MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration
of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library
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Part VII. Two Academic Gatherings
University of Oxford
Britannia Rediviva
[7 July]
The Thomason copy is dated 7 July, but since it was published in Oxford, it might well have taken a while to reach Thomason. This volume is said to predate the Woodstock School volume, and that is recorded as June in Wood.
This volume contains verses in Latin, Greek, Arabic and Hebrew scripts.
Only the English poems are given below. Those by John Locke and John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, are among the most interesting.
In several copies, gathering Cc is misfolded, causing several poems to be broken up and shuffled with parts of different poems. Some copies also have parentheses in the final verses by Lichfield but these are not always found elsewhere.
Madan comments: "Great must have be the heart-searching of the Vice-Chancellor [John Conant] (who had to contribute, and was ejected from office within a month of publication) . . . . On the whole there is no change of style, but the English part is composed of poems longer than was formerly usual. The general hope of rewards ought to have raised the quality of the verse, but it is still rhetorical and artificial."
Madan also notes "the usual signs of haste in its make up...the two parts being concomittantly set up in type. Some misprints and corrections . . . mark not so much an early or late issue, as corrections made in particular sheets while the book was passing through the press . . . ."
"Mrs. [Anne] Lichfield was paid oe20 for `printing the Verses' and for some occasional losses . . . and 2s. 6d. was given to the `printers' ie the compositors."
Of the verses at the end, signed by the printer Leonard Lichfield, Madan comments: "The verses were of course written for him by some scholar."
I have used asterisks to indicate those who also contributed poems to Cromwell in the Oxford volume of 1654.
To His Sacred Majesty.
VErtues triumphant Shrine! who do'st engage
At once three Kingdomes in a Pilgrimage;
Which in extatick duty strive to come
Out of themselves as well as from their home:
5: Whilst England grows one Camp, and London is
It self the Nation, not Metropolis;
And loyall Kent renews her Arts agen,
Fencing her wayes with moving groves of men;
Forgive this distant homage, which doth meet
10: Your blest approach on Sedentary feet:
And though my youth, not patient yet to bear
The weight of Armes, denies me to appear
In Steel before You, yet, Great Sir, approve
My manly wishes, and more vigorous love;
15: In whom a cold respect were treason to
A Fathers ashes, greater than to you;
Whose one ambition 'tis for to be known
By daring Loyalty Your WILMOT's Son.
Wadh. Coll.
[1] {see Ath Oxon, where Woods claims these are by Robert Whitehall -- Love, p. 245}
WE that of late were fill'd with fears and sadnesse,
That look'd dejected for so long a season;
Are suddenly transform'd to joy and gladness,
Grown blith and frolick: would you know the reason?
5: The World's turn'd round; 'tis quite another thing;
Then we had many Tyrants, now one KING.
England was then a strange and monstrous Beast,
Whose Tayle was gotten where the Head should be;
Servants commanded, Nobles were opprest,
10: Ith'name o'th'Jaylors of our Liberty.
Justice was fled; all mischiefs had their swing;
We lost our Happinesse when we lost our KING.
But now our KING is coming; we shall straight
Heare the glad news that He is Landed well.
15: The Frigots dance with their Illustrious Fraight:
'Tis pride, not winde, that makes their sailes to swell.
For the same Fleet doth a Pair-royall bring
Of Princely Brothers, whereof One's our KING.
No longer let the vain Republican
20: Fill with Chimera's his fantastick Noddle:
Balance, and Ballot, and Agrarian,
And all the Whimsies of th'Utopian Model
Are out of doors: to the old Form we cling,
Our good old Form; Commons, and Lords, and KING.
25: Shall we a Cloud for a faire Goddesse clasp?
Strive to be Lords, and prove Slaves in conclusion?
The Substance lose, while we at Shadows grasp?
And call that Liberty, which is Confusion?
No more of this; wee'l have no levelling:
30: There's no such Freedome, as by a good KING.
Therefore for ever let this yeare be blest,
That when we had suffer'd much, and yet fear'd more,
From all our miseries hath given us rest,
And brought our drowning Vessell safe to shore.
35: Behold the fruites of this most happy Spring;
April brought Lords and Commons, May a KING.
And such a KING, as England never knew;
Whom early Wisdome makes already gray;
Whom Sufferings taught Compassion; just, and true,
40: Valiant and Liberall. Then come away,
You that are minded to rejoice and sing,
Come to the Crowning of our glorious KING.
Baronet, of All-soules Coll.
WHen times are turn'd, the Vulgar think the Sun
In other guises should his compasse run,
The Air and Elements their influence change,
And all things otherwise their courses range,
5: So doe they fancy, that a Prince can state
The course of nature, and the force of fate.
But even they, whose practise makes their sight
More clear, do now expect another Light
To shine upon our Orbe, then did before,
10: When hurling Tempests on the State did roar.
Then Pho/ebus, if thou hast another race
Of Horses yet un-teem'd, un-nam'd to place
Within thy Charet, ride it soft, and view,
And tell, if all thou seest be not new.
15: Who ever saw a Force so kindly broke,
Which lately held Three Kingdoms under yoke?
An Army vanquish'd by a secret breath,
That did their Swords dissolve within the sheath?
Their swords before they brandish'd, and their hearts,
20: Before they knew how to distinguish parts.
The Nation that in Faction, doubt, and fear
Lay dormant, restlesse, drowned in despair,
No sooner hears of You, but they aspire,
They love, they dare, they kindle in desire:
25: Whom hate and emulation did divide,
The love of You reduced to one side.
Whom int'rest sway'd, Your name could overthrow,
Since law, and bounty onely were from you.
The baffled reasons, that doe since retire
30: In muffled passions, court a new attire;
For they that sought a Faction up to set,
And in the name of a Free-state to jet,
Would now be thought to have contriv'd the thing
(Most politiquely) to bring to the KING.
35: And let it so be thought, Sir, if you can,
That You one King, Your Kingdomes as one man,
May all conspire to make these Nations blest,
Restore the Age, and give the Countrey rest.
We are awake, the dawning never broke
40: More sweetly, and the Nation never spoke
So loud in any other, as this strain,
God bless King CHARLES the Second, and his Reign.
Acad. Proc. Sen.
[ie senior proctor]
[2] Tanner, senior proctor, also contributed Latin verses to this volume at sig [a3].
FRee-men we cannot; Slaves we will not be:
Subjects we are. That's all the liberty,
That we desire, or can contain. What's more,
Doth but oppress us with impertinent Store.
5: What mean't those State-Fanaticks then, say I,
To make us drunk with too much Liberty;
Forcing upon us more then we could bear?
What Formes could please that thus imposed were?
The greatest Good, obtruded, turn's to Ill.
10: Tis Bondage to be Free against our Will.
Ne're talk to us of antient Greece and Rome:
Must all delight in that which pleases Some?
They had their humour; Wee'll have Ours: as They
Lov'd to command, so We love to obey.
15: And though we lov'd it not, we might not sure
By right or wrong our Liberty procure;
And lose our Soules, to set our Bodies free.
In this we must not our own Carvers be:
Nor greedily grasp at the Government
20: We most affect, but rather be content
With that we have. Unless perhaps you'l say,
Tenants, to better their condition, may,
When they think fit, themselves Free-holders vote,
Pay no more Rent, and cut their Landlords throat.
25: But sure our Nation is heav'n-bless't; for we
Take no contentment but in Loyalty.
The Needle doth not more to th'North encline,
Then English hearts to the right Form and Line:
Save there w'are restless. 'Tis a thing most sweet,
30: When our Affections & our Duty meet,
And Interest too. 'Tis well w'have wit to see,
Tumult and Faction are not Liberty:
And that Rebellion is meer Madness, since
By the dethroning of our Lawfull Prince
35: Our goodly Freedome would in this consist,
That th'House of Commons might doe what they list.
And then, if many Masters make men free,
Without all doubt we should not Bond-men be.
I doe confess, were there a Parliament
40: Compos'd of Angells, I could be content
To let their Will be Law; but if they'r Men
They must excuse me. May I ne're agen
See my lov'd Country under th'violent sway
Of insolent Members when the Head's away.
45: If we aright late times reflect upon,
The fault was in the Constitution,
Rather then in the Men: and we that blame
Their high mis-doings, would have done the same,
If we had had their Power. 'Tis the same thing,
50: An absolute Senate and an absolute King.
'Tis this same absolute Power, whether it be
In One or More, that causeth Tyranny.
'Tis a Temptation not to be withstood.
It makes those wicked, that might else be good.
55: Give me a Government of severall Parts
Poising each other: so that when One starts
From Right and Rule, the Other presently
May give it check. Then welcome Monarchy;
A Monarchy so mix't, that in't we find
60: All the Perfections of each other Kind.
Where Prince, Peers, People mutually assist
In doing good, and what is bad resist.
Welcome our ancient Form: under whose shade
Our Sires liv'd happy, and whose want soon made
65: Us to be wretched. Now the Law bears sway,
And what we do possess, we safely may
Esteem our own. For we have try'd it long,
That such a King as Our's can doe no wrong.
Edw. Littleton.
[3] Littleton also contributed Latin verses at sigs [B4-B4v].
AFter such gloomy storms, and fatall jarrs,
(Beyond the rage and heats of Barons Wars
Or the two Roses conflicts) undergone,
Spun out 'twixt fury and confusion,
5: Then when the Widdow'd Land breath'd nought but groans
Strain'd from her peoples vassallage and Loans:
When Arts and Learning and our Muses all
Grew disesteem'd, as over-grown and stale,
Led by such cold embracements, and dull times
10: To seek for life and warmth in forrein Climes.
(So Orpheus mangled by a savage crue,
Helicon shrank in, and bad the coast adieu,
Left to Fanatick swarms; as once we read
Egypt with Lice and Caterpillars spread)
15: Amongst these horrors, and black mists of night,
You like the Sun (Great King) dispence your light;
And cherish with your Royall beams this Land
Which could admit no Balme but from your hand:
As if that sacred touch you do extend
20: To scare Kings evill, would your Kingdoms mend.
