ills it took away;
And date our Records hence, make them retain
90: Force and effect from CHARLES the Second's Reign:
Let's in all gladsome looks our faces dress,
All grateful welcomes let our hearts express;
Darting such spirits from each greedy eye,
By whose reflection he our loves may spye:
95: Nor can he by a better Medium finde,
How strongly we to duty are inclin'd;
Unless we were all eyes, that so each part
Being fill'd with eyes, might all become one heart.
Yet see! and let's wear out our eyes in view
100: Of these fair looks, Fate doth to us renew;
(Pleasing to heav'n) yea, let's Anticipate,
What forward gratitude can yet create:
And like to Tides, bring all our wealth on shore,
Open our Cabinets, lay out our store,
105: Wear them upon our brows, and make them grow
Up to the Sands, whose number none can know.
Let's greet this Hero with a full spread sail,
And strive, who can in strife of joy prevail:
Kiss Heav'n with thanks, and make our hearty cryes,
110: Roll round in Ecchoes, pierc'd the arched skyes.
Look with what conquering Aspect he returns,
Foarding the hearts of all he sees; and mourns
At nought so much, as those wan looks which we
(And our black night) tann'd with disloyalty,
115: That gracious Face we view through humble Tears,
Brings healing to the wounds of these late years:
Nor need we doubt; our great Apollo will
Secure this Island with his ablest skill
Like Delas, (to requite his nursing years)
120: From all assaults of future storms and Fears.
For see! he comes off'ring Oblivion,
Forgetfull of what's past, or lost, or done;
Cloath'd with the general Good, (that weighty Care)
Attended with those thoughts that pitious are,
125: Bringing along all Charmes, to still our Fears;
Fill'd with ripe knowledge, of experienc't years;
Able to poise all Interests, quit each score,
To stanch that waste of Blood long running o're,
And cure our rankled wounds; if we'l but sip,
130: That healing Balsom, droppeth from his Lip:
In fine, here come the close of all debate,
Worthy to mannage a fare greater State.
'Tis true, he has been plundred o're and o're,
And little left, but what might style him poor;
135: Yet is his stock of favours not impair'd,
There's plenty left for those deserve reward;
His wiser judgment can most clearly see,
The fitting due's, belong to each degree:
And happy we, that once again behold,
140: His just Authority himself infold;
Which nev'r shall alter him, unless his Power
Rise up to's will, to do us good each houre.
What thoughts dare then deny this Sun his Rayes,
Who is the Spring and Fountain of our dayes;
145: The brightest Eye, of this our little world;
Whose spreading Rays 7 in rich glories curl'd,
Grow from his own essential light; their power
Raiseth the lustre, of this growing hour.
From those all-glorious Beams, on us shall shine
150: The light of Peace, and Happiness Divine;
Even all those Halcion dayes we once beheld,
When our replenish't Cornucopia's swell'd.
Since then his Fate, has gain'd the Easterne light,
May it recover the Meridian height;
155: Whilst all good Fortunes lead him to that Hill,
And further him from good, to better still:
May Heav'n, which did through Clouds, his sufferings mark,
And with Compassion view'd his sinking Bark,
Ne're leave him till Astrea right his wrongs,
160: Fully restoring what to him belongs:
Then place him like Olympus lofty Rocks,
That kiss the Heav'ns, and mount above those shocks
Of under storms, would toss him to and fro
With their false byast Guests; for we must know
Justice can ne're be evenly render'd, till
He like the Sun in his Meridian dwell.
[2] O ms opens with epigraph: Ovid. C'saris arma canant aly: nos C'saris aras.
[3] Note to ms at line 32: "Tis from the nerenes of a watry vapour which the winde tossing with various [illegible] neere the Horizon about the rising of the Sun, & the force of the Sun being refracted in the vapour, it seems as if it danced, from whence the vulgar conceit of the Suns dancing on Easter day might probably rise." Ash. 38 fol. 232.
[4] Ms note: "Mirtle wreathes were wont to be worn in triumph by the Romaine Captaines when they had obtayn'd a Victory without Blood." Ash. 38 fol 232.
[5] Note to ms: "Lux congenita" Ash. 38 fol. 232.
[6] and worser men] and Rump-men Mercurius Aulicus
[7] Rays] Rady L, O
Daniel Nicols
"To his Majestie's loyall subject"
Theophilus Cleaver
"To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN"
5 June
Titlepage: [Hebrew] Filius Her"um, / THE SON OF NOBLES. / Set Forth / IN A SERMON / PREACHED / At St Mary's in Cambridge before / the University, on Thursday the / 24th of May, 1660. being the day of / Solemn Thanksgiving for the Deliverance / and Settlement of our Nation. / By WILL. GODMAN B. D. Fellow of the / King's Colledge in Cambridge. / Because the Lord hath loved his people, he hath made thee / King over them. 2 Chron. 2.11. / -- -- Nusquam libertas gratior extat / Qu…m sub Rege pio -- -- -- / [Greek epigraph] / [rule] / LONDON, / by J. Flesher, for W. Morden Bookseller in Cambridge. / An. Dom. M DC LX. [double-rule box].
Wing: G941. Daniel Nicols, "To his Majestie's loyall subject and my / dearly-beloved Friend / Mr WILLIAM GODMAN B. D. / Fellow of King's Coll." sig. B., and Theophilus Cleaver, "To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN / Batchelour in Divinitie," sigs: b2-[b2v].
O Pamph C110 (4) COPYTEXT; checked 9/95; 2/96 OW Fairfax 417; chk 4/96 L 226.g.21(2) {trans l984:111} {mf}; chk 1/96 CLC Pamph. coll. Misc. Sermons v.2 {trans l985: 57-8} C, NE, DT, CN, MH, NU, Y WF 134081 chk 12/96
The epistle to the reader is dated 5 June.
A large number of the sermons preached in anticipation and in celebration of Charles's return made their way into print. William Godman preached his sermon before the Cambridge University community on Thursday, 24 May, the day of national thanksgiving declared following the announcement of the king's return, but he dated the epistle to the reader in the printed version 5 June, a Tuesday. Godman himself contributed some verses in Greek to the Cambridge volume, Academiae Cantabrigiensis äoåtrà, which appeared later that summer in July (sig. H3v). His Filius Her"um is the only sermon I have noticed containing dedicatory poems in English. The lines by Daniel Nicols of Queen's College appeared first, followed by sets of Latin verses by three poets from Gonville College, William Lyng, John Felton, and William Naylor. Theophilus Cleaver, also a fellow of King's College like Godman, wrote Englsh verses that appeared next. A final set of Latin verses by J. Boult of Gonville brought up the rear.
The biblical epigraph on the title page was addressed to Solomon by Huram the king of Tyre, though the text which Godman took for his sermon was apprpriately, Ecclesiastes 10.17, "Blessed art thou, O Lord, when thy King is the son of Nobles."
Nicols addresses Godman directly, offering the analogy between soldiers and preachers as signs of their past and continuing common loyalty to the king. Cleaver takes a more prescriptive line with a touch of the jeremiad, finding in the king's return a promise of imminent retribution. He invites us to read Charles's physical appearance in a series of allusions to the Old Testament worthy of an academic divine -- the king's hair, like Sampson's, is a promise of his divine strength; his eyebrows are compared to mounts Gerizim and Ebal and promise punishment and reward. In the lengthy peroration after receiving the ten commandments, Moses "set before" the children of Israel "a blessing and a curse . . . when the LORD thy God hath brought thee in to the land whither thou goest to possess it, that thou shalt put the blessing upon mount Gerizim, and the curse upon mount Ebal" (Deut. 11. 26, 29). The mounts appear again in the story of Joshua. After destroying Jericho, Joshua goes on to slaughter the twelve thousand inhabitants of the kingdom of Ai; he burns the city "and made it an heap for ever, even a desolation unto this day." Lest any should question his piety, Joshua then proceeded to build "an altar to the Lord God of Israel in Mount Ebal" and "wrote there upon the stones a copy of the law of Moses" which he proceeded to read to the victorious Israelites, "half of them over against Mount Gerizim, and half of them over against Mount Ebal," (Joshua, 8. 28, 32, 33). Presumably like Joshua, Charles will be both merciful and just, rewarding the faithful while brooking no resistance to the divine authority of his power.
To his Majestie's loyall subject and my
dearly-beloved Friend
Fellow of King's Coll.
1: 'TWas Monarchy made thee and me be one,
Loyalty has been our Religion;
Joynt haters of the Tyrant and his train,
And faithfull subjects to our Sovereign.
5: Divines are fellow-soldiers, though in field
They never take up target, sword, or shield:
For whilst that others fight with swords and spears,
The Churches weapons are her prayers and tears.
These be the arms (dear Friend) which for our Prince
10: W'have taken up and brandish'd ever since
False subjects and an Act of Parliament
Forc'd Him to live abroad in banishment.
Whilst others for our King's Coronation,
And to reform a thing call'd Reformation
15: Have spilt their blood, lost estates, lives and health;
(Strange that this should be called a Comon-wealth!)
Then thou and I with many a sigh and groan
Pray'd and believ'd Him to his Crown and Throne.
And still we'l preach and pray, and print and sing
20: Disgrace to Rebells, glory to our King.
Dan. Nicols B. D.
Fellow of Queens Coll.
To his worthy Friend Mr. WIL. GODMAN
Batchelour in Divinitie.
SHall I be silent at my glorious KING's
Return, when every Bell his praises sings?
Shall the hard-hearted Musket shout for joy;
And I as dumb-strook, like a trembling Boy
5: Wax pale and mute? Shall Night her mourning Suit
Put off, and vapour in flame-colour'd Coat;
And I smother'd in melancholy Fume
Burn up my heart, and Loyaltie intomb?
No, Lazy Muse: I'll goad thee with my pen,
10: For I'm impatient of delayes; nor when
Thou sleep'st can I forbear to pinch, for thou
Do'st only seem to dream that our KING's now
Return'd and safe. Lift up thy leaden eye,
Spout out thy griefe, and wash thy Lethargie:
15: So shalt thou cleanse thy self from fault, and see
Like a true Eagle dazling Majestie.
Then fix thine eye and tell me when thou'st done,
If ever Crown did circle such a one.
Doth not his Hair like Sampson's guard his head,
20: And gather up in links and chains? Let dread
Fear then seize those that stand his opposite,
Lest they be fetter'd in't and feel its weight.
Sometimes his Brows like to Mount Gerizim 1 are,
Sometimes like Ebal.2 When a Smile sits there,
25: Blessings and Favours slide down his smooth Cheek,
And run upon the Subjects head and neck:
But when a frown climbs up and pendant hangs
Out of its dark and hollow womb, the pangs
Of Death, some Thunderbolt may drop and bring.
30: Thus nature hath our Sovereign made A King,
Whose very looks command obedience,
And strike us a deeper fear and sense
Then the keen Ax and Fasces. But forbear,
Fond Muse, into that sacred Breast to peer
35: Where Vertue shines that will o're-whelm thy sight.
Read o're this book, in its reflected light
Distinctly thou shalt see those glorious beams,
As the Sun's Image in the Crystall streams.
and Fellow of Kings Coll.
[1]Gerizim, literally "cutters down;" see headnote.
[2]Ebal, literally "stone, heap of barreness;" see headnote.
Arthur Brett
The Restauration
5 June
Titlepage: The Restauration. / OR, / A POEM / on the Return of the / MOST MIGHTY / and ever / Glorious PRINCE, / CHARLES the II. / TO HIS / Kingdoms. / [rule] / By ARTHUR BRETT / of Christs-Church Oxon. / [rule] / -- Deum Delph¢sq; meos. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. H. for Samuel Thomson at the Bi-/ shops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1660.
Thomason dated his copy on Tuesday, 5 June; Nicholas Cruch paid 4d for his copy, now in OB.
Arthur Brett clearly liked to be among the very first in print to commemorate a royal occasion: The Restauration appeared during the first week of June. Brett was presumably hoping that his poetic declarations of loyalty to the Stuarts would gain him notice either at court or at Oxford: a presentation copy of the poem, now in the library of Balliol College, contains an additional printed dedication to John Wall, Predendary of Christ-Church, Brett's own college. Five months later, Thomason bought a copy of Brett's Threnodia: On the Death of the Duke of Glocester on 13 September, the very day that Prince Henry died. Brett was not only quick off the mark, he was also prolific this year, contributing Latin verses to the Oxford University anthology, Britannia Rediviva, that appeared in July.
According to Woods, Brett had gone up from Westminster School in 1653. Woods thought him "a great pretender to poetry" who, after publishing a verse translation of the book of Job, Patientia Victrix (1661), "had some mean employment bestowed on him, but grew so poor, being, as I conceive, somewhat crazed, that he desired the almes of Gentlemen, especially of Oxford Scholars whom he accidentally met with in London: In which condition I saw him there in 1675." Brett died in 1677. (AO 2: 448).
With over six hundred lines of tetrameter couplets, Brett's Restoration poem is nearly twice the length of Dryden's. His poem here is full of lots of nationalistic jingoism, warning other countries that England rules now that it has a king.
The copy now on deposit in the library of Balliol contains the following dedication "To the Reverend and Profoundly Learned John Wall Doctor of Divinity and Predendary of Christ-Church" (sigs. A-[A2]). Since this was Brett's college, we may presume that this copy was specially prepared for presentation. The piece invokes learned commentary to compare Wall with Noah and Janus for having lived "in his generations, you have seen Monarch flourishing under the Grandfather, declining in the Father, and now reestablishing in the Sonne" (A2v).
Reverend and Profoundly Learned
Reverend Sir,
THE Favours which I have sometimes received from your Worship have embolden'd mee to accost you in this manner as now I doe; The Rabbini co-criticall Commentators upon Genesis observe of Noah, that 'tis said concerning him He was perfect in his Generations; and they give this reason why he should be in the Plurall number of perfect in his Generations, because he liv'd in the age before the Flood and also in that after the Flood; upon the same account it was that the Auncients portraicted their Janus with two Faces, looking both backward and forward, both on the old World and the new; which Janus was no other in Heathen Pooetry than this Noah so famous in Sacred History; But leaving each of these to themselves (as well the Rabby's, those Pooets in prose, as the Auncient Pooets those Europ'an Rabby's) to enjoy their own conceits, I shall wave the enquiry after the Reason thereof, and only apply the Phrase to you; you likewise (Reverend Sir) have liv'd in your generations, you have seen Monarchy flourishing under the Grandfather, declining in the Father, and now reestablishing in the Sonne; you have seen a deluge of confusion overwhelme the Nation, and you have seen the waters again abated; you have seen the Glory of the Royall family, you have seen its fall; be pleased to cast a favourable eye on its RESTAURATION: For indeed who is fitter to Patronize such a Pooem then your selfe? who (as it were) foretold his Majesties glorious Restitution, and preach't his Inauguration Sermon before hand, out of that notable place, Cant.3.9,10 [Hebrew text]
At St Maries, pro] Our Solomon ha's his royall vehicle to waft inchoando Termino.]1 him over; he will also now have his Pillars of
Silver, and his reclinatory of Gold; Benigne heavens will not let mee adde and his ascent of purple; without slaughters and bloudshedd, we have done what the King of Pooets advices us to doe in that so renowned Politicall Axiom, [three lines of Greek] Let the richenss of the matter excuse the poornesse of the dresse, the Title the Pooem; It may have been done more Artificiously, more Affectionatly it could not nor with a more eager desire to be approved.
The Admirer of your worth, and
your most affectionately
Devoted Servant,
[ornamental border] The Restauration.
on the Return of the
Most Mighty and ever Glorious
to his Kingdoms.
HOW shall I thy entrance sing?
Lord of Hearts, of Nations King,
Or thy Restauration bear?
Of Royal Father Royal Heir.
5: When I consider thy Return,
What Flames within my Breast do burn?
I know not how to vent my joy,
How to begin Vive le Roy,
Or enter upon my great Song,
10: The King has been away so long.
Thus after a dark dismal night,
We can't sustain Meridian-light;
The Dawn must gently intervene,
Lest Pho/ebus kill as soon as seen:
15: So Sorrow by degrees must wast,
Joy stifles, coming on too fast.
Shall I be silent then, and sit
And only hear other mens Wit?
No, I'le call my Thoughts together,
20: Summon all my Forces hither,
Rather than fail at such a time,
My Soul shall go into a Rime:
Who on so rich a Subject try,
Their as rich Vein of Poetry,
25: Though never so much care they take,
False-Latine-Heraldry will make;
Having no Gold on Gold to spread,
I shall not break Clarencieux Head:
While others serve the King in State,
30: And bring Red Wine in Yellow Plate;
I'le like that Honest Asian,
Present him Water in a Canne.
I will say somthing wrong or right,
Cast in my share, though but a Mite;
35: But as a Drop unto that Sea
Which now sustains his Majesty:
Those Craggy Mountains which surround
Our Pleasant, Fertile, English Ground
(A Finer Mantles Courser Border)
40: That stand to keep the Sea in order,
And now stretch out, stretch out their head
To catch their Soveraign's first Tread;
Those Cliffes Parnassus are to me,
Salt-water Hypocrene shall be.
Oh for the silver Quill of Quarles
To celebrate our Gracious CHARLES!
Oh for a Holy David's Lyre,
And new Te-Deum's in the Quire!
Oh for a Strain ascending quite
50: 'Bove Denham, Cowley, or the Knight!
Oh for Muses Ninety Nine!
Oh for a Fancy as Divine
As Virgils, and as smooth and fit
As Ovids, when of Love he writ!
55: The Story I must now rehearse,
Deserves a more than common Verse;
Uxbridge, and the Isle of Wight
Could not settle all things right,
But Breda hath that Business done,
60: Perfecting what they but begun:
Strange News! a King and Kingdoms Three,
Send each their Letters and agree;
When heaven propitious appeares,
A Day do's more than month's or years;
65: Breda, that to her Tackling stuck, 2
She got a Name from being took;
But let's forget those warlick Feats,
Those Stratagems, those lawful Cheats;
Let those brave deeds of Dutch and Spanish,
70: French and Heroick English vanish;
Let Spinola's memorial cease;
She's now more famous for a Peace:
Our Sister Nation justly may
Her ancient Thistle throw away,
75: Those Armes became her exil'd Prince,
His Fortunes now are blossom'd since;
He hath (if that can be) his due,
Is King of Scots and Scotland too:
For this he scap't such snares, such plots,
80: Such sicknesses, such wounds, such shots,
As Chance on the Kings Son may bring
In a hot war against the King;
For this he often cros't the Sea
Safer than others do the Dee,
85: And on the main was reverenc't more
Than he was like to be a shore,
The Loyal waves did quiet stand,
There were too many Storms at land;
For this at W -- -- fatal fight
90: Was wrought that Miracle his flight,
When that rich soile was o're and o're
Water'd with English-Scottish Gore,
That he must perish in the Woods,
Or fly o're troops, or swim through bloods.
95: It was for this, 'twas Heaven's intent
That he should meet this Parliament,
And so from nothing All commence,
And shew the world ther's Providence:
When Nature bid him first to be
100: So sweet, so full of Majesty,
That he did no Perfection lack
She put him in a comely black,
A comely, but a mournful Hue,
She had good reason so to do,
105: Presaging that her Brittish Sons
Would prove unruly, boisterious ones,
Would into strange confusion run,
Murder the Sire, banish the Son;
But Comedy's now on the Stage,
110: And Tragedy has ceas't to rage;
We're past the black part of the Scene,
And what remains will be serene:
Great CHARLES unto large Empire born,
Has had his Crown made all of Thorn;
115: Now hee'l have one of better Stuffe,
If Lumbard-street have Gold enough;
His Winter's gone, he has now his Spring,
The Honey after so much sting;
In Patience's and Vertue's Field
120: Has conquer'd Fate, and it doth yield:
That blazing Comet's direful beard,
Which made us at his birth afear'd,
Though it were long it had an end,
Could not eternal harms portend;
125: Now CHARLES the Martyr, CHARLES the First,
Whose Murder hath the Nation curst,
CHARLES of Blessed Memory,
Who liv'd a Pris'ner, died free,
Triumphant CHARLES looks from on high,
130: And sees his Blood has ceas't to cry;
Sees his own Prophesie fulfil'd,
That English hearts at last should yield,
That the remembrance of their Guilt
And of his Blood which they had spilt
135: Should melt their flints (for bloud is known
To mollifie the hardest stone:)
That they should their errour see,
And that his Royal Progeny
(Which has been Fortunes quilted Ball)
140: Should mount the higher by its Fall;
His Son should with more Glory rise,
Because he on a Scaffold dies;
So we behold (if Nature may
Allude to State) the following day
145: Its Raies with greater Lustre spread
When as the former sets in Red:
Now Circulation of blood
In a new sense will be made good;
The Head was made with shame to bleed,
150: Now let the Legs and Feet take heed;
Gods own Anointed is at hand
To judge the Sinners of the Land,
To curb those overdaring soules,
And use his words whose place he holds,
155: They that have oppos'd my Reign
Let'um be brought out and slain;
Shall he not be their King? hee'l rise,
And be their Priest, and sacrifice
Those Buls unto his Fathers shade,
160: Which o're our necks such rule have had;
Oh no! I dream, Oh! I mistake,
He comes to build, not down to break;
Hee's merciful, he lov's to save;
How could he else all Vertues have?
165: The Royal Eagle will not prey;
He loses Subjects if he slay;
Dove-like he knows not how to kill,
But comes with Olive in his Bill:
Memory is an Art, but yet
170: There is a greater to forget;
He can forget his Fathers fall,
How they took Crown and Life and all;
How our late Sun his splendor lost,
And sat where he had shined most;
175: How he of men and Kings the best,
Had his East turned to his West;
'Tis his endeavour, 'tis his care,
Well to do, with ill to bear;
What has been done is gone and past,
180: And hee'l make up what Noll laid wast;
How he will with his people deal
He gives both under hand and seal,
When to the Parliament he sends,
Sweetly begins, and sweetly ends;
185: Never such words, I dare avow,
Were written in Court-hand till now;
Hee'l be, hee'l be The Faiths Defender,
Yet such whose Consciences are tender,
Such as unsatisfied are,
190: As far as may a King, hee'l spare;
(That clause it will end all our strife,
That Line, it is a Line of Life;)
Not like base Tyrants, who disgrace
Royalty of the Royal race;
195: That keep mens bodies free and safe,
But they'le oppress their nobler half;
This is to save the Case from hurt,
And leave the Jewel in the Dirt;
Our Sovereign's of another mind,
200: Is even to Dissenters kind.
He who in the world has been,
Who in his banishment has seen
Such Variety abroad,
So many a way, so many a Mode,
205: Find's 'tis impossible that we
Should here in all things all agree;
Unity men in vain design,
It is an Attribute Divine;
Bodies arn't made of the same clay,
210: Nor Souls of th'same celestial Ray,
What you may hate, I may think good,
As this mans poyson's that mans food;
The Church in this fine Sun-shine day
Will give her Children leave to Play,
215: So as it be not with edg'd tools,
And they not prove mad-men or fools:
While those who urge with too much heat
On others that which they think meet,
Their beam of truth must be the day,
220: And we must needs say as they say,
Do as they do, guess as they guess,
Those that will force our Consciences,
Seem not to know what Conscience is,
And of their Sovereign's temper miss:
225: But to be clement, to be mild,
That he has had up from a child;
And while infused gifts we scan,
We praise the Maker not the man;
As for's acquired ones, for those
230: Which only to himself he ow's,
Would you them know? perhaps you would,
And I would tell you if I could;
If I could paint a noble soul
As Xeuxis did his Lass of old,
235: Borrow a curious fancy hence,
Hence a style, a judgment thence,
Somthing of CHARLES then you should know
Which now lies hid, and will do so
Till he salute the Loyal rout,
240: And let it at his mouth run out:
Into affliction he was hurl'd
The great Free-school of all the world,
And yet (which seemeth strange and odd)
Hath thrived under too much rod,
245: For Losses, Crosses, Banishment,
Never were for Thalia's meant;
He has heard with's ears, seen with's eyes
Enough to make him richly wise;
H'as that Experience attain'd
250: Which by study can't be gain'd,
That which others learn by scraps,
Or read in books, or see in maps;
In times of war he dares to fight,
And in times of peace can write;
255: He to Minerva is so dear,
She has lent him both her Book & Spear;
Such is our Prince who doth return
The Pho/enix of the Royal Urne:
With him returnes that beauteous Dame
260: We Ecclesia Anglicana name,
The Hierarchy is getting ground
(Its Platonick year's come round)
Or, if that that should be withstood,
Somthing that's better or as good;
265: David, if holy writ we mark,
Still brings back with him the Arke;
Miters attend the Diadem,
Half moons! 'tis that enlightens them;
Scepters and Crosiers joyn hand,
270: Together fall, together stand;
Oh Holy, Blessed Trinity
Will now no more be Heresie,
Nor Letany an impious thing
Although we pray in't for the King:
But Hammond, whither thou so fast?
Why this unseasonable hast?
Have the true Israelites indeed
Now they are setled no more need
For time to come, H.H. D.D.
280: Their fiery pillar-guide to see?
Could'st thou not stay one Fortnight more
And see us rightly God adore,
Till thou enthroned CHARLES hadst saw'n,
And grac't the Ermine with thy Lawn?
285: Must Moses now be layed by,
And just on Canaans Borders die?
Well, go and be the Messenger,
The tidings to the shades to bear,
Your News forget not as you make
290: Your passage through the Lethe Lake;
Since angry Fate will have you go,
Go (Reverend Sir) and tell below
(Which for to tell who'd not expire?)
The Royalists have their Desire;
295: The Royalists, not Cavaliers,
That word, that thing may breed new feares;
Tell him who so long domineer'd
And Trophies of our Slavery reer'd,
(If he hath got to th'blessed Coast,
300: And not his way t'Elysium lost,)
Tell him a CHARLES is up again,
And Cromwel's ordinary men;
Tell the brave English souls beneath,
The Sword is fast up in the sheath,
305: That all things are as quiet here,
As they can possibly be there,
That we did this for little gain,
There were no hundred thousands slain,
No, it was at an easier rate,
310: They'd no new guests sent 'um of late:
And you who teach our outward ears,
And glitter in your lesser sphears;
Let your light farther be extended,
Stars shine the more when Sol's descended;
315: When you've displanted all Deluders,
All Levitical Intruders,
All sapless trees, all withered rinds,
Without Divinity Divines,
When you the Angels of the flocks
320: Are grafted in your proper stocks,
The Candles in the Candlesticks,
Do not earth with heaven mix,
Don't too much worldly lustre get,
For fear of other snuffers yet;
325: There was got in your torch a thief,
But a traveller brought relief,
Came from Cole-stream to the Thames,
Sav'd Ephod, Bels, and Breast-plate Gems,
Now for the future have a care,
330: Dangers escap't make men beware;
Dark clouds besat your Firmament,
Mens love to you was cold, was spent,
For such darkness brighter shew,
For such coldness hotter grow,
335: And flourish for such calumny's,
By an Antiperistasis;
Your eyes, ye watchmen, they have wink't,
Your Vestal fire has been extinct,
Scorn all earthly fumes and vapours,
340: And from heaven light your tapers.
Now seeing what offends our sense
May please us in another tense;
Since 'tis a curious sight to look,
From th'mountains where w'have footing took
345: Down on the watry moving ones,
And lately conscious to our groans;
Since Land-scapp's may delight the eyes
Though representing gloomy skyes;
How willingly could I be bold
350: My King eclipsed to behold?
How could I be this Prince's Page!
To trace him in his pilgrimage;
To follow him through his distress,
Through his Paran-wilderness;
355: And at every miles end stop,
While grief a Chrystal bead may drop;
Come Berti-us, (and yet methinks
Why should I view it through the Chinks?
The Diamond now it self explay's, 3
360: And in the ring begins to blaze;
Why should I th'flying Meteor haunt?
Hee's since a Star, and culminant;
But I must go, I can't forbear,
Fancy transports me through the air,
365: Where I may see each Cittadel
Each town, each court where CHARLES did dwell;
I must be one if him it please,
Of wandring Jov's Satellites;)
Come, man of Geographicks, come,
370: Shew mee's Itinerarium;
Shew me the places where h'as been,
Or rather where he has not been seen,
Still tost and turn'd, still on the wing,
His type 'neas answering:
First St Germans yields him rest,
Had you been there you would have guest
Windsor had chang'd her Thames for Sein,
Her houselesse Lord to entertain:
To Guernsey he and Jersey comes
380: Now made their Kings retiring rooms,
The Esquires of the two bigger Isles,
Though not concern'd yet in their broils;
But they who on the main did seize,
Could take th'Appendixes with ease;
385: 'Twas but that argument to presse
From the greater to the lesse;
Therefore he into Holland struck,
The Orange must defend the Oake;
Then into Scotland he must fly
390: From the Low-lands to the High;
But that cold Country could afford
Only cold comfort to her Lord;
MONCK had not then inspir'd the Land,
Nor placed there his Loyal Band:
395: To France he sails, but must not fix,
The Lilly's too (strange flowers) had pricks;
The Paris folk are not so bold
As English Princes to behold,
Afraid of the Great STEWART's are,
400: They are the race of Lancaster:
To stately Colen next he goes,
To German friends from Gallick foes;
Colen then might justly glory,
Although her Legend were a story,
405: What e're the riming Frier sings,
When he was there, there were three Kings.
And the Pope doth improperly
To build his crest three stories high,
A Miter would do better there,
410: The triple Crown is CHARLES's wear.
But Rhenish could not chear his heart,
Only Canary plaies that part;
Only the Generous Castile
When others frown'd lent him a smile;
415: Own'd him as much now as before
(Spaniards know Gold though in the ore)
Held with the Scepter 'gainst the sling,
And us'd Don CARLO like a King;
As we not many an age agone
420: Resetled Pedro in his Throne;
Even Kings by one another live,
Courtesies can receive and give:
The Golden Fleece did swet and toil
To bear him to his Native soil,
425: But then some ill might have come on't,
There might have been a Charles-pont;
Fortune did us that honour doom,
We should both call and fetch him home:
Come then, prepare, prepare for him,
430: Teach Wichwood Forest how to swim,
The main with canvass periwigg,
Navies of Bucentoro's rigg;
So we shall have a seemly fleet,
A King, a King, a King to meet;
435: Tritons dance, and Mare-maids sing,
Out of the sea some Venus spring,
And with Cupids trim the boat
In which Great CHARLES himself's afloat;
May we no storms, no tempests have,
440: No dancing of the air or wave,
No Lapp-land puffs, no Finland weather,
Sent by incarnate Furies hither,
Rather may milder blasts prevail,
And fill the proudly swelling sail,
445: May the breath of Hybla's flowers
The odours of Hymetta's bowers,
Molucca's, Araby's perfume
(Which else would uselesly consume)
Themselves into one brize compose,
450: And center in those linnen cloth's,
White peaceful colours, signs of love,
So they are used, so they'le prove
To him that to the King submits,
To th'unrepenting winding-sheets:
455: Ye now most glorious Eastern Seas
Foam up at once your Amber-grease,
Your Amber-grease in stead of Myrrh,
A present to this Royal Sir;
Ye Whales that lord it in the deep,
460: Come and do homage, come and creep
To him of whom you hold in fee
Your sovereignty of the sea;
But leave your Whalishness a while,
Calmly make towards a calm Isle,
465: Gently glide along and steady,
Your forelorn hope's been here already;
Ye Dolphins too may hither pack,
All with Arions on your back;
Only Sword-fishes keep away,
470: Come not into our peaceful Bay,
Come not you near those happy sands
Whereon our dearest Sovereign lands,
Those sands which on record will stand
As much as e're did Colchos strand;
475: When as the ages coming on
Shall study how these things were done,
And wonder at so rich a fraught,
As we do at the Argonaut:
Let us enjoy what they'le admire,
480: Let our affections take new fire,
Let us and's Majesty combine,
And for this breach the closer joyn;
Just as those bones which broke in twain
Grow stronger when they'r set again:
485: Let's get such skill how to obey
As he hath Scepters how to sway,
And till a Prince of Wales be born
Let Ich Di-en of all be worn:
And when as Grebner's Prophecy
490: Shall be a reall History,
When as the Martyr's Son and Heir
Shall sit in the Confessors chair,
When he in that rich Chappell shines
Which cost us all the Indian Mines,
495: When (Briton's) your wise Delegates
(The Third joyn'd with the Second States)
With Pearls and Purples him array,
Flowers not growing every May,
When he of whom we were bereft,
500: And had small Expectation left
To see these seas by him thus cross't,
But Hope had all her Anchors lost,
Whose reigning in his Fathers stead
Is like returning from the dead;
505: When he is Crown'd in all your sights,
And takes possession of his rights,
When this is done, and you look on,
Believe a Resurrection;
A time when time shall be no more,
510: When you must look o're your old score;
When that wide stretching Conscience
Which can with Royal blood dispence,
Which like a frozen serpent lies,
Heeding nor Kings nor Deity's,
515: At unseen fires shall melt and thaw,
And wake, and hisse, and sting and claw;
And that Adventurer shall be found
To have gone on the surest ground,
Who for to gain eternal bliss
520: Gives God his due, and C'sar his.
