MacLean, Gerald, editor. The Return of the King : An Anthology of English Poems Commemorating the Restoration of Charles II / edited by Gerald MacLean
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Part VIII. Loyal Expressions, July 1660

Giles Fleming
from Stemma Sacrum

   Titlepage: STEMMA SACRUM, / The / Royal Progeny / Delineated, and with some / Notes explained, Shewing His / SACRED MAJESTIES / Royal and Lawful Descent to / His Crown and Kingdoms, from all / the Kings that ever reigned in this / NATION. / [rule] / By Giles Fleming, Rector of Wadding-/ worth, in the Diocess and County of / LINCOLN. / [rule] / Blessed art thou O Land, when thy King is the Son of / the Nobles, Eccles. 10. 7. / And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Ju-/ dah, shall yet again take root downward, and / bear fruit upward, 2 Kings 19. 30. / [rule] / London, Printed for Robert Gibbs, at the golden / Ball in Chancery-lane. 1660. / [whole is boxed] 1

   Reissued in 1664 as His Majesty's Pedigree. This is not so much a reprint, as the original work with a cancel titlpage -- "Printed for Tho. Rooks at the Lamb and Inkbottle at the East end of S. Pauls near S. Austins gate, 1664" and a final leaf listing works printed by Rooks. Gibbs's colophon has been erased from the genealogical table.

   The Folger copy is signed "Katherine Willughby her booke 1661 sent her by her deare Sister, S. W." and, on the titlepage, is signed by "Doro Winstanley." An engraved portrait of Charles II precedes the titlepage in the WF copy; not found in MR

    Anticipation of the king involved checking out his dynastic credentials once more and, in doing so, insist upon the principle of royal inheritance. This is the task that Giles Fleming took upon himself in producing a pocket-book sized genealogy of the returning king.

    Giles Fleming is identified as "Rector of Waddingworth, in the Diocess and County of Lincoln" on the titlepage. From Lincoln Cathedral Library, Dr. Nicholas Bennett reports: "Waddingworth is a small parish, six miles west-north-west of honrcastle in Lincolnshire. The Village is still in existence, although the church of St Margaret has sadly been made redundant. Giles Fleming was presented to the rectory of Waddingworth by King Charles I on 28 August 1629 and was instituted to the living on 4 September. 2 According to Venn, Alumni Cantabrigenses, he was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge (BA 1622-3) and ordained deacon and priest by the Bishop of Peterborough in 1626. He held the living of Waddingworth until his death early in 1665; he was buried in Beverly Minster on 23 January 1664/5. I have found no record to suggest that he was ejected from his living dring the Commonwealth period." 3

    Author of the sermon Magnificence exemplified: and, the repair of Saint Pauls exhorted unto, preached at St Paul's on 31 August 1634 (STC 11052); copy at Lincoln Cathedral.

    Fleming dedicated Stemma Sacrum to George, Lord Viscount Castleton; recently chosen to represent Lincoln in Parliament, according to the dedicatory epistle. After the dedication, the book contains a fold-out genealogical table [present in copies CH, WF, O=Ash; the 1664 copy at O; missing from MR, O=E.109], establishing Charles as dynastic heir to the throne of Britain "from all the Kings that have ever reigned in this Island, whereby the people may perceive how properly, rightly, legally, and intirely he is their own, whom they now thus joyfully receive" (sigs. [A3v]-A4). It is preceded by the following verses.

    After the table, there follows a 48 page [sigs. B-D[8v], pp. 1-48] prose text on the wonders of Charles's return, interlarded with classical anecdotes and a discussion of the various kinds of people who make up the inhabitants of Britain: the "Aborigines," or Britons; the "Indigenae" or "Inhabitants," the Saxons; the "Inquilini," or Intruders, the Danes; the "Victores" or Conquerors, such as the Normans; "Convenae," or Associates, the Scots; "Advenae," or strangers, the Dutch. Each group is shown to have inter-married leading to the ascendancy of the Stuarts, thereby proving Charles the rightful leader. It ends with a series of Latin monograms suited to the monarchs since William. Racial discourse of this kind was not unfamiliar to readers of the Restoration period.

    The verses are given in reverse italics.

[1] MR copy used here for titlepage.

[2] [Lincoln Diocesan Records, PD 1629/38; Bishop's Certificates calendared in C. W. Foster, `Admissions to benefices', Associated Architectural Societies Reports and Papers 30 (1910), 384]

[3] Letter, dated 24 october 1995.

COme hither if you want a guide,
To shew you whom ye should obey;
Look on this Stem, and see descry'd,
To whom of right belongs the sway.
5: If from your Fathers ye possess
That Land you rightly call your own,
By the same Law ye must confess
That unto Charles belongs the Throne;
And if a thousand years make good
10: A title to the English Crown,
Longer then so his Race hath stood;
Then how can subjects put him down?
Who art thou that within this Land,
Dost challenge either birth or place?
15: Look here, and thou shalt understand
Who 'tis that dignifies thy Race.
Art thou a Norman Noble Peer,
And from them drawst thy high descent?
Plantagenet, I present thee here
20: Thy Lineages chief Ornament.
Stout Saxon, with thy crooked Sword
If that thou say, Shew me my King;
Take it upon a Scholars word,
King Edgars Heir to thee I bring.
25: If thou say'st, Bold and Bonny, Scot,
I ne're had King, but was mine own:
A Steward's here thy happy lot,
The lawful Heir of Calidon.
Rich ancient, Yeoman born in Kent,
30: If that thou cry'st A Dane for me,
Canutus blood I here present,
The Heir to Denmarks Majesty.
Old Brittane who in Lyrick verse,
Sangst of so many Kings of Yore,
35: Tuders Blood-Royal I reherse,
Of whom thy Bards sang long before.


John Tatham
verses from
from Londons Glory
5 July

   Titlepage: verses in: Londons Glory / Represented by / TIME, TRUTH, and FAME: / AT / The Magnificent TRIUMPHS and / ENTERTAINMENT / of His most Sacred MAJESTY / CHARLS the II. / The DUKES of York and Glocester, / The two Houses of Parliament, / Privy Councill, Judges, &c. / At Guildhall on Thursday, being the 5th. day / of July 1660. and in the 12th. Year of His / Majesties most happy Reign. / [rule] / TOGETHER / With the Order and Management of / the whole Days Business. [rule] / Published according to Order. / [rule] / London, Printed by William Godbid in Little Brittain. 1660. / [ornamental box]

    John Tatham wrote the Lord Mayor's pageants between 1657-1664.

    London's Glory is dedicated to Sir Thomas Aleyn, Lord Mayor of London and contains a brief epistle to the reader. After the speechs given here, the rest of the tract describes the order of the procession to Whitehall by the Mayor and representatives of the major guilds, where they are met by the royal party, including members of both houses of parliament, and the privy council. En route to Guildhall, the procession is variously interupted by pageants: at the conduit at Fleet Street, Time gives his speech, and then at St Pauls, Truth speaks. Apparently not all went according to plan: "Another Pageant presents its self at Foster-lane, being a large and goodly Fabrick, a Trumpeter placed on the Top, where it was intended Fame should speak; But at the great Conduit in Cheapside, Fame presents her Speech" (p. 8). Another poetic account appears in the broadside, The Royal Entertainment (cf)

    In 1660, 29 October, he produced a pageant The Royal Oake with Other various and delightfull Scenes presented on the Water and the Land, Celebrated in Honour of the deservedly Honoured Sir Richard Brown Bar. Lord Mayor of the City of London the 29th. day of October in the 12th year of his majesties most happy, happy, Reign, An. Dom. 1660. And performed at the Costs and Charges of the Right Worshipfull Company of Merchant-Taylors, Being twice as many Pageants and Speeches as have been formerly showen (London, 1660; O=Gough London 122.12) for the new Lord Mayor, Sir Robert Brown, a member of the Merchant Taylor's Company [Wing T232; L,O,CH]. In the year of Charles's return, Tatham also published The Rump: Or The Mirrour of the late Times. A New Comedy (1660), which claimed to have been "Acted Many Times with Great Applause, at the Private House in Dorset Court." O=Mal. 215(3). seen 4/96. In the first issue of the play, Lambert, Fleetwood, Wareston and Whitlock appear as characters with the names of Bertlam, Woodfleet, Stoneware, Lockwhit; a second issue calls them by their own names. Pepys bought a copy in November. Maidment and Logan reckon the play would have been performed in February, 1660 (p. 284).

[ornamental border]


Most Sacred Sir,

TIme on his bended knee your Pardon Craves,
Having been made a Property to Slaves;
A Stalking-horse unto their horrid Crimes,
Yet when things went not well the fault was Times.
My Fore-top held by Violence not Right,
Dy'd the Suns Cheeks with blood, defil'd the Light:
That all Men thought they eas'd their misery
If they could but Securely rail on me.
These Clamours troubled Time, who streight grew sick
With Discontents, as Touch'd unto the Quick;
And so far spent 'twas thought he could not mend,
Rather grow worse and worse; All wish'd his End.
Nay, was concluded dead, and worst of all
With many a Curse they Peal'd his Funeral.
Now see the Change, Since Your arrival here
Time is Reviv'd, and nothing thought too dear
That is Consum'd upon him, ne're was he
So lov'd and pray'd for since his Infancy.
Such is the Vertual Fervour of your Beams,
That not Obliquely but directly Streams
Upon your Subjects; So the Glorious Sun
Gives growth to th'infant Plants he smiles upon.
Welcome Great Sir unto your Peoples Love
Who breath their very Souls forth as You move.
Their long and tedious Suff'rings do express
'Till now they ne're had Sense of Blessedness.
The Cheer'd-up-Citizens cease to Complain,
Having Receiv'd their Cordial Soveraign.
Among the Rest the Skinners Company
Crowd to express their Sense of Loyalty
And those born deaf and dumb and can but 1 see
Make their hands speak Long live Your Majesty:
Whose Royal Presence cures the Wounded State
Re-guilds Time's Coat, and gives a turn to Fate.


[1] and can but] ed; and can can but LT, O1, O2, WF


Most gracious Soveraign,

BOund by allegiance, Truth, Daughter to Time
(Long since abus'd) Welcomes you to this Clime,
Your Native Soyle, to which you have been long
A Stranger; Now Truth should not want a Tongue,
Although she hath been Murder'd by Report
Shee's now Camp-Royal and Attends your Court;
And as in Rules of Strict Divinity,
He that desires the Judges Clemency,
Must first Condemn himself, and so prepare
His way for Pardon, 'tis your Kingdomes Care;
Who do confess whil'st other Nations strove
Which should be happiest in your Princely love,
Were so insensible of that blest heat
A Pulse they wanted Loyalty to beat;
With Penitential tears they meet your Palme
Shewing a Loyal Tempest in a Calme.
Then from your Rayes of Majesty they do
Derive such Joy speaks no less Wonder too,
Children that hardly hear'd of such a thing
Now frequently do cry God bless the King.
Nay though their damned Sires instructed them
To hate the Cask'net yet they'l love the Jem;
Such is your Radices that you Refine
Sublunar things to Species more divine.
You have new Coyn'd all hearts, and there Imprest,
Your Image which gives Vigour to the rest
Of their late stupid faculties that now,
They'l pass for Currant, and true Subjects grow:
Th'untainted Clothiers Company by me
Their Instrument, pray for your Majesty;
May you live long and happy, and Encrease,
For ever Crown the harvest of your peace;
Since graciously you have deceiv'd Our fears
Instead of Wars brought Musick of the spheres.



Most Mighty Sir,

FAme, that ne'r left you at the worst Essay,
Welcomes you home, and Glorifies this day:
You whose blest Innocence and matchless Mind
Could ne're be stain'd or any wayes Confin'd,
Has stood the Shock of Fortunes utmost hate
And yet your Courage did Outdare your Fate;
That even those Fiends (for sure none else could be
Your Enemies) admir'd Your Constancy;
Commending that they most did Envy, so
Against their Wills your Fame did Greater grow:
And when those Miscreants 'gainst you did prepare,
And thought You Sure, Your wisdom broke the snare.
'Twas strange that through the cloud none could descry
A Spark of that fulness of Majesty.
But Heav'n that Orders all things as it list
Shut up their Eyes in an Egyptian Mist.
You have past many Labyrinths, are Return'd
Now to Your People who long time have Mourn'd;
The want of Your warm Beams they have not known,
A Sommer since your Father left his Throne;
That like th'benum'd Muscovians they now run,
With eager hast to meet their Rising Sun;
And if the Rout in Uproar chance to be,
It cann't be Judg'd but Loyal Mutiny;
Since that You do their Golden Times Revive,
They to express a Joyful Salve strive;
Blest Prince thrice Welcome is the general Cry,
And in that speaks the Grocers Company;
To which the present Maior a Brother is,
Whose Loyalty finds happiness in this,
This Royal Change, Fame now shall spread his Wing,
And of your after Glories further sing;
Sionce in Your self You are a History
A Volume bound up for Eternity.