Thus is it said of pooles, which having long
Contracted Venome and Infection,
The Soveraign Unicorn the plague expels,
And with his Horn the tainted water heals.
25: Our England heretofore had fits, which your
Auspicious presence fixed into cure:
Resembling Great Apollo, where you please
To plant your station, headlesse Tumults cease;
And we not owe to you a mercy less,
30: Than to bring Delos to our Cyclades.
Glories (which some by point of Sword improve)
You for your self, and us, obtain'd by Love.
And charm us into reverence, whil'st you quell
Those flames intestine rage had made our hell.
35: When Pho/ebus (thus) resum'd and grasp'd the Reine,
The unhing'd world leap'd into frame again:
Beside y'are Heavens pledge to us (Great Prince)
Who for our Warrant have the Influence
Of Stars and Deities, which long before
40: Of this blest day such signall tokens bore
That 'twere in us but gross stupidity,
To phrase it lower than a Prophesie.
Thus with our Great Redeemer you do share,
That both your Births were usher'd by a Star:
45: And we should wrong our Faith (when Heavens divine)
To doubt, like providence did our CHARLES designe,
Witnesse those throngs of dangers you befell,
Which spoke your blest escape a Miracle:
And made us see from these your straights much more
50: The Gods asserted, then when safe before.
Your patience in such weights of crosses shown,
Convince us all you had no passion:
And taught our Schooles, on second thoughts of you,
To yeeld the Stoicks Apathy now true.
55: Halft thus 'twixt Man and Angel you express,
As well Divine, as Morall Perfectness.
And have not we great cause to bless that hand,
Which brought such full-crown'd blessings to our Land?
Another George for England, whose great name
60: Seth's Pillars shall out-live, in endless fame.
Who with such Arts his Triumphs manag'd, that
He sav'd the Nation, but destroy'd the hate.
And now, Dread King, enjoy your Rights again,
And may no bold Usurper more distain
65: Your sacred Throne, nor Scepter violate,
But firm and fix'd as heaven be your state.
To some we give the Bayes for Victory:
Laurels for Peace we all present to Thee.
Ja. Vaughan, Mr. of Arts,
of Jesus Colledge.
[4] Verses at sigs. Bb-Bb2v. Vaughan also contributed Latin verses at sigs. C2v-[C3], and wrote verses for the Oxford volume on Cromwell in 1654.
WOnder of Kings and men! to Thee we owe
All our Religion, and our Reason too.
'Tis from Thy sacred Name that we commence
Devout admirers of a Providence:
5: And thy strange fate hath taught us to adore,
Who at the worlds mad busines laught before.
England's once more converted, and we're now
At once grown Theists, and good Christians too.
Welcome Great Britain's Soul: Our Land's at last
10: Acted by thee, that was before possest.
Touch'd by thy sacred Hand England we see,
Not of the Kings, but Peoples Evill free.
Heir to thy Fathers Sufferings, and his Crown!
He Dy'd a Martyr, thou hast Lived one:
15: Misery it self so beautify'd thou hast,
We know not which, to Reign, or Suffer's best:
Onely for this thou seem'st to vary state,
To be Example too to th'Fortunate.
Fair Month, thou'st give CHARLES his second Birth,
20: Great Britain's labour'd, and a King brought forth.
Heaven, you Proclaim'd him first; poor mortals we
Came in to finish the Solemnity;
Ecchoing those Triumphs, that did louder ring
In those bright Chappels where the Angels sing.
25: That Star, Heav'ns Herald, that at's Birth in May
Shone amidst all the Glories of the day,
Bespoke him Monarch, and th'auspicious thing
Led all our Wisemen unto CHARLES our King.
Of whose fair Reign, if Poets can divine,
30: And Prophesie been't ceas'd, then hear you mine.
Upon his Throne shall wait Honour and Love,
And Charles's Wain be drawn by Venus's Dove:
Nobles he shall have good as they are great,
And Pallas wise in Honours Temple set:
35: Religion graven in each subjects heart,
Not by the Sword, but by perswasive Art:
The Muses sitting by desert, not fate,
Upon the double Top of Church and State.
The three Estates entwisted all in one,
40: And in their Trinity a Union:
Unbribed Justice, Few, and Equall Laws:
Armies as glorious as is their Cause:
Victories such as shall oblige the Foe,
And make the World Court to be conquer'd so.
45: All that is Great and Good our CHARLES shall have;
An Early Glory, and a Later Grave:
And if what's highest can admit degree,
Greater than Charles the Greatest He shall be.
Jo. Ailmer of
New Coll. Fellow.
[5] Verses at sigs. Bb2v-[Bb3v]. Ailmer wrote verses in the 1654 volume on Crowmell.
WElcome, Dread Sir, to this now happy Ile,
As is the Silver Fleet with the rich spoyle
And plunder of the Indies; we in You
A Treasure worth more than ten Indies view.
5: Or as the Sun is to the Northern coasts,
After a six Months night, and as long Frosts;
At whose approach they straight revive, and cry
O might we in those Rayes expire, and dye!
Our Joyes, Sir, are no less than theirs, now You
10: (The Greater Luminary of the two)
Shine in your Proper Sphear, who can dispense
A warmth more vitall than his Influence.
Such as at first did make the fruitfull earth
Teem with a numerous and happy birth.
15: Nor doth Your lustre, like his envious beams,
Rob lesser Starres of all their borrowed Streams,
Such onely as You admit of no increase,
Can neither grow more happy, nor turn lesse.
And though a Rebell Cloud dares interpose,
20: We know the Glorious Body doth not lose
Ought of his former warmth or light: 'Tis we
Who here below doe misse his Rayes, not He.
What a strange Babell have we seen of late!
Call it a larger Bedlam, not a State,
25: Or second Chaos, greater than the first,
Where in a rude, confused mass were nurst
The seeds of all Antipathies; where all
The wrangling Elements in a mutuall braul
Lay strugling (like the two unruly Twins
30: In the same womb) till, swift as lightning springs,
Or the first glimpse of Morn, each forth did leap
Into that beauteous order they still keep.
England was then, what Delos was before,
The floating Island; stood, like that, all o're
35: Surrounded with a Sea of Blood, more red
Than that which all th'Egyptians buried.
I now believe the earth indeed runs round,
And acts a circulation under ground;
Hence all became so giddy, that they knew
40: Not what to speak, and much less what to doe.
That step You first set on this happy shore
Did fix it so (by a magnetick Power
Much stronger than its own) That now we stand
Firm as the Rocks i'th'midst of waves, and sand.
45: We're now once more our selves, and hope to live,
Not by what breath we have, but what You give.
And sure if our Philosophy be true,
That there's an universall Soul, 'tis You;
Who are the worlds Great Genius, and impart
50: The Vitall Flame to every distant Heart.
Three Kingdoms You revive at once, which lay
To each bold Monster an unpittyed Prey.
And we, who've all this while a carcass been,
Not enjoyed life enough to speak us men,
55: Recover sense, and motion too, and find
A new soul breath'd into each part, and mind.
Onely the miracle's so big, That we
Doe not yet know our own Felicity.
Thus Persons newly rais'd would look upon
60: And scarce believe their Resurrection;
But fear an Apparition, and mistrust
Unlawfull Arts had call'd them from their dust.
Will. Uvedale, of All-soules Colledge.
AFter twelve years of dark, and restless Night,
When Terrours raign, and walking Fiends affright;
When Storms and Tempests rage, and every Cloud
Of Lawless Fury ends in showrs of Blood:
5: When giddy Wild-fires wander to and fro,
And mislead those that know not where to goe:
When our beheaded Nation seems no more
But Charles his Ghost, besmeared in his Gore:
We see a Morning, but indeed so bright,
10: We seem to slumber yet, and dream of Light:
When we can be awake and shall perceive,
That Kings can once again in England live:
Wee'l sleep no more, but rise, and work and sing,
God keep us Loyall, and GOD SAVE THE KING.
Tho. Smith, Qu. Coll.
Gent. Com.
[6] Smith published Hebrew verses at LT 669.f.26(26), dated 12 November 1660, and in 1662, included Hebrew verses in the Oxford University volume for Catharine of Braganza (see excl for title).
ARise Great Sun, and with thy light
Vanquish thy Britains shorter night,
And tell the Persians they mistake,
When theirs a Deity they make:
5: Such Prodigies no Wars foretell,
We ever lov'd New lights too well.
Nature indeed to shew her skill,
Makes a rare Good portend some Ill:
Thus doe the greatest Calmes presage
10: The greatest Tempests, and Sea's rage
Which in the bosome of some wave
Now shews a cradle, then a grave.
The Sun in Winter shines most clear
Before the darkest nights draw near.
15: But Greatest Monarch, thy bright ray
Shall give us one continu'd day;
Who, not like Nature, but her King
And ours, do'st fairest order bring
Out of the foulest Chaos; these
20: Great cures thou ow'st to her disease.
Thus the ungratefull discords throng
Themselves into the sweetest song:
And England, like her barren ground,
Grows only fruitfull by her wound. 7
25: Thrice welcome to thy Fathers Crown,
And all his Vertues, made thine own.
If their store know an end our times,
May quite exhaust them with their crimes.
Edm. Dolling, A. M. ex 'de Christi
[7] Verses at sig Cc[2]v; catchword "Thrice."
[8] Lines 25-28 and signature, at sig. Cc[1].
WHen Violence in specious colours drest
Grew Right: and Duty bowed to Interest.
When Liberty was the worst Thraldome known:
And every Religion, grew none.
5: When Conscience being tender, prov'd thereby
Only more apt to stretch, and to comply.
When Usurpation did it's self dilate;
And spawn'd a Tyranny into a State.
Whil'st the wild Legion that first One possest
10: Cast out, did thence a numerous Herd invest:
And Honour, Laws and Learning gasping lay;
The Souldiers, scorn, and the Fifth Monarchs Prey.
