The Abraham Cowley Text and Image Archive: University of Virginia

The Abraham Cowley
Text and Image Archive

Image References Keyed to the Latin Line Numbers of
Cowley's Plantarum libri sex / Six Books of Plants

Gen. title. Abraham Cowley / Title-pages of early editions / Thomas Sprat (1635-1713), Cowley's executor.
Epigraph. Bellini, Orpheus (Natl. Gallery, Washington); cf. Famous Orpheus: Some Points of Departure.
Dedication to Trinity College. Emblem of Cambridge.
6/1-2 (7/1-2). Earth the Planter / Four Seasons' Fecundity.
6/9-10 (7/11). Rehearsing anatomies / Taxonomic title-page: Anatomy of Melancholy.
6/19 (7/21-22). Herbalist heroes.
6/31-34 (7/34-36). Herbals, slow distillation, and poetry, 1 & 2.
8/32 (9/33). A parley of trees, 1 & 2 / Still talking: the language of flowers.
10/4-5 (11/4-5). Pegasean Trick-Rider (Desultor).
10/11 (11/12).Libido effoeminans.
10/37-40 (11/39-42). Alexander with Priest of the Trees / Herbalist heroes.
12/19 (13/38). New World cultivation and sacrifice / Savage gods of the Aztecs / Satyrical title-page.
12/24-25 (13/24-25). Nemesis in Attendance / Punishment catching up.
12/30-39 (13/32-41). Art, Nature, and Wonder / Still talking: the language of flowers.
Verse Preface 10. Light-Bringing Diana.
Verse Preface 15. Archer Apollo.

Book I title. Rotting to revive: lower plant emblematics.
1.1-2. Through Concord Kingdoms Flourish.
1.1-12. Plants' Realms of All Degrees.
1.11-12. Frontispiece, John Parkinson, Theatrum botanicum.
1.18. Druid Cirque or Grove.
1.19. Cosmic Coordinates / Empire Without End.
1.20. Cowley as nature-bard.
1.25. Golden Fleece.
1.33. A parley of flowers.
1.37-50. Dark wood / Hartz Forest.
1.55. Winners and losers.
1.57. Betony 1 & 2.
1.58 n. 1. "Degrees" of heat and moisture 1 & 2.
1.71. The Plague in Aegina.
1.72. Great Fire of London.
1.74. Courting the thunderbolt / Salmoneus the tyrant.
1.82. Living chained to the dead.
1.137. The Serpent of Health.
1.141. Python's End.
1.153. Hope in flower / Best of princes / Public Trust Bearing Fruit / The Human Race's Saving.
1.161. Maidenhair Fern (Venus' Hair) 1 & 2.
1.193. The vine-rich Rhine's banks.
1.211. Sage.
1.250. Living chained to the dead.
1.270. History Stalling for Time.
1.279. Through Concord Kingdoms Flourish.
1.312. Some Labors of Hercules.
1.316. Restoration and Phoenix.
1.319. Nile, Hippo, and Croc.
1.343. Jason Puts the Dragon to Sleep.
1.369. Dodder.
1.385. The curious knot: Wedlock as blessing.
1.388. The curious knot: Coupling as snare.
1.400. Salmacis and Hermaphroditus.
1.415. Wormwood.
1.438. Some Labors of Hercules.
1.500. The Plague in Aegina.
1.509-10. The Human Race's Saving.
1.517. Water-lily.
1.525. Some Labors of Hercules.
1.546. Hera-Herakles.
1.603. Spleenwort 1 & 2.
1.619. Distribution of the Elements.
1.677. The Golden Age.
1.691. Eyebright.
1.693. Dream-vision in Progress.
1.694. Eyebright.
1.697. Mushrooms ("Champignons").
1.713. Still talking: the language of flowers.
1.750. Pan Piping Hot / Syrinx into a Reed, the First Flute.
1.761. Emblem of Cambridge.
1.771. Winter cherries (Bladderwort).
1.789. War of the Giants.
1.842. Some Labors of Hercules.
1.845-50. Bacchus' Rites or Triumph / Tipsy Bacchus on Ass's Back / Bacchus out of Bounds / Savior Hercules.
1.865. Cyclamen ("Sow-bread") 1 & 2.
1.875. Janus in State 1 & 2.
1.878. Head cabbage 1 & 2.
1.884. Dying to help out.
1.929. Ducksmeat.
1.955. The World's Tarantella (link to Quarles' Emblems 1.8, "Woe be to you that laugh now").
1.1029. Mint.
1.1046. Salmacis and Hermaphroditus / Libido effoeminans.
1.1071. The bites of mad dogs.
1.1098. Hades' Rape of Persephone.
1.1129. Oak / Mistletoe / Druid sacrificial grove / Bards and Druids / Druid and oak 1 & 2.
1.1137. Charles I on the scaffold.
1.1170. Pallas Athena Emerges.
1.1175. Man ex tree (link to Gerard de Jode's Mikrokosmos 35).
1.1177 n. 2. Mattioli the herbalist.
1.1202. Procne Slays Her Own Child.
1.1237. Rocket.
1.1258. Hunted hunters: Adonis and Venus.