The Royal Entertainment
5 July

   Titlepage: The Royall Entertainment, / Presented by the Loyalty of the City, to the Royalty of their Soveraign, on Thursday the fourth of July / 1660. When the City of London invited his Majesty, the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester, and / their Royall Retinue, to a Feast in the Guild-hall, London, to which the King was conducted by the / chiefest of the City Companies on Horse-back, entertained by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Com-/ mon-Councill, Guarded from White-hall to Guild-hall by the Artillery-men, led by the Illustrious / James Duke of York; met by diverse Pageants, with sundry devices, and the Livery attending in / their Order. The Hall was richly appointed with costly Hangings, the Floores raised, Organs erected / [wi]th all sorts of Musick, performed by the Ablest Masters in England, with all Varieties that Art, Plen-/ [ty], and Curiosity can present, / To the Tune of Packington's pound. / [cuts] / [text] / London, Printed for Francis Grove, on Snow[-hill.] / Entred according to Order.

   The "royal entertainment" described here actually took place at the Guildhall on Thursday 5 July, and is described by John Tatham in London's Glory (cf). According to the Loyal Scout (No. 102 for 29 June-6 July), preparations for the event had begun well in advance: "notwithstanding it was begun before His Majesties happy Arrival in the City, yet much is still to do, though many persons of several faculties are employed therein" (p. 419. CHECK FOR FULLER ACCOUNT

    See also Richards 1977:65, Fairholt, Lord Mayor's Pageants, Parl Int for 9 July, Merc Pub No.28 (5-12 July), Rugge, Mundy,

    Pepys reports that it rained all day: "Being at White-hall, I saw the King -- the Dukes and all their attendants go forth in the rain to the City and bedaggled many a fine suit of clothes. I was forced to walk all the morning in White-hall, not knowing how to get out because of the rain." (5 July).

    Ingelo's "Song of Thanksgiving" which was sung at the banquet, is included.

The Royall Entertainment.

MY pen and my fancy shall never give o're,
to write of ye triumphs which Providence brings;
Such glory and gladnesse was ne'r known before,
from William quite thorow the reign of the Kings.
our sorrow and grief
is turned to releif,
and Comfort is now a Commander in Chief.
As manifestly will appear in this ditty:
When London invited the King to the City.

10: Which was so performed with honour and glory,
with Order and Gallantry, Freedom and Mirth.
The like I presume hath been scarce seen in story:
or ever was known since the oldest mans birth.
sweet pleasures divine,
in all eyes did shine,
our God hath converted our water to wine.
All things that were Excellent, Pleasant, and Witty,
Were shown to the King when he came to the City.

Guild-hall was prepared with costly expence,
20: and alter'd to entertain this Kingly guest,
Where with all variety every sense
was courted with plenty at this Royal Feast,
invention and state
upon him did wait,
the City and Suburbs with people were fraught:
And no kind of joy that was worthy or witty
Was wanting to welcome the King to the City.

With habits compleat and with hearts light as cork,
Lord Lucas 1 conducted th'Artillery men 2
30: To White-hall to wait upon James Duke of York,
who led them all into the City again,
they guarded our King
from every thing
of dangers that might from conspiracy spring.
35: With loud acclamations both pleasant and pretty
The King was conducted with joy to the City.

The Chiefs of the Companies gallantly mounted
with Lackeys in Liveries attending in State
Did shew very famous, and so were accounted
who did to Guild-hall on his Majesty wait. 3
the Livery in order
did stand like a border 4
the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and the Recorder
With all the magnificence fancy can fit yee 5
45: Did Royally welcome the King to the City.

[1]John Lucas, Lord Lucas

[2]"The Gentlemen of he Artillery compleatly armed," Tatham, London's Glory, p. 5.

[3]According to Tatham, after the Lord Mayor and Aldermen came: "six Trumpeters and one Kettle Drum, one Quarter-master, one Conductor, Mr. Bromley carrying the Banner with the Crest of the Kings Arms, Mr. Burt on the left hand of him, carrying the Cities Pendent, and in the Reer of them one carries a Pendent with the Grocers Arms; in the Reer of him 32 Gentlemen of the said Company, and then follows 298 Gentlemen of the other 11 Companies, placed acccording to their Degree: between each of the said Companies is ordered 4 Trumpets, one of them carrying a Pendent with their Arms. Note that the Grocers, Skinners, Merchant-taylors and Clothworkers, have each of them 52 select Gentlemen to ride, the rest of the Companies but 24." p. 6.

[4]"The several Companies in their Livery gowns and Hoods, with Banners and Streamers lane [sic] the Streets, in expectation of his Majesties Approach, from the great Conduit to Temple Bar" (Tatham, Londons Glory, p. 5).

[5]"The Lord Maior, Aldermen, and their Retinue, are all mounted and divided into two Bodies, several choice persons out of the several Liveries in Plush Coats and gold Chains ride also," Tatham, London's Glory, p. 5.

The second part, to the same Tune

THe King was contented, and very well pleas'd,
as by his most gracious respects 6 did appear
To see his good people his heart was well eas'd;
for surely he holdeth the City most dear
Not like the Rump-States,
which threw down the Gates
Or like to Jack Hewson, the Cobler and's Mates,
Or any false Powers that were lowzie and nitty
Who aim'd to demolish the Charter oth' City.

55: With fingers and voices the chiefest that were
with loud and soft Musick did make the Hall ring
That Science did in its best glory appear,
and was only fit for to welcome a King
with voices renown'd
the Banquets were crown'd
in Cathedral manner the Organs did sound
All sorts of Invention, both wondrous and witty
Were fitted to welcome the King to the City.

Pageants did there in their glory appear
the figures did seem all alive as it were,
In silver and gold they did shine very neer,
as bright as the Sun when the day doth shine clear
the Conduits did shine
with Liquor divine
The people did bear away hats full of wine
To run down the streets it was very great pity
And thus was the King entertain'd in the City.

The rooms with rich hanging were brightly attir'd
the Air smelt of nothing but costly perfumes
75: As if the whole world at that time had conspir'd
to throw all varieties into the rooms
the King sate in State
the City did wait
The Hall did abound in all manner of Plate,
80: As if they would tell him Great C'sar we'l fit yee
With all the choice Treasures belongs to the City.

The plenty of food which was there at the Feast
with flesh, fish, and fowl, and rare kick shaws among
In such a small ditty can ne're be exprest
they cannot be marshall'd all up in a song
the Cook's art was great
and pallat was neat
the Pastry appear'd in its order compleat.
What ever was curious, novelty, or witty
90: Attended the King in the love of the City.

The Earth and the Air and the Water conspir'd
to shew all the plenty the Kingdome could yeeld;
It can't be exprest, but may well be admir'd
the dishes stood thicker than flowers in the field.
a friend of mine vow'd
that stood in the crowd
hee see a large Banquet let down in a cloud
Which needs must appear very pleasant and pretty
Unto the beholders the King and the City.

100: With freedome and honour, and safety and love
the King spent the day, then to Whitehall he went.
May all the choice blessings which God hath above,
fall on his head daily to crown his content
may plenty and peace
and union increase
may Amity live, and may enmity cease
May God in his mercy love, favour and pity,
And never divide the good King and the City.

London, Printed for Francis Grove, on Snow[-hill.]
Entred according to Order.

[6]respects] Ebsworth suggests a misprint for aspects.

Nathan Ingelo
A Song of Thanksgiving
5 July

    See Ian Spink, Restoration Cathedral Music 1660-1714 (OUP, 1995), for notes on Ingelo and Rogers; see Woods Ath Oxon, 4:307

    A manuscript note on the verso of O1 reads: "This musique was performed at Guildhall in the year 1660. at the great ffeast, for King Charles the second, (with about 20 of his maties servants, and the 2 Houses of pliament at Dinner in the said Hall: Composed by Ben: Rogers then of Windsor by order of Sir Tho: Allen Lord mayor, and the Court of Aldermen formed to his Maties Great Satisfaction being Instrumentall, and Vocall Musique in Lattin. about the year 1653 was severall sets of Avis of the gd B[enjamin]. R[ogers]. for the violins, and organ, of 4 parts, sent into Germany for the ArchDuke Leopolds Court, (who is now Emporour) and plaid there by his own Musitians to his great content He himself, being a Composer."

    Woods' futher manuscript note to his copy of the Latin version, Hymnus Eucharisticus at O3 reads: "Made by Dr Nathan Ingelo, Fellow of Eaton Coll. near Windsor, sometimes of Qu. coll in Cambridge -- -an. 1660. It was then put into English by the author. To His Hymnus Eucharisticus Ben. Rogers of Windsor, Bach. of Musick, did at the request of the Lord Mayor of Lond. & Aldmen compose a song of four parts. This song was admirably well pformed by about 12. voices, 12 Instruments & an Organ, by mostly his Majesties servants, in the Guildhall of the citie of London, on the 12 [ie 5]of July (thursday) 1660, on wh. day his maj. K Ch.2. James Duke of York Hen. Duke of Gloc. & both Houses of parliament were entertained with a most sumptuous dinner & banquet. Copies of these paps were printed in Lat. & English: one was delivered to the K. & the two Dukes & others to the Nobility for purposely that they might look on them when it was pformed by the said servants belonging to his majesty. It gave very great content, & Benj. Rogers who composed the song, being then present, gained great credit for wt he had done, & a good reward. It was sung in the Lat. tongue."

    The Guildhall entertainment at which this piece was performed actually took place on Thursday, 5 July (see ms note O2 and Ath Oxon ref above). John Tatham's London's Glory provides a full account; see also Pepys, 1:193; Parliamentary Intelligencer (2-9 July), pp. 445-6; Mercurius Publicus 28 (5-12 July), pp. 437-8; Rugg, pp. 98-9. Preparations for the celebration had started before Charles's arrival in London, according to the Loyal Scout 102 (29 May-6 June), p. 419.

A Song of Thanksgiving.



REjoyce in the Lord, O ye Righteous; For Praise is comly for
the Upright. Sing unto God a new Song, play skilfully with a
loud noise.

For the Word of the Lord is Right, and all his works

are done in Truth: He Loveth Righteousness
Contra and Tenor

and Judgment: The Earth is full of the Goodness of the Lord.


How excellent is thy Loving Kindness, O God, therefore

the Children of Men shall put their trust under the
shadow of thy Wings: They shall be satisfied with the
fatness of they House, and thou shalt make them drink
of the Rivers of thy Pleasures.
1 Treble

For with thee is the Fountain of Life; in thy light we shall see light.
First Chorus of four Parts.

O continue they loving kindness to them that know thee, and
thy Righteousness to the Upright in heart.
Let not the foot of Pride come against me; and let not the
Hand of the wicked remove me.
A Bass.

God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present Help in
trouble; Therefore will we not fear, though the Earth
be moved, and though the Mountains be cast in the midst
of the Sea.

There is a River the streams whereof shall make glad
the City of God, the Holy place of the most High.

God is in the midst of her, therefore shall she not be
3 Voc.

moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

Two Tenors.

For the Mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting,
upon them that fear him; and his Righteousness unto Childrens
2 Voc.

Children, to such as remember his Commandments to do them.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me,
bless his holy Name.
Last Chorus, five Parts with Instruments.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doth wonderful
things; and blessed be his Glorious Name; and let the whole
Earth be filled with his Glory. We will bless the Lord both
now and evermore: For his Mercy is great towards us; and the
Truth of the Lord endureth for evermore.
Praise the Lord.

Composed by Benjamin Rogers of Windsor.

J. P.
The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes.
[undated: after 6 July]

    Broadsides were often signed with the initials of the authorizing agent of the stationers company; CHECK JP as the signatory of broadside ballads for these and other printers. See also item 18. J[oy], T[homas], A Loyal Subjects Admonition, undated, anticipating king.