When publick Spoil, and universall Stealth
Made us indeed an Equall Common-wealth:
15: Who to all Swords our ready throats did yeeld,
To Madmen in the House, and in the Field.
Welcome our timely Aid, that do'st enhance,
By mighty danger, thy deliverance.
Thou Miracle of Rescue: Hand of Fate,
20: Unto our worst of harmes commensurate:
Prince of our hearts, whose happy touch will cure
The Kingdoms Evill, and its health assure.
Welcome Great Britain home, that long hast stood
A floating Iland in Thy Sea of Blood.
25: From new-light darknesse render'd back to day;
Old England welcome from Oceana.
George Roberts, B. A. of Mert. Coll.
[9] Verses sigs. Cc[1]-Cc[1]v.
JOve in the Widdows Lodge did chance to find
A Rurall treatment, but a Courtly mind,
Which did him more delight, and please, than they
That did whole Oxen on his Altars lay:
5: And now since You vouchsafe to let us see
Your wish'd for, and adored Majesty,
Accept (Great CHARLES) my Muses mite, and know
It's what I can, not what I would bestow.
Henry Gellibrand, B. A.
Stu. of Ch. Ch.
[10] Verses at sig. Cc[1]v
INspire me Loyalty; that Sacred Name
Can, what nor Muse, nor Gods, nor thirst of Fame,
Dictate such Anthems, as they'd not refuse
To bear a part in, who in raptures lose
5: Their souls, their all; lines that an Angels Pen
Would for it's Sacred Quire transcribe from men:
When all they can suggest neglected lyes,
Condemned to a female's tongue or eyes.
Once more inspire me, that my lines may be
10: Fraught as with Fancy, so Fidelity.
That absent I may be thought weak, but all
Will damne the want of This as Criminall.
Who to an injur'd Prince for Pardon sue,
15: And write but Poets, do write Rebels too.
Haile, Sacred Sir, thrice-welcome to the shoar,
The richest burthen e're was wafted o're
To this your England; which now finds it self
So happy as to think, no foreign pelf
20: Worth its Commerce: That which must henceforth tye
Us and the needy World's our Charity.
There's no place here or for desire or moan,
Now heav'n restores us what it made our own.
When first* the best of Subjects did appear *L. Monck.
25: Darting his beams on this our Hemisphere;
All Loyall Souls look'd on each glimmering ray,
But as a Prologue to a fairer day:
Then men began to utter, what before
Was Treason but to think, to speak out, more;
30: And dar'd to name Free-Parliament, then Peers
And, what we had forgotten for some years,
A King and CHARLES. But he whose great designes
Were thus to be conceal'd from Vulgar minds,
Mask'd all his Counsels in mists black as night,
35: Withdrawing not their Influence but Light.
And then our fears 'gan to misconstrue all,
And what was now a Star, a Comet call;
Sent for to let us know those ills, which we
Did think -- to suffer was a misery.
40: But this our Phosphorus did soon display
His wonted lustre, and gave hopes of day;
Which yet there are, who think we partly owe
To the disturbed Citizens, but so
To Pans and women's outcryes Cynthia might
45: Have been sometime indebted for her light.
Now a new face of all things does appear,
Order and beauty shine forth every where.
The Citizens, who pris'ners were at best
Unto themselves, of Freedome are possest:
50: Nor want they walls, or gates, or posts, or chains,
That Town contemns such aids which Monck contains.
But yet we were not happy, till that you
Had blest us with your Royall presence too;11
Which having done, wee've nothing left to crave,
55: But the continuance of what we have.
Like that of Heaven's our happinesse, that we
Must ever tast the same Felicity.
G. Towerson, M.A.
of All-soules.
[11] Verses at sigs. [Cc4-Cc4v]; catchword "Which".
[12] lines 95-98 at sig. [Cc3].
TO England sick of Peace could no health be
Procur'd but by it's own Infirmity?
Could nought but wounds to us recouery give,
And must the Nation dye that it might live?
5: Thus large effusions of blood we see
Some Artists stanch with their Phlebotomy.
But see! our Joyes surprize us: we now feel
A Cure more Soveraign that can onely heale.
Much like to Numa's shield from heaven sent,
10: Whom to defend both God and Nature meant.
Though Mars himself could not be his defence,
His safeguard was a Virgins Innocence.
His Army sleighted, to a Tree he ran,
Whose hallow heart more Loyal prov'd than man:
15: The royall Oak, Great CHARLES, from hence is due,
No more to Jove, but Sacred unto you.
When thus forsak'n in solitude He dwelt,
Yet all his passions his great Empire felt:
His Vertue then like Heraldry was known,
20: More rich when plain, more noble when alone.
When harder fate had forced him to flee,
We did the Exiles rather seem than He.
Yet in our hearts he reign'd, though banish'd hence:
So Stars remote govern by Influence.
25: England was sure too narrow his great soul
T'instruct, the Universe must be his School:
Thus Fate prov'd kind even against her will,
And whiles she did neglect him, taught him skill.
Thrice happy we! that our great Monarch thus
30: Must learn to Govern Europe first, then us.
While other Kings only their Crowns inherit,
The Crown is his by Birth-right and by Merit.
Most Princes but like stately Pageants are,
And rule by Proxy; He by his own care:
35: Th'auspicious presence of whose greater name
Shall never weaken, but encrease our flame.
Fruition of most things pleasure abates,
Him onely to possesse more Joy creates:
For thus his absence hath enhanc'd our Joy,
40: That we should first expect, than him enjoy.
The Sun it self, if it had alwaies shin'd,
In Persian Temples had not been enshrin'd. 13
Let all things then but Syrens sing: such Teares.
Joyes shall produce, as lately did our feares.
45: We feare least height of Joy cause griefe: Thus Light
Of Radiant Lustre overwhelmes the sight.
So Rivers loose themselves, when swoln too high,
And in their union with the Ocean dye.
Pardon rude Loyalty, great Sir, this time
50: Makes that Devotion which were else a crime:
The meanest Votaries are not scorn'd, when they
The smallest Homage in Religion pay.
T. Topping, M. A. Ch. Ch.
[13] Verses ast sigs. [Cc3-Cc3v]; catchword "Let".
[14] Lines 43-52 at sig. Dd.
HEavens Great Blessing welcome! welcome Light
To Brittaines dim and blubber'd eye; whom Night
Long as Thine absence darkned had, about
Not only to hoodwink, but put it out.
5: Chimaerick Commonwealths men would devise,
A Monster Headlesse and so without eyes.
But even while we thus distracted lay
Gods pity'd when men had not wit to pray.
And by like Miracles Heaven wrought to bring.
10: At length our King to us, us to our King.
Thus Nature deales with rebell Earth, when by
Aspiring Vapours it seeks to be high;
From those same fumes shee frameth in her breast
False lights to cheat us, Snow, Haile, from the rest
15: Thunder, with which shee chides, frights, strikes, & then
Smoothing her wrinkled forehead, smiles agen.
Thus when tumultuous Seas swell'd by a vaine
Ambition to rise higher, now disdaine
Their Soveraigne Planet's laws, begin to pride
20: Themselves in their own strength, and scorne a Tide;
When th'mutinous rabble rules, and when each base
And Abject wave dare spit in Heavens face:
'Tween wrath and scorne then Gods check th'Element,
And make its crime prove its own Punishment;
25: The Day's shut out by dismall mists, one skreen
Ecclipses Heavens Beauty, nothing's seen;
Mean while each insolent and upstart Billow
Soon overtops and crushes down his Fellow,
'Gainst one another thus they're broke, then come
30: Their miseries all cast up in one summe --
Those very clouds they rais'd in stormes they find
Hurl'd down upon them with a boist'rous wind;
At length bright Phoebus Heavens, Glorious eye,
Unseals himselfe, darts Love an Majesty.
35: Such was and long had been (Great King) our Fate,
When Your blest Hand at once sav'd Church & State,
Each almost drowned in a sev'rall Flood;
That lay in Teares, and this in Sacred Blood.
Three Kingdomes now of mangled Trunks, once men,
40: Beg kneeling, Sir, You'd make them such agen:
We've found You are our Head, O let Your Hand
First raise us up, then give us leggs to stand.
And now shine forth bright Sun, who seem kept low
Till now only, that You might Greater show:
45: Stand rank'd and honoured by aged Fame,
Equall with him that first gave Brittain name.
'Tis no lesse Glory to restore a State,
Then 'twas at first to frame't and to Create.
Nay Y'have out done all former Kings; what they
50: Scarce built in Ages, You raise in one Day,
Three Glorious Kingdomes, Sir; we owe, 'tis true,
Each one to some, but owe all three to You.
Coll. Reg. Soc.
[15] Verses at sigs. Dd-Dd2. Williamson also contributed Latin verses at sig. [D3].
HIgh Courts above all Justice slew our King
And made at once three Kingdomes knells to ring.
Brittaine a floting Iland was twelve yeares,
Ballast with heavy hearts and fraught with feares.
5: But now shee hath recovered sight of Land:
CHARLES our true Pilot saves her from the Sand.
Advance yee Crowns; attend your Sov'raign's Head,
Here's now a Resurrection from the dead.
Be gone false Keepers of our Liberty,
10: We owe to none but Charles our Loyalty.
Farewell O Harp, thy parting is no losse
Whereas thy mirth was joyned with a crosse,
The Ship which brings our King with all his Traine,
Sha'nt be cal'd Naseby, but the Soveraigne.
15: Thou onely soule three Realmes do'st animate,
And giv'st them motion; Now's the true free State.
Bright Sun, our Center, Thou do'st us array
With joy; thy Solstice, makes our lasting day.
N. C. A. M. L. C. Soc.
[16] Verses at sigs. Dd2-Dd2v. Madan identifies Nathaniel Crewe,who also wrote verses on Cromwell.
WElcome our native Countrie home once more,
Welcome lost Brittaine to thine Albions shore.
Nor will You deem, dread Sir, our joyes misled;
You were still at home, England Banished.