You also who of high things talk
While on the Royal Change you walk,
Asiatick, African,
Romanist or Muselman,
525: Or whatsoever Country, Sect,
Fashion, Trade, or Dialect,
Who saw where C'sar's Image stood,
Saw it deface't, saw it renew'd,
You told of that, go tell of this,
530: That England once more England is;
Possessed ones are turned civil,
A Monck has conjur'd down the Devil;
How well would he become the Burse
Seated upon a brazen horse?
535: Amidst those Kings that rul'd before,
Whose Successours he doth restore;
So of Great Warwick's mind is he,
Rather to make a King than be;
He, whom you all can't chuse but know,
540: He whom you heard of long ago,
When on the Seas he got renown,
And brought the blustring Hogens down,
And High and Mighty from 'um won
To give it unto CHARLES the Son;
545: He, Oh Egyptians, wh'undertook
To free us from our Mammaluke;
He, Germans who on us bestow'd
That which your country would have ow'd
To Famous Gustav's Sword and Shield,
550: Had he escaped Lutzen field;
He unto whom even your Grand-Fool
Ottomanist's, may go to School,
And if hee's wise example take
His Janizaries off to shake;
555: Ye Greeks whose wine we've often drunk
In a health to CHARLES and Monck,
Take notice we as well as you
Have our Demetrius Soter too;
Armenian, Persian, Tartar, Mede,
560: Think with what courage, with what speed
From North to South he Victor ran,
And you'le remember Tamerlane;
Your Patron, Monsier's, is a word,
Ours has a heart, a hand, a sword,
565: Your Dennis is no man knows where,
Our George is here, is here I'le swear;
You Portugue's who knew of late
What 'tis to have such turns in State,
To fetch your Ostracized Lord
570: Home back again of your own accord,
Joyn souls with us, while we rehearse
To CHARLES a Hymne, to Monck a Verse:
Long live the Gen'ral, longer He
To whom the Gen'ral bow's his knee;
575: Let the King prosper in his reign,
Let CHARLES proceed a Charlemaigne;
Let him excell Beau-Cleark in Art,
And be as stout as Lion's-heart;
As Wise as Richmond-Henry, who
580: Quell'd discords, and made one of two:
As Pious as young Edward was,
That Excommunicated Mass;
As Famous as Elizabeth,
Who out-fume'd Size-Cinq's blasting breath;
585: As Peacefull as James, and as Just;
Let him be trusted, let him trust;
Let no strange jealousies arise,
Clouds unbecoming Brittish skies!
Let Crosses still be voted down,
590: So as to have none in the Crown;
Let him his Fathers soul possesse,
In Parts be like him, not Successe;
If, if there be a King of Kings,
That knows all thoughts, all words, all things,
595: An Angell which his feet doth set
One on the dry, one on the wet,
Which doth salvation command
For th'King at Sea, and can on Land;
If we don't beat the air in vain,
600: But notice of our Vows is ta'ne;
If we can pierce th'All-hearing ears,
Which seemed stopt these 13 years;
If prayers can prevail with Fate,
Let him be CHARLES but Fortunate;
605: I must go on, Let him have health,
Let him never want for wealth;
And be the man most fit to grow
His Saviour's Vice-roy here below:
If a Fifth Monarch there must be,
610: Let Englands Emperour be He.
[2]OED: tackling sb. 3= arms, weapons; to stick to one's tackling= to stand to one's guns, to hold ground, to maintain one's position or attitude.
[3]OED: to unfold, display; rare -- last cited 1639.
John Lawson
Upon the Blessed Return
6 June
The Second.
Presented to his sacred Majesty by a Person of Honour the next day.
The Proeme.
1: WHat Pen is fitting to salute a King?
Lend me a Quill pluck'd from an Angels wing.
My Muse doth tremble, and my hand doth shake,
Whil'st that my King I do my Subject make.
5: So tender am I to my Sovereign's Name,
I fear the Press, whils't that it stamps the same:
Hold, Printers, hold, pray stop your hands again,
Let Jove impress it in his Charles his Wain.
Heav'n's milky path suits best for papyr here,
10: And golden Letters from the starry Sphear.
Yet since my knee, nor yet Poetick feet
Bow'd e're to Baal, or Times-Idol greet:
Since mouth ne're swore, nor yet subscrib'd my hand,
A Poets feet in loyal verse may stand:
15: On Pegasus now mounted will I style
My Poem a Troop to lead in rank and file.
The Wish.
1: LET Canons speak it with their Brazen lungs,
Let Muskets shout it with their iron tongues;
Let Towr's and Steeples now instead of Knells,
Chime with their Canons, Volleys sound with Bells.
5: Let Squibs and Crackers ring their Peals of joyes,
Let old decrepid men turn skipping boyes.
Let frozen Stoicks melt; our vowed Dads
Drop off their snowy beards, turn smooth-cheek Lads.
Let Poets toss their Laurels up, and try
10: To lodge them on the Blew slate-Eves of th'Sky.
Let th' Muses fill each head, their Conduits may
Through their Quil-pipe run Hippocrene to day.
Let th'British Island frisk a Water Daunce,
Like the Nymph Isles of Lydia let them prance.
15: Let now the Irish waves like th' Attick Sea,
Sound like an Harp, and quaver Harmonye.
Let both the York and the Lancastrian Rose,
Which in War's Limbeck was distill'd by foes:
Let it so spring, that all the world may say,
20: Alt'ring the Proverb, like a Rose in May.
Let The Scotch Thistle yield up all her down,
To ease the Travels of the tossed Crown.
Let the French Lily with its silver Bell,
And jealous Clapper ring our joy, their Knell.
25: Let Souldiers now no more from Cromwel's Nose
Be Blazon'd Red Coats, but from Charles his Rose.
O let, that blazing Comet be accurst,
For its predicting death to Charles the First:
That Nebuchadnezzar's furnace and the Urn
30: Where Charl's three Children were condemn'd to burn.
Hadn'to our Moses God himself been seen:
For Elohim both God and Oak doth mean.
'Twould be no Legend sure, if I should say
The withered Oaks grow fresh and plump to day.
35: Let trees who have their mossie rugs for age
Skip at this News upon the grassie stage.
In fine, the Church of England let us see,
To day not Militant, but Triumphant be.
Let old decrepid Pauls, whose palsie head,
40: Bare to the scull was ev'n trapanned dead;
Let it revive with joy, to think it shall
Have a new Birth-day, not a Funeral.
Let not Religion come to this, we must
Pull down the Altar to set up a Just.
45: Let Moses, Jesus, Gospel and the Law,
Ne're more be hid in Reeds, or laid in Straw;
Let never such contempt in Churches reign,
As in the Manger lay our Christ again.
CHARLES STUART Ana -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- gramme
A Rachel's Trust.
1: ENgland thy Rachel is, thy Leah we
May Scotland call, first marry'd unto thee.
Had Monk thy Laban been, we surely know,
Th'hadst marry'd been to Rachel long ago.
5: England his love can ne're mistrust 'tis true,
Which twelve years waited for what first was due.
The Embleme of our English Times.
[engraving of angel at a lathe]
Augustissimus Magn'
Britanni' REX.
1: HAs not the world been round? our Times can say
This giddy age was turned every day.
Spare, spare such pains, of which no need at all;
The World is round enough for Fortunes ball.
Some that did see these precious shavings lye
Under the Lathe, strait covet with their eye.
The parings of this golden Apple they
With wide-mouth'd bags gape after every day.
One on his Pike a golden Pippin sets;
Another hedg-hog a Queen Apple gets.
See how the Royal Rose was stole by such,
Who left their Sovereign but the Thorny bush.
It seems that fruit, which they a Crab did call;
So sweet it was, they would devour'd it all.
But what's the Tool hath turn'd our British sphear?
Not the smooth Chizel, but the Pike and Speare.
Hence drops the Scepter; there a royal Jem,
Here falls a George, and there a Diadem.
Sweet Angel leave thy turning, and but see,
What kind of men these shavings steal from thee.
Well then! if that my Muse this sacred time,
'Stead of Parnassus may Olympus climbe,
A wheel within a wheel I shall descry,
Not Cupid turning, but the watchful eye.
25: For th'hand of th'Dyall stands now where't begun,
Twelve years are past, and we are come to One.
Kingdomes are Watches, and their Native King,
His Scepter is the Hand, himself the Spring.
The Crown-wheel keeps the other wheels in awe,
30: Justice the Ballance, and its string the Law.
God grant now of our Watch it may be sain,
Once more wound up shall ne're go down again.
The concluding Embleme.
1: HEav'n bad the Angels cry aloud to Fame
To blow the Trumpet in our Sovereigns Name.
Just Fame obeys and sounds it in the Eares
Of Englands Commons and the Noble Peeres.
5: Both Houses meet, and Vote the Droven Bees
With their Great King, are welcom when they please.
White-Hall and all the Palaces do strive
To be unto this honey-dew a Hive.
When Neptune heard the News, he swell'd with pride,
10: To think our Sovereign on his back should ride:
Forthwith he Courtier turn'd, to make him fine,
Besnow'd his curled Locks against the Time;
But when he saw our Charles, no more he raves,
But's Trident Kembeth smooth his tangled Waves.
15: Now th' wildenesse is pass'd, now Canaan found,
Our Crown is landed, and our Land is Crown'd.
With mild and honey doth white Albion flow;
The silver and the golden Mint will goe;
This day for Englands Vintage wee'll allow,
20: Since very Conduits turn wine-presses now.
Sure Charles his presence can't but be Divine,
That turnes our Water thus to purest Wine.
Charles the best Christian does Assurance gain;
The World will witness that he's born again.
Johan. Lawson. M. D. de
Coll. Lond.
In the first Year of Englands restored Liberty and Happiness.
LONDON, Printed by Thomas Ratcliffe, 1660.
S[amuel] W[oodford]
Epinicia Carolina
7 June
Titlepage: Epinicia Carolina, / OR AN / ESSAY / Upon the Return of His / SACRED MAJESTY, / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By S. W. of the Inner Temple. / [rule] / [design] / LONDON, / Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the Golden Ball in Chan-/ cery Lane. 1660.
Thomason dated his copy on Thursday, 7 June 1660.
Although signed by initials only, it seems likely that these verses were composed by Samuel Woodford (1636-1700). After leaving Wadham College, Oxford in 1659, Woodford entered the Inner Temple and shared chambers with Thomas Flatman. He was elected to the Royal Society in 1664 and took orders in 1669. Although he was an almost exact contemporary of Dryden, Woodford took his lead as a poet from Cowley, as can be seen in his Paraphrase upon the Psalms, which appeared in 1667 . 1 Wood knew that Woodford had written a poem on the Restoration, but was unable to find it.
Note the impacted style, contorted syntax,
The poem makes the conceited claim that Charles had to lose the battle of Worcester since victory in a civil war would have been dishonourable: contrast Willes, who imagines Charles at Worcester heroically slaughtering his way through the enemy.
[ornamental border]
Upon the Happy Return of His
Charles the Second.
1: Hee's come! -- See there Else. -- There again.
Hee's just now landed with his Train;
Just now hath changed for loyal ground, th' unfaithful Main.
Hee's come! -- Heark how the forward Aire
Resounds his Welcome to the Shoar,
Redoubling all the Eccho's ore.
When the unloaded Guns can do no more,
Volleys with thunder may compare;
Volleys that thunder far excel;
For when rag'd Heav'n in such a language speaks,
With fiery tongues, & silence through the darkness breaks.
(Clouds that are dark as night, or hell)
Showr's to allay the flame
That just now came;
And unexpected fell
Poure down, the sky with stormes is dull,
Of tempests, and thick weather full;
Each clap is follow'd with its band of hail,
Squadrons that will prevail;
Above, engaging Armes appear,
Below the Earth doth groan to hear
The shock, and quakes at some sad fate it sees not, in the Rear.
Quite different is this Peal, this Noise,
Is but the repetition of our joyes.
25: Continued Acclamations from a louder voyce,
Cannons that so well imitate,
Encourage, not amate,
Tell us a most desired calm is nigh,
And without help of following tempests clear the sky.
A calm great Prince, such as none else could say
Beside Your 2 Self, and ne're to late,
To a distracted and tumultuous State;
To a divided Land,
That never could without such help command,
Or know till now what truly 'twas t'obey;
A calm Your Name brings, and a certain bay: [sic: DAY??]
Nor is't less welcome, cause so long defer'd,
(That very Name hath rais'd the price,3
Encreas'd the weight, and made it twice)
The thing for what before't appear'd;
So Expectation almost gone,
Makes us too much esteem a certain one!
And ev'n despairing to be free,
We can Your Self no other See,
Than one that hath procur'd us double liberty.
45: And as i'th troubled deep in spight of hope,
When th' burdened Ship with thousand billows tost,
Is to it Self and Convoy lost:
And Mariners i'th dark their Tackling grope,
Ready to be devour'd by every wave
Which threatens and prepares a grave,
If there appear one glimps of day,
And a faint thought the storme may steal away,
Though at the greatest distance set,
And scarce discerned yet,
Courage returns and check't Despair,
Be it with loss of half the Fare,
Is buried in a Nobler Care.
Y'have done all this, a greater thing,
Deliverance giv'n, Heav'n could not bring,
By any means, but such a King.
Y'have don't, and with't return'd Our Light,
Almost forgotten through a twelve-years Night;
Dispel'd Our fears, to th' Haven brought
A prize inestimable, and unsought;
And beside, what was Ours before,
Return'd Your Self, which makes ten thousand prizes more.
Pardon, Great Name, if one so mean aspire,
And to your Sun, expose his humbler fire;
(Amongst the many flames to rise)
Not to encrease Your light
(Beyond expression bright,
And never to be greater made,
By an additional and borrowed aide)
But to consume his Sacrifice.
75: 'Tis true, You need not what such things can do,
Nor can Your praise by such loe praises grow,
It being not You that want, but we that owe;
We ow't, and if that Theam wont give
To an officious duty, and return,
80: 'Tis our ambition in the common flame to burn:
Nor will we that survive,
If Salamander like i'th flames we cannot live;
We are ennobled by this service done,
To our selves, and not to Thee,
Making it harder to be known,
Whether more proud or dutiful we be:
If we refuse, Thou'rt still the same,
Great by thy birth, and greater by thy Fame,
None by the choice of Heaven and Us more freely came.
Should we refuse, 'twere but to be
Fond Heralds of our slavery,
And how unwillingly we are made free,
We should bely our interest, and give way
To others to prevent us in our joyes:
And the same Acclamations pay
Before us, through a false delay,
As eqully concerned in our voyce.
No! No! we ne're will yield,
'Tis too too much, 't hath been defer'd so long;
100: Nor will we make anothers title strong,
By entring last, or never in the Field;
Though our Engagment only can descry
Not what we would, but what we can't deny.
Our pens shall do their duty first,
Though hitherto to silence curst,
Or Tyranny, of Theams the worst;
Not by recanting, for thus how to sin,
Like others we ne're knew,
Who must their pardon sue,
110: Before they can with confidence again begin,
Our uninfected reach the KING.
'Tis but a poor disguise to say 'twas done,
with th' multitiude to th' rising Sun, [sic
At least to him that went for one,
Meteors may be admir'd till faln and gone.
If Persian like we superstitious are,
Thou art the Sun, the Tyrant, but a blazing star.
You are alone a Sun, Your very Name
Gives a new life and birth to everything,
Gives a new and perpetual spring, 120
Like that above in Qualities the same;
For as to that we all distinctions owe,
Of times and seasons, night and day,
By You that very thing we know,
And go more satisfied away,
You are the greater Sun o'th two.
For as i'th objects that doth shew
The pleasures which they have,
To take the greedy sight,
130: Are from themselves, not from his light;
And don't by his addition beauteous grow:
But were before thus beautiful, and crave
Assistance from his beams to tell, not make 'um so.
You at the same time light and object bring,
What is, and how 'tis to be seen,
The medium, and the very thing,
Without the caution of design between:
You make the Prospect, and that done,
Are what we see it by the Sun:
140: So that to say you are like the Sun, won't do,
'Tis mean, You are not like the Sun, the Sun's like You.
Since then so great a miracle You are,
That nothing can resemble or come near,
We other Similes shall spare,
145: And to Your Self alone Your Self compare: 145
And as the likeness of the Painters draught
Is to be judg'd no other way,
Then by the Pattern which before him lay,
And matter for his Pensil brought;
150: Then by the life, how far the Features be
The very same, where hard, and where more free:
We have it all in You; one Scet'h hath all,
Your Self the Copy and Original;
So like which either is that none dare say:
155: But as two postures by the self-same face
May have a different Aire, and sev'ral Grace
From the relection of the light and place;
When with a languishing Aspect the One,
As some sad Mourner beareth down;
The Other with a livelier Eye,
Intends a Crown and Majesty:
Both are unlike to other, as the hand
Of Artist, and the passions can command.
You have a different Meene as Prince
And Exile, what You were before, 165
And what Y'are since;
Yet like Your Self in both so much, that nothing can be more.
A perfect wonder in Your several State,
Whether we count Your Cross, or better Fate,
Th' adventures that have run
From th'Cradle to the Throne.
If Princes have their Infancy,
And can be born, though they can't dye;
When for twelve years Th'hast known,
175: What 'tis to be a KING, and to be None;
When Majesty disguis'd did lie
I'th Visord of a private one;
The safest and the best retreit
For Him that's destin'd to be great.
180: Nay in a lower Sphere Thou seem'dst to move,
As if degrading's not enough
Thy patience, and thy heart to prove,
A banishment, shall lead the way
To an unconstant and unsetled stay;
185: To save the life that else had been a prey:
As if 'twas equal fault to, Be [sic
As hold the reins of Soveraignty.
Under so great an heap our fire was laid,
And part o'th common rubbish made,
Almost unminded, and quite spent,
Till by the smoak it upward sent,
We knew it liv'd, and on a gentle turn,
Could reassume its former flames, and burn.
This we experienc't when thy forward zeal,
195: Made Thee to us at Worcester fight appeal,
More for thy Countries good, than for thy own;
Thy Countrey which insensible was grown,
And by continu'd slavery,
Thought it a burden to be free;
We saw there, (and who could not see?)
The little price You put on Majesty,
When undistinguish't with the Rout,
Had not Your actions mark't You out,
You as some under-Captain wheel'd about,
Charg'd up, Retreited, Lead the Van,
Fac't the Cromwellians like a private man;
And though in You that time there lay
Concenter'd Happiness and Peace,
Our future joy and present ease,
They unregarded were that day,
And as rich nothings put away:
Breaking first through the Armed Rancks,
Now on the Front, then in the Rear;
Upon the guarded, and well-bodied Flancks,
215: You over-ran all, ere You could be judged near.
You were too prodigal of life and blood,
When scarce to be withstood,
You'd Publique Victime for proud Rebels dye;
Would scarce prevail'd with be to live,
And wait a better destiny.
"So much 'twas not to get the victory,
"To be ore-powr'd, and yet survive!
Though no less by't was thy renown,
'Tis equal to deserve, and wear a Crown!
You did Your share, and more,
Than any Prince ere did before,
Only Fates would with triumph you restore:
Fates that for better times thy fortune knew,
Unwilling were that Bout thou shouldst subdue,
230: And from the Conquest CHARLES with-drew;
So that 'twas they were routed, and not You:
Who by your happy 'scape away,
And Parthian like in flight, didst get the day;
Making the Oaken Garland far exceed the Bay.
Had You that time o'recome in fight,
That very Name had spoil'd the shew,
'Twas more consulted in Your flight;
The Notion of a Countries overthrow,
Less pleasure, greater hurt will do.
240: Blood that from streams like these doth spout,
Encreaseth not the Royal Dy, but rots it out;
The purple loseth by the stain,
If possible to get it up again.
In civil broyles the Lawrel won,
Is but a pale and withered one; 245
Hath more of Cypress in't, and Thorn,
So purchased and worn.
C'sar in triumph, when he led
Great Pompy's children, lost more praise,
Then's Victory did Trophies raise; 250
His Crown did not defend, but more expose his head.
But should we every Scene present,
Deliver every Act of thine,
'Twere to exhaust a Mine:
255: And not a scanty and consumed Mint:
Full of new wonders every houre was seen
The least, that nothing Vulgar came between;
An houre can subject to a Volume give,
A day to an whole History;
A month and year can ne're subsist and live,
But with their own weight prest, must sink and dye.
And as the light that in a mean,
Renders the Object better seen:
If it exceed its wonted ray,
Takes what before it gave, away.
Y'have done too much, all words out-done;
Your Self, and the most lavish tongue;
By giving too great a Theam have given none,
Y'have done beyond all gone before;
270: Had you done less great Prince, we had done more.
Yet though we can't express, we may admire
Thy condescension, when thou didst retire,
And in a Straiter orb confine,
Lustre would else break out and shine.
275: Yet though envelopt in a cloud, even there,
It all enlightned that were near:
A cloud may hide, not chase the Day,
Obscure the Sun, not tak't away.
The Suns the same, when it don't, as when it doth appear;
'Twas ill for us when private walls did feel
Your power, when laying by the warlike steel,
You all regrets, but ours could heal;
Resolved for us, Your Exile to forgo,
And something more than Exile know
To suffer double banishment.
First, from Your Country, than the place
Where You had covert got i'th'Chase,
And by a Fate more grievous went:
"So great a power had Usurpation gain'd,
"That by less crimes it could not be maintaind;
"A little spot appears till the whole Fleece is stain'd.
Mean while we languish't with the rotting pain
Of Forreign hatred, and disdain;
'Twas death or prison to return again;
295: Those whom the publick ruine forc't to shore,
And for some shelter fly
To other Lands, and unknown lie;
If but their names were heard,
They were as an infection fear'd,
To be an English-man was plague enough.
At home we knew no other peace,
But continued War; no health, but a disease:
And since we could no better be
By our Physitians mystery;
305: Always to be so, and no worse, was all our ease.
So that if expectation gone,
And buried with thee in oblivion,
Some for the base Usurper pray'd,
And in their forc't Devotions stray'd;
'Twas out of Dread, not Duty paid:
So much of a worse power we were afraid!
The same was for Sicilian Tyrant done,
Not out of love to him, but fear of a more cruel one.
And as the Romans in their superstitious care
To several Deities did Temples rear,
Ridiculous to all but them that worship't there:
When they made Feavers Fanes resound,
To Paleness Altars Crown'd;
And Tempest that whole Fleets had drown'd:
'Twas not that from their influence
They good expected, but to drive 'um thence.
If we this thing for others did, then you,
'Twas not because we reckon'd it their due:
But we our selves no other thing could do,
Our worship was constrain'd; constraint did bring
Almost a Fate our Soveraign to deny,
Whil'st every Pulpit still did ring
With this impossibility,
At once to serve God, and pray for the KING;
'Tis easie now, and unperplext;
Without a Comment we can read the Text;
And the most partial man must say,
What 'ere 'twas heretofore, 'tis treason now not to obey.
Till you return'd, the thought of joy
Was banisht from these sad retreits;
And the few fires we had prov'd but unnatural heats,
Ne're throughly warm'd, but forc'd colder sweats,
And with their clamminess did more annoy.
Our fires were like those which from Aetna rise,
340: Ne're seen, but after some strange Prodigies,
Flames that don't lighten, but obscure the Skies.
Yours have a greater power, restore the day;
And when 'tis sunk, and lost in a decay,
Renue it with a brighter ray.
The Islands one continued fire,
Is terrible to all that see it round;
And those that know the reason and the ground,
O'recome with heat, already ev'n expire:
Saylors I fear that pass by this way'l mistake,
350: And a new Countrey in their Sea Chards make:
For as towards us they forward steer,
And with the Compass round us Veer,
They scarce know whether Pole they'r near,
Like a new Terr' del fogo, we so much appear.
We're truly now the Happy Isle,
Beyond all else on which the Sun doth smile:
But you are He hath made us so,
This happiness could from our selves ne're flow;
Or any thing that we could do;
You are the gift, and giver too.
'Tis true, Thou might'st have us'd some other hand,
That might have laid it as a just command;
The Spanish and the German aid,
That to such plunder willingly had come,
365: And with the same facility o're-come,
And made us dearly for refusal paid.
Thou mightst have done this, something more,
Made blood and wounds thy right restore;
But resolute to stay
Till something greater made the way;
Till the whole Land should see,
Not thou of them, till they'd need of thee:
Thou more than any Prince hast done,
Com'st by a double title to the Throne;
375: The choice they Peoples is, the right thy own.
And since th'art come, mays'st thou still finde
Those pleasures such a welcome brings:
Where Loyalty and Dutie's joyn'd
To serve and own the best of KINGS!
380: May with thy Reign, thy happiness increase,
And ne're know what 'tis to grow less!
Or if Ecclips it suffers with the Sun,
Let it like that before hand known,
Not be a total, or a sudden one;
But such as when 'tis past and gone,
May make you re-assume this light,
Thy pristine beams, and be more bright:
Make the whole world thy rayes adore,
Obscuring that small star, that thee obscur'd before.
390: May'st thou be like thy Self, none equal know,
To heaven alone thy Scepter owe!
"To be within comparison is to be low.
MONCK the mean time (while to the Sky
Thy Name is mounted by wing'd victory,
395: That doth in Ambush for that honour lie)
I'th Sky shall also have a Memory, And by some brighter Constellation known,
Attend thy Grandure, and increase his own:
So while Your Self we must to CHARLES his Wain refer,
400: MONCK with another title shall be call'd the Waggoner.
[2] Your] Yout O
[3] opening parenthesis supplied
Abiel Borfet
Postliminia Caroli II
8 June
Titlepage: POSTLIMINIA / CAROLI II. / THE / PALINGENESY, / OR, / SECOND-BIRTH, / OF / CHARLES the Second to his / Kingly Life; Upon the day of his First, / May 29. / [rule] / By Abiel Borfet, M. A. / [large crown] / LONDON, / Printed for M. Wright at the Kings-head in the / Old-Baily, 1660.
Both the WF and Thomason copies are hand-dated 8 June. Fortescue catalogues the LT copy for 29 May, presumably following the title.
The typographical eccentricity of placing the final letter of the king's name outside the italics suggests not so much design as an overused set of type, that is, the absence of an italic capital "i".
Borfet claims to have written a satire on the Rump; describes in some details the events of late May including some fanciful conceits based on the procession of mayor and guilds through London. He ends with the wich that Charles will soon marry and produce an heir.
The day this poem appeared, if the 8 June dating is reliable, was the day Charles rode to Hampton Court and touched for the King's Evil (Pub Int. #15. p. 238)
[ornamental header]
1: That I, whom Nature never made a Poet,
Nor was adopted once by Art unto it,
Soare above Prose, and force my Novice-Quill
To uncouth Laws against Minervaes will:
5: It is no marvell, when my Subject's such,
That Art and Nature can't do half so much;
My Matter is my Muse; I find it here
More easie task to write then to forbear.
Fear made the dumb man speak, seeing the King
10: Ready to perish. Wonder not if I sing,
Though doubly tongue-tied; seeing him renate:
Since fear contracteth, but joy doth dilate.
When Indignation made a verse before
Upon the Rump, and lasht it or'e and or'e;
15: Shall the Priest only, not the Poet shed
Some oyle of gladness on the sacred Head?
No, though among those Stars, which did appear
At his renew'd Nativity this year,
The true Platonick, when the Sphears 1 are rowl'd
20: Back to the Loyall points they kept of old;
Although among those Stars, whose glorious train
Was in conjunction with Charles his Wain,
This be an half-mixt Meteor; yet give us
Leave to bring forth our Ignis Fatuus,
25: A Pageant to the shew: About a King
Fools have an office; why not this I bring?
His enterance, though contriv'd with costly Art,
Denying not the Morrice-Dance a part;
And, while the Canons of the Towre do roare,
30: Accepting Muskets of a lesser bore.
We can't augment the Glory of that day
By this; yet thus Remember it we may:
Our Torch may lose its own, not give a light
Unto the Sun: but, when he's gone at night,
35: May represent him; this commends my Theme,
Its the Dayes sight repeated in a Dream.
But that I doubt, whether a Dream can tell
An History, that's so Incredible;
That Sight might passe for one, and make men think
40: Their rising early on that Day did bring't.
For like those Persians, which contended who
Should see the Sun first at his rising; so
We hasted to this sight, before the shine.
Of Charles his Phosphorus proclaim'd the Signe.
45: Some take the Vigils; some till Day defer,
Thinking the Night too little to prepare:
And will next day so much the longer lie,
When they have seen our sleeps security.
How many now can say, that they have seen
50: The Sun to rise? which false before had been.
The Virgins early walks sufficient were
To banish the green sickness for a year:
Old men were up, who meant not else to rise
Untill the Resurrection ope'd their eyes.
When other times I overtake and meet 2
So many various faces in the street;
I think within my self, that each Mans End
Is no lesse divers, which he doth intend?
But by a common Physiognomy,
60: I there discern'd one sense in every Eye;
An happy foretast of our union,
When multitudes thus lose themselves in One.
Such multitudes within and out; that then
The streets seem'd pav'd, the Houses built with Men;
65: The first I view'd, I thought a Limners shop
Faced with lively Pictures to the top;
And wonder'd the Exchange, through which I past,
Was on the Southern side of Cornhill cast:
It was a Frollick at my second view,
70: Which all the Houshold at the Windows threw.
For not an house appear'd, which was not set
So thick; the King might think his Kingdomes 3 met,
And that to show their Loyalty is true,
They had turn'd inside outside to his view.
Blest Prince! whose Glory in great Numbers stands,
That rather court then suffer his commands.