    Ebsworth claims that J. P.'s ballad appeared "within a week after Thursday 4 [ie 5] July" (9:xl), in part basing his attribution on the fact that this ballad refers to the king touching for the King's Evil, which Evelyn records began on 6 July. However, as Ebsworth himself admits, Evelyn is unreliable on this matter; Pepys reports hearsay evidence that Charles touched on 23 June, and he had been touching back in May before leaving for England (see Lower, Relation, pp. 74-8). 5 July was a the day of Charles's entertainment by the City of London -- but this is not referred to in the text.

    On the Trunk ballads, see for notes by Ebsworth.
Among the Trunk Ballads, this one is bound in first; then:
2. The Noble Progresse Ebs chk 7/96
3. The Case is altered, or Sir Reverence, The Rumps last Farewell. To the Tune of Robin Hood. Ebs chk 7/96
4. [title missing] first line "Come you poets drink a round" and badly torn -- mostly missing: Ebs chk 7/96
5. The Glory of these Nations ebs chk 7/96
6. A Relation of the ten grand infamous *Traytors / who for their horrid Murder and detestable Villany..." ebs chk 7/96
These ballads are bound with item 7. "An Elegy on the Death of his Sacred Majesty King Charles II. Of Blessed memory"

    The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes employs a number of distinct and original features; instead of putting biblical references in the margins, it exhorts us directly to read the bible, it questions the sincerity of the jubilations, and it makes a great deal of Charles touching for the Evil as evidence of his sacramental power. One of the few poems to raise the question of just how authentic all the rejoycing over the king's return really was; just how much sincerity did those most loudly proclaiming the new king feel? how much of the jubilation was covering up former guilt?

    Stuart mythology is in the making here, as Charles is regaled in all the poetic tropes of power and authority as a magical king. Old Testament types, Moses and David, are developed to attribute his power with sacramental qualities; this is one of the few poems to make much of the fact that Charles touched for the king's evil. At the same time, the king's foes, from infidels to Quakers, are given a stout warning of the king's might. Many of the traditional Stuart tropes being used here will reappear in the Jacobite balladry of the 1740s.

The Loyal Subjects hearty Wishes
To King CHARLES the Second.

He that did write these Verses, certainly,
Did serve his Royal Father faithfully;
Likewise himself he served at Worcester Fight,
[And] for his Loyalty was put to flight:
But had he a head of hair like Absolom,
And every hair as strong as was Samson,
I'de venture all for Charles the second's sake,
And for his Majesty my life forsake.

To the Tune, When Cannons are roaring.


TRue Subjects all rejoyce
after long sadness,
And now with heart and voice
shew forth your gladness,
5: That to King Charles were true,
and Rebels hated,
This Song onely to you
is Dedicated;
For Charles our Soveraign dear
is safe returned,
True Subjects hearts to chear,
that long have mourned:
Then let us give God praise;
that doth defend him,
15: And pray with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

The dangers he hath past
from wild Usurpers,
Now bring him joy at last,
although some Lurkers
Did seek his blood to spill
by actions evil;
But God we see is still
above the Devil;
25: Though many Serpents hiss
him to devour,
God his defender is
by his strong power:
Then let us give him praise
that doth defend him,
And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

The joy that he doth bring,
if true confessed,
35: The tongues of mortal men
cannot express it;
He cures our drooping fears,
being long tormented,
And his true Cavaliers
are well contented:
For now the Protestant
again shall flourish,
The King our nursing Father,
he will us cherish:
45: Then let us give God praise
that did defend him,
And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

Like Moses he is meek,
and tender hearted,
And by all means doth seek
to have foes converted;
But like the Israelites
there are a number,
55: That for his love to them
against him doth murmur:
Read Exodus, 'tis true
the Israelites rather
Yield to the Egyptian crew,
then Moses their Father:
So many Phanaticks
with hearts disloyal
Their thoughts and minds do fix
against our King Royal.

The second Part, to the same Tune.

65: Like holy David, he
past many Troubles;
And by his constancy,
his Joyes redoubles:
For now he doth bear sway,
by God appointed;
For holy Writ doth say,
Touch not mine Anointed.
He is Gods Anointed sure,
who still doth guide him,
75: In all his wayes most pure,
though some deride him.
Then let us give God praise,
that doth defend him;
And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.

Many there are we know
within this Nation,
Lip-love to him do shew
in dissumulation;
85: Of such vilde Hereticks
there are a number,
Whose hearts & tongues we know
are far assunder:
Some do pray for the King,
being constrained;
Who lately against him
greatly complained;
They turn both Coat and seam,
to cheat poor Taylors,
95: But the fit place for them
is under strong Jaylors.

Let the Kings Foes admire,
who do reject him;
Seeing God doth him inspire,
and still direct him,
To heal those evil Sores,
and them to cure,
By his most gracious hand,
and prayers pure;
105: Though simple people say,
Doctors do as much:
None but our lawful King
can cure with a touch,
As plainly hath been seen
since he returned:
Many have cured been,
which long have mourned.

The poorest wretch that hath
this Evil, sure
115: May have ease from the King,
and perfect cure;
His Grace is meek and wise,
loving and civil,
And to his enemies
doth good for evil:
For some that are his foes
were by him healed,
His liberal hand to those
is not concealed;
125: He heals both poor and rich
by Gods great power,
And his most gracious touch
doth them all cure.

Then blush you Infidels,
that late did scorn him,
And you that do rebel
Crave pardon of him;
With speed turn a new leaf
for your transgresses,
135: Hear what the Preacher sayes
in Ecclesiates;
The Scriptures true, and shall
for ever be taught,
Curse not the King at all,
no not in thy thought:
And holy Peter
two Commands doth bring,
Is first for to fear God,
and then honour the King.

145: When that we had no King
to guide this Nation,
Opinions did up spring
by tolleration:
And many Heresies
were then advanced,
And cruel Liberties
by old Noll granted.
Some able Ministers
were not esteemed,
155: Many false Prophets,
good Preachers were deemed.
The Church some hated,
a Barn, House, or Stable,
Would serve the Quakers,
with their wicked Rabble.

And now for to conclude,
the God of power,
Preseve and guide our King
both day and hour:
165: That he may rule and reign,
our hearts to cherish:
And on his Head, good Lord,
let his Crown flourish.
Let his true Subjects sing,
with Hearts most loyal,
God bless and prosper still,
Charles our King Royal.
So now let's give God praise,
that doth defend him:
175: And sing with heart and voice,
Angels attend him.


London, Printed for John Andrews, at the White Lion near Pye-Corner.

Thomas Fuller
A Panegyrick to His Majesty
[undated: after 6 July?]

   Titlepage: A / PANEGYRICK / TO HIS / MAJESTY, / ON HIS / Happy Return. / [rule] / By Tho. Fuller B. D. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for John Playford at his Shop in the / Temple, 1660.

   See John Eglinton Bailey, Life of Thomas Fuller (1874) for detailed bibliographical notes.
-- accused of popery by John Ley in Flagellum Flagelli (woods 2: 193)
-- from the same town as Dryden

    Thomas Fuller (1608-61), went up to Queens College, Cambridge in 1621 aged 13, later moving to Sidney Sussex as a fellow commoner. He moved to Oxford during the civil wars, but preached in London during 1647 and 1655-56, earning the admiration of Pepys who attended. He was patronized by the Mountagus of Broughton and served as chaplain to the 8th and 9th Barons Berkeley (Pepys Companion, p. 152). He may have accompanied a member of the same family, John, Lord Berkeley of Stratton to the Hague to meet Charles in 1660: this might have provided the occasion for updating his Worcester verses as a tribute.

    In keeping with the generally unexpected nature of Charles return, Fuller treats the removal of the City gates as a providential paradox (stanza 11).

    Of this poem, Fuller was his own first critic, and he set a trend for high standards. Commenting on the version of this poem found in The Worthies, Fuller himself promises "never to make Verses more" (p. 184), against which a contemporary wit wrote in the copy now in the Clark Library UCLA: "your Muse is a dull jade." Fuller's editor, Alexander Grosart, seems rather to have liked the poem, but agrees in the end:

The `Panegyrick' has happy lines: and was the genuine utterance of our large-hearted Worthy's loyalty to his idea of monarchy. Hence the transfiguration of Charles the Second. Historically it is valuable as an evidence of the glowing hopes that centred in the `merry monarch.' The actual `Life' Fuller did not witness. He was `gone' before the brightness of the exile-years paled into foulest Night. High pitched as is his praise it is low compared with innumerable con/[end p. 15]temporary `Welcomes' still preserved in the British Museum and elsewhere. (pp. 15-16)



AT Wor'ster great Gods goodness to our Nation,
It was a Conquest, Your bare Preservation.
When 'midst Your fiercest foes on every side
For Your escape God did a LANE provide; 1
5: They saw You gone, but whither could not tell,
Star-staring, though they ask'd both Heaven and Hell.


Of forreign States You since have studied store,
And read whole Libraries of Princes o're.
To you all Forts, Towns, Towers, and Ships are known,
10: (But none like those which now become Your OWN)
And though Your Eyes were with all Objects fill'd,
Onely the Good into Your Heart distill'd.


Garbling mens manners You did well divide,
To take the Spaniards wisdom, not their pride.
15: With French activity You stor'd Your Mind.
Leaving to them their Ficklenesse behind;
And soon did learn, Your Temperance was such,
A sober Industry even from the Dutch.


But tell us, Gracious Sovereign, from whence
20: Took You the pattern of Your Patience?
Learn't in Afflictions School, under the Rod,
Which was both us'd and sanctifi'd by God;
From Him alone that Lesson did proceed,
Best Tutor with best Pupil best agreed.


25: We, Your dull Subjects, must confess our crime,
Who learnt so little in as long a time,
And the same School, thus Dunces poring looks
Mend not themselves, but onely marre their Books.
How vast the difference 'twixt wise and fool?
30: The Master makes the Schollar, not the School.


With rich conditions ROME did You invite,
Hoping to purchase You their PROSELYTE,
(An empty soul's soon tempted with full Coffers)
Whilst You with sacred scorn refus'd their proffers.
35: And for the FAITH did earnestly 2 CONTEND
Abroad, which now You do at Home DEFEND.


Amidst all Storms, Calm to Your Self the while,
Saddest Afflictions You did teach to smile.
Some faces best become a Mourning Dress,
And such Your Patience, which did grace Distress,
40: Whose Soul despising want of worldly pelf,
At lowest ebbe went not beneath it Self.


Gods JUSTICE now no longer could dispence
With the Abusing of His PROVIDENCE,
To hear SUCCESSE his APPROBATION styl'd,
45: And see the Bastard brought against the Child.
[Scripture] by such, who in their own excuse
Their Actings 'gainst Gods Writings did produce.


The Independent doth the Papist shun,
Contrary wayes their violence doth run,
50: And yet in such a Round at last they met,
That both their SAINTS for 3 MEDIATORS set; 4
We were not ripe for Mercy, God He knows,
But ready for his Justice were our Foes.


55: The Pillar, which Gods people did attend,
To them in night a constant Light did lend, 5
Though Dark unto th'Egyptians behind;
Such was brave MONCK in his reserved mind,
A Riddle to his Foes he did appear,
60: But to Himself and You, Sense plain and clear.


By Means unlikely God atchieves his End,
And crooked wayes straight to his Honour tend;
The great and ancient Gates of LONDON Town,
(No Gates, no City) now are voted down,
65: And down were cast, O happy day! for all
Do date our hopeful rising from their fall. 6


The Matter of Your Restitution's good,
The Manner better, without drop of Bloud;
By a dry Conquest, without forreign hand,
70: Self-hurt, and now Self-healed, is Our Land.
This silent Turn did make no noise, O strange!
Few saw the changing, all behold the Change.


So Solomon most wisely did contrive,
His Temple should be STIL-BORN though ALIVE.
75: That stately Structure started from the ground
Unto the Roof, not guilty of the sound
Of Iron Tool, all noise therein debarr'd;
This Virgin-Temple thus was seen, not heard.