2.1-12. The Great Mother, syncretized Isis / Light-Bringing Diana.
2.43. Laurel 1 & 2.
2.54. Oxford Botanical Garden, scene of Cowley's Book II.
2.56. Orpheus Playing the Lyre.
2.113. Beech / Cork-oak / Holm-oak.
2.132. Mugwort (Artemisia).
2.165-68. Nile, Hippo, and Croc.
2.175. Pennyroyal.
2.245. William Harvey.
2.246. Dittany / Bastard dittany (Fraxinella, mod. Dictamnus albus).
2.295. Women on top: Phyllis and Aristotle.
2.311. Plantain (Waybread).
2.331-32. Some Labors of Hercules.
2.359. Bramble (Blackberry).
2.375. Rose polyglot.
2.375. Pomegranate flower (balaustium).
2.383. Butcher's broom.
2.418. Nessus shot with an arrow by Hercules / Some Labors of Hercules.
2.426. Arethusa in Transit / Arethusa into a Fountain.
2.429. The Golden Age.
2.493. Daphne into laurel.
2.562. Io into a cow / Jove into a bull.
2.575. Amazons recruiting.
2.585. Women on top: Phyllis and Aristotle.
2.598. The Girl Iphis into a boy.
2.612. Birthwort.
2.730. Mastic.
2.733. Fisherman Glaucus into a sea-god.
2.749. Medea kills her children.
2.751. Procne slays her own child.
2.787. Theseus conquers the Minotaur.
2.796. Savin.
2.805-06. The Quack Doctor: A Mirror of Some Health-Care.
2.901. All-heal (Panacea).
2.903-04. Assafetida Central.
2.941-42. Emperors on Eagles' Wings.
2.970. Myrrha goes to bed with her father.
2.971. Myrrha into a tree.
2.985. Eve.
2.988. Myrrh.
2.1003. Myrrha Tries to Hang Herself / Myrrha Goes to Bed with her Father / Myrrha into a Tree.
2.1100. Some second Troys / Urban phoenix.
2.1158. Art, Nature, and Wonder.
2.1181. Oxford Botanical Garden.
2.1183. Rue.

3.1. Flora in the garden / Founding Floralia.
3.18. Flora attired by the Elements.
3.25-32. Earth the Planter / Four Seasons' Fecundity.
3.61. Janus the gatekeeper / Janus shut up? / Out of Charles, Charles / Britannia Presiding.
3.80. Frontispiece, John Parkinson, Theatrum botanicum / The boar in the garden / A parley of flowers.
3.99. Parkinson's Earthly Paradise / Rose polyglot.
3.127. Druid cirque or grove / Green cabinets and garden great halls.
3.127-68. Earth the Planter / Four Seasons' Fecundity.
3.154. The year wreathed with flowers.
3.154. The Dance of Time.
3.180. Janus the gatekeeper / Janus in State 1 & 2.
3.193 n. 6. Hercules and Cerberus / Some Labors of Hercules.
3.204. Liverwort / Hepatica (Flora in the Garden).
3.228. Hellebore.
3.251. Semele, Jove, Dionysus.
3.251. Semele struck by lightning bears Bacchus.
3.337. Taxonomic title-page: Anatomy of Melancholy.
3.366. Satyrical title-page.
3.366. Orchid (Satyrion) 1 & 2.
3.375. Hyacinthus into a flower.
3.433-39. Lilies of a day / Stock-gilliflowers.
3.445. Marigold (Caltha, Flos africanus).
3.489. The Pomp of Spring.
3.555. Bear's ear (Auricula) / Bear's Ear 2 (Flora in the Garden).
3.559. Some Labors of Hercules.
3.586. Midas' ears into ass's.
3.598. Narcissus / Narcissus into a flower / Narcissus 3 (Flora in the garden).
3.600. Seduced by reflection: The boy Cowley.
3.632. Anemone / Windflower / Anemone 2 (Flora in the Garden).
3.657. Hunted hunters: Adonis and Venus.
3.657. The boar in the garden / A parley of flowers.
3.660. Adonis into an anemone.
3.681. Crown Imperial (Flora in the garden).
3.743. Medea's pot: Aeson rejuvenated.
3.755. Tulips to taste / Tulip 2 (Flora in the garden).
3.786. The Great Mother, syncretized Isis.
3.795. Founding Cerialia.
3.843-50. Peacemaking Minerva / Virtue of the Romans / Roma as Amazon.
3.868. Flood's End.
3.897. Peony / Peony 2 (Flora in the garden).
3.961. Hunted hunters: Adonis and Venus.
3.962. Damask rose.
3.975. Rose polyglot / Flora in the garden.
3.984-85. Dawn's Horses.
3.1018-19. The Thunderer at Work.
3.1049. Marsyas flayed by Apollo.
3.1056. Resurrection and Phoenix / Garden-grave.
3.1061. Rose (Flora in the garden).
3.1080. Jason puts the dragon to sleep.
3.1104-07. Venus' adultery with Mars / Mars born of a Flower, Mother Juno.
3.1106. Hunted hunters: Adonis and Venus / Ceres searching with pig / The boar in the garden / A parley of flowers.