More blessed Land! under that greater Soul,
Worthy to rule the Sphear from Pole to Pole.
How were we prest, and like the Scaffolds built
80: On one anothers backs? yet never felt
The weight with our light hearts: O let the King
Still such oppressions, and such burthens bring.
Let this be all the use of naked Blades,
Of Drums and Trumpets, and of arm'ed Brigades:
85: Let's know no other Souldiery but this,
Whose brave Battalia's then brought in our Peace.
Who will repine to give them now free Quarter,
Whose Generals Belt is suppl'd to a Garter?
How did they lose their Name, while we descry'd
90: A Loyall Heart thorough an Iron side?
They have unspell'd that Proverbs mighty charms,
Which striketh dumb the Laws, 'mongst Martial Arms:
For when I heard the Guns give forth their sence,
My Ears thought Cooks Reports proceeded thence;4
95: Seeing their Buff, I fanci'd with my Eyes,
Sure Magna Charta in that Vellum lies;
Their Swords appear'd as innocent and fair,
As that which was supported by the Mayor;
And as they past the Goldsmiths company,
100: Both Metals chinkt a perfect Harmony.
May they, who used Iron so justly, never
Want Gold to change an Helmet for a Beaver!
In these we saw the Body politick
Restor'd to strength, which had so long been sick;
105: With mighty Arms, and Iron-sinews strung:
But we have stay'd upon the strength too long.
View we the Beauty now, which though my Ink
Cannot resemble; yet be pleas'd to think
How Venus Mole was nothing like her Face,
110: Yet by comparison did lend a Grace:
My Pen, may't lay but some black patches on
That Dayes fair Face, hath its Ambition.
Thus may my shady praises give't some light,
Because, compar'd, they are but black to white.
Cornhill was Silver-Street, I will be bold
To call't the Milken-way, cream'd o're with Gold,
[While braver mettal glister'd from among
The English faces, then that Indian Dung]
As much out-shining that, which Poets call
120: The a Regent-walk5 to JUPITERS White-hall; a Ovid. Me-
As Starry Orders of the primest size tamor. lib. I.
Out-vye the small confused Sporades.
They made their Progress here, who have the odds
In all perfections of the Pagan Gods;
125: Who had they liv'd of old, had been known by
The Names of Neptune, Mars, and Mercury:
When Iupiter did with his thundering call
Summon his Peerage to his judgement-hall
In old Deucalions days; Those Gods had then
130: Less valour and less wisdome, then these Men
Nor did ennbole Via Lactea,
Like London-streets, through which these made their way. 6
Their outward splendor's but a Foyle to this
Their Brighter fame. But yet, as He who is
135: The true Autocalon, and doth out-shine
The most contrived Glory of his Shrine;
Was glorifi'd by the external gay
Of th' Salomonjan Temple: so we may
Not wrong the True worth of these Heroes,
140: While we consider their Appendices.
Here Englands Youth we see renew'd again,
Blasted by twenty-years of war in vain.
The Fable made of 'son, here is true,
Who lost his old blood to be fill'd with new.
145: As propagation of the Kind we call
A step of Death to th' Individual:
Accordingly it seems a Nation doth,
While Single Persons lose it, gain her youth;
For who can find so beautiful a show
150: In all the Chronicles of Speed and Stow?
Which, could it be described to the life,
Will win to all past stories our belief;
And strain the Faith of every future age,
Till the great year rebuilds the present Stage.
155: The Proverb said that England, were it try'd
Could no where match that Garden in Cheap-side;
Till the unfitness was by Tichbourn found,
Who set that Eden in more holy ground:
Let but the Proverb go for Prophecy,
160: And who can give our Grandames teeth the lie?
The Flowers of Noble Gentry, which our eyes
There saw, did prove it Englands Paradice.
That Winter, under which so long they lay,
Strength'ning their Roots for the ensuing May;
165: Proud to be Garlands for what greater grace,
Our Tree of life, who in the Middle was;
Under whose Shadow long may England dwell,
Tasting the sweet Fruits of his ruling well!
May he be a Forbidden fruit no more
170: By Flaming Swords, which kept the way before!
But let perennal happiness flow thence
To his dominions circumference;
As he that day the centre did appear,
Scattering his lustre round the Theater:
175: All the Stars of which orb just needs confess,
That this Sun lent them all their noble dress;
And that the Names and Titles, which they bear,
Begin with these two Capitals; C. R.
That costly Wardrobe, which these persons decks,
180: Is but th'unfolded Livery of Charls Rex;
The naked letters signifie the same,
As when they're flourish'd with so long a train:
All those contents are summ'd up in these two,
The Title-page and Index of the shew.
But since we are born children, slaves to sence,
And few in Reasons Art do Men commence,
Being not capable to know a King,
But as he's pictur'd in some gawdy thing;
It's fit this useful Science go among
190: The vulgar, written in their Mother-tongue,
Describ'd in all the Nations Pomp, which is
No more then Charles in a Periphrasis.
These ceremonies are in State, though not
In Church, the best Books for the Ideot,
195: Had the King shewn his worth in making Laws
Beyond th'Idea of the ancient Saws,
That Plato's Common-wealth might seem to be
Of later date, transcrib'd from him we see;
Had he put forth his inward glory then,
200: Which Angels are more fit to view then Men;
He should have had but few spectators more,
Then the invisible which Saints adore.
But when he condescends to take from Us
Some Glory; we do flock to see him Thus:
205: Like those, who will not worship God, unless
He bear their Image, and be rendred less,
In whom the Fountain of their honour lies,
By borrow'd lustre from his votaries.
So since that costly shew I heard it said,
210: These Lay-mens Books have many converts made;
Who, since His species stampt it, do afford
The Faith they fear'd to give his current word.
See how all eyes delight on him to dwell,
As Platoes Vertue now made visible:
215: One strides a post, and makes a noted Sign;
Yet they within the Tavern know no Wine:
Anothers Eyes hard by his Mistress were;
Yet lose their object, and forget she's there:
A thirds can see Him scarce, they are so dim
220: With want of sleep, yet watch all day for Him:
One Souldier, being hoarse with many a shout,
Would chuse to whistle rather then stand out:
Our Acclamations rend the Heavens, to woe
The Angels Harmony with us below:
225: Though Ringers stirr'd them not, the Churches Bells
And Stones would cry out, Here our safety dwells.
And when this Day was gone, we saw no Night;
The frequent Bone-fires were Meridian light:
And its no marvell, when we were our own
230: Antipodes, and this our Sun went down
Amongst us; Hence those fiery pillers rise,
Londons black Night-Robes turn'd to scarlet Skies.
The Countrey saw the brightnesse, and had run
To quench the Towne, but that the cause was known:
235: Who can think darkness in that night can dwell,
Where the light lodgeth of our Israel?
The Aspect of our Heaven had been compleat,
But that our Sun without a Moon did set.
For in this single Scheam we could not view
240: Our present fortune, and our future too:
Though 7 Charles were proof against his other foes,
Our sins will kill Him, when, God only knows:
Heaven send's a Queen, that may bring forth his Mind,
And Travail with the Vertues of the Kind;
245: A Prince so like him, that at length we might
Behold the Royall Picture drawn aright.
Till then the Painter, and the Poet too,
Blaspheme him, and their colours Treason brew;
His Pencill, and my Pen, deserve to feel
250: The Fate, which t'other day befell the Seal:
The Prince of Wales is only fit to be
The King of Englands pourtraicture. Thus we
Shall have no new King, when the present's dead,
But Charles himself shall to himself succeed.
But this defect as yet is well suppli'd
By the two Dukes, which rode on either side;
Like two Supporters of that Family,
In whose extinction all the rest must Dye.
Whole Lands pay Tribute unto Iames, whole Seas
260: Render him the just custome of his praise.
Henry was born both Mars and Mercury,
Valiant and Politick ex Traduce:
When Charles the First was forc'd to mind the Art
Of Warre, but study'd Peace more in his Heart;
265: When the Queen welcom'd home an armed King,
As Semele did Iove in lightening.
God grant we never come to need their Merit!
Who say Amen, not wishing to inherit.
Let this Payre-Royall [I may call them so,
270: Whom Kingdomes want more, then They Kingdomes do]
Let this Payre-Royall live in blisse and love,
Like those I pray to, Three and One above.
[1]Sphears] dropped cap s
[2]meet] ed; me t O, LT
[3]Kingdones] ed; Kindomes ä
[4]Follows the early order of the Guilds at the procession through London; s
[5]a Ovid. Metamor. lib. I.
[6]way.] ed; way/ O, LT
[7]Though] dropped type in O
Edmund Waller
To The King
9 June
Thomason dated his copy of Waller's poem on Saturday, 9 June; Cowley's Ode had already appeared on Thursday 31 May, but Dryden's Astraea Redux would not appear for another ten days, on Tuesday 19 June.
THe rising Sun complies with our weak sight,
First guilds the Clouds, then shews his globe of light
At such a distance from our eyes, as though
He knew what harm his hasty Beams would do.
5: But Your full MAJESTY at once breaks forth
In the Meridian of Your Reign, Your worth,
Your youth, and all the splendor of Your State,
Wrapt up, till now, in clouds of adverse fate,
With such a floud of light invade our eyes,
10: And our spread Hearts with so great joy surprise,
That, if Your Grace incline that we should live,
You must not (SIR) too hastily forgive.
Our guilt preserves us from th'excess of joy,
Which scatters spirits, and would life destroy.
15: All are obnoxious, and this faulty Land
Like fainting Hester doth before you stand,
Watching Your Scepter, the revolted Sea
Trembles to think she did Your Foes obey.
Great Britain, like blind Polipheme, of late
20: In a wild rage became the scorne and hate
Of her proud Neighbours, who began to think,
She, with the weight of her own force, would sink:
But You are come, and all their hopes are vain,
This Gyant-Islle has got her Eye again; 1
25: Now she might spare the Ocean, and oppose
Your conduct to the fiercest of her Foes:
Naked, the Graces guarded You from all
Dangers abroad, and now Your Thunder shall.
Princes, that saw you, different passions prove,
30: For now they dread the Object of their love;
Nor without envy can behold His height,
Whose Conversation was their late delight.
So Semele contented with the rape
Of Jove, disguised in a mortal shape,
35: When she beheld his hands with lightning fill'd,
And his bright rayes, was with amazement kill'd.
And though it be our sorrow and our crime
To have accepted life so long a time
Without you here, yet does this absence gain
40: No small advantage to Your present Reign:
For, having view'd the persons and the things,
The Councils, State and strength of Europe's Kings,
You know your work; Ambition to restrain,
And set them bounds, as Heav'n does to the Main.
45: We have you now with ruling wisdom fraught,
Not such as Books, but such as Practice taught:
So the lost Sun, while least by us enjoy'd,
Is the whole night, for our concern imploy'd:
He ripens spices, fruit, and precious Gums,
50: Which from remotest Regions hither comes.
This seat of Yours, from th'other world remov'd,
Had Archimedes known, he might have prov'd
His Engine's force, fixt here, your power and skill
Make the worlds motion wait upon your will.
55: Much-suffering Monarch, the first English born
That has the Crown of these three Nations worn,
How has Your patience, with the barbarous rage
Of Your own soyl, contended half an Age?
Till (Your try'd virtue, and Your sacred word,
60: At last preventing Your unwilling Sword)
Armies and Fleets, which kept You out so long,
Own'd their great Sovereign, and redrest His wrong;
When straight the People, by no force compell'd,
Nor longer from their inclination held,
65: Break forth at once, like Powder set on fire,
And with a noble rage their KING require.
So th'injur'd Sea, which from her wonted course,
To gain some rich ground, avarice did force,
If the new Banks, neglected once, decay,
70: No longer will from her old Channel stay,
Raging the late-got Land, she overflowes,
And all that's built upon't to ruine goes.
Offenders now, the chiefest, do begin 2
To strive for Grace, and expiate their sin:
75: All winds blow fair, that did the world imbroyle, 3
Your Vipers Treacle yield, and Scorpions Oyle. 4
If then such praise the Macedonian got,
For having rudely cut the Gordian Knot;5
What glory's due to him that could divide
80: Such ravell'd interests, has the knot unty'd,
And without stroke so smooth a passage made,
Where craft and malice such impeachments laid?
But while we praise You, You ascribe it all
To his high hand, which through the untouch't wall
85: Of self-demolisht Jerico so low:
His Angel 'twas that did before You go.
Tam'd salvage hearts, and made affections yield,
Like Ears of Corn when wind salutes the field.
Thus patience crown'd 6 like Job's, your trouble ends,
90: Having your Foes to pardon 7 and your Friends:
For, though your Courage were so firm a rock,
What private vertue could endure the shock?
Like your great Master you the storm withstood,
And pitied those which Love with Frailty shew'd.
95: Rude Indians torturing all the Royal race,
Him with the Throne and dear-bought Scepter grace
That suffers best: what Region could be found 8
Where your heroick Head had not been crown'd?
The next experience of Your mighty mind,
100: Is, how You combate Fortune now she's kind;
And this way too, you are victorious found,
She flatters with the same successe, she frown'd;
While to Your Self severe, to others kind
With power unbounded, and a will confin'd.
105: Of this vast Empire you possess the care,
The softer part falls to the Peoples share:
Safety and equal Government are things
Which Subjects make, as happy, as their Kings.
Faith, Law and Piety, that banisht train;
110: Justice and Truth, with You return again:
The Cities Trade, and Countries easie life
Once more shall flourish without fraud or strife.
Your Reign no less assures the Ploughmans peace,
Than the warm Sun advances his increase:
115: And does the Shepheards as securely keep
From all their fears, as they preserve their sheep.
But above all, the Muse-inspired train
Triumph, and raise their drooping heads again;
Kind Heav'n at once has in Your Person sent
120: Their sacred Judge, their Guard, and Argument.
Printed for Richard Marriot, in St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleetstreet.
[2]chiefest, do] 01, 02, OW; chiefest; doe LT, O3
[3]imbroyle,] O1, O2, OW; imbroyl, LT, O3
[4]yield, ...Oyle] O1, O2, OW; yeeld, ... Oyl LT, O3
[5]Knot] O1, O2, OW; knot LT, O3
[6]crown'd/] O1, O2, OW; crown'd: LT, O3
[7]pardon/] O1, O2; pardon, LT, O3, OW
[8]found/] O1, O2; found, LT, O3, OW
Thomas Higgons
A Panegyrick to the King.
10 June
Titlepage: A / PANEGYRICK / TO THE / KING. / By His Majesties most humble, / most Loyal, and most Obedient / Subject and Servant, / THOMAS HIGGONS. / Virg. 'n. Lib. 2. / Qu' Tant' tenuere mor'? queis CAROLE ab oris / Expectate venis? ut te, post multa tuorum / Funera, post varios hominumque urbisque labores / Defessi aspicimus! / [text pp. 1-11] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, at the signe of / the Anchor in the Lower Walk of the / New-Exchange. 1660.
DNB: Thomas Higgons (1624-1691) was a career diplomat who early on showed a keen interest in the politics of the Mediteranean. Born in Shropshire, he entered St Alban Hall, Oxford in 1638, but left without a degree in order to travel in Italy. After his return, c.1647-48, married Elizabeth, widow and second wife of Robert Devereux, third Earl of Essex and daughter to Sir William Paulet of Wiltshire. Delivered oration at her funeral 16 Sept 1656, which he printed the same year.
In January 1658, while residing at Odiham near Southampton, Higgons was elected MP for Malmesbury, Wilts. That year he published, anonymously, his verse translation, from the Italian, of G. F. Busenello's A Prospective of the Naval Triumph of the Venetians over the Turk, which Waller so admired that he wrote a poem to Higgons's wife. Higgons knowledgeable interest in relations between Christian nations and the Ottoman empire infiltrates his poem to Charles and resulted in his later publication, The History of Isuf Bassa, Captain General of the Ottoman Army At the Invasion of Candia (London: Printed for Robert Kettlewel, at the Hand and Scepter over against St Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. 1684).
After the Restoration, Higgons was returned MP for New Windsor, Berks, on 9 April 1661. Knighted on 17 June 1663; services to crown rewarded with a pension of oe500 a year and gifts worth oe4,000. From 1665 on, Higgons was sent on various diplomatic missions: to Paris in 1665 (CSPD); to Savoy in 1669; to Vienna in 1673 wherre he was three years envoy. In 1685 he was elected MP for St Germans in Cornwall; died suddenly in court on 24 Nov 1691. Remarried by licence c. 1691;
Refs: Woods; Chalmers, Bio Dict; Evelyn's Diary;
Higgons emphasizes the secular causes and political consequences of the king's return. He opens with a warning to foreign nations and insists that it was the English people who brought Charles back, unassisted by foreign aid. Charles is placed in a line of Greek and Roman heroes and rulers, including Augustus and Aeneas, rather than biblical figures; his return assures a new age, one of Roman/republican virtue and civic liberty that promises an era of unprecendented global empire. In many respects, Higgons's poem resembles Astraea Redux in it's Virgilian emphasis on arts and empire but without the attempt to link this with scared kingship.
NB Secular agency here; not the French or Dutch, or providence but the English people have brought Charles back.
THE frozen Samogite, 1 who half the year
Lives under ground, and never sees the sky,
Feels not that comfort when the Sun is near,
At whose approach Darknesse and Winter flie;
5: As all Great Britain at your Royall Sight,
After so dismall, and so long a Night.
Since first this Island was possest by Men,
No Age did e're so great a day behold;
A day, which makes the aged young agen,
10: Or else for joy forget that they are old:
Which makes the Dead, that they are absent, grieve;
And those, who long'd for death, content to live.
From furthest Thule to the Cornish shore
The Earth, and Aire, and Sea your name resound;
15: And neighbour Nations by the Canonn's roar
Know that you are arriv'd on English ground:
They know you are arriv'd, and are afraid,
When they consider 'tis without their aid.
France, which to give You refuge once refus'd,
20: And made you seek it in remoter Parts,
Blushes that you were so unnobly us'd;
And now asham'd of her Italian Arts
She fain would succours and assistance lend,
And, when you do not need her, be your friend.
25: The Dutch have Navies now at your command,
Who in distresse your quarrell would not own;
But Heav'n in mercy to your native Land
Would not that strangers should restore your Throne,
Or that you any other way should prove,
Than your own Vertue, and your People's Love.
'Tis your own Subjects, SIR, have done the thing,
To One of which immortall fame is due,
To whose Addresse the English owe their King,
And all the blessings they receive with You.
This Deed of his shall triumph over Death,
And live while Men have ears, and Fame has breath.
The Cappadocian Knight, 2 so far renown'd,
Who sav'd the Lady, and the Monster slew,
And over-ran like Lightning Pagan ground,
40: And whatsoe're resisted did subdue;
Now finds the glory darkned which he wonne,
Since by a greater GEORGE he is out-done.
Amongst the Demy-gods of antient Rome,
Who for the glory of their Country dyed,
45: And as Examples to the Times to come,
Were by those wiser Ages deifi'd,
His Name shall flourish, and the North henceforth
Shall with the warmer Climates vie for worth.
But in a Joy so vast and unconfin'd
50: As fills all hearts, and will not room allow
For any other passion in our mind,
We must not treat a Subject's merits now.
To speak of others were to do You wrong,
Who are the onely subject of our Song.
55: O Hope of England! O Great Britain's Light!
The Soul and Genius of this spatious Isle!
What Region has detain'd you from our sight?
What Land bin happy in you all this while?
'Tis time you come your People help to give,
When they without you could no longer live,
But are you come? may we our eyes believe?
We, whose hopes Fate, till now, did still destroy,
And have so many years bin us'd to grieve
May be excus'd if we suspect our Joy:
If it be reall, may a question make,
And justly doubt, whether we dream or wake.
The miseries these Nations have sustain'd,
E're since your Martyr'd Father left the Throne,
And with the Bless'd above in Glory raign'd,
70: Like Billows roaring, though the Wind be down,
Will hardly let our minds be yet secure,
Though you are come, who are a perfect Cure.
Although your presence save this sinking State,
Which to the brink of ruine was arriv'd,
75: And closes up the wounds of Civil hate,
We still remember whence our Ill's deriv'd.
That horrid Deed, but thought on, spoils our mirth;
A Deed, at once the shame of Heav'n and Earth.
Let not that Day make any part o'th year,
80: Which to so black an Action lent its light,
But be expung'd out of the Calender,
And the Contrivers hid in endlesse night.
And let their Fate first expiate their Offence,
And so absolve suspected Providence.
85: The Jews themselves, when our Redeemer dyed,
Discern'd not who it was they Crucified;
Their ignorance excus'd their Parricide:
But these strange Monsters with unheard-of Pride,
Arraign their Lord and Master whom they know,
And impudently boast of what they do.
But since as Darknesse to the Light gives place,
And as Night treads upon the heels of Day,
Sorrow does joy, and Joy does sorrow chace,
And good and ill make one another way,
We by past Mischiefs this advantage gain,
To tast the long'd for Pleasures of Your Raign.
The most Renowned Kings this fate have had,
To mount the Throne after tempestuous times,
And their own Vertues more conspicuous made,
100: By the reflection of preceding Crimes.
When Rome was ruin'd with intestine hate,
Augustus took the rudder of the State.
And when Domitian's hated Government
The distrest World had thrown into despair,
105: Trajan by Heaven was in Mercy sent,
The Ruines of the Empire to repair.
What Trajan and Augustus did at Rome,
England expects to see, now You are come.
Force shall insult no longer over right,
110: Nor wicked men have power to torment,
Or make the Good a prey to lawlesse might,
But every man be safe, that's Innocent:
The Mace shall now the Pike and Musket awe,
And make the Sword a servant to the Law.
115: Those Names of Rapine, which to other sense
Have bin distorted than their meaning bears,
And those strange canting Terms of Eloquence,
With which new Teachers doze 3 the Peoples ears;
The English Language shall no longer mar,
Prophane the Pulpit, nor disgrace the Bar.
Now Merchants fear no danger but the Wind,
Which once was the least hazard they did run,
When here in Port they did their ruine find,
And lost at home what they abroad had won.
The Farmer singing to his labour goes,
Now he is sure, 'tis for himself he sowes.
Servants their Masters shall no more betray;
Nor sons, infected with rebellious strife,
Make their advantage now to take away
130: The lively-hoods of those, who gave them life.
All Ranks of men shall be to order brought,
Awed by Your presence, and example taught.
Wealth shall not now be made the price of blood,
Nor to be rich be reck'ned an Offence;
135: Though it be valew'd lesse than to be good,
And merit be prefer'd to Innocence:
Men shall not most be priz'd, who most appear,
Nor knowne for what they have, but what they are.
Riches and Poverty shall be no more
140: T'wixt Man and Man the onely difference deem'd,
Since worth shall not be scorn'd for being poor,
Nor he that's rich, without it be esteem'd;
Whilst honor is of Vertue the Reward,
And those who most deserve, you most regard.
145: Had conquering Rome but such a Monarch seen,
One with your vertue, and your right beside,
With freedom's name she nere had couzen'd bin,
But Brutus had not so untimely dyed.
Under a Prince, who does so well deserve,
Cato himselfe had bin content to serve.
Some of our Kings have bin for Arms renown'd,
Others as glorious for the Arts of Peace,
How much are we to Heaven's great goodnesse bound,
Who have a Prince so learn'd in both of these?
And can (to every thing by Fortune bred)
In Councel govern, and in Battail lead?
When Fate at Wor'ster did oppose your Right,
And to so just a Cause deny'd Successe,
You shew'd the World how bravely you could fight,
160: Nor did your Fortune make your Glory lesse:
You were unconquer'd, when your Troops did yield;
And won Renown, although you lost the field.
The frighted Severn shrunk away to see
The dangers which your Person did attend,
165: And Heaven did seem in anger to decree,
That there your life, and all our hopes should end;
While you retire, secure of Fate's intent,
With the same mind, you first to Battail went.
Thus Vercingectorix, that brave King of Gaul,
170: Though Fortune still were on the Roman side,
Unalter'd was what ever did befall,
And the insulting Conqueror defi'd;
That C'sar does confesse, though Fate were crosse,
His Foe was more illustrious for his losse.
175: Heav'n sure had a designe in your retreat,
For though it partially adjudg'd the day,
And rais'd the Rebels pride by your defeat,
It seems it then decreed a Nobler way
For your return, than could be wrought by blood,
And order'd your misfortune for your good.
Heav'n wisely knew if you had had successe,
And your Victorious sword had more imbrew'd
In English blood, your Triumph had bin lesse,
And bodies had, rather than minds, subdu'd;
Nor had we then those Princely vertues known,
Which in your adverse Fortune you have shown.
But if the Fates no other means could find
To raise your glory to the pitch we see,
And if your sufferings have bin design'd
190: But as the way to your felicity;
We blesse those Mischiefs, which we have sustain'd,
And now repent that ever we complain'd.
No human happinesse is still compleat,
Since Fortune changeth every thing below,
195: One while depressing Princes that were great,
And then advancing those, who once were low.
Your glorious Father was successefull long,
And Priam happy was, when he was yong.
But you born under more propitious stars.
200: And thorough many dangers lead by Fate,
Have past your youth in Tempests and in Wars,
And as the Sun, though he breaks out but late,
Darknesse dispells, and drives all Clouds away,
A gloomy Morn turn to a glorious day.
205: Thus great 'neas when his Troy was lost,
And nought but ruine left of all that State,
Wander'd at Land, and on the Floods was tost,
And hurried up and down the World by Fate,
Before he could to promis'd Alba come,
Alba the Mother of Victorious Rome.
So great a work it was to found that State,
Which to the conquer'd World was lawes to give,
So must you suffer e're you could be Great,
For Fortune alwayes does with Vertue strive.
But Vertue does at last her power subdue,
And makes her stoop, as now she does to You.
Now overcome she to your Vertue bends,
And, not so cruell once as kind at last,
Strives with her favours to make large amends
220: For your unworthy usage which is past,
And, to repair her fault, would over-doe,
If any thing could be too much for You.
But all that we can say, or Fortune do
To celebrate your Goodnesse will not serve,
225: Since while that's doing, there will more be due,
Nor can we pay so fast, as you'l deserve,
Language has bounds, and Fortune is confin'd,
But there's no limits to your mighty Mind.
If there be any truth in ancient Song,
230: If Poets see, or Bards do understand,
This is the time has been foretold so long,
That England all her Neighbours shall command;
And on the Continent obedience find,
Nor must her Empire be by Seas confin'd.
235: Our Asian Conquests we no more will boast,
When upon Acon's walls our Lions stood,
And the proud Soldan saw his Empire lost,
And all the fields of Palestine in Blood.
Croissy shall be forgot, and Poictiers too,
Darkned by greater things, which you must do.
Printed for Henry Herringman, at the signe of
the Anchor in the Lower Walk of the
New-Exchange. 1660.
[1]not OED
[2]In some accounts of the St George legend, he was understood to have been born in Cappadocia, an area taken to include southern Anatolia, Syria and the Lebanon. On the controversy surrounding the historicity and origins of St George, see Peter Heylyn, The History of That most famous Saynt and Souldier of Christ Jesus St. George of Cappadocia Asserted from the Fictions of the middle ages of the Church and opposition of the present (London: for Henry Seyle, 1631), L 1125.e.27.
[3]stupify, muddle, make drowsy or dull; OED
Clement Ellis
To the King's Most Excellent Majesty
11 June
Titlepage: TO THE / KING'S / Most Excellent Majesty: / ON HIS / Happie and Miraculous / RETURN / To The Government of his Three (now ) flourishing / KINGDOMS. / [text: pp. 1-6] / LONDON : / Printed by James Cottrel , for Humphry Robinson , at the / three Pigeons in St. Paul 's Church-yard. / M D C L X.
The son of a royalist commander from Carlisle, Clement Ellis (1630-1700) entered Queen's College, Oxford in 1649 and was elected fellow in 1657. Until the Restoration, he lived on anonymously donated funds that he later suspected were paid by Jeremy Taylor and Henry Hammond. In 1661 he was appointed domestic chaplain to William, marquis of Newcastle, who presented him to the rectory of Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Notts. A prolific and popular writer on religious matters -- his The Gentile Sinner (1660) was reprinted at least 7 times by 1680 -- he was by his own admission not much of a poet. His sermon on the anniversay of the Restoration, preached before the marquis of Newcastle on 29 May 1661, was published in Oxford.
In his poetic lament for the kingless past and his anticipation of the return of the anglican church, there is little that is original. Thomason dated his copy 11 June and noted: "The gift of the Author, my son George's Tutor."
To The
Most Excellent Maiestie.
PARDON, Great King! 'Tis now the common voice
Of Friends and Foes; of all that can Rejoyce,
Or seem to do so: Such Joy best begins
With Deprecations for our former Sins.
5: The sacred Names of KING & CHARLES do more,
Then thousands of Reformers wrought before:
The Blind begin to see, it has been Night,
And all their Visions were meer Dreams of Light.
Our Hearts and Tongues agree, and all confess
10: We've now a sense of our long senslesness .
Parties and Sects clos'd and cemented be;
Faction alone's the Common Enemie .
But are these Blessings Real? May we dream
Things are indeed in England what they seem?
15: Is't possible a Glorious King should come
Perfect, from out Confusion 's Monstrous Womb?
Can Monarchs be Rewards for Sin? And can
Provoked Heav'n smile on an English-man?
It is Our King; O may he ever live,
20: Till Heav'n receive Him, what Heav'n now doth give!
PARDON, Dread Sov'raign! 'Tis this word must be
The Symbol of a (too-late) Loyalty;
Whilst with more Po/enitence, then Wit, we come
To welcome Life, Laws, Liberties all home.
25: Welcome Religion , and our Church, and all
That Truth dares Honesty and Justice call.
Welcome Great Prince, the sum of all, by whom
Englands once more made part of Christendom.
Welcome all that with You hath banished bin
30: By England's Madness, and for England's Sin.
Welcome to three glad Kingdoms , which do know
No Life , no Soul, but what they find in You.
We lay Eight long years sick, Twelve dead and rotten;
Truth and Religion, King and Laws forgotten:
35: Corruption reigning both in Church and State,
All things, save Stench and Vermine, out of date.
Those few stout Members did the rest survive,
We tare them off, and bury'd them alive.
Since England sent away in blood her Head,
40: To wear that Crown for which the Great King bled,
We have been all one Carcass, and the Prey
Of Hellish Vultures, till this happy day.
Strange Dev'ls of Light, false Saints more barbarous;
No Mercy in our Foes , less Sense in Us .
45: Might we speak out (Great Sir) and were it not
High Treason not to shew we have forgot
Our numerous Deaths at Your approach, we'd tell
The World how much Your Absence made Our Hell.
You bring too great a light, Sir, now we see
50: Nought but the present Rayes of Majestie:
We see, and cannot tell you what; 'Tis You
Alone such Blessings as Your Self must know;
Whom God by Miracles hath kept alive,
Your Sorrows, Your Foes Malice to survive.
55: His Providence preserv'd You all this while,
To be his Mercy's Wonder to our Isle.
We slew our selves, alas, by Regicide,
GOD gives that Life, which we in Blood deny'd.
May we grow Wise, and Thank-ful! shew agen,
60: Good Subjects may be made of English-men!
Oh may we ne'er again rejoyce to see
Heads off, to give the Shoulders Libertie!