14. 7

When two Protectors were of late proclaim'd,
80: Courting mens tongues, both miss't at what they aim'd,
True English hearts did with just anger burn,
And would no Eccho of GOD SAVE return:
Though smiling silence doth Consent imply,
A Tongue-tied Sorrow flatly doth deny. 8


85: But at Your MAJESTIES first Proclamation,
How loud a Stentor 9 did invoice our Nation?
A Mouth without a Tongue was sooner found
In all that Crowd, than Tongue without a sound;
Nor was't a wonder men did silence break,
90: When Conduits did both French and Spanish speak. 10

16. 11

The Bells aloud did ring, for joy they felt
Hereafter Sacriledge shall not them melt.
The Bonfires round about the Streets did blaze, 12
And these NEW LIGHTS Fanatiques did amaze: 13
95: The brandisht Swords this Boon begg'd before Death,
Once to be shew'd, then buried in the Sheath.

17. 14

The Spaniard looking with a serious Eye,
Was forc'd to trespass on his Gravity,
Close 15 to conceal his wondring he desir'd,
100: But all in vain, he openly admir'd.
The French, who thought the English mad in mind,
Now fear too soon they may them Sober find. 16

18. 17

The Germans seeing this Your sudden Power,
Freely confess another Emperour.
105: The joyful Dane to Heav'ns cast up his Eyes,
Presuming suffering Kings will sympathize.
The Hollanders (first in a sad suspence)
Hop'd that Your Mercy was their Innocence.

19. 18

As Aged Jacob with good news intranc'd,
110: That Joseph was both living and advanc'd,
The great surprise so deeply did prevail
On the good Patriarch, that his Heart did fail,
Too little for to lodge so large a joy,
For sudden happiness may much annoy.


But when he saw (with serious intent
115: To fetch him home) the Waggons his Son sent,
That Cordial soon his fainting Heart did cure,
'Twas past suspicion, all things then were sure:
The Father his old Spirits did renew,
And found his fears were false, his joyes were true. 19


120: Such Our Condition: At the first Express
We could not credit our own Happiness;
Told of the Coming of Your MAJESTY,
Our fainting Hearts did give their Tongues the Lye.
A Boon too big for us (so ill we live)
125: For to receive, though not for GOD to give.


But when we saw the ROYAL FLEET at Dover,
Voted to wait and waft Your Highness over,
And valiant Mountague (all vertues Friend) 20
Appointed on Your Person to attend,
130: Joy from that moment did expell our grief,
Converted into slow, but sure belief.


Th'impatient Land did for Your presence long,
England in swarms did into Holland throng,
To bring Your Highness home, by th'Parliament
135: Lords, Commons, Citizens, Divines were sent:
Such honour Subjects never had before,
And hope that never any shall have more.

24. 21

With all degrees Your Carriage accords,
Most Lord-like Your Reception of the LORDS,
140: Your Answer with the COMMONS so comply'd
They were to admiration satisfi'd;
Civil the CITIZENS You entertain'd,
As if in LONDON Born, Y'ad there remain'd.


But, Oh! Your short, but thick expressive lines,
145: Which did both please and profit the DIVINES,
Those Pastors, when returned to their Charge,
For their next Sermon had Your words at large,
With some Notes from Your Practice; who can teach
Our Miters by Your Living what to preach.


150: The States of Holland (or Low Countries now)
Unto Your SACRED MAJESTY did bow,
What Air, what Earth, what Water could afford
Best in the Kind, was crowded on their Board:
And yet, when all was done, the ROYAL GUEST,
155: And not the Chear, He, HE, did make the Feast.


Th'officious Wind to serve You did not fail,
But scour'd from West to East to fill Your Sail,
And fearing that his Breath might be too rough,
Prov'd over-civil, and was scarce enough;
160: Almost You were becalm'd amidst the Main,
Prognostick of Your perfect peaceful Reign.


Your Narrow Seas, for Forreigners do wrong
To claim them, (surely doth the Ditch belong
Not to the common Continent, but Isle
165: Inclosed) did on You their Owner smile,
Not the least loss, onely the NASEBY mar'ls
To see her self now drowned in the CHARLES.


You land at Dover, shoals of People come,
And KENT alone now seems all CHRISTENDOM.
170: The Cornish Rebels (eight score Summers since)
At BLACK HEATH fought against their lawful Prince
Henry the Seventh, which place with Treason stain'd
Its Credit, now by Loyalty regain'd.


Great LONDON the last station You did make,
175: You took not it, but LONDON You did take:
Where some, who sav'd themselves amongst the Croud,
Did lose their hearing, shoutings were so loud.
Now at WHITE HALL the Guard, which You attends,
Keeps out Your Foes, God keep You from Your Friends.

31. 22

180: Thus far fair Weather on Your Work attended,
Let Showres begin now where the Sun-shine ended.
Next day We smil'd at th'weeping of the Skies,
With all Concerns how Providence complies!
The City serv'd, next followeth the Village,
185: And, Trading quickned, God provides for Tillage.


One Face, one Forme in all the Land appears,
All (former Foot) now Hors'd to CAVALIERS.
As for Your Enemies, their cursed Crew
Are now more hard to find out, than subdue.
190: 'Tis very Death to them, they cannot dye,
Who do know whence, not whither, for to flie.


France flouts, Spain scorns, and Italy denies them
Any access, the Dane with Dutch defies them;
Unto New-England they were known of old,
195: And now no footing for them on that mold.
Rich Amsterdam (the Staple of all Sects)
These bankrupt Rebels with contempt rejects.


Thus cruell Cain, who pious blood first spilt, 23
Was Pursevanted after by his Guilt, 24
With MURDERER imbranded on his face, 25
Kept his Condition, though he chang'd his place:
Wandring from Land to Land, from shore to shelf,
His guilty Soul nere wandred from it self.


Let them themselves in unknown Lands disperse,
215: Or if they please with Canibals converse,
Like unto like, that all the World may see
In no Land they'l increase, 'tis Natures love
Unto Mankind, all Monsters barren prove.


210: Long live Our Gracious CHARLES, Second to none
In Honour, who ere sate upon the Throne:
Be You above Your Ancestors renown'd,
Whose Goodness wisely doth Your Greatness bound;
And knowing that You may be What You would,
215: Are pleased to be onely What You should.


EUROP's Great ARBITRATOR, in Your choice
Is plac'd of Christendom the CASTING VOICE;
Hold You the Scales in Your Judicious Hand,
And when the equal Beam shall doubtful stand,
225: As You are pleased to dispose one Grain,
So falls or riseth either France or Spain.


As Sheba's Queen defective Fame accus'd,
Whose nigardly Relations had abus'd
Th'abundant worth of Solomon, and told
225: Not half of what she after did behold:
The same Your case, Fame hath not done You right,
Our Ears are far out-acted by our Sight.


Your SELF's the Ship return'd from forreign Trading,
England's Your Port, Experience the Lading,
230: God is the Pilot; and now richly fraught,
Unto the Port the Ship is safely brought:
What's dear to You, is to Your Subjects cheap,
You sow'd with pain, what we with pleasure reap.

40. 26

The most renowned EDWARD the CONFESSOR,
235: Was both Your Parallel and Precedessor,
Exil'd He many years did live in France,
(From low Foundations highest Roofs advance)
The Yoak in Youth with patience he bore,
But in his Age the Crown with honour wore.


240: The COMMON LAW to him the English owe,
On whom a better gift You will bestow:
That which He made by You shall be made good,
That Prince and Peoples rights both understood,
Both may be Bankt in their respective station;
245: Which done, no fear of future Inundation.


Oppression, the KINGS EVIL, long indur'd,
By others caus'd, by YOU alone thus cur'd:
GOD onely have the glory, You the praise,
And we the profit of our peaceful dayes,
250: All Forreigners the pattern, for their State
To envy rather than to imitate.


[1]Presumably an arch reference to Jane Lane, though Grosart found the allusion confusing, commenting: "`Lane' (line 4th) is printed in large capitals LANE -- Why?" (p. 91 n.2).

[2]Jude 3. contend for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints.

[3]Witness a Sermon.

[4]Grosart speculates thus: "Query -- Dr Thomas Goodwin and Peter Sterry? The famous `prayer' of the former so perverted in one expression therein, doubtless simply used Jeremiah's sorrowful plaint: Jeremiah xx.7." p. 94 n.1.

[5]Nehemiah 9.12.

[6]On Wednesday, 8 February, two days after Monck first addressed the House of Commons, the Common Council of the City of London favourably received a petition from the freeholders not to submit to any authority that could not rightfully claim legislative power. The Committee of Saftey, perceiving this as a threatened tax strike, ordered Monck to reduce the City to obedience by arresting eleven ringleaders, and removing the chains and city gates. On the 9th, Monck reluctantly complied with part of the order, arresting nine of the eleven named ringleaders and removing the chains. But he demurred about removing the gates until the 10th, and then only after receiving a repeat command to do so (see Davis 1955: 278-79; Hutton 1985: 91-93). The next day, however, Monck turned on the Rumpers and presented his own ultimatum demanding new elections -- "the first good omen" as Evelyn reported it -- thereby precipitating the "roasting of the Rump" on the night of the 11th; see A Psalme.

[7].úústanzas 14,15 omitted from Worthies 1662.

[8]Grosart comments: "The `two Protectors' alluded to were Oliver Cromwell and Richard Cromwell. It need scarcely be said that it is a Royalist delusion that in either case but specially in that of Oliver the national `welcome' was less real or less warm than that to Charles II." (p. 96 n.2)

[9]Stentor: person with a powerful voice.

[10]Charles was proclaimed king on Tuesday 8 May. The Public Intelligencer #7 reports that in Oxford on Thursday, 10 May, "The conduit ran claret at two places about three hours, a thing never done here before." The next day, three hogsheads of claret were poured into the conduits in Exeter (Parliamentary Intelligencer #21). The London conduits ran with wine the evening of Charles's arrival, 29 May (see The Glory of these Nations). The next day, public drunkeness had become sufficiently widespread for Charles to issue a proclamation banning the drinking of healths.

[11] set as stanza 18 in Worthies, 1662

[12]line 93] O, OW, L, WF; And round about the Streets the Bonfires blaz'd, Worthies 1662

[13]line 94] O, OW, WF; At which NEW LIGHTS did the Fanatiques gaze: L; With which NEW LIGHTS Fanatiques were amaz'd. Worthies 1662

[14] set as stanza 19 in Worthies 1662

[15] Close] OW, O, WF; For L; Close Worthies 1662.

[16] line 102] O, OW, WF; Now fear that them they may too Sober find. L; Now fear too soon they may them Sober find. Worthies 1662.

[17]set as stanza 20 in Worthies 1662

[18].úú verses 19-22 ommited in W 62.

[19] See Gen. 25-28.

[20] Edward Lord Montagu of Boughton (1625-72), created Earl of Sandwich at the Restoration, had fought for parliament during the first civil war, but retired in 1644 and stayed out of public affairs until 1653 when he was appointed to serve in Barebones parliament. Cromwell made him joint General-at-Sea with Admiral Blake in 1656. After the death of Cromwell, he was courted by royalist agents and, with Monck, organized bringing the king back from exile. See Pepys. In 1631, Fuller dedicated his biblical poem, David's Hainous Sinne, to "the honorable Mr Edward, Mr William, and Mr Christopher Montagu, sonnes to the Right honourable Edward Lord Montagu of Boughton."

[21] .úústanzas 24-26 omitted in W 62

[22] .úústanzas 31-35 omitted in W62

[23] line 198] O, OW, WF; Thus Philistims the Plague-infected Ark L

[24] line 199] O, OW, WF; Posted from Town to Town, thus Kain with mark L

[25] line 200] O, OW, WF; Of MURDERER imbranded on his face, L

[26] stanza 40 omitted Worthies 1662

[27] stanzas 41-42 collapsed into one variant stanza in Worthies 1662.

Richard Brathwait
To His Majesty
12 July

   Titlepage: TO HIS / MAJESTY / UPON HIS / HAPPY ARRIVALL / In our late discomposed / ALBION. / [rule] / [royal arms] / [rule] / Sidon. / Vidi quod speravi, vidisse tamen dolui, per'grŠ spectando quod petii. / [rule] / By R. Brathwait Esq. / [rule] / LONDON, / Printed for Henry Brome, at the Gun in Ivie-lane. 1660.

    Thomason dated his copy on Thursday, 12 July.