4.1. The year wreathed with flowers.
4.2. Cowley's last home.
4.44. Garden-grave.
4.93-96. Ceres searching with pig.
4.99. Fennel-flower.
4.99. Horned River-God (Rhenus) / Some Labors of Hercules.
4.105. Hercules and Achelous.
4.125. Larkspur / "Wholesome monkshood".
4.150. The Plague in Aegina.
4.210 Hope in flower / Best of princes / Public Trust Bearing Fruit.
4.219. Pegasean Trick-Rider (Desultor).
4.234. Ajax kills himself.
4.235. Hyacinthus into a flower.
4.236. Larkspur / "Wholesome monkshood".
4.253. Ajax's Quarrel with Ulysses.
4.255. Dittany / Bastard dittany (Fraxinella).
4.260. Hobbesian body politic / Druids, dryads, and wicker men.
4.262. Great Fire of London.
4.264. The burning of Troy / Out of Ilium / Some second Troys / Urban phoenix.
4.285-86. Baby Jove on Cretan Goat.
4.341. Hollyhock (Flora in the Garden).
4.373-86. Tanit, Carthaginian Juno.
4.406. Flora and Pomona.
4.419. Vertumnus into an old woman.
4.446. Mandrake.
4.465-70. Flora / Flora's Reverse?
4.476. Midas' ears into ass's.
4.478. Satyrical title-page.
4.479. Passion-flower 1 & 2.
4.479. Frontispiece, John Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum.
4.524. Ulysses' crew into swine.
4.577. Moly 1, 2 & 3.
4.578. Onion.
4.579. The year wreathed with flowers.
4.579. Artificial flowers.
4.585-91. Mars Born of a Flower, Mother Juno.
4.609. Restoration and phoenix / Urban phoenix.
4.625. Meleager's Calydonian boar-hunt.
4.658. White lily (Lilium candidum) / Lilium 2 (Flora in the Garden). / Peace displayed.
4.672-85. Tintoretto, The Origin of the Milky Way.
4.720-91. Poppy / Poppy 2 (Flora in the Garden) / Ceres with Poppies.
4.830. Sunflower as watch / Frontispiece, John Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum.
4.836-37. Cosmic Coordinates / Empire Without End.
4.841. War of the Giants.
4.844. Sunflower as watch / Solar Currency.
4.860. Carnation / Gillyflower (Flora in the Garden).
4.912. Saffron crocus.
4.940-42. Bacchus Turn'd Doctor.
4.943-45. When the Worm Turns.
4.1005. Amaranth.
4.1061. The boar in the garden / A parley of flowers  /  Cropping the Standouts (link to Ripa, "Ragion di Stato").
4.1069. The year wreathed with flowers / Flora / Flora's reverse?
Book IV (coda). Four-seasons botanical garden.