May You not now fear Poyson in our Breath,
Or think an English-man speaks nought but death
65: To Laws and Kings! May You not henceforth say,
We Bless and Welcome, as we Fast and Pray!
May that Great Power above, which thus doth bow
Our Head to Us, raise up our Hearts to You.
Your sacred presence sanctifies the Land,
70: The Atheist worships, and the Traytor's Hand
Is now lift up to Heav'n, to draw down thence
Blessings on's King, Pardon for his Offence.
Our Canting's near an end; and all the Art
Of Hypocrites, is, how to find an Heart
75: For GOD and C'SAR: 'Tis our general sence,
Tyrants meer Bastards are of Providence.
When Blessings keep a mean, Sir, and our Joys
May, without Sin, be moderate; Such Toys
As Words and Wit, may make fit Presents, and
80: Gay Garlands on the Common Mercy stand.
But when a King comes home, what is't can hold
Proportion, but a Diadem of Gold?
We spare Our Offerings, Heav'ns onely use
To send Such Presents, no poor Subject Muse:
85: Obedience is our Sacrifice. -- -- -- -- -- --
To make our Joys run with our Blessings even,
We will make haste, and send them up to Heaven:
Turning our wanton Strains of Poetry
To Hymnes of Praise, and Vows of Loyalty.
90: The King of Kings make Your whole Life to come,
As Glorious as Your Father's Martyrdom!
Live long and happy! May You still find Us
Subjects as Loyal, as His Treacherous!
May France perceive we have a King, and Rome
95: Consider Charles the Second is come home.
Let all that Rabble tremble, when 'tis said,
Our Land hath found her King, our Church her Head.
Our God and King return together; Sent
Together hence, to suffer Banishment.
100: May they together make a long abode!
May God still keep His King, the King His God!
So prays (Dread Soveraign) one (may his Zeal show it)
That's much a better Subject then a Poet.
CL. ELLIS Coll. Reg. Oxon. Soc.
Printed by James Cottrel, for Humphry Robinson, at the
three Pigeons in St. Paul's Church-yard.
M D C L X.
A Congratulation
13 June
Title: A CONGRATULATION / For His Sacred Majesty, CHARLES, the third / Monarch of Great Britain, His happy Arrival / at WHITE-HALL. / By a Loyal Member of His Majesties Army. / Edinburgh, June 13. 1660.
Manuscript annotations to copy EN1 indicate that at some time during or after the 1740s, the events of 1660 were interpreted as prefigurations of the Jacobite dream. The title, for instance, is emended to read "A Congratulation For His Sacred Majesty, James the 8, the fyfte Monarch of Great-Britain," and there are subsequent emendations to make the application good: "Lozzain" for "Bredah" (l. 11), "Treasurer" for "General" (l. 26), "James" for "CHARLES" (l. 33) and "James the 8's" for "CHARLES the Seconds" (l. 44).
For His Sacred Majesty, CHARLES, the third 1
Monarch of Great Britain, His happy Arrival
By a Loyal Member of His Majesties Army.
Edinburgh, June 13. 1660.
BE gone dark shadows of a gloomy night:
Pack hence you furious Bugbears which affright
Weak humane fancies; banish sullen fears,
State-Tempests now are still, fair Calms 2 appears:
5: Heav'ns are serene, Faces and Hearts rejoyce;
Weigh Anchor Marriners, your Sailes up-hoice,
And steer your Royal Vessel to that Port,
Where Loyal Hearts in Myriads shall resort;
Where every Knee shall bow, each Tongue shall cry
10: Blessed Encomiums to his MAJESTY.
BREDAH 3 adieu, our DOVER longs to see
That Face, where's mounted Soveraign Majestie;
That Heart where Love enthroned sits and lives,
And greatest Injuries forgets, forgives;
15: That Magazine of Humane Policy,
Patterne of Patience, Prudence, Piety:
Once the Contempt, but now the Worlds great Wonder;
A King of Peace, and yet a King of Thunder:
A Son of suffering, but now Triumphing,
20: By Patience learn't the Art of Overcoming:
O're rigid Frowns, and feigned Smiles from those,
Pretended Friendship, prov'd His greatest Foes.
But stay! me-thinks I see our ENGLANDS SUN,
Great BRITAINS Glory, in's Meridian,
25: Within the Royal Palace of WHITEHALL,
Conducted by our Noble GENERAL;4
Whose Valour, Prudence, and Fidelitie,
Deserves that GEORGE of ENGLAND styl'd he be:
Who Prince, and People, Liberties and Laws
30: Hath now restor'd from the Usurping Paws
Of false Pretenders. Who shall write his Story?
Puts Kings and Kingdoms in their Native Glory.
Long live King CHARLES 5 the Great, the Good, the Just,
Blest in His Subjects, happy in His Trust:
35: Long may His Princely Scepter bear Command,
Over our Kingdoms both by Sea and Land.
Thrice welcome our Dread Soveraign, King of Hearts,
This is the Common Suffrage from all Parts:
Both High and Low, both Rich and Poor, they sing
40: Rejoycing Eccho's for their Sacred King.
Possess and Rule, inherite what's Your own,
You'r BRITAINS Glory, and Your Subjects Crown;
Which done, Posterities to come shall tell,
King CHARLES the Second's 6 without Parallel.
[1]úúCHARLES, the third] James the 8, the fyfthe EN (b) ms emendation.
[2]Calm] ed; Calms ä
[3]úú11. BREDAH] Lozzain EN (b) ms. emendation
[4]úúGENERAL] Treasurer EN (b) ms emendation
[5]úúCHARLES] James EN (b) ms. emendation
[6]úúCHARLES the Second's] James the 8's EN (b) ms emendation
Samuel Holland To the Best of Monarchs
14 June
To the best of MONARCHS
On the most happy Arrival of his most Excellent Majestie Charles the second, by the Grace of God, KING of
England, Scot-
-land, France, and Ireland, who landed at Dover Friday, May the 25. to the most unspeakable joy of his SUBJECTS
HEav'n at the Last hath heard my Prayers I stand
Full of fair Hopes to kiss my Princes hand,
And need no flames that may new Heats infuse
Zeal can create a Verse without a Muse,
5: The wounds I have receiv'd, the yeers I've spent,
The Months I've told in long Imprisonment,
I look on now with Joy, who would not be
One day in Chains to be for ever free,
My prayers are heard, the King himself is come
10: The Grace, and Glory of all Christendome,
'Tis he repairs our Breaches, and restores
The Land to safety, and doth heal our sores,
'Tis He that stroaks our Griefs, and wipes our Eyes,
Sets us in order, and doth make us wise,
15: For ne're was Nation so before misled
To court the Tayl, and make the Rump their Head,
Where are the Saints now that would fayn be known
To have no other Holydays but their own:
Where are our cruel Regicids, and all
20: The petulant Crew, we Anabaptists call,
Whose wild Religion, and whose zeal doth Border,
On Faction, Ruine, Falshood, and Disorder,
Whose Gospel speaks it is too hard a thing,
To honour God, and to obey the King,
25: And from their Bibles do expunge that Text
As too obliging, or too much perplext;
The day is now at hand that will declare
What men of Conscience, and what Saints they are,
Who still pursue (oh most inhumane wrongs)
30: The Lords anoynted with their threatning tongues,
As if the Father slain, they had not done
Enough, unless they Massacred the Son,
This to prevent, the King himself draws nigh
Full of his Cause, his Eye with Majesty,
35: His Brow with thunders arm'd, and on each hand
The Youth of Heav'n in files unnumberd stand,
His glorious Guard, for to the world be't known,
That Heaven is pleasd to make this Cause his own,
For who the King affront, the like would do
40: To th'King of Kings could they come at him too;
Now as the Sun when his absented light
Approacheth neerer Day doth smile out right1
And the thick vapours of the night do fly
In guilty Tumults from his searching Eye;
45: So now the King in person hath begun
To show himself like the Meridian Sun
To shine in all his Glories, and dispence
Throughout the Land his powerfull Influence
The clouds of bold Rebellion, the false light
50: Of falser zeal, and Meteors of the Night,
The sullen Vapours, and the Mists that made
A great Confusion in so great a shade,
Shall wast before him, as he comes our States
Extreams to temper, for it pleas'd the Fates,
55: Though others travail'd in the work, yet none
Shall heal our Griefs but who our hearts did own,
Nor shall the North regain their antient worth
But by that Monarch whom the North brought forth:
And Fame no sooner to our ears did bring
60: The welcome story of our landed King,
But all the Lords and Gentry of the Land
Made haste to waite upon his high Command,
So full their trayn, so gallant their Array
As if their splendor would outshine the day,
65: Who all as soon as they the King displayd
Who can imagine what a shout was made,
The glittering of their cloaths outvy'd the Suns
Hats in the Ayr flew up, Guns roard to Guns,
And Trumpets deafned Trumpets, who would have thought
70: These ere in arms 'gainst each other fought,
Th'outlandish that did mark it, and stood by
In our behalf all out aloud did cry,
Was never Nation now more blest than we,
Nor ever Monarch more admir'd then He.
75: How great will be our growing Joys we may
Presume will Crown his Coronation Day,
For to his matchless merit twill be more
Then ever King of England had before,
At which since Heav'n and Earth with shouts do ring,
80: Let Heaven and Earth say both, God save the KING.
Entred according to Order, and Printed by S. Griffin for Matthew Wallbancke, 1660.
[1]right] night EN
Samuel Willes To the Kings Most Sacred Majesty
15 June
Titlepage: TO THE / KINGS / MOST SACRED / MAJESTY, / Upon his Happy and Glorious / RETURN / An endeavoured / POEM. / [rule] / BY / SAMUEL WILLES. / [rule] / Cressa ne careat pulcra dies nota. Horat. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. R. for John Baker at the sign of the / Peacock in St. Pauls Church-yard 1660. / [within double ruled box]
Thomason dated his copy on Friday, 15 June 1660.
Opens with some rather curious images of the national landscape and fauna welcoming back the king; noone else tells of the "shelled inhabitants" coming ashore to witness his landing.
Presents a rather bloodthirsty version of Charles at the battle of Worcester; compare "S. W." who also sees Charles battling away at Worcester.
[ornamental header]
COme, now the greater Muses all have done,
And with majestick steps measur'd the story,
Now Cowley, 1 and the rest the race have run,
And in their way swallow'd up all the glory,
I'le pump a rime or two, come Muse, we'l go,
Iove loves a true devotion though't be slow.
Welcome Great Charles! Heark, how the British Isle
Bellow's the gallant Echo, ev'ry Sea
Changes his angry Frown into a smile,
10: And tells th'enquiring winds 'tis Holyday.
Charles is return'd, and every thing must be
Cloathed with brisk and sweet serenity.
Stay! speak of Charles, what vent'rous tongue dares say
What that important Name doth signifie?
15: Like the Philosopher; I'de ask a day,
Then ten, or more. So great a Majesty
Perplexes humane reason to define,
And like a Gulph, swallows up all the Line.
His high auspicious Birth did plainly shew
20: That bounteous Heav'n some mighty Prince design'd:
Angels could scarce keep Counsel; big they grew,
Yet none durst venture to unload his mind.
Only one loving Star, in spight o'th'day
Came t'us at noon, and told us where he lay.
25: ALL England now one 'tna seems to be,
Beset with joyfull Bonefires every where:
Like dam'd Enceladus benath't I see
The conquer'd Rump strugling to see what's here,
Heaves up the flaming Burd'n, but in vain,
It gives him breath to take't away again.
Great Charles! That very name when't reach our Land
Sounded deliverance and quick supply:
Dagon, our trembling Monster here did stand,
Amaz'd at th'very thoughts of Majesty,
Cursing his ugly Tail, which mark't him out
For one of Desolations branded Rout.
Thus when the other Dagon did but see
The glorious dawning of the Ark, he fled;
And tumbling down with fatal piety,
40: Against the Threshold dasht his ugly head,
Glad that his Godship's ruines might but be
The Tomb of Him and his deformity.
Come heavy Muse, let's try if we can sing,
And scrue our frozen notes, until they meet,
45: As th' fashion is, in verse wee'll meet the King,
Although we limping go with gowty feet.
What though we have no wit? Let's blame the Fate,
That frighted's out of it in -- 48.
WHat mean those guilded Streamers there so high,
50: Dancing like Lightning through the chearful air,
As if they meant to sweep and brush the Sky
From all the misty Cobwebs that hang there.
See how Heaven decks his Azure Canopy
With shoals of stars, and bright serenity.
55: Heark how the list'ning winds creep gently by,
And whisper Charles unto the crowded shore,
Old Time stands still, and quite forgets to fly,
Surpriz'd with wonder, for he ne're before
In the whole worlds voluminous Book did see
So great, so good, so just a Majesty.
Great is thy charge, O Sea; be true, and bring
Thy wealthy Burden to the longing Land;
Thy happy waves that bear so great a King
Are richer far than all the wealthy sand,
Though every grain were turned into a gem,
And both the wealthy Indies thrown to them.
See how the Deep levels his curled brow
To a smooth glassy plain , for Charles is there:
Not any churlish billow grumbles now,
70: But melts his sullen rage to quiet fear;
Each loyal wave crowds with his wat'ry lip,
And dies in close embraces of the Ship.
The scalie Dolphins mount their loyal heads,
And by th' adored ship they stoutly swim,
75: Forgetting, all the while, their wat'ry Beds;
And when their expectation spyes but Him ,
See how one laughing there cageol's another,
And whispers his content unto his brother.
And all those shell'd Inhabitants of th'sand,
80: That never yet forsook the gloomy shore,
That cloyster'd up in Water , dwell o'th'Land ,
They ope their shops, and bring their sparkling store,
Such brisk eradiations with them came,
You'd swear the very Sea were choak't in flame.
85: Hee's come! See what a crowd surrounds the ship,
Men, Beasts and Birds; nothing did stay behind;
Each one preparing his obsequious lip
To give a faint expression of his mind :
Noah not half so well bethronged stood,
When he was King o'th'floating world i'th'flood. 2
HE's come! 'twas when the mighty storms had call'd
The roaring Thunders out and cracking hail,
When th'panting winds i'th'furrow'd sea were stall'd,
And we no sign saw but the Scorpions Tayl:
He like the Sun broke forth, and frighted They
Trembled to heaps, and sneaking steer'd away.
They sneakt away, and great Astr'a came
To repossess her long-usurped seat,
And blusht (as well she might) with pious shame
100: To see her Courts reeking with bloody sweat.
When Justice dies at Court, then how can we
Obscurer Mortals look for equity?
The fiercest Beasts meet Him, and shivering come
To do abeysance at his royal feet:
105: Their silent duties bid him welcome home,
So the great Nomenclator they did greet
With trembling reverence, when to him they came,
In Eden's groves each one to take a name.
The frolick Rocks pluck up their heavy feet,
110: And dance about; the aged nodding oak
Gets loose, and comes; fain would they build a street:
Thus when the sweet Orphean Harp but spoke,
The joylly woods and stones forgat that they [sic
Were ty'd by th'feet, and nimbly tript away.
115: THen from th'united Throng a mighty shout,
(Louder than any Thunders roaring voice)
With zealous acclamations burst out,
With so stupendious and great a voice,
That the amazed shades all fled for fear,
And let the willing day stay longer here.
The sturdy sky throws the loud Echo back
To the low gloomy vaults o'th'silent earth;
The deep foundations of the rocks do crack,
The Infant-springs struggle to find a Birth
That they may hope at least to kiss his feet,
And by that sacred Touch learn to be sweet.
Down to the great Abyss the sacred Name,
The Name of Charles broke down, and with a voice,
Louder than all the Cryes that rend the flame,
130: Layes a dumb silence upon every noise.
Then to all Hell defiance thrice he cries,
To Heaven's and Mine infernal enemies.
The started Furies drop their flaming whips,
And sweep the sweat from off their scalded brows,
135: Dangling their broyling tongues upon their lips,
Each mouth like a great burning Furnace shows;
Where Blasphemy with ragefull anger snarls
Both 'gainst the sacred Names of God and Charles.
O mighty influence of great Charles his Name,
140: That makes the very Gates of Hell to shake,
The damned souls get strength against the flame,
And by the intermission Breath they take.
But stay (sad souls!) a Troop of Fiends comes there,
The Legions routed now from Westminster.
145: King Satan comes, and with a surly brow
Examines every Face, they trembling stand,
Expecting all some sad tormenting blow,
Now staring here, and then o'th'other hand,
I'me come (said he) and that I might not fail
To come in State, look, I have brought my Tail.
With that out of his scaly Bosome he
Pluckt forth a Rowl, scrall'd o're with bloody Names:
My Rump of Agitatours, here they be,
He cry'd, the Heirs apparent of my Flames,
And justly 3 too: they wrought the Tragedy
Of Charles, that mighty foe of Mine and Me.
In Worc'ster's bloody Fields me think I see,
What noble resolution fill'd his Heart,
What low account He made of Majesty:
160: So great Apollo acted once a part
I'th'Trojan Camp, laying aside his Bays,
Decking a steely Helmet with his Rays.
Methinks I see Cromwel's seduced crouds
Moving, like iron-statues, o're the fields,
165: Whilst his proud Banners kiss the gloomy clouds,
Each face of Brass supplies the want of sheilds;
Brass must those faces be, that dare defie
Heaven, and its great Lieutenant's Majesty.
See how th'enraged Horses tear the way,
170: And fling a cloud of dust about their ears,
A cloud so thick that't almost stifled day.
See how his foaming neck one proudly rears;
Another neighs, tossing his curled main,
And swiftly scours along the trembling plain.
175: What throngs of sharp'ned Pikes and Halberts there
March o're th'enraged Rebel's head so thick
And close, that th'very winds intangled are,
And can't get through them but are forc't to stick:
Like some great wood upon a hill they show,
Where there's scarce room for 'nother tree to grow.
MEan while the Royal souls themselves prepare,
Armed with innocence and loyalty:
Not any Breast is stain'd with guilty fear,
Rather than live with shame they choose to dye.
Charls is their noble val'rous pattern, they
Are taught by His, what face becomes the day.
See here they sally out, and there they meet:
Hark how the thund'ring Drums torment the sky:
Here mangled arms and legs, there hands and feet,
190: Parted from their unwilling bodies fly.
The overflowing Brooks swell with a flood,
And stain their frighted banks with streams of blood.
See where a wide-mouth'd Canons burning load
Comes roaring out, wrap't up in raging flame,
195: And through the thickest crouds it cuts a road,
Scorning by all resistance to be tame.
Ne're did the trembling corn fall half so fast
Before the angry Mower's sharpest haste.
Torn limbs of men and horses smear'd with gore,
200: In heaps do lie. There one doth stumbling fall,
Snar'd in his fellow's bowels, o're and o're.
Thousands of New-created kindred, all
Mangled with gaping wounds do strow the Earth,
Mixing their blood at death, though not at Birth.
205: BUt stay! who's he, that through the armed rout,
So unresistably doth run? what's he
That deals so many deaths to those about:
See with what mighty force undaunted He
Doth hew his passage through, whilst trembling they,
Crommel's poor Sneakes, crowd up to make him way.
It must be Charles, who (though he shrouded be
In a disguises humble privacy,)
Cannot contract his beams of Majesty,
No more than th'other Sun can hidden lye
Under a dusky cloud at noon: for still
His Light all corners of the world must fill.
'Tis, tis the mighty Prince: there doth he thrust
His slaughtering Arm into the stoutest troops,
See there he comes, 4 reeking with blood and dust,
220: Whilst every Object of his Fury stoops
To's angry sword's strong force; no blow doth need
A second to assist its murd'ring speed.
Before Him still they fall, and still they fly,
(Tumbling in dying Heaps they stop his way)
225: Thousands of panting Corpses, 5 that fain would dye,
Breath out their souls with curses of the day,
Gnawing the ground with rage; unweary'd He
Send's thousands more t'attend their destiny.
Heaven smil'd, and saw an easie victory
230: Following his mighty Arm: but thought it fit
That Charles (that glorious Name) should raised be
B'another Conquest, far more great than it,
Which, like strong Light'ning without wound or smart,
Should leave the Body whole and melt the Heart.
235: Heaven sounded his Retreat, and ready He
Obey'd e'ne to his loss, and left the field:
Cromwel mistook it for a victory,
And thought it possible that Charles could yield:
Stay ragefull Tyrant, stay! Heaven thinks that He
Better deserv's to live than all thy Host and Thee.
HE lives and GOD WITH HIM, His Exile's force
Could ne're create to Him so great a loss,
Though th'frantick Common-wealth strove to divorce
King, Heaven and Him; whilst round their silver Cross
Run GOD WITH US, Heaven left them all for One
And rather chose to live with Charles alone.
They'r all mistook that say his quiet Breast
Was clouded and disturbed with fretting care,
There alwayes dwelt Serenity and rest,
250: As in the upper Region of the Air,
Above those stormy Passions, jealous fears,
Which scall'd our minds with grief, and eyes with tears.
III. 6
'Tis true, a loving watch did alwayes dwell
In his sweet Eye, which kindly still did bend
255: To poor distracted Albion, and did tell
His royal heart what Tyranyes did rend
His tott'ring Kingdomes; whilst we guiltless lay
Pris'ners that fear'd, but not deserv'd the day.
IV. 7
Nor can I blame those crafty cares that wrought
260: Their Subtle selves into His royal mind,
Where they the mighty things that pass his thought
And his great soul's sublime productions find.
I'de wish my self transform'd into a Care,
If, without Treason's guilt I might dwell there.
265: Long maist Thou live Great Prince, and still mayst be
A terrour to thy Foes, as thou hast been
To every vice that hath assaulted Thee:
Whilst the discover'd Plots of crafty Sin,
Though all contriv'd in deepest policy,
Are not more known than they are shunn'd by Thee.
Under thy potent Influence I trust
Some condescending Muse will visit me,
And lift my groveling Phansie out o'th'dust,
Stretching my dwarfish Rimes to Poetry;
Then the first Theme divine, of which I'le sing
Shall be a Panegyrick to the KING.
[1]Cowley's Ode appeared on 31 May.
[2]i'th'flood.] i'th'flood, ä
[3]justly] jnstly O
[4]comes,] ed. comes, ä
[5]Corpses] ed; Corpse ä
[6]III.] ed; II. ä
[7]IV.] ed; VI. ä
Anglia Rediviva
17 June
Titlepage: Anglia Rediviva: / A / POEM / ON HIS / MAJESTIES / Most joyfull Reception / INTO / ENGLAND. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne for Charles Adams, and are to be / sold at the signe of the Talbot in Fleetstreet, 1660.
Thomason dated his copy on Sunday, 17 June, 1660.
Another set of verses that was so rushed into print that, as so often seems to happen, there is a printer's error in the title on p. 1.
[ornamental header]
Anglia Rediviva,
A Poem on his Maiesties 1 most joyfull
Reception into England.
ALL, that despairing, and despair'd of men,
When suddenly restor'd to Health again,
Feel at the welcome change; All, that we know
Of overwhelming Ravishments, that grow
5: In the swift passing through the high extremes
Of cold despair, into the quickning beams
Of full enjoyment, scarce makes up the summe
Of England's joy to see her Prince at home.
As, of the Heav'nly Bodies we inferre
10: Their magnitude from their Eclipse; And here
Below we by the shadows measure heights;
So must we calculate the ruinous streights,
We were reduc'd unto, before we guesse
At th' Elevation of our Happinesse.
Torn by the fury of Phanatick winds
Up by the roots, poor Britainy now finds
Her self turn'd Floating Island: But her shore
No sooner kis't his Royall feet, and wore
Their fair impression, when her wav'ring cea'st,
20: And she became firme land again; so blest
Upon that sacred touch, that she grew sound
All on the sudden, closing every wound,
That bled so long: This healing touch reviv'd
Her drooping state, and promis'd a long-liv'd
25: Felicity, which nothing els could bring,
For her Kings-Evill was to want her King.
And all her children (Monsters she not ownes,
Though such there be, that with unnaturall frowns,
Or false smiles greet the Triumph of this Day)
30: With full consent of Hearts and tongues do pay.
Their Pray'rs, and Loyall duty on their knee.
First unto God, then to his Majesty.
Heark, how the mouthes of Canons learn to speak
Love and Allegiance; Better so to break
35: The willing aire with loud and loyall sounds,
Then be the Instruments of death, and wounds.
To make our joyes appear, we Bonfires light,
As Emblemes of our Love; A flame more bright,
That burns, yet lessens not within our heart.
40: Bells ring, to shew the Church must have a part
In this Dayes Jubile; and that we owne,
As a main point of our Religion,
Our duty to the King. No Sex, nor Age,
But throngs to act their Parts, as on a Stage,
45: Of Homage to their Prince: They rend the skies
With such a volley of loud shouts, and cries,
As if they meant the Inhabitants above
Should Hearers be, and witnesse of their love.
But let the pressing Multitude give roome;
50: Behold, the noble Generall is come
With low obeisance Majestie to greet,
And lay himself down at the Royall feet.
This, this is he, whom kinder stars have sent
Of all our joyes to be the Instrument;
55: He, whom the Heav'ns reserv'd for such a season
To rescue England, and disarme black Treason.
O, may that horrid Monster ne're be found
To raise his head again on English ground;
Down in his native Dungeon let him rore
60: For e're, and wallow in his own foul gore.
Long live our George, that hath this Dragon slain,
To crush the breed, should any yet remain.
What this Knight was that after-times may see,
I'le draw his Picture for Posterity,
65: He is all Inside; Nothing of bark, or shell:
Made up of solid greatnesse; scorns t' excell
In a gay formall outside: One, that can
Seem little, and be great within. A Man
Only by his high actions understood,
70: Born for his Country, and his Soveraigns good.
He doth the work, whilest others say fine things;
And all our Hopes to an enjoyment brings:
Cares not with gilded promises to please,
But silently contrives our happinesse.
75: Some hope, some fear, some censure, and some raile,
He minds them not, but still drives home the Naile.
Not the mistrust of unbelieving friends,
Nor force of open foes obstruct the ends
Nobly prefixt unto his gen'rous mind;
80: He cuts his way through all, makes every wind
Serve his well laid Designe, untill he bring
To this distracted Realm Peace, and the King.
Him the succeeding Ages will admire
More then the present can: Great heights require
85: Some distance to be fully seen: When we
Lye blended in forgotten Dust, shall hee
Stand a fair Precedent of Loyalty.
From this lov'd subject I must part: My eye
Calls me away, struck with a glorious train
90: Of Nobles, hasting to revive again
Their tarnish't Lustre at the brighter Ray
Of Majesty: see, how they humbly lay
Themselves before him, so to rise the higher;
They were of smoak, they're now pillars of fire.
You, that are stars of the first Magnitude,
Have dearly learn't to understand your good:
Nor raise, nor cherish by your influence
Vapours (though on a sanctifi'd pretence)
That reek from corrupt, ill-affected minds;
100: Rais'd up, they soon convert to blustring winds,
Into black clouds condense, and last of all
On your own heads in stormes, and thunder fall.
All your transcending 2 lustre of the Crown
You hold, as Planets theirs doe of the Sunne.
105: Well may you shine in fair Conjunction,
But are eclips't in Opposition.
Next comes the House of Commons, th'other Leg,
On which the Nation stands: These doe not beg
(Like those, who last sat there) their Soveraign
110: To part with, but to take his Rights again.
Nor, like those State-Phanaticks, will they mould
New Governments, but 3 rest upon the old;
And in an equall temper keep alive
Our Liberty, and his Prerogative.
115: All terms and Articles are banish't hence:
They're for our Enemies, but not our Prince.
I know you are too generous to bring
Into the Nation, a fetter'd King,
And so to change by a false curtesie
120: His Banishment into Captivity.
Have not our Laws already mark't the Bounds
Twixt Him, and us? O, do not lay the grounds
Of fresh debate, least you unravell all,
And we to our late Anarchy doe fall.
But what fresh joy is this, that now appears
So bright, so loud unto my eyes and eares?
O 'tis the famous City come to see
With open hands, large heart, and bended knee
Their long-mist Soveraign; whom to restore
130: Their's none have acted, none have suffer'd more.
You, (when the raging sword had quite hewn down
Both Law, and Law-givers; laid flat the Crown,
And brought the sacred Head -- -Here I must leave,
Or the sad memory will quite bereave
135: This day of all his joy) t'was you, that dar'd
Stand in the breach; unarm'd, and unprepar'd,
Meeting the violence of an armed force,
An English heart to you was foot and horse:
Your stout opposing brought them to that sense,
140: That they were starv'd into Obedience.
If naked loyalty our ruine stop,
What may we not from your Militia hope?
Still may your Arms the Person guard, your Purse
The Royall splendor feed; You can't disburse
145: On higher interest, nor make a venter
In which more Glory, and more Profit center.
So Earth lends Heav'n some vapours, which again
Are gratefully return'd in fruitfull rain.
The World knows not a Monarch, like our own,
150: So season'd, so prepared for a Throne:
Nature hath done her best, Fortune her worst,
And both to fit him for us. They are curst
Beyond all punishment of Law, that dare
Advance a sullen Thought against the Pray'r
155: Pour'd forth by the whole Nation this Day,
That long may He Command, and we Obey.
And now (Most Glorious Prince) in name of all,
That Throng to Solemnize this Festivall,
Give your poor Subject leave humbly t'impart
160: The fervent motions of his Loyall heart.
More flourishing than May I with your Raign
(The Moneth, that gave you first, and now again
Restores you to us); And that Heaven a Bride
As fruitfull too may suddenly provide.
165: That you Out-live the Oldest, and out doe
The best of former Kings; That you may know
No sorrows, but what are already past,
To give your present Joy the higher Taste.
[1]Maiesties] ed. Maiesteis ä
[2]transcending] ed; tanscending ä
[3]but] ed; bust ä
John Dryden.
Astraea Redux.
19 June
Titlepage: Astr'a Redux. / A / POEM / On the Happy / Restoration & Return / Of His Sacred Majesty / Charles the Second. / [rule] / By John Driden. / [rule] / Iam Redit & Virgo, Redeunt Saturnia Regna. Virgil. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop, at the Blew-Anchor, in the lower Walk of the New-/ Exchange, 1660.
Dryden's poem was advertized in Mercurius Publicus for 21-28 June. Thomason dated his copy on Tuesday, 19 June but since this is the second state of the poem, it may have appeared some days before this. Standard scholarly editions in Kinsley and Swedenberg contain full textual histories with historical collations to subsequent editions.
Paul Hammond reckons that D knew poems by Lluelyn (24 May), Higgons (10 June), Cowley (31 May), Waller (9 June) "But many of D.'s images are the common stock of other panegyrics, notably in the two university collections"
Astr'a Redux.
On the Happy Restoration and Return of His
Charles the Second.
NOW with a general Peace the World was blest,
While Ours, a World divided from the rest,
A dreadful Quiet felt, and worser farre
Then Armes, a sullen Intervall of Warre:
5: Thus when black Clouds draw down the lab'ring Skies,
Ere yet abroad the winged Thunder flyes
An horrid Stillness first invades the ear,
And in that silence Wee the Tempest fear.
Th' Ambitious Swede like restless Billowes tost,
10: On this hand gaining what on that he lost,
Though in his life he Blood and Ruine breath'd,
To his now guideless Kingdome Peace bequeath'd.
And Heaven that seem'd regardless of our Fate,
For France and Spain did Miracles create,
15: Such mortal Quarrels to compose in peace
As Nature bred and Int'rest did encrease.