In our late discomposed

BLest be that all-ey'd-Lord, who gave us eyes
To see the Period of our Miseries.
Now be our longing hopes safe brought a Shore;
Our State secur'd, what can we wish for more?
5: Secur'd! not so as we were us'd of late
When our Security was through a Grate.
But that Storm's past, we from those Shackles free,
Our glorious State rid of that Anarchie
Or Syracusan thraldom, which no age
10: E're parallel'd with more tyrannick rage.
Was ever any such distraction known,
As no man might impropriate his own?
All out of joynt; no sympathizing sence
Applide a Cure to wounded Innocence.
15: No Crime like Loyalty: He that would clime
Must suit himselfe to th' Habit of the time.
None to the Throne of Justice durst arise
Unlesse He were o'th' Protectorian Size.
That gave him footing, and dimension too,
20: Acting what his Rebellion will'd him doe.
Were these pure Lesbian Rules where morall Law
Deriv'd her Spirit from Usurpers aw?
Were these Cloanthes Tables holden meet
For minced Justice to erect a Seat?
25: And with an oily tongue delude the ear,
Like Fauns o're-ballanced with gaine or fear?
What rare Sysambres have we had, whose Sin
Deserved well the forfeit of a Skin
For their Skrude Judicature: -- -- now struck dumb
30: Me thinks they tremble at Your coming home,
Fearing their sad Accompt; but if they grieve
For what they've done, Your mercy can forgive,
Such is Your Princely Candor: holding fit
Where Justice dooms, Mercy should sweeten it.
35: Which seems presented in that prudent sort
As th' Lyons Cave becomes Astr'a's Court.
Yet an Indulgence, to egregious Crimes
Would not sort well with temper of these times.
Such State-pretenders should Your Censure feel.
40: Who under Colour of a Commonweale,
Rear'd of their own foundation, have exprest
Their Sole Concern to be self-interest;
And to promote it as their supreame good,
Imbrude their lawlesse hands in loyall-blood.
45: For their destruction, order, quality,
To name them all would swell an Elegy
To a vast Iliad. -- -- There's no publick place
Wherein the tincture of a Jewish face
Brands them not Conscious: should I write in Steel,
50: Those rubrick Characters no age can heal
Nor Annal parallel; it might appear
A Subject fitting to extract a tear
From the Perusers eye, but wanting Strength
To Analize those tragick acts at length;
55: Which our Anarchiall Stage so late presented
In lines of blood, and tyranny indented.
Sometimes I made my walk in Rufus Hall,
Where I might see a Scarlet-arras'd wall
Deep-dyed in Crimson gore; this reft me Sence
60: To find a Shambles 1 on a Royall Bench,
Asking what that ascendent chaire might be?
Seat of High Justice, it was answer'd me.
Inquiring further of him what it ment?
Here, he reply'd, sits the Lord President
65: Th' 2 Protectors Favourite, Commissioner Lisle,
To try th' Delinquents of our Purple Isle.
Rough Rhadamant, said I, blancht be his fame
To derogate from such a loyall Name
As Colchester perpetuates, where his prize
70: Fames him his Princes LOYALL SACRIFICE;
Whose innocent blood in Annals shall be found,
Recording how no 3 grasse grows on that ground.
But in the revolution of that State
Both Names and Natures were degenearte;
75: For as th' First did his blood for's Sov'raign shed,
In Subjects blood the Later surfeted.
But let's divert our Current; Jubilees
Reserve no Eare for such sad Histories.
When th' Sabine State appear'd without dispute
80: Subjects to none, but Masters absolute;
They'd wear no Black, nor tast an hearb was sour
Upon the Choice of a new Governour.
It skills not much for Habits, but I'm sure
Your wish'd arrivall has applide a Cure
85: To worse distempers then this age brought forth,
By th' Conduct of that happy Starre o'th' North.
But for as much as Humane Blessings give
Their just proportion when Comparative
To our preceding sufferings: let each part
90: Communicate a portion to the heart;
And with an active vivid accent cry,
Blest be th' approach of lineall Sov'raignty
Cloath'd with a native Splendor! ev're way
With Pouls and Bushes keep their Holy-day.
95: Our Checker'd-curled Groves prepare their Bowrs
Artfully wreath'd with shady Sycomours
For their choice aery quires; whose cheerfull song
Tyres not their Spirits though the day be long:
Virgins their untoucht Loyalty display,
100: Paving with fragrant flowrs his Highnesse way.
Zeal makes all Tasks delightfull: but no tune
In this our prelude to a cheerfull June.
Though 4 May were th'month that brought our May-game in,
Without which sight our hopes had blasted bin)
105: Me thinks I hear of joy this Signall token
Breth'd forth, A three-fold-cord is hardly broken
Computed and Compleated in that Trine
Of You, and Your two Brothers; from which line
Spring our aspiring hopes, that Your blest Reigne
110: Shall parallel the fame of Charlemaine;
And in Your Brothers princely vertues live
To give Your Comforts a prerogative.
This cheers mine aged hopes as much as any,
And makes me sprightly, though my years be many:
115: So as some think both by my face and gate
That I had eaten 'sons herbe of late.
But those sweet prosp'rous gales which waf't you hither
Gave me that Colour which can hardly wither;
That was the Herbe of Grace, or if you please
120: A Chaplet interwoven with Hearts Ease.
I court not th' rising Sun, to cause his rayes
To dart their Splendor on my rurall layes:
Zeal makes my Muse enthusiastick; which
Though it pretend not to a Bard that's rich,
125: For these late times did publickly proclaime
None should be rich that own'd their Soveraign,
My ruin'd fortunes I shall nere bemone
Though I have felt as much as any one
Of the Delinquents whip: I'm still the man
130: I was, before these Civil warrs began;
Those Capitall Grand-Bugbears had no power
T' affright Your Servant, though they might devour
That small remainder which He then possest;
Wherein they grew half-Sharers at the least:
135: Amidst those dusky Clouds which adverse Fate
Had thrown on mine anatomized State,
The morning Sun shone cheerfully on me
Because a subject sworn to loyalty.
Th'infringment of which Oath has brought some witts
140: In these distracted times to Bedlamites.
We shall not need their features to display,
Some have we catch't, and others run away
In a disguised habit; who like Apes
Aray'd in garish-counterfeated Shapes
145: With royalized Ribbands, in them writ
VIVE LE ROY, an Impreze most unfit
For such perfidious Rooks, who boldly made
VENDE LE ROY their universall trade;
Have ta'ne their flight -- -- and that they might appear
150: In this their fev'rish passage to be cleare
From Cordiall Rebeliion, upsefreze
They drunk their Sov'raigns Health upon their knees.
Brave Presidents of Justice! did Your House
Teach Your imbrodered Honours to carouse?
155: In blood it did; witness so many lives:
They needs must run apace whom th' Devil drives.
Farre be these Scorpions from my Soveraigns head,
Who eat Your Subjects as their daily bread.
May You make Your distinction still 'twixt those
160: Who be Your reall Friends and bosom foes.
May You conferre Your honours on such men
Whose loyall Service has deserved them.
Your Royall Grandsire num'rously inthrall'd,
No other then a Craft, a Kingship call'd;
165: And sure, me thinks, that Simele may fit,
For we shall find rare workmanship in it.
Kings are like Hammers, and their Subjects like
To Bells, which sound just as their Hammers strike.
But if the Clock fall to a tunelesse Straine;
170: Art more then Force must bring't to Frame again.
Titus that princely Darling of Mankind, 5
As in his life related we doe find,
Would not bestow his Style on any man
Unless his Actions with Vespacian [sic
175: Had merited that Title, which was done
In honour to a Father by his Son.
Gifts when they'r rarely given oblige the most
And by the Givers hand, then by their Cost
More highly valued: Your Experience
180: Knows the gradations of Munificence;
How You the Fabrick of Your State should make,
What Princes are to give, and Subjects take.
Many rough Tempests has my Liedge sustain'd,
And by those Sufferings infinitely gain'd
185: In Your Observance; You have found how Kings
Are oft-times mutable as other things
In their affections: when successfull gales
Breath with a prosperous convoy on our Sails,
Each coast smiles on us: whereas adverse winds
190: Make Seas not only brackish, but mens minds. 6
What a rich Lecture is it to read man!
Wherein you were improv'd before you came,
And can instruct your Courtiers in that feat
Which in my judgment makes them most compleat.
195: For what is it to know the use of Plants,
Those various tempers of the Elements,
The deep discovery of each Minerall,
Nay, th' notion of all things since Adams fall,
If our eyes in mans knowledge should grow dim
200: Whom doth contain a Little world in Him?
To make the work exact, Augustus form
Might with his Principles a Court adorn:
His Course was this: That Courtier He approv'd
Who his improvement seriously lov'd.
205: Tasks he injoyn'd: Each' plide his Exercise
In Musick, Posy, Gymnick Masteries.
Sloath was exil'd the Court: though Stages were
Enrich'd with State and Action; they were rare.
Artfull Dramaticks in high buskind lines
210: Addrest their Sceans for These Theatrall times;
And with such ample pensions gratified,
Archias sat close by Augustus side;
Learned Meco/enas did not then refuse
To become Patran to a Laureat Muse.
215: Those Halcyon days crown'd Poets! as for those
Who could Encomiums write on C'sars foes
As well as on his Friends, they were discarded,
And with Contempt deservingly rewarded.
I shall not need to give a further touch,
220: Your piercing Judgment can discover such,
Holding them worthlesse in a Princes eye;
A Parasite dishonours Poetrie;
Much more Seditious Pens who would advance
A State usurp'd, and Styl't Inheritance;
225: This our Diurnals, Almanacks could doe,
Which prudent eyes, no doubt, will look into.
Lillies should fancy Candor, and retain
Their Native Hue, and not be dy'd in grain,
As that Star-starer in his Rubrick writ;
230: Sure he was sign'd with Aries penned it:
But let not his Predictions now deceive him,
Neither his Book nor Sweden Chaine will save him,
Unless your pious heart indulgence give,
And grant him life that merits not to live.
235: As for Diurnals, we shall never read them,
The Game is up, and therefore little Need'am:
The Ev'ning crowns the Day; these Calmer times
All Stormings chase and Sallies from our lines:
But if Corranto's must be sent abroad,
240: As Countrys have been burd'ned with their load,
I hope we shall receive them stored more }
With Honest Novells then we had before. }
But let us gather yet one Select-flower }
From th' royall Seed-plot of that Emperour,}
And though long distanc'd by the course of time,
May give a light to present Discipline,
But specially in order to the Court;
Where many beg who have small reason for't,
Yet oft preyaile by means of such an one
Whom many craving eyes are fixt upon.
But should Great Gifts bestowed be on those
Who in these Civil Warres became our Foes;
Or should our Honours here be set at price,
And in our Court made private Marchandice,
255: So prudent is our Prince, so firmly just,
No Mushrom Spirit shall have them, so we trust.
May those who such Hydroptick thoughts have nurst
With Grandure of their burden swell, and burst.
The best receipt prescribed by Physician
260: Is Surfeting of Honour, to Ambition.
That Prince withall a Catalogue did keep 7
Which he perus'd before he fell asleep,
Of his days-promises: and 'twas his Task
To serve those first, who were the slow'st to ask.
265: A Serious care he took what Courtiers were
Worth the attention of a Princes ear:
Some cull'd He, and indeard, because He found
Their apprehensions quick, their Judgments sound;
But of this Number scarce one chus'd of twenty,
270: So as the City fill'd, the Court grew empty.
Augustus well observing this decrease,
No wonder, said He, if there were in Greece
But found seaven Sages, when in this wise age
The Court of Rome affords so little Sage.
275: But he supply'd that want with such a Call,
His Court appeared Academicall,
Stor'd with best wits the Latian could afford;
Complete in all both for the Gown and sword.
Which Court-directions though they Ethnick be,
280: They suit well with a Christian liverie.
Politicall, and Civil too they are
And may conduce much to a Princes care
In rallying his affairs, which throughly wrought
He acts not what he might, but what he ought.
285: Levell be his dimensions, and so right
As they draw by the Curtain of the night
Lest it obscure their Splendor: such are you,
To limne you fully in your Peoples view,
A Model so transparent, as it gives
290: By its Example form to others lives.
Such rare Id'a's Princes be, when worth
Contests with Birth to set their goodness forth.
Let Him my Liedge, a modest boldness take
Who has expos'd his fortunes for Your sake:
295: And late ingag'd both life and liberty
In his defence of Legall Sov'raignty;
Sweep off those Gnats, and Cobwebs which resort
To beg without deserving in your Court.
He merits ill the Title of a Knight,
300: That has more heart to vapour then to fight.
My gratious Liedge, make Sponges of all such
As soak your Land by draining it too much.
Such numbers crouded at your Gate last day,
Your ancient Servants could not find a way
305: For their Addresses: let those Fauns decline,
They'r held the Chattering Swallows of our time
That flicker o're Successe, but hide their head,
When those they hugg'd before, shall stand in need.
He breaths not upon Earth can be pursude
310: By a worse Fury then Ingratitude.
Even-ballanc't Justice may she steer your State;
Urim and Thummin o're the Clergies gate.
The only way to make Presbytery
Run Diapasan with Epispacy,
315: Is to acquaint one th' other with their grieves,
And stich up their Divisions in Laun sleeves.
This may procure Church-union speedily,
And make our Organs whistle cheerfully:
Which presuppos'd, no Charity can want
320: 'Twixt moderate Presbyter and Protestant.
Now that your vine her branches may display,
'Twere fit luxurious Sprigs were lopt away;
They cumber but the Land, and by their force,
Should they grow great, your vine would prosper worse.
325: But those Expressions from your royall pen
'Gainst vicious, prophane and debauched men.
Confirme your Native Goodness, and renue
The knowledge of our Happinesse in you.
This in your neer accession to your Crown 8
330: Must needs redound much to your high renown.
Peace, precious plenty, high-priz'd Liberty, ing Coronation
Late Strangers to us, usher Majesty.
These cheerfull accents breath'd from loyall hearts
Methings I hear resounding in all Parts.
335: Our Seas grown calme; our Ayre refin'd, and clear,
With joyfull News re-echoing ev'ry where,
Our CHARLES safe return'd, by whose direction
Were steer'd, and need not OLIVERS Protection.
Our Score's discharg'd; our Liberty re-gain'd,
340: And Nol who long 9 triennially raign'd,
Call'd to account: Mab and her Court broke up,
And all his Sweets drench'd in a worm-wood Cup,
His Rich Relations stript: He is to be tride
At th' Barre of Justice for a Regicide:
345: Where if that wild usurping Beast get free,
We'l Annals write in praise of Tyrannie.
A new Call of sad Justices had we,
Which, I confesse, did much dis-relish me.
Green-Lapwing-Novices of sence bereft,
350: Who scarcely knew the right hand from the left:
Holding the Acts of Justice to be Dreams,
As if they car'd not what their Office means.
Such should be put Apprentices to Sence
Before they were admitted to the Bench.
355: Let ancient Justices mount to their place,
Such will support the State, secure your Grace.
These, these be they who can deliver sence,
And make their Sessions feats of Conscience.
Let honest Jenkins flowrish in your Isle,
360: And passe a Sentence on perfidious Lisle.
Let onely such ascend unto that Throne
Who scorn rewards and sleight an awfull frown.
Those were the Lures our Ayri's did pursue,
While State and Treason held their Interview.
365: But th' Tide is turn'd; Themis now smiles on Thames,
And crowns our Consuls with religious Names.



