The Abraham Cowley Text and Image Archive
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Homepage / Site-Map (Vista, Thumbnails, and Index versions), About the site, Search the site, Cowley's Works on the Web, Texts, editions, and early illustrations, Image-references keyed to the Latin line-numbers, Outside links, Some Portraits of Abraham Cowley (Lely, Beale, Zinck), the Westminster epitaph, with a parody, Elegies on the Death, Poems Commending Plantarum, Other Verses on Cowley, Famous Orpheus: some points of departure, Ovid Illustrated, Art, nature, and wonder, Numismatica, Botanica, Mythica, Cosmic coordinates, Earth the planter / Four seasons' fecundity, New World Cultivation and Sacrifice, Shadowed Meanings in Dendrologia / Dodona's Grove II, Lower plant emblematics, Sprouting Trunk: "I have overcome fate by enduring"
2001 was the 350th anniversary of Charles II's defeat and escape from the Battle of Worcester, recounted in the last book of Cowley's Plantarum.  

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