We sigh'd to hear the fair Iberian Bride
Must grow a Lilie to the Lilies side,
While Our cross Stars deny'd us Charles his Bed
20: Whom Our first Flames and Virgin Love did wed.
For his long absence Church and State did groan;
Madness the Pulpit, Faction seiz'd the Throne:
Experienc'd Age in deep despair was lost
To see the Rebel thrive, the Loyal crost:
25: Youth that with Joys had unacquainted been
Envy'd gray hairs that once good days had seen:
We thought our Sires, not with their own content,
Had ere we came to age our Portion spent.
Nor could our Nobles hope their bold Attempt
30: Who ruin'd Crowns would Coronets exempt:
For when by their designing Leaders taught
To strike at Pow'r which for themselves they sought,
The Vulgar gull'd into Rebellion, arm'd,
Their blood to action by the Prize was warm'd.
35: The Sacred Purple then and Scarlet Gown
Like sanguine Dye to Elephants was shown.
Thus when the bold Typhoeus scal'd the Sky,
And forc'd great Jove from his own Heaven to fly,
(What King, what Crown from Treasons reach is free,
40: If Jove and Heaven can violated be?)
The lesser Gods that shar'd his prosp'rous State
All suffer'd in the Exil'd Thund'rers Fate.
The Rabble now such Freedom did enjoy,
As Winds at Sea that use it to destroy:
45: Blind as the Cyclops, and as wild as he,
They own'd a lawless salvage Libertie,
Like that our painted Ancestours so priz'd
Ere Empires Arts their Breasts had Civiliz'd.
How Great were then Our Charles his Woes, who thus
50: Was forc'd to suffer for Himself and us!
He toss'd by Fate, and hurried up and down,
Heir to his Fathers Sorrows, with his Crown,
Could tast no sweets of youths desired Age,
But found his life too true a Pilgrimage.
55: Unconquer'd yet in that forlorne Estate
His Manly Courage overcame his Fate.
His wounds he took like Romans on his brest,
Which by his Vertue were with Lawrells drest.
As Souls reach Heav'n while yet in Bodies pent,
60: So did he live above his Banishment.
That Sun which we beheld with cous'ned eyes
Within the water, mov'd along the skies.
How easie 'tis when Destiny proves kind
With full spread Sails to run before the wind,
65: But those that 'gainst stiff gales laveering go
Must be at once resolv'd and skilful too.
He would not like soft Otho hope prevent
But stay'd and suffer'd Fortune to repent.
These Vertues Galba in a stranger sought;
70: And Piso to Adopted Empire brought.
How shall I then my doubtful thoughts express
That must his suff'rings both regret and bless!
For when his early Valour Heav'n had crost,
And all at Worc'ster but the honour lost,
75: Forc'd into exile from his rightful Throne
He made all Countries where he came his own.
And viewing Monarchs secret Arts of sway
A Royal Factor for their Kingdomes lay.
Thus banish'd David spent abroad his time,
80: When to be Gods Anointed was his Crime
And when restor'd made his proud Neighbours rue
Those choice Remarques he from his Travels drew,
Nor is he onely by afflictions shown
To conquer others Realms but rule his own:
85: Recov'ring hardly what he lost before
His right indears it much, his purchase more.
Inur'd to suffer ere he came to raigne
No rash procedure will his actions stain.
To bus'ness ripened by digestive thought
90: His future rule is into Method brought:
As they who first Proportion understand
With easie Practice reach a Masters hand.
Well might the Ancient Poets then confer
On Night the honour'd name of Counseller,
95: Since struck with rayes of prosp'rous fortune blind
We light alone in dark afflictions find.
In such adversities to Scepters train'd
The name of Great his famous Grandsire gain'd:
Who yet a King alone in Name and Right,
100: With hunger, cold and angry Jove did fight;
Shock'd by a Covenanting Leagues vast Pow'rs
As holy and as Catholique as ours:
Till Fortunes fruitless spight had made it known
Her blowes not shook but riveted his Throne.
Some lazy Ages lost in sleep and ease
No action leave to busie Chronicles;
Such whose supine felicity but makes
In story Chasmes, in Epoche's mistakes;
O're whom Time gently shakes his wings of Down
110: Till with his silent sickle they are mown:
Such is not Charles his too too active age,
Which govern'd by the wild distemper'd rage
Of some black Star infecting all the Skies,
Made him at his own cost like Adam wise.
115: Tremble ye Nations who secure before
Laught at those Armes that 'gainst our selves we bore;
Rous'd by the lash of his own stubborn tail
Our Lyon now will forraign Foes assail.
With Alga who the sacred altar strowes?
120: To all the Sea-Gods Charles an Off'ring owes:
A Bull to thee Portunus shall be slain,
A Lamb to you the Tempests of the Main:
For those loud stormes that did against him rore
Have cast his shipwrack'd Vessel on the shore.
125: Yet as wise Artists mix their colours so
That by degrees they from each other go,
Black steals unheeded from the neighb'ring white
Without offending the well cous'ned sight:
So on us stole our blessed change; while we
130: Th' effect did feel but scarce the manner see.
Frosts that constrain the ground, and birth deny
To flow'rs, that in its womb expecting lye,
Do seldom their usurping Pow'r withdraw,
But raging floods pursue their hasty thaw:
135: Our thaw was mild, the cold not chas'd away
But lost in kindly heat of lengthned day.
Heav'n would no bargain for its blessings drive
But what we could not pay for, freely give.
The Pince of Peace would like himself confer
140: A gift unhop'd without the price of war.
Yet as he knew his blessings worth, took care
That we should know it by repeated pray'r;
Which storm'd the skies and ravish'd Charles from thence
As Heav'n it self is took by violence.
145: Booth's forward Valour only serv'd to show
He durst that duty pay we all did owe:
Th' Attempt was fair; but Heav'ns prefixed hour
Not come; so like the watchful travellour
That by the Moons mistaken light did rise,
150: Lay down again, and clos'd his weary eyes.
'Twas MONCK whom Providence design'd to loose
Those real bonds false freedom did impose.
The blessed Saints that watch'd this turning Scene
Did from their Stars with joyful wonder leane,
155: To see small clues draw vastest weights along,
Not in their bulk but in their order strong.
Thus Pencils can by one slight touch restore
Smiles to that changed face that wept before.
With ease such fond Chym'ra's we pursue
160: As fancy frames for fancy to subdue,
But when our selves to action we betake
It shuns the Mint like gold that Chymists make:
How hard was then his task, at once to be
What in the body natural we see
165: Mans Architect distinctly did ordain
The charge of Muscles, Nerves, and of the Brain;
Through viewless Conduits Spirits to dispense,
The Springs of Motion from the Seat of Sense.
'Twas not the hasty product of a day,
170: But the well ripened fruit of wise delay.
He like a patient Angler, e're he strooke
Would let them play a while upon the hook.
Our healthful food the Stomach labours thus
At first embracing what it strait doth crush.
175: Wise Leeches will not vain Receipts obtrude,
While growing pains pronounce the humours crude;
Deaf to complaints they wait upon the ill
Till some safe Crisis authorise their skill.
Nor could his Acts too close a vizard wear
180: To scape their eyes whom guilt had taught to fear,
And guard with caution that polluted nest
Whence Legion twice before was dispossest.
Once sacred house which when they enter'd in
They thought the place could sanctifie a sin;
185: Like those that vainly hop'd kind Heav'n would wink
While to excess on Martyrs tombs they drink.
And as devouter Turks first warn their souls
To part, before they tast forbidden bowls,
So these when their black crimes they went about
190: First timely charm'd their useless conscience out.
Religions name against it self was made;
The shadow serv'd the substance to invade:
Like Zealous Missions they did care pretend
Of souls in shew, but made the Gold their end.
195: Th'incensed Pow'rs beheld 1 with scorn from high
An Heaven so far distant from the sky,
Which durst with horses hoofs that beat the ground
And Martial brass bely the thunders sound.
'Twas hence at length just Vengeance thought it fit
200: To speed their ruine by their impious wit.
Thus Sforza curs'd with a too fertile brain
Lost by his wiles the Pow'r his wit did gain.
Henceforth their Fogue must spend at lesser rate
Then in its flames to wrap a Nations Fate.
205: Suffer'd to live, they are like Helots set
A vertuous shame within us to beget.
For by example most we sinn'd before,
And glass-like 2 clearness mixt with frailty bore.
But since reform'd by what we did amiss,
210: We by our suff'rings learn to prize our bliss.
Like early Lovers whose unpractis'd hearts
Were long the May-game of malicious arts,
When once they find their Jealousies were vain
With double heat renew their fires again.
215: 'Twas this produc'd the joy that hurried o're
Such swarmes of English to the Neighb'ring shore,
To fetch that prize, by which Batavia made
So rich amends for our impoverish'd Trade.
Oh had you seen from Schevelines barren shore
220: (Crowded with troops, and barren now no more,)
Afflicted Holland to his farewell bring
True Sorrow, Holland to regret a King;
While waiting him his Royal Fleet did ride
And willing winds to their low'rd sayles deny'd.
225: The wavering Streamers, Flags, and Standart out,
The merry Seamens rude but chearful shout,
And last the Cannons voice that shook the skies}
And, as it fares in sudden Extasies}
At once bereft us both of ears and eyes.}
230: The Naseby now no longer Englands shame
But better to be lost in Charles his name
(Like some unequal Bride in nobler sheets)
Receives her Lord: the joyful London meets
The Princely York, himself alone a freight;
235: The Swift-sure groans beneath Great Gloc'sters weight.
Secure as when the Halcyon breeds, with these
He that was born to drown might cross the Seas.
Heav'n could not own a Providence and take
The wealth three Nations ventur'd at a stake.
240: The same indulgence Charles his Voyage bless'd
Which in his right had Miracles confess'd.
The winds that never Moderation knew
Afraid to blow too much, too faintly blew;
Or out of breath with joy could not enlarge
245: Their straightned lungs, or conscious of their Charge.
The British Amphitryte smooth and clear
In richer Azure never did appear;
Proud her returning Prince to entertain
With the submitted Fasces of the Main.
250: ANd welcome now (Great Monarch) to your own;
Behold th' approaching cliffes of Albion;
It is no longer Motion cheats your view,
As you meet it, the Land approacheth you.
The Land returns, and in the white it wears
255: The marks of penitence and sorrow bears.
But you, whose goodness your discent doth show,
Your Heav'nly Parentage and earthly too;
By that same mildness which your Fathers Crown
Before did ravish, shall secure your own.
260: Not ty'd to rules of Policy, you find
Revenge less sweet then a forgiving mind.
Thus when th' Almighty would to Moses give
A sight of all he could behold and live;
A voice before his entry did proclaim
265: Long-Suff'ring, Goodness, Mercy in his Name.
Your Pow'r to Justice doth submit your Cause,
Your Goodness only is above the Laws;
Whose rigid letter while pronounc'd by you
Is softer made. So winds that tempests brew
270: When through Arabian Groves they take their flight
Made wanton with rich Odours, lose their spight.
And as those Lees that trouble it, refine
The agitated Soul of Generous Wine,
So tears of joy for your returning spilt,
275: Work out and expiate our former guilt.
Methinks I see those Crowds on Dovers Strand
Who in their hast to welcome you to Land
Choak'd up the Beach with their still growing store,
And made a wilder Torrent on the shore.
280: While spurr'd with eager thoughts of past delight
Those who had seen you, court a second sight;
Preventing still your steps, and making hast
To meet you often where so e're you past.
How shall I speak of that triumphant Day
285: When you renew'd the expiring Pomp of May!
(A Month that owns an Intrest in your Name:
You and the Flow'rs are its peculiar Claim.)
That Star that at your Birth shone out so bright
It stain'd the duller Suns Meridian light,
290: Did once again its potent Fires renew
Guiding our eyes to find and worship you.
And now times whiter Series is begun
Which in soft Centuries shall smoothly run;
Those Clouds that overcast your Morne shall fly
295: Dispell'd to farthest corners of the sky.
Our Nation with united Int'rest blest
Not now content to poize, shall sway the rest.
Abroad your Empire shall no Limits know,
But like the Sea in boundless Circles flow.
300: Your much lov'd Fleet shall with a wide Command
Besiege the petty Monarchs of the Land:
And as Old Time his Off-spring swallow'd down
Our Ocean in its depths all Seas shall drown.
Their wealthy Trade from Pyrates Rapine free
305: Our Merchants shall no more Advent'rers be:
Nor in the farthest East those Dangers fear
Which humble Holland must dissemble here.
Spain to your Gift alone her Indies owes;
For what the Pow'rful takes not he bestowes.
310: And France that did an Exiles presence fear
May justly apprehend you still too near.
At home the hateful names of Parties cease
And factious Souls are weary'd into peace.
The discontented now are only they
315: Whose Crimes before did your Just Cause betray:
Of those your Edicts some reclaim from sins,
But most your Life and Blest Example wins.
Oh happy Prince whom Heav'n hath taught the way
By paying Vowes, to have more Vowes to pay!
320: Oh Happy Age! Oh times like those alone
By Fate reserv'd for Great Augustus Throne!
When the joint growth of Armes and Arts foreshew
The World a Monarch, and that Monarch You.
[1]beheld] 2nd state; behold 1st state
[2]And glass
William Davenant
Upon His Sacred
Majesties Most Happy Return
25 June
Titlepage: POEM, / UPON HIS / SACRED MAJESTIES / MOST HAPPY / RETURN / TO HIS / DOMINIONS. / [rule] / Written by / Sr William Davenant. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at / his Shop at the signe of the Anchor on the Lower walk / in the New Exchange. 1660.
Sir William Davenant (1606-68) managed the King's Company of players from 1660 until his death, having organized musical performances in private houses during the commonwealth; most notably The Siege of Rhodes.
Davenant's editor Gibbs reports: "A note in Bishop Kennett's A Register And Chronicle Ecclesiastical and Civil, 1728, p. 246, dates the publication of this poem to August 1660. ... The 1673 text shows some authorial revision" (p. 392). Thomason however dated his copy on Monday, 25 June. Some of Gibbs's glosses are given to lines as notes.
POEM, Upon his Sacred Majestie's most happy RETURN To His DOMINIONS.
WHen from your Towns all hastened to the shore,
What shame could urge your Peoples blushes more
Than to behold their Royall Martyr's Son
Appeas'd, even with their grief for what was done?
5: So great your Mercy is, that you will grieve,
If your wise Senate cannot all forgive.
Nor can the Spies of Malice e're discern,
That you from Int'rest did this Virtue learn.
Great Julius, in disguise, might act that part;
10: But Nature has in you out-done his Art. 1
Your perfect Father to such height did come
Of God-like pitty, near his Martyrdom,
That he his Subject-Judges did forgive,
And left it as their punishment to live.
15: Pitty not onely flowes from him to you,
But, doubly, from your Mother's Mercy too:
The limits of it none could ever know,
Nor to the bounds of her compassion go;
Whose Father in forgivnesse did transcend
20: The insolence of all that durst offend;
When his Remorse seem'd led by their Despair,
Beyond the sight of Hope, or voice of Prayer.
No more shall your bold Subjects strive to Reign;
And fatall Honor on each other gain.
25: Their courage, which mistook the way to Fame,
(And may find pitty where it meets with shame)
Shall, by your valour guided, far out-shine
Our glory got in France and Palestine. 2
No more shall sacred Priests fall from their own
30: Supported Pow'r, by shrinking from the Throne:
Nor in divided shapes that Garment tear, 3
Which their Great Chief did whole and seamless wear.
No more shall any Antient of our Law,
From old Records such modern Meaning draw,
35: As made even Lawyers lawlesse, and enquire,
How justly Kings to armed Pow'r aspire?
The Civill Robe did Armed Pow'r suspect,
Though onely Armed Pow'r can Law protect;
And rescue Wealth from Crowds, when Poverty
40: Treads down those Laws on which the Rich rely.
Yet Law, where Kings are arm'd, rescues the Crowd
Even from themselves, when Plenty makes them proud.
No more shall any of the Noble Blood
Too faintly stemm the People's rising Flood;
45: But when the Wind, Opinion, does grow loud,
Moving, like waves, the Many-headed Crowd;
Then those great-ships shall fast at Anchor ride,
And not be hurri'd backward with the Tyde.
The Throne's the Port to which their Course shall bear,
50: As well at distance too as sailing near:
Or, Anch'ring, shall for change of weather stay,
And never lose when they can gain no way.
No more shall publick wealth on Spies be spent,
To hunt the Loyall and the Innocent:
55: Nor Jaylors in contracted Prisons be
The Keepers of the People's Libertie:
Nor Chiefs in Civill Causes toyl, and doe 4
The task of Judges and of Juries too;
In whose High-Courts their Wills for Laws were known,
60: And all the Civill Pow'r was Martiall grown.
How usefull must the Regall Office be,
Where both those Pow'rs for publick good agree?
Where Justice in a Ballance weighs the Cause,
And wears a Sword but to defend the Laws.
65: When (Mighty Monarch) your Three Nations count
To what their gain, by gaining you, will mount;
They justly reckon, that the least you bring
Of Greatnesse, is, that Blood which makes you King:
And casting up what Satisfaction they,
70: In full return of all your Vertues, pay;
The Product shews, you bring in value more,
Than those Three Realms, which they do but restore.
You bring such Clemency, as shews you have
More Pardons, than your Angel-Father gave.
75: Which shews a Greatnesse that does most incline
To what is greatest in the Pow'r Divine.
'Tis that to which all Human kind does bow,
And tend'rest sense of obligation owe.
For wretched Man (by ev'ry passion led,
80: Born sinfull, and to many errors bred)
Has use of Mercy still, and does esteem
Creation a lesse work than to Redeem.
You bring a Judgment deeper than the Sea:
And as in deepest Seas wee safest be,
85: So in your Judgment's depths we may endure
All Empire's suddain storms, and sleep secure.
And as in deeper Seas we never sound,
Or seek that Depth which never can be found,
(Unlesse as Pilots, who, for triall, near
90: The Ocean's Borders, cast a Plummet there;
But cease to sound when they no bottom find)
So, whilst I try to measure your deep Mind,
I stop even at the Verges of your Court,
Knowing my Plummet light, and Line too short.
95: You bring, with depth of Judgment, all the height
And fire of Thought, that can give wings to Weight.
A Mind so swift, that in a moment's space
Not onely flies o're the Diurnall Race,
But does collect all objects of the Sun,
100: And marks, what through the Globe the Great have done. 5
You no endowment can like this possesse,
Which will preserve what Valour can increase.
For Pow'r requires an universall Eye:
It should, like yours, see all and suddainly.
105: If thus it watch not ever for the State,
It either sees too little, or too late.
You bring such Valour as dares farther tread,
Then Love dares follow; or Ambition lead.
Valour, so watchfull as may safely keep
110: A Camp untrencht, and suffer scouts to sleep:
Fit to surprize Surprizers early spys,
It danger loves, as good for exercise.
The honor you near Severn's Banks obtain'd,6
Did make the Victors lose by what they gain'd;
115: When you reclaim'd their malice, who with shame
Blush't that they kept your Realms, yet gave you fame.
You bring such charming vertues as move more
Then all the secret gifts of bounteous Pou'r:
Your kind approaches to invite accesse;
120: Your patient Eare to troublesome Distresse.
Your nat'rall greatnesse, never artfull made;
Nor so retir'd as if you sought a shade.
And by reserv'dnesse would misterious seem:
As formall men retire to get esteem.
125: But you would so be visible and free,
As Truth and Valor still would publick be.
Those hate obscurenesse and would still be shown,
They grow more lov'd as they become more known.
You bring Religion, which before, like Fame,
130: Was nothing but a Trumpet and a Name.
Here most seem'd holy but in Masquerade;
Most vizards wore, and in disguise were clad.
Abroad, your firme Religion gain'd renoun
Through all the trialls of Comparison.
135: It will, at home, unmask dissembling Art;
And what was wholy Face, shall grow all Heart.
Thus, shewing what you are, how quickly we
Infer what all your Subjects soon will be!
For from the Monarchs vertue Subjects take,
140: Th'ingredient which does publick-vertue make.
At his bright beam they all their Tapers light,
And by his Diall set their motion right; 7
Your Clemency has taught us to believe 8
It wise, as well as vertuous, to forgive.
145: And now the most offended shall proceed
In great forgiving till no laws we need:
For laws slow progresses would quickly end,
Could we forgive as fast as men offend.
Revenge of past offences is the cause
150: Why peacefull minds consented to have Laws.
Yet Plaintifs and Defendants much mistake
Their cure, and their diseases lasting make;
For to be reconcil'd, and to comply,
Would prove their cheap and shortest remedy.
155: The length and charge of Laws vex all that sue;
Laws punish many, reconcile but few.
Intire forgivenesse, thus deriv'd from you,
Does Clients reconcile and Factions too.
No Faction shall hereafter own a name;
160: But their distinctions vanish with their shame.
Your carefull judgment teaches us to prize
Affliction, and to grow, by troubles, wise.
To clear the sullen count'nance of Distresse;
And not with haste precipitate redresse.
165: Your judgments patience has even vertue taught
That her reward should be with patience sought.
Tis else requir'd too boldly and too soon;
As if she boasted that her work was done.
We shall not boast of shining Loyalty,
170: Whose light goes out, when held by us too high.
It is a vertue, but 'tis duty too;
And our reward is had in having you.
Your minds swift motion (which hath often brought 9
Actions, even farthest past, to instant thought;
175: Which in a moment does all compasse run;
And then contract all objects into one:
And judge all Empires, as the Sun might doe,
If he had life and reason too like you.)
Has taught our feeble Thoughts to mend their pace;
180: And follow though they lose you in the Race.
And now your Nations shall with early Eyes,
Watch the first Clouds e're storms of Rebells rise.
Though Orators (the Peoples Witches) may
Raise higher Tempests then their skill can lay;
185: Making a civill and staid Senate rude,
And stoplesse as a running multitude:
Yet can they not to full rebellion grow;
Not knowing how much now the People know;
Who from your influence have attain'd the wit
190: Not to proceed from grudgings to a Fit.
Your Valour has our rasher courage taught
To do, not what we dare, but what we ought;
Not to pretend renoune from high offence;
Nor brave boldnesse turn to impudence?
195: Nor claim a right where we by force enjoy;
Nor boast our strength from what we can destroy.
Your other vertues bear instructive sway:
Their fair examples we like Laws obey;
Which through your Realms such harmony disperse,
200: As if Love rul'd, and Laws were writ in verse.
Whilst our Civilities grow so refin'd
That now they more then former statutes bind. 10
The high in pow'r make their approaches low,
To meet and lift the humble when they bow.
205: Such English-hyphen;stiffnesse freely they forsake, 11
As made wise Strangers wonder and go back.
Your firm Religion shall our firmnesse breed,
And turn into a Rock our shaken Reed.
A Rock, which like a roling wave before
210: Flow'd with the Flood, and ebb'd with ebb's of Pow'r.
And that respect which your indulgent Eye,
Pays, as your blessed Fathers Legacy.
To sacred Priests, with chearfull bounty's too,
Does teach what we with rev'rence ought to do.
215: And well may Priests, (who are Heav'ns Liegers) be
Nobly defray'd in ev'ry Embasie:
They treat not for the profit of that King,
From whose bright Palace they Credentialls bring.
But for the Peoples benifit to whom
220: They are in pitty sent and charg'd to come.
To these we shall with rev'rence Off'rings make;
Which they may justly and with honour take.
'Tis done with some respect when Princes give
Gifts to Ambassadours, and they receive
225: Those gifts with confidence, as if they knew,
Though they are gifts, yet Custom makes them due.
Too boldly, (awfull Monarch!) am I gone,
Through all your Guards, to gaze about your Throne.
Yet 'tis the use of Greatnesse to excuse,
230: The daring progresse of the sacred Muse:
She taught the Lover, love, and Warrior, warr;
And is the Guide, when Honour would go farr.
The Studious follow till they lose their sight,
When to the upper Heav'n she makes her flight.
235: She mounts above what they pretend to know,
And leaves their soaring Thoughts in depths below.
Why nam'd I heav'n, where all meet all reliefs,
Where best of joys succeed the worst of Griefs;
Yet, naming it, must Clouds of sorrow wear,
240: For that dire cause which brought your Father there?
Kings must to Heav'n through shades of sorrow passe,
And, taking leave of Nature, Death imbrace.
But he, with more then a devout intent,
To people soon that Heav'n to which he went.
245: Did, dying, leave three Nations (when they count
To what his vallew, and their losse will mount.
What he did suffer, and what they did do)
Sorrow enough to bring them thither too.
Much was he favour'd by the Pow'r divine,
250: Which to encourage vertue with some signe,
Or likely taste, of future happinesse,
Did let him many blessings here possesse.
Your Royall Mother, in his life, fulfill'd
All griefs that Turtle-hyphen;Widowhood could yield;
255: And has continu'd, since he reign'd above,
His care o're all the Pledges of their love.
You, in your Manhoods bloome, exprest an awe
Not of his Regall but of Natures law:
Obeying him in all, by no designe,
260: Or force, but so as Nature did incline
And with your growth your kind obedience grew;
Which love, not precept, shew'd you was his due.
You rev'renc'd him in deep afflictions more,
Then on those heights where he did shine before.
265: This vertuous softnesse made your People melt;
Who in your triumph all that kindnesse felt
Which to their Saint your duty had exprest,
And drew from ev'ry Eye, and ev'ry Breast,
Such tears and sighs as, in a happy time,
270: Pay'd back your sorrows, and excus'd their crime.
And your heroique Brothers (early grown 12
Fames Favorites, and Rivalls in renoune)
Did in their Dawne such beams of comfort give
As they had almost made him wish to live.
275: That he might see the Glory of their Noon:
But ah! Lifes glasse he shook to make it run.
The mighty Martyr gaz'd on Heav'ns reward:
Then struggling Nature found him strait too hard
For all her force: Religion watcht the strife;
280: And Honour cal'd him back from proffer'd Life.
T'will not suffice (best King!) that we have shown
Your Picture, with Two worthy's next your Throne:
But we would now of all the Copy's boast
From such a great Orig'nall as is lost.
285: Two, of the gentler Sex, remain to grace 13
The matchlesse number of his Royall Race.
The First, (with practis'd patience, even when young
Whilst various winds made storms of Empire long)
Has liv'd the great example, and the good,
290: Of gracefull and of prudent Widow-hyphen;hood.
The other has fit vertue to dispence,
Even to a Cloyster'd Virgin, innocense;
And such discretion as might Factions guide;
And so much beauty as She much might hide,
295: Yet lend that Court, where Lilly's wildly grow,
More then their glorious Nuptialls now can show.
Tell me, (O Fame!) what triumph thou would'st sound?
In all thy boasted Flights thou scarce hast found
One Theam like mine. Ascend! and strait dispers 14
300: (As farr as ever Thou wert led by Verse,
Or Light ere flew) my Sov'raign's full renoun:
Then rest they wings, and lay thy Trumpet down.
[1]Gibbs paraphrases: "i.e. `Caesar may have shown clemency in order to gain political ends, but you are naturally merciful'."
[2]Gibbs glosses: "Davenant is presumably referring to the Crusades of Richard I, and the victories in France of Edward III and Henry V" (p. 393).
[3]Gibbs glosses: "The seamless garment of Christ, which is described in John 19:23, is commonly employed as a symbol for the ideal of an undivided Church." (p. 393) and suggests we think of Swift's Tale of a Tub.
[4]Gibbs glosses: "This is in fact precisely what the administration, in Charles's paternalistic government, tended to do (see David Ogg, England in the Reign of Charles II, 2nd edn., Oxford, 1962, pp. 189-hyphen;91).
[5]lines 97-hyphen;100: Gibbs glosses: "Davenant appears here to be adapting his own definition of Wit in th ePreface to Gondibert: `Witte is not only the luck and labou, but also the dexterity of thought; rounding the world, like the Sun, with unimaginable motion; and bringing swiftly ome to the memory universall survays' (Gondibert, ed. Gladish, p. 18).
[6]Gibbs glosses: "A reference to Charles's courageous conduct at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651. For an account of the battle see A History of the County o Worcester (V. C. H), ed. J. W. Willis-hyphen;Bund and H. A. Doubleday, 5 vols., London, 1901-hyphen;26, ii, pp. 224-hyphen;6." (p. 393).
[7]Gibbs glosses: "cf ` To The Queene, upon a New-hyphen;yeares day' (`This day, old Time'), p. 67, l. 9.
[8]Gibbs glosses: "The Declaration of Breda offered a general pardon to all, with certain exceptions. This promise was incorporated in the Bill of Indemnity which receive royal assent in August 1660. In this Bill pardon was granted for all treasons and felonies, and various other offences committed since 1 January 1637. Those excluded from th epardon included thirty-hyphen;two persons who actions were deemed to be pubishable by death. A Royal Declaration in December 1662, annoucing the necessity for further punishments, echoes Davenant's lines here, when it describes the King as `desiring much rather to cure the ill Intentions of the Disaffected by our Clemency, than to punish the Effects of them by Rigour of LAw' (Kennett, op cit, p. 848)." (p. 393.)
[9]Gibbs glosses: "173-hyphen;8. Your minds . . . you, Davenant is repeating himself here. Cf. ll. 97-hyphen;100 above, and see note.
[10]bind] ed; bnd ä
[11]Gibbs glosses: "Cf. Dryden: `The desire of imitating to great a pattern [as the King] firs awakened the dull and heavy spririts of the English from their natural rserveness; loosened them from the stiff forms of convesation, and made them easy and pliant to each other in discourse' (Defence of the Epilogue)" citing Essays ed Ker, 1.176 (p. 393).
[12]Gibbs glosses: "The two other surviving sons of Charles I at the Restoration were James, Duke of York (afterwards James II), and Henry, Duke of Gloucester. Both had seen military service in Europe before their return to England in 1660. The younge brother, Henry, who was popular in England because of his strong Protestant loyalties, died of smallpox in Septemeber 1660, shortly after this poem was published" (p. 394).
[13]Gibbs glosses: "Davenant refers to Charles II's mother, Henrietta Maria, and his favorite sister, Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orleans. The two Henriettas followed Charles to England in October 1660" (p. 394).
[14]disperse] final e not printing in L; weak in O, OWZ
Thomas Edwards
To His Sacred Majesty.
26 June
Titlepage:TO / His Sacred Majesty, / CHARLES / The Second, / ON HIS / HAPPY RETURN.
Thomason dated his copy 26 June, 1660. Edwards does not appear in the DNB.check Ath Oxon
Sacred Majesty.
DRead Sir, whilst in a pleasant Extasie
Your Sacred Majesty return'd we see,
We personate th'Old Mimique; with a Tear
One Cheek is washt, while Smiles the Other clear.
5: For our Rebellion, we repent with One,
'Gainst th'Glorious Father, and the Pious Son;
The Other joys, nor is their reason small,
Who joy in Vision Beatifical.
Nay, we out-go the Mimique: from One Eye
10: There flows an Io and an Elegie,
Each Tear like a Heat-drop falls to th'Earth;
The Moysture speaks our Grief; the Brightness, Mirth.
