The Abraham Cowley Text and Image Archive

Charles I on the scaffold. From Tragicum theatrum actorum, et casuum tragicorum Londini publice celebratorum (Amsterdam, 1649), editor's copy.
Further reading (a small sampling of pertinent discussions):
Corns, Thomas N., ed. The Royal Image: Representations of Charles I. Oxford, 1999.
Hutton, Ronald. Charles II. Oxford, 1989.
Maguire, Nancy Klein. Regicide and Restoration: English Tragicomedy, 1660-1671. Cambridge, 1992.
Patterson, Annabel. Censorship and Interpretation: The Conditions of Writing and Reading in Early Modern England. Madison, 1984.
Potter, Lois. Secret Rites and Secret Writing: Royalist Literature 1641-1660. Cambridge, 1989.
Rogers, John. The Matter of Revolution: Science, Poetry, and Politics in the Age of Milton. Ithaca, 1996.
Sharpe, Kevin, and Steven N. Zwicker, eds. Refiguring Revolutions: Aesthetics and Politics from the English Revolution to the Romantic Revolution. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1998.
Smith, Nigel. Literature and Revolution in England, 1640-1660. New Haven and London, 1994.
Veevers, Erica. Images of Love and Religion: Queen
Henrietta Maria and Court Entertainments. Cambridge, 1989.
Weber, Harold M. Paper Bullets: Print and Kingship under Charles II. Lexington, KY, 1996.
Wilcher, Robert. The Writing of Royalism 1628-1660. Cambridge, 2001.
Worden, Blair, ed. Stuart England. Oxford, 1986.
Related links:
Charles I (from Tragicum theatrum) // as Royal Martyr (from Eikon Basilike)
Orpheus his Descerpcion (On Charles I's Beheading)
When the Worm Turns / The Theater of England's Miseries // Cromwell and Adversaries
Cowley's "Ode upon his Majesty's Restoration and Return" and his
Visions and Prophecies / A Discourse ... concerning ... Cromwell
New World cultivation and sacrifice // Sprouting trunk: "I have overcome fate by enduring"
English Civil War Chronology and Summary- Commentary // The Return of the King: Poems on Charles II's Restoration
Gardiner's Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution (crucial texts from The Book of Sports to The Declaration of Breda)
U. K. Government Website: James I, Charles I, and Charles II
King James I Page (discussions and works)
Images and links from The Society of King Charles the Martyr

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