5: So the bright Soule whilst hence 'tis snatch't away
Into some other Region, sees its clay
In its own soile exil'd. The Sun, that leaves
A night to all the world besides, bereaves
Himself not of one single wonted ray,
10: Is in all places his owne constant day.
'Tis You must give the welcome Sir, not wee,
The rebell Son hath lost that right, must bee
Restor'd to's Fathers grace and pardon, ere
Like one o'th'family himself hee beare.
15: Receive us then; henceforth excesse alone
Of faith, shal be English rebellion.
Your rifled Coffers wee'le with soules repa're,
Each English heart Your Royal stampe shall weare.
T'inverte the proverbe wee'le united joyne,
20: Not gold shall make the man, but man the coyne.
Wee'le pay our selves of our disloyaltie
The ransome; 'twould bee slavery to bee free
From Your commands; wee ne're have servile been,
But since that time wee have no Master seen.
25: You have return'd us to our selves agen,
You make us happy, and You make us men.
The fame of our white Clifts to Natur's due,
That of their innocence wee owe to You.
Th'amazed World will dread no more those shelves,
30: Will think us of their kind, and like themselves,
Wee shall not bee disjoyn'd by a double flood,
By one of water, and by one of blood.
Whole Nature is concern'd to bear a share
In Englands Triumph, and must mak't her care
35: To vente our Common joyes, whilst thus You bring
The Universe a wonder; Us a KING.
N. Hodges A. M. ex 'de Christi.
[17] Verses at sigs. Dd2v-[Dd3v].
WHilst that the Sea and season both contend,
Which shall more pleasure or assistance Lend
As You pass hither: shall we but expect
Your coming? If the swelling waves erect
5: Themselves, impatient or else proude to bring
So Great, so Good, so Wise, so Just a KING
To Englands borders: 'Tis but fit that we
Have hearts as open for You as the Sea.
Methink's the nimble billowes dance, and beare,
Your Royall fleet by Capers through the aire:
Methinks the wind's harmonious, and each blast
A pleasant aire; that make's them skip so fast.
Nor are our measures wanting; since we be
More happy; let's rejoyce as much as they:
15: Wee'l eccho forth whole CAROL'S, and so greet
Your Majesty, imploy a thousand feet.
But why so slow? must expectation hover
'Twixt hope and fear so long? Pray waft Him over
Swift-wing'd desires and wishes: yet these are
Too weak! else long agoe wee'd had Him here.
O 'tis a torment to expect! not yet
Arriv'd? But coming hither still? not yet?
What are the Dutch such cunning Merchants? doe
They know Your worth and will not let You goe?
25: Or doe not we deserve You yet? 'tis true!
But You must give us merit, only You.
Wee've languish't in Your want thus long, 'tis time.
We were refresh't: Make not our grief our crime.
Behold the people flocke to see, to kisse
You royal hands! deny, deferre not this.
England's growne inn'cent once againe; pray fear
Us not; No rav'nous wolves inhabit here,
Save in the Tow'r: or if they doe wee'l give
You tribute of their heads, they shall not live
35: Within Your Land; but if we speed so ill
As not to purge our selves; Your presence will.
Johannes Singleton. A. M. Ox.
St. Ch. Ch.
[18] Verses at sigs. [Dd3v-Dd4].
YE empty Comets of the Skies
Vanish, whil'st our bright Sun doth rise:
Heavens rejoyce, that CHARLS his Waine
Hath got it's Rider once again.
The blushing Morn no sooner fled
From lazie Neptunes watry bed,
Then nature in her finest dresse
Ushered in this happinesse.
The little birds in ev'ry part
10: Doe chaunt with most melodious Art,
Each one endeavouring to bring
A sweet Elogium to our KING.
Mark the rejoycing of the Bells,
Without mans help they ring themselves;
15: Leaving their ropes for them who were
The wickeds hope and just mens fear.
Abstemious Ceres now will quaffe,
And weeping Heraclitus laugh:
'Tis sullen treason to anoy
20: Our selves with grief, whilst all things joy.
See how King Eolus doth advance
His Winds, making the Clouds to dance,
Whilst jovially the sphears doe play
To welcome in this happy day.
William Clarke, Gen. Com. Wadh. C.
[19] 6.] I. copytext; all copies
[20] Verses at sigs. [Dd3v]-Ee.
WHat's CHARLES safe Landed at his British shore?
And weares he great Druina's Crowns? once more
An heir of Martyr'd CHARLES those Scepters sway?
Which from his sacred hands were forc't away.
5: Then Muse a full-mouth'd wellcome, wellcome say,
Most potent King, Whose FIAT can bring day.
From our state-Chaos, and create us light
More glorious, 'cause from the womb of night.
Thus when Thyestes dish'd up men, Sol fled,
10: And posting hence hid his affrighted head
In t'other world, but rising the next day
Gilded Mount Oeta with a brighter ray.
Great King! 'fore you set footing on this coast,
England scarce saw one day, or that's the most,
15: These twelve yeares past: so that the Don might say,
Remember me to your next Sun I pray.
Greenland six Months, but England twice six yeares
Had night, then, Panthers, Tygers, Woolves, and Beares,
Or some Lycaons brood, men worse than they
20: Butcher a KING, and canton out the prey.
A KING! to whose rich shrine Pilgrims shall come,
And after ages offer at his Tombe.
(Which shall with loyall teares environ'd stand,
But deluge-proof, as that fam'd neck of Land
25: Betwixt two seas) the Turkes shall Mecha leave,
And for great cures resort to CHARLES his grave.
CHARLES murther'd was! thence blackest crimes we draw,
When Dunghill Peasants, Tylers, Cades, & Straw
Turn Kings Assasines, such as know no more
30: To diff'rence Royall blood, and common gore,
Than Black-smiths can a fine bullion clay
Couch't in earths womb, from a more base allay.
To speak such Hellish plots in after times,
They need but call them Bradshaw, Cromwell crimes.
35: But CHARLES more bright appeares since CHARLES is gone,
This is the rising, that our setting Sun.
London lift up thy drooping head, and reare
Thy Forehead high; CHARLES is Return'd this year.
Your trade revives with him: there's no such sport
40: As trusting half-poach'd-Squires, or such a Court.
No shop-books now shall bear, DVE to be paid
For Mourning by R. C. as above said.
CHARLES, James, & Henry return'd! names so divine,
They will old Romes Triumvirate out-shine.
45: There's Yorke Wars Thunderbolt, who shall advance
(Great King) your Standard o're the Rhosne, make France
Adore our Crosse: nay shall by conquest joyn
The Sea-surrounded Globe make both Suns thine.
There's Henry too: whose yet but blooming fame
50: Ripen'd by time, shall reach great Henry's name.
Muse! next to th'Royall stemme, let Monck take place,
That great Fergus, this Plantagenets race.
Great CHARLES and Monck! names that do so entwine,
As when the Elme supports the climbing Vine.
55: Great Monck and greater CHARLES! thus the same age
Brought Gods and semi-gods upon the stage.
Pardon great SIR, we cannot fame your deeds,
The Muses Trumpets are but Oaten reeds.
How high the world thinks Monck, if you would know,
60: Ask Trumps great dust, and the sea-gods below.
Get you to Rosses feild, and view where stood
His stand of Pikes, like to some grove or wood.
Thence to Dundee, and ask the perjur'd Scot,
How soon by his Triumphall armes 'twas got?
65: These Muster'd all cann't speak so great a name,
Moncks, Moncks alone will fill the trumpe of fame.
Thus having roll'd about, to you againe
Great King I come; Rivers ebbe down to th'mayne.
My Loyall wish is: in your reigne each day
70: May prove as happy as the FIRST OF MAY.
Joh. Fitz-William, A. M. Coll. Magd.
[21] Verses at sigs. Ee-Ee2v.
AS when upon the first confused masse
Thick darkness sate, and did Imbrace
With freindly shaddow, its most monstrous face:
Light breaking forth at Gods command,
5: Over this night did get the upper hand,
Making its troops to fly away,
And quickly got the day,
By a victorious Ray.
Straite all things smil'd and did put on,
At this so strang mutation,
A cheerful face, and joyfull dress,
To court their unexpected happiness.
So we that long tormented lay,
(Like those in Hell, in an eternall night,
15: Where Lucifer doth usher in no day,
And those perpetuall flames no light)
Lamenting our sad fate, no longer mourne,
But doe at your return,
Break out in mirth, and sudden joys,
20: Making Heavens arch reflect our cheerfull voice.
Long has our sacrifice
Which from your Fathers Alters still did rise,
Clouded with melancholy smoke our skies:
Now shall the lively joyfull fire appeare
And make our heaven cleare.
Now shall our glorious sun exhail,
The dew of teares that sate on all,
For what we in your Father lost,
What troubles since your carefull brest ingrost.
30: Beholding now what happy daies,
Attend your reign, what secure ease
We shall enjoy, what happy peace;
Our parted Duty humbly pays,
Cypresse to him, to you Tryumphant Bays.
35: Let now with joyes our Isle resound,
Such as in 'gypt did abound,
When they their God had found.
For now we shall the name attain,
O'th'land of Angels once again:
40: When your sacred presence shal our Heaven restore,
And make it far more glorious then it was before.
Our Heaven did in stormes and Thunder frown,
'Tis well, the one shall purge our Aire,
And make our skie more fair,
45: The other fruitfullness pour down.
Our land which so long time has born
Fury, that has so oft been torn
With Tyrants armes; Thou shalt first view,
Then set those bones a new,
50: Which shall grow more,
Gaine strength, be firmer than before.
Thy happy union us shall make,
(Like to those bodyes that again do take
Their long deserted soules) put on
55: At length, more glory, and perfection.
Arts, and Religion, like the Palme so long.
Bow'd down by th'weight of Armes, & rage
Of an unletter'd age,
Shall now grow strong,
60: Shall lift their heads up higher,
And up to Heaven from when they came aspire
Behold what wishes from each Brest arise,
How every one knowes how to prize
Your vertues now; and, pray that you alone
May rule the throne.