Whilst, 'fore You rise here, we did view your Beam,
(As Ida does the Sun, ere that his Team
15: Be harness'd) whilst great Waters did refract
Your Influence, and Britains Bliss protract;
Ev'n then at distance did Your powerful Rayes
Inflame our Hearts, make all with Joy to blaze;
So that th'whole Isle a Pharos was become,
20: Ambitious to light her Sov'raign home:
Thus we rejoyc'd 1 in hopes of Your Return,
And for Your Absence did in th'Ashes mourn.
But being from Your Desart come, where You
With Patience Wandered, and did never Bow
25: To any Golden Calves, nor turn aside
To False Gods, but did still the Same abide;
Where You were fed, and Your small Royal Band,
If not with Angels Food, with Angels Hand;
Where, if we count Your Dangers, and Our Fears,
30: You were in Pilgrimage too, Forty Years;
Thence come, and by Heav'ns Conduct having gain'd
This Promis'd, which You make the Holy Land,
We're at a loss, and with the Queen o'th' South,
We must confess, we heard not Half the Truth:
35: So great a Magazine of Vertues throng
Your Soul, that Praises charitably wrong.
Whilst that Your solid Piety we view,
Your Generous and Extensive Charity too,
We finde that Title never was more true,
40: Kings are God's Image, then it is in You.
And as when Man ate the forbidden Fruit,
GOD set an Angel for to keep him out
Of Eden; so Your Majesty has done,
Setting a Flaming Proclamation
45: To keep back Vice from making its resort
Unto the Paradise of Your blest Court.
But Oh! our Narrow Souls can't comprehend
The Vast perfections of Your Royal Minde;
So many Vig'rous Graces You express,
50: You overburden us with Happiness:
Thus Objects that more lightsome Rayes dispense,
Do Darken quite, and surfeit the weak sense.
We'll, since we can't express, Admire Thee more
Then e'er we us'd to Praise Thee heretofore.
55: And onely adde, The Church that long time Groan'd,
Does now Triumph, that angry Heav'ns aton'd;
That she can see Your Majesty past Harms,
Return'd by Virtue of her Peaceful Arms;
Rejoycing that her Mourning-April-Showers
60: Have brought to these three Kingdoms such May-Flowers.
Tho. Edwards. A. M. Joan. Oxon.
[1]rejoyc'd] rejoycd LT
Thomas Flatman
A Panegyrick
30 June
Compare Flatman's verses in Duncombe's Scutum Regale;
Check authorship; who ascribed this to Flatman?? Wing accepts it as Flatman BUT: In no edition of his Poems and Songs (1674, 1676, 1682, 1686) does it appear; why not? why would he leave it out? The 1686 Poems includes "On the much Lamented Death of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles II of blessed Memory, Pindarique Ode" (pp. 239-45) so why, if this were his, would they be omitted? Saintsbury does not include this with F.s other poems in Caroline Poets; -- see F. A. Child, The life and uncollected poems of Flatman Phila 1921 [O=Eng Fac Lib J74.60CH1]
Both Hazlitt, Handbook p. 208 and NCBEL p. 473 suggests this is perhaps by Thomas Forde.
What do we know of Flatman? Woods calls him "an eminent Poet of his time" who came from "Aldersgate street in the Suburb of London." An anonymous notice of Flatman tipped in to a Bodleian copy of Poems (1674) dates his birth c. 1635. He was elected to a fellowship at New College in 1654, but left Oxford without a degree to enter the Inner Temple. While at the Inns of Court, Flatman never practised law, preferring poetry and painting. Oldys wrote of him:
Should Flatman for his client strain the laws,
The Painter gives some colour to the cause:
Should critics censure what the Poet writ
The Pleader quits him at the bar of with.
In 1681, the Duke of Ormond was so pleased with a poem on the death of his son, Lord Ossory, that he presented Flatman with a mourning ring and diamond worth oe100 (Wood, AO 2: 626). 1 Pope imitated F.'s "A Thought on Death" in his "The Dying Christian to his Soul." Despite an early contempt for marriage, Wood reports that F. was "afterwards smitten with a fair Virgin, and more with her fortune, did espouse her 26 nov. 1672; whereupon his ingenious COmrades did serenade him that night, while in the embraces of his Mistress" with a song F. had written in contempt of marriage (AO 2: 626-27). F. died 8 December 1688 at his house in Fleet street and was buried at St Brides.
At the time of the Restoration, F. was chamber mate with Sam Woodford at the Inner Temple. Flatman included verses on Woodford's trans of the Psalms in his Poems (1674, 1676, 1682, 1686). SW's Epinicia also published by a Chancery Lane publisher.
-- check Don Juan Lamberto or a Comical history of the late times. By Montelion LT E 1048 (6), November 1660 [ascribed to John Phillips and to Flatman}
Flatman's Poems and Songs (1674; UL copy Syn. 766.68.2) does not include these verses, though it does include an elegy to Monck. There are commendatory verses by: Walter Pope, Charles Cotton, Ric. Newcourt, Francis Knollys, Octavian Pullen, Franc. Bernard. The volume also includes an elegy to Orinda, and verses to Sam. Woodford "on his excellent version of the Psalms."
Flatman rumoured to be in a "Poetical war" with Robert Wild, poet of Iter Boreale, in 1672 "but how it was teminted" Wood cannot tell (AO 2: 706).
F. and Cowley were among the dedicatees of Katherine Philips' Poems: see Woods AO 2:284 for a life of KP.
Emphasizes Charles's power and promise of authority over other nations, especially France, Spain and the German republic. Flatman is not alone in ascribing many of Charles's former troubles to Catholic conspiracy.
To His Renowned 2 MAJESTIE,
Charles the Second,
King of Great Britaine, &c.
REturn, return, strange Prodigie of Fate!
Gird on thy Beams, and re-assume thy State.
Miraculous Prince, beyond the reach of Verse,
The Fame and Wonder of the Universe!
5: Preserv'd by an Almighty hand, when Rome,
And raging Oliver had read thy doom!
Deliver'd from a bloudy Junto (men,
That gladly would be Murtherers agen!)
Thy valiant Arms have strugled with the Tide,
10: Encountred all the Winds, and scorn'd their Pride:
Guarded with Angels; yet preserv'd to be
Distracted, heart-sick England's Remedie!
Come, Royal Exile! We submit, we fall,
We bend before thy Throne, and give thee all:
15: Accept Eternal Honour, and that Crown,
Which Vertue, and rare Actions make thine own.
Thou shalt Eclipse the petty Courts, where Thou,
Too long a Noble Sojourner, didst bow.
The Monsieur's bravery shall vail to Thee,
20: And the grave Don adore thy Majestie,
While thine encreasing Glories shall out-shine
The Plumes o'th'One, and t'others Golden Mine.
The German Eagle, when thy Lions roare,
Shall flag her wing, and towre above no more;
25: Shall gaze upon Thy Lustre, crouch down lower,
And bask within the Sun-shine of thy Power:
As for those Potentates that lesser be,
They shall be Greater if they stoop to Thee:
Subjects to such a King, are better far,
30: And happier, than other Monarchs are.
Heav'n, and brave Monck, conspire to make thy Raign
Transcend the Diadems of Charlemain.
Printed for HENRY MARSH at the Princes Arms in
Chancery Lane near Fleetstreet, MDCLX.
[1] see Walpole's Dictionary of Painters.
[2] Renowned] Renowed ä
Thomas Edwards
A Glimpse of Joy.
30 June
A Glimpse of Joy for the happy Restoring of the Kings most Excellent Majesty:
The Devoirs of a nameless Poet.
To the Generall's Excellence, and to all the Noble Sparks of Great Brittain's
Heroarchy, that have hopes to survive their Countreys Sufferings.
[cut: oval portrait]
WHat Glimpse is that I see? A Rising SUN,
Let us with joy like Hyperboreans run
To tops of highest Mounts, that thence we may
Ken the first dawning of our welcome Day:
Let every Echo cry, a King, a King,
To welcome in the Flower of our Spring;
Our Hopes are high, let's not be dampt with Fears,
When in it he that's King of Kings appears:
This change is so like his, that all can tell
Who will not own it, must turn Infidel.
This Work of Wonder makes our Land to ring,
He that was born, is now created King.
Let's not complain of Winter, and cold Weather,
If now two grateful Summers come together;
On Sions Mount let Sacred Glory dwell,
And Plume its Rayes in spight of Rome and Hell.
Let from the Fathers aromatick Urne,
Like a resurging Phenix, CHARLES return.
Peers stand for Ciphers now, alas! but when
That Figure stands before, they'l stand for Men,
And Statue it no longer; Skelitons
Will stand for Hundreds, Thousands, Millions.
Churches awake, rouze up, what had you rather
A Stepdame have, then your own nursing Father?
Countreys awake, and do not give a Voice
To such as will not make a King their choice.
Lawyers awake, for I have heard a Cry,
That since you lost the Spring, your Streams are dry.
Souldiers awake, and hazard not a Limb,
Except you militate for Christ and Him:
All's out of joynt, and each Profession dead;
For what's a Man or State without a Head?
Poets awake, for when he's Crown'd, his Rayes
Will turn to Gold your Coronets of Bayes.
Awake dull Souls; Brittains M'cena's come!
Shall any of Parnassus Sons be dumb?
But stay, Our GOD is jealous and most High,
And hates the Sin of Anthropolatry;
Then let's not Idolize him, lest he prove
A Gift bestow'd in anger, not in love:
He is not so much ours yet, but we may
(If still unthankful) sin him quite away.
Let us adore that heavenly hand that gave
Isaak our Nations blessing from the Grave:
He was the harmless Dove sent from our Ark,
And ever since hath hover'd in the dark.
O let us pray (since Flouds begin to cease)
That he may bring our Olive-branch of Peace.
Let Wisdom, Mercy, and each Princely Grace
Shine in his Heart, with Splendour in his Face;
Let him descend like Moses from the Mount,
As sent from Heav'n upon our Prayers account:
Oh may he in his Government inherit
Elisha-like his Leaders double Spirit.
Give such Physicians Lord as may abate
The Paroxismes of our Church and State.
Let's run as far to meet him as there's Land,
And when the swelling Ocean bids us stand,
Let's wait upon the Shore in Trained Bands,
Which may in numbers equalize the Sands:
Let's wish all hearts of Stone that would undo us
Were turn'd to Load-stones to attract him to us.
The Sovereign of the Sea's let now be man'd
To fetch us home the Sovereign of our Land;
And since he hath been Exil'd for our Sin,
Our Pray'rs shall be the Winde to bring him in:
And if the Ocean be at Ebbe and low,
Our Tears of Joy shall swell it to a Flow:
Let heart be joyn'd in heart, and hand in hand,
Till Charles le Boon be Crowned Charles le Grand.
Act but with Art and Heart this Loyal Game,
You shall not want a Trump to sound your Fame.
London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.
William Fairebrother
An Essay of a Loyal Brest
Titlepage: AN / ESSAY / OF A / LOYAL BREST; / In four Copies of Verses, viz. / I. To His Majesty, CHARLES the 2d. / II. To His two Houses of PARLIAMENT. / III. To His General, the Lord MONCK. / IV. To that His good Angel, Madam JANE LANE. / [rule] / By WILLIAM FAIREBROTHER, of Kings / Colledge in Cambridge. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed by JOHN FIELD, 1660.
A manuscript note on the Bodleian copy gives the date as June, 1660.
F. was a fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Venn reports:
Adm at Kings aged 17, a scholar from Eton 19 April 1630. Of London. Matric 1631; BA 1633-hyphen;4; MA 1637; LLD 1660 (Lit Reg). Fellow 1633-hyphen;81. Vice-hyphen;Provost 1653. Senior Proctor, 1654-hyphen;5. Incorp at Oxford, 1669. Served in the Royal Army. Prisoner at Naseby, 1645. Died 10 Aug. 1681. (see Thomas Harwood, Alumnae Etonenses, 1797). Venn part 1:2.
Like Daniel Nicols, another Cambridge don who wrote verses on the Restoration, William Fairebrother is keen to remind anyone interested of his past loyalties to the royalist cause; he sets out by claiming to have composed verses to Charles while he was still prince of Wales and subsequently refers to his own active service in the royalist army at the battle of Naseby. Fairebrother also contributed a short Latin poem to Charles in the Cambridge volume, Academiae Cantabrigiensis äoåtrà, employing the same anagram -- "Charles Stuart STET LAR CHARUS" (sig. D3v) -- that he uses to end his verses to Charles here.
The four sets of verses contained in An Essay of a Loyal Brest all offer a variety of biblical, classical and historical analogies for their various subjects. Fairebrother's verses to the houses of Parliament, for example, which are more conciliatory than many, seek to apportion blame generally by comparing Parliament with Phaeton driving the chariot of the nation too close to the sun; youthful exhuberance and lack of skill are the faults, not the kind of diabolical greed and rapacity often attributed to the Rumpers. The same figure is used by Forde to describe the overreaching nature of the parliamentary party.
Fairebrother is among the few to draw attention to the slaughter of the Irish under Cromwell; see also John Crouch.
Fairebrother's verses to Jane Lane open with a fairly outlandish comparison, suggested by an anagram, between Jane Lane and Jael, the Kenite who slew the Canannite general Sisera. In addition to reporting may of the standard tropes of the royal escapades after Worcester, he makes rather extravagant use of the fact that the king had his hair cut short.
[design: garter arms
supported by lion and unicorn
with rose and thistle motifs]
ONce formerly, dread Sir, my Muse did Sing,
You our choice Prince in Parlament. 1 A King
Then sate your Father there. But " ! since then
A sad and long Parenthesis hath been
5: 'Twixt us and Regal-splendour; whilest your Youth
Hath tost been to and fro, because of Truth!
A Scene of twenty years! an heap too large
For my scant Ephah! 2 'tis an Homer's charge.
Ulysses and his ten years Travels now
10: Seem no less trifling, than Tom Thumb in th' Cow:
'Twixt yours and his such diff'rence I assign,
As was 'twixt Bottles of his Wind and Wine.
Wine? Wine not so chears the heart, as the sight
Of your blest presence, who setst all aright.
15: A Welcom's thus to us. Then'ts but our due,
To carol-out glad Welcoms unto you.
Whom Spain, France, Germany and Belgick-soil
With admiration gaz'd on, (as a spoil
Ev'n forc't into their hands, through Britains rage)
20: And now do court, as Mirrour of this age;
Whom they must needs us envy, yet hath Heav'n
(Maugre all hellish plots) us again giv'n,
Shall we not him adore? And so'ts our due,
To carol-out Hosannaes unto you.
25: I've seen your Star; and worship: How it shon
Your Birth-day's-Ecce! It stood near the Sun
At its full-Zenith bright; whilst Thanks was giv'n
On St. Paul's sacred ground to th' King of Heav'n
By th' King your Father. 'Twas a glorious day!
30: The King then to the Temple led the way;
Sunday and Lords-day both. Then be't our due,
To carol-out Hosannaes unto you.
But if Sighs must burst forth, and cloud a Day,
May they flie up t'expiate Sin away:
35: If Tears the cheeks bedew, let them be sent
From Hearts, that of past-villanies relent.
Thus may we blunt God's Ax: thus, next to God,
Ev'n thou, O King, (I see) will spare thy Rod.
And thus we all may wear the Mourning-weed:
40: Few are the men, who not your Pardon need.
It's wisest then for me, to point-out none;
Lest others numb'ring number me for one;
Perhaps, 'cause for Alleg'ance once I fled
From Cambridge, and at Oxford own'd an Head,
45: But lost it soon again at Naseby-fight,
My self ta'ne Pris'ner. Were I silent quite,
Your Grace may know, Who was the greatest Thief;
Who of the barb'rous Actours were the Chief;
Who the stage-prompters, or Dark-Lanthorn-men,
50: That contriv'd most, though they themselves least seen,
White-powder Fiends, killing without a Noise; 3
(To crack thereon, speaks children or meer boyes)
What Accessories live; Who, as with knives,
Did wound your righteous Cause, through debaucht Lives,
55: At home and eke abroad; and Who, more quaint,
Did null the Edicts of that Royal Saint,
Your murther'd Father. Then, then may we all
Before You, as a God's Tribunal, fall.
Peace you persue; Mercy you do proclaim:
60: Who craves them not, a second time's too blame.
To such a God who should not then impart
Gold, myrrh, with a frank-incense of the Heart?
The last can each one give; the most forlorn:
When I hav't giv'n away, 'tis as New-born.
65: Mine then on dayly-prostrate Knees shall crave
Of that One More-supream, that You may have
Firm Health; Allies most strong; a matchless Queen;
Subject as Loyal, as e're Prince hath seen;
Innum'rous People: a Church flourishing.
70: So (with your Leave I'le 4 cry) LONG LIVE THE KING.
And now (great Sir and good) I fear, that I
A petty-treason make'gainst Soveraignty,
Thus to detain your Person. But true Zeal
Dare even back unto your Throne appeal;
75: That with your thickest Pardons you would smother
This Crime of, YOURS the humblest,
Anagram.{ } Of Kings Colledge in Cambridge;
Of the late Kings Army.
[1] F.'s poem "To the Prince," appeared after Cowley's "Ode on his Majesties Return" in Irenodia Cantabrigiensis: Ob paciferum Serenissimi Rege (Cambridge, 1641) sigs K2-K2v.
[2] OED: A Hebrew dry measure, identical in capacity with the bath; ... it is variously said to have contained from 4.5 to 9 gallons;" so figuratively, a large amount -- OED gives a 1660 source in Fuller's Mixt Contempl. (1841) 177 "Some have had a hin ... others a ephah of afflictions."
[3] white powder: "a supposed kind of gunpowder exploding without noise" (OED.a11) citing Beaumont and Fletcher, Honest Man's Fort 2.1 "That you were kil'd with a pistol charged with white powder." and N. Lee Princess of Cleve 2.2 "A Secret Lover's like a Gun charged with white powder, does execution but makes no noise".
See also Oxenden writing of Monk: "Who in a Northern mist white powder shot," 3.370; presumably non-explosive gunpowder?
[4] I'le] i'le O, L
To the Right Honorable, the two
WHat Poets feign of Phaeton above,
(That, whilst he Sol's great Charet needs would move,
The World was plung'd in Conflagrations,
Through Reins then too-too loose) these three Nations
5: Have late found true: As if Enceladus
Had from-below turn'd a fresh side on us,
To let-loose 'tna's flames; Or else, as if
These floating-Islands had (by Waves most stiff
And sturdy Winds) quite-lost their Anchor-hold,
10: So now on this side, now on that side rowl'd;
Whilst Sun and Moon were blended, and for Stars
We direful Meteors had, the late Heav'ns Scars.
But (blest be God!) we are now once again
Under th'kind Influence of CHARLS his-wain:
15: And may we ever be so; with a Train
Of lesser Lights, to spring about that main!
Let Harington here fix blind {Milton's} ROTA;
Nor let it stir the breadth of an Iota.
This Land I promise firm: Again if thus.
20: It must turn round, be he Copernicus;
And so my self I'de rather Stoick plight,
Than Peripatetick, or chief Stagyrite.
Strange Revolutions were, when Strickland's 5 Holland
Did England, Scotland, Ireland slight, as no Land!
25: Then Tyranny and Rapine led the Van;
And who'de not act so, was the dang'rous man:
Then Ireland reakt with blood: and then Scot-free
Went Sacriledge: nor was't here Robbery,
To pocket up a Church or Lands-divine;
30: Because not diff'renc't with a Mine or Thine.
But now, I hope, w'ave met in Plato's Sphear,
Where harbour can nor Jealousie nor Fear;
Where Vertue shall court Vertue; where all vice
Shall be disown'd, as 'twas in Paradise;
35: Where each man safely may enjoy his own.
And then, I'm sure, the King's to have a Throne,
And be obey'd too.
And now to what, Ye Representatives,
With whom entrusted are our very lives,
40: Shall we you represent? a Loyal Spark;
From billows save'd a while, as in an Ark?
A Moses here? and there a Noah old?
Josephs some others, by their brethren sold?
May ye get all off safe! may ye soon see
45: As blest an Issue, as did all those three!
They all were big with blessings. Did they curse?
To whom they meant it, him they straight saw worse.
Such may your Terrour be! and so perchance
No fouler Crime shall reign, than Ignorance.
50: In fine: We all have err'd and gone astray,
Leaving (much worse than Sheep) the righter way.
Let's therefore beg of that most pow'rful One,
That not to us or ours may ere be known
(That saddest of Diseases, call'd) Kings-evil,
55: Since 'gainst a good War's have been more-than-civil.
[5] Walter Strickland (c. 1598-1670) M. P., was appointed Envoy from the Long Parliaent to the Netherlands in 1642, reappointed in 1648, and recalled in 1650. The next year, he accompanied Oliver St. John on an embassy to Holland attempting to negotiate a possible political alliance. He was one of Richard Cromwell's councillors following Oliver's death. In October 1659, he was named to the committee of safety (Spalding, Contemporaries 344-45; Davies 1955: 30, 157) CHECK DNB and Woolrych, Commomwealth to Protectorate.
A Civil War; more than a civil War:
How strangely now to me do those words jar!
W'ave rather Peace, that's civil, more than civil;
Mirac'lously it comes, in spight o'th'Devil
5: And his black Imps, who to cry do not cease,
That War may better be than present Peace.
A Monck! and from the North too! then (cry some)
As soon expected may be Good from Rome.
A Monck the Faith's Defender? Let's again
10: Call-in Scot, Nevil, Haselrig and Vane:
Let them their Forces rally: so we shall
A new Creed straightway raise, or raze out all.
'Tis that, that last, (great Sir) those Atheists sought,
When they our Charles the first to Tryal brought.
15: But timely you stept-in; Religion sav'd;
And count'nanc'd Arts, which we in vain had crav'd.
Sword and Pen kindly meet: Thou'st giv'n thy Troth,
That Pallas now's again Goddess to both.
He's a Plantagenet; (some others cry'd)
20: And so a Common-wealth will be defy'd:
A Single Person hee'l erect: so fight,
Whether for that name, or the True-names Right.
Double's their Charge: Let its last part be true;
And then, I think, you act but what is due.
25: Though Movaxos with M¢narxos 6 do shew,
As Sibboleth with Shibboleth, I trow, 7
They're not for Marks now, to discriminate
Kindness for th'one sound; for the other, Hate.
Where words in but-one Letter disagree,
30: Let those men stand nearest in Unity:
Nay more; a York and Lancaster we see
In Virgins-cheeks make an Identity:
And the whole Nation owns now Red and White
For the King's Colours, and Monck's true delight.
35: Thus have you clad us, whilst you put to shame
The vast Temptations of a Royal-game:
And if Plantagent give-up the Crown,
It may be said, it's now more Charles his own.
In earnest thus (what some made you in sport,
40: Y've found the right-high {STUART}of Hampton-Court:
And thus y've stopt Rebels blasphemous Snarls,
Belcht-out against our first and second Charls.
Hail then to thee! so soundeth ev'ry Lip,
Thou glorious piece of Self-denial-ship;
45: Thou Rumps Arch-traytor, but the Head's best Friend!
A Head-piece so; better than Breeches-end.
Right-welcome home! Let's now erect an Arch
For thy so famous bloodless Countermarch.
Nor Steel nor Hemp then gaul'd: For such fair Quarter
50: The King now dubs thee with St. George's Garter. 8
And, if (sans solo/ecism) it may be said,
That th'heir apparent can (the Father dead)
To his own Subject be an Obligee,
Then may I safely say; to Monck't must be.
55: Be blest in all your hopes of Wife and Son! 9
A meet-Help Shee, as you the Work have done:
With Rev'rence to her Honour, I shall say,
You're next to Numa, she's Egeria.
Live thus renown'd! and whilst Charls shall Head stand,
60: Mayst thou his Head-piece be by Sea and Land;
That, what so e're his Ancestors have lost,
He may by you regain with easie cost.
Thus, George-on-horse-back, (Sr. and St.) with Lance
Me-thinks I see you give a shake to France;
65: And your stout Troops proclaiming with drawn-swords,
King Charls! King Charls! King Charls! thrice-blessed words!
[6][author's note]The Greek word for Monarch hath in it one sole Letter more, than hath the word for Monck in the same language.
[7] See Judges 12.6, where the Ephraimites are tested by their inability to pronounce the first two letters of this word.
[8] "It is reported that his Majesty gave the George and Garter to his Excellency General Monck, and that the Duke of York to express his affection to him, put them on," Parliamentary Intelligencer #22, p. 352. Together with Edward Montague, Monk was invested in Canterbury on Saturday, 26 May (Davis 1955: 351).
[9] Anne Clarges, whom Monck married in 1653, was a farrier's daughter said to have been still married to her previous husband when she became Monck's mistress. Pepys and others report on her social vanity and rapacity. Their son, Christopher, became 2nd Duke and died in 1688 causing the line to become extinct.
{JANE LANE,} {This copy was made a }
Anagram. {day or two before she}
{An'ne JAEL?} {was known to be in }
{England. }
YOur Name here starts a Question: so it's askt,
Whether our Jane Lane be not Jael-maskt. 10
So quadrate doth each Story, whilst your Calls
Did summon-in two vanquisht Generals!
5: And how in Covert bade ye them good cheer,
Whilst God them-both unto you-both did steer!
Right-famous both! But yet who is't, not sees
An Interfering in your Histories?
She bold cut-off, you bold did save, an Head:
10: Charles liv'd by you; Sisera's by her struck-dead.
Great Amazons of Truth! rather than shall
The just Cause perish, ye your selves would fall.
But God for such pure Love did well provide:
So Judeth too we'l reckon on your side.
15: How fresh they two yet live! and so shall You
In lasting-Annals have as fresh an hue:
Where e're King Charls his Story's to be seen,
There shall be read, what you to him have been.
Your Names, as Phidias in Minerva's shield,
20: Must jointly shine, as in one common field
Ne'r to be parted. -- -- -- -- But here brave Wilmot's Ghost 11
Steps-in to serve the Mistris of the rost,
Thanks your Relief of him and of his King.
That-now blest Soul first kenn'd this happy thing.
Accost you then he did with pensiveness:
And you for that awhile can do no less:
Not that he grieves now; but that you not see
One half-part of your noblest Company.
Yet Thanks to Heav'n; that Time, which changeth all,
30: The Scene (at least) makes Tragicomical.
Romancers here must veil, true or but-feign'd;
W'ave now upon them, and above them, gain'd.
The Crown was lost, and as'twere quite forsook:
But you again it found in th'Sacred Oak.
You a King's Mistris chast: the Lady Lane
Flies far above the fate of Edward's Jane;
No Concubine, nor an Herodia You;
Asking things most unjust, things much undue.
Nor Delilah wert thou: Thou didst not Him
40: (His hair then shorn-off) to that Philistim
Big with Success, deliver-up a Prize,
The yet-great Strength, and Light of Britain's Eyes.
His Safety thence you wrought: and that jeat-curl
You straight for Favours choicely up did furl.
That Black's indeed the Set-off; cal't not Foyl,
What's kist by Ladies of the purest-soyl.
And if such Homage to th'Excrement,
What then to's Person should be th'full Extent?
No Vertue thus him left: yet Proselytes
50: You many gain'd have by such vzealous Sleights:
They're Presents fit for Queens: such Royal-Twists
Are not for all folks fingers, necks, or wrists.
Why then as of the Garter, so the Hair,
May not an Order be, and full as rare?
55: And why not breeded be thereon the Fancy
Return, great Voluntier of all th'Exiles!
True Maid of Honour! Haste, to take the Smiles
O' th' King and Subjects-good. Alive or dead,
60: Eterniz'd though shalt be in Honour's-bed.
Let Virgins-all Garlands each-year prepare
Of Oak, with the enameld Maiden-hair.
But, Lady of high Worth, I've one word more;
(Nor doth it differ from Herodia's score,
65: Onely more-innocent you it may do)
That you would, if the Thought hath e're took you
Of half a Kingdom, (or perhaps a larger)
Exchange it for a St. Johns-head in th'Charger.
[10] A fairly bizarre negative-comparison that carries on through the subsequent lines. Sisera, a Canaanite captain, was defeated by the Israelites and fled until Jael, literally "ibex, or chamois," welcomed him in to her tent where she subsequently nailed his head to the floor while he was sleeping (Judges 4. 17-22).
[11] Wilmot, who helped Charles after the battle of Worcester and reportedly introduced the fugitive to Jane ane had died on 19 February, 1658; see The Royal Wanderer.
Robert Howard
A Panegyrick To the King
Titlepage: POEMS, / viz. / 1. A PANEGYRICK to the KING. / 2. SONGS and SONNETS. / 3. The BLIND LADY, a COMEDY. / 4. The Fourth Book of VIRGIL, / 5. STATIUS his ACHILLEIS, / with ANNOTATIONS. / 6. A PANEGYRICK to GENERALL / MONCK / [rule] / By the Honorable / Sr ROBERT HOWARD. / [rule] / [design] / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his / shop at the sign of the Anchor on the lower Walk / of the New Exchange. 1660.
Thomason dated his copy June, 1660. Dryden wrote dedicatory poem at unsigned sigs [A6-A8].
Sir Robert Howard (1626-98) a younger son of the Earl of Berkshire, was a career MP from 1661 until his death.
To the
THE true Parnassus (Sir) which Muses know,
Are Subjects which they choose; to whom they owe
Their Inspirations, differing as the times,
Unhappy Vertues, or successfull Crimes.
5: The greatest Choyce is, where the most Successe
Makes Fears as great, nor their Ambitions lesse.
With the Usurped Crowns they strive for Bays;
Those readier not to Act than These to Praise.
My Muse (Great Sir) has no such fears, or knows
10: A better Inspiration than your Woes.
To sing those Vertues which are all your own,
Not brought you by Successes or a Throne;
But by the malice of the world withstood:
So much 'tis easier to be Great than Good.
15: Which knows no end, or change by human things,
But like the world (Eternall) whence it springs.
Greatness is, as forbidden Pleasures are,
Reach'd by th'impious hands, that will but dare
Attempt all Crimes, still scorning a retreat:
20: Onely the Bad can be unjustly Great.
By Falls from Thrones, such, and the vertuous know
What Fate to them, or they to Fortune owe.
By courage nor by vertue can be staid
Fortune, which tired grows by lending aid.
25: So, when all Thrones on C'sar were bestow'd,
Not Fate to him, but he to Fortune ow'd,
And paid her back the vastest Principall
She ever lent, in his too-wretched Fall;
To whose successfull Courage once she gave
30: The Mistress of the World to be his Slave.1
To fair days, storms succeed; to storms, the fair:
We know but what we are by what we were.
And Mans condition's valu'd more or lesse,
By what he had, not what he does possesse.
35: For no Extreams could ever gain a Height
From their own natures, but each other's weight.
So Lucan made the flying Pompey blame,2
Not present Woes, but his too-early Fame.
Great Scipio, whose too happy courage made 3
40: His Country free, and Hannibal's enslav'd,
Had been more happy, had he been but lesse,
And not fear'd want of glory, but excesse.
Whose Countrie-men's ungrateful fears were more,
For his successe, than Hannibal's before.
45: So much Plebeian Souls from Nature's School,
Are fitted more for Servitude than Rule.
Would such Examples had been onely known;
But we have felt a greater of our own,
In your Great Father seen; whose Sunshine-days
50: Deserves not more our wonder than our praise:
Nor did his days of Tempests lesse proclaim,
But taught us more of Miracle and Fame.
And equal'd all the miseries it brought;
By vertues, which unequal'd sufferings taught.