5.1. Adam and Eve, the first primitives.
5.10. Planting the main.
5.12. Virtual standpoints: the power of outlandishness.
5.13. Americae tabula nova / Purchas his pilgimes... / Garden microcosm.
5.15. Mexico City / Tenochtitlán / Mexico City.
5.27-31. Earth the Planter / Four Seasons' Fecundity.
5.36. Druid cirque or grove / Gardening in a circle / The Garden Isle of Cythera.
5.43. Avenue plantings.
5.45. Green cabinets and garden great halls.
5.52 n. 5. Vertumnus into an old woman.
5.54. Lord of the Harvest.
5.63. Pan piping hot / Syrinx into a reed, the first flute.
5.64-65. Tipsy Bacchus on Ass's Back.
5.76. Savage gods of the Aztecs.
5.81. The Dance of Time.
5.90. The offerings of Bacchus / link to Guido Reni, "Drinking Bacchus" (ca. 1623).
5.129. Wilderness last stand / New World trees besieged.
5.130. New World tillers / New World bitter harvest.
5.133. Prickly pear rampant (Indian fig).
5.142. The riche mines of Potossi / God, glory, and gold.
5.143-45. Bacchus out of Bounds / Savior Hercules.
5.173. Young men nutting for sweethearts.
5.176. Savage gods of the Aztecs / American potluck.
5.196. Pallas Athena Emerges.
5.199. Apollo and the Muses.
5.202. Art, Nature, and Wonder.
5.246. Cyble, Mother of the Gods / The Great Mother, syncretized Isis.
5.277. Walnut / Mithridates King of Pontus.
5.306. Mithridates King of Pontus.
5.325. Pomegranate flower (balaustium).
5.346. Hades' rape of Persephone.
5.354. Orange variations / Oranges and Lemons.
5.355-78. Some Labors of Hercules / Herculean Virtue / Bacchus out of Bounds / Savior Hercules.
5.366. The golden apples of longevity / Herculean Virtue.
5.378. Cherry.
5.430. Peach.
5.439-43. Lotus / Jujube / Cornel tree.
5.452-62. Bellini, The Feast of the Gods, at the National Gallery, Washington.
5.456. Lotus; Dryope into a tree / Lotus 2.
5.468. Great Fire of London / Janus shut up?
5.478. Rotting to revive: lower plant emblematics.
5.490. Judaea capta.
5.501. Charles I as Royal Martyr.
5.546. Erysichthon fells the oak.
5.556-57. Some Labors of Hercules.
5.610-26. Apple / Quince / "Adam's apple" / Pear.
5.631-35. Baby Jove on Cretan Goat / The Thunderer at Work.
5.647. Mulberry, emblem of prudent reserve / Pyramus and Thisbe.
5.661. Liebestod and the Pissing Boy: Pyramus and Thisbe (Met. 4.118-66).
5.673. Fig / Banyan / Indian fig / Founding Cerialia / Ceres with Poppy.
5.721-26. The Thunderer at Work.
5.727. Grapevine / Tipsy Bacchus on Ass's Back / Bacchus' rites or triumph.
5.733-36. The offerings of Bacchus / links to Lorenzo Lotto, "Venus and Cupid" (ca. 1525), and Guido Reni, "Drinking Bacchus" (ca. 1623) / Liebestod and the Pissing Boy: Pyramus and Thisbe (Met. 4.118-66).
5.738. Orpheus and the Bacchantes 1 & 2 / Young man and American wild women / Orpheus his Descerpcion (On Charles I's Beheading).
5.740. Wild Bard / Cowley as nature-bard.
5.758-77. Bacchus Turn'd Doctor.
5.779. The Strife of Love in a Dream.
5.782. The vine-rich Rhine's banks.
5.782. Noah, drunken boatman, inventor of wine.
5.788. Cannibals surveyed.
5.796. Pictish woman warrior / Amazon en garde?
5.802. Amazons recruiting / Exotic American Plants.
5.832. Coca-laden vicuñas.
5.839. Destructive indulgence (Unmade in the shade).
5.845. Banana (Musa) with fruits.
5.866. Prickly pear rampant (Indian fig).
5.866. Fig / Banyan / Indian fig.
5.878. Guatemala / Cacao.
5.888. The riche mines of Potossi.
5.908-09. Tlazoteotl, the Mexican Venus.
5.989-1011. Bacchus out of Bounds / Savior Hercules.
5.1009. Ancient Briton as Mexican soldier.
5.1010. Savage gods of the Aztecs.
5.1015. Cannibals surveyed.
5.1019. Native cudgel and peace-pipes.
5.1019. New World cultivation and sacrifice.
5.1028. Peacemaking Minerva / Imperial Apollo.
5.1046. The Battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs.
5.1050. Automaton-fountain (Apollo and the Muses).
5.1060. New World cultivation and sacrifice.
5.1100. One World Is Not Enough 1, 2 & 3.
5.1124. New World fauna / Nova et exacta delineatio.
5.1129-61. Out-Bruting the Brutes.
5.1135. Wilderness last stand / Great Fire of London.
5.1145. Automaton-fountain (Apollo and the Muses).
5.1181. Inca Temple of the Sun.
5.1190. Europe on top / Great Fire of London.
5.1195. The halls of Montezuma (Purchas' Codex Mendoza).
5.1195. Aztec tribute (Purchas' Codex Mendoza).
Book 5 (coda). New World cultivation and sacrifice / Prickly pear rampant (Indian fig).