So Indians the purest gold dispise,
And look upon't with unregarding eyes:
Its value they don't know, but when
'Thus 22 past the test of forreign men;
70: Then they 23 doe find they did possess,
What others count their truest happiness.
Thus soveraigne Medicines do contemned lye,
Whilst we enjoy our health and ease:
Untill a bold and furious disease
75: The fortresse of the heart doth take,
And make with stormes the walls to shake,
Then we again to them for succour fly.
We like the Loadstone were, which drives
Away the Nedle, unto which before
It great Affection bore:
Being turn'd about again its old desire,
And love revive's,
And nought but close embraces doth require.
So we being alter'd, turned up side down,
85: Do close with thee, and Pray
That henceforth may,
Between us be no variation found.
Happy the man that first perceived the blazing starre,
That threatned from a farre
Ruine and Destruction:
That observ'd its motion,
And made it tumble down
Unto the Ground.
That suffer'd not our Servants still to Lord it thus,
95: But caus'd them bow their lofty crownes to us.
Nor dregs to keep the upper place
But made them sinke apace.
So when the Seas doe rage, and all
The waves into a tumult fall,
100: The mud, and sand do rise unto the top,
And proudly ride:
Untill a calmer tide,
And Neptune gave a stop
Unto the tumbling flood:
105: Then strait the grosser masse doth creep,
Into the humble deep,
Where formerly it stood:
Nor was this done by noise of Armes or 24 Dint of Sword,
But a strong, yet unseen hand,
But an omnipotent word, 110
Restored this our Land.
So move the Heavens round
And yet there is no noise, or Alteration found.
R. Stubbes, A: M.
Coll. Wadh. Soc.
[22] 'Thus] "Thus copytext
[23] they] the copytext
[24] Armes or] Armes:or copytext
[25] Verses at sigs. Ee2v-[Ee4v].
A KING agen? who thought it? when ere while
Nothing was to the multitude so vile.
Of all the rest must CHARLES be fetcht again
It seem's h'as long enough been in the Waine.
5: Welcome Dread Soveraign to the Royall Throne,
That knowes no other but thy self alone.
See how it Courts you, as if proud to bear
Your weight, the truest ballast for that Chaire.
Some were to heavy, some too light, but you
10: In all proportion fit, and grace it too.
How many have of late miscarried? sure
Ther's none besides your self can be secure.
Protectors can't protect themselves from harm,
Because they put their safety in alarm.
15: Councils of Safety have had dangerous falls,
And prov'd unto us subtile Nominalls.
Keepers of Liberties have kept them so,
That few the truth of Liberty did know.
A Common-wealth's a common woe, ther's none
20: Can suit our Genius, but a KING alone.
Take then the Crown that try'd hath been by many,
But since the true Head never fitted any.
Now times are alter'd; welcome Plato's year
When all things shall be, as at first they were.
25: Who would not write in such a time as this,
The King's as well our Subject, as we his
T. G. A. B. C. W.
[26] Verses at sig. Ff. Wadham
WHile mournfull England lay sore Feaver-sick
Wirh heats of strife in th'body politick,
Proud Emp'ricks told her for the malady,
Serv'd no prescription but Phlebotomy.
5: Cut the Basilick vein (said they) in hast,
'Tis that must do't, or we must bleed our last.
Oh fatall stroke! it wounds, but doth no good;
The patient pine'd hates Cordialls, nauseats food.
She scorn's a Common-Wealth, that's too course fare,
10: Fit for Low-countreys that beneath us are.
As for Protector-ship, so call'd it is
By an unfortunate Antiphrasis.
Alas poor nation! thy desease be sure
Is the Kings-Evill; none can work the cure
15: But sacred CHARLES: send for him, send with speed,
Of azure neptune get a swift-pac't steed,
He heares, he comes; happy, thrice happy then
And three whole Kingdomes 'bove the thought of men.
All's well and sound again, believ't, a King
20: Was wholsome Physick taken at the spring.
When whinged Mercury in th'first of May
Brought Pho/ebus newes (that guides the posting day)
Of CHARLES returne; straight forth his purple bed
He leap'd and danc'd, with joy quite ravished.
25: The planets revell'd it at night, nay store
Of fixed Stars fixed remaine no more.
Now might Pythagoras distinctly hear,
Melodious musick sound at evr'y Sphere.
Mark how the Elements with emulation,
30: Strive to congratulate his Coronation.
Vulcan in well-made flames runs through each street,
And now forgets the lamenesse of his feet.
The aire b'ing joviall makes a piercing noyse,
Bells sound forth anthem's, guns report our joyes.
35: Tellus is richly deck'd to entertain
In Summer habit her dread Soveraign.
Our water laughs it self now into Wine,
Bacchus extends beyond his wonted line.
Fair May gave life, gives rule unto our KING:
40: Needs must his future Reign be flourishing.
But view his foes like serpents, court the dust,
Their craft, their venom's spent; submit they must.
Whom they fain'd Papist, now they would have Pope,
To pardon treasons: 'Tis their only hope.
45: But be't to them, to all for certain known,
CHARLES loves three Kingdomes, yet noe Triple-Crown;
Though by a Monck his cause obtain'd successe,
Yet 'twas not done to serve his Holyness.
So let our Sov'raign mount to's lofty throne,
50: Take Crown and Scepter, for they are his own.
Let swift-wing'd fame publish his sounding praise
As farre as Pho/ebus darts his glitt'ring rayes.
Reign long great King, thy subjects love and fear,
Then climb to heav'n a better Crown to wear.
G. V. A. B. Š Coll. Exon.
[27] Verses at sigs. Ffv-Ff2v. Madan identifies George Verman of Exeter College.
OUr prayers are heard! nor have the Fates in store
An equall blisse, for which we can implore,
Their bounty, For in you, Great SIR's, the summe
Of all our present joys, of all to come:
5: Joys that have spoke so loud, as if to heaven
They'd rise, from whence they, and their cause were given:
Kings always are the gifts of Heaven, but you
Are not its gift alone, but transcript too;
Your vertues match its stars, which you disclose
10: To th'world, as bright, and numberless as those.
Your motions all as regular, which dispence
A warmth to all, and quickning influence.
How shall we prize your bounty! whilst you thus
Approaching to our Earth, bring Heaven to us.
15: Your fortunes oft have varied, but your minde
Like your religion still the same wee find.
When he that rul'd the world, the mighty Jove,
Would make a present worth One mortalls love,
To gain admittance chang'd himself, though he
20: From Heaven came, and brought a Deity;
More liberall, but less chang'd, your self alone
Can enter, and enrich a Nation.
Thus when they'd be most bright, and tempting shewn
Great Jove must change his shape, CHARLES keep his own.
25: As in the worlds Creation; when this frame
Had neither parts, distinction, nor a name,
But all confus'd did in the Chaos jarre,
Th'embleme, and product of intestine warre,
Light first appears (Light that nere since could shew
30: A thing more welcome then its self, but You)
Beauty, and Order follow, and display
This stately Fabrick, guided by that ray.
So now in this our new creation, when
This Isle begins to be a world agen,
35: You first dawn on our Chaos, with designe
To give us order, and then on us shine.
Till you upon us rose, and made it day,
We in disorder all, and darkness lay;
Only some Ignes fatui did rise,
40: To scare us into errors, cheat our eyes,
Off-springs of Earth! which nought could render bright
Or visible, but darkness, and the night.
A night not meant for rest, but full of pain,
And to be felt, scarce hope of day again:
45: 'gyptian darkness with't's many Gods to sway
As many plagues, and prodigies as they;
Where each thing claim'd our worship, and would be
Ador'd, forceing obeysance, and a knee,
Upstart and unknown Gods! to whom with shame
50: We first gave Adoration, then a Name,
Worship'd those Crocadiles that always had
Tears to bestow, on ruins that they made.
But these sad shades doe vanish with their fears,
As soon as our Apollo now appears.
55: At whose returne the Muses too would sing
Their joys aloud, and welcome home their King
Accept these poore endeavours, till your rays
Have given new growth to our late witherd bays;
Wit too must be your Donatiue, 'tis You
60: Who give AUGUSTUS, must give MARO's too.
J. Locke. A. M. ex 'de Christi
[28] Verses at sigsFf2v-Ff3v. Locke also contributed verses to the Oxford collection on Cromwell's peace in 1658, and the volume on the arrival of Catharine of Braganza (title in EXCL).
NOw, most Illustrious PRINCE, since Dover-peere
Mount's higher to behold its Soveraigne neare,
And every wave t'wixt it and Callis sands
Speak's and reiterat's, He Land's, He Land's;
5: While to their neighbour billows each doth call,
Untill a tenth wave overtop them all;
Since there are no Wat Thylers now in Kent,
To thwart ble'st Heavens designe, and Monk's intent;
Since all the Roaring-Meggs the river scour,
10: And bring the newes to London in an hower;
London that with her shouts so rend's the sky,
That Birds drop down astonish't as they fly;
More glorious then when Jupiter of old,
Came down to Dan' in a showre of Gold;
15: London, that expiat's by one dayes pomp,
For all from Forty Eight unto the Rump:
Since all things in our Orbe move in this state,
Our book obtrud's, rather then come's too late.
Rob. Whitehall Med. Bac.
Coll. Mert, Soc,
[29] Verses at sig. [Ff4]. Robert Whitehall, Fellow of Merton College, published Latin and English verses on the appointment of Hyde as chancellor to the University entitled Viro, Favore Regio, Et Meritis LT 669.f.26(27) undated, but possibly November 1660. He also contributed Latin verses to this volume, sigs. [D3v-D4v], and to the 1662 volume celebrating the arrival of Catharine of Braganza. According to Harold Love, Wood attributes him with the authorship of the first set of English verses which are signed by Rochester.
[ornamental border]
The Printer to his MAIESTY.