[1].úú[handwritten i.e. butcher's]

[2]Th'] Th OH, OW

[3]As it hath been observed and constantly reported for a truth

[4]Ut Carolus rediit Terris Astr'a refulcit; Nunrius ut Floris Maius, honoris erit.


[6].úú[hand written: printing off in CH too -- loose type]

[7]He goes on with the discovery of Augustus curiall care or Court discipline.

[8]Alluding to his approaching Coronation

[9]Triennium mensium, perennium dementium incendium. Innocentium suspendium. Rhem. Miles. A Glancing at those Mechanich Justices, who were created Commissioners in our late Anarchiall Government.

To the Croud of Supplicants at White-hall.

HOw is it Friends, that you do thus resort,
Croud, and disturbe the Quiet of the Court?
Is this the Loyalty you have profest
To give no time unto your King to rest?
5: Be these your set imployments thus to stand
At th'Presence door to kiss his Highness hand,
Or beg an Office? How do you contrive
The way to get where there is none to give?
Honours He freely can conferre, but those
10: Will not discharge the Mercer for his cloaths.
Be civil SIRS; he bears a royall heart,
And will bestow on every one a part,
When He is setled; mean time 'tis well known
Where nought remaines, the King must loss his own.
15: Should all the Rebells Lands to th'Checker fall;
Their values would not satisfie us all.
Our Sufferings be so numerous, as alas
We'r like Bare-bones, who i'th' Last Synod was.
Let it content us, that the State's our Debter,
20: And if unpaid, our own will thrive the better.
Who serves his Soveraign for meer hope of gain,
May have an Hector's heart, but's mind a Swain.


John Selden
verses in The Royal Chronicle, p. 4
12 July

   Titlepage: THE / Royal Chronicle: / Wherein is contained, / An Historical Narration of His Majesties Royal Progress; The / Princely Cabinet laid open, with an Embleme to Great Britain; / The Peoples Diadem, proceeding from the Ornament / and Crown of their gracious Lord and Soveraign; The / incomparable Studies of His Majesty in the Governement of / Kings, to the admiration of all forreign Princes; and His / Majesties Liege People within these His Realms and Dominions; / His great Endowments and Experience, in Religion, Law, and / Governments; His Mercy rejoycing over Justice, and his Justice / cutting out work for his Mercy; His gracious Pardon to / Offenders, and His Christian Speech to the London Ministers. / [line] / C [DESIGN] R / [line] / LONDON, Printed for G. Horton, living near the three / Crowns in Barbican. 1660.

    The following verses are attributed to Selden in the text.

    IF Violence and Time had conspired to wear out all the Memorials of former Ages, give me leave to present you with a brief (but pleasant) Chronicle to all Posterity, of his Royal Majesties Birth; Education, and Progress; And should modern worth be blotted out of all Records, a restored Charles sufficeth, in whom the forlorn Vertue of our worst of Times took sanctutary: 'Tis his Soveraign Graces, that delights the Soules of his loyal Subjects: And we need not wonder, that Nature was 5 years meditating on the great piece that was to result from such a Royal Conflux, both of Father and Mother; in whose Bed all the Royal Families of Europe met; in his Father there was by his great Grandmother the wife of James the Fourth Brittish Majesty; by his Grandfather he shared of the Saxon Royalty, by his Mother of the Danish, by his Father of the Norman, by his Sister he was allied to the Elector Palatine; as he was related to Denmark, so he was to Sweden and Poland, and to most of the German or Italian Princes; in our Soveraigns Mother there lodgeth all that's Soveraign in the Bourbons of France, the Austrians of Spain, the Medices of Florence, (so true is it that God made all Nations of one blood.) It was after five years mutual enjoyment of each other Charles the first King of England, & c. and Mary Daughter to a great and Sister to a just King of France received this Son, the sacred pledge to them of Heavens, and each others Love. For He was born the 29 Day of May, 1630. St. Augustines birth-day, where we may hope this Nursing Father of our Church will with his sword which He bears not in vain, prove as great a Defender of the faith once delivered to the Saints, as the other Holy Father did with his pen, and we made as happy in this Crown and Scepter, as the Ancient Church was in thae Miter and Crosier. May never knew a more hopeful Flower then this that happily sprung up from the Roses of York and Lancaster joyned to the Lillies of France; a flower to whose composure it seems Nature summoned its divided glories, as Ziuxis did his several Beauties to make up one Venus; well this May was then thought most happy until now, we have lived to see another May, as much more happy, as it is to be brought to a Kingdom then to be brought to the world, to be received as a Prince into the discreet embraces of Nations, then as a Child into the fond Embraces of a Nurse; to be crowned then to be cradled: Great was the remark of this Royal Infant through each tender Line, relating to so worthy a Prince, as is fit to be consecrated to Solemnities worthy a Chronicle. The Heavens seemed to congratulate his royal birth, a Star appearing at mid-day over St. James, displaying its modest beams in spight of Sun-shine in the middle of the Air, (an embleme of his future glory,) Thus did the Heavens express themselves in miracles and wonders; and it is our duty to admire them, as the works of the Lord, and therefore wonderful in our eyes: Yet the great Selden attempted to interpret that Star thus:

When to Pauls Cross the greatful King drew near?
A shining Star did in the Heavens appear,
Thou that consult'st with Divine Mysteries,
Tell me what this bright Comet signifies?
Now is there born a valiant Prince it'h West,
That shall eclipse the Kindgoms of the East.

    The King our Soveraigns Father being sensible that Children to any man especially to a Prince are an inheritance from the Lord, went solemnly to St. Pauls, (once a Cathedral, since a stable; once a Church to entertain Christ in, since a Manger for Rebels to revel in) and there acknowledged with the Emperour Antoninus in St. Pauls phrase, that by God, and through God, and therfore to Him, and the glory of his praise are all things.

    This Bud of Majesty was committed to the care of the honorable Contess of Dorset, to be by her tender hands, and softer care cherished to grow up a Soveraign, where He sucked graces in with milk, and vertues as early as nourishment; as appears by the most incomparable gifts and graces where with God hath bin pleased to endow his Majesty. To pass by his outward Man, comelier, and with Saul higher then all the people, so that there is none like him among all the people; so exactly formed, that with Absalon from the Crown of his head to the soul of his foot the most curious eye could not discern an error or a spot; the pleasing severity and soft rigorousness of that face which is both Majestick and beautiful, solemn and comely; though of late he is grown leaner with cares and age; the dark and night complexion of his face, and the twin-stars of his quick and sharp eyes sparkling in that night; He is most beautiful when he speaks, his black shining Locks naturally curled into great Rings hath hither to been his Ornament and Crown; his motions easie and graceful, and plainly Majestick! & c. I say to pass by these lower worths of neat shaped dust and well framed earth, come we to his Mind which is indeed himself; which you may guess noble by that body wherein it dwels, such Cabinets were made onely for the most precious Jewel: the pleasing parts and motions of that body are emblems of his mind; beauty, comeliness, proportion, & c. the gross Ornaments of the body, are so many refined vertues in his soul: 1. His vast Understanding, as spreading, and as wide as the things to be understood; three Nations put limits to his power, its the world onely that confines his thoughts. His Majesty understands Spanish and Italian, writes French correctly; the French, Italian, Spaniards, (like those Parthians, Medes, and Elamites in the Acts) are amazed to hear Him, replying to each of them in their own tongue wherein they were born. In these several Languages he peruseth such parts of knowledge as may compleat a Soveraign: Logick seems to be his Nature as well as Reason, He cannot speak inconsequently. He hath read divers of the choicest pieces of policy, & gathered the scattered wisdom and reason that run through Politicians writings and actions in his own breast, and there digested them into axiomes of an entire and well framed policy; to policy He that added ancient and modern History; whereupon he seeth those thing performed, that He saw in policy contrived. When we have admired the gracious contents of any of His Majesties Writings, we cannot but admire also his excellent Rhetorick.

    1. His Majesty being naturally averse from that lawless power he saw exercised in the Countryes where he sojourned; and resolved to Govern by Laws; he proceeds to study the Law of Nations, and that of his own Countrey too; wherein his Father so excelled, that few Gentlemen in England came near him; his skil in Georgraphy, what with his study, what with his Travels is admitable: Indeed the useful parts of the Mathematicks, the Globe, Fortification, & c. take him up very much, in Navigation, what by his own Genius, what by converse with Marinners, and his own Observations in the Downes, and elsewhere, he is so good a Proficient, that expert Seamen have admired him, and dare promise, that his skil that way will be no small advantage to the Nation, whose Interest lyes in forraign Voyages and Trades; But Divinity is his Mistress, with whose wholesome principles he hath well stocked the great spirit of his mind, upon which this Soul may rest; he searches that word of God which is able to made a man wise to salvation, and perfect to every good work, in a word, he hath all the advantages of knowledge. 1. A cleer apprehension to receive a right and distinct notion of the things represented to him. 2. Solidity of Judgement to weigh the particulars he apprehends. 3. Fidelity of Retention; for as Nature hath given to the bodies of men for the furtherance of Corporal strength, a Retentive power to clasp and hold fast that which preserveth it, until a thorough concoction be wrought, so he hath a Retentive faculty of Memory given to Reason as a means to consolidate and inrich it.

    2. His great wisdome, as of an Angel of God, as large a heart to know good and evil, as great education, the difference of Nation and Factions he had to deal with, his Enemies opposition, his Friends treachery, his personal converse with men of all sorts, the variety of his experience from the distinct knowledge of the Natures of the People of several Countreys of their chief Ministers of State Ecclesiastick and Civil, and all this as a noble Pen observes in adversity, which opens the undersanding; and confirms the judgement, could make; he with his Grand-father of France carriet a Councel with him upon one Horse.