55: Frailty affliction brings; and yet a friend,
In giving those afflictions too an end.
Yet immortality can no blessing give,
But make that perfect, which must ever live.
His soul, refin'd so by Celestiall heat,
60: One could not hurt; and t'other ha's made great.
He pay'd his scores of Frailty, and of Joy's,
To live, where nothing that's enjoy'd destroy's.
And fell, lest this frail World like Heaven might be,
At once admitting Him, and Constancy.
Happy were we, had we but understood.
None were too great, nor we our selves too good!
Within our selves, and by our selves confin'd:
One by our Ocean; t'other by our Mind.
Whilst the obliged World, by War unsought,
70: Was willingly by gentler Traffick brought.
Secure and Rich; whilst every swelling Tide,
That brought us safety, brought us Wealth beside.
Above the reach of the World's power grown,
And had been safe, had we but fear'd our owne.
75: What the Grave Spaniard, and the Belgian too,
The active French, by power could not do,
Our passions did; and quickly made it known,
We could be Conquered by our selves alone.
And acting that which others could not do,
80: Are now fit for their Scorn, and Conquest too.
How just, and sure Heaven's revenges are!
We slighted peace, and grow despis'd by War.
Like Mad men then, possest with Lunacy;
We now must find a Cure in misery.
85: And by our suffering, to our wits redeem'd,
Our long-lost peacefull temper grows esteem'd.
For man does most, by the Comparative,
At the true knowledge of Extreams arrive.
And in affliction's ready to adore,
90: That which he hardly could indure before.
How fatally this Nation proves it true,
In mourning for our banish't Peace; and You!
To You, Great Sir, Fortune's in debt alone,
Who can be no way pai'd, but by your owne.
95: Your Vertues have not more made Crowns your due,
Than sufferings taught you how to use them too.
Stroaks upon solid bodies do provoke
A secret brightnesse free, unmixt with smoak:
No grossnesse mingled; but bright sparks declare,
100: What mighty firmnesse their Composures are.
So whilst the stroaks of Fortune on You light,
Your mighty frame appears more firm and bright.
Affliction often by its powerfull weight,
Is the Case-shot of Destiny and Fate.
105: Routing faint principles together brought
By prosperous vertues; not by hazards taught.
Whilst the weak man is too much understood,
His frailty more, than his substantiall good.
As in the low declining of the day,
110: Mens shaddows more enlarged shew, than they;
So in the worlds great, last, adversity,
When every Element their power must try;
To dissolution they must all retire,
And leave but one pure Element of fire.
115: All that was grosse, which from weak nature flows,
In your great trialls, so expiring shows.
And all unto your Nobler Soul resign'd,
Nothing seems left in you, but what's refin'd.
No longer, now, subject to what is frail,
120: But have from Nature, cut off the entail.
Nor yet could Fortune with her pow'r or frowns,
Ravish your Father's Vertues, though his Crowns;
So little was th'esteem of human things,
To that once best, and now most blest, of Kings.
125: One that in all his time, was never known,
Greedy of Lives, though weary of his own.
Peace Crown'd his thoughts, though not his wretched time,
His Nature was his fate, his Crown his crime:
Despis'd by his own people, first; because,
130: He stoop't below his power, and their laws.
His easie gifts seem'd all but debts; when they,
Had nothing left to ask, nor he to pay.
Yet that he might unjust, or mean, appear,
For what his nature gave, they thank't his fear.
135: All the fair vertues of his Halcyon-times
Instead of gratitude contracted crimes
In those, who from the fears he ever had,
Of being ill, took boldnesse to be bad.
Such as on peace, the name of [idle] fling,
140: And make their Prince a Tyrant or no King;
So fell that Prince, too good for such bad times,
By his own Vertues, and by others Crimes.
Now against you, Great Sir, their swords are turn'd,
And joy in what the World besides has mourn'd.
145: Still constant in their Crimes and Cruelty,
All Conscience turn'd into Necessity.
Which by the view of acted sins before,
Does safe appear, onely by doing more:
As those who quit firm shores, when the wind raves,
150: Must not retire, but bustle still in waves.
The wandring Needle so can never stay,
Till it finds out the Point it should obey.
Our Constitution toucht by Monarchy,
Till it rests there, must always wandring bee;
155: And that must fix in You: None could convay
True light, but He that ought to rule the day.
When Phaeton did to that heighth aspire,
He brought not influence to the world, but fire:
So those led by Ambition to your Throne,
160: Have brought us ruine, and have found their own.
Whilst thus our Sphear is over-cast with Clowds,
You The Sun can be. No offer you neglect,
To warm us with your lustre, and protect
From such foggs of mean Souls, which still will flie
165: O're us, till all's dispell'd by Majesty.
Once for your Kingdome's sake you durst oppose
Your Laurel'd Enemies with your conquer'd foes. 4
Yet Heaven from your assistance then was staid,
Lest the ill Act the good had over-weigh'd;
170: And in the Victory those Scots had found
Their Crimes together with your Vertues crown'd.
Then 'twas You did attempt your debt to pay
To Us or Nature, by a noble way.
The bold 'neas so, having left Troy 5
175: In its own funerall flames, scorn'd to enjoy
Safety alone; but, led by Vertues great
As were the Dangers he was to repeat,
Return'd among his ruin'd Friends and State,
To bring them safety, or to fetch their fate.
180: Whilst our dull souls all nobler warmth deny'd,
The Coward and th'Insensible divide
Our woes made habits by the use, or dare
Not think we know how great our sufferings are.
Like those who dwell in full-resounding Caves,
185: Where Nile sends headlong down his rapid waves,
Are deaf, because the Clamors constant are,
The Water not out-thundered by the Air.
So, still oppress'd, Custom at last denies
Unto our Souls the use of Faculties.
190: Thus is Your case in forlorn habits drest,
Rob'd of your friends by fear and interest.
Whilst Princes little think (since change is sure)
To pitty others is to be secure;
Like those, who neither dying men deplore,
195: Nor have more thoughts of frailty than before.
But HE above, to make his Power known,
What exceeds ours, has fitted for his own;
And can by those bad Instruments restore
Your Crowns, that were their ravishers before.
200: By Jealousie, and their ambitious Pride,
Which may their Crimes among themselves divide;
Till in each others guilty bosome too,
They sheath their Swords more justly than they drew.
Like Cadmus children that were born with strife,
205: Their quarrell's not lesse antient than their life,
Which never in successive mischief dyes,
And factions still on other's ruines rise.
So a swell'd Wave in all its pride appears,
Whose certain fate the following billow bears.
210: In Storms, ruine on ruine still depends,
Till want of giddy waves the quarrell ends.
So Justice your returning Throne prolongs,
Till they upon themselves revenge your wrongs.
That without Vict'ry you may Conquest find,
215: And without Blood your peacefull Brows may bind
With all those Crowns, which are as much your due
As Birth and Vertue can contribute to.
Thus the great Power of all, having first chose
To make your Vertues great and safe by Woes,
220: Will, by as unexpected ways, restore
Your ravish'd Crowns, as they were lost before.
[1] Rome, call'd by Livie, Totius Orbis Dominatrix.
[2] -- -- -- -- -- Sed longi po/enas Fortuna favoris
Exigit a misero, qu' tanto pondere fame
Res premit adversas, fatisque prioribus urget.
{Lucan.Phar.lib. 8.
[3]Hannibal, in his excellent Speech to Scipio between their Armies, then ready to fight, set down by Livie; among other motives to Scipio for peace, by his own example, advises him to be secure from the Ingratitude of his Country; which afterwards was too largely evi- dent by their reducing him to Privacy as great as his for- mer Glories, and render'd themselves unworthy of his Ashes, which to this day lie in an unknown Grave.
[4]Comming in with the Scots, who were before
Conquer'd by the English at Dunbar.
[5]Stat casus renovare omneis, omnemque reverti
Per Trojam, et rursus caput objectare periclis.
Virg. lib. 2. 'neid.
Edmund Elys
Anglia Rediviva
Titlepage: ANGLIA REDIVIVA. / OR / The Miraculous Return of / THE BREATH OF OUR NOSTRILS. / A POEM. / [rule] / by EDMUND ELIS, Master of Arts. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year, 1660.
NB ms correction to line 35 found in several copies.
In addition to the Latin version, a shortened version of 24 lines was reprinted circa 1745 on one side of a single sheet under the title "A POEM Upon the 29th of May, the Day of King CHARLES II. His Birth and Happy Restoration;" the other side contains a 16-line sonnet entitled "June 10th, 1745. Being the Anniversary of His MAJESTY's Birth," starting: "SHALL Britons still at feeble Wishes stay,/ And hail with nothing else this happy Day!" [BL=c.38.g.14(11)]. This later Jacobite version gives lines 1-4, 67-78, 91-94 {93 and 94 are reversed}, 111-113 and a final new line]. These verses are transcribed at the end of this file from the BL copy.
According to Madan, Elys was a fellow of Balliol College; see Wood Ath. Oxon. iv.470. In 1659 when he published The Quiet Soule, two sermons, he was "of East Allington in Devonshire, and succeeded his father as rector at the close of the year" (#2439). Other works include Dia Poemata (London 1655) containing 19 poems and 61 epigrams in English [Wing E667 at LT WF Y]; Divine Poems (Oxford, 1658; Madan 2383) [WING E668 AT LT O CLC MH NPT; rpt 1659 O CH], Miscellanea (Oxford 1658, 1662 Madan 2384, 2591) and Poemata (Oxford 1660; Madan 2496 [error in entry at 2383; Index also in error, listing 2466 which is Brit Red; no entry for this in Madan??]): Madan comments "they are all of inferior merit, poor echoes of George Herbert" (at 2383).
In 1660 he published a tract attacking cock-fighting: The Opinion of Mr. Perkins and Mr, Bolton, and others, concerning the Sport of Cockfighting; Published formerly in their Works, and now set forth to shew, That it is not a Recreation meet for Christians, though so commonly used by those who own that Name (Oxford, 1660; Madan 2494) [WING E684A AT OU=University College, depostied at O, Y]. Wing also lists: E698: A Vindication of the Honour of King Charles 1 (1691), a "reply" to Ludlow, listing only O=Wood 363(7) and E675B: Joannis Miltoni sententiae potestati regiae adversantis refutatio (1699) at OB and CH only.
The copy in LLP, which is bound in very fine vellum with gilt stamping on front and back covers, contains the following verses in ms bound before tp:
To The KING.
Grand SOULE, I Loue You: And in This I see
What 'tis to Loue the Heav'enly Maiestie.
Loue makes us One even with INFINITY.
Then, Mighty Sr, Think it not stra[n]ge that I,
Your Lowest Vassal, dare Aspire so High,
As to Love nought but what I Magnifie.
When in your Eye I saw 1 Your Glorious Soule
Like an Intelligence in its Spheare, to Roule:
My Soule, t'ane with the Sight grew into One
With Yours: but in no more proportion,
Then the least Beam of Light has to the SUN.
O, may Your Glories Shine: And may You Be
All that Brave Spirits ere Meant by Maiesty:
And may Your People still haue Eyes to See.
The poem proper follows:
[1]Oct:21. As your Maiesty Sate at Dinner
[ornamental header]
The Author, His MAJESTIES most Loyall
Subject, Humbly Dedicates this
following POEM.
[ornamental header, with crown, roses and thistles]
NO Voice, more soft then Thunder, can expresse
Our present Ioy, or our past Heavinesse:
None can the Largeness of This Ioy set out,
Unlesse at once He make THREE KINGDOMES Shout:
5: Which is the Greater, sith through Griefe it Came:
As Water Vanquisht still Augments the Flame.
In Mirth, and Laughter now, and pleasant Tones,
We Spend that Breath, which we Fetcht up for Groans.
Oh, how we Droopt, and Hung our Heads to see
10: Rebellion Prosper? How we griev'd to be
Iudgd for the Wicked by Perfidious Knaves;
By No Man Rul'd, but Kept in Awe by Slaves.
Oh, how we greiv'd to see that Vip'rous Brood,
By whose Black, Hellish Sire, the Royall Bloud
15: Of Blessed CHARLES was shed, to bear the sway?
And (which is worse) to see that none but They
Or Their small Myrmidons should be the Men
Esteem'd for Godly? 'as if the DEVIL, agen
Had on those Cloathes, which once in HEAVEN he Wore.
20: He learns to Bleat, who still was wont to Roar.
But now those Varlets are, as they should be,
Sunck in the Depth of Scorne and Infamy;
Thrown down ev'n by Those Hands, which did them Raise:
Revil'd by Those, who gave them greatest Praise.
25: See, Rebels, See the HAND OF GOD. Where now
Are all those Lawrels, which once Crownd the Brow
Of that Victorious-CROMWEL? They were all
Turn'd into Ashes at his Funerall,
And Cover'd in His Urne. But first, those Bayes
30: GOD Us'd for Rods to Whip His Sons: His Praise
Survive'd Him but for This: That His Great Name
Might Raise Them up, that They might Fall with Shame.
And those Wild Wretches, who Drew down These Elves,
Pull'd Them on their own Heads, and Fell Themselves;
35: Still Tumbling one 1 onth' other: 'till their Fall
Had made some way for that Brave GENERAL,
The Glorious MONCK, to Step up to that Height,
Where being Fixt, He had no need to Fight:
He Conquerd by His Words: Three Nations came
40: Streight to do Homage to His Mighty NAME.
Thus having All in's Hands: He gave the Power
To Him whose Right it was: made Himselfe Lower.
He might be, which he would of these Two Things,
The Best of Subjects, or The Worst of Kings:
45: By Less'nings Power thus He Gain'd more Renown,
'Twas HEAVEN Gave CHARLES, but MONCK Put on His CROWN.
Now that our KING'S PROCLAIM'D, what shall we say?
Sure this Blest Month will make our Years all MAY. 2
What Pleasant Daies shall we have now, when He
50: Who hath not only Strength, but MAIESTY,
And Lawfull Power shall only bear the sway,
And with his Looks Fright SAINT-like Fiends away?
This was ith' number of our late Complaints,
That the worst Villaines were esteemd Best SAINTS.
55: But now our SUN is up, and all is Clear,
And Knaves, and Rebels, as they Are, Appear.
Now we may Teach each poor Deluded Thing,
That 'tis not Treason to be for the KING.
Where are those Mock-SAINTS now? Thus (as they say)
60: The DEVIL Walkes not, when he sees 'tis Day.
O, that They, who did Boast their Cause to be
Most Just, because 'twas Prosperous, would See
What GOD has Wrought for Him, whom They'd Withstand.
What Wonders GOD has Shewn to bring this Land
65: Into Subjection to their Lawfull KING,
(The Theme's to High for Me) let ANGELS Sing.
Yea sure the Heav'nly Host do all Proclaime
The Praise of This Great Act, Due to the Name
Of Him, by whom KINGS Raign. And O that I
70: Could make my Soule, wing'd with Devotion Flie
To GOD! And Think (what Words can't reach) His Praise!
Who without Blood has Crown'd our KING with Baies,
Brought from Three Conquer'd Nations: Which now He
Holds in Subjection, but to keep them Free:
75: Even from that Yoke of Bondage, which of late
So Gall'd our Necks; whilst That, they call'd a State,
Was nought but Madmen sitting at the Helme:
'Twas a Great Bedlam, which is now a Realme.
Worse then Egyptian Bondage This, to be
80: The Subjects of the Popularity:
And those so Giddy-headed too, that none
Knew what to Do, or what to leave Undone.
Each little Writer ev'ry week brings in
His Forme of Government: as if't had bin
85: Not harder to new Mould a Kingdome, then
To get a Standish, and to make a Pen.
Nay HEWSON, and the like Mechanicks Prate
Like the Supporters of a Ruinous State,
As if they thought it were no more to doe
90: To Frame a State, then 'tis to make a Shoe.
But those Mad Times are past, and now we are
Even Rescu'd from the SWORD without a WAR.
Without a WAR Great CHARLES His Kingdomes Won:
Thus straight, when GOD wil Have't, the Thing is Done.
95: And now, Blest Prince, sith by Your Suffrings You
Have made the World to know what You can Doe
In Better Times; who Did so well in Ill:
Still Conqu'ring all those Passions, which do Still
Invade th'Opprest: No Fear, or Anger could
100: Cast your Brave Soule in an Unchristian Mould,
In all Your Wrongs, and Dangers; still your Mind
Was to Religion, Iustice, GOD, Inclin'd.
Nay when some Griefs, and Troubles needs must come
To get, Great SIR, in Your large Breast some roome,
105: Your Mind stands Firme, & all rough thoughts Outbraves;
Like Rocks Unmov'd with the most Boist'rous Waves.
Since You by Suff'ring Thus, have made us know
The True Height of Your Soul: O, may we Bow,
In a deep Sense of our Felicitie,
110: To Heaven first, next to Your selfe, our Knee.
Oh, may we Thankfull be, and sing His Praise,
Who for our Cypress now has giv'n us Baies:
May we give GOD and C'SAR All their Due,
And Him Obey still, in Obeying You.
115: With Tears of Joy that You are now Come in,
And Sorrow that your MAIESTY has bin
So long Time Absent, we would make a Floud
To wash this LAND, Staind with Your FATHERS Bloud.
Who, both in Life and Death so Conqu'ring Fate,
120: Was ne're Unhappy, though Unfortunate:
What Glory gain'd He by His Sufferings? 3
He Liv'd, and Dy'd, even like the KING of KINGS.
O may You Guide us, as He would have done,
Had we not Run into Rebellion.
125: May You Live Those Great Things, He Wrote; and Be
Your Selfe a New EIKON BAäILIKH.
To His Great Praise may You still Adde Your Own,
'Till You Change This for an Eternall CROWN.
[ornamental rule]
[ornamental rule]
[B2v blank]
[ornamental header] TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD GENERAL MONCK. April 18. 1660.
GOe on, Wise SIR, and make Your Selfe The GREAT,
By Conqu'ring Those, whom You Disdaine to Beat,
What Wonder will Your Bloodlesse Triumphs gaine!
THREE KINGDOMES Conquer'd, and not One Man Slain!
5: Your Valour thus, with Matchlesse Prudence, can
Distroy the FOE, and yet not Hurt the Man:
We Long to see the Time, when You'll Appeare
To Be, what Good Men Hope, what Others Fear:
That This Dark CHAOS of Affaires may be
10: But a Resemblance of the Infancy
Of the CREATION: which began in Night:
Confusion 4 Brought forth Order, Darknesse Light.
Trust not in Your owne Strength: be sure to Doe
What Honour, Law and Conscience Binds You to:
15: So You may Justly Hope, that HE, whose Hand
Has Set You Up, will give You Power to Stand.
Stand, NOBLE SIR, that Our Bow'd Necks may be
Rais'd by Your Hand to our Old 5 Liberty
Then, ENGLAND'S Mourning turn'd to Joy, We'll Sing:
[ornamental rule]
[ornamental rule]
Appendix: a later printed version from circa 1745, found at BL c.38.g.14(11): title given as it appears:
Upon the 29th of May, the Day
His Birth and Happy Re-
NO Voice more soft than Thunder can Express
Our present Joy, or our past Heaviness;
None can the Largeness of this Joy set out,
Unless at once he make Three Kingdoms Shout.
O! Therefore, let us joyntly all proclaim
The praise of this Act, due to the Name
Of Him, by whom Kings Reign: And O! that we
Could make our Souls, Wing'd with Devotion, Flee
To GOD on High, in Thankfulness and Praise,
Who without Blood has Crown'd our KING with Bays,
Brought from three Conquer'd Nations, which He
Holds in Submission, but to keep them Free
From the hard Yoke of Bondage, which of late
So gall'd our Necks, whilst That we call'd a State,
Was nought but Madmen sitting at the Helm;
'Twas a great Bedlam, now 'tis a Realm.
But those bad Times are past, this Day we are
Even rescued from the Sword, without a War:
Without a War, Prince CHARLES His Kingdom's Won;
Thus Strait, when GOD would have't, the Thing is done.
O! may we Thankful be, and Sing His Praise,
Who for our Cypress, now has given us Bays:
May we give God and C'sar all their Due,
And always Peace and Loyalty Pursue.
[1] one] LLP, O, OB added in ms
[2] The KING was Proclaim'd in May -- 60.
[3]Sufferings?] Sufferlings? OB
[4]Confusion] Crfusion OB
[5] Numquam Libertas
gratior extat /
Quam sub Rege
Pio -- Claud
William Chamberlayne
Englands Iubile
[undated: June ??]
Date: Full of evidence of rushed printing, but Charles is clearly back in the country.
Plenty of medical metaphors; the interegnum is represented as an illness infecting both the king and the nation. Saintsbury tells us Chamberlayne was a doctor, and calls this the best of the Restoration poems after Dryden's -- perhaps a rather exaggerated claim.
Anticipates the king's marriage
Englands Iubile:
Or, A Poem on the happy return of his
Sacred Majesty, Charls the II.
To the Kings most Sacred Majesty,
PArdon great Prince for all our offering here,
But weak discoveries of our wants appear.
No language is Commensurate with thee,
Our loftiest flights but plaine Humilitie.
Yet since we may, our frailty to conceale,
Be guilty of a Crime in smoothering zeale,
That bids thy blest returns more welcome then
Plenty to th'starv'd, or land to shipwrackt men.
For such were we, or if there's ought can more
10: Demonstrate ill, that wo was ours before.
Heaven, to restore our lost light sent us him,
Without whose raise our sphear had still been dim:
Dim as in that dark intervall, when we
Saw nothing but the Clouds of Anarchie,
15: Raised by the Witch-craft of Rebellion, to
So vast a height, none durst pretend to view,
Whilest they lay Curtain'd in that black disguise,
Majestick beams, but twas with blood-shot eyes.
Then if such of necessity must pine,
Who're rob'd of food, both humane and divine;
How could we thrive when those that did pretend
To feed, did all on their Ambition spend.
Who with the Sword, not Reason did Convince,
And rackt the Subject to unthron the Prince.
25: The dolefull years of thy exile have been
At once our Nations punishment and sin:
Tost in a storm of dark Afflictions, we
Floated at randome, yet still look'd on thee
As our safe Harbour, but had none to guide
30: Us too't; False Pilates with the windes complide.
We saw what Crime drench'd the amazed rout;
Yet wanted strength to cast that curst thing out.
Though oft twas vainlie strugl'd for, yet we
Who were exil'd from nought but Libertie:
35: Who durst live here 1 Spectators of those times,
Do now in tears repent our passive Crimes,
And with one Universall voice allow
We all deserve death, since we live till now.
But this is Englands Jubilee, nor must
Thy Friends doubt mercy, where thy foes dare trust.
Thou art our great Panpharmacon, which by
Its vertue cures each various malladie,
Giving their pride, a coole alay of fears,
Whilest to restore our Hectick, 2 hope appears:
45: And these began the Cure, which to compleat,
Expansive mercy makes thy thron her seat:
So that there now (except the guilt within)
No signe remains, there hath a difference been.
The giddy rout, who in their first Addresse,
Cryed Liberty, but meant licentiousness,
Whose deprav'd judgements, not content to see
A heaven of Stars, their primum mobile
Did Change the systeme; and ith'spight oth'love
Or feare of heaven, taught earths base dregs to move,
55: In the bright Orb of honour, where to all
That's great, or good they were excentricall:
Having long found their direfull influence
In nought but plagues descended; did from thence
Learn sad repentant Lectures, and dare now
60: Present the Sword, where late the knee did bow.
Dare tell their damd'd 3 impostors they but made
False zeale the light, whilest treason cast the shade.
Dare Curse their new discoveries, which plac't in
Hels Geographie, Amerricaes of sin.
But these, like dust rais'd 'twixt two Armies, doe
Hurt, or assist, as they are hurried to
Either by levity; And therefore must
By none be held an Object of their Trust;
For though they are Usurpers hands, they've found
70: They rent at night, what they ith'morning crown'd;
But you (great Sir) whose fate hath been so mixt,
As to behold these vollatile, and fixt.
May (since the off-spring of their sufferings) be
More certain of their future Loyaltie.
75: And though your title, and heaven setled state
Needs not (Usurper like) measure your Fate
By such vain love, yet may you still be sure
They'le neer again, a Rebbels scourge endure.
These past years of infatuation, which
Hath drayn'd their Coffers, did their hearts enrich,
With so much eager loyalty, that when
With wonder, like those new recover'd men,
Who by our Saviours miracles escaped
From darknesse thought men had like trees been shaped
85: They onely through mist rarrified, gazed at
Those glimmering beams, whilest they knew not what
Th'event would be, how (wing'd with hope) did they
Each feeble glance praise as approaching day.
But when, with such advantage as the light
Gains by succeeding the black dresse of night.
Through all the fogs of their preceeding fear,
They fro the North saw loyall Monk appear:
How in Petitions did their Prayers exhale,
To waft him on, untill the gentle gale
95: (Although by wayes so wisely intricate;) 4
They rais'd our fear, whilest they did calm our fate,
Brought him at length through all our doubts to be,
The great Assertor of our Libertie.
Then did we think that modest blush but just,
100: Whose present die, display'd our late mistrust.
And to requite those injuries wee'd done
To myrids rais'd, what single praise begun:
Through all the devious paths which he did tread,
From the base Rump, unto the glorious Head:
105: We scand his Actions, which did nought comprise
That might offend, but that he was too wise
For Vulgar judgments, whose weak fancies guest
By present Actions, what would be the rest.
But when their eyes unvail'd, discover'd who
Had to destroy the monster, found the Clew.
How did they praise his Wisdome, Valour, all
That could within the name of Subject fall:
And to compleat, what ere his due might be,
Knit up those Lawrels with his Loyalty;
115: That noble Vertue, without which the rest
Had onely burthend, not adorn'd his Crest.
Then, since we now by this heaven guided hand,
Once more behold the glory of our land;
Whom midnight plots long studied to exclude
120: Again fixt in's Meridian Altitude:
Lets cease to mourn, and whilest those fogs attend
Such miscreant wretches, as dare still offend,
By flying mercy, raise our souls, deprest
Ere since this Star set in the gloomy West.
125: For then begun that dreadfull night, which we
Have since with terrour seen, brave loyalty
Being so opprest by a prevailing fate;
Twas onely known by being unfortunate:
Yet, though Rebellion in unnaturall Wars,
So far did thrive, to prove us falling Stars.
The wiser world saw those that did aspire,
Not as Heaven's lamps, but Hels impetuous fire.
As monsters of Ambition, such whose wilde
Chymera's since Rebellion first defiled
135: Our English Annals, onely were advanc'd:
But fortunes light Ephemera's, to be glanc'd
A while with secret envy on; and then
Hurld from th'ill mannaged helm, to be by men
Persude with such a just deserved hate,
140: As makes each curse, ad weights unto their fate:
Horrid as are their names, which neer shall be
Mention'd without adjuncts of Infamy:
So full of guilt, all Ages to insue
Shall weep to hear, what this neere blusht to doe.
Whilest we were in these uncouth 5 shades o'recast
To tell what wilde Meanders hath been past
By thee, our Royall Soveraign, is a Task
That would the tongues of inspired Angels ask.
Yet since domestick miseries hath taught
150: Us part of the sad stories ruder draught
We may, by weak reflection come to see,
With what dire waight these dark storms fell on thee;
Who, whilest thou didst (from hence excluded) stand
The pittied wonder of each Forraign Land:
155: Learnd'st by commanding Passions how to sway
A Nation more rebellious far than they;
So that the Schoole which thou wert tutor'd in,
Though thy disease, our Antidote hath been
We suffering not our Crimes desert, because
160: From hence you learn'd to pitty, and the Laws
Just harnesse with such Candor mitigate,
As once you bore the rigour of your Fate.
(What earthquakes breeds it in our breasts, when we
But think o're thy progressive miserie:
165: How thou (our restlesse Dove) seeing no mark
Of land, wert hurried from our floating Arke:
(And whilest those Villaines, that exposed thee lay
Forc't every winde of Faction to obey)
Wert long with billows of Affliction beat,
170: Ere thou didst with they Olive branch retreat.
How by poore Friends, and powerfull Enemies,
By Flattering strangers, and by false Alies,
Were thy Afflictions varied, for all these
Shared in the complicating thy disease.
Like dolefull Mourners that surround the bed
Of a departing Friend, those few that fled
Hence of the wings of Loyalty, to be
Partakers of what e're attended thee;
Whilest they did mourn, but could not lend relief:
180: Did by their sorrow but increase thy grief.
Such was the power of thy prevailing foes;
No place afforded safety, some of those
Whom poverty sent to attend thy Train
To cure that mallady, did entertain
185: Infectious Councels, which did festering lye
Till Rebells Gold outweighed their Loyalty.
And from the black pernicious Embrio bred,
Monsters whose hands strove to destroy their Head.
Nor, whilst these secret sorrows sunk a mine,
Which if not hinderd by a power Divine
Had blown up all thy patience, wert thou free
From publick injuries, that amities
Which former leagues, or the more sacred ties
Of blood could claim, vail'd in the base disguise
195: Of pollicy starts back, and doth give way
For treason to expell, or else betray.
Great birth, and vertues which did that excell
As the meridian doth each paralell,
Are but weak props, a Rebels threats convince:
200: And all avoid a persecuted Prince.
When after these big storms of ill abroad,
Some loyall Subjects had prepar'd the road
Unto thy throne, and thou didst once more hear
Arm'd for redemption of thy Crown appear,
205: Whilest all our hearts, whose distant hands could not
Come to assist, thy righteous cause waxt hot
With loyall hopes: how were we plannet strook,
When fortune, with pretended friends forsook
Thy side, at fatall Worcester, and to raise
210: A Rebells Trophies, rob'd thee of thy bayes.
How dismal sad, how gloomy was each thought
Of thy obedient Subjects whilest they sought
Their flying Soveraign, curtain'd from their eys,
In the dark dresse of an unsafe disguise.
All wisht to know, what all desire should be
A secret kept, such strange varietie
Of contradictions did our passions twist:
We would behold the Sun, yet prais'd the mist.
But whilest desire thus shot at rovers, that
More powerfull Sacrifice our prayers, being at
Heavens penetrated eare directed, found
Our hopes by thy diserting us nere Crown,
For though to want thee was our great'st distresse;
Yet now thy Absence was our happinesse.
Then; though we neer enough can celebrate
The praise of this, yet thy misterious fate
(Great favourite of Heaven) so often hath
Advanc'd our wonder, that the long trod path
Directs us now without more guides to see,
230: Those miracles, wrought in preserving thee
Were Gods imediate Act, to whose intents
Were often fitted weakest instruments,
From whose successe faith this impression bore,
He that preserv'd thee, would at length restore,
235: Which now through such a laborinth is done,
We see the end, ere know how 'twas begun:
That big bulkt cloude of poysonous vapors, in
Whose dismall shades, our Liberty had been
Long in a maze 6 of errours lost, was by
240: A wholesome Northern gale inforc'd to flye
Easie as morning mists, so that the fate
Seem'd not more strange, which did at first create,
Then what did now destroy in it, did appear
As far from hope, as was the first from fear:
When a Rebellious tyranny had been
So strengthen'd by a prosperous groweth in sin,
That the contagious leprosie had left
None sound, but what were honest by their theft.