NOr can we yet give o're; great CHARLES his Name
Inspire's us all with a Poetique flame;
Administring a quick, and sudden reach,
Beyond the Lay-tribe, that did lately Preach:
5: Our Stamps 30 which ne're would joyne to sooth the times,
To speake Rebellion, or defend it's Crimes 31
Doe Now leap into order, and true feet,
And of their own accord in measures meet;
What will not then Your Loyall Subjects doe?
10: If things inanimate thus acknowledge You.
[30] Stamps] (Stamps parentheses at LT, OH and O Pamph.c.112(13).
[31] Crimes] Crimes) LT, OH and O Pamph. c.112(13)
[32] Verses at sig. Ff4v.
Woodstock School
Votivum Carolo
Titlepage: VOTIVUM CAROLO, / OR / A WELCOME to his Sacred / MAJESTY / CHARLES the II. / [rule] / From the Master and Scholars of Wood-/ stock-School in the County of Oxford. / [rule] / [design: crowned rose and crowned thistle] / [rule] / Printed in the Year 1660./ [enclosed within ornamental box]
Wing: W3475. [Published in Oxford by Henry Hall, according to Madan]. Qto. tp + [A]-[D4] last two blank.
Qto pp. [8]+20, signn. A-C4, D2
L 11626.d.68; checked 1/96
O1 Wood 319(10) with ms. date*; COPYTEXT chk 9/95
O2 Pamph.c.109(3) spot chk 3/96
OC F.127(2) chk 2/96
OB 910.h.13(21) chk 4.96; Crouch copy bought for 4d.
CS Ee.6.10 (3);
CN; MH; TU; Y.
Commentaries: Madan #2540. "The royal borough of Woodstock contained a free Grammar School, founded in 1585, and at this time presided over by Francis Gregory, a native of that town and educated at Westminster and Cambridge. He had already issued several school-books, and according to Wood (Fasti Oxon. ii.258) `did much good by his sedulous instrution'. Anyway he induced his scholars to weep over Charles I in correct style and to rejoice in the new King to order he himself showing them how to do it, by example. Any sincerity there might have been was disturbed by the unfortunate doubt whether Charles after all would not be sent off, bag and baggage, to Holland again (p. [7]). In fact, the poems were a little `previous' when written. The Verses are fairly correct, and dictionaries and grammars produced [cites some gk and latin] [lists names of writers] "The volume seems to have been issued after [Brtannia Rediviva] which is referred to in the preface, that is to say, not before the middle of July."
Francis Gregory is listed in Wing for numerous items up to 1696, including the following:
G1890A An elegie upon the death of our dread sovereign lord London 1649 brs LT, MH
G1895a The last counsel of a martyred King. For J. Jones 1660. LT, O
G1896 A modest plea for the regulation of the press For R. Sare 1689. L,OC, CT, LSD, EN, NR, VC, ZWT
G1905 Teares and blood Oxford, A and L Lichfield 1660. Madan 2496. L,O,OM,DU,DT; CG,MH, NU, TU,WF,Y; a composite of two sermons written for Woodstock and "when delivered at Oxford [St Maries] were criticized for expressions (near the end) about Church government. See Wood's Fasti Oxon. ii. 259.
G1888 David's Returne from his Banishment. Set forth in a Thanks-giving Sermon for the Returne of his Sacred Majesty Charles II. Oxford, by H. Hall. [Madan 2495], preached at St Maries Oxford 27 May. ded to Sir Thomas Spencer and Edward Atkins; on 2 Sam.xix.30. O=Vet.A3.e.171
NB [there is a dating problem-sig A3 gives "The Scholars to the Reader," in which the boy-poets speak of being inspired by the scholars at Oxford University -- were this so, there may be a dating problem; Thomason only got his copy of Brit Red on 7 July, making the June dating of Vot Carolo difficult unless it took a very long time for him to receive the University volume. But since the Woodstock volume is also dated June 1660 in ms at Wood 319 (10), Brit Red may have come out very early June.??
Of the academic collections, this is the only one produced by a school. Most of the work is by Francis Gregory of whom Woods writes: "the son of Francis Gregory, was born at Wodstock in Oxfordshire, educated in Gram. Learning in the Coll. school at Westminster, in Academical at Cambr. whence he returned to Westm. and was an Usher under Mr. Rich. Busby. Afterwards he became Master of the Free-school in the Town of his nativity (founded by Rich. Cornwell Cit and Skinner of Lond. 27 Eliz. dom. 1585) and at length the first master of the Free school founded at Witney in Oxfordshire by Hen. Box a Druggist of Lond, after his Majesties restauration: At both which places continuing several years, he did much good by his sedulous instruction. In 1672, or thereabouts, he became Rector of Hambleton near Great Wycomb in Bucks, and about that time one of his Majesties Chaplains in ordinary." (AO 2: 822-3).
Gregory was certainly prepared for the king's return; on Sunday 27 May he preached on 2 Sam 19.30 at St. Mary's in Oxford, publishing his sermon as Davids returne from his Banishment.
Votivum Carolo contains fifteen poems in English, given here; omitted are six in Latin (signed by Francis Gregory, Abraham Greg, Willoughby D'ewes, Carol Cocks, Johanne Cocks, Richard Woodward) and three in Greek (signed by Carol Cocks, J. Rogers, R. Woodward). The two English poems by Gregory on the death of Charles 1 are included. Although they claim to have been printed at the time of the execution, I have found no evidence of them.
[ornamental header]
To the Right Honourable His EXCELLENCY
KNIGHT of the most Noble Order
of the Garter, Master of His Sacred
LORD GENERALL of the Army of England, &c.
Most Noble Sir,
I Am a stranger to your Person; but no man is a stranger to your Name and Worth. I love you for what you are; I honour You for what you have done; I cannot say, which is greatest in You, your Vertue, or your Valour; your Prudence, or your Loyalty.
His Majestie's Return is (under God) your glory, and our Comfort: we did not enjoy our selves, when we wanted him. It was my sorrow, yet my Allegiance, to drop some Tears upon His Majesty's Royall Fathers Tomb; in those Teares there was then, as something of duty, so much of danger too. It is now my Ambition, and yet my Loyalty, to offer some Devotion at his Majesty's Throne. Our former losse of the Royall Father was by Death; our present enjoyment of his Royal Son, is by a kind of Resurrection. Indeed, our desires for his Sacred Majesty's Return, were never grown so much as faint or weak; but, our Hopes, a few Months since, were almost Dead; we had Reason enough to long for Our Soveraigne, but little ground so soon to expect him: Now, blessed be God, who, by you his Glorious Instrument, hath disappointed our fears, and, in mercy prevented our Hopes, and brought in our King the Object of both.
I have suffered my young Scholars to use his Majesty's Name in Verse; I hope, they have not profaned it. If, for this, I need his Majesty's Pardon, I trust, your Excellency will beg it for me. Children are the Hopes of Gods Kingdome, and his Majesty's too; my work is, to teach them Religion, Loyalty, and Learning; Religion towards their GOD; Loyalty towards their KING; and Learning to fit them for the service of both. Besides, I cannot better evidence my own Allegiance, then by Teaching young Gentlemen Theirs.
I dare not put this Paper into his Majesty's hand; it's highest Ambition is to fall down before His footstool; I dare not present it to any Noble-man, but Your self; It is above all other Persons, though not for its worth, yet for its Subject; the mercy, we enjoy, under God, we enjoy by You; the Acknowledgments, we return, under God, we Return to You. I am, among Thousands,
humble servant
Francis Gregory.
[ornamental header]
The Scholars to the READER.
IN these Verses you may expect many expressions of joy, none of wit. Expressions may not be light, where the subject is Majesty. It is as hard a Task to bear the heigth of joy with sobriety, as the depth of sorrow with Patience. Joy, when it is in excesse, (and such is ours) doth not so much heighten as Transport and Ravish. The Product of our brain must needs be poor and beggarly, when our Passion groweth Head-strong and Plunders our Reason. Such is our joy for the long desired Returne of his Majesty, that we are even beside our selves, and no wonder then, if we are beside our wits too. It is not our design to Proclaim our learning, but our Loyalty; we care not to passe under the name of bad Poets, if we may but prove our selves good subjects. Indeed, it may look like ambition in school-boyes to be in Print; But, if young Students at Oxford doe much this way, why may not we at Woodstock doe a little? we think, Poetry is no more confind'd to Gownes and Caps, then Philosophy to Beards. It is our hope ere long to reach the University, we suppose, it is not our Crime to follow it now; indeed to have got the start and met the KING, before the Unversitie, had not been in us good manners, but yet to follow it, Proves our great disadvantage. Our Woodstock Verses after those of Oxford, must needs seem as dul as a Country Homily after a St Mary's Sermon. If University men shall read our verses, we must entreat them first to forget their own. Yet, not as if we like Plagiaries, had stolne any of theirs, surely if we are Theeves, we are fools too; 'tis not only dishonesty but imprudence to bring stolne goods so quickly to so neer a market, and expose them to sale at the right Owners door. Our Expressions are somewhat like the Aire we live in, Thin enough, but not piercing; though our School be neerer, yet our wits and fancies are above six miles from Oxford. However, what we would have done, accept; what we have done, excuse; it will be our honour, if our Gracious Soveraign please but to reckon us among his Minor Poets.
[double ornamental rules]
[ornamental header]
To his Excellency the right Honourable
GEORGE MONCK Lord Generall
of the Armies of England, &c.
YOur Pardon, Sir, that We now use your Name,
To after ages we would bear your fame.
All we can say, fals short; yet our next age
Will ne're believe, what's done on Englands stage.
5: We can't believe our selves; your acts so high
Transcend our faith, and yet done in our Eye.
We seem as yet but men that dream; and see
Such actions done indeed which can not be.
Blame not our future Age; if they deny
10: To trust our Tongues, when we distrust our Eye.
We see, yet doubt; we wrong our selves and you,
We cannot yet believe, what Monck can doe.
'Tis sure, that CHARLES, Great CHARLES, is come; yet when
We think how much oppos'd, we fear agen.