    3. But this wisdome were dangerous, were it not accompanied with justice, his wisdom is not a crafty or sordid subtilty, nor devilish policie; but pure, good, and just Judgement: He hath a Justice that becomes the Throne, a constant will to give every Man his due, as he hath well or ill deserved: A person of Honour who hath spent 18 years in his Majesties Court and service, doth upon distinct knowledge let the World know he can as confidently believe that his Marjesty is just as that he is a Man; he observes a Justice in his word, and in his action, the one is an Oracle, and the other Law.

    4. But he hath a mercy that rejoyceth over his Justice, a mercy claculated for our time and Nation, wherein Subjects were never so obnoxious to Justice, nor a Prince so enclined to mercy; a People was hardly every so guilty as we, and hardly a Prince ever so gracious as himself; we are not more ready to offend then he to pardon; with what tender Majesty doth he pass by the guilty prostrate? his Justice [letters unintel]h but cut out work for his Mercy! what stubborn Offenders that brings upon their knees, this stoops to bring them up again; they that fall by his severity, rise up again by his favour; he is more compassionate to Men then they are to themselves: It is but the least part of his mercy that he can be merciful to others while they are most cruel to him; he is exercising the highest charity towards them, while they are exercising the greatest injuries towards him; this Nature taught him, then God, and afterwards his Father, in that incomparable advice to him.

    5. A general goodness, (whereof that mercy is but a branch) familiar converse, easiness of access, a readiness to communicate himself, his fair carriage towards all, how unwilling he is to force men to do him right, how (when he who rears not to do others justice) afraid is he to do it to himself? I know not whether he be more good then great, more Charlebone then Charlemaine; I am sure his virtues are esteemed by him more then his Kingdome, and he doth not exercise these vertues (as malice, as Hell once suggested) that he might dissemble himelf to his, just Right; but he would obtain his Right that he might be the more able to exercise his vertues; his Right will therefore please him, because then he is able to forgive them that did him wrong.

    6. His magnanimity, fortitude, and courage; he is as magnanimous in suffering wrong, as he is valiant in attempting to recover his Right; his Innocence being guilty of nothine, is afraid of nothing, the Righteous is as bold as a Lyon, fearing no Enemy, because he hath justly provoked none; his Religion is not the least support of his valour; He with David encourageth Garisons, and wraps up himself in his God, where Reason leaves doubting, their Faith begins in hope even against hope. In a word, God hath indued His Majesty with those incomparable Graces that are seldome poured forth any where below the Throne; for whatsoever things are true, just, pure, and lovely, they are in Him; This is the Person whom God and all Men think worthy of a Kingdom, but those over whom He is a King; (meaning the Phanatique) these are the Vertues in whose enjoyment other Nations hug themselves: These are the Princely Rayes that shine with Majestick Lustre in most parts of Europe: And this the great and Christian Conqueror, who attributes not any thing to Himself, but with Holy King David, giveth the glory of all to the King of Kings, saying, I will not trust in my Bow, neither shall my Sword save me: But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us; Or, as His Majesty graciously expressed Himself in His short Speech to the Ministers, in his passage through the City: "The deliverance" which God hath wrought for me, I own as the work of his own right hand, beyond humane contrivance, and desire that all the glory of them may be ascribed to Him.



William Drummond
25 July

Of His EXCELLENCY the Lord Generall

YOu Divine Cabalists who raise your Fame,
By your expounding ev'ry Word and Name;
See here's a Name, makes all the World to Ring!
COME ORE KING CHARLES, receive Your triple Crown,
I'le give You them, yet give You but Your own
Sayes the most Loyal and most prudent Knight,
That vertue ever taught: for his delight
Is to teach all, Justice and Loyalty,
That his unparallel'd example see.
The Fleets and Flocks, meeting on Seas and Shore,
Extoll GEORGE MONCK that caus'd the KING COME ORE;
His Name foretold what now himself hath done
By bringing in the lawfull Heire and Son
Of CHARLES the first, undoubted successor;
To Brutus, Fergus and the Conqueror;
When States-men heard we would the King restore,
They ask'd who durst do't? we said KING COME ORE!
He sign'd a blanck, and sent it to the KING,
Our MONARCH ask'd no more, but ORE did bring
His Loyal Royal Train big with content
T'imbrace GEORGE MONCK, and's true Free-Parliament:
Vive GEORGE MONCK, for since the KING came ore
We reap those Joyes, we sow'd in Teares before;
Propitious Heaven's the STUARTS long preserve,
And MONCKS as long our gracious Kings to serve.

W. Drummond, Gent.

The Valiant Seamans Congratulation
[undated: July?]

The Valiant Seamans Congratulation
to his sacred Majesty King Charls the second.
With their wonderfull Heroicall Atchievements, and their Fidelity,
Loyalty, and Obedience. To the Tune of Let us drink
and sing, and merrily troul the bowl. Or, The stormy
winds do blow. Or, Hey Ho, my Hony.

GReat Charles, your English Seamen
upon our bended knee,
Present our selves as Freemen,
unto Your Majesty.
5: Beseeching God to blesse you
where-ever may you go,
So we pray, night and day,
when the stormy winds do blow.

In darkest nights, or Shipwracks,
alwayes we are on our guard:
Of French or Turkish Pirats,
we never were afraid.
But cal'd stout English Sea-men
where-ever that we go.
15: For we make, them to quake
when the stormy winds do blow.

We are your Valiant Sea-men
that brought you out of Spain:
And will as war-like Free-men
your Royall Cause maintain.
If you will give Commission
to wars with France wee'l go:
Then shall we, merry be,
when, &c.

25: 'Twas we did sail you over
to English ground agen:
And landed you at Dover,
with all your Noble men.
For which we are renowned
where-ever we do go.
Honour will, send us still,
when, &c.

And now we are a ranging
upon the Ocean Seas,
35: The Frenchmen they are changing
and cannot be at ease,
For we will make their top-sailes
unto our Fleet shall bow:
Then shall we, merry be,
when the stormy winds do blow.

The second Part to the same Tune.

SOmetimes our tacklings breaking
our Masts we cut in two:
Our ships are often leaking,
great straits we're put unto.
45: In great tempestuous weather,
which few at home doth know
Thus do we, live at Sea,
when the stormy winds do blow.

When some at home are feeding
and cheering up themselves
Then we at Sea are bleeding
amongst the rocks and shelves
yet greater dangers ready,
still we will undergo.
55: For our King, and will sing
when the, &c.

Sometimes when we are sailing
our Victuals they grow scarce
Our wives at home bewailing
and pittying of our case.
In thinking of the dangers
poore Sea-men undergo.
For our King, still we sing,
when the, &c.

65: Yet we are still couragious
with any foe to fight:
If Turk or Jew ingage us
we put them to the flight.
And make them give us homage
before we let them go:
For our King, then we sing
when the, &c.

We are the prop of Trading,
what kinde so ere it be:
75: The originall of Lading
your Ships with treasury.
None goes beyond a Sea-man
in riches, gold, and store:
For he brings, wealth to Kings
when, &c.

We have some sneezing pouder,
the Dutch-man fain would have,
'Twill make him speak the louder,
if Kings he will not have.
85: And cause him to remember
the phisick taking so:
Then shall we, merry be,
when, &c.

Great King wee'l make you famous,
your glory shall out-shine
Romulus and Remus,
Godolph or Constantins.
Wee'l bring you gold and treasur
by sailing to fro:
95: And will fight, day and night,
to preserve you from your foe.

Printed at London for F. Grove living on Snow-Hill, Entred according to order.

Ralph Astell
Vota, Non Bella
[undated: July?]

   Titlepage: VOTA, / NON BELLA. / [rule] / NeW-CastLe's / HeartIe GratULatIon / TO HER / SaCreD SoVeraIgn / KIng CharLes The SeConD; / ON / HIs noW-GlorIoUs RestaUratIon / To HIs BIrth-rIght-PoWer. / [rule] / By Ralph Astell, M. A. / [rule] / Gateshead, Printed by Stephen Bulkley, 1660. / [enclosed within ornamental box]

    One of the few poems to address the specific concerns of a provincial city, and one of the few poems printed outside London. By the uncle of Mary Astell; see Ruth Perry's Life.

    Date: evidently composed after the first flood of formal panegyrics wer in print, so July?

    Note use of pastoral resolution -- of isolation, retreat and fantasy; compare with Duncombe's pastoral.

[ornamental border]

OH Thou, the High and Lofty 1 Holy-One,
Who in that dazling light hast set thy Throne,
To which no Eagle-eye approach can make,
Nor Jacobs-Staff it's altitude can take,
Bow, bow the Heavens, and come down and dwell
Amid'st the Prayses of thine Israel.
My Loyal Phancy with thy Beamlings fill,
And sparkle Day-light from my Nighted Quill
Through all the Cranies of our Hemi-sphere,
And with thy smiles kiss up each dewy Tear!
Re-briske the Spirits which are almost spent,
And Cure us by our Wound, a Parl'ament!