6.1. Charles I Militant (Declaration Half-Crown) / Dark wood / Hartz Forest / Druid sacrificial grove.
6.15. Charles II / Oak-Nymphs / Oak Civic Crown.
6.33. Laurel 1 & 2.
6.39. Cowley as nature-bard.
6.39. Alexander with Priest of the Trees.
6.40. Charles I, 1 & 2.
6.50. Charles I as Royal Martyr.
6.55. The Golden Age.
6.80. Great Fire of London.
6.81. Sky-battle portent.
6.84-109. Cromwell and adversaries / the Kingmaker, General George Monck.
6.107. Merlin as a wild man.
6.107. Dark wood / Hartz Forest.
6.113. Beech / Cork-oak / Holm-oak.
6.113. Holm-oak, emblem of factional warfare.
6.148. Courting the thunderbolt / Salmoneus the tyrant.
6.150. Druids, dryads, and wicker men.
6.170. Wilderness last stand.
6.175. A parley of trees, 1 & 2.
6.177. Druid cirque or grove.
6.190. Phaethon's fall / Heliades into trees.
6.230. Beech / Cork-oak / Holm-oak.
6.259. Linden (Lime-tree).
6.315. Topiary giant.
6.346. Janus the gatekeeper.
6.350. Yew 1 & 2.
6.356. Alexander with Priest of the Trees.
6.377. Savin.
6.382. The boy Cyparissus into a tree.
6.400. Daphne into laurel.
6.421. War of the Giants.
6.428. Beech / Cork-oak / Holm-oak / Holm-oak, emblem of factional warfare.
6.439. Oak / The Royal Oak, 150 years later.
6.466. Pictish headhunter / Pictish woman warrior.
6.466. Ancient Britaines Depicted.
6.475. Planting the main.
6.510. Golden Fleece / Drake triumphant.
6.523. Out of Charles, Charles / Britannia Presiding.
6.527. Bards and Druids.
6.539. Wild bard / Cowley as nature-bard.
6.570. Origin of nations / Diffusion of tongues.
6.604. Man ex Tree (link to Gerard de Jode's Mikrokosmos 35) / Frontispiece, Poly-Olbion.
6.618. Alexander with Priest of the Trees / Bards and Druids / Druid cirque or grove / Druid and oak 1 & 2.
6.619. Mistletoe 1 & 2.
6.630-48. When the Worm Turns / The Theater of England's Miseries / Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford.
6.673. Charles I Militant (Declaration Half-Crown) / Battle of Naseby, 14 June 1645.
6.730. Charles I as Royal Martyr.
6.737. Orpheus his Descerpcion (On Charles I's Beheading) / Druid sacrificial grove / Charles I on the scaffold / New World cultivation and sacrifice.
6.756-59. When the Worm Turns / The Theater of England's Miseries.
6.759-1040. Cromwell and adveraries / the Kingmaker, General George Monck.
6.818-19. Nemesis in Attendance / Man ex Tree (link to Gerard de Jode's Mikrokosmos 35).
6.831. The burning of Troy / Out of Ilium.
6.915. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham.
6.930. Charles I as Royal Martyr.
6.940-44. The Battle of Worcester / Boscobel / Royal Oak.
6.952-54. When the Worm Turns / The Theater of England's Miseries.
6.970. Merlin as a wild man.
6.1010. Wilderness last stand / New World trees besieged.
6.1011. The Royal Oak: Charles II and Carlos / The Royal Oak, 150 years later.
6.1039-46. Out of Charles, Charles / Britannia Presiding.
6.1042. Restoration and phoenix / Libertas publica.
6.1126-29. Out of Charles, Charles / Britannia Presiding / Neptune / Amphitrite.
6.1168. The Battle of Lowestoft, 3 June 1665 / Lowestoft Prize Medal.
6.1176. Courting the thunderbolt / Salmoneus the tyrant.
6.1224-26. Horned River-God (Rhenus).
Book VI (coda). Sprouting trunk: "I have overcome fate by enduring".

In Lucem 1-4. First Things.
In Lucem 57-60. Ethereal Preening.
A. C. Cliffordo. Martin Clifford.
A. C. Cliffordo 11-27. Nemesis in Attendance.
A. C. Cliffordo 39. Ducksmeat.
A. C. Cliffordo 55. Taxonomic title-page: Anatomy of Melancholy.
Sella. Drake circumnavigating.
Solitudo (coda). Great Fire of London.
Epitaphium vivi autoris. Cowley's last home / "The Living Author's Epitaph" / Garden-grave / The year wreathed with flowers.

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