15: Our feares and hopes between themselves are rackt,
We fear the Wonder, when we hope the act.
England, still stand and wonder; yet at last
Believe the Conquest, since the Triumph's past.
Tis strange, but true; thy King is come; begin
20: To pay for Duty what of late was sin.
But how came CHARLES again? O sure, here's all
That can be said; Brave MONCK'S our Generall.
O England, still adore thy God, and since
Thou wast a slave to subjects, love thy Prince.
25: Wee'd raise MONCK'S Name above the Sphear of men,
As he the sword, could we but use the Pen.
F. Gregory.
[double ornamental rules]
Upon the Returne of his Sacred MAJESTY
CHARLES the Second, KING
of England, &c.
Carmen Gratulatorium & Votivum.
BUt is it true? did Angels this newes bring?
So great and yet so good! a Saint and King?
Sure tis not one that's born of mortal race;
An head that's crown'd with gold? an heart with grace?
5: Were not great Britaines King confin'd in Spain,
I should believe 'tis he that's come againe.
Or doe his Subjects know at length their losse?
If CHARLES still want his Crown, they'l want no crosse.
It must be he, or else some God's come down
10: To change an Heav'nly, for an Earthly Crown.
But lo, 'tis CHARLES indeed! He, He alone
A Christian every where; a King in's Throne.
But may I creep into his Presence? may
I to his Crown of gold adde Crownes of Bay?
15: When others slay their Hecatombs, may wee
Bring but our Dove, and yet accepted bee?
All presents are below him, lesse then's right;
There's no more worth ith' Talent, then ith' Mite.
We owe him Twelve yeares duty; our Arreares
20: Can n'ere be paid, except by Prayers and Teares.
His Principall must needs be lost; pay th'best
We can, t'will not amount to th' Interest.
Our future Loyalty is Debt, no more;
Paying new Debts don't quit our former score.
25: But since we wrong'd a Prince, it's well, 'tis He
That spares the neck, if wee'l but bow the Knee.
'Tis not revenge, but mercy, dwels in's brest,
A Rebel, if repenting, he loves best.
You, that are Guilty soules, fall down at's Throne,
30: An Halter bring, you'l goe away with none.
You, that have injur'd CHARLES your King, draw neer
And weep; no satisfaction like a Tear.
How ready's He to pardon! O that they,
That once rebell'd, were ready to obey!
35: Subjects restore your Prince, what ere's his due;
'Tis much you owe him, his own Lands and You.
Build up his Royall Houses; build them all,
And let them loose, but Rubbish, by their fall;
But 'till you build up those by cost and art,
40: CHARLES shall not want an House, 'till I an Heart.
And now accept my welcome, Britaines King,
Had I a Pen, I'de write; a voice, I'de sing.
Could I as eas'ly do as wish; no Gemme
Should ere be wanting to thy Diadem.
45: Were th' Indies mine, yet gold how should I want
To make a Crown? I fear, t'would be too scant.
Thou art above our Presents; yet will we
The want of Gifts supply by Loyaltie.
Long live, Great CHARLES; go on, Dread Sir, go on,
50: Go, conquer hands abroad, but Hearts at home.
Thy Crown may fade; thy fame shall neer be spent,
If Prose or Verse can make a Monument.
Fran: Gregory.
[ornamental rule]
BUt why so, churlish Porter? why not I?
May none, but Nobles, wait on's Majesty?
What? roome for none but Princes richly drest?
CHARLES ev'n for Peasants hath a room in's brest.
5: Come, come, let's in; come shut the Gate no more;
We do not come to beg, but to adore,
See, see, what crowds are here! I dare to say
Here is some fair, or market kept too day.
Surely, we should have paid some Tole at th' doore,
10: I doubt, the Porter will let's in no more.
{But who's that yonder in an Ermyn Gown? 1
{A Scepter in his hand, on's head a Crown?
{Sure 'tis the King; peace, peace, stand still, fall down.
I never saw such Majesty! I fear,
15: It is high treason to approach thus near.
Let's worship and away; fools were we, when
We thought, that Kings and Princes had been men!
Willoughbeus D'ewes Baronetta.
[1]left margin triplet hook
[ornamental rule]
TEll me, my soule, am I a dream'd or no!
It can't be True; I'm sure, 'tis strange, if so!
And yet what meanes this mighty Triumph? why
Is England cloth'd with so much Gallantry?
5: Do'st thou not yonder see a Glorious Train?
Do not our Nobles wear their starres again?
Nothing but cloth of silver? O what light
Shines round, as if the Sun were grown more bright?
See how the Ministers do joy and crack,
10: As if they would no more wear Mourning black!
Where stands the City? where doth London dwel?
What? is each Citizen confin'd in's Cel?
No men in London? strange! what? empty street?
The Citizens are gone some God to meet.
15: Heark, heark, what sound of Trumpets do I hear?
Surely the Deity approcheth neer.
'Tis CHARLES, 'Tis CHARLES our Prince; That, that's the thing!
Welcome, dread Sov'raign! Welcome, O our King!
Hold, hold, my soul! forbear! O why should I,
20: Instead of Duty, shew Idolatry?
Hold, hold, my joyfull eye? Thy Teares don't spil,
O do not thou drop Ink into my Quil.
I can't forbear to worship CHARLES; no lesse
Will serve my soul, undone with Happinesse:
25: How shall I vent my Heart! what shall I say?
Dread SIR? my Soul's too full to speak; Ile Pray.
God blesse our Church! our King, O God, still own;
Give him an Earthly Crown, and Heavenly Throne.
Abrahamus Gregory, Gen. filius.
[ornamental rule]
BRing forth the royall robes; the scarlet gowne,
Now CHARLES our King takes his Imperiall Crowne.
Sound all the Trumpets, and let each Gun sing
An Honourable Welcome to our King.
5: England rejoyce, thy Prince returned is;
Thine owne Head, thou wilt Crowne, whil'st thou crown'st His.
Whil'st that with glistering Gemmes His Head shall Shine,
It is the Weight proves His, the Glory thine.
Georgius Fleetwood Baronis filius.
[ornamental rule]
CEase now to talke of C'sars, CHARLES is Hee,
That in the World will th'only Monarch bee.
Though He is High, He knowes no pride; His Throne
To mount Him nigher Heaven, doth serve alone.
5: CHARLES is a Subject to Himselfe; and Hee,
That doth Command, Obedient will be.
Nor is He onely Good, but Great; what man
Was both so great a King and Christian?
What man had Faith (Great CHARLES) so strong as Thine?
10: Thou art a second English Constantine.
O may that Cloud, that did obscure Thy light,
Serve but to render Thee to us more Bright.
Nor let us strive T'eclipse that Light, from whom
The brightest Splendour, that we have, doth come.
15: What though our Nobles like to Starres appeare?
These Starres shine not, unlesse the Sun be nere.
Bertius Fleetwood Equitis aurati filius.
[ornamental rule]
ARise, Great CHARLES, arise, O Glorious King,
And turne our Twelve yeares Winter to a Spring.
How faine would England see her Prince? how faine
Would all thy Subjects see their King againe?
5: As yet we hope, and feare: we joy and moan,
Longing to see Great CHARLES upon His Throne:
Thou art more welcome then the Sun: we see
How bright Thy Rayes, even at a distance, bee;
Surely that man's a Foole, that now will say,
10: It is the Sun above, that makes the Day.
Carolus Cocks Armigeri filius
[ornamental rule]
SOrrowes be gone; this day our joyes begin,
Teares, once our duty, now would be our sin,
We wept upon the Father's Shrine that's gone,
But now wee'll dance about the Throne of's Son.
5: Sighs well become the Fun'rall of a King,
None fit for Crowning dayes, but such as Sing.
Rejoyce ye Peeres of England, CHARLES is come,
Yee Starres attend the motion of the Sunne.
This is a double Coronation day,
10: The King is Crown'd with Gold, and we with Bay.
Henry Cope Heroin' filius.
[ornamental rule]
WHat Nation, now hath greater cause then wee
To turne their Mourning into Melody?
Wee, who for griefe did once with teares lament,
Should weep for joy, were not our teares all spent.
5: Wee showred teares when our late Sun did set,
Would wee at's rising could some few drops let.
We sure, who in whole yeares of night did lye,
'Iëê onlié 2 can't but with joy cry.
Not that it gets by acclamations loud,
10: The Sun's a Sun though hidden in a Cloud.
'Tis for our owne sakes (Great CHARLES) that we sing.
You need not Subjects, but wee need a King.
When we lost CHARLES, our selves then sure we lost,
The losse of th'Head the Members life did cost.
15: Drowned in teares, the Realme, that lately lay,
Now seeth with joy it's Resurrection day.
Our Sun hath dry'd those floods of teares; and wee,
That in them dead did lye, enlivened bee.
What is more strange? how wondrous is this thing?
20: That ev'n Northwinds should this yeare bring our Spring.
Honour'd by all let noble MONCK now live;
Their right, to God and C'sar, he doth give.
Perfect (Great Hero) what thou hast begun,
In th'end's the Crowne; leave not till that be done.
25: Surely that day will be the longest, when
Great CHARLES the Second takes his Diadem.
For when the Sun shall see His glittering Crowne,
Hee'll stop his Coach to gaze, and not goe downe.
And when that's done, with joy we Hymmes shall sing,
30: The Burden still shall be, GOD SAVE THE KING.
Georgius Goodman Gen. filius.
[2]lower case Gk: see 1660 Diary for 1 June.
WElcome Great CHARLES, welcome our royall King,
Would we a hymn becoming Thee could sing!
But O our wishes are in vain; sure He,
That is a King, in verse can't measur'd be.
5: How then, Alas! shall such a sneaks, as I,
Attempt the measuring of a Deity?
Thy graces sure are more then Three; thy praise,
Though th' Muses nine should sing, they could not raise
Fit for Thy fame, none e're will find a pen,
10: Unlesse the Gods should drop down quils to men.
Henricus Stratford, Armigeri filius.