[1]Lofty] Mighty O, changed in ms

MAy I presume amongst the glistring Train
Of Britain's fairest Nymphs (Dread Soveraign!)
On humble Knee to kiss Your Royall Hand,
And Joy You welcome to Your Native Land?
The Southern Ladies now (I know) will dresse
Themselves in all their pretty gaudinesse;
Richly perfum'd with breath of Maia's flowr's,
Catch'd from their sweet Lungs after dewy show'rs:
And croud the Treasures of the bi-fork'd Hill
Into th'Alembique of some Golden Quill;
Then, raptur'd with a Sacred Fire, from thence
Drop in Your Princely Ears Loves Quintessence
In High-born Strains of Pooetry, which shall
Immortallize Your Great Memoriall.
Nay, Pho/enix-like (methinks) I see them bring
Arabian Spices on their nimble Wing,
And build a Pile; which on Your New-birth-day
Kindly aspected by Your Solar Ray,
Becomes a Royall Bon fire, 2 in whose flashes
They gloriously expire; yet 'midst those Ashes
A Seed is couch'd; which, influenc'd by You,
A self-born Pho/enix yearly doth renew.
Whilst I, black Northern Lass, from Kedar's Tents
Approach Your Court with no such Fragrant Scents:
Nor can I Greet You in a Golden Strain,
Whose finest Metall runs through a Cole Vein,
My dangling tresses of a deep-dark brown,
By ruffling Boreas tufted up and down,
With Musk nor Amber doe em-breath the Air,
Like our young Gallants in their Curled Hair,
Befring'd with Atoms Aromaticall;
Save Cole-dust-powder, I have none at all.
Yet (Royall SIR!) daign me this onely Grace,
To be a Black-patch on some Beauties Face;
And so (perhaps) like darker soyle, I may
Cause sparkling Diamonds shine with brighter ray.
Venus her self is proud of her brown Mole;
I have my spot too, 'tis a good round Cole:
This sets me off, and makes me Penny-fair;
White Swans are common, but a Black one Rare.
And such a Bird upon Tyne's Banks shall sing
In Loyal Notes, God-save Great CHARLS our KING!
Heav'n fix his Crown! may He successful prove, chk He to L
And sit Enthroned in His Peoples love!
May our Latonian Lamps still happy shine,
And never meet in the Ecliptick Line!
May CHARLS, our Sun (who from the Eld of dayes,
And King of Kings derives His Sov'raign Rayes;
Ey'n from the Sacred Fount of Orient Light)
Scatter the Juncto of the black-brow'd Night
With His Majestique Presence, and cashier
The Foggy Mists out of our Hemi-sphere!
May He tran-spierce with Justice-darting Eyes
The Murders, Rapines, Treasons, Blasphemies,
That have been Acted on Great Britain's Stage,
By the Scene-servers of this Masqued Age:
Whil'st they re-guild each weather-beaten Front,
That has true Loyalty enstamp'd upon't!
May He not cease Benignly to aspect
The Parl'ament; our Moon, that does reflect
No self (but borrow'd) Lustre; whether she
Be in her Apo- or her Peri-ge!
May she (kind Heav'ns!) still in the Full appear,
But never Act beyond her proper Sphere!
Or justle Pho/ebus, or with her long Train
Presume hereafter to mount CHARLES's Wain!
And let that Tongue ne'r coyn a sound agen,
That will not play the Clerk, and say, Amen.
For though (by reason of a duskie slough
That over-casts the surface of my Brow)
I cannot shew so smooth a white-skinn'd hue
As other Madams, yet my Heart's as true;
Who, could they through those secret Chambers glance,
Might thence take Copies of Allegiance.
Nay, he that runs may Reade how with my blood
To Faith's Defender I still faithfull stood.
Scotland can witness (to her cost) that I
Mis-kenn'd her double-faced Mercury;
When as the Brother-hood with rev'rend paws
Was called in, t'uphold the Dying Cause.
Her num'rous Army, which about me lay
With Bag and Baggage to divide the Prey,
Ne'r scar-crow'd me: but stoutly I did stand
Ev'n with a handfull (till the utmost Sand)
To vindicate my Trust: and when my Wall
Earth-quak'd with Powder, on the ground did sprawl,
My Loyalty ne'r shook; for well I knew,
Who then expir'd, straight way to Heaven flew,
Each with his Tomb-stone, that some Angel might
Their Epitaphs to Everlasting write.
Eft-soon (like Job) upon a Dunghil I
Was set, uncas'd of all my bravery:
Yet I embrac'd it with a chearfull smile,
And thought my self Enthroned all the while;
Triumphing in my change of Rags, which were
A Badge of Honour to a Cavalier.
On my first Love my Eye was ever bent,
Though churlish Keepers did my hand prevent;
Forcing my Purse (not Heart) strings to dilate,
And; tribute pay to their Utopian State.
Our Holy Mother, shoulder'd out of dore
By graceless Sons (who call'd her Romish Whore,
Of all her Sacred Ornaments be-strip'd her,
And (fie for shame!) from post to piller whip'd her,
With Scorpion-tagged points, which pierc'd so deep,
That through each Pore her bleeding soul did weep)
I reverenc'd, as I was wont to do;
Nay, bow'd my Knee, and Ask'd her Blessing too:
Which out of fashion with their duties grew,
Who left the Old-way to seek out a New.
But 'tis not strange, our Mother they despight,
Sith they [Our Father] have forgotten quite.
I griev'd to think, her Seamless Coat was rent,
And, our good Shepherds into corners sent.
Grave, Learned Fathers (such my Eyes have seen
Call'd 'fore some Gifted Brethren of Nineteen,
To be new Chatechiz'd about their Graces,
Or else to quit their more-examin'd Places)
Once grac'd my Pulpits, whence my ravish'd Ear
The lively Oracles might freely Hear:
But they were silenc'd, or else whisper'd small,
When Jeraboam's Priests began to bawle;
Crossing my Worship with an Harp-set Note,
Which of their Masters they had got by Rote.
Brave Oliver! still sat upon their Lip,
With his Encomiums their Tongues they tip:
But will not learn ('till forc'd-to't by the Rod)
How to Pronounce, CHARLES by the Grace of God.
I must confess, 'tis but my usuall fate,
To have like Minister, like Magistrate:
Whose Rampant Zeal has made me Couchant lie
Scarce suff'ring me to look with half an Eye
(For many years) towards the Royall Race;
Till that-good MONCK unvail'd his lucky Face.
A Face! which, when it bo-pee'd through his hood,
Gave us some glimpses of our future good:
Our day 'gan break, which long had hid 'its Head,
And Lambert's shaddow's on a sudden fled.
'Twixt hope and fear with looks distract we sit,
Not knowing well how this great Change may hit:
Sometimes our Spirits frisk, and doe presage,
That GEORGE will bring again the Golden Age:
When straight surprized with a Counter-blast,
The Scene is changed, and we droop as fast.
Our Leaves (like Heliotropes) we spread or close,
As GEORGE his Cloud, or light-some Pillar shows.
But, once full-Orbed with a Sov'raign ray,
Our Night was turn'd into a Glorious Day.
The Free-born People (ne'r till then made free)
Shook off their Slave-ships, and cry'd Jubilee.
Knights of the Noble Garter (then) all were
For on his-breast each man a GEORGE did bear.
Th'Imperiall City (which of late has bin
A Cage for unclean birds to nestle in;
As Scriech-Owles, Harpyes, Cormorants, and those
Bloud-thirsty Vultures, Nol for Judges chose
Of his accursed Slaughter-house) was then
A gen'rall Rendezvous of honest men.
How was she ravish'd, when her dazled Eye
Saw CHARLES and Pho/ebus both in Gemini!
Thrice-happy City! whose first stone ('tis said)
In the ascendent Twins was fairly laid:
Now more than happy! sith in the same Sign
Heav'n fix'd the Head-stone of the STUART's Line.
(A try'd and pretious stone, all wonder-wrought,
Though by pretending builders set at nought)
Whil'st that three Kingdoms joyn'd in Consort, cry
Grace, Grace unto it: oh, sweet Harmony!
You Sister-Nymphs, who play your learned prancks
On Grant and Isis flow'r-enamel'd Banks!
Who with your speaking eyes can complement
The scaly Fry out of their Element;
And cause the Streams smooth gliding to advance,
And take the murm'ring Pebbles out to dance
To your sweet Lyrick touch! who can in-voice
The trembling Leaves, and make the Trees rejoyce:
Recant your fawning Protectorian Notes,
And to an higher Key skrew up your Throats,
Your warbling Tongues re-tune, let her be shent
Who to that bloudy Tyrant durst present
Her [Olive Branch of Peace:] may that foul crime
Hereafter ne'r attaint her Nobler Rhyme!
Our CHARLES is born again! your Fancies fearse,
And once more measure His Genethliack Verse.
Twelve-times Hyperion at each Sign has hoasted
(Whilst through the Zodiack his Chariot posted)
Since that Great Britain travelled in pain,
To be Deliver'd of a Soveraign.
The starred Peers, with some of Royall Kin,
And Loyall Gentry oft were Called-in
To her hard Labour, but in vain did play
The active Midwives 'fore th'appointed day.
For the Great Dragon (known by his Red Nose)
With force and cunning did the work oppose;
Still ready to devour, a-front he stood,
And from his mouth cast out a purple floud,
Whose raging and impetuous stream bore down
Law's and Religion's 3 Bancks in ev'ry Town;
Ingulphing their Estates, Lives, Liberties,
Who were engaged in the Enterprize.
'Twas Treason for to cast a pitying Eye
On her in this her great extremity;
Her throws grew sharp, her bones seem'd out of joynt,
She faints and swounds, each minute at deaths point,
She sweats and shrieks, her body's on the Rack,
Yet who so hardy, as to hold her Back?
Slingsby miscarri'd, Hewit lost his head,
'Cause he stood by her in the time of need.
As big as she can tumble, then she cries,
Help, help (good Neighbours) with your quick supplies!
I'm almost spent, yet doe not give me over;
Were I once layd, my strength would soon recover.
Kind Cheshire quickly heard her piteous moan,
(Enough to melt an heart hew'd out of stone
Into a fount of Tears) nor does she spare
Her dearest bloud to Usher in the Heir.
She knocks up Booth, who with his Loyall band,
Is ready straight to lend his helping hand:
But, whil'st that other doe too tardy rise,
(Wiping the 4 slumber from their half-shut Eyes)
They are surprized, and he forc'd to flie,
And leave poor Britain in the Straw to lie.
And thus she lay! affrighted and forlorn;
No hopes at all a Saviour would be born:
Till Heav'n imploy'd that Noble Instrument,
And from the North St. GEORGE-on-Horse-back sent
T'obstetricate; whose Journey scarce was don,
When she began to Travell with a Son;
The happy issue of her Pray'rs and Tears,
Which had besieged the Almighty's Ears.
GEORGE made no vaunts, yet gave encouragement;
Gentle and rough, still in a Mist he went;
Till all was ready for a work so great,
Then step'd in GEORGE, and did the Noble feat;
Brought her to Bed, which none before could do;
Nay, sav'd the Darling, and the Mother too:
Whose sudden joy made her (by a sweet fate)
The Act of Amnesty to antedate.
Whole Volleys (straight) of Acclamations pierce
The Ecchoing Air, another Universe
Crouds London's streets, to see this strange new thing,
The Reall Presence of their twice-born KING.
The Bells, in-soul'd by some Intelligence,
Awaited then no Ringers to commence
The welcome Chances, but their Clappers ply,
Returning Thanks for her Delivery.
Th'Angelick Quire dismounted roundly (then)
And in their Anthems bare a Part with Men.
Of all the Set, the Organs mourn'd that day,
Their Pipes were stop'd so hard, they could not play.
The People, tickled with the Noble Sounds,
Could scantly keep their souls i'th'bodie's bounds;
Some toss'd their Caps, which in mixt dances hover
Above their heads; no need to bid, Uncover.
On flexed Knees some for His health did Pray,
Whil'st in full Bowles some drink their own away.
Some clap their hands, who in the tyding throngs
Puffing and sweltring, had quite lost their tongues.
Some 'bout the crackling Bonfires shout and sing,
And pretty Babes lisp'd out, A King! A King!
Oh! what a goodly sight! what wondring Eyes!
What leaping Hearts; to see our Sun arise
In His full strength, and lift His beaming Head
From off the Pillow of His Sea-green bed!
Phospher'd by GEORGE, be-Duk'd on either hand;
Before, behind the Glory of the Land,
Like Planets moving in their glistring Spheres,
Whilst' CHARLS, like Pho/ebus, in the mids appears,
In bloudless Triumph Riding to His Throne:
For HE makes Conquest of our Hearts alone.
Then I, (who whilom scarce a CHARLS durst name,
Enforc'd to shroud the Loyall-mounting Flame
In Ashie Weeds) brake forth in vari'd Joy,
Descanting boldly on, Vive Le ROY.
St. GEORGE no more shall (now) a Romance be,
But our best Story (MONCK!) made good in Thee:
Thou hast out-vy'd him, may thy Sword ne'r fail,
That did (unsheath'd) dis-Rumpe the Dragon's tail;
Whose fi'ry swinge, as round-about it went,
Our brightest Stars struck from the Firmament.
Oh, for a Virgil now! whose Skilfull Quill
With new Georgicks might our Country fill:
Whil'st I opprest with CHARLES his crouding glory,
Leave After-ages for to write His Story!
And now (Great Monarch!) lest my longer stay
Should fright the Ladies at Your Court away,
(Whose dainty stomachs will, I know; disdain
The poor provision of my courser brain)
Unto my smutchy Cell I will retire,
And what I cannot utter, there admire.
I'le sit me down, and wonder how You made
(O're-come at Wor'ster, not to say, Betray'd
By such, who sold th'Annointed of the Lord)
Your blest escape from Cromwell's thirsty Sword,
That curst Nimrodean Hunter! whose keen Pack
Of quick-nos'd Bloud-hounds travers'd ev'ry track,
Beat ev'ry Bush, through this and t'other Wood,
To find Your steps, and suck Your Sacred Blood;
Yet lost their game: Amazed then I'le stand,
To think, how in the hollow of his hand
God hid Your Royall Self, and let none see,
When You took Sanctuary in a Tree.
My weeping Eye Your Flittings shall review,
And in Your exile go along with You.
I'l draw an abstract of Your many dangers,
By Your own Country men, false Friends & Strangers,
Of Robbers, Waters, and the fearfull Deep,
In City, Wilderness, awake, asleep.
Then, on the Counter-part my Rapted Soul,
With Pencill dipt in some Castalian Bowle,
Shall limne a Land-scape of God's gracious Care,
His Love and Mercies, Various, Rich and Rare.
Both in Your Banishment and Restauration
To Your returning People of this Nation,
You were be-miracled, and may be said,
In Hieroglyphicks to be all arrai'd.
From You our happy 'ra shall commence,
Who were the Master-piece of Providence.


[2]Bon fire] Bon-fire O ms emendation

[3]Religion's] Relion's emended in ms O

[4]the] L; that O, ms emended to the

OH, let us not (good Lord!) let us no more,
Instead of one just Monarch serve Five-score
Usurping Kinglings! keep us all entire,
Rendring the Son what we deny'd the Sire.
Restore in CHARLES our Church, Laws, Liberties,
And make our Hearts a willing Sacrifice!
Let us no more Revolt, but have a care,
How we conspire against the Lawfull Heir!
That blest with Peace and Plenty, we may sing,
Glory to God on High for Our Good KING!


Ultima magnarum Prognostica Linea rerum,
Quſ CAROLI Primi finitur Regis Imago,
In Facie Reducis legitur perfecta Secundi;
Nato Vota dabunt, Patri qu' Bella negſrunt.