Then to behold that Hydra, which had bred
250: So many, in an instant, her last head
Submit to justice, is a blessing we
Must praise ith'raptures of an extasie,
Till from the pleasing trance, being welcom'd by
Loud acclamations, raised from Loyalty:
255: We come, we come, with all the reverence due
To heavens bests gifts (great Prince) to welcome you:
You who by suffering in a righteous Cause
Safely restored, that Liberty, those Laws,
Which after long Convulsive Fits were now
260: Expiring, so, that future times told how
This great work was perform'd, shall wonder most
To see the Feaver Cur'd, yet no blood lost.
But these are Mercies fit to Usher in
Him to a Thron, whose vertuous life hath been
265: Beyond detraction good; therefore attend
Those joyes which Heaven to us, by you, did send:
Whose sacred essence waighted on by all,
The most transcendent blessings that can fall
Within the Sphear of humane vertue, still
270: Surround your Throne; may all imagin'd ill
Die in the Embrio; may no dark disguise
Of seeming Friends, or Foes that temporise
E're prejudice your peace, may your Foes prove
All blushing Converts; may all those that love
275: You do't for zeal, not gain; and though that we
(What was of late your mark) our povertie
Are still inforc'd to wear, oh may there thence
Ne're spring a thought to take or give offence:
May all toward you be fraughted with desires,
That may in flaming zeal out blaze the fires,
That you are welcom'd in with: May delight
Within your Royall breast no opposite
E're finde, but so let gentle pleasure grow,
That it may kiss the banks, but neer overflow.
When Hymen leads you to the Temple, let
It be to take that Jem, which heaven hath set
The worlds adorning ornament, that we
May by that blest Conjunctions influence see
Such hopefull fruit spring from our Royall stem
290: As may deserve the whole worlds Diadem.
May Peace adorn your Thron; yet if the Sword
Must needs be drawn, may it no sound afford
But Victory, untill extended Power
Adds waight unto your Scepter: May no houre
295: Ere set a seal to the Records of time,
But what still makes your pleasure more sublime,
Till they being grown to pure for earth, shall be
Call'd to the Triumphs of Eternitie.
By Will. Chamberlaine.
London, Printed for Robert Clavell at the Stags-head in
St. Pauls Church yard, 1660.
[1]here] ed; hear ä
[2]OED: a person suffering from a wasting fever, a consumptive
[3]damd'd] ed; damb'd O, L -- remove this note;
[4]closing parenthesis added, ed
[5]uncouth] ed; uncoutch O, L
[6]a maze] ed; amaze O, L
John Collop
Itur Satyricum.
[undated: June ??]
Titlepage: ITUR / Satyricum: / IN / LOYALL / Stanzas. / [rule] / By John Collop, M. D. / [double rule] / LONDON, / Printed by T. M. for William / Shears, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of / the Bible in Bedford-street neer Covent-/ Garden, 1660.
Collop had earlier addressed Charles in "To the Son of the Late King" included in his 1656 volume, Poesis Rediviva: Or, Poesie Reviv'd. The piece argues for stoical self-sufficiency and acceptance -- better to be content with one's lot in life than to have the worries of a king -- while at the same time focussing on the author's hopes that Charles will restore the national Church.
Notice Collop's early concern that not all might be as enthusiastic about the return to monarchy as the author would wish.
Date: References to the celebrations accompanying Charles's arrival in London (lines 25-48) were clearly written after the fact, so I have placed this poem among those issued during June.
For the note on St. George,
By John Collop, M. D.
Printed by T. M. for William
Shears, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Signe of
the Bible in Bedford-street neer Covent-
Garden, 1660.
Itur Satyricum
Loyall Stanza's.
ATheism away, twin to Rebellion hence,
'Bove fraud and force acquires, see, providence!
Charl's the Church Gold, Gods Image, see! returnd
Through all the fiery trialls shines unburn'd.
5: Kings are Gods Christs; Charls Christ-like doth appear
For Reformation in His Thirtieth Year.
The day which brought him forth, him in doth bring
Gives both new life to th'people and the King.
To our conversion now Rome lay no claim
10: Monck, Austine, Patrick nor Palladius name;
Three more then Pagan Nations now we see
Can by a Monck of ours Converted be.
Nay your three, Spain, France, Italy, are out done
Though every Monck is there a Champion.
15: One English Monck hath here converted more,
Then all your Moncks perverted heretofore.
Spare Honest Heilin, spare thy learned pains
To vindicate St. George from addle brains. 1
We for our Champion now no Champion need,
20: St. George for England wants no Roman Creed.
This is the George, defeats the Dragons Sting;
The Church relieves the daughter of the King.
Could we with Calvin stories faith deny
What he calls fable, wee'd call Prophecie.
25: Make Bone-fires bigger, purge th'infected air,
Least Treason like a Plague inhabit there.
Rebellion's Witchcraft, Witchlike may't expire,
And th' Land her sin thus expiate by fire.
Nor must the Bells be wanting to the aire;
30: Least with their Prince 2 schisms spirits wander there.
While you your safety, and our Kings Proclaim,
Churches no more we'le common places name.
Flowers 3 strow the way, with Charls was born the spring
Twill 4 flourish and return with him our King.
35: I'th Winter of his absence who lay dead,
How the Gay Butterflyes in troops 5 now spread?
See! how the gaudy Anticks do appear,
In masking liveries 6 of the youthfull year.
None fear to spend all, but cry Charls is come:
40: Charls is our all and all, to every Summe.
A Golden Age in Charls is sure foretold,
Whose sight can change ev'n City Chains to Gold.
How they all glister, that it may appear,
Safety like heav'n is never bought too dear?
45: At the Cits lost 7 shall now be spilt no blood,
But whats of Grape, which issuing by a flood
From every Conduit, proclaims Charls divine,
Who Saviour like, turnes Water into Wine.
Thousands half starved, 8 by miracle seem fed,
50: Charles by his presence multiplies their bread.
The Aire, Sea, Land, all summon'd tribute bring,
T'acknowledge Charls an universal King.
Least these to little be, descending sphears
In musical treats seem to salute his ears,
55: Propitious Stars in Charls his Waine prevaile,
There's no sad influence from the Dragons taile.
Glorious as Princes, if not Angels all?
Who Englands 9 King will King of Devills call.
See! How the 10 Spaniard to Charls tribute pays,
60: While each on's back, a petty Indie lais.
Nor art thou lesse a tributary France,
While these thy apes present a Morrice dance.
Or ist an heavenly 11 influence? the whole 12 traine,
Thus sparkles to be Stars in Charls his Waine.
65: Yet see Great Charls not fit for vulgar eyes,
Like to 13 Divinity Couch'd in mysteries!
Nature hath seem'd to place him in disguise,
Whose inside glories all outsides outvies.
Glories that ly no deeper then a skin,
70: Are not for Princes, their's must ly within.
God his own Character doth on Princes Write,
He rob'd Divinity call'd Gods shadow light.
All Characters are libels, who'de set forth
Charls, is a Traytor to impeach his worth:
75: Since praises must fall short, expressions be
But the faint shaddows of Divinitie.
Had not the Churches Martyr 14 great Charls shown,
Himself by's Scripture, he had dy'd unknown.
Now we a David read and Solomon
80: Without their bad, all they had good in one.
The Blood of Martyrs is the Churches seed:
Tis 15 Charls his blood for th'Church must interceed.
The heir of's virtues and his kingdoms be
The worlds reformer by a Prophecie;
85: No Pilfring Charls of Suevia, 16 his glory
Did only blaze to light us to thy story.
Charls from Charls must be greatest of that name:
They'r gayer acts, but lacquey 'fore his fame.
Haile Charles the second; second unto none:
90: The fifth falls short brought in comparison: 17
Greater then Charls the first 18 sirnam'd the great;
The Pope of more then he him gave defeat:
So the most Christian King, most Catholick 19 too
And Faiths Defender will all meet in you.
95: Charls by the Grace of God thou'lt truly be,
Tis 20 meerly Gods 21 Grace hath restored 22 thee:
How do the Branches of the Royall Oak
Now flourish, and nere fear the axes 23 strok!
Under Presbytery 24 will these gay things truckle?
100: From Lords the mighty twindle to the muckle?
Sneak to the Commons, and there serve to show
For their deserts no House can be to low.
The Lords are grains to ballance th'royall scale:
If they prove light the Rabble must prevaile.
105: Who in the Church will parity introduce
Shame in the State, preheminence out of use;
The wiser Lords who Voted Bishops down,
Casheir'd th'lesse sacred titles of their own.
Uselesse, and senseless, how should they not fall,
110: Who had renounc'd their part spirituall.
They their own fortunes fence about in vain,
Who lay in common sacred and prophane.
May't in no Lord be treason to be wise?
Nor th'beast the Rabble want a Sacrifice.
115: May Ag'd have Bristols, 25 young Lords, Bruces 26 parts:
The Lord Cleavelands, 27 brave Northamptons 28 hearts;
No Bedfords wanting be to th'Councill table;
Strange faults in son and father to 29 be able.
So shall no Comets rear'd from fat of Earth
120: Presage Kings ruine, or the peoples dearth.
May th'House of Commons be no Juglers box:
The steeples not mens heads 30 have weather-cocks
With every wind of fancy to turn round.
Where all are giddy, how can truth be found?
125: No Cock-braind sciolists factions may promote
Leave real truths on aoery names to dote.
So Sacriledge no more shall priviledge be:
Nor to be slaves the peoples libertie.
May none by house of Commons understand
130: The place and fate of those devoure the Land.
No Tax succeed a fast, first fast then prey:
Not pray and fast; fasts make the stomachs way.
A strange contrivance thus to gain a power
Three Nations fat, by fasting to devour.
135: Pray like the thief, a blessing on th'Vocation:
Steal and give thanks for robbery 31 of a Nation.
May Burgers mind the trade of Corporations,
And make no more a traffick of three Nations.
Nor their Elections be so numerous made
140: Three Lands seem slaves to Free-men of a Trade.
Since here not wisdoms are, but voices weigh'd:
Folly and Factions Votes must be obey'd.
May they procure good laws, then Charls supply
With that, he to his people is, a subsidie.
145: May aery misteries 32 ne're unhinge their pates,
Should pry in misteries of trade not states.
The cause, the cause, hence fears, hence Jealousies,
Who think Stars twinkle, tis their weaker eyes.
May all have noble fears, fears to do ill:
150: Be jealous too, least treason lurk there still.
The Prince have fears, and Jealousies to 33 intrust
Those gratefy not reason 34 but their lust.
Barbarous 35 as their own Latin, or Law French,
No fee tongu'd 36 Lawyer here on Laws intrench;
155: Faction and treason mould in forms of Law:
Prove th'Lawyers anagram true, that Lyers aw.
May Loyall Laws, late Common-place-Book's pains
Receive no common place as loyall gains.
For what is due on the disloyall score
160: May he his own works read, and write no more.
The proud Church sinn'd, the Vandall, Goth, and Hun
Angry heav'ns scourges in the Scot o'rerun
The Bishops wore Lawn Sleeves, bless us! the Nun
Doth make these Lawns they'r works of Babylon,
165: The Church is rich: how can an Achan hold
From Babylonish garments and from Gold.
But see the fruits! These with the Eagle snatch
Coals from the Altar which their own nests catch. 37
Lord from the Altar touch all with a coal
170: Which to they service may inflame the soul:
None then shall Organs hate, all Organs be;
Made instrumentall in the serving thee.
No nose tun'd Pardon th'Pulpit shall be labour
With noise resembling the Scotch Pipe and Tabor.
175: No pulpits shall vie tricks with Hocus Pocus
Truths rais shall clear them, that no Scotch myst choak us.
Scipture no more shall wrack'd be to professe
Her self to all impietie patronesse.
To fall on times, no Priest shall leave his Text:
180: First divide that, and then the people next.
Cloaks for their Knavery 38 now no pulpits need:
Arms shall give place to Gowns, while errors bleed.
The Militant Church with Charls went in exile,
But now returns inrich'd with Egypts spoile.
185: No more shall Gypsies in Religion 39 be
The statutes unrepeal'd, can these go free?
The Canting Vagrants in opinions, doom >
Must Gypsie like to be with passe sent home.
Send them to Italy; take them Florentine:
190: By Nicks discourses they should all be thine,
All Common wealths men: ours was commonwealth
By knack of zeal an artificiall Health.
No Presbyterian shall run out of's wits,
And introdu'ce again Phanatick fits.
195: By looser Prayers intitling to the sp'rite
Out of their senses three whole Kingdoms fright.
With humms, hah, whine, and a nose tuned story,
Wry neck, scru'd face, made for a Directory.
Gods name as oft in vain us'd as in charms,
200: The People to bewitch into all harms.
With Jacobs voice may none have Esaus hands:
None Bishops hate, because they love their lands.
Nor may long prayers 40 the widows house devour
Or Gods house widow make, and seize her dour;
205: Nor by vain babling only serve to show
A Babel of confusion thence must grow;
Out of the road of Common sense Career,
That none may say tis Common-prayer they hear.
Hate our Church forms, least they deliver'd be
210: From pride, vain-glory, and hypocrisie:
From envy, hatred, want of charity,
From all sedition, and conspiracie;
From all false Doctrine, and from heresie;
Strange superstition in the Letany:
215: To pray for Charls, and for his victories
O're these their sins, his greatest enemies.
Restore Great Charls our Letanies, that we
May pray for those, who would not pray for thee:
Into the way then shall we God implore,
220: The erred and deceived to restore.
Forgive and pray forgiveness: hearts refute
Did both us slander, and thee persecute.
So we may have restor'd the fruits of th'earth
Having of them nor of good prayers a dearth.
225: Then unity, peace, and concord we'le beseech
God make up ours, and every Nations breach.
Pitty on prisoners, and for Captives pray,
Though they were those would take our lives away:
Have mercy Lord on all men we beseech.
230: Prayers 41 which exceptions use can ne're heav'n reach.
Broke bones may thus rejoyce, knit, grow more strong
In wayes of peach, and truth to walk along.
[1]Hilberry comments: "Peter Heylin (1600-1662) in his Historie of that Famous Saint and Souldier of Christ Jesus, St. George of Cappadocia (1631) undertook to prove that St. George really existed, in reply to Calvin, among others, who considered the whole St. George legend a fable" (p. 223). The full title of Heylin's work is The History of That most famous Saynt and Souldier of Christ Jesus St. George of Cappadocia Asserted from the Fictions of the middle ages of the Church and opposition of the present (London: for Henry Seyle, 1631), L 1125.e.27. Heylyn also wrote several justifications of the Anglican church, of Laud and of Charles I; e.g.: Ecclesia Vindicata: Or, The Church of England Justified (London, by E.Cotes for Henry Seile, 1657): L=c.73.b.10 from King's library, presented by Heylyn to Charles II with authorial dedication); Heylyn's Examen Historicum: Or A Discovery and Examination of the Mistakes, Falsities, and Defects in some Modern Histories. Occasioned by the Partiality and Inadvertencies of their Severall Authours (London, for Henry Seile and Richard Royston, 1659) L copy at g. 4681, includes an authorial dedication to Richard Cromwell.
See also The History of That most famous Saint & Souldier St. George of Cappadocia. The Institution of that most Noble Order of St. George, commonly called the Garter: With the names of the Knights of that Order, whereof Charles the First, King of great Brittain, was Soveraign (London, Printed in the year, 1661) LT E1087(14) dated April 19.
[2]Prince] Prince, ms added in O Firth
[3]Flowers] Flow'rs ms in O
[4]Twill] 'Twill ms O
[5]troops] tro ps L; okay in O
[6]liveries] liv'ries ms O
[7]lost] Cost ms O; Hilberry
[8]starved,] starv'd ms O
[9]Englands] England's ms O
[10]How the] ms O; How to the copytext
[11]heavenly] heav'nly ms O
[12] whole] whose copytext
[13] Like to] Like ms O
[14] Martyr] Martyr, ms O
[15] Tis] 'Tis ms O
[16] Hilberry notes: "Charles Martel subdued Swabia in 730" (p. 223).
[17] Charles V (1500-58), Holy Roman Emporer.
[18] first] first, ms O
[19] Catholick] Cath'lick ms O
[20] Tis] 'Tis ms O
[21] Gods] God's ms O
[22] restored] restor'd ms O
[23] axes] axe's ms O
[24] Presbytery] Presbyt'ry ms O
[25] Bristols,] Bristol's, ms O
[26] Bruces] Bruce's ms O
[27] Cleavelands,] Cleaveland's, ms O
[28] Northamptons] Northampton's ms O
[29] to] To ms O
[30] not mens heads] (not mens heads) ms O
[31] robbery] robb'ry ms O
[32] aery misteries] "ery mist'ries ms O
[33] to] t' ms O
[34] reason] reason, ms O
[35] Barbarous] Barb'rous ms O
[36] fee tongu'd] fee-tongu'd ms O
[37] ?? see Peter Heylyn, again, A Coale from the Altar, Or an answer...against the placing of the Communion Table at the East End of the Chancell (1636).
[38] Knavery] Knav'ry ms O
[39] Religion] Rellgion ä
[40] prayers] pray'rs ms O
[41] Prayers] Pray'rs ms O
William Smith
Carmen Triumphale
[undated: June?]
Titlepage: Carmen Triumphale: / OR, / ENGLANDS / TRIUMPH / FOR / Her Restored LIBERTIE. / WITH / WHITE-HALLS SPEECH to her / Royal Master, CHARLES the Second KING of Great / BRITAIN, FRANCE and IRELAND, / Also her sad Complaint against the pretended Committee of Safety, Rumpers, / and the rest of those Cruel Tyrants, and unjust 1 Judges, who not / only defaced and spoiled Her Stately Buildings, but / also unjustly condemned her to be sold. / With two short Panagyricks to the Right Honourable 2 the City of LON-/ DON, and the University of CAMBRIDGE. / -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Numquam LIBERTAS gratior extat / Quam sub REGE pio. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / Claudianus. / [rule] / By WILLIAM SMITH, Gent. / [rule] / LONDON, Printed for Wa. Jones, 1660.3
Clearly a rushed printing job; lots of inverted letters and missing letters: notice two on the titlepage. Could this be the same William Smith (d. 1696), of high birth, who became an actor after the Restoration? DNB has him starting out as a lawyer who quit the Inns for the stage. Claims to have attended Clare Hall. Evident interest in matters religious; offers some interesting details ie it rained on the 29th of May during the procession. Use of Ottoman details for contrast. Lots of "augustan" epithets -- noun + participle to form adjectival phrase.
Scattered Ottoman content throughout.
[1] unjust] unjnst O, OH -- cancel this note
[2]Honourable] ed; Honourble O, OH
[3] 1660.] ed; 1660.. O, OH
[ornamental design]
Englands Triumph
Her Restored Liberties.
THough the refulgent and Illustrious Light
Of this high Theam might blind my duller sight,
Though the more serious more acute Essays
Of able Pens might be just Remora's 4
To my attempts; this Long-expected Day
Commands that I these grateful lines should pay.
My active Muse this joyful Time inspires,
And warms my Soul with more than usual fires.
But stay (my Muse) what beastly Creature's this
This terrour-causing Goblin? Sure it is
Not that three shapt Cymera, we are told,
Of by the ancient Poets; For behold
'Tis headless, wants both Body, Legs and Arms,
Good Dr. Faustus bring your strongest charmes,
Your strongest, for your best will scarce prevaile,
(I doubt) to conjure this deformed Tayle,
This Tayl compos'd of Haselrigs Charity,
Of Vains Religion, Martins Chastity,
Of Nevills Atheism, with those mighty pair
Of Horns Lord Mounson on his Front doth wear,
Of Tom Scots Secretary-ship and Lechery,
Of Fleetwoods Tears for his late Excellency,
Of Whitlocks Justice, of that Mercy that
Lisle did extend to Hewit, when he sat
Grand Butcher in Nols Inquisition, with
That Fury, (far worse than the Publick Faith)
The Good Old Cause. This long-liv'd Rump did dare
With an uncivil Civil War to tear
These Nations, and with damned Votes did make
The State to tremble and the Church to quake,
And did benight us in a wildenesse
Of frantick Lights and new-born Herisies.
At last All-seeing Heaven compassion took
And on sad England cast a milder look,
Then with a tongue that never spoke in vain
You may imagine she us'd such a strain.
Monster (more monstrous then what Africk breeds)
"Devouring Hydra with his many Heads,
"Far more prodigious then that ugly Snake
"Alcides slew in the Lern'an Lake!
"Be gone to duskie shakes of silent Night
"No more no more the pure Celestial Light,
"Contaminate with your sulphurious breath
"Be gone to th'unfrequented shades of Death;
"Upon the Stygian Banks a thousand yeares,
"(Possest with horrour, care-infusing fears)
"Wander, avaunt Fury with many heads!
"Vanish! 'tis all commanding Heaven that bids.
This said, these proud imperious Bassaes streight,
(Whose all-ore-breaking Rage the sollid weight
Of Englands Sacred Rights and Ancient Lawes
Ne're could restrain) with their dissembling Cause
And spurious brood of base dissembling Jacks,
Of Jenizaries and of Sansiacks,
Were by a cleansing, purging Northern wind
Swept clean away, and nothing left behind.
Then did Aurora (from her Rosie Bed
Rising) her Purple, blushing Mantle spread
Ore our Horizon, then the Day-Star clear
Englightned our long-shadowed Hemisphere;
And having shone a while resignes his Ray.
And re-enthrones our long desired Day.
But hold! what pleasing Musick's this, I hear?
O how it doth entice my ravisht ear!
Oh how the Thundring Drums and Trumpets sound
Whose heart rejoycing notes do not confound
My mind with dreadful Taratantara's;
No angry (yet well-rankt) Batalia's
Amaze my wondring eys; what need I fear?
These Londons peaceful Militia are.
This gallant Body to Hide-Park now goes,
Hide-Park, appointed for the Rendevouz,
Where Englands choisest *Heroes grac'd the Field, The
And in well practic'd hands their Pikes then held. Right
Imperial _ Vienna's walls did not, Honour-
See better Horse or braver bands of Foot, able the
When Charles the Fift that famous Army drew, Earl of
'Gainst the great Solyman and his numerous crew Winchel-
Now roaring volleys, now loud shouts do tear, sey M. G.
With Skies-ascending noise the Ambient Ayre: Massey,
With the shril sound Westminster Abbey rings; and Ald.
The sacred Reliques of our ancient Kings Bunce,
This thundring Eccho now awakes; yea then &c.
Our third and greatest, Edward thought again, Trained 5
Of Chresceys fearful field; that prosperous Fift Pikes
(That valiant Heroe) Henry then did lift there
Up his blest head, wondring to hear a sound, Turkish
That would, the noise of Agincourt have drownd. Hist of
An end draws nigh; the time conducting Sun Solyman
His thice auspitious glorious course hath run; the Mag. 6
Now doth the dark, incroaching night display.
Her sable curtains and excludes the Day,
Commanding all to leave th'adjacent Plain,
And joyfully home to retire again,
Where we will leave them till the next great Day,
With brisk Ly'us washing cares away.
Aurora rising in the Purple East,
The Humid Night, and Radiant Stars defac't,
When our great Senate do resolve to bring
Back and enthrone our lawful Royal King, The di-
_ Proclaiming 7 that his Majesty shall Reign scription
Of Britain, France and Ireland Soverign. of this
Now this long-wished 8 joyful, joyful *Day days So-
Its heart reviving Splendour doth display lemnity
The Sacred beams of Majesty draw near, is omited
And Loyal hearts with their bright Influence chear. because
Now favouring Heaven doth her assistance lend described
The flying Clouds commanding to discend in another
In dust-allaying drops, more precious than place by
That showre on Danae's lap Jove once did rain. a worthy
Wonder not Mortalls why these drops fall now, and lear-
Th'obsequious Clouds but their Allegiance show. ned Pen.
Englands brave Gentry should in rank stand here,
As they in order did this Day appear, May 29
I would, thrice noble Cyty, 9 here relate
The Regal Splendor and unusual State,
If time and want of room did not restrain
My now to this one sheet confined Pen.
When White-hall knew his Sacred Majestie
Within th'enclosure of her Walls to be,
Raising her lofty Tower-environed Head
Imagine thus (although scarce heard) she said,
Welcome (Great Master) Royal Charles, you are
Thrice welcome now; and you Illustrious Pair
Of High-born Princes welcome are, when I
Behold you all, O how I leap for Joy!
My Turrets all, would bow a willing head
To Kisse the ground whereon your feet do tread.
How long (Great Sir!) have I been desolate,
Wanting the luster of a Regal State,
Of a triumphant train and grand resort
Attending alwaies on my Princes Court!
How long did Earth-born Villains me possess,
How long a Sultan and a Sultanesse!
How long did Red-Coats in my Chambers sleep!
How long did me the Safe Committie keep,
Alas! I was condemned to be sold,
And to be turned into good, red Gold;
For the all-searching Rumps an art did know
(Which the best Chymist never yet could doe)
To Metamorphise houses [Parkes and all]
Into their pockets and to make them fall.
But this Day clears all doubts: for this blest Day.
Men, Women, Children, utmost joy display;
Yea I believe that harmless Infants are
Drunk with conceit of joy. Long may you here
Live, and with a peace-giving hand restore
That splendour to me, which I had before!
She said: when loud trimphant valleys tear,
With thundring Ecchoes the transparent Ayre,
The smoke of roaring Canons banish Light,
And flaming Bonefires do begin the Night.
To the City of LONDON, &c.
Pardon Illustrious City if I say
'Twas thou, which caused this their happy Day,
If thy life giving hand had not assay'd
To lend a never-discontinued aid
To this desired change, this rising Light
Had scarce dispel'd our long-tempestuous Night
How high (great City!) did thy glory rise
When valiant Walworth's hand did sacrifice
Those two pernicious * Rebells and their Cause Jack
To Englands just (by them infringed) Laws! straw and
Thy long-unequal'd deeds Eclipsed lie, Wat
(Walworth!) now Londons worthies clear outvie Tyler
Thy fame; thou sav'd the King and State (tis true)
But London gives a King to England new.
Londons best Patriots your immortal Fame,
Your glorious acts and never dying Name
Shall live, whilst Londons Bridge to th'sea gives Laws.
And Neptunes time-observing Surges aws.
Whilst through reed-bearing Banks Thames gently slides
And in a series of Meanders 10 glides
Towards Thetis kinder bosom; whilst his Rays
All-seeing Ph'bus at his rise displays
On the once far renowned structure of
Old Paul [its now become our greatest scoffe]
With grateful hands succeeding times shall rear
Up fame-preserving Statues to declare,
(If these our present times ingrateful prove)
To your immortal Names their ardent Love.
To the University of Cambridge, &c.
Now Alma Mater from the ashes raise
Thy head, adorned with Apollos Bays;
From thy Syderial 11 Face wipe of those tears
Which furrowed have thy cheekes these twice ten years
Thy discomposed, long unordered Haire
And dangling locks dresse as some time they were.
Thy Nectar-yielding Cup shall now oreflow,
And to it shall the Cornu-copia bow;
Thy night dispelling Sun shall further shine.
Then the cold Arcticke or Antarctick Line;
By armed Rage and Ignorance no more
Shall thy best Sons from thy kind breast be tore.
Now, O thrice noble 12 House, thy sacred wood
And polisht stones (once taken to make good
Defensive Rampers) great Apollo shall
With his well-tun'd, melodious Harp recall,
Amphion like, and make them to repair
The rising walls of thy intended square.
[4] ie hindrances; OED the remora is the sucking-fish, (Echeneis remora) believed to be capable to staying the course of any ship to which it attached itself; so an obstacle, hindrance or impediment.
[5] Trained] ed; Trailed O, OH
[6] no obvious work here: perhaps an edition of Knolles; this title does not appear until 1687, however.
[7] Proclaiming] ed; Prolaiming O, OH
[8]long-wished] ed; loug-wished O, OH
[9] Cyty] ed; Cylly O, OH
[10] Meanders] Meauders O, OH cancel note
[11] ie sideral, of the stars
[12] Clare Hall.
A. Starkey
Good News for England
[undated: June?]
Date: Charles has evidently arrived and Starkey dutifully reports the celebrations in London, but offers little by way of commentary on any real achievements other than hoping trade will recover.
Good News for England:
The Peoples Triumph.
Then let's be joyful, and in heart content,
To see our King united with the Parliament.
Long live CHARLES the Second.
To the Tune of, Bodkins Galliard.
DArk clouds and storms did hide the glorious sun
With Planets evil 'twas eclipsed round;
But now the light to us again is come,
King Charles the second glorious shall be Crown'd:
5: Then praise his name that did such comfort bring,
let's do the same, and welcome home our King.
Welcome sweet Charles, thrice welcome to thy own,
Though fortune base upon thy Grace did frown,
We thy poor Subjects uttered many a groan
10: In City, Countrey, and in every Town:
But now he's come, let's all rejoyce and sing,
Thrice welcome home to Charles our Royal King.
Full many a year this Nation hath been sad,
For want of trading thousands were undone,
15: But now rejoyce, and in your hearts be glad,
Good tidings to our Land again is come:
Bonefires blaz'd, the Bells abroad did ring,
To bid welcome home to Charles our Royal King.
All sorts of Tradesmen as I understand,
20: They now are glad that late were grieved fore;
Such gallant tidings is so near at hand,
Our King is safely arrived on our Shore:
Fair London City with acclamations ring,
To welcome home the second Charles our King.
The second Part, to the same Tune.
25: THe Royalists they have sequestred been,
And banisht were beyond the Seas a space;
But now in England they'l again be seen,
Accompanying of his royal Grace:
Their lands they shall again with speed enjoy,
30: Which makes them cry aloud, Vive le Roy.
Brave General Monck the Lord preserve and bless,
For he hath brought unto this Land content;
And in his actions grant him good success,
For uniting of our King and Parliament:
35: All people now have cause to rejoyce and sing,
And did welcome home to Charles our King.
The Aldermen in gallant pomp did ride
With their golden Chains to meet his royal Grace;
The Common Council, and every man beside,
40: Their hearts did leap to see his sacred face:
The Cannons from the Tower did bravely ring,
To welcome home the second Charles our King.
The Royal Seamens heart are fill'd with joy,
With Flags and Streamers piercing to the Sky;
45: They to his Grace will be a safe Convoy,
Long live his Majesty is all their cry:
Their thundring Guns will make the Ecchoes ring,
To welcome home the second Charles our King.
The Irish they in Usquebath doth sing,
50: And makes a Bog within their jovial brain,
With drinking healths unto our noble King;
Such joyful news with comfort to obtain:
The Scots for joy their Bonnets up doth fling,
With heart & voice bids welcome home their King.
55: The Dutch are joyful, and the Welch more glad,
To see at length such happy tidings come;
They now asre merry that before were sad,
To meet his Royal Grace doth thousands run:
Whose sight is sweet, then let's rejoyce and sing
60: With voices meek, bid welcome home our King.
Come Dick, come Tom, come Humphrey, Ralph, & Ned,
Leave off the Plough, hang working for a week;
Come Margery, Nancy, Eedy, and sweet Peg,
Bring forth your Garlands deckt with flowers sweet
65: As Birds rejoyce to usher in the Spring,
With melodious voice bid welcome home our King.
Thus to conclude the ending of my Song,
I for King Charles most heartily will pray;
God bless the Dukes, and all to them belong,
70: And keep them safe until their dying day:
If any here be offended at my Song,
I wish with all my heart they had ne're a tongue.
FINIS, A. Starkey.
London, Printed for M. Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old Bailey,