TYrants instead of Peace did give us Strife,
They gave us death, but Thou dost give us Life;
When Thou wast gone, thy Members all were dead,
It was no wonder, for they lost their Head.
5: Let sorrows cease, now comes Great Britains King,
And shall not we on him some Verses sing?
Who from 'gyptian Bondage set's us 3 free,
And from a Common-wealth of Misery.
Johannes Cocks Armig. filius.
[3] us] ut 0=Woods 319, OC
[ornamental rule]
IS CHARLES a coming, what to Him shall wee
Present in token of our Loyalty?
At sight of Him shall teares our cheekes run downe?
Though teares are pearles, they don't become a Crowne.
5: We have no golden Crownes to send; for wee
Poets have none, but what of Laurell bee.
We wanting gold, our Muses us command
To put a golden verse into his hand.
Tobias Chauncy Armig. filius.
[ornamental rule]
ENgland behold thy Lord; thy King, thy Sun;
Whose Glory Shines, before himselfe is come.
How lov'd before once seen! His Majesty
Ravisht our hearts, before it fil'd our eye.
5: Welcome, Great CHARLES, now welcome Kingly Power.
Welcome sweet Calm after our stormy shower.
Thy troubles prove thy glory; 'tis thy gaine,
That thou wast once confin'd to France and Spaine.
That which men want, they prize the more; and since
10: We curst a Common-wealth, w'adore a Prince.
Our love had been the lesse had CHARLES been here,
His distance made him unto us more neere.
Johannes Blincowe, Gen. filius
[ornamental rule]
SHall I? what I? poor school-boy undertake
A verse on such a subject for to make?
CHARLES is a Subject that becomes the Pen
Onely of Doctours, Bishops, Nobler Men.
5: For school-boyes 'tis too high a theame; on it
An Ovid now might exercise his wit.
But yet so gracious is our Prince, that Boyes,
Who have no wit, are welcome ev'n with toyes:
Pardon, Dread Sir, this crime; O pardon one
That only begs to fall before your Throne.
Johannes Rogers, Ministri filius.
[ornamental rule]
THou, that like th' daysy, England, did'st combine
Thy selfe to shut, because CHARLES did not shine,
May'st now rejoyce, to see what Heaven hath done,
Thy Sun is rising, and thy night is gone;
5: As Sol dries up the Dew, when he doth rise,
So CHARLES, thy Sun, teares dropping from thy eyes:
When any broken member's set, we're glad,
And hast not thou much cause of joy, who'st had,
Thy head cut off, and set again? (" sure
10: Monck's a rare workman, that hath wrough this cure?)
Tis 'th Indians joy to see the sun appeare,
When they have been i'th dark but halfe a yeare;
And wilt not thou rejoice to see the light,
When thou hast been it'h dark a ten yeares night?
15: O henceforth love thy King: " cursed be,
That hand, which with this Head doth disagree.
Robert Wild, Ministri filius:
PArdon (Great Sir) in worthlesse Rhythmes, though we
Doe mete that joy, which cannot measur'd be;
If that some golden lines our pens could write,
To grace this golden age, they were too slight;
5: Much lesse may these my Muses threadbare Rhythmes,
Which is the all, my nothing gives these times;
O Men! won't ye rejoice to see your King!
Behold! the very birds for joy do sing;
Each creature welcomes CHARLES; go, view our downes,
10: And see how pretty lambs in milke white gownes
Do leap for joy! the woods, comdemn'd to die,
To see their King, put on their bravery;
How great a sense of joy in trees appeares,
The barke must be their eye, the sap their teares?
15: What wa'st, that made so backward this years spring?
The fields sure kept their flowers for their King.
John Wilde, Ministri filius.
[Latin and Greek poems, pp. 11-15]
[ornamental rule]
Upon His Sacred MAJESTIES
Dread SIR!
COuldst thou before thy death have giv'n, what we
Might ask, Thy Book had been the Legacie.
Thy will can make but Heirs of Monarchie;
But this doth make each man an Heir of Thee.
5: Blest Soul! Thou art now mounted up on High,
Beyond our Reach, yet not above our Eye.
Lo here thy other selfe: Thus Thou canst be
In Heaven and Earth without Ubiquitie.
Like This Thou hast no Picture: So Divine
10: Might any Image be ador'd, 'twere Thine.
So curious is this Work; 'tis easily known,
'Twas drawn by no mans Pensil, but Thine own.
None could expresse a King but Thou: We see
Men cannot, Gods may limn a Deitie.
15: The Style betraie's a King, the art a man,
The high Devotion speake's a Christian:
These meet in CHARLES alone; but He, theres none
So fully All, as if he were but One:
How short of thee is Balzacks Prince, He knew
20: Not how to think what thou knew'st how to doe:
Thou art the Copie for our Kings: and He
Shall still be best, that frame's Him false by Thee
Thy Work's a practick Pattern for thy Son,
Who, having this, shall need no Xenophon.
25: They that would know thy Parts, must read Thee: Look,
You'l find each Line a Page, each Page a Book:
Each Comma is so full, each Colon good,
'Tis Pitie, death did put a Period,
Great Tullie had been silenc'd amongst men,
30: Had but thy Tongue been equall to Thy Pen:
But this Defect doth prove Thy skil more choice,
That makes the Eccho sweeter then the voice:
Our Bodley's shelves will now be full; No man
Will want more Books; This one's a Vatican.
35: Yet 'tis but CHARLES contracted: Since His fall,
Heav'n hath the Volumne, Earth the Manual.
F. Gregory.
Printed in 1648.
[4] see 1660 Diary for 1 June
[double ornamental rule]
[ornamental rule]
On the Martyrdom of His late
COme, come, lets Mourne; all eies, that see this Day,
Melt into Showres, and weep your selves away:
O that each Private head could yield a Floud
Of Teares, whil'st Britain's Head stream's out His Bloud;
5: Could we pay what His Sacred Drops might claim,
The world must needs be drowned once again.
Hands cannot write for trembling; let our Eie
Supply the Quill, and shed an Elegie.
Tongues cannot speak; this Griefe know's no such vent,
10: Nothing, but silence, can be Eloquent.
Words are not here significant; in This
Our Sighs, our Groans hear all the Emphasis.
Dread SIR! What shall we say? Hyperbole
Is not a Figure, when it speak's of thee;
15: Thy book is our best Language; what to this
Shall e're be added, is Thy Meiosis:
Thy Nam's a Text too hard for us: no men
Can write of it, without Thy parts and pen.
Thy prisons, Scornes, Reproach, and poverty.
20: (Though these were thought too courteous Injury.)
{How could'st thou bear? Thou meeker Moses, how? 5
{Was ever Lion bit with whelps till now
{And did not roar? Thou England's David, how
Did Shimei's Tongue not move Thee? where's the man?
25: Where is the King? CHARLES is all Christian.
Thou never wanted'st Subjects, no; when they
Rebell'd, thou mad'st Thy Passions to obey.
Had'st Thou regain'd Thy Throne of state by power,
Thou had'st not then been more a Conquerour.
30: But thou, thine own soul's Monarch, art above
Revenge and anger, Can'st Thou tame Thy Love?
How could'st Thou bear thy Queen's Divorce? must Shee
At once Thy wife, and yet Thy Widdow be?
Where are Thy tender Babes, once Princely bred,
35: Thy choicest jewels, are They Sequestred?
Where are Thy Nobles? Lo, in stead of these
Base savage Villains, and thine enemies:
Egyptian Plague! 'twas only Pharoah's doom,
To see such Vermin in His Lodging room.
40: What Guards are set, what watches do they keep?
They do not think Thee safe, though Lock't in Sleep.
Would they confine thy Dreames within to dwell,
Nor let thy Fancie passe their Centinel?
Are Thy Devotions dangerous? Or do
45: Thy Praiers want a Guard? These faultie too?
Varlets, 'twas onely, when they spake for You.
But loe a charg is drawn, a day is set,
The silent LAMB is brought, the Wolves are met.
Law is arraign'd of Treason, Peace of War,
50: And Justice stand's a Prisoner at the Bar.
This Scene was like the Passion-Tragedie,
His Saviour's Person none could Act, but He.
Behold, what Scribes were here, what Pharisees!
What bands of Souldiers! what false witnesses!
55: Here was a Priest, and that a Chiefe one; who
Durst strike at God, and his Vicegerent too,
There Pilate, Bradshaw here, the worse of th'Twain,
Pilate for Fear, Bradshaw condemn'd for gain.
Wretch! could'st not thou be rich, till CHARLES was dead?
60: Thou might'st have took the Crown, yet spar'd the Head.
Th'hast justifi'd that Roman judg; He stood
And wash't in water, thou hast dipt in Blood.
And where's the Slaughter-House? White-hall must be
Lately His Palace, now his Calvarie.
65: Great CHARLES, is this thy dying place? and where
Thou wast our King, art thou our Martyr there?
Thence, thence Thy Soul took flight; and there will we
Not cease to mourne, where thou did'st cease to be.
And thus, blest soul, Hee's gon: a star, whose fall
70: As no Eclips prove's Oecumenicall.
That wretch had skill to sin, whose hand did know
How to behead three Kingdomes at one blow.
England hath lost the Influence of Her King,
No wonder that so backward was her Spring.
75: O dismall day! but yet how quickly gon?
It must be short, Our Sun went down at Noon.
And now, ye Senators, is this the thing
So oft declar'd? Is this your Glorious King?
Did you by Oaths your God, and Country mock,
80: Pretend a Crown, and yet prepare a Block?
Did you that swore you'd Mount CHARLES higher yet,
Intend the Scaffold for His Olivet?
Was this, hail Master? Did you bow the knee
That you might murder him with Loyaltie?
85: Alas! Two Deaths! what Cruelty was this?
The Ax design'd, you might have spar'd the Kiss.
But cease from Teares. CHARLES is most blest of men;
A God on earth, more then a Saint in Heaven.
F. Gregory.
Printed in 1648.
[ornamental rule]
[5]left hand continuous